Dazzling Sparkles - khwaja shamsuddin azeemi research society


Dazzling Sparkles - khwaja shamsuddin azeemi research society
Translation of Tajaliyat
Al Shaikh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Research Society
Al-Shaikh Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Dedicated to those scientists, who are
inching towards the cognizance of the
facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in
the wake of their intelligent observation
achievement, which is not other than the
"Disastrous end of the Universe".
And this is probably during 15th
century of Lunar calendar.
The Glorious Quran provides us with such
Moral and spiritual values which can rise to
all the vicissitudes of time, as well as it
guides us to such a track of life which can be
stepped on by any nation across this Globe.
Hence the moral and spiritual values,
beckoned to by the Quran, if they can coexist Swiss icy environment, then it will not
be a different proposition if they equally
have a positive impact over Arid deserts of
Africa. Therefore, while the existence in this
corporeal world requires a band of social
codes and norms, which remains undaunted
in the face of all the predicaments, the
spiritual life too incorporates such rules and
regulations which do not tend to any change
or amendment.
The human being is fully cognizant of the
fact that the property of the fire is to set
ablaze all that comes across it, therefore
"Burning of Fire" is a phenomenon,
recognized on eternal line, and this speciality
of fire shall remain implicitly unaffected
irrespective of any age or any part and
parcel of this Earth. So as the transgression
of hygienic rules runs in health deterioration
in this materialistic world, likewise there are
some rules and regulations to maintain the
spiritual health, and if we abide by them,.
they will be conducive to keep our spiritual
health intact. These rules and regulations
are not other than the principles, chalked by
all the Prophets generally and by our
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) particularly.
These principles, which secure the spiritual
health, are divided into two parts. One part
belongs to the Divine Rights, obligatory to
the bondsman of Allah, is that the bondsman
should have a clairvoyant knowledge of the
entity and properties of Allah, and his heart
should be brimming with the love of Him,
and lust after His prayer and cognizance of
the CREATOR. It clearly means that he
should be fastened up to Allah so closely
that it may infuse in all his arteries and veins
the spirit of longing for His prayers, and
shall etch on his heart plate, in very bold
letters, that he is destined to reach to Allah
by the dint of such a rope which may never
be disjunctive or go loose or end. Another
divine right is that the bondsman of Allah
acknowledgment, he has made on the
primitive day that Allah was kind enough to
create him, assemble him in a desired shape,
nurture him and subjugate for him whatever
is available on the Earth and skies. So he
vowed to obey his Lord and genuflect on His
threshold as long as he remains alive in any
of the universes.
Among the human rights is that the
bondsman should have an abiding belief that
the mankind, on the whole, constitute a
family of Allah, and that he too is a member
of that family. So the man as he chalks out
definite scheme for his own weal and
prosperity, he should also with no
dereliction, do the same for the betterment of
his brother. If you cast, even a cursory
glance, in the memoirs of God's Prophets
and His true bondsman, they shall vouch
very conspicuously for their dedication to
human service. Indeed, the genuine impetus
for such a service engenders in the man the
properties of love, fraternity, equality and
confinement of Moses to the Mount of Sinai
for a tenure of an uninterrupted forty days
was not but a token for the benefit of Bani
Israel with divine benediction, likewise,
when our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) made his exit
from Hira Cave, he turned a perennial
resource of numerous spiritual and
humanity, so all the boons, received by our
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) in the dark and tight
corner of Hira through his onerous and
prolonged meditation, made their influx to
the thirsty and withered souls, our glorious
Quran, through elucidation of human and
spiritual values, guides us how to
accomplish the human rights along with
divine rights. Whenever Allah makes a
mention of His rights, He reminds us of that
He is the Sovereign, Holy, Flawless, Peace
Securer, Shelter, Majestic, Super and Superb,
and that He is the Creator, Originator and
Shape- setter of this Universe.
When bondsman is privileged to go ahead
with divine rights, Allah acknowledges to
discern his services as He says in the Surah
of CATTLES: "He will not be perceived by
the eyesights, while He perceives the
It presages that the man, devoid of vision
and bereft of perspicacity, when fails to catch
his Lord, with his materialistic eyes, Allah,
Himself approaches him as mentioned in the
Surah of the COW:
"I am nigh, I respond to the call of supplicant
when he calls me".
In similar context, another verse reads as
"He is with you whersoever you happen to be".
The following saying of Allah is indicative of
more approach:
"We are closer to him than the jugular vein".
Allah repeatedly proclaims of His nearness
to His bondsman in spite of the fact that He
is not perceived by the eyesight.
history of mankind cries on us
vociferously that only those nations, who
contemplated the divine marks rampant in
every nook and corner, procured the
judiciousness and erudition, and only those
persons, who exploited the knowledge,
granted by Allah, and bedecked themselves
with knowledge and sapience, held the reins
of this world. One should think about the
water- streams, gushing out from the bottom
of the Earth, if they disappear who shall
bring them DENOVA ?
To whom goes the credit for the panoramic
view of the space, the life- saving lights,
novelties of gases, starry blue sky, the moon,
dispelling the dark cover of night, the sun,
providing glaring daylight, the aromatic gust
of morning breeze, the trees, glorifying
Allah, singing of the birds, twittering of the
nightingales and cry of the cuckoos? Do we
have any intervention in all these? If they
cease to remain under a well-coordinated
system, do we own any mechanism to
restore them.
If we admit our ideological vacuity saying
that these things are pertaining to the Divine
Glory and sovereignty, can we, as such,
loose the sight of multifarious systems,
plying our body with miraculous precision?
Please makeup your mind:
How the hairs are adherent to the external
wall of the body? What is the root-cause
behind that the Masculine Gender has a
bearded face while the face of feminine
Gender is tender and devoid of any hair?
does such a system not evoke in us any
The bearded face is the Masculine beauty
while the tender and hair-less face is the
Feminine beauty. The hairs, growing on the
face of the man, do not find their way to the
face of the women only because the blood
density comes to an end in case of the
women, owing to a certain system. The hairs
are, in fact, the chemical reaction of blood
density. At this juncture, the thing which
invites our attention is how the Nature has
transformed the density into the hairs and
pitched them on our facial parts along with
head and body? If you venture pioneering in
the optical Machinery of the man, you shall
find out, to your utter consternation, that
there are thousands of muscles, assembled in
the optical camera, originated by Allah. In
addition to it, if you ponder over the
observe, through your internal micro-view,
billions of cells in the brain, and that every
cell is responsible for a particular "sense" in
the man, and that these are the cells which
keep our mental battery fully charged.
Above all, the sophisticated cardiac
machinery remains operational, under one
order, one balance and one program. Indeed,
the heart is just like an engine which keeps
the human cells moving, and marshaled by a
non-human will.
Have you thought of:
How your constitutional developments took
place in the gloomy dungeon of your
mother's belly, and how you turned to be a
Beckon light when you made your exit from
that dark tight corner? Can you rule out that
Eve might have given birth to a snake or
monkey in lieu of a human? Undoubtedly
this universe remains uninterruptedly
moving under a well-coordinated and fully
planned system, recognized as "THE
Please think for a while what could have
been the outcome of this Universe if Allah
had stretched the night tenure to the course
of Doomsday? Was there any power other
than Allah to eschew such extension?
Likewise, if Allah had prolonged the DAY so
as to make it confluent with the Dooms day,
was there any power other than Allah to
provide you with the Luscious and
somniferous quietude of the night? When
the rain pours down on a parched parcel of
some arid soils, you see the vineyards and
palm trees growing from the beneath of the
earth. Is it not quite fantastic that those fruittrees are starkly different from each other in
the term of coluor, flavour and taste though
they are totally water-based? The same
water makes its way to different dyes and
constitutes different colours, flavours and
tastes. Why our mind is not triggered to
think what for the Mangoes do not grow on
Mulberry trees and what for the Mango trees
do not yield the peach.
Why the earth is enshrouded with an
unpeneterable cover of darkness though
there are thousand Suns in Galaxies? The
Science tells you the story of earth rotation
around the Sun, and the burning of fire
gutters in the Solar tablet, but the science
does not discover the master hand
controlling the rotation of those Galaxies. Let
us know why so highly veteran Scientists are
reduced to death? Why a heart-transplanter
faces the traumatic end of his life by cardiacarrest.
"Recast your Glance: Do you perceive any
The episode of (Ayub) Job (A.S) in the old
Testament reads as follows:
"Who chalked out the course for the torrential
rains and streak for thunder-bolts? Is it possible
for you to ask the clouds downpour upon you and
to invoke the lightning? Where from the heart
harbors the sagacity and clairvoyance? and who
conferred on the dears the liberty of movement?"
The Belief (IMAN) is such a substance, the
luscious smack of which is matchless to any
thing, available all around the global surface.
This smack is gettable only for those "who
love their Lord more than any thing else. A
man, to whom any other worldly object is
preferable to his Lord, shall never be
construed a candid and loyal bondsman.
Indeed, when we make a mention of Love,
this love demands us for certain things, and
this demand is categorically for the sacrifice.
All of us are cognizant of the fact that love is
synonymous to such an emotional upheaval,
which is apparently invisible through
corporeal and materialistic eyes. It is only the
action of the lover which stands as a
veracious indicator for his heart if it is
brimming with integral love or not. A man
can orally make vociferous allegations of
love, but he is seen lagging far behind at the
juncture of sacrifice. Such a biased love will
not be considered credible by any parameter,
stipulated thereto. Those who Love Allah,
are loved by Allah. And when they are loved
by Allah, their hearts are fully packed with
love. When this Fragrance of love makes its
way to the celestial altitudes, the celestial
inhabitants too begin to love him, and when
the same fragrance covers every nook and
corner of this Globe, then every cosmic
creature, may be it a human, or bird, or
animal or beast, hankers after his love.
It is authentically narrated that the Prophet
of Allah (P.B.U.H) said: When a bondsman is
loved by Allah, he calls Gabriel and says "I
love so and so person, therefore, you should
also love him, Gabriel implicitly follows this
command and love that person. Then this
message for love is heralded to all those who
are in the Heavens: Your Lord loves so and
so person, so you should love him. Then he
remains beloved among those who are in the
heavens, and his popularity is installed in
the earth.
When a mention of Allah is made, it
unequivocally reveals the only one fact that
Allah Showers His finest Love upon His
bondsmen. Is it not an indicative of His love
that He has created innumerable resources
to keep His creature, IN ESSE, intact with the
life? So He has commanded the earth to
cultivate a very fantastic range of foodstuffs
to be consumed by His creature, and has
commanded the Sun to burnout the toxic
elements, available with the atmosphere, and
has commanded the Moon to downpour its
tranquil and assuasive light on the fruits to
turn fractious and enriched in the
DOUCEUR, so that the creature may enjoy
them in a delicious and picturesque form.
Likewise Allah Commanded the Air to blow
incessantly and gently so that the oxygen, an
essential constituent for the smooth
continuity of life, may not be hampered.
Moreover. Allah paved the earth but not too
hard to trouble the feet of walkers thereupon
by fatigue, and not too marshy to sink the
feet of walkers thereupon. As a sign of His
intimate love for his creature. He has
marshaled all His nature in such a judicious
way so that the nature may benefit them in a
very meticulously calculated and measured
way, and as a sign of the same, He has
tailored such a system which may keep His
creatures away from the burning solar rays,
and with a bid to introduce His Accountable
creatures to this superb system, He sent
(1,24,000) Messengers and Apostles. What
can be a more luminous example of Love
than that Allah sent His Universal Mercy
(P.B.U.H) and most beloved figure among
His creature. In addition to this, a very
irrefutable symbol of His love and
benevolence is that He has grafted, in the
heart of the mother, an unabated love and
affection of her infant and so profusely that
she may not be dissuaded if she steps to
nurture him even with the last drop of her
And when Allah loves some bondsman, he
desires him to love Allah as this was
beckoned to, by Prophet (P.B.U.H) when he
commented about a man who loved his
brother that he extolled Allah.
Allah, while addressing His Premier Prophet
in His Holy Book, says: "Says If you love
Allah, follow me and Allah will love you.
Hence the allegations, made in regard to the
love for Allah, neither be ratified nor
accepted by Allah unless they are coupled
with the determination to follow His Prophet
An artist fancied to sketch out a picture of
VIRTUE. He remained roaming around
towns and villages for many a year.
Eventually his eyes caught a child of extreme
beauty, having white colour, broad and
pensive eyes, smart and tender body, broad
and bright forehead and soft limbs. He burst
into cheers and yelled: " I got : I got the
picture of virtue "He hung the picture of that
child in his studio and wrote down it in
superscription: " THE PICTURE OF
Subsequently he made-up his mind to draw
a picture of vice too. Once again he left his
house in the quest of that fancied picture.
During his itinerary, continued to one score
of years, he came across millions of faces. the
best ones and the worst ones alike, but not to
his total content. At last he beheld a highly
typical face which filled him with a gust of
hatred and despite. Once again he screamed:
"I got: I got the picture of vice".
This picture too was placed in his studio
along with the old one. The studio was
frequently visited by the interested persons.
One day a person came and stood
dumbfounded before those two pictures.
Then he told the artist while tears were
streaking his face: "Both these pictures are
mine" and trekked back.
And this is Allah, in the Holy Quran, has
said very categorically:
"One who perpetrates a pinchful of good, he has
to face it, and (likewise) one who perpetrates
smallest sin, he has to face it".
"What apprised you what was SIJEEN? A
written record".
"What apprised you what was ILLIYEEN? A
written record".
This denotes that all the major or minor
works, done by a man, is recorded in film
reels. In other words every human motion is
picturised synchronizingly.
Allah also says with some details.
"For those who have done good is the choicest
dividend and some additional reward, and their
faces will be tarnished neither by gloomy dust nor
by subjugation. They are the occupants of the
paradise. They shall be therein for good. And
those who have perpetrated sins, their one sin
will be requited by the similar one, and they will
be marred by subjugation. None can protect them
from (the wrath of) Allah, as if their faces had
been pasted with a bit of gloomy night: They are
the dwellers of the hell. They shall be therein for
If you go through these verses thoughtfully
they will show you very obviously that the
faces are the veracious indicators of human
good deeds and misdeeds. The nature of the
work, done by a bondsman, gets its
impression on his facial plate.
The psychologists are fully cognizant of the
fact that man is composed of lights and these
light-waves spread over from the human
personality insensibly. Therefore we feel
sometimes attracted and Cheered to a face
when it comes in front of us. On the
contrary, we sometimes come across such a
face which makes us disgusted of it due to
the repellent waves coming out of it, and we
badly opt for its disappearance from the
range of our eye-sight.
The people whose hearts harbor Divine love,
and their minds are laden with sincerity,
philanthropy, their faces generally appear
picturesque, innocent and dustless, and they
have such a magnetic power which attracts
everyone to them. On the contrary, the
people who are indulged in guilty
consciousness and hypertension, you will
clearly observe on their faces the ominous
portents of rigidity, dryness, in quietude,
rudeness and repugnance. These portents
require the visitor to keep himself away from
such ugly faces.
Let us cast glance at our own picture how
does it appear? Before going to your bed
room, and after getting free from all the
occupations, you should stand VIS-A-VIS
the mirror and close your eyes for some
movements and think that all your life
records are kept with yourself and that you
are witnessing those records or the film,
picturised within yourself. Then you should
open your eyes and cast a thorough Glance
at the mirror before you. If you find your
face cheerful, luminous and with smiling
profiles, then be confidant that you are
picture of virtue. On the contrary, if you find
your face dejected, dry and with negative
impressions, so as to abhor your face, then
be sure that you are a picture of vice.
It is a Natural phenomenon that every
movement of the man is picturised and this
picture is displayed on the screen of his own
face. So the film, produced by Divine Record
Officers, goes on playing on the human face.
Haven't you seen that the face of a panicstricken and baffled person is indicative of
all the dejected impressions. No doubt, you
would have seen a depressed and sad
person, when he makes his entry into a
jocund gathering, all turn to be depressed
and sad. Even though, the world is not
vacant from Ascetic and puritan persons
whose presence confers on the people a high
beam of ecstasy and spiritual rapture as
Allah says in Surah "ALE IMRAN":
"The day when some faces blossom and some
faces wither. Those whose faces withered, will be
addressed: Did you turn to disbelief? So face the
torture in retaliation of your disbelief. And those
whose faces blossom will find themselves amidst
the boons of Allah where they utilize an eternal
When Allah wanted to create the Universe,
its control system also came under
discussion, as it was highly impossible to
run nature's factory without some
comprehensive rules and regulations. Allah
says in the Holy Quran:
"His order, when he intends to create some thing,
is that He says: Be and that thing verily comes
into existence".
So the Holy Quran tends with the Human
Being to this ideology that a system requires
for its implementation some operators.
It is our perspicuous observation that the
universe barely means a collection of
Nature's materialistic, electrical magnetic
and scientific rules, and that those rules
absolutely dominate all the natural outlooks
and cosmic sceneries. and that everything in
the universe is inter-connected and is
acquainted with each other, and that no unit
of the universe may be kept disjointed from
other one.
So all the spectacular sceneries, which are
instrumental to run universe, are construed
by Allah as Divine Hall-marks, and all the
perspicious members of Human Family are
unexceptionally invited to behold with their
bare eyes all the Global views and miens and
embark on to in-depth study of them,
because Allah wants from His true
bondsmen not to live insensitively just as
silent spectators, but to be in constant
exploitational touch with their instinctive
abilities, conferred on them by Allah, for
thinking and contemplation.
" Say (0 Muhammad) : Look at what do the skies
and earth have: "
"Don't you discern?"
"Don't you think? "
"Don't you ponder? "
"The worst creatures in the view of Allah are
those who remain dumb, deaf and insensitive".
"The skies and earth are laden with numerous
guidelines for Believers, and your creation and
the live-stocks, scattered by Allah, do provide
guide lines for those who believe".
"You don't notice in the creatures of Allah any
shortcoming. See repeatedly! do you find any
split. Again repeat your glance, your eye shall
come back to you with utter fiasco and lassitude".
"He is who made the sun a source of glaring light
and the Moon a source of cool light, and set for it
some phases so that you can workout the
numbers of years and accounts. This was created
by Allah with a true intention. He elucidates the
verses for those who have knowledge".
The Quranic sermons regarding the
subjection of Universe provide a clear-cut
Divine Dispensation that the man should go
through the rules, responsible for the
creation of universe, so meticulously that the
Divine Craft and high handiness behind
every creation becomes to his eyes as clear as
the Sun in broad day light. When student of
the creational Recipe reaches the culmination
of his travails, he finds himself capable to
unmask such science which starts right from
universalism and unlimitedness, as such a
student, or inquisitor, is not confined to the
contents of the books alone, and he does not
remain counting the bricks of the threshold,
erected by his predecessors. But, he jumps,
through his analytical parameters, to the
conclusion that the gases-mixture, available
in the open space, is responsible for the life
of the earth, of late, observation of rains,
winds, oxygen etc. turns for him to be a
Common phenomenon. Apart from this, he
also knows that the size of the Globe strictly
conforms to some stipulated quantity. For
granted, if the size had been slightly
augmented, compared to the present one,
the increase in the specific gravity could
have led the air (Carbon Dioxide) to cling
with the outer surface of the earth, instead of
spreading over the space, and thus
destroying the human perspiratory system.
On the contrary, if the size of the Globe
would have come shorter than the present
one, the specific Gravity could have played
havoc with every animate by dispatching the
oxygen off in the remote space.
It is not far away from the usual observation
that the distance of the earth from the Sun
and Moon is too well calculated. If the
distance of the earth from the Sun had been
increased more, all the Globe could certainly
have turned to be icy and frozen, and this
world would have been reduced to thick
icebergs. If the case would have been
inverse, the parching solar rays could have
reduced the bumper harvests of the earth to
ashes, Likewise, if the stipulated distance
between the earth and moon is interrupted,
the ebb and tide shall constitute such
boisterous waves which may inundate every
part and parcel of this globe.
The inquisitive student of the spiritual
science, on the strength of his observation
and analysis, becomes conversant with the
cardinal objective of the universe and that an
injudicious consciousness has nothing to do
with the composition, assortment, integrity,
orientation of the universal elements, and
that there is a super power which has been
dictating this universal system from the
word "go", and that all these elements,
constituents, and cosmic views are precisely
kept to a certain quantity, co-ordinated and
"Glorify the name of your supreme Lord, who
created then balanced, appreciated then guided".
How many townships, not complied with the
ordinance of their Lord and His Messengers, they
were chased by us to a rigorous impeachment and
were excruciated heavily. So they experienced the
bitter outcome of their attitude, and the
consequence of their attitude was a heavy loss.
Allah has prepared for them an insufferable
torture, so fear Allah O clairvoyants!".
As such, the common populace, who go
away with the commandment of Allah, and
remain solicitous of plutolatry in lieu of
Divine Worship, they are ultimately
pounded by Allah into the precipices of
subjugation and humility. This is not a mere
tale to be narrated, but every nook and
corner of this earth holds the testimony
thereof. There were how many emperors,
who dictated extensively and erect splendid
edifices, but these splendid and stately
edifices have not been reduced to some relics
or debris.
"Haven't they made a round of the earth so as to
witness what was the outcome of those who
precedes them. They were more in numbers and
stronger in power and landmarks. But what they
earned, did not come for their rescue".
The trivial errors are generally excused by
Allah until and unless the system, beckoned
to, by Allah, remains uninterrupted. But the
blatant errors of the wrong-goers exasperate
Allah, and make His true bondsmen feel
pinch for the currency of such circumstances,
then the retaliation system becomes
operational and Allah vents His sewer wrath
on the people. The Divine Rule deprives
such people of their domination and
supremacy and they are destined to be
obsequious and subjugated, because the
people themselves preferred to be captive of
an ephemeral thing when they hankered
after the accretion of the wealth by hook or
Our this contemporary age is undoubtedly
an age of Mammononish Trend, who can
claim for any discrepancy between the
plutolatry and idolatry. To worship a lethal
object and to worship the Gold are same by
any parameter, stipulated thereto, because
the idols too, are made of the stone and soil
and both are the creature of Allah, and
likewise, the Gold and silver too are a
transformed shape of the soil. It is quite
dolorous that the people go on buying spree
for the Gold and other precious stones so
blindly that the wealth has overrun all the
human values, and the Family devour,
hereditary nobility and national traditions
are reduced to a debris, and the belief in
resurrection has vanished away, and every
one has become an unequivocal annotation
of Mammonism. The extermination of
spiritual values gives rise to the moral
cavities, and the following commandment of
Allah is transgressed unscrupulously:
"Hold the rope of Allah firmly and be not
And when the true bondsmen of Allah raise
their voice against this rampant evil the
whole community insert their fingers deep
into their ears and remain unmoved. So the
righteous people shed profuse tears while
Satan explodes into laughters, lured by his
provisional success.
"We caught one and all by their sin. To some of
them we directed the Tornado. Some of them were
surprised by the Blaring yell, and some ones were
guttered down the earth, and some others were
inundated, and Allah was not to tyrannize them
but they were tyrannizing themselves".
The man of this age has construed the wealth
A DESIDERATUM of his life, and has taken
for his privilege to construct soaring
structures, without giving his mind a room
to think about those monarchs who were
also lusting after the construction of superb
and spectacular palaces, and the whole
world was reeling under their shifty
maneuvers, their despotic attitude, their
glamorous way of life and their superiority
complex, when they fell at last under the
invincible grip of Divine Wrath they got no
more excused and pardoned, they all
become a part of the soil which is regularly
trodden by our foot-soles.
How many gardens, amenities, forms, fine
stations and bounties, for their utilization,
were left by them and inherited by us to
another community.
And how many deterrent punishments
infringement to the Divine Laws?
We notice a Brazen invasion of modern
excruciating complications. One is prone to
financial paucity though he is having every
thing. Either the children are incompetent or
the parents are adjugated to be incompetent.
Whole the nation is devoid of perception and
conception. The mental complications today
are pervasive more than any other fraction of
time. The interment has turned to an
entertainment. As soon as the heart begins to
throb a little more heavily, the man bids
adieu to this world. The insecurity has
climbed to such a delicate point that heart
jumps out of the thoracic wall with the
slightest movement of the leaves. The
persistent skirmishes between the wife and
husband, make the new generation realize
the matrimonial bound as an insufferable
burden, the financial strait has grown
narrower notwithstanding the influx of
sources and resources.
Who swerved from chanting my name, shall
have a, penurious livelihood, and he will be
congregated blind on the Dooms day".
Ozair (A.S.) happened once to pass through
the outskirts of Jerusalem. The devastated
township triggered his mind to a certain
question: can this ruined and secluded place
be rehabilitated? Can the inhabitants, who
were razed to the earth with all their
belongings, restore the hustle and hustle to
it? Absorbed in his fancies, he lent his back
to the earth for a while and he was overtaken
by such a sound sleep that continued
uninterruptedly, to one century. He was
resuscitated by Allah who advised him
saying: "Look at your donkey, and (we have
done all these) so that we can make you a
paragon for the people, and look at the
bones, how we resuscitate them and cover
them with Flesh. "When every thing became
clear for him he declared: I know that Allah
is dominant over every thing".
When a man goes ahead with cosmography,
the streaks of belief and confidence keep
glaring in himself, and his heart gets
enlightened as Allah Almighty has said:
"When our verses are recited over them; their
belief is augmented".
To get out from the precipices of the gloom,
and to emancipate yourself from the yokes
of grief and monotony, to hold the rein of the
world, to laminate the heart and mind with
Divine philosophy, and to comprehend the
Divine rule, it is obligatory on your part to
go deep in every micro-detail of this
universe. Indeed, Quran incorporates every
micro-detail because Quran is a Holy Writ,
and takes to every nation the message of life,
as Quran is a documentary asset for the
formulae of Universe subjection. It is also an
extensive constitution for human life. This
Document leads to the ways, walking over
which, shall secure transformation of our
humanity into dignity, our defeat into
victory, our languor into energy, our misery
into weal, and our diversity into unity. The
Divine code is comprehensive one, and as
the man prepares a certain object from a
patent recipe, likewise he can put his finger
on a certain point when he goes through the
Divine Guide-book.
It is highly regrettable that Muslims allowed
the pattern of conception flee somewhere,
and that they have been compelled mentally,
ideologically and basically, to follow such a
track where the channels of thought are
choked out. A particular faction of Muslims
has led them to a meandering, uneven and
perilous track of failure and dissatisfaction
only to secure its monopoly over them. The
Holy Writ encourages us to explore the
treasures, latent in the bottom of the ground
and ocean, and fervently calls us to dig out
and unearthed the mineral wealth to benefit
ourselves, but we have preferred to remain a
silent spectator, and have sealed our hearts,
ears and eyes. Hence the nation, Which was
appointed as the custodian of the recipes of
the Universe subjection, has been thrown in
the precipices of privation and misfortune.
On the contrary, when Non-Muslims
embarked on the deliberate study of the
rules and regulation, the formulae and
recipes, contained in the holy writ, they
became the prestigious, and occupied a
prominent place in the field of arts and
science. Today they are hovering in the sky
and sailing on their ships, streaking the
surface of the oceanic water, as if they were
dictating the space and ocean alike, and the
treasures of the earth were dancing to their
tune. They have got accustomed to hear a
very remote sound of overseas inhabitants
within the least fraction of time. All these
became possible because the Non-Muslims
have made obligatory on their part to study
the universe and all the things, available
therein, and to find out the skeleton-key
behind all of them, and because they are not
oblivious to the creative science, they have
kept the development under their absolute
What a poignant tragedy is that every
development is heading towards NonMuslims, and all the devastation, ignominy
and contempt have become the fate of
consciousness, awareness and ideology are
being hampered by the vested interests of
so-called Muslim leaders and thinkers. Allah
says addressing His Prophet:
"Tell (them): travel in the world and see how he
(Allah) has initiated the creation".
Allah also says inviting the human to think:
"Do they not look at the camels how they were
created, and at the sky how it was paved high,
and at the mountains how they were pitched up,
and at the earth how it was evenly leveled?"
of our friends, Haji Sahib, by name,
was covering the road with extraordinarily
quick pace. He was looking immensely
dejected and his eyes were bathed in tears: I
saluted him and inquired him about his
speedy pace as well as his depression. He
apprised me of the demise of his friend Haji
Ramzan. I consoled him reciting the verse
"every animate is to succumb to death". I
added: "This final phase is inevitably to be
faced by every person, and we both have
stepped to such crucial stage of life where
the life stream tends to flow towards the
Basin of Death. Today Haji Ramzan has
departed this world and tomorrow we shall
be having our own turn. This is a cycle of a
continuous phenomenon which remains
operational since the Primitive Day up to the
Final Day". Haji Saheb was man of fine
temperament. He responded to my speechlike talk: "I am not so concerned with the
cause of my friend's death. But the real
problem is that the bereaved family has
blocked the way of valedictory Journey. Haji
Ramzan was survived by four daughters and
one son and by exorbitant cash and kind
which are really unassessed. His four
daughters with their husbands, and other
relatives have rushed to the Palace to attend
the Funeral Ceremony, but they are now
adamantly obdurate not to allow the Funeral
till the distribution of his leftovers is over. I
am his intimate friend and a super-annuated
man, and I tried my level best to convince
them to go ahead with the burial of dead
body and defer the matter of distribution to
due course of time, but none could lend me
an ear. What is going now there that the
legal solicitors from both sides are occupying
the seats in the Drawing Room and are busy
with the work of cataloging all the
ornaments, jewelry and other assets,
available in the house. They have
unanimously decided not to conduct the
interment till the job of distribution is
accomplished. This biased gesture has
resulted in the liquefaction of the cadaver of
Haji Ramzan. The room is piled up with the
ice-blocks. These blocks are melting and
flowing on one hand, and the fats, accrued in
the body of the Deceased, are coming out
with all the rotten ingredients on the other
hand. Haji Ramzan was my friend and it
goes without saying that such desecration of
a friend is no more tolerable to another
friend. Therefore I am extremely baffled and
depressed, and I am so sad as if I had lost
my heart, and I did not find the courage to
trace out what the outcome of Haji Ramzan
and when his interment took place?
This incident really sent shock wave to my
heart and when I pondered over this heinous
situation, the following verse was large writ
on my mental plate:
"Those who stock the gold and silver, then do not
spend them in the way of Allah, they should be
communicated by you about the severe torture".
When the implication of this verse crossed to
my mind, the door was open to think and
believe that to salt away the wealth is always
conducive to dire consequences, and such
avaricious and mammonish persons play
havoc with their health and fall prone to
heart and liver problems apart from diabetic,
inflammation, venereal disease, renal colic,
peptic ulcer, stone in gall bladder, dysentery
and what not. Such persons always suffer
deprivation of love from others. No due
respect are given to them by one and all. If
they are loved or respected by some one, the
impetus being to snatch their wealth through
sycophancy. It is a common observation that
the fate of such person is highly drastic.
