national chapter bulletin
national chapter bulletin
Alpha 244 phi.' NATIONAL CHAPTER BULLETIN Omega 14901 E. 42ndStreet - Independence, M o 64055 - (816) 373-8667 - FAX: (816) 373-5975 Alpha Plii Omega September 2007 NATIONAL SERVICE WEEK "Serving Children With Disabilities" November 4-10,2007 National Service Week (NSW) is when all Alpha Phi Omega Chapters do service projects reflecting the annual theme. This is part of what being in our NATIONAL Service Fraternity is all about. This year's theme is: "Serving Children With Disabilities" National Service Week goals for each Chapter are: Complete a NSW themed service project during the week of November 4-10 (or as close to it as possible) Invite non-APO members to join in the project Get publicity for the project Report the project by November 15* via the website Service Proiect Database The NSW handbook has service project ideas, a step-by step project-planning guideltimeline and other resources to help chapters; find the handbook and other information online: http://apo.orn/show/National Pronrams/Service/Pronrams/National Service Week *NSW reporting is required (no later than November 1 5 ' ~bv ) ALL chapters aa "Same Page" Same Page" guides were mailed t o all chapters on September 1 8 ~The ~ . envelope contained copies f o r t h e president and treasurer. Please make sure they are distributed t o t h e appropriate officer. A copy o f "Sat'ne Page" was also mailed t o chapter advisory you haven't received your chapter copies, chairs. If please notify t h e National Office immediately! Inside this Issue: J J J J J J J Chapter Checklist "How to Place an Order" IRS Information for Chapters Life Membership Flyer & 5 Applications Who, What, When & Where Annual Chapter Evaluation & HRB Award 2006 T & T Annual Report AnnuaCChapter Evahatwn and 31: m e 23artCe Award Included in this mailing is the Annual Chapter Evaluation b H. Roe Bartle Amard booklet. This valuable tool will help chapters to evaluate their past programs and establish goals for the current year. Chapters determine through a selfevaluation process whether they believe they qualify for the H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award. Those chapters receive a certificate of recognition. (A copy of this evaluation is due in the National Office by New IRS Filing Requirement! 'NEW' INFORMATION about tax filing for Alpha Phi Omega - Chapters! Please read the enclosed flyer regarding new regulations from the Internal Revenue Service. Updates will be provided to chapters as additional information becomes available. ,................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ j REMINDER: 2007-2008 Charter ~ e a f f r r n a t i o n swere mailed t o chapters on Septem ber 7th. [ your copy has not been received you need t o contact the ~ a t i o n a office l 1 IMMEDIATELY a t 816-373-8667 or via email a t [email protected] he updated reaffirmation form (with signatures confirming compliance with 6raternity policies) and payment O ~ A A M and D Annual Insurance Fees are DUE IN 1 THE NATIONAL OFFICE NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER l!jTH. ~f , CHAPTER CHECKLIST Specific information about reporting deadlines for "Activities Conducted" by chapters is included. This can also be found on Page I of the "Same Page" booklet. Two copies of the Torch & Trefoil 2006 Annual Report are included with this mailing. This issue is published annually over the summer and sent to chapters at the beginning of a new school year. If you would like more copies please contact adminm ??? Did you receive: ??? I pad of Pledge Applications 9 Ritual books 3 copies of the new National Bylaws These were sent to chapters in late August. If you did not receive these, please email s u ~ p l i e s @ , a ~ o . oor r g call the National Office. Checklists for: Chapter of Excellence Award (COE) & Pledge Program of Excellence Award (PPOE) can be found at: checklist.pdf and;/site/site files1PPOE checklist.pdf Start now to make sure your chapter is eligible for these awards and receives recognition at the 2008 National Convention in Boston! A pad of new Pledge A ~ ~ l i c a t i o was n s mailed to chapters at the end of August which reflected the new pledge fee passed by delegates to the last National Convention. Please dircard any forms you have on hand with the old fee amount. Please remember when submitting applications and fees for pledge or active members to always print legibly, include complete permanent address information and include a ritual date. CHAPTER CHECKLIST DATE DUE ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED PLEDGES Submit an '!4pplication f o r Pledge Membership"f0r each new Pledge with $32 ($25 Submitted within 10 days of the ceremony INITIATES Submit an "Application f o r A c t i v e Membership"for each new brother with $35. Insure that each application is accurately completed, including the exact date of the activation ceremony and write names legibly. Submitted within 10 days of the ceremony 1 CHARTER REAFFIRMATION & AAMD Review and complete the "Charter Reaffirmation"form (sent to chapters the first week in September) and return it to the National Office. Add the name of each active member and advisor not listed on the "Membership Roster", delete inactive members, and submit payment of Annual Active Membership Dues (AAMD)-$32 ($25 AAMD & $7 Insurance fees for each active member - minimum of $75 per chapter). Obtain signatures of the chapter president and Advisory Chair, certifying the chapter's compliance with the Fraternity's Membership and Risk Management Policies and Standard Chapter Articles of Association. November 1 5 ~ ~ NATIONAL SERVICE WEEK REPORT Submit the report for your National Service Week Project(s). November SPRING YOUTH SERVICE DAY REPORT Submit the report for your Spring Youth Service Day Project. May lSt OUTSTANDING DEBTS Chapters are required to pay any outstanding debts to the National Office. Chapters can determine if they have any debts by contacting the National Office at [email protected] CHAPTER OFFICERS LIST Complete the form twice a year (or when there is an officer change) and send it to the National Office. November October lSt January 3lSt GRADUATING SENIOR LIST Submit a list of graduating seniors for the fall and spring semesters to the National Office. June lSt ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION & H. ROE BARTLE AWARD Submit completed forms to the National Office. November CHAPTER PROGRAM PLANNING CONFERENCE Submit completed forms to the National Office. Immediately after the Conference CONTACT YOUR SECTIONAL CHAIR & REGIONAL DIRECTOR Inform your Sectional Chair & Regional Director of chapter events. Regularly ARTICLES FOR 'TORCH & TREFOIL" Send information and photograph(s) of chapter projects for publication in the 'Torch & TrefoiK ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT Submit verification of audit of previous year's financial records. Following completion of activity CHAPTER BYLAWS Submit copy of revised Chapter Bylaws to the National Office. Immediately after revision July 3lSt ARTICLE IX, SECTION 8. CHAPTERS I N GOOD STANDING. A chapter in good standing is one which yearly meets its financial, administrative, and Annual Chatter Reaffirmation obligations to the National Fraternity; is not more than 90 days delinquent in its financial accounts with the National Office; has confirmation of submission of a Spring Youth Service Day Report and a National Service Week Report; has at least one active member; and which has not been declared inactive or suspended, or had its charter revoked, or has not otherwise been deemed in violation of the policies or National Bylaws of Alpha Phi Omega; or of the rules, regulations, or policies of its school. I Tips and other general info no chapter should be without How to order? Orders can be placed via the website at www.a~o/market/show,or by calling the if National Office (8 16) 373-8667 x16. You can also email the supply room at su~~lies(, you want to bill the order to your chapter-do not email your credit card number to this address! If you want to use a credit card please use the website as it is encrypted and secure. Mailing in an order form is the slow way to place orders. Since most orders go out the next business day, by the time your order is received in the National Office, it could have already been delivered, by using one of the other methods. We will also accept order forms by fax at (816) 373 5975. Please make sure to fill out ALL the information on the order form, including contact information, so we can reach you if there is a problem with your order. Where to send the packape? Orders are shipped via UPS (unless another method is requested). UPS automatically sends you a tracking number for your shipment via email. Sending your orders to a campus mail room can sometimes be a gamble. I commonly refer to it as a black hole in the shipping system where a package goes in and is never seen again! It is better to ship to a personal address (a house is better than an apartment because UPS will leave it on the doorstep). Be sure to provide a COMPLETE ADDRESS when ordering such as apartment number, Street, Drive, Ave, Terrace, etc. These are the kind of details that can make the difference in getting your package delivered. Note: UPS will not deliver to a Post Office Box so another method will be necessary. How to pay for it? The most common and easiest way is paying by credit card. Billing your chapter is another way of paying for an order. Your chapter will be invoiced for the order and a bill will be included in the shipping box-chapters have 30 days to pay the invoice. We can only bill chapters that are in "good standing". Shipping is added to all orders, including supplies like posters, Pledge Manuals, etc. We cannot bill individual members. Checks or money orders made out to "Alpha Phi Omega" can also be used to pay for orders and shipping. How fast can I get my order? Ah, my favorite question. Orders are sent out quite fast unless there is an issue like incomplete information. Most orders will get to either coast in 3-5 business days depending on where you are located. Services like Overnight and 2 day and 3 day delivery are expensive and not really necessary as long as the chapters plan ahead for their orders. However, if it is unavoidable, please calllemail the National Office and we will see what the best options are for your chapter. Questions? Contact Matt Hewitt by phone at (8 16) 373-8667 x 16 or email at supplies@, Alpha Phi Omega 14901 E. 42ndStreet Independence, MO 64055 8 16-373-8667 8 16-373-5975 fax P b h a Phi Omega is your (Fraternityfor a Lzfetime! Life Membership in Alpha Phi Omega is an opportunity for members to financially support the longterm stability of the Fraternity. It also serves as a declaration of your lifetime commitment to the principles of Alpha Phi Omega. Life Membership fees are a way of supporting the Alpha Phi Omega Endowment. This is one of the three ways that the Endowment grows (the other two are through direct gifts and investment income). The Endowment was established for the purpose of assisting the Fraternity if it ever fell on financially difficult times and to support programs of the Fraternity for future generations. By agreement, the Endowment uses some of its investment income, when requested, to support many different programs of the Fraternity including our Service and Leadership Development Programs. By becoming a Life Member, you help perpetuate the Fraternity for future generations and ensure that the Fraternity will stay in touch with you well past the time of your days on campus through the Torch & Trefoil and other mailings. Life Membership is available to active, alumni, and advisory brothers of the Fraternity. As an undergraduate, you may become a Life Member at a discounted rate of just $50.00 (the fee for alumni is $100). This one time fee includes a distinctive Life Membership lapel pin, a certificate, a wallet IDcard, a lifetime subscription to the Torch & Trefoil, and recognition at National Conventions, conferences, etc. Simply fill out the attached form and send it with your check or credit card information to the National Office, or you may join online at by clicking on Supporting APO then Life Membership. "Please note that if you become a Life Member while an active member, you continue to pay all applicable chapter and national fees and dues. LIFE MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT Alpha Phi Omega - 14901 East 42ndStreet S. Independence, Missouri 64055 . I am a Brother in good standing. I wish to enroll as a Life Member and submit the following application (please print): Maiden Full name (as desired on certificate) Permanent address Telephone Chapter Email Graduation year Major/Degree Profession One time membership fee (check one): 0$50 Undergraduate rate (good until 1 year after graduation) 0$100 Alumni rate Method of payment: 17Check OCredit card (circle one: Visa / Mastercard / Discover / American Express ) Member Signature Card # Exp. You are encouraged to enroll online at WWW.aPO.Org (click Supporting APO then Life Membership). CB0907 "New" IRS Ruling Your chapter may have recently received (or you may in the near future) a notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding your responsibility in filing an annual report. The IRS has recently made some changes that will affect all of our chapters. These changes are very simple and will have minimal impact on your chapter's day-to-day operations; however, you will have to act in a timely manner. Under ,the old rules, chapters that had annual gross revenue of less than $25,000 (money the chapter takes in during the year) did not have to file a report with the IRS. Under the new rules all non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations* have to anr~ually,file an electro~iicnotice with the IRS. 'This will entail a chapter officer going to an IRS web page and filling out a very short form. To fill out this form you will need to have chapter's Employer Identification Number (EIN).