stpetersburghs_apr16.. - Academy Publishing, Inc.
stpetersburghs_apr16.. - Academy Publishing, Inc.
“” “” ’ XII1 16 il 20 r p A ’ “...Committed to providing a first class educational experience...” SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Peggy L. O’Shea, Chairperson Terry Krassner, Vice Chairperson Carol J. Cook Linda S. Lerner Janet R. Clark Rene Flowers Ken Peluso Superintendent: Dr. Michael A. Grego, Ed.D. Dear Green Devil Parents and Friends, It’s hard to believe we are putting the finishing touches on another amazing year at SPHS. It has already been a memorable year with our students performing at the highest level both academically and in extracurricular events. To that point, our staff and community organizations have the inspiring but difficult task of selecting students from a talented field for a variety of end of year awards and scholarships. These awards recognize not only academics, but also persistence, strength of character, leadership, and community services. I am looking forward to seeing our students recognized at the awards showcase on May 26th. The graduation ceremony is scheduled for June 1st at 2:30pm at Tropicana Field. There is information about all the senior events in this newsletter and on our school’s website. The entire staff looks forward to family members and friends joining us in the celebration of Class of 2016 walking across the stage. Any seniors who are in jeopardy of not graduating will be monitored closely by the graduation team in the coming weeks. If you have any questions related to your senior’s progress, please call the counseling office or Assistant Principal, Mrs. Lebo, at 893-1842. Please encourage your student to attend school each and every day for the reminder of the school year regardless of their grade level, so our teachers can prepare them for end of the year exams and state testing. On behalf of the staff, I want to thank our Green Devil families for their unwavering support of the school in all areas. Your support contributes to making SPHS a special place for our students and staff. Go Green Devils! Principal Albert Bennett Pinellas County School Board 301 Fourth St. SW Largo, FL 33770 Phone: 727-588-6000 Fax: 727-588-6202 Website: SPHS Vision 100% of SPHS students will graduate! Motto - SPHS Where tradition meets excellence! O St. Petersburg High School Web Page Address: The School Board generally meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. and the fourth Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the conference hall of the administration building, 301 Fourth St. SW, Largo. The public is invited and may speak by signing up at the meeting. The meetings are televised Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. for two weeks following the meeting date on WPDS-Ch. 14, Bright House Cable Ch. 14. and Verizon Americast Ch. 14. For information, contact the board office, 588-6402, or information services, 588-6000. For more information about Pinellas County Schools, check out the website at 2 PEOPLE YOU NEED TO KNOW STUDENTS OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY 2016 Guidance Counselors: Ms. Hunt Last names from A to D Ms. Bell Last names from E to K Ms. Lowery Last names from L to Q Ms. Bordenkircher Last names from R to Z Ms. Johnson All IB students Assistant Principals: Ms. Altenore (9th-11th) Last Names A to J Mr. Yates (9th-11th) Last Names K to T Ms. Lebo All Seniors & (9th-11th) U to Z Ms. Farias All IB Students HAVE YOU MOVED? Congratulations to Eliabdi Valdivia and Jenny Bennett. WALKER’S RISING STARS Please congratulate SPHS senior, Tucker DeGregory, on being named one of three finalist for the Walker’s Rising Stars Performing Arts Scholarship! Tucker was chosen over other students competing across the county. The finals will be held at the Mahaffey Theater in May. STUDENTS’ DELIVERY OF FLOWERS, BALLOONS, ETC. With safety in mind, the school cannot accept any type of flower arrangements, balloon bouquets or balloon arrangements for delivery to students. Many times these gifts are in glass containers which can be broken. In addition, they cause class disruption. Please do not send any type of delivery to students here at school. They will be refused and sent back to the sender. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Did you know that if the school sends you a letter it will NOT be forwarded to your new address? Please do the following steps to change your address: 1. Go to 2. At the top of the page on the right side click on Login. 3. Click on Student Reservation. 4. Type in User Name* and Password*. (This is the same User Name and Password that parents use to log in to Portal/Focus) 5. Click on Change of Address and continue until you reach the end. 6. Bring in your 2 Proofs of Address to the school to Room 106. a.Copy of Lease and Utility Bill (Electric, Water, Cable) or 2 Utility Bills. *If you do not know your Username and Password, please stop by room 106 with your driver’s license and we will get one for you. If you should have any issues/questions please give us a call at 727-893-1842, ext. 2017. CHOOSING A LOCKER FOR NEXT YEAR! ALL students who want to use a school locker must purchase an SPHS lock (you cannot use a lock from middle school or one purchased from a store). Locks are for sale in the IB Office for $5.00 (CASH ONLY PLEASE BRING EXACT CHANGE) and can be re-used each year. Lock sales and locker assignments will take place in the IB Office (Room 157) from 10am-1pm on the following dates: • Seniors (Class of 2017): Monday, July 25th (10am-1pm) • Juniors (Class of 2018): Tuesday, July 26th (10am-1pm) • Sophomores (Class of 2019): Wednesday, July 27th (10am-1pm) • Freshman (Class of 2020): Thursday, July 28th- on this date freshman can select* a locker on 2nd floor (10am-1pm) *Incoming Freshman (Class of 2020) can also purchase locks and be assigned lockers at Freshman Orientation, however, they will not be able to select a locker location. DO NOT PLACE A LOCK ON A LOCKER UNTIL YOU HAVE REGISTERED THE LOCK COMBINATION AND LOCKER NUMBER! Locks placed on lockers that are not registered will be removed. STUDENT OBLIGATIONS Please check your student’s Focus account under the Billing Tab for any outstanding obligations. These fees will remain outstanding in the student’s Pinellas County School Focus record. Unpaid fees can jeopardize your student’s graduation. Please call Ms. Anderson in the front office for more information. All obligations must be paid in full by check or exact change. 3 PARKING HANG TAG SALE FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR Students must have a current SPHS Hang Tag to park in the student lot. Hang tags for the 2016-2017 school year will be sold in the IB Office (room 157) on the following dates: • SENIORS (Class of 2017): Can purchase a tag on Tuesday May 31st, from 5pm until 6:30pm. • JUNIORS (Class of 2018): Can purchase a tag on Thursday, June 2nd from 5pm until 6:30pm. To purchase a tag you must have: • A copy we can keep of your valid driver license (no learner permits). • A copy we can keep of your car registration. • $6.00 EXACT CHANGE CASH ONLY! We cannot make change. **WE CANNOT MAKE COPIES OF DOCUMENTS We will have tags available during the summer for students who have a summer birthday or who are not able to be here during sale dates. THANK YOU Thank you for donating to our Green Devils Pantry & Closet, Reading Garden and to the 1st Annual Silent Auction benefitting Junior Civitan and Anime/Trading Card Club! We appreciate you for all you do! If you are interested in adopting our Pantry & Closet or Reading Garden, please contact Tracey Keim 727709-9841 or [email protected]. A PDF can be emailed to you. We are happy to speak at your organization about the exciting happenings at SPHS! We will even bring bumper stickers. • Weston Willingham • Theresa M. Pinnix Region’s Bank Tyrone • Lion’s Club of St. Petersburg • Diva’s 4 • St. Petersburg Garden Club. CHECK OUT PROCEDURES Parents requesting early check-out for their student can write a note and the student can go to Student Services, room 135, in the morning to get a Permit to Leave slip. This alleviates any wait time for you when you come to pick up your student. If you call or come in, please understand that we do need time to get your student for you. Please allow at least 30 minutes. This will give the school the opportunity to look up the student’s schedule and send for them to meet you in the front office. Parents, it is important that we check the driver’s license of anyone picking up your student early from school. This will be done to ensure the safety of your child. ABSENCES If you are absent from school, phone calls (or written excuses if there is no phone) from the parent/guardian to the Attendance Office (ext. 2017) are required within 48 hours of the absence. The information should include the student’s name, the reason for the absence, and the parent/ guardian’s name and telephone number. A parent may excuse 5 days in a 9 week period, further absences cannot be excused without a doctor’s note. Absences should be for the following reasons: student illness, family emergency, death in family, medical appointments, and religious holidays. Note: The Florida Legislature has enacted requirements that schools report to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) the names of students who fail to satisfy the attendance requirements. This refers to students who accumulate 15 unexcused absences (excludes out-of-school suspension) within 90 calendar days. Students who fail to satisfy attendance requirements will be INELIGIBLE for driving privileges. NEED TO USE THE ELEVATOR? If you ever need to use the elevator at school, you will need to bring in a doctor’s note stating how long the elevator will be required. Before the elevator key is issued, the student will have to put down a $20.00 deposit that will be returned by check in the mail once the key is returned. Elevator keys can be obtained from the main office, see Ms. Anderson. 4 2016 STUDENT CALENDAR April 22 Sr. College T-shirt Day/Celebration in Sr. Courtyard during lunch April 28 Last day for IB seniors May 1 National College Decision Day May 2-13 Advance Placement exam session May 2-18 IB testing session-off campus sites May 19 Yearbook Assembly and yearbook distribution May 19 Cap & Gown distribution during lunches May 20 Junior/Senior Prom – The Coliseum May 22 Commemorative Sunday, 3pm, First United Methodist Church May 23 Move Up Celebration during school hours May 24 Senior Dinner, 6pm, SPHS gym (all seniors) May 25 IB Senior Celebration Banquet, Coliseum May 26 Awards Assembly, 6:30pm, auditorium May 27 Spring Football Game, home May 30 Memorial Day – No School for Students June 1 SPHS Graduation, Tropicana Field, 2:30pm June 1-7 Final exams, End of fourth quarter June 7 Last Day of School – Early Release Day June 15 Report cards available for pick-up *all dates/times are subject to change *Special Observance Day- The parent or guardian of a student who is to be absent on a designated Special Observance Day shall provide to the school, at least three (3) days prior to the absence, a signed notice of the student’s intent to be absent. SUMMER BRIDGE CLASSES The Summer Bridge program will be held from 8:00am to 12:00pm, Monday through Thursday from June 20th to July 14th (no school July 4th). The purpose of the summer program is to provide learning opportunities during the summer so students who have assessment scores that indicate they are struggling in reading and mathematics will be on a stronger path to success when the 2016-17 school year begins. It is also imperative that students who are behind in credits and are in danger of being retained at the end of summer if they do not make up failed courses attend our Summer Bridge program as well. REGISTRATION: Please visit the Student Reservation System at and register your child. Log on with your Parent ID and Password. If you have forgotten your ID or password, or experience other problems, visit any PCS school to have your password reset. Registration is now open. If you do not have access to Internet service, you may register at your child’s school. Please contact your child’s school for assistance. • EXAM WAIVER DATES FOR TRADITIONAL STUDENTS May 10th - Students can pick up exam waiver forms in main office. • May 13th - Deadline is 2:00pm to turn in your exam waiver form to the main office. There will be an exemption list posted for seniors on May 20th and an exemption list posted for underclass on May 31. Students, make sure your attendance is accurate in Focus before May 18th. Also, three tardies equals one absence. As far as the attendance requirement goes, students are eligible to exempt if the student has less than five absences in every class. If the student goes over in any class, the student is NOT ELIGIBLE to exempt any exam. Some exams are mandatory (cannot be exempted). FREE TUTORING Help with classes and GradPoint work is available Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings! Please check the locations and teachers’ list below. Monday and Wednesday 1:40-3:10pm Ms. Franzek- English- Room 226 Ms. VanDuyne- English- Room 233 (Monday only) Mr. White- Science- Room B215 Mr. Cangelosi- Math- Room 305 Ms. Stauffer- Math- Room 146 Mr. Bryant- Social Studies- Room 302 Mr. Davis- English- M115 Ms. Cruz-Linares- Spanish- 216 (Thursdays only) Tuesday and Thursday 1:40-3:10pm Ms. Grass- English- Room M213 Ms. Leone- English- Room 225 Ms. Simmons- Math- Room 209 Ms. Patterson- Algebra 1- Room B207 Saturdays 9:00am-Noon Ms. Henderson- English- Media Center Ms. Fanning- Math- Media Center Mr. Bryant- Social Studies- Media Center “DEVIL’S DOINGS” April 2016 Published four times per year Pinellas County School Board 525 Pennsylvania Avenue Palm Harbor, FL 34683 Issue # 1 5 COUNSELORS’ CORNER SENIORS If your senior has not registered for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program, then they should do so as soon as possible. ONLY seniors who are graduating may register. The scholarship is available to students who qualify and who are going to attend a school in Florida. Please have them go to: The student FFAA (Florida Financial Aid Application) is located under State Grants, Scholarships, and Applications. REMEMBER: NO APPLICATION = NO FLORIDA BRIGHT FUTURES $ COLLEGE T-SHIRT DAY The Guidance Department and Senior Class Sponsor will be providing a celebration for seniors who have been accepted into a college, university, vocational school, or the military. Those seniors are asked to wear their college t-shirt on APRIL 22ND and come to the SENIOR COURTYARD during lunchtime. There will be music, opportunities for pictures and videos, interviews, and snacks. Please encourage your senior to wear their “t-shirt” that day so we can help them celebrate their accomplishments. COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS Seniors must have their completed forms turned in to their school counselor by the end of April so that the information can be recorded. Seniors who qualify and have registered will start receiving their scholarship money for fall semester. All other students who have completed their hours are asked to follow the same due date, of the end of April. Students who would like to start their community service hours over the summer break are asked to come to room 221 to pick up the forms. Please have those forms turned in by the end of April, as there is no one available to approve hours during the summer. Qualifying test scores are required to receive for Florida Bright Futures. Students will need to register at either of the following websites: HIGH SCHOOL OR CEEB CODE: 101530 ACT: SAT: TEST PREPARATION: www.ProfRobBob. com Juniors should strongly consider registering and taking either or both of these tests so they are ready for the college application process at the beginning of their senior year. CREDIT RECOVERY Night school is available for students 16 and older who have failed a course during the day. The student must see their counselor for the district form. Attendance will be taken and coursework is to be completed on-site so there is no assigned homework. Saturday morning Grad Point is another option for students needing to recover from D’s and F’s. The hours are from 9-12 every Saturday and there are 3 certified teachers available for Grad Point classes or free tutoring. AP EXAMS If your student is in an AP class, then they are required to take the national AP exam that they are scheduled for. Students are responsible for completing their test preparation and transportation to and from if they are testing off-campus. Students have been informed of their test date, time, and location of test. All tests are in early MAY!! AWARDS NIGHT Our annual Awards Night will be May 26th at 6:30 PM in the Auditorium. Students who are receiving awards will be invited via invitation. REGISTRATION Please check with your student to verify that they have submitted their course requests for next year’s schedule. If a request has not been submitted, one will be made for the student. TESTING, TESTING, TESTING The state of Florida has determined testing “windows” for End of Course Assessments. Students who are enrolled in: US History, Biology, Algebra 1, or Geometry will be taking an EOC. Students will be notified of the date, time, and location for each test that they are taking. It is vital that students show up on time and put forth their best effort on their exams. Parents can support their students by encouraging them and making sure that they are well rested and on time. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MAKE-UPS ARE EXTREMELY LIMITED!! LUNCH AND LEARN The Guidance Department will be hosting another Lunch and Learn during April during lunch in room 302. Please listen to the morning announcements for dates and times. SPC NEWS Students who are doing part-time Dual Enrollment on the St. Petersburg College campus are reminded that their completed paperwork must be turned into Guidance by the following dates: SUMMER SESSION: 5-16-16 and FALL SESSION: 7-15-16 Students who are taking Dual Enrollment courses next year on the high school campus must obtain an SPC student # and a “pink card” so that they can go to an off campus testing center and take the PERT. Directions for this process have been posted in their English classrooms. Otherwise they will NOT be able take the Dual Enrollment classes they registered for during high school registration. 6 2015-16 VALEDICTORIANS AND SALUTATORIANS COLLEGE VISITS FOR SENIORS Are you going to visit a college? If so, please go to Room 106 to pick up a College TDE form. You must have your teachers’ and parent’s signatures on it and turned in 3 days before your college visit. When you return from your college visit, you must bring a letter on the school’s letterhead stating the date you attended. The form must be returned to Room 106 within 2 days of your return. Your absence will then be counted as a College Day. Note: College days do not count as an absence for exam exemptions. A few spots are left! We need you! Advertise in the Devil’s Doings! This is a wonderful way for your company to get community recognition and exposure, and at the same time help support your local schools! Karen Roehm • [email protected] Saint Petersburg High School IB Program: • Valedictorian – Tarek Ziad • Salutatorians - Kayla Zavac Traditional Program: • Valedictorian – Cole Powell • Salutatorian – Emily Kent SENIOR CLASS INFORMATION The 2016 graduation date has been set for June 1st at 2:30pm at Tropicana Field. Senior Dues are currently being collected in Room 119. You can pay by cash, money order or check made out to St. Pete High School. Your dues cover all MANDATORY costs. These costs include, but aren’t limited to the following: (any items listed below are for the graduates to keep) • Cap, Gown and one tassel • DVD of Graduation Ceremony • Medallion to be worn at graduation • Diploma Cover • Senior Dinner • Commemorative Sunday and the Graduation Ceremony TOTAL EXPENSES DUE PER GRADUATE IS $120.00 Any questions please speak to Mrs. Anderson in room 119, or email at [email protected]. As more information comes out and more activity dates are set, we will let seniors know. Please periodically log onto our school website at for updates. I will be updating as the year goes on. Senior Activity Timeline: • May 19, 2016- Cap and Gown Distribution in gym lobby • May 20, 2016- Prom at the Coliseum • May 22, 2016- Commemorative Sunday at 3:30pm (First United Methodist downtown St. Pete) • May 23, 2016- Move Up Assembly (senior wear cap and gowns) • May 24, 2016- Senior Dinner at 6pm (Gym) • June 1, 2016- Graduation at 2:30pm Tropicana Field 7 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2016 SCHOLASTIC ART AWARD WINNERS Lucas De Aquino Harasz Dana Dusenbery Dana Dusenbery Mary Hunter Florida Ly Honorable Mention Silver Key Silver Key Gold Key Honorable Mention STATE THESPIAN REPORT Tucker DeGregory and Lara McCallister were awarded Superiors for their solo musical event, Emma Couture, Gwen Ludwig and Rachel and Rebecca Bryan all earned Excellents in their events. Students attended professional workshops from dance to voice to aerial acrobatics and were treated to amazing high school main stage shows at the Straz and Tampa Theatre including “Next to normal”, “Black Comedy” and “Romeo and Juliet” which was staged on a reproduction of the Globe Theatre in London! (The approximate cost of bringing a production to the state fest is $25,000!) A Harold style improv show by IO West was also a great experience for the kids – improvisation is all listening and responding. Thespian applications are now open to any student wishing to apply. Inductions will be held on Thursday, May 12th at 7pm. Parents welcome! ST. PETERSBURG HIGH SCHOOL HAS EARNED AN “A” GRADE FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR! Digital Art Drawing and Illustration Drawing and Illustration Digital Art Mixed Media “” “” Non Profit Organization US Postage Paid Orlando, FL PERMIT # 2346 Pinellas County Schools - Region I St. Petersburg High School 2501 5th Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713 8 BAND NEWS Sign-up Night: The Marching Band is looking for new members for band and for Visual Ensemble. Everyone is welcome. Parents and students, come find out more Thursday April 21st at 7 pm in the Band room. The Spring Band and Choir concert will be on Wednesday May 18 at 6 pm in the Auditorium. Twelve SPHS students performed at the All-County Music Fest in February at the Mahaffey Theater. The students auditioned to earn a spot for this elite band and rehearsed for 19 hours over 4 days to prepare for the concert. Ten SPHS students participated in Solo and Ensemble performances, with six qualifying to attend State. The SPHS Wind Symphony earned straight Superior ratings at the District Music Performance Assessment (MPA) in March, earning the privilege to perform at State MPA in North Port on April 23. The symphony performed not only rehearsed pieces but also two sight-read pieces. The following students were selected to serve on the 2016-17 Marching Band leadership council: Patrick Tobin (Band Captain), Romina Lilollari and Mary Miklos (Drum Majors), Tyler Karges (Brass), and Clara Machado (Woodwinds). Percussion and Visual Ensemble leaders will be announced at later dates. For more information, check out or contact Band Director Mr. Vaadi at [email protected]. Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541 DEVILETTE NEWS The Devilettes Dance Team did a fantastic job this year competing in multiple regional competitions. The team received 3rd place for the jazz dance at the Florida Dance Team Championship in February and the officer ensemble placed 2nd. At the Marching Auxiliaries Dance Competition in March, the team received a superior rating for all 4 team routines competed, as well as a technique award, choreography award, and a high point award for their prop dance. The Officer ensemble placed 2nd overall and senior soloists Larissa Walker placed 4th out of more than 50 soloists which is a great accomplishment. Great job Devilettes on another awesome season!! TRYOUTS FOR FRESHMAN: Incoming freshmen tryouts will be on June 9th and 10th for all that want to audition for the 2016-2017. Paperwork can be downloaded from the school’s website or you can email Devilette Coach, Mrs. Aguilar to obtain it. Please email [email protected] with any questions.
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