Their young Survivors become infatuated in
love and bid adieu to all their education and
intellect and rush recklessly to the sexBonanza. More often it also happens that the
son, a last resort of the old parents, if they
fortunately or unfortunately are alive, resorts
to those ignominious and notorious hideouts where are found the inlet and outlet of
all the evils in the world. They admonish
gracefully and implore their son to shun his
misdeeds, and always shed tears for this
grim concern, and pass their whole night
anxiously awaiting for their son but all their
efforts run into snag. The case being so, is
there any body who can profess that such
children and such wealth may yield any bit
of Joy in man's life always never;
No doubt: such selfish children and such
perfidious wealth are by no mean less than a
drastic torment. The wealth has two faces.
One is that it reduces the man to ashes
through its infernal impact and the other
face is that it keeps the heart and mind
fraught with colorful gaiety, joy, frolic and
satisfaction. The owner of wealth with this
latter face, steps forward to build shelters for
widows and orphans and becomes a source
of salvation for others by emancipating them
from the shackles of multifarious climates
and catastrophes. He does not turn to be a
mere animal. He bedecks his heart's piazza
with twinkling bulbs, and he does not
remain mentally emberile and optically
blind. He weans himself away from brutality
and adopts an attitude which is akin to that
of Allah:
My preceptor says that he was bewildered to
see Muslims that every one of them is
propels to be a wealthy, and none of them is
ready to be Othman (R.A). Such typical
persons have been threatened by the
following verse of Taubah Surah:
"Be not puzzled with their wealth and children:
Allah intends to frazzle them this way in this
worldly life, and they shall breath last while they
are disbelievers".
The biographic profiles of our Prophet
(P.B.U.H) discloses for us that he never
opted to accumulate the wealth. One can
appreciate the stand of our Prophet
(P.B.U.H) and his followers (R.A) against the
wealth from the treasures, latent in Roman
and Persian Empires, were gushing out to
them, but these votaries, though they were
reigning an approximate area of 2.5 millions
sq. miles continued to feed their family
members with their own labor and
drudgery, and spend in the way of Allah
what was spared out.
There is no insidious and elusive thing more
than the wealth. It never showed loyalty to
any one. The wealth is perfidious. The
wealth is a Flabby Identity and ruins the
plutotaters, and quite contrarily, the person
who kicks out the wealth and attaches no
significance to it he is greeted by the wealth
from all the directions. Allah
categorically said in Holy Quran:
"We have brought forth every thing in a well
measured quantity".
These well-measured quantities afford the
identity. It is by virtue of the well-measured
quantity that one man is expressly absorbed
to another man, and both remain separated
though there is no distance between them as
much of a millimeter. Hence the law was
framed that the appropriation of the
quantities is akin to establish identity and
individuality, and none can contravene this
law. As the man has perception, likewise the
wealth also has perception. Therefore when
a man escapes the identity of the wealth, the
law of appropriation becomes active, and he
is chased by the wealth so that the balance as
per the appropriation can be maintained. On
the contrary, when a man chases the wealth,
it plays with him the shifty tricks eluding
him and poising him for a concomitant
Allah is the monitor of that hell which is boiling
with burning Oceans. This is the place, occupied
with snakes, serpent and scorpions. The food,
available in these volcanic precipices, is the tree of
ZAQQOUM, and the drink, gushing to the
entrails and veins and arteries, is the pus".
The stentorian preachers say: "O Mankind:
Fear Allah, if not, such a punishment will be
vented to you that the mere imagination of
the same is enough to melt your body and
grind your bones to ashes. A serpent shall
apply its force upon you and you remain
sinking in the lowest stratum of the earth.
Then you again will be brought back by that
serpent and re-sunk as before, and you will
be provided with such a hot water that by a
sip of which your lips shall dangle down the
These are the awful words, poured deep in
our ears like the melted led. A feeble and
languish person, preoccupied with these
drastic punishments, regards Allah as
horrible and awesome. The conception of a
horrible God inculcates in his mind that
Allah is synonymous to a very dreadful
Why our religious preachers and guides do
not lay emphasis upon the benign traits of
Allah that He is who nurtures us with
nutrients while we are in mother's womb
and brings us up during nine months of
pregnancy. Why they do not describe who
drives the dark and laden clouds from
thousands of miles to pour down on our arid
lands so that the earth is very picturesquely
be decked with a bridal beauty, and the
twinkling little stars light our visions and
delight our hearts. Allah is exclusively
responsible for the dissemination of colorful
flowers on the surface of the earth which
exude fragrance and add color to human
life. The trees, plenteous of delicious fruits
arrayed before us to seize the opportunity of
our service. When the trees vibrate on the
shoulders of the breeze, they really chant
hymn to soothe the human souls. So the
breeze plays its lute, the branches dance and
the nature itself comes to rapture, and the
rain looks as if it was a bride with the sweat
streaking her forehead, and what a glamour
is wrapped with the gloom of rainy nights
and days, because the Sun closes its eyes
feeling sorry of the rain-drops and the sunrays, the cardinal function of which is to
burn, turn soft and cold and all the
environment is totally washed and the trees
put on new costumes.
O man! you can't count down the means of
livelihood, provided by Allah to maintain
the life, and when you grow wornup by
fatigue, the night pats you gently and lulls
you to sleep, and when you sunk in sound
sleep, the day crawls slowly to your room
and laps lightly the panels of your mind to
get you up.
O our intelligentsia! Our guides! why you do
not make a mention of that Allah who has
installed in us such a machinery, every
component of which is operational without
our will or volition. The heart supplies the
blood to keep all the body fresh and
blooming, and the brain works as
lifecurrency to control the nervous system. The
entrails are busy to transform the food into
the vital parts of the body, and the eyes are
engaged with the videography of natural
O Our intelligentsia! our leaders!
Why you are obstinate to mention the Allah
in a horrifying form so that your audience
may remain shivering and scared. Who is
unaware of the fact that fear and horror are
the prime causes of disunion and isolation.
Who shall not acknowledge that the fear is
anxiety and agony, and that the fear and
horror construct a wall between heart and
O my elders! O claimants of the heritage of
my predecessors! if you do believe that your
father is a dragon and he shall bite you to
end your life, then can you go close to him?
The universal law is to safeguard the interest
of peaceful and innocent civilians, and the
law-imposing authorities not only commend
them but also love them and make all
necessary arrangements for their welfare.
O my intelligentsia! why don't you direct the
mass behind you to abide by the law as the
ruler loves those who are submissive to him,
and that if you exploit the resources with a
sense of gratitude and equanimity, Allah will
be pleased by you, as he has created all these
resources for your interest, and that if the
modern man eschews to use the synthetic
textiles and replaces them with rough ones,
it shall result in the lockout of thousands of
cloth mills, and eventually millions of people
may die of starvation. This lucidity means
that if the utilization of the lucrative
resources is shunned, the creation of Allah
shall be rendered penniless. The word
"gratitude" means to utilize the Divine
bounties, and the word "patience" or
"tolerance" means complete surrender to
Divine providence. When the bondsman
deny to thank Allah and do not embellish
themselves with patience, their hearts
become a hot bed for worldly love - love for
such world which is transient and
ephemeral, Allah does not like that an
ephemeral thing such as world, be
recognized as the Goal of life. On the
contrary, Allah likes that man be always in
the quest of the Eternal life in a peaceful
atmosphere, and considers all the amenities
and articles dust of the road.
In case, you are blissful, you should avoid
the evils, because Allah showers His
blessings on those who are pious, and you
should redeem the rights of relatives, poorer
and strangers. Don't go extravagant with the
money because those who squander the
money are figuratively the brothers of Satan
and you are well-cognizant of the fact that
the Satan is the rebellious to Allah. In case,
you are pauper, and are not in a position to
lend a hand to the poorer, but you are
confidant of the Divine benevolence, you
should return them tactfully. Don't be
parsimonious and don't be extravagant to sit
rueful and poised for the harsh critics.
Be particular in the redemption of the
promises and contracts as they are
questioned for. Your weighing measurement
should be upto the mark as it is a good habit
and occasion of good consequence. "Don't
pursue such thing about which you are quite
in dark, because the ears, eyes and hearts all
will be interrogated. Don't walk on the earth
ebriated with bragging, because you never
penetrate the earth and never equal the hills
in stature. These misdeeds are extremely
disliked by us.
In case, you are either afraid of deprivation
of the worldly wealth and boons, being
ensnared in some invisible nets of resourcepaucity, eruption of war and hostility, falling
a prey to brazen attack, brutality, turmoil or
disturbance, natural calamities, devastations
and destructions or preoccupied by the scare
of social, political, individual and collective
problems, growing grimmer with every new
sun-ray. When you stand vis-a-vis either of
these two ticklish problems, you should not
spoil your time in futile arrangements and
erroneous maneuvers, but you should
proceed to a right direction to weed-out their
radical cause and find their appropriate
solutions, employing all your spiritual
faculties. This has been quoted in Quran as
"The Straight Path" and undoubtedly this is
the path of success and god-speed.
"Guide us to the Straight path" the path of those
whom you have blessed, not (the path ) of those
who are vented with your wrath and not of those
who have gone astray".
Look what Allah responded with, to this
"Any clamity that has befallen you, is due to
your own earning, and He pardons much more".
"Repent to Allah O believers collectively!
perchance you secure success"
When a man is entangled in a deep trench,
dug by his misdeeds, and trapped in the
nets, erected by his own hands, then he
returns back to his Lord, rueful of what he
had perpetrated, and acknowledges his
errors, and gives his Lord his promises
ENCORE, and proceeds to Him with all
supplication and entreaty, and sheds from
his eyes what cleans and overhauls all his
spiritual systems. Such an individual or
community finds gratification of Allah. To
return to Allah, in religious parlance, is
Repentance, and this repentance is the only
active remedy for all the scare and vagary
and is skeleton-key to solve all the religious
and worldly problems.
Reach to the identity of Allah with the
deepest point of your heart, and be
dedicated for him with full attention of mind
and heart, and with all gusto and brio and
other abilities, bestowed by Allah. Set your
life for others a living example, a walkytalky picture of love and loyalty. Indeed,
such persons are included by Allah in the list
of His puritan and orthodox bondsmen, and
this fact may be perceived by the eyes of
souls, or say, by the eyes of spiritualists.
When even a layman joins this selective
band of true bondsmen of Allah, his heart
feel quite happy and his soul is totally
pacified, and he is showered by Allah the
choicest bliss, boon, benediction, radiance
and light.
"The bondsman is regarded nearest to Allah
while he is in prostration".
Therefore, if a man prostrates to other than
Allah, not only he declares himself as
obsequious, but he also tarnishes his national
dignity and prestige.
Come on! we trace out those cardinal
reasons which are responsible for the
domination of your adversaries over you.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) has kept his fingers
on two reasons:
Lust after the world.
Scare of the death.
So that heart of a plucky and enthusiastic
Man (Muslim) remains brimming with love
of his Lord, and he does not lose his heart
even in the vicissitude of times, and goes
regardless of the world, and keeps himself
cool and calm even in the face of drastic
death. The annals of history have recorded
so many veteran heroes who welcomed the
martyrdom with a smile garnishing their lips
as if they were enjoying the taste of a fine
Don't forget that it is your duty to put an end
to the collective loopholes. Be not trapped in
the nets of the your foe like a fluttering bird
consequent to your timidity and inferiority
complex. The fear of enemy is concomitant
to the perfidy and betrayal, and food
adulteration and parsimonious weight and
measurement pave way to the famine, and
injustice leads to hectic difference and
wanton bloodshed. A perfidious nation is
inevitably to be dominated by their enemies.
So let us be watchful of ourselves and see
where we are standing and how? Repeat this
prayer in its original letter and spirit as
uttered by our Prophet (P.B.U.H) glorifying
"O Allah! cover my week spots and secure me
from the scare".
should trace out, employing all your
sapience and sagacity, what has exposed you
to the brutality and scare riots or to the
devastation of natural calamities, and
proceed to the straight path employing all
your abilities, without spoiling your time in
futile arrangements.
Allah almighty says in the Surah of "ALSHOURA".
"Any calamity, that has befallen you, is due to
your own earning, and He pardons much more".
Quran itself has prescribed the remedy as
"Repent to Allah O believers collectively!
perchance you secure salvation".
When a nation gets inside a precipitous
ravine, dug by its own comittence, and
retraces its steps towards Allah with a sense
of bondsmanship, then they clean dirt of
their sins and renew their contracts with
Allah. This whole process has been
expressed in Quran by the terminology of
"Repentance" and repentance is alone the
panacea to remove every panic and awe.
Recall Allah with full presence of mind and
be conjuncted with Him with full attention
of mind and heart and set all your life affairs
a semblance of Divine attachment.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) held in his hand a
dry branch of tree and shook the same
violently till all its leaves fell down. Then he
told: When a Muslim performs ablution
perfectly, then offers five-times prayers, his
sins fall down as these leaves fell down".
Then Prophet (P.B.U.H) recited this verse:
Maintain the prayer at either ends of the Day
and during some portion of night. The
misdeeds are carried away by good ones.
"This is a reminder for those who are
Man' s attachment with Allah alleviates the
pressures of heart and showers upon him
the peace and tranquillity.
Maintenance of the prayer, in spiritual
parlance, is to establish contact i.e. to keep
oneself in persistent touch with Allah, and
the bondsman is regarded nearest to Allah
while he is in prostration.
Allah decided to appoint Adam as
His Caliph on the earth, Angels told: Do you
appoint there who shall go berserk and shed
the blood? With a bid to prove that Adam
was compounded with virtue too, apart from
evil, Allah instilled in Adam His traits,
indicative of His creational prerogative,
which were expressed as "NAMES". When
He presented them before Angels, they told:
"Be glorified: We have no knowledge barring
what you have taught us, verily you are the
omniscient, the sagacious".
Through deep study it becomes crystal clear
that Allah has programmed this universe
two ways: Virtue and Vice. This is why Allah
did not disallow the core objection, raised by
the Angels. But he demonstrated that Adam
was confined to be a mere vice unless and
until he was dinned over by Allah, and as
soon as he was dinned over, he turned to be
a mere virtue.
The creation of Adam preceded the creation
of Angels, and they were vice-free by
instinct. Therefore Allah created Adam who
was a compound of both: Vice and Virtue, so
as to avoid the evil and go for virtue,
keeping himself firm on the right path and
inviting his progeny too, to the same path.
This is the invitation for which (1,24,000)
messengers were sent and this is what is call
Allah Almighty says :
"Call to the way of your Lord with tactics and
rhetoric sermon and discuss with them in a better
This Quranic verse provides us with three
The call should be accorded tactfully
aim to eschew
mishappening and to adopt any good
The advise should not be discharged in
a repulsive and injurious fashion. The
face of the preacher should be fresh and
eyes brimming with love and solidarity
and heart with sincerity.
If some controversy erupts in the course
of talk, you should check your voice not
allowing to be crude, and if the criticism
is inevitable, you should be restricted to
the constructive and courteous one. The
way of negotiation should be attractive
and luscious, not provocative and
acrimonious, and if the addressee
resorts to insurgency and obduracy, you
should rein your mouth as it is the better
for his interest.
mention of Ibrahim in the scripture.
Really he was righteous prophet, when he told his
father: Why you worship that which neither hears
nor sees nor suffice you to any extent. O my
father! I have acquired the knowledge which you
haven't, so follow me and I shall guide you to the
right path. O my father! Don't worship Satan.
The Satan was rebellious to (Allah) the
benevolent. O my father: I apprehend that a
torture from (Allah), the benevolent, may touch
you so you will befriend the Satan. He said: Do
you deviate me from my gods O Ibrahim? If you
Do not end to do so, I shall undoubtedly stone
you. Leave me alone for a long while. He told:
peace be upon you. I soon shall seek pardon of my
Allah for you. Indeed, he was gracious with me.
And I shall depart you and that which you call
beside Allah. I hope, I shall not remain bereft of
(the result of) my prayer".
So you should devote your money and time
in the way of the deliverance of Divine
message, and be apt to concede any sacrifice.
To withstand the hardships in the way of
Allah and to convey to Divine message to
the bondsman are regarded as compliance to
the duties, ordained by Allah and as the
gratitude for the boons, conferred by Allah
when a man assumes the responsibility of
calling the Human Being to the right path,
employing all his physical and spiritual
capabilities, he is seconded by a special cooperation of Angels, and they include the
true emotions of that bondsman in their
consolation programs. Any how, the
propagation campaign befits only those who
have undergone spiritual resurgence and are
the undeterred and resolute way-makers to
the truth.
Such persons are fully poised to receive the
following Quranic harbinger:
"Those who travailed for our course, will be
unfailingly beckoned to our path".
He has chosen you and has not implicated you,
with religious viewpoint, in any inconvenience.
It is the creed of your father Abraham, He had
designated you as Muslims before, and in this
regard the prophet must be witness for you and
you must be witnesses for the mankind".
"We have appointed you a moderate Nation so
that you all be witnesses for the Mankind and the
prophet be a witness for you".
He (Allah) enacted for you such a religion
which He commended in Noah, and which
we revealed to you ( O Mohammad), and
which we commended Abraham, Mosses
and Jesus, ordaining to maintain the religion
and be not disintegrated therein.
"You are the best Nation, brought on to the
Mankind, you enjoin the established norms and
dissuade indecency and believe in Allah".
"One who prefers other than Islam as his
religion, it will not be accepted by Allah, and in
the life hereafter, he will among those who shall
concede the horrible loss".
"The true religion to Allah is only Islam".
So you should enlighten yourself with
Islamic teachings and be confident that the
only religion, in view of Allah, is the religion
of peace and truth, and that any procedure
of service-offering (or servitude) other than
of Islam shall be construed by Allah null and
void. So the true and Zero-defect religion to
Allah is the religion, the Salient Features of
which very explicitly have been spelt out in
the Holy Quran, and a total semblance of
which was the life of our Prophet (P.B.U.H).
Hence Allah wished the Prophet of Islam
(P.B.U.H) to declare unequivocally:
"This is my way. I call to Allah perspecariously,
supported by my followers, Allah be glorified! I
am nothing to do with those who are polytheists".
So please be strictly adherent to the
principles of Islam in view of their
significance and this was the uphill Task, for
the completion of which the Messengers
were sent by Allah regularly, and this is the
largess to remain an asset for dignity and
sublimate in both the worlds.
The Holy Quran is such a scripture which
implies no iota of doubt or suspicion, and
which imparts guidance to those righteous
who believe in invisible, and the belief
culminates in presentiment and observation
of invisible, and this is what has been termed
in Hadith as "INSAN" (Perfection).
Moreover, the Holy Quran is such a credible
Document which, all along with the Social
code, includes formulae, responsible for the
subjection of the universes and these
formulae speak out very conspicuously of
our ability to run through the shackles of
Time and Space provided we procure the indepth knowledge of Quran. One who is
conversant with Quranic mysteries may fly
over in the space and transmit a certain
object from one place to another without any
intervention of external support. He is the
bondsman whom Allah has blessed and for
whom He has subjected every thing
available in the earth and skies.
And this fact may not be gainsaid that the
guidance of the Human on this earth
exclusively depends upon the Holy Quran of
Allah, so please recite Quran with a resolute
and abiding belief that you have to edify the
structure of your life with its judicious
teachings, and because Quran resembles a
mirror that shows you clearly all the stains
and spots marring your facial beauty, and
because Quran is like an Encyclopedia! that
covers all your ifs and buts in a very
elaborate fashion. Now it is left to you how
far you benefit yourself with the bounties,
latent in the pages of Holy Quran. Hence
Allah rightly has said:
"This a sacred book, revealed to you, so that they
may think about its verses and so that the
intelligentsia may recall".
Admit your sins at the threshold of Divine
abode, burst, into tears, in front of Him, and
reckon yourself crest fallen and helpless in
front of
your Lord, who is forgiver,
benevolent, and who ignores the defects and
pardons the sins, and acknowledge your
misdeeds, because the humility and selfdenial are the assets to be presented to Allah
alone. In case, these priceless assets are
presented by the man to a man, on par with
him, he is deprived of those costly assets and
is rendered homeless and hopeless, and all
his Glaring regards turn to the benighted
So the Repentance is a service through which
a penitent denies his personality and
divulges before his Lord all that not likely be
divulged before others. verily, Allah is our
savior and sympathizer who showers upon
us His countless blessings. He says:
"And your Lord is the forgiver and merciful, If he
would trapped them with what they have carried
through, He could have expedited the torture to
them. But they have a deadline, subsequent to
which, they shall find no go".
"He is that who accepts the repentance from His
bondsmen, and pardons misdeeds and is aware of
what you practice".
Indeed, the correct ideology is that the
bondsman, irrespective of the magnitude of
his sins, should render the tribute of his
tears, mingled with all his servitude and
humility, to Allah alone. There is no door to
fetch you what you hanker after, save that of
Allah who is capable to concede millions of
your demands per day. Our Benign Allah
has subjected every thing for the service of
His bondsmen. The availability of our
resources, our culminative growth and
decrepitude as per the law, and our disease
and cure all these dictated by our Allah who
owns unrestricted powers.
Allah Almighty says:
"O Believers! Convey your pure repentance to
Allah. Sooner or later your Lord shall expiate
your sins and let you enter gardens underneath
which the river are flowing, on the day when
Allah shall not discredit the Prophet and the
When a nation gets buried in an awful
ravine of its sins, and treks back to Allah
with a sense of bondsman ship, and clean
their sins, minor or major, with the flowing
rueful tears, and renew their contracts with
Allah, this sincere attitude has been termed
in Quran as "REPENTANCE" and this is
alone is a "Cure-all" for all sorts of
catastrophes Turmoils and sense of
insecurity. On the contrary, when a
bondsman remains quite indifferent with all
his sins and dereliction, such a Satanic
attitude digs him out and he is destined to a
sheer Fiasco in both the worlds. When the
same attitude enshrouds all his life, his heart
and ears are totally sealed and his eyes are
covered with a thick curtain, and his
ultimate goal is a dire torment, causing for
him all the despair, misery, scare and fear.
Allah says in the Surah of "Repentance":
"All the calamities, which have befallen you, are
due to your misdeeds, while Allah pardons much
Quran itself has prescribed the remedy as
"Repent to Allah collectively O believers,
perchance you secure the salvation".
The betrayal and disbelief in a nation dig in
their hearts the woe of foe, fears and
superstitions. The trends of desparity in
weight and measurement, hoarding and
smuggling may appear extremely attractive
and charming, but, in long run, they shall
prove fatal in the forms of famine and
So return yielding to Allah, your real creator,
and be determined to eradicate these
malpractices from your society.
According to Quranic texts, any procedure
of service offering, other than that of Islam,
shall be considered by Allah null and void.
So the true and divinely recognized religion
is that one, the salient features of which very
explicitly have been elucidated in the Holy
Quran, and a total semblance of which was
the life of prophet (P.B.U.H). Hence Allah
exhorted the prophet (P.B.U.H) to declare
unequivocally that the way, adopted by him,
is not a fluke, but based upon a total
"Say (O Muhammad)! this is my way. I call to
Allah perspecariously, supported by my
followers. Allah be glorified: I am nothing to do
with those who are polytheists".
"One who prefers other than Islam as his
religion, it will not be accepted by Allah, and in
the life hereafter, he will be among those who
shall concede the horrible loss".
"The true religion to Allah is only Islam".
The religious privilege, conferred by Allah
on Muslim Nation, is not but an asset of
dignity and sublimity in both the worlds. By
no mean it is to be compared to the world
luxuries and splendors which are ephemeral
and weaker than the cob web.
Quran, addressing the Christians and Jews,
"O Kitabis: You are nothing unless you maintain
the Bible, and Evangel and what has been
revealed to you by your Lord".
There should be no room for doubt that the
religious jurisprudence, coupled with
meticulous comprehension, is the stream of
all virtues and welfare, and one who has
been denied this thing, he has been denied
all the boons and bounties of both the
worlds, and his life shall be undaunted by
tranquillity and content.
To propagate the Divine Mission (Islam) is
an ordained duty of every true Muslim.
Prior to discharge your duty, you should
identify yourself as the self-Identification is
regarded such a godspeed through which
the man becomes a veracious example of his
mission, and whatever is uttered by him, is
readily translated to the realm of practice.
Or, in a nutshell, he sets himself a true
symbol when he calls others to join him for
the dissemination of the ethical and
theological mission of Prophet ( P.B.U.H.).
" It roils Allah extremely that you do say what
you do not do".
preachers of deterrent punishments.
Holy Quran has laid a good deal of
stress on the obedience and service of
parents. When we think deeply about the
outstanding place of the parents, it becomes
evidently clear that they are tremendous
benefactors for us, as they are figuratively a
pair of components in the genesis machinery
of the nature, and actually they are
instruments for the continuity of birth cycle.
A man, as such, opens his eyes in this
brilliant world by the means of parents, and
this instrumentality plays a very vital role in
the exaltation and veneration of the parents.
The parents crave for a child, and through
conjugal process, mother begins carrying a
new life within her feeble body and
continues to do so for several months. This
new life grows from the parts of her body
and thus becomes a part of her body. This
relationship of mother and child remains
undisrupted even in post-natal tenure. The
mother, on one hand, leaves no stone
unturned to fetch her child all his
requirements and remove from him all that
may ail him, and the father, on other hand,
departs his home early in the morning to
secure the livelihood and returns back,
employing all his vivacity and energy to
procure the necessary provision.
These are the great benefactions, due to
which Allah has mentioned the parents
rights immediately after the description of
His rights.
"Your Lord has decreed that you do not worship
but Him and show kindness to the parents".
In view of all those facts, you should always
behave with them submissively and
respectfully and not give chance to any
thing, unpleasant for them, or injurious to
their hearts. It is a fact that the age of
superannuation reminds a man of his
feebleness and adenoma, and his feeling
becomes very sharp. Therefore you should
not commit any dereliction in the service of
parents and not allow anything conducive to
their reluctance.
Allah says :
"If one of them or both of them grow
superannuated with you, don't express rue to
them and don't repulse them".
goes without saying that the style of
conversation refracts the personality of the
speaker. A man, with his luscious tone, can
make his addressee spell-bound. When you
are required to have a chat in any public or
private gathering, speak with all the serenity
and balance. Apart from this, you should
also deep into your mind, that all the words,
crossing your lips, are being recorded by
Angels in their supernatural instruments.
A gracious tone, compounded with medium
sound, decency and a beaming smile, makes
the speaker highly popular with the
commonplace. On the contrary, a stentorian
who always vociferates for no cause,
undergoes some tension in his nerves,
leading him ultimately to some mental
complications. Such a man inculcates, in the
mind of his addressee, a bad impression of
intimidation. This hectic style has its
repulsive impact, drying out all the love and
tendency, latent in the heart of the
An eloquent and melodious person enjoys
himself with his own voice and creates
rapture in the hearts of others too. A sweet
and perfect voice gladdens even Allah,
therefore Allah is so critical of the donkeys
blatant bray where He says :
"The most indecent voice is that of the donkeys".
Be sure of completing your subject as this is
a talking decorum, and avoid pugnacity and
crude language, keep your self away from
back-biting as it is synonymous to consume
the flesh of your brother while he is dead.
Don't make a mockery of others as it wraps
the convolutions of your brain with gloomy
shadows. Likewise refrain from making
complaints because it is a deadline for the
love and don't play derisive tactics with
others because this habit gives rise to
superiority complex which makes a man
equal to the Devil (IBLIS) and don't extol
yourself because all the elite cadre shall
refrain your company and all the sordid and
sycophant faction of the society shall
encroach upon you and take you down the
earth. In addition to all these, please don't
pass caustic and satirical remarks to anyone,
and don't exercise mouthful oaths with
every trivial movements of your lips because
this attitude shall malign your image and
you shall remain bereft of others ' love and
Allah says :
"Mankind's due to Allah is that the person who
can sustain the traveling expenses, should visit
His House, and who refuses to do so , then Allah
is indifferent to all the Creatures".
He also say :
"And neither those who are bound to Kaba in
quest of the grace and appeasement of their
He also says:
"Go ahead with Haj and Umrah for Allah".
He also says:
"Equip yourselves with provision for the best
provision is the piety".
He also says :
"No Skirmish during Haj Season"
He also says:
"When you accomplish your Haj duties, start
mention of Allah as you mention your forefathers but with more application".
Indeed the pilgrims are the Guest of honors
to Allah, This is why the performance of Haj
carries success in both the worlds and really
Haj is such a function which deters the
pilgrims from disobedience to Allah. The
bondsman touches emotionally the Black
stone and renews the primitive vow, made
by him in the spiritual world when Allah
Questioned all the Mankind : "Am I not your
Lord" and all of them responded very
submissively : "Why not ?". Any how, the
bondsman takes all the reckoning. Hence he
tolerates all the traveling pains, the crowd
hustles, and many other burdens and
injuries, and tackles one and all very
generously and courteously, fully complying
with the Divine ordinance :
"No Skirmish during Haj season".
This has been emphatically stressed, that a
man, during Haj season, should not go
loquacious and not be carried with the
internal and external lurks, and if the wife
and husband are co-pilgrims, they should
not only observe sexual continence, but also
should avoid all the things, awaken the
dormant concupiscent emotions.
Allah says :
"Haj means some famous months. So the person,
who intends to perform Haj during them, should
not indulge in obscenity and debauchery".
It is a very common and exhilarating scene
that the hands of pilgrims. having seamless
cloth-sheets, raise their voices with the
following Divine Hymn (Talbiah), after
every prayer, and whenever they descend
down or ascend up :
"I have responded to you O' Allah, I have
responded to you, You have no partner, I have
responded to you: The praise, bounty and
sovereignty are meant for you. You have no
If you are giving some thing in the way of
Allah, please give with no string attached
thereto. Don't have such high expectation
that the Donees remain extremely grateful
and beholded to you. To spend in the way of
Allah is not a matter of boast or a mean of
cheep popularity. It is a mere benediction
from Allah that He enabled you to have
upper hand. Don't forget that the man, to
whom you are extending your hand, was
too begotten, just like you, from the belly of
his mother, and that he too has laden with
the same sentiments and emotions, as you
have. If he is compelled to food and cloths
you too are not an exception. Then you are
nothing independently ,and what you have
is a largess from Allah, and having spent this
largess of Allah over the poor bondsmen of
Allah, if you hurt their self-dignity, and
expect from them to acknowledge your
supremacy and break their hearts by
counting your favours, conferred on them,
such behaviour is the most heinous and
deplorable. Allah, who enabled you to
support others, says in the Holy Book:
" O Believers ! Don't undo your alms-giving by
reproach and injury like one who spends just to
show the people "
So it is our moral and religious duty to
spend in the way of Allah very generously
and whole-heartedly as a token of thank for
the boons, bounties and all life facilities,
granted to us by Allah unrestrictedly. Those
who spend half-heartedly and feel some
post-expenditure pinch, are not worthy of
any commendation or replacement. How a
man, tending strongly to spend in the way of
Allah, be kept bereft of Divine benefactions?