** Unfortunately, the IRS has started sending out letters notifying chapters that they need to be aware of this new requirement without actually setting up a web page, so there is very little information available at this time. The Fraternity will be lil- king to the IRS web page on our website (as soon as it becomes available). There is no action to take at this time. The Fraternity will send out further information once it is available from the IRS. We recommend that you keep up to date with the IRS regarding exempt organizations. You can receive a regular email newsletter by signing up at www.irs.aovleo . If you have any questions you can contact the National Office at (816) 373-8667. *All chapters fall under the National Fraternity's 501(c)(3) non-profit stalus granted by the IRS. **Each chapter must have their own EIN. The National Fraternity also keeps track of each cliapter's EIN. If you don't know your number you can find it on your Charter Reaffirmation form or by callilig the National Office. Your EIN is similar to what a Social Security number is to a U.S. citizen and sliould be safe guarded in a similar manner. WHO, WHAT, WHEN & WHERE? ALPHA PHI OMEGA'S CALENDAR OF EVENTS October 2007 Chapter Officers Update DUE by October 1, 2007 Section 26 Conference October 5- 7, 2007 Lincoln, NE Region IY7 Conference October 12-14, 2007 University of Alaska Anchorage Alpha Zeta Eta Anchorage, AK Region VII Conference October 12-14, 2007 Baylor University Zeta Omega Chapter Waco, TX Region VI Conference October 26-28, 2007 Northern IllinoisUniversity Eta Chapter Dekalb. IL Sections 87, 88 & 89 Conference Alpha Delta Eta University of Albany Albany, NY November 2007 Region 111Conference November 2-4, 2007 Raleigh, NC Region IX Conference November 2-4, 2007 TBD Region V Conference November 9-11, 2007 Pittsburgh, PA National Service Week November 4-10, 2007 Serving Children w/ Disabilities APO DEADLINES Charter ReafJirmation Active Annual Membership Dues & Annual Insurance Fee (AAMD) National Service Week Report Any Outstanding Debts Annual Chapter Evaluation & H. Roe Bartle Award DUE by November 15,2007 December 2007 Region I & 11Conference December 28-30, 2007 Allentown, PA Region IV Conference December 28-30, 2007 Tampa, FL Januarv 2008 Region X Conference Janua ry 3-5, 2008 UC San Diego, CA Region VIII Conference January 18-20, 2008 Norman, OK Chapter Officers Update Youth Service Grant DUE by January 31,2008 February 2008 Alumni Reception February 1,2008 Chicago, Illinois National Board o f Directors Meeting February 2,2008 Chicago, Illinois March 2008 Campfire USA '2bsolutely Incredible Kid Day " March 20, 2008 April 2008 Spring Youth Service Day April 25-2 7, 2008 Mav 2008 Spring Youth Service Day Report John Mack Scholarship Application Due Pledge Class Namesake Nominations May 1,2008 June 2008 Graduating Seniors List DUE June 1,2008 Julv 2008 Chapter of Excellence Award Pledge Program of Excellence July 31,2008 National Volunteer Conference July 31- August 3, 2008 National Service Fraternity ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION & H. ROE BARTLE CHAPTER AWARD Chapter Name: Regon: College/University: Section: September, 2007 Dear Chapter President: This handbook contains the Annual Chapter Evaluation and H. Roe Bartle Award certification to be used for evaluating your chapter for the school year, which ended spring 2007 (2006-2007). It will also help you plan for this fall and the 2007-2008 school year. Completion of the Annual Chapter Evaluation enables you to determine whether your chapter believes it has earned the H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award for the 2007-2008 academic year based upon the prior year's results. This chapter evaluation process can be used as a part of a chapter-planning meeting or as an addition to the Chapter Program Planning Conference (CPPC). Copies of the CPPC can be found on the Fraternity's website under the Chapter Operations area of the Publications page. Your chapter should return a copy of the completed Annual Chapter Evaluation and H. Roe Bartle Award certification to the National office by November 15,2007. Fraternally, Robert J. London National Executive Director THE ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION The Annual Chapter Evaluation was originally adopted by the 1978 National Convention and updated by subsequent conventions. While it is no longer a requirement to remain in good standmg, it is a useful tool to evaluate your chapter's past program and to plan for the future. It is required if your chapter wishes to be eligible for the H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award. The purpose of a Chapter Evaluation is to make each chapter more effective in meeting the objectives of Alpha Phi Omega. Specifically, it provides you with an opportunity to: + + + + Evaluate what was accomplished during the past academic year; Establish goals for strengthening the program during the current year; Identify areas which may require increased effort or assistance on the part of Sectional Chairs and Staff, the Board of Directors, and the National Office; Determine through self-evaluation whether the chapter believes it has qualified for the H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award. The success of our Fraternity depends on the achievements of our members. As you establish challenging plans and goals for the academic year, you will create greater results that enhance Alpha Phi Omega, and enjoy the personal rewards of satisfaction and greater opportunities. Alpha Phi Omega believes it is very important for each chapter to have a better understanding of what constitutes a successful chapter. That is the function of the Annual Chapter Evaluation. It is designed to help your chapter arrive at this understanding. It provides you with a formal procedure allowing you to conduct a self-evaluation of your chapter's program and to create plans and objectives for greater achievements in the coming years. You may wish to include the Chapter Evaluation as part of your Chapter Program Planning Conference or in a meeting of the entire chapter. We request that all chapter officers arid the Advisory Committee be involved with this review process. You may wish to invite your Sectional Chair or Sectional Representative to be present during the review. It is evident that there are many items which require discussion beyond the completion of this form. Your Sectional Chair and Regonal Director wdl receive copies of your completed Chapter Evaluation so that they can respond to your needs. When you have completed the Annual Chapter Evaluation and H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award return it to the National Office by November 15. (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the MRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 2 Chapter Name: Region : Section: LEADERSHIP Results Past Year (2006-2007) Goals Current Year (2007-20081 1. Leadership is developed in individual Brothers through: [Rank in order of importance: (1-7,7 least important)] a. Delegation by Officers & Project Chair b. Officer Apprenticeships c. CommitteeIProject Chairs d. Committee Membership e. Chapter Officer Orientation f. Workshops and Seminars at Conferences g. Use of "Leadership Series" Guides 2. Our chapter has participatedlwill participate in the following programs conducted by the Fraternity: (Yes or No) a. Chapter Program Workshop b. Leadership Development Workshop c. Sectional Conferences d. RegionalINational Convention 3. Our chapter conducts/will conduct a "Chapter Program Planning Conference" (CPPC) at least annually: YesNo 4. Our chapter haslwill have: (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) a. Executive Committee Meetings b. Chapter Meetings c. Pledge Class Meetings 5. Chapter meetings aretwill be conducted according to: (Check appropriate answer) a. an agenda planned by the president alone b. an agenda planned by the executive committee c. no agenda-whoever wants to raise an issue can 6. Chapter meetings generally last: (circle one) Results (2006-2007): Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours More than 3 hours Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours More than 3 hours Goals (2007-2008): (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award -See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 3 LEADERSHIP hontinued) Results Past Year (2006-2007) Goals Current Year (2007-2008) 7 . Chapter executive committee meetings arelwill be open to: (Yes or No) a, pledges b. non-officer Brothers c. advisors d. others (specify) 8. On a scale from 1 (best) to 10 (worst) rate the effectiveness of: a. Executive Committee b. Service Committee c. Membership Committee d. Fellowship Committee e. Finance Committee 9. How often dolwill advisors: (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc) a. meet b. meet with the president c. meet with the officers d. meet with the pledges e. meet with the entire chapter 10. Our chapter promoteslwill promote communication a n d activity with the rest of the Fraternity through: (check those which apply) a. chapter newsletter b. article contributions to sectionallregional newsletters c. article contributions to Torch & Trefoil d. communication with the Sectional Chair (apart from conferences) e. communication with the Regional Director (apart from conferences) f. having a fund to assist chapter delegates to attend National Conventions g. participation in projectslactivities with other chapters (apart from conferences) 11. Our chapter considers and useslwill use as resources: (Yes or No) a. alumni b. advisors c. sectionallregional staff d. local Scouting volunteers e. faculty and staff f. others in community 12. (a) How many Brothers hold campus leadership positions? (b) The chapter attitude toward Brothers holding such leadership positions can best be described as: (check one) a. encouraging b. discouraging c. noncommittal (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 4 Chapter Name: Region: Section: CHAPTER LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Describe your chapter's plans for developing leadership within the chapter: (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the IlRB Award ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 5 - See Page 14) Chapter Name: Region: Section: CHAPTER OPERATIONS Results Past Year (2006-2007) Goals Current Year (2007-2008) 1. Our chapter operatestwill operate within a written budget, approved by the Brothers: (Yes or No) 2. Accurate financial records aretwill be kept by our Treasurer? (Yes or No) 3. Our chapter receives/will receive a report from the Treasurer on the financial situation: (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, once a semester, once a year, never) 4. These financial records aretwill be audited by a qualified person at least once a year: (Yes or No) 5 . Federal and State tax returns aretwill be filled out and submitted on time: (Yes or No) 6. Our chapter hastwill have a public relations program which includes: (Yes or No) a. providing information to campus and community media about our activities b. maintaining contact with college officials c. maintaining contact with service organizations in the community d. other (describe: A 7. Our chapter utilizestwill utilize the following to publicize its events andtor accomplishments: (Yes or No) a. campus newspapers b. chapter newsletter c. community newspaper d. campus TVIRadio e. community TVIRadio f. posters g. word-of-mouth h. other (explain: (Completion of pages ) are required for the achievement of the HRB Award - See Page ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 6 9-12 14) Chapter Name: Region: Section: Results Past Year (2006-2007) Goals Current Year (2007-2008) 1. Our recruiting program includeslwill include: (Yes or No) a. pre-rush orientation for the Brothers b, fellowship activities c. service activities d. use of paid advertising e. use of rush materials provided by the Fraternity f. informational meeting ("rush") for prospectives 2. Our chapter makeslwill make non-members feel welcome to attend service projects: (Yes or No) 3. Our pledge program lastslwill last: (circle one) Results (2006-2007): Goals (2007-2008): 4. 1-5 weeks 1-5 weeks 6-1 0 weeks 6-10 weeks More than 10 weeks More than 10 weeks During the pledge period, pledges arelwill be asked to: (Yes or No) a. attend pledge class meetings b. attend chapter meetings c. participate in chapter service projects d. plan their own service proj ects e. learn the history of the Fraternity f. learn the history of the chapter g. study the Fraternity's Pledge Manual h, participate in chapter fellowship activities i. plan their own fellowship activities j, meet all of the Brothers k. attend various committee meetings 1, attend executive committee meetings 5. In reference to the "National Pledging Standards": (Yes or No) a. the chapter has a copy b. the pledging standards are followed without exception c. the entire chapter fully understands the pledging standards d. pledges are provided with a copy of the pledging standards at the beginning of the program (Completion of pages are reqnired for the achievement of the HRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 7 2-12 FRIENDSHIPMEMBERSHIP (continued) 6. What proportion of the Brotherhood participates in chapter activities: (circle the best answer) 10% 7. 