St. Joseph Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois, 60501-1324
St. Joseph Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois, 60501-1324
St. Joseph Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois, 60501-1324 Fr. Bob’s Briefs “We don’t need God.” That is the mindset of the world today. On second thought, it not just the mindset of the world today. It’s always been part of humanity’s mindset following the Fall. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, in effect, they were saying, “we don’t need God.” People have made for themselves a life without God. Humanity tries to push God out of their life. Although this temptation to push God out of our life has been in the minds of humans ever since the Fall, it has grown dramatically in society over the past few centuries. God, or any references to God, has been consistently removed in our society and world. “We don’t need God.” Bishop Robert Barron, my former seminary teacher, taught us how this mindset developed beginning from the French Revolution. In modern thinking, God is not simply absent, He is aggressively eliminated. The goal of modern thought is to cleanse the world of God and religion, enabling people to let go of antiquated religion and faith in their lives and to live their lives in pursuit of tolerance. So, what do we see in our society and culture? Remove the Ten Commandments. No prayer in schools. No public prayer. No references to God in public allowed. Clear away the Nativity crèche. Can’t say Merry Christmas. Removal of crosses. With no God to define good and evil, people become their own little gods, creating their own moral rules that maximize this-worldly satisfactions. This is what we call secularism. Secularism is, by definition, the affirmation of this world and the rejection of the next. It is historically rooted in a materialism that denies the existence of God, the angels, the soul and the afterlife. Its fundamental "thisworldliness" is the source of secularism’s antagonism to God and the Church. “We don’t need God.” The desire to eliminate God from our life causes us to live in the darkness of error. We read in I John, “God is light and in him there is no darkness at all” (1 Jn 1:5). If God is light, then life without God is a life of darkness. God is light. If we eliminate God from society and the world, then our society and world is covered in darkness. In the Gospel today, we hear how Jesus meets a blind man named Bartimaeus along the road to Jericho. The symbolic connection between Bartimaeus and Jericho is not to be overlooked. In the Scriptures, Jericho was a symbol for the world. Bartimaeus is a blind man living in the region of Jericho. Bartimaeus was blind. He was a man living in darkness. The darkness of Bartimaeus in Jericho represents the darkness of the world without God. What does Bartimaeus do in today’s Gospel? He cries out many times, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me." The cry of blind Bartimaeus is a cry from the darkness of the world “God, I need you!” Bartimaeus acknowledges his need for God in his life. After saying that he needs God, Jesus cures him and gives Bartimaeus sight. I found this beautiful painting of Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus by an unknown Russian painter. What struck me first was its darkness. Dark like our secular world that tries to eliminate God. However, a bright ray of light comes from the right, from the direction of Christ. The moment Jesus touches his life, Bartimaeus is filled with warm light, the light of God. Let us not follow the example of many people in the world, including many “believers,” who eliminate/push God out of their lives; people who don’t need God . Instead, let us follow the example of Bartimaeus, who cries out “Jesus, have mercy on me.” Let us cry out to God everyday, “Jesus, I need you in my life!” St. Bede teaches, “therefore let us also imitate him, let us not seek for riches, earthly goods, or honors, but for that Light, which we alone with the Angels can see, the way to which is faith.” As we conclude October, please continue to pray one decade of the Holy Rosary everyday. Please pray for all priests and for young people to be open to the vocation of the priesthood. May our Blessed Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, help us with her maternal care and St. Joseph pray for us. Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus! MASS INTENTIONS Monday, Oct. 26 8:30 a.m. †Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish Tuesday, Oct. 27 8:30 a.m. †Al Zaborniak/Family & Friends †Consuelo Richart/Anniversary/Children Wednesday, Oct. 28 8:30 a.m. †William E. Degner Jr./Dorothy Degner Thursday, Oct. 29 8:30 a.m. NO MASS Friday, Oct. 30 8:30 a.m. †Eloisa Villasenior Arreola/Family Saturday, Oct. 31 8:30 a.m. Vocations to the Priesthood T h e Ro s a r y i s r e c i t e d e v e r y Sa t u r d a y a f t e r 8 :3 0 a .m . M a s s . All are invit ed t o part ic ipat e. 5:00 p.m. †Raymond Galus/Family †Deceased Members of the Galus, Ostasiuk & Szczesniak Families/Family †Frank Kuncic/Wife †Leonard Wesolowski/Anniversary/Family Sunday, Nov. 1 7:30 a.m. †Margaret Powers Kurcz †Patrick Jude Kurcz †Joseph P. Kurcz †Irene Rodriguez/Karen Sabatini 9:30 a.m. †Ron Bragassi/Wife & Children St. Joseph Parishioners 11:00 a.m. †Angel & Socorro Prieto, Juana Guzman & Maria Avalos/Family †Abelardo Ochoa/Family †Aaron Rocha 12:30 p.m. †Frank & Anna Olszewski †Za Dusze S.P. Jerzego Hudaszek Weekly Collection Report The Weekly Parish Budget Sunday Collection Oct. 18 2015 $ 9,500.00 $ 6,912.07 Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por tu generosidad! Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace! COMMUNION MINISTERS Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015 5:00 PM. Deacon Ben, P. Feltz, A. Flores, D. Kroll Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015 7:30 AM Sr. Agatha, B. Koran, R. Kosowski, J. Stanislovatis 9:30 AM S. Elizalde, S. Madonna, G. Zaja, P. Zaja 11:00 AM Silvia Alvarez, Olivia DeLaTorre, M. Elena Zapata, Alma Zubieta *********************************************************** ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015 5 :00 PM Michael Meister Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015 7:30 AM Michael Meister and Diego Yanez 9:30 AM Madelyn and Sophia Ciampaglio, Rosie Shaughnessy 11:00 AM Alexandra, Ardelle and Lupita Garcia *********************************************************** LECTORS Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015 5:00 PM J. Bambera Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015 7:30 AM S. Vatch 9:30 AM S. Davis 11:00 AM Lula Hermosillo - First Reading Angelica Romero - Second Reading RIDE ALONG WITH THE ST. JOSEPH KNIGHTS AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN DISCOVER! “KIDSTUFF” COUPON FUNDRAISING BOOK Don’t let the name fool you It’s the newest fundraiser at St. Joseph School and has many valuable coupons for area restaurants and stores. It’s a bargain at $25 a book that can earn you twice as much in savings! The books will be on display after Masses on Sunday, Oct. 25, or available in the school and rectory. Get Kidstuff and get saving while supporting ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL! THANK YOU COME VISIT ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL, TAKE A TOUR AND SEE WHAT WE’RE ALL ABOUT! TALK TO PRINCIPAL LARRY MANETTI AT 708-458-2927! HOLIDAY MASS INTENTIONS EARLY DEADLINES - REQUESTS NEEDED BY NOV. 13 Mass intentions for the holiday season, beginning with the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Nov. 22, through the Sunday after New Year’s Day, Jan. 3, must be requested by Friday, Nov. 13. This is due to early deadlines by the bulletin publishing company. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ST . J OSEPH PA RI SH H A S A FA CEB OOK PA GE! Pl e a s e g o o v e r t o : w w w .f a c e b o o k .c o m /s t j o s e p h s u m m i t a n d l i k e u s o n FA CEB B OOK ! San José, ruega por nosotros! SW. Jozefie, modl sie za nami! St. Joseph, Pray for Us! St. Joseph School: A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service. 