- Al-jabr Islamic School


- Al-jabr Islamic School
Semester II, February 2015
From the Principal
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
''The illiterate of the 21st century are not those who
cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn,
unlearn and relearn.'' Alvin Toffler.
Daftar Isi :
From the Principal
Dari Wakil Kepala Sekolah MYP & HS
Dari PYP Vice Principal
Learning about what is happening around us,
regarding living and non-living things, is essential for
young learners at Al Jabr. After learning about selfidentity regarding personal space, places, and time
during units 1 and 2 and appreciating the local and
international cultures in unit 3, it was time for the
students to explore about how the world works in unit 4. Different themes were
learned from Pre-K up to Grade 11. It was fascinating to witness the inquiry
process: from learning about seasons, materials, and life cycles to forces,
energy, and food preservation.
From MYP Coordinator
From PYP Coordinator
Dari Koordinator Ujian Nasional (UN)
PRE K: The Earth’s natural cycles
influence the activity of living things.
K1 : Benda Padat, Cair dan Gas
K2: Life cycle of Living thing
Grade 1: Understanding force and
energy help people to invent
Last week, Al Jabr Islamic School conducted the science fair from February 1113th 2015. The main theme of this event was biodiversity, and the MYP and HS
biology teacher, Mr Princy, wrote about it within this newsletter. The biodiversity
in our earth is a gift from Allah SWT that we need to maintain. The earth itself is
4.54 billion years old, and it is our responsibility to maintain the earth for the next
generation. Throughout unit 4, the students learned how to contribute in
making the earth a good place to live. How to act and dress based on the
seasons, the reasons why we may not have rare animals at home, the logical
procedure in saving energy, and how to preserve food for the future are some
samples of the students’ science work.
Grade 2: The design of buildings and
structures is dependent upon the
environment and available materials.
Grade 3: Pangaea Experiment
Grade 4: How to use energy for
supporting human progress
Grade 5: Development of scientific
MYP Music and Dance Field Trip: A
Visit To Setu Babakan
Commitment in participating for
“Avicup 2015”
Study the adaptation and habitat
preference of Catfish using different
water quality
Adira Larasati Mengukir Prestasi
Tingkat Nasional
MYP Community Project: Recycling
Science Fair
One upcoming event is the SLC (Student-Led Conference) on February 25-27th,
2015. It is an opportunity for parents to acknowledge the students’ projects
directly from the primary resources. The confirmation letter for the SLC schedule
must be returned to school before February 20th, 2015.
There will be 2015-2016 Student Council Elections in March, 2015. We will start by
having an LDK (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan at school. The students will have
some basic leadership training for the foundation as a Student Council
member. There will be approximately 24 participants from grade 4 – 11. Grade
1 students will have their first sleep-over at school also in March, 2015. They will
develop their self-management skills and independence. More detailed
information regarding this will be sent by email.
Insya Allah, what the students learn, unlearn, and relearn will be beneficial for
their lives and the lives of others. Aamiin YRA.
“… Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu
dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat.” QS 58:11
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Kartika Desy Wardani
PA Corner February 2015
Dari Administrasi
Halaman 2
Dari Wakil Kepala Sekolah MYP & HS
Keselamatan dan Usia Berkendara
Assalaamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Menyikapi isu keselamatan anak, terutama berkaitan dengan penggunaan
kendaraan pribadi ke sekolah, izinkan saya memulai artikel ini dengan sedikit
pembahasan tentang Undang-Undang No. 22 tahun 2009 yaitu Surat Izin
Mengemudi (SIM) kendaraan bermotor perorangan.
Disebutkan pada Pasal 81, bahwa untuk mendapatkan SIM,
memenuhi persyaratan usia, administratif, kesehatan dan
kendaraan pribadi syarat usia yang dimaksud adalah usia 17 tahun. SIM adalah
identifikasi yang diberikan Polri kepada seseorang yang memahami peraturan lalu
mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor. Tetapi mengapa 17 tahun?
setiap orang harus
lulus ujian. Untuk
bukti registrasi dan
lintas dan terampil
Secara teori psikologi, usia 17 tahun adalah waktu dimana otak kanan manusia berfungsi dengan baik.
Seperti yang kita tahu, otak kiri manusia mengacu kepada kemampuan bahasa dan otak kanan lebih ke
fungsi spatial seperti navigasi dan kemampuan visual. Ketika anak mencapai usia 17 tahun, otak kanannya
baru bisa berfungsi dengan baik terutama untuk mengontrol diri, menganalisa, dan membuat prediksi yang
lebih baik. Ini berarti anak telah memiliki kemampuan memprediksi jarak mobil di depannya atau resiko
yang dialami apabila mengemudi dalam kecepatan tinggi sekaligus emosi pun terkendali.
Sedangkan otak remaja usia 12–16 tahun masih belum sempurna perkembangannya. Hal ini menyebabkan
remaja sangat terpengaruh oleh emosi dibandingkan logika pada saat bertindak. Emosi pun masih sangat
berpengaruh pada proses pembelajaran mereka sehingga kadang emosi inilah yang menjadi pangkal
masalah pada remaja karena mereka belum dapat menyeimbangkan dan mengontrolnya.
Selain mengacu pada pertimbangan tersebut di atas, adalah penting bagi kita semua selaku orang tua
dan pendidik untuk mendukung anak-anak dalam belajar berkomitmen mematuhi peraturan pemerintah
yang berlaku. Usia remaja merupakan masa transisi dari anak-anak menuju dewasa, yang membuat
remaja merasa sudah bisa dan berhak mencoba hal-hal baru dan lupa dengan control. Oleh karena itu
tugas orang dewasa untuk memberikan bimbingan dan pengawasan baik di rumah dan sekolah.
Mengutip QS Ali Imran ayat: 200
“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bersabarlah kalian dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kalian dan tetaplah bersiap siaga (di
perbatasan negeri kalian) dan bertakwalah kepada Allah supaya kalian beruntung”
- bahwa sebaiknya manusia bersabar, ingatkan anak remaja kita untuk lebih bersabar menunggu umur
yang matang untuk siap mengemudikan kendaraannya sendiri. Umur dimana seseorang bisa mengontrol
diri dan berhati-hati dalam mengutamakan keselamatan di jalan saat berkendara, karena keselamatan
merupakan hal yang utama.
Wasalaamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Tarra Abuchari
Sumber informasi:
Why Gender Matters, Broadway Books 2006
Secrets of the Teenage Brain, Brain Store 2004
Semester II, February 2015
Halaman 3
Dari Wakil Kepala Sekolah PYP
Pentingnya Kehadiran Siswa dalam Memaksimalkan Proses
Belajar Siswa
Assalaamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Yang terhormat orang tua siswa Al Jabr,
Alhamdulillah, saat ini anak didik kita sudah menyelesaikan unit
keempat di semester kedua. Tiap siswa sangat antusias untuk
bekerja sama dalam kelompok, menyelesaikan percobaan, dan
menunjukan pengetahuan dan sikap ilmiah dalam Science Fair yang telah
dilangsungkan di Bulan Februari lalu. Namun sayang, antusiasme ini
dirasakan oleh siswa yang tidak hadir ke sekolah. Sehingga beberapa percobaan
ataupun aktifitas terlewatkan dan mereka pun tertinggal informasi dan update
kegiatan di sekolah.
Berkaitan dengan kehadiran ini, sekolah telah mengaturnya dalam School Diary
poin ke-5 halaman 21. Disebutkan bahwa siswa dapat diizinkan untuk tidak hadir
ke sekolah jika dengan memberikan surat keterangan dengan alasan sakit, periksa
dokter, keadaan darurat, atau kematian anggota keluarga terdekat. Di poin ke-7
disebutkan pula bahwa apabila siswa tidak masuk sekolah sebanyak 3 hari
berturut-turut tanpa informasi apapun, maka orang tua siswa yang bersangkutan
akan diberi surat peringatan. Oleh karena itu bagi Bapak/ Ibu yang telah
menerimanya, mohon hal itu menjadi catatan akan pentingnya kehadiran
ananda di sekolah.
Kalender akademik telah disampaikan di School Diary halaman 18-19, untuk
mempermudah kita semua dalam mengatur atau merencanakan jadwal kegiatan
wisata atau ibadah dan libur sesuai dengan agenda sekolah sehingga tidak
menggunakan hari belajar.
Kehadiran merupakan unsur penting dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah.
Selain kontinuitas belajar anak tidak terputus, anak pun belajar untuk bertanggung
jawab, mengontrol diri dan bersosialisasi dengan temannya.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Vivi Maharani
Halaman 4
From MYP Coordinator
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
The MYP (Grade 6 – Grade 10) identifies six global contexts for teaching and learning that are developed
from, and extend, the PYP’s transdisciplinary themes. In this unit 5 in MYP is under the Global Context of
“Globalization and sustainability”. Globalization and sustainability is an inquiry into the
interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of
organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the
environment. What do students do within this global context?
Amelia Bertyapaty (Meisha)
MYP Coordinator
Individual and
Language and
Literature (Bahasa)
Acquisition (English)
Basic human needs
and wants affect
world markets
Identifying the
themes of
literatures enable
us to understand
better the moral
delivered by the
The simple practice of
bartering have
developed into global
trade that affects all
People make
economic decisions
based on several
basic motives
Artwork has its
own style and
that aspire the
No one is an
island; every
entity belongs
to at least one
Orientasi local
yang lebih
bersifat global.
The simple
practice of
into global
trade that
affects all
The usage of
life to produce
yoghurt has
greatness of
innovation and
research in
markets and
An artwork
culture and
of geometric
Lingkungan dan
manusia akan
dengan adanya
system yang
Terrarium is a
form of
container that
require special
skills and
An artwork
can be
defined in the
perspective of
religion and
Represent the
fraction form by
changing the
rational, but the
value is still
Lingkungan dan
manusia akan
dengan adanya
system yang
Juz 28-29
placement of
the art
creates effect
on the
concept and
and force apply
in two
Merespon pola
lingkungan dan
tantangan dan
Juz 9
placement of
the art
creates effect
on the
concept and
Lari rintangan
Juz 19
interaction of
influence to
human life on
Dynamism is
part of the
basic creation
of artwork
The dynamic of life
styles may shape
the language
We travel to express
our desire, to
explore and to
promote cultural
Social issues are
differently within
various genres and
literary movements
Understand different
cultural influences
how we understand
the concept of
world citizen through
self expression,
social issues, formal
and informal forms
of written
All motion
speed and
have distance and
can be described using
model and
Light and
sound is form
of wave and
Availability of
resources allow
us to recognize
markets and
trends in
designing and
creating new
useful things
resources and
basic process of
making solid
soap describe
to us a range of
market and
trends in society
and electromagnetic has
form and
function which
is predictable.
Geo : Inland waters
provide a very
significant impact on
human life
The theory that a
literary work is not
simply the product
of a single author,
but of its
relationship to
other texts and to
the structures of
language itself
We are all
dependent and
interdependent on
each other and on
Che: electrochemistry
Proper language is
used in proper
function and
comprehension of
the speaker’s intentions where appropriate
Geo: Indonesia in
needs and
English is spoken in
different parts of the
I have to look after
myself and others.
His : WW1 and WW2
Orientasi local
yang lebih
bersifat global.
Extensive reading
facilitates us in
Eco: Service company
characteristics and
accounting cycle
quantity data
and form it into
table, chart can
the information
UN preparation for
Eco : Consumption
and infestations could
give influence to
inflation and deflation
Physical and
Health Education
Phy : energy
Bio: living
organism in
Phy : Property
if wave and
Bio: living
organism in
their environment
Juz 29
Juz 9
based on
Juz 19
Semester II, February 2015
Halaman 5
From PYP Coordinator
Developing Leadership for Young Learners
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
We only get one chance to prepare our students for a future that none of us can possibly
What are we going to do with that one chance?
Stephen R. Covey
Are leaders born to be one or nurtured to be one? This is one of the most common questions
we ask ourselves when we talk about leadership. As an educator and curriculum coordinator,
I would say leadership is something that we can develop from the students. Inspired from
Stephen R. Covey’s book “The Leader in Me,” we can look at some samples on how our
school provides opportunity for student leadership.
Grouping and regrouping activities in class is a simple example of how leadership is developed. In the PYP classes,
starting from Pre K level, there is a leader of the day to help organize and remind their friends of class routines. Students
develop their social skills by accepting responsibility to lead and direct a small group of friends during group work.