25% 50% 75% 100% Our spirit of Brotherhood and feeling of harmony can best be described: (place an "x" at the best answer) very weak weak fair strong very strong Results Past Year (2006-2007) 8. NA Goals Current Year (2007-2008) Not including those Brothers who have left campus, the chapter has retained the following percentage of its Brothers: 9. We have an alumni program that encourageslwill enc ourage alumni to participate in: (Yes or No) a, initiationslrituals b. banquets c. chapter meetings d. service projects e, parties f. other (explain g. nothing ) 10. We helplwill help alumni in contact with the Fraternity through: (Yes or No) a. chapter newsletter b. promotion of Life Membership c. annual alumni get-together 11. Our advisor program includeslwill include: (Yes/No) a. recruitment of faculty members b. key members of the administration c. at least one Scouting advisor d. regular meetings between the Advisory Committee and the chapter president and/or executive committee e. regular meetings between the Advisory Chair and our president f. regular use of the advisors as a resource (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 8 Name: Region: Section: CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP RETENTION PROGRAM Explain what measures the chapter takes to ensure and develop membership retention: (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 9 - See Page 14) Chapter Name: Region: Section: SERVICE Results Past Year (2006-20071 Goals Current Year (2007-2008') 1. Our service program includes service to: (Yes or No) a. the Nation b. the Community c. the Campus d. the Fraternity 2. Our participation in National Service Week includeslwill include: (Yes or No) a. conducting a Service Project on the theme b. obtaining a governmental proclamation c. publicizing the event through campus and community media d. involving other organizations in promoting and participating in National Service Week e. reporting the project to the National Office by November 15 3. We keeplwill keep written record and evaluations of the Service Projects, including what made each a success or failure: (Yes or No) 4. We reviewlwill review the current Service Program to determine the value of current projects and the need for different or additional projects: (Check appropriate response) a. after each project is completed b. once a semesterltrimesterlquarter c. once a year d. once in a while e. never 5. What proportion of the Chapter's Brothers contribute/will contribute a significant amount of time, effort and commitment to theservice Program: (circle the best answer) Results (2006-2007): 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% I Goals (2007-2008): 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 6. What proportion of the Chapter's pledges contributelwill coiltribute a significant amount of time, effort and commitment to the Service Promam: (circle the best answer) (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award -See Page ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 10 14) A SERVICE (continued 7. Did the chapter raise funds for charitable organizations during the 2006-2007 academic year? YES NO If yes, please list the charity and the amount contributed to each. 8. Please list the chapter's major Service Projects. Place an * by those which fall under the National Program of Emphasis. Accomplished 2006 -2007 Planned 2007 -2008 CAMPUS CAMPUS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY SCOUTING SCOUTING NATION NATION FRATERNITY FRATERNITY NOTE: The following is a "sample copy" of the National Service Week Report Form. Please coinplete tlte original form (mailed with the National Service Week Handbook) imnzediately after National Service Week, November 4-10 and mail before December 1st. (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 11 , You can find and complete this form on our Website at: -Programs/Service/Project-Databaselservice-Project-Report-Form / i Homes llntional Pronranis t Service> Proiect > Service Proieci Relsort Forni S e ~ c Project e Repolt For111 This form should be used by chaptersto subml mandatory project reports for National Service Week (November) end Sarina Youth Service Day (April). R may be used to subml other serMce projectsthat your chapter may sponsor for inclusion in the nationalservice project database, sothat you may share your ideas with Alunini illid Voltlnteers other chapters. The form also automaticelly sends an email to the National 0 fflce, National Servlce 8 Communications Program Director, your Region Director, and Flnance ancl 0l)eratlolis your Section Chair. Inter nat101ialRelations To submit a project report, please fill in ell of the blanks on the form and hl submit. Please only h l submit once, as pressing it multiple times will resun in multiple Leaclershil) submissionsto the database (as well as muRiple copies of emails sent). Marketing if you need W f i l i i n g out this form, try clickinc~I ~ e l e . ... ---- ......... Meclia ancl T e t l i ~ i o l o r ~ y YeniLerslill) Extension .III~~ i m YE% Continue with PART 1WObelow. Select elher the W o r m 110,111y cllapter c l i c l not partlcilrate i n either I programs Search Servlce Project Report I SYSD option under, "Project Type." 01 SYSD: Please click here to complete the noprojectreport form IIO. I~llt Iwolllcl like t o repolt a nor-IISW or IOI-SYSD Featured Service Projects ...... (projects performed during the month of April, or any tlme during the Spring Semester) by completing a service project? . Servlce Monthly -- ...... ................ . PART WE: Did your chapter participatein either National Service Week (projects performed during the first week of November) or Spring Youth Service Day Seivice I i 2 ploject: Continue with PART 1WO below. Select one of the abernative project types under, "Project Type." I ', (Coordinator) Cont.ict Eniail: Submit Project photo -- .... .-. .... - .. . ..-..- F h F $ L G . i t-.project Project Type: Resources ............-...... L. ?j . -1 ---^----. .... Project Tile: Web Resources Project Date: SuggestionForm Project Location: PI ojeci Description: Prolect ResrlRs: Area of Service: Pul)licatio~lsalicl FOI n l s .... CLnl)ter,PG:IC,: ... ~ ~ ~ , : - - > , n T * , ~ ~ - . x , < . ~ ~ Resoilrces -----"----."--.-- . ". . . .-.... ............. PART THREE: . . . --- ...... ... . . . . . . . ........ .......... -- ............. .. ... embers of your chapter in preparation for Ihe actual event. These would normally . . . . . . . . . ............ ....................... - ............. ..... .... ..- i l T o ~Active ~l M e n i l ~ e r s6 Pleclges i n CIiapter: .... : Basically, all dudent members of your chapter. Do not count alumnl, advisory, or honorary members here. I Total CLapter Uem1)ers (StucteMs) P.i~ticipatingIn Project: I This number should include all partlclpants of the project thal ere edher actwe, pledge, or assoc~ateflnactive members of your chapter ........ of other chapters shuld be recorded under "Total Non-Cha er Members" (below). .... . . . . . ._ .......... - L ~ . ? .... ............. ............... ...... ; Tot.11 Service Hoers by All Clhil)ter Me111l)ers(Str~clelts)o n l l i i s Project: , Add up the total number of servlce hours performedby all of the student chapter members (specifledIn the previous questlon), and put I I hat total here Do not count hwrs recorded under, "preparationh w r s " I I - - -.- -- _____ (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 12 . NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY THE H. ROE BARTLE CHAPTER AWARD El. Roe Bartle, Alpha Phi Omega's second National President, was a major factor in the growth and prosperity of our Fraternity. The "Chief', as Brother Bartle was affectionately known, succeeded our founder, Frank Reed Horton, as National President in 1931. At that time there were 18 chapters in Alpha Phi Omega. Brother Bartle served Alpha Phi Omega as National President for sixteen years, until 1946 when, at his choosing, he relinquished this responsibility. His accomplishments are legendary. He led Alpha Phi Omega in nationwide growth; from 18 campuses in 1931 the Fraternity expanded to 109 campuses by 1946. He secured the endorsement of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America and obtained the approval of college presidents and deans in all parts of the nation. He established the National Office of the Fraternity when Sidney B. North was employed as the first National Executive Secretary. His achievements were even more significant when one considers that our nation endured the depression and World War I1 during his term as President. The "Clief' continued to serve Alpha Phi Omega as a member of the National Board of Directors, Chairman of the Endowment Trustees and Legal Counsel until he passed away on May 9,1974. The H . Roe Bartle Chapter Award, which is a unique certificate, was established to recognize those chapters of Alpha Phi Omega which achieve and maintain high standards in all aspects of their operations. Brother Bartle stressed achievement and high standards in all of his endeavors and would ask no less of others. His leadership in Alpha Phi Omega during times of National crisis inspired countless chapters and indviduals to succeed in the face of adversity. The Fraternity was maintained and strengthened by his presence during those difficult days. During his last days among us, the "Chief' was approached with the concept of establishing an award in his honor. He consented with the provision that the award would be based upon a self-evaluation by each chapter. The H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award is based upon the evaluation of chapter operations, activities, and programs. It provides an opportunity to document what was accomplished during the last academic year and to establish goals for the current year. The members of each chapter will determine whether the chapter has earned this recognition. In the spirit of H. Roe Bartle, we commend this program to every chapter. (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievemerit of the HRR Award - See Page 141) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 13 Chapter Name: Region: Section: H. ROE BARTLE CERTIFICATION 1. The following participated in the Annual Chapter Evaluation: (check the appropriate answers) President Advisory Chair Chapter Officers Other Advisors Committee Chairs Entire Chapter 2. Based on this evaluation of our chapter program, we believe that we: have have not qualified for the H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award for the 2006-2007 academic year. We acknowledge that the Chapter is required to abide by the National Bylaws and Standard Chapter Articles of Association and certify our willingness to do so. Signed: Chapter President Advisory Committee Chair Date Date PLEASE MAIL THIS CERTIFICATION, ALONG WITH THE ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION, BY NOVEMBER 15,2007 TO: ALPHA PHI OMEGA NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY 14901 E. 42ND STREET INDEPENDENCE, MO 64055 (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 14 INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY This section (pages 15-16) is not part of the Annual Chapter Evaluation or H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award. It seeks information which will be of value to the Fraternity as we hope to serve you better. It is attached to this evaluation simply to avoid an additional mailing. Please mail or fax (816-373-5975) this completed form to the National Office as soon as possible. We appreciate your responses to the following questions. Chapter Name: College or University: Total # of Brothers in Your Chapter: Approximate Student Population: Approximate Number of: Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Graduate Students Number of Advisors: Office Telephone Number (if any): ( ) Area Code Email or website: Time, day and place of chapter meetings: Describe the chapter's major source(s) of income: The chapter's annual budget is approximately: $ Dates each semester begins: Dates each semester ends: (Completion of pages 2-12 are required for the achievement of the HRB Award -See Page 14) ANNUAL CI-IAPTER EVALUATION - Page 15 CHAPTER STRUCTURE 1. List each of the chapter's elected offices: 2. List each of the chapter's appointed offices: 3. List each of the chapter's committees: (Con~pletionof pages 2-12 are required for the achievetnent of the HRB Award - See Page 14) ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATION - Page 16 inside: President’s Message . . . . . 2 Thank You! by Maggie Katz Supporting APO’s Endow ment Trust & 1925 CLUB Donors . . . . . 3 FY (Fiscal Year) 2005-2006 Financial Summary . . . . . . 4 Annual Financial Statements & Review . . . . . 5 Alpha Phi Omega — We’re All About Service! . . . . . . . . 6-7 2006 Torchbearer Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . 8 2006 Torchbearers . . . . 9-13 2006 New Life Members . . . . . . . . 14-15 A Tribute to John Mack . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TORCH& TREFOIL THE QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF ALPHA PHI OMEGA NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY Summer 2007 Spring 1998 FY2006 Annual Report 350,000 and Running Strong On December 4, 2006, Alpha Phi Omega initiated its 350,000th member since our founding in 1925. We initiated our 300,000th member in April 2000 and our 250,000th member in December 1993. As you can see, our growth rate has been steady throughout the past 14 years. We are committed to growing the Fraternity and adding more students on more campuses to provide even more service! While consistency is good and much better than declining membership, which many student organizations have experienced over the past 10 years, we want to see our growth rate increase. This will result in Alpha Phi Omega developing more community leaders, and in doing so, improve the world in which we live. We could not have accomplished our consistent growth over the years without the efforts of so many people. This issue of the Torch & Trefoil is just one small way of recognizing those members who financially support APO. We would like to thank the students, the volunteer staffs, Chapter Advisors and donors for their personal investment in the Cardinal Principles of Alpha Phi Omega – Leadership, Friendship and Service, which makes this a great Fraternity! Throughout the following pages we have highlighted accomplishments from the previous fiscal year. The students raised their fees during the 2006 Biennial Convention; they have done their part to give us the means to continue to grow. We recognize alumni who have also done their share to help us achieve even greater heights. Our goal now is to recruit more members to become Torchbearers so we can accomplish even more success. As you review the Torchbearers from your Chapter, don’t just look to see who is listed – look to see who is not listed. Then, the next time you speak to these Brothers or chat with them on-line, ask them to visit “Support APO” at and consider becoming a Torchbearer. TORCH & TREFOIL Summer 2007 Vol. 83 No. 4 NATIONAL PRESIDENT Maggie Katz, Livonia, MI NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Mark A. Stratton, Fishers, IN PROGRAM DIRECTORS Jeffrey L. Cantor, Ewing, NJ Jim Hahn, C.F.R.E., Milwaukee, WI Carla Moran, Quincy, MA Hon. John K. Ottenad, J.D., Manchester, MO Ed Richter, Franklin, OH W. Brant Warrick, J.D., Louisville, KY REGIONAL DIRECTORS I Marilyn Mims Dow, Epping, NH II Michael E. Haber, Troy, NY III Dawn M. Gurganious, Falls Church, VA IV Matthew J. Cross, Sanford, FL V J. Adam Bolain, Pittsburgh, PA VI Robert M. Coop, PE, Westfield, IN VII Cole T. Robertson, Lubbock, TX VIII Kathryn S.K. Whitfield, J.D., Lincoln, NE IX Ginny Combs, North Liberty, IA X Franklin D. Brodsky, Chandler, AZ XI Tony Ploughe, Seattle, WA NATIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Robert J. London, Independence, MO NATIONAL LEGAL COUNSEL Richard F. Schmidt, J.D., Lee’s Summit, MO NATIONAL ARCHIVIST Robert C. Barkhurst, W. Dundee, IL INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DIRECTOR David A. Emery, Vancouver, BC PAST PRESIDENTS Stan Carpenter, Ph.D., Austin, TX E. Ross Forman, Philadelphia, PA Tom T. Galt, M.D., Drayton, SC Bobby M. Hainline, Dearborn, MI Fred C. Heismeyer, III, Ed.D., Springdale, AR Lawrence L. Hirsch, M.D., Northbrook, IL Lorin A. Jurvis, Rockville, MD Wilfred M. Krenek, Houston, TX Jack A. McKenzie, Clemson, SC Glen T. Nygreen, Ph.D., Scarsdale, NY William S. Roth, Birmingham, AL Gerald A. Schroeder, McLean, VA Lucius E. Young, LTC, Ret., Spring Hill, FL C.P. Zlatkovich, Ph.D., El Paso, TX LIFE MEMBERS George F. Cahill, CAE, Pittsburgh, PA Irwin H. Gerst, Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA Roger A. Sherwood, CAE, Kansas City, MO Warren C. Weidman, PE, Reading, PA EX-OFFICIO MEMBER James L. Chandler, Roanoke, TX PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by maggie katz, National President Thank You! Many things contribute to the fine mix that is Alpha Phi Omega. Your donations are an important ingredient in that mix and I am most grateful for the generosity of all our Torchbearers. We literally could not do it without you. This is an exciting time in the Fraternity and I feel privileged to serve as the 23rd National President. I look forward to helping Alpha Phi Omega reach new heights. Much has been accomplished in the Fraternity’s 82year history. We have continually grown in Chapters, members and service. We have reached out to those in need in increasingly creative ways, providing a force for good on campuses and in communities. Chapters run blood drives that bring in thousands of pints of blood, impacting tens of thousands of lives. We raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for various charities each year through projects like Relay for Life and MDA Telethon. And, we impact single individuals like the elderly for whom we rake lawns and install smoke detectors. As is always the case, there is much more to do. While it would be easy to rest on our laurels, patting each other on the back for all we have done, that is not the way of Alpha Phi Omega. No, we are never satisfied, always looking to be Leaders, be Friends and be of Service. The Board of Directors is committed to helping our Chapters and Alumni Associations enhance their ability to serve their campuses and communities. We are thinking globally while helping Brothers succeed locally. Our charge is to provide tools that will strengthen Chapters and Alumni Associations. One important resource, of course, is our alumni. I must confess to feelings of ambivalence when it comes to our alumni. On the one hand, I am so proud of the work done in the community by Brothers. I know that a good number of the leaders in Rotary, Kiwanis and other service organizations come from Alpha Phi Omega. I know that our alumni continue to serve in many ways, through their churches and temples, local libraries and their children’s schools. Yet, I wish we were able to keep more of our graduates doing service through the Fraternity. Alpha Phi Omega is not just something you do while in college. It is a way of life, a commitment to making the world a better place every day. Our alumni are living the principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service in hundreds of different ways in their communities. As proud as I am of those accomplishments, selfishly, I wish we were able to put more of those skills to work within the Fraternity structure. Certainly, your status as a Torchbearer is much appreciated. I hope you will consider joining (or founding) an Alumni Association in your area. Perhaps seek out a local Chapter and offer your services as an advisor. Attend a sectional conference or, better yet, present a workshop to share your experience and expertise. There are a lot of ways to remain active with Alpha Phi Omega that fit in with your busy lives. Please consider helping today’s college students benefit from what you have learned. For more information on Fraternity activities in your area, check out the Alpha Phi Omega web site at Again, thank you for all you do to make the world a better place. Keep up the good work! NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY 14901 E. 42nd Street South • Independence, MO 64055 816 • 373 • 8667 Fax: 816 • 373 • 5975 Email: [email protected] Web Site: 2 In Brotherhood, Supporting Alpha Phi Omega’s Endowment Trust The purpose of Alpha Phi Omega’s Endowment Trust is to provide long-term benefits for the goals and perpetuation of Alpha Phi Omega. The strength of the Endowment Trust grows through various types of planned giving instruments. Programs Supported by the Endowment Trust: Youth Service Grant – Chapters are provided the opportunity to identify a need in a community, and then develop/ conduct a service project that meets that need and benefits local children and youth. The grant funding assists Chapters with the operational costs of a project. Mack Scholarships – Through the Scholarship Program, Brothers are recognized for their exemplary leadership in the Frater-nity and on their campus. Each year, approximately 20 Brothers are awarded this scholarship based on significant participation and leadership in extracurricular activities to benefit individuals in need and/or charitable and/or humanitarian organizations. National Volunteer Conference (NVC) – This conference serves as our cornerstone for providing Fraternity volunteers the skills necessary to support Chapter operations and increase Alpha Phi Omega’s reach across the country. National Office – The purchase of the land and building of the current National Office in Independence, Missouri, was made possible through gifts from Brothers across the country. During this effort, a fund that would provide for maintenance and unforeseen repairs was created. Through the Challenge Fund, repairs to the headquarters’ building are completed on a proactive basis, keeping emergency costs to a minimum. Types of Gifts Accepted: ■ Gifts Program Support – Through the Leadership Fund, support is provided toward program development and growth. Examples of the programs that are supported through the Leadership Fund include: APO LEADS – This leadership development program consists of five individual modular components. Topic areas explored include personal and organizational leadership, teamwork, project management, communication, conflict resolution, and goal setting. of Cash of Appreciated Securities ■ Charitable Gift Annuities – setting up a lifetime annuity through APO (minimum of $25,000 is required) ■ Charitable Remainder Trusts ■ Wills/Bequests – listing APO as a beneficiary in a will or bequest ■ Life Insurance – designating APO as a beneficiary ■ Gifts For more information, contact the Development Director at APO’s National Office by calling 816-373-8667 x18 or via e-mail at [email protected]. Alpha Phi Omega’s 1925 CLUB The 1925 CLUB is an undergraduate giving program that supports the organization’s Annual Fund. Undergraduate Brothers who make a gift to the Annual Fund of $19.25 or more each year will be recognized as a member of the 1925 CLUB, receive a lapel pin and be listed in the Annual Report. 1925 CLUB Donors Recognized in FY2006 (09/01/05 - 07/31/06) William K. Aucremanne Elizabeth Ashlee Barnes Jessica Margaret Berger Jacy Nicole Brasher Alexandra Denise Byers Christina M. Clark Kim Conway Deshawn Michael Cook Sabrina Marie Deitke Michael Ryan Gallagher Joseph Stephen Ganser Katherine Tracey Gruetzner Gabriel Gutierrez Shannon M. Hardin Patrick Samuel Higgins Evan Daniel Himes Chad Vincent Johnson Marcy Lillian Johnson Holly Beth Kennedy James Michael Kerchenfaut Mark Dale LeMense Shoshannah Lenski Allison Beth Lustig Melody Rose Mattner Timothy R. Michaels-Johnson Steven Andrew Mientkiewicz Kyle Ashley Moll Christie Nelson Melina Musique Perkins Michael James Reilly Allison Michele Rogalski Kyle Adam Schsuter Dominique Schwartz Jodi Taylor Smith Marie Ann Stratton Alexis N. Sumner Andrew James Theroux Karen Jean Tindle Peggy Sue Williams 3 FY 2005-2006 Financial Summary Fiscal Year 2005-2006 was an unusual year because the Fraternity changed its fiscal year to begin on August 1 rather than September 1 each year. Among other things, this will allow Alpha Phi Omega to focus on the beginning of the academic year in September, rather than on closing out the previous fiscal year. Because of this change, FY2005-2006 was an 11-month year, while the budget that initially passed was for a 12-month year. Without counting one months’ worth of expenses and revenue, the Fraternity’s expenses weren’t quite as large as budgeted, nor were its revenues. Taking the shortened year into consideration, APO ended FY2005-2006 in a good state financially thanks to fund-raising efforts, a closely monitored budget and the hard work of the National Office staff. Revenue from membership fees in FY2005-2006 was slightly above what had been budgeted, owing in part to stronger recruiting on some of our campuses and the receipt of fees, which had been delayed in their submission in the previous fiscal year. Generous giving by our alumni, students, and friends to the Annual Fund totaled $143,828. I’m happy to report that eighteen $500 scholarships were given from the Mack Scholarship Fund, and twenty Youth Service Grant projects were funded totaling $6,025. The charts below provide you with a graphic picture of the Fraternity’s revenue sources and expenses. Note that our membership revenue makes up the largest portion of our revenue (65% of the total). Program Services (services to Chapters and petitioning and interest groups) commands a larger relative proportion 78% of our expenses. In FY2005-2006, the Fraternity transferred the contributions for Youth Service Grant Program to the Alpha Phi Omega Endowment Trust, and the donor for the program donated additional funds to expand the program. Under this arrangement, the Fraternity will receive annual returns from this investment for the support of the Youth Service Grant Program. Last year I noted that to continue the vital growth of Alpha Phi Omega and the outstanding services we provide, the Fraternity must work diligently to improve in several areas, including: timely membership reporting; a commitment by every Chapter to strong membership recruiting and retention efforts; and increasing revenue from sources other than student fees. While membership reporting appeared to improve in the last fiscal year, the timely reporting of membership numbers and submission of membership fees remain vital to the financial success of our Fraternity and to the programs and services we can offer. As revenues from membership fees make up 65% of our total revenue, the Fraternity’s financial ability to provide expanded programming and services, like our Chapters’ ability to have the greatest impact in their communities, is directly related to the strength of our Chapters. Membership recruiting and retention at the Chapter level are significant for many reasons, including the exceptional service we provide in our communities, those many individuals who benefit from APO’s leadership and service programs, the long-term growth of the Fraternity, as well as the increased revenue to provide quality assistance to our Chapters and our members. Fund raising is an essential component in keeping student fees low. The generosity of the Fraternity’s donors is deeply appreciated, and the programs offered to students and Chapters are successful, in part, because of these gifts. The substantial growth of our donor base is important to the long-term financial stability of our Fraternity. In addition to our fund-raising efforts, Alpha Phi Omega must continue to develop other sources of revenue, such as participation in affinity programs so that increased program costs will be less dependent upon our student membership. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who played a role in the Fraternity’s success during FY2005-2006 and to say thank you for the dedication of those who donated to Alpha Phi Omega and whose efforts and hard work on so many levels helped ensure the Fraternity’s solid financial position. W. Brant Warrick Finance/Operations Program Director EXPENSES REVENUE Where the Money is Spent Where the Money is Generated Other 5% Leadership 4% Contributions 16% Annual Dues 15% 4 Pledge Fees 20% Program Services 79% Merchandise 10% Initiation Fees 30% Fund Raising 5% Merchandise 4% Torch & Trefoil 4% Management & General 8% Annual Financial Statements & Review Short Year 7/31/2006 Actual 8/31/2005 Actual 2006 Budget 2006 Over/ (Under) Budget Pledge Fees Initiation Fees AAMD Subtotal 182,000 266,315 129,855 578,170 174,220 254,135 133,710 562,065 170,000 254,345 128,625 552,970 12,000 11,970 1,230 25,200 Sale of Merchandise Annual Fund Leadership Services Other Revenue Restricted Revenue National Convention Subtotal 89,842 143,828 37,235 43,369 46,733 0 361,007 122,237 159,604 37,396 43,008 60,299 194,063 616,607 100,738 160,000 41,508 65,376 63,711 0 431,333 (10,896) (16,172) (4,273) (22,007) (16,978) 0 (70,326) TOTAL REVENUE 939,177 1,178,672 984,303 (45,126) Program Activities Salaries & Health Ins Payroll Taxes Executive Benefits Printing Telephone E-mail/Internet Postage Copier Staff Visitation NW Support Cert & Awards Alumni Services Leadership Development Pres. Discr. Fund Board Meeting Public Relations/Advertising BANC Program Scouting Relations J B Fund Distributions Mack Scholarship Youth Service Grants Service Total Program Activities 405,945 29,370 18,133 32,080 3,333 1,306 38,798 11,624 23,876 22,004 4,554 35,800 34,135 0 8,444 1,671 8,754 10,237 0 8,500 5,216 10,204 713,984 400,804 29,719 17,243 27,415 4,954 2,379 35,797 12,892 12,087 7,313 10,362 33,178 28,985 0 5,419 0 1,143 7,664 0 10,000 4,978 11,737 664,069 449,513 34,134 18,133 37,000 5,200 3,500 41,000 14,450 24,000 5,000 6,948 27,820 22,721 500 6,000 11,500 2,500 10,279 17,000 14,511 2,700 10,196 764,605 (43,568) (4,764) 0 (4,920) (1,867) (2,194) (2,202) (2,826) (124) 17,004 (2,394) 7,980 11,414 (500) 2,444 (9,829) 6,254 (42) (17,000) (6,011) 2,516 8 (50,621) Other Services National Convention Purchase of Merchandise Torch & Trefoil Total Other Services 0 40,838 40,514 81,352 181,037 73,040 32,950 287,027 0 59,614 41,000 100,614 0 (18,776) (486) (19,262) Transfers to Endowment 49,399* 135,000* Statement of Financial Position ASSETS 2006 2005 Current Assets Cash & Interest Bearing Deposits Accounts Receivable Merchandise for Sale Printed Materials Prepaid Expenses 439,639 26,429 33,335 22,021 10,827 344,328 13,143 33,365 32,387 19,323 Total Current Assets 532,251 442,546 Investments 240,443 282,776 93,000 256,175 173,784 37,515 560,474 306,602 253,872 93,000 245,613 148,960 33,685 521,258 281,195 240,063 1,026,566 965,385 24,174 56,605 18,963 4,550 104,292 25,098 35,573 11,689 1,450 73,810 7,224 10,395 17,619 6,671 0 6,671 TOTAL LIABILITIES 121,911 80,481 Net Assets Unrestricted Operating Reserve Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets 535,634 150,000 216,078 2,943 904,655 455,903 136,064 241,797 51,140 884,904 1,026,566 965,385 Property & Equipment Land Building and Improvements Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Less Accumulated Depreciation Total Property & Equipment TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Accounts Payable-Chapters Accounts Payable-Vendors Accrued Expenses Due to Endowment Total Current Liabilities Other Liabilities Funds Held for Chapters Deferred Revenue (Convention) Total Other Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Alpha Phi Omega FY2006 MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS (Sept. 1, 2005 - July 31, 2006) Active Chapters: 362 Initiates: 7,609 Pledges: 9,100 AAMD: 8,657 REVENUES Support Services Management & General Fund-raising Total Support Services 77,700 46,390 124,090 78,385 25,001 103,386 70,447 48,702 119,149 7,253 (2,312) 4,941 TOTAL EXPENSES 919,426 1,189,482 984,368 (64,942) Change in Net Assets FUND BALANCE, BEG OF YR END OF YR 19,751 (10,810) 884,904 904,655 895,714 884,904 *Transfer of Restricted Contributions to Endowment Trust – Affects restricted fund balances, but has no affect on operating cash flows. 5 Alpha Phi Omega — In February 2006, Alpha Zeta Chapter at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky, participated in the very first “Dance Blue Marathon.” More than 150 students from other campus organizations also volunteered for this event. For 24 hours, there was no sitting and no sleeping – just great music and dancing to help raise more than $123,000 for the Pediatric Oncology Center at the University of Kentucky. Funds raised went toward improving support services offered to children diagnosed with cancer and their families. To learn more, visit After devastating tornadoes hit Iowa City, Iowa, in mid-ApriI 2006, Omicron Chapter at the University of Iowa stepped up to volunteer its services and help the community. The Chapter’s largest effort was completed during Earth Day Spring Clean-Up, when Brothers assisted the owners of the local Dairy Queen by removing their roof from the Iowa River. More debris was collected from trees and yards and then disposed of during the five-hour service project. Visit to read more about Omicron Chapter. In 2006, 4,334 Alpha Phi Omega members contributed 30,592 service hours during Spring Youth Service Day while reaching 41,929 youth. During National Service Week, 5,460 Alpha Phi Omega members delivered 33,472 hours of service. For their Youth Service Grant project, Brothers from Alpha Gamma Zeta Chapter at Houston Baptist University in Houston, Texas, coordinated a “Literacy Carnival” at a local elementary school in the spring of 2006. More than 200 children enjoyed an eventful day with popcorn, cotton candy and fun carnival activities, including a Moonwalk! Special booths featured literacy-related projects, including spelling, coloring and a bookmark station. Half-Price Books generously donated 12 boxes of books to hand out as prizes to the children. 6 We’re All About Service! Iota Phi Chapter at the University of California at Davis in Davis, California, organized a “Dance for Kids” event at the local Veterans’ Memorial Hall. Decorations were displayed and food was prepared for more than 35 attendees at this special prom-type dance for children who are physically and mentally challenged. For more information about Iota Phi Chapter, visit the website at In December 2006, more than 1,700 Brothers joined together for “Unbridled Service” at Alpha Phi Omega’s 39th National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. This memorable four-day event, held at The Galt House Hotel & Suites, began with a Reunion Carnival where Brothers visited with old friends and learned about the upcoming workshops and service projects. Keynote speakers included Daniel Kalef with the Muhammad Ali Center and Kate Farrell Westlake, 2006 Fall Pledge Class Namesake Honoree. We hope you’ll make plans to join us for APO’s 40th National Convention in December 2008 in Boston, Massachusetts. Brothers from Tau Omicron Chapter at Indiana University Purdue University – Indianapolis in Indiana celebrated their fifth year of fund raising at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in 2006. The Speedway offered Tau Omicron work for all three summer events – the Indianapolis 500, Formula One and the Brickyard 400, which allowed the Chapter to earn enough funds for its entire operating budget for the year. This valuable experience also offered some great opportunities to work in a team environment while interacting with customers, dealing with money, ordering supplies and preparing food. To learn more visit A total of 30 Brothers from Theta Chapter at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, headed to New Orleans, Louisiana, during Spring Break 2006 to volunteer their services. They joined together with Common Ground Relief, a nongovernment group of volunteers, to clear debris from damaged homes and churches left over from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. As one member commented, “It was a Spring Break well spent, and one that will not soon be forgotten.” Find out more at 7 2006 Torchbearer Anniversaries Alpha Phi Omega’s Torchbearer giving program includes many donors who have generously contributed to the Annual Fund throughout the years. Congratulations to the following Torchbearers who, in Fiscal Year 2006, celebrated 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 years of giving to Alpha Phi Omega. These are significant milestones in the Fraternity’s giving history. We also wish to acknowledge that there are many members who are in the process of achieving these milestones. 25 YEARS 15 YEARS Gerald Juan Berry Mark E. Bounds Alex R. Burkart Abe Frishman David R. Legge Thomas R. Liebermann Richard W. Buck Roger C. Burket Allan Lyndal Butler Robert J. Carr Howard B. Chodash Gregory C. Crawford Mark A. Cudworth Dennis H. Duncan Michael J. Ercole Michael J. Mirisola Julie Ann Moore Marc Stephen Pearlman Mark S. Phillips Eric Todd Platzner Todd Jeffrey Rehfuss Louis A. Sapirman Nadine Sapirman Jeffrey Schwartz Arthur A. Schwenger Richard M. Scruggs Susan A. Terry Elizabeth Franci Wise Pamela K. Wojciki Roger S. Young 20 YEARS John R. Anderson Gerald R. Bertoldo William J. Brinkman Paul H. Douglass Allen S. Fornwald David G. Hartman Frederick E. Johnston Kay Hairgrove Krenek Julian E. Laughinghouse Lee M. Maddocks James S. Manning Joseph H. Meadows David T. Miura Thomas O’Donovan James W. Pate Daniel Rauch Andrew A. Rossbach John M. Russell Karen S. Snepp Matthew R. Dashiell Patrick E. Dougherty Dennis A. Duszak David C. Kaelber Tom M. Kester George R. Kober Matthew L. Krebs Wade J. Love Douglas E Miles Howard C. Naphtali Joel E. Natt David C. Panagrosso Thomas G. Poley Lawrence J. Putong Robert W. Snook Natalie A. Stackable Brian D. Thiessen John Styne Thrasher Kimberlee Castillo Yee James H. Young 5 YEARS David R. Allee E. Edward Bassett Amy Lynne Beck Jack L. Beckner Stacy L. Bennett Jeremy Bingman Aasha A. Blakely Shawn Joseph Boyle Jennifer L. Bramble William L. Conley Marty Davis-Merritts 10 YEARS Paul C. Anderson James C. Busby Edward E. Caviness Sharron L. Cox 2007 Kimberlie H. Francis Sarah Hamel Thomas Arthur Horan Ping Huang Francis W. Kearney Stanley B. Keiser Amy Cox Klopman Jamey Eric Kohn Everett J. Koontz Amy Kukuczka Tiffany S. Kulpowicz Andrew J Luther Joseph J. Martin Phillippa Jane Miranda Carla Katherine Moran Julie C. Nishihara Joe O’Saben Edward D. Reagan Donald J. Reilly Kevin M. E. Riley Daniel M. Saban David W. Scott Linda G. Secrist Franklin Shollenberger Clarence J. Snuggs Robert R. Tarantula Charles Brooke Temple Chad Eric Turner Ronald W Wadle Aaron James Wendt Judith Wetherington Michael P. Whitfield Kathryn E. Zibell-Flinn EXPANDING OUR HORIZONS July 26-29, 2007, in Independence, MO Who Should Attend? ■ ■ National ■ All Chapter Advisors Sectional Chairs ■ Alumni Interested In or Already Volunteering ■ Sectional Board & Committee Members & Regional Level Volunteers ■ APO & Other Workshop Facilitators & Presenters Visit for more information. 8 2006 TORCHBEARERS Contributions to Alpha Phi Omega’s Annual Fund help support the day-to-day operations, including member services, Chapter support and programming, National Service Week, Fraternity publications, APO’s leadership programs, and operating needs. Individuals making gifts of $75 or above are recognized as a Torchbearer. Gifts of $150 or above are recognized at the following levels: Silver Torchbearer - Gifts of $150 and above; Gold Torchbearer - Gifts of $250 and above; Diamond Torchbearer - Gifts of $500 and above; Silver Founder’s Circle - Gifts of $1,000 and above; Gold Founder’s Circle - Gifts of $2,500 and above; Diamond Founder’s Circle - Gifts of $5,000 and above. Thank you to the following individuals for their support towards Alpha Phi Omega’s Annual Fund during the 2005-2006 Fiscal Year (09/01/200507/31/2006). Individuals listed are categorized according to their initiating Chapter unless the donor requested otherwise. Alpha Lafayette College GOLD TORCHBEARER Douglas M. Harris John H. Thomas Beta University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh GOLD TORCHBEARER William A. Murphy TORCHBEARER Harold F. Marks Gamma Cornell University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Robert G. Stevens GOLD TORCHBEARER Richard J. Bojko TORCHBEARER Gerald R. Bertoldo Russell P. Goldman Alvin Silvey David Barry Singer Julia M. Smith Delta Auburn University DIAMOND TORCHBEARER William J. Lester GOLD TORCHBEARER Gregory Kent Whitfield SILVER TORCHBEARER James J. Goodwin Richard Lea Shaw TORCHBEARER Kevin Patrick Hicks Epsilon Truman State University GOLD FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Brian and Jennifer Moore SILVER TORCHBEARER Randall D. Cupp TORCHBEARER Marlene Dawn Clark Lonnie C. Lauer James W. Roach Steve Allen Schnurbusch Amy Beth Shearon Zeta Stanford University SILVER TORCHBEARER Calvin T Eng Gregory Scott Schwartz TORCHBEARER James A. Cochran David T. Miura Eta Northern Illinois University SILVER TORCHBEARER Roger A. Sherwood Richard N. Wiltberger TORCHBEARER Jonathan J. Lehuta Theta University of Virginia SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Keith Dyland Roots TORCHBEARER Kathy E. Carter Joel W Enteles Thomas G. Poley Iota Park University TORCHBEARER Judy A. Mitchell Kappa Carnegie Mellon University DIAMOND FOUNDER’S CIRCLE David Paul O’Leary and Dr. Lisa M. Covy GOLD FOUNDER’S CIRCLE John Gardiner Myers SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Ross W. and Laura Comer DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Daniel Tilkin SILVER TORCHBEARER Marshall David Abrams Deborah Cherry Karl E. Voigt TORCHBEARER Maureen J. Burruss Jeffrey L. Cantor and Alycia Bauch-Cantor Charles P. Lawton Milton D. Smith Thomas W. Strong Lambda University of Kansas TORCHBEARER Frank J. Gasperich Mu Indiana University SILVER TORCHBEARER Stacy L. Bennett Stephen E. Kirchhoff Kelly Lynn Ross TORCHBEARER Hans I. Boerner Tricia Leigh Ethier Richard Fulper Everett J. Koontz Matthew L. Krebs Anne O. Pasquini Nu Upsala College SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Nelson P. Ball Xi Iowa State University GOLD TORCHBEARER Richard Reade SILVER TORCHBEARER Douglas White TORCHBEARER Lee M. Maddocks Roger A. Winslow Omicron University of Iowa TORCHBEARER Bridget Bambling Sarah K. Burton Paul & Bette Wells Pi Kansas State University SILVER TORCHBEARER Bruce E. Peters TORCHBEARER Kevin C. Flinn Rho University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill GOLD TORCHBEARER Wiehrs Lewis Collier Marty Mason TORCHBEARER Stephen A. Jolly Kent M Parks J. C. Rush Tau University of Florida GOLD TORCHBEARER Douglas D. Dankel Upsilon University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee TORCHBEARER Thomas A. Wight Phi Syracuse University GOLD TORCHBEARER Marilyn Mims Dow TORCHBEARER Lawrence D. Hasseler Franklin Shollenberger Chi University of California at Los Angeles TORCHBEARER Charles F. Veden Omega Drake University SILVER TORCHBEARER Jeff M. Neurauter Alpha Alpha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Howard B. Chodash DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Donald S. Wauthier GOLD TORCHBEARER Christopher G. Mulcahy Daniel M. Saban SILVER TORCHBEARER Ronald C. Berman