708-458-2927 YouthTouch - We had some very good news last week when our proposal to the Goldenrod Corporation and their YouthTouch program was accepted. YouthTouch is a complete system of hands-on technology integration, for learners in Grades 3-8. The program incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, (STEM), into its activities YouthTouch includes hardware, software, and instructional activities and staff development. Participation in the program costs just over $20,000.00. The grant is matching and our portion would be $9,800.00. We are hoping through additional fundraising and donations we will be able to implement the program here at St. Joseph. Girls Basketball - Our Girls Basketball Team continues to play well though they hit a little bump in the road just losing Monday evening and now have a record of 4 – 2. Girls Volleyball and Boys Basketball have begun practicing in anticipation of their seasons which begin the middle to end of November. Potbelly Results - We received the results of our October 14 Potbelly night. Thanks to everyone’s support our school realized a profit of $370.00. KidStuff Coupon Books Sale Our sale has begun! Don’t be fooled by the name or look of the book. The coupons in the book are valuable and having purchased one and used it, you can more than double the $25.00 investment. Coupons in the book include such stores as Macy’s, Loft, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Bed Bath and Beyond as well as restaurants such as OUTBACK Steak House and Denny’s to name a few. The books are on display in the back of church this weekend and can be purchased today, or from the rectory and school office. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Have a great week. God Bless. Lawrence Manetti Principal You’re A Winner! 52 Pick-Up News JUDY CARRANZA Ticket # 2685 Congratulations to this week’s $125 winner of the 52 PickUp Raffle. Tickets for 2015 are available. Come by and pick one up from the rectory or school office. Informes Padre Bob "No necesitamos a Dios." Esa es la mentalidad del mundo actual. Pensándolo bien, no sólo es la mentalidad del mundo actual. Siempre ha sido parte de la mentalidad de la humanidad después de la Caída. Cuando Adán y Eva comieron del fruto del árbol del conocimiento del bien y del mal, en efecto, decían, "no necesitamos a Dios." La gente ha hecho por sí mismos una vida sin Dios. La humanidad trata de sacar a Dios de su vida. Aunque esta tentación de sacar a Dios de nuestra vida ha estado en la mente de los seres humanos desde la Caída, ha crecido considerablemente en la sociedad durante los últimos siglos. Dios, o cualquier referencia a Dios, ha sido eliminada sistemáticamente en nuestra sociedad y en el mundo. "Nosotros no necesitamos a Dios." El Obispo Robert Barron, mi maestro del seminario, nos enseñó cómo esta mentalidad se desarrolló a partir de la Revolución Francesa. En el pensamiento moderno, Dios no está simplemente ausente, es eliminado de forma agresiva. El objetivo del pensamiento moderno es limpiar al mundo de Dios y de la religión, lo que permite a la gente a dejar al lado la religión anticuada y la fe en sus vidas y vivir sus vidas en la búsqueda de la tolerancia. Entonces, ¿qué es lo que vemos en nuestra sociedad y cultura? Remover los Diez Mandamientos. No hacer ninguna oración en las escuelas o en lugares públicos. No es permitido hacer referencias sobre Dios en público. Deshacerse de los nacimientos navideños. No poder decir Feliz Navidad. Eliminación de cruces. Sin Dios para definir el bien y el mal, las personas se convierten en sus propios pequeños dioses, creando sus propias reglas morales que maximizan satisfacciones de este mundo. Esto es lo que llamamos el secularismo. El laicismo es, por definición, la afirmación de este mundo y el rechazo de la siguiente. Históricamente tiene sus raíces en un materialismo que niega la existencia de Dios, los ángeles, el alma y la vida futura. Su fundamental "esta mundanidad" es la fuente de antagonismo de la laicidad a Dios y a la Iglesia. No necesitamos a Dios. "El deseo de eliminar a Dios de nuestra vida nos hace vivir en las tinieblas del error. Leemos en Juan: "Dios es luz y en él no hay tiniebla alguna" (1 Jn 1, 5). Si Dios es luz, entonces la vida sin Dios es una vida de oscuridad. Dios es luz. Si eliminamos a Dios de la sociedad y del mundo, entonces nuestra sociedad y el mundo está cubierto de oscuridad. En el Evangelio de hoy, escuchamos cómo Jesús se encuentra con un hombre ciego llamado Bartimeo a lo largo del camino a Jericó. La conexión simbólica entre Bartimeo y Jericó no debe de ser pasada por alto. En las Escrituras, Jericó era un símbolo para el mundo. Bartimeo era un ciego que vivía en la región de Jericó. También era un hombre que vivía en la oscuridad. La oscuridad de Bartimeo en Jericó representa la oscuridad del mundo sin Dios. ¿Qué hace Bartimeo en el Evangelio de hoy? Él clama muchas veces, "¡Jesús, hijo