Allah clears this interrogative mark in the
Quran where he says :
"You can't get the blessing until you spend what
you lust after".
Don't forget that Allah has imposed upon
you the religious taxes, so pay them out
unabated, and don't throw them to those
who are not entitled for them as if a square
disbursement was a burden upon you. You
should search for a true needy person so that
the cardinal cause of "Zakath" may be
It is a crying need of the time that the ladies
too should go on learning the religious
ordains and norms, and bedeck themselves
with Islamic character, and try their level
best to come out as good wives and good
mothers, and to discharge their duties in the
total compliance with Divine orders.
Allah says :
" O Believers ! save yourselves and your family
members from the Fire".
Hazrat Omer (R.A) was keeping his night
alive with the mention of Allah, and just
before the down break-out, he was awaking
his life-partner. exhorting her to get up fast
and perform the Dawn-prayer, and was
reciting the following verse :
"Insist your family on prayer-performance and
be yourself persistent to do the same".
It is obligatory on the parts of ladies not to
allow any letup in arranging and decorating
their houses and to maintain them from
hygienic viewpoints, and prove their fine
ability and taste to pile-up the home-articles
in trim appearance. A clean and salubrious
home, well-set and embellished rooms, clean
and well-equipped kitchen, decorous
touches to home-duties, and the sacred and
unblemished smile of the wife, are the basic
components of the house not only to invoke
the Divine benediction and fill the house
milleiu with happiness and joy, but also to
please Allah Almighty. Once happened that
Hazrat Ayasha (R.A. ) found Mrs. Othman
Bin Madh, out in a very simple dress with no
decorative touch. She was much surprised to
see such a thing and questioned whether
Hazrat Othman was out of station? No
doubt, This mindful question of Ayesha
(R.A.) was self explanatory, and you can
appreciate from it that the beautificational
concern of a wife for his husband has a high
magnitude of desirability.
Tolerance, sustenance and tactical balance
lead a husband to adopt the policy of
ignorance and making a better of his half
better, deposing his unabated faith in Allah.
It may not be ruled out that Allah, by the
dint of that wife, may confer on her husband
such boons that are ostensibly beyond his
reach. The opinions may not differ around
the fact that a religious woman, due to her
faith, character and conduct, comes as mercy
for all her family, and can give birth to such
a pure soul that may turn a beacon light for
others. Moreover, a good and righteous wife
is quite instrumental for the reformation of
her wicked husband. This is why a wife
takes her husband near the paradise, and her
good fortune invokes all the weal and wealth
for the husband.
So you are advised not to spoil your
matrimonial relations impatiently keeping in
view the defective outlook of your wife. On
judiciously allow the troubled water to set.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) says :
"If a man has two wives and his inclination
towards one was more than towards other, he will
be resurrected on Dooms Day with half his body
The family life sets a real course for the acid
test of courtesy and good temperament
because a man remains constantly in touch
with his family members, so the mannerismfree life of the home exposes all the black &
white of his character. This is also a fact that
a believer may not be rated perfect in his
belief unless, and until he is of a good
behavior, love and affection towards his
family members. In this connection, it would
be recalled as at one occasion of Haj, the
camel of Hazrat Safiya (R.A. ) Knelt so she
began to weep. As soon as this was
Communicated to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), he
rushed to the spot and began to wipeout her
tears with his hand and she began to shed
tears more torrentially.
Allah decided to appoint Adam as
His caliph on the earth, Angels told:
"Do you appoint there who shall go berserk and
shed the blood? With a bid to prove that Adam
was compounded with virtue too, apart from evil.
Allah instilled in Adam His traits, indicative of
His creational prerogative, which were express as
"Names". When He presented them before
Angels, they told, Be glorified We have no
knowledge barring what you have taught us
verily your are the omniscient, the sagacious ".
Through deep study it becomes crystal clear
that Allah has programmed this universe
two ways: Virtue and vice, This is why Allah
did not disallow the core objection, raised by
the Angels. But He demonstrated that Adam
was confined to be a mere vice unless and
until he was dinned over by Allah, and as
soon as he was dinned over, he turned to be
a mere virtue. The creation of Adam
preceded the creation of Angels, and they
were vice-free by instinct. Therefore Allah
created Adam who was a compound of both
: Vice and virtue, so as to avoid the evil and
go for virtue, keeping himself firm on the
right path and inviting his progeny too, to
the same path. This is the invitation for
which (124000) messengers were sent and
this is what we call as ' PROPAGATION '.
Allah Almighty says :
"Call to the way of your Lord with tactics and
rhetoric sermon and discuss with them in a better
This Quranic verse provides us with three
guidelines :
1. The Call Should be accorded tactfully
with an aim to eschew any mishappening
and to adopt any good thing.
The advice should not be discharged in
a repulsive and injurious fashion. The
face of the preacher should be fresh and
eyes brimming with love and solidarity
and heart with sincerity.
If some controversy erupts in the course
of talk, you should check your voice not
allowing to be crude, and if the criticism
is inevitable, you should be restricted to
the constructive and courteous one! The
way of negotiation should be attractive
and luscious, not provocative and
acrimonious, and if the addressee
resorts to insurgency and obduracy, you
should rein your mouth as it is the better
for his interest.
The propagation of Islam always has
involved two ways:
The first one is that the man should negotiate
his addressee according to his mental
capabilities, and should win his heart with
his moral power, and take care of his needs
and solve his problems as if they were his
own ones. As far as the other way is
concerned, it is to communicate your ideas
to others through essays and speeches,
keeping in view that this one is an age of
writing and speaking, and all the distances
have shrunk, or rather, have converged. The
expansion of the earth has been reduced to a
globe. With a sonic viewpoint, the distance
between U.S. and Karachi is less than that of
a room. To cast a news over London and
U.S. from Karachi has been a daily routine.
The same thing is going with the writing.
There is a vast cluster of publication. A
passage, typed in U.S. or an any other
overseas country, is legible in Karachi or
Islamabad as if the same was being typed in
Karachi or Islamabad.
The writing leaves on the reader such an
impact that cultivates the intellectual nuclei
of the mind which turn to souring tree.
Therefore, you should maintain equanimity
and restraint in your writing and speech
using an optimistic phraseology, and
avoiding a pessimistic and menacing method
which makes a reader or listener respondent
of Divine mercy and totally confused about
his reformation or salvation. Please use in
your writing the encouraging words and
present such an idea of Divine Love that
may replace the scare with regard and
respect so that he may accept the Divine
Mercy with all his respects to the Doner.
Hazrat Ali (R.A.) says :
"The best scholars are those who invite to
Divine path in such a way which does not
ward off the invitees from the threshold of
Allah, and who do not present such image of
Allah which makes them indifferent with
You have to participate permanently, in the
propagation of Islam and dissemination of
Divine knowledge though on a small scale,
and to call the mankind to exploit their
wholeheartedly all the difficulties and
hardships, waiting for you in this way. as the
Prophet said:
"The dearest work to Allah is that lasts for long
though it is meager".
It is narrated that a man came to the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) and complained against his father
that he takes what he wants from his assets.
The father was called for by the
prophet(P.B.U.H.). He came leaning on the
stick as he was very languid and decrepit.
The Prophet(P.B.U.H.) narrated on him what
was complained by his son. The father
simply told "O Prophet of Allah peace be
upon you: We lived up a time when my this
child was very weak and good for nothing,
and I was strong and wealthy, I did not
frustrate him to take any thing from my
wealth. Today, when the case is fortunately
or unfortunately reverse, I am being denied
his wealth".
This dolorous comment filled the eyes of the
Prophet(P.B.U.H.) With tears, and he said,
turning to the complaint maker, " You and
your assets are under the disposal of your
father ".
Even when the parents are disbelievers, you
are enjoined by Islam to behave with them
kindly, respect them and render your
services for them except when you are
disconcerted by them to be polytheist and to
disobey Allah, as Allah Says in Surah
Luqman :
"If they (parents) pressurize you to make for
Allah a partner about whom you do not have any
bit of knowledge, don't concede to their pressure
and be associated with them kindly in this
Imam Bukhari has narrated through Hazrat
Asma (R.A.) that she said : "In the regime of
Quresh, when they entered an agreement
with Prophet (P.B.U.H.), my mother visited
me, and yet she had not embraced Islam.
Inquiring in this matter, I asked Prophet
(P.B.U.H), "My mother has come to me while
she is willing to embrace Islam. Can I
maintain my relation with her", The Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) replied affirmatively; "Yes, you
It is quite incontrovertial that the sacrifices,
made by the mother are more in comparison
to those of the father, therefore the emphasis
on showing kindness has been laid more in
favor of mother, as Allah says,
"We have directed the human to do favour with
his parents. His mother carried him arduously
and delivered him arduously, and the period of
his carrying and weaning ( by her ) is thirty
In recognition of the yeoman services,
commemoration of their ample benefactions,
you should pray to Allah for them with full
devotion and sincerity, as Allah says
"And say : O my Lord : bless them as they
brought me up when I was infant".
The implications of this prayer are; "O my
Lord! requite them with the same
benevolence, benediction and mercy, which
were showered by them upon me round the
clock, and now, when they have reached the
phase of senility and their bones have
become weak, they are in need of mercy and
benevolence more than any body else, and I
am not in the position of repaying their
services, so O Lord: you patronize them on
my behalf and shower upon them your
choicest mercies".
those who are worthy of your
friendship on humanitarian basis. As it is
obligatory on your part to select as friends
pure-hearted persons, likewise it is also
necessary for you to maintain the friendship
and redeem its prerequisites. A true friend is
always your frank colleague, cheerful
companion and complacent associate. The
prerogative of friendship is that you should
not get monotonous of your friends and that
they should regard your company a matter
of satisfaction. The amusement with friends
is one of the great human values. Good
friends always maintain equanimity and
sobriety in amusement. You should
occasionally speak out your love to whom
you love because this gesture plays a vital
role to roll your friend near you. Apart from
this, the bilateral exchange of feelings and
emotions gives enormous and extra-ordinary
manifestation. The sentiments of love and
attachments, which on their turn, have a
tremendous impact on the practical life, and
as such, both the friends set an example of
intimacy and love-incarnation. Suppose you
want to get your friendly ties closer and
effective, you should serve your friends.
Moreover, if we ponder over the attribution
of Allah with "creator", we vividly find out
that His foremost trait is service to the
creature. Therefore when a bondsman
shoulders the mission of human service,
inspired by the universal fraternal relation,
the vistas of the paradise are kept open for
him and the universe is subjected to him.
Our predecessors left no stone unturned for
the overall upliftment of the lower stratum
of the society, and they desired for their
friends what they desired for themselves.
Of course, the best person is one who
benefits the mankind, and any one who
benefits the humanity, without sex
consideration, is the real philanthropist.
So come on: We pray together our lord to
purify our hearts from rancor, malice, hatred
and obduracy, and patch the broken hearts,
and direct us to the path of mutual solidarity
so that we can constitute an ideal human
Repeat always this comprehensive Quranic
" O our Lord! pardon us and our brothers who
preceded us towards faith, and don't induct in
our hearts even a least rancor for those who
believed. O our Lord! verily you are benign and
Have you thought why Allah enjoined His
bondsmen so emphatically to spend in His
way all that he has open-heartedly? Only
because Allah knows very well that the
financial assets are more preferable for the
bondsman, and that his disbursement from
his wealth is indeed a defrayal of the rights
of his fraternal relative down through Adam.
Allah does not require any thing, but We
accept whatever is spent by His bondsman
towards the betterment of his universal
brothers. To beat a drum of what you have
given in the way of Allah is a contemptuous
attitude towards poorer and needy, and to
hurt their dignity may be interpreted to
mean that he aims to prove his superiority
by his derisive gesture, while a true believer
is always devoid of all these impurities. So
don't scratch the glasses of hearts and abide
by this Divine ordain:
"O believers I don't undo your alms giving by
reproach and injury like one who spends just to
show the people".
Allah also says :
"You can't get the blessing until you spend what
you lust after".
from passing night sleepless and
compensating this sleeplessness with daydoze, because Allah has created the night for
rest and peace and the day for life-tussles. It
is a common scene that those who go to bed
late, are unable to leave their beds early,
while leaving bed, prior to the sun-rise, is of
enormous significance. A man, doing so,
finds himself more active and vivacious in
tackling his business and discharging his
duties. If the sleep is stringed with the sun,
going high and vivid in the horizon, it
creates lethargy and lassitude in the nerves,
leading to inquietude and perturbance, both
of them paving way to paranoia and
superstition, both of them a causing fear and
scare. No doubt that those who are prone to
fear and scare, are bereft of Divine
Allah says :
"He is that who made the night for you a cover
and the sleep a repose and made the day a
"We did your sleep a repose and did the night a
cover and did the day a strife for livelihood".
"Have they not seen that we appointed the night
to provide with relief and the day with light. It
carries indicatives for those who believe".
Those who remain snoring throughout the
day due to their lethargy and due to their
sleeplessness, having engaged themselves in
night clubs and casinos, they tend to
demolish their health structures with their
own hands.
And he it is who sends the winds as a harbinger
to escort His blessing, and we poured from the
sky pure water so as to resuscitate through it a
dead town and we supply it for drinking purpose
to the cattle and mankind whom we created, and
we have distributed it among them to be a
reminder. but bulk of the people stuck to
Water is a compound and a plain substance
and even a drop of it does not cease to be
When it is simply evaporated from the river,
transformed into the clouds and from there
when it came down in the desert, it made its
way again into space. When it rained on the
gardens, it penetrated in the case of the fruits
in the form of dew, and thence in our
stomachs where either it lasted in the body
as its part or went out through kidneys, and
if it falls over the sea, it is just like its
To sum up. the drop any how remains in one
form or another. So when water lasts while it
is compound, the soul also shall last rather
because it is simple. As the sun-rays trace
out the water, fallen on the arid deserts, and
take back to the remote sky, likewise all the
life drops, fallen on the vital organs of the
human bodies, return ultimately to nonlocational venues.
"About what they are questioning each other?
About that stupendous news in regard of which
they are badly divided. Nay! Soon they shall
know. Again Nay! Soon they shall know. Have
we not made the earth a foot hold?"
The Sun confers on us the light, and the
water-borne clouds and the fruit-laden trees
provide us with energy and vitality, After a
short duration of utilization, we make our
way from this world to another world. So as
the destination of a bird is somewhere
beyond its nest, likewise our Final
Destination too is beyond this materialistic
world. Really we have not lodged here in
this world but just to pass some tough time.
Quran has exhorted quite emphatically to go
deep into to the Divine landmarks of the
universe where it says :
"He it is who made for you the stars so as to forge
ahead in gloomy cover of land and sea. We have
detailed the verses for those who possess some
"Among His portents are the creation of skies
and earth and diversity of your languages and
colours. These have certain indicatives for the
"Don't you see that Allah rained down water
from the sky, so we brought through it so many
multi-colored fruits, and likewise the mountains
have the white and red streaks of different types
and some of them are extremely black, and on the
same pattern, the mankind, cattle and live-stocks
are of various colours ".
"The cattle provide you with some lesson. We
give you to drink what comes out of their bellies
from betwixt their refuse and the blood, pure
milk, delicious to the drinkers. and the fruits of
palm trees and grapes, out of which you extract
drink and good provision. This has indicative for
those who are sensible. And your Lord
communicated the bee to synthise houses in the
mountains and trees and the thatches, erected by
the people, then eat all the fruits and tread the
path of your Lord gently. Their bellies yield
multi-coloured drink which has remedial effects
over the people. It has an indicative for those who
think deep".
Say! Allah is one. Allah is the besought of all.
He neither begot nor was begotten, and there was
none to equal Him".
In this Holy Surah, Allah has described His
five attributes that he is second to none, that
he is needy to none. that he is not the
begetter and that he is not begotten and, that
he is comparable to none. Quite contrary to
creator's this definition:
1. The creature don't have solo-existence,
and it is necessary for the creature to be
in plenty.
The definition of the creature itself
indicates their need to one and every
If there is no father for the creature, its
existence is out of question.
The basic cause in the birth of the
creature is the existence of the parents
The real identity of the creatures is their
families, and every species indeed a
complete family.
Let us see how we, as His creatures, are
attached to the attributes of Allah. Allah is
one while the creature is enormous. Allah is
not born to anyone while the creature is
born. The creature may be a father or a
mother while Allah is beyond all these
maternal and paternal relations. The
creatures live together under the umbrella of
one family, while Allah has nothing to do
with all these. There is only One Attribute
that may be shared by the creatures through
their total detachment from every thing. This
is the attribute of "SAMAD". To sum up,
when bondsman attaches himself to Allah
and swerves his mind from all the
materialistic media, he quite unambiguously
reveals that his creature and provider is but
Those bondsmen, who live adherent to the
confidence, when they strive, their strife
does not come under this pretension that the
results of our strife are subject to our wills,
but only because Allah wants us keep
moving as long as this picturesque universe
keeps up its rotation in the orbit until it
reaches the Final Destination and makes its
entry to the world before the Genesis.
All the praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
Universes who, by the virtue of His
paramount traits of Lordship, caters to our
nutritional requirements and helps us mop
up all our socio-economic vital problems,
and harboured us on this earth providing us
with all the amenities of the life.
The Human life has two aspects : Waking
and sleep. During the waking tenure as in
the sleep too, he is resorted to certain devices
of relax and comfort. The state of sleep is
due to the arduous work, exercises during
awaking, when a man gets worn up by
fatigue and consequently sleeps, then he
regains all his energy and vitality. It is a
natural phenomenon that man spiritually
jumps from the state of waking to a world
where he was prior to his birth. So a man
whenever sleeps, he makes his journey in the
invisible world, and he, being in that world,
absorbs the spiritual waves, and when he
comes back, he finds himself packed with
new energy, vivacity and new gusto and
It was ordained by our Prophet (P.B.U.H)
that a man-before going to bed, should recite
some parts of Quran to invoke the spiritual
blessings in the state of waking before
closing eyes to the invisible world. He
(P.B.U.H.) says :
"Any person who goes to bed and recites a Surah
of the Divine scripture (Quran), Allah sends for
him an angel to guard him against any thing that
can cause him any problem until he gets up from
his sleep whenever he gets up".
You should select such dormitory which is
frequently intercepted by fresh air and
plenty of oxygen, and not sleep in such
tightly closed room which has no ventilation
and keep in mind that sleeping, with your
face covered with some cloth, is much
injurious to your health. Keep your face
exposed to the fresh air and recite this prayer
before sleeping:
" O Allah by your name I sleep and getup".
Say. " O Allah. The key-holder of sovereignty.
You confer the sovereignty on whom you want,
and you snatch the sovereignty from whom you
want. In your possession lies the good. Indeed
you are dominant over every thing. You induct
the night in the day and induct the day in the
night. and provide whom you want with no
On par with the day and night rotation, the
supremacy also has its rotative share in
world nations. It is needless to remind you
of the long cherished civilizations of Babylon
and Egypt how they were undermined after
they reached the pinnacle of fame and
celebrity. The East was, at some time, an
effervescent center of civilization which
subsequently made its way to west while
Greek. Afterward, Greek itself was split in so
many small counties to meet its tragic end,
then it was the turn of Rome where the
civilization flourished by leaps and bounds
and covered all occidental belts. After some
duration, Iran had its civilizational break
through, which lasted till the advent of Islam
which irrigated all the oriental and
occidental areas through its perennial water
ways of profound knowledge and erudition.
And when, very tragic to admit, Muslims
lost their identity and tarnished their milkywhite character, the convoy of civilization
retraced towards the west. The present
traumatic situation is that the backward
nations are a pathetic semblance of
deterioration and disgrace. The bankruptcy
of the Muslim nation may be easily
appreciated through this bitter fact that they
have not achieved even their economic
sufficiency apart from arts and science. A
nation that was implementing the Quranic
decrees and injunctions on everyone,
reached today the Lowest edge of economic
paucity, covering the vistas of their minds
with unpeneterable curtains. A misery like
interest has made the Muslims an
unathoritative nation, so helpless that they
do not brace themselves up even to declare a
fact fearlessly.
Allah says :
"O believers fear Allah and discard the
remaining interest if you are real believers. If you
do not comply with this, then beware of a war
from Allah and His Prophet".
All the Muslims perform prayers. observe
fast, go on pilgrimage, and pay out the
religious tax (Zakath), but much to our
intauration and chagrin, how the prayer of
God's enemy be construed valid? and how
he may be benefitted with the blessings of
fast while he is in a war state with Allah, and
how those, whom Allah has declared openly
His enemies, make the round of Kaba and
enlighten themselves with the luminous
facets of Kaba.
The history itself stands as a irrefutable
witness of the fact that any nation, which
made a mockery of Divine rule, was driven
to a precipitous down fall.
Is the time not ripe for us to check our
internal and external functions?
Water is defined scientifically as H2+O1, and
if you bring about even a marginal change in
its quantity, it shall turn to be a deadly
poison. Even if these two components are
kept in equal quantity, they shall form some
toxic and fatal mixture. Indeed, hydrogen
and oxygen are two toxic and deadly gases,
and with slight differences in their weights,
you can prepare millions of toxic
compounds, but, quite strangely, when they
are kept in the proportion of H2O they yield
water which is an inevitable source of life for
all that available in the Universe. Hence
Allah says.
"We have conferred life on every thing through
"We have created every thing in a calculated
"We do have the stocks of every thing but we
send down only in them some stipulated
Glory be to Allah: How many portents He
has set for true thinkers.
Lemon and black pepper are made of 10 and
20 proportions of hydrogen and carbon
respectively, but the disparity in their
appropriate quantities diversifies their
shapes, colors, sizes and effects. Likewise,
the coal and diamond are the products of
carbon but the difference of quantity makes
one of them extremely black and the other
gleamy white. Apart from this one of them is
easily crushable and cheap, and the other is
adamantive and quite costly. One confers on
the man a new life while the other is used in
the rings for decorative purposes.
Allah, the Lord of Universes, have created
the man with love and solidarity, and by the
virtue of same love and solidarity He wants
the man to hold the rein of this Universe to
impose the Divine order upon the
inhabitants of the Universe to fulfill the right
of being the viceroy of Allah.
structure of this Universe tells us
unequivocally, that every object IN ESSE,
has been established somewhere else much
earlier, and that the past and present of
every thing are interlinked. When we make a
mention of past, we implicitly acknowledge
the family and race of some particular thing.
If it was possible for us to exchange a talk
with the almond tree, it could have narrated
to us very eloquently its pedigree in the
same fashion in which a human gives the
details of his genealogical tree, while
accounting for his family dignity and
prestige. We can't gainsay that the sheep
species too are standing on their specified
measures and natural requirements. So as
the families, species and creatures have their
genealogical columns, likewise "the good
and bad" have no exception in this regard. A
"Good" also has a family or a tree, and when
this tree is established, it has the ramification
process of countless branches, flowers and
leaves and all these become so extensive that
a tree turns to be a Luxuriant shadow for its
family, race and progeny.
More often we attach no importance to a
certain misdeed, but this tiny and ostensibly
trivial misdeed develops a seed and turns a
lofty tree to the chagrin of all its species due
to its thorns, ugly-looking flowers, black, dry
and rough leaves and the fad and withered
branches. Then this chagrin, through qualm
of conscience, gives berth to such a fatal
range of diseases that prove unavoidable or
indomitable to the man despite all his
defensive outworks. We want not to ignore
the reality and to adopt the thinking habit,
than it is absolutely necessary for us to know
that all the phases of "good and bad" are
alive and mobile like all the members of a
family. Hence you can presage that the tree
of good showers the blessing and boom
while the tree of misdeed causes for
mankind all sorts of fear, scare, trouble and
Every person is well cognizant of the fact
that the members of the family occupy a
pretty position as long as live with mutual
understanding and sentimental solidarity.
They enjoy a collective voice and a collective
force. If the sticks of a sweeper is disjointed,
and a particular object is hit by every
individual stick, it will prove of no account
though the number of sticks may rise to
thousands. On the contrary, if we hit some
one by a joint and strongly-tied up sweeper,
it may leave the body of target darkish-blue.
Therefore, The Quran invites our attention
towards our unity and integrity, and directs
us as one family, one nation and one gigantic
tree to come forth untidily and tighten our
grip over the rope of Allah and end their
divisibility. This Quranic guidance requires
us in a very articulate words to get united on
one platform regardless of our juristic
schools, and to mop up our differences by
holding, with a collective spirit, the rope of
Allah in sheer accordance with Quranic
guidance, but what a deplorable pity that we
Our grim tragedy is that we unfortunately
are not of an unanimous approach to Quran
in the term of its exegesis. Only one verse
contradicting each other. So it is beyond the
capacity of a layman to take a decisive stand
by going through commentaries as the
commentators have no criteria to single out
the true exegesis from the dud one. This
feature resulted in the in thensification of the
difference which to-day has caught whole
nation while previously it was restricted to a
handful of persons.
When we search out our predecessors' era
and the conditions prevalent there, we find
out, with no iota of doubt, that they
maintained their unity and did not face any
difficulty in the perception of Quranic Terse
expressions and delicate secrets. When the
collective spirits of Muslims ceased to exist,
and the tree of misdeed occupied the place
of tree of good, they were badly divided in
so many hands and faction, and got devoid
of all Quranic gems and Divine benedictions.
Allah very categorically says:
"Hold the rope of Allah firmly and be not
It goes without saying that all the Universe,
in addition to the mankind, is the creature of
Allah. Likewise, the children of a mother,
numbering, say, to seven, or nine, or twelve,
may broadly termed as her creature, and no
mother likes her children fight each other,
but her maternal instinct demands them for
holding their maternal rope and be united so
that the central gravity of the mother may
not come to an end. Figuratively a mother
may be likened to Allah the divinity of
Allah, His love and affection towards the
mankind, all these require that all the human
being, being members of the human race,
should live happily as the happiness of the
creature is undoubtedly the happiness of
Allah, the Lord of Universes.
is a common sight that when we
disseminate the seeds of a particular tree or
plant in the earth, it ejects them from inside.
This tree or plant has two separate delicate
layers on its tiny branch. It shows that the
seed, sowed by us, splits into two parts,
which stick to the branch. When the root
becomes firm, these two layers fall down,
and a new sprout emanates there. This
progress goes a long way until that tiny seed
turns a towering tree and stands a perennial
source of provision and nourishment.
Have we ever allowed our mind some room
to think that the belly of mother has no
Fructious tree or full fledged pantry. Despite
this minus point, the child continues to be
nurtured and progressive, in some
appreciable balance, within the dark
dungeon of mother's belly with the passage
of seconds, minutes. hours, days and
months, pursuant to some rules and
regulations, as soon as he opens his eyes in
this world, he finds
two effervescent
fountains, brimming with pure milk, to
secure his nutritional requirements. When
the infant proceeds two steps ahead in
attaining nutritional self-reliance, those two
gushing fountains turn dried up, and the
mother, who was earnestly willing to keep
her infant abreast to milk him, now resorts to
a break-through in his nutritional device. At
this juncture, Allah, who is more benevolent
than seventy mothers, for the solace of the
mother, appoints the earth as mother, and
this new mother provides him all the things
to which he is badly needed. Now we should
think what is the secret behind all these, and
why the nature is so liberally engaged with
our provision?
Because the nature wants us to ponder over
the cosmic paragons and lead a pious life for
the piety is the best craft of the nature, and
the desire of Allah is that his craft should
remain unblemished and impeccable. He
says in the Surah of Younus.
"For the benefactors there is best reward and
supererogatory, Neither black dust nor ignominy
mar their faces. They are the sole proprietors of
the paradise where they shall be living for good".
"And the perpetrators of misdeeds, single
misdeed will be requited with the like thereof, and
the ignominy marks them. They have no savior
from Allah as if their faces were painted with
dark spots of the night. They are the occupants of
the Hell where they shall be living for good".
The piety of a bondsman is to identify his
Lord, and those who are bereft of the
cognizance of their Lord, are badly
unfortunate. The cognizance of the Lord
depends upon cognizance of one self, and
the cognizance of one self is to discern the
Divine light, latent in all the animates.
you lend your ears to those
commandments, enjoined by me to-day and
abide by them. your Lord shall keep you
dominant over all the folks of the world, and
all the blessings will be heading towards
you. You shall remain auspicious in the town
and auspicious in the field too. You will
remain auspicious while making your entry
in the house and you will remain auspicious
while making your exit from the house too.
Your enemies shall be heinously vanquished
in front of you. They shall launch their attack
in one way and shall run away in seven
ways. Your fruits shall have bumper harvest,
and his Pure treasures will be kept under
your disposal. The Sky shall rain upon you
without any procrastination. You shall lend
to others and shall not borrow.
But, on the contrary, if you do not lend your
ears to the commandments of your Lord,
contravening them, you shall be hit by all
His curses. You shall remain cursed in the
town and cursed in the field too. You shall
remain cursed while making your entry and
exit from the house. You shall receive from
the Allah the curse, the confusion and the
wrath until you perish. The epidemic shall
remain concomitant to you. Tuberculosis,
Pyorrhea, allergy, inflammation, drought
and simian shall strike you from Allah. Your
sky shall be of copper and your earth shall
be of iron. The sky shall pour upon you the
dust and soil instead of rain. You shall
launch attack on your enemies in one way
and run away in seven ways. Allah shall hit
you with frenzy, blindness and scare and
you shall remain groping in broad day-light
as a night blind gropes in the darkness. Your
sons and daughters shall be captured by
others before your eyes and shall undergo all
strains, waiting for them. Your hands shall
be of no use, and the fruits of your drudgery
shall be consumed by some align
community" (Bible).
You can't bring forth any example for that a
tyrant remained not retaliated for his
despotism sooner or later. This fact also may
not be gainsaid that a wicked or fornicator is
always miles away from mental peace and
tranquillity. The Law of Retaliation or
Requital provides very imperatively for that
a man can't breath his last to bid adieu to this
picturesque world unless and until he pays
the penance against the sin, he has
perpetrated. This pretension is highly
impossible from any quarter that the
treachery and embezzlement have added
some new dimensions to his joy and delight.
Can any body get rid of the disease,
complication and confusion after having
consumed some putrid and rotten meal. Can
a man, preferring a heinous and shrewd life,
be expected to record, in his programs and
projects, a success that may be interpreted as
a true, grand and everlasting success? No
doubt, all these questionnaires provide with
only one verdict i.e. the good deed always
leads to a good consequence and the bad one
always causes the bad outcome. At this
crucial point, we have to admit reluctantly or
irreluctantly this maxim that the human
salvation lies in good deeds, and that the
misdeeds are always conducive to disaster.
This is the law of social and collective life. In
case, a society is collectively immersed in the
brook of ill-deeds, they have to face a
collective and total disaster. It is no more an
undecoded secret that Muslims, as a nation,
are leading a backward life to a shocking
extent. Yesterday they were dictating the
world but today every thing has gone topsyturvy for them as they are looking for their
livelihood at those who were living at their
financial mercy.
All the Holy scriptures and all the
Messengers of Allah have spoken out very
conspicuously to the Mankind that the
veracity, rectitude and admittance of the fact
are the pinnacle of the human life. When a
nation arrives at this pinnacle, their hearts
feel quiet and calm. The cardiac quietude is
such a condition, the availability of which is
responsible for the emanation of billions of
cells, dormant in the human body. It is very
fantastic to note that the creative faculties of
a nation become operational proportionate
to the emanation of their dormant cells. You
will be highly surprised to identify these
faculties. Yes, these faculties are not other
than the Divine Traits and attributes from
which you can decode this message that
Allah has granted the man a sovereign
authority over the earth and sky, and that
His low is beyond any iota of doubt, and that
the nations in whom the qualifications,
granted by Allah, (which also may be termed
as the human talents), emanate, they Govern
the every nook and corner of the world. On
the contrast, a nation, not employing these
talents, are physically and mentally yoked to
This era has been witnessing a nation pentup under the yokes of subjection, captivity
and dishonor. This is because the Divine
Law prevailed over them. This law very
categorically provides that those energetic
and enthusiastic nations, in whose veins the
blood of life keeps rushing tumultuously,
and who are fully engaged in exploiting
those resources, bestowed by Allah for their
interests, are the absolute Rulers. On the
contrast, a nation who is disintegrated,
disunited, paranoiac, brandishing a heinous
ingratitude towards the bounties of Allah, is
strife torn and bereft of every thing.
If so, Let us take the stock of ourselves and
analyze our own life so as to decide whether
we are counted among the rulers or have
been catalogued in ill-fated ones?
pensive peregrination in Quranic
teachings leads us to the luminous vestibules
of the fact that the life-sketch may not be
chalked out or designed in a correct way
unless we follow the tracks of our Prophet
(P.B.U.H), particularly a Muslim is unable to
manage his life on a positively correct line
unless he gets himself meticulously
acquainted with the meanings of Quranic
verses and fully committed to the ordains of
Allah and His Prophet (P.B.U.H) all over his
The Holy Quran describes two ways for
Muslim's submission to Allah and his
submission to His Prophet (P.B.U.H). The
submission to Allah some times has been
coupled with submission to His Prophet
(P.B.U.H), and some times only the mention
of submission to prophet (P.B.U.H) has been
The following verses show you that the
obedience of Allah and the obedience of His
Prophet are going side by side in obligation:
"Say: Obey Allah and the Prophet, and if they
turn back, then Allah does not love the
"O Believers! Obey Allah and obey the Prophet
and your executive authorities, and if you have
dispute around any issue, refer it to Allah and the
Prophet if you believe in Allah and the Last
"O Believers' Obey Allah and His Prophet and
don't turn away from him while you are
"And Obey Allah and His Prophet and don't fall
in mutual controversy lest you falter and your
prestige diminishes off".
"O Believers' Obey Allah and obey the Prophet
and don't undo your work".
"And obey Allah and His Prophet and Allah is
cognizant of what you do".
"And Obey Allah and Obey the Prophet, and if
you turn back, then our Prophet is responsible
only for the unequivocal communication".
These are the verses where the obedience of
Allah and the obedience of His Prophet are
interlinked and both are construed equally
obligatory. In other words, as the, obedience
of Allah, the creator of the universe, is
peremptorily incumbent, on the same line,
the obedience of His Prophet whom He sent
to all the Human Being, is equally
Now to you are those verses which
designated the obedience of the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) as the base and foundation of the
"One who obeys the Prophet, verily obeys Allah".
"We have not sent any messenger but to be
obeyed by the order of Allah".
"Say: if you love Allah, then follow me (so that)
Allah may love you and forgive for you your sins
and Allah is forgiver and benevolent".
"Those who go against his order, should beware
of being prone to some turmoil or the rigorous
"So nay, by your Lord, they will not be regarded
as believers until they concede to your arbitration
in their mutual skirmishes, then they will not feel
any pinch for your judgment and will fully
The salient points that emanate from the
above verses, are as follows:
The obedience of the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
is the main constituent of the belief and
its refusal is equal to disbelief.
The obedience of the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
invokes the Divine bliss.
On the eruption of any dispute or
division in opinion, the final reference
are Allah and His Prophet.
The requisite of the belief will not
redeemed unless the bondsman hankers
after the obedience of the Prophet
There is no demarcation line between
the obedience of Allah and the
obedience of the Prophet (P.B.U.H).
Allah has not sent any messenger to the
mankind but only for that they follow
The Love from Allah is gettable only
through the obedience of His Prophet
Those who are busy with the
contravention of Prophet's precepts,
they should fear the Divine wrath.
The belief remains incomplete until the
orders and precepts of Prophet
(P.B.U.H) are not ingenuously complied
Allah is undoubtedly the Lord of Universe.
He is their protector and provider of all their
requirements. Therefore when we deal with
commoners politely and support them to
come out of their ticklish problems, we are
fully entitled to the pleasure of Allah. The
Holy Quran has declared the Divine Rights
concomitant to the Human Rights and has
laid a good deal of emphasis thereon.
The Human Rights are to begin with the
relatives, foremost among them are the
parents. So their service and obedience are
one's prime duty. The Human Rights also
include to provide the progeny with fairgotten earnings and equip them with fine
education and training. Then comes the turn
of other relatives and neighbours, than all
human family.
The Human Rights incorporate the financial
and moral duties too. The demarcation lines
for these rights or duties have been drawn
very elucidatively in the Quran and they
have been designated a part and parcel of
Islam. Allah says:
"It is not righteousness that you turn your face
to the East and the West, but the righteous is one
who believe in Allah and the Last Day and the
angels and the writ and the Prophets, and (who)
spent his wealth, though he was lusting after it,
to the relatives, orphans, needy, aligns and
beggars and in emancipation of slaves".
If we are not in a position to extend financial
help to some one, there are so many
substitutes thereof. Allah has conferred on
us so multifarious capabilities that may be
exploited to some common interests.
A tip of sincere advice to some one is the
basic religious sentiment. If we are unable to
shower the flowers on someone, we should
refrain at least from sowing his track with
pointed thorns. To be a well-wisher does not
require the mere financial stability, but to
receive some one with courtesy, to take
initiative in saluting, to shun the slanderous
talks and hearings, to attach good
expectations to the creature of Allah, to do
the handy works of others, to cross the road
with some weak or sick person, to visit the
patients and to remove any lethal or teasing
objects from public path are counted in the
category of Human Rights.
to a tradition, narrated from
Prophet (P.B.U.H) the contemplation of Just
a moment regarding the Universe is better
than the service of one year (and according
to some other traditionalists: Sixty Years).
Therefore, those who went deep into the
elements of the Universe, or say: into the
creation of the humans of the Universe, they
were blessed with unprecedented success,
and those, on the contrary, who swerved
from the line of Profuse thinking, they were
categorized in dead and bygone nations.
The significance of contemplation regarding
the Genesis of Universe may be appreciated
through this fact that the Holy Quran invites
the attention of the mankind repeatedly
towards the said contemplation, and that all
the things, created by Allah the earth and
skies. are not for a mere exhibition, but even
a smallest particle of the universe is
indicative of a particular Divine interest or
The Holy Quran contains (726) such contexts
which exhort the intelligentsia of mankind to
study the universe. Our tragedy is that we
concentrated all our attention upon the
observation of the fast and offering the
prayers, payment of the religious tax
(Zakath) and performance of pilgrimage,
and the other sensitive matters, incorporated
in the Holy Quran, were left by us untackled,
and no proper importance was attached to
the saying of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) that the
contemplation of a moment regarding the
universe was better than the service of one
year, but quite unfortunately we are
adamant not to unleash the reins of
Allah, in the Surah of "the Cow", says:
"Of course, the creation of the skies and the earth
and alternation of night and day, and the ships
which sail over the sea to benefit the mankind,
and the water, which Allah poured down from the
sky and resuscitated thereby the earth after it was
dead, and dispersed all kinds of beast thereon, and
the mobilization of the winds and clouds,
hanging between the sky and earth, have many
tokens for those who are wise".
And in the Surah of "Family of IMRAN" He
"Of course, the creation of the skies and the earth
and alternation of night and day have many
tokens for men of wisdom, who mention Allah
while they are standing and sitting and leaning
on their beds and contemplate on the creation of
skies and earth (saying:) our Lord: you have not
created this in vain. Glory be to you: protect us
from the torment of the fire".
And in the Surah of Romans, He Says:
"And among His tokens is the creation of skies
and the earth and the diversity of your languages
and colours. Verily this bears portents for the
In the Surah of Yousuf, He says in a warning
"How many portents are in the skies and the
earth which they pass by while they are
indifferent to them".
And in the Surah of Saba, He directs an open
threat to these negligent:
"Have they not seen What is before them and
what is behind them of the sky and the earth. It is
to our direction to hurry them by landslide or to
pour down upon them some fragments from the
sky. This has undoubtedly a portent for every
obsequious bondsman".
This warning has come in a clearer form in
the Surah of "AARAF" (Heights) where
Allah says:
"Have they not seen in the dominion of the skies
and the earth and in every thing, created by Allah
and that their turn may have reared".
We beat, round the clock, a drum of this
pretension that we are Muslims, destined to
the heritage of the paradise, and that we are
the catchment areas of the torrential rains of
Divine blessing, and that our lockers are
thronged with the rewards, while the fact is
quite inverse because we, as a nation, are
bereft of everything. We claim vociferously
that we believe in Quran, and do not allow
our minds to think what is the criteria of
Belief in view of Quran?
Quran unequivocally directs us that there
are so many facts and portents in the earth
and skies for the believers. This means that
the hallmark of a believer is that he carries
on an in-depth study of the realities of the
earth and skies and the creational equations
therein and their meticulous observation
unmasks the system of Galaxies.
Quran repeatedly declares that these
portents do belong to those who believe. It
implies that these portents, though they are
common, but to consider their properties
and craftsmanship is the sheer share of the
believers only, and those common populace
who are wrapped up in the abyssal
ignorance and adamant obduracy. making
their life in animal fashion, not lending their
ears to any advise, they are quite unable to
capitalize on these portents so their existence
and non-existence are equal to
pugnacious and bellicose persons.
A person, blind by birth, may not enjoy the
beauty and picturesque greenery of a park.
Likewise, those who remain devoid of sight
and discernment, are unable to perceive the
natural panoramic views.
Therefore Quran declares in very explicit
"Say: "We are Muslims" and as far as "Belief" is
concerned, it has not made its way to your
The cohesive efforts to deracinate the evils
and to encourage the virtues, are responsible
for our existence, and any dereliction of duty
in this regards is clearly synonymous to our
total disaster. Allah says:
"You are the best nation, brought forth to the
mankind, you enjoin the decent deed and
dissuade to do indecencies and believe in Allah".
But at this juncture, we should take a strict
note of ourselves whether we, knowingly or
inadvertently, are following the same
precarious track, we are dissuading others to
walk on, and alarming them against the dire
consequences, in case that track is followed.
This double standard has been thrashed by
Allah where He says:
"Do you enjoin others to do good Job and forget
"Why you utter such a thing that is not
translated by you to the realm of practice"?
Our call-campaign to Allah shall not bear a
tremendous impact until we set ourselves a
paragon for the same cause and establish our
rapport with Allah on par with the rapport
of a slave with his master, such a rapport
may be established in compliance with the
following guide-lines, provided to our
Prophet (P.B.U.H).
"O the Raiment clad! offer the service in night
save a little part thereof. A half portion thereof or
abate a little portion thereof, or add thereto and
recite the Quran methodically. Soon we pass on
you a heavy order".
Here "the night service-offering" means that
the bondsman should be close to Allah and
be related to Him so dedicatedly that all his
actions are integratedly attached to Allah,
this being a cardinal factor for the
cognizance of Allah.
It goes without saying that when a
bondsman is exclusively related to Allah, he
is emancipated from the yokes of omniferous
fears and hazards, and showered by His
choicest blessings, and turns to be a
semblance of tranquillity and selfcontentment, and when he negotiates some
one or invites some one to a particular thing,
the conscientious persons and happy souls
responds to him buxomly.
the resurrection Day, Allah shall
announce: Where are those who befriend
each other for my sake. I shall accommodate
them under my shadow. The enviable
position, enjoyed by such people on
Resurrection Day, has been very Tersely
depicted by our Prophet (P.B.U.H) as he
Among the bondsmen of Allah are those
who are enviable to the Prophets and
martyrs. He was questioned: Who are they O
Prophet of Allah? He answered: They are
those people who befriend each other for the
sake of Allah, not for the sake of money or
hereditary pride. They remain unscared
when others are scared of, and they will not
be caught by grief when others are scared of,
and they will not be caught by grief when
others are grieved. Then prophet (P.B.U.H)
recited the following verse:
"Verily the friends of Allah shall not have any
fear and shall not grieve".
While going to select a friend, you should
keep in your mind the "Moral Geography"
of the person with whom you have to
establish the friendly relation because when
you are closely associated with someone, it is
quite natural that their tendencies and ideas
shall encroach upon your mind. Therefore,
you should be very particular in establishing
your friendly relation and it should be
restricted to those whose tastes, thoughts
and concepts and life hustles and bustles
strictly conform to the Prophet's "NICE
Allah glorifies the true friendship where He
"Verily the male believers and female believers
are mutually friends and co-operatives to each
Pin your trust in your friends. Don't
embarrass them and be among them
cheerful not sombrous. Lay the foundation
of your friendship on sincerity, love and
Divine pleasure, not on the exploitation of
your personal biased interests, and adopt
such germane manners that your friend may
feel proud of you and gleeful of your
Since the very beginning, the man has been
pretending that all his gains and
achievements are the direct results of his
own capabilities and his sturdy muscles. As
such, he is the sole proprietor of his wealth,
and he is the only authority to disburse it
according to his will and volition, and none
is allowed to poke his nose in his private
affairs. Quran very truly has projected
"QAROON" as a representative of such
despotic and devilish ideology of capitalism
and has quoted him as saying:
"What I have earned is due to my professional
The penetration of this ideology on collective
and individual levels is mainly caused by the
capitalist mentality. The man has been
lusting after the wealth and luxuries and has
remained obsessed with the idea of salting
away the money because he has designated
as his life's cardinal objective to raise the
exorbitant monetary balance by hook or
crook, so he runs unleashed after the
accretion of the wealth since the age of his
maturity till the throes of his demise.
Allah depicts this mammonism with the
following glib words:
"The accumulation race distracted you (from the
path of Allah ) till you visited the cemeteries".
The craze for wealth, in the individual limits,
sticks like a leach, to the ego and entity of the
man and remains licking out his human
traits and rusting the talents, conferred on
him by Allah, and the human interior begins
to nurture a Satanic chaos. As the time goes
ticking by, this chaos applies a firm grip over
that man who eventually pays out his overall
creative faculties for the procurement and
protection of his wealth. It may not be
gainsaid that when a mammonish epidemic
is rampant in the society, the honorable
members of the society turn CANNIBALS to
each other. These ferocious cannibals in
human skins seize every single opportunity
to hunt their opponents. They sucked out the
blood of down trodden through the
imposition of multifarious biased rules and
rituals while the Natural Law is starkly
against the capitalism and avarice, and it
kicks down such a society in the dire
precipices of the slavery, subjugation and
Quran strikes hard the premier pretension of
the capitalists that their earning is the direct
outcome of their professional dexterity.
Quran unequivocally refutes the idea that
the obtainment of the provisions is linked
with the muscle power, but on the contrary,
it is the nature and natural resources that
fetch you very systematically and regularly
all that you need. So we observe every now
and then that the water goes up from the sea
to the sky in the shape of vapors and pours
down on the earth and revivifies its dormant
capabilities to be resourceful and productive.
The earth, by its multifarious products,
nurtures the man and fetches him all his life
sustenance. Meanwhile the Solar Rays,
together with many other factors, play an
active part to cultivate the harvests and
render their service to the man in-gratis,
confining the job of the man, in connection of
the procurement of the provision and
resources, to the mere stretching of his hands
and nothing else.
man in this world has to rise to the
vicissitudes of the time, occasionally he is
beaten by agony, grief and distress, and than
he is greeted by gaiety and success. Some
times he concedes heavy losses of life and
property and some times gets enormous
profits. These ebbs and tides of the life
introduce frequently certain radical changes
in the emotions and thoughts of the man.
When he is hit by the strives, he is found
moribund due to quick succession of agony,
grief and preoccupation, and remains
overpowered by the pessimism and
inferiority complex. Lured by his emotional
upheavals, he passes hectic remarks on the
natural laws while he is starkly inconversant
with these laws.
On the contrary, when Allah opens on him
the broad vistas of weal and prosperity and
he gets his full share of the pleasure, he gives
full marks to his muscle power and crushes
all the barriers, ebrued of the wealth, he was
destined to.
As far as the view point of Believer is
concerned, it remains unchanged both in
weal and woe. He has the guts to rise to the
occasion so he is not demoralized, but
remains thankful to Allah because he is wellacquainted with the fact that the time of joy
is naturally, replaced by the counter time. So
he, during that acid test, does not swerve
from the path of strenuous work and
fighting spirit, but his life turns a symbol of
incessant diligence and drudgery and
augmented enthusiasm and zeal.
The same mentality was adopted by the
Messengers of Allah (A.S) that they reposed
their confidence into Allah and stood firm
and adamant in all the trial hours with a
deep sense of gratitude. Never a single word
of complaint crossed their lips. The Holy
Quran has presented Ayub (A.S) as an
excellent symbol of total attachment to Allah
and abiding belief in Him and invincibility
to the vicissitudes, and in contrast to him,
Suleman (A.S) was presented as the facet of
exorbitant wealth, gratitude for the
prosperity and attachment to the humility,
simplicity and Generosity.
These are the Holy Bondsmen of Allah who
are being hailed by the Quran in the
following glib method:
"We shall put you in the slight trial of fear,
hunger and loss of wealth, lives, and fruits. And
greet the stead fast who say when they are
stricken with some misery: verily we are for Allah
and verily we are to return to him alone. Those
have blessing form their Lord and mercy and
those are rightly guided".
"Whatever misfortune befalls in the earth or in
yourselves is contained in the Book before we
bring it forth. Verily it is easy for Allah lest you
grieve for the chance, eluded you".
The hallmark of the selected bondsmen of
Allah, as described in the Holy Quran, is that
they do not resort to their beds, and that
they pass their nights in divine devotion,
praying to Allah to hold them firmly on the
straight path and bestow upon them His
bliss, and to do the same, our Prophet
(P.B.U.H) was addressed by Allah in the
Holy Quran:
"O the raiment-clad! Offer the service in night
save a little part thereof a half portion thereof or
abate a little portion thereof. Or add thereto and
recite the Quran methodically. Soon we pass on
you a heavy order".
The benifitional outcome of this nightservice has been pointed out by Allah
"The night vigil is more impressive and more
suitable for recital".
In the light of these Divine directives, our
Prophet (P.B.U.H) was used to retire to the
bed in the early hours of the night and to
stipulate the late hours for service to Allah.
These are the best timings for sleep and
service. To wake till late night in the
common circumstances and to compensate it
by deep or scanty dozes during day hours
causes hypertension.
The Natural law has allotted very wisely the
first portion of the night for total relief and
retirement, and the late hours for prayer and
meditation, and day hours for livelihood and
other avocations. Allah says:
"We did your sleep a repose and did the night a
cover, and did the day a strife for livelihood".
You should observe a high equanimity in
sleep and wake. It means that you should
not lengthen your sleep to such a precarious
point where your body is badly hit by
lassitude and lethargy and the vital brain
functions come to stand still, and that you
should not sleep so sporadically that your
mental strain remains un-alleviated. It is
narrated by Abdullah Bin Amr that the
Prophet (P.B.U.H) asked him I have come to
know that in the day you observe fast and in
the night you remain offering prayers? Don't
do such as your body has some rights with
you, and your eyes have some rights with
you, and your wife has some rights with
Some narrations
"So you should observe fast and break fast too,
and you should offer prayer in night and sleep
Allah says:
"Have they not seen that we appointed the night
to provide with relief and the day with light. It
carries the indicatives to those who believe".
Before going to bed, the Prophet (P.B.U.H. )
used to perform ablution and before leaning
his back to the bed, he used to recite a
portion of the Holy Quran, and more often
he was chanting the following prayer:
"With your name, O Allah, I have kept my back
and with your name I shall take it up. O Allah if
you hold my soul please pardon it, and if you
release it please protect it with what you protect
the righteous bondsmen".
Some times he (P.B.U.H) was chanting the
"All praise be to Allah who fetched us the food
and drink, and took our burdens and provided us
with shelter while there are so many persons who
remain support less and shelter-less".
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to eschew a
very comfortable soft and posh bed. His bed
was of a leather, filled with the palm fibers.
Some narrations by Ummul Momineen
Hafsa indicate that his bed was a coarse
folded rug, floored beneath him. Some times
he was sleeping on the mat. He never used
any expensive and soft object for his
dormitory or for relief. It is narrated by
Abdullah Bin Masood that once Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) lay down on the mat which
turned his skin streaky. When he got up, I
began wiping out those streaks and told O
Prophet of Allah! please allow us to floor
some thing extra on this mat to shun these
streaks. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) replied very
calmly: I have nothing to do with this world:
I have nothing to do with this world: My
stand to this world is just like a rider, stayed
for some while under the shadow of a tree,
then left it to his destination.
In a narration by Omer (R.A), Prophet's
comment has come as follows:
"O Omer: Are you not pleased with that they
enjoy the world and we enjoy the life hereafter?".
Before sleeping, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was
keeping every necessary thing beneath his
pillow, and it was his order to take the stock
of every thing before going to bed, to all
kitchen utensils and to put off the fire if any.
While retiring to bed, the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
was bringing both his hands close together,
as they are positioned in the prayer, and was
reciting the last three Suras of the Holy
Quran and was blowing his hands with
these prayers and then passing his hands on
his body trice wherever they reached. To lie
down on the right side, keeping his hand
under the right cheek, was preferable to him
(P.B.U.H). He (P.B.U.H) also used to dust off
his bed before retiring to it. By the late hours
of night, he was getting up to engage himself
in the prayers. Some times he was getting up
prior to his scheduled time, and sometimes
he was remaining vigilant throughout the
is the duty of a Muslim to bedeck his
family with Islamic manners and to try his
level best to get them on the correct line so
that they may stand a paragon in the society.
The boys may obtain full marks for the
development of the country and community
and the girls may be happy wives and
fortunate mothers, creating in the house
such blissful melee that may secure welfare,
equality and bright future for mankind. The
Holy Quran says very emphatically:
"Enjoin upon your family members for worship
and be persistent therein".
And likewise it is the duty of the wives to be
totally submissive to their husbands, because
this submission is a harbinger for all the glee
and gratitude, because this is the
commandment of Allah and whichever wife
complies with His Commandment, He is
pleased with her. This is the essence of the
Divine directives and the intelligent formula
to keep the conjugal life pleasant and gay.
Allah says:
"So good wives are obedient".
So the husbands should not dictate their
wives illegally, and should cater to their
needs open-heartedly and not trouble them.
To undergo all the life travails for the
accomplishment of the wives' rights is an
extremely sacred job. To discharge this duty
in a better way not invokes only the conjugal
blessings, but also enables an ingenuous and
gregarious husband to secure the rich
dividends on the Final Day.
You can appreciate the importance of a wife
through this fact that she is a true
manifestation of the attribute of Allah as
"The best creator". Allah, unequivocally, has
guided us to go with them politely, where
He says:
"And behave With them kindly".
He also said:
"They are the raiment for you and you are the
raiment for them".
Do you expect from any conscious person to
tear his raiment in fragments. Nay: he is
quite rightly expected to protect it.
He has chosen you and has not implicated you,
with religious viewpoint, in any inconvenience.
It is the creed of your father Abraham. He had
designated you as Muslims before. And in this
regard, the Prophet must be witness for you and
you must be witnesses for the mankind".
As long as we are Muslims, we have to act as
the viceroys of Allah and His Prophet
(P.B.U.H) in the world, and as such we have
supposed to do what was done by the
Prophet (P.B.U.H). So as the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) campaigned, with all gusto and
brio, to propagate the Islam and elucidate
the way to Islam, likewise, we too should
take all the pains and strains to bring Islam
before the eyes and ears of all the humanity
so as to join us, shoulder to shoulder, to
serve the real cause of Allah Almighty. It
goes without saying that the cardinal
objective, living behind the Genesis, was that
the Humans and Demons may identify their
Lord via their self-identification.
Those who have achieved self-identification
and have stepped towards the identification
of their Lord, then rests on their shoulders
the responsibility of calling mankind to step
forward on the track which has been
dubbed, in Quranic parlance, the "Straight
path". the path of those upon whom Allah
has showered His blessings and has opened
in their face the flood-gates of erudition and
In order to popularize this call, you should
strictly adhere to some principles and
maxims, epitomized as follows:
Don't lose the sight of your real status and
avoid self manifestation and arrogance.
Beefup your efforts and don't giveup hope.
Render your genuine services to the creature
of Allah. Dedicate, but sacrifice, your life for
the goal.
As a matter of fact, Allah has so proudly
dubbed you "The Best Nation" only because
you accomplish these jobs.
Your affectionate approach to the puritans
and spiritualists shall lead you closer to selfidentification. But who are they? They are
those persons who love each other for the
sake of Allah, and the love is undoubtedly
salvation of the man in the life hereafter.
Fury, antipathy, split, feud and rancor are
the distinguishing marks of that fallacious
Mission which remains a target of Divine
wrath. In addition to it, this mission
advocates for arrogance, pugnacity, and
personal obduracy and egoism. These
qualities contain all the factors that keep a
person away from Allah, and thicken the
gloom of his life, and engulf him with all the
bitter travails to such an extent that the
afflicted person derogates himself from his
own eyes. Despite all the worldly luxuries,
his heart develops such malignant tumors,
the putridity of which puts an end to the
fluorescent lights, latent in his soul. Then
this malady becomes chronic, these lights
retreat back, and his heart and ear, according
to Quranic parlance, are sealed and his
eyesight is curtailed by a thick curtain. This
misfortune not only keeps him at bay from
all the peace and quietude in this world, but
makes him also bereft of the final salvation
and recognition of the truth. Our prophet
(P.B.U.H) says in a long tradition:
"On dooms day some bondsmen of Allah shall
emanate from their graves while their faces will
be shining. They will be seated on the platforms
of the pearls. Their status will be coveted for.
They will be neither prophets nor martyrs. One
rustic questioned: O Prophet of Allah who are
they? Please tell us their identity. The prophet
answered: They are the persons who love each
other in the way of Allah".
The tradition which describes that the
Prophet (P.B.U.H) visited his Lord one night
in the ever best shape, teaches us this prayer:
"O Allah I ask you to adopt virtues and shun the
indecencies and love the poorer, to pardon me and
commiserate me. When you want trial of your
bondsman. I ask you to call me to you unruffled. I
ask your Love and the Love of those who love you,
and the love of such work which makes me closer
to you".
Start your preaching campaign right from
your own house. In case, your life partner in
the house is well equipped, like you, with
religions and spiritual knowledge, you both
can bring your children on a best line. The
primary school of the child is the lap of the
parents. If you are both well furnished with
Islamic Morals, naturally your house shall
turn to be the first school imparting all
necessary education and training to your
The husband can't close his eyes from
fetching his family members all their
requirements and likewise the wife can't
gainsay this fact that it is her duty to keep
the conjugal relation as pleasant as possible,
and it is their bilateral duty to consort and
please each other by all their disposals and
attitudes. This is the high secret behind a
successful marital life and also an easy way
to please Allah Almighty.
Don't indulge in the abortion of your
children. All the prenatal or postnatal
abortive attempts are considered the worst
callousness, most drastic atrocity, the peak of
cowardice, and sheer disaster in both the
worlds. You are advised to blow a pregnant
in throe with Ayatul Kursi, 54th and 55th
verses of Araf Surah, and Al-Falaq Surah
and Al-Nass Surah, and when the delivery is
over, administer the call prayer in the right
ear of the infant and the second prayer call
in his left ear. Then request one pious man or
woman to masticate a date to be applied on
the fontanel of the infant, and to pray for
him welfare and betterment, and on the
seventh day, sacrifice the goats to mark the
week-end celebration.
Don't intimidate the boys because if their
minds harbour any fear or horror in the
early stages of the age, it shall continue to
stick to their psychology even when they get
matured, and such scared boy become
unable throughout their life tenure, to bring
any laurel to their crown.
To keep the children regularly under cystic
reproach and monotonous watch is a blatant
error, because such an attitude has negative
bearings on the overall development of the
children. Your strict behavior is regarded by
them as daily routine. You should not be
oblivious of the fact that the children
generally are embecile. In the place of a
severe reaction to their shortcomings, you
should recall your own period of childhood
and the lapses, perpetrated by you during
that period. Please tackle them tactfully with
high sobriety and tolerance in lieu of
indignation, and give them such an
impression that you are sympathetic
towards them, then pass your hand their
head complaisantly so that the stream of
submission and obedience may spring out
their hearts.
is such a prayer which has no
substitute. Its enormous benefits and endless
bearings may not be covered even in
thousands of folios. In brief, the fasting is the
panacea for all physical maladies and the
effective stimulator of spiritual values, and
the invincible castle against the evils. The
fast observant shall make their entry into the
paradise through a special Inlet, called
"Rayyan Gateway". The fast shall come on
Dooms Day as an Intercessor for those who
had welcomed it with all respects and
regards. Fasting actually refines the body
from all the impurities and expedites the
influx of gleamy lights in the man. This
influx accelerates his phrenology to such an
extent that the angels appear to his bare to
his eyes and he finds his soul hovering
around the unseen world.
Fasting is the prayer which has been
prescribed unexceptionably for the followers
of all the Messengers, as Allah says in the
Holy Quran:
"O Believers: Fasting is prescribed for you as it
was prescribed for those, prior to you, perchance
you fear (Allah)".
The pious persons have been defined by
Allah as those who have credence in unseen.
The credence in unseen, in spiritual
parlance, is that invisible may turn visible
complementary to the credence, and fasting
leads the bondsman to such a venue where
invisible becomes a credence and belief.
absolute authority over all the
materialistic and spiritual creatures is Allah
alone. We incessantly observe the Divine law
in the materialistic objects while in the
context of spiritual things we require some
remination and contemplation, beyond the
reach of senses.
Spiritually, when our feeling moves, under
the hegemony of the wisdom and
consciousness, the reality of this universe
becomes an open secret for the man.
The clairvoyance, or discernment. goes
functional first of all human senses. As such,
we first observe this universe, and the
observation, in its turn, invites the man to
ponder over, and thence the human thinking
takes a new turn.
All that is brought in by the creator of the
universe is matchless. If you go on thinking
in every cosmic object right from the grey
earth to the blue sky, you will be eventually
led to the fact that only one law is prevalent
in solo-entity of Allah, the one, the law being
interpreted as the Bondsman ship.
This vast land somewhere has souring
mountains with ice studded peaks, and
somewhere the greenaries with the trees,
laden with fruits and flowers, while some
parts are the around tropics where you shall
find nothing save the sandy turfs.
This whole world has never seen such a
painter or scenario writer who opted to
propound a quite virgin idea other than
these panoramic views of this universe. This
provides an ample evidence that the
charming views on the universal canvas do
not create even the slightest monotony to the
viewers. These views exude that fragrance of
bondsman ship which is latent in human
nature from the very existence of this world.
Allah covers all from the earth to the sky. In
Quranic parlance, his chair has encircled all
the skies and earth. This is why all the things
right from the humans to all the animates,
botanical plants and minerals are busy in
chanting His Hymn as it has been very
explicitly mentioned in the Suras of Anbia,
Saba and Sad :
"We have subjected for Dawood the mountains
and birds to chant His hymn and we were to do
"We conferred on Dawood our grace, (We
ordered) O "Mountains and birds: be chorister
with him".
"We subjected for him the mountains, chanting
His hymn at dusk and dawn, and the birds in
herds. They all glorify with him".
A deep study in these verses unmasks to us
the fact that all the animals, birds and
mountains chant His hymn through their
mute expressions, as if the existence and
setup of every thing witnessed that Allah
alone was the creator. and that what we
name as "glorification and Exaltation of
Allah Says in one more place of the Holy
Quran i.e. Surah Bani Israel:
"The seven skies, the earth, inclusive of their
occupants, do chant His hymn. and if there is any
thing, it chants His hymn, but you do not
comprehend their hymn".
In these verses, the two significant points
invite our attention. First that every thing in
the universe chant His hymn. Second that
the same is beyond the comprehension of the
humans and jinn.
Allah has described His glorification to
every thing, available in this universe,
inclusive of animals, plants and inorganic
bodies. The second paragraph is applicable
theme that the glorification. supra, is beyond
the comprehension of the humans and jinn.
Here are only the humans who are caught by
this perversity of the polytheism, otherwise,
everything in this universe is engaged with
His glorification. and ward off all sorts of
polytheism from Allah but it is a human pity
that they do not catch the above glorification.
The prayer is such a service which may not
be substituted by other. Indeed, the prayer is
such an action, going through which a man
denies his personality and divulges before
his Lord all that not likely be divulged even
before his closest relatives. There is no iota of
doubt that Allah has reserved for Himself
unrestricted powers for all the dispensations
and disposals. If we ponder over the system,
controlling all the happenings of this
universe, we can conclude finally that the
absolute authority is Allah. As far as the
partial authority, enjoyed or spoken of by
the man, is concerned, it is too a reflection of
the very authority of Allah in the term that
He is who conferred on tkle man the ability
to exploit that authority. Hence everyone is
needy to his creator and there is none who
can respond to the call of the bondsmen and
accept their prayers. Allah verily says:
"O mankind: You are needy to Allah and Allah is
needless and benign".
In Surah of "Aaraf" Allah says:
"Call Him with all religious purities".
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) says in what he
narrated from Allah almighty that He said:
"O my bondsmen! I have prohibited over me the
injustice so you too do not persecute each other:
O my bondsmen: all of you have gone astray save
those when I beckoned, so you should ask me for
the guidance and I shall guide you:
O my bondsmen: All of you are suffering from
starvation save those whom I fed, so you should
ask me for provision and I shall provide you:
O my bondsmen: All of you are nude save those
whom I clothed, so you should ask me for clothing
and I shall cloth you:
O my bondsmen: you continue to perpetrate the
sins round the clock, and I pardon all the sins, so
you should ask me for excuse and I shall excuse:"
Therefore, you should ask Allah all the best,
and cling to His feet with all the humility
and submission while stretching your hands
before Allah. The humility means that the
heart of the bondsmen is fraught with the
dignity of Allah and his head drooped, his
eyes brimming with the tears and all his
gestures remain indicative of helplessness
and contrition, Last but not the least, the
prayer should be chanted in a low and
sedate accent.
Divine view, the best and most sacred
part of the land is one on which a mosque is
constructed. On the most drastic day of
resurrection. when there will be no shaded,
Allah shall keep under the shadow of His
throne the person who would have built a
mosque. Keeping in your mind this
significance of the mosque, you should
maintain and serve the mosque and attach
your-self to it.
Allah almighty says:
"The Mosque of Allah are being populated by
those who believe in Allah and the Final Day".
Perform the obligatory prayers collectively
in the mosque, as the mosque is such an axis
around which rotates all the life of a believer.
Be seated in the mosque calm and quiet and
don't indulge in worldly chats. To talk in the
mosque sonorously, to make uproarious
scene, to go in loose-talks, to negotiate in
business concern, or in such topics that are
relevant to worldly impurities, are just akin
to the sacrilege and desecration of the
mosque. The mosque is such a sacred place
which should be strictly restricted to the
service of Allah.
As the man has some rights due to be
fulfilled by others, likewise the mosques too
have some rights to be accomplished by the
Muslims. The foremost rights are that one
should respect the mosque, prostrate there
before Allah, maintain the five times prayers,
mention Allah to content and pacify the
heart and recite the Holy Quran with high
respect and regard and in a explicit and
articulate accent.
It is obligatory on the part of ladies to care
for the edification of the mosques on par
with the decoration of their own mansions,
and do their best to keep up their mental
attachment with the mosque, and despatch
the considerate boys in the company of
elders to the mosque so that it may kindle in
the boys the propensity for the obedience of
Allah according to one order, given by our
prophet (P.B.U.H).
Translation of persian quatrain):
Return back: return back: whichever you are:
return back: You may be a disbliever or an
idolater, please return back. Our this Abode
is not an Abode of disappointment or
despondency: If you have violated your
repentance hundred times, please return
TAUBAH or Repentance literally means to
return, come back, reunite after separation,
and to incline towards Allah with a sense of
penitence, Allah who has conferred on us the
life and brought up us so benevolently, is
considered in the highest joy and ecstasy
when He finds His sinful bondsmen clinging
to His feet with all the possible expressions
of humility, contraption and regard.
It is narrated that once some military
captives were brought to the Prophet
(P.B.U.H). Among them was a woman who
had lost her infant. She was so shocked by
this unfortunate incident that whenever she
came across any child, she stuck him with
her breast to milk. When Prophet (P.B.U.H)
caught a glance of this woman and her
psychological upheaval, he asked his
companions: Do you expect that such a
woman may throw her baby by her own
hands in the precipices of the fire? The
companions commented: It is highly
impossible. But, on the contrary, if her baby
is thrown in the fire, she shall sacrifice her
life to rescue her baby.
Then the prophet told : "Allah is more
benevolent to His bondsmen than this mother to
her child".
Don't make inordinate delay in repentance if
you have happened to commit certain sins.
Cling to the feet of Allah and repeatedly seek
His pardon with all humility and total
surrender, because this repentance acts as
purifier to the soul and detergent to the
heart. To repent with the high standard of
sincerity, veracity and rectitude, maneuvers
the life-track of the pennant. It is an ordained
duty of a bondsman to redeem the primitive
pledge which he concluded with Allah.
There is no go for us but to fulfill. Please be
vigilant about your physical and spiritual
purity and self-rectification. In spite of all
your efforts, if you cause infringement to this
pledge and commit certain sins, please don't
lose your heart in Allah, the most merciful,
the most benevolent, but resort once again to
the asylum of His mercy and bliss as Allah is
not far away from you. He, indeed, is nearer
to you than the jugular vein. Where you are
one, you are seconded by Allah, and where
you are two, the third one is Allah. As such,
what you go to commit, it remains no secret
to Allah and Allah is fully aware of what you
abortively try to conceal. The terminus of all
your acts and deeds is to Allah. He is
omnipresent, omniscient and absolute
authority. Call your Lord obsequiously: O
Lord: In-deed, I am too weak and
undoubtedly I have tyrannized myself but, I
am sure, your mercy can absorb all my sins.
O my Lord O the more benevolent to His
commiserate to me and allow me to come
under the shelter of your pardon.
Don't link your penitence to the time of
perpetration of sin, as the man is
continuously in a need to penitence in view
of the lapses that show no sign of abating on
his part. Though our prophet (P.B.U.H) was
innocent since the very day of his birth, and
though he was the most beloved bondsman
of Allah, and though he was the intercessor
on the judgment Day, and though he was a
bliss for all the world, he used to repeat the
penitence for more than seventy or hundred
times daily. The following prayer of
penitence has been rated by our Prophet as
the finest one:
"O Allah: verily you are my Lord: There is no
God but you: You created me and therefore I am
your bondsman, and I am bound to redeem my
promise and pledge to the possible extent. I seek
your pardon from my misdeeds. I acknowledge,
all the bounties, you conferred on me and I also
acknowledge my sins. So please pardon my sins.
Verily you are the only who can pardon the
Allah prescribes a recipe to eschew the
"Those who are pious, when they face some
hazards from the Satan, they remember (Allah)
and turn perspicacious".
always optimistic about the mercy of
Allah and be confident that whatever may be
the enormity of your sins, the mercy of Allah
is more enormous. If there is a person whose
enormity of sins beats the meerschaum, and
he falls on the threshold of Divine Abode
with all his contrition, Allah responds
positively to the call of such a man also and
covers him with His endless mercy.
If any feeling of contrition emanates in you
in any stage of life, it should be regarded by
you as Divine Inspiration. At this juncture
you can ascertain that the door of penitence
is yet open in front of you.
Allah says:
"Say: O my bondsmen who have committed
excess to themselves: don't be desperate of Divine
mercy. Verily Allah forgives all the sins. He is
the forgiving, the benevolent. Turn to Him
repentently and surrender to Him before the
arrival of the Torment to you. Then you can not
be rescued".
Having indulged in penitence, you should
brace up to consolidate the same, and should
concentrate, day and night, all your mental
attentions on the redemption of the pledge,
you have entered with Allah. Despite all
your sincere efforts, if you swerve from the
line and undergo some mishaps, please do
not allow any chance to disappointment, but
seek asylum in Divine mercy till you
reoccupy that place where a man turns to be
human. In this context, please don't forget
that your disappointment from the mercy of
Allah is akin to not having belief in Him.
Allah has very categorically said:
"Don't give up hope of the mercy of Allah".
Those who tend to hoard with a bid to earn
bumper profits, and those who tend to
adulterate causing solicitude for the
mankind they eventually incur the loss of
peace and tranquillity, and become a
pathetic semblance of inquietude and
perplexity. Ostensibly they may appear
overjoyed, but their hearts bleed with tears.
They are chased by all sorts of fear and scare.
They do not repose their confidence
anywhere so they lose sympathy from any
quarter. As the prices of consumers' goods
go down, they pine away with this grim
concern, and with the price hike, they regain
their merriment and rejoice. As such, please
don't lose the sight of that Bargain which
shall rescue you from the clutches of the
drastic torments and which yield to you an
eternal success and ever lasting life, not an
ephemeral wealth.
"O Believers: can I indicate you such a business
that shall rescue you from the drastic torment?
You believe in Allah and His prophet and fight in
the way of Allah with your assets and your lives.
This is best for you if you have knowledge".
"Evil be for the defrauders who when they are
measured, they take upto the mark. But when
they measure or weigh for the people, they incur
to them loss. Do they not think that they are to be
resurrected for a arastic Day, the Day when all
the people shall stand before the Lord of the
says regarding both the male and
female believers:
The love and affection compounded with cooperation, solidarity and sincerity, are the
hallmarks of Muslim Society. The believers
love each other for the sake of Allah because
every believer is a member of the selected
band of Allah. The member of this Divine
Band are complacent to each other, sharing
the grief and Joy with each other. In this
consideration, they are likened to a body,
when a particular organ suffers from any
ailment or malady, it summons all the body
to pyorrhea and insomnia.
Allah has truly depicted the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) and his followers (R.A.):
"Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and
those, with him, are stiff to the disbelievers and
benevolent among them".
Among the traits that qualify a believer is
that he likes for his brother what he likes for
himself. So establish with your Muslim
brothers very cordial rapport as if you all
were SOLITAIRE. As such, you should
extend to them your association and cooperation in their weal and woe. This
compact fraternal tie has been interpreted in
the Holy Quran as follows:
"The believers are but brothers".
Holy Quran is a tremendous
benefaction, conferred on the mankind by
Allah through His Prophet (P.B.U.H). This
book is beyond any doubt and it comes as
mooring for all those who are propense to
the guidance. This Holy writ incorporates
every thing right from the socio-economic
principles to the recipes of Universesubjection. It has every single detail.
Allah guides us to our obligation towards
Quran where He says:
"This is a glorious Book, revealed to you so that
they may ponder over its verses and so that the
clairvoyants may reflect".
So it is our duty not to recite Quran
incomprehensibly only to invoke the
blessing or keep it in the house as a show
piece. But our duty is to consider its texts
elaborately. As far as the comprehension of
its verses is concerned, the responsibility
thereof is assumed by Allah Himself as He
"We have made Quran easy to remember, so is
there any one who can remember?"
This verse highlights what should be our
stand to Quran:
This stand never-the-less is to get
accustomed to think in the Holy Quran so
that our hearts be guided and enlighted and
we be qualified to obtain the master-code for
the subjection of skies and earth.
Have they not gone deep in the dominion of the
skies and earth and in any thing, created by
Allah, and that likely their term drew nigh".
There are so many suns, millions time bigger
than ours, set afloat in the endless blue
space. Our sun, if compared to countless
solar systems, be rated as only a miniature.
Not with standing all those, the man has
been appointed to dictate all the universes.
Therefore Allah says:
"We have preferred the humans to many of our
All the inhabitants of this picturesque world
constitute a fraternal tie. All the planets or
the kinds, occupying these planets or their
individuals, they are moving under solo
blood circulation, and their creation is
subject to a single Formula. Thus the oceans,
mountains, suns and stars all are the bothers
of Human. Allah says:
"He is Who created you from a solitary souls".
A man, even with the least balance of
consciousness, may not allege that this
universe has come into the shape quite
accidentally, and there is no such accidental
thing existing in this universe. Do you count
it possible that the river may change its
natural flow and begin to flow upward
instead of flowing downward? or have you
noticed any waterfall gushing upwards, not
It is our daily routine to use fruits and wheat
flour. Please mobilize those cells of your
mind which are responsible to form the
sense, and think about the fact that every
seed is a invincible house of its family. This
house has all the details of its family, the
over all drawings of the house, all its
dimensions and all the leaves, fruits and
branches. That small seed turns to a
towering tree with the assistance of earth, air
and heat which come as its nutrients. As
every seed maintains all the minor and
major details of the prospective tree, even
the particulars of its past and future
pedigrees, likewise all the past, present and
future programs of the Universe, are
recorded with Allah. In this context, the
Holy Quran reads:
"Not an atom's weight in the skies or in the
earth, or less than that or more, may elude Him,
but they are in the clear record".
When we cast our glance around us, we any
how concede that there is some power which
keeps everything alive and active, and that
every thing is shadowed by an aura that
keeps the body nicely balanced. This a aura
is somewhere green, somewhere red and
somewhere other than green and red. Over
this aura there is one more aura which
remains colorless. Though this unseen
power is not caught by our eyes, but that
power is peremptorily existing. Allah says
counting His profound traits:
"Allah there is no God save Him, the Alive, the
Eternal He is caught neither slumber nor sleep.
To Him is the reins of whatsoever is in the skies
and whatsoever is in the earth, who can intercede
with Him without His permission. He is aware of
whatsoever is in front of them and whatsoever is
behind them. And they do not encompass any
thing of His, knowledge, but of what He willed.
His throne extends over the skies and earth and
He never get tired of their preservation. He is the
sublime, the great".
"Have not those who disbelieve known that the
heavens and the earth were compact, so we split
them. And we made every living thing from
water? So do not they believe? And we placed in
the earth firm hills lest it quake with them, and
we placed therein ravines as paths, perchance
they may find their way. And we made the sky a
safe roof while they swerve from its portents.
And He is who created the night and the day, and
the sun and the moon. They all float in an orbit".
And He is who sends down water from the sky
and through which we brought forth the plant of
every thing, then we brought forth the green
blade from which we bring forth the piled up
grain, and from the palm tree, from the pollen
thereof spring pendant bunches, and the
vineyards, the olive and the pomegranates,
resembling each other and not resembling. Look
upon the fruit thereupon when they yield fruits
and upon its ripening. Of course, this bears
portents for those people who believe."
"And Allah is who sends the winds and they raise
some clouds, then we drive them towards a dry
land and through which we resuscitate the earth
after it is dead".
Who is not cognizant of the fact that the life
of every thing in this universe is stringed
with the food. The humans cater to their
need with meat, lentils, salt, wheat and other
food-stuffs. Some animals live on grass and
the beast on the flesh. The birds pickup the
grains while the insects lick the soil.
Nitrogen, lime, potash and hydrogen serve
the nutritional needs of the plants while the
earth is nurtured with fallen leaves, bones,
droppings, blood and hairs. In order to
infuse energy and power in this globe,
stretching over 25000 miles in length and
breadth, the nature has established a very
meticulous and sagacious system through
solar rays. This is why when active solar rays
fall on the oceanic turf, the vapours go up
and up on the aeroshoalders. Then all the
earth turns to be a water pond and the
creational frames rise to their culmination.
Allah says:
"And of His portents is (that) He shows you the
lightning in pessimism and optimism, and sends
down water from the sky and thereby He
resuscitates the earth after its death. Of course, it
bears the portents for those people who
Allah also says:
"Did you not see that Allah sent down water
from the sky and drove it as water-spring in the
earth. Then He shall bring forth multi-color
He says in another place of Holy Quran :
" You notice the earth lifeless, but as soon as we
send down water thereupon, it thrills and thrives
and grows every Colorful kind of crops".
According to the notion of spiritual
scientists, the trees too exchange their views
and talk, consume their foodstuffs respire,
grow and beget like human. Moreover, they
are indulged in life struggle and fight with
each others with stupendous military
outworks as the mankind involved in.
The earth is a rich herbarium. Some herbs
have their seeds twenty times smaller than
the poppy seeds. The nature has assembled
within them two conjuncted leaves, a root
which penetrates in the earth, and a knot
which turns to be a brand root. This knot,
before the process of turning to a root,
reserves there its food for some days. So
intellectuals! muse and think and go deep in
this Universe and appreciate that when a
miniature seed is brought with so huge life
restoring stuffs, then what not would be
latent in the man, the divine viceroy?
Allah has created all reptiles with water. Some
of them walk on their belly. some walk on two
legs while some others walk on four. Allah creates
what he wills. Verily Allah is omnipotent".
On this earth, Allah has created multifarious
animals. If we try our level best to count
down them, to our utter consternation, we
will find that these animals have millions of
kinds, and if we try to count its individuals,
they may sour to billions. Each kind is
specialized with some color and mood, and
the shape and mood of the billions of
individuals of one kind are different from
those of another kind.
The same case can be applicable to the plants
and minerals. Some insects have so microscopic size that if we want to seize a glance
of them by picking up them with the tips of
the finger, they are totally disjointed and
reduced to some invisible particles. Even
though, their body comprises the kidney,
bones, lung, gastro-enteric system. brain.
eyes, wings, legs, and what not !
The day-night routines of different animals
are different pursuant to their circumstances.
Some of them enjoy day-sleep and night
vigilance and some others are habituated
vice-versa. There are some animals who
continue for several months to live in their
hideouts within the roofs of the houses in
extreme summers and winters, despite the
fact that they ostensibly are not provided
with air, nutrients and light.
The nature has assigned to the air the
nutritional charge of the trees. This is why
they in no solitary case require to walk over.
Please make your mind what an
IMBROGLIO or confusion can prevail on the
earth if the trees start to walk hither and
thither like the animals ,or start to fly in the
space like the birds? can the universal
System, as such. remain unaffected:
The pearls float on the surface of water.
swinging in the oyster-canoes. This oysterthe scientists are quoted to have said - has
many a mouth, each mouth consisting of
four lips.
Some birds have only the sense of touch.
Some have some more senses while some
have five senses barring the sight. As far as
the animals with five senses are concerned,
every one of us is well-conversant with. The
dexterous craftsmanship of the nature can be
seen through the fact that every creature,
either with three senses or less or more, is
completely devoid of any physical deficiency
or constitutional deformity.
Apart from all these, there are certain
animals who roll on the earth instead of
walking. There are some insects which only
can creep while some others walk on their
bellies or gallop. Some birds fly over with
two wings and some others with four.
Likewise, some animals have two legs and,
some others four or six or more upto
thousand. Therefore Allah diverts our
attention towards some extraordinary
creatures where He says:
"Do they not look upon the camels, how they are
created and upon the sky, how it is raised? and
upon the hills, how they were pitched in? and
upon the earth how it is paved up. So remind
them as you are but a remembrance".
Several mineral water streams gush out from
the mountains to irrigate the farms. The
mountainous summits nurture the colossal
trees of pine and cedar. It is the mountain
which is fully pregnant with coal, chalk,
limestone, copper. gold. iron and other
minerals. These mountains lay over billion
years of time in the depth of the sea, and
when they grew young, they appeared on
the surface of this earth with all the mineral
wealth, latent in their bosom. Therefore,
Allah, the absolute sovereign, and the true
originator says:
"And we made every living thing from the
Man is the most charismatic portent of the
nature. The experts have unmasked this fact
that billions of cells are operational in the
creation of the man, to begin with, it is a
single cell, than it is multiplied in two, four,
eight and so forth to constitute the human
body. Some cells play a vital role in the
formation of nose, some in the formation of
ear, some in the formation of eyes and some
others in the formation of other organs.
What a wonder that these cells in no single
case formed the ears in the place of nose, or
eyes in the fixture of the ear. Why it is so
unfallingly because the ever vigil eye of
Allah supervises every single process, and
because this supervision is eternal, not
provisional or Sporadic.
"What that is in the skies and earth is but for
Allah says:
"He is who sent down water from the sky where
from you have your drink and where from are
those trees wherein you drive your cattles to
pasture. Thereby He grows for you the crops the
olive, the palm trees, the grapes and all sorts of
fruits. Of course, it bears portents for these
people who muse."
The sky becomes clear after down pour and
the clouds are driven by the winds, neither
the rain continues to come down nor the sky
remains cloudless. These two conditions
occur alternately. If the rain continues to
come down, all the food-stuffs like
vegetables and grains, which are considered
the essential commodities, shall be reduced
to ashes, and the traffic shall be blocked and
the life activities shall be hampered. On the
discontinues, and the sky remains cloudless,
the water of streams and lakes shell be
polluted and be evaporated, and the air shall
be laden with toxic elements, and the
epidemic shall be rampant in every nook
and corner of this globe. All the pastures
shall burn and all the greenaries shall dry
up. So the bees will not be in a position to
suck the honey from the flowers and their
production of honey, which is a panacea to
mankind, shall come to an end. Therefore
Allah says:
"But He supplies in certain quantity according to
His discretion. Indeed He is Well-conversant
with and cognizant of His bondsmen".
The life of every animal being is pendent on
the air. If it comes to an standstill, even for
some fraction of second, all the animals shall
face death. This very air plays a very vital
role in driving the water-borne clouds from
the Sky to the earth. The air, in the initial
phase, evaporates the water, in co-ordination
with the solar heat. Then the air drives the
evaporated water to the sky and breaks it to
form the clouds. Then the air roams with
those clouds hither and thither in the sky.
Then these clouds come down heavily on the
earth in the shape of down pour.
Imam Ghazali says :
"The Easterlies move the clouds upward,
and the Northers assemble the wandering
pieces of the clouds, and the southerns make
them leaky while the westerlies rain the
earth in the shape of drops".
Allah says :
"We dispatched the winds as stimulators, so we
sent down water from the sky and fetched you to
drink and you are not supposed to store it".
It is the air which drives the clouds to
different places, so the farmers capitalize on
them by growing the crops on the earth. If
there would not be the air, the clouds could
have stayed laden with water, in one place,
and the earth could have been deprived of
their water. The credit goes to the air for the
movement of the ships. The air flows them
from one country to another and provides
the mankind with their life-needs.
Thus the people of one place are benefitted
with the products of the another place. If
there would be no air, the benefit of the
national products could have been restricted
to the Local populace only.
The air causes purity and cleanliness, and
drives the filth and squalidity. The air also
takes the dust and sand to the gardens to be
a source of energy and power for the trees.
When the air flows over the oceanic surface.
the water, with the collaboration of the air,
sidelines on the shore so many things. All
these are due to sagacious administration of
Allah which controls the system of the
Allah is greatest!
It is quite strange that every bit of this
universe taken up charismatic jobs while the
man, the noblest creature, goes driftless for
his life and livelihood.
O man:
Think: in how many ways you are going to
gainsay the Divine bounties and benediction.
Our prophet (P.B.U.H.) says:
"There are three destroyers
(a) a covet which is blindly pursued.
(b) Niggardliness, complied with
(c) the conceit of the man,- being the
most dangerous
self-impeachment is such a function which
purifies the man from all the putrid and
vicious agents and blows in the nation the
spirit of vivacity and activity. The good
friend is one who admits the criticism of the
friends and tries his level best to rectify
himself. But one should not lose the Sight of
the fact that the friend be not shown the
moral stains in such a way that may hurt his
sentiment. The tactful device to remove the
stains is the best friendship. Likewise, when
you try to correct your friend, you too
should be generous enough to give him a
chance to point out your defects and when
they accomplish this unpleasant task please
welcome their criticism gracefully and
broadmindedly, and with an open heart and
a sense of gratitude, pay thanks to his
sincerity and kindness. Our prophet
(P.B.U.H.) has likened this ideal friendship
to a mirror:
"One of you is the mirror of his brother. So when
he finds with him any defect, he should remove
As per the spiritual Law, every person is a
mirror, and the function of mirror is that
when a man stands opposite it, the mirror
absorbs all his stains and spots in itself and
exposes them to him. When he gets away,
the mirror ignore all these stains and spots.
Like this broadmindedness of the mirror,
you should too expose your friend's defect
and shortcomings only when he presents
himself before you for criticism and gives
you an ample chance of impeachment. While
giving advices, you should entertain
leniency and courtesy. If you feel that your
friend is not prosense to withstand your
overdose reproach, please defer your
campaign to another sitting. You should
avoid, in his absence, to utter such words
that may leak out any of his flaws, because
such a thing is back-biting which engenders
hatred. Point out only those defects which
are exposed to you during the whole life
period of the friend and don't trace out the
perdu flaws, because to dig out the hidden
defects is the most heinous and disastrous
Once Prophet (P.B.U.H.) climbed the
platform and warned the audience in a
sonorous accent:
"Don't pursue the secrets of Muslims. One who
lusts after the secrets of his Muslim brothers,
Allah exposes his own secrets and when Allah
turns to disclose someone's secrets, he becomes
ignominious though he may be sitting
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said :
"One Muslim to another Muslim is like the
building, strengthened by each other".
Then he (P.B.U.H) Symbolized the mutual
love and fraternity of Muslims by intertwinning the fingers of both hands.
He (P.B.U.H.) also said:
"The believers in their mutual love, sympathy
and benevolence may be likened to the one body,
as when a part of that body suffers, all the body
responds to it with insomnia and pyrexia. "
So you should adopt a positive attitude
through complying with the instructions of
the Prophet, the semblance of truth, the
moral preceptor, and you should meet your
friends cheerfully and sincerely, and
welcome them with smiling face and open
heart. You should not go with them
indifferent and heedless with a frowning
face, because the careless attitude towards
friends, and to have with them a dry chat
and refraction of ostensibly invisible
hypocrisy on the face, are such maladies
which give birth to the hatred and antipathy
in the hearts.
When you get together with your friends,
nears and dears and others, talk to them
cheerfully, collectedly and humbly. The
words of dejection ,monotony and disgust
should not be allowed to cross your lips.
Adopt such a phraseology which may
gladden your dejected and displeased
friends. Who receives a man with a
sombrous face, it causes then poignancy
instead of gaiety. Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
"Who are insignificant. simple and candid. Allah
shall keep him aloof from the fire." One tradition
reads this addition. "and shall keep the fire aloof
from him."
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) when turned to some
one, turned totally, and when someone
talked to him, he listened to him with
utmost care.
the poorer and needy gently and
cordially. In case, you have nothing to
favour, apologize in good grace so that he
may depart you chanting the prayer for you
though you have given him nothing. Those
fully deserve the success and godspeed who
keep their hearts free of niggardliness. A
believer who has the real spirit to give some
thing in the way of Allah, how he can
tolerate that his earning be mixed with self
and ill-gotten elements.
Donate in the way of Allah to serve both the
individual and collective causes because this
philanthropic attitude stabilizes the country
and people.
Remain grateful to Allah for that he gave
you the upper hand while you have no
priority to be singled out from the bands
hand of poorer and needy. It is mere
benediction of Allah, otherwise you have no
disparity with the poorer one.
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
"There are seven persons who shall get under the
Divine shadow the day when there will be no
shadow save the shadow of Allah. One of them is
the man who spent in the way of Allah so
clandestinely that even his left hand could not
know what his right hand disposed off."
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:
"who refrained from posh clothing obsequiously
while he was capable to do so, Allah shall put on
him the garment of the honor".
This clearly indicates that simplicity in the
dresses is a sign of Islamic religion.
There are so many bondsmen of Allah who
remain uncared for, and they are not the
cynosure of the eyes due to their simple
outer appearance, but they are rated so high
by Allah that if they take an oath, Allah shall
keep that oath.
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also said:
" Any believer who puts on some believer a cloth,
while he was nude, Allah shall put on him the
brocades of the paradise ".
Your servants and retinues are your
brothers, so feed them what you consume,
and put on them what you put on yourself
and don't assign to them what is beyond
their power and capacity.
Once the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: No vanity
shall enter the paradise. One person told:
every person likes to have neat clothes and
shoes. The Prophet clarified: This is not the
vanity, because Allah is beautiful and likes
beauty. But the vanity is to falsify the truth
and to undervalue the people.
the last date of Shaaban. the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) addressed the people and told:
" A great and auspicious month is just knocking
the door. This month has a night which is better
than thousand nights ".
Allah enjoined the people to observe the fast
in this month and revealed the Holy Quran
therein as He revealed therein the other
Holy writs. Ibrahim (A.S.) was given the
books on first or third of Ramadhan while
Zabour (books of Psalms) was revealed to
Dawood (A.S.) on l2th or 18th Ramadhan .
On 16th of it, Moosa (A.S.) was given the
Bible and on l2th or 13th, Esa (A.S.) got the
Evangile. To sum up, Ramadhan the month
during which Quran was revealed, is a
month, fraught with all benedictions,
benevolances and mercies. This month
consciousness. The soul sours high in the sky
and gets nigh of the supernal altitudes only
because the man has kept away from food
and drink for the sake of Allah. Moreover,
this is the month during which, Gabriel was
Prophet(P.B.U.H.) and the prophet (P.B.U.H)
was reciting it on Gabriel.
You too should read the Holy Quran
explicitly and comprehensively because the
recital stablizes the attachment of the
bondsman to Allah, and lend a generous
hand to the poorer, widows, orphans and
penniless. The Prophet (P.B.U.H), the
generosity, was turning in the month of
Ramadhan more generous.
So join us to pledge that we too shall help
the poorer very liberally so as to follow the
foot marks of our Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
Once our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) sat to a grave
and told: The grave talks daily and say: O
man: have you forgotten me: I am the hot
bed of insects: I am the place of torture and
catastrophe. I am tormentor of all the
humans save those fortunates for whom I
am broadened. Then our Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
concluded saying: The Grave is either a
garden of paradise or a ditch of the hell
Once Hazrat Ali (K.W.) visited the
graveyard, accompanied with Kumail. When
he reached it, he cast a glance at the graves
and addressed the buried and told: O
occupants of the graves: O residents of the
deserted place: O dwellers of solitude and
estrangement: Tell us about you: As far as
our case is concerned, our properties and
assets have been distributed, and our
children reduced orphans, and over wives
remarried. This is our predicament. What is
your situation? He kept silence for a while,
then looked at Kumail and told: O Kumail: If
these grave-dwellers be allowed to utter,
they could say that the best provision is the
piety. Then Hazrat Ali burst into tears for a
long while and told: O Kumail: The grave is
a container of the works and this is wellobvious to those who are about to die.
It is a common sight now-a-days that people
smoke even in the graveyards. They go for
entertainment while interment as they are in
merriment, and discuss worldly topics
ignoring the fact that the Grave is the
entrance to the world hereafter. Please
concentrate on the life thereafter when you
see this Entrance.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was extremely fond
of the Holy Quran. Not only he loved to
recite the Holy Quran, but also he was
feeling happy if others recite it before him
(P.B.U.H.). Every year in the month of
Ramadhan Gabriel used to present the Holy
Quran on Him (P.B.U.H.). He was reciting
the Holy Quran with full devotion even in a
standing posture. When he was reading,
every word and every verse came explicit
and unequivocal. He (P.B.U.H.) said:
" Dizen the Quran with your voices".
communicated by our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to
the reciters of the Holy Quran: i.e. :
"When the reciter or the memorizer of the Quran
shall make his entry into the paradise, he will be
requested: read and elevate yourself in the
paradise and continue to read as you was reading
explicitly and melodiously in the world because
your destination is that ladder where you end
your recital".
Read Quran partially but regularly and
contemplate on its meanings and latent
secrets. Don't go fast in reciting a major
portion of Quran without thinking in the
meanings, as the huge treasures of
domination science and subjection formulae
are latent in the Quran. They will be
revealed to us as much we go deep as
Abdullah Bin Abbas ( R.A. ) says :
" It is better in my view to read the small Suras
like Al-Qaria and Al-Qadr with rumination than
to go fast and driftless with the long Suras like
Al-Baqra and Ale Imran".
The following verse, once was recited by our
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) whole the night:
"O my Lord: If you torture them, they are your
bondsmen, and if you forgive them you are the
dominant, the clairvoyant".
The prophet (P.B.U.H.) said :
" A good companion may be likened to a
perfumer. If he may not benefit you: may fill you
with his fragrant smell. And a bad companion is
likened to an iron-smith. If he may not burn you,
may fill you with his smoky smell".
While choosing friends, please keep in your
mind the view-points of the person to whom
you are going to extend your hands for
friendship, and whether his ideology is
healthy and Constructive or otherwise, and
what he has so far preferred to Allah and His
Prophet? The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
"The man follows the pattern of his friend so you
should be very particular about whom you
Your rapport and co-operation with friends
in particular, and your love of others in
general, should be based upon the pleasure
of Allah with no string to benefit or interest.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
"Those who love each other for my sake, I shall
keep them under my shadow the day when there
will be no shadow save my shadow."
Give a prime importance to the affairs of
Allah and His Prophet in the avocations of
you and your friends. Our Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) told:
" Allah said: my love shall come true for those
who love each other for my sake, and my love
shall come true for those who visit each other for
my sake, and my love shall come true for those
who abhor each other for my sake, and my love
shall come true for those who show a good
behaviour to each other for my sake. "
uphill tasks, to be undertaken by the
believer, and the high responsibilities to be
shouldered by him, being the viceroy of
Allah on the earth, require the energy in the
body. The determination in the intention, the
height in the courage and a life brimming
with composure, prowess, ambition and
high emotions. The healthy and elegant
people, not others, constitute a vivacious
nation, and it is but such nation which create
a ground for it after great sacrifices. When
this world becomes the cynosure of a man,
he falls a prey to grief and fury, anguish and
concern, rancor and malice, ill intention and
short sightedness, dynamism and mental
upheavals. These moral maladies and mental
perplexities have a worst impact on the
digestive system. It goes without saying that
a disturbed digestive system is construed a
bitter foe for the health. A bad health makes
a man stupid and scared.
Once our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) addressed his
followers with the following:
" A time is high when all the nations shall assault
you from every hook and corner as the
gormanders assault the dining table. We asked: is
this due to our scarcity at that times He told: you
will be at that time multitudes, but you will be
like the scams of the riverbed. Your fear will be
snatched out from the hearts of your foes and you
will turn demoralized. One follower asked: O
Prophet of Allah what would be the cause for
demoralization? He replied: Lust after the life and
aversion to the death."
Allah becomes happier with the repentance
of the bondsmen than with any thing else.
Taubah (Repentance) literally means to
return and retrace the step. The bondsman
when is entangled in the precipices of
ideological and emotional perversities and is
departed from Allah far away as if he was
lost from Allah. When he returns back to
Allah with a drooping head and damp eyes,
as if Allah had a happy reunion with His lost
Our prophet (P.B.U.H.) Said :
"Allah stretches His hand in the night so that a
day sinner may made his comeback and
repentance, and stretches His hand in the day so
that the night sinner may make his comeback and
repentance. This offer from Allah shall continue
till the sun rises from the west direction."
To stretch hand here denotes that Allah calls
His bondsmen to Him with a bid to cover
their sins with his limitless bliss.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also said:
"Every man is sinner and the best sinners are the
repentants. "
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) stressed the
recitation of the following prayer regularly
in order to strengthen the pledge, we have
made with Allah:
"O Allah you are my Lord: There is no god but
you: You created me and I am your bondsman
and I am firm on your pledge and promise to my
level best. I seek refuge in you from the evil of
what I committed, and I acknowledge your
bounty to me and I acknowledge my sin, so
pardon my sin because none can forgive the sins
but you."
Allah 'the almighty' says :
"Tell (them): travel in the world and see how He
(Allah) has initiated the creation".
"Have they not thought in the dominion of the
skies and earth and the things, created by Allah,
and that their turn may have neared".
"And likewise the mountains have the white and
red streaks of different types ,and some of them
are extremely black, and on the same pattern, the
mankind, cattles and livestocks are of various
colors. Among the bondsmen of Allah only the
scholars fear Him. Verily Allah is dominant,
These judicious verses give an impression
that Allah invites His bondsmen to think in
his book and creation of the universe. It is
the utmost desire of the creator that His
bondsmen should establish the habit of
contemplation and rumination so that they
could reveal the meaning, latent in the
following verse:
"And He (Allah) taught Adam all the science,
then brought them to the Angels and told : tell
me their names if you are truthful."
So those who think about the verses or
portents of Allah and contemplate on the
universe, the cosmic realities appear before
them. Therefore the nations, who play their
part, having traced out the cosmic realities,
they secure all the honor and dignity. On the
contrary, the nations, with dying heart,
hypocrisy and sycophancy, permeate the
channels of their thought and conception,
and ultimately they are hit by subjection and
Allah says :
"He it is who created for you all that available on
the earth".
Allah also said:
"All the audio-visuals and heart will be
questioned about."
In this era of charismatic advancement, it is
common sight that only those nations are
sublime and reverend who exploit their
audio-visual and conceptional powers.
Indeed all their scientific developments are
stringed with the utilization of the bounties
of consciousness and wisdom by some
Allah says :
"We have sent down the iron, which contains
immense power and benefits for the mankind."
Is there any scientific development, isolated
from the Iron? Are we not instilled a lesson
automobiles, heavy machinery, large and
small factories, and the devastating arsenals?
Quran is ours: Allah is Ours: the verse is
contained in that book which is ours: All that
is 0.K. but only because we are bereft of
conception, and rumination while others are
fully involved therein, we are unsatisfied
and they are satisfied. We are sticking to the
contempt and humiliation and they are
culminated to the honor and dignity. We are
the mendicants and they are our doners. We
pretend that the paradise is made for us and
the hell for other than us. We are in dilemma
to justify this acute mentality. How it is
possible that the paradise-occupants live at
the mercy of the hell-dwellers, and that the
formers put on them the worn-out garments
of the latters, and owe to them for every
In fact, due to non-availability of the cosmic
contemplation, we are rendered such a
nation which is deprived of all the worldly
and supernal positions. The importance of
contemplation and rumination may be
appreciated from this statistical fact that the
verses in the Quran, relevant to ablution,
prayer, fasting, religious tax, pilgrimage,
divorce, credit and social affairs, are
restricted to 150 while the verses, inviting to
think and contemplate, have gone to 756.
Some verses are as follows:
"Of course: the creation of the skies and the earth
and alteration of night and day have many tokens
for men of wisdom".
"Of course, the creation of the skies and the earth
and alteration of night and day, and the ship
which sail over the sea to benefit the mankind,
and the water, which Allah poured down from the
sky and resuscitated thereby the earth after it was
dead, and dispersed all kinds of beast thereon, and
the mobilization of the winds, and clouds,
hanging between the sky and earth, have my
tokens for those who are wise".
of courtesy in the business
provides guarantee for its promotion. So as a
businessman you have to assume several
1. To purvey the goods of better and better
quality, and not to dispose to others the
poor quality, with which you too are not
To earn the confidence of your
customers with your conduct so that
they may regard you as their wellwisher and have a good impression
about you, and repose their full
confidence in you that they will never be
cheated by your shop or enterprise.
To offer the exact and perfect suggestion
to a customer who consults you though
at the cost of your loss.
To be highly punctual in opening the
shop and to occupy the chair quite
patiently. The early quest for provision,
after performing the necessary prayers
and duties, invokes all the divine
To fully involve yourself and your
employees in your business and give
them their rights openheartedly. as they
are your organs in the promotion of
your business, and deal with them quite
6. Not to apply undue pressure over the
borrowers while he is in financial strait,
because our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has said:
"One who alleviate any agony from any
Muslim, Allah shall alleviate from him his
agonies on the Dooms Day".
To be very particular in weighing and
measuring i.e. to adopt the utmost
honesty while you weigh to others or
from others. Allah says :
"Evil will be for the defrauders who when
they are measured they take upto the mark.
But when they measure or weigh for them
they incur to them loss. Do they not think
that they are to be resurrected for a drastic
Day, the Day When all the people shall
stand before the Lord of the Universes."
It is narrated by Anas Bin Malik (R.A.) " that
an Ansari follower came to Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) asking him for some thing. He
(P.B.U.H) questioned: Have you left any
thing in your house The follower replied,
Yes: a rough cloth, some of which is to be
put on, and some of which is to be floored
with, and a bowl in which we drink water.
The prophet (P.B.U.H.) ordered him to bring
them forth. He complied with. The Prophet
auctioned both the objects in two dirhams
and ordered him to go to his house with
some edibles, purchased by one Dirham and
to return to him with an axe, purchased by
another one. He did and Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
fixed with the axe a wooden butt and told :
Go and cut woods : I am not to see your face
for (15) days. He began to cut the woods and
make of business of them and thus he got
(10) Dirhams. He returned to the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) with this income so He told:
purchase food with some amount and
clothes with some amount. This is better for
you than to be resurrected while the begging
is etched in your face.
Once our Prophet was asked: Which earning
is best? He (P.B.U.H.) told: The Work of the
man with his own hand and each valid
In compliance with this Tradition, we should
conduct our business, standing firmly on our
religious grounds, and Promote our business
with truth and certitude, and not indulge in
false oath to dispose off our goods or to
impress the customers. Our Prophet
(P.B.U.H. ) told:
" There are three persons to whom Allah will
neither talk nor look at, nor purify, and they will
be prey to drastic torment. Among three the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) counted the person who
commercialize his goods with false oath."
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also said:
"A true and devout businessman will be among
Messengers, the veracious persons and the
Our prophet, the Messenger of Allah; said:
" Any significant work, not initiated with the
name of Allah. Shall remain incomplete".
Like your other business, when you go to
write a letter to your friends, relative or to
some commercial establishment, you should
write 'In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the
benevolent'. It is a common observation that
people take it sufficient to write 786 in place
of Bismillah. You should avoid such
abbreviation, because every letter of the
divine beginning code is full of benediction
and Judiciousness.
In every letter, write your full address. Don't
be lethargic in address writing, purchance
your addressee might have forgotten your
address, or the address was written in his
diary and the diary would have been
missing while it is necessary for him to reply
as you have written certain inquisitive
things. To write the address shall rest you
from unnecessary writing. Write your
address in clear and legible writing. Note
down also the date in the left margin or
down your address. After writing date, write
the necessary forms of address of your
addressee. These forms of address should be
indicative of sincerity and close relation, not
of artificiality and sycophancy. For
communication of your thoughts, Use a
polished, easy and TERSE language. During
the currency of your writing, the caliber of
your addressee should not be sidelined, and
cheep and ludicrous Comments should be
shunned. Don't embark on writing while you
are disgruntled. Don't read the letters of
others without permission as this habit is a
grave and high treason by any moral view
Try your level best not to leave any of your
sittings or congregations bereft of the
remembrance of Allah. In such get-togethers,
when you feel that the audience are getting
monotonous of the religious discourse,
maneuver the track of your talk tactfully to a
subject, dealing with the fine Memoirs of our
Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
A frowning and peevish face in the sitting is
a blatant sign of vanity. Don't sit there with
cumbrous and gloomy profiles, but with a
cheerful and jovial face.
When we want a person to join our front,
we should go closer to him and negotiate
him, keeping in our minds his tendencies
and mental faculties, and to win his
sympathy by extending our co-operation to
him in his personal grievances, provided he
likes such a gesture from you because
service and cardiac attachment are such a
function that lays down the foundation of
friendship inadvertently. Propagate your
religion but tactfully and judiciously. Don't
attack directly on the tenets to which he is
adherent. Your initial move should be
around winning his sympathy and
confidence. To achieve this goal, you should
lend him a helping hand. When he reposes
his trust in you, please start advising him in
a Luscious and attractive style. If he counterattacks you with some questions, satisfy him
with your answers to your best. While
talking to your addressee, don't ignore his
mental capacity and as gush, don't waste
your propagational talents through hasty,
idiotic and irritative attitude. Converse with
every individual, every group and every
class within their thinking range and
according to their ability and mental
propagational campaign should he laid
down on to those points which are the
conflict of your viewpoints and viewpoints
understanding and amenity. If you criticize,
it should be constructive and indicative of
your sincerity and love. Keep your image
unmaligned with the sentiments of obduracy
and obstinacy, hatred and bigotism. If you
feel such sentiments emanating in your
mind, lock your mouth and bid adieu to that
Allah says:
" Call to the way of your Lord with sapience and
fair exhortation and argue with them in the
batter way".
It is narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A.) that the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) advised him emphatically
"O Anas: When you enter your house, greet your
family. It shall invoke the benediction for you and
for your family. "
Asma D/o Yazeed says : I was sitting with
some ladies and when the prophet (P.B.U.H)
passed by us, he greeted us.
Hazrat Umme Hani says : I came to Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) and greeted him. He questioned
about me and when I introduced myself, he
welcomed me.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) told:
" May I indicate you such a thing. whereby your
mutual love and affection shall increase.
Disseminate the greeting among you."
He (P.B.U.H.) also ordered
" Disseminate the Salaam (greeting) and you will
be secured by Allah. "
A Muslim's right to his brother is to greet
him whenever he meets him. The Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) was greeting so more-often that
when his followers disappeared if any tree
came in between them, He (P.B.U.H.) used to
greet them as soon as they made their
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
"The best of you (both) who greets first".
He ( P.B.U.H) also said:
"It is not decent for a Muslim to disconnect his
brother for more than three days. When they
meet, one turns his face in this direction and the
other turns his face in that direction. while the
best of them (both) who greets first".
Greet vocally and loudly so that it may be
audible to the greeted person. If you signal
either your hand or head while greeting, if
situation so warranted it is not unfair. This is
on the presumption that the greeted person
is so far from you that you think your voice
out of his hearing range, or the greeted
person is deaf and he can't hear your voice.
Then you can signal with greeting.
is an intrinsic requirement and
natural necessity. Islam does not advocate
for putting an end on the charm of the
national character by artificial prestige,
superficial graveness, dynamism and
depression. on the contrary, Islam urges
Muslims to keep their prestige high with
prowess, fortitude composure and new
vivacity to boost their morale.
When an individual of the nation attains
distinction in any branch of knowledge and
learning, or when a friend or relative
repatriates, or when a friend visits your
House, or when you have a marriage or birth
ceremony, or some relative has regained his
health, or when you receive a harbinger of
Muslim victory, or when you celebrate some
festival, you should fully enjoy such
occasions. Islam not only allows to celebrate
the happy occasions but it also considers it
as pro religious.
Ayesha Siddiqah narrates that it was the
festival Day and some girls were singing in
her house. Meanwhile Hazrat Abu Bakr
arrived and disgruntled to hear the song and
strongly objected to it. The Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) pacified him saying: O Abu Bakr:
every nation has a festival day and it is ours.
Once some Negroes were playing some
acrobatics on a festival day. Our Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) not only observed these
acrobatics, but also activated Hazrat Ayesha
to observe the same. He (P.B.U.H.) also
hailed the acrobats for their excellent
To exhilarate oneself and others is a moral
duty of a Muslim, and he is supposed to take
the utmost care for the Islamic and spiritual
taste and other's dignity even in the festive
raptures. When he is gladdened, he renders
profound gratitude to that man who
gladdened him. Even when he is overexcited
by some happy happening, he does not
adopt an attitude, contravening the
teachings of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and
strictly adheres to the war of equanimity. He
is not so outburst due to piety that may
indicate his pride and vanity and may
supress his submissive and obsequious
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) says :
"I am likened, in term of my concern to the
people, to a man who kindled the fire, and when
his surrounding turned bright, the butterflies
and insects began to fall therein. So I am holding
you by your waists (lest you fall in the fire) while
you insist to fall".
He (P.B.U.H.) was in Makkah and the
misguided people of Makkah were spinning
so many yarns against him. Some were of
the idea to punish him (P.B.U.H.) outside the
town and some were propounding to
assassinate him. In this heated situation,
Makkah was hit by such a severe drought
that the people had no go save masticating
the leaves and peals. The people were as if
they were rolling on a firy turf when they
found their children yelling due to hunger.
As the Prophet was dubbed as "The Mercy of
the Universes" he became extremely anxious
to see this natural calamity, befallen the
common populace. His devout followers too
were highly perplexed to see the concern of
the Prophet over this overwhelming
predicament. He (P.B.U.H.) sent his message
of sympathy to his acrimonious adversaries
who hurt him not long ago. He (P.B.U.H.)
was kind enough to donate five hundred
Dinars to Abu Sufwan with a request to
distribute the amount among the panic
stricken people.
So, in conformity with the fine deeds of the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.), you should serve the
nation Selflessly, and not demand the
bondsman of Allah for any requital. What
you do should be only to please Allah.
"Allah is Alive, is eternal. He is overtaken neither
by doze nor by sleep".
"Nothing is clandestine to Allah".
"Allah does not undo the works of His devout
When we go deep in thinking. it becomes
lucid for us, with no ambiguity, that Allah is
always in the service of His creatures. To
provide the creatures with what they need,
right from their birth till their death, is a
service to be construed as a concomitant trait
of Allah, the Creator of the Universes. Allah
provides all His bondsmen regardless of all
the considerations like obedience or
disobedience. Moreover, Allah gives them
the proper health to capitalize on the
provisions, and gives them the meticulous
wisdom to utilize the treasures, spread over
this global surface. He also Protects us from
all the catastrophes and pardons very
liberally all our sins and lapses.
Our Prophet, the friend of Allah, the Lord
of the Universes (P.B.U.H.), Was a symbol of
continuous effort, incessant travail, pure
dedication, and work, doubled with surety.
When he turned to prayers, he concentrated
all his attention thereon. and When he
resolved to do a job, he did not leave a sign
of relief until the job is accomplished. When
he talked to some one, he turned to him
completely, and he did not discontinue the
talk until his addressee Was to do so.
The prayer was a consolation for his eyes
and a soothing for his heart. He was not one
of the votary mystics. He was very prompt
to fulfill the rights of the people. He did not
bid adieu to this world though he got the
pinnacle of spiritual delights, but he
managed very tactfully to accomplish all the
worldly jobs in addition to his high
performance in prayers.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)
was patronizing his family members and
other poorer on one hand, and was tackling,
on other hand, all the significant affairs of
the Ummah, and discharging all the political
and official duties. He was sending his
representatives to the emperors, inviting
them to embrace Islam. In short, the superb
services, rendered by our Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
in any sphere of the life, have added golden
episodes to the annals of the world History.
Three followers visited the house of
Prophet(P.B.U.H.) and inquired with his
wives (their sacred Mothers) about his
prayer. When they were informed of his
habits in prayer, one of them pledged to pass
the whole night in God's service. The other
follower undertook to perpetuate the fasting
with no interruption of breakfast, and the
third vowed to remain a celibate.
At this juncture, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
arrived and inquired about their pledges. He
admonished them saying: Listen from me. I
have more respect for Allah than you, and
even though, Observe fast and break it too. I
go for prayers and sleep too. T marry the
women too. One who swerved from my
track, he shall be no more in my band.
This is the track of equanimity and
moderation, we have been enjoined to our
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to remain on. He always
showed a great concern about this, lest the
people deviate from the way of moderation.
As He (P.B.U.H.) was peerless in the
performance of life works and in the
unprecedented prowess and bravery,
likewise he was second to none in prayer
and obedience of Allah, as Allah Says :
"O the raiment clad: offer the service in night or
abate a little portion thereof. Or add thereto and
recite the Quran Methodically. Soon we pass on
you a heavy order. Verily the night vigil is more
impressive and more suitable for recital".
It is narrated by Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas
(R.A.) that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
"The best fasting to Allah was the fasting of
dawood (A.S.), the best prayer to Allah was the
prayer of Dawood (A.S.) : He was sleeping till
the half night and was offering prayers in one
third part then sleeping in one sixth part of the
night. Likewise, he was observing fast one day
and breaking it another day."
The formulae, chalked out by the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) regarding
application of
moderation in every thing, were absorbed by
his followers and complied with. They
identified the core object of their Guide
(P.B.U.H.) and always stuck to them.
Once Hazrat Salman Farsi (R.A.) visited the
residence of Hazrat Abu Darda (R.A.). These
were those two followers who were
fraternized by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) in
Madina. Salman noticed the sign of dejection
on the face of Umme Darda. When he
inquired about the cause, he was appraised
that Abu Darda had nothing to do with this
world. Meantime, Abu Darda also came and
arranged the food for his brother and asked
him to eat alone, with the apology that he
was fasting. When Salman declared not to
eat without him, Abu Darda Participated
him breaking the fast. When night crawled
and Abu Darda wanted twice to stand for
prayer, he was ordered twice by Salman to
sleep. When the last hour of the night
arrived, Salman told him to get up for
prayer, and told him: You have some right
for yourself: You have some right for your
Lord: You have some right for your guest:
and you have some right for your family. So
you should fulfill the right of every person.
Then both came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
and told him all the story. The Prophet
responded: "Salman uttered truth".
The life of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was a sad
mixture of the vicissitudes of time. He
became orphan before he was begotten. He
was hardly matured and the death snatched
his mother. This was followed by the death
of his grand father after a short while when
he entered the prime phase of life, entered
poverty but he did not lose his heart. He
remained making breakthrough headway till
a day came when all the worldly wealth
rolled to his feet. He passed through all the
tough phases of the life. When he got
matured through ups and downs of life, and
touched the threshold of forty years, he was
conferred the prophet hood by Allah But this
opened the flood-gate of all the animosity
and hostile attitude, and this was so
aggravated that his life was baffled for one
more decade. His fault was nothing save his
desire to save the creature of Allah from
turning the fuel of the fire in retaliation to
their idolatry and polytheism, for this act of
benefaction, he was rewarded with such
ticklish problems which compelled him to
make exodus after endless tortures,
solicitudes, and the hostility of the relatives
that continued for a decade.
The patience and prowess of the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) was appreciated by Allah.
Therefore, the time turned in his favor and
the Islamic Doctrine crossed the Arab
boundaries to the ramparts of the castles of
Persian and Roman emperors. Though He
(P.B.U.H.) was conferred the highest award
in the shape of prophet hood, but still He
(P.B.U.H.) continued to lead a simple life as
he was doing in his childhood. He always
did his work with his own hands and did
not magnify his personality. He was
engaged in his house with all the homeduties as others were doing in their own
houses. With his own hands, he was milking
his sheep, darning his clothes, and sewing
his shoes. When it was decided that a
mosque should be constructed in Madina, he
personally participated in all the related
works and even he did not hesitate to shift
the bricks and stones to the construction sits
equaling him with the labors. He was so
simple in his dress that all his dress was a
shirt, a sheet, an IZAR, and all these were
cotton woven.
Here the point to be kept in mind is that this
simple pattern of life was not due to poverty,
celibacy and detachment from the world. But
it was a trendsetter for the Ummah. To
secure the peace one should lead a simple
life notwithstanding all that he has
It is narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A)
that the people suggested Him (P.B.U.H.) to
pray against the polytheists. He (P.B.U.H.)
refused their suggestion and told: I have not
been sent to vent the wrath, but as the mercy
for the world, Among the hallmarks of his
character was that the followers in Madina
more often were visiting him (P.B.U.H.)
early in the morning with a bowl of water
and he (P.B.U.H.) was immersing his hand in
that water regardless of the freezing
temperature. He never liked to belie their
hopes. When a house-maid wanted some
thing, she took his hand and led him
wherever she wanted. He never hesitated to
give her a helping hand.
He was married to Hazrat Khadijah while he
was in a flourishing youth and she was older
than him by 15 years. His company to her for
a quarter century was a real paragon for
ideal family life. Throughout this period, not
a single incident occurred to scratch the
heart. While slaughtering the sacrifice-goats,
he managed to send the shares, first of all, to
the friends and relatives of Hazrat Khadijah.
after the sad demise of her, He (P.B.U.H.)
always remembered her so affectionately
that Ayesha, the most beloved wife of
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) got jealous of her.
He was very kind and benevolent to the
children. In those days, the girls were rated
very low, but going against the wind, our
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was carrying Umamah
D/o Zainab while offering prayer. When He
was bending in Ruku, he was keeping her
aside. and when he was standing, he was
carrying her again.
It is narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A.) that Abu
Talha had a child, Abu Omair by name. The
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was playing with him.
Abu Omair had a nightingale which
disappeared one day, causing to him a lot of
grief and dejection. When he (Prophet)
found him so. he asked him cheerfully to
pacify him: O Abu Omair: where did the
nightingale go?
Umme Khalid D/o Khalid Bin Sayeed
narrates that she accompanied her father to
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and that she had put on a
yellow shirt. When he cast his glance on the
shirt, he commented: very nice: very nice:
Then she turned behind him and began
playing with the seal on His back. When his
father dissuaded her, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
told: Let her play.
When he returned to Makkah, the two
children of Abdul Muttalib darted to him for
his reception and he very lovingly carried
one of them in front and the other behind.
All these testify that all the sayings, deeds
and attachments of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
Was authentic certitude of the verse, which
reads as follows:
"And we have not sent you save as mercy for all
the Universes".
When a guest arrives, first of all you should
take the stock of his well-being after the
exchange of greeting, as Quran depicts this
procedure in the following words:
"Have you heard the story of the revered guests of
Ibrahim. When they care to him and greeted him,
He also greeted him in return and told: You are
strange persons. Then he darted to his wife and
brought a healthy calf".
The people from noble stratum feel very
happy to host some one. They do not
consider the guest a trouble maker, but an
invoker of boons and bounties. The arrival of
a guest adds to your house the pride and
It is the ordained duty of a host to honor his
guest. If your guest is derogated by
someone, you should take it as a challenge
for your self-respect and honor.
When the villagers assaulted the guests of
Ibrahim (A.S.) with mall-intention, he stood
in their Way like a rock and told very
"They are my guests : Don't affront me and fear
Allah: Don't humiliate me ".
When Imam Shafiee (R.A.) lodged as guest
in the house of Imam Malik (R.A.), He
received him with full sincerity and warmth,
and managed for him a bed room to sleep.
His sleep was interrupted at the dawn by
knock of the door, followed by a gentle
voice: May Allah shower His mercy upon
you: it is the prayer time.
Imam Shafiee got up in a trice. When he
opened the door, he found before him Imam
Malik with a bowl of water. Imam Shafiee
felt shy. Imam Malik told him in a very
luscious tone: Brother: Don't bother: To serve
a guest is a very happy duty of one and all:
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was of a high
concern to his guests and was keeping
himself personally in their service, and when
He was shared by a guest on the table, He
repeatedly encouraged him to take some
more. When the guest became satisfied and
apologized to take more, he did not insist.
Serve to your guests the best dishes and
outnumbering the guests, because it may
save you from wind-movements if some
more guests join your table. The additional
crockery shall infuse in the hearts of the
new-entrants a pleasant feeling of honor and
respect. To sacrifice for the guest is counted
among commendable traits.
Once a person came to the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) and complained a severe hunger.
He sent to one of his wives to fetch some
thing, but the answer was nothing but
nothing, then he sent to another wife and the
answer was same. He turned to his followers
and inquired them if there was someone to
host the hungry guest. An Ansari Follower
accepted the offer and led the person to his
house. When his wife informed him that the
food was sufficient only for the children, he
advised her to lull them to sleep, and to
extinguish the lamp under some pretext,
having served the food to the guest, and to
accompany him so that he may think that we
are sharing the food with him. When that
Ansari Follower came to the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) in the morning and told him
overnight story He commented Allah has
appreciated a lot your good behavior with
your guest.
Man is a pinnace to man. Man is a friend of
man. To promote the friendship it is
necessary for you to evince keen interest in
the affairs of your friends and to support
them financially. If not then morally by
allocating some time for them to solve their
problems. Among the obligations of
friendship is to receive your friend warmly
when you come across him. To maintain the
cordial relations to the last ditch is a
commendable gesture. It is quite natural that
friends may dispute with each other as the
housewares, if piled up, they may collide
with each other and create noise. This noise
may be low or high. It also should be kept in
mind that they may be broken following the
collision. In such circumstances, it is
advisable to adopt a moderate and lenient
way. The one kind of the relations is that
every man is a friend and brother of the
other, and the other kind of the relation, is
that the co-religious and compatriots are
mutually friends and like-minded.
To accomplish the specific requirements,
regard every man as your brother. Don't
indulge in such work which may be
injurious to the interest of the human being.
Always think on those lines that may give
rise to the welfare and betterment of the
human race.
The easiest way to it, is that you should
share the concerns of your friends and
relatives and should deviate from them the
pressure of the situation under which they
are feeling very badly. Likewise you should
participate in their happy
occasions with
no attachment of return and requital. Every
friend expects from his dears that they
support him in the Vicissitudes of the time
and not leave him alone in the hour of trial.
Our Prophet, the benefactor to the humanity
(P.B.U.H.) likened the Muslims in their
collaboration and co-operation to a building,
which is interpacked. As an attempt to
explain this collaboration, He (P.B.U.H.)
intertwined his fingers of both the hands.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also said: The
believers in their mutual love, sympathy and
mercy, are likened to the body, an organ of
which suffers, the whole body responds with
insomnia and pyrexia.
The courtesy, cheerfulness, sincerity and
gentle gesture, indifference, fortify the
cordial link. On the contrary carelessness
and sombrous face are such maladies that
extinguish the heart of your friend.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
"It is also an alms-giving to smile to your
When a man steps to any sphere of life, he
is naturally pushed by the idea of having
any good example to enjoy the carrier, he
has adopted, and to live on the correct line.
He is also desirous of solving his day to day
problems through the experiences of his
predecessors and making his life better and
Allah is our greatest care-taker, friend and
sympathizer. First he chalked out the codes
to idealize our lives, than He heralded these
codes to us through His messengers. These
codes do not imply on personal benefit, to
be achieved by Allah. But on the contrary, all
the codes of laws are framed with a bid to
benefit us. When one lack 24 thousand
messengers did their job and appraised the
mankind about what goes in their interest
and what against their interest, Allah gave a
last touch to this Legal package and sealed
the same lest it be distorted. Our friend is
Allah, the Lord of the Universes, and the
friend of Allah is our Prophet, the Mercy of
the world. So when the Mercy of the world,
the friend of the Lord of the world, came to
this world, he kept before his eyes all the
rules, framed by his co-messengers and
scrutinized all the distorted versions, as
ventured by their followers, and chalked out
a comprehensive life code, conducive to all
human beings for its rich and ferocious
provisions, and applied the same code to
every inch of his life-path setting himself a
paramount example for the mankind.
The friend of Allah, the Lord of the
universes is the Mercy of the world: Hazrat
Mohammed (P.B.U.H. ) S/o Abdullah. The
life of our Prophet is an expression of all the
affairs and phases, through which the
mankind has to pass till the Day of
Resurrection. So his life on the whole is his
biography. The hallmark of this biography is
that it guides the man simultaneously in all
walks of the life, and that it has never been a
monopoly for a particular nation, or
particular country or particular era. His life
and biography are the asset for all the
universes, created by the Lord of the
universes, and it is within the reach of any
person in this world to improve his life in
the light of our Prophet's Luminous
memoirs. There is no aspect of etiquette,
sociology, courtesy, justice and redemption
of the promise, unseen in his life.
The most conspicuous feature of a
businessman or a trader is that he should
hanker after good dealing and be bound to
accomplish his promises, and be a man of
composure. If these three qualities are not
found in a businessman, be may not emerge
as a leading businessman.
It is narrated by a follower that he entered in
a deal with the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) in preIslamic period. This deal was not finalized
and he was compelled to return. He
promised Him (P.B.U.H.) to return back after
a short time.
He forgot his promise and after a long time
recollected it. When he returned , he, to his
utter astonishment, found Him (P.B.U.H.)
waiting for him. He (P.B.U.H.) only
commented undisgruntled: You troubled me
a lot: I have been waiting for you since a
long time.
When Makkah was conquered by Muslims,
they cordoned Taif for about (20) days. All
their efforts to conquer Taif proved futile
and they were compelled to lift the cordon.
Sakhr was a community chief. He intervened
in this matter and managed the Taif dwellers
to sign a treaty. He intimated the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) about this new situation. When
Taif came under the Islamic umbrella,
Hazrat Mugheerah Bin Shoba (R.A.), who
was a native of Taif, came to the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) and told him: I seek your justice!
My paternal aunt has been detained by
Sakhr. She should be returned to me. The
prophet (P.B.U.H.) ordered Sakhr to return
her to Mugheerah (R.A.). Likewise some
persons of Bani Saleem came to Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) and complained that Sakhr has
captured their land and streams. He
(P.B.U.H.) ordered Sakhr to return their
properties to them and told: When a man
comes under the Umbrella of Islam, he
preferably deserves his land and property.
If you cast a deep perspicacious glance on
the friendship and relations, you shall
conclude finally that the foundation of
friendship and love is cemented by sincerity
and mutual sympathy and co-operation.
Please see what was our Prophet's behavior
to his followers as a companion and friend?
In one outing, the followers (R.A.) wanted to
prepare the food and every person took the
charge of one department. Our Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) offered to cut down the wood
from the jungle. The followers told: Our
parents be sacrificed for you, please don't
take any pain. We are enough to do any
thing. The Prophet appreciated their
respectful feeling for him and told: Allah
does not like the person who magnifies
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.), stepping towards
creating the solutions to the problems of
labours, laid stress to pay out the wage of a
labour before his sweat is dried out. Having
deracinated the capitalistic mentality and
system, he opened wide before the world,
the door of peace, welfare and a high
Among the ticklish problems created by the
biased mammonites much to the Chagrin of
the mankind, are the black marketing and
hoarding. Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has
accounted those, who hoard the food grains
and other consumer's goods for their
exploitation on price hike, for a heavy
He (P.B.U.H.) said: sinners are those who
hoard the food grains and other things to
create a false scarcity.
He (P.B.U.H.) also said: Allah showers His
mercy on those who do not adopt a rigid
stand in business and in demanding for the
repayment of the loans.
It is narrated by Anas (R.A.) that a person
was in the presence of Prophet (P.B.U.H.). A
man passed by him. He told: O Prophet of
Allah! I love him! The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
asked him if he had intimated him. When he
answered him in negative, the Prophet
ordered him to intimate him of his love. He
chased him and told: I love you for the sake
of Allah. for the sake of whom you love me.
To establish the love and friendship on
stable grounds and to make the relations
purposeful and intact, you should take a
keen interest in your friends affairs, and try
your level best to solve their baffling
problems,. The friendship also requires you
to keep you in close touch with the family
members of your friends and to regard them
as your own family members.
Don't forget the equanimity and balance in
the friendship. Don't display the indifference
that hurts the hearts of the exaggerated form
of friendship that you are unable to
maintain. The moderation is a sign of success
and godspeed as the Hadith reads:
"Love your friend slowly, he may turn one day
your enemy. And hate your enemy slowly he may
turn one day your friend."
Don't underrate your friend, you should lift
him as high as possible, pursuant to the
principle of well-wishing and consolation.
Our Prophet says:
"The Religion is the well-wishing".
If you are well-wisher for someone, you
should love for him what you love for
yourself, and it goes without saying that a
man does not love for him but what is good.
When a mention of "Religion" is made, an
orthodox Muslim is adamantly insists that to
follow the track of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is the
Religion of Islam, and that the biggest and
simplest evidence in testimony of Prophet's
love is that you should follow his track,
because when you are not committed to do
what is being done by your friend, it clearly
indicates that your love is devoid of sincerity
and depth. Moreover, the cardinal object,
through following the sunnah, may not be
confined to display and manifest the love,
but every saying and action of Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) should be followed. As quoted in
Quran, the love of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) shall
make us beloved to Allah:
"Say (O Prophet): If you love Allah, follow me
and then Allah shall love you and pardon for you
your sins".
In order to follow the Sunnah, you need not
think lavishly. You should also keep into
your mind that Sunnah is not synonymous
only to follow same acts in fragments. But
you should make your way to the reality
while performing the formal works and
tenets. To elaborate this point, the prayer,
Almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage are the
formal functions of Islam. If these functions
or works are not compounded with the
purification of heart and cleaning of the
internals, the heart and internals may not be
clean from impurity and dust and rust, and
indeed, the purity of heart and the clarity of
the internals are the elevators to the
cognizance of Allah and a close approach to
Him as they are the pinnacle for spiritual
improvement and internal rectification.
Allah says:
"One who is hopeful of meeting his Lord, should
indulge in good deeds and not making anyone
partner in the worship of his Lord".
None can pretend that phenomenon of
"Meeting the Lord" shall be achieved by
mere formal prayer, or the bondsman shall
reach the abode of his Lord for the
consideration of the formal prayer and
rather physical exercise or apparent pursuit
of the Sunnah. No doubt that to reach the
divine abode through following the Sunnah
basically requires the cardiac peace which is
not - but never - gettable without following
the Prophet (P.B.U.H) in all his life
behaviours. If we are gravely desirous of
believing in the religion, and want to follow
the Sunnah with pure intention, and hope
really to meet our Lord, the Lord of
universes and the friend of the Mercy of the
world, we should involve ourselves fully in
following the Sunnah completely, not by
But it is highly deplorable that our stand
towards the pursuit of Sunnah is quite
ludicrous. We single out the easier and
simpler Sunnah, and mingle some plain
matters with the Sunnah and try to give an
impression that the whole Sunnah, practiced
by our Prophet (P.B.U.H.), are concentrated
in what we are doing in the name of Sunnah.
Here the question arises whether the pursuit
of Sunnah is confined to the extent that we
abstain from taking food on the table
because our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) did not do
so? While we overlook the nature and the
reason of his food. Likewise, we eschew to
use the spoons, but we prefer the most
delicious and posh dishes and garmendize
them regardless of our brothers who are
suffering from hunger and starvation as if
they were not existing on this earth. If the
trousers fall down the ankle, it is counted as
a Major Sin, but there is no objection if our
dress is highly foppish and splendid. Is it
Islam that we maintain the prayers and go
unleashed with the evils, and that we
observe fast but our avarice and greed, fury
and hot temper remain unchecked while the
teachings of our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) clearly
are indicative of that the backbite of one
person is enough to undo all the fast, prayer
and ablution.
Some Muslims beat a drum of following the
Sunnah as if they were infatuated in the love
of Prophet (P.B.U.H.), but when we cast a
glance on their practical life, we are totally
puzzled which Sunnah they are going to
follow? When a mention of Prophet's house
life is made, we find that his house contained
a bed of straw mat and leather pillow, filled
with the leaves of palm tree. The number of
the home utensils of Hazrat Ayesha never
totaled more than seven. On contrary, when
we take a look of our houses, we find them
fully furnished with all the posh and
luxurious amenities like Sofa sets, carpets,
V.C.R. T.V. sets and a vast range of housewares. As such, why we are so disgraceful to
mention the pursuit of Sunnah?
By the grace of Allah, we are fortunate to
find among us those bondsmen of Allah who
continuously observe fast and Perform their
in time and they are much
concerned to the pursuit of Sunnah. But few
are they whose houses do not witness any
incident against the will and temperament of
Prophet (P.B.U.H.), few are they who are not
exasperated when their temperament is hurt
and who do not grow angry to their servants
and who do not prefer themselves to their
brothers in their choices, and who do not
despise others following the vanity of their
good deeds.
This is the double standard which distracted
the new generation from the religion. It is an
irony of fate that the Reformers have laid
stress on the formal ties instead of stressing
the need to create the internal virtues, Who
is not cognizant of the fact that our
predecessors were nearer to the formalities
than to the real virtues, but we are falling
much behind from those formalities. What
we, the elders, say, our work does not
conform to it. We like our new generation
not to view T.V. and not to listen the songs
and we also expect from them to follow the
Sunnah as a token of Prophets' love, but our
outer and inner life is contrary to what we
expect from them. Therefore we find the
young generation monotonous of the
We, the superannuated elders, should
sacrifice our wishes to our religion.
Otherwise, this ransacked convoy of
Muslims may probably cease to exist.
Come on! We stretch our feeble hands with
this prayer: O myself: get up from your
slumber and regain your consciousness, get
rid of in cognizance of the truth and be
cognizant of it. Why you do not recall that
sooner or later you have to stand in the court
of the greatest judge where your inner
record shall provide all the data of the deeds,
you have exercised throughout your life.
This is the record which has been dubbed by
Allah as "Kitab Marqoom", and this record of
Iliyeen and sijjeen incorporate our deeds and
thoughts of every single second.
O myself: when you will be brought before
the supreme judge, your organs shall
witness against you. You may cover in this
world any of your ill-intended deed with
your external virtuous deeds, but nothing
shall remain clandestine to your Lord, and
all the artificial curtains shall be rolled up. At
that juncture, your deeds and actions
themselves shall speak as such, you shall
meet the due consequences of all that you
have committed right or wrong.
O my friends: Allah is the Most Merciful,
Most benevolent, and He forgives the sins
but the intentional shortcoming are
inexcusable. so called pretenders of pursuit
of Sunnah, pretensions have nothing to do.
Allah shall not forgive those who are rigid to
comply with external Sunnah without any
sincerity or originality and those who
pretend to be the follower of Sunnah by
adopting a few Sunnah out of prophet's
whole life (P.B.U.H).
After the initial period of Islam, arrived that
time which was appointed by Allah for the
supernal visit of our Prophet (P.B.U.H.). So
Allah ordered the angels to dizen all the
celestial tracks where our Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
was to pass by during this flight program.
Ridhwan, the Commissioner of the paradise,
was ordered to decor the paradise on par
with the status and magnitude of the
prophet (P.B.U.H.). While Gabriel was
ordered to fetch the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) such
aerial carrier which may be faster then the
thunder and lighter than the moonlight. This
was the superb background of his supernal
trip when all the Divine Abode echoed with
the Divine Inspirations. This Historic
incident has been depicted by Quran as
"Glorified be He who carried his servant by night
from the Al'Haram Mosque (Makkah) to the AlAqsa Mosque (Jerusalem), the neighboring area
of which are blessed by us so as to show him our
This incident was narrated by our Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) himself to his followers. His truth
and rectitude were beyond any doubt. There
are so many examples for speed and velocity
like the super-sonic speed, speed of the light.
planets and the vision etc.
The incident of "Miraj" is a Beacon for the
scientists. The man before 14 centuries never
fancied about the stupendous speed of
rockets and space shuttles. We also should
think about the speed of human vision. As
soon as the eye opened its pupil caught all
this spacious world. Really incident "Miraj"
is a model, or maxim or philosophy for the
scientists and the common populace to
conduct the space research. It was also a
guideline for the invention of all aerovessels.
annunciation of our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was
call to Islam and propagation for it.
Therefore He (P.B.U.H.) has invited all the
universal brotherhood to Islam and declared
that this existing universe stretching beyond
our optical range neither was eternal nor
shall remain eternal.
Only it is Allah who is everlasting and is
unique with all senses of the word. He has
partner neither in His entity nor in His
attributes nor in His rights and discretions.
The propagation and call to Islam unmask
this fact that the belief in the life hereafter is
the basic part of Islamic ideology and
Allah in Surah Anaam Says :
"There is not an animal in the earth nor flying
creature flying on two wings. but they are people
like you".
The birds, animals and insects are not
affected by catarrh. cold or malaria and other
diseases such as cough and consumption.
Have you ever heard that a bird or pigeon
suffered from cancer? The experiments of
the scientists have no example for that a
beast, living in the dense jungle, faced any
psychical problem. No evidence can be
produced to show that the Valve of a bird or
animal choked. Seldom we observe the
decrepitude in any animal family. Neither
their teeth fall nor the lenses are fitted to
their eyes. They remain active brisk till their
end. Have we ever unleashed the rein of our
thought to look into the cause?. Because this
creature of Allah, having kinds and their
members, out numbering the Human
statistics, maintain a balanced diet, pure and
unadulterated. They also have regular
physical exercises which are linked to their
life directly. All these kinds are bound to a
certain system of life, liable to certain
predicaments require, Allah says:
"Have you not seen that Allah is glorified by
those who are in the skies and earth, and by the
birds, arrayed. All have known their service and
Those birds and animals are ill-fated who
live in human meleiu because they are
attacked by many a disease and malady due
to the uncleanness and environmental
pollution. The man, who is proud of being
"The most honorable creature" has reached such
a heinous point that he spits repeatedly
where he wants, and keeps his surroundings
permeated by garbage. Men's houses are
squalid and in their lanes emanates the
storm of filth. If you talk to them a gust of
bad odour will welcome you. and if you
have a physical contact with them the bad
smell of the sweat shall penetrate your mind.
The dry faced and dry hairs, which are the
hot bed of the lices, provide all the evidence
to their least concern to cleanness and
O man. Look at the wild creatures. How
clean and neat are their nests and hideouts.
The cat digs the earth and gutters its filth
there invisibly, thus this cat, co-existing our
meleiu, imparts a lesson to maintain
cleanliness and decency.
Allah say: "And Shun the pollution".
It is the identity of the living nations that
they strictly adhere to the hygienic
principles. On the contrary, those nations
who are indifferent with the cleanliness and
decency, they remain bereft of the
consciousness of purity itself. They cease to
have the whiteness of the birds' wings, the
beauty of the animals' bodies and the gleam
of their eyes. They turn colossal like
rhinoceros, ugly like vulture and dormant
and scared like owl.
Allah addressed His Prophet saying:
"O the decorer of the body with the cloak.
Standup and warn (your people against the
results of uncleanness). And magnify your Lord
and clean and purify your costumes. And shun
the pollution ( of all kinds )".
As far as our stand is concerned, we are
confident that our salvation is confined to
the five-times prayers, and that we have
nothing to do with other thousand religious
orders as if they were not obligatory.
O Muslim: See what a lowest ebb has
reached the hygienic standard of the whole
Muslim Nation due to the squalors, you
disseminate. Each member of the nation
appears sick. The faces of the innocent kids
appear pale and dry. The squalid houses and
the sick mentality have abated the prestige of
Muslim Nation, and we are playing as tools
in the hands of others and are subjugated to
them as we deserted our social and cultural
broad venues.
How far we are subjugated due to our
reluctance to the orders of Islam with regard
to health and hygiene. So why we do not
think that our Prophet came in order to
purify us from all the physical and spiritual
Allah says:
"(O Prophet:) This book is revealed to you so that
you can pullout the people from the darkness ( of
the worldly squalors) to the light ( of purity and
decency )".
Hazrat Amir (R.A.) visited Hazrat
Omer (R.A.) in his house. He found him
lying on a bed while the children were
playing on his chest, Amir felt this scene
very heavy. Hazrat Omer realized his
reluctant feeling and asked him about his
behavior with his children. Amir told: When
I enter the house, every one is dumb
founded. H. Omer told very gravely. Amir !
Even being a member of Mohammedens,
you are not cognizant of the kind and
complacent behavior to be shown towards
the family.
A child has to enjoy from his mother the
right of milk, and this is the gratitude which
Quran has reminded us of, while stressing
the need to behave the mother in an
extraordinarily pleasant way. The child is
nurtured in his mother's belly by her blood.
This lucidity means that the child adopts the
same mentality and ideology that hover
around the mind of the mother. So it is an
ordained duty of a mother to instill in her
newborn the teaching of Allah and His
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) with every drop of milk.
and to pour in his body the love of Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) and his religion in such a way that
the dignity of Allah and love of His Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) are etched on his heart. The gusto
and beatitude, realized by a mother after
accomplishing her job very well, may be
appreciated from those mother who train
their children in a right direction.
Avoid the inept handling of the children like
frightening them because the fright of the
initial age may extend to all the span of his
life, and such frightened children come short
in the life. The boys are scared by repeated
interruptions and reproach for trivial
reasons. On the contrary, through a
benevolent behaviour with the children, the
feeling of obedience emanates in them.
Really the children are a support to their
parents, a prestige to the family and an asset
to all human being.
The life of the parents may be likened to a
sky, which keeps them under its blue
umbrella. If they make some demand. it
should be conceded generously, and if they
are dejected, their dejection should be
dispelled. Don't be so insufferable burden on
them that they get monotonous of your life
and look after your premature demise, and
keep you away from them in place of
keeping you adherent to them.
Carry your children in your lap, kiss them
and pass your hand on their heads according
to their age and rank. If the parents are rigid
and strict. initially the boys get scared, then
they begin to hate their parents. A sincere
and profuse love leads them to self
confidence and leave healthy hearings upon
their natural growth. Don't lose your
children and don't take them for a burden
upon you. Don't link the financial paucity to
the presence of your children.
Allah says:
"Don't kill your children for the fear of strait. We
provide them and you both".
In deed, your righteous children are the tools
to keep up your cultural traditions, religious
teachings and the message of Monotheism,
and the only inpetus for a believer behind
his desire to be blessed with a good child is
that his heir shall keep the message of the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) alive.
Don't count the shortcomings of your
children in the presence of others and don't
put them to shame. It is your responsibility
to safeguard their self respect. Don't expose
to them that you have given up the hope of
their rectification, because this declaration
either may result in their inferiority complex
or lead to their fury, perturbation and
obstinacy under the pretext that when they
are unable to be rectified, it is better for them
to be pertinacious in their bad habits.
Naturally the boys are interested in stories
and that stories occupy their minds. So you
should narrate regularly to them the stories
of the Prophets, Hajeological biographies
and the salient deeds of the followers of the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the Muslim warriors,
and rehear the same from them. Allocate for
them a bit of your time despite your
numerous engagement. When you find your
children in a pleasant temperament, you
should describe to them that the prophet
(P.B.U.H.) had passionate affection towards
the children, and that his face was turning
reddish, as a sign of delight, whenever he
saw a child.
Once happened that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
was kissing Hazrat Hassan (A.S.). A Bedouin
was much astonished to see this, He told: Do
you kiss? I have ten children but I never
kissed any one. The impression of
displeasure appeared on the face of prophet
(P.B.U.H.) and He told: What I can do if
Allah has driven off the mercy and pity from
your heart?
The Undue affection and love paves way for
children to obduracy and arrogance. Try
judiciously to put an end to this habit instead
Of conceding their all due or undue
Allah does not like a loud and stentorian
voice. Don't yell before the children in such a
manner that they misconceive this odd
behavior for a good habit. If the parents talk
politely, the accent of the children shall tend
automatically to be polite and sweet.
Pursuade them to do their works with their
own hands. The reliance on the servants
creates in the children lethargy and
dynamism, and they fail to rise to the
occasions. Such boys are not generally
industrious and hard working.
Occasionally you should charge them to give
the poorer and other miserable categories
foods, money or clothes so that the
sympathetic feeling towards the downtrodden may emanate in them. you should
share them their food and fetch them the
morsels. You should also advise them to do
the same with their brothers and sisters. This
habit shall strengthen in the children the
consciousness of popular Rights and social
Allah has declared it obligatory to distribute
honestly and the daughters ' shares among
them. We are not authorized to subject their
share to any minus or plus amendment. Any
frustration or procrastination to give the
daughters their legitimate share is
synonymous to treason and disrespect to the
Divine Religion.
The prayers of parents are accepted in favor
of their children irrespective of their nature.
It is the habit of parents to pray for their
children from their deep hearts while Allah,
the Merciful, the benevolent, does not undo
any prayer, emanating from the depth of the
to Islam and propagation for it is a
religious job, devolved upon us from our
Prophet(P.B.U.H.), so you should be very
particular about the propagational method.
It should be based on tactical precision,
pertinent by any angle, and time bound and
serene. You should negotiate your addressee
according to his mental capacity and
instigate the people for the feelings of
gracious presumption, well-wishing and
sincerity and put an end to the obstinacy,
fanatism and hatred.
Don't emphasize in your speech and
writings on the warning and don't depict the
torment to disappoint the people from the
Divine mercy that envelope all the universe
and that is the axis around which revolves
the existence of all the creatures.
It is also obligatory for us to address
ourselves first of all about what we are going
to present to others, and to hanker after
those facts, to the acceptance of which we
string the salvation of the world. As regards
our individual works, private relations,
moral affairs and attachment to Allah, we
should prove in this connection that we have
set ourselves example for what we say.
During his Supernal Visit, our Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) observed some people in drastic
punishment, so He asked Gabriel: Who are
they? Gabriel told: They are preachers of
your Ummah who advised the people for
piety and forgot themselves.
The most effective medium for seeking the
pleasure of Allah and calling others to His
right Path, is the sincere philanthropic
activity, based on sheer human values and
feeling of sincerity, love and mutual
sympathy, not on requital and cheep and
trite bargaining. To maintain a friendly and
amicable relation with the creature of Allah
and to serve them as they are the servants of
Allah are the best way to secure the pleasure
of Allah.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) depicted the happy
reunion of two friends as follows :
One man walked to visit hi friend in another
village. Allah appointed an angel on his
track. When he came there, the Angel asked
him about his destination. He told that he
was going to meet his brother in this
Country. The AngeI again asked if he was
going to be rewarded for some benefaction.
He told very categorically : No ! I am going
to meet him only because I love him for the
sake of Allah. Then the angel told : I am a
messenger of God to you to inform you that
He loves you as you love your friend for the
sake Of Him.
Another tradition of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) says
that on Dooms Day, when there wilt be no
shadow save the shadow of Allah, seven
categories of persons will be covered under
that shadow and among them will be those
two men, the friendship of whom based on
Divine pleasure which Shall be for them the
point of meeting and departing. In other
words, their love will be for the sake of
Allah. Hence they shall try their level best to
maintain their love till the last breath, and
when any one of them will be leaving this
world, he shall leave his friend while their
friendship remains unfastened.
One night Allah offered the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) to ask some thing and he
responded as follows:
"O Allah : I ask you to adopt virtues and the
indecencies and love the poorer. To pardon me
and commiserate me. When you want trail of
your bondsmen, I ask you to call me to you
unruffled. I ask your love and the love of those
who love you, and of such work which makes me
closer to you."
Prophet (P.B.U.H.), who was a lucid
manifestation Of the Benign Traits, and was
occupying the highest rank of humanitycompletion, never liked the concentration or
accretion of the wealth, but always
distributed it for human cause. No needy
returned from him empty-handed. when he
found nothing to give to the needy, he
mortgaged his home utensils to co-operate
with him. Till his last breath, the Prophet
Continued to patronize the orphans, widows
and needy people. When he married Hazrat
khadiJa (R.A.) and owned her property, he
distributed every thing, within few days,
among the poorer. This is why Hazrat
Khadija (R.A.) Consoled him when he was
naturally perplexed in the wake of the first
"Don't worry: ALlah will not leave you alone as
you care for the orphans and patronize the
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) was least concerned
to money saving. If he got a Dirham in the
morning, it was not left un-spent till the
evening He (P.B.U.H) advised Abu Dhar
Ghifari (R.A.) with the following golden
"O Abu Dhar I do not like that I have gold as
much as Ohud Mountain and anything is left
unspent till the third day. Save the amount which
is reserved to repay the loans. I shall advise to
distribute all that gold among the servants of God
in all the directions".
Once the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) recited the verse
delighted with financial race) and told: The
man repeatedly says: my money! Your
money is only what you ate so you
consumed it, or what you put on so you
wore it out".
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) also said :
"O man ! If you spend, it is better for you, and if
you hold, it is worse for you".
Hazrat Abu Sayeed Khudri narrates that the
Prophet (P.B.U.H) said :
"One who has extra camel, he should grant it one
who has no carrier. And one who has
supererogatory provision, he should grant it one
who has no provision". Hazrat Abu sayeed said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) continued to mention one
item to another till we realized that we have no
legitimate right in any thing more than our
This kind of Prophet's education assisted to
the formation of such a society whose
members were co-operative and sympathetic
to each other and were seizing the chance to
spend in the way of Allah and take their
money to those who were worthy of
How fantastic is the case of a believer : He is
the winner in any circumstances. If he
suffers from any ailment, agony or poverty
and withstands them, he is rewarded for his
patience. And when he is blessed With weal
and prosperity, and he expresses his
gratitude for this, they pave way for him to a
better future.
Indeed, the baffling situations and tough
travails sharpen the man's mind and makes
him the philosopher's stone.
The stand of a believer toward any accident
is to surrender to the will and volition of
Allah. When Ibrahim, the son of our Prophet
(P.B.U.H) was in the agonies of death, he
kept him close in his lap. Naturally his eyes
brimmed with tears and he told : O Ibrahim !
we are sad for your departure, but we shall
utter only what may please Allah.
In the life of a believer, what a vital role
plays the quest of Divine pleasure, it may be
appreciated by the following prayer of the
Prophet (P.B.U.H):
"O Allah keep me alive as long as the life is better
for me and send me death when the death
becomes better for me ".
The prophet (P.B.U.H) said :
The prayer, which Younus (A.S.) Chanted in
the belly of the fish was :
"There is no God save you : glorified be you : I
was the wrong-doer". So when a Muslim
recites this prayer in any hardship, his
prayer is accepted by Allah.
The line of Demarcation between a Muslim
and Disbeliever is that the latter is
demoralized when he falls in a crucial
situation. Sometimes he commits suicide
surrendering to his travails. The Believer, on
the contrary, rises to all the occasions and
withstands any calamity with restraint and
prowess like an invincible rock. He takes the
better of any situation, returning it to the will
of Allah.
personal identity of any man is
constituted when he is awake. Every child is
Created in the supernal Universe, free from
all the impurities. When he comes to know
that he has been thrown from a luminous
world into another world where the life is
full of shackles and fetters, he bursts into
yell. In other words, every new-born
declares that the new life is not what he was
longing for, and that, he was much
perturbed to be confined there.
To get rid of this agony, our prophet
(P.B.U.H) prescribed the following remedy :
"The new-born will be administered bath, and the
adhan will be Uttered in his right ear and the
IQAMATH in his left ear. "
And the philosophy behind the utterance of
Adhan and Iqamath in ears of the newborn
the moment he is born is that the first ever
thing to cross his ears be the sound of
Divine Glorification so that he may stand as
pattern for coming under the umbrella of
Islam when he is matured and Utters the
Islamic Doctrines.
The second phase after birth is the phase of
name selection. In deed, the name is a
document which does not accept any change
though the infant may undergo a complete
physical change. This obviously indicates
that the name is the only way to identify a
person. When we fix a name for an infant,
one more pattern emanates in his mind. This
new pattern determines for him a course in
his conscious life. This is why our Prophet
laid emphasis on the selection of pretty,
smart and meaningful names because the
impact of the name shall go a long way in
the future life of the boy.
The assistance of the devout and sacred
elders may be sought in the selection of a
name so that the mind may shift to the
selector along with the good meaning of the
The man is by nature inclined to accumulate
the wealth. That is why Quran said :
"The man is very strong in hankering after the
The man pretends that his heaped-up wealth
secures his requirement, therefore he pines
away in the way of saving more and more.
This pretension comes as an incentive to join
the monetary race till his last breath, and
during this race, he is least concerned with
the rights of big brothers. The precious store
of the energies, conferred upon him by the
nature for some other purpose is exhausted
in plutolatry.
The man pretends that all his earning is due
to his manual power and therefore he is at
liberty to spend it as and where he desires,
quite undeterred. This is the ideology which
gives rise in the man to arrogance and when
this arrogance turns to be a colossal tree, he
is mentally detached from Allah and makes
his entry in the progeny of Qaroon.
And in order to minimize the importance of
the wealth in respect of the believers and to
realize them of the Divine bounties, the
Quranic Verses hither and thither encourage
the believers to declare their wealth open for
all needy persons. They have been tried by
several means to learn that to spend in the
way of Allah from his well-gotten property
is akin to express the gratitude for Allah. in
this subject, the emphasis has been laid to
the extent that Allah declared :
"You shall not obtain .the good unless and until
you spend from what you like".
Quran has presented a very broad spectrum
for charitable expenditures where it says :
"They ask you (O Prophet) what to spend (in the
name of Allah) Say: What is above your need".
In the light of these Divine Commandments,
you have to spend more and more in the
service of the creature of Allah, starting right
from your needy relative then including
other needy people too.
Keep in your mind very strictly that all that
you spend should be for the pleasure of
Allah, not for any biased purpose, reward or
Assist the needy clandestinely so that you
keep yourselves away from any vanity or
superiority feeling and so that you do not
hurt the self-respect of your donee. Don't
repeat the mention of your kind deed before
your donee and don't display it. Allah says:
"O those who believe: Don't undo your charities
by reproach and injury."
If some one asks you, don't injure him. If you
have nothing to give, apologize in
appropriate words and suitable tone because
Quran's order in this respect is quite
unequivocal :
"As regards the beggar, don't drive him away".
distinguished in generosity and lending a
hand to the poorer. The followers were of
the unanimous opinion that they never saw
more generous than the prophet (P.B.U.H).
His attitude and presentation of the practical
example laid foundation of such a society
where the people were anxiously waiting to
seize the chance of spending in the way of
Allah. Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) was so
generous that no needy returned from his
door empty-handed. When he found nothing
to spare, he borrowed from others and gave
the needy. Since pre-revelation period, he
used to support the orphans, widows and
poorer. That is why Hazrat Khadijah (R.A.)
consoled him with the following words
when he got perturbed to some extent in the
wake of the first revelation.
"Don't worry ! Allah will not leave you alone as
you care For the Orphans and patronize the
The history provides the evidence that when
Prophet (P.B.U.H) married Hazrat Khadijah
(R.A.) who was a wealthy lady of that time,
and when all her wealth and property
devolved upon him as heir, He spent every
thing in the way of Allah. He spent every
thing in the way of Allah.
The followers of the Prophet(P.B.U.H)
followed the same tradition which was left
for all mankind. Therefore Quran says:
"They prefer (others) to themselves though they
are poverty-stricken".
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) instilled by all means
to keep the wealth open in the way of Allah.
Once He said:
"The man repeatedly says : My money; Your
money is only what you ate so you consumed it,
or what you put on so you wore it out. "
He (P.B.U.H) also said :
"O man : If you spend, it is better for you, and if
you hold, it is worse for you."
Therefore, it is obligatory on our part to
spend, as directed by our Prophet (P.B.U.H)
orally and practically. our earnings for the
welfare of His bondsmen so that our identity
may be improved and the devil of uneven
and unjust economic may be ensnared. Our
Prophet was always averse to the
concentration of the wealth, and had been
advocating for its donation to the needy.
Hazrat Abu Sayeed Khudri(R.A.) narrates
that Prophet (P.B.U.H) said :
" One who has extra camel, he should grant it one
who has no and one who has supererogatory
provision, he should grant it to one who has no
Hazrat Abu Sayeed (R.A.) said : The Prophet
(P.B.U.H) continued to mention one item to
another till we realized that we have no
legitimate right in any thing, more than our
real place For the acid Test of good
behavior, courtesy and commiseration is
Your house where you love your family
members and like your domination prevail
over them too for their proper training and
education. The man unmasks the perdu
aspects of his life in the home environment
which is far from mannerism. Indeed, one
who deals amicably with his family
members, giving every one his due position,
is a true lenient and courteous person.
Hazrat Ayeshah (R.A.) gives an account of
her experiment with the Prophet (P.B.U.H)
as follows :
"During the life of Prophet (P.B.U.H), I was
playing with my girl friends. when the Prophet
was to arrive. they all hide themselves. The
prophet was tracing out each of them and was
despatching them to play with me."
As the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was engaged
outside with the expedition of religious
propagation, likewise he was very prompt to
fulfill his duty within his home too. The
Holy Quran addresses his modest wives :
"And remember those Divine verses and the
wisdom that are recited in your houses."
Allah has guided the believer. through His
Prophet (P.B.U.H) as follows
"Order your family members to the service and be
yourself firm on it. "
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) also said :
"When a man awakens his wife in mid night and
both of them offer two rounds of the service, both
of them are enlisted in those who remember
Allah. "
the spiritual kingdom, the night is
instrumental for the perception of invisibles.
Allah gives His directives to His beloved
Prophet as follows:
"O the rug clad; wake up in the night. and recite
the Quran in a methodical way."
Allah also said :
"Glorified be the He who carried his servant by
night from the AL-Haram Mosque to the Aqsa
Allah also said :
"And we appointed for Moosa thirty nights and
complemented them with ten."
He also Said:
"We revealed it (The Quran) in the night of
prestige. And what appraised you what is the
night of prestige. The night of prestige is better
than a thousand month. The angels and Rooh AlQudus descend therein by the permission of their
Lord with all decrees (this) is peace. It is until the
rising or the dawn."
The night service and meditation in the last
part of the night are must for total
detachment. The hallmarks of the bondsmen
Of Allah, as described by Allah, is that they
wake up in the dormant night and bow their
heads to the Divine Abode. They genuflect
and seek the pardon of Allah for their sins
and lapses. The night vigilantes are blessed
with peace and tranquillity and the
happenings are revealed to them and they
go in true dreams. The Prophet (P.B.U.H)
Said : The Prophet hood is over. There is
neither prophet nor messenger after me.
when they felt uneasy, he added : Save the
Harbingers. They asked what were the
Harbingers? The Prophet answered : The
true dream.
Hazrat Mohammed Ali Mongeri once asked
Hazrat Fazl Rahman Gunj Muradabadi to
point out some recipe of Salath through
which he can see in dream the Prophet
After some contemplation, he answered:
Hazrat Syed Hassan (R.A.) was blessed with
such an auspicious dream through the
following Salath:
"O Allah : shower the blessing upon Mohammad
and his family members as many as your
The Prophet said:
"Who looked at me in the dream, it is quite true
because the Devil may not adopt my shape."
And Allah says :
"Verily Allah and His angels shower blessing on
the Prophet. O those who believed : Ask for
blessing on him and salute respectfully."
On the Day of Resurrection Allah shall say :
O man : I felt sick and you didn't visit me.
The man will be surprised and will say: How
could I visit you while you are the Lord of
the Universe? Allah shall say: Didn't you
come to know that my so and so servant fell
sick and you didn't visit him? Had you gone
there, you could have found me there.
The Prophet said :
A man has six rights towards his fellows;
The people asked : O Prophet of Allah: what
are those rights? He (P.B.U.H) answered :
Salute your Muslim fellow when you come
across him, accept his invitation when he
invites you, be his well-wisher when he
consult you. respond to his sneeze when he
says " All the praise be to Allah", visit him
when he falls sick and attend his last funeral
when he is expired. "
Ayesha Bint Sad (R.A.) narrates that her
father narrated to her that he once fell sick
badly in Makkah when the Prophet visited
him he asked : O Prophet of Allah: I am
leaving enormous wealth and property
while I am to be survived by only one
daughter; As such, may I make will in two
third of my wealth and leave the residue for
the daughter. The Prophet did not allow him
to do so. Then he sought the permission for
one third. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) told : yes,
you can make will this much, and one third
is much. Then the Prophet placed his hand
on his forehead and passed it by his face and
stomach and prayed : O Allah: Cure Sad and
complement his exodus. Sad (R.A.) says : Yet
I feel his cool hand on my chest.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H)) expressed the
importance and ponderosity of the popular
rights through the following dialogue:
"On the day of resurrection, Allah shall say: O
man: I felt sick and you didn't visit me? The man
will be surprised and say: How could I visit you
while you are the Lord of the universe? Allah
shall say: didn't you come to know that my so
and so servant fell sick and you didn't visit him?
Had you gone there, you could have found me
O man! I asked you food and you didn't feed me?
The man will be surprised and say: How could I
feed you while you are the Lord of the universe?
Allah shall say: didn't you come to know that my
so and so servant asked you food and you didn't
feed him. Had you fed him you could have found
me there.
O man : I asked you water and you didn't fetch
me water. The man will be surprised and say:
How could I fetch you water while you are the
Lord of the universe? Allah shall say: Didn't you
come to know that my so and so servant asked
you water and you didn't fetch him water. Had
you fetched him water, you could have found me
Hence any lapse in Divine Rights is
remissible because Allah is indifferent with
their works, but as regard the popular
Rights, we can't get the mooring of salvation
if we have teased the bondsmen of Allah or
have usurbed their rights. Therefore, the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) once addressed the
people saying:
Do you know who is the bankrupt? The
people replied: O Prophet of Allah! The
bankrupt among us is one who has no
property. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) explained:
The bankrupt or pauper among my nation is
one who shall come on Dooms Day with
mammoth stock of prayers, alms, fasts and
what not. But he might have abused
someone in this world, have accused some
other, have snatched the property of some
one, have killed some one and have
belabored some one. So all his venture shall
be transferred to his victims. thus all his
ventures will come to an end Finally other's
evils will be inducted into his account and
eventually he will be thrown in the hell.
have a friend, highly sincere and
obsequious. His heart is kindled with love
and we too realize his warmth. When we feel
secluded, his memories add colour to our life
and when we fall sick he concern to us,
induces us to make our life denova. When
we are entangled in some problem, he
salvages us from it. When this our friend is
certified by some one, it comes very heavy to
us. In a nutshell, when a person is certified
within his personal limits, it is remissible,
but when a friend is thrashed orally, it is
quite intolerable.
The hearts of the friends of Allah are the
burning lamps of sincerity, sacrifice, love
and affection. They are such friends of Allah
and His Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who are loved by
Allah and His Prophet (P.B.U.H.). The
Prophet has categorically said that the
enemy of the friends of Allah are the enemy
of Allah and His Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said : who has hostile
attitude towards the friends of Allah, he
defies him for a war. Verily Allah likes the
devout, pious and unnoticed persons who
are not mentioned if they disappeared and
not addressed by any one if they appeared,
though their hearts are the beacons of the
Another tradition says:
"Seek me in your weaker section because you are
not provided and supported but due to your
weaker section."
This means : The poorer are my friends and I
enjoy their company, and you are provided
with the bounties of Allah due to them.
Once some Arab Dignitaries made
representation to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to
drive away the wretched SUFFAH
occupants, so that, they come to him ' with
no hesitation ' to learn something. Because
the Allah is omniscient, He knew this
proposal and ordered the Prophet not to
comply with their suggestions:
"( O Muhammad) Don't drive away those who
call their Lord day and night. seeking His
pleasure. You have nothing to do with their
account and they have nothing to do with your
account, so you drive them away and be counted
among wrong-goers."
The point of consideration is that : had the
Prophet agreed to remove the poorer
occasionally, the dignitaries could have
embraced Islam, but Allah did not like the
insult and derogation of His friends.
confers the religious sapience upon the
person for whom He intends some benefit." The
opinions are indivisible about the fact that
the zero-erroneous comprehension of the
religion and deep understanding of its
extrinsic and intrinsic philosophy are the
influx of every good, wisdom and success.
The person, bereft of His bounty, loses the
concordance and equanimity in his life. Such
a man is a prey to imbalance in every
Sphere of life.
Unless you hold yourself on the right path,
you can't have your impact on the others.
Therefore, you should make a complete
entry into Islam and display yourself a fine
example of what you are going to preach
before the people. The message should be
peremptorily heralded to yourself. Be
practical in all such matters you are going to
preach others with. The most distinct feature
of the religion is that it remains a true
example of the message to be passed and
that the Preacher's saying is not
disintegrated from his action and behavior
and that he always tends to execute such
works that are conducive to the betterment
of the mankind.
So please constitute, through your Speech
and writing, your individual life, private
relations, matrimonial affairs and spiritual
upheavals, such an atmosphere that may
come as beacon light to the mankind. and
the people may join that pattern of life in
multitudes. Unblemished character, mental
tranquillity and Spiritual values are
instrumental to the formation of our ideal
society. A system, constituted of the
balanced values, is based upon the justice
and it gives birth to such a culture, before
adopters of which prostrate the angels, and
who hold the rein of the world as the Caliph
of Allah on the earth.
Please remember: those who talk of others'
reformation, over-looking their own's, they
remain always Empty-handed here and
there. They may be likened to a person
whose house is set ablaze, and he is
wandering in the streets with a bucket of
water in his hand, in the quest of any
burning house.
Beware: such people are losers in both the
worlds, while it is a fact that "it is most
indignant for Allah that you utter what you do
not do."
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has warned the nonpractical preachers against a severe torment.
Allah is greatest!
Allah is greatest: There is no
God save Allah, and Allah is Greatest, Allah is
greatest, and for Allah is the praise".
After exodus, when the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
arrived at Madina Munawwarah, there were
two days appointed by the populace of
Madina for amusement and recreation. the
Prophet inquired about those days, and
When he was informed that those two days
were determined, in Pre-Islamic period, for
amusement, He told : Allah has replaced you
two better days. The Eidul Fitr Festival Day
and the Eidul Adhaha festival Day. He
(P.B.U.H.) added: On the festival Day, the
Angels wait in the way of prayer-course and
call loudly:
O Muslim Ummah: Walk to your Lord, the
generous, the Benign! who rewards you: You
were ordered for the Nocturne so you
complied with, and you were ordered to
observe fast so you obeyed your Lord. Now
the time is ripe to get the reward.
And when they end the Eid Prayer, the
Angels Proclaim :
Lo! You have been rewarded by your Lord
and you are retreating back to your Houses
The Eidul fitr festival is a day to celebrate the
victory of a very magnificent Mission. It is
but the profuse bounty of our Benign Lord
that He conferred on us the endless gaiety
and happiness on the first Shawwal through
His beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H.), while the
same month is remembered for the
destruction and deracination of the pervious
It is narrated by Hazrat Ali (K.W.) that the
folks of Hazrat Noah (A.S.) were inundated
on the first of Shawwal. The day when the
folks of Loot were meted by torment was the
first of Shawwal. Pharaoh was drowned
along with his troops in the sea on Tuesday
which coincidentally the first of Shawwal.
The same case was with the folks of Aad
who were destroyed on Wednesday. Folks of
Saleh were hit by the torture during
Shawwal month.
It. was a festive day of Eidul Fitr. Since early
morning, the Muslims were engaged with
the preparation for their sacred festival. The
atmosphere Of Madina was marked with
gaiety and fervor. As the time of prayer was
ticking by, the people started to walk to the
prayer course in their best costumes. The
boys were busy with their merriment in the
near by play ground. The whole atmosphere
had turned highly gleeful and aromatic. The
Eid prayer was over and the boys began to
return to their homes joyfully. When the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) attempted to return, He
was stopped by the sight of a wretched boy
who was secluded in the ground, with the
tears streaking his cheeks. The Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) approached him, passed his hand
on his head gently and asked him about the
reason of his tears. The boy was highly
angry, so he asked the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to
leave him alone. But the prophet. (P.B.U.H.)
pacified him very compassionately and
repeated the question. Then the boy very
deliriously narrated his sad story :
"O Prophet (P.B.U.H.)! My father has got
martyrdom in a battle and my mother has
remarried, and her new husband has shown
me the door out. All my legacy has been
snatched by others. To-day when all my
colleagues are making merry of new
costumes and delicious foods, I have no
food, no cloth and no shelter. That is why I
am weeping.
The pathetic story of the boy filled the eye of
the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) with tears. He asked
the boy with a broad smile: will it make you
happy that I be your father, Ayesha be your
mother and Fatima be your sister?
The boy nodded positively and accompanied
the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to his house. He
(P.B.U.H.) called Ayesha (R.A.) and told her :
Receive this your child.
Hazrat Ayesha arranged his bath, new
dressing and food and told him:; My boy! Go
out and play with the children and return to
the home after some time.
The Holy Quran has made obligatory on the
part of every Muslim to think and research.
So it is the duty of a conscious Muslim to be
conversant with the Universal mechanism
because it is akin to the contemplation on the
Divine verses. Of course, the observation of
contemplation of Divine verses, leads the
thinker to believe in Allah. The following
traditions lay a good deal of emphasis on the
knowledge and research:
1. Obtain the knowledge whenever you find
2. A Clairvoyant saying is the lost asset of a
believer, so he should take it wherever it
is available.
3. Contemplation of one hour is better than
the hardship of six decades.
The quest of knowledge is the best
service to God.
The knowledge is the life of Islam and
pillar of religion.
lt. is the duty of every male and female
Muslim to acquire the knowledge, so
you should seek the knowledge though
it is in China.
Hence, one who wants to dip his hands in
worldly benefits, he should seek the
knowledge, and, one Who want to secure the
boons of the life hereafter, he too should
seek the knowledge.
The judicious and sagacious instructions of
the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) had a very positive
impact on his followers (R.A.) they
thoroughly applied themselves for the
obtainment of knowledge and erudition and
got them from all the possible hideouts.
Their superiority in the knowledge made
them the pioneers of science and Arts. The
Muslims did not lay the foundation of their
knowledge on superstitions or the erroneous
presumptions or speculations, but they
produced the latest scientific research in
every field, based on their vast experience
and keen observation. This resulted that in
Muslim families were born so many
physicians and astrologists and other
scientists, the prominents among them are
Jaber Al-farabi, Zakriya Al-Razi, Avecenna,
Khuworzami, Omer Khayyam, Naseeruddin
Toosi, Abdul Hassan, Ibn Mohammed AlQazweeni, Fakhruddin Razi, abul Qasim AlBairooni, Ibn Khaldoun, Imam Ghazali etc.
They added new chapters to Science and
Arts with their onerous dedication. All these
correspond to the period when whole
Europe was enshrouded in superstitions.
The credit goes to the Muslim Scientists for
the invention of Mariner's Compass, gun
powder and paper. They were the first to
attempt to aviate and shine the stones to a
mirror. They were inventors of telescope and
watermill in addition to the Braille to enable
the blinds to read, Algebra, geometry and
trigonometry. They prepared the list of stars
and their shape and charts. they did the
menstruation of all degrees of the Globe and
discovered its circumference. Likewise they
designed Aqua-solar watches and invented
the pendulum to measure the time. They
introduced the printing technology and
brought about a revolution in Medicine and
surgery and allied branches.
The sapient instructions of the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) were etched so deep in the hearth
of the Muslims that they counted the
knowledge their asset and property and
used to acquire it wherever it was possible.
Thousands of Muslim experts added new
dimensions to the knowledge balance of the
mankind. Going through the writings of
those eminent authors, every educated
person of this Century catches one distinct
mark, and it is non availability of any
contradiction to the Islam teaching
throughout their scientific research, and no
conflict is noticeable there. When the fame of
these versatile Muslim authors spread all
over the World, it came as an impetus for the
establishment of Universities in the countries
far away from the Muslim Countries. The
qualified Circles in Paris, Oxford, Italy and
western Europe were highly impressed by
the Arab Scientists.
To-day when the unbiased thinner ponders
over the creation of the Universe and the
secrets, latent therein, and links the thread of
his thinking to the verses of the Holy Quran,
he is faced by only one fact that science is a
characteristic of the man by birth, and
indeed when a thinker determines the
correct position of science, he becomes
cognizant of the fact that science is actually
an undoubted link-road to the realities of
creation and domination, life and death and
all the relevant secrets. The Holy Quran has
very clearly mentioned that Allah made
Adam His viceroy and taught him all the
science. Here viceroy ship means the
utilization of special Divine Authorities. The
question of such utilization does not arise
till the cognizance of the rules and
regulations regarding the utilization of these
authorities. the purpose behind teaching
Adam Science (The Names) was to train him
how the authorities are to be used. To sum
up, Adam was made cognizant of science of
universe Domination or subjection so that
this Special Cognizance may be instrumental
for him to control the universe. From
scientific viewpoint, the knowledge of
Science is the knowledge of the universe
(cosmography). The cardinal object of the
Science is the knowledge is to make a search
about and their quantities, all of them
moving very systematically, and it is the
movement which keeps a thing alive. From
the scientific viewpoint, the function of
science is to conquer all powers of the
universe and to utilize the treasures of earth
and skies. In the Holy Quran Allah said that
he brought down the iron, which has lot of
benefits for the people. When we think about
the scientific benefits of the iron for human
being, we conclude that every scientific
invention has direct or indirect relevance to
the iron.
The iron has emerged a very
important component in railways, airplanes,
wireless system and in every scientific breakthrough. Thus the man is benefiting himself
a lot through the iron as declared by Allah.
When we think about the conscious angles
right from Adam till now, we are convinced
to see that every function of the man is more
or less a science and that the scientific
function guarantees the accomplishment of
all human needs. All the human trades like
industries, handicrafts, construction and
machines are the result of a scientific
function (research and development). The
study in the holy Quran provides us with the
fact that the practical science has reached us
through several things. For instance, we
learnt the farming and cultivation through
Adam, the ship building through Noah, the
iron industries through Dawood, the
medicine through Christ and the wireless
system through Solomon (Peace be upon all
of them).
Once Europe was bereft of knowledge, and
was thickly covered under the darkness of
illiteracy, and because the Muslims were
strictly adherent to the teachings of their last
Prophet (P.B.U.H.), they distinguished
themselves as a nation. On the contrary , as
soon as they swerved from the path of
research and development in the light of
their Prophet's teachings, they immersed
individually and collectively in the deep
trench of illiteracy, while the nation, which
adhered to the acquisition of knowledge and
scientific development, they topped all the
nations. And this is the Divine Law as Allah
says in the Holy Quran! Allah does not bring
a change to the condition of the nation until
they bring change to what they are involved
So it is the crying need of the time that we
should change ourselves from remaining
idiot and good-for-nothing children to
righteous and wordy ones and enable
ourselves for the heritage, left by our
predecessors so that we can salvage
ourselves from the precipices of the gloom.
Our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has truly said that
the contemplation of one hour is better than
the worship of six decades, and that it was
the duty of every male and female Muslim to
acquire the knowledge, so you should seek
the knowledge though it is in china.
malign your national prestige by
demoralizing yourself against the turmoils
and hostile attitudes of your opponents and
bowing your head before the tyrants, are
really the Symbols of inferiority complex and
self-contempt. Therefore you should spot
what is your weak point that encouraged
your enemy to knock you down and
disrespect your national identity. The
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has epitomized all these
in two things:
Lust after the world.
fear of the death.
A perfect identity of a Muslim is that he
never tolerates any lapse in supporting the
truth irrespective of the adverse situation,
and he never swerves from the right path
even in the travails. He smiles in the face of
the death and sips the cup of death very
fervently if such a chance comes to him.
Fight those social maladies which fill the sky
of society with the black patches of terror
and scare, and the nation ultimately
surrenders to the enemy.
Ibne Abbas says: Any populace, going ahead
with perfidy and betrayal, will be
intimidated and frazzled by their enemy,
and society, where parsimonious weight and
food adulteration shall prevail, will be
inevitably caught by famine, and where
injustice will be allowed, wanton bloodshed
will be seen there, and a perfidious nation
will necessarily fall under the cruel
domination of their enemies.
In case, the terror and scare prevail upon
you, you should keep yourself upright and
chant the following prayer, and you shall
peremptorily get rid of all the fears and shall
restore the peace and tranquillity.
One person came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
and told that he was constantly frightened.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) advised him to recite
the following prayer. He complied with, and
was free Of all shackles :
"Glorified be Allah, the king, the Most Holy, Lord
of the Angels and Roohul Qudus: you have
covered the skies and earth with your authority
and supremacy. "
If Muslims in any region are cordoned
unfortunately by their enemies, they should
repeat the following prayer in each postprayer session :
"O Allah: Cover our weak spots and secure us
from the scare."
When Allah created Adam, He ordered him
to go to a Group of Angels and to salute
them, and to memorize the words,
responded by the Angels as that response
shall remain a prayer for his ensuring
generations. Adam reached that group of
Angels and saluted them saying:
"Peace be upon you "
The Angels responded:
" Upon you too be the peace and mercy of Allah".
The Holy Quran denotes that the Angels
offer salute when they pluck out the souls of
the believers.
" Those whom the Angels cause to die while they
are good. they say : Peace be upon you : Enter the
paradise in consideration of what you had done."
And when these pious persons approach the
gate of the Paradise, they will be welcomed
with same style by the in-charge gate-keeper:
"And those who fear their Lord will be led to the
Paradise group-wise so that when they shall
reach it, and its gates opened, its custodians shall
say to them: Peace be upon you, you are good, so
enter it for good."
"The Angels enter upon them from every gate
(and say): peace be upon you because you
performed perseverance. So how pleasant is the
last Home."
Even the paradise-occupants felicitate each
other with the following words:
"Their salutation when they shall meet Him will
be: Peace."
Every son of Adam is your brother. I am
your brother and you are my brother. She is
my sister and T am her brother. Among all
these brothers and sisters, you should prefer
the relatives, but it does not mean that we
have no human right to fulfill. Despite every
family, every brotherhood, every country
and every nation, each man has some right
for other men. That right is that we should
call our brothers and sisters from Adam, to
the truth, you should take the initiative in
salutation of one who accepts this call of
truth irrespective of his color, race or
language, and regardless of your prior
introduction to him Likewise you should
salute your House-dwellers while making
your entry therein.
It is natural that when two persons meet,
they exchange their views with each other.
Before starting the talk, if you, keep in your
mind that you have to repeat to your
addressee such words that may gladden him
and open up his closed mind, that person
shall feel peaceful and shall turn to be
lenient and courteous while conversing.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has guided the
mankind to exhibit the feeling of gaiety and
felicitation on joint-meeting. The best way of
it is to pray for each other and to wish the
best. So one has to say: Peace be upon you,
and the other has to respond upon you too
be the peace.
this exchange of prayer strengthens the
mutual tie of love and friendship. The
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has said:
"You can't enter the paradise until you believe,
and you can't believe until you love each other
and popularize the salutation (SALAAM) among
When you come across your brother, relative
or friend, and salute them, it means that
your prayer has emanated from deep heart
that Allah may secure their souls and
property, and protect their houses, and
guard them along with their kids and kins,
and that their life in both the worlds may be
happy and lustrous, and that Allah may
confer upon his brother, relative and friend
these boons that are known to him and those
that are unknown to him.
When a brother salute other, he really
intends to say: O my brother! My heart is
fraught with boisterous feeling of love,
sincerity, peace and security, thereafter you
should not be suspicious of me. My no
attitude shall harm you. If the words "peace
be upon you" is uttered in the real letter and
spirit, the feelings of love, solidarity and
loyalty shall emanate in your addressee. The
Prophet (P.B.U.H.), the real cause behind the
creation of the universe, said:
"Salaam, is one of the name of Allah who caused
it to come down on the earth, so you should
spread it among you."
propagation of Islam always has
involved two ways : The first one is that the
man should negotiate his addressee
according to his mental capabilities, and
should win his heart with his moral power,
and take care of his needs and solve his
problems as if they were his own ones. As
far as the other way is concerned, it is to
communicate your ideas to others through
essays and speeches, keeping in view that
this one is an age of writing and speaking,
and all the distances have shrunk, or rather,
have converged. The expansion of the earth
has been reduced to a globe. With a sonic
viewpoint, the distance between U.S. and
Karachi is less than that of a room. To cast a
news over London and U.S. from Karachi
has been a daily routine. The same thing is
going with the writing. There is a vast
cluster of publication. A passage, typed in
U.S. or in any other overseas country, is
legible in Karachi or Islamabad as if the same
was being typed in Karachi or Islamabad.
The writing leaves on the reader such an
impact that cultivates the intellectual nuclei
of the mind which turn souring trees.
Therefore you should maintain equanimity
and restraint in your writing and speech
using an optimistic phraseology, and
avoiding a pessimistic and menacing method
which makes a reader or listener despondent
of Divine mercy and totally confused about
his reformation or salvation. Please use in
your writing the encouraging words and
present such an idea of Divine Love that
may replace the scare with regard and
respect so that he may accept the Divine
Mercy with all his respect to the Donor.
Hazrat Ali (R.A.) says:
" The best scholars are those who invite to Divine
path in such a way which does not ward off the
invitees from the threshold of Allah, and who do
not present such image of Allah for disobedience."
You have to participate permanently in the
propagation of Islam and dissemination of
Divine knowledge though on a small scale
and to call the mankind to exploit their
wholeheartedly all the difficulties and
hardships, waiting for you in this way, as the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
" The dearest work to Allah is that lasts for long
though it is meager."
This incident dates back to the period when
the dictators were applying insufferable
tortures to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his
ardent followers. Hazrat khabab narrates:
We came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) while he
was resting under the shadow of Kaba, We
complained to Him what we were facing.
We requested Him to pray Allah to put an
end to their atrocities. The color of the
Prophet's face changed and he told:
"The man in the olden days was brought to a
ditch, then a saw was kept in the middle of his
head and in this cruel fashion he was bifurcated
into two pieces, but he had been adamant to his
religion. Another person was combed with iron
piercing his flesh and muscles to the bones but he
stood firm in his belief. No doubt ! Allah soon
shall complete His religion in such a way that the
rider may walk between Sana and Hadhramout
with no external fear barring the fear of Allah
and the wolf for to sheep but you are making
And Acid Test is must for the success of any
mission. The man can't achieve his goal
without passing through ordeals. The goal
may be of collective nature or individual
nature, the trail is the peremptory. When we
start any work it remains unaccomplished
till we pass through several phases for it's
accomplishment. Each phase is the trial or
test. If we remain upto the mark in those
phases, the result is undoubtedly positive,
otherwise negative.
So come on ! We pledge to accept all the
ensuing trials in the way of carrying the
religious message all over the world, and to
instill the people, with all respect, courtesy
and tact, that we should begin with the
identification of ourselves if we want to
recognize Allah and his Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
as the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has said putting his
finger on the same point:
"One who has recognized himself
verily he has recognized his Lord."