Peter Joelson Justin Michael Martin Kristine Celeste McIntosh TORCHBEARER Jeremy Bingman Robin C. Blitenthal Guy David T. Byrnes Howard S. Ellegant David P. Goode and Lisa Scholsser Angela Lorraine Martin William Ralph Saintey Candice Nicole Solomon-Strutz W. Jason Strutz Charles Svoboda Louann Svoboda Alpha Beta Pennsylvania State University DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Roger C. Burket SILVER TORCHBEARER David William Schuler Maureen Snare Michael E. Wiener TORCHBEARER Karen Gillen Visick Alpha Gamma Purdue University GOLD FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Tony Ploughe DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Thomas W. Jackson Phillip C. Wankat GOLD TORCHBEARER Thomas R. Brennan Christopher R. Heim Patrick L. Pierson Roger S. Young SILVER TORCHBEARER George Francis Cahill Lisa Ann Coop Mark A. Cudworth Jeffrey S Davidson Karen S. Snepp TORCHBEARER John E. Bassett Eric D. Bauer William B. Bigler Matthew R. Dashiell Kelly Diane Englehart Patrick Samuel Higgins Celestino Anthony Ruffini Donna L. Ware Alpha Epsilon Louisiana State University TORCHBEARER Reed F. Bilbray Michelle M. L. LeBas-Bowen Alpha Zeta University of Kentucky TORCHBEARER Ericka Lee Harney Alpha Eta University of Missouri–Kansas City TORCHBEARER Amy E. Hackmann Amanda Duncan May Alpha Theta University of Nebraska-Omaha TORCHBEARER Edward H. Stech Alpha Iota Ohio State University GOLD TORCHBEARER Lee A. Peters SILVER TORCHBEARER Barbara R. Anderson Charles S. Kirkpatrick Edward J. Richter TORCHBEARER Jennifer Morning Alford Ronald E. Pierson Michael J. Schrader Alpha Kappa University of Southern California TORCHBEARER James C. Isaac, Jr. Thomas M. Shigemitsu Alpha Omicron Southern Methodist University SILVER TORCHBEARER James Earl Little TORCHBEARER Latasha Perreault Alpha Pi University of Miami DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Julian E. Laughinghouse Alpha Rho University of Texas at Austin SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Wilfred M. Krenek GOLD TORCHBEARER John M. Childs George Dacy Charles W. Eisemann Julie Ann Moore SILVER TORCHBEARER Ken Andrews Kimberlie H. Francis Abe Frishman Hal E. Hagemeier Roger Ludlow TORCHBEARER C. Stewart Ash Sydney Diana Burton Bebe Barbara Carpenter Robert Burton Kamon Sidney L. Lawrence Wallace Marsh Sabin W. Marshall Dan Keith Seilheimer Joseph P. Watson Alpha Sigma University of Nebraska at Lincoln TORCHBEARER James H. Chapman Alpha Tau Butler University TORCHBEARER Jessica Lynn Mahood Carl M. Nelson Alpha Phi Washington University GOLD TORCHBEARER George R. Kober John K. Ottenad SILVER TORCHBEARER Emily Lynn Engelland TORCHBEARER David W. Deitch Alpha Chi Massachusetts Institute of Technology SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Mike Repeta GOLD TORCHBEARER Ezra Gavin Erb Ping Huang John T. Kohl Ellen Diane Kranzer mrn Tomusiak SILVER TORCHBEARER Richard W. Buck John E Elsbree and Annette Elsbree David A. Holt 9 2006 TORCHBEARERS 10 Beta Psi Southeast Missouri State University TORCHBEARER Melissa A. Jansen Gamma Alpha University of Washington DIAMOND FOUNDER’S CIRCLE David B. Corning GOLD TORCHBEARER Franklin Lloyd Lobb SILVER TORCHBEARER Robert James Hilliard TORCHBEARER Kari E. Whitney Gamma Beta San Jose State University SILVER TORCHBEARER Robert Daly TORCHBEARER Emilio Mel Gonzales Gamma Gamma University of California at Berkeley TORCHBEARER John B. Adams Donald L. Hoskins Julie C. Nishihara Gamma Delta CUNY Baruch College TORCHBEARER Arnold Wm Grushky Gamma Zeta Georgia Institute of Technology TORCHBEARER Justin Cameron Stutts Gamma Xi Rockhurst University DIAMOND TORCHBEARER J. Stuart Hoffman TORCHBEARER Jennifer L. Corder Gamma Pi University of Michigan Ann Arbor DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Margaret K. Katz GOLD TORCHBEARER David G. Hartman Susan Beth Meyer Gamma Rho University of North Texas GOLD TORCHBEARER Kari N. Logan TORCHBEARER Jeanne Escher-Pickel Andrew J. Luther Gamma Phi Western Michigan University GOLD TORCHBEARER Wade J. Love TORCHBEARER Heather A. Lehman Gamma Psi University of Minnesota, Twin Cities SILVER TORCHBEARER William E. Cook TORCHBEARER John C. Taylor Annual Fund Contributions FY2001-FY2006 Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder GOLD TORCHBEARER Patrick E. Dougherty Lee Maurice Lierz John M. Wetherington Judith Wetherington SILVER TORCHBEARER Rhonda Ann Aven-Haggenmiller Dennis H. Duncan Charles P. Fisk Wayne T. Hutchison Robert L. Neher TORCHBEARER Harold V. Eason Sally Renee Easley Hays Charles Brooke Temple Gamma Iota CUNY Brooklyn College SILVER TORCHBEARER Arthur S. Leibowitz Howard C. Naphtali TORCHBEARER Arthur M. Schack Gamma Lambda Clemson University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Jack A. McKenzie SILVER TORCHBEARER David W. Scott TORCHBEARER Kevin L. Dunn Thomas J. McDonough Jay P. Zollicoffer Gamma Nu University of Idaho TORCHBEARER Gary Eugene Strong Lawrence J. Ent Theodore Adam Inman Delta Nu Yale University TORCHBEARER Lorin Allan Jurvis Delta Xi Ball State University GOLD TORCHBEARER Mark Allen Stratton TORCHBEARER Aasha A. Blakely Delta Pi Trinity University TORCHBEARER Natalie A. Stackable Delta Rho Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Nicholas J. Schurko Louis N. Triandafilou SILVER TORCHBEARER Diana M. Dloughy James R. Santo TORCHBEARER Manuel T. Galang David W. Mutschler Wayne W. Oberti Lisa R. Rossello Delta Sigma University of Connecticut TORCHBEARER Johanna B. Fleming Delta Psi $159,604 $160,000 $145,158 140,000 CONTRIBUTIONS Joseph J. Kesselman Martin Patin TORCHBEARER Ernest C. Brogmus Rachel M. Carey Douglas R. Elrod Anna Catherine Gladstone Alan M. Goldberg Michael G. Kozinetz William Ward Merrill Avi Ornstein Ronald S. Rosen George G. Schwenk Jennifer Maureen Selby John and Linda Winkelman Elizabeth Franci Wise Robert Jock Young Alpha Psi Lehigh University SILVER TORCHBEARER James Phillip Nicholls Beta Beta Michigan State University GOLD TORCHBEARER Ernest William Malkewitz TORCHBEARER Walter J. Downes Erin Alana Stahl Tanya J Wegner Beta Zeta University of Georgia TORCHBEARER Mark A. Thomson Beta Eta University of Missouri-Columbia TORCHBEARER Joseph L. Bevirt John Phillip Latham Gary L. Mueller Beta Theta University of Wisconsin-Madison TORCHBEARER Arthur A. Schwenger Beta Iota New York University SILVER TORCHBEARER Christian M. Macy Beta Lambda Indiana State University TORCHBEARER Denise C. Hebert Beta Mu Missouri State University SILVER TORCHBEARER Paul J. Monda Beta Omicron University of Missouri/Rolla TORCHBEARER Edward J. Bradley Beta Rho University of Arkansas SILVER TORCHBEARER James Adam Bolain Sandra Michelle Bolain William Brant Warrick TORCHBEARER Michael P. Whitfield Beta Sigma Texas Tech University DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Edward N. David GOLD TORCHBEARER Kay Hairgrove Krenek Cole Travis Robertson SILVER TORCHBEARER Susan Grubbs Aulbach William C. Bomberger Karen Diane Foster Harley H. Hannsz Harry B. Massingill TORCHBEARER Jack L. Beckner Mark E. Bounds Elizabeth Ann Breese J. Fike Godfrey Rollin H. Hill Brian A. Marks Mark S. Phillips Steven B. Rogers William A. Roussel Beta Upsilon Northwest Missouri State University TORCHBEARER Ronald J. King Bruce R. Wake $143,828 $117,487 120,000 $130,716 100,000 80,000 $83,131 2001 Delta Beta University of Oklahoma GOLD TORCHBEARER Christopher Duvall TORCHBEARER Rodger A. Brown Jennifer Churchill James G. Crotty Amy Elizabeth Kinnard James W. Pate Delta Gamma Ohio University SILVER TORCHBEARER John R. Anderson Delta Epsilon Illinois Inst of Technology SILVER TORCHBEARER Ernest W. Grove TORCHBEARER Dennis A. Duszak Delta Theta University of Louisville TORCHBEARER Charles James Wetherell Larry A. Young Delta Iota Mercer University TORCHBEARER Daniel E. C. Boone Delta Kappa Emory University GOLD TORCHBEARER Michael L. Francis TORCHBEARER Kevin Michael Landesman Linda G. Secrist Delta Mu Pittsburg State University TORCHBEARER Jolene Burke 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Eastern Illinois University TORCHBEARER Robert D. Mann Delta Omega University of Houston SILVER TORCHBEARER Jimmy Bartle Taylor Epsilon Beta Central Michigan University SILVER TORCHBEARER Paul F. Totzke TORCHBEARER Sue A. Sudhoff Epsilon Delta Central Connecticut State University TORCHBEARER Kenneth J. Rosenberg Epsilon Zeta Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Franklin David Brodsky D.J. Byrne GOLD TORCHBEARER Andy Braverman Gary S. Ide Beth E. Robie Andrew A. Rossbach Grace L. Shuman Paul A. Sicard SILVER TORCHBEARER King W. Gee Armen E. Mardiguian David C. Panagrosso TORCHBEARER Michael D. Beyer Ian Gregory Bilyj Kathryn A. Dyer Gary T. Flodin Michael Edward Haber Matthew Mark Hausmann 2006 TORCHBEARERS Robert D. Kaminsky Daniel J. Mashia David B. Roggenkamp Emilie Saulnier Gregg M. Talewsky Epsilon Lambda Michigan Technological University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Lyle Allyn Henderson DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Mark E. Ham GOLD TORCHBEARER Timothy L. Jenkins SILVER TORCHBEARER Michael D. DeLuka Wendy Marie Lamothe TORCHBEARER Charles L. Hand Risty L. Ketola Eric A. Wennersten Epsilon Mu University of Maryland/College Park DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Gerald Juan Berry GOLD TORCHBEARER Dennis Michael Gurtz SILVER TORCHBEARER Donald Louis Flynn Marc Stephen Pearlman Herbert George Reines TORCHBEARER Steven Charles Chandler Susan P. Loden Henry D. Marx Walter M. Schwenger James Craven Shutt Russell Edwin Strand Epsilon Nu SUNY at Oswego GOLD TORCHBEARER Jon Andrew Gregurich Epsilon Xi Colorado State University GOLD TORCHBEARER Myles Akira Yamamoto SILVER TORCHBEARER Vernon L. Lowrey TORCHBEARER Richard L. Burton Robert G. Sturtevant Epsilon Pi Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville SILVER TORCHBEARER Richard P. Bragga Epsilon Sigma SUNY at Buffalo GOLD TORCHBEARER Floyd M. Seufert Epsilon Chi Los Angeles City College SILVER TORCHBEARER Irwin H. Gerst TORCHBEARER Joseph J. Martin Zeta Alpha Bradley University GOLD TORCHBEARER Allen J. Jacks TORCHBEARER Chad Eric Turner James L. Wehrli Zeta Beta Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Jerry L. Hulick GOLD TORCHBEARER John H. Barrett Edward E. Caviness, Jr. Paul V. Louie SILVER TORCHBEARER V. Ray Hancock Frederick E. Johnston Amy Cox Klopman Michael Leahy John Styne Thrasher TORCHBEARER Michael R. Babb Patrick W. Burke Christopher M. Cecka James H. Gibbs Holly Lynne Lynne McKinley Jamie Conover Stewart Karthik Subramanian Jennifer S. Wayne Zeta Gamma Valparaiso University SILVER TORCHBEARER Allen S. Fornwald TORCHBEARER Dawn L. Begin Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Herting Judy Wagonblast-Herti Kathleen Elizabeth Williams Zeta Delta Miami University GOLD TORCHBEARER Julia C. Everhart SILVER TORCHBEARER Elizabeth Anne Sewall TORCHBEARER Michael L. Curran Douglas N. Gascoigne Amy Beth Scalet Zeta Epsilon Gustavus Adolphus College GOLD TORCHBEARER Christopher J. Stromberg SILVER TORCHBEARER Todd Allen Mayer TORCHBEARER Kathryn E. Zibell-Flinn Zeta Theta Drexel University SILVER TORCHBEARER William R. Fromm J. Richard Kiefer, Jr. TORCHBEARER David R. Allee E. Ross Forman Louis J. Gross Edward D. Reagan Steven David Rellis Zeta Iota Temple University SILVER TORCHBEARER Raymond M. Czarnica Kirk J. Thieroff Zeta Kappa Bowling Green State University DIAMOND FOUNDER’S CIRCLE John Charles Jadel TORCHBEARER Frederick F. Cunningham, Jr. David G. Farrand Daniel S. Pollak Zeta Lambda University of Toledo TORCHBEARER Matthew D. Bailey Tiffany A. Miller Roger W. Schiller Richard S. Stewart Zeta Mu Catholic University of America DIAMOND TORCHBEARER John Russell SILVER TORCHBEARER Charles Edward Luckett TORCHBEARER Jason David Willis Zeta Nu Southern Illinois University at Carbondale DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Philip M. Pfeffer SILVER TORCHBEARER Robert A. Russell James D. Templeton James H. Young TORCHBEARER Craig W. D’Ambra Richard A. Musgraves Dean N. Ubik Zeta Sigma University of Delaware SILVER TORCHBEARER H. B. Ayars Zeta Upsilon Boston University SILVER TORCHBEARER Thomas O’Donovan TORCHBEARER Arthur H. Foss Zeta Phi Howard University TORCHBEARER Donald A. Kiah Zeta Psi University of Oregon TORCHBEARER Jennifer Suzanne Cornet Eta Beta Simpson College TORCHBEARER Jay A. Vertuno Eta Epsilon Millikin University SILVER TORCHBEARER Philip Koberlein TORCHBEARER Amanda Christine Roberts-Lieb Eta Kappa University of Wisconsin-Stout TORCHBEARER Eric Scott Robinson Eta Lambda University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire TORCHBEARER Matthew R. Nohr Richard J. Skamfer William E. Sparkes Eta Mu Utica College of Syracuse University SILVER TORCHBEARER Paul A. Wereszynski Eta Omicron Brigham Young University SILVER TORCHBEARER Scott W. Johnson Eta Pi University of Detroit Mercy TORCHBEARER Shawnee Kay Marie Ramseyer Eta Sigma Illinois College TORCHBEARER Mathias M. Hollendonner Douglas E. Miles Eta Tau West Texas A&M University TORCHBEARER Edward I. Cross David L. McInturff Eta Phi American University TORCHBEARER David R. Legge Eta Psi California State University, Chico TORCHBEARER Joe O’Saben Herman Schierenberg Theta Zeta University of New Hampshire GOLD TORCHBEARER Carla K. Moran TORCHBEARER Timothy Main Boodey Richard Francis Drost Theta Eta Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences GOLD TORCHBEARER Ronald W Wadle Theta Nu Hamline University TORCHBEARER Thomas A. Roust Theta Xi Parks College of St Louis University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE William L. Conley TORCHBEARER William N. Jackson Theta Pi University of Indianapolis TORCHBEARER Earl Brown Gregory C. Crawford Theta Rho Sam Houston State University TORCHBEARER Eric Todd Platzner Theta Tau University of Texas at Arlington SILVER TORCHBEARER Ronald A. Welch Theta Upsilon Case Western Reserve University GOLD TORCHBEARER Howard Wolf TORCHBEARER David A. and Mandi Jo Hanneke Francis W. Kearney Iota Beta Pacific Lutheran University SILVER TORCHBEARER Daniel D. Horsfall Iota Lambda North Carolina State University GOLD TORCHBEARER Allan Lyndal Butler David M. Goddard Steven T. Price