Fax: 0049 - 761- 400 26 30
Fax: 0049 - 761- 400 26 30
Fax: 0049 - 761- 400 26 30 innovation tours e. V. • Bertoldstraße 45 • D-79098 Freiburg Mr Marco Flamini University of Ancona Ancona, Italy Freiburg, 23 January 2008 Programme for the 6th and 7th March 2008 Pos. Contents 1. Introduction lecture SolarRegion Freiburg Power point presentation about history of the SolarRegion since 1975. Hear about the 7 solar projects presented at EXPO 2000 in Hannover and civic participation as an important motor for renewable energies, especial for solar energy. Timetable 1,5 h 2. Sightseeing from outside: solar modernisation Of multi storey buildings from the year 1970 with thermal insulation, winter garden and use of solar heat und solar panels. 0,75 h 3. Visit of Lindenwäldle residential area Residential area comprised of social housing for families with many children. Buildings use passive solar energy, and the project was realised in 1985 by solar architecht Rolf Disch. 0,75 h innovation tours e.V. Bertoldstraße 45 D-79098 Freiburg Fon: Fax: Email: Internet: +49-(0)761 400 44 81 +49-(0)761 400 26 30 [email protected] www.innovation-tours.com Vorstand: Hans-Jörg Schwander Erhard Schulz Gregor Sutter Bankverbindung: Volksbank Freiburg eG Konto 17853708 BLZ 680 900 00 4. From the sewage field to a model district Urban development, traffic and energy conception, social work, KIOSK, Nature reserve 5. Visit of the 1st surplus energy housing estate from outside The future belongs to low, passive, or plus energy houses. Day by day they save energy and lighten the burden on the inhabitants from rising fossil fuel costs. Those who live in a plus energy house have the best of all worlds - with a solar power station on their roof. The energy they feed into the electric grid brings money in return. 1,5 h 0,5h Visit of the “Sonnenschiff” a surplus energy industrial building from outside. 6. Sightseeing of the model district “Vauban” Get to know the international wellknown model district “Vauban“ as an example for sustainable urban planning with a concept for mobility, renewable energy, participation of the citizens and groups of building owners. “Vauban” was an ancient military base, which has been reshaping in a new district with special living quality since the 1990s. Hear about the history and the political decisions, passive energy houses, traffic calming and green corridors. innovation tours e.V. Bertoldstr. 45 D-79098 Freiburg Fon: Fax: Email: Internet: +49-(0)761 400 44 81 +49-(0)761 400 26 30 [email protected] www.innovation-tours.com 1h Vorstand: Hans-Jörg Schwander Erhard Schulz Gregor Sutter Bankverbindung: Volksbank Freiburg eG Konto 17853708 BLZ 680 900 00 2 7. Sightseeing from outside: ”Heliotrop“ Discover the future with the revolving surplus building “Heliotrop”: Type of construction: timber construction ready made in modules. 8. Visit of the Fraunhofer ISE The Institute develops components, materials and processes in the areas of the thermal use of solar energy, solar building, solar cells, electrical power supplies, chemical energy conversion, energy storage and the rational use of energy. With a staff of approximately 500, Fraunhofer ISE is the largest solar energy research institute in Europe. 0, 5 h 2h 9. Modernisation of 2 apartment buildings from the year 1961 to buildings with a standard of low and passive energy housing. 0,75 h 10. Visit of the Solar Stadium with its solar plants on the roof, its lawn heating system by stirling engine, nearby a hydro power plant and a nice view to the wind mills of Freiburg. 1,5 h innovation tours e.V. Bertoldstr. 45 D-79098 Freiburg Fon: Fax: Email: Internet: +49-(0)761 400 44 81 +49-(0)761 400 26 30 [email protected] www.innovation-tours.com Vorstand: Hans-Jörg Schwander Erhard Schulz Gregor Sutter Bankverbindung: Volksbank Freiburg eG Konto 17853708 BLZ 680 900 00 3 Pos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Services Costs in € Date: 6th-7th March 2008 Meeting point: Solarturm Number of participants: 40 Guide: Mr Hans-Jörg Schwander Language: Translation into Italian Duration: 10,75h Means of transport to be clarified Fee for guide (1,5h introduction + 9,25h visit) * 2 Groups Fee for Organisation Fee for Fraunhofer Insitut * 2 groups Fee for the hotel (4single room+ 18 double zimmer) Way of Payment: cash or bank transfer to be done within 3 days before the visit Total amount € 2365,00 € 75,00 € 320,00 € 3798,00 € 6558,00 Offer conditions: Innovation tours assumes no liability for accidents or theft during the tour. If participants arrive late, the tour will end as originally planned and the fees must be paid in full. If a cancellation isn’t made at least 8 workdays in advance, the fees will have to be paid fully. The programme may be changed short-term in exceptional cases, such as if dates are not confirmed at the time of signing the contract. Please confirm signing and sending back the contract via fax. Signature: Marco Flamini innovation tours e.V. Bertoldstr. 45 D-79098 Freiburg Fon: Fax: Email: Internet: +49-(0)761 400 44 81 +49-(0)761 400 26 30 [email protected] www.innovation-tours.com Hans-Jörg Schwander Vorstand: Hans-Jörg Schwander Erhard Schulz Gregor Sutter Bankverbindung: Volksbank Freiburg eG Konto 17853708 BLZ 680 900 00 4