Looking at Al Jabr’s reporting policy, the Student Lead Conference (SLC) is part of developing students’ responsibility
and leadership skills. Students lead their parents and share their learning experiences across the disciplines. For our fifth
graders, the exhibition project is a great opportunity to apply their skills by adopting a variety of group roles: being a
leader or a follower. The action project at the end of every unit of inquiry is also designed to nurture students’ self
management skills by organizing and conducting activities independently and considering the benefits for themselves
and others.
However, all of these opportunities in school would not work well if they were not supported by parents at home. How
can parents help develop these skills at home?
Parents can involve children to make decisions for simple things, such as the menu for the day or where to go for the
weekend. You can ask your children to do some research on a certain place to visit for the upcoming family holidays
and to try to organize the itinerary for the trip. These simple activities can give a chance for children to be part of the
decision-making and to show that their contribution is needed and appreciated.
In regards to furthermore develop students' leadership skills, they must start from themselves. This unit students are
exploring the unit on how we organize ourselves. This unit is an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made
systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and
their impact on humankind and the environment. This fifth unit started from February 16 until March 31.
To enhance their self management skills and identifies physical
and virtual public spaces, grade 1 will be conducting a sleep over
on Friday - Saturday, 13 - 14 March 2015.Hopefully through this unit
the students will be able to organize themselves as individual or in
group as part of the community they belong to.
Children can gain more confidence and social skills from during
early stages if they are given enough opportunity to express their
ideas and apply their knowledge through leadership. PYP students
(starting from grade 4) are welcome to apply for the upcoming
Student Council candidacies. Please contact the classroom
teachers for further details. For the chosen candidate, there would
be leadership training from our pedagogical leadership team: the
Principal, Vice Principals, and Coordinators and with the support
from our Head of School.
Let’s take part in building our future leaders!
“…sesungguhnya Aku ingin menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi…” Q.S Al Baqarah ayat 30
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Dwi Murtayuningsih
Halaman 6
Dari Koordinator Ujian Nasional (UN)
Perubahan Ujian Nasional (UN) Mulai Tahun 2015
Berdasarkan keterangan yang disampaikan Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan mengenai Ujian Nasional (UN), pelaksanaan ujian di SD
terintegrasi dengan ujian sekolah seperti tahun sebelumnya; untuk jenjang
SMP dan SMA/SMK tetap diselenggarakan namun dengan fungsi dan cara
yang berbeda. Apa dan bagaimanakah bedanya?
Pertama, UN wajib diikuti oleh siswa minimal satu kali. Hal ini berarti UN bukan
merupakan pilihan sehingga setiap siswa Indonesia memiliki kewajiban ikut
Kedua, adanya kesempatan untuk mengulang. Misalnya siswa gagal UN di
tahun 2015, maka siswa dapat mengulang UN di tahun berikutnya. Hal ini
berarti jika nilai yang didapat tidak sesuai dengan standar kompetensi yang ditentukan pemerintah,
maka kesempatan yang baik bagi siswa untuk mempersiapkan dan merefleksikan hasil UN tersebut
agar bisa mengulang UN. Oleh karena itu, mulai tahun 2016 UN direncanakan dilakukan lebih awal
untuk memberi waktu perbaikan bagi peserta UN. Pengulangan pun dilakukan di tahun yang sama.
Ketiga, UN tidak untuk kelulusan. Dengan kata lain, kelulusan siswa ditentukan oleh sekolah yang
bersangkutan. Bisa saja terjadi bila siswa selesai belajar di sekolah tersebut namun gagal capai
kompetensi (failed) pada Ujian Nasional. Walaupun demikian, siswa masih dapat mengulang UN di
periode berikutnya.
Keempat, istilah “Lulus dan Tidak Lulus” pun direncanakan tidak akan digunakan lagi pada laporan
hasil UN. Bagaimana jadinya? Hasil UN akan dirancang dengan deskripsi dan kategori ketercapaian
kompetensi per mata pelajaran sehingga semua tahu apa yang diperlukan siswa dalam proses belajar
selanjutnya dan bagaimana guru merencanakan kegiatan mengajar juga latihan apa yang dapat
didukung oleh orangtua di rumah. Adapun hasil tersebut digunakan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan
A. Pemetaan mutu program dan/atau sekolah;
Dasar seleksi masuk jenjang pendidikan berikutnya;
C. Pembinaan dan pemberian bantuan kepada sekolah dalam upayanya untuk meningkatkan
mutu pendidikan.
Berikut adalah rencana perubahan Ujian Nasional yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan
UN tidak untuk Kelulusan
UN dapat diulang pada
tahun berikutnya
SKHUN yang lebih
Pengenalan Computer
Based Test (CBT)
2016 – 2018
UN dilakukan pada awal
semester akhir
UN dapat diulang pada
tahun yang sama
2019 – 2020
Sekolah dan guru dapat
mengarahkan potensi
siswa secara lebih baik
UN CBT dilakukan secara
luas dan terbentuk testing
center di daerah
UN dapat dilakukan
dengan jadwal yang lebih
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menyadari bahwa peningkatan mutu layanan pendidikan
membutuhkan penilaian berbagai indikator kinerja bukan saja melulu tergantung dan mengandalkan
Ujian Nasional. Semoga hal ini dapat mengubah paradigma dan cara berpikir kita dalam
menghadapi Ujian Nasional serta benar-benar mewujudkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Aamiin.
Achmad Safarie
Semester II, February 2015
Halaman 7
Pre K: The Earth’s Natural Cycles Influence the Activity
of Living Things
This unit we discussed about the Earth natural cycles that influenced the activity
of human beings, animals and plants during certain seasons. As a provocation,
Pre K students explored through pictures and movies about the characteristics of
seasons in our Earth. The students learned what we can do as human beings to
help other living things to stay healthy in different seasons.
Introducing winter season by field trip to the Snow World.
Visiting the Snow World is a part of our finding about seasons in different places in
our world such as winter and also the protections that we need during this
season. For their summative assessment, Pre K students independently selected
different activities among performance, presentation and experiment. The
experiment is about natural indications that influence other living things.
Students are getting used to have other perspectives during discussions and become thinkers to develop their
knowledge about Earth natural cycles. Even though this topic is challenging for their age, they are very enthusiastic to
learn about it. (Tari/02/15)
K1 : Benda Padat, Cair dan Gas
Pada pembelajaran unit ini siswa-siswi K1 mempelajari sifat dan perubahan
benda padat, cair dan gas. Agar dapat membedakan jenis benda-benda
tersebut, siswa menyelidiki ciri-ciri dan kegunaan dari benda tersebut dengan
menggunakan lima panca indera mereka. Siswa pun diberikan kesempatan
untuk bereksplorasi dan bereksperimen dengan ketiga benda tersebut.