SILVER TORCHBEARER Alex R. Burkart Gary G. Conrad John M. C. Covington Glenn Scott Simmonds Susan A. Terry TORCHBEARER Lauren Furer Joseph H. Meadows, Jr. Jonathan Stewart Shouse Aimee Elizabeth Tilley Iota Rho Florida State University TORCHBEARER Dennis E. Nickle Iota Tau Saint Olaf College SILVER TORCHBEARER Paul C. Anderson Robert W. Snook TORCHBEARER William J. Brinkman Iota Phi University of California at Davis DIAMOND FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Elizabeth Tom DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Alfred M. Sheets GOLD TORCHBEARER Markus Dinkel David A. Emery Teri Sheets SILVER TORCHBEARER Catherine K. Fujimori Thomas J. Hoffman Barry D. Nightingale TORCHBEARER Joseph Gerard Monteleone Lawrence J. Putong Gary A. Vanderpol Iota Omega SUNY Brockport TORCHBEARER Howard G. and Dr. Jennifer H. Barnes Kappa Epsilon Wagner College TORCHBEARER Ronald A. Vidal Kappa Theta Wake Forest University SILVER TORCHBEARER Charles E. Webb TORCHBEARER Carla Amy Martin Kappa Lambda Southern University-Baton Rouge SILVER TORCHBEARER Robert Morgan Kappa Omicron University of Massachusetts GOLD TORCHBEARER Craig S. Donais David S. Mitchell TORCHBEARER Jill E. Atkinson Carleton H. Borden Richard J. Keogh Kappa Sigma California State University, Sacramento GOLD TORCHBEARER Kevin S. Simpson SILVER TORCHBEARER Todd Jeffrey Rehfuss TORCHBEARER Kevin M. E. Riley Frank C. Taggart Lambda Alpha East Tennessee State University SILVER TORCHBEARER Julie Whitfield Lambda Kappa Loras College TORCHBEARER Kevin T. Owens 11 2006 TORCHBEARERS Lambda Mu California State University, Los Angeles DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Tom M. Kester TORCHBEARER Jeffrey Schwartz Lambda Nu Duke University SILVER TORCHBEARER Brian D. Thiessen TORCHBEARER Thomas F. Fine David C. Kaelber Phillippa Jane Miranda Mack T. Ruffin William B. Rugh Lambda Xi University of Texas-Pan American SILVER TORCHBEARER Thomas A. Waters TORCHBEARER George L. Finch Lambda Omicron West Virginia University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Fred C. Heismeyer GOLD TORCHBEARER Patricia L. Esposito Keith Garbutt Chip K. Shepherd TORCHBEARER David L. Andres Wendy Ann Cain David R. Keely James S. Manning Brian P. Westfall TORCHBEARER Brian W. Devlin Evan Barrett Oxhorn Donald J. Reilly Jan-Michael Joseph Sacharko Pamela K. Wojciki Mu Delta University of Great Falls SILVER TORCHBEARER Dean M. Randash Mu Eta Albright College DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Warren C. Weidman TORCHBEARER Paul H. Douglass Mu Theta Luther College DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Michael K. Musgrave SILVER TORCHBEARER Bradley P. Carlton TORCHBEARER Valerie J. Anderson Sally C. Sklarsky Mu Lambda University of Rochester TORCHBEARER Sarah Stewart Mu Mu Oglethorpe University TORCHBEARER Laura K. Fowler Mu Nu Western Illinois University TORCHBEARER Terry L. Weppler Matching Gifts Throughout the year, Alpha Phi Omega receives Corporate Support through a members’ employer. This method provides donors the opportunity to double (and in some cases, triple) their support to the Annual Fund by using their employers’ matching gift program. Donors should check with their employers’ Human Resources office to see if this type of program is offered and to obtain appropriate forms to make a gift. Alpha Phi Omega thanks the following corporations that matched employee gifts to Alpha Phi Omega during Fiscal Year 2006: Bank of America Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts ExxonMobil The Chubb Corporation First Data Western Union Foundation The Stanley Works - A/P U.S. Bancorp Foundation Matching Gifts Microsoft Lambda Rho Augustana College TORCHBEARER Melissa S. Haak Sarah Hamel Lambda Tau Salem International University TORCHBEARER Peter R. Forbes Lambda Phi Eastern Michigan University GOLD TORCHBEARER Marty Davis-Merritts Scott J.A. Merritts SILVER TORCHBEARER Christopher A. Gellasch TORCHBEARER John D. Anderson Steven Andrew Mientkiewicz Steve Sindlinger Tammy Lynn Sindlinger Lambda Psi University of Northern Colorado SILVER TORCHBEARER John R. Miller Lambda Omega California University of Pennsylvania TORCHBEARER Amy Lynne Beck Mu Alpha Georgetown University GOLD FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Gerald A. Schroeder SILVER TORCHBEARER Maura Harty Thomas R. Liebermann John F. Principe Richard J. K. Stratford 12 Mu Xi High Point University TORCHBEARER Gary Lloyd Hemby Mu Omicron Clarkson University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE E. Edward Bassett Karen L. Bassett TORCHBEARER James D. Myers Mu Pi Colorado School of Mines SILVER TORCHBEARER Jennifer Marie Tobin TORCHBEARER Juliana F. Drummond Mu Tau West Virginia University Institute of Technology TORCHBEARER Wm. Michael Caldwell Craig R. McGarrah Nu Alpha Quinnipiac University TORCHBEARER Katherine E. Bruch Nu Beta Hope College SILVER TORCHBEARER Michael Carpenter Nu Gamma Texas State University – San Marcos TORCHBEARER Thomas G. Barnhill Nu Delta Lebanon Valley College TORCHBEARER Lois Elizabeth Fegan Melvin R. Hellem Richard B. Thompson Nu Lambda Moravian College TORCHBEARER James E. Bissey Robert E. Preston Nu Mu University of Minnesota/Duluth TORCHBEARER Scott K. Lakso Nu Nu Eastern New Mexico University GOLD TORCHBEARER Howard L. Henry Sara Jean Henry TORCHBEARER Nancy R. Twite Nu Pi Minnesota State University, Mankato TORCHBEARER Donald J. Beckel David L. Farmer Nu Rho College of William & Mary SILVER TORCHBEARER Lauren M. Garrett TORCHBEARER Mariza Shavelle Rebecca Finifter Wrotny Nu Tau California State University – Northridge TORCHBEARER Steven E. Paul Nu Psi Montclair State University TORCHBEARER Stephen L. Ferguson Xi Alpha Muhlenberg College TORCHBEARER Colleen Card Ellis Jacobs Xi Gamma Adams State College SILVER TORCHBEARER A. Ellwood Ervin Xi Delta Texas A&M University GOLD TORCHBEARER William E. Bammel Thomas Arthur Horan John Richard Lyon Richard M. Scruggs SILVER TORCHBEARER James C. Busby Jeff D. Thomas Aaron James Wendt TORCHBEARER Michael D. Ballew Sharron L. Cox Lauren Beth Faulkner John L. Sempe Xi Zeta Rochester Institute of Technology GOLD TORCHBEARER Jordan D. Neuringer SILVER TORCHBEARER Ted L. Gross Scott H. Sims David A. Turbide TORCHBEARER David M. Gould Xi Iota Susquehanna University SILVER TORCHBEARER Eric R. Farman Xi Lambda Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania TORCHBEARER Tom M. Cesarini Xi Omicron Tarleton State University SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Stan Carpenter DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Truman Thomas Bell TORCHBEARER Lance G. Zimmerman Xi Rho SUNY/College at Oneonta SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Anne M. Horton Ward SILVER TORCHBEARER Harold A. Crawford TORCHBEARER Allison M. Myers Anne Ng Xi Upsilon Mount Union College TORCHBEARER Regina C. Forbes Omicron Alpha Kutztown University SILVER TORCHBEARER Tiffany S. Kulpowicz Omicron Zeta California State University-East Bay SILVER TORCHBEARER James Phillip Nicholls TORCHBEARER Stanley B. Keiser Omicron Theta Monmouth University TORCHBEARER Charles L. Fischer Douglas W. Fox Omicron Iota Worcester Polytechnic Institute TORCHBEARER Joseph A. Ferrari Omicron Tau Alma College SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE James L. Chandler Omicron Upsilon West Chester University of Pennsylvania SILVER TORCHBEARER Michael J. Ercole Omicron Phi University of Richmond TORCHBEARER Carol M. Green Donald F. Luttrell Ralph L. Lyons Jodie Patricia Winkler Pi Alpha Philander Smith College TORCHBEARER Arnell Willis Pi Beta University of Dubuque GOLD TORCHBEARER Bob Barkhurst Pi Gamma Baldwin-Wallace College TORCHBEARER Dwight Adrian Leedy Pi Eta Loyola University of Chicago GOLD TORCHBEARER James H. Johnson TORCHBEARER Anthony C. Cacciatori Pi Rho Rider University TORCHBEARER Stanley J. Brzezynski Pi Tau St Peters College (Eves) TORCHBEARER Aldo P. Antola Robert R. Tarantula Pi Upsilon Drew University TORCHBEARER Robert M. Green John D. Urbach, II Pi Chi Duquesne University TORCHBEARER Charles G. Brace John Sklarsky Rho Gamma California State University, Long Beach SILVER TORCHBEARER David G. Totten Rho Delta University of Rhode Island TORCHBEARER Louis H. Maynard Rho Pi University of California at San Diego SILVER TORCHBEARER William E. Colburn George Kurata TORCHBEARER Thomas A. Larsen Sigma Nu Delaware Valley College SILVER TORCHBEARER Michael A. Semeniuk TORCHBEARER Matthew Fred Schieferstein 2006 TORCHBEARERS Sigma Xi University of Maine GOLD TORCHBEARER Robert S. Laviolette Michael J. Mirisola Sigma Sigma University of Illinois at Chicago TORCHBEARER Amy Kukuczka Sigma Phi University of Notre Dame SILVER TORCHBEARER Daniel Rauch Tau Alpha Davis & Elkins College TORCHBEARER Conway Li Tau Epsilon Tennessee Technological University TORCHBEARER Ron Estes Clarence F. Whitson Tau Lambda Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology GOLD TORCHBEARER Ralph C. Belknap Mark Edward Dearing Cary Laxer Ryan Anthony Moore TORCHBEARER John Howard Havron Tyson Patterson Douglas Gene Secrist Tau Omicron Indiana University Purdue University– Indianapolis SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Robert J London SILVER TORCHBEARER Nathan C. Brindle Robert M. Coop Tau Upsilon University of Wisconsin–Platteville SILVER TORCHBEARER Jeffrey C. Ingebritsen TORCHBEARER Dale M. Holmen Tau Chi Winston-Salem State Univ TORCHBEARER Clarence J. Snuggs Tau Omega Ocean County College SILVER TORCHBEARER Jay Gold Upsilon Delta Kean University of New Jersey GOLD TORCHBEARER James L. Pittman Upsilon Nu University of North Carolina at Wilmington TORCHBEARER Darren M. England Upsilon Phi Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne GOLD TORCHBEARER Mark A. Ramser Phi Gamma Texas Lutheran University SILVER TORCHBEARER William Kuhfal Phi Epsilon Maine Maritime Academy SILVER FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Gary John Smith Phi Xi Austin College SILVER TORCHBEARER Kathryn Manck Phi Psi Lehigh County Comm College TORCHBEARER Thomas H. Nervine Chi Gamma James Madison University TORCHBEARER Elbert G. Espanol Chi Zeta University of Tennessee at Martin TORCHBEARER Mark H. Bell Chi Theta Columbus State University TORCHBEARER H. Owen Lee Ralph E. Meyer Chi Lambda Elizabeth City State Univ TORCHBEARER Clifford E. Patterson Chi Mu Henry Ford Community College GOLD FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Bobby M. Hainline Chi Sigma Allegheny College TORCHBEARER Gilbert Brucken Chi Omega McKendree College DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Kevin Michael Brucker TORCHBEARER Glen Stephen Kinder Psi Delta University of Maine at Machias TORCHBEARER James R. Kowalsky Psi Omega University of Central Florida SILVER TORCHBEARER Michael F. Volpe Karen Bethany Safro TORCHBEARER Suanne R. Boehm Lisa Louise Clendenning Matthew J. Cross Michael Jay Metler Omega Epsilon Illinois Wesleyan University TORCHBEARER Julie Anne Radetski Edward M. Thelen Omega Mu Clarion University of Pennsylvania SILVER TORCHBEARER Juris Kelley TORCHBEARER Richard Alan Martin James L. Sedlak Alpha Alpha Delta Salisbury University TORCHBEARER George S. Fowler Alpha Alpha Xi University of the Pacific DIAMOND TORCHBEARER Kimberlee Castillo Yee TORCHBEARER Fred Nicholas Timm Lawrence E. Yates Alpha Alpha Pi Westminster College TORCHBEARER Sallie Fellague Alpha Beta Beta Saint Bonaventure University TORCHBEARER Taylor Ann Riso Alpha Beta Delta Widener University SILVER TORCHBEARER Robert J. Carr Alpha Beta Epsilon University of Arkansas-Monticello GOLD TORCHBEARER Joyce A. Heismeyer Alpha Beta Zeta Radford University SILVER TORCHBEARER Constance Mills Beauchamp Alpha Beta Mu Grove City College TORCHBEARER Gregory P. Flinn Alpha Beta Nu Penn State at Erie/Behrend College TORCHBEARER Edward A. Bailey Alpha Beta Xi SUNY at Geneseo SILVER TORCHBEARER Louis A. Sapirman Nadine Sapirman Thank you to the following individuals for making a gift in FY 2006 in memory or honor of a Brother or special friend to Alpha Phi Omega: In Memory of Kelly Auletta Jan-Michael Joseph Sacharko In Memory of Muriel Cahill Bob Barkhurst George F. Cahill Stan Carpenter, Ph.D. Lorin A. Jurvis Jack A. McKenzie In Memory of Frank Conner Ann Conner In Memory of Charles Crawford Barbara Crawford In Memory of B.P. Duncan David Wooledge In Memory of Lisa Frankel Tomasewski Deanna Frankel In Memory of Doug Hansen James R. Santo In Memory of Lewis N. Jones Harry B. Massingill In Memory of Frank T. Middleton Charles L. Fischer Jr. Alpha Beta Chi SUNY at Plattsburgh TORCHBEARER Chuck R. Devita Justin D. Elmendorf Alpha Beta Omega Old Dominion University TORCHBEARER Andrei Samuel Mellits Alpha Gamma Alpha Dickinson College SILVER TORCHBEARER Joanne Lipa Alpha Gamma Iota University of the Sciences in Philadelphia GOLD TORCHBEARER Erica Christine Heverin SILVER TORCHBEARER Shawn Joseph Boyle TORCHBEARER Dawn Elizabeth Wagoner Alpha Gamma Kappa Southwestern University SILVER TORCHBEARER Derek W. Christian Alpha Gamma Lambda Albion College SILVER TORCHBEARER Jennifer L. Bramble Alpha Gamma Rho Florida Institute of Technology TORCHBEARER S. Dawn Heyse Alpha Gamma Chi Frostburg State University TORCHBEARER Candace A. Lohr Alpha Delta Delta George Mason University TORCHBEARER Jed Rogers Bullock Dawn Marie Gurganious In Memory of Joseph P. Morrone, Jr. William R. Fromm Warren C. Weidman, P.E. In Memory of Arno Nowotny S. Hixon In Memory of Joe Scanlon Tom T. Galt, MD In Memory of Joseph Schurko Nicholas J. Schurko In Memory of Ralph Van Nostrand Dolores Van Nostrand Carter In Memory of Keith Young S. Hixon In Honor of Robert Hilliard Ross Forman In Honor of Lester Maximillian Kevin P. Hicks In Honor of Judy Mitchell Michael J. Schrader In Honor of Jennifer Snarskis Anna Catherine Gladstone In Honor of Zeta Lambda Chapter Tiffany A. Miller Alpha Delta Eta SUNY at Albany TORCHBEARER Jamey Eric Kohn Alpha Delta Iota Virginia Commonwealth University TORCHBEARER Marian Alter Alpha Delta Nu Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University TORCHBEARER Erin Elizabeth Schwalm Alpha Delta Rho Northern Arizona University TORCHBEARER Christina A. Ceppo Alpha Delta Tau Nova Southeastern University TORCHBEARER Joel E. Natt Alpha Delta Psi Lindsey Wilson College TORCHBEARER Jaime Anne Day Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Henderson State University TORCHBEARER Kathryn Sue Whitfield Friends of APO SILVER TORCHBEARER Jerry Zucker TORCHBEARER Barbara Crawford Dolores Van Nostrand Carter Extensive efforts are made to assure that the donor’s name, giving level and other information are accurately printed in this report.We apologize for any inaccuracies and ask that you notify the National Office at 816-373-8667 x18 or via e-mail at [email protected] if there is an error so that we may update your information. 13 Congratulations to APO’s 2006 New Life Members Life Membership in Alpha Phi Omega is an opportunity for members to support the Fraternity’s long-term stability and stay connected to the Brotherhood for the rest of their lives. More than 22,000 Brothers have become Life Members throughout the years. During the 2005-2006 fiscal year (09/01/05 - 07/31/06), 504 Brothers became Life Members, including 141 Undergraduate Brothers who received Life Membership as a gift. Sean Messana Abraham Jerald L. Adamos Elham Sheena Afshar Justin Joseph Ignacio Albano Jim H. Alderfer Berkley F. Alston Joseph Matthew Alvarado Jack Davis Ammerman Aaron W. Anderson Cody Allen Anderson James Daniel Anderson Lindsey Virginia Arnold D’Ann Elizabeth Arthur James Franklin Auwaerter Jamie Katherine Aylesworth Sarahelizabeth Baguhn Laura Elaine Bailey Taylor D. Baldwin James Lawrence Bannon Bill D. Bartman Frank Andrew Beal Daniel Harrison Beath Jessica Bedell Richard Darren Bellamy Raynard Anthony Bender Courtney Tierra Bennett Sarah L. Berenbrok Jessica Margaret Berger Mitchell Evan Berger Catherine Bevilacqua Adam Hoffman Bezinovich Danielle L. Bickelmann Daniel Thomas Billings James Brandon Birth Joel Bonner Maria Suzanne Borchers H. Gene Bottenberg Everette Michael Bradfute Trevor C. Bradley Francis Xavier Brandon Derek Lincoln Breder Eric Thomas Brown Rickey Allan Broyles Angela X. Bruckart Donita Renee Bryant Sean Bryant Lindsay E. Buhagiar Brie Brienne Butler Mark Joseph Butler Brian R. Byrnes Cassondra V. C. Caldwell Laura Kelly Carlisle Suzanne Adele Carlson Paulmichael Carrighan Elizabeth Ann Carrington Sarah Eden Cecil Tiffany Ann Charles Ian W. Cheesman 14 Kerry L. Cheesman Nathan E. Cheesman Bradford K. Chiappetta Bradley Christianson Joshua A. Christy Sarah C. Chunko Nancy Ann Ciavarella Bryna Christine Clover Ashley R.Coe Catherine Colardo Melissa Davon Cole Erin Lindsay Collins John Patrick Collins Katherine Jean Connors Kelly Marie Cosman Arthur Alexander Couthen Tiffany Cox Michael Crane Alexandra Cristina Craparo Tzeira E. Creditor Loren Elizabeth Cribbs Dian Carly Cronan William J. Crosby Amanda Christine Cross George Dacy Laura Gayle Daien Valorie J. Daniels Carrie M. Danziger Casey Dave Darrah Michael W. Davis Troy Davis Alison Hope Dawson Alisha K. Daya Evita Q. de Guzman Meghan Ashley deBrun Kjersti Lynne DeVries Lauren E. Diedrich Melissa Marie Diemunsch Lauren Marie Downham James F. Draper Nicole Marie DuCharme Adam Joshua Due Elliott Paul Dungan Hannah Janeen Durning Kathryn Artis-May Dyall Clare Dye Jamie Stivers Dzierzak Jan Stivers Dzierzak Christopher William Edwards Meghan A. Elkins Edward Gerard End Jessica K. Ernst Irene Reyes Esteves Krystal Elaine Evans Jamie Nicole Everett April Pasco Fajardo Asheley Ann Faris Amanda Ferree Elizabeth Jane Fesser Parrish Jordan Fessler Shaun Michael Filiault Laura Elizabeth Fillenwarth Silas Fincher Rebecca Fink Catherine Fischer Ashlee Nicole Ford Kathryn Anna Freel Amanda Freeman Mark E. Freitag Laura R. Frey Katherine J. Freyhof Stephen Douglas Fritz Larry J. Frye Scott Michael Fuller Caitlin A. Gamel-McCormick Matthew Lawrence Gamret Moira Elizabeth Gannon Jenny Marie Gardner Joshua T. Garr Yvette Garza Victoria Anne Gates Janet Marie Geiseman Scott D. Gevaert Amanda Marie Gill Megan Elaine Gillespie Bethany Anne Gilson Silver Marie Glover Gabriel Goldstein Furmose James Gomez Jessica Lizett Gonzalez John Alfred Goodhand Byron Goodman Cynecqua Chanel Goodridge Timothy R. Gousie Jessica A. Graner George A. Gray Megan Judith Gray Howard Nicholas Griffith Jacquelyn T. Gross Colin F. Grubel King Albert Orean Hall Givenchy Sarah Elizabeth Hardesty Gabriel Scott Hardy Razi Imran Hashmi Nicole Claire Haugen Erich M. Haunert Megan C. Hencke Lisa Eve Herrmann Amiee Marie Hessert David J. Hill Sasha Hills Jeremy Cousteau Hillyard Justin Michael Hire Ann Hoang Sarah Aileen Holland Nicholas Martin Holmes Natalie Ruth Holtzinger Brian Edward Hooper Sarah C. Hopp Tad A. Hopp Ashraf Mohammed Akhtar Hossain William Francis Hossain Carolyn Sue Houser Kurt Stephen Howard Katherine Lauren Howell Amber M. Hurley Cynthia Eileen Hyland-LaMonica Zipporah-Lakshmi Muna Inniss Justin Harley Isaacs Matthew Wesley Jackson Amanda Jamin Alexandra Howland Johnson Casey Nicolle Johnson Keith Johnson Marcy Lillian Johnson Gina Marie Joyce Meghan Joyce Elizabeth Mary Juhasz Marques Antonio Julius Jessica D. Jurzenski Lindsay Lee Kaderly Matthew James Kainer Mary Elizabeth Kapsak Andrew Wayne Karcher William Walstrum Kavanaugh Samantha Elise Kayem Trudy Leigh Kellam Emily Ann Kelly Stephen J. Kent David Kyle Kincaid Brian M. Kirchein Maaret Klaber Austin Frederick Klein Erika S. Klinger Travis Kevin Knoop Melissa E. Komosa Robert Li-Chung Kong Aaron Nathaniel Koop Amanda Rose Kovacic Alexandra Marie Kramen Amanda Nicole Krentz Katherine J. Kreski Katherine E. Kroll Jessica F. Krupka Amy Gail Kruse Melissa Anne Lackey Diane M. LaGala Courtney Lambeth Christine Lamorena Jessie M. Lamprecht Katie Amy Lane Andrew Peter Larsen Bethany M. Larson Alice E. Lasco Ashleigh Elizabeth Lawrence Darcy A. Lee Leon Lee R. Scott Lee David B. Leftwich Alex William Lehning Jessica Lelli Mark Dale LeMense Shoshannah Lenski Sara Jane Leslie David Michael Alan Lesser Daniel Nicholas Levandusky Joshua Morgan Lewis Lauren Ann Lichty Thomas E. Liggett John Liljegren Steven Yu-Ta Lin Jessica Michelle Llewellyn Andrew J. Loder Jennifer Elizabeth Lowers Willie H. Maddox Diana Leigh Maikut Stephanie Ann Maldonado Emily Patrick Maloney Gia Terese Marando Leah Marietta Jeremy A. Mark Katherine Carole Markham Angie Mae Massengale Peter N. Mastopoulos Amanda Lynn Mathis Floyd J. Mattie Ronisha Jaquina Mayes Darla Kate McAlpine Michael D. McCaughan Patrick Austin McClain Allyn Rae McClure Angelique Sacha A. McDowell Margaret M. McFarland Robert John McGrath Haley Ann McKay Kimberly Rochelle McLaurin Shantelle L. McLellan Nicole D. McMahon Deaglan McNamara Laura Elizabeth McWane Alexander Mejean Lisa Ann Melegari Jesse Sosa Mendoza William Anthony Merunka Sara Elizabeth Metz Kari B. Meyer Rebekah E. Meyerholt Timothy R. Michaels-Johnson Steven Andrew Mientkiewicz Veronica Marche Miller John Russel Milligan Brian James Milliken Katja Aisha Mimms Sara Rae Mitchell Rachael Kim Mongold Janine Nicole Moon Jason Moore W. Moore Blaire Spencer Morgan Mia G. Morgan Laura E. Morkowchuk Karim Nizarali Motani Erica Marie Munday Megan Theresa Myers Shruthi Naik Timothy A. Nedimyer Cortney Danielle Ness Kerri Elizabeth Newsom Joseph W. Ng Lana Ng Anh Hong Thi Nguyen Rosa Yvette Nieves Denver Eriquel Nino Jennifer Florence Noel Christianne Lisa Norman Elizabeth Taber North Katherine Grace Nossem Iris Iruka Nwokolo Todd David Oberlin Bridget Gayle O’Connor Robert Thomas Olson Annie Rae O’Neil Allison Gail Ordemann Frederic L.Oren Jason Samuel Oroszy Kandi Osman Leilani Christy Paco Amand L. B. Palmer Laura A. Palmer Johanna Marie Pape Paul Charles Pearlman Emily Suzanne Pedneau William Loyess Peek Lauren Pelletier Thiyani Marian Perera Alberto James Perez Melina Musique Perkins Carolyn Perretta Kathryn Peters Clarissa J. Peterson Ron Peterson Alison Merida Phagan Joann Elizabeth Piccolo Lauren Kimberly Piech Allison Anne Piszkicwicz Anastasia Plasket Yakov Polishchuk Kim Potochney Michelle Brianna Price Christopher Provost Jessica Pruzinsky Megan Candace Pugh Howard Quimby Jason Michael Rabe Carlos F. Ramirez Torres Rachel Anne Reed Nathan Lawrence Renfro Jennifer Lynne Repede Inger Johanne Reres Matthew Riley John S. Rios Kelley Marie Ripley Adam Stephen Rivera Heidi Jo Rivinus Amy Nicole Roberson Jonathan M. Rodgers Favio Rodriguez Taralyn Y. Rogers Erin B. Roper Kyle Anthony Ross Jessica Rosso Elizabeth Ann Rowe Lissette M. Ruotolo Lindsay Anne Ryan Jon Henry Rzeznik Monica Renee Salazar Ashlen Torrey Saulson Alison Dale Saunders Jennifer Kiyomi Sawada Nancy L. Saxton Sarah A. Scharding Christina M. Schermann Adrienne Schlichtemier Courtney Joel Schmehl Joshua T. Schmidt Henry F. Schoenfeld Tadj Kier Schreck Dominique Schwartz Andrew David Schwenker Kelcey R. Shaw Megan Leigh Sheedfar Nicole M. Sherman Jane J. Shih Franklin Shollenberger Lowell Royce Shook Kara A. Silverglat Phongeune Siriboun Emily Suzanne Sixt Megan Lenora Slate Timothy James Slattery Eric Loflin Smith Jodi Taylor Smith Matthew Vernon Smith Tarence Lafayette Smith Heather Renee Sneathen Elliott Dean Snell Andrea Nicole Snyder Denise Anne Solis Monica Marie Solis Meagan Frances Spencer Jennifer Ann Spero Kristen M. Spinner Nicole Lynn Spozio Michael Francis Sroka Nelle A. Stahura Kerry Stanhope Janelle Leigh Stecklein Molly Steinberg Shant Paul Stepanian Kimberlee Sharee Stevenson Megan Marie Stevenson Meryl Alicia Stone Rachelle Ann Storjohann Marie Ann Stratton Amanda Ellen Strickhouser Seth Michael Strohecker Eden Jessica Strum Karthik Subramanian Gregg Taliercio Peter Chat-Quin Tam Kari Misayo Tanimoto Jun C. Tapay Lynn Michelle Tarkington Kaitlin Elizabeth Tate Brittany D. Taylor Crystal Althea Taylor Kristin Elizabeth Taylor Albert John Tecson Jeremy Scott Thacker Megan Thacker Ngoc Thai Payal Yogesh Thakker Andrew James Theroux Dea Constance Thomas Karen Jean Tindle Crystal LaGrassam Tolbert Marissa Shannon Torento John S. Torigian Paul F. Totzke Oakley Trinh Caitlin Lee Tuffin Robert Dale Tyler Ryan Richard Ubias Beau Michael Ulrich Heather Ursano Justin Richard Van Halanger Ada Michelle Van Hecke Sherrie Ann Vander Vliet Justin David Vandow Kristen Jacqueline Vescera Lauren Kathleen Vessey Luke Thomas Vetti Robert David Vichich Amanda Marie Vincenzes Emily Ann Vitiritti Karl E. Voigt Sarah Elizabeth Wagner Chrystal Renee Wainright Dannie Dwayne Wallace Timothy Walsh Jessica Tracy Ware Lisa M. Warner Amber Washko James Shaw Waynick Christina Davis Webb Jennifer Ella Webb Ryan Robert Weber Diana Alexandra Webster Loren P. Weiss Christina Elizabeth Wells Maria Anna Wersinger Amy Werst Elizabeth J. Westlake Bradley A. Westley Melissa Nichole Wheeler Randy Shawn Whitney Charles Michael Willett Aubria T. Williams Kelly Lynn Williams Laurence Michael Joseph Williams Rachel Ann Williams Alexandra C. Williamson Michael Lawrence Winston Stacey Lynn Wohlforth Alexander Michael Wolf Michelle A. Wolfe Patrice Caroline Woodard Larissa Quinn Woods Nyssa Stephanie Rene Woods Elizabeth Alana Wright Lauren Elizabeth Wright Virginia Amy Wright Samantha Ann Yanity Thomas Abraham Yanuklis Mary Michelle Young Laura Kay Zanewicz 15 A Tribute to John Mack On January 14, 2007, Alpha Phi Omega lost a good friend and dedicated Brother, John Mack, who passed away after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. Formerly of Evanston, Illinois, he resided in Ottumwa, Iowa, before his death, to be close to his daughter who assisted with his care. John was the owner of Life Associates, Inc., an insurance agency, which he managed up until his retirement. John grew up in Kansas City, Kansas, and was initiated in Alpha Eta Chapter at the University of Missouri – Kansas City in June 1940. He then served in the Navy in World War II as part of the Pacific Fleet. In May 1947, John transferred his membership to Delta Zeta Chapter at the University of Pennsylvania, where he served as Chapter President. John is best remembered for his involvement with Scouting – specifically with local Troop 12 in Evanston. His achievements included Eagle Scout, Troop Leader, Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, and committee chairman and committee member. He attended the 1969 National Jamboree in Idaho and the 1971 World Jamboree in Japan as a leader. John was one of the founders of the non-profit Camp & Trails Patches, Inc., an organization that continues to assist the local council with camp restoration, high-adventure programs and scholarships to camp for Troop 12 members. In 1972, he received the Silver Beaver Award through his local Boy Scout Council. John was also awarded the Alumni Distinguished Service Key (DSK) in 2001. He was a Life Member of the Fraternity, a Torchbearer and Sapphire member of the Blue & Gold Society. John Mack (center right) pictured here with the first recipients of the John Mack National Scholarship. Motivated by his personal spirit and valued experiences in Alpha Phi Omega, John made a generous donation in December 1995 to begin the John Mack National Scholarship; other substantial gifts were received in 1996 and 1997. The interest earned on these investments has allowed the Fraternity to recognize undergraduate Brothers for their outstanding participation and leadership in extracurricular activities to benefit individuals in need, charities and humanitarian organizations. In 2001, the balance of the John Mack Fund was transferred to the Alpha Phi Omega Endowment Trust to earn additional interest. As of today, more than 180 John Mack National Scholarships have been awarded to deserving Brothers of the Fraternity. Twenty-three Brothers have been awarded scholarships for the 2007-2008 school year. To learn more about applicant requirements, visit . . . . . . .F. O. .R. .T. H. .E. .C.U. .R.R. E. .N.T. .C. A. .L.E.N. .D.A. R. . .O.F. . E. .V.E.N. .T .S., . .V.I.S.I.T. .W. .W. .W. .. A. .P.O. .. O. .R. G. . . . . . . . Alpha Phi Omega mov ing? new address 14901 E. 42nd Street Independence, MO 64055 Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PA I D SHAWNEE MISSION, KS Permit No. 366 Name Name Address Address City (City ) Area Code State State ZIP ZIP Phone Number MAIL TO: Alpha Phi Omega E-Mail Address 14901 E. 42nd Street • Independence, MO 64055 MAIL TO: Alpha Phi Omega • 14901 E. 42nd Street • Independence, MO 64055 16