de David, ten compasión de mí!" El grito del ciego Bartimeo es un grito desde la oscuridad del mundo: "¡Dios, te necesito!" Bartimeo reconoce su necesidad de Dios en su vida. Después de decir que él necesita a Dios, Jesús lo cura y le da a Bartimeo la vista. He encontrado esta hermosa pintura de Jesús que cura al ciego Bartimeo por un pintor ruso desconocido. Lo que me llamó la atención primero era su oscuridad. Oscuro como nuestro mundo secular que trata de eliminar a Dios. Sin embargo, un rayo de luz viene de la derecha, desde la dirección de Cristo. En el momento en que Jesús toca su vida, Bartimeo se llena de luz cálida, la luz de Dios. No sigamos el ejemplo de muchas personas en el mundo, incluyendo muchos "creyentes", que eliminan o sacan a Dios de sus vidas; las personas que no necesitan de Dios. Al contrario sigamos el ejemplo de Bartimeo, que grita "¡Jesús, ten misericordia de mí!" Imploremos a Dios todos los días, "¡Jesús, te necesito en mi vida!" San Beda nos enseña, "por lo tanto, nosotros también imitemos a él, no busquemos por las riquezas, bienes terrenales, ni honores, sino por esa para luz, que sólo nosotros junto con los ángeles podemos ver, la manera que es la fe". Al concluir octubre, por favor, continúen orando una década del Santo Rosario todos los días. Por favor, oren por todos los sacerdotes y por los jóvenes que estén dispuestos a la vocación del sacerdocio. Que nuestra Santísima Madre María, Desatadora de nudos, nos ayude con su cuidado maternal y San José ruega por nosotros. Vivat Jesus! ¡Viva Jésus! Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza Można powiedzieć, że naczelna zasada rządząca dzisiejszym światem brzmi: „My Boga nie potrzebujemy”. Gdyby się jednak zastanowić nad tym głębiej, takie myślenie obecne jest u ludzi już od czasów biblijnych. Kiedy Pierwsi Ludzie spożyli owoc z Drzewa Wiadomości Dobrego i Złego, pokazali tym samym, że nie potrzebują Boga. Ludzie stworzyli sobie świat bez Boga. Chociaż pokusa, aby usunąć Boga z codziennego życia, obecna jest u ludzi od zarania dziejów, owa niebezpieczna tendencja przybrała na sile zwłaszcza w ciągu kilku ostatnich stuleci. Jakiekolwiek wzmianki o Bogu są systematycznie usuwane z naszego świata. Mój były wykładowca w seminarium nauczał nas, że ten światopogląd zaczął się rozwijać szczególnie po wybuchu Rewolucji Francuskiej. Współcześnie, Bóg nie jest po prostu nieobecny – jest wręcz agresywnie zwalczany. Celem współczesnych myślicieli jest eliminacja wszelkich form religii, aby wyzwoleni w ten sposób ludzie mogli żyć w duchu tolerancji. Cóż wobec tego widać w kulturze i społeczeństwie? Usunąć Dziesięć Przykazań. Zero religii w szkołach. Żadnych publicznych modlitw, ani publicznego mówienia o Bogu. Trzeba usunąć żłóbek z Dzieciątkiem; nie wolno też mówić: „Merry Christmas”. Żadnych krzyży w miejscach publicznych. Bez Boga definiującego co jest dobre a co złe, ludzie sami dla siebie stają „bogami”. Tworzą regulacje i ustawy, których celem jest zwiększenie doczesnych zysków i rozkoszy. To jest sekularyzm. Oznacza on afirmację doczesnego życia i odrzucenie życia wiecznego. Historyczne korzenie sekularyzmu tkwią w materializmie negującym istnienie Boga, aniołów i świętych, koncepcji duszy oraz życia wiecznego. Fundamentalne ukierunkowanie sekularyzmu na doczesność jest źródłem jego opozycji do Boga i Kościoła. „My Boga nie potrzebujemy”. Pragnienie wyeliminowania Boga z naszej codzienności powoduje, że stale błądzimy w ciemnościach. „W Nim było życie, a życie było światłością ludzi, a światłość w ciemności świeci i ciemność jej nie ogarnęła” (Ewangelia według św. Jana 1:4-5). Skoro Bóg jest światłością, świat bez Niego błądzi w ciemnościach. Jeżeli usuniemy Boga ze świata, będziemy żyć w ciemności. W dzisiejszej Ewangelii, zmierzający do Jerycha Jezus spotyka na drodze niewidomego mężczyznę imieniem Bartymeusz. Zwróćcie uwagę na związek pomiędzy Bartymeuszem a Jerychem. W Piśmie Świętym, Jerycho symbolizuje świat. Bartymeusz to człowiek niewidomy, żyjący w ciemnościach. Mrok, w jakim on żyje, jest metaforą świata bez Boga. Bartymeusz krzyczy raz za razem: „Jezusie, synu Dawida, zmiłuj się nade mną!” Krzyk niewidomego jest krzykiem świata błądzącego w ciemnościach: „Boże, potrzebuję Cię!” Bartymeusz głośno przyznaje, że potrzebuje obecności Boga w swoim życiu. Jezus podchodzi do niego i przywraca mu wzrok. Przygotowując dzisiejszy