the laureate - The Computerworld Honors Program
the laureate - The Computerworld Honors Program
THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM T HE L AUREATE Journal of the Computerworld Information Technology Awards Foundation JUNE 2006 A SEARCH FOR NEW HEROES T IBM and the IBM logo are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ©2006 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. he Computerworld Honors Program and the Chairmen’s Committee congratulate the program’s 2006 Laureates, Finalists, 21st Century Achievement Award recipients and Leadership Award recipients. THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM Honoring Those Who Use Information Technology to Benefit Society THE CHAIRMEN’S COMMITTEE: Bob Carrigan, President, IDG Communications; Chairman, Chairmen’s Committee, The Computerworld Honors Program Matt Sweeney, President, Publisher and CEO, Computerworld Ron Milton, Executive Vice President, Computerworld; Chairman, Board of Trustees, The Computerworld Honors Program IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES WHEN VISION, INGENUITY AND INNOVATION COME TOGETHER The viability of individuals and institutions depends on their ability to embrace innovation. As in the business world, governments, schools, universities and healthcare organizations face unprecedented competition and increasingly complex demands. Our award winners continue to break new ground in serving the public good, and making a difference in the lives of individuals and society. Whether in small steps or huge leaps forward, IBM can help. Take the first step and visit MEMBER COMPANIES: 3com Accenture ACS Government Solutions Adobe Systems Agilent America Online Apple AT&T Autodesk Avaya BEA BearingPoint BellSouth BMC Booz Allen Hamilton Borland Broadcom Business Objects Capgemini CDW Cincom Cingular Wireless Cisco Cognizant Computer Associates Compuware Dell Deloitte Eastman Kodak Eclipsys EDS EMC Epicor Software Epson America Extreme Networks F5 Networks FileNet Fujitsu Getronics HP Hitachi i2 IBM Information Builders Intel Juniper Networks Keane Lawson Software Lucent Microsoft Microstrategy Morgan Stanley Motorola NCR NEC Nortel Novell Open Text Oracle Panasonic Patni Computer Systems Progress Software Quantum RAD Data Communications Raytheon RSA Security SAIC SAP SAS SGI Siemens Software AG Sprint Nextel Corp. Sun Microsystems Sybase Symantec Texas Instruments TIBCO Toshiba Unisys VeriSign Verizon Business Wyse Xerox Yahoo! This 2006 edition of The Laureate commemorates the contributions these people and organizations have made to the betterment of society through the exceptional — if not heroic — use of information technology. Established in 1988, The Computerworld Honors Program is dedicated to a singular and ongoing mission: “A Search for New Heroes.” This search annually identifies and records the accomplishments of the men and women, organizations and institutions that are creating the global best practices in leading the world’s ongoing IT revolution. The annual “Search for New Heroes” is a daunting task: • Each year, members of the Chairmen’s Committee identify the organizations whose use of information technology has been especially noteworthy for the originality of its conception, the breadth of its vision and the significance of its benefit to society. These nominated organizations must meet established standards and are then asked to contribute a case study to the program’s collection. • Each case study submission must meet 10 criteria to be designated Laureate status. The recognition of these case studies that meet Laureate status is celebrated with a formal medal ceremony where a Laureate from each case study organization is publicly recognized. • From the Laureates in each of 10 categories, a distinguished panel of 33 CIO-level judges selects finalists in each category. In June, the program honors these finalists with a special ceremony. At this ceremony, the Chairmen’s Committee presents the 21st Century Achievement Awards to the 10 organizations selected by the judges as first among their peers within the Finalists. • Independent of the Laureate recognition, The Computerworld Honors Program also annually presents its Leadership Awards, each designed to honor the extraordinary lifetime achievements of selected individuals whose positive contributions to the IT revolution have left an indelible mark on the world. Primary source materials related to all of the above (including case studies, oral histories, conference proceedings, publications, video tapes/DVDs and other records generated by this ongoing “Search for New Heroes”) are preserved, protected and made available to scholars and the general public on the Internet at and through source and license donations to some 250 affiliated universities, libraries and research institutions around the world. With great respect and celebration, we commend all of those recognized by The Computerworld Honors Program’s 2006 “Search for New Heroes.” The Charimen’s Committee The Computerworld Honors Program The Board of Trustees Computerworld InformationTechnology Award Foundation, Inc. We applaud all of IBM’s 2006 Computerworld Honors Laureate medal winners. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 1 CONTENTS 1 “A Search for New Heroes” - a message from the Program’s Chairmen’s Committee and Board of Trustees THE 2006 LAUREATES BY CATEGORY 79 Business and Related Services SPECIAL COMMENTARY 85 Education and Academia 5 “The Gift of Persistence” by Don Tennant, Vice President, Editor in Chief, Computerworld 91 Environment, Energy and Agriculture 95 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate “I Never Give Up on Anyone” - Ralph Szygenda on Developing Leadership an interview with Ralph Szygenda, Group Vice President and Chief Information Officer, General Motors 99 Government and Non-Profit Organizations 6 Recipient of The Computerworld Honors Program’s 2005 EMC Information Leadership Award 11 “Maintain Its Open Character” - A Perspective on the Internet by One of Its Original Designers by Vinton Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Recipient of The Computerworld Honors Program’s 2002 J. D. Edwards Leadership Award for Collaborative Innovation 111 Manufacturing 115 Media, the Arts and Entertainment 117 Medicine 123 Science 127 Transportation THE PROGRAM ARCHIVES NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDIES 132 The Global Archives and Academic Council 16 National Cancer Institute (NCI): cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid, or caBIG 134 The Official Archives Online 24 Hologic, Inc.: One Hologic Implementing Oracle 135 The Oral History Archives 28 US Army: Joint Network Node (JNN) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE LEADERSHIP AWARDS 34 The 2006 EMC Information Leadership Award 38 Oral History Excerpts: Linda M. Dillman 46 The 2006 Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce 50 Oral History Excerpts: Hector De J. Ruiz, PH.D. 58 The Leadership Award Recipients, 1990 - 2005 138 The 2006 Chairmen’s Committee 139 The 2006 Program Search Directors Committee 140 The 2006 Program Sponsors THE 21ST CENTURY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2 64 The 2006 21st Century Achievement Award Recipients 66 The 2006 Finalists 69 The 21st Century Achievement Award Recipients, 1989 - 2005 76 The 2006 Program Judges T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 3 SPECIAL COMMENTARY THE GIFT OF PERSISTENCE Don Tennant Vice President, Editor in Chief Computerworld SPECIAL COMMENTARY Earlier this year I wrote an editorial entitled “Refusing Futility” that, judging from the reader response it elicited, touched a great many people. I can’t take any credit for that, because all I did was convey a story that my son recounted to me the night before. This is the story I passed along in that editorial: One day last week, my son Dan, a freshman at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, went skiing with Adam, his best friend and a WPI floormate who happens to be an avid skier. Dan had two things working against him that day. First, he had never before seen snow skis in real life. Second, he gets his athletic prowess from me. Consequently, as Adam swooshed gracefully down the slopes of Wachusett Mountain, Dan spent a good part of the time looking up at his skis and admiring their perpendicularity. Toward the end of the day, Adam asked Dan what time it was. When Dan looked at his wrist, his heart sank. Gone was the watch he’d received as a high school graduation gift. It had obviously been torn off in the course of one of the innumerable falls he had taken during 10 runs on four trails. Adam could see that the watch meant a lot to Dan, so without missing a beat, he set out to find it. That’s right. He decided to go look for a silver watch that had been lost somewhere on a snow-covered mountain. He took the lift to the summit and slowly slalomed down the last trail Dan had taken, searching intently for the watch. He didn’t find it. So Adam got on the lift again. On the way back up, he glanced down at a different trail, and he spotted something silver gleaming in the snow. “That’s it,” he thought. Once off the lift, he skied anxiously down toward the silver speck. When he reached it, he pulled it out of the snow. And there in his hand was a foil gum wrapper. Adam’s head dropped. And when it did, his eye caught something even tinier in the snow, about a foot away from where the gum wrapper had been. He reached down and pulled Dan’s buried watch out of the snow. (Yes, it was still ticking.) I learned something when Dan told me that story, and I wanted to share it. I have to admit that if it had been me, the idea of looking for the watch would have been a nonstarter. I would have dismissed it out of hand as hopelessly futile and suggested that we get some hot chocolate as consolation and call it a day. So yeah, Dan had two things working against him that day. But he had at least one thing going for him: He had a really good friend who refused to acquiesce to the notion of futility. I think about that story a lot, and it occurs to me that it’s especially pertinent to any discussion of the Computerworld Honors Program. Having been afforded the privilege of serving as a judge in this year’s program, I’ve become acquainted with dozens of examples of the optimism, resolve, and persistence that characterize the spirit embodied by our Laureates. President Calvin Coolidge once described that spirit in these words: “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.” Exemplifying that persistence is the gift that our Laureates have selflessly bestowed upon us. We at Computerworld are grateful for the opportunity to thank them. 4 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 5 SPECIAL COMMENTARY RALPH SZYGENDA ON DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP: “I NEVER GIVE UP ON ANYONE” RALPH SZYGENDA 2005 LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENT Ralph Szygenda was the winner of the 2005 EMC Information Leadership Award. He is also Group Vice President and Chief Information Officer, General Motors, a job he assumed in 2000, after starting at GM in 1996. He is a member of GM’s Automotive Strategy Board, and is responsible for the Information Systems & Service Organization. Accountable for the management of all information technology efforts within GM, he is directly responsible for developing and implementing GM’s global digital business strategy. Szygenda is a member of the board of directors of the Handleman Company, and formerly held management positions at Bell Atlantic Corporation and Texas Instruments, Inc. The Laureate: Are great leaders born or made? Szygenda: My answer to that is both. I sit on the School of Public Policy and Management at the Heinz School at Carnegie Mellon University, and the big discussion is always on leadership. I believe that certain individuals are born with innate intellect and leadership capabilities. They have the capability, and it shows all through their careers, starting in school and going forward. There are others who have those capabilities, but they are hidden. They have the intellect or leadership skills, but these qualities need to be tapped, and sometimes they get tapped, and sometimes they don’t. Typically they need to be nourished, and this can be through a mentor, through educational experiences, or through somebody encouraging them. In some cases they have this, and in some cases they don’t, which means a lot of times there are potential leaders who never become real leaders. The Laureate: Have you acted as a mentor to people like that, who might not otherwise have blossomed? Szygenda: Oh, many times. I have a phrase that I always use: Bloom where you are planted. If you can’t be successful with what you are doing today, don’t assume that you are going to rise in an organization of a group. You have to do well with what you are doing. I would say there are hundreds of people that I have talked to that 10 years later I look at them and say, “Oh my goodness, they are officers in companies,” and when I met them the first time they were shy, they never communicated. Or they were bright, they were extremely articulate, and they talked all the time, but there really wasn’t any value in what they were saying. With some help, however, they developed. Then there are other people that you can quickly tell are assured of themselves, understand what they’re doing, and almost in any situation, they are going to go take control of the situation. I have seen both types throughout my career, so I never give up on anyone, because I have seen people that I worked with flourish over time. The Laureate: Within the realm of IT, what opportunities are there for leadership? Szygenda: There are immense opportunities. IT is becoming integrated in all businesses. Today we are running global, real-time electronic businesses, so therefore the IT leader can take on any business position, from a CEO to a CIO in a corporation of any sort, which was not necessarily true 20 years ago. At the same time, in the IT industry, you have companies like Microsoft, EMC, Amazon, eBay, and Google, where you can be in a position from CEO down to a technologist, so the opportunities for leadership are so great. It’s probably one of 6 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM the areas in which you have more opportunities, because there is not only your particular discipline, like IT, but you can also work in other types of companies, whether they be financial, retail, telecommunications, etc. The Laureate: Which IT industry leaders have impressed you over the years, and what have you learned from them? Szygenda: Let me tell you what I learned to look for in leaders, and then I will tell you about the leaders I have been interested in. I’ve seen different characteristics in different individuals. For example, some have the desire to make it better. Others either invent, or reinvent. Another group has a clear vision, while others are noteworthy for sticking with whatever task they are doing-they don’t abandon it quickly. This group doesn’t allow others to end their dreams, or to tell them “You can’t do it.” They like drama, they like to be visible, and to have people appreciate what they do. Finally, there are leaders with energy-they have this tremendous capability and desire to do things. I don’t know anybody who has all those characteristics, but I know certain people who have some of them. One person that I have always had a lot of admiration for is a fellow named George Heilmeier. He now sits on the GM Science Advisory Board, but I’ve run into him a number of times in life. George is also on the board of directors at Fidelity, he was on the board at Compaq, ADP and so forth. In addition, he was once the systems director of DARPA. George was the CEO of Bellcore, and he was the inventor of the plasma display when he was RCA as a young individual. Now he’s probably about 67 years old. When I first met him, he was the chief technology officer at Texas Instruments, and I was CIO. Later on when I went to the telecom industry, I was at Bell Atlantic and he was the CEO of Bellcore, so I was a customer of his. What I have seen in his life is that he just kept re-inventing himself. He went from one thing to another and he was very successful at it. The Laureate: Name some other IT leaders who have impressed you. Szygenda: Some other people in the IT industry that I have a lot of respect for and work with include Joe Tucci at EMC. He re-invented the EMC storage business by making it a software business, even though people said, “He will never be successful.” Steve Jobs is clearly a visionary re-inventor. Scott McNeally just retired, but Scott never gave up. He had businesses, they didn’t do well, and he kept coming back. He didn’t let anybody say that he couldn’t do something. He always believed in a vision. Michael Dell made something that was pretty boring, interesting-selling and distributing PCs. If you really sit down and think about it, that’s pretty boring, but he made it a successful endeavor that made people say, “My God, what an innovator. Steve Ballmer, shared responsibility with a great inventor like Bill Gates. He understood that you can share success and not have to have it all yourself. The Laureate: Do you have any anecdotes about Steve Ballmer? Szygenda: I have one that is always funny. Steve was here on this floor. He comes from time to time to visit and that is always good. I knew he was going to be here, because he was visiting one of my executives, and I walked down the hall, and I looked in a room, and all I saw was this rear end. This guy is on the floor, and he’s under a table, and I see his backend sticking out. It was a strange sight, and then all of a sudden, he comes pouring out, and it’s Steve Ballmer. There was a display problem on one of their systems that we had here, and he was down under the disk plugging something in or changing it. This is a pretty successful guy, but he’s down under there, and I said, “Steve, what are you doing down under the table?” It was just an interesting thing that no matter where you are in life, if you’re customer-driven, you’re down there trying to make something work as a technologist. Continued T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 7 SPECIAL COMMENTARY There are a lot of other people. Ray Lane is in the venture capital area. Larry Ellison-the thing he conveys is that you can have fun in life and still be a technologist, whether it is in competition sailing or yachts. Then there are people like Ann Livermore at HP who did not become the CEO of HP, but is always been the not-flashy-but-get-the-job-done-customer-sensitive person that kept HP together through the transitions of different CEOs, so I have great respect for her. I’ve always liked to copy attributes of leaders, and I’ve learned not to look for one person to have everything right. They’re going to have weaknesses and strengths but if you leverage the strengths, you will be successful. The Laureate: What happens when a great leader from the user side meets a great leader from the vendor side? Szygenda: Magic. You have innovative business. You have somebody from a user side who has a great business vision, but doesn’t know how to make it all happen, and you marry it with somebody who has great information technology innovation skills, and putting those two together, the possibilities are limitless. The only problem is that there is a lot of times difficulties in describing each others’ world. So sometimes there are language barriers. The business person and the technology person might not know it, but if you put two great leaders together and if they can communicate, it’s amazing what they can put together, and I think you’ll find out anyplace where you have great technology that really makes great business happen, there is a business leader and a technology leader somewhere that put it together. The Laureate: If you taught a class in IT industry leadership, what are the most important points you would stress? Szygenda: Number one, bloom where you are planted again. And don’t expect anybody to give you anything, you’ve got to succeed at what you’re doing today. Second, you have to have a business and technology foundation, not just technology. Third, continuous learning. Basically, you can never stop and say that you’ve already been educated. Fourth, accountability, you have to take responsibility for what you’re doing, whether you succeed. Fifth, clear objectives and be results-oriented. It doesn’t matter how much activity you put into something, it’s whether you get the ball across the goal line. If you’re building a two-million-line software program and you do it on time and on budget but it doesn’t change GM for the better, you have failed, and for a technologist, that is pretty hard. You have to develop your team, you have to leverage their strengths, you have to minimize their weaknesses, and all you have to be as a leader is be respected, you don’t have to be loved. So you have to make some strong decisions. Next, you have to be customer-driven. If you’re going to be successful, you have to improve something in the world. And lastly-and these aren’t all in order-honesty and integrity, so if I was teaching a class, that is what I would teach. The Laureate: How tough is it to manage from the point of view of wanting respect, as opposed to wanting people to love you? Szygenda: I think a lot of people want people to love them, and that’s OK for the country club, but you are going to have to make significant decisions. You are going to have to make significant decisions that tell people when they haven’t done well. You’re going to have to sometimes release people, but what you have to do is show that you have always been sensitive to their issue, you’ve always been honest with them, and you had integrity. You will always be respected. I remember years ago, in the defense business, peace broke out, and all of a sudden, you didn’t need as much as the defense business. TI just won the Malcom Baldridge Award, and we had to reduce our population by 17,000 people, and amazingly enough, we released those people, we had different companies to help them find new jobs, we basically offered them training to some extent, for two years. Despite the situation, I don’t think anybody there who left could say they didn’t respected the leadership of Texas Instruments, even when they lost their job, and that’s what I think you have to do in order to be respected. I tell my people, “I don’t want you to be loved, you’re not trying to make everybody, everyday, happy with everything you do. You just want them to respect what you do, that you made good decisions, that you were honest, you were ethical, and you were fair. For a technologist, there are good technology decisions and sometimes they are not so good, and you are going to have to make a decision sooner or later, or hurt somebody’s feelings, and that person’s not going to love you that day. They might never love you, but they might have respected your decision, and that’s all that you need in business. This isn’t like being married, this is business. The Laureate: What are the biggest obstacles to leadership? Szygenda: Clearly, the number one obstacle is, if you don’t have honesty and integrity, you will never be a leader. Secondly, naysayers, people who say you can’t do it are big obstacles. Sometimes they’re right, but if they are constantly telling you that you will never be successful, you better get away from them. Third, not having confidence in yourself is a big obstacle. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t be a leader because you can’t lead anybody else. If you don’t have a lack of a clear vision of success, you can’t be a leader because you will never direct or lead people to the end goal, because you don’t know where it is. And the last big obstacle is trying to do it all yourself. It’s not fun to win by yourself. It’s much more fun to win as a team. The Laureate: Vision is sort of a nebulous concept. Do you recall any instances when your vision was of great value to you? Szygenda: I remember one of my first big problems was that the avionics computers for the F-15 or F-4 aircraft had a major problem. Texas Instruments supplied the computer to Lorel Corporation for that aircraft, and they weren’t working. I was called in, and nobody knew how to fix it, but the one thing that I had was the vision of what to analyze in that computing environment. You had to look at the memory devices, which were core memory devices at that time. The issue was that the vibration testing we were doing was destroying the core memories. Solving this problem saved Texas Instruments hundreds or millions of dollars in contracts with Lorel Corporation. But basically I had the vision to see what was wrong and where we had to go. Also at Texas Instruments during my early years there, I had the job of figuring out how to change the company, and out of that developed a major re-engineering approach which we utilized in our IT business to sell to other companies. I was brought into Bell Atlantic by Ray Smith, and Ray Smith said, “Ralph, we’re the old telephone company and I want to be the next-generation, innovative information services entertainment company.” At that time, we had been working with Bell Laboratories at AT&T and Bellcore for years. He and I said we’ve got to get out of that model, and he believed in that to the point where we went off and developed our own capabilities for the future. We built our own next-generation provisioning, billing, and customer assistance system from scratch. Now he had to have the idea, but I had to have vision and say we can do this. GM was the impossible vision when I first came here in 1996. GM was composed of bunches of autonomous companies, it never had a CIO, it owned EDS and just split it off. Everybody said GM couldn’t change because the autonomous managers would never let it change. But today the company is totally globalized, we took out 15 billion dollars, and we’re successful. It just goes to show you that nothing is impossible. You just have to logically figure out what you can do about it and how you can Continued 8 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 9 SPECIAL COMMENTARY attack it. In all the situations I’ve described to you, I’ve had a vision of how to solve the impossible problems. Actually, I think they’re pretty simple; they’re all engineering problems. It’s no different from an engineer trying to design something, but corporations and big technology takes a bigger vision. The Laureate: What are your biggest leadership successes? Szygenda: I’ve been in this industry for 36 years and I think my biggest success is the hundreds if not thousands of IT leaders that were developed in my organization. I think that’s probably my biggest leadership success. The Laureate: Have you ever been disappointed in your ability to lead, and if so, what lessons did you learn from that? Szygenda: When I was younger, I tried to mold everybody that worked on the team to be me. Everybody was frustrated, including me, and it told me that people aren’t like you. When you’re young, you think if you’re really good and can do these things as an engineer, or as a scientist, or a technologist, all you have to do is get everybody to be like you, but it takes a while to figure out that there is nobody like you, and never will be. So what you do is try to leverage peoples’ strengths and minimize their weaknesses, and then you can appreciate why they’re different. The second leadership problem I had came earlier and the middle part of my career. I knew the answers, I knew how to solve problems from a technology viewpoint, but I was frustrated because senior management of the company didn’t see the same end answer that I did because I could not communicate correctly. It made me understand that besides having the solution I had to be able to communicate the solution in varied business terms. That is what changed my career and made me a business leader and a business technology leader versus just a technology leader. You have to understand that other people haven’t spent all day long looking at the same problem you have, and if you think in five minutes you’re going to explain everything you’ve been doing in the last six months, it’s probably not going to work. The Laureate: When all is said and done, what has made you a successful leader? Szygenda: First, fear of failure. I have always feared that I would fail. I’m a big winner and I don’t like to lose, so I was always scared that I might not be successful. Secondly, I could not face my team if I was not a successful leader and I couldn’t make them successful. The third thing that made me a successful leader is, I could use my vision to evaluate the future. I’m known for always looking five years out and anticipating what we have to do today based on where I think it will be in five years, and truthfully I’ve been there most of that time. The last thing is I try to anticipate all problems. It’s kind of like a game. When you have this issue and you have to solve it, you have to anticipate all the things that can go wrong. It’s like playing chess. You have to look at all the moves around you, and the opportunities. But before you make that move, you must analyze the situation. A PERSPECTIVE ON THE INTERNET BY ONE OF ITS ORIGINAL DESIGNERS: “MAINTAIN ITS OPEN CHARACTER” By Vinton Cerf Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist Google VINTON CERF 2002 LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENT When the Internet was first designed, Bob Kahn and I were principally interested in inventing an open architecture that would permit an unlimited number of packetswitched networks to be interconnected in such a way that any computer on any of these networks could exchange information with any other computer without knowing exactly how each packet would make its way through a network of networks. We also assumed that no network making up the Internet would actually know about the existence of any other network. That assumption necessitated the invention of something we called a “gateway” that was able to send/receive packets to and from any network to which it was connected. We had to invent a global address space because the address constructs of each constituent network had no concept of any other network than their own. The gateways encapsulated Internet packets within the packets of the next network and addressed these packets to the destination host computer or to the next gateway for routing to the destination network and host. The gateways themselves had to communicate with one another to convey connectivity information around the network (“I am connected to the following networks”) so that a routing table could be formed at each gateway and a decision made for each Internet packet regarding where and through which network it should next be sent to reach its destination. We also assumed that the Internet packet transport process would be relatively insensitive to the underlying transmission and switching technology so that as the Internet evolved and new transmission and switching technologies were invented, the Internet could absorb them and use them in an ever-growing system. When these design rules were applied in 1973, we knew that there would be new technologies invented, but we didn’t know their characteristics, so this very general assumption was a way of future-proofing the Internet. Of course, optical networking, frame relay, asynchronous transfer mode and multi-protocol label switching all were invented and absorbed into the Internet as transport media well after the basic design of the Internet had stabilized. The Laureate: Finish this sentence: Moving into the future, great IT leaders must be able to…what? The Internet today Szygenda: Successfully transform business and technology or society to the betterment of mankind. It’s a pretty high-level thing, but that’s what you do it for. If you can change any of those three for the betterment of mankind, you’ll have something to tell your grandchildren when you are old and in a rocking chair. If you don’t, you probably won’t have much to talk about. As we look at the Internet of 2006 compared to its initial instantiation in 1983, it is a vastly changed landscape but with a very familiar topography. The basic design rules have not changed, but the details are dramatically different. In 1983 there were really only four basic network technologies in use in the Internet: the wireline ARPANET, mobile Packet Radio networks (in the San Francisco Bay area and at Fort. Bragg, North Carolina), the Atlantic Packet Satellite Network (linking the US and Europe) and a growing number of Ethernet local area networks. If memory serves there were a few other local area networks also linked into Continued 10 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 11 SPECIAL COMMENTARY the system, such as MIT’s Chaosnet and a variation of the ring network first designed by David Farber and his students at University of California, Irvine. It was subsequently refined at MIT and eventually turned into a product by a company, Proteon, which was formed for that purpose. in the legislatures of other countries around the world, and the outcome will color the future evolution of the Internet with profound potential consequences. Today one finds countless networks making up the global Internet using many different networking technologies, including a variety of wireless transmission systems that have unchained Internet users from their traditional leashes. The transformation of the Internet from a government-sponsored experiment to a vast and global commercial enterprise made up of myriad independent service providers all interconnected by voluntary choices, has been a study in the power of free enterprise and open access. The fuel that has driven the Internet’s growth stems in part from another early principle that has come to be known as the “end-to-end” principle. Another major evolutionary development in the Internet is the rapidly increasing number of Internetenabled mobile devices. Mobile phones have become programmable platforms for a wide range of applications. Indeed, these are just receptacles waiting for another download of software to support another new function or service. A consequence of this development is the enhanced value of, and interest in, geoindexed information-that is, information that has a geographic component that allows the information to be associated with a place in physical space. The end-to-end principle basically asserts that the bulk of the application-specific knowledge in the Internet is found at the edges of the network where the hosts are. Open access to the Internet has permitted a kind of evolutionary explosion reminiscent of the so-called Cambrian Explosion in the history of the evolution of life on this planet. We are only just beginning to reap the benefits of this class of information. Navigation in the real world is enhanced by access to information about what is to be found and where. All kinds of demographic information, associated with location, can be used to analyze market opportunities, political interests, social phenomena, economic conditions, epidemiological effects, and myriad other applications. The ability to correlate information from diverse sources has non-linear utility and this is illustrated dramatically in scientific circles where weather, seismic information, and demographic information can be combined to make important predictions or to analyze the effects of natural phenomena. Once the general public (and business community) had open access to a public Internet, new ideas for the use of the network proliferated. Entrepreneurs did not have to request permission from the ISPs to try out new business models and services. They just tried them. We may never know how many of these ideas did not work out but we do know some that have been very successful, even surviving the so-called “dotboom/dot-bust” period that ended in April 2000. Google, Yahoo!, eBay, Amazon and many others survived and thrived on business models that were unrealizable in the offline world. eBay realized that it could aggregate auction markets from users around the world-the users would not have to be in a common physical location and the auction itself could be managed by software rather than a human auctioneer. The opportunities for scaling this to gigantic proportions were rich and quickly realized. People’s attics and basements suddenly became sources of income rather than dark places infrequently visited. Amazon saw a similar ability to aggregate markets and to take advantage of the so-called “long tail” of demand for books, records, CDs, DVDs and just about anything else you can imagine. Yahoo! and Google realized that the contents of the World Wide Web needed to be organized and indexed to be useful, and in the process discovered a new form of online advertising that seems to work better than traditional mass media. None of these businesses had to ask permission to get started. Nor should any new entrepreneurs be faced with unnecessary barriers to entry into newly invented markets. Whose Internet is it? In the U.S., and in a number of places around the world (notably Europe and New Zealand), there is intense debate over the role of broadband service providers and the extent to which they are free to impose constraints on the uses of their broadband transport media. Some service providers want to impose tolls on any traffic passing on these access links to the public Internet. While this may be an attractive business model, it could easily kill the innovation that has driven the Internet’s utility. Moreover, such tolls could also limit consumer choices to reach any and all locations on the global Internet. It is not unreasonable to offer differentiated services at the edges of the Internet and to charge users (business or residential) for access at different speeds or even with different service characteristics, but it is not reasonable for the broadband providers to favor the traffic of one remote application service provider (ASP) over another as a function of payment by the ASP. The remote ASP is not a customer of the consumer’s broadband service provider. The ASPs presumably already pay for their access to the Internet as do the consumers. At that point, both should be free to exchange traffic without any additional interference. This debate is in high gear in the U.S. Congress and 12 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM The move to mobility The mobile devices we carry on our person or in our automobiles can also become sensors that help to report conditions at an ever-refined scale, allowing scientists to build up increasingly accurate models of natural processes, microclimates, and traffic patterns. This allows optimizations to improve our ability to cope with congestion and hazards that arise from time to time. Wireless access to the Internet has changed the way in which people think about online information resources. When you had to sit down in one place, dial up and log into the network, you turned to its resources only when you had time to spend on such an activity. With broadband wireless access to the network, you are “always on” and consequently can turn to these online resources with little overhead. In my family, we keep a laptop on the dinner table and turn to it for help in resolving discussion debates, finding facts, or answering the myriad questions that can come up in a rich-meal time discussion. “Googling” has become a natural part of our social interactions at home, at work and on the road! From Earth to space It should be no surprise that another aspect of Internet evolution will take it off the planet and into the solar system. For the past eight years, I have had the privilege of working with a small group of engineers on the design of an interplanetary extension of the Internet. The purpose of this work is to standardize the protocols used in space communication so as new missions are launched to various parts of the solar system, any previous mission assets that are still in operation can be employed to support a new mission. The standards that make the Internet so powerful (“follow the standard and you are automatically compatible with 400 million machines on the Internet”) can also improve our ability to bring information back from our deep space robotic and manned exploration initiatives. As this is being written, an enormous amount of information is flowing from the planet Mars back to Earth from the two rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, that landed in January 2004 and are still in operation over two years later. Information is sent from the rovers on the surface of Mars up to any of several orbiting satellites and then relayed back to Earth via the interplanetary network (formerly called the Deep Space Network). The orbiters were originally put in place to gather imagery and other data to help determine where we should land our rovers. They have been repurposed to serve as store and forward relays in much the same way as routers are used in the Internet today. Continued T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 13 SPECIAL COMMENTARY CASE STUDIES The development of an Interplanetary Internet and the protocols needed to make it work are now well underway. This development will evolve and grow as new missions to the outer planets are launched, so that towards the end of the 21st century one can easily imagine a richly connected interplanetary Internet supporting a wide range of concurrent missions gathering information about our nearest neighbors in space. There seems to be few limits on what we can do with this interesting invention, and as long as we are careful to maintain its open character, there need not be any limits at all. Vinton Cerf is widely known as “The Father of the Internet,” a sobriquet he earned by co-designing the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet along with Robert Kahn. Cerf is currently Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google. His responsibilities in that position include identifying new enabling technologies that support the development of advanced, Internet-based products and services. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Among his many awards is the U.S. National Medal of Technology, which was presented to him and Kahn by President Clinton in 1997. 14 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid, or caBIG A CASE STUDY PRESENTED BY: National Cancer Institute (NCI) SUMMARY The cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid, or caBIG, is a voluntary virtual informatics infrastructure that connects data, research tools, scientists, and organizations to leverage their combined strengths and expertise in an open environment with common standards and shared tools. Effectively forming a World Wide Web of cancer research, caBIG promises to speed progress in all aspects of cancer research and care including etiologic research, prevention, early detection, and treatment by breaking down technical and collaborative barriers. Researchers in all disciplines have struggled with the integration of biomedical informatics tools and data; the caBIG program demonstrates this important capability in the well-defined and critical area of cancer research, by planning for, developing, and deploying technologies which have wide applicability outside the cancer community. Built on the principles of open source, open access, open development, and federation, caBIG infrastructure and tools are open and readily available to all who could benefit from the information accessible through its shared environment. caBIG is implemented by the cancer and biomedical research community, in collaboration with nonprofit and industry partners (non cancer-specific organizations), with coordination and oversight provided by the National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics (NCICB). As part of the activities involved in building the Grid, participating NCI-designated Cancer Centers and industry partners are developing or providing standards-based biomedical research applications, infrastructure, and data sets. The implementation of common standards and a unifying architecture ensures interoperability of tools, facilitating collaboration, data sharing, and streamlining research activities across organizations and disciplines. Development of technical infrastructure and collaborative community is never easy, but as the transforming power of an integrated infrastructure becomes more widely appreciated, an ever increasing number of stakeholders are examining their own environments and asking how they can build interconnecting links through caBIG. The foundational components of caBIG are readily available as building blocks, connectors, and tools, because much of the information and processes associated with cancer prevention, care, and research share fundamental elements or approaches with other health challenges. Moreover, sharing and integrating functional genomics and clinical trial data can improve cancer prevention and treatment beyond any one country; the burden of cancer is international. caBIG is collaborating with the National Cancer Research Institute in the United Kingdom to enable a richer analysis of complex relationships between, for example, patterns of gene expression and prognosis or response to treatment. OVERVIEW Launched in February 2004, caBIG was designed and developed in collaboration with 50 NCI-designated Cancer Centers and over 30 other organizations. Over 800 individuals now contribute to the caBIG initiative. caBIG activities are organized in workspaces; areas of focus that are developing applications, infrastructure, standards, policy documents, and other resources. There are currently nine workspaces: Architecture, 16 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Clinical Trials Management Systems, Data Sharing and Intellectual Capital, Integrative Cancer Research, In Vivo Imaging, Strategic Planning, Tissue Banks and Pathology Tools, Training, and Vocabularies and Common Data Elements. Collectively, caBIG’s Workspaces are not only building the foundation for caBIG, they are also driving caBIG’s goals, priorities and activities. Voluntary participation is welcome and encouraged, and will ultimately ensure caBIG’s long-term success. caBIG is already delivering demonstrable cancer and biomedical research products. In its first two years, caBIG has launched over 90 individual projects including: the first iteration of the caBIG Compatibility Guidelines; end-to end solutions like caARRAY and genePattern, that provide micorarray tools at both ends of the process; caWorkbench, providing analysis capabilities for molecular pathways; caTIES, caTISSUE CORE, and Clinical Annotation Engine, a set of tissue banking tools that can be used to track and mine tissue samples; and the Cancer Central Clinical Data suite of clinical trials management tools for managing clinical research data across sites and time, including key functions like adverse event reporting. The testbed release of the grid architecture, dubbed caGrid, is available and version 1.0 will be released in the Fall. During the 2006 calendar year, 40-plus new products are expected to be delivered, to include biomedical tools and datasets, as well as white papers, policies, guidelines, and training materials. All products produced by caBIG are openly available for use by the caBIG community and beyond. caBIG products developed by the Workspaces are also increasingly available online. NCI recognizes that ultimately, the evolution of the caBIG network should be accompanied by the growth of a self-sustaining caBIG community. Within the cancer community, caBIG started with NCI-designated Cancer Centers and is now reaching out to NCI’s Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs), which promote interdisciplinary research among the basic and clinical sciences; NCI’s Clinical Trials Cooperative Group Program, that involves researchers, cancer centers, and community physicians; and other NCI programs, and the broader cancer community. Patient advocates have played a critical role in caBIG from the beginning. Equally important, caBIG participants include industry partners (e.g., Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, IT), other National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers, clinicians, and informaticians, U.S. federal agencies, and international partners. Where possible, caBIG is collaborating and coordinating with other health and biomedical IT initiatives and activities (public and private) to further the goal of creating an interconnected network to support the vision for overcoming cancer. Specific partnerships between caBIG and other NIH components, Federal agencies and international initiatives are also being discussed. All of these groups share a common commitment to the importance of open and shared biomedical informatics tools, standards, infrastructure and data. A DVD is available that provides much more detail on the caBIG program including FAQs, lists of tools, articles, program updates, participant listings, and workspace contact information. The DVD also allows users to navigate to a “caBIG toolkit” representing the current status of the caBIG initiative’s software development efforts to create interoperable and standards-based biomedical informatics tools. BENEFITS “To me the biggest thing about caBIG is how it brought everyone in the community together. Getting all of the agencies (NCI, FDA), the Cancer Centers and all the various bodies to communicate and to start talking about what they have been doing so that they can get on the same page will foster a breakthrough. Continued T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 17 NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY Even if we were never to even get a single software product out, the standards that are developed by the program would make a significant difference in the war on cancer.” - Diane Paul, Patient Advocate In 2005 it was estimated that 1.4 million people received the horrible news that they had cancer. And in 2005, an estimated 570,280 people died from cancer. The caBIG program is working to provide real solutions to help reduce the number of patients that are dying or suffering from cancer. caBIG will involve the entire cancer research community, including those who conduct basic science research on the origins and mechanisms of cancer, those who study prevention, early detection, and treatment, and those who work on clinical trials to bring effective new diagnostics and treatments to patients. Through caBIG, basic scientists will be better able to integrate disparate forms of data from their own laboratory, as well as from other research laboratories across the world. They will be able to integrate information based on tumor pathology; data from RNA, DNA, and protein expression levels (integrating genomic, expression array, and proteomic experiments); and data collected from patients involved in clinical trials. caBIG will increase the strength and scope of the experiments done in each participating center, thereby generating broader and more meaningful conclusions that can be translated more rapidly into better patient outcomes. caBIG will also help to enable another important step-taking the most promising ideas from bench to bedside, and back to the bench again. These activities are the result of not only the cooperative development of new software and informatics infrastructure, but also in the creation of an environment supporting collaboration among the broad range of participants. It is within the context of this diverse community that the caBIG project tools have been developed. By working closely together with other researchers on related classes of information, scientists and developers can ensure that their data is collected and stored in a manner that enables it to be shared, queried, retrieved and integrated with that from others. This allows data collected by the community to be combined and used for purposes unexpected by the original collectors of the material. It is these integrative and translational activities which will provide the best use of the original data, and provide the most novel and important scientific insights. Although caBIG’s most important accomplishments and contributions still lie in the future, it has the power to redefine how cancer research is conducted and shared. caBIG is hastening the time when patients live with, rather than die from cancer. THE IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY “The caBIG program differs from other grid efforts in that it represents a strongly typed grid with several layers of metadata and a sophisticated hierarchical metadata management system. Cancer research is an ideal application area to motivate important advances in grid technology because of the heterogeneous nature of biomedical data and the acknowledged need to coordinate and share resources across that community.” - Joel Saltz M.D. Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Biomedical Informatics, Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital & Richard J. Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University The cancer research community is in the midst of an explosion of knowledge about cancer as a disease process - beginning to understand cancer not by what can be seen or touched - or by what is revealed under a microscope - but at the molecular level. It is not a question of if, but rather when and how, molecular medicine translates into personalized care. As scientists understand more completely the steps of the cancer process, they will identify the specific molecular targets in that process that are vulnerable to preemption. 18 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM This cannot be achieved without greater interconnectivity and coordination across the cancer enterprise. This requires seeing cancer as a systems problem that will require a systems solution. Although cancer is being unraveled rapidly at the genomic and proteomic levels, researchers have not concomitantly developed the seamless system needed to capitalize on discoveries. To universally integrate personalized medicine into cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment, researchers and clinicians must be able to gain rapid access to multiple types of specific information about an individual patient -- information to which they do not currently have easy access. A new generation of medicine will require incorporation of shared information technologies. The information infrastructure revolution that has transformed business has had slow uptake in biology and medicine. Within the research community there exists a “Tower of Babel” problem. Research teams cannot easily understand data collected by, or share data with, other medical research teams working on the very same disease. Efficient, effective collaborations are blocked by these “language” and data sharing problems. Scientists have a difficult time integrating the various types of data they collect in a manner that will allow them to ask and answer important questions about how a disease works, and what they can do to stop it. Medical research teams have operated, in effect, as cottage industries, each collecting and interpreting data using a unique language of their own making and in virtual isolation from other teams. Biomedical informatics has the potential to be the powerful critical means to achieve the necessary degree of integration as it provides the mechanisms and tools to support standardized sharing, management and analysis of diverse data across the bench-to-bedside continuum and back. By making use of standardized vocabularies and objects, defined by community interaction, and reflecting the needs and requirements of those participants within the community, data under the caBIG project is collected in a previously-agreed upon structure, using shared and standardized vocabularies, and accessed via a standard software mechanism. It is with these capabilities along with well-defined security and privacy tools and processes that the data can be accessed, shared, and ultimately integrated. With integrated data and standard protocols, user-friendly desktop tools have been (and are continuing to be) developed to allow end users to seamlessly query data from multiple institutions in many disciplines. With the addition of caBIG standardized support, documentation, and training using user-friendly desktop tools, a growing range of software is being developed by the program. Informatics at the Core of the caBIG Program Recognizing the transformational power of an interoperable biomedical informatics infrastructure to overcome obstacles, caBIG is constructed around three interrelated areas of informatics: • Bioinformatics provides cancer and biomedical researchers with tools, infrastructure and analytic methodologies necessary to manage and harvest insights from the large volumes of data generated by novel types of research such as molecular biology, genomics and proteomics. • Medical or clinical informatics enables the management, analysis and dissemination of clinical and public health data, and includes the use of informatics infrastructure and applications such as clinical trial management systems, electronic health records, and cancer registries. • Biomedical informatics, an innovative synergy between bioinformatics and clinical informatics, offers infrastructure, tools, techniques and applications that bridge the two other areas and creates a mechanism that facilitates the sharing of data along the continuum from research bench to clinical bedside and back. It offers the prospect of integrating individual patient data from clinical care into the clinical research environment, and back into clinical care or basic science research. Continued T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 19 NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY caBIG is being built on open source, open access, open development, and federation principles. Anyone can gain access to caBIG software (and its component parts) at no cost, modify it to suit his or her needs, and contribute to its ongoing development. Many organizations are working together to realize its full potential, including for-profit companies that wish to “add value” to caBIG - i.e., enhance caBIG’s function or ease of use - and lease or sell those improvements to interested caBIG users. As an open source model, source code for all program-funded caBIG software tools is available to end-users. This approach is consistent with the philosophy supporting development of the “knowledge commons,” which is created and fed by free and open distribution of intellectual property on the internet. ORIGINALITY “For the first time, an informatics system stands to meld the contextual knowledge that has been developed in the biosciences. caBIG is forward-looking in the same way that the internet infrastructure was, and that has effectively served the community for many years.” - Frank Manion, Chief Technology Officer, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia PA caBIG is a distinctive and ambitious undertaking, as no known precedent exists for a bioinformatics engineering initiative of this scale. The NCI is helping caBIG become “the World Wide Web of cancer research.” Researchers from around the world are gaining open access to the common platform of caBIG, to be able to use common tools, and rapidly convert, relate, and analyze data from different sources. Members of the research community also actively contribute to caBIG activities based on their needs and interests, as the work of many groups across the government, academic, and private sectors is crucial to the success of caBIG. caBIG has already started to inspire scientists throughout the cancer research community and beyond. Bioinformatics researchers have required the implementation of standards since the field first started to expand during the explosion of DNA sequencing data when the genome project began. It was the need for a consistent means to represent DNA and protein sequence data, coupled with a growing range of associated annotation data, that has driven the caBIG project to develop a set of standards that can be used to integrate data and connect applications. This process is unique in that it does not require the extra time and cost of additional software activities to standardize and integrate the applications. The community has collaborated closely to incorporate this standardization and integration right into the process. The tools and applications are out to the community cheaper and quicker. SUCCESS “caBIG opens up a ton of opportunities to do research on unusual forms of cancer. This is particularly important where there are not enough people in any given region for a statistically valid study. When you can network a bunch of cancer centers together, you can assemble lots of different cases, and with that integrated information, benefit whole new cancer populations.” - Virginia Hetrick, Patient Advocate Professor, DeVry University The progress of the caBIG program in a few short years has been incredible: from the development of a strong and vibrant community, through the selection and implementation of key infrastructure technologies, to the ongoing development and deployment of a suite of tools now utilized in cancer research settings across the country and beyond. caBIG’s community has grown to more than 800 active participants, working in close cooperation in a range of domain areas and contributing to the shared development and adoption of data models and common data elements to represent their informatics work. Such harmonization of the diverse subject areas represented by project participants is integral to the development of caBIG’s underlying shared infrastructure. caBIG’s foundational program has facilitated the development of tools which can now be deployed in scientific research laboratories to enable the collection, analysis and visualization of data, as well as providing a host of mechanisms for collaboration between members. There are more than 50 working products in the caBIG program which are available now, with many others coming online in the near future. Similarly, there are already a wide range of data services and sources being supplied from laboratories throughout the country using caBIG compatible interfaces. As the caGrid technology moves from its current 0.5 release to the caGrid 1.0 release, information from many more data sources will become available and queryable through simple and straightforward user interfaces currently under development. Subsequently, caBIG has seen a steadily growing range of participants on the Grid bringing an ever-widening knowledge base. The internet, much like caBIG, had a small beginning—once just two computers on the network—and the internet has grown through open and interoperable systems, to become a critical, worldwide resource. The caBIG project is taking a very similar open and community-driven approach which is likely to demonstrate similar success. The community has already responded, creating thousands of new data elements and vocabulary concepts that can be re-used, and all applications developed under caBIG are at the Silver level of maturity, which requires that all relevant software data elements, vocabularies can be re-used and harmonized and that the APIs are exposed in such a way that they can integrate with the under-development caGrid. Several early adopters within the community have also piloted their software on caGrid 0.5. By exposing their software API on caGrid 0.5, these early adopters of caGrid 0.5 have provided the cancer research community access to a protein information resource (PIR, Georgetown University), a protein mass spec analytical service (RProteomics, Duke), a microarray database (caArray, NCICB and Georgetown University) and a pathology report text extraction app (caTIES, UPMC). Not only has this effort provided tools to the cancer research community but has served as a means of developing reference implementations to guide later caGrid adoption throughout the program. As a result, there are already working caGrid nodes throughout the country, with more being added all the time. caBIG’s progress and developments are designed to be extensible into a wide range of disciplines. Researchers in disease areas other than cancer are already utilizing caBIG’s infrastructure and adopting its approach to meet their research needs. DIFFICULTY Since nothing of this kind or scale had ever been successfully attempted, merely getting the stakeholder community educated and involved in the effort was a challenge. In order to initially engage the cancer community, all of whom are located at the more than 60 NCI-designated Cancer Centers spread throughout the country, it was necessary to visit the centers and meet the participants. In order to meet this challenge, the NCICB launched the preparatory phase of caBIG in July 2003 by engaging designated NCI Cancer Center staff in informational seminars held on each coast. Over 100 individuals participated in these discussions. The purpose of these discussions was to inform the cancer centers about the caBIG initiative goals, objectives, and timelines. Careful consideration was given to create a message designed not only to inform, but to generate enthusiasm for the initiative. Immediately following these sessions, five teams conducted onsite cooperative development meetings where Cancer Centers discussed their informatics based Continued 20 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 21 NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY strengths, needs and potential contributions in greater detail. caBIG program staff visited 49 Cancer Centers in 42 days. The combined expertise of the visiting teams allowed the caBIG program team to effectively communicate on a peer-to-peer level with the local Cancer Center experts. The visits resulted in a detailed accounting and prioritization of biomedical informatics related issues, interests and capabilities that the caBIG program sought to address. The meetings with Cancer Centers were critical towards the development of a program that truly engaged the stakeholders, and significantly moved the program towards self-sufficiency. These meetings gave the Cancer Center bench researchers, clinical trialists and informatics specialists all a chance to contribute their ideas, needs and capabilities to the developing program during its early formative stages. The structure of the program itself, and its early emphasis came directly from the participating stakeholders. This has not only led to a vibrant program, it has also led to a program that the stakeholders feel a strong sense of ownership for. caBIG is overall driven by and for the community. The challenges of developing systems which are not only capable of sharing data in a common format, but are also able to integrate that data across sites, laboratories, and subject areas, is the chief technical difficulty to be overcome by the caBIG program. The critical first steps were to develop an architecture and software infrastructure which allows the effective sharing of information, and to develop and use software tools and processes to allow the members of the community to re-use and harmonize the data models and vocabularies that they use to describe their data. By taking advantage of innovative tools like the caDSR (cancer data standards repository) the EVS (enterprise vocabulary system) and the caGrid, a geographically dispersed community of researchers and informaticians can query data in a uniform and integrated fashion from tools placed right on their desktops. The caBIG program is leveraging existing software standards and open platforms wherever possible, and closely working with experts in the community, to develop what is necessary to achieve the goals of the program. Beyond the difficulty of coordinating the development of a suite of interoperable biomedical informatics tools, and the creation of shared vocabularies and data elements, was the challenge of creating a self-sustaining community of experts to shepherd and lead the development of the program. It is only with a committed and coordinated group of developers that a program as large in scope and as aggressive in timeline as caBIG can be created. Although the field of cancer research is in dire need of better means of data integration and collaboration, there has not been a history of software standards within the bioinformatics community. Addressing this dual challenge of complex software and infrastructure development requirements and the molding of a community to support them has been the critical achievement of caBIG. With a committed team, and by providing mechanisms from the beginning to integrate and drive the program, the caBIG program has successfully met the challenges, both technical and social, to create an integrated grid with which cancer research data can be shared broadly throughout the community. caBIG has been supported by the National Cancer Institute from its inception as a critical element in the Institute’s strategic plans and a key enabler of its vision to eliminate suffering and death due to cancer by 2015. 22 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY One Hologic Implementing Oracle A CASE STUDY PRESENTED BY: Hologic, Inc. SUMMARY Hologic, Inc. is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of medical imaging systems dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of women, and a leading developer of state-of-the-art digital imaging technology for general radiography and mammography applications. To better manage delivery of its product line designed to help doctors diagnose and treat breast cancer, osteoporosis and other diseases affecting women, Hologic wanted a new, integrated enterprise software system. Hologic consolidated global operations-from finance to manufacturing to logistics-on a single instance of the Oracle E-Business Suite, calling the project “One Hologic Implementing Oracle.” Hologic has seen a range of operational improvements, notably faster, more accurate financial management, better synchronized manufacturing processes, higher labor productivity and leaner inventory systems since its Oracle implementation. Hologic is set to realize about $7.4 million in total benefits from its investment, including $3.6 million from labor-productivity increases and $3.8 million from huge reductions in inventory carrying costs. OVERVIEW Each year, more than one million women are diagnosed with breast cancer, while hundreds of thousands of them fall victim to this dreaded disease. In addition, osteoporosis affects more than 200 million women worldwide. The rising number of osteoporotic fractures and their associated morbidity place an increasingly heavy burden on future healthcare resources, as it is estimated that the annual cost of managing osteoporosis will be more than $15 billion. Founded in 1986, Hologic has seen demand for its products take off, as more hospitals and clinics have moved to all-digital diagnostic technologies. Hologic has achieved a leading market position in breast cancer and osteoporosis detection in the United States. Its market share in Europe, Asia and South America continues to grow, with the fastest growing market opportunity in the breast cancer detection segment. As Hologic grew, it added business information systems incrementally and inherited systems from acquired companies. In 2001, Hologic found itself increasingly challenged by a fragmented architecture, which slowed financial processes and made it hard for managers to coordinate production scheduling to optimize output. At the same time, Sarbanes-Oxley regulations began to impose new data tracking demands while its European operations needed shorter delivery lead times and faster pricing to keep up with exploding sales in the region. All of these developments, Hologic concluded, called for a more globally integrated business platform. It responded by implementing an integrated set of Oracle applications with the goal of running the entire enterprise-from finance to manufacturing to logistics-on a global single instance of the Oracle E-Business Suite. Executives cited three specific IT- related objectives the company sought to achieve: 1. Establish a single, Web-enabled ERP system used by all divisions The centralized system would in turn help Hologic restructure its business processes. 2. Improve external and internal financial reporting In particular, Hologic needed to meet new Sarbanes-Oxley regulations and supply managers with reliable financial information to make better, more proactive decisions. 3. Boost working capital performance With expensive stockpiles of parts and finished goods at three major plants, Hologic needed more disciplined supply-chain processes to reduce inventories and boost manufacturing efficiencies. Hologic began the Oracle project, named “One Hologic Implementing Oracle,” in April 2002. Altogether Hologic invested about $4.4 million over three years in the new system, including hardware, software, consulting and internal labor. To Hologic, there is nothing more important than to remain dedicated to the principle of applying highly sophisticated technology to medical imaging challenges. Hologic chose Oracle as a partner in these significant efforts. BENEFITS After implementing the Oracle E-Business Suite, Hologic consolidated systems on Oracle Manufacturing for three of its major plants, including Bedford, Danbury and Newark. The new system provided operational insight into the relationship between finance and manufacturing activity, helping the company reduce inventories and monitor overall company performance in real-time. Hologic also created a manufacturing resource planning process and transitioned to a just-in-time supply chain based on the financial and manufacturing data across those facilities, transforming into a single entity from three disparate plants. Improvements in the supply chain resulted across all the company’s facilities. Hologic reduced the backlog of parts and raw materials at the Bedford facility to $65,000 from $800,000. Parts waiting for assembly now average seven days in the facility as compared to the previous 4 and one half months. The move to a build-to-order manufacturing environment at the Danbury plant helped the company improve inventory turnover rates leading to 80 percent fewer open work orders. The average value of inventory dropped by 31 percent even though facility output grew by 78 percent. By standardizing its financial operations on the Oracle E-Business Suite, Hologic integrated its core finance and accounting processes. The integrated process has led to the company reducing the monthly finance closing cycle to five days from 10. The company’s quarterly financial forecasts are now 80 percent more accurate. Monthly performance reports are now prepared in six days rather than five weeks, previously. Hologic also benefited from Oracle E-Business Suite’s support complying with Section 404 of the SarbanesOxley Act. The company standardized and automated much of the compliance tasks, including regular reporting. The built-in process documentation and data-tracking capabilities of Oracle E-Business Suite allowed Hologic to cut its external consulting costs and internal staffing costs by $130,000 a year at each of its five facilities. Continued 24 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 25 NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY THE IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY Employee Quotes: The power of digital imaging creates new possibilities for technologies that could enable us to see cancers earlier than ever before. Driven by passion and a history of innovation, Hologic is leading in the search for new ways to detect breast cancer and is dedicated to the quality of the products it produces, markets and supports. State-of-the-art technology is at the heart of its products and an integral part to running and improving all facets of its operations. “Managers get consistent, credible information from a single global source, and we are adopting leading practices in many areas and continuing to drive productivity to accomplish more with less,” said David Rudzinsky, CIO, Hologic. Hologic used the single-instance of the Oracle E-Business Suite as a platform to re-engineer business processes. The company tightened its supply chain to improve fulfillment and enable inventory tracking, boosted working capital performance by reducing expensive stockpiles of parts and finished goods, and improved external and internal financial reporting to fulfill Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 compliance. The Oracle investment generated a positive cash flow in 2004 as Hologic began reaping the benefits of lower inventory and carrying costs, and from productivity increases in the company’s financial and manufacturing operation. Today, Hologic executives are reporting business benefits across almost every operating division. They have more efficient tools in finance, HR and manufacturing and managers get consistent, credible information from a single global source. Hologic is adopting leading practices in many areas and continues to drive productivity and accomplish more with less with the Oracle E-Business Suite. ORIGINALITY Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women other than skin cancer. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. A woman’s chance of developing breast cancer increases significantly with age. A woman’s chance of developing breast cancer sometime in her lifetime is approximately 1 in 7. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman’s death is about 1 in 33. If detected in the earliest stages, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 98 percent. Today, there are over two million breast cancer survivors in the United States because of advancements from companies like Hologic. While an ERP implementation-integrating manufacturing, financials and human resource applications on a single platform-is far from unique, the deployment of such technology to enable the production of medical imaging systems such as those from Hologic can have life-changing results. “The Oracle solution is totally integrated, from the master production schedule to purchasing to assembly to shipping,” said Joe Ywuc, director of Hologic’s manufacturing operation in Bedford. “Everyone has easy access to one set of data.” “A lean manufacturing operation is our goal, and we have made great strides with more to come,” said Ywuc. “From a purchasing and planning perspective, the Oracle modules have enabled significant efficiencies,” said Bill Ryan, senior buyer and planner with Hologic. “The Oracle module supplies detailed information that can be sorted in a variety of ways that was not possible with our previous system.” “The Oracle implementation is allowing Hologic to refine our system and business process to better meet the needs of external as well as internal parties,” said Steve DeCrane, controller of Hologic’s European region. “Pricing is now defined by formulas that enable us to quote a price in 30 seconds. Without transaction history, we would have to email the U.S. for information and make additional calculations,” said Kris De Backer, logistics and sales manager for Hologic’s European region. “We now have visibility to global inventories, so when a customer orders a product or spare part that we don’t have in Europe, we can quickly locate the item and give the customer a delivery date,” said Kris De Backer, logistics and sales manager for the company’s European region. “This proactive communication with dealers is helping us achieve our growth goals, and because Europe runs on the same Oracle instance as the U.S., the European unit can set delivery dates almost immediately for spare parts that are not inventoried in Europe. Prior to Oracle, we sometimes lost one to two days to account for the Europe-U.S. timing difference.” DIFFICULTY Following are some of the general obstacles Hologic faced: • Bring different corporate cultures at the different locations together • Unify disparate business processes where appropriate SUCCESS Hologic exceeded all of its goals for the Oracle implementation. Today, more than 800 employees at Hologic benefit from the new Oracle system. Below is a breakdown of the ROI the company has achieved: • Realized 106 percent net ROI • Projected $3.5 million net benefits through 2010 • Decreased inventory at two key plants by 35 percent and 48 percent • Develop new technical skills within IT • Resolve a number of inefficiencies related to disconnected systems and databases spread across Hologic’s U.S. and European operations • Shift from an operation that depended on multiple spreadsheets to one structured around a consolidated enterprise resource planning approach • Build a single, centralized customer base that managers, sales, and service staff could draw from • Cut part shortages by 67 percent at Bedford plant • Raise customer satisfaction to highest levels through better tracking of contracts, installed base, and service requests • Reduced financial management labor costs by 17 percent • Lower inventory through precision tracking • Cut financial closing cycle in half • Increase plant flexibility and efficiency • Gained significant efficiencies with mobile field service 26 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 27 NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY CASE STUDY Joint Network Node (JNN) Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2001 and 2003, respectively, the need for new capabilities became more urgent. A CASE STUDY PRESENTED BY: “It came to a head when Gen. William Wallace made the run for Baghdad,” Mr. Sintic said. “The pace of the war outran our ability to communicate, and it revealed a gaping hole in the way we fought. When you outrun your communications, you leave your commander at risk. The communications system provides situation awareness, space awareness, fire support - all of the important warfighting applications.” US Army SUMMARY The communications, collaboration and information-sharing capabilities enabled by the Joint Network Node (JNN) network have enhanced performance of the U.S. Army command structures in Afghanistan and Iraq, aided the global war on terror and Iraqi democratization, and saved civilian and soldier lives. And, yet, probably the most remarkable part of the JNN story is that these unprecedented capabilities were enabled so quickly by so diverse an array of government and commercial organizations. In confronting a nontraditional enemy with asymmetrical makeup and methods in vast desert- and mountain-region battlefields, the Army needed to break the bounds of 30-kilometer line-of-sight radio communications. Battalions had to be able to securely communicate with one another and commanders over distances of hundreds or thousands of miles. More bandwidth and new applications needed to be available to the network users who were doing the actual fighting. “It’s the least we could do for the war-fighter who does so much more for us,” said Jim Sintic, one of the original five JNN developers and now Chief Engineer for Tactical Networking Systems with the Army’s Project Manager (PM) Tactical Radio Communications Systems (TRCS), the group which oversaw the project. Pending full-up availability of WIN-T, the Army deployed JNN, a state-of-the-art communications network that enables the secure exchange of IP voice, video and data communications beyond light of sight. Soldiers on the battlefield are equipped with voice over IP, videoconferencing and greater access to classified and unclassified military networks. JNN leverages commercial satellite technology and Internet networking technology to increase functionality and efficiency while reducing equipment size, weight and power. The Army planned a methodical, deliberate upgrade from its Cold War-era, legacy communications system to its Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) vision over the course of this decade. BENEFITS But, with the launches of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Army simply had to move more quickly. Working with a team of 200 professionals from Cisco Systems, General Dynamics and other industry leaders, the Army implemented the initial JNN program in just five months, moving to complete, in-theater, trained operational capability within a year. No longer dependent on aged, line-of-sight and push-to-talk communications technologies, the JNN equipped the Army’s globally dispersed war-fighters with secure, Internet Protocol (IP) voice, video and data communications capabilities via satellite. The JNN network optimizes the performance and benefits of a host of applications such as the Command Post of the Future (CPoF), a tool for enabling dispersed commanders to collaborate and share information in virtual meetings. Information superiority stands to be the critical differentiator in the wars of today and tomorrow; whoever has it will win. Information must flow freely (but securely) among commanders and soldiers. Internet capability for a small platoon on the ground, the ability for a commander to remotely monitor the progress of brigades, simultaneous information sharing among multiple users … the consensus across users of the JNN is that the system provides tremendous and literally unprecedented capabilities. Among those are: • Connectivity of the Warfighter to the Global Information Grid (GIG) • Internet-based connectivity to Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) per division • DISN connectivity down to battalion level • Enhanced mobility and communications at the “quick halt” OVERVIEW • Joint and Coalition connectivity The Army’s emphasis in the Cold War was on force of tremendous scale - big equipment and plenty of manpower. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. Army’s challenge evolved. The huge fighting force would need to be broken up into striker-brigade combat teams, equipped to engage in multiple, simultaneous conflicts around the globe. The Army’s communications system, not designed for effective, efficient setup or operation outside the division structure, would have to evolve for this new, modular construct, too. • “Black” Internet Backbone with Type 1 encryption At about the same time, in the early to mid 1990s, the Department of Defense’s Research & Development labs found themselves challenged to keep pace with the commercial sector’s furious succession of innovations in communications technologies. Instead of merely pioneering communications technologies, the DoD determined it would be better served to also leverage the innovations emanating from the commercial world. Out of these trends grew WIN-T, a commercial/government off-the-shelf (COTS/GOTS) communications architecture to be implemented gradually over the first decade of the 21st Century. But with the launches of • Interface to legacy systems • Satellite communications and terrestrial connectivity • Support for autonomous brigade operations. “I’ve received numerous e-mails from commanders in the field, and they all basically say the same thing: JNN allows us to do things we’ve never done before,” Mr. Sintic said. “We can better collaborate in planning and executing missions. We can push streaming video to or from a battalion in the field. We can do video teleconferencing. Soldiers and commanders in different locations can look at the same maps of terrain and collaborate and draw on them for enhanced battle-space awareness. We can use CPoF, which is basically an all-in-one collaboration tool. Soldiers can use VoIP headsets. “And it’s all done over the same pipe. Everything rides over the same JNN backbone.” Continued 28 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 29 NOTEWORTHY CASE STUDY THE IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY JNN relies on Cisco Systems IP routers, switches, voice over IP call processing software and telephones, as well as Promina Multiplexers, Redcom Laboratories public branch exchange (PBX) switches and Juniper Networks NetScreen firewalls. Cisco equipment is the backbone of the Joint National Training Capability (JNTC) Army Enterprise Network. “Ninety percent of the equipment used by the JNN is commercially available,” Mr. Sintic said. “We wanted to be cutting edge but couldn’t be bleeding edge because of the risks involved. We had so little time to turn on the capabilities, so we had to know that the gear would be interoperable with each other. And we expect these networks to be in use for a long time, so supportability was an issue. We had to go with proven technologies from industry leaders who were comfortable in the tactical arena. We just couldn’t take the risk of partnering with unproven vendors or startups who might get gobbled up by larger players.” General Dynamics, along with DataPath Incorporated Satellite Communications Systems, led the integrated JNN response because of its experience with the Army’s legacy Tri-Tac and Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) communications systems, domain knowledge, training regimens and logistical infrastructure. Not only did the General Dynamics team deliver the technology, it had to ensure that the troops were properly trained. Troops were trained sequentially, with lessons learned, updates and refinements incorporated in subsequent training for other units. “One of the good, strong trends for us is that the soldiers coming up today were born with computers,” Mr. Sintic said. “IP is something they are very comfortable with. They are very adaptable to the capabilities that JNN offers.” On Jan. 18, 2006, the JNN was announced as a first-place winner of an Institute for Defense and Government Advancement (IDGA) 2006 Network Centric Warfare (NCW) Award in the category of Best Contributions to the Development of NCW Theory. DIFFICULTY Given the life-and-death stakes, there is an understandable resistance to severe change in the way the Army operates. JNN represented a significant departure from tried-and-true communications methods, and yet the need became apparent with Gen. Wallace’s outrunning of communications coverage on the march to Baghdad in the early stages of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The most challenging obstacles overcome in JNN implementation were the tight timeframe, the requirement for the infrastructure to be compatible with the longer-range WIN-T vision, ensuring interoperability with legacy communications systems, and the synchronicity to be achieved among diverse public and private entities. ORIGINALITY While the capabilities of JNN are revolutionary in terms of helping the Army more efficiently and effectively execute its missions, the model is evolutionary - part of the Army’s increasing reliance on more industrystandard, commercially-available technologies. “JNN is a fully interoperable bridge to WIN-T,” Mr. Sintic said. He identified time and teamwork as the two most exceptional aspects of the project. JNN was implemented very quickly and required integration across a diverse team of public and private entities - work coordinated by the Army’s five-member PM TRCS group in Fort Monmouth, N.J. “The synergy of the teams involved was incredible, and I, frankly, think patriotism had a lot to do with it,” Mr. Sintic said. “Our industry partners had to work hand in hand with one another to make this happen, and there was significant debate about the architecture - plenty of disagreements among really smart people. But they were willing to make impressive sacrifices for the greater good, and that was extraordinary.” SUCCESS The JNN was launched in just five months. In-theater, trained, complete operational capability was achieved within a year. Today, the JNN is in use across the Army’s Third Infantry Division, 101st Airborne Division, 10th Mountain Division, 4th Infantry Division, 1st Cavalry Division and 25th Infantry Division, as well as three brigade combat teams (1/34th Infantry Division, 3/82nd Airborne Division and 2/1 Infantry Division). 30 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 31 T H E L E A D E R S H I P AWA R D S THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM THE EMC INFORMATION LEADERSHIP AWARD L INDA M. D ILLMAN Executive Vice President of Risk Management & Benefits Administration Wal-Mart Stores “Understanding the vision yourself is one thing, but creating it and then articulating it in a way that the people in your team understand it—and then repeating it over and over again, so that it sticks, so that it becomes their mission, it becomes their vision as well as yours, and that they understand the whys behind it—is really critical. It’s got to be consistent. You can’t have a new vision every six months. It’s got to be the same vision for a sustained period of time.” Linda M. Dillman, Oral History Linda M. Dillman is Executive Vice President of Risk Management and Benefits Administration for the world’s top retailer, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. She also leads the company’s sustainability efforts, a role she assumed in the spring of 2006. Previously, Linda was the Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Wal-Mart, and until 2003, she served as Senior Vice President and CIO. In those roles, Linda was instrumental in helping Wal-Mart to develop one of the most sophisticated information services networks in the world, and became a major force behind the current radio frequency identification (RFID) movement in supplychain management throughout the retail industry. Linda joined Wal-Mart in 1991 where she has served in several key information services management positions, including Applications Development Manager for SAM’S CLUB and then Wal-Mart Store Systems before being promoted to Director of Applications Development in 1997. The following year, Linda was named Vice President of Applications Development, where she led the system conversion for Wal-Mart’s acquisition of ASDA in the United Kingdom. Prior to serving as Senior Vice President and CIO, Linda served as Vice President of International Systems. In addition to her role in the ASDA conversion, Linda’s other notable accomplishments were the implementation of the perpetual inventory and store Telxon systems at Wal-Mart. Prior to Wal-Mart, Linda worked for the Hewlett-Packard Company for five years. Linda serves on the board of the Network of Executive Women, the GS1 Global Board, the University of Indianapolis Advisory Board, and is on the board of the National Center for Women & Technology. Established in 2001, the EMC Information Leadership Award recognizes individuals who have the insight and ability to harness the repositories of intelligence within their information technology systems - and then use this knowledge to transform the way their businesses operate, create innovative products and services, and advance our understanding of how the world works. The EMC Leadership Award Nominating Committee: Joe Forehand, Chairman, Accenture John J. Garstka, Assistant Director, Concepts & Office of Force Transformation, The Pentagon Douglas Greenburg, President & CEO, The Shoah Visual History Foundation John Kerry, Senator, United States Senate Geoffrey Moore, Managing Director, TCAG Advisors LLC Kevin Rollins, President & CEO, Dell Computer 34 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM When information comes together, you inspire all of us. Congratulations to the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program Laureates. You have transformed information into a force for innovation, growth, and understanding. Your accomplishments inspire us all—and prove that when information comes together, the world wins. Learn more about EMC at EMC 2, EMC, and where information lives are registered trademarks of EMC Corporation. © Copyright 2006 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT LINDA M. DILLMAN LINDA DILLMAN The following is excerpted from the transcript of a Video History Interview with Linda M. Dillman, Executive Vice President, Risk Management & Benefits Administration, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The interview was conducted by Ron Milton, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Computerworld Information Technology Awards Foundation on April 14, 2006 at Wal-Mart Headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. 2006 LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENT The Laureate: What were the challenges like the first few weeks and months after taking over as CIO of Wal-Mart? Dillman: Part of it is transitioning. In any organization it’s just transitioning from a peer to a leadership position and then establishing that. I think it’s the same in any job, that first hundred days they talk about, is really looking at the organization. I had the blessing of stepping into an organization that was very well run. It was not broken, and I knew the organization very well - but how do you take the organization and decide what are the areas you now want to take to the next level? How do you define what your vision is going to be? And then it was just really establishing the relationships with our internal customer base. I had some external exposure. Not certainly as much as Kevin had. So I knew it’s important for Wal-Mart’s CIO to be somebody that is an influencer in the technology world, that I needed to start building those relationships. So I made a lot of phone calls, and got to get to know a lot of people in that period of time. The Laureate: You had the experience of development. You had the experience of international so you were grounded well in understanding what business wanted, did that help you? Dillman: Absolutely, and having the blessing of understanding the business, and I had fairly strong relationships with my internal customers in the business. There were a few that I didn’t, but I had worked closely with John Menzer in international, and I supported that. I had even worked with Lee Scott and some of his team years ago in the Sam’s environment. I’m not above leveraging all those relationships. I think they make you successful. The Laureate: What do you think your greatest achievements have been as CIO of Wal-Mart? Dillman: The team I have - I guess had - although I keep telling them I never leave a team behind. I just always consider them mine. I have the most amazing team I think that anyone could ever be blessed with. They have continued to take an organization whose top world-class, and make us better. You can look at the things that we build for our business. You can look at the way the team operates. We had 99.997% availability across the enterprise in our systems. I have not found anybody to benchmark that number against. And we do it with an amazingly efficient team. They are a top-notch team. The Laureate: Wal-Mart is considered a fast mover in retail technology. Your tech budget is larger than many businesses, what process do you use when you decide what to implement? Dillman: Everyone speculates the size of our budget. I still think it’s much smaller than most of my peers in Wal-Mart style. And to be honest, in very few cases were we a significantly large customer of a tech- 38 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM nology provider. So I think our leverage came more from the way we worked with them, and the solutions we were able to build together, and what they could do with those as they went forward. We’ve always decided how we were going to spend our technology budget based on what the business needs were first. We start with a problem or an initiative, and then we start figuring out what technology is best suited. And we’ve been lucky to be able to work with great technology partners, and in many cases, helped to create some of that technology that we needed to support the business. That zero-based budgeting, all focused on the business initiatives really allowed us to skip some of the spikes, the valleys and peaks that occurred over the last 10 years, than other companies in terms of their budgeting and their process. We’ve been straight-line growth on our budget. We manage it slightly less than the growth of the company, and every year we are able to add value to the organization. The Laureate: So this sounds like no technology implementation for technology’s sake. So tell us a little about how that becomes a major factor in aligning IT and business? Dillman: We don’t do any technology implementations for the sake of technology, and we don’t let our team go off and start talking about blue-sky technology. All the discussion has to start with the business. So whether it’s an infrastructure team, if it’s the people who support our data lines, and we’ve done a lot of work in that space, they start with what the business requirements are. If we needed to upgrade our communications in the store, our upgrades were because we were going to support a digital business - downloading photos, and music and video, or whatever that might be, we had to have a much bigger throughput bandwidth to the stores - it started with the business requirement. They are all too busy. They have too many things on their plate to have time to look at anything that’s not going to solve one of those business problems. The Laureate: One of the business problems that come up over time are things that are beyond our control, things like what happened with Hurricane Charley. You learned something from that, and then you implemented some technology that helped you when Katrina happened. Can you tell us about that? Dillman: I can remember it as clear as if it had happened today, because we all happened to be at one of these year beginning meetings when Charley hit. We had dealt with a lot of different storms and natural disasters over the years. One of the things the company is very strong at is this sense of urgency, quick response. To be honest, we man handled a lot of those. People will respond very quickly. You could put a lot of resource on things and get it done. I don’t know if you remember when Charley hit there was a major communication blackout that occurred over a pretty wide area. We had a very large number of stores, and people, and more importantly our associates; we had no idea of the status of those people and those facilities, and couldn’t find out. We’re talking about more than 100 stores. I think that caught us all off guard. We ended up having a lot of different teams all trying to figure this out. Wal-Mart’s style is, everybody is empowered to go do it. So you had the IS folks. We had people on the ground. We had our suppliers who had people in the area trying to find things out. You had our loss prevention groups, our replenishments groups, our operations groups, but there was no coordination of effort. As we started trying to understand what the impact looked like, everybody had slightly different numbers on what they looked like. So we finally, in this convention center, built a little Continued T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 39 ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT mini emergency operations center. We installed screens, and we put in computers, and on the fly built some real rudimentary systems to get everybody’s information together and start tracking it so we could at least see what the reality looked like. When we got through all that we said we couldn’t ever do that again. So we built tools that let the stores and everybody associated with the stores tell us what their status is. They have places they can all in, and if they can get to any kind of PC they can tell us, and all the information is collected together. During Katrina it let us track individual associates. We knew every single associate if they were accounted for or not. We slightly tweaked it to also start saying okay, where could you know about an associate? Well if an associate used their discount card in another state, then we would know where they were. So we started pulling in all of that information to account for people. We needed to have an easy way to see what was really going on. It also freed all of the Wal-Mart people up from that business of doing the tracking, to be able to focus on actually getting things done in the area that was affected. So it gave us more resource to do that. The Laureate: Tell us about the RFID initiative that so much has been printed about. Dillman: When I started in this job I had heard a little bit about RFID. I had some reading, and I started immediately getting questions from the executive team. So I went out and started doing my own research. I looked at what was going on with the Auto-ID Lab. I talked to a lot of suppliers. I talked to my business partners inside Wal-Mart, and really what we saw was that the technology had the potential to really change retail in a significant way, and certainly our mind has not changed on that. We saw that the work done by the Auto-ID Lab was very well done. It was research work, and as a result there were lots of segmented initiatives, but there was no clear focus that everybody was agreeing on that, this was the first step. There were lots of small trials going on in diverse areas, but not one single focus. We saw that the big technology players were watching. They were there, but they were really on the sidelines. They weren’t investing. It was the small companies that were doing the research and development. And it felt like to us, for that to become a reality in enterprise solution, we needed some of those larger companies to get involved. Then I heard from the suppliers was, “To be honest, we’re waiting for somebody to make the move.” I had one very large supplier say, “You just need to tell us we have to do this.” Which, we tried not to do in quite those words, but if you look back in retail technology, bar codes, whether it’s bar codes or EDI, it happened when a group of retailers made that step. So we sat down inside the company and said, “What is the right focus? Where do we know where we can get a benefit today? And what is the request we are going to make of our suppliers?” And that’s where we said, “Okay we’re going to tag cases and pallets, because we know the technology is not ready for items, but we’ll get a benefit from seeing what’s happening to cases and pallets. And let’s talk to our top 100 suppliers. They are companies that invest in technology. They are very savvy users. Most of them are engaged in this somewhere”. And we said, “Let’s do it in about a year and a half.” When we made the first announcement, I actually was another one of those probably being too naïve. I had no idea it would get the reaction it did. We did it internally at a supplier summit first, but then at a retail systems conference in Chicago. And they had to move the presentation to a larger room. It actually ended up standing room only and turning people away. And the next day it was in all the magazines. I was totally caught off guard. I had no idea it would get the attention it did. So we had to learn about okay, now what does that external communication look like? And you had 40 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM a lot of people who said, “Yes, this is absolutely the right thing to do.” Then you had a lot of people who were going, “No, no, it’s too fast. It’s going to cost us.” And all of a sudden I had to deal with politicians, or got to, I should say, deal with politicians, and privacy advocates and health care groups, and I learned a lot. The key thing that stuck through all of that was, by taking the step, by working closely with those top 100 suppliers, by working with the technology suppliers, and because we really, we stuck to the belief that we started with, which was the technology was going to work, and our focus was right - it moved. The Laureate: Are there lessons learned from being the leader in driving RFID and IT in retail to a new position now? Dillman: Whether I would have planned it this way, I think what happened in RFID actually played a role in them asking me to move into this position, because in my new position, health care for Wal-Mart, certainly benefits is always going to be something we focus on at Wal-Mart. Health care as a country, is someplace where Wal-Mart wants to be very, very involved. And all of us technologists, and I like to talk to a lot of CIOs about this already, believe that technology can play a very significant role in changing health care in the United States. Things that we as an industry, most of our industries, have done for decades, so whether it’s bar codes or EDI, or you know, even some RF equipment, most of the health care industry doesn’t have today. So I think that’s a role I’m going to play. I also have sustainability, which is trying to help the environment. I said jokingly, “You want me to fix health care in the United States, and the environment in the world. When I am done with that, what’s next?” It’s huge! Most of the exposure I got on our RFID was positive. This will be much tougher for me because people are very polarized. It’s a very personal, emotional issue for people, but I think I am better prepared to go listen, talk to people and see if we can’t start bring together groups who have common missions. The Laureate: What do you see are your biggest successes as CIO at Wal-Mart as you now move on to another position? Dillman: Well I will always say the team, and I talked about that before. I think moving your team, taking a great team and moving them, continuing to move them forward is something to be proud of, and that is the legacy, that’s what going to take the division forward. The fact that they were selected by Information Week as the “Team of the Year,” was a great accomplishment. I’m very proud of the team and what they have done in RFID, the leadership role they played. We have also done some key things in other places in technology in terms of some mobility solutions with suppliers, and that’s been very exciting. The Laureate: How did you feel when you were named to the 50 most powerful women by Fortune? Dillman: Actually this was my third year on the list. So the first year, I got the phone call from one of our folks in corporate communications. I was actually at a condominium on a lake about 150 miles form here. I was on vacation and got the call and it was another one of those, “You can’t tell anybody.” I was shocked. I couldn’t believe they would have selected me. When you look at the list of women it’s, they are amazing women, all with very significant accomplishments. It’s very humbling to even be anywhere near the list. Continued T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 41 ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT One of the most exciting events they have every year is when they have the conference for the Fortune women, because you go into this environment and everyone you meet has had a major, significant accomplishment somewhere, and you just feel unworthy. But it’s amazing. It’s an amazing experience. The thing that makes me most proud of being on that list is how it represents the company and my team. But I am representative of Wal-Mart women. I am not an isolated event. There are a lot of very strong influential women at Wal-Mart and you are seeing more of them surface every single day. We have all worked very hard to contribute to the success of this company, and to earn every position we have. The Laureate: At the Computerworld Honors June Gala this year, there will be hundreds in the audience. They are going to see your acceptance speech, thank you for that. What advice can you give to those folks in the audience that are IT management struggling with pitfalls in their quest to use information technology to better our world? Dillman: You know there is a philosophy I have. I recently read a Harvard study. It’s always nice when you find a study that reinforces your personal belief. I guess if you look at enough studies you can always find one that will do that. They were looking at CEOs who were successful, and really trying to determine if they were successful because they had better vision of what was going to happen in the future or not. And as they looked at the CEOs who were very successful versus those who were not as successful, actually what they found was that their vision was not better, but they were hugely optimistic. And because they believed in their vision, they could inspire people to go accomplish it. So they didn’t really necessarily see the future better. They created the future better. The Laureate: So the key is seeing that goal ahead of them so they have time to innovate? Dillman: That and it’s approaching everything with an attitude that it can be solved. My team in ISD will cringe if they see this, but there’s a clip from the movie Apollo 13, I used to tell them if I could just run it on a loop track in our building, I would. It’s a conference room scene, but it’s where the astronauts are trapped on the other side of the moon. They’re in this pod, and they’ve got an issue with an oxygen scrubber. They don’t have the right part that they need to be able to insert a new oxygen scrubber. So this man pulls together a bunch of engineers in a conference room. He walks in with a box and he throws the contents on the table and says, “We need to make this fit this, and we have two hours.” And they did. And the message I always give my folks is, if you had given that same group of engineers that problem in a non-critical environment, it would have probably taken two years and millions of dollars to develop a solution, or they would have found that they couldn’t. But because they had no time to consider failure an option, they wasted no energy on how hard it was or, can we do this. They focused everything they had on creating a solution, and they knew somebody was going to die if they didn’t - they were successful. If you can approach your own IT problems the same way, and even motivate your people part of the time to only focus on how they are going to do something - not if they can - you will just accomplish amazing things. The Laureate: There are a lot of books and conversations about IT, but there’s little about IT leadership. What does IT leadership mean to you? 42 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Dillman: IT leadership, several things come to mind. The most significant factor in IT and what’s going to happen always comes back to the people. So I think there’s a significant role all of us play in developing the next generation. And certainly for the first time in a big way there’s a lot of bleed over between consumer technology and enterprise technology. So I think we’re influencing not just what’s going to happen in companies, but what’s going to happen in our homes. And the next generation has to be even more focused and integrated with the business and lifestyle of their customer than we ever have been. So I think that’s a key role. Part of the leadership I think that most of us have to play too is helping refine the direction in the industry. There are so many places that technology can occur, and it’s so easy to get sidetracked by the cool, fun stuff that’s not going to make a difference anywhere but it’s just cool. I think that’s part of our leadership role. The Laureate: Define leadership in general from Linda Dillman’s point of view. Is it learned, innate, both? Dillman: I think it’s both. I used to believe that I could teach anybody to be a good leader. Now I think there is a certain sense you have to have of other people, and then you can learn the rest. It’s not a book learning though. It’s a learning by watching great examples, and having people walking you through the experiences as they occur. The Laureate: Another great leader, Jack Welch, in a recent book has said, “Leaders make sure that people not only see the vision, they live and breathe it.” How do you feel about that statement? Dillman: It’s so true. For those of us who aren’t patient by nature too I think it’s more difficult. I’m certainly not patient. Anyone who knows me will tell you that, but understanding the vision yourself is one thing, but creating it and then articulating it in a way that the people in your team understand it, and then repeating it over and over again, so that it sticks, so that it becomes their mission, their vision as well as yours. And that they understand the whys behind it, not just - this is the mission - is really critical. It’s got to be consistent. You can’t have a new vision every six months. It’s got to be the same vision for a sustained period of time. The Laureate: Innovation has been so much of what you have done during your tenure here at Wal-Mart. Tell us about your beliefs in what innovation is, the definition, the traits of an innovator, what it takes to have more people be innovative. Dillman: Wow, because I don’t know if I thought of myself as an innovator. I think it goes back to a couple of things I already said but mainly problem solving. I like to believe that there’s not a puzzle I can’t solve. So when you start with a business issue, and we’re doing this today as we’re looking at health care by the way, you start if you will by inventorying all the things that you know about, or you have heard about, or people that you know that might know things, and then you start collecting information and participants to see if you can’t figure out how you take all these different pieces and put them together into a new innovative solution. As a leader, creating people that do that, the biggest thing is for them to believe they can actually innovate and create something. So a lot of it is putting them in the situation, and just saying, “I know you can do this, and I’m right here with you, but we’re going to do it, and we’re going to do it in X period of time.” Once they have their first success, then most of them get the bug, and they love the process themselves. Continued T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 43 ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT The Laureate: Jon Swartz at Sun Microsystems said, “We’re entering an era in which people are participating rather than just receiving information…” Do you care to comment on that? Dillman: It’s a great question and it’s something that I’m a huge believer in, especially in today’s environment. There is so much data and information that is available, that I think all of us as technologists have to focus on, and ensure that the delivery of the information is actionable. It’s something we’ve done for a long time in the stores and not as well in other spaces. We built storage systems and we wouldn’t let anybody put in a solution if they couldn’t define the exact action somebody was going to take as a result of what they were going to deliver. I think the same thing is going to have to be true, and again, we’re talking about consumer space, but as we flood business partners and we flood consumers with all this information that’s available, it’s going to have to be condensed into things that actually make sense, that people need at the time they need them, and that they can take action with. The Laureate: Almost 20 years ago, Edward Demming had a rather strong statement, that it’s not necessary to change, survival is not mandatory. How do you think that relates to the age we are in now, with everything you have done, and where you are going in the future? Dillman: I always tell people that I’m probably a bit of a change junkie. I love the new challenge. I love learning something new. And I think for most people, once they get comfortable with change, the period when you are at your best, is when you are going through change, because all your senses are awakened. You’re thinking with parts of your brain you probably don’t use the rest of the time. I think a lot of what limits the movement towards healthier lifestyles is lack of understanding and training. The lack of availability of information - the things that you and I can get to - there are huge numbers of Americans who can’t, on a regular basis. And we all have the opportunity to impact that in our own way. So if I can, this is almost a call to arms to the audience, right? We can all make a difference in this space. And the same things in terms of giving doctors and nurses and the people in facilities better information, better tools, so they can spend more of their time taking care of patients, and less of their time dealing with paperwork and records and tracking things down. So, certainly in health care, in sustainability, technology again is going to help educate people. New technology is actually bringing us the solutions to some of our environmental issues. So whether it’s alternative fuel sources - whatever those might be - again, technology is what is going to take us to the next level. The Laureate: Your passion for your position in information technology is obvious, and your passion for your new position already is - so Linda Dillman will have a legacy from both these positions and your career - how do you want to be remembered? Dillman: How do I want to be remembered? I would like to be remembered I think by what you just said as somebody who had a passion about these areas, and was able to apply that passion in a way that made a difference. But we’re seeing this in a broader perspective - and I’ll probably start getting philosophical on you so you can stop me when you want - if we look at the concerns we have in our country, even if we look about what’s happening with jobs moving, change is what this is all about. There is such opportunity for us to take a leadership role certainly in technology, and a lot of knowledge workspaces. That is going to require as a country that we embrace that change. We can’t hold onto the way we used to work. And the same thing is true about individuals. The Laureate: So do you think that the issues and the challenges ahead are technological, or are they sociological? Dillman: I believe they are primarily sociological, and the nice thing about the technology field is so many of the key people are very involved and committed to key issues. They are not just about selling technology, and I think that’s why you see so many of our leaders involved in education, and involved in creativity and innovation and teaching people in the United States how to do those things. The Laureate: So especially now with the position you are going to and what you are coming from, what are your hopes for humankind? What do you think this IT revolution, which you have spent so much time in now, can achieve as you go forward in your new position? Dillman: Especially in this new role, and I have two big buckets. The first is the one we call health care. And I learned just in the last few days by the way, that my benefits and health care role include this area we call health and wellness, which is not about how do we pay for your doctor’s visit, it’s about how do we help our associates have healthier lives, which is huge. And then there is sustainability, which is about the environment. I think technology can have a big, big impact on both of those. 44 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 45 THE MORGAN STANLEY LEADERSHIP AWARD FOR GLOBAL COMMERCE H ECTOR DE J. RUIZ , P H .D. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Micro Devices “You cannot have innovation without having competition, and I mean healthy competition. If you have two universities that are trying to become the best at decoding the human genome, what makes one try harder is the competition with the other one. Everybody wants to get there first. And I think good leaders can create an environment in which healthy competition can occur. That is always good for the market, for the consumer, for the customer.” Hector de J. Ruiz, Ph.D., Oral History Hector Ruiz is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Dr. Ruiz joined AMD in January 2000 as President and Chief Operating Officer. He was named CEO in 2002, and Chairman in 2004. Previously, Dr. Ruiz served as President of Motorola’s Semiconductor Products Sector. In his 22-year career with the technology firm, Dr. Ruiz held a variety of executive positions in the United States and overseas. He also worked at Texas Instruments, where he was part of the team that created the first single-chip calculator. Born in Piedras Negras, Mexico, Dr. Ruiz earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas, Austin. He earned his Doctorate in Electronics from Rice University in 1973. Dr. Ruiz is passionate about the role of technology in educating and empowering the underprivileged. At the 2004 World Economic Forum in Davos, he announced AMD’s 50 X 15 Initiative, a commitment to empower 50% of the world’s population with basic Internet access by the year 2015. Dr. Ruiz currently serves on the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC), the Eastman Kodak Company Board of Directors, the advisory board for the Tsinghua School of Economics and Management (TSEM), and the Board of Directors for the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA). Established in 1999, The Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce recognizes individuals whose personal leadership has made a critical contribution to the effective use of information technology throughout the world. The Morgan Stanley Leadership Award Nominating Committee: Cristobal I. Conde, President & CEO, SunGard Fred Matteson, Managing Partner, Counterpoint Advisors Douglas W. McCormick, Chairman & CEO, Dan Morrow, Co-Founder & Principal. Jamestown Exploration Company Stratton Sclavos, Chairman, President & CEO, VeriSign Inc. Steven L. Sheinheit, Executive Vice President & CIO, MetLife Jon Shirley, Board Director, Microsoft Matthew J. Szulik, Chairman, CEO & President, Red Hat 46 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • As an Information Technology leader, Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley congratulates the winner of recognizes the importance of innovation and excellence this year’s Information Technology Leadership Award and is proud to sponsor the for Global Commerce Information Technology Hector de J. Ruiz, Ph.D. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Micro Devices Leadership Award for Global Commerce Morgan Stanley congratulates our Computerworld Innovation Award Nominees for the acceptance of their works into the Worldwide Archives of the Computerworld Honors Foundation. and the Computerworld Honors Laureate Medal Recipients for Technology Innovation Axiom Software Laboratories, Inc. Perceptive Software, Inc. Constant Contact PKWARE, Inc. Core Security Technologies Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. DemandTec, Inc. UPEK, Inc. Webroot Software, Inc. VMware, Inc. Savi Technology ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT HECTOR DE J. RUIZ, PH.D. HECTOR DE J. RUIZ The following is excerpted from the transcript of a Video History Interview with Hector de J. Ruiz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Micro Devices. The interview was conducted by Ron Milton, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Computerworld Information Technology Awards Foundation on March 20, 2006 at the AMD Headquarters in Austin, Texas. 2006 LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENT The Laureate: The result of your early schooling was a full scholarship to the University of Texas at Austin. Why did you decide to study electrical engineering when you had a passion for cars? Ruiz: That’s a good question because I really came to the University thinking I was going to end up being a mechanical engineer. But as often happens I took a few classes, a few professors got know me, and pretty quickly I began to realize that I also had a passion for electronics. I got fascinated by the technology changes that were occurring at the time. Back in the 1960s there were a lot of things occurring. Tubes were beginning to disappear. I don’t know how many people know what a tube is (laughter), but tubes were beginning to disappear. Solidstate was just beginning to come into the picture. There were a lot of really interesting things happening, and I just became fascinated by the electronic side of engineering field. I got attracted to it, and ended up doing that. I still pursue the automotive on the side. It became my hobby. The Laureate: You went on with your electronics studies to get your Ph.D. in quantum electronics and solid-state lasers from Rice University. Tell us why you went that next step. Ruiz: When I graduated from the University of Texas, as all students do, I was faced with the decision, what do you want to do? Did I want to get a job? Did I want to stay in school? It became very clear after a while that I really wanted to stay in school. I wanted to pursue further studies. Again, I was fascinated by the changes in technology that were occurring. I had read about the invention of the laser, and part of my degree at the University of Texas had to do with thermonuclear fusion, and so I thought, well maybe you could use a laser to be able to begin the process of a thermonuclear fusion. So I thought I found a way to connect laser technology with my undergraduate work. Then in doing some work I found out that Rice University had started a very aggressive program in quantum electronics and lasers. I went there, had an interesting interview with a professor who liked me, and I ended up going to school there. The Laureate: Tell us about your various experiences during your career at Texas Instruments. You joined them in 1972 while you were still in school and worked on the team that developed the first single chip calculator. Ruiz: Back in the early 1970s those familiar with the electronics industry would remember Texas Instruments as being the premier technology company in the world. It was a dream to be able to work at Texas Instruments. My studies ended in 1972, but my official degree wasn’t granted until 1973. Rice is one of those schools that only give degrees once a year, so you had to wait until you get to the year. One of the things though that was fascinating to me was to be able to work at Texas Instruments, but if you also are familiar with the history of technology, you know that in the early 1970s the space program ended, and all of a sudden you had all these Ph.D.s floating around without a job. I remember many of my classmates driving 18-wheelers and flipping hamburgers. So to me to think that I could get a job at TI was unthinkable. But, being the stubborn little kid that I grew up being, I decided to contact the director of the lab who was a Rice graduate. I remember appealing to him saying, “Look, I know it is hard to get jobs right now, but I am a Rice graduate. I went to the school you went to, and you have to give me a chance. I have to prove it to you.” So he invited me for an interview, and I went, got interviewed, got offered a job, and I ended up in the corporate research labs of Texas Instruments. The Laureate: You were at Motorola for over 20 years, and in 1997, you took over the struggling semiconductor product sector. You turned that around in two years. How did you do that? Ruiz: Well, it is sometimes difficult for me to say that I turned it around. There are an awful lot of people that worked very hard, and some of them still questioned whether I turned it around or not because those were very difficult times. But as it happens some times, the organization had been bloated. I had too many factories, too many people, and unfortunately one of the first things I had to do was to recognize that we had 21 factories, but Motorola only needed 14. We had to eliminate 7. We had to do all those things, and in doing so we were able to significantly improve the efficiency of the organization. It really was an awful thing to do, and a very difficult thing to do, but what came out of it was an organization that was much leaner, much stronger. And they surprised themselves, frankly, that in two years they were able to be profitable at the same level of sales, because they were losing a lot of money before. Now they were a much more efficient organization. So I think the team as a whole learned a tremendous amount from that. And I believe that it was one of those things that you had to do. The Laureate: Dr. Ruiz, why did you join AMD? And describe your first impression of founder Jerry Sanders. That must have convinced you to leave Motorola despite their offers of more money and power. Ruiz: AMD and Motorola had a joint development program, which allowed me to get to know Jerry Sanders reasonably well. No one that knows Jerry Sanders will ever describe him any other way than as an incredibly smart man, very passionate about what he did. Certainly he is flamboyant, and certainly he is quite different from my style, but there is no question but that he was a man that wanted AMD to be a successful company. During the two-year period of joint development he began to hint to me that he did not have a successor for himself, and wanted to know how I would feel about joining the company to become his successor. I have to say that in the beginning it was not something that sounded appealing because Motorola is a successful company and I was happy there. But as I started thinking about it, it became pretty clear that my whole life was nothing but a life of forks in the road. I was willing to take risks, and I was happy at the way things had turned out. So my wife and I had a long discussion. “Why wouldn’t I want to do that? Why wouldn’t I do it?” With her help I ended up concluding that it made an awful lot of sense to try it. Can you imagine an industry where your competitor is only one, and it’s Intel? That in itself almost makes it impossible to say no. Continued 50 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 51 ORAL HISTORY EXCERPTS The Laureate: What was the AMD culture like when you joined them? Ruiz: One of the things about the AMD culture I thought was so positive was first of all it has a real spirit of being indomitable. It didn’t matter how bad things were, you could come out of it and fight; people wouldn’t give up. They would overcome some of the most challenging obstacles I have seen people do. So there was this very contagious spirit of winning, of wanting to win. I thought that was a legacy Sanders created and left, and I felt that was great, and I would do everything I could to protect that. At the same time it also reminded me of watching 6-year-olds play soccer. They are full of enthusiasm, and they will kick the ball every chance they get, but sometimes it’s not in the right direction. So you have to teach them the rules, teach them how to play. So one of the things that I thought was a lot of fun for me to do is to try to put some discipline in place, to direct this energy and this enthusiasm, and this commitment that people had a little better. And I think the result has been the next phase of AMD, which I believe is one of AMD becoming a more respected and reputable company, as they deserve to be because people have worked hard on it. The Laureate: You have been compared to Mr. Spock for your ability to memorize and comprehend information. Describe your management style in the context of that ability. Ruiz: You know it’s another one of those things that you get stuck with and you really don’t quite understand why that is. I have learned the skill throughout my career, I don’t know how I picked it up, but I have learned that I can truly put out of my mind any information that is not relevant, that I don’t think will have use for in the future. But I do try to keep that information that is important. Therefore I don’t clutter my brain with some much stuff that perhaps other people allow in. So it’s easier for me to remember things because that is all I choose to remember. It’s just that I am able to weed through all of this stuff and only remember what is important. Now, it does cause me a problem because there are things that you know, my wife thinks are important that I never can remember (laughter), but it is certainly what has led people to think of me like that. The Laureate: You and Jerry Sanders are very different personalities as you mentioned earlier. When you came to AMD, what were your first priorities? Ruiz: Without a question it was how do we get this group of enthusiastic employees to just begin to play with an orchestrated game plan and a set of rules that make sense. There was no need for me to focus on the things that they already did well. They had excellent technology, excellent designers, and contrary to popular opinion, they had excellent manufacturing. What I did notice is that there was not a game plan. So the key was, how do we put a game plan together that is a winning strategy, that they can win with? I use the analogy of football. A lot of people hate sports analogies, but I remember when I was a student at the University of Texas that Darryl Royal, who used to be a coach when I went there, had three running backs that were world class. Most teams don’t need three running backs, but he wanted to develop the strategy that took advantage of that. That’s when he came up with the famous wishbone formation, that people may or may not remember, but it used three running backs at one time. So I tell people, “Look I inherited a company that has outstanding manufacturing, technology, and designers.” But we were going to have to figure out how to put a strategy around some of the things it didn’t have that minimized their impact while optimizing the things they did well. I think over time we were able to do that. It strengthened those things that were weaker, and I think we are a much better company today as a result of that. The Laureate: Shortly after you arrived at AMD the dot-com bubble burst, and that coincided with some production issues that delayed the K6 microprocessors. Describe that in the context of early challenges. Ruiz: I joined AMD in January of 2000, which is probably the peak of the bubble. AMD had just introduced a new generation of product called the K7 Athlon. The K6 had already begun to wither out. So I really wasn’t here during the times when the K6 challenges were at their peak. But admittedly, not long after that, the bubble burst and here was a company with a very good product, and a very difficult business environment. If I remember correctly, people look at 2001 as the worst year in the semiconductor industry in terms of gravity of loss and all the things that happened. Those were challenging times, and I think the thing that I was able to draw upon was all my experience in the past of not panicking, being able to get the team to focus - to say, these are times when great companies are born, really at times like this. We put a plan together back in those days that we made public to everybody. We had three phases. Phase one was survival. Phase two was the introduction of Opteron. And phase three was to gain the enterprise participation of our product. We were able to execute to that, and when I look back I think that was a very important key. The Laureate: In those difficult economic times for the industry you had to make some tough decisions to lay off employees, and revenues were falling, and yet you continued AMD’s investment in R&D, why was that? Ruiz: In our industry in particular, and in our segment in microprocessors in particular, it’s all about technology. It’s being able to either create a differentiated solution that appeals to a customer, or a leading edge solution that is better, faster, but it’s all about technology. I figured if we were here to be in the long run, that was the one area that we really couldn’t cut back. It was one of those decisions that I felt was critical for the future of the company to not cut back. The Laureate: At what time did you know that AMD was turning around? And tell us about the successes of AMD over the past four years. Ruiz: You know it’s interesting because there’s this milepost on the highway that you begin to recognize later. I would say that the most critical milepost that began to tell me that I we’re going to be able to make something significant out of this technology is when IBM chose to use our product. When you have a company of the caliber of IBM that stands up and says we’re going to use AMD product - that was very strong, very powerful. It didn’t come easy. There was a lot of hard work. A lot of people worked hard at it. But if you had to pick one company that had a name capable of signaling to the world that the technology that we had was good, it’s hard to think of anyone better than IBM. The Laureate: Define leadership from Hector Ruiz’s point of view, in terms of traits, qualities, risks and rewards. Ruiz: Well at the top of the list has to be integrity. I don’t see how you can lead without integrity. It has nothing to do with the Enrons of the world and all that, I just think it’s important that you have integrity so that employees and customers trust you, and they know you will always tell them the truth. I think it’s important to not shy away from being truthful. I think unfortunately today too often CEOs get interviewed and they get asked a question and the answer they give is almost like a politician, you can’t tell what the answer is. So I tell my people and our lawyers to train me so that I can answer the question. Don’t train me not to answer the question, because I think it’s important to be truthful. Continued 52 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 53 ORAL HISTORY EXCERPTS I think it’s critical to be able to identify the core competencies people have, what are the things that people do well, and be able to place them. Jim Collin’s book, “From Good to Great” is has a great anecdote. Basically it says to get the right people on the bus is a good thing to do, but it’s even better to get them in the right seat. And I think that’s the key to being a leader, is to be able to get the right people on the bus, and on the right seat so that they can ride the bus. I’m a big believer of Gandhi’s philosophy that if you do all that, all you have to do to be a leader is follow your people. That actually is a lot of fun to do. The rewards frankly are not financial. The rewards are really being able to see a number of people achieve their goals and objectives, shareholders included, and it’s a lot of fun. The Laureate: Is leadership learned, innate, or both? Ruiz: That’s the eternal, philosophical question and over one’s career you flip back and forth a lot. As you get older you begin to coast into an opinion. I have to say that most of the core traits of a leader are somehow in the DNA of that person. That DNA is of course what that person experiences and achieves over time. So the cumulative experience that one has from the time you are born to the time you become a teenager is probably more significant that anything else can happen after that. So it’s that sense, you could say that you are almost born with it, but it’s those first 15 years of your life that really kind of determine whether you’re going to be able to lead or not. Beyond that, I think you can learn to modify behavior. You can learn to do certain things, but I’m not so sure you can learn those things you missed in the first 15 years. The Laureate: What experiences in the first 15 years of your life led you to be a leader? Ruiz: It seems to me that people in general look for leadership. They yearn for leadership. So when I was in school I found that my classmates seemed to look to me for help in leading a game or whatever it was. So I learned that as a young person. My parents played a big role in that. The idea of being a compassionate leader came from my parents. My parents were very forgiving people. Whereas people would rush to judgment when somebody would do something wrong, my parents would always say, “Step back and look at it. Is that person really totally responsible for what happened?” It made me think a lot as a young person, about those things. So I would attribute a lot of the learning to my parents. They were teachers, growing up, that would use experiences in life to teach. I was fortunate to have had those. As I make decisions today, I look back often to some of the things that happened to me as a young person. The Laureate: Jack Welch in a recent book said that, “Leaders make sure people not only see the vision, they live and breathe it.” How do you feel about that statement? Ruiz: I think that’s pretty accurate. I often run into people who don’t believe that being passionate about their job is important. And I think that they are wrong. I really believe that you have to breathe, to live it, be passionate about it. And I think one of the things that AMD had in its culture and I was just fortunate enough to come in and exploit is, a propensity to want to be passionate about winning. So when we talk about what we’re trying to do at AMD it is not make money. We’re trying to change the world in a computer sense. And everybody wants to be a part of that. Everybody feels that we have a chance of breaking a monopoly that has been in our view, harmful to consumers and customers, and people are really passionate about that, and they breathe and live it. So I think he’s right. I believe that. The Laureate: Define innovation for us in terms of where you think it comes from - traits, qualities of innovators that you respect and admire. Ruiz: Well, innovation in general comes from competition. You cannot have innovation without having competition, and I mean healthy competition. If you have two universities that are trying to become the best at decoding the human genome, what makes one try harder is the competition with the other one. Everybody wants to get there first. The people that want to discover the vaccine for AIDS is the competition to see who gets there first. So to me competition is critical to innovation, and I think what makes healthy competition so good is having good leaders. And I think good leaders can create an environment in which healthy competition can occur. That is always good for the market, for the consumer, for the customer. And when I say leaders I mean that in the sense of not just business leaders, but political leaders. I think that the new rounds of trade negotiations going on to open the world more, the desire for countries to join WTO, the efforts that we’re trying to put forth for free trade, all of those things will eventually lead to better and healthier competition, which in turn will lead to better innovation. So I think at the root of healthy innovation is healthy competition. The Laureate: Jon Swartz at Sun Microsystems said that we’re entering an era in which people are participating rather than just receiving information. How do you feel about that comment? Ruiz: I would agree with that because with technology today people are able to truly maneuver through information in a way that makes it interactive and productive. They learn a lot by just getting where they need to be, versus just looking up something in a dictionary. It’s going to get even better as people are able to eliminate things like junk mail, ridiculous pop-ups and those things. But as all things will improve and get better, the ability of people to be so efficient at maneuvering through the information environment out there is going to be phenomenal. And that’s going to be able to occur any time, any where, by using technology that is portable, broadband, wireless, by being able to have it pretty much be whenever you want it, the way you want it, when you want it. I think we’re not that far from being able to meet that space. The Laureate: There is a lot written about information technology, but there is little written about IT leadership itself. What does IT leadership mean to you, in the context of the CIO? Ruiz: What I hope is occurring is a transformation of leadership in the CIO community, that is taking it from the old view of the CIO community and the IT community being more focused on transactional productivity. By that I mean being able to make computer transactions occur at low cost, to truly being able to be relevant use of the information, and be able to focus on what’s important and relevant. An example for that is today’s procurement of clients in the enterprise by IT professionals. It’s truly a transactional thing - you bid it out, whoever gives you the lowest price tends to get the bid. No one yet has thought to step back and think heavily that we’ve been doing client enterprise IT work for the same way for 20 years. Shouldn’t we step back and rethink it? I think a few people have begun to do that, and I am excited about it because I think it’s going to revolutionize how IT is done in the enterprise. But that’s what leadership in the IT world means to me, to be able to be willing to stick your neck out and not say, “Well I’ll buy IBM because it’s safe, or if it’s got an Intel processor inside. That’s the way we have done it for 20 years why change?” We need to have IT professionals start thinking, ‘What could dramatically change in my enterprise?’ And I mean dramatic changes. Continued 54 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 55 ORAL HISTORY EXCERPTS It is believed frankly, that if we could re-architect the client the enterprise could save up to 80% of the cost that they have today. I’ve seen spots of brilliance around the industry occurring. I hope those things become more pervasive because I think it’s time to do that. They can then extend that to other fields. So to answer your question, IT leadership is being able to really think, “Am I changing the rules of the game, or am I just focused on a very linear view of where the world has been for many years?” The Laureate: What are your hopes for mankind, for humankind, for what this IT revolution can achieve? Ruiz: My hopes in that sense are pretty lofty. I believe technology, particularly the IT side of the house, has the capability of bringing to people knowledge and education that might be difficult to be brought to them in any other way. I think ignorance is one of the biggest culprits of many of our problems. So I believe that fanaticism in all forms is a result of ignorance. So if connectivity and IT technology can help alleviate that, I think that would make humanity that can hopefully that can blend on peaceful terms with itself. The Laureate: So in terms of hopes for mankind, what are the greatest obstacles ahead, do you see them as technical or social? Ruiz: Definitely not technical. I believe technology is not getting in the way of getting things done. Social may not be as accurate as perhaps political, but I think that the conviction, commitment, to be able to do thing and get things done, and on the part of leaders and politicians could make a huge impact. Technology actually today is far ahead from really where people would need to be for people to be able to solve many of those problems. The Laureate: How would you like to be remembered in this IT revolution? Ruiz: That’s always tough. I hope people know that I had more interest in them feeling good about themselves than I did on anything else. People ask me today what’s the biggest thrill I get from AMD - it’s doing better today than we have in quite some time, and I say, it’s to stand at the door and watch the people walk out with a smile on their face. I think that’s what I would like - to be remembered as somebody who really got a kick out of that. But beyond that, on more pragmatic terms, I believe that technology today could alleviate so many of the challenges we have - healthcare for example, in this country. I believe that IT technology alone could make a huge impact on the cost of health care. And the proof of that is in the Homeland Security challenges. When you look at how terrible, and how awful it has been for the FBI, the CIA, and all the surveillance organizations to be able to share information, coordinate it and all that, even today after four years of trying, because there is not an IT strategy for these organizations. So I believe the same thing on health care. Imagine being able to walk into a physical exam where the doctor knows everything you have ever done in your life, everything that has happened to you. He doesn’t have to call anybody because you have a chip with you, or something that has got every single thing that you have ever done. Think of the impact that would have. The fact that if you went from one hospital to another, you don’t have to fill out the same forms, you could just go on and on and on. So I think that my view is a humanity where a lot of the problems that seems so difficult today could be actually mitigated significantly, and also, a humanity who could eliminate ignorance just by being knowledgeable about what’s going on, and knowing the truth. There’s a very famous book that says, “You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.” I truly believe that the ignorance in perhaps some of the places in Alabama, as well as the Middle East could be done away with access to information and to technology, and that could then lead hopefully to more peaceful people. 56 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 57 LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990 - 2005 2005 MATTHEW J. SZULIK, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & President, Red Hat CARLY FIORINA, President & Chief Executive Officer, Hewlett-Packard 1998 J. CRAIG VENTER, President and Chairman, The Institute for Geonomic Research Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration SCOTT ECKERT, Dell EMC Information Leadership Award MAX HOPPER, Principal, Max D. Hopper Associates Technology Solutions Company/Relationship Revolution 21st Century Pioneer Award The Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce RALPH SZYGENDA, Group Vice President & Chief Information Officer, General Motors The EMC Information Leadership Award 2004 JOSEPH M. TUCCI, President and Chief Operating Officer, EMC Corporation Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce JOHN HAMMERGREN, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, McKesson Corporation Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration KENNETH D. LEWIS, Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America J.D. Edwards Leadership Award for Collaborative Innovation 2002 GORDON MOORE, Chairman Emeritus, Intel JAY W. FORRESTER, Sloan School of Management, MIT PricewaterhouseCoopers Award for Lifetime Achievement PricewaterhouseCoopers Award for Lifetime Achievement CRAIG CONWAY, President & Chief Executive Officer, PeopleSoft, Inc. ANN VESPERMAN OLSON, Vice President, Customer Service, Lands’ End ALBERT GORE, JR., Vice President, United States of America Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration eLoyalty Award for Leadership in the Relationship Revolution Toshiba America Leadership Award for Education EDWARD C. JOHNSON 3D, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Fidelity Investments 1999 EMC Information Leadership Award VINTON G. CERF, SR., Vice President of Internet Architecture & Technology, MCI J. D. Edwards Leadership Award for Collaborative Innovation STEVE BALMER, Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft Corporation Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce The EMC Information Leadership Award 2003 JOE FOREHAND, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Accenture Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce PAUL OTELLINI, President and Chief Operating Officer, Intel Corporation Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce JEFF HAWKINS, Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Product Officer, Handspring TIM BERNERS-LEE, Chair, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Director, W3C MCI WorldCom Leadership Award for Innovation JOHN CHAMBERS, Chief Executive Officer, Cisco Systems Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration ROBERT METCALFE, Founder, 3COM MCI WorldCom Leadership Award for Innovation JOHN A. POPLE, Northwestern University Silicon Graphics Inc. Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science PricewaterhouseCoopers Award for Lifetime Achievement MICHAEL DELL, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Dell Computer Corporation Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce JOHN GAGE, Director, Science Office, Sun Microsystems Toshiba America Leadership Award for Education 1997 ANDREW GROVE, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Intel Corporation Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement FREDERICK HAUSHEER, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration IRWIN MARK JACOBS, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Qualcomm Inc. RAY LANE, General Partner, Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration J.D. Edwards Leadership Award for Collaborative Innovation TIM BERNERS-LEE, Inventor of the World Wide Web and Director, WWW Consortium, MIT BILL JOY, Chief Scientist & Co-Founder, Sun Microsystems MCI Leadership Award for Innovation STRATTON SCLAVOS, Chief Executive Officer, VeriSign Inc. Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce MCI WorldCom Leadership Award for Innovation Silicon Graphics/Cray Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science SEYMOUR PAPERT, LEGO Professor of Learning Research, MIT Media Lab J.D. Edwards Leadership Award for Collaborative Innovation NEC Leadership Award for Education CRAIG BARRETT, Chief Executive Officer, Intel Corporation HASSO PLATTNER, Co-founder, SAP AG Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration LINUS TORVALDS, Software Engineer, Transmeta Corporation, and Creator of Linux Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration 58 2001 ANDREAS BECHTOLSHIEM, Vice President of Gigabit Switching Group, Cisco Systems SCOTT MCNEALY, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2000 Ernst & Young Leadership Award for Global Integration BILL BASS, Senior Vice President, e-Commerce & International, Lands’ End eLoyalty Award for Leadership in the Relationship Revolution STEVE CASE, Chairman, AOL Time Warner Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 59 LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990 - 2005 1996 1994 1992 1990 GASTON CAPERTON, Former Governor of the State of West Virginia SEYMOUR CRAY, Founder, Cray Research KENNETH H. OLSEN, Founder, Digital Equipment Corporation H. ROSS PEROT, Founder, EDS Zenith Data Systems Leadership Award for Education VINTON CERF, Senior Vice President of Internet Architecture and Engineering, MCI MCI Leadership Award for Innovation MCI Leadership Award for Innovation LAWRENCE J. ELLISON, Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Oracle Corporation SAIC Leadership Award for Global Integration DAVID EVANS, Founder, Evans and Sutherland DOUGLAS ENGLEBART, President, Bootstrap Institute, Stanford University Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement ROBERT KAHN, Founder and President, Corporation for National Research Initiatives DAVID MCQUEEN, Professor, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University SAIC Leadership Award for Global Integration Cray Research Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science JOHN MCDONALD, Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology, Ohio State University INABETH MILLER, Vice President of Affiliate Programs, Curriculum Television Corporation Cray Research Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science Computerworld Smithsonian/C.E. Stone Foundation Leadership Award for Education DON STREDNEY, Senior Research Scientist, Ohio State University Cray Research Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science IVAN SUTHERLAND, Founder, Evans and Sutherland CHARLES PESKIN, Professor, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University Cray Research Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science MARC ANDREESEN, Co-founder, Netscape Communications Corporation SAIC Leadership Award for Global Integration C. GORDON BELL, Minicomputer Developer Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement WILLIAM R. HEWLETT, Co-founder, Hewlett-Packard Company MCI Leadership Award for Innovation J. ANDREW MCCAMMON, Pioneer in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of San Diego Cray Research Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science DAVID PACKARD, Co-founder, Hewlett-Packard Company Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement LINDA ROBERTS, Director, Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education Zenith Data Systems Leadership Award for Education 60 RONALD K. THORNTON, Director of the Center for Science and Mathematics Teaching, Tufts University Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement ROBERT TINKER, Developer of the Technical Education Research Center Siemen’s Leadership Award for Education Computerworld Smithsonian Leadership Award for Education THOMAS J. WATSON, JR., Chairman, IBM Corporation Price Waterhouse Award for Lifetime Achievement 1991 ERICH BLOCH, Distinguished Fellow, Council on Competitiveness MCI Leadership Award for Innovation GAIL MORSE, Christa McAuliffe Educator and Science Teacher, Zebulon Middle School Siemen’s Leadership Award for Education Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement 1995 MCI Leadership Award for Innovation 1993 ROBERT N. NOYCE, Co-founder, Fairchild and Intel Corporation Price Waterhouse Leadership Award for Lifetime Achievement SHARON MCCOY BELL, Director of the Information Technology Department, New Orleans Public School System Computerworld Smithsonian Leadership Award for Education ROBERT CHERVIN, Naval Postgraduate School Cray Research Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science WILLIAM H. GATES, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft Corporation Price Waterhouse Award for Lifetime Achievement R.E. TURNER, Founding Chairman and President, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. SAIC Leadership Award for Global Integration ALBERT SEMTNER, National Center for Atmospheric Research Cray Research Leadership Award for Breakthrough Science GORDON E. MOORE, Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation MCI Leadership Award for Innovation T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 61 T H E 21 S T C E N T U RY A C H I E V E M E N T AWA R D S THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM THE 2006 21ST CENTURY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS In April of 2006, thirty three CIO-level distinguished judges on ten panels — one panel for each of 10 industry categories — completed their review of the case studies submitted by the Computerworld Honors Program’s Laureates for the Class of 2006. Based on this review, they named 50 Finalists as guests of honor at ceremonies at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC, on June 5, 2006. At these ceremonies, the Computerworld Honors Program is proud to announce that following 10 Finalists are recipients of the program’s top honor to organizations: The Computerworld Honors Program’s 21st Century Achievement Award. BUSINESS & RELATED SERVICES MANUFACTURING BellSouth Corporation Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. for BellSouth Amber Alert Field Notification Nominated by Capgemini for Enterprise Data Warehouse Nominated by Deloitte EDUCATION & ACADEMIA NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG Columbia University School of Nursing MEDIA, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT for Archive 1780 Nominated by EMC for Nurse Practitioner PDAs Nominated by Sybase MEDICINE ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & AGRICULTURE for ORview Perioperative System Nominated by IBM U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for USGBC Boosts Green Building with LEED Online Certification Process Nominated by Adobe FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Chicago Stock Exchange for Grid Project Nominated by Oracle GOVERNMENT & NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Duke University Health System SCIENCE National Cancer Institute (NCI) for Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid, or caBIG™ Nominated by Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. TRANSPORTATION Zipcar for Car Sharing Nominated by Cingular Wireless New York City Police Department for Crime Data Warehouse Nominated by IBM 64 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM THE 2006 FINALISTS In April of 2006, thirty three CIO-level distinguished judges on ten panels — one panel for each of 10 industry categories — completed their review of the case studies submitted by the Computerworld Honors Program’s Laureates for the Class of 2006. Based on this review, they named these 50 Finalists as guests of honor at ceremonies at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC, on June 5, 2006. FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE MANUFACTURING The Bank of New York Belkin for TPC Data Center Consolidation Project for Belkin Moves to Consolidated SAN and Migrates to Exchange Nominated by EMC Chicago Stock Exchange Nominated by EMC for Grid Project Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. Nominated by Oracle for Enterprise Data Warehouse BUSINESS & RELATED SERVICES Florida State University BellSouth Corporation for Student Information Management System Fidelity Investments for BellSouth Amber Alert Field Notification Nominated by Business Objects for Financial Search Gates Corportaion Nominated by Keane for SCI (pronounced Sky) Nominated by Capgemini Nominated by Deloitte Globe Telecom (Gcash) New York City Department of Education for G-Cash for Project Connect for Virtualized Automation Hologic, Inc. Nominated by EMC Nominated by IBM Nominated by Sybase for One Hologic Implementing Oracle Savi ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & AGRICULTURE The Hanover Insurance Group for EchoPoint RFID-Data Collection / SmartChain Nominated by Morgan Stanley UPEK, Inc. for Protector Suite Family of Applications and Touch Chip and Touch Strip Silicon Fingerprint Sensors Nominated by Morgan Stanley VMWare Bureau Veritas/Berryman & Henigar for Palomar Energy Project Nominated by Oracle for Agent Enhancement Projects Sun Microsystems Nominated by Keane for Field Service GOVERNMENT & NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Nominated by Cingular Wireless MEDIA, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Amber Alert AOL Electrical Safety Authority of Ontario for Amber Alert Portal for Live 8 Nominated by BMC Nominated by Hewlett Packard for Fieldworker Enterprise Network for Good Discovery Communications, Inc. for Gulf Coast Hurricane and Tsunami Efforts for Discovery Education Project Nominated by AOL Nominated by Extreme Networks New York City Police Department NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG for Crime Data Warehouse for Archive 1780 Nominated by IBM Nominated by EMC Province of British Columbia Sirius Satellite Radio for Large-Scale Transformation Success for Satellite Broadcast System Nominated by Cisco Nominated by Morgan Stanley U.S. Air Force The Weather Channel Interactive for Global Combat Support System for Disaster Recovery Expansion Nominated by IBM Nominated by Verizon Nominated by Sybase Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Nominated by Morgan Stanley for Disaster Monitoring Constellation EDUCATION & ACADEMIA Nominated by Cisco Clovis Unfied School District U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Nominated by IBM Nominated by Microsoft Nominated by Adobe for Virtualization of the Computing Platform for Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone Learning (AAAL) JP Morgan Chase for USGBC Boosts Green Building with LEED Online Certification Process Columbia University School of Nursing Nominated by Adobe for Nurse Practitioner PDAs for Reporting consolidation Nominated by Sybase Nominated by Information Builders Valero Energy Corporation Duke University Health System for Computerized Physician Order Entry Nominated by IBM 66 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 67 THE 2006 FINALISTS MEDICINE TRANSPORTATION Duke University Health System Metro St. Louis for ORview Perioperative System for Predictive Monitoring Nominated by IBM Nominated by Accenture Gold Standard and Informed Decisions Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. for - Online Prescription Records Access for Hurricane Katrina Evacuees Nominated by EMC for Information Lifecycle Management Nominated by VeriSign SISCOG Molecular Profiling Institute Nominated by Deloitte for Clinical Decision Intelligence for Cancer Patients Volvo Cars Belgium Nominated by IBM for CREWS for XDMS Implementation Nominated by Progress Software Oklahoma Heart Hospital for Oklahoma Heart Hospital Goes All-Digital Nominated by BMC Zipcar for Car Sharing Nominated by Cingular Wireless UNC Healthcare THE 21ST CENTURY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989 - 2005 The following Computerworld Honors Program Laureates were first selected by the Program’s thirty three distinguished judges as Finalists, and then chosen for further recognition as recipients of the Program’s 21st Century Achievement Award. From 1990 until 2001, their case studies were archived by both the Computerworld Honors Program and the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C., a part of the Smithsonian Institution. Finalists selected for further recognition during that first decade of the Honors program were designated as recipients of Computerworld Smithsonian Awards. With the new millennium, Laureates’ case studies become part of the broader, worldwide collection archived on the world wide web and also presented, in a variety of formats, to archives, museums, universities and libraries in each of the more than 40 countries on six continents represented by the Program’s Laureates. for Web Clinical Information System (WebCIS) Nominated by IBM BUSINESS & RELATED SERVICES SCIENCE 2005 Foundation ASTRON Customer Information Infrastructure for LOFAR 2004 Nominated by IBM Exostar Institute of Training Science and Sport Informatics 1996 Wireless & Satellite Networks Silent Runner, Inc. 2002 Silent Runner, Inc. 2001 for Advanced Simulation and Computation Sendmail, Inc. Nominated by IBM Internet Platform for e-Communications Applications 2000 eBay Online Auction 1999 Nominated by Booz Allen Federal Express National Geographic Society 1998 for The Genographic Project Nominated by IBM T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM United Parcel Service (UPS) 2003 Nominated by IBM for Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid, or caBIG™ The Johns Hopkins Electronic Patient Record Networking into the Millennium Zamora Hot City National Cancer Institute (NCI) The Johns Hopkins Health System & The Johns Hopkins Medicine Center for Information Services Securing Military-Grade Collaboration Platform for Technology Enables University Intellectual Capital Management Lawrence Livermore National Labs 68 Acxiom Corporation 1997 Internet Ship, Inc. Website Custom Clothing Technology Corporation / Levi Strauss & Co. Personal Pair Program 1995 MCI Telecommunications networkMCI SmartPop 1994 Mervyn’s, Inc. Retail Inventory Management Systems 1993 McKesson Drug Company Acumax 1992 Kmart Corporation KIN II 1991 Frito-Lay, Inc. Hand-held Computer Application T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 69 THE 21ST CENTURY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989 - 2005 1990 1994 1998 2001 Berkeley Systems University of California, Los Angeles U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Oatfield Estates outSPOKEN Rebuild Los Angeles Envirofacts Warehouse on the Internet Elite Care Assisted Living Units 1989 1993 1997 2000 Bell and Howell Company Center for Applied Special Technology The Peregrine Fund Proton World International, Belgium The Image Search Plus System Gateway Programs The Harpy Eagle Conservation Program Electronic Purse System 1992 1996 Ohio’s Center of Science and Industry Farmland Industries, Inc. Nationwide Building Society, United Kingdom 2005 Mission to Mars AgInfo Geographic Information System Iris Recognition Australian Government, Department of Defence 1991 1995 Learning Management System 1999 The Lab School of Washington Consortium for International Earth Science Multimodal Interactive Stories Information Network (CIESIN) Mastercard 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Sapient 1990 CIESIN’s Gateway The JASON Foundation for Education 1994 OpenCourseWare (MIT OCW) The JASON Project The Nature Conservancy 2003 1989 The Natural Heritage Network Michigan State University Orangeburg School District 5 1993 LON-CAPA Courseware System Teaching Students to Become Adept at Using the School Systems’ Computers Environmental Resources Information System EDUCATION & ACADEMIA 2002 African Virtual University The African Virtual University 2001 ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & AGRICULTURE Environmental Resources Information Network 1992 Wilderness Society Endangered Ecosystems Mapping Project Secure Global Electronic Commerce 1998 Fannie Mae and Finet Holdings Corp. Internet-Enabled Homeownership 1997 Flagstar Bank, FSB LIVE (Lenders Interactive Video Exchange) 1996 First National Bank (FNB) South Africa Limited Finger/Hand Print Recognition for Electronic Banking 1995 2005 1991 Augmentative & Alternative Means of Communication (AAC) & Assistive Technology (AT) Applications Broward County Environmental Protection Department, Florida Research Alternatives, Inc. 2000 Creation of a New Mobile Inspection and Monitoring System 1990 The Early Childhood Technology Literacy 2004 ARC/INFO 1999 Wildlife Center of Virginia (NASD) Distributed Association Member Support 1989 1993 The Bridge School Montgomery County Public Schools Emergency Information System Environmental Systems Research Institute New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Integrated Technology Plan 1994 National Association of Securities Dealers MaMa Media, Inc. Online Teaching and Training Programs MaMaMedia Internet-centered Products for Young Children and Their Families 2003 1998 Earth Simulator Project FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE JASON Foundation for Education 2002 2005 The JASON Project Rhinowatch Sprint 1997 First-Ever Full Census of the White Rhino Industry Solutions Susan Abdulezer 2001 2004 The Virtual Alphabet Book Walker County Public Schools Depository Trust and Clearing Corp 1996 Eco-Connections Environmental Studies Program RDC Rollout New York City Public School for the Deaf 2000 1990 2003 Street Signs: A City Kids Guide to American Sign Language Department of Primary Industry & Fisheries, Australia Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange USA Patriot Act Compliance Solution 1995 Weeds Mapping & Management System 1989 University of California, Los Angeles 2002 1999 Fidelity Investments The UCLA Science Challenge National Weather Service Cigna HealthCare Earth Simulator Center Weather Interactive Processing Systems (AWIPS) Sierra/Misco, Inc. Passaic River Basin Early Flood Warning System Johnson and Higgins J&H Info/Edge 1992 American Express Company Worldwide Credit Authorization Risk Management System 1991 Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication SWIFT Telecommunication Network SOFFEX FIX and FAST Transformation HDFC Bank Ltd Unified Enterprise Management 70 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 71 THE 21ST CENTURY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989 - 2005 GOVERNMENT & NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 2005 Aidmatrix Global Relief Network 2004 City of Cape Town SAP ERP Implementation Program – Project Ukuntinga 2003 Network for Good Network for Good 2003 CyberSoft VEDOP, the Electronic Tax Filing System in Turkey 2002 Oklahoma State Department of Human Services Oklahoma e-CHILDCARE 2001 America’s Second Harvest Web-based Tracking System 2000 Independent Electoral Commission, South Africa Electoral Operations 1999 Lucent Technologies 911 Database 1998 Focus: HOPE Center for Advanced Technologies 1997 Massachusetts Department of Revenue Telefile & Imaging: Revolutionary Tax Processing 1996 Mercy Ships Crew and Donor Management System 1995 Norwegian Police Data Processing Services Police Operations Support (POS) System 1994 Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Environmental Protection Integrated Computer System (EPICS) 72 1993 1998 2002 Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Genentech, Inc. MaMaMedia Inc. Final Purification Expansion The MaMaMedia Peace Project Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting & Match System (AFIRM) 1997 2001 Buckman Laboratories, Inc. The Jim Henson Creature Shop 1992 Knowledge Sharing Henson Digital Performance Studio Georgia Institute of Technology 1996 2000 Parametric Technology Corporation Real Networks Pro/ENGINEER Fully Associative, Feature-Based Parametric Solid Modeling Technology Internet Media Innovations Bay Area Coalition for Employment of Persons with Disabilities 1995 Starbrite Foundation Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, 777 Division Starbrite World 1990 Computing and the Boeing Design Ministry of Interior, Thailand 1998 1994 P.S. 41, Brooklyn, NY Convex Computer Corporation Kid Witness News 1989 Integrated Business Applications BI Incorporated 1997 1993 Rock the Vote United Technologies Corporation, Sikorsky Aircraft 1-800-REGISTER University of Illinois, Chicago Computer Integrated Manufacturing Planning and Control The Missing Children Project 1996 1992 Aeroquip Corporation Pixar Animation Studios/Walt Disney Feature Animation Quote Buildup “Toy Story” 1991 1995 Raychem Advanter Log Tracking System America Online Technology Automated Manufacturing of Aluminum Adapters Network Communications and Systems Programming 2004 1990 Kirchner Corporation 1994 The Lubrizol Corporation Extended Distribution System with Mobile PDAs Offering Both Off-line and Real-time Wireless Capabilities Industrial Light and Magic AI System Generates and Distributes MSDS’s Special Effects and Computer Graphics in “Jurassic Park” 2003 1989 1993 University of Iowa Center for Simulation and Design The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Optimization of Mechanical Systems 1992 Centennial Olympic Games Proposal 1996 1991 De Anza College Integrated Population Demographics System Electronic Monitoring Devices MANUFACTURING 2005 Cambium Forstbetriebe GE Silicones Global ERP Transformation 2002 1999 Multi-Media Interactive System Avid Technology, Inc. Agilent Technologies MEDIA, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT “One I.T.” 2005 2001 Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. NTT DoCoMo, Japan Optimizing Digital Media i-mode Mobile Internet Service 2004 2000 Apple Computer Danfoss Drives, Denmark Fully Automated Document Factory Reshaping the Global Music Industry Through the Introduction of its iPod and iTunes Music Store 1990 1999 2003 Georg Lingenbrink GMBH & Co. (Libri), Germany E! Networks MusicMaker Books on Demand T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Digital Asset Information System (DAISY) Avid Media Composer The MIT Media Laboratory Synthetic Performers 1991 The Tenderloin Times Computers Produce Four-language Newspaper Personics Corporation 1989 Uplinger Enterprises Live Aid T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 73 THE 21ST CENTURY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989 - 2005 MEDICINE 1993 1997 2001 2005 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute OnStar 1992 Center for the Analysis and Prediction of Storms and The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Integrated Surgical Systems, Inc. Severe Storm Forecasting Delta Air Lines ROBODOC Surgical Assistant™ 1996 Delta Technology Customer Care System 1991 Center for Light Microscope Imaging & Biotechnology 1999 Imaging Technology Northern Lights Health Region Health Care ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ 2004 United Devices For Smallpox Research Grid Project 2003 Adaptive Current Tomography (ACT) The Joint Center for Radiation Therapy & Stereotactic Radiosurgery Virtual Advisor 2000 Continental Airlines XKnife, The Stereotactic Radiosurgery Program 1995 Commercial Use of LADGPS (Local Area Differential Globe Positioning System) 1990 Fox Chase Cancer Center 1998 Purdue University Cooperative Human Linkage Center Supercomputing Solves the Structure of a Virus 1994 Science Applications International Corporation The Integration of Gene-based Drug Discovery Projects with Financial Processes 1989 Los Alamos National Laboratory Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System (VACIS) LC Technologies, Inc. Parallel Ocean Program (POP) 1997 2002 The Eyegaze Computer 1993 Hong Kong International Terminals Limited The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Productivity Plus Program (3P) Supercomputer Simulation of Enzyme DNA Interaction 1996 2005 1992 General Motors Corporation European Southern Observatory Stanford Medical School OnStar Patient Management Network Data Flow System of the European Southern Observatory 1995 2000 2004 The Human Genome Project, The GenBank Computer Resource Virginia Tech 1992 Forward-Looking Windshear Weather Radar System Developing a 2,200 Processor Supercomputer Created with a Cluster of 1,100 Apple Macintosh G5 computers Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1994 University Supercomputing Centers QUALCOMM Incorporated 2003 1991 OmniTRACS Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) NeXT Computer, Inc. 1993 Atmospheric Research “Zilla” (Community Supercomputer) Baystate Shippers, Inc. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Surgical Planning Laboratory 3-D Surgical Planning Visualization 2003 Lexicon Genetics Incorporated Bristol-Myers Squibb SMART-IDEA Project 2001 Medtronic The National Marrow Donor Program STAR - Search Tracking & Registry ® 1999 Pfizer Clinical Trials Data Management 1998 Maimonides Medical Center SCIENCE 2002 AlliedSignal, Inc. COMMAND System U.C. Berkeley TRANSPORTATION SETI@home Project 2005 2001 OnStar Quality Care Tracking Project CERN, Switzerland Advanced Automatic Crash Notification (AACN) 1991 United States Environmental Protection Agency Datawarehouse 2004 United Parcel Service 2000 International Shipments Processing System (ISPS) Hawkes Ocean Technologies (HOT) California Department of Transportation, District 4 Maintenance Deep Flight Project Bay Area Incident Response System (BAIRS) Federal Express Corporation 1999 Southwest Airlines COSMOS II Positive Tracking System CTI, Inc. Supply Chain Optimization Project 1989 Radioscope Delivery Systems 2003 American Airlines 1998 American Express Corporate Travel Solutions SABRE Reservation Service University of California, Berkeley’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Program TravelBahn Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emission from Nearby Developed Intelligent Population (SERENDIP) Project Integrated Health Care Delivery Solution 1997 InterMountain Health Care Supercomputer Simulations of the Human Lung 1996 Texas Department of Health (TDH)Immunization Division ImmTrac: A Statewide Immunization Tracking System 1995 PharMark Corporation RationalMed® 1994 Veterans Administration Medical Center 1992 Federal Express Corporation Ramp Management Advisor System (RMAS) 1990 2002 Functional Electrical Stimulation 74 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 75 THE 2006 PROGRAM JUDGES L AU R E AT E S 2006 Each of the Computerworld Honors Program’s ten award categories is judged by a separate panel. All thirty three executive IT management-level judges are selected based on achievement of high distinction in their relevant field. Panels include a wide range of executive IT management experience in diverse industries and include chief information officers, vice presidents of information technology, deans of institutions of higher learning and industry journalists. BUSINESS & RELATED SERVICES Tony Fuller Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Rent-A-Center Jerry McElhatton CEO, Virtual Resources Enzo Micali Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer, 1-800-Flowers Rick Peltz Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Marcus & Milichap EDUCATION & ACADEMIA Dennis Anderson, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Pace University Joanne Kossuth Chief Information Officer, Franklin W Olin College of Engineering Earl Monsour Director, Strategic Information Technology, Maricopa County Community College District ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & AGRICULTURE Andres Carvallo Chief Information Officer, Austin Energy Annette Digby Dean of Education, CUNY Lehman Tom Halbouty Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Pioneer Natural Resources Mike Twohig Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Clean Harbors Environmental Services MANUFACTURING Joe Puglisi Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Emcor Bob Schwartz Chief Information Officer, Panasonic MEDIA, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Yuri Aguiar Senior Partner and CTO, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide Wendell Fox Sr. Vice President, IR NA Lodging Field Services, Marriott International Andre Mendes Chief Technology Integration Officer, PBS MEDICINE David Dully CTO, Baptist Health Frank Enfanto Vice President - Healthcare Systems Delivery, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Richard Gius Sr. Vice President - Enterprise IT, Cardinal Health Dennis L’Heureux Chief Information Officer, Rockford Health System Julia King Executive Editor, Computerworld SCIENCE Cora Carmody Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer, SAIC Jan Rideout FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Jerry Bartlett Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Chief Information Officer, TD Ameritrade Futurist and Director, IT Leadership Academy Raymond Karrenbauer CTO and Group Chief Architect, ING Insurance Americas Shelley McIntyre Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Equities, Individual Markets and Corporate Systems, The Guardian Life Insurance Company Azam Mirza Vice President, Global Software, Reinsurance Group of America GOVERNMENT & NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Nida Davis Thornton May TRANSPORTATION Patrick Wise Vice President, Advanced Technology, Landstar Thornton May Futurist and Director, IT Leadership Academy Kay Palmer Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, JB Hunt Federal Reserve Information Technology Sr. Vice President and Chief Architect Nancy Mullholland Deputy Executive Director and Chief Information Officer, NY State Worker’s Compensation Board Don Tennant Vice President, Editor in Chief, Computerworld 76 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM L AU R E AT E S 2006 BUSINESS AND RELATED SERVICES LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 BUSINESS AND RELATED SERVICES BUSINESS AND RELATED SERVICES ALLBRÖD AB Lindome, Sweden Mobile CRM ASPIRE and new networks to create value and enhance business performance. Avaya’s existence as a standalone company began Oct. 2, 2000, when it was spun off from Lucent Technologies and began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AV. For more than a century prior to that day, Avaya was a part of Western Electric, ATT, and Lucent. BELLSOUTH CORPORATION What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Many IT organizations, if successful, do not stand out. Rather, they integrate with the business’ they support, functioning quietly, without fanfare. The IT group supporting Avaya Global Services has consisted of largely the same small group of people for its entire wireless life. This group has provided solid, creative, and leading edge wireless solutions with minimal recognition over the years. The CW Honors Program will provide industry wide recognition of their talent, dedication, and ingenuity. BONHAMS Doha, Qatar Networking a Sports Authority in the Middle East Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. ASPIRE is Qatar’s visionary Sports Academy, which launched its academic curriculum in September 2004. The Academy will discover the best young sporting talents from the region and around the world, and make them world class. With state-of-the-art facilities and world-class sports programs, it will turn hopefuls into winners at the highest levels of international competition. The Academy also integrates this training with an intensive, comprehensive intellectual education, giving them all the support they need to succeed. Services: State-of-the-art facilities abiding by international standards; An outstanding educational institution for sports athletes; Scholarships & grants to less privileged athletes in developing countries; Short-term camp training options during the summer and winter breaks What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? ASPIRE has been in the news many times in recognition of the technological achievements it achieved in the past two years. But being recognized on an international level in such a prestigious award is an honor to all of us in the IT team who worked hard to get to this point. AT&T MESSAGING San Antonio, Texas, USA Next Generation Unified Messaging Services AVAYA Mellville, New York, USA Technician Work Bench Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Avaya enables businesses to achieve superior results by designing, building and managing their communications networks. Focused on enterprises small to large, Avaya is a world leader in secure and reliable IP telephony systems, communications software applications and full life-cycle services. Driving the convergence of voice and data communications with business applications - and distinguished by comprehensive worldwide services - Avaya helps customers leverage existing 80 AXIOM SOFTWARE LABORATORIES, INC, New York, New York, USA IntegrationCenter / Basel-II Solution Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Since 1991 Axiom Software Laboratories has been a leading provider of advanced Enterprise Data Management, Risk Management and Regulatory Reporting solutions for financial institutions, asset managers, corporations, energy and commodity trading firms. We service some of the largest global firms in Europe, the Americas and Asia like UBS, CALYON, RBC, ABN AMRO, EUROCLEAR, etc. Axiom SL solutions provide state of the art multi-tier architecture, highperformance, flexibility, scalability and easily integrate into any client’s heterogeneous environment. Axiom SL’s technology and people have a proven track record of cost-efficient and quick implementations. With multiple offices around the world Axiom SL provides global support, consulting and ASP services. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is an honor to be part of the Computerworld community and to be recognized by the most serious group of computer professionals and industry experts. We believe that Computerworld mission serves to the benefit of the world humanity. T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Atlanta, Georgia, USA BellSouth Amber Alert Field Notification London, Great Britain Bonhams’ Auction Management System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Bonhams, founded in 1793, is one of the world’s oldest and largest auctioneers of fine art and antiques. The present company was formed by the merger in November 2001 of Bonhams & Brooks and Phillips Son and Neale UK. In August 2002, the company acquired Butterfields, the principal firm of auctioneers on the West Coast of America and in August 2003, Goodmans, a leading Australian fine art and antiques auctioneer with salerooms in Sydney and Adelaide, joined the Bonhams Group of Companies. Today, Bonhams is the third largest and fastest growing auction house in the world with a global network of offices and regional representatives providing sales advice and valuation services in twenty countries. It offers more sales than any of its rivals, through two major salerooms in London: New Bond Street, and Knightsbridge, and a further ten throughout the UK. Sales are also held in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Boston in the USA; and Switzerland, Monaco, and Australia. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Most recipients of IT awards are the companies established and trading within the IT world. For a non-technological company, trading in one of the oldest professions, established over 200 years ago, to be part of such a program makes us proud of our achievements in pushing the performance envelope of the most modern technology in a truly cost effective way. BURT’S BEES Morrisville, North Carolina, USA Honeycomb - A Web-Based Business Intelligence Dashboard Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Burt’s Bees was founded by Roxanne Quimby, an out-of-work waitress, and Burt, an ex-photojournalist and beekeeper who sold quarts of honey out of his pickup truck. Though a long way from the cabin in the Maine north woods where the company was started, today Burt’s Bees still offers a variety of personal care products utilizing the most environmentally friendly and sustainable ingredients and packaging systems available in the market today. The ingredients and packaging choices reflect a careful consideration of the impact the company’s activities will have on the environment and the overall health and well-being of all living things on Earth. Burt’s Bees sets an example and sends the message that successful businesses are built on long-term, enduring values that have and will continue to stand the test of time. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It has been an honor to be nominated for the Computerworld Honors Program and participate in the case study submission process. Previous winners are very prestigious and Constant Contact is honored just to be a part of the 2006 Program. Being a nominee gives us the opportunity to showcase our award-winning technology in the hope that we can assist more people grow their businesses with email marketing, an easy and cost-effective tool that is invaluable for today’s small business. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Computerworld is one of more than a dozen trade publications I currently receive. I have continued to subscribe to it for 20 years now because it earns my attention in nearly every issue. Computerworld sets itself apart from the rest because of its range of coverage, independence, and relevant issues. It is a highly respected, trusted, and valued source of information about our industry. CORE SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES CERTIPATH CRISIS CARE NETWORK Herndon, Virginia, USA First Commercial PKI Bridge Between Government and Industry CHUNGHWA TELECOM CO., LTD Taipei, Taiwan CHT-1288 Operator Assisted Yellow Page System CONSTANT CONTACT Waltham, Massachusetts, USA Constant Contact Do-It-Yourself Email Marketing Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Constant Contact® was incorporated as Roving Software in 1995 and launched in 1998 with four employees working out of an attic in Brookline, MA. Founded on the premise that web-based email marketing services would help small businesses forge lasting relationships with customers, the company faced early funding challenges, slow product development and significant obstacles to adoption. Gail Goodman joined the company in 1999 and within a year raised more than $21 million in funding, doubled the number of employees and launched the company’s first product, a permission-based email tool. In 2000 the company launched a B2B ASP email service. In May 2001 the company signed its 100th customer. Today that number stands at 50,000 users. Boston, Massachusetts, USA CORE IMPACT Grandville, Michigan, USA CrisisCoach - Disaster Response Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Crisis Care Network is the leading supplier of critical incident response services to the EAP, Disability Management and Employer markets. Founded by its current CEO, Lyle Labardee, in 1997 Crisis Care Network equips organizations with the training, consultation and resources to mitigate the human impact of critical incidents such as catastrophic accidents, natural disasters, workplace violence and corporate downsizings. Crisis Care Network was acquired by LifeOptions Group, Inc. in June of 2004. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We are pleased that Adobe/Macromedia nominated CrisisCoach for the Computerworld Honors Program, and it is our hope that the potential recognition provided by this program will help us to promote the importance, indeed the necessity, of adequate preparation in advance of major disasters (not only for the physical needs of those impacted, but for their psychological and mental health needs as well). DEMANDTEC, INC. San Carlos, California, USA DemandTec Family of Products Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Breakthroughs in Demand Science DemandTec’s co-founders, Mike Neal and Dr. Hau Lee, had previously joined forces in the formation of Evant (formally Nonstop Solutions), a successful demand-chain optimization provider. Dr. Lee is a world-renowned expert in supply-chain management who first defined CDM while as a professor at Stanford. Mr. Neal’s extensive experience in retailing systems has focused on assortment optimization and defining Activity-Based Costing (ABC) to determine the fully-loaded costs of retail items. Early in 1999, Mr. Neal and Dr. Lee assembled a team of demand science experts to the task of creating a practical methodology for solving the elusive nature of consumer demand. At its core, the challenge was to “crack the code” of demand at its basic level, describing each individual retail item with a series of clean, highly-relevant demand curves that accurately defined price elasticity. DemandTec’s mastery of demand science came on the heels of several major breakthroughs that contributed to its 19 unique patents pending. Chief among them was a unique application of Bayesian Inference to POS data as a way to finally solve the vexing problem of calculating unique elasticities for items where the historical data are sparse. The team also abandoned the simplifying assumption of earlier systems that assume demand is linear; not only is demand for an item nonlinear, each item is affected by the cross-elasticity pressures of complementary, substitutive and competitive items. The only way to accurately predict demand is to calculate the effects of merchandising decisions on every item in every store, across all categories, zones and areas - a massive undertaking that pushes the limits of large-scale computing. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being a part of the Computerworld Honors program would be a great honor for DemandTec since we are leading the revolution in consumer demand management (CDM)softwarwe and making it easier for our customers to deploy software that strategically helps them meet their business objectives. E TEAM Kissimmee, Florida, USA Emergency Management and Reporting System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Launched in 1998 by NC4 Public Sector, E Team is the leading incident management software for government agencies, nonprofit organizations and companies in healthcare, energy and other critical infrastructure sectors. Powerful E Team situational awareness, interoperability and management capabilities enable organizations to more effectively direct planned and unplanned emergencies, events and disasters; daily operational activities; and preparedness and training exercises. Easy to implement, use, and scale, the E Team solution has the most proven experience manag- T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 81 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 BUSINESS AND RELATED SERVICES BUSINESS AND RELATED SERVICES ing major emergencies and prominent events such as New York City’s response to 9/11; hurricanes Charley, Frances and Ivan; the tsunami disaster; 2003 Northeast Blackout; Arizona and California wildfires; Salt Lake City and Athens Olympics; three Super Bowls; 2004 Democratic and Republican National Conventions; 2004 G8 Summit; and 2005 Presidential Inauguration. E Team supports interoperability standards and is a founding member of the Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC). Our solution was designed with interoperability and collaboration as part of its core functionality, putting all the key players involved in a response in the best position to protect lives and property. To remain at the forefront of the industry, NC4 Public Sector has a staff of certified Emergency Managers, and frequently upgrades the E Team software based on lessons learned in the field. Additionally, we have forged powerful alliances with leading technology providers including ESRI, SAIC, IBM, and others. NC4 Public Sector’s headquarters are in Irvine, CA, with sales and support locations located throughout the United States. EASTERN MOUNTAIN SPORTS Peterborough, New Hampshire, USA Merchandising Dashboard Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Founded in 1967 by two rock climbers, EMS has grown into one of the nation’s leading outdoor specialty retailers, with more than 80 retail stores in 16 states, a seasonal magazine/catalogue, and a formidable online presence. The privately held company designs, produces and sells a wide variety of gear and clothing for outdoor enthusiasts, from backpacks and insulated parkas to cycling gear and summer shorts. Please visit for more information. GLOBE TELECOM Mandaluyong City, Phillipines G-CASH GSD&M ADVERTISING INTERVOICE MCAFEE, INC. Dallas, Texas, USA Sunnyvale, California, USA Austin, Texas, USA AIM AOL & McAfee: A Partnership for a Safe Online Experience IT in Idea City Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. GSD&M was founded in 1971 by six college students, none of whom had ever worked in advertising before. That entrepreneurial spirit is still very much a part of the way we conduct business. Account teams are given wide responsibility to create ways to improve client’s businesses. From our humble beginnings, we have grown into a nationally acclaimed agency of 750 people, with 2005 billings of $1.25 billion, representing some of the country’s best-loved brands. GSD&M’s success has been based on the idea of growing as our clients grow. Southwest Airlines was a regional upstart when GSD&M teamed with them. They are now the largest U.S. air carrier and the most consistently profitable airline in the history of aviation. Their ad recall among consumers ranks above all other airlines. Similarly, GSD&M started with Wal-Mart when they were a chain of 1,200, mostly in small towns. Today they are the world’s largest retailer. The key to growing clients-businesses is our ability to totally immerse ourselves in the brands--to understand those brands on many levels and to be able to translate even the deepest values of our clients in ways that are powerful, relevant and meaningful to consumers. Our goal is not to create ads, but to be a visionary idea company that helps take our partners farther than they thought they could go, faster than they thought possible. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We are humbled and honored that of the many companies that Dell parteners up with that they recognized our effective use of technology and that they felt we were worthy of being nominated for inclusion into such a distinguished community of IT professionals. HITACHI CONSULTING Dallas, Texas, USA GLOBE TELECOM Mandaluyong City, Phillipines AutoLoadMAX High Performance VoIP, Videoconferencing, and Web Applications HYDRO-QUEBEC Montreal, Canada Project SIC 82 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Intervoice, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTV) provides leading enterprises and network operators with the platform, software, applications and services necessary to optimize the customer experience through voice automation solutions. Omvia®, the open, standards-based Intervoice product suite, offers unparalleled flexibility for advanced multi-media messaging, portal, IVR and payment applications. The Company’s two market units focus on enterprise and network markets, providing solutions that improve operational efficiencies, drive revenue and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Building on more than 20 years of systems integration and service delivery experience, the Professional Services Agility Suite from Intervoice is designed to provide proven best practices toward design, implementation, and optimization of voice applications. Intervoice systems have been proven in more than 23,000 implementations worldwide at companies across a variety of industries including: Ameritrade, Amtrak, Atmos Energy, Citibank, CSX Transportation, MasterCard, O2, Rogers Wireless, SBC, Travelocity, Verizon and Vodafone. A Microsoft Certified Partner and Certified Partner for Learning Solutions, Intervoice is headquartered in Dallas with offices in Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa and Asia-Pacific. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being a part of this program reiterates Intervoice’s commitment to being in the forefront of technology and endorses our vision of shaping the future by transforming the way people and information connect. MANPOWER, INC. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA IT Governance MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC. Washington, DC, USA Marriott International Integrated Global Reservations System and Web Presence Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. McAfee® is the largest dedicated security company in the world, and we proactively secure systems and networks from known and unknown threats. Home users, businesses, service providers, government agencies, and our partners all trust McAfee’s unmatched security expertise, and have confidence in our comprehensive, integrated, and proven solutions to effectively block attacks and prevent disruptions. Headquarters Santa Clara, California, United States Web Site Financial Information Founded: 1989 Employees: Approximately 3,400 Ticker: NYSE: MFE Management Chairman and CEO: George Samenuk President: Kevin Weiss CFO and COO: Eric Brown CTO and EVP: Christopher Bolin What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We are honored to submit for this prestigious award. Thank you for your consideration. ON SEMICONDUCTOR Phoenix, Arizona, USA ON Semiconductor PERCEPTIVE SOFTWARE, INC. compression on DOS, Windows, UNIX, Linux, iSeries, zSeries, and other platforms. In 2001, PKWARE extended the .ZIP file format to include the ability to add strong authentication and encryption to ZIP archives, making it possible for end-users to not only compress files into a “container” for efficient transmission and storage, but to also secure that container to prevent unauthorized access and modification to the contents. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being a part of the Computerworld Honors Program for PKWARE means being recognized by one of technology world’s leading publications for excellence in the field of data security. PROBUSINESS Pleasanton, California, USA Securing Critical Client Data and Applications Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. ProBusiness is a division of ADP National Account Services. ADP National Account Services designs advanced, flexible solutions, to match the needs of large employers and meet the challenges of a changing environment. When you outsource with ADP, you gain access to the knowledge base of a proven leader in Human Resources, Benefits, and Payroll. ADP’s solution-oriented approach lets you concentrate on your core strategic initiatives, confident in the knowledge that you’ll be empowered with best-in-class outsourcing. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Shawnee, Kansas, USA SALESFORCE.COM ImageNow San Francisco, California, USA Salesforce Automation PKWARE Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA SAVI PKWARE Family of Compression and Security Products Sunnyvale, California, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. PKWARE, Inc. is the creator and continuing innovator of the ZIP standard for data compression and security, and markets its products under the SecureZIP and PKZIP brands. Since its founding in 1986, PKWARE’s mission has been to develop and extend the ZIP standard to meet end-user and enterprise needs for compressing files for efficient storage and transmission. The .ZIP file format is now used by millions of users around the world. PKWARE introduced PKZIP in 1989, which quickly set the standard for EchoPoint RFID-Data Collection/SmartChain Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. With more than 15 years experience, Savi Technology is a leading provider of active RFID solutions for the management of supply chain assets, shipments and consignments. Savi’s networked active RFID solutions track shipments for government and commercial organizations around the world. Savi Technology’s integrated RFID hardware and software solutions drive business value, enabling customers to reduce their supply chain assets, inventory and operational costs. Founded in 1989, Savi Technology is privately held, with headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif., and offices in Washington D.C., London, Singapore, Johannesburg, and Melbourne. For more information, visit SIEMENS BUSINESS SERVICES Canton, Massachusetts, USA Mobile Enterprise IT Services Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Siemens was started in Germany in the late 1800’s. Today Siemens is one of the leading organizations in the world with revenues of $85b and an employee base of 450,000 world wide. Siemens is highly divesified with business functions in Power Generation, Light Rail Trains, Automotive Electronics, Lighting, Building Automation, Telecommunications, Medical and IT Outsourcing. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? I consider it a honor for Siemens to be considered for the Computerworld Honors Program. SYBASE IANYWHERE Dublin, California, USA AvantGo Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. For more than 20 years, Sybase has been a leader in developing and expanding innovative database technology for emerging markets. Since our founding in a Berkeley, California garage in 1984, we have earned the trust of many of the world’s leading companies for our ability to manage information and deliver unsurpassed levels of data reliability and security. With a loyal, global customer base (80 of the Fortune 100 use Sybase technology) and a leading presence in key vertical markets including financial services, telecommunications, healthcare and government, Sybase is enabling customers of all sizes to realize the “Unwired Enterprise”-where information flows freely and securely within an organization, whether workers conduct business inside the office or on the road. Today, Sybase is the largest global enterprise software company exclusively focused on managing and mobilizing information from the data center to the point of action. Our open, cross-platform solutions securely deliver information anytime, anywhere, enabling customers to create an information edge. With Sybase software solutions, customers can optimize and enhance the investments they already own, link together the valuable data resources already in place, and extend the reach of business-critical information to users on the front lines-giving them a financial, agility and productivity edge across all areas of their business. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 83 LAUREATES 2006 BUSINESS AND RELATED SERVICES What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Sybase has been a sponsor of the Computerworld Honors Program since 1991 and have nominated hundreds of our customers for this prestigious award. We are honored to be nominated. UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Business Intelligence Systems Implementation Through Digital Dashboards Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The University of Pittsburgh was founded in 1787 as a small private school in a log cabin near Pittsburgh’s three rivers. It has evolved into an internationally-recognized center of learning and research. The University is comprised by five campuses with eighteen undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools serving more than 32,000 students. Computing Services and Systems Development (CSSD), the University’s central information technology organization, provides a wide range of information technology services and resources to the University of Pittsburgh community. UPEK, INC. Emeryville, California, USA Protector Suite Family of Applications and Touch Chip an Touch Strip Silicon Fingerprint Sensors Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The company has been pioneering biometric fingerprint technology since 1996 and shipping product in volume since 1999. Spinning off from ST Microelectronics in March 2004, the company has more than 100 employees and is headquartered near Berkeley, California, with offices in Prague, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? In December 2005, UPEK, Inc. was recognized by the World Economic Forum, headquartered in Davos, Switzerland, as a 2006 Technology Pioneer. As one of only thirty-six Technology Pioneers chosen worldwide in 2006, we recognized the honor of being part of such an august group of companies who had made truly unique and far-reaching contributions to the use of technology to further the human condition. Similar to this award, the Computerworld Honors Program recognition means that what we are doing is helping people worldwide with what has become a truly basic human need: the need for security in all aspects of your life, especially when protecting critical-and highly personal-online data. It is a privilege for us to be considered for this award, and being a nominee is a great honor, for it places us again in the company of organizations who are destined not so much for greatness but for helping others reach that state by changing the way people interact with technology to make their lives truly better in a tangible way. VMWARE Palo Alto, California, USA Virtualization of the Computing Platform VODAFONE Newbury, Great Britain Littlebox - the 3G/UMTS router WEBCOR BUILDERS INC. San Mateo, California, USA L AU R E AT E S 2006 WEBROOT SOFTWARE Boulder, Colorado, USA Spy Sweeper Enterprise Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Webroot was founded in 1997 by Steve Thomas and Kristen Talley. A self-taught hacker, Steve began his career in computer security exploiting vulnerabilities of networks throughout the world of technology. His activities earned him a spot on the FBI’s Watch List and led to the confiscation of his computer. Steve’s endeavors turned positive when he used his knowledge to secure the nation’s most sensitive security assets for the U.S. Department of Energy. In his spare time Steve began developing and soon selling Webroot’s first commercial product, a trace remover called Window Washer. As sales of Window Washer soared and Webroot started to gain competitive ground, Steve began researching a new security threat that was looming on the horizon, but had yet to fully strike: spyware. In the spring of 2002, Steve and Kristen realized they needed help and hired David Moll as Webroot’s CEO. The unexpected demise of Webroot’s main sales channel, AOL Shop Direct, in the fall of 2002 made for a tough few months, but the team persevered. By February 2003 Spy Sweeper was debuting to rave reviews, and today Webroot is the recognized leader in the antispyware industry, serving millions of users around the world. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Webroot considers it a mark of distinction to be nominated for the Computerworld Honors Program for the second consecutive year. This nomination validates the company’s leadership position and the value its anti-spyware software delivers to the enterprise. Webcor Builders Leverage Symantec to Protect Data EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA 84 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA ACADEMY 123, INC. Westlake Village, California, USA Engaging Students in Online Learning Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Founded in 2003 by Maury Friedman, Daniel Bouganim and Yarone Goren, Californiabased Academy123 enables our customers to create, manage and distribute large volumes of instructional multimedia content in a highly efficient way. Since its founding three years ago, Academy123 has successfully addressed instructional needs such as: o Classroom support o Supplemental education o Test preparation and remediation o Educational enrichment o E-commerce support o Training and development To meet these instructional needs, Academy123 adheres to a set of core values - simplicity, speed, innovation and teamwork - that are essential to how we enable our customers and employees to realize their full potential. Bibliográfika is member of the Argentina Book Camera, maintains interchange agreements constant with the Gutenberg Foundation and has been distinguished by the Austral University and the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, among others. In 2003 Bibliográfika was awarded by its innovation by the Buenos Aires Government In 2004 Bibliográfika gains the first one prize in the category rising company, in the Business Plan competition NAVES 2004 (IAE - Universidad Austral) In 2004 Xerox chooses Bibliográfika as Success Case for Latin America What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Our goal is to contribute to add value to Book’s Industry by leading technological and service innovation. BIG BEND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Moses Lake, Washington, USA What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being part of the ComputerWorld Honors program is validation of our efforts to improve the state of math and science education worldwide. We are grateful that our novel use of technology has been recognized in the same capacity as the innovative and venerable companies that have been a part of the ComputerWorld Honors program in the past. We hope that this recognition inspires confidence in other companies and entrepreneurs to advance learning through engaging, interactive, multimedia approaches. BIBLIOGRÁFIKA Buenos Aires, Argentina Commercializing Books and Printing on Demand Just in Time Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Founded in the middle of 2002 by Diego and Gustavo Vorobechik, Bibliográfika has constructed, in just a short time, a solid one reputation like innovating partner and activates inside generating of new businesses of the publishing industry. The active policy of alliances impelled by Bibliográfika from his birth it has been key for his insertion in the market. Today Bibliográfika forms built the framework for active part of the rich one of relations that form editorials, suppliers, institutions and others outstanding actors of the business of the book: Bookstores: an exclusive network of associate bookstores with more than 80 points of sale distributed by all the country. Editorials: Companies of long trajectory in the business and leaders in diverse headings of the publishing world already they are working in different projects next to Bibliográfika. Institutions: 86 Campus Upgrade Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Big Bend Community College was authorized by the Washington State Board of Education in 1961. Beginning fall quarter 1962 BBCC held its first regular classes at night in Moses Lake High School. The college opened classes in a new facility located a short distance southeast of the city of Moses Lake fall quarter 1963. In 1966, BBCC acquired a 159acre tract of land on the former Larson Air Force Base, which became the permanent college campus for all programs in 1975. The Washington State Legislature’s Community College Act of 1967 designated Big Bend Community College as District 18 of the state community college system. The district includes Adams and Grant Counties, and the Odessa Consolidated School District in Lincoln County. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? I have personally never sought out awards or attention for things I or the college has strived to achieve. I receive my gratification from serving the students of Big Bend Community College and watching them improve their lives as a result of what we do. The difference with the Computerworld Honors program lies in their ability to share our success with others who are looking for better ways of doing things. If just one other institution can improve their methods and by that, help change a life, then it is more than worth it to me. I have never tried to reinvent the wheel, and if someone can gain a hand up from what we have done here then we have succeeded. T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM CHARLES COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS La Plata, Maryland, USA Technology that Matters in the Classroom- A Valuable Teaching Tool Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Charles County Public Schools is located 30 miles south of Washington DC. It was founded more than 171 years ago as a succession of one-room schoolhouses. Today it is a 26,000-student district comprised of 33 schools and approximately 3,000 employees, including over 2,000 teachers. CCPS is one of the fastest-growing counties in Maryland. The district’s forward-thinking Superintendent, James E. Richmond, has communicated his belief that technology will play a key role in the district today and the future, and that the district must leverage this essential resource in all facets of its educational processes. To achieve this integration with technology, the school system has partnered with industry corporations such as IBM and Cisco Systems in order to develop a network topology as well as applications that provide the resources needed by instruction. CLOVIS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Clovis, California, USA Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone Learning (AAAL) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Clovis Unified is a school district serving roughly 36,000 students in grades K-12. The District is located in the San Joaquin valley with half of its students living in the city of Fresno and half of its students living in the city of Clovis. It prides itself on excellence and accountability for both its students and staff. It is a high-performing school district in both academic areas as well as co-curricular activities. The Technology Services Department, of which I am the Administrator, supports all technology related programs in the District whether for the classroom or the business offices. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? I am very proud of and pleased for the myriad of teachers and 10,000-plus kids in the District who have participated in our AAAL program during the last decade. I know this program has changed the lives of many students and staff. I have been in education for over thirty years. Since 1983, when I was fortunate to have been able to start the first computer lab in the District and been fortunate to oversee this program from its inception, I can honestly say the AAAL program is the BEST educational technology program I have ever seen. It is one that is really making a difference for students and staff. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING New York, New York, USA Nurse Practitioner PDAs Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. With a full time faculty of 60 and a part-time faculty of 10, the School utilizes over 200 clinical sites and nearly 200 preceptors to offer APN students appropriate learning experiences. Located on West 168th Street in the Washington Heights area of Manhattan, the School is in the midst of a largely Dominican population for whom access to health care is often difficult. The School is internationally recognized for its excellence in evidencebased APN care and commitment to primary care in underserved populations. The School has approximately 175 students in the Entryto-Practice program, 330 NP students, 50 DNSc students, and 20 DrNP students. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We have primarily disseminated information about our project in the healthcare literature rather than to a broader audience. We hope that through the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program, others will learn about our project and be able to apply the approaches that we have developed and the lessons that we have learned to improve quality of care in other underserved communities. COPPIN STATE UNIVERSITY Baltimore, Maryland, USA Wireless IP Telephony Supporting “Smart Classrooms” Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Coppin State University is a model urban, residential comprehensiv university located in the northwest section of the City of Baltimore that provides academic programs in the arts and sciences, teacher education, nursing, graduate studies, and continuing education. An HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), Coppin has a culturally rich history as an institution providing quality educational programs and community outreach services. Coppin offers 53 majors and nine graduate-degree programs. A fully accredited institution, Coppin serves Baltimore residents as well as students from around the world, with flexible course schedules that include convenient day, evening, and weekend classes and distance learning courses. Coppin was founded in 1900 at what was then called Colored High School (later named Douglass High School) on Pennsylvania Avenue by the Baltimore City School Board who initiated a one-year training course for the preparation of African-American elementary school teachers. By 1902, the training program was expanded to a two-year Normal Department within the high school, and seven years later it was separated from the high school and given its own principal. In 1926, this facility for teacher training was named Fanny Jackson Coppin Normal School in honor of the outstanding African-American woman who was a pioneer in teacher education. Fanny Jackson Coppin was born a slave in Washington, D.C. She gained her freedom, graduated from Oberlin College in Ohio, and founded the Philadelphia Institute that was the forerunner of Cheyney State University. By 1938 the curriculum of the normal school was lengthened to four years, authority was given for the granting of the Bachelor of Science degree, and the name of the Normal School was changed to Coppin Teachers College. In 1950, Coppin became part of the higher education system of Maryland under the State Department of Education, and renamed Coppin State Teachers College. Two years later Coppin moved to its present 38-acre site on West North Avenue. In acknowledgment of the goals and objectives of the College, the Board of Trustees ruled in 1963 that the institution’s degree-granting authority would no longer be restricted to teacher education. Following this ruling, Coppin was officially renamed Coppin State College, and in 1967 the first Bachelor of Arts degree was conferred. In 1988, the College became part of the newly organized University of Maryland System (now the University System of Maryland.) Fulfilling its unique mission of primarily focusing on the problems, needs and aspirations of the people of Baltimore’s central city and its immediate metropolitan area, Coppin took over nearby Rosemont Elementary School in 1998, and is the first and only higher education institution in Maryland to manage a public school. Rosemont Elementary is located in the Greater Rosemont Community, an area adjacent to the University. In 1997, the Maryland Department of Education (MSDE) had declared Rosemont to be “…below acceptable standards.” As operator of Rosemont, Coppin hired staff and developed the school’s educational program. In 2000, Rosemont Elementary first-graders led Baltimore City in largest percentile gains in First Grade Reading. In 2003, Rosemont was removed from MSDE’s “watch list” citing that Rosemont has “…made enough progress to exit the school improvement program.” Another community outreach program operated by Coppin is the Coppin State University Community Nursing Center, a fully equipped medical clinic that offers affordable health care for children and adults. The Community Nursing Center is located across the street from the University’s campus. Coppin, which was officially renamed Coppin State University on April 13, 2004, is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. In addition, the undergraduate and graduate academic programs are accredited by a number of specialized agencies. Teacher education programs are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and are approved by the Maryland State Department of Education. The nursing program is approved by the Maryland State Board of Examiners of Nurses and accredited by the National League of Nursing. The Social Work and Rehabilitation Counseling Education programs are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education and the Council of Rehabilitation Counseling Education, respectively. The nursing program is approved by the Maryland State Board of Examiners of Nurses and accredited by the National League of Nursing. The Social Work and Rehabilitation Counseling Education programs are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education and the Council of Rehabilitation Counseling Education, respectively. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? This means a lot to us. It means a world wide recognition of our efforts from the most pertigious IT publication in the World. DUKE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM Durham, North Carolina, USA Computerized Physician Order Entry FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Tallahassee, Florida, USA Student Information Management System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Florida State University is a comprehensive, public, research university located in the capital city of Tallahassee, Florida. It is a senior member of the eleven state universities that compose the State University System of Florida and offers over 300 degree programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Florida State University maintains campuses in Panama City, Florida, the Republic of Panama, London, England, and Florence, Italy. Florida State University is a national leader in providing study abroad opportunities as well as online learning opportunities for its students. As host site of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University is noted for its extensive research while also maintaining internationally recognized programs in the fine and performing arts. The current student population is at 38,887 after a record enrollment year at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The goal for me and my team is to do our job well and advance the interests of Florida State University. Nonetheless, we have T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 87 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA actively sought to advance our profession by sharing innovations with others. We enjoy our jobs and seek to help other people enjoy theirs. This doesn’t mean we aren’t competitive, but we do feel that we are doing things at Florida State that will benefit others so we do what we can to educate them and learn from them in return. Personally, I’ve made a lot of presentations at regional and national conferences, and I appreciate the publicity it generates for FSU. However, receiving recognition from such a recognized name outside of our profession is a true honor. With the honor comes a platform from which we can tout our programs and encourage others to consider some of the things we have done. I personally think the Student Information Management function is needed on most campuses as it joins research, marketing and communication, data administration, systems and technology functions within a unified working group that is comprised of members from the functional side of the house. It has worked well for us and it continues to keep me inspired - just as this honor inspires me. I hope others who read this get inspired as well. GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Washington, DC, USA Tiered Storage and Information Lifecycle Management LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE Cass Lake, Minnesota, USA Tribal College Leads in On Demand Services Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe established Leech Lake Tribal College by Tribal Resolution in July 1990. For two years, courses were offered in extension from the University of Minnesota at Duluth, Bemidji State University, Itasca and Brainerd Community Colleges. In the fall quarter of 1992, Leech Lake Tribal College began offering its own courses leading toward the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Applied Sciences Degrees. Leech Lake Tribal College had its first graduate of the Associate of Arts program in Anishinaabe Language and Culture in the spring of 1993. In 1994, the College was accorded status as a Land Grant Institution by the United States Congress. Also in 1994, seventeen graduates completed their Associate of Arts degrees and Associate of Applied Science degrees. By the spring of 1995, the number of graduates had increased to twenty-four. LLTC moved classrooms and administrative offices 88 to the former Cass Lake High School building in the fall of 1994, resulting in an increased student enrollment of 196. These students enrolled in two-year Associate of Arts transfer degree programs, or in two-year technical programs leading to an Associate of Applied Science degree, or in one-year vocational programs. Today, Leech Lake Tribal College includes approximately 70 full- and part-time faulty, staff, administrators, and 200 students. Most of our students come from the Leech Lake Reservation and from the surrounding Reservations in Northern Minnesota. Approximately 4% of the students enrolled at the College are non-Indians. Leech Lake Tribal College completed construction of the first building of a new campus in 2005, and is currently in the process of constructing a second building. A separate building for the Construction Trades programs will be constructed in 2006, as well. LLTC was accredited as a Vocational School in 1993 and has maintained that accreditation since. The College was awarded candidacy status with the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association in 2001, and candidacy was continued in 2004. In April of 2006, the Higher Learning Commission will conduct a site visit for full accreditation of the College’s associate degree programs. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It would be a great honor for Leech Lake Tribal College to participate in the 2006 ComputerWorld Honors program, and would indicate that our partnernship efforts with IBM are valuable and worthy of recognition. NATIONAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF Rochester, New York, USA PEN-International NEW TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION Napa, California, USA New Tech High Learning System T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION New York, New York, USA Project Connect Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The New York City Department of Education (DOE) encompasses 1,400 schools across five boroughs with 1.1 million students and 140,000 employees, including 80,000 teachers. Focused on leadership, empowerment and accountability as drivers of educational improvement, Mayor Bloomberg’s sweeping “Children First” reform agenda is creating a system where all students get the resources and support they need to reach their potential. The school system is now organized into 10 Regions across the city - each of which includes approximately 140 schools. Each Region contains 2, 3 or 4 Community School Districts, as well as the high schools located within their geographic boundaries. Each Region has a Learning Support Center which houses the instructional leadership team for the Region as well as a full service Parent Support Office. Six of the Learning Support Centers also house Regional Operations Centers which provide operational support to schools. The Regions are led by 10 Regional Superintendents who, together, function as the senior instructional management team for the school system and report directly to the Deputy Chancellor for Teaching and Learning. Within each Region, the Regional Superintendent supervises approximately 10 to 12 Local Instructional Superintendents (“LISes”) , each of whom has supervisory responsibility for a network of about 10 to 12 schools and principals. The LISes will provide schools in their networks with instructional leadership and will support principals and their teachers in implementing the new instructional approach and improving the quality of teaching and learning in their schools. Principals within each network will report directly to the Local Instructional Superintendent assigned to lead that network. Under the new structure, each school will receive greater individualized support and supervision. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is an honor, and certainly the icing on the cake to be part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Programs. The very reward itself is being part of a project like Project Connect where you can see the impact on the teachers and students and know that the project created a solid educational infrastructure in the schools. OHIO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Columbus, Ohio, USA Interactive Local Report Card ONEIDA-HERKIMERMADISON BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATION SERVICES ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY Utica, New York, USA STUDYDOG Implementation of Voice and Multimedia Communications Beaverton, Oregon, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES was among the first four Boards of Cooperative Educational Services established by the New York State Legislature in 1948. BOCES are voluntary, cooperative associations of school districts in a geographic area which work together to provide educational and business services more economically than each could offer by itself. BOCES functions as a link between local schools and the State Education Department. Through cooperative efforts of component school districts, BOCES offers a wide variety of educational and support services to public education agencies throughout the state. School districts in Oneida county and Herkimer county are served by the OHM BOCES. These 24 districts serve over 40,000 students and 3600 teachers in an area of 1800 square miles. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? To be nominated for the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program is more than simply an accolade. It is the affirmation of the hard work and dedication of all the people involved in the Virtual Neighborhood project, from planning to implementation. Such recognition validates the the use of collaborative technologies and the power of bringing people together to learn share, and experience new ways of teaching and learning in the global environment of the 21st Century. SAINT ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC SCHOOL Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Learning with Laptops Program SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY Sunrise, Florida, USA Project Knexus: OnDemand Workplace for Education as bases for coordinated and integrated approaches to the application of information technology in museums and archives. MIP assists museums and archives to broaden access to primary academic collections and data by scholars, students and the public. MIP is currently in the process of merging with another academic computing department within Information Systems and Technology, the Interactive University Project (IU). IU works to make university teaching and learning resources, including collections, available to the public, in particular local K-12 schools and teachers. Queens, New York, USA Digital Video Surveillance Using the Internet to Build a Lifelong Love of Reading UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍA Almería, Spain Implementation of an Advanced Strategic Planning & Control System in a Public University Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Universidad de Almeria was created in 1993, splitting from major and ancient Universidad de Granada. From that point nearly 13.000 students stayed in the province of Almeria and did not have to go to other cities for developing their studies. The Universidad de Almeria has been a social milestone, being the most important social event in the last 200 years. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? For a Southern Europe, just developed region like Andalucia, being nominated for this important price is being a complete pride, reflected in the happiness of how people involved in the University have received it. In fact, local media is expecting a conference press to announce the nomination officially. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY Berkeley, California, USA Museum Informatics Project Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Museum Informatics Project (MIP), an academic computing department within Information Systems and Technology, was established in 1991 as a collaborative effort at the University of California, Berkeley to coordinate the application of information technology in museums and other organized, non-book collections. MIP staff work with faculty, collections managers, and curators to develop data models, system architectures, and demonstration and production systems What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? I am delighted that Business Objects chose to spotlight the Museum Informatics Project business intelligence initiative. The nomination confirms that our project is innovative and unique. I hope our efforts inspire other museums, archives and collections to undertake a similar project. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MERCED Merced, California, USA An Identity-Based Service Architecture Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. UC Merced opened September 5, 2005, as the 10th campus in the University of California system and the first American research university built in the 21st century. The campus significantly expands access to the UC system for students throughout the state, with a special mission to increase college-going rates among students in the San Joaquin Valley. It also serves as a major base of advanced research and as a stimulus to economic growth and diversification throughout the region. Situated near Yosemite National Park, the university opened with nearly 1,000 students in its inaugural year and is expected to reach a total student population of 25,000 within 30 years. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program is an impressive recognition that serves to validate the extent of our accomplishments and to celebrate an IT staff that has performed miracles. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 89 LAUREATES 2006 EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA NEW MEDIA INSTITUTE Athens, Georgia, USA New Media Institute Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The New Media Institute (NMI) is an interdisciplinary teaching and research resource at UGA dedicated to the exploration of the critical, commercial, and creative dimensions of innovative digital media technology. It’s a focal point for people (students, faculty, staff, business owners, everybody) who want to test the potential of technologies like the Internet. And the NMI houses the Mobile Media Consortium. As a department under the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, the NMI is interested in what people will want to do with emerging communications technologies. NMI believes that the power of new media comes from the new types of content delivered, not from the new technology used to deliver it. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? In the New Media Institute we are convinced that mobile media can truly have a positive impact. This powerful technology can do much to improve the quality of individuals’ lives and to make communities stronger. We have developed operational systems that demonstrate mobile media’s pro-social capabilities. However, if we don’t expose developers, users, and communities to the possibilities, the potential of mobile media will not be realized. The 2006 Computerworld Honors Program will provide valuable exposure that will allow us to expand our campaign promoting the development of socially important mobile media applications. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO center of learning and research. The University is comprised of five campuses with 18 undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools serving more than 32,000 students. Computing Services and Systems Development (CSSD), the University’s central information technology organization provides a wide range of information technology services and resources to the University of Pittsburgh community. UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Secure Remote Access to Restricted Network Resources Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The University of Pittsburgh was founded in 1787 as a small private school in a log cabin near Pittsburgh’s three rivers. It has evolved into an internationally-recognized center of learning and research. The University is comprised of five campuses with eighteen undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools serving more than 32,000 students. Computing Services and Systems Development (CSSD), the University’s central information technology organization, provides a wide range of information technology services and resources to the University of Pittsburgh community. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? UNIVERSITY OF PODLASIE, MAIN LIBRARY Siedlce, Poland BGAP PROLIB Reno, Nevada, USA Security Infrastructure Deployment UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Implementation of a Robust Enterprise Email System Using Microsoft Exchange Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The University of Pittsburgh was founded in 1787 as a small, private school located in a log cabin near Pittsburgh’s three rivers. It has evolved into an internationally recognized 90 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Villanova, Pennsylvania, USA Villanova Applied Finance Lab Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Villanova School of Business, founded in 1922, is part of Villanova University-the only university in the world founded by the Roman Catholic Order of Saint Augustine. The Augustinian values of truth, community, caring, and leading through service are infused throughout the business curriculum. The Villanova School of Business is known for providing students with a rigorous business education, an outstanding liberal arts foundation, and a firm grounding in ethics. The school- T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM L AU R E AT E S 2006 which recently added 65,000 square feet and a spacious, light-filled atrium to its main building-prides itself on providing students with excellent experiential learning opportunities; producing graduates that business leaders admire for their practical skills and dependability; and its outstanding career placements. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? To be recognized by an established and international publication would significantly add to the university’s position in higher education. The increased visibility of Villanova’s integration of technology into the curriculum heightens the awareness of company’s recruiting Villanova students and affirms the forward thinking educational opportunity for prospective students considering Villanova University for a college education. The Honors Program solidifies Villanova’s School of Business as a leader in business education. WHITFIELD SCHOOL St. Louis, Missouri, USA Linux Laptop 1 to 1 Program Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Founded in 1952, Whitfield School is an independent, coeducational college preparatory day school for grades 6-12. Located on a 25-acre campus in west St. Louis County, Whitfield’s demanding academic program coupled with the support of a dedicated, world class faculty prepares graduates for both the college experience and life beyond. With an average class size of 12 and a school size of 475, Whitfield is able to develop and maintain a community of families who value mutual respect and personal responsibility. For more information about Whitfield School, please visit What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Simply being nominated to this program is a major honor. The caliber of other projects and organizations is tremendous company. Also, being considered part of this program may give us additional exposure, which will help our small school be seen by those much larger. Even being considered a nominee for this program gives us additional credibility, which may help other organizations hear about and consider this program a viable way to provide their students a 1:1 computing opportunity. Many districts simply dismiss this opportunity as out of their reach. Our hope is that our program model can help remove that barrier and open the door for more classrooms to experience the transformative impact of empowering students with laptops. ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND AGRICULTURE LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND AGRICULTURE ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND AGRICULTURE BUREAU VERITAS/BERRYMAN & HENIGAR ELECTRICAL SAFETY AUTHORITY OF ONTARIO West Sacramento, California, USA Mississauga, Canada Palomar Energy Project Fieldworker Enterprise Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Bureau Veritas Bureau Veritas (BV) is a world-leader in providing “conformity assessment” services in the areas of building and facilities, environmental, safety and code compliance. BV has a history that spans 180 years in providing quality, health, safety, environmental and social accountability (QHSE & SA) services to governmental and industrial clients world-wide. BV’s mission is to assist its customers in QHSE & SA management of their assets, products or services, systems, and employees. Kevin Wedman Kevin Wedman has over 25 years of building and safety experience for both jurisdictions and public agencies. He is the Program/Project Manager for the Military Housing Privatization Division in Bureau Veritas, an international service company specializing in QHSE management and social accountability. He has been a Delegate Chief Building Official for the California Energy Commission since 1997. In 2002 Kevin served the State of Utah as Deputy Building Official for the 2002 Winter Olympics. Mr. Wedman has an exceptionally strong background in process development and implementation, designing systems and managing work flow and the transfer of information. He also pioneered the EDSA format (Electronic Documents for Submittal and Archiving) thru the Adobe Acrobat program. Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. On April 1, 1999, Ontario Hydro’s Electrical Inspection Division became the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) assuming the responsibilities previously held by Ontario Hydro’s Electrical Inspection Division. ESA was established as a not-for-profit corporation following the Ministry of Consumer and Business Service’s delegated administrative authority model that transfers the delivery of services previously provided by the Ministry to the private sector. The Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act and an Administrative Agreement with the Ministry establish the legal framework for ESA’s operation as an Administrative Authority. In addition, ESA is designated the Ontario authority responsible for electrical safety by Ontario Regulation 89/99 as the responsible authority for purposes of section 113 of the Electricity Act, 1998 and associated Ontario Regulation 10/02 (The Ontario Electrical Safety Code). The electrical Safety Authority was established to: o Respond to fatalities, injuries and fire losses associated with electricity. o Promote the safe use of electricity. o Increase public awareness of the dangers of electricity, and the requirements for ensuring safe electrical applications and use. o Increase public awareness of the requirement to have all electrical work inspected in accordance with the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? To be a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program for Bureau Veritas means to be recognized for being a leader in the use of technology to enhance our working environment and add to the benefit of business and people. 92 What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Awesome! Really great! Humbling. In a word, I am honored to have been nominated for the Computerworld Honors Program. That my peers have recognized that some good work, some valuable work was done, means a lot. This project was a landmark project at ESA. It was on time, on budget and on quality. It truly delivered what it set out to do. The end user inspector base was skeptical and had every right to be. They were completely blown away by the solution. And so were the Executive Group and The Board. This project gave the IT department a great deal of credibility. I can truly say that a project like this, especially the integration to the SAP, had never been done before. So, it is an honor for a technology peer group to evaluate the merits of this project and assess that this one has added value to people’s lives. T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM ENTERGY Little Rock, Arizona, USA Customer Service Improvement Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Entergy Corporation is an integrated energy company engaged primarily electric power production and retail distribution operations. Entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, and it is the secondlargest nuclear generator in the United States. Entergy delivers electricity to 2.7 million utility customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Corporation has annual revenues of more than $10 billion and approximately 14,000 employees. For more information, visit What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? This is an excellent format and forum to detail the process Entergy has gone through to find the best solution to optimize service to customers, efficiency in call delivery, and to measure the success of the customers experience and Contact Center performance. I appreciate having this opportunity to showcase what has been done and to potentially help other companies as they evaluate the right platform for how they serve their customers. SASKCAN PULSE TRADING Regina, Canada ProSoft XP Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Saskcan Pulse Trading Inc. was incorporated in July of 2001. Saskcan’s majority shareholders are three brothers from Turkey, who also own Arbel Grain, one of the largest exporters of red lentils in the world. Saskcan also has Venture Capital shareholders. Construction of our first facility began in 2002 and our first shipment of lentils was in January of 2003. We have now grown to three facilities in Canada and will soon be expanding again. With annual sales projected at $65 million dollars for the upcoming year, Saskcan has become a trusted supplier of special crops grains to the world, and a trusted purchaser in the eyes of the local producer. Saskcan’s mission statement is based on the operational philosophy that has made Arbel a global leader: o To provide a clean and quality product with reliable and timely shipments, competitive pricing and flexible delivery arrangements for bulk, bagged and packed pulses. Our commitment to supply guaranteed quality to our clients is ensured through comprehensive production, execution and quality control. At inception, the company’s objectives were as follows: o To become a trusted vehicle for value-added processing of pulse crops in the Canadian market. o To reach full capacity of production for the splitting plant within the first three years of operation. o To become a trusted marketing channel for cleaned pulses in Canada and assist partners to succeed in the global marketplace. Saskcan has drawn the attention of many prestigious business awards including the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce Award for Business Excellence (ABEX) in 2004 Exports, ABEX Award for New Business 2003, the Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership Exporter of the Year 2003, Regina Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Paragon Awards for New Business Venture 2003 and Export Achievement 2003. The awards for Saskcan peaked in October 2004 as Saskcan Pulse was named the Saskatchewan ABEX Business of the Year for 2004. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being a part of the Computerworld Honors Program is a great achievement, both personally and for the company. I have worked in the agricultural industry for many years and have worked with many types of accounting systems. Accounting in the grain industry is particularly challenging due to the large volumes of grain received at any given time and the large volume subsequently shipped out. Manufacturing and value-added processing cause grain to lose its original identity and will also cause grain byproducts and some grain loss. This must all be accounted for, to ensure that proper blending and cleaning processes are occurring. A further complication is that special crops grains are not traded on the futures market so there is an inherent price risk associated with the buying and selling of this grain. It is vitally important to be able to share information on purchases, sales, inventory, profits and losses with the marketing group so that they can make the right decisions with respect to grain transactions. When I joined Saskcan Pulse, there was no grain accounting system in place. We started out with three employees, in a rented office, using basic Microsoft Office products. We have now grown to 3 facilities, 85 staff and numerous awards in the areas of export, growth and business achievement. The small start, however, was the best opportunity I could have been given. Having come from years of accounting with systems that were pieced together and unable to provide accurate and timely information I knew what type of system the company would need in order to exceed the expectations of a very tough industry, as well as the expectations of the investors and lenders. SPT went through some very challenging times, growing very quickly with a young group of staff. The systems, processes and reporting that I developed with Prosoft allowed the marketing group to focus on growing the business, while my group provided the much needed information in order to make the right decisions. Being nominated for this award by Progressive is a very big honor to me and is the “icing on the cake” of what proved to be a very challenging but even more rewarding 4 years. SURREY SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY LTD Guildford, Surrey, Great Britain Disaster Monitoring Constellation U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL (USGBC) Washington, DC, USA USGBC Boosts Green Building with LEED Online Certification Process Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Twelve years ago, pockets of interest in green building had developed throughout the building industry, but the movement lacked momentum. The disparate facets of the industry had differing needs, ideas, and concerns about green building, and lacked a forum in which to find common ground and develop a plan for moving forward. Additionally, multiple and contradictory definitions of “green” abounded. Green washingespousing sustainable practices for corporate profit without validating the claims-was rampant, and the market was reluctant to accept an idea that lacked objective, verifiable standards. The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) was founded in 1993 to lead a national consensus on green building, and to bring together the entire building industry to chart a path to market transformation. Today, USGBC has more than 6,000 organizational members, and is the nation’s leading coalition of corporations, builders, universities, federal and local agencies, and nonprofits working together to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work. In 1995, USGBC staff and volunteers began working on what is now the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Green Building Rating SystemTM, a voluntary standard for the sustainable design, construction, and ongoing maintenance of buildings. A pilot version of LEED was released in1999, and the market eagerly embraced the system when it was publicly launched in 2000. LEED has become the accepted national benchmark-and increasingly the international benchmark-for high performance buildings. In addition to the LEED Rating System, USGBC offers a comprehensive educational and training program; green building awareness and advocacy; and the industry’s leading conference, the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. USGBC also has an extensive network of more than 70 regional groups working to effect market transformation at the local level. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Typically, coalitions are formed because companies need a common voice for marketing or policy issues. USGBC is no exception, but it is unique because it has also created a technology-based tool that can be used by all in the members of its coalition to fundamentally change the practice of an entire industry. USGBC is a hybrid organization, and its success makes it a model for other changefocused industries. Part pure business, part technology provider, part community engager, part policy developer, USGBC is raising the bar for the role of coalitions. Participating in this prestigious awards program has forced us to pause and consider the great responsibility of this role. It allows us to share with others the vital role of technology and technology partnerships, and to demonstrate how partnerships like the one we have with Adobe can literally change the world. VALERO ENERGY CORPORATION San Antonio, Texas, USA Reporting Consolidation Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Reporting and Financial Systems are syncronized to ensure consistent, accurate and timely information of reporting data at Valero Energy Corporation. It also ensures the involvement of the reporting team during the Financial design and build cycles of any integration. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is a recognition from an industry leader in value assessment. It also becomes a peer acknowledgement of outstanding solutions provided to our customer base. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 93 L AU R E AT E S 2006 FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AUSTIN MUTUAL INSURANCE Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Austin Rating Tool (ART): Online Policy Administration System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Austin Mutual Insurance Company’s origins date back to 1896 when a group of local farmers and townspeople in Austin, Minnesota, organized the Farmers United Township Mutual Hail Association of Minnesota in order to provide crop hail and later farm windstorm insurance at the lowest possible cost. They decided that the Company should operate on the Mutual Care so that the savings from careful and economical management could be used to reduce the cost of protection to policyholders. In 1909 the name was changed to Austin Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Minnesota and in 1917 to the Austin Mutual Insurance Company. Through the years the Company has grown by expanding lines of insurance written, states in which we operate, and by absorbing through merger the St. Paul Mutual Insurance Company in December 1963; United Farmers Mutual Insurance Company in December 1969; and a former companion company, Austin Mutual Windstorm Insurance Co., in December 1973. On December 19, 1984, the Company obtained management control of the Waseca Mutual Insurance Company through the purchase of $2,000,000 guaranty certificates. Waseca Mutual Insurance was merged into Northern Mutual Insurance on January 1, 1999. On October 1, 2003 Northern Mutual was merged into Austin Mutual Insurance Company. nearly 100 percent of the state’s health care providers. Because of our efficient systems, we can operate with low administrative costsjust 7.2 percent, which is among the lowest for health insurance companies in the nation. BCBSND regularly receives awards such as the Low Cost/High/Performance Award, the Excellence in Benefit Cost Award and the Administrative Savings Performance Award from the Federal Employee Program. Customer service and support to our members and business partners has positioned BCBSND as the primary insurer in North Dakota and as a strong business partner with Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans in other states. CLSA LIMITED What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? ComputerWorld is recognized as a leader in providing information to IT professionals. BCBSND continues to be a leader in providing successful solutions to its members and providers. We appreciate the opportunity to compete with our peers. Being recognized by ComputerWorld for these solutions is a great honor to BCSBND and all of our staff involved in the creation of this system. Being named a winner in this competition would truly be an outstanding achievement. Derby, Great Britain BOSTON CAPITAL Boston, Massachusetts, USA Central Repository for Company Information CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE Grid Project Buenos Aires, Argentina CISAT BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF NORTH DAKOTA Fargo, North Dakota, USA Healthcare Administration for Efficiency Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota is a healthcare leader in North Dakota. Our core competencies are technology, claims processing and customer service/support. Our innovative external and internal business technologies make it possible for us to serve approximately 70 percent of the state’s population who are enrolled in our healthcare products, and to conduct a business relationship with 96 Storage Area Network E*TRADE FINANCIAL New York, New York, USA Complete Protection Guarantee EGG Web Site Refresh FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC) Arlington, Virginia, USA Call Report Modernization Chicago, Illinois, USA BANCO COMAFI 88 Queensway, Hong Kong, China Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The CHX opened for trading on May 15, 1882. Initially, the 52 stocks and 82 bonds traded at the CHX were mostly regional issues. In 1949, the CHX merged with the St. Louis, Cleveland and Minneapolis-St. Paul exchanges to become the Midwest Stock Exchange (MSE). In 1959, the New Orleans Stock Exchange also merged with the MSE. Chicago’s subsequent emergence as the “Exchange Capitol of the World” prompted the CHX to return to its original name on July 8, 1993. Today, the exchange trades more than 3,500 NYSE, Amex, Nasdaq and CHX-exclusive issues. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The honor of having our IT implementation recognized for its contributions to society and the IT community is immeasurable. Grid computing is still a relative new concept and our implementation demonstrates how it can impact everyday lives and place successful IT initiatives in the spotlight. T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) was established in 1979 as part of reform legislation passed by the U.S. Congress. It is an interagency body with authority to prescribe uniform principles, standards, and reporting forms for the federal examination of financial institutions by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS). The FFIEC also makes recommendations to promote uniformity in the supervision of financial institutions. The CDR handles the financial data collected from nearly 8,000 banks by three of these member agencies: the FDIC, the FRB, and the OCC. Each of these agencies, described in this case study as Call Report agencies, has a distinct role in ensuring the health and stability of the financial system, although their purviews sometimes overlap. The FRB, the nation’s central bank, monitors and manages the money supply and the overall banking system in the United States and supervises state-chartered banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System. The OCC supervises all national banks (i.e., a federally chartered bank with required membership in the Federal Reserve System). The FDIC insures deposits up to a certain amount in all banks and thrifts in the United States and supervises all state-chartered banks that do not belong to the Federal Reserve System. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The benefits of the XBRL technology are clear to its practitioners. However, conveying the benefits of a new technology to other groups so they may also benefit is often difficult. Undecided organizations often look for this endorsement to assure that the technology is vetted by technological peer groups and is worthy of mature consideration. As shown by past winners, the award brings special recognition to the significance of the technology and its benefits to the community. For the FFIEC Call Report agencies, this award helps build support for the spread of XBRL, both as a best practice and as a worthwhile benefit to insured depositors and the financial community as a whole. To the FFIEC Call Report agencies, the recognition that accompanies this award will help convince those for whom the benefit and significance of fundamental technologies is not always apparent. An award by the peers and leaders of industry showcases the forward thinking shown by the FFIEC Call Report agencies and demonstrates that this is a mature and mainstream technology. FIDELITY INVESTMENTS Boston, Massachusetts, USA Financial Search FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE GROUP Jacksonville, Florida, USA New Title Operations Architecture Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Fidelity National Title Group, Inc. is the nation’s largest title insurance company. The Company’s title insurance underwriters Fidelity National Title, Chicago Title, Ticor Title, Security Union Title and Alamo Title issue approximately 31 percent of all title insurance policies in the United States. Through its direct operations and agencies, the Company provides title insurance in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Canada. In 2005, FNT also acquired Service Link, a leading provider of title and closing services to major financial institutions and lenders, including six of the top 10 lending institutions in the United States ranked by loan origination volume. More information about Fidelity National Title Group can be found at What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The Computerworld Honors Program is an incredible honor because unlike other awards in IT-this program recognizes the people and organizations that use information technology for the betterment of society. This strikes a very close chord with Fidelity National Title Group as we always strive to positively impact our customers and the communities we work with through our five precepts. Fidelity remains committed today as ever to those five precepts of close customer relationships, autonomy and entrepreneurship, bias for action, minimal bureaucracy and employee ownership that truly drive our culture and provide the framework for how we manage our business every single day. FISERV ing companies date to 1871, when The Life Insurance Company of Virginia wrote its first policy. During the past 135 years, we have built an extensive family of financially solid, well-respected insurance companies and distribution partnerships. In 1871, we wrote our first policy as Life of Virginia In 1955, we sold our first fixed life policy through independent brokerage In 1980, we wrote our first mortgage insurance policy For 24 years, we’ve provided universal life products For 30 years, we’ve provided long term care insurance For 33 years, we’ve provided payment protection insurance in Europe * Coverages available from the Genworth Financial family of companies. Lake Mary, Florida, USA Titan Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Imagesoft has been developing imaged document archives for the finance industry since 1987. Throughout this period, there have been three major problems that have plagued this activity: o Being able to capture a full day’s worth of document images 14 million to 40 million images in a 6 to 8 hour period. Maintaining and managing an archive growing by this rate for a minimum of 7-years. o Being able to handle the ever-growing requirements of archived images across the whole universe of financial industry requirements in the time frames required. o Being able to respond to the needs and demands of the ever growing finance industry quickly, with absolute quality, and taking advantage easily and quickly of the ever-expanding capabilities of new equipment. To accomplish this, Fiserv Imagesoft has developed the most dynamic high performing archive and suite of related Financial Industry applications on the market today. This suite of products is able to be deployed by the largest to the smallest financial institutions with equal ease. This paper will use as its single case study the Fiserv National Archive currently located in Atlanta Ga. and doing the processing for over 1200 financial institutions nationwide every day. GENWORTH FINANCIAL Richmond, Virginia, USA Contact Center Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Genworth Financial is among the largest U.S. insurance and financial services holding companies, with an expanding international presence. With roots that go back more than a century, we launched as a new publicly traded company in 2004 with the largest IPO of the year. Already, we’re a component of the S&P 500 index of leading U.S. companies, and will be a member of the Fortune 500 when the 2005 list is announced. Heritage Underlying our youth as Genworth, our found- What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? I feel privileged and honored to be nominated for the Computer World Honors Award. The nomination gives me great pride in the work I do for Genworth Financial. I look forward in seeing this process through. JP MORGAN CHASE New York, New York, USA Virtualized Automation JP MORGAN CHASE Columbus, Ohio, USA Enterprise Reporting Tool Implementation Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $1.2 trillion and operations in more than 50 countries. The firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and businesses, financial transaction processing, asset and wealth management, and private equity. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. has its corporate headquarters in New York and its U.S. retail financial services and commercial banking headquarters in Chicago. Under the JPMorgan, Chase and Bank One brands, the firm serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients. The Enterprise Computing Services (ECS) division is responsible for all of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s mainframe software applications. M&T BANK CORPORATION Buffalo, New York, USA M&T Bank Protects Itself with Symantec Solutions T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 97 LAUREATES 2006 FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Dublin, Ohio, USA AT&T VoiceTone Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Over the last 80 years Nationwide has gone from a small auto insurer for Ohio farmers, to one of the largest insurance and financial services companies in the world with more than $157 billion in statutory assets. Today, Nationwide, based in Columbus, Ohio, is one of the largest diversified insurance and financial services organizations in the world, with more than $157 billion in assets. Nationwide ranks #98 on the Fortune 100 list. The company provides a full range of insurance and financial services, including auto, homeowners, life, specialty insurance products, commercial insurance, administrative services, annuities, mutual funds, pensions and long-term savings plans. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Recognition by the Computerworld Honors Program is a tremendous honor as the committee commemorates the contributions that individuals and organizations have made toward the betterment of society and who are world leaders in IT revolution. At Pacific Capital Bancorp, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our customers with dependable and leading banking services by maximizing our IT assets. Pacific Capital Bancorp is a partnership which keeps its banks firmly rooted in their communities with local leadership, responsiveness and flexibility, while accruing its shareholders the economic benefits of shared technology, operating efficiencies, product development and financial services diversity. SE2 Topeka, Kansas, USA L AU R E AT E S 2006 THE HANOVER INSURANCE GROUP Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Agent Enhancement Projects Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc., based in Worcester, Mass., is the holding company for a group of insurers that includes The Hanover Insurance Company, also based in Worcester, Citizens Insurance Company of America, headquartered in Howell, Michigan, and their affiliates. The Hanover offers a wide range of property and casualty products and services to individuals, families and businesses through an extensive network of , and has been meeting its obligations to its agent partners and their customers for more than 150 years. Taken as a group, The Hanover ranks among the top 35 of more than 950 property and casualty insurers in the United States. se2 Annuities Processing Solution What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The natural disasters of 2005 created many challenges for everyone. Nationwide wanted to take those key learnings and deliver a better experience for their clients. Nationwide is proud to help to make a stressful situation for their clients a little less stressful. This application of AT&T VoiceTone/Natural Language and the work involved to deliver this application has certainly helped to deliver a better experience for Nationwide’s client and Nationwide wants to share that story with others. After all, when Life comes at you fast, it is a good thing that Nationwide is On Your Side ®! PACIFIC CAPITAL BANCORP Goleta, California, USA Project SAN Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Pacific Capital Bancorp, (Nasdaq:PCBC) is the holding company for Pacific Capital Bank, N.A., the largest independent banking company headquartered on the Central Coast of California. With 48 branches and $6.7 billion in assets, the company operates under the local brand names of Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, First National Bank of Central California, South Valley National Bank, San Benito Bank, Pacific Capital Bank, and First Bank of San Luis Obispo. PCB combines the breadth of financial products typically associated with the larger financial institutions with the type of value-added customer service that has differentiated its brands for more than 45 years. The company offers several products that differentiate it among community banks, including successful electronic income tax refund programs, indirect auto finance, commercial equipment leasing, and the largest Trust & Investment Services operation in its markets. 98 Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. se2 was created in 2004 as a division of Security Benefit, a financial services and retirement plan provider with more than $15 billion in assets under management. Since its inception, se2 has undertaken the servicing of nearly one million accounts. se2 offers service end-to-end for life and annuity processing with a state-of-the-art technology platform and an astute understanding of regulatory compliance issues unique and specific to the financial services industry. se2’s life and annuity acumen, coupled with its dedicated processing capabilities, places it in the forefront of the business processing outsourcing (BPO) industry. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? That the Business and IT partnership is truly validated. We have earned our place among the top P&C Companies in the country. USP DESIGNS (PTY) LTD Witpoortjie, South Africa CyberAgent Mobile What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program gives us the opportunity to showcase the significant innovations that have been accomplished by se2 in the annuity processing arena. It is also a validation of our efforts to recognize and address in a truly unique way the emerging challenges of the insurance industry. THE BANK OF NEW YORK New York City, New York, USA TPC Data Center Consolidation Project T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AFRICAN MEDICAL AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION (AMREF) London, Great Britain Kenya Nurses Training Program AMBER ALERT Scottsdale, Arizona, USA tions of Iraq. We believe the Computerworld Honors Program will stand as a testament to the risks and sacrifices our implementers have undergone, in deploying the IFMIS solution. Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? An opportunity to improve the profile of GYST/Snowball. Garner further support for the project. BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION Sofia, Bulgaria Electronic Information System Atlanta, Georgia, USA HIV Prevention Program Evaluation and Monitoring AMBER Alert Portal BEARINGPOINT McLean, Virginia, USA Overall Project: Iraq Economic Governance II. IT Portion of the Project: Iraq Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. About BearingPoint, Inc. BearingPoint, Inc. (NYSE: BE) is one of the world’s largest providers of management and technology consulting services to Global 2000 companies and government organizations in 60 countries worldwide. Based in McLean, Va., the firm has $3.4 billion in annual revenues, more than 17,500 employees, and major practice areas focusing on the Public Services, Financial Services and Commercial Services markets. For nearly 100 years, BearingPoint professionals have built a reputation for knowing what it takes to help clients achieve their goals, and working closely with them to get the job done. For more information, visit the Company’s website at About F5 Networks, Inc. F5 Networks is the global leader in Application Delivery Networking. F5 provides solutions that make applications secure, fast, and available for everyone, helping organizations get the most out of their investment. By adding intelligence and manageability into the network to offload applications, F5 optimizes applications and allows them to work faster and consume fewer resources. F5’s extensible architecture intelligently integrates application optimization, protects the application and the network, and delivers application reliability - all on one universal platform. Over 10,000 organizations and service providers worldwide trust F5 to keep their applications running. The company is headquartered in Seattle, Washington with offices worldwide. For more information, go to What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? BearingPoint is very proud of the work our advisors have accomplished in Iraq. Through the USAID-funded effort, we believe we are making a real impact on the future genera- 100 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Sacramento, California, USA Genetic Disease Screening Information System CARE/DUNIA SOKO Ottawa, Canada Emergency Response Portal Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. GDG is an independent, not-for-profit corporation that provides effective and affordable information-technology tools, and expertise in human-resource management and international trade to governments, development agencies and NGOs. Our services include: reliable telecommunications connectivity, portfolio-management and performance-measurement applications, turnkey humanresource management solutions and international trade services. Our understanding of the unique needs of international development runs deep; it has been with us since the beginning. GDG evolved out of one of Canada’s largest NGOs where we honed our skills in providing high-quality IT and HR services to a large, globally-dispersed workforce that often operated in high-risk and unstable regions. Now all organizations can capitalize on our economies of scale. Our corporation has three divisions: i2K covers your information technology, telecommunication, and knowledge management needs. iHR helps you recruit, deploy and support a diverse and global workforce while improving your own HR infrastructure and practices using stateof-the-art tools and methods. iTrade gives you access to a network of procurement and logistics specialists, provides *monetization solutions, and identifies markets for thirdworld commodities. Our tools and services equip your people so they can focus on what they do best - helping people. What does being a part of the 2006 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides national leadership in helping control the HIV epidemic by working with community, state, national, and international partners in surveillance, research, prevention, and evaluation activities. These activities are critically important, as CDC estimates that between 800,000 and 900,000 Americans currently are living with HIV. As the number of people living with AIDS is increasing, effective new drug therapies are keeping HIV-infected persons healthy longer and dramatically reducing the death rate. CDC employs a comprehensive approach to preventing further spread of HIV and AIDS; strategies include monitoring the epidemic to target prevention and care activities, researching the effectiveness of prevention methods, funding local prevention efforts for high-risk communities, and fostering linkages with care and treatment programs. through foster care, adoption, and child welfare services, and to protect children against abuse or neglect. There are approximately 2,600 children in foster care in the District and an additional 2,600 children at home with families who are receiving services to maintain stability. Each child and family in our care requires careful attention and management. In the early 1990’s, CFSA was perceived to be an agency in decline. In 1995, a federal court placed CFSA under court receivership. The emergence of the Agency from receivership would depend upon dramatic improvements in the quality of our care combined with the ability to measure those improvements. CFSA had to become reorganized and reenergized by creating an effective child welfare data system to manage performance. Our State Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS) has enhanced our ability to effectively manage caseloads, exchange data with partner agencies, and conduct performance-based reporting. After six years of federal receivership, CFSA was reorganized as a cabinet-level agency in 2001. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency, is proud to be nominated for the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program. Information technology initiatives are not often recognized as playing a critical part in supporting effective, efficient and quality social work practice. FACES.NET has been a significant undertaking with the ultimate goal of improved results for our children and families; to be recognized for having a part in that role is magnificent. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? CDC is proud to be nominated for the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program; our staff is motivated by professional dedication and commitment to controlling and preventing the virus that causes HIV/AIDS. As it is rare for IT initiatives targeting community and nonprofit organizations to be recognized for originality and innovation, we appreciate the opportunity to participate in your program. CITY OF CHASKA, MINNESOTA CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES AGENCY, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Drancy, France Washington, DC, USA FACES.NET Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Our mission at the District of Columbia’s Child and Family Services Agency’s (CFSA) is to promote the safety, permanence, and well being of children and families in the District of Columbia. The agency coordinates public and private partnerships to preserve families Chaska, Minnesota, USA City Wireless Mesh Network Management CITY OF DRANCY, FRANCE Communications Infrastructure CITY OF HOUSTON ILMS ITEAM Houston, Texas, USA CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA OVERLORD (ILMS Transition Project) Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The City of Houston’s Integrated Land Management System is 18+ years old and in itself is a Data Warehouse. Building Inspection iTEAM is responsible for providing and coordinating ILMS systems and the business information related services for approximately 1,200 users in several locations for six city departments and several operating divisions. The scope of service includes application and systems support and facilitating business analysis to help improve delivery of service to their customers. Our client base includes organizations in charge of the City’s Infrastructure, Code Enforcement construction activities, Engineering and Construction, Planning and Development Services, Public Utilities, Resource Management. The newly created Planning and Development Services Division is responsible for a variety of operations related to utilities planning and the permitting/inspection process. From the initial analysis of the availability of public utilities to a vacant tract of land, to the planning and design of a new development, to the issuance of a building permit and a certificate of occupancy, this division’s mission is to facilitate and enhance the land development/permitting process. Engineers, architects, developers and other customers can find assistance within this division for such items as abandoning public easements and rights of way, construction of new water and/or wastewater lines in public rights of way, obtaining utility commitment letters, storm drainage and storm water quality control requirements, permitting and code requirements, inspections and fees. Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Information Services Agency, ISA, provides Information Technology services to the City of Indianapolis/Marion County. The City of Indianapolis/Marion County is a Unigov that combines many like functions that cross both city and county agencies. ISA is one of the true Unigov agencies, providing services equally to both city and county agencies. This setup can be challenging as we have so many different types of agencies utilizing our services. Citizen Service Improvement What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being nominated for this award means the iTEAM efforts to improve service and accessibility to information from the ILMS application are noteworthy. This is a true team effort and collaboration between public and private organizations to help improve the environment for the citizens of this city by making public information easier and more ready available. The iTeam most important goal is making information more accessible to both internal and external organizations, and the citizens of Houston. Acquiring a product with flexibly, that allow easy access, and is robust enough to handle the needs of a city this size is a win-win for all. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? I am deeply honored to be nominated for the Computerworld Honors Program. I believe that the City of Indianapolis/Marion County and Avaya make a great team. We have leveraged the IT services available to us and continue to grow and mature the solution. I am pleased that they have the confidence in me an my abilities to recommend me for this honor. Thank you for the consideration. CITY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Newark, New Jersey, USA Newark Document Express (NDEX) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Newark is New Jersey’s largest urban center and America’s third oldest major city, having been founded in 1666. After decades of decline and disinvestment, Newark today is attracting national attention for its ongoing rebirth and renewal under the leadership of Mayor Sharpe James, who has served for 20 years. Crime and unemployment are both down, achieving levels unseen in decades. Also, after years of decline, the population is showing signs of growth. Neighborhoods are witnessing a boom of housing, opportunity, and hope. Businesses are relocating and expanding. Major educational reforms are underway. Bricks and mortar investment in Newark between 1995 and 2010 is estimated to total several hundred million dollars per square mile - approximately $12-14 billion for the city as a whole. While more remains to be done, the reality of Newark is of a city on the rise. This information was obtained from the GoNewark Web site. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 101 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS CITY OF OGDEN, UTAH Ogden, Utah, USA Rental Property Management Project Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Ogden City (pop. 80,000), situated at the base of the Wasatch Mountains and located 35 miles north of Salt Lake City was a major site for the 2002 Olympics, hosting the Downhill, Super G races, as well as Olympic Curling. Ogden City is a recognized leader in e-government; In 2004 the City was named as the #1 Digital City (and in the top 3 over the last 3 years) by the National League of Cities and Center for Digital Government, awarded the 3CMA Savvy award for Best Technology and Internet Services; honorablemention in the Best Practices in Storage award program sponsored by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA); and was named by Yahoo Internet Life as both one of the top seven city websites and one of the most wired metros in the nation. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The Computerworld Honors Program recognizes the exceptional in the field of technology. Although Ogden City’s Information Technology Division and leadership has been repeatedly recognized for it leadership in government and technology, This nomination for consideration as part of the Computerworld Honors Program stands out; Ogden City is humbled to be nominated and considered for recognition among the truly exceptional projects and programs which have received nomination and recognition in the past. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA Business Solutions Center of Excellence (BSCoE)’s Software Repository DEPTARTMENT OF DEFENSE - JOINT REQUIREMENTS & INTEGRATION OFFICE (JR&IO) Arlington, Virginia, USA HR Management Transformation 102 DEPTARTMENT OF DEFENSE - TMA PRIVACY OFFICE Falls Church, Virginia, USA HIPAA Implementation What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Inclusion of the TMA Privacy Office HIPAA Implementation Project in the Computerworld Honors Program is an opportunity to highlight the effective use of technology to communicate a wide sweeping initiative. HIPAA drives a fundamental change in how organizations must be held responsible for the use and disclosure of personal health information entrusted to them. It is hoped that by seeing the successes of TMA’s implementation, other organizations will be inspired to uphold the spirit and intention of the HIPAA legislation. DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE NORTH COUNTRY Watertown, New York, USA Open Access Telecommunications Network Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Development Authority of the North Country was created by New York State in 1985, to develop infrastructure and community development projects in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence Counties in rural northern New York State. The initial projects of the Authority supported the expansion of the U.S. Army base Fort Drum, which brought 30,000 new people to the region from 1986 to 1990. These projects included creation of water and sewer transmission facilities (which now service nearly 70,000 people in the region) and financing for housing developers (leveraging over $100 million in total investment to date). Other significant Authority projects followed, including construction and operation of a state of the art solid waste management facility; creation of the first consortium of rural governments in the country to access HUD’s HOME Program; financing for projects that revitalized historic buildings in small communities for housing and commercial use; financing for farmers and small business owners; and, most recently, development of the Open Access Telecom Network. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program is important for the Authority and the region we serve. Too often rural areas are the last to benefit from changes in technology. Participation in the Computerworld Honors Program would recog- T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM nize the tremendous efforts that went in to development of the Open Access Telecom Network, and the vast opportunity for economic and community change that it repesents. DUBAI EGOVERNMENT Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dubai eGovernment Mobile Portal Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Dubai eGovernment is a pioneering initiative in the region to provide online services across the spectrum of corporate and community life in the emirate. It also has a vision to integrate individually automated government departments under the single umbrella of the eGovernment initiative, thus empowering employees across lines of businesses and levels of government, besides facilitating the lives of citizens and customers of the government. Dubai has taken a lead in the region in deploying eGovernment applications and is among the first few governments in the world to provide such integrated services to its citizens. Dubai eGovernment vision is to ease the lives of people and businesses interacting with the government and to contribute in establishing Dubai as a leading economic hub. Dubai eGovernment is striving to achieve a virtual government through provisioning of high-quality customer focused eServices for individuals, businesses and government departments and is aiming to promote eServices adoption through customer management. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is very exciting for Dubai eGovernment to participate in this global competition. Dubai eGovernment has progressed significantly in the past couple of years and has been recognized as the most innovative and advanced eGovernment in the Middle East region. This program will indicate whether these achievements can also be termed as successes in a more global sense. labor union rules. Prior to the Washington Department of Corrections project we had implemented a scheduling solution for Washington State Ferries, a state organization with 1,400 employees, 31 large vessels across 14 locations, overlaid with a snarled tapestry of four labor unions and 14 collective bargaining agreements. We sensed a real opportunity to develop a product and grow from there. We developed a system for them and got our start in strategic workforce management. Three years ago we took the knowledge of what we learned from that project and built ATLAS from the ground up into a product Emerald City could sell. A prison is a complex environment, but at least it is stationary. The ferries presented an added dimension of complication by having the location of the facility where the scheduling was occurring move through different labor jurisdictions, which changed the rules governing the schedule. Our ability to handle complex labor rules is what differentiates us from our large competitors; they focus on non-union environments which are far, far less complex. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We developed a great deal of respect for the correctional officers we worked with during the course of the project. They have a difficult, dangerous, and stressful job that is nearly inconceivable to most people. Emerald City Software was able to improve their work circumstances through technology. Being a part of the Computerworld Honors Program is a validation of technology; it’s an acknowledgement that technology is not just about better-fastercheaper, it’s also about making people’s lives better and recognizing this characteristic of technology with an historical perspective. The technical community is loosely knit and largely individualistic. The Computerworld Honors Program is a focal point of this community. We are honored to be a part of this program and the underlying principles it represents. ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK Buffalo, New York, USA Erie County EMERALD CITY SOFTWARE Seattle, Washington, USA Washington Department of Corrections Enterprise Workforce Management (ATLAS) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Emerald City Software has been in business since 1994; we are a small company with fewer than 20 employees. Our primary niche is in the area of workforce management, especially as it relates to the labyrinth of What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The recognition and validation brought by the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program for the hundreds of county workers who have dedicated 6 years of their careers to implementing an enterprise technical infrastructure is the benefit. What started as a vision put forth by the Administration was engineered, planned and implemented by technical workers, business process owners, system users and managers. program to attain national prominence. The Department administers support to provide superior service to customers, innovate and improve our processes, assist in achieving operational objectives through the use of technology, and educate our customers and partners. Executive direction; Administrative services; Information technology FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Tallahassee, Florida, USA System for Unified Taxation (SUNTAX) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) is a public organization in the executive branch of Florida state government. The Governor and Cabinet serve as the official head or “board of directors” of the Department. Operating under an FY 2005-06 budget appropriation of $480 million, the Department has 5,433 authorized fulltime employees located in sixty-seven locations throughout the state and in nine facilities in eight other states. Summarized below are the Department’s primary responsibilities and some additional information on each program. Programs Description Outputs Child Support Enforcement (CSE) The Department of Revenue is responsible for the administration of Florida’s Child Support Enforcement program. The Department’s Child Support Enforcement program helps children get the financial support they need when it is not received from one or both parents. Establishment of paternity; Orders establishing support obligations; Support collections to families; Health care coverage for children; Enforcement actions for non-support o Reimbursements to federal and state governments for temporary cash assistance payments General Tax Administration (GTA) The Department of Revenue is responsible for the administration of tax collection, tax enforcement, tax processing, taxpayer registration, and fund distribution, as well as for providing taxpayer assistance and resolution of taxpayer complaints. The Department’s General Tax Administration program administers approximately 36 taxes and fees, and collected approximately $38 billion in FY 2005-06. Major taxes include sales, documentary stamp, corporate income, unemployment, fuel, and communication services. Establishment and maintenance of taxpayer accounts; Taxpayer requirements and assistance; Processed returns and revenue; Distributed revenue to GR, trust funds and local governments; Enforcement actions; Resolution of disputes Property Tax Administration (PTA) The Department of Revenue is responsible for the oversight of the ad valorem tax law including property valuation and assessment standards and review. The Department’s Property Tax Administration program oversees the collection of taxes on more than 10.3 million real and centrally assessed parcels and tangible personal property accounts. Ratio studies of the quality of local assessment rolls; Guidelines and regulation to ensure uniform assessment levels across the state; Orders enforcing compliance with millage (property tax rate) levying procedures; Review of taxpayer applications for refunds and tax certificate cancellation/ correction Executive and Department Support The Department of Revenue provides leadership to create a workplace where everyone accepts and embraces the critical changes necessary for each What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being recognized by the Computerworld Honors program would be an honor for the Department of Revenue and provide a world class forum for sharing our successful story so that others may benefit. Other public and private entities can learn from our successes and benefit by understanding not repeating our missteps. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS Fairfax, Virginia, USA National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Established in 1873, the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) is a powerful network of more than 12,000 chief fire and emergency officers. Our members are the world’s leading experts in fire fighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search & rescue, and public safety legislation. To provide leadership to career and volunteer chiefs, chief fire officers and managers of emergency service organizations throughout the international community through vision, information, education, services and representation to enhance their professionalism and capabilities. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? On behalf of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, it is an honor to be nominated for the Computerworld Honors Program. The International Association of Fire Chiefs has a long history of promoting firefighter safety through the use of technology. Usually this technology is found in fire engines and command centers. The National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System utilizes technology in a new way for the fire service community although it is based on the time-honored tradition of firefighters telling stories. These “stories” have the ability to prevent an injury or fatality and now these lessons learned can be shared with anyone with internet access. Together with our partners and supporters, we appreciate the acknowledgement of the work that is being done on this project to reduce firefighter fatalities and injuries. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 103 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ITALIAN TREASURY DEPARTMENT (CONSIP) Rome, Italy PointRGS Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Consip was born 8 years ago as the IT structure of Ministry of Economy.The Consip is 100% of ministry. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We are very proud to partecipate at this program KANE COUNTY CORONER Geneva, Illinois, USA Coroner’s Office Automation System (COAS) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Because the Kane County Coroner’s Office serves a number of diverse populations, the true scope of the COAS project’s benefits is difficult to determine. In order to provide a sense of the impact which the project has had upon Kane County and its surrounding communities, we have provided demographic figures which require additional explanation. * As noted in the narrative above, the COAS benefits a large number of Kane County citizens and other stakeholders. ** The figures provided for questions relating to total annual revenue, annual IT budget, and number of employees pertain to the entirety of Kane County. LAKE FOREST HOSPITAL Lake Forest, Illinois, USA High Availability and Secure, Remote Access for Hospital Single Enterprise Network Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Lake Forest Hospital From its beginning in 1899 as the Alice Home Hospital on the campus of Lake Forest College, and continuing since 1942 in its present location on the grounds of the former Dick family farm, Lake Forest Hospital (LFH) remains on the leading edge of medical technology and is committed to providing quality healthcare with a personal touch. Over the past 100 years, and with the generous support of the community, LFH has grown into a 214-bed not-for- profit community hospital offering an unmatched continuum of healthcare services. In addition to the 104 medical office buildings on its main Lake Forest campus, LFH offers healthcare services at several convenient Lake County facilities and anticipates continued growth in the future. A recent consumer survey by National Research Corporation (NRC) named Lake Forest Hospital “Lake-Kenosha’s Most Preferred Hospital: Overall Quality & Image” for 2005/06. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Every person connected with our organization is focused on our mission of optimizing the quality of life for the people we serve,” said Manfred. “We strive to expand beyond the traditional focus on medical needs to encompass the needs of the whole person. The infrastructure we’ve put in place helps our people focus on the right things. We’re proud that as an information technology staff, we’ve been able to go beyond the traditional focus as well. We’ve made our solutions as transparent as possible so the user doesn’t even have to think about how they work. That’s how we know we’ve done our job. LEEDS CITY COUNCIL Leeds, Great Britain Marion County. Each Commissioner represents one of the five districts in which they reside. They are elected by all county voters to serve a four year term. A Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected by the Board members each year. The Board of County Commissioner’s overall operating budget includes the County Administrator and 25 various departments and is funded through General County Ad Valorem taxes and various other revenue sources. Ad Valorem taxes are also used to fund the elected constitutional officers, state mandated programs such as medicaid, and various other programs. Marion County’s population has increased 40% within the last 10 years. This unprecedented growth has challenged us to find innovative and resourceful funding options for the increasing demand on services. Building public/private partnerships is one option which has proven to be our most successful. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being nominated for the Computerworld Honors Program is a significant achievement for Marion County Board of County Commissioners, the Information Systems Department and me. It is nice to have an outside organization recognize the importance and significance of our work. I am very proud of my staff, co-workers, and management for bringing this plan to fruition. Online Services What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Highlights the profile of Leeds City Council to be recognised for the excellent work that the employees undertake to enable us to deliver our mission of ‘Putting Customers First’. MARION COUNTY, FLORIDA Ocala, Florida, USA Network Upgrade Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. About Marion County The US Government acquired Florida in 1821. Pioneers in Marion County came to the area for free land offered under the Armed Occupation Act during the 1840s. Six military roads converged on Fort King near what is now the center or Marion County, making it an obvious meeting place. Between 1842 and 1844, the county was still a part of Alachua, Mosquito (Orange) and Hillsborough counties. Gabriel Priest, the first state senator from Marion, represented Alachua County when he introduced the bill to create the new county. The territorial legislative council authorized the formation of Marion County, and the law was signed by Richard Keith Call, the territorial governor, on March 25, 1844. County Commissioners The Board of County Commissioners is the primary legislative and policy-making body for T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM MIAMI-DADE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING BUREAU Miami, Florida, USA Miami-Dade Police Department Training Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Miami-Dade County has a total population of more than 2.3 million and encompasses more than 2,000 square miles. As the largest metropolitan area in Florida, Miami-Dade County is home to thirty-four municipalities and one of the largest unincorporated areas in the country. The Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) oversees and protects this vast area, and relies on its Metropolitan Police Institute Training Bureau to deliver cutting edge training to all of the Officers and staff that are spread out through out the County. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE Lansing, Michigan, USA HRMN Optimization Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. With its current embodiment officially established by the Executive Organization Act of 1965 following the directive of the Michigan constitution of 1963, the Department of Civil Service (DCS) is the central human resource agency for the State of Michigan and is the parent organization for the nominated program. The Department of Civil Service is responsible for issuing rules and regulations regarding the classification of all positions, rates of compensation, testing, performance evaluation, training and development, and conditions of employment. These rules and regulations guide DCS relationships with the HR offices of the 18 primary departments of the State of Michigan. The state employs over 55,000 people of which 72% are represented by 11 different bargaining units. The departments’ organizational structures vary greatly, including highly structured, geographically dispersed organizations such as the Department of Corrections; smaller organizations such as the Department of Civil Rights; and organizations with greatly differing mandates such as the Department of Transportation, Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Labor and Economic Growth. The variety of operational activities performed by these and other departments all have at their core one common task, managing their HR needs by functional application of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The project team included carefully selected individuals with specific business and technical skills. Being part of the Computerworld Honors Program recognizes their hard work, ingenuity, and focus. Documenting their story in the Computerworld archive can achieve broader benefits as it models and communicates a creatively successful synthesis of readily available technologies that adds significant value for the enterprise and the people of Michigan. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA Electronic Document Management System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), in cooperation with its county partners, helps people meet their basic needs so they can live in dignity and achieve their highest potential. Known as the “welfare agency” since its beginning in the mid-1800s when the first state hospital opened in St. Peter, Minnesota, the department’s focus always has been on helping people make transitions and overcome obstacles in their lives. In 1868, the department began working with Minnesota’s county employees to create what is now the state’s county-based social services system. Today, employees in the department’s central office in St. Paul work closely with employees from Minnesota’s 87 counties who provide most of the direct services to Minnesotans. Since the late 1800s, DHS has always served Minnesotans in need. From its beginning as the state Board of Correction and Charities in 1883, which evolved into the state Board of Control in 1901, the Minnesota Department of Social Security in 1939, the Department of Public Welfare in 1953, and finally to the Department of Human Services in 1983, it is here to help people make transitions in their lives and live as independently as possible. 2) What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? An opportunity to get some much deserved recognition for an outstanding project team. The project required that members juggle multiple efforts and expand their skill set. It is a tribute to the project team that every one of them stayed through project completion and signed up for the follow-on project, EDMS Clean Sweep. Attachments: Minneapolis Star-Tribune article on the Backfile Conversion Area Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Brochure Last update: October 5, 2005 at 10:54 PM H.J. Cummins: Workers with disabilities get a boost from digital conversions H.J. Cummins, Star Tribune October 6, 2005 WORKANDLIFE1006 With 20 percent of its floor space consumed by file cabinets, the crowded Minnesota Department of Human Services realized it had a problem with paper. The agency’s solution might be a sign of things to come. It hired 16 of its own clients with disabilities, trained them to convert paper documents to digital images, and 18 months later this corner of state government has 3.5 million fewer pages of documents in storage boxes. “It was either this or look into ‘bunk cubicles,’ “ said Monica Crocker, coordinator of the electronic document management system at the department. Advocates for the disabled see digital conversions as a potential mother lode for their clients: Governments, banks, law firms and health care companies are all looking to the promise of computer disk storage to liberate them from their paper burdens. And conversions -- especially the repetitive process of removing staples, taping rips and opening folded papers so they can be electronically scanned -- is ideal work for many with physical, cognitive or emotional disabilities. On top of that, this option can make the labor-intensive process affordable to more employers. The Human Services Department pays $7 an hour to this crew, compared with the $28 an hour Crocker said she got in an open bidding process. Everyone on the work team gets $6.15 of that $7 -- the state’s minimum wage. “Good money,” said an appreciative crew member, Trina Lewis. The department was motivated to shrink its records to prepare to move some of its divisions into the new Elmer L. Andersen Human Services Building, which opened last weekend. The nature of its work requires lots of records and often long storage. For example, the files on people under public guardianship must remain intact through their lifetimes plus 20 years, Crocker said. To get the job done, the department turned to the piece of its Minnesota State Operated Community Services that finds and supports employment for people with disabilities. It provides 16 to 19 clients at a time, and some coaches to train and supervise them, placement coordinator Heidi Forbes said. The clients work four-hour shifts, and have organized themselves in four teams -- the Early Birds, Vikings, Stars and Wild. Most of their work is “document preparation” -- taking out staples and anything else needed to make a sheet of paper ready to be scanned. “Once they learn it, it’s the same thing every day,” Forbes said. “It’s important to these people to be consistent. Change can be hard; repetitive is good. “In fact, some of these folks have been successful here, after they hadn’t been elsewhere,” she said. The department got the idea from the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. That advocacy agency converted all its paperwork, including decades of mental health research, to a website, council director Colleen Wieck said. Wieck had read about an autistic man in Lodi, Calif., who was doing well converting city documents into electronic files. “I thought, ‘You gotta get this work done. You gotta hire people with disabilities.’ A lot of forces came together,” Wieck said. She hired 18 people, who scanned documents for her for 16 months. She and Forbes hope more employers will take time to learn about this as a possibility. Besides the department, Olmsted County’s corrections department also has hired people with disabilities to help handle its documents. She has had interest from a banker. “And somebody in New Jersey found us by Googling ‘disabilities’ and ‘digital imaging’ and said, ‘How do we set up a business to do this?’ “ Wieck said. In the 1980s, the only placements for people with disabilities were in such jobs as fast food, laundry and janitorial. Now those agencies ask their clients what work might interest them, such as child care, and make every effort to accommodate them. Everyone on the imaging projects chose to be there, she said. “We’ve gone from ‘supported employment’ to thinking in terms of, ‘What’s next for you?’ even, ‘What kind of career are you looking for?’ “ she said. Greg Leuck, at the Department of Human Services, said he’s learning FileNet software, scanning in both black and white and color. “I like that I’m getting experience,” Leuck said. Co-worker Jeff Shaffer’s previous job was packaging wood products T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 105 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS and putting stickers on pipes at a state-run workshop. Working for the department is a big-deal job, Shaffer said. “We’re working for the state, and that means it’s important,” he said. “I never had a government job before.” What are your workplace issues? You can reach H.J. Cummins [email protected]. Please sign your emails; no names will appear in print without prior approval. NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Phoenix, Arizona, USA The International Justice and Public Safety Information Sharing Network 106 NAVAL AIR WARFARE CENTER AIRCRAFT DIVISION, SPECIAL COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS DIVISION NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT ORANGE COUNTY GOVERNMENT, FLORIDA New York, New York, USA Orlando, Florida, USA Crime Data Warehouse “Bringing it Together”: One Network and Three Storms St. Inigoes, Maryland, USA ONECOMMUNITY MarineNet, Marine Corps Distance Learning Cleveland, Ohio, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Orange County, Florida was known as Mosquito County at the turn of the century. The county has evolved from a quiet citrus producing community to a world recognized tourist destination and center for innovative industry. Orange County is one of seven counties recognized as comprising Central Florida. It is a charter county, meaning it has its own constitution and is self-governing. Having a charter gives the county the ability to respond to a changing environment and meet local needs. The first charter was adopted in November 1986 and went into effect on January 6, 1987. In November 1988, voters approved the creation of a new form of government for Orange County: a mayor elected by the community at large and the creation of six-single member districts. The mayor and commissioners serve overlapping four-year terms. OneCommunity NETWORK FOR GOOD Bethesda, Maryland, USA Gulf Coast Hurricane and Tsunami Efforts Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Formed in 1966 as the Law Enforcement Teletype System (LETS), the organization’s mission was to interconnect a nationwide law enforcement communication system that up to that point had been based on a fragmented system of teletype. LETS migrated the system to punched paper tape switching equipment but by 1970, that system had become hopelessly overloaded and the organization installed two small computers. However, by 1972, the need for information had once again outdistanced the system’s ability to serve. In 1973, Nlets, Inc. was incorporated as a not for profit group and completed a massive upgrade of the communications system, which continued to grow and became accessible to law enforcement and criminal justice agencies nationwide. Today, Nlets provides an international, computer-based message switching system that links together state, local and federal law enforcement and justice agencies for the purpose of information exchange. It provides information services support for a growing number of justice related applications by supporting data communications links to state networks using a commercial frame relay service. All agencies within each state are serviced through this state interface. Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Network for Good is a nonprofit organization and one of the Internet’s leading charitable resources - a website where individuals can donate, volunteer and learn about the issues they care about; and where nonprofits can take advantage of easy-to-use, low-cost tools for online engagement, fundraising and volunteer recruitment. Network for Good’s mission is to use the Internet to increase the flow of resources to nonprofits and to increase the ability of nonprofits to get resources for themselves. Since its inception in 2001, Network for Good has processed over $86 million in donations for more than 300,000 individual donors to more than 20,000 nonprofits, the majority of which are small nonprofits. Network for Good has also referred more than 200,000 volunteers through its partnership with Volunteer Match and USA Freedom Corps. In just four short years, Network for Good has evolved from start-up status to its current position at the forefront of Internet-based philanthropy and nonprofit fundraising. In fact, if compared to all U.S.-based grant makers, including foundations, Network for Good would rank among the top 1% in annual disbursements to nonprofits in 2005. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? At Nlets we do the right things for the right reasons. Keeping justice and public safety professionals safe by providing them the right information to the right person in the right place at the right time is validation enough that we are doing the right thing. This program only validates what we strive to do each and every day. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Network for Good is truly honored to be a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program and to be recognized for our innovative use of technology for the benefit of society. We firmly believe that utilization of technology is a key driver in the effectiveness and efficiency of the nonprofit sector, and we are proud of the accomplishments we’ve achieved thus far. T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. OneCommunity, formerly known as OneCleveland, developed from the visionary leadership of Case Western Reserve University CIO Lev Gonick, recently declared one of ComputerWorld’s top 100 IT leaders. Lev and a handful of early backers worked for many months to secure access to dark fiber in the region and then to gain support from Cisco Systems and IBM to engineer and activate the network. In 2004 the founding members of OneCommunity formalized the creation of a nonprofit to provide network services, consulting services and applications to leading institutions and organizations in Cleveland. In 2005, NorTech, a regional economic development agency committed to building our region’s IT Cluster, formally engaged a successful IT entrepreneur to lead the build out of the organization. Additional IT entrepreneurs were then attracted and engaged. The network went live in 2004, additional customers were added in 2005 and in 2006 we are expanding our service territory to cover much of Northeast Ohio. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? OneCommunity is helping develop a globally competitive regional economy in Northeast Ohio. It is essential, as part of that effort, that the world recognize and appreciate the competitive advantages of growing their businesses in our community. To be recognized by such a prestigious program as the Computerworld Honors Program would firmly establish OneCommunity as an effective organization and highlight to a global audience one element of Northeast Ohio’s competitive advantage. Also, the recognition by Computerworld also helps OneCommunity inform global technology companies that our community is an ideal location to develop and test the next generation of “community technologies.” We are eager to serve as the “test bed” and are very appreciative of the support the Computer Honors Program could provide to that effort. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Participating in the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program has allowed Orange County, Florida to share with the industry how to improve service to citizens while gaining flexibility, efficiency and cost savings through the use of technology. The innovative use of technology played a crucial role and was the cornerstone from which Orange County responded to citizens in the aftermath of devastating hurricanes. Government must take advantage of technology to enhance operations, control cost and improve service to citizens. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Large-Scale Transformation Success Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Network BC was formed in October 2003 with the objective of leveraging internal expertise in procuring and leveraging the province’s telecommunications infrastructure. In February 2004 the Province of British Columbia announced the Network BC project with the specific mandate of procuring network and infrastructure technologies designed to “bridge the digital divide”. The specific objectives of the Network BC project: Generate economic development in rural and remote communities of British Columbia; Facilitate digital access for remote First Nations communities; Support the move towards common delivery models for government back office and administrative services; Aggregate public sector telecommunications spend to drive down the costs of broadband services and open up affordable access; Leverage existing and new alliances with the Government of Canada and First Nations; and, Advance private and public sector alliances. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The Province of British Columbia is very pleased to have been nominated by Cisco Systems to the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program. Every year the Computerworld Honors Program searches for and recognizes organizations that have demonstrated vision and leadership as they strive to use information technology to serve humankind. It is an irony of the digital divide that the individuals and communities who could benefit the most from access to information and communications technologies are often the last to benefit. The digital divide separates those who are connected to new technologies and those who have no access to the benefits of new technologies. This happens across international frontiers as well as within communities where people are separated by economic and knowledge barriers. The Province of British Columbia is fully committed to turning this digital divide into a digital opportunity. Being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program means that we can share our commitment to improving connectivity to build sustainable communities, improving opportunities for business, education and health care and the methods with which we are achieving these objectives within British Columbia with other jurisdictions worldwide. The Program represents a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the benefits that information technology can bring to humanity and the manner in which they transform people’s activities, interaction and lives, and thus increase equality, prosperity and quality of life into the future. RECEITA FEDERAL (BRAZIL’S INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Customs View, Audit and System Control View, Tax Levy, Inspection, Administration Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The SRF promotes the collection of tributes and carries through the customs control, fulfilling and making to fulfill to the applicable legislation of form joust, contributing for the improvement of the politics tax and tidewaiter, offering to the society an excellency service and stimulating the voluntary fulfilment of the obligations taxes. It is recognized for the society as an organization joust in the appli- cation of the legislation tax, with excellency and uniformity in the rendering of services to the citizen, with autonomy in the management of its resources, being respected by the integrity, transparency and absence of influences politician-partisans. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The program was indicated to us by MicroStrategy of Brasil. SCOTTISH EXECUTIVE Edinburgh, Great Britain eProcurement Scotland (ePS) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Scottish Executive is the devolved government for Scotland. It is responsible for most of the issues of day-to-day concern to the people of Scotland, including health, education, justice, rural affairs, and transport. The Executive’s broad-ranging responsibilities put it in an excellent position to examine and resolve issues affecting the whole of the public sector in Scotland. It has responded to this opportunity by embarking upon a number of innovative programs and reforms of which the eProcurementScotl@nd initiative is one of the most significant. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? First, it means wonderful opportunity to broaden our existing global education and awareness-raising initiative, regardless of whether our entry wins or not. ePS is a global e-government change management initiative which can share its experiences and best practices with other government administrations across the globe. Second, it provides recognition in an important international context for the hard work, commitment and initiative of all those who have dedicated so much time and effort to make eProcurementScotl@nd a success. SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PROBATION Columbia, South Carolina, USA Network Security and Secure Access T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 107 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS STATE OF ILLINOIS, CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Chicago, Illinois, USA Project Hercules Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. In 2003, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich instructed the Department of Central Management Services to streamline the state’s operations, share resources and save taxpayer money while improving the business services of state government. By bringing private-sector discipline to its public-sector mission, CMS leads the cost-effective administration of purchasing, real estate, information technology, telecommunications, internal audit and outside legal services for the state’s executive agencies, personnel and benefits for all state employees and retirees, and the state’s employee and vendor diversity programs. CMS continues to achieve savings and enhance services as it implements new technologies, reduces waste and rethinks many of the administrative operations of the state. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Becoming part of the Computerworld Honors Program would help us share the best practices we developed in Illinois to leaders of other state and local governments, and the leaders of private-sector enterprises, who could benefit in terms of time, money and efficiency by managing in-house their IT and telecommunications needs. STATE OF MINNESOTA St. Paul, Minnesota, USA Drive To Excellence Transformational Roadmap SUFFOLK COUNTY Riverhead, New York, USA Court of Common Pleas the duty of keeping county records. By 1821 County Clerks were elected by the voters of the county. The office of Suffolk County Clerk is established under Article XVIII of the Suffolk County Charter. The Suffolk County Clerk, in addition to serving as Registrar, is the duly designated Records Management Officer (RMO) for all County agencies and departments, except the District Attorney, Family Court and District Court. Elected Suffolk County Clerk in 1989, Ed Romaine instituted a number of reforms and management initiatives concentrating on converting as many paper records to electronic format as possible while increasing the computer-accessibility of the county’s records. When Peter Schlussler came on board as Director of Optical Imaging, the concept was taken a step ahead to include online access to county records. The office received InfoWorld’s award for one of the “Most Innovative IT Projects of 2005”. Schlussler’s decision to seek a hybrid solution that encompassed both access and preservation resulted in a department that uses stateof-the-art digital scanning and microfilm created using the Kodak Archive Writer. Current County Clerk Judith Pascale is determined to continue using the department’s IT know-how to provide increased access to the county records for Suffolk County citizens. Additionally, the creation of an online subscription service for companies provides a revenue source for the county that brings in approximately $400,000 in fees each year. Pete Schlussler expects that figure to increase, as well as, to ultimately result in lower cost title insurance for the consumer due to the increased speed and efficiency of record searches. A new aspect of the land records project will be the creation of digital surrogate’s of historic property-owner atlases and the conversion of older text indexes to the computerized system. Future considerations include a more unified approach to countywide Records Management and digitization of historic records. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The honor bestowed upon our management team is not only a validation of our hard work and vision, but it is a testimonial to how government can now be seen as innovative, progressive and cost effective. In addition, it serves as a dramatic example of how IT can benefit society in a very concrete manner. Virtual County Clerk’s Office Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. A New York General Assembly session in New York City in October, 1683 divided New York into 12 counties, including Suffolk County. The office of County Clerk in New York has existed continuously from the Colonial era to the present. The official title in 1683 was “Common Clerk” of the County. After the independence of the United States from England, New York State adopted its first constitution which gave the clerks of the 108 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES U.S. MARITIME ADMINISTRATION (MARAD) Washington, DC, USA Washington, DC, USA Financial System Update Virtual Office of Acquisitions (VOA) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Export-Import Bank of the United States was established by executive order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934 as a District of Columbia banking corporation. The Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 reincorporated Ex-Im Bank as a U.S. government corporation. This Act, which has been amended by Congress over the years, is the basic legal authority for Ex-Im Bank’s operations. Congressional authorizing committees are the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, and the House Financial Services Committee. Ex-Im Bank’s reauthorization legislation confirms broad bipartisan support for the Bank’s mission. The legislation reaffirms the importance of Ex-Im Bank’s small business mandate and emphasizes the importance of technology to the operation of the Bank. The objective of the Export-Import Bank is to work towards leveling the playing field for American exporters by matching officially supported foreign competition and filling financing gaps. Ex-Im Bank does not compete with private sector lenders but provides export financing products that fill gaps in trade financing. Ex-Im Bank assumes credit and country risks that the private sector is unable or unwilling to accept. Ex-Im Bank also help to level the playing field for U.S. exporters by matching the financing that other Government provide to their exporters. Ex-Im Bank provides working capital guarantees (pre-export financing); export credit insurance (post-export financing); and loan guarantees and direct loans (buyer financing). On average, 85% of our transactions directly benefit U.S. small businesses. With more than 70 years of experience, Ex-Im Bank has supported more than $400 billion of U.S. exports, primarily to developing markets worldwide. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It will be a privilege for Ex-Im Bank to be a laureate of the prestigious Computer Honor Program to commemorate the contributions of our organization and our use of information technology and processes in helping U.S. companies compete in today’s challenging global marketplace. It is also very rewarding to preserve and share our lessons learned and experiences with scholars and the general public through the publication of the case study on the Internet. Austin, Texas, USA Adult Protective Services T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM THE WELL PROJECT Nellysford, Virginia, USA The Well Project U.S. AIR FORCE Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts, USA Global Combat Support System U.S. ARMY Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, USA Joint Network Node (JNN) U.S. MARINE CORPS Quantico, Virginia, USA USMC Manpower Portal Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Marine Corps has two missions; to make Marines and win battles. Comprised of smart, adaptable men and women, the Corps serves as the aggressive tip of the American military spear. Often thought of as “First to Fight,” ours is a smaller, more dynamic force than any other in the American aresenal. The Corps is also the only U.S. force designed to be expeditionary in nature and able to operate in a state of “forward deployment.” This means we keep Marines stationed around the world ready to act whenever the need arises. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) Washington, DC, USA Automated Postal Center (APC) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Since 1775, the Postal Service and its predecessor, the Post Office Department, has connected friends, families, neighbors and businesses by mail. It is an independent federal agency that visits more than 144 million homes and businesses every day and is the only service provider delivering to every address in the nation. The Postal Service receives no taxpayer dollars for routine operations, but derives its operating revenues solely from the sale of postage, products and services. With annual revenues of $70 billion, it is the world’s leading provider of mailing and delivery services, offering some of the most affordable postage rates in the world. The U.S. Postal Service delivers more than 46 percent of the world’s mail volume-some 212 billion letters, advertisements, periodicals and packages a year-and serves seven million customers each day at its 37,000 retail locations nationwide. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? USPS believes it is a privilege to be part of the Computerworld Honors Program. We strongly believe the Automated Postal Center® will have a profound and innovative impact on the postal mailing industry. Through programs like Computerworld Honors Program, we hope that this program will receive the attention it deserves. Our transformation has included many technological advances over the past several years. The Point-of-Service (POS) systems introduced in December 1997 revolutionized the way our Sales Associates do their jobs, and the APCs have revolutionized the way America does its postal business. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) Washington, DC, USA Customer Information Services (CIS) UNITED WAY OF AMERICA Alexandria, Virginia, USA Macromedia Breeze Deployment Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. In 1887, a Denver priest, two ministers and a rabbi recognized the need for cooperative action to address their city’s welfare problems. The Rev. Myron W. Reed, Msgr. William J. O’Ryan, Dean H. Martyn Hart and Rabbi William S. Friedman put their heads together to plan the first united campaign for ten health and welfare agencies. They created an organization to serve as an agent to collect funds for local charities, as well as to coordinate relief services, counsel and refer clients to cooperating agencies, and make emergency assistance grants in cases which could not be referred. That year, Denver raised $21,700 and created a movement that would spread throughout the county to become the United Way. Over 118 years later, United Way is still focused on mobilizing the caring power of communities and making a difference in people’s lives. ting edge work being done by IT professionals in the nonprofit world every day. So much of this work provides the very platform upon which we are able to mobilize our partners and achieve our mission of strengthening communities and improving lives. The recognition of the amazing accomplishments of IT professionals in all industries and sectors helps create vital visibility and support for the valuable role IT professionals can play in the betterment of mankind. United Way would like to sincerely thank Adobe and the Computerworld Honors Organization for allowing us to participate in this prestigious program. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Washington, DC, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. is one of 24 key initiatives that comprise the President’s E-Government Strategy, an integral part of President Bush’s Management Agenda, which focuses on: creating a more accessible government, saving taxpayer dollars, and streamlining citizen-togovernment transactions. is a collaborative effort of 16 federal agencies including: Departments of Labor (managing partner), Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, State, Treasury, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, Small Business Administration, and the Social Security Administration. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The Department of Labor is honored to be considered for this prestigous award. The team has worked extremely hard to bring to the American public more than just a web site, but an online service that can help make a difference in people’s lives. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? First and foremost, it is a great honor to be nominated and recognized as a Laureate of this prestigious program. The Computerworld Honors Program is particularly meaningful to United Way because it helps highlight the cut- T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 109 LAUREATES 2006 GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION WORLD URBAN FORUM 3 Washington, DC, USA Vancouver, Canada Virtual VA Habitat Jam Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was established on March 15, 1989, succeeding the Veterans Administration. It is responsible for providing federal benefits to veterans and their families. Headed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, VA is the second largest of the 15 Cabinet departments and operates nationwide programs for health care, financial assistance and burial benefits. Of the 24.8 million veterans currently alive, nearly threequarters served during a war or an official period of conflict. About a quarter of the nation’s population, approximately 63 million people, are potentially eligible for VA benefits and services because they are veterans, family members or survivors of veterans. Disability compensation is a monetary benefit paid to veterans who are disabled by injury or disease incurred or aggravated during active military service. Veterans with low incomes who are permanently and totally disabled may be eligible for monetary support through VA’s pension program. Since 1944, when the first GI Bill began, more than 21 million veterans, service members and family members have received $72 billion in GI Bill benefits for education and training. Since the Vietnamera, there have been approximately 2 million veterans, service members, reservists and National Guardsmen who have participated in the Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program, established in 1977, and the Montgomery GI Bill, established in 1985. Perhaps the most visible of all VA benefits and services is health care. From 54 hospitals in 1930, VA’s health care system now includes 157 medical centers. VA manages the largest medical education and health professions training program in the United States. VA facilities are affiliated with 107 medical schools, 55 dental schools and more than 1,200 other schools across the country. Each year, about 83,000 health professionals are trained in VA medical centers. More than half of the physicians practicing in the United States had some of their professional education in the VA health care system. Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. UN-HABITAT established the World Urban Forum to examine one of the most pressing issues facing the world today: rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies and policies. It is a biennial gathering that provides for effective participation of non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, urban professionals, academics, governments, local authorities and national and international associations of local governments. In June 2006, Canada will host the third session of the World Urban Forum (WUF3) in Vancouver. WUF3 will mark the 30th anniversary of the first UN conference on human settlements, which was also held in Vancouver and led to the creation of UN-HABITAT. For five days participants at WUF3 will identify issues affecting cities and share lessons, best practices and policies. Participants will return home after WUF3 with ideas for action to improve the quality of life in their communities and cities. Reports and recommendations from the World Urban Forum will be submitted by the Executive Director to the Governing Council of UNHABITAT for consideration and appropriate action. Previous World Urban Forums were held in Nairobi in 2002 and Barcelona in 2004. The fourth session of the World Urban Forum will be held in Nanjing, China in 2008. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? At the C&P Business Management Laboratory, we strive to put the veterans first in all we do - working to develop and implement programs that enable VBA to better serve America’s veterans and their families. Being a part of this program would further validate that work - honoring not only Virtual VA, but also the American heroes that the program serves. YUCATAN STATE GOVERNMENT L AU R E AT E S 2006 What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? I am honored to be nominated by IBM for this prestigious award. It is truly gratifying to be part of a program that rewards “innovation that matters”. However, the ones who really deserve this special recognition, due to their courage to break down technology barriers and help close the digital divide in order to create the largest public consultation ever held on urban sustainability, are our champions (see figure 7 for just a few), our partners (IBM, UN-HABITAT, World Urban Forum Youth, the Huairou Commission, GROOTS) and of course, the participants. Mérida, Mexico Unidad de Servicios Electrónicos USE (Electronic Service Units) MANUFACTURING 110 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM A-AMERICA Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA Apprise Distribution Implementation Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. A-America, Inc. was founded in 1974 as a small importing operation. After initially focusing on distributing wood dining room furniture, A-America expanded to include wood bedroom and home office furniture, as well as more formal wood furnishings and collections. Headquartered in Seattle, WA USA, today AAmerica is a leading importer and distributor of home furnishings for the bedroom, dining room and home office. Serving a variety of retail customers, including specialty and large chain furniture retailers throughout the United States and Canada, A-America has achieved fantastic growth over the past decade, with a cumulative growth rate of over 400% since the early 1990s. In a highly competitive market, AAmerica has been able to reduce costs, increase efficiencies and deliver improved service to customers by consistently focusing on operational improvements. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? A-America has always taken pride in its focus on constant improvement initiatives in order to remain competitive and sustain an advantage in a rapidly changing and highly-competitive market. Being part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program brings credibility and recognition to the value and contribution that IT can and does make to the organization’s success and continued growth. In addition, as a mid-sized business, it is an honor that our efforts and success in the implementation of leading technologies can be recognized and considered alongside those of some of the world’s best and most innovative companies. ACE CLEARWATER ENTERPRISES, INC. Irvine, California, USA SOA Solution Brings Manufacturer Increased Flexibility, Reliability, and Scalability Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. ACE Clearwater Enterprises was founded as Ace Welding in 1949 by the grandfather of current president, Kellie Johnson. The family owned business grew as it incorporated generations of the Johnson family, beginning with Tim Dodson, Kellie’s father, and continuing with Kellie taking a leadership role in the company in the mid-1980s. Under Kellie’s direction the company significantly, almost tripling sales. ACE looks to local schools for its “next generation of engineers,” hiring sum- 112 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING mer interns from the University of Southern California, technical colleges, and local high schools. A shop mentoring program encourages senior operators to assist younger people in augmenting their skill levels. ACE believes we need to see a resurgence in this country of educational skills programs to stress that people can make a good living through the many opportunities that manufacturing has to offer. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? ACE focused on streamlining processes, and through the use of innovative technology, such as SOA and Web services, has achieved that goal. ACE employees have increased productivity, and the company has improved customer service, empowering our customers to access information real-time to track the progress and compliance of orders. BELKIN Compton, California, USA Belkin Moves to Consolidated SAN and Migrates to Exchange CHARTER STEEL Saukville, Wisconsin, USA IP Integration Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Established more than 70 years ago, privately held Charter Manufacturing has maintained its leadership position in the highly competitive steel industry for most of its history. The company, which has tripled in size since 2003, has sustained double-digit revenue growth for the past five years, realizing a minimum growth rate of 20 percent a year. Today, Charter Manufacturing operates the Charter Steel division in Saukville, Wisconsin, Cleveland and Fostoria, Ohio; Charter Specialty Steel in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; and Charter Wire and Milwaukee Wire Products in Milwaukee. A sales office in Detroit and Canada serves Charter’s auto industry customers. Charter Steel provides steel bar, rod and wire for demanding applications in the cold heading, cold finishing, bearing, tool, specialty spring and stainless steel markets. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? In general most companies look at IT and Telecom as non value adding but required. While the technologies have evolved rapidly over the last decade, the ability to stay current and be reconized by peers and manufactures as a identifible leader. T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM DS WATERS OF AMERICA LP Flowery Branch, Georgia, USA DS Waters Propels Performance and Management of Crisis ETHICON ENDOSURGERY, INC. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Enterprise Data Warehouse GATES CORPORATION program was one of the goals set out with the initialization on the Collaboration project. The team sought to not just deploy new technology to the company but to truly make a difference for our business, our customers and the people in them worldwide. The team wanted to show that IT projects can be done on time, on budget and have truly positive impact on business and society. The team wanted to go beyond just delivering updated technology and partner with our business community to build a bigger vision and strategy that helped achieve critical business strategy. The team sought to bring our global enterprise together breaking down communication, cultural, time and distance barriers. Being part of the Computerworld program is important for the team to bring in credible sources outside the team and company to validate the achievements of the past 15 months. Denver, Colorado, USA HOLOGIC, INC. SCI (pronounced “sky”) Bedford, Massachusetts, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. In 1996, The Gates Corporation, formerly known as The Gates Rubber Company, became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tomkins plc, ending 85 years of ownership by the Gates family. Tomkins plc is a world class global engineering and manufacturing group with market and technical leadership across three businesses: Industrial & Automotive, Air Systems Components and Engineered & Construction Products. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Gates Corporation is a manufacturer of automotive and industrial products with operations in 22 countries and employing over 13,000 people. Today, Gates is the only non-tire producing rubber company with sales and manufacturing operations in all of the world’s major markets, including North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. Every day, customers around the world rely on Gates products in an almost endless range of applications. Gates hoses transfer a variety of materials, from the finest wines to chemicals, steam and crude oil. The company’s industrial belts provide power to all kinds of machines, from rock crushers, copy machines and motorcycles to snowmobiles and machine tools. Its automotive belts transfer power to engine accessories such as air conditioners, power steering pumps and alternators. Gates is organized into three product groups -- Worldwide Power Transmission, Worldwide Hydraulic and Industrial Hose & Connectors. The worldwide product groups are responsible for product development, manufacturing, product globalization and manufacturing capacity and utilization. The company sells its products directly to automotive and industrial original equipment manufacturers and through a network of 150,000 distributors, jobbers and dealers worldwide. One Hologic Implementing Oracle What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Participating in the Computerworld Honors KONE B.V. ELEVATORS & ESCALATORS Den Haag, Netherlands Field Service Automation MODINE MANUFACTURING Racine, Wisconsin, USA Digital Image Library STAHL’S INC. St. Clair Shores, Michigan, USA Call Center Technology Upgrade / Canadian Office Connection SUN MICROSYSTEMS Santa Clara, California, USA TNT LOGISTICS NORTH AMERICA Field Service Jacksonville, Florida, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision “The Network Is The Computer(TM)” - has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc. to its position as a leading provider of industrial-strength hardware, software and services that make the Net work.Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, the initial design for Sun was conceived when the founders were graduate students at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. The company was founded by Vinod Khosla, Scott McNealy, Bill Joy, and Andy Bechtolsheim. Sun revolutionized the Internet with the development of Java, the first universal software platform, enabling developers to write applications once to run on any computer. Moving forward, Sun’s vision of the next wave of computing - the Participation Age - expresses the importance of sharing innovation and building communities. In a time and place where people around the world can connect, share information and collaborate to bring untold social and economic value, Sun’s 35,000 employees work toward supporting a movement towards total network access. The company is using its resources and challenging the industry to lower barriers globally that stand in the way of participation. This is a great achievement for Sun Microsystems. From day one, Sun has believed in the importance of finding ways to use information technology to benefit society, and has made its mission to put an end the digital divide. To be recognized for this and defined as a leader in the world’s ongoing IT revolution is a tremendous validation of Sun’s efforts. It is an honor to be ranked among the many innovators who share the goals of improving the world with technology. Delivering Real-Time Visibility Through RFID Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. TNT Logistics North America was created through a combination of two well-founded and independent logistics companies, CTI Logistx and TNT Logistics. CTI Logistx (originally named Customized Transportation Inc. or CTI) was established in 1981 as a dedicated transportation carrier with a single logistics contract. In late 1993, CTI became a subsidiary of CSX Corporation, one of the leading global transportation organizations, where it continued to develop into the fastest growing operating unit of CSX. As a part of a global expansion initiative for its logistics division, TNT N.V. acquired CTI Logistx in September 2000 to further establish its footprint in North America. The acquisition of CTI Logistx and its 154 operating contracts was merged with the existing business previously established by TNT Logistics in North America. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We look forward to the notoriety, increased business and recognition for a job well done by being included in this elite group of companies to be honored by Computerworld. VF CORPORATION Greensboro, North Carolina, USA Pushing the VF Supply Chain to the Edge Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Originating in 1899, and today with over $6 Billion in annual revenue and ambitious growth goals calling for fifty percent growth by 2009, VF Corporation is a global leader in branded apparel including jeanswear, outdoor products, intimate apparel, image apparel and sportswear. VF’s brands include Lee(R), Wrangler(R), Riders(R), Rustler(R), Earl Jean(R), Vanity Fair(R), Vassarette(R), Bestform(R), Lily of France(R), Nautica(R), John Varvatos(R), JanSport(R), Eastpak(R), The North Face(R), Vans(R), Reef(R), Napapijri(R), Kipling(R), Lee Sport(R) and Red Kap(R). What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Computerworld is recognized as one of the most prestigious organizations in the technology space. It is a true honor to be nominated and have your case study archived for the world to see. The project team has a permanent place in history. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 113 L AU R E AT E S 2006 MEDIA, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAUREATES 2006 MEDIA, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT AOL Dulles, Virginia, USA Live 8 What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? AOL is honored to be considered for the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program in recognition for our work on Live 8. As a company, AOL is committed to helping the Internet realize its full potential, both as an interactive entertainment medium and as a force for good in the world. Being recognized for our efforts by this prestigious program is doubly rewarding. BARDEL ENTERTAINMENT Vancouver, Canada iSCSI SAN Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Bardel Entertainment Inc. is a Canadian entertainment company involved in the acquisition, development, production and distribution of quality animated programming for children and families. The company has two core business divisions: Proprietary Content Bardel’s primary mandate is to option, develop, produce and distribute proprietary content. Our library is developed for multi-platform distribution such as gaming and web based initiatives. Bardel also establishes its properties by extending the brand with a merchandising and licensing campaign in areas such as publishing, toys and apparel. Animation Services For over fifteen years, Bardel has provided animation services to the international market on feature films, television series, interactive media, commercials and web-based content. Some of the studio’s clients include Dreamworks SKG, Warner Brothers, Fox, Nelvana, Disney Interactive, and Electronic Arts. Bardel has been contracted on 11 feature films, 2 home videos, 35 television series and specials, 15 interactive media projects, and numerous shorts and commercials. Bardel’s Vancouverbased production facility produces both traditional and digital animation. The studio has utilized its diverse production experience by combining various animation techniques to develop “hybrid” production pipelines, which gives it the ability to provide its clients with unique, costeffective animation services. 116 DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS INC. SIRIUS SATELLITE RADIO Silver Spring, Maryland, USA Satellite broadcast system Discovery Education Project Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Discovery Communications, Inc. is the leading global real-world media company. Discovery has grown from its core property, the Discovery Channel, first launched in the United States in 1985, to current global operations in 170 countries and territories with nearly 1.4 billion cumulative subscribers. DCI’s over 100 networks of distinctive programming represent 27 network entertainment brands including TLC, Animal Planet, Travel Channel, Discovery Health Channel, Discovery Kids, Discovery Times Channel, The Science Channel, Military Channel, Discovery Home Channel, Discovery en Espanol, Discovery Kids En Espanol, Discovery HD Theater, FitTV, Discovery Travel & Living (Viajar y Vivir), Discovery Home & Health and Discovery Real Time. DCI’s other properties consist of Discovery Education and Discovery Commerce, which operates more than 100 Discovery Channel Stores in the U.S. DCI also distributes BBC America in the United States. DCI’s ownership consists of four shareholders: Discovery Holding Company (NASDAQ: DISCA, DISCB); Cox Communications, Inc.; Advance/Newhouse Communications; and John S. Hendricks, the Company’s Founder and Chairman. NBC UNIVERSAL Universal City, California, USA Universal Studios Hollywood Performance Management New York, New York, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Sirius Satellite Radio was founded in 1990 as CD radio, and incorporated in November of 1992. The first public offering of shares was in 1994 with 10 million shares at $5 each. Sirius received its license to operate from the FCC in 1997. The company changed its name to Sirius Satellite Radio in November 1999. It launched its satellites in 2000, and launch nationwide service in July of 2002. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is indeed a great honor to be nominated for such a prestigious award that is well-recognized within the technology community. It is also especially rewarding that our unique technological platform will now receive a higher level of recognition. THE WEATHER CHANNEL INTERACTIVE Atlanta, Georgia, USA Disaster Recovery Expansion UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Enterprise Network-Based Video Delivery Data Management System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The University of Pittsburgh was founded in 1787 as a small private school in a log cabin near Pittsburgh’s three rivers. It has evolved into an internationally-recognized center of learning and research. The University is comprised of five campuses with eighteen undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools serving more than 32,000 students. Computing Services and Systems Development (CSSD), the University’s central information technology organization, provides a wide range of information technology services and resources to the University of Pittsburgh community. SCUDERIE DEL QUIRINALE WEST EDMONTON MALL Rome, Italy Edmonton, Canada Antonello da Messina Art Exhibition WEMiSphere: West Edmonton Mall Goes Wireless NZZ NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG AG Zurich, Switzerland Archive 1780 RTL NETHERLANDS Hilversum, Netherlands T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM L AU R E AT E S 2006 MEDICINE LAUREATES 2006 MEDICINE MEDICINE BOSTON MEDICAL CENTER CLARIAN HEALTH PARTNERS Boston, Massachusetts, USA Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Real Time Nurse Call Clarian - Dell eHealthcare Architecture Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Boston Medical Center (BMC) is a 547-bed private, not-for-profit hospital and the primary teaching affiliate for Boston University School of Medicine. The hospital’s mission is to “provide exceptional care without exception.” For more than 854,000 patients that come through BMC’s doors annually, the hospital is a vital safety net. About 50 percent of patients are uninsured or under insured. More than 30 percent do not speak English. Nearly 40 percent of patients who come to the emergency department each year have no primary care provider. BMC’s staff of more than 1300 nurses is dedicated to delivering quality patient care to all of BMC’s patients. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Boston Medical Center is committed to eradicating healthcare disparities, and one way in which we honor that mission to is to ensure that our patients, many of whom are lowincome and uninsured have the benefit of state-of-the-art technology often thought of as available only at the hospitals that serve the rich and privileged. We are proud to be among the most technologically advanced hospitals in the country and to serve our patients with the respect and skill that all patients deserve. Computerworld’s recognition of our efforts and accomplishments validates both the worthiness of this mission and our ability to deliver on it CATHOLIC HEALTH SERVICES Buffalo, New York, USA Secure Sockets Layer-Based (SSL) VPN Appliance Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. CHS is an integrated healthcare delivery network, formed in February 1998 and located in Buffalo, New York. CHS is a $560 million (annual net revenue) operation consisting of four hospitals (1,550 total beds), 8,000 associates, fifteen primary care centers, twelve long term care facilities, three home care agencies, and two ambulatory surgery centers. We have an IT staff of 80 FTEs, an operating budget of $10 million, and annual capital expenditures of $8 million. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It’s a fantastic opportunity to get the word out about the great things the Catholic Healthcare ministry is accomplishing in Western New York State. 118 LAUREATES 2006 CREDIT VALLEY HOSPITAL Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Implementation of Voice Over IP and WLAN Technologies whole IT team that have made ORview the success it is today. The award will highlight the need to invest in IT solutions that can really make a difference in a clinical setting. As well this, the Honors Program promotes pride, goodwill and stimulus to the entire Duke Health Technology Solutions staff. Hopefully this can be a model for other hospital organizations and help them focus on developing IT solutions for tough issues in healthcare and medicine. EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSOCIATES Livingston, New Jersey, USA DENVER HEALTH & HOSPITAL AUTHORITY Denver, Colorado, USA IT as a Change Agent in the Transformation of Healthcare DUKE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM Durham, North Carolina, USA ORview Perioperative System Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. In 1924, industrialist and philanthropist James Buchanan Duke established the Duke Endowment with $40 million and directed that part of his gift be used to transform Trinity College in Durham, N.C. into Duke University. The following year, upon his death, Mr. Duke made an additional bequest to the Endowment and the university, including $4 million to establish the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing, and Duke University Hospital. One of James B. Duke’s primary motivations was to improve health care in the Carolinas. At a time when medicine in the region was still a cottage industry, Mr. Duke dared to dream of creating what he hoped would become one of the leading medical institutions in the nation. Building on this heritage, Duke Medicine has grown and expanded over the years and now ranks as one of the world’s outstanding health care centers. It operates one of the country’s largest clinical and biomedical research enterprises and is dedicated to quickly translating advances in technology and medical knowledge into improved patient care. The medical campus now encompasses 90 buildings on 210 acres and employs approximately 19,500 people, including over 1,500 faculty physicians and researchers. Duke Health Technology Solutions (DHTS) is responsible for developing solutions to technology issues and providing ongoing technology support throughout Duke Medicine. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It would indeed be a great honor! It would provide a reward for the hard work of the T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM Biosurveillance Dashboard Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) is a physician-owned group practice of over 200 Emergency Room Physicians who staff 17 emergency departments in New Jersey and New York and treat over 700,000 emergency department (ED) patients a year. EMA is focused on providing world class, nationally recognized emergency services to hospitals and health systems. Its reputation and expertise in the field of Emergency Medicine is national in scope. EMA developed management services to provide clinical, claims processing, administrative and information system support to the physicians who own and work for EMA. EMA’s management services organization (MSO) employs over 200 people who support the sales, finance, human resource, credentialing, practice management and other operations of EMA’s MSO. EMA has been in practice since 1977 and has treated over 7 million emergency department patients since its inception. Its physicians, who live in the communities in which they practice, are among the country’s leading innovators in Emergency Medicine. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? As a small company, low in resources but high in the spirit of ingenuity, it is an honor that EMA would be considered for this program. We believe what we do each day has a direct impact on the health of patients in New Jersey and New York. As a company, we decided long ago to invest in the technology necessary to help our physicians practice better medicine. In 1998, when we decided, as a mid-size doctor group, to develop a data warehouse, no one in our industry was even thinking about these concepts. The fact that we have evolved this system to where it is today without throwing millions of dollars into its development and infrastructure is further proof of the human spirit and the desire to do good. Being nominated for this program is further validation that change can come from small companies with big ideas. There is no substitute for passion and the willingness to pursue an idea. GOLD STANDARD AND INFORMED DECISIONS Tampa, Florida, USA -- Online Prescription Records Access for Hurricane Katrina Evacuees Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Launched in 2005, Informed Decisions, LLC provides a full array of strategic health information technology services to healthcare interests including state governments, commercial insurance payers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and professional healthcare associations. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Gold Standard Inc., the company’s mission is to apply clinical and technical expertise to aid customers in the continued advancement of clinical, financial, and humanistic outcomes for the healthcare providers they support and, ultimately, the beneficiaries of their care. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being recognized by the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program is significant to Informed Decisions because it validates the importance of health information technology in times of disaster. It also serves to recognize the important role pharmacists can play in disaster relief efforts, and raises the profile of an industry that significantly impacts the landscape of public health. HEALTHWYSE Reading, Massachusetts, USA Mobile Home Healthcare INSTITUT GUSTAVE ROUSSY (IGR) Villejuif Cedex, France The Institute Gustave-Roussy Advances Cancer Treatment LEEDS HOSPITAL Leeds, Great Britain SPNet Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust was formed in 1998 following a merger of the following sites: St James’ is the largest hospital of its kind in Europe, offering an extensive range of clinical services. Affectionately referred to as Jimmy’s, the hospital has a world renowned reputation as a centre for medical research and education. The hospital we now know as St. James’s started life in a very different form as the Moral and Industrial Training School run by the Poor Law Guardians for the Township of Leeds - a building opened in October 1848 in what is now part of Lincoln Wing. Situated on the West side of the city centre, Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) also offers an extensive range of local and regional services, including cardiac and brain surgery. By far the oldest of the city’s hospitals, the history of Leeds General Infirmary dates back to June 1767 when 16 of the town’s gentlemen met at the New Inn to discuss setting up ‘an Infirmary for the Relief of the Sick and Hurt Poor within this Parish’. Leeds, though still just a town, was rapidly expanding at the end of the 18th century, and it was soon clear the new hospital would be too small. The great Victorian hospital which resulted - still an important component of the Infirmary site today - was designed by Mr (later Sir) George Gilbert Scott, taking into account all the latest advice on sanitation and infection control, much of it published by Miss Florence Nightingale, who recommended the pavilion system of wards. Scott had previously designed St Pancras Station in London, to which the Infirmary bears a striking resemblance. Chapel Allerton Orthopaedic Centre opened in the hospital in 2005 and is Leeds’ specialist centre for the diagnosis, management and treatment of adult patients with upper and lower limb complaints. Wharfedale Hospital is the most modern in the Trust’s estate, officially opened in 2005 by HRH The Princess Royal. The hospital is currently at the heart of the Trust’s drive to increase the number of minor operations carried out a day surgery. Opened in 1869, Cookridge Hospital was designed as a convalescent hospital, principally to take patients from Leeds General Infirmary. The site is currently up for sale in preparation for the move of cancer services to a purpose built wing on the St James’s site in 2008. Seacroft hospital houses wheelchair, prosthetics and orthotics services for the whole of Leeds and is developing its role as a centre for the care of the elderly. The Leeds Dental Institute is jointly funded by the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Leeds University. Each year it produces hundreds of newly qualified dentists and other dental professionals. The Leeds Chest Clinic is located in a stand-alone building on New Briggate in the city centre and provides an outpatient Chest Medicine service, open access chest x-ray service to GPs and a tuberculosis (TB) contact clinic. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being recognized by one’s peers is always an honor. Beyond that, however, being part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program allows us to share our experience with the larger IT community, and hopefully, provide ideas and guidance to other organizations facing challenges similar to the ones we faced. By being able to share such solutions as SPNet with others we have the ability to influence better healthcare and patient experience to a much wider audience than Leeds Teaching Hospitals. Much needed financial and human resource can be re-invested into new medical technologies. Likewise, we look forward to hearing of others’ accomplishments and taking away ideas and lessons that we can put to work to further advance the mission of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. MOLECULAR PROFILING INSTITUTE Phoenix, Arizona, USA Clinical Decision Intelligence for Cancer Patients Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Molecular Profiling Institute is a new paradigm in reference lab testing that offers comprehensive information about the patient’s disease in a personalized format. Molecular Profiling was originally created by two non-profit organizations, the International Genomics Consortium (IGC) and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen). Molecular Profiling is also in partnership with AmeriPath Inc., one of the leading anatomic pathology laboratory companies in the United States which serves approximately 4 million patients. AmeriPath utilizes Molecular Profiling for its advanced esoteric reference lab testing. With extensive access to TGen’s research, diagnostics, and collaborations, Molecular Profiling’s mission is to introduce discoveries made in the research lab to clinical patient care. Molecular Profiling is currently offering tests to help oncologists to better understand and treat cancer patients with personalized treatment plans based on the molecular characteristics of their tumors. These services are MammaPrint for breast cancer and Target Now for all cancer types. Additionally, Molecular Profiling participates in biospecimen analysis and storage for research, product development and clinical trials through its Tissue Banking & Analysis Center (TBAC). Molecular Profiling has unprecedented access to greater than 20% of the nation’s patients through its partnerships and relationships with nationwide physician organizations providing a holistic “one stop shopping” capability from standardized target preservation and collection, to discovery and clinical application. NYU HOSPITAL CENTER New York, New York, USA Labor Productivity Management Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. NYU Medical Center is one of the nation’s premier centers of excellence in health care, scientific research, and medical education. The Hospital Center consists of three hospitals, Tisch Hospital, Hospital for Joint Diseases and Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, and is the primary teahing hospital for the New York University School of Medicine. Tisch Hospital, an acute-care general hospital of 704 beds, contains important treatment and diagnostic units and is a focus for a wide T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 119 spectrum of regional patient care programs. The NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases (HJD) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery is one of the largest and most distinguished specialty hospital dedicated to the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases. The Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine is the world’s first facility devoted entirely to rehabilitation medicine. Founded in 1948 by Dr. Howard A. Rusk, the Rusk Institute is the largest university-affiliated center for the treatment of adults and children with disabilities, as well as for research and training in rehabilitation medicine. NYU School of Medicine, one of the nation’s leading centers of advanced biomedical learning, spans a history of excellence of more than 160 years in the education and training of physicians, in patient care, and in scientific research. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We would be deeply honored to recieve such an award that demonstrates how our organization has embraced technolgy in measuring and managing our performance with the goal of achieving excellence. OKLAHOMA HEART HOSPITAL Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA Oklahoma Heart Hospital Goes All-Digital REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER AT MEMPHIS (THE MED) Memphis, Tennessee, USA Meeting the Challenges: Crisis-Ready IT Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Since 1829, the Regional Medical Center at Memphis (The MED) has been at the forefront in attending to the healthcare needs of its community. The MED, Tennessee’s oldest hospital, has always taken pride in its unwavering commitment to providing patients with the best services available. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It means helping healthcare as a whole, including those not fortunate enough to be able to afford proper healthcare: The innovation that happened at The MED as a result of this effort needs to be told to enable others to leverage technology in such a way as to continue to help healthcare lower costs, to be more affordable to all. Just as The MED has saved millions by innovation in technology, others can do the same. Because The MED saved these large sums, The MED was able to 120 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 MEDICINE MEDICINE provide better and more healthcare to those in need. Being a part of this Honors program helps tell this story that hopefully, will enable others to provide better healtcare to those in need because of better technology. ROSETTA BIOSOFTWARE Seattle, Washington, USA Life Sciences Products Delivery Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Established in 1997, Rosetta Biosoftware develops informatics solutions and provides services that enable research organizations to efficiently and effectively conduct life-saving discoveries and develop drugs. The company’s mission is to be the premier provider of scalable software solutions to empower research that improves the quality of human life. Rosetta Biosoftware provides value to discovery and development efforts by offering customizable informatics solutions and services that are adaptable to each organization’s needs. Rosetta Biosoftware is a customerdriven organization with the scientific expertise to effectively complement internal informatics groups or serve as an informatics resource. Rosetta Biosoftware is a business unit of Rosetta Inpharmatics LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? This nomination reinforces why we are in business: to empower our customers with relevant products and services that help them address their business and scientific needs. To do so, we rely on customer input, and the valuable work of our industry partners, vendors, and key players, such as the FDA―without whose participation we couldn’t address our customers’ needs. Most of all, this nomination inspires us to continue to develop high-quality and relevant solutions for our customers and to not only address our customers’ needs but to anticipate them. SOUTH MANHATTAN HEALTHCARE NETWORK (SMHN) New York, New York, USA TEMIS Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) was created by legislation in 1970 as a public benefit corporation, governed by a Board of Directors, to oversee the City’s public health care system in all five boroughs. The Corporation consists of 11 acute care hospitals, 6 Diagnostic and Treatment Centers, four long-term care facilities, a certified home health T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM care agency, and more than 80 community health clinics, including Communicare Centers and Child Health Clinics. Through its wholly owned subsidiary, MetroPlus, HHC operates a managed care plan that enrolls members in Medicaid, Child Health Plus and Family Health Plus. HHC facilities treat nearly one-fifth of all general hospital discharges and more than one third of emergency room and hospital-based clinic visits in New York City. The South Manhattan Healthcare Network is part of New York City’s public hospital system and includes Bellevue Hospital Center and Gouverneur Healthcare Services. The long-term objective of the TEMIS program is to provide remote simultaneous medical interpretation services throughout the Corporation’s network of health care facilities, and to be able to offer the service to the voluntary sector as well. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It would be a great honor for Bellevue Hospital Center, Gouverneur Healthcare Services and the South Manhattan Healthcare Network to achieve the recognition that the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program offers. The spirit of collaboration among all the parties involved in bringing TEMIS to fruition is a model for new technology initiatives across the health care and human services spectrum. We are grateful for the visibility that this recognition will provide on the issue of professional interpretation needs in health care settings and for the potential of further expansion of our program. SPRINGHILL MEDICAL CENTER Mobile, Alabama, USA pain and I was really pleased at the treatment I received.” “Excellent service from the whole staff. Thanks for making a very scary time the best it could be.” “I just love Springhill Memorial Hospital! Thank y’all so much! God bless you!” “I love this hospital! It is always perfect, everytime!” “Springhill is an excellent place and made me feel at home and well-cared for!” “There was so much comfort and pleasantness; it was like leaving my family when I left. I still remember it all!” “If all hospitals were as pleasant as this one was, what a wonderful world this would be!” Springhill prides itself on the use of technology to help it become one of the best places to give and receive care in southwest Alabama. Springhill is execited to be part of a program that recognizes how technology can be used in new and innovative ways to increase the capabilities of an organization while also better serving the needs of society. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It would be a great honor for Bellevue Hospital Center, Gouverneur Healthcare Services and the South Manhattan Healthcare Network to achieve the recognition that the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program offers. The spirit of collaboration among all the parties involved in bringing TEMIS to fruition is a model for new technology initiatives across the health care and human services spectrum. We are grateful for the visibility that this recognition will provide on the issue of professional interpretation needs in health care settings and for the potential of further expansion of our program. Related Professions and a School of Graduate Studies, as well as its own teaching hospital, and extensive research facilities. (SUNY) Downstate includes a 376-bed teaching hospital (University Hospital of Brooklyn) with advanced diagnostic and treatment centers, three satellite primary care centers, a dialysis center, Medical Research Library of Brooklyn, dormitories, a student center, and parking facilities. It is also the site of a new Advanced Biotechnology Park and Biotechnology Incubator, the first to be built in New York City in more than ten years. (SUNY) Downstate is the current home of the new, NIH-funded Brooklyn Center for Health Disparities. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We’re honored to have the technology that Downstate Medical Center uses showcased to others who might see the value in it,” Stern says. “It truly was a rewarding project. As an IT director, sometimes you do technology initiatives and they are fundamental, functional projects. They are always important and critical to the hospital’s ability to serve, but you don’t always get to actually see the benefit of the work you do. Adding another 50 computers to the network is important, but not very exciting. But when you see this robot walking around the hospital, you know that it’s operating over your network. You actually see a tangible result of the work that you do and you know it’s helping people. That’s a good feeling. Springhill Medical Center Weathers the Storm with Eclipsys Solutions Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Springhill’s success can be traced back to its early beginnings in 1975 when the hospital was founded at the convenient location of I65 and Dauphin Street. In the years since then, the hospital has more than quadrupled in size and has made sound development decisions, propelling the organization as a major competitor in the local health care scene. The Medical Center is the area’s only tax-paying hospital. As such, the hospital supports the community with more than 2 million dollars in tax revenues annually, in addition to thousands of dollars in contributions each year to support numerous social programs in the area. All hospital profits go directly into new and upgraded services for patients. A family-owned business, Springhill continues to be a good corporate citizen and utilize advanced technology to better serve our patients. Here are what some recents patients have said about Springhill Medical Center: “I was admitted due to very much STREETS HEAVER SOP Process Management Lincoln, Great Britain Stoma Care Mobile Patient Record System SUNY DOWNSTATE MEDICAL CENTER Brooklyn, New York, USA Robots Join the Workforce Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center is the only academic medical center in Brooklyn-New York City’s most populous and most ethnically and culturally diverse borough. (SUNY) Downstate includes Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, and Health TS’EWULHTUN HEALTH CENTRE Duncan, Canada TRIHEALTH INC. Mustimuhw HIS Cincinnati, Ohio, USA ST. JOHN HEALTH SYSTEM What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Giving employees tools to do their job more effectively and helping to keep employees more productive and satisfied impacts the overall delivery of healthcare. Cincom is committed to making a difference in the healthcare industry and teaming with Cincom, the world’s oldest independent software company, allowed us to explore ways to help make that difference! TriHealth believes this nomination for the Computerworld Honors Awards proves there are always existing applications waiting to be optimized with already created technology. IGR is built on a foundation of leading edge IT architecture. Patient registrations, which are driven by rules, policies, and procedures, are a perfect fit for rules-based applications. By taking this rules-based concept and applying it to the patient registration scenario, Cincom has responded “outside-thebox” and teamed with TriHealth to develop a software solution that helps to prevent errors at the front end of TriHealth’s registration process. TriHealth will enhance its existing registration system by empowering its registrars with the ability to gather and process more correct patient and insurance information with fewer errors, a win for the employee, the organization and the patient. Intelligent Guided Registration Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Bethesda and Good Samaritan Hospital joined together to form TriHealth in 1995, bringing together two of Cincinnati’s finest health care organizations. Through these two acute care hospitals and more than 50 other locations, TriHealth provides a wide range of clinical, educational, preventive and social programs. TriHealth’s non-hospital services include physician practice management, fitness centers and fitness center management, occupational health centers, home health and hospice care. Located in the northeast suburb of Montgomery, Bethesda North Hospital has grown from a community hospital to a full-service facility with maternity and fertility services; state-of-the-art surgery, including open-heart surgery; a free-standing outpatient surgery center; an open MRI; and the tri-state’s second busiest adult emergency department. The oldest and largest private teaching and tertiary health care facility in Greater Cincinnati, Good Samaritan Hospital continues to be acknowledged for its highly rated cardiac care, maternity programs and rehabilitation services. Good Samaritan has a world-ranked level III newborn intensive care unit and delivers more babies than any area hospital. Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Tsewulhtun Health Centre, located in Duncan, BC provides community health services to about 6000 First Nations people, including the Cowichan Tribes, the largest First Nation in BC with a population of about 4000 members. The Centre operates under a transfer agreement from the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada and provides a community health service, which is controlled and managed by the First Nations people and promotes independence, self determination and choice. Tsewulhtun promotes a comprehensive approach to community wellness and has established seven key programs. They are: Healthy Families, Child & Youth, Infant Development, Dental Health, Mental Health, Elder Health and Medical Patient Transportation. Health care services in the Cowichan community in 1976 consisted of one drug and alcohol counselor. Two years later, in 1978, Cowichan hired three Community Health Representatives to provide health services for the community. On May 15, 1992 Cowichan Tribes successfully assumed responsibility for delivering health care services, becoming the fourth First Nations group in British Columbia to sign a health transfer agreement with the Federal Government of Canada. Tsewulhtun Health Centre successfully negotiated significant changes to the agreement, with regard T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 121 LAUREATES 2006 L AU R E AT E S 2006 MEDICINE to the mandatory evaluation clauses. To this day, Tsewulhtun conducts organizational evaluations every 5 years. Ownership of this process has ensured that they are better positioned to meet the needs as identified by their front line staff, the government, and most importantly, the needs as identified by their community members. In the course of the last 30 years, the Tsewulhtun Health Centre has asserted its role in health care delivery for the Cowichan people, building successful relationships and now manages a health department consisting of over 70 employees. Cowichan Tribes has been involved in the development of software since 1987 and has sold programs to 115 other First Nations Community in the last 20 years. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? MUSTIMUHW is of course a team effort. No project of this magnitude and quality could be accomplished single-handedly. This award honors the members of the Cowichan community, the expertise of the front line staff who told the developers how the software would best serve their needs, and the development team who used their skill to translate those needs into software. UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH UPMC Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA UPMC Enterprise Transformation Project Supporting Health Sciences Faculty Access to Clinics and Academic Networks in the PostHIPAA Environment Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The University of Pittsburgh was founded in 1787 as a small private school in a log cabin near Pittsburgh’s three rivers. It has evolved into an internationally-recognized center of learning and research. The University comprises five campuses with eighteen undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools serving more than 32,000 students. Computing Services and Systems Development (CSSD), the University’s central information technology organization, provides a wide range of information technology services and resources to the University of Pittsburgh community. TUFTS HEALTH PLAN UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH CARE Waltham, Massachusetts, USA Salt Lake City,, Utah, USA Unique Identifier Conversion Solution Storage Virtualization UNC HEALTHCARE Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Web Clinical Information System (WebCIS) Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The University of Utah Hospital opened its doors to serve the local community in July 1965.This single facility has grown into what is now the University of Utah Health Sciences Center (UUHSC), which consists of both health services providers and educational institutions, including community clinics, the University of Utah School of Medicine, academic colleges, and various institutes and centers. The IT infrastructure for UUHC supports more than 285 health sciences applications representing a broad range of clinical, financial, and academic information that is critical to the operations of the center’s various facilities. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The Computerworld Honors Program is an incredible honor because unlike other awards in IT-this program recognizes the people and organizations that use information technology for the betterment of society. This has great significance for UUHC as we always strive to provide the best quality care for our patients and the best work environment for our staff. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. UPMC ( ) is the largest integrated health care and finance delivery system in Pennsylvania and one of the leading nonprofit medical centers in the country. UPMC is a $5.8 billion, 40,000-employee organization. UPMC is the largest employer in western Pennsylvania. More than 4,000 physicians have privileges at UPMC hospitals including about 1,950 employed physicians. UPMC spans the full spectrum of health care delivery with its network of 19 tertiary, specialty, and community hospitals and 400 outpatient sites and doctors’ offices. UPMC is consistently ranked among the nation’s top hospitals by U.S. News & World Report and the University of Pittsburgh and affiliated programs attract more than $375 million annually in National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, ranking the academic medical center seventh in the nation in 2004. In IT, UPMC includes approximately 1,000 IT staff members and oversees more than 2,000 applications, 30,000 desktops and printers, three mainframes, 96 midranges, and 600 servers. UPMC’s IT investment over the past five years has been approximately $725 million. On top of hundreds of millions of dollars committed in prior years, in fiscal year 2005, UPMC invested $121 million in IT initiatives. This focus has positioned UPMC as a leader nationally. UPMC has consistently received national recognition for IT innovation and creativity. InformationWeek magazine recognizes UPMC every year as one of the top 100 most innovative users of IT, along with organizations such as Cisco, Verizon, and Capital One. In 2004, UPMC ranked fifth overall and No. 1 among health care organizations. UPMC has been praised by Dr. David Brailer as an “an early adopter and industry leader in health IT” for the organization’s initiatives surrounding electronic medical records. UPMC has also been recognized as “Most Wired” by Hospitals & Health Networks. UPMC is one of only nine organizations nationwide to make the list for the seven years the award has recognized “technically savvy” hospitals. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? UPMC has consistently been involved in doing first of a kind work with vendor partners. The CW honors program is the search to identify and share such efforts for the betterment of society. CW Honors enhances the ability to deliver the message that affordable sophisticated solutions are being developed that can be deployed not only in industries such as high finance and manufacturing, but in health care as well. SCIENCE 122 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS Foster City, California, USA New Portal Project Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Founded in 1981 by a group of committed scientists, Applied Biosystems has evolved from its origin of manufacturing protein synthesizers to become a leading global biotechnology company, serving a variety of markets and customers all over the world. From AB’s position at the leading edge of the genomics revolution, the company has made critical contributions to the advancement of human knowledge - in particular, providing the products which made possible the sequencing of the human genome, one of the seminal events in scientific history. Applied Biosystems has demonstrated its position as a technology leader and driving force in the changing dynamics of the life science marketplace. The Applied Biosystems business is focused on the following markets: basic research, commercial research (pharmaceutical and biotechnology) and standardized testing, including forensic human identification, paternity testing and food testing. The company has an installed base of approximately 180,000 instrument systems in nearly 100 countries. Basic research includes work at university, government and other non-profit institutions that focus on uncovering the basic laws of nature and understanding human disease. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies use Applied Biosystems products to discover and develop new drugs more effectively. Standardized testing customers require systems that produce precise results from a high volume of automated tests. FOUNDATION ASTRON Dwingeloo, Netherlands LOFAR Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Our organization is a foundation under Dutch law. It was founded in 1949 with the goal of developing the then new technology of radar for use in astronomy. We have grown with technology since that time, building and operating in succession some of the largest and most innovative radio telescopes in the world: the 25m Dwingeloo telescope in 1956, the 14x25m Westerbork Earth rotation synthesis array in 1970, and now the LOFAR shared aperture multi-telescope. We are active in setting the agenda of the international radio astronomy community, and are currently spearheading the development of the next generation radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), based on the LOFAR architecture. SKA is to be an order of magnitude larger and more sensitive than LOFAR, as well as working at higher frequencies. It is being planned as a global cooperation and currently involves 30 institutes in 15 countries. There is as yet no international organization for radio astronomy, 124 LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 SCIENCE SCIENCE so ASTRON supports several international activities. We have for decades hosted radio spectrum management activities on behalf of the European scientific community, including participation in the international decision making conferences of the UN sponsored International Telecommunications Union. From 1993, we have hosted the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE). VLBI stands for Very Long Baseline Interferometry and in the JIVE context involves connecting the signals from radio telescopes across the world (from Shanghai in the east to Puerto Rico in the West, from Spitzbergen in the north to Pretoria in the south) in a giant interferometer. VLBI regularly provides the highest spatial resolution of any technique in astronomy, and is also important to the precision geodetic community. From 2002, we have hosted the International SKA Project Office, whose director is charged with coordinating world-wide activities leading up to the construction and operation of the SKA. We are under contract to the SKA project to carry out site surveying activities in Argentina, Australia, China and South Africa, leading to site selection in the 2007-2008 timeframe. And we were selected by our colleague institutes to lead a formal design study for the SKA, which aims to define the technologies required and develop a reliable construction budget for the facility. A major reappraisal of strategy occurred in 1999, in which we concluded that the required finance for our technological needs would not be found within the normal science system in the Netherlands or even in Europe. We also concluded that, perhaps unlike many fundamental sciences, radio astronomy could both benefit from and help drive innovation in the commercial IT-sector. We therefore set up structures to enable our organization to manage a cross-sectoral program and the resulting diversity of sources of finance. In the process we have grown from 80 employees to some 200, and have evolved from a single discipline institute to a networking organization. In this regard we are still evolving, but we find the general strategy most successful and plan to continue its pursuit. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? We hope our participation in the ComputerWorld competition will lead to wider appreciation of the power of the LOFAR idea. Ideally, our involvement in the program will bring us into contact with other innovative projects, to mutual benefit. Web sites providing additional information, including downloadable videos, are at URLs: (in Dutch) Pagina 8 van 8 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM HOUSE EAR INSTITUTE Los Angeles, California, USA Advancing Hearing Science through Technology Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The House Ear Institute (HEI), a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to advancing hearing science through research and education to improve quality of life. Established in 1946 by Howard P. House, M.D., as the Los Angeles Foundation of Otology, and later renamed for its founder, the House Ear Institute has been engaged in the scientific exploration of the auditory system from the ear canal to the cortex of the brain for nearly 60 years. HEI scientists continue to explore the developing ear, hearing loss and ear disease at the cell and molecular level, as well as the complex relationship between the ear and brain. They are also working to improve hearing aids and auditory implants, diagnostics, clinical treatments and intervention methods. Today, the House Ear Institute’s five-story facility accommodates more than 180 staff members within 22 departments. The recent growth of our research studies has prompted a new expansion of our facilities with the construction of a new wing slated for completion in 2006. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Being part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program has instilled the IT department and HEI as a whole with a tremendous amount of honor and we are extremely proud of the recognition. To be considered and asked to join such circles of prestigious nominees is exciting. There could not have been a better way to cap off and bring to an end this years progress within our organization INSTITUTE OF TRAINING SCIENCE AND SPORT INFORMATICS LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABS Koeln, Germany Advanced Simulation and Computation Technology Enables University Intellectual Capital Management Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The German Sport University Cologne (GSUCologne) is one of 14 universities in the largest German state of North-RhineWestphalia. With 21 institutes in 3 faculties, the university offers a broad range of sportsrelated research and education, encompassing all relevant natural, training, business, human and social sciences. GSU-Cologne is in a unique position - worldwide - because all of the education, research, continuing education and counseling activities are focused on sport and physical activity. Research expertise covers a wide variety of areas ranging from micro gravitation studies for long-term stays in space to numerous molecular biology projects (i.e. stem cell studies) as well as biochemistry research in the area of doping analysis, etc. About 6500 students are enrolled currently, among them 500 foreign students from over 60 countries. The university is introducing BA and MA degrees. The following BA-Programs are to be offered: o Sport and Performance, o Management and Communication, o Health and Prevention, o Sport, Adventure and Recreation. In addition, the selection of MA-programs will be as follows: o Exercise Science and Coaching o Rehabilitation and Sport Therapy, o Movement and Health Science, o Physical Activity, Performance and Ageing, o Engineering and Computer Science in Sport, o Management and Economy, o Media and Communication Research, o Sport Tourism and Ecology. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is an honor to be nominated and recognized for our pioneering work in cooperation with many IBM employees in Germany and internationally. Livermore, California, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was established in 1952 as a second nuclear weapons research laboratory. The University Of California has managed the Laboratory since its founding for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration and the Laboratory has grown steadily as its core national security missions have expanded. A hallmark of Lawrence Livermore is its ability to translate basic science concepts into technologies that solve complex, real world problems and advance the boundaries of fundamental science. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? For Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Advanced Simulation and Computing Program to be recognized in the distinguished company of world class scientific organizations and the extraordinary researchers nominated for the Computerworld Honors Program would be a great honor. The Computerworld program provides another valuable venue for sharing and disseminating information about important scientific accomplishments and capabilities that improve the nation’s security and quality of life. NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI) Rockville, Maryland, USA Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid, or caBIG™ Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of eight agencies that compose the Public Health Service (PHS) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The NCI, established under the National Cancer Act of 1937, is the Federal Government’s principal agency for cancer research and training. The National Cancer Act of 1971 broadened the scope and responsibilities of the NCI and created the National Cancer Program. Over the years, legislative amendments have maintained the NCI authorities and responsibilities and added new information dissemination mandates as well as a requirement to assess the incorporation of state-of-the-art cancer treatments into clinical practice. Since 2001, the National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics (NCICB) has provided the interoperable biomedical informatics infrastructure, tools, and data that biomedical communities need for research, prevention and care. NCICB plays a lead role in bioinformatics and information technology within the National Cancer Institute and serves as a focal point for cancer research informatics planning worldwide. NCICB’s distinctive open access, standards-based technical approach is coupled with a firm commitment to collaboration across disciplines, institutions, and sectors. The Center spearheads critical public-private partnerships to develop and disseminate informatics for managing, analyzing, and sharing the wealth of information generated in the fight against cancer. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is an honor and privilege that the National Cancer Institute was selected to develop a case study for the Computerworld Honors Program. As we’ve stated, caBIG™ is a distinctive and ambitious undertaking, as no known precedent exists for a bioinformatics engineering initiative of this scale. We truly believe that we are using information technology, and collaborative science, to benefit society. This honor provides visibility into the caBIGTM program, and may help to grow participation to continue to advance program progress and adoption. Our program has open participation, in line with our overall program principles - open source, open access, open development, and federated. Our case study will become available to students, researchers, and scholars, to review, offer recommendations, and offer to participate. Program expansion, through the visibility that you are providing, will help to further our goals. Finally, you are providing acknowledgment of the diligent work being performed by 800 participants from more than 60 funded institutions and many more volunteer organizations. Many have been touched by cancer, and thus have an even greater passion towards their work. They are all working towards meeting the caBIGTM program goal of providing real solutions to real problems, and towards the overall NCI challenge goal of to eliminate the suffering and death due to cancer by 2015. And by selecting NCI to be part of the Computerworld Honors program, you are helping to say thank you to our growing community. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Washington, DC, USA The Genographic Project T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 125 LAUREATES 2006 L AU R E AT E S 2006 SCIENCE UCLA’S LABORATORY OF NEURO IMAGING (LONI) Los Angeles, California, USA WHITEHEAD INSTITUTE FOR BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Brain Database Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. LONI was founded as a research laboratory in 1983 at the Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis. The Laboratory of Neuro Imaging moved to the University of California at Los Angeles in 1987. Today it is one of the country’s foremost neurological research centers. LONI works towards uncovering new knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone. Laboratory Director, Dr. Arthur W. Toga, and his large multi-disciplinary staff have over 20 years of experience in neuroimaging and analyses of brain mapping data. LONI is a key member of the International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM), the NIH National Centers for Biomedical Computing (NCBC), the Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN), the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuro Imaging (ADNI) Consortium and many other national and international initiatives. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? The nomination of LONI for the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program is a welcomed recognition of our work on computational biology, neuroimaging and brain mapping. This nomination acknowledges our standing in the industrial and business world of computing. Genome-wide Location Analysis Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. Whitehead Institute is a nonprofit, independent research and educational institution with pioneering programs in cancer research, developmental biology, genetics, infectious disease research and transgenic science. It was founded in 1982 through the generosity of Edwin C. “Jack” Whitehead, a businessman and philanthropist who sought to create a new type of research institution, one that would exist outside the boundaries of a traditional academic institution, and yet through a teaching affiliation with MIT, offer all the intellectual, collegial and scientific benefits of a leading research university. This pathfinding agreement with MIT recognized Whitehead Institute as a financially independent research institution affiliated with MIT through its teaching activities: Whitehead would accept MIT graduate students for research and training in its laboratories and MIT would, in turn, consider all Whitehead faculty for appointment to faculty level positions at MIT. (All current Whitehead faculty are full-fledged members of the MIT Biology department and/or other MIT departments.). In 1990, just six years after the Whitehead officially opened the doors of its new facility, the Institute for Scientific Information in Philadelphia identified it as the top research institution in the world in molecular biology and genetics based on the impact of its scientific publications. Since then, its accomplishments included playing a leading role in the Human Genome Project. Today, the Institute is a thriving center for scientific advancement with more than 200 students, postdoctoral fellows, physicians, and visiting scientists from around the world. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? James Anderson, program director at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, a component of the National Institutes of Health, said, “this study makes a significant contribution to understanding the fundamental organizing principles of life. It also amply illustrates the synergy that can be generated by biologists and computational experts working together to tackle a systems-level research problem. We are fortunate indeed that such collaborations are becoming more common and that cultural and institutional barriers to such collaborations are beginning to give way.” Being part of the Computerworld Honors Program is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate this synergy. It allows Whitehead Institute to celebrate and honor all of the people from the various scientific, computational and Information Technology groups who worked so hard to overcome the initial hurdles and bring these important new tools to biological research. TRANSPORTATION 126 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM FREIGHTQUOTE Lenexa, Kansas, USA Freightquote Sales Call Center LAUREATES 2006 LAUREATES 2006 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Lansing, Michigan, USA What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Receiving a nomination and an invitation to submit a case study to the 2006 Cumputerworld Honors program is a great honor and pleasure for Recognizing the dedicated efforts of our team of professionals who developed and launched the new sales call center will certainly spark future technology innovation as we continue to focus on the customer experience. METRO ST. LOUIS St. Louis, Missouri, USA Predictive Monitoring Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Bi-State Development Agency, doing business as Metro St. Louis, has the mission of “Regional economic development through excellence in transportation.” Metro was established in 1949 through a compact between Missouri and Illinois and ratified by the United States Congress. Metro’s broad powers enable it to cross local, county and state boundaries in building and operating services and facilities to enhance the quality of life for all residents. Today, Metro owns and operates the St. Louis metropolitan region’s public transportation system - a multi-modal network that includes MetroLink, MetroBus and Metro Call-A-Ride paratransit van services. Metro also owns and operates St. Louis Downtown Airport and the adjoining industrial business park, the Gateway Arch Transportation System, Ticketing and Reservation Center, the Gateway Arch Riverboats, and the Arch Parking Garage adjacent to the Arch grounds. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? It is an honor for Metro to even been considered for this program. I believe it is positive re-enforcement that we are being financially responsible for improving our operational efficiency. Getting recognized for that innovation is a very good feeling! Metro’s hope is that with this honor from Computerworld, our peer transit Agencies will recognize this as well and continue to serve their customers well and improve public transportation at the national level. Our Agency’s excitement is shared across all our divisions and we look forward to your decision with great eagerness! 128 Real Estate Workflow MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MOTOR CARRIER SERVICES Jefferson City, Missouri, USA Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. In 2005 the Michigan Department of Transportation celebrated the milestone of its one-hundredth anniversary. Created in 1905, the State Highway Department, the precursor to MDOT, revolutionized U.S. highway travel. Working with the Wayne County Road Commission, the agency paved the nation’s first mile of concrete rural highway on Woodward Avenue in Detroit in 1909. It responded to growing automobile tourism by opening the first state-operated information center near New Buffalo in 1935. During World War II the state’s first four-lane divided expressway carried workers from the Detroit area to Ford’s Willow Run bomber plant in Ypsilanti. In 1973 MDOT expanded to include all transportation programs: ports, buses, aeronautics, marine, railroads, and non-motorized transportation. Now entering its second century of operation, MDOT continues to build on its legacy of innovation. The department’s lengthy list of historic “firsts” from the last century is being augmented today by groundbreaking applications of technology and management methodologies. What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Members of the EDMS RE team brought years of combined experience to bear on finding the optimum solution to a challenging situation. The ComputerWorld Honors Program provides a means of recognizing their collective vision, skills, effort, and determination in successfully meeting that challenge. Since many of the underlying issues faced by the team are also found in other environments, documentation of their praisewinning achievement can serve to exemplify a sound and successful course of action for others seeking to emulate their significant contribution to the department and the state of Michigan. T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE LTD. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Car Sharing Hong Kong, China Information Life Cycle management MoDot MCS Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. The Highway and Transportation Department was formed when voters approved Constitutional Amendment 2 in November 1979. The amendment merged the previously separate Highways and Transportation departments. Legislation passed in 1996 changed the department’s name to the Missouri Department of Transportation. The department operates under a decentralized organization with headquarters in Jefferson City. This General Headquarters office provides staff assistance and functional control for the various departmental tasks in 10 geographical districts. Each district contains about 10 percent of the total 32,000 road mileage in the state highway system. Motor Carrier Services joined the Missouri Department of Transportation in July 2002 when legislation was signed merging the program requirements from four separate agencies that serve the motor-carrier industry. The intent was to streamline processes, share relevant information and increase voluntary compliance. The division provides information, credentials, permits, and enforces safety and economic regulations for businesses and individuals operating commercial vehicles on the public highways in and through Missouri. Headquartered in Jefferson City, Mo., there are nine regional offices distributed throughout MoDOT’s 10 districts across the state. Motor Carrier Services currently employs approximately 100 individuals throughout the state, dedicated to improving highway safety and saving lives. MoDOT’s principal sources of state revenue are motor vehicle fuel taxes, licenses and fees and part of one-half of the motor vehicle sales tax. MoDOT operations on a $2.6B annual budget 6,990 full time employees. MoDOT annual IT budget exceeds $34M annually. ZIPCAR PACCAR Renton, Washington, USA Enterprise Application Integration Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. This is covered in the Introductory Overview section above. PACCAR Inc Proprietary and Confidential to be used solely for consideration in the Computerworld Honors Program SISCOG Lisboa, Portugal CREWS VOLVO CARS BELGIUM Please provide a paragraph or two about the history of your organization. In the fall of 1999, Zipcar founders were sitting in a café, excited about a concept they had seen in Berlin while on vacation. Cars were parked around the city for members to drive by the hour instead of owning their own vehicles. They decided to put an American spin on it, outfitting the cars with wireless technology, creating a hassle-free reservation system and strategically placing the cars around key cities and neighborhoods. In June 2000 the first Zipcars were on the road. The masses could now drive cars by the hour or day - on their terms. Today, thousands of smiling drivers use Zipcars in Boston, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco. In many neighborhoods, Zipcars are as ubiquitous as ATMs. Both Z2B (business) and personal drivers love the freedom and cost savings a Zipcar brings to their lives. That’s why nearly 40% of Zipcar members have either sold their car or stopped their purchasing decision. The revolution is underway, at least in the minds of members who no longer give a second thought to how they will get where they need to go. Brussels, Belgium XDMS Implementation What does being a part of the 2006 Computerworld Honors Program mean to you? Ability to demonstrate the innovation and benefit that can occur in the public sector. T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 129 T H E P RO G R A M A RC H I V E S THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM THE GLOBAL ARCHIVES AND ACADEMIC COUNCIL Well before the turn of the 21st Century, it had become abundantly clear that the information technology revolution was truly global in scope and scale and that its history belonged to all the nations of the world. Simultaneously, individuals and organizations in search of inspiration and answers to increasingly complex questions were turning to those faced with similar issues around the world. In the year 2000, the Computerworld Honors Program, in consultation with its Chairmen’s Committee and Laureates, its friends and advisors from academia and the IT industry, and with invaluable assistance from friends in the diplomatic corps, began to disseminate its annual collection of primary source materials to national archives, state and university libraries, research institutions and similar repositories around the world. To date, over 250 institutions are actively engaged in the preservation, protection and dissemination of these materials and have been designated Members of the Computerworld Honors Program Global Archives and Academic Council: ARGENTINA CHINA • Turbo Linux • Chinese Academy of Sciences • Institute of Science and Technology Information of China • Tsinghua University AUSTRALIA • Australian Information Industry Association • Australian Trade Commission • Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organisation • Mt. Eliza Business School • National Library of Australia • National Museum of Australia, Research Library • Queensland Institute of Technology • The University of New South Wales AUSTRIA • Vienna University BELGIUM • University of Ghent • University of Ghent, Dept. of Telecommunications & Information Processing • Instituto Superior Tecnico • University of Oporto RUSSIA • St. Petersburg State Technical University SCOTLAND • Edinburgh University Library SINGAPORE • Singapore Polytechnic University SOUTH AFRICA • Castle of Good Hope SPAIN • Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Instituto de Automatica Industrial • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid SWEDEN • Royal Institute of Technology SWITZERLAND • Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne • ICARE Research Institute in Computing and Telematics TAIWAN • Colombian Institute for the Development of Science & Technology • National University of Colombia at Medellin IRELAND • Trinity College Dublin • National Taiwan University of Science and Technology CZECH REPUBLIC ITALY THAILAND • Academy of Science of the Czech Republic • Centro Cefriel DENMARK JAPAN • Aarhus School of Business • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet • Handelshojskolen i Kobenhavn • Technical University of Denmark • University of Hyogo ECUADOR • Banco Central del Ecuador EGYPT KENYA • Kenyatta University KUWAIT • Kuwait University LUXEMBOURG BRAZIL • American University in Cairo • Agencia Cidadao • Biblioteca da Universidade de Brasilia • Biblioteca da Universidade de Rio de Janero • Biblioteca Nacional Centro • Camara Americana de Comercio-