Siswa menunjukkan rasa ingin tahu dengan banyak mengajukan banyak
pertanyaan dan prediksi terhadap ketiga benda ini. Dengan antusias mereka
melakukan beberapa percobaan sederhana, seperti membakar lilin untuk
melihat adanya perubahan bentuk dari benda padat menjadi benda cair.
Selain itu mereka juga melakukan percobaan untuk membuktikan bahwa
benda cairpun dapat berubah menjadi benda padat, seperti membuat es batu. Untuk melihat perubahan benda cair
menjadi gas, siswa K1 merebus air! Percobaan yang sangat sederhana namun kayak makna. Tentu saja mereka
membuat prediksi sebelum melihat hasil akhir dari percobaan yang mereka lakukan. Selain itu, kosa kata ilmiah baru
diperkenallkan sehingga dapat digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Untuk memperdalam pemahaman tentang hal ini, maka kami mengundang salah satu orangtua murid untuk
mendemonstrasikan perubahan benda yang terjadi melalui proses pembuatan kue cubit. Alhamdulillah, dengan cara
yang menyenangkan namun tetap ilmiah, siswa-siswi K1 pun menjadi lebih paham bahwa benda padat, cair dan gas
dapat berubah bentuk dan bahlan ada di sekitar mereka! Science Fair siswa-siswi K1 pun telah menujukkan
pemahaman tentang hal ini melalui berbagai percobaan dan penampilan seni. (Ruri/02/15)
K2: Life Cycle of Living Thing
What is a life cycle? How living things change over time? How are the life cycles
of some living things similar? How are they different from one another? Those
were some of the teachers’ question to gain the students’ prior knowledge. We
showed them some videos about animals and asked the differences between
the lay eggs and give birth animal. We also invited guest speaker to
demonstrate the life cycle of human (human growth), pregnant woman-babytoddler-children-teenager-adult-old.
Ms. Novi, MYP science teacher shared about her pet turtle, the reproduction,
habitat and how to take care of it. In the classroom we observed different animal, K2A kept a caterpillar and K2B kept
tadpole to observe. We visited Ragunan zoo to collect information about the food, reproduction, kingdom and the
habitat of various animals.
Alhamdulillah, the students are very enthusiastic with this unit, some of them bring their pet; hedgehog, turtle, fish, and
crab, to school and shared it to their friends. The students classify the animal into 4 kingdoms; reptiles, mammals, birds,
and insects. Students compare between two animals from different kingdom, such as mammal and reptile or bird and
insect. (Nessa/Fanny/02/15).
Halaman 8
Grade 1: Understanding Force and Energy Help People to
We started our inquiry through hands on activities. Students were engaged actively
when they tried to carry heavy things using their hands and using a trolley, they
compared how tools could make heavy works easily, they comprehended about how
the discovery of wheel changed early man’s life through video and experiment.
Students were enthusiastic when we discussed how things worked by giving a force of
push and pull, they brought a tool which they often used on a daily basis and shared it
with their classmates.
We continued our inquiry through science experiments. The purpose of this experience
was to develop student’s research skill as we used scientific method to record the observation. Another valuable experience was
when the students watched and joined in science club demo to explore different kinds of forces and energy through
experiments. These learning activities helped the students understand that force and energy make things work.
By applying their understanding of forces and energy, students explored various inventions and choose one that really inspires
them. This is their summative assessment project, as they would explain how a certain things work and the impacts on human’s
lives. (Imel/02/15)
Grade 2: The Design of Buildings and Structures is Dependent
Upon the Environment and Available Materials
We underwent the tuning in process by provoking the students to read a play of the
Three Billy Goats Gruff in groups (emphasizing on fluency and expression). We challenge
the students to build a rope bridge for the Goats in class or at home and see whether or
not the other materials could help their bridges to stand up or be stable.
Students would present their bridge informally to the class telling how they made it and
what tools and materials they used. Extra challenge: could the bridge bear the weight
of the three goats? Students would write a procedure of how they made their bridge for
the Three Billy Goats Gruff, including tools and materials, step by step instructions and a
diagram of their bridge.
They started to find out the data to investigate how buildings and other structures stand up by having observation in certain
areas, they also visited a construction site of bridge and observed the materials used. They delivered their critique about the
impact of having this structure on the environment around it. We also invited a guest speaker who worked as an architect to
investigate local architecture and its connection with the needs of the community and availability of materials.
To support their summative assessment project they had a field trip to go around Jakarta to observe different kinds of buildings
using Jakarta City tour bus. The purpose of this trip was to get some ideas of various building structures for students to use in
creating their project. Throughout the unit, students were able to demonstrate thinking skills in applying their understanding into
collaborative project. (Hana/Adi/02/15)
Grade 3: Pangaea Experiment
Grade 3 students are learning about Earth natural changes. Exploring the key concepts
of causation, changes and connection connected through the related concept of
erosion, geology, tectonic plates, and movement.
The class did an experiment to find out about the cause and effect of Earth natural
changes. The experiment was to show how Pangaea (big continent) was created or
moved. By focusing on Pangaea, students are expected to understand the impact of
Earth continual changes to human survival.
A visit to Geological museum, Bandung was conducted as a part of collecting data
and making connection between their previous learning in class about natural disaster.
This information will be used to create their summative assessment project on how
natural disaster happen as part of Earth natural changes and proposed plan for human
From all the information based on science, student will make connection between
scientific knowledge and what is written in the Quran. This will allow them to develop thinking skills on how the world works.
Semester II, February 2015
Halaman 9
Grade 4: How to Use Energy for Supporting Human Progress
Grade 4 students are learning about how energy may be converted, transformed and
used to support human progress. It was a challenging unit for the students as their
summative assessment will be presented in the Science Fair. Where does the energy
come from? It was one of the provoking questions that teachers gave to students as the
tuning in process. They were encouraged to explore different objects like fan, toys,
mobile phone and bell to identify the form of energy and how it transformed. To enrich
the students’ knowledge, students visited the Electricity and New Energy Museum and
the Oil and Gas Museum. They gathered data about how energy uses and supports
human life and also sorted which energy is renewable and non renewable.
The students were visiting BATAN to know the benefit of nuclear
energy for supporting people`s lives.
Making a model to prove how energy is transformed or converted was the assessment
for students. They worked and collaborated in groups of three or two. They learnt how
to share responsibility and cooperate with classmates. Besides, they also comprehended that sometimes experiments needed to
be done more than one time because of some reasons. They should keep on trying and make the experiment work.
As the future generation, the students were requested to propose alternative energy if the energy that is non renewable will run
out. They also recommended how human should conserve the energy and use it efficiently. In the end, this unit was meaningful
and significant for students to learn since the impact is not only for them but also for people around the world. (Vivi/02/15)
Grade 5: Development of Scientific Knowledge
We started the second semester by inquiring the central Idea “Understanding of Scientific Knowledge is Constantly Evolving and has an Impact on People’s Lives”. First,
students have to know what scientific knowledge is. They were given homework to
search for myth they used to hear from people around them and find science
explanation about it.
In exploring the line of inquiry what leads to advance in scientific knowledge and
understanding, teachers provoked students with a cooking demonstration. Teachers
provided some examples of how people cook. Students observed the difference in the
way to cook food then identify reasons different way of cooking were invented to show
that technology involved in the development of scientific knowledge. They also learnt
from the guest speakers on how people in the past farmed and how scientific knowledge found new ways or new methods to
help people farmed with faster and better results.
They used the information collected to conduct a research using scientific methods about biodiversity to find answer to their
question about plants and farming to represent them in Al Jabr Science Fair 2015.
At the same time, grade five has started to prepare their exhibition project. Unlike previous year, they explored two different
central ideas per class. Their central ideas are Government systems influence the lives of citizen and Biodiversity relies on
maintaining the interdependent balance of organisms within systems. The students needed to find their own curiosity within those
themes and made group based on common interest. They will continue their project in a group work mentored by PYP teachers
in the coming weeks. Parents can read related article about the exhibition from the students’ perspective in this edition of
newsletter. (Tato/Elok/02/15)
Grade 5 students had started to prepare their PYP Exhibition 2015 in early January 2015. Grade 5B students are exploring about
biodiversity and how to maintain different kinds of ecosystems while Grade 5A students are exploring about governmental
decision system and its impact to the citizens.
We started our research by reading newspapers, magazines, websites, and books related with the central idea during the
semester holiday. Then, we completed the proposal about the exhibition topic we chose at the first week of semester 2.
Next, we were divided into several groups with 3-4 students in each group who were doing the same topic and then we
proposed selected PYP teachers to be our mentors. We submitted and discussed our previous research and the proposal we
made to the mentor, working on the PYP exhibition journal and brainstorming about the issues that had been happening
nowadays. We selected the issues to be the group inquiry; and we also practiced our PYP exhibition performance in the dance
and music class.
When we gathered group meetings to discuss what mentor and students roles through this year’s exhibition and signed students’
contract. Every group must have their Essential Agreement that they should obey while preparing the exhibition. We also made a
goal for each week to focus on the exhibition or task that we should finish. After that, we developed concept based question
that is connected with our exhibition topic and started to plan a fieldtrip for finding out.
PYP exhibition has given opportunities for Grade 5 students to work in groups for the exhibition so we could learn to cooperate
well and mingle with our group; even if they were not coming from our comfort zone. It is also a good way for us to apply the 5
essential elements we learn during PYP program. (Mabel & Naila/G5B Students/02/15)
Halaman 10
"Fragile beauty and unique marine and terrestrial species
Biodiversity in Danger
Human activities (production, consumption, urban sprawl, development
of transport infrastructure...) have caused an irreversible loss of
biodiversity in the last 50 years at a rate that has never been equaled in
the history of our planet. Biodiversity has never been in such a bad state,
and it has continued to decline until now.
Indonesia now has the highest deforestation rate in the world (0.84 million hectares
in 2012). Deforested areas intended to receive palm oil plantations in Borneo
Island, February 2014 - AFP PHOTO / Bay ISMOYO
The figures are alarming: the current rate of extinction of species is 100 to
1000 times higher than the natural extinction rate. This decline is
estimated to increase even further in the coming decades, particularly
due to habitat and environmental degradation (e.g. deforestation,
which continues at a rate of 13 million hectares per year),
overexploitation of natural resources (e.g. 75% of fish stocks are
overfished), the introduction of invasive species through trade (which
compete with native species, mainly on islands, where large predators
are rare), pollution (oil, persistent organic pollutants, or heavy metals)
and climate change.
Source: The University of Maryland’s Belinda Margono.
Nearly One-Third of Species are Globally Threatened
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has drawn a red list of threatened species, and among them are
remarkable species. but also common species that have essential roles in their ecosystems:
- 1 of 4 face extinction risk in mammals,
- 1 of 8 in birds,
- 1 of 3 in fish or amphibians
Between 1970 and 2008, biodiversity as a whole fell by 28%, according to the WWF Living Planet Index. These are not only
species that have become extinct, but also endangered wildlife habitats, such as mangroves, wetlands, forests and coral
The sixth great extinction
This acceleration of species extinction is at such alarming proportions that it has lead the scientific experts to call it "the
sixth mass extinction crisis of life on Earth." Indeed, over the past 600 million years, Earth has experienced five mass
extinctions in which 75 percent or more of the planet’s life died out. The latter extinction crisis was spread over time and
allowed the adaptation of new species. The crisis we face today is different in origin: it is anthropocentric and its time scale
is rapid compared to the previous ones.
Implementation measures
Pressures on biodiversity are increasing and indications suggest global biodiversity is continuing to decline. It is essential to
take action to halt this phenomenon by preserving biodiversity and sharing the wealth of the planet to build a common
future. Unprecedented urgent action is necessary for the preservation and protection of biodiversity at the global,
regional, and national level. Governments, community groups, industry, and individuals should engage in wide-ranging
activities aimed at conserving biodiversity. Schools also have a vital part to play by encouraging students to examine and
to be informed about biodiversity issues.
Conservation strategy: Science Fair on Biodiversity
A science fair is one of the most effective learning strategies to involve students in one cause. This year, for example, Al
Jabr Islamic School has organized a science fair focused on the theme of biodiversity. This event will allow students to set
up their own biodiversity experiment and to share their projects and their enthusiasm for their study of biodiversity with
other students, their parents, and the community. We hope their enthusiasm will help promote the principles of biodiversity,
showcase their accomplishments, and involve them in projects which will expand their knowledge and skills. The science
fair will be held on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of February, 2015 at Al Jabr Islamic School, and it will increase and enhance
students’, teachers’, and parents’ awareness of, knowledge of, and participation with biodiversity conservation.
Semester II, February 2015
Halaman 11
MYP Music and Dance Field Trip: A Visit To Setu Babakan
The MYP music & dance class visited Perkampungan Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan, in
Srengseng Sawah, to introduce Betawi’s Art and Culture to an audience. The place has been
stipulated as a Betawi Cultural Heritage village to showcase the life of the original Betawi
people, the indigenous ethnic group of Jakarta.
The aim of this field trip was for students to gain a breadth and depth of understanding about
the traditional culture of Betawi as Jakarta’s ethnic group directly from primary resources.
Students try to play Gambang Kromong
While enriching students’ knowledge about traditional arts, students learned about some
Betawi’s Arts, such as Gambang Kromong and Tari Ragam Dasar. The students saw Betawi’s
cultural activities like the Batik production house (homemade), fishing by original Betawi
people in a lake, the process of makingand eating traditional food like kerak telor, bir pletok,
dodol betawi and es goyang. We saw the original architecture and layout of the Betawi’s
houses named Rumah Kebaya because it is at Setu Babakan where the Betawi Culture is
being conserved.
Throughout this trip, students discovered that arts can be presented through food, music, dance, and architecture.
At the end of the trip, we reflected, as an Indonesian Nation who has many different cultures and traditions, that we must know, learn,
and conserve this wonderful history for the next generation. (Harmony/02/15)
Commitment in Participating for “Avicup 2015”
“Avicup 2015” was the first basketball championship involving the Al Jabr women's basketball team. Our team consists of 11 students from grades 8 and 9: Keisya Karamoy, Shafira A.
Putri, Anisa Nurfitriani, Nani Yuliani, Ranysya Latavia, Anargya Athaya, Jihan Nurfaidah, Zahra
Alaydrus, Nadja Kameron, Arielle Kalinda, and myself, Rahannisa
We demonstrated commitment by practicing diligently and staying focused. The tournament
went on for three days, from January 24th until January 26th, 2015. In the first match, our
team competed against Dian Didaktika. During the first and second quarter, the difference
between our score and their score was very far (2-10).
During the third quarter, we were almost out of hope. However, our couch, Mr. Yadi, kept
pushing us not to give up and not to be discouraged. With our score being so far from theirs,
this actually motivated and encouraged us to play better. That was why we were able to catch up. We continued to play until the last
buzzer sound was made and the final score was 14-10. This was the first game that Al Jabr women’s basketball team ever won. We were
really enthusiastic and quite shocked because we actually caught up and won the game. With this win, we went to the semi-finals.
The last day, we went back to Avicenna to try and take the third place title. We competed against Avicenna’s SMP team, but sadly we
lost by 4 points. We ended up getting fourth place. It was a great achievement even though we lost. We were very proud of ourselves
because we showed confidence and this was our first time competing in a competition like that. We can’t wait for the upcoming games!
(Rahannisa & Nadja/G8A students/02/15)
Study the Adaptation and Habitat Preference of Catfish
Using Different Water Quality
Een, Alif, Alyssa (Tuesday, February 10, 2015)
Catfish experiment using 2 aquariums
Clean water; (b) Dirty water
All animals are adapted to the conditions of the habitats in which they live. This will include
examples of some of the aquatic animals in the world like catfish. Nowadays, we cope with
different environmental problems which can affect directly their living conditions through the
changes in habitat. Due to previous reason, we decided to design an experiment using
catfish (Clarias Batrachus), in order to understand animal adaptation and their surviving life in
different conditions.
Our experiment is conducted to determine the catfish habitat preference using 2 different
water qualities (dirty water and clean water) and also the effect of other parameter that can influence their behavior such as food and
oxygen sources.
The results of our experiment conclude that: oxygen and food availability are limiting factor for catfish lives and they prefer dirty water
than clean water, because of the presence in abundance of nutrient in dirty water considered as a fish food supply.
This experiment is extremely important because it will help us: first, to understand the effect of environmental change and habitat
deterioration in catfish; second, to give more clarification about the importance of different parameter both biological and
physic-chemical in catfish surviving rates and third to demonstrate the interaction between catfish life and their habitat.
This month, Al Jabr Islamic School in Jakarta organized a “Science Fair Event” and the theme is focused on “Biodiversity” which is a very
interesting topic especially for us as a high school students. In this particular occasion, we are so proud and very excited to share our
experimental results to other student, parents and community. (Een/Grade 11 HS Student/02/15)
Halaman 12
Adira Larasati Mengukir Prestasi Tingkat Nasional
Alhamdulillah, setelah melalui tiga (3) tahapan kompetisi, yaitu Tes Lokal, Tes Final
Online dan Tes Grand Final - salah satu siswi Al Jabr Islamic School - Adira Larasati
berhasil meraih juara pertama pada ajang kompetisi Indonesia Junior Writer
(Penulis Muda Indonesia) di tingkat nasional.
Pada bulan September 2014, Al Jabr Islamic School telah diundang oleh Magna
Olympus Indonesia untuk berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi yang mereka
selenggarakan, yaitu Indonesia Junior Writer (IJW) and National English Olympic
(NEO). IJW adalah kegiatan dari Magna Olympus Indonesia pada ajang
kompetisi Bahasa Indonesia. Kompetisi ini memberikan peluang yang besar pada
anak-anak Indonesia yang suka dengan kegiatan menulis, khususnya menulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Sedangkan NEO
merupakan ajang kompetisi Bahasa Inggris yang bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan akademik siswa dengan
mengerjakan soal-soal Bahasa Inggris.
Pada tahap 1 atau Tes Lokal yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak sekolah, pada hari Kamis, 11 September 2014, peserta IJW
menuliskan sepenggal kisah nyata di kehidupannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, yang didasari pengalaman, perasaaan
dan harapan penulis yang sesungguhnya terhadap orang-orang yang dikasihinya seperti orangtua, saudara, sahabat
dan sebagainya. Sebanyak 85 siswa dari tingkat kelas 7, 8, dan 9 berpartisipasi pada ajang kompetisi nasional ini, dengan
52 siswa untuk kompetisi NEO dan 33 siswa untuk kompetisi IJW.