biuletyn, natrafiłem na ten piękny obraz pędzla nieznanego rosyjskiego artysty. Widać na nim powyższą scenę – Jezusa uzdrawiającego niewidomego. Najbardziej rzucił mi się w oczy ciemny koloryt tego obrazu. Ciemny jak współczesny, świecki świat, próbujący pozbyć się Boga. Z prawej strony obrazu wszakże, widać smugę jasnego światła, pochodzącego od Chrystusa. W chwili kiedy Jezus go dotyka, Bartymeusz zostaje napełniony ciepłym światłem. Światłem Boga. Nie bądźmy tacy, jak wielu współczesnych ludzi (i niestety, wielu współczesnych „wierzących”), próbujących usunąć Boga ze swojego życia. Niechaj wzorem będzie dla nas Bartymeusz, krzyczący: „Jezusie, zmiłuj się nade mną!” Za jego przykładem, wołajmy tak do Pana codziennie. Anglosaski mnich, Beda Czcigodny, naucza: „Naśladujmy Pana. Nie pragnąc bogactw, doczesnych dóbr ani sławy, lecz tylko tej Światłości, którą jeno my wraz z aniołami ujrzeć możemy. Prowadzi do niej wiara”. Kończy się październik. Odmawiajcie proszę jedną dziesiątkę Różańca codziennie. Módlmy się za kapłanów oraz o powołania do stanu kapłańskiego. Święta Maryjo Rozwiązująca Węzły, miej nas zawsze w Swej opiece. Święty Józefie, módl się za nami. Vivat Jesus! Chwała Jezusowi! FORAN FUNERAL HOME IS ‘STEPPIN’ OUT’ The upcoming deadline is Sunday, Nov. 1 for the trip to the ILLINOIS HOLOCAUST MUSEUM & EDUCATIONAL CENTER in Skokie. The group will travel to the museum on Wednesday, Nov. 18. The will have a docent guided tour of the museum rela ng the story of the Holocaust through world class exhibi ons that move and inspire. A late lunch will be eaten at the very authen c Jewish deli, Max and Benny’s Restaurant, Deli & Bakery in Northbrook. The bus leaves at 9 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m. to the Foran Funeral Home parking lot. The cost is $50 per person, which includes the tour and lunch. To make a reserva on for either or both trips, call 708-458-0208 and join the “Steppin’ Out” coordinators Peg Feltz, Dee Koun s and Sharon Jeninga as they explore history in November. Baptism Congratulations to the Children who were recently welcomed into our Catholic Family on Oct. 17, 2015: Kevin Cahue Lucy Alondra Huerta Isaiah Miguel Marcos And, Congratulations to their parents and godparents. MARMION’S ABBEY FARMS PUMPKIN DAZE UNTIL SATURDAY, OCT. 31! Park Hours of Opera on: Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Mondays Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Night Flashlight Maze from 6 to 10 p.m. Store Hours of Opera on: Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: Weekends and Holidays: General Admission - $14 Senior and Military - $6 Night Maze Only - $7 Weekdays General Admission - $10 Senior and Military - $5 Night Maze Only - $6 Limited A rac ons on Weekdays Loca on: 2855 Hart Road Aurora More Informa on: COMING JANUARY 2016 MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR PLAYSTATION 4 Alicia Anderson Laura Behm Kimberly Boll Brittaney Boubin Robert Butler Lucille Cavallone Patricia Diaz Mary DiGangi Alexander Druschitz Eleanor Dzielak Mary Marcichow Sylvia Michalowski Dolores Michaels Anthony Montaneo Ed and Alice Nowak Leonardo Alexandros Peterson Meg A. Radcliff *Carmen Rodriguez Helen Frank William Schaefer Sr. Scarlette Grace Swaekauski Irene Szarley James Heelan Josephine Tipner Rich S. Jandura Denise M. Jandura Chester and Virginia Janeczko Millie Jercha Ricardo Varajas Robert Erklin Ted Kuldanek Caroline Lalinsky Geri Lauer Pamela Wojdyla Therese Wonderlick *Most recently added If you know of anyone that should be on the sick list, please call the rectory at 708-458-0501. The Hispanic Ministry Committee will be selling raffle tickets with the grand prize being a PlayStation 4. Tickets are $1 each and will be sold after the 11:00 a.m. Mass until Dec. 12. Tickets will also be available in the rectory. Funds will used for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration on Dec. 12. Thank you! El Comité de Ministerio Hispano estará vendiendo boletos para rifar un PlayStation 4. Los boletos cuestan $1 cada uno y serán vendidosdespués de la Misa de 11:00 hasta el 12 de diciembre. Los boletos también estarán disponibles en la rectoría. Los fondos serán usados para la Celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el 12 de diciembre. Gracias! Thank You. RESTORATION CAPITAL CAMPAIGN GIVE HER ETERNAL REST J a c q u e l i n