Rules PDF - The Roots of Magic


Rules PDF - The Roots of Magic
Section 1 – Game Concepts
The Roots of Magic Living Rules
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
The Roots of Magic
Rules by Des Brennan
Design by Luke Horsman
Card Design by Luke Horsman
Story by Des Brennan
Model concepts by Des Brennan
Art by Daniel Kamarudin and Shane Cook
Sculpts by Andrea Tarabella and Laslo Forgach
Model Production by Zealot Minatures
Special thanks to Austin Capewell
Aaron Boyhan
Des Brennan
Matt Cole
Andreas Frisch
Peter Shepherd
Conrad EJ Gonsalves
Ed Smith
Nigel Doherty
Mike Soar
Contents Copyright © 2015, Grand Arcanum Games LTD.
The Roots of Magic Logo, Grand Arcanum Games Logo, and all character names, places, and things are
Copyright © 2015, Grand Arcanum Games LTD.
The Roots of Magic Living Rules
Section 1 – Game Concepts4
Section 2 - Card Breakdown6
Section 3 – Game Actions10
Section 4 – Game Phases13
Section 5 – Terrain15
Section 6 - Tokens17
Section 7 – Nexus Points and Source Stones 18
Section 8 – Conditions 19
Section 9 - Scenarios 21
Section 10 – Keywords Appendix 24
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 1 – Game Concepts
In order to fully understand the rules that follow this Section, it is necessary to explain some
key concepts behind the game.
1.A. Game Summary. The Roots of Magic is a table-top miniatures fantasy skirmish game set in the magical
Isle of Wonders, also known as Mellorian. Players take the role of a WIZARD, locked in a duel of magical,
mental, and physical prowess with a WIZARD of a rival Great House of Magic. In game terms, this is known as
a Duel of Magic. The Roots of Magic will, in time, be expanded to a larger model count game (5-8 models per
1.B. Models. To accompany The Roots of Magic rules, Grand Arcanum Games have created a line of
superbly detailed MODELs to be used in a Duel of Magic against your foes. There are three types of MODEL
base size in The Roots of Magic: 30mm (for regular sized humanoids and smaller beasts), 40mm (for beasts
and non-human characters), and 50mm (for the largest of beasts and constructs). Please note: when a
MODEL is referenced by a rule, ABILITY, or an ATTACK, only a single MODEL is considered as part of that
reference. It never means multiples unless it specifies this in the rule, ABILITY, or ATTACK.
1.C. Cards. Each MODEL in The Roots of Magic comes with at least two cards: the Character card and the
Action card. The rules associated with each MODEL will be supplied in the full Roots of Magic Rulebook, but to
facilitate smoother and more expedient game-play, it is recommended Players keep the cards near the game
area for quick reference. Some MODELs will have access to additional cards which are used only in specific
circumstances. In such cases those circumstances will be made clear on the card.
1.D. Game Round. Throughout the rules there will be references to a GAME ROUND on rules or cards. This
term indicates the amount of time to complete all the necessary phases of play so that each ACTIVE MODEL
has ACTIVATED once and MAINTANENCE has been completed. When this has occurred, we enter a new
GAME ROUND and so on until the end of the game.
1.E. Activations. An ACTIVATION is the time it takes for a single MODEL to spend any amount of the
MUNDANE ACTION POINTS (MAP) or POWER TOKENS (PT) available to it. Players may choose to spend
none, some, or all of these. The ACTIVATION of the MODEL ends when the controlling Player indicates that
they will perform no more ACTIONs. This will mean that the MODEL may not perform any ACTIONs except for
Disengaging Attacks until it has a chance to ACTIVATE in the next GAME ROUND.
1.F. Ranks. The majority of MODELs represent one of the five standard RANKs in The Roots of Magic. The
things within The Roots of Magic, from the number of each RANK permitted in each type of game (expanded
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
variants of The Roots of Magic will come in time), to any bonuses or limitations conferred by the RANK. There
will also be a number of non-standard RANKs, associated to specific KEYWORDs or temporary changes to
game state. Non-standard RANKs will have no other Rulebook effects, unlike standard RANKs.
1. G. Measurement. The Roots of Magic allows the concept of ‘pre-measurement’. This means that Players
are allowed to measure distances at any time, for any reason. When a measurement is taken, if requested
by the Opponent, the Player taking it must specify why they have taken the measurement. Measurement is
always taken in inches.
1.H. Artefacts. In The Roots of Magic, MODELs and ARTEFACTs have a cost indicated on their respective
cards. This value is only used when games with a COST LIMIT are agreed or requested by SCENARIO rules.
This will usually be to balance the use of multiple ARTEFACTs and their interaction with certain WIZARDS.
When The Roots of Magic is expanded to allow more MODELs, costs will be more important. The unit of cost
in Mellorian is the SOVEREIGN or “SOV” – a widely used weighting of gold coin that lasted far longer than the
warlord who tried to impose it…
1.I. Dice. In The Roots of Magic, whenever a die or dice are referenced, it always means one or more ten
sided dice [D10]. No other types of dice are used.
1.J. Duration of Effects. When the duration of an effect or ABILITY is not specified, it defaults to the end of
1.K. Play Area. The game space in which The Roots of Magic is played. MODELs may not leave the PLAY
AREA unless they are destroyed. For a Duel of Magic, we recommend that a space of two feet squared is
1.L. Within. Often, rules, Abilities, or Attacks refer to being “within”. Within means that if any part of a model’s
base is within the range or area, it is counted as within.
1.M. Requirements for Play. To play The Roots of Magic, Players will need:
Some Grand Arcanum Games MODELs (or whatever you have to hand!)
The MODELs associated cards
Some D10 dice
A tape measure or other measurement device that registers distance in inches
A gaming board or space that is at least 2 feet by 2 feet
Two to four 40mm counters to represent NEXUS points
A 30mm objective counter to represent the “Orb of Rannellos”
An opponent with MODELs, cards, and counters to play against!
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 2 - Card Breakdown
Each MODEL comes with a set of cards that will allow Players to determine their characteristics,
special rules, and actions they may take.
2.A. Character Cards.
Character Cards contain the basic statistics of a MODEL and information about special rules that MODEL may
have. Each Character Card has a similar format, so what is discussed below will allow players to understand
all Character Cards.
1. Name: the name of the MODEL associated with the card.
2. Affiliation: The Faction, or Great House of Magic to which the MODEL belongs.
3. Rank: the type of MODEL represented by the card.
4. Keywords: Any KEYWORDS (see Section – 10, Keywords) that the MODEL possesses. The rules for 14
KEYWORDS will be detailed on the reverse of the Character Card.
5. Model Art: High quality illustration of the MODEL associated with the card.
6. Move: The amount in inches that the MODEL can move as part of a WALK ACTION.
7. Defence: DEFENCE represents how hard it is to land a blow on a MODEL. This is due to natural or trained skill at avoiding the ATTACK, or from magical or mundane assistance. Enemy MODELs trying to ATTACK this MODEL will require a dice roll equal to or above the DEFENCE value to score a HIT. In a limited
number of cases ATTACKs may TARGET another statistic, but this is always specified in the ATTACK itself.
8. Will: WILL represents a MODELs natural leadership and inner strength. When determining INITIATIVE for 6
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
the GAME ROUND, Players roll a check against the MODEL’s WILL to determine who may ACTIVATE
first. When a MODEL is reduced to 0 WOUNDS, it may try to remain ACTIVE by rolling equal to or below its WILL value minus 2 on a single Die. If this roll succeeds, the MODEL is returned to 1 WOUND but is otherwise affected normally by the non-DAMAGE effects of the ATTACK, RULE, or ABILITY.
9. Sovereign Cost: The MODEL’s cost for the purpose of games with a COST LIMIT. The combined cost of all MODELs and ARTEFACTs may not exceed the agreed COST LIMIT, if there is one.
10. Wounds: The amount of DAMAGE a MODEL can sustain before being DESTROYED (leaving the PLAY AREA and becoming INACTIVE). Wounds may be tracked via the heart-shaped Wound markers.
11. Artefact Limit: The number of ARTEFACTs that may be attached to this MODEL (provided that they do not exceed any agreed COST LIMIT).
12. Power Limit: The limit of POWER TOKENS (see Section – 6, Tokens) that the MODEL may have stored between ACTIVATIONs. You may have less than this number, but never more.
13. Keyword Description: Any KEYWORDS possessed by the MODEL will be described here.
14. Base Size: The MODEL’s base size will be specified here.
2.B. Action Cards.
Action Cards contain the unique abilities and attacks that the MODEL may generate. Each one has a similar
layout and format, so what is discussed below will allow players to understand all Action Cards.
2.B.i. Abilities.
Abilities are ACTIONs that may be purchased with a MODEL’s store of MUNDANE ACTION POINTs (MAPs
- see Section 3.A. – Action Points) or POWER TOKENs (see Section 6 - Tokens). Abilities can only be used
once per ACTIVATION, but each ABILITY on a MODELs Action Card can be used provided you can pay all
costs and targeting requirements. ABILITY ACTIONs are formatted as below:
(ABILITY Name): [Cost, ABILITY Type], (# of Allowed Dice), [Target Number] – (Requirements,
Effects and Description)
Materialise [Cost 2, MAGIC]: 1 Die, TGT [3] – Target a friendly model within 6”, which may be
this model. Immediately resolve Teleport (5) on that model.
1. Ability Name: Each ABILITY will have a thematic name that Players may call out in a suitably heroic or despotic way! This will help to differentiate between ABILITY ACTIONs.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
2. Cost: Each ABILITY has a cost that must be paid as the first part of the triggering process. [3] would require that three MAPs and/or PTs were spent. [3/3] would mean that three MAPs and/or POWER TOKENs must be spent but that the Remainder Cost of three additional MAPs and/or POWER TOKENs must still be present on the MODEL to proceed. Remainder Costs represent a store of magical power that a MODEL must possess in order to accomplish more powerful abilities and attacks.
3. Ability Type: Some KEYWORDS give a bonus or a penalty against certain ABILITY Types, so each ABILITY must have a specified Type.
4. Number of Allowed Dice: Each ABILITY has a listed number of D10 that are rolled to determine success. Certain game effects may increase or reduce the amount of dice. If the amount rolled is equal to zero via these effects, the ABILITY may not be taken.
5. Target Number (TGT): The number that must be equalled or exceeded on the specified dice associated with the ABILITY in order for the ABILITY to succeed. Any effect that adds dice to the ABILITY will increase the chance of success – only one of them needs to equal or exceed the target.
6. Requirements: Each ABILITY will have certain targeting requirements that must be met – if these cannot be met then the ABILITY will fail regardless of meeting the Target Number. They will usually be a combination of range (RNG) requirements plus the potential use of the word TARGET. TARGET means that the MODEL generating the ABILITY must have Line of Sight (LoS) – i.e. the ability to draw a line from any part of its base to any part of the TARGET MODELs base that is not completely obstructed by either a MODEL with a larger base size or a piece of blocking Terrain (see Section – 5, Terrain). For example, an ABILITY that had the requirements: RNG: 8”, Target enemy model means that the enemy MODEL you wish to affect must be within 8” and be at least partially visible. You may not TARGET a MODEL that is completely obstructed from
view unless it is stated on the ABILITY. There may be other targeting requirements specified as part of the ABILITY (which are too numerous to list here); they too must be met in order for the ABILITY to succeed.
7. Effects and Description: Once all parts of the process are complete and successful, the effects of the ABILITY are applied. These range from the application of DAMAGE or CONDITIONS (see Section – 8, CONDITIONs), to other effects that may cause a change for the targeted MODEL. These are all applied to the TARGET MODEL as the last step of the ABILITY resolution.
2.B.ii. Attacks.
Attacks are ACTIONs that may be purchased with a MODEL’s store of MUNDANE ACTION POINTs (MAPs
- see Section 3.A. – Action Points) or POWER TOKENs ( PTs - see Section 6 - Tokens). An ATTACK can be
used multiple times provided you can pay all costs and targeting requirements. A MODEL may use any/all of
its printed ATTACKS during an ACTIVATION as long as all costs and requirements are met. ATTACK ACTIONs
are formatted as below:
(ATTACK Name): [Cost, ATTACK Type], (# of Allowed Dice), [Targeting Requirements] –
(Effects and Description)
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Ley-line Flash [Cost 2, MAGIC]: 2 Dice, RNG 12” - Target enemy model gains Damage (1).
1. Attack Name: Each ATTACK will have a thematic name that Players may call out in a suitably heroic or despotic way! This will help to differentiate between ATTACK ACTIONs.
2. Cost: Each ATTACK has a cost that must be paid as the first part of the triggering process. [3] would require that three MAPs and/or POWER TOKENs were spent. [3/3] would mean that three MAPs and/or POWER TOKENs must be spent but that the Remainder Cost of three additional MAPs and/or POWER TOKENs must still be present on the MODEL to proceed. Remainder Costs represent a store of magical power that a MODEL must possess in order to accomplish more powerful abilities and attacks.
3. Attack Type: Some KEYWORDS give a bonus or a penalty against certain ATTACK Types, so each ATTACK must have a specified Type.
4. Number of Allowed Dice: Each ATTACK has a listed number of D10 that are rolled to determine success. Certain game effects may increase or reduce the amount of dice. If the amount rolled is equal to zero via these effects, the ATTACK may not be taken. The amount of D10, after observing any additions or subtractions, creates a DICE POOL. DICE POOL results are compared against the DEF of the TARGET MODEL (or any other stat specified by the ATTACK itself). If there are no successful HITs in the DICE POOL, the ATTACK is a failure and does not go any further.
5. Targeting Requirements: Each ATTACK will have certain targeting requirements that must be met as the second part of the triggering process. This will usually be a combination of range (RNG) requirements plus the potential use of the word TARGET. TARGET means that the MODEL generating the ABILITY must have Line of Sight (LoS) – i.e. the ability to draw a line from any part of its base to any part of the TARGET MODEL’s base that is not completely obstructed by either a MODEL with a larger base size or a piece of obscuring Terrain (see Section – 5, Terrain). For example, an ATTACK that had the requirements: RNG: 8”, Target enemy model, means that the enemy model you wish to attack must be within 8” and be at least partially visible. You may not TARGET a model that is completely obstructed from view unless it is stated on the ATTACK. There may be other targeting requirements specified as part of the ATTACK which are too numerous to list here. They too must be met in order for the ATTACK to succeed.
6. Effects and Description: Once all parts of the triggering process are complete and successful, and there was
at least one HIT in the DICE POOL, the effects of the ATTACK are applied. These range from the application
of DAMAGE or CONDITIONS (see Section – 8, CONDITIONs), to other effects that may cause a change for the targeted MODEL. These are all applied to the TARGET MODEL as the last step of the ATTACK resolution.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 3 – Game Actions
Each ACTIVATION provides a MODEL with the chance to perform ACTIONs, depending on the
amount of resources available to that MODEL. ACTIONs originate either on a MODELs Action
Card, or from a set number of Rulebook or Scenario ACTIONs.
3.A. Mundane Action Points (MAPs). MAPs represent the natural energy that living humans possess –
the ability to perform a given number of actions within a specific amount of time. WIZARDS generate three
MUNDANE ACTION POINTs (MAPs) each READY PHASE. These are considered a ‘fixed’ resource so
there is no need to represent them or note them down. However, any POWER TOKENS in a MODEL’s store
are considered a ‘variable’ resource so must be represented or written down and Players must make their
Opponents aware of any POWER TOKENs that are on a MODEL whenever asked. MUNDANE ACTION
POINTS are always the first type of resource to be spent in an ACTIVATION. When and if they are expended,
the Player may then choose to use any POWER TOKENS, but not before.
3.B. Power Tokens (PTs). POWER TOKENs represent the boost that magic can provide to MODELs to
allow them to take more ACTIONs or more powerful ACTIONs.
3.C. Paying the Cost of Actions. Every ACTIVATION, a MODEL may perform a number of ACTIONs. The
amount they may perform depends on how many MUNDANE ACTION POINTs a MODEL generates and how
many POWER TOKENS (see Section 6, Tokens) a MODEL has stored.
A Player checks the cost of the ACTION they wish to perform against the MUNDANE ACTION POINTs and/
or POWER TOKENS the MODEL has remaining. If there is a sufficient amount to pay this cost, then the
Player may select to take that ACTION. For example, a Player wishes to take the “Throttling Chains” Melee
Type ATTACK on Amara, the Unfettered. This ATTACK costs 1 ACTION, and provided the MODEL has one or
more MAPs and/ or POWER TOKENS remaining and a target model within range of the attack, it can attempt
the action. As previously stated, the cost for ACTIONs is initially paid via MAPs and then any PTs the Player
wishes to use that are stored on the MODEL. If an ACTION’s cost cannot be paid in full with MAPs, then the
remainder of the cost may be paid with PTs.
3.D. Declaring Actions. When an ACTION is declared, it must be performed, meeting all costs and
requirements, or the ACTION fails and the cost is spent regardless.
3.E. Zone of Control (ZoC). Each MODEL projects a ZONE of CONTROL that extends 1” all around the
MODEL’s base. Opposing MODELs may enter this freely, but may not exit the ZoC without granting the enemy
a Free ATTACK (any Type) of [Cost 1] or less. MODELs may not CHARGE while within the ZoC of an enemy
3.F. Universal Actions. The following are a list of ACTIONs that any MODEL may take, subject to targeting
10 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
restrictions. Where a MODEL is prevented from taking these ACTIONS, it will be specified on the MODEL’s
Character Card. Universal ACTIONs may be taken within an enemy MODEL’s ZoC unless specifically
WALK: Cost 1. MODEL is moved up to 1 x their MOV value, in any direction. MODELs may not move
through solid objects or other MODELs during this movement.
CHARGE: Cost 2. MODEL is moved up to 2 x their MOV value, toward a TARGET enemy MODEL.
MODELs may not move through solid objects or other MODELs during this movement. At the end of
the movement the MODEL receives a free MELEE ATTACK of Cost of 1 or less. The CHARGE ACTION
requires a viable TARGET, within the limit of their total movement and MELEE ATTACK RNG (which is
usually 1 inch). If a MODEL is not within ATTACK RNG after the movement portion of a CHARGE, the
ACTION ends without performing the free ATTACK.
CLIMB: [Cost 1 per 3” of height climbed]. A CLIMB ACTION may only be performed in base contact with a
piece of climbable Terrain that can support the base of a model at different levels.
INTERACT: [Cost variable]. This is an ACTION specific to Scenario play. In a Scenario with markers or
Terrain, this ACTION can be used while in base contact with the relevant piece to trigger Scenario effects.
The ACTION Cost will be stipulated in the Scenario.
ABILITY: [Cost variable]. See SECTION 2.B.i. for more details.
ATTACK: [Cost variable]. See SECTION 2.B.ii. for more details.
3.G. Movement Actions Limitations. Movement ACTIONS comprise WALK, CHARGE, or CLIMB
ACTIONS. There are limitations and/or considerations associated with each type, which will be fully detailed
Walk Actions: MODELs may take up to but not more than 3 WALK ACTIONs per ACTIVATION. These can
be taken before, after, or between other ACTIONS.
Charge Actions: MODELs may not declare WALK or CLIMB ACTIONs before or after declaring a
CHARGE. This is to show that it takes a lot of effort and focus to build up the CHARGE. MODELs may not
declare multiple CHARGEs per ACTIVATION.
Climb Actions: Measuring up or down is always done by the shortest possible route, by holding the
measurement device vertically rather than at an angle. Models must be able to fit on whichever new level
they are trying to CLIMB to or the ACTION may not be declared.
Falling from height: MODELs that intentionally take WALK or CHARGE ACTIONS that would move them
off of Terrain suffer DAMAGE (1) for every 3” or part thereof before they contact the ground. MODELs may
also be subject to ATTRACT (x) or REPEL (x) from a height by friendly or enemy MODELs, with the same
TERRAIN: Various types of Terrain will affect how MODELs are permitted to move. See Section – 5 ,
3.H. Ability Actions. An ABILITY on a MODEL’s Action Card may only be used once per ACTIVATION,
though multiple ABILITY ACTIONs may be used from the same card, provided they can be paid for. ABILITY
ACTIONs may be used when in the ZoC of an enemy MODEL. Any targeting restrictions – LoS, RNG,
or anything else required by the ABILITY, must be met or the ABILITY will fail and the Cost will be spent
regardless. It is therefore important to determine these things before declaring the ACTION.
3.I. Attack Actions. ATTACKs on a MODEL’s Action Card may be used repeatedly providing the Cost is paid
for. A MODEL may freely use different ATTACKs on its card. RANGED ATTACKs may be used while within
an Opposing MODEL’s ZoC, but at a penalty of -2 dice. MODELs may not TARGET an enemy MODEL with a
RANGED ATTACK if a friendly MODEL is within the Desired Target’s MODEL’s ZoC. Other than this exception,
ZoCs do not affect other Types of ATTACK. Any targeting restrictions – LoS, RNG, or anything else required
by the ATTACK, must be met or the ATTACK will fail and the Cost will be spent regardless. It is therefore
important to determine these things before declaring the ACTION.
3.J. Applying Damage from an Attack. When using an ATTACK ACTION, there is always a number of
dice associated with the ATTACK, and in some cases, more dice are added through other rules and traits. If
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
no Hits are scored from dice in the ATTACK POOL – i.e. no dice equal or exceed the target’s Defence value,
then the ATTACK is a failure. If at least one Hit is scored from the DICE POOL then the attack was a success,
though the level of success is quite variable.
In The Roots of Magic, successful attacks can cause anything from a momentary distraction to a severe and
debilitating injury. This makes it easier to define the power of attacks as those with more dice are likely to
score more hits and therefore do more damage. Although one can roll a lot of dice in the DICE POOL, there
are only four gradations on injury in order to make the application of damage quicker. The below is called the
DAMAGE BONUS of the ATTACK – consult the chart based on how many hits were scored and then add that
to the damage specified by the ATTACK ACTION.
Damage Bonus
1 Hit will cause STUN. STUN adds the CONDITION Burdened [All] (1) to the model receiving the ATTACK, but otherwise has no additional effect. Cumulative STUNs in the same GAME ROUND have no additional
effect – only the first STUN per GAME ROUND will cause the Burdened [All] (1) CONDITION to be applied.
2 Hits will cause a LIGHT WOUND. LIGHT WOUNDs inflict Damage (1).
3 Hits was cause a MEDIUM WOUND. MEDIUM WOUNDs inflict Damage (2).
4 or more Hits cause a SEVERE WOUND. SEVERE WOUNDs inflict Damage (3).
Once the number of Hits has been determined, the damage from that plus any other sources of Damage from
the ATTACK ACTION or any traits or ARTEFACTS is added together. This is the Damage total which is then
compared against any Protection on the target model. Damage that the MODEL takes is then marked against
its wound markers.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 4 – Game Phases
This Section details any necessary steps to observe before, during, and following each game
of The Roots of Magic.
4.A. Pre-Game phases. Before a game of The Roots of Magic starts, there are some preparatory steps
that players should perform to get everything ready to begin spell-slinging! Players should work through these
phases in the following order.
1. Determine Scenario: Players need to select a Scenario (see SECTION – 9, Scenarios). The Scenario
chosen may have an impact on Terrain and WIZARD deployment, so it is useful to arrange this first. Please
note that some Scenarios may place a SOVEREIGN LIMIT on the game. Where this happens, the limit must
be observed. The Scenario will specify where any Scenario-specific markers or objects need to be placed and
any limitations on adjacent Terrain.
2. WIZARD selection: Each Player should privately select a WIZARD to use in this phase. Players are
encouraged to consider the Scenario whilst choosing WIZARDs and ARTEFACTs (if allowed) as some choices
may benefit particular Scenarios over others. Once the WIZARD is chosen, this information remains secret
WIZARDs may be selected without concern for their SOVEREIGN Cost unless the Scenario limits it.
ARTEFACTS will only be permitted if expressly mentioned in the Scenario. Again, if SOVEREIGN Cost is
limited, the combination of WIZARD and ARTEFACTs cannot exceed this value.
3. Deploy Terrain: Both Players should roll 1D10 (rerolling any ties) and the Player with the higher value places
one piece of Terrain in the play area. Players take it in turns to place a piece until all the Terrain has been
A simple rule of thumb would be to divide the play space into quarters and ensure a few pieces of differing
heights and density (see SECTION – 5, Terrain) are placed in each. Terrain deployment usually has the
limitation that no piece of Terrain can be placed within 1” of another piece. Players should also be careful to
ensure there is a space of at least 50mm surrounding all Nexus points.
MODELs cannot leave the PLAY AREA during the game for any reason. MODELs that do not start in the PLAY
AREA are considered INACTIVE until they arrive.
4. Reveal WIZARDs: Both Players simultaneously reveal the Roots of the Magic WIZARD they have selected
to use.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
5. NEXUS Deployment: In line with the Scenario Forms, a number of NEXUS POINTs should be deployed in
the PLAY AREA. Both Players should roll 1D10 (rerolling any ties) and starting with the Player that achieved
the higher value, select one or more of the NEXUS POINTs to be ‘friendly’.
6. Deploy WIZARDs: Starting with the Player who won the roll in the last step, both Players take turns to
deploy their WIZARD. MODELs must be deployed unless there is a specific rule on their cards that will allow
them to remain out of the play area. For WIZARDs that comprise or are linked to additional MODELs, they are
deployed at the same time.
4.B. In-Game phases. Starting with the first GAME ROUND until the game is ended via an Objective Victory
(see SECTION 9 – Scenarios) or the Death of one or more WIZARDs, Players should observe the following
phases in the listed order. These occur in each GAME ROUND and some may happen rather quickly, so as
Players become more familiar with The Roots of Magic rules, it will become second nature.
1. Ready Phase: All ACTIVE MODELs have their ACTION POINT values reset to full. Each MODEL is allocated
POWER TOKENS as specified by the SOURCE STONE or NEXUS POINT (see SECTION – 7, Nexus Points
and Source Stones) rules.
2. Focus Phase: WIZARDS and ACOLYTES may take any number of POWER TOKENs from friendly ACTIVE
MODELs within 10” and add them to their own store (not exceeding their POWER LIMIT value).
The Vanity of Wizards – WIZARDs and ACOLYTEs are very proud and would react poorly if anyone tried to
steal their power. This means WIZARDs and ACOLYTES may never take POWER TOKENs from other Magic
users. This Phase is currently included for completeness only; it is designed to be used only in expanded
3. Activation Phase: At the beginning of each ACTIVATION phase Players take an INITIATIVE CHECK: both
Players roll 1D10 ( the player with the highest WILL value WIZARD wins ties, otherwise reroll). Starting with
the Player with the highest roll, the Players take it in turns activating one MODEL at a time, until all MODELs
have activated.
4. Maintenance Phase: Players are responsible for determining the current status of all their Effects or
CONDITIONs, and updating them where necessary. This could be anything from applying a CONDITION
requirement or ATTACK effects that only occur in this phase.
5. Tally Phase: Players consult the Scenario rules which specify when OBJECTIVE POINTs (see SECTION 9
– Scenarios) have been scored, and determine if any have been scored by either Player this GAME ROUND.
The score should be agreed on by both Players before moving to the next round of in-game phases.
4.C. Post-game phases. After the last GAME ROUND has concluded (if the game has not ended via the
death of a WIZARD), it will be necessary to perform a few checks to determine final scores and therefore the
victor of the game.
1. Tally: Players determine the final count of OBJECTIVE POINTS and determine the result of the game.
2. Declare Victor: The Player with the most OBJECTIVE POINTs is declared the winner. If both Players are on
the same number of OBJECTIVE POINTs, the game is a tie.
14 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 5 – Terrain
The following Section describes the differing types and effects of Terrain in The Roots of
Magic. Terrain can represent any element in the GAME AREA that is not a MODEL.
5.A. Terrain Groups. Although it may come in all shapes and sizes, it is important to try to group Terrain in
a way that will allow players to determine how to interact with it. Before the game, Players should agree on
clarifying any Terrain that is deployed in the play area. The details of each particular grouping will be described
below in 5.B., but all Terrain will belong to two major groups: AREA and LEVEL.
AREA Terrain occupies a defined space within the GAME AREA and to enter or move through this space
may cause penalties. AREA Terrain is considered to be LEVEL 0. LEVEL Terrain represents objects that can
prevent line of sight being drawn to MODELs, are potentially climbable, or that could provide defence against
RANGED ATTACKS. LEVEL Terrain comes in four delineations, roughly corresponding to height:
LEVEL 0 – no additional effect.
LEVEL 1 – This LEVEL cannot prevent LoS being drawn to any base size, but it will provide Cover (see
Section 5.C. Terrain benefits and penalties) to 30mm bases.
LEVEL 2 – This LEVEL will prevent LoS being drawn to 30mm bases, if it is not possible to draw a line to
the obscured MODEL’s base without crossing the LEVEL 2 Terrain. Otherwise, it will provide Cover. It will
also provide Cover for 40mm or 50mm bases.
LEVEL 3(+) - This LEVEL (and anything larger) will prevent LoS being drawn to any size of base, if it is not
possible to draw a line to the obscured MODEL’s base without crossing the LEVEL 3 Terrain. Otherwise, it
will provide Cover.
Please note that a MODEL on or in LEVEL Terrain is not obscured as a MODEL behind the Terrain would
be. LoS can be drawn from and to the MODEL in such cases.
5.B. Terrain types by group. All Terrain is organised into the following divisions:
Broken ground [AREA] – This type of Terrain is typified by rough, rocky, or uneven Terrain that would
prevent swift movement. Broken ground does not tend to obstruct LoS nor does it prevent movement
Dangerous ground [AREA] – Like Broken ground, Dangerous ground will prevent easy movement, but
it also comes with additional dangers. Pit traps or naturally formed holes/cavern mouths, underground
sulphur gas vents, dense bushes of Razorleaf, or any other potentially injurious Terrain feature are
representative of this type of Terrain. Dangerous ground does not tend to obstruct LoS nor does it prevent
movement completely.
Hazardous ground [AREA] – This type of Terrain presents a real threat to any MODELs that attempt to
cross it. Quicksand, running lava, deep crevasse, forest fires, and other extremely hazardous incidences
are representative of this type of Terrain. Hazardous ground does not tend to obstruct LoS nor does it
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
prevent movement completely.
Obstructing Terrain [LEVEL 1] – This type of Terrain represents low walls, fragments of ruined masonry,
small boulders, young trees and suchlike.
Blocking Terrain [LEVEL 2] – Blocking Terrain would be considered as larger ruined walls, small houses,
large trees, huge boulders and things of that size.
Imposing Terrain [Level 3+] – Very large objects that would completely obscure models behind it.
Some Level Terrain will be determined to be Climbable before the game begins. Such Terrain must have
places for models to be able to stand without additional support, or it may not be declared Climbable.
5.C. Terrain benefits and penalties. Terrain interacts with the game rules in various ways. Some of them
will be beneficial and some will apply penalties to a MODEL’s ACTIONs or even cause Damage. Below is a list
of effects associated with terrain:
Cover – Models in base contact with a piece of terrain that provides Cover gain the CONDITION Evasive
(1) whilst they remain in contact with the cover. The bonus Cover confers can only be applied against
Ranged Attacks. Other Attack types circumvent this defensive bonus, either by arcane means or mundane
Broken ground – models that come into contact with broken ground receive the condition Burdened
[Movement] (1). This penalty is applied after any Walk or Charge ACTION is used to enter or move across
Broken ground. This means for the initial ACTION, there is no penalty, but for any subsequent movement
ACTIONs the penalty cost must be paid or the ACTION cannot be attempted.
Dangerous ground - models that come into contact with dangerous ground receive the condition Burdened
[Movement] (1) and Damage (1). As above, the penalty is applied at the end of the Walk or Charge that
brought the MODEL into contact.
Hazardous ground - models that come into contact with hazardous ground receive the condition Burdened
[Movement] (2) and Damage (3). This means that each subsequent move across Hazardous ground will be
subject to a penalty of two additional Movement ACTIONs. As above, the penalties are applied at the end
of the Walk or Charge Action that entered or crossed the Terrain.
16 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 6 - Tokens
A number of important game states or resources are reflected by various Tokens in The Roots
of Magic. This Section will detail the associated rules and limitations of these Tokens. They
should always be visible to both Players, and any questions that either Player asks about the
current level of Tokens must be answered fully.
6.A. Power Tokens. One of the most important tactical points of The Roots of Magic is the existence of
POWER TOKENs. POWER TOKENs allow MODELs to take additional ACTIONs, or to enable more powerful
ACTIONs that they would not be able to use otherwise. Each POWER TOKEN available for use counts as a
single additional MUNDANE ACTION POINT. Once gained, POWER TOKENs remain available for use during
a MODEL’s ACTIVATION in any GAME ROUND until they are spent.
The amount that a MODEL may store is based on the MODEL’s POWER LIMIT characteristic. If a MODEL
somehow obtains more POWER Tokens than they can store, excess tokens are lost. POWER Tokens are
generated from a number of rules, either originating in the Rulebook or infrequently on a MODEL’s cards (see
Section – 7, Nexus Points and Source Stones).
6.B. Concentration Tokens. These tokens are generated from the CONCENTRATION universal
ACTION. A MODEL is limited to carrying a number of CONCENTRATION TOKENs up to its RANK: WIZARD/
CONCENTRATION TOKENs may be used when announcing an ACTION that requires dice to be rolled
but before the actual roll is made. This will add an additional two D10 to the upcoming roll. Only one
CONCENTRATION TOKEN may be used per ACTION attempted.
There is no limit on how many times a MODEL may take the CONCENTRATION universal ACTION, but a
MODEL may not gain CONCENTRATION TOKENs above its limit.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 7 – Nexus Points
and Source Stones
The generation of POWER TOKENs and associated rules are covered in this section.
7.A. Nexus Points. In The Roots of Magic the power that WIZARDs may manipulate is drawn from the roots
of the World Tree. These invisible and intangible roots permeate Mellorian, and as such are readily available
for WIZARDs to tap into. As part of the pre-game setup, each Player may deploy a number of 40mm NEXUS
POINTs in accordance with the requirements of the Scenario.
Models may not move over a Nexus marker without the Flight ability, and the marker does not block LoS or
provide Cover. For MODEL abilities that count as Terrain placement, the NEXUS POINT counts as Terrain for
these purposes. For Example, Amara the Unfettered would not be able to place Broken ground markers within
an inch of the NEXUS POINT.
7.B. Source Stones. Each faction, with the exception of House Qing and the Diabolists, who have no use
for them, supplies all of their retainers with a SOURCE STONE. This artefact, usually worn as an amulet
or ring, allows the bearer to draw magical energy from the environment around it, and allows access to the
power of NEXUS POINTS. There are two types of SOURCE STONE:
Greater SOURCE STONEs – Non-Qing, Non-Diabolist WIZARDs and ACOLYTEs carry these. Each GAME
ROUND, in the READY PHASE, each MODEL with one of these stones is granted a POWER TOKEN, up
to the limit of Tokens that they may store. In addition, at the start of the READY PHASE, if a WIZARD or
ACOLYTE with a greater SOURCE STONE is within 6” of a NEXUS POINT, it may gain additional POWER
TOKENs equal to the value allowed by the Scenario. For a standard Duel of Magic, this would be two
additional POWER TOKENs.
SOURCE STONEs - Non-Qing, Non-Diabolist GUARDIAN, SERVANT, and FOLLOWER models gain a
POWER TOKEN in the READY PHASE as described above. In addition, if any of these MODEL RANKs
are in base contact with a NEXUS POINT, they gain additional POWER TOKENs in the READY PHASE
equal to the amount allowed by the Scenario. This is to show that the SOURCE STONEs and mastery of
these other RANKs is less than that of true magic users and so they must be closer to a NEXUS POINT to
gain a benefit.
18 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 8 – Conditions
Some game effects in The Roots of Magic last for a while and therefore need their own rules to
be managed effectively. When a CONDITION is applied multiple times to the same MODEL, it
applies cumulative effects. CONDITIONs are the remnant effect of a rule, ABILITY, or ATTACK
that continue to apply themselves for a given time.
The following are the current CONDITIONs that exist within The Roots of Magic:
Burdened [Action Type] (X): The Burdened CONDITION represents a model becoming tired or confused.
A penalty of (x) is applied to the next ACTION this MODEL attempts to take of the specified [Action Type].
For example, if the Burdened [Mov] (1) was applied, the next Walk Universal ACTION (as a movement
ACTION) would have a Cost of 2 rather than the usual 1. Once this penalty is paid, the Burdened
Cursed (X): A MODEL affected by the Cursed CONDITION may be forced to re-roll up to (X) dice before
Distort (X): A MODEL affected by the Distort CONDITION reduces its DEFENCE by 1 for a number of
subsequent ATTACKs equal to (x) before the CONDITION expires. PERSISTENT.
Dominate (X): A MODEL affected by the Dominate CONDITION will have (x) ACTIONs in its next
ACTIVATION(s) controlled by the (Opposing) player that applied the Condition. While these ACTIONs
are being controlled by the Opposing Player, the MODEL counts as friendly to the Opposing Player.
The maximum amount of Dominate that may be applied to a MODEL is (4) - anything over this has no
additional effect. PERSISTENT.
Evade (X): When a MODEL affected by the Evade CONDITION is Hit, subtract (x) from the number of Hits.
Fortune (X): A MODEL affected by the Fortune CONDITION may re-roll up to (x) dice before the
Protection (X): A MODEL under the effects of Protection subtracts (x) from the total Damage of an ATTACK
against it.
Shackled (X): A MODEL affected by Shackled must forfeit (x) MAPs and/or POWER TOKENs before the
CONDITION expires and they may Activate. PERSISTENT.
Suffer (X): A MODEL affected by the Suffer CONDITION takes Damage (1) for (x) MAINTAINANCE
PHASEs before the CONDITION expires. PERSISTENT.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules 19
Sustain (X): A MODEL affected by the Sustain CONDITION must perform (x) ACTIONs on their next
available ACTIVATION (or as close to (x) as their MAPs and POWER TOKENs will allow) even if they
are subsequently reduced to 0 Wounds and have failed their WILL check. This means that the MODEL
affected by this CONDITION cannot be destroyed until after they have activated again. They remain on 0
wounds, and may be healed if possible, until they have activated. At this point the CONDITION expires.
Transmute (X): Represents an enforced or desired change to another state of being. A MODEL affected
by the Transmute CONDITION uses the appropriate Transmuted Character Card stats (usually displayed
as X/X, and using the second number once transmuted) for a number of actions equal to (x) before the
CONDITION expires. In a case where the CONDITION is applied by the Opposing Player, then a new
Character Card will be supplied for the duration of the CONDITION. PERSISTENT.
20 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 9 - Scenarios
The following section details the current Scenarios designed for games of The Roots of
9.A. Rules and Forms. Formal Duels of Magic have been occurring between the Great Houses for almost
three hundred years. In the years before Master Rannellos of House Durant published “the Rules and Forms
of Duelling” magical combat had been excessively dangerous for those nearby, let alone for those directly
involved. It was recognised that Wizards are a proud and haughty bunch and it would be easier to regulate
than to ban Duels altogether, so a set of rules were created to limit the danger to others.
Rules dictate the victory conditions for the Duel of Magic, and any specific Interact ACTIONs that are granted
for the duration of the Duel.
Forms dictate the limitations of the PLAY AREA and the number and placement of NEXUS POINTs.
Although the set Scenarios will have specific Rules and Forms, Players are encouraged to mix them up to
make their own Scenarios. The full works of Master Rannellos are not included in these rules, so over time
Grand Arcanum Games can and will introduce additional Rules and Forms to increase the variation of play.
9.B. Rules. The following Rules for Scenario play exist within the the Roots of Magic Living rules. Each
Scenario will only use a subset of these rules. When starting out, instead of reading this list in its entirety, read
only the Rules that are relevant to your chosen Scenario.
The First Rule (The Rule of Dominance) – The death of a WIZARD awards a Victory to the Player with the
last remaining WIZARD. If both WIZARDs die from the same ACTION, the result is a Draw.
The Second Rule (The Rule of Equivalence) – If a Player Reaches at least 3 OBJECTIVE POINTS and is
at least 1 OBJECTIVE POINT above the Opposing Player at the end of any GAME ROUND, that Player
wins an OBJECTIVE Victory. If the game completes all allowed GAME ROUNDs without a clear winner,
then the current OBJECTIVE POINT scores will be observed and whichever Player has the greatest
amount achieves a Victory. A tie of OBJECTIVE POINTs at this stage will result in a draw.
The Third Rule (The Rule of Aggregation) – At the end of the game, providing both WIZARDs are still alive,
the Player with the highest total OBJECTIVE POINTS achieves an OBJECTIVE Victory. A tie will make the
result a Draw.
The Forth Rule (The Rule of Order) – Before the placement of WIZARDs, three 30mm ‘Bell’ OBJECTIVE
MARKERS must be placed in accordance with the Scenario requirements. WIZARDs in base contact with
an OBJECTIVE MARKER may take a [Cost 1] Interact Universal ACTION. If the same WIZARD can take
this ACTION against each of the three ‘Bell’ markers in the same GAME ROUND, the active Player will
score the following amount of OBJECTIVE POINTs:
The first time this is achieved – 1 OBJECTIVE POINT
The second time this is achieved – 2 OBJECTIVE POINTs
The third time this is achieved – 3 OBJECTIVE POINTs
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules 21
Each ‘Bell’ may only be targeted once per turn with this Interact Universal ACTION, per WIZARD. Players
may not Move through ‘Bell’ OBJECTIVE MARKERS, and they count as Terrain for the purpose of placing
Terrain, but they do not block LoS.
The Fifth Rule (The Questing Rule) – Before the placement of WIZARDS, a 30mm Orb of Rannellos
OBJECTIVE MARKER must be placed at the centre of the PLAY AREA. From the second GAME ROUND,
WIZARDs in base contact with the OBJECTIVE MARKER may use a [Cost 1] Interact Universal ACTION.
If a WIZARD can take this ACTION twice in the same GAME ROUND, 1 OBJECTIVE POINT is scored.
When this ACTION is used, the Orb is immediately subject to REPEL (5). If the Orb contacts any LEVEL
Terrain during this REPEL, a non-WIZARD MODEL, or the edge of the agreed GAME AREA, the nonactive Player may resolve TELEPORT (5) on the Orb marker. MODELs may freely move through the Orb
marker, but may not end a move on top of the marker. The Orb marker does not block LoS in any way.
‘Pipping the ace’ – If during the initial REPEL (5) movement the Orb would contact an enemy WIZARD,
the Player scores 1 OBJECTIVE POINT without the need to take the ACTION a second time in the same
GAME ROUND. In addition, the WIZARD hit by the Orb gains Damage (1). The Orb stops upon contacting
an enemy WIZARD.
The Seventh Rule (The Rule of Disruption) – If a Scenario Rule requires the placement of an INACTIVE
MODEL into the Play Area, the MODEL will be summoned into base contact with the last OBJECTIVE
MARKER which the active WIZARD interacted with. The placement of the MODEL is chosen by the active
Player. WIZARDs may not perform Interact Universal ACTIONs while MODELs summoned this way are
ACTIVE in the Play Area.
The Eighth Rule (The Rule of Harmony) – Until all three Demons are banished, a WIZARD may not take
the last WOUND from an opposing WIZARD. If this occurs, via an ATTACK or CONDITION that has been
applied by the WIZARD, then Victory is awarded to the Player which controls the dead WIZARD. Once all
three Demons are Banished, the Scenario will adopt and apply the First Rule (The Rule of Dominance)
The Tenth Rule (the Rule of Banishment) – Each time a WIZARD successfully uses the Interact Universal
ACTION on all OBJECTIVE MARKERs a Demon will be summoned. The type of Demon is dependent on
the number of times this has been achieved during the game.
The first time this is achieved – Summon a Demon of the First Gate
The second time this is achieved – Summon a Demon of the Second Gate
The third time this is achieved – Summon a Demon of the Third Gate
The Character and Action cards for the Demons will be made available via the Roots of Magic Website. The
WIZARD that takes the final WOUND of a Demon via an ATTACK or via applying a CONDITION such as
Suffer gains OBJECTIVE POINTs equal to the number of Demons that have been summoned this game:
from 1 to 3. Demons count as OBJECTIVE MARKERs when considering Forms, but in all other cases are
treated like independent, non-friendly MODELs.
9.C. Forms. The following Forms for Scenario play exist within the Living the Roots of Magic rules:
Standard – The PLAY AREA is set at two feet by two feet, with an area around the centre of the board
twelve inches in diameter called the Duelling Circle. See the below image for illustration on how to arrange
the PLAY AREA. Players must deploy a NEXUS POINT in the positions indicated in the Scenario. The
NEXUS POINTs provide two POWER TOKENs to a friendly WIZARD at the beginning of each READY
PHASE, if they are within 6”. There are no limitations on movement for either the WIZARDs or OBJECTIVE
MARKERs throughout the PLAY AREA.
Restricted – PLAY AREA and NEXUS POINTs as per Standard Form, but movement of any OBJECTIVE
MARKERs is limited to the Duelling Circle area only.
Carnage! - PLAY AREA and NEXUS POINTs as per Standard Form, but movement of any OBJECTIVE
MARKERs and MODELs is restricted to within the Duelling Circle only.
22 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
9.D. Scenario One - The Orb of Rannellos. This scenario uses the following Rules and Forms:
The First, Second, and Fifth Rules.
Standard Form.
The game lasts for eight GAME ROUNDS.
WIZARDs may deploy into base contact with their friendly Nexus Point outside of the Duelling Circle.
For games without a Dueling Circle WIZARDs merely need to maintain base contact with a friendly Nexus
Below is a representation of the layout for this Scenario.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules 23
9.E. Scenario Two – The Bells of Lao Tsu. This scenario uses the following Rules and Forms:
The Third, Forth, Seventh, Eighth, and Tenth Rules.
Restricted form.
The game lasts for eight GAME ROUNDS.
Two Nexus Points per WIZARD (North and South/ East and West).
WIZARDs may deploy into base contact with any friendly Nexus Point outside of the Duelling Circle. For games without a Dueling Circle WIZARDs merely need to maintain base contact with a friendly Nexus Point.
Scenario Note: Demons activate after CONDITIONs and KEYWORDs are applied in the MAINTAINANCE
Phase. Before activating a Demon MODEL/Counter, determine which WIZARD is farthest away from the
DEMON. The Player which controls that MODEL also controls the Demon during that MAINTAINENCE Phase.
Below is a representation of the layout for this Scenario.
24 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
Section 10 – Keywords
In the Roots of Magic there are certain words that have additional meanings or rules
considerations. Some Keywords confer extra rules upon a model, and these we call Keyword
Traits. Throughout this rule set we have tried to highlight words that require Player attention,
and these are listed here for your convenience.
ABILITY: Action Type. Found on Action Cards and indicates an ability action that may be performed by a
ACTIVE: Models that are in the play area, and are not destroyed are active.
ACTION: Actions are decisions or engagements the Player takes in order to determine what a model will do
during the model’s activation. Actions currently come in three variants: Movement, Ability, and Attack.
ACTIVATION: The period of time required to spend any Mundane Action Points or Power Tokens before
handing play back to an Opponent once a Player is satisfied that they have performed all Actions needed.
AETHER LEECH: Models with this trait gain a Power Token each time an Opposing Wizard within 12” gains
one. This may not allow a model to exceed its Power Limit.
ATTRACT (x): Models affected by Attract are pushed (x) inches directly toward the model that generated the
BEAST: This model may not attach Artefacts and does not possess a Source Stone of any kind. This model
may not take an Interact action.
BLOOD TOKEN: Blood Tokens (BTs) count as Power Tokens for the purposes of paying the cost of Actions.
An Ability or an Attack that specifically targets Power Tokens may target Blood Tokens instead. Blood Tokens
are capped by a Model’s Power Limit characteristic in the same way as Power Tokens.
BLOOD MAGIC: During the Ready Phase, this model is allocated two Blood Tokens. Whenever another
model within 4” suffers one or more Damage as part of an attack, or from a condition, this model gains one
Blood Token.
CALLOUS (x): Models with this trait can gain one additional Power Token during the Focus phase by
targeting a friendly model within 8” and applying (x) Damage to that model.
DAMAGE (x): The model suffering Damage loses a number of wounds equal to the value of the Damage,
subtracting any Protection value from this amount. Add all sources of Damage before applying Protection.
DISTURBING: A model with this trait confers a -1 penalty to Will for all enemy models within 8”. Multiple
models with this trait do not cause a cumulative penalty.
EYE OF JUDGEMENT: Friendly Wizards may use the LoS of a model with this trait as if it were their own.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules 25
Range is still measured from the Wizard. Not on any model in wave one.
EXSANGUINATOR: Whenever this model applies the Suffer condition to another model, that model
immediately gains Damage (1).
FLIGHT: A model with this trait gains the Wayfarer keyword and ignores enemy Zones of Control. A model
with this trait may pass over LEVEL 2 or below Terrain without penalty, and never suffers falling damage.
HEAL (x): A model affected by Heal immediately regains Wounds equal to (x).
IMMOBILE: Models with this trait may not take Walk, Climb or Charge Universal Actions.
ICONOCLAST: This model may not be targeted by Abilities from friendly models while it has this Keyword.
INACTIVE: Models that are no longer in play, due to destruction, or have not entered the play area, are
LIGHT WOUND: Damage (1) for the model being attacked.
LINKED [MODEL]: A model with this trait may only be taken alongside the [named] Linked model. The model
with this trait has no cost listed on its Character Card because the cost has been factored into the Linked
model’s Sovereign cost. This model activates independently as normal.
MEDIUM WOUND: Damage (2) for the model being attacked.
PARAGON: All friendly models within 10” of a model with the Paragon trait gain +1 Will. The model with the
trait does not gain the bonus. This bonus is not cumulative.
PERSISTENT: Applies to Conditions. A Condition that is Persistent carries over into subsequent activations,
until the effect has been expended. For example, Shackled (5) on a model with only 3 actions to spend will
mean Shackled (2) carries over to its next activation.
RANGE (RNG): The maximum distance that the Ability, Attack, or other effect can reach.
REPEL: Models affected by Repel are pushed (x) inches directly away from the model that generated the
effect. If a model contacts LEVEL 1 or higher Terrain due to this and lacks the Flight trait, that model gains
Damage (1).
RESISTANT: A model with this trait gains Evade (1) against all types of Attacks.
RESOLUTE: A model with this trait cannot be moved or placed by effects generated from other models. Any
Conditions which are generated by enemy Abilities or Attacks are not applied against this model for as long as
it is Resolute. Conditions already present on the model via enemy Abilities or Attacks immediately expire with
no further effects. Conditions applied via Character Cards are not affected by Resolute.
SEVERE WOUND: Damage (3) for the model being attacked.
SHROUDED: A model with the Shrouded trait may not be targeted by other models unless they are within 6”.
SOULLESS: This model never takes a Will Check when reduced to 0 Wounds.
STUN: Burdened [All] (1) for the model being attacked.
SUBTLE: A model with this trait cannot cause the Burdened condition via its abilities or attacks.
TELEPORT (x): A model affected by Teleport is placed (x) in any direction by the Player that generated
the effect. A model may not be placed in such a way that it overlaps with another model’s base, or with nonclimbable Level terrain.
THRICE-CURSED: The first time this model takes a Will Check each Game Round, subtract 3 from the dice
26 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules
TRANSLOCATE (X) When a model is affected by Translocate, the player that applied the effect (via ability or
attack) selects a direction and the affected model is moved in that direction equal to the Translocate value. If
the model contacts another model, or terrain it stops upon contact.
UNCHAINED: During each Maintenance phase, a model with this trait may lower the value of one Condition
on this model by 1.
WAYFARER: A model with this trait ignores terrain penalties from Area terrain.
WITCH-BANE: Any Damage this model causes against a model with the Magic Keyword is increased by an
additional point of Damage.
For more information on the world and the game.
The Roots of Magic - Living Rules 27
Contents Copyright © 2015, Grand Arcanum Games LTD.
The Roots of Magic Logo, Grand Arcanum Games Logo, and all character names, places, and things are
Copyright © 2015, Grand Arcanum Games LTD.
28 The Roots of Magic - Living Rules