Kemudian peserta yang lolos tahap 1 mengikuti tahap 2, yaitu Tes Online pada tanggal 8 November 2014. Ada dua (2)
siswi Al Jabr yang berhasil melalui tahap 1, yaitu Sawsan Setiady dari kelas 7A untuk kompetisi NEO dan Adira Larasati dari
kelas 8A untuk kompetisi IJW. Kemudian tahap 3 - Grand Final dilaksanakan oleh pihak penyelenggara kompetisi pada
tanggal 25 Januari 2015 di Graha Wisata Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta Timur.
Selamat kami ucapkan kepada siswi kami, Adira Larasati, atas prestasi yang telah diraihnya. Semoga prestasinya lebih
mendekatkan kepada masa depan yang dicita-citakan dan menjadi teladan bagi siswa lainnya. Kami juga ucapkan
terima kasih kepada siswa-siswi MYP Al Jabr yang telah menunjukkan antusiasnya mengikuti kompetisi IJW dan NEO.
Kalah atau menang dalam suatu kompetisi adalah suatu hal yang biasa. Tetaplah bangga dan berbesar hati serta
persiapkan diri lebih baik lagi untuk keberhasilan di kesempatan berikutnya. (Nuki/02/15)
MYP Community Project: Recycling Project
This year, every Al Jabr teacher has to do a community service project. Ms. Esti and
I have decided to continue our recycling project from last year as our community
service project. We chose this project because we all know waste management is
a huge problem in Jakarta. The city produces around 6,000 tons of rubbish a day,
and it does not have enough trucks to collect all the rubbish and enough space to
put it. Since the beginning of this academic year, Ms Esti and I, together with some
of the MYP teachers, are recycling paper and plastic bottles in the school, and the
teachers are using reusable materials for as many activities as possible.
To improve environmental awareness among the Al Jabr community, we have
initiated a monthly Recycling Day. Our Recycling Day will be held around the 22nd of each month (unless it is a weekend,
then it will be the Friday before). The date was chosen because Earth Day is celebrated every April 22nd. The first Al Jabr
Recycling Day was held on Friday, February 20. Members of the Student Council (Bianco G9B, Riva G9A, Jihan G8A)
helped us collect and sort the recyclables that the students brought from home. We collected paper, plastic, glass, and
metal, which we are going to sell to a recycling bank near our school, and we are going to donate the profit to the PYP,
MYP and high school actions. Besides our monthly Recycling Day, we are also trying to educate the students how
reducing, reusing, recycling, and rethinking can help protect our natural resources, save energy, save money and reduce
pollution. Hopefully, what we are doing can contribute to a positive atmosphere and create a better and friendlier
environment around Al Jabr. (Dora/02/15)
Semester II, February 2015
Halaman 13
Science Fair
Annually, in February, Al Jabr held Science Fair. The purposes are for the students to have the ability to conduct scientific method and
therefore we judged them based on their ability to explain their science experiment. For MYP-HS, they were judged twice, first by
individual judge and second by all the judges. The main theme of this year`s Science Fair is biodiversity. All the grades are having specific
theme but interrelated with biodiversity.
Science Fair 2015 was held from February 11 to February 13. The first day was for Pre-K to Grade 1. On the first day the students were given
two choices of sharing their science project, they could either share it on their science booth or in form of a performance. The winners of
the performance are: winner: Icha, Bintang, Gaby, El from K1B; second place: Katya, Galang, Aldila, Aleetha from Grade 1A; third place:
Aileen, Aisha, Ayman and Ozora from pre-K C. The winners based on their presentation are: winner: Aldo, Aini, Syahnaz from Grade 1A;
second place: Hafid, Leika, Althaf from K2A; third place: Kevin, Aiman, Tristan from K1A. The winners from best booth appearance are
Zachri, Farel, Javi from Grade 1B
The second day was for Grade 2 to Grade 5. For best booth on day 2, the winners are Rasheed, Gibra, Rafel from Grade 2A. For
explanation judgment, we divided it into lower PYP and Upper PYP. The winners from Lower PYP are: winner: Tristan, Aza from Grade 3B;
second place: Alfi, Dashqa, Zeva from Grade 2B; third place: Tafa, Aliya, Caca from Grade 3C. The winners from upper PYP are: winner:
Keisya, Aiko from Grade 4C; second place: Ibam, Aulia, Izqa from Grade 5B; third place: Mabel from Grade 5A.
The third day was for MYP and High School. The best of each level were chosen by an individual judge. There were 6 finalists who
competed again in the closing event. The winners are: winner: Agus and Aufa from Grade 11; second place: Salsa and Athifa from grade
7A; third place: Falldiusa and Ino from Grade 7C.
he students demonstrated commitment by having hard work to make this Science Fair successful. We are very enthusiastic with this year`s
Science Fair. Insya Allah, what the students had will contribute for their learning in the future. (Novia/Science Fair Committee/02/2015).
PA CORNER February 2015
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Puji syukur kepada Allah SWT atas limpahan Rahmat dan Ridho-Nya. Shalawat dan
Salam bagi Rasulullah SAW.
Pada tanggal 13 Januari 2015, PA mengadakan Parents Workshop yang dipandu
oleh Al Jabr Head of School, Ibu Uchu Riza, dengan topik Approach to Learning
(ATL). Workshop tersebut dilaksanakan di perpustakaan Al Jabr. Ibu Uchu Riza
berbagi ilmu tentang ATL dengan tujuan untuk membekali orangtua tentang
bagaimana pendekatan pembelajaran siswa di sekolah. ATL ini juga diharapkan
dapat diimplemantasikan oleh kita semua di berbagai macam aspek kehidupan.
Workshop kali ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk role play dan diskusi kelompok, dengan
harapan dapat mudah dipahami. Para peserta mengaplikasikan tahap-tahap
dalam ATL, yaitu Investigating – Planning – Taking Action – Reflecting. Setiap
kelompok kemudian mempresentasikan hasil temuannya masing-masing dan
berbagi ide dengan kelompok-kelompok lain.
Parent Workshop berikutnya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Februari 2015 dengan
tema ‘Science’ yang disampaikan oleh Ms Widji & Mr Princy. Para orangtua yang
hadir berkesempatan untuk melakukan eksperimen dengan Iodine, Acid, dan Alkaline, serta juga bereksplorasi tentang kehidupan binatang jangkrik dengan metode
Scientific Methods, yakni melalui proses/tahapan sebagai berikut; Purpose, Research,
Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis & Conclusion. Hal ini membuat kami semua
merasakan hal yang sama yakni mengingat masa belajar saat SMA dulu. Sementara
pada saat ini anak-anak kita sudah ditanamkan metode belajar secara ilmiah ini
sejak usia dini Subhanallah…
Alhamdulillah 'Science Fair' berjalan dengan lancar dan penuh dengan antusiasme,
baik dari pihak siswa, guru maupun orangtua siswa. Hari pertama dibuka dengan
presentasi Pre-K sampai dengan kelas 1. Lalu hari kedua diisi dengan presentasi kelas
2 sampai dengan kelas 5. Lalu pada hari ketiga oleh MYP kelas 6 – 9 dan High School.
Kami melihat bahwa ajang unjuk pengetahuan ini merupakan momen yang luar
biasa di mana anak dapat menunjukkan keterampilan (skills) dan profil pembelajar IB
yang prosesnya telah mereka lalui di kelas dan di rumah dengan menggabungkan
pengetahuan, konsep, keterampilan dan prilaku ilmiah mereka. Terima kasih atas
Semoga dengan mengikuti workshop yang secara rutin diadakan di sekolah, orangtua dapat lebih memahami dan menjalankan pe-rannya dengan memberi dukungan dan motivasi kepada anak-anaknya sehingga
siswa lebih terpacu untuk berinisiatif dan bertindak dalam menerapkannya pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Insya Allah.
“Dan bagi tiap-tiap umat ada kiblatnya (sendiri) yang ia menghadap kepadanya. Maka berlomba-lombalah dalam membuat
(kebaikan). Di mana saja kamu berada pasti Allah akan mengumpulkan kamu sekalian (pada hari kiamat). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha
Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.” Q.S Al Baqarah:148 (Hilda/PA/02/2015)
Halaman 14
Dari Administrasi
Harmonisasi Proses Penerimaan Siswa Baru di Al Jabr Islamic School dengan Proses Pembelajaran di Kelas.
Banyak yang bilang untuk dapat bersekolah di Al Jabr sangat sulit sekali, bahkan harus mendaftar sebelumnya agar kelak dapat
mengikuti observasi. Apakah benar begitu?
Kami memang menyarankan kepada orangtua calon siswa untuk menuliskan nama putra-putrinya sedari dini karena kuota
penerimaan siswa baru Al Jabr sangatlah terbatas. Setiap tahun, Al Jabr hanya menerima 45 siswa baru untuk Pre K dan kelas 1 SD
kurang dari 10 siswa.
Lalu bagaimana proses penerimaan siswa baru di Al Jabr? Hal apa saja yang kami lihat pada saat observasi?
Terdapat 5 elemen dasar yang kami observasi dari calon siswa yang tentu saja disesuaikan dengan usia mereka, yaitu:
Concept. Seorang calon siswa diharapkan memiliki konsep mendasar seperti mengenal bentuk, konsep sebab akibat,
perubahan, hubungan antar hal, pandangannya mengenai suatu topik, bertanggungjawab serta konsep reflektif yaitu melihat
kembali hal-hal yang harus diperbaiki dari dirinya.
Knowledge. Pengetahuan dasar dalam memahami dan mengerjakan sesuatu.
Skill. Keterampilan dasar untuk berpikir, berkomunikasi, bersosialisasi, melakukan penyelidikan dan pengendalian diri.
Attitude. Perilaku calon siswa yang menunjukkan sikap apresiasi terhadap suatu hal, berkomitmen, percaya diri, dapat bekerja
sama, kreatif, memiliki rasa ingin tahu, antusias, mandiri, berintegritas, hormat, memiliki toleransi dan empati.
Action. Tindakan yang nampak dari keempat hal di atas berdasarkan kemampuan-kemampuan dasar yang dimilikinya
Kami percaya bahwa proses belajar mengajar di sekolah merupakan tanggung jawab bersama antara sekolah dan orangtua. Oleh
karena itu, selain proses observasi kami pun melakukan wawancara orangtua. Proses wawancara ini merupakan momen sekolah
untuk menyamakan visi dan misi orangtua dengan yang sekolah miliki dan pahami dalam mendidik siswa. Karena keberhasilan
pendidikan seorang anak bergantung kepada kesamaan pandangan tentang bagaimana mendidik mereka sehingga tercipta
harmoni yang baik antara sekolah, siswa dan orangtua. Adapun kriteria yang kami perhatikan pada saat wawancara adalah:
Visi dan misi yang sejalan dengan sekolah.
Sikap antusias yang tinggi terhadap dunia pendidikan pada umumnya dan perkembangan pendidikan di sekolah pada
Sikap dan keterampilan untuk bekerja sama dengan sekolah dalam pengasuhan dan pendidikan anak yang
Kami berusaha dengan hati-hati untuk mencari khalifah-khalifah terbaik di muka bumi agar dapat mengubah kehidupan menjadi
lebih baik. Integrasi hasil observasi dan wawancara orangtua sangatlah kami perhatikan. Oleh karena itu, harapan kami proses
penerimaan siswa yang kami lakukan dapat menciptakan kesinambungan antara input yang kami miliki dan output yang kami
Nah, jika keseluruhan poin-poin di atas sudah dimiliki, apalagi yang harus anda khawatirkan? Selamat bergabung di Al Jabr Islamic
Siska Liliana
Head of Administration
Misi dari Al Jabr Islamic School
Misi kami adalah menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk komunitas pelajar di sekolah guna mengembangkan semaksimal
mungkin potensi yang dimilikinya melalui pembelajaran yang aktif, sepanjang masa dan kesempatan mendapatkan pengalaman yang
nyata demi membentuk individu-individu yang seutuhnya baik mental, fisik, emosi dan akademis dalam rangka ikut mendorong terciptanya
dunia yang lebih baik dan menghormati nilai-nilai luhur Islam yang ada di komunitas global.
Al Jabr Islamic School Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a high quality education for our community of learners to develop and maximize their potential through active, lifelong learning and real life experiences to become well-rounded individuals mentally, physically, emotionally and academically in creating a
better world with respect of Islamic values in a global community.
Al Jabr Islamic School
Jl. Bango II No. 34 Pondok Labu, Cilandak
Jakarta Selatan 12450, Indonesia