e Sove r i n o Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of the faithful through the mercy of God rest in peace! To Fix the and Tuck Point our Parish Buildings Number of Parishioner Donors/Families: 326 Total Pledged thus far: $292,548.12 Amount Collected thus far: $270,579.62 Pledges still to be collected: $ 21,993.50 We have less than three (3) months left in our pledge drive. The last day to participate is Dec. 31, 2015. Extra envelopes are located in the Narthex. Thank you for your donations so far. If you need a statement, please call the rectory office. LADIES OF THE ROSARY NEWS BEADS . . . . . The Ladies of the Rosary, a group of St. Joseph Parish Women, get together on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. in Centennial (School) Hall, 5641 S. 73rd Ave. All women of the parish are invited to bring a friend and make lots of new friends! The Ladies of the Rosary will also be collecting the most needed items for the men and women in the U.S. Military from Saturday, Oct. 3 through Saturday, Nov. 14. Donations should be marked “Ladies of the Rosary” and dropped off in the back of church in the Narthex. The following items are needed: • White, army green or black T-shirts in large or extra large; • White tube socks; • Individually wrapped candy, granola bars, Rice Krispy treats and powdered lemonade; • Crossword puzzle/game book; • Insect repellent and Deet (pump style); • Toliet paper, shaving cream, eye drops, 10 pack disposable razorsl lotions, band aids, heavy duty wet wipes, combs, brushes, hairclips and bands, mouthwash, regular size shampoo and conditioners, and travel size Kleenex; and • AA batteries. Thank you for your donations! The main function of the Ladies of the Rosary is to provide both spiritual and financial support to St. Joseph Church, St. Joseph School and the community. Please come and join us on our mission! VICARIATE V SEMINARS The Ministry Commission of Vicariate V is hos ng several seminars and workshops that are open to all parishioners within parishes of the vicariate. Prac ce Makes Catholic will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4 at Incarna on Parish, 5705 W. 127th St., Palos Heights. The seminar will be led by Joe Paprocki, a former catechist and director of religious educa on and now the na onal consultant for faith forma on at Loyola Press. Paprocki also is an author of several books. For more informa on, call Incarna on Parish at 708-388-4004. L A DI ES OF T H E ROSA RY COA T DRI V E Du r i n g Oc t o b e r , t h e L a d i e s o f t h e Ro s a r y w ill be c ollec t ing c lean c oat s, sw eat ers, hat s, sc arves and gloves. Box es for t hese it em s w ill be in t he Nart hex . Thank you for your donat ions. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501 (708) 458-0501 [email protected] OFFICE HOURS 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday BULLETIN DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Wednesday PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik Weekend celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA Deacon Benedict Michalowski Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Pianist/Organist: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM ENGLISH Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH 11:00AM SPANISH 12:30 PM POLISH CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM No Confessions Sept. 19 and Sept. 26 WEEKDAY MASSES 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday (8:30 AM Wednesday School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated 8:30 AM Saturday ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927 ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Moderator: Mr. Jason Porod Assistant: Mrs. Penny Davis (708) 458-0501 H. SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL 5641 S. 73rd Ave. 708-415-0458 MINISTERS OF CARE: If you are homebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the parish office to make arrangements. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #512045 7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501 TELEPHONE 708 458-0501 CONTACT PERSON Joan Hadac EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 8 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday 9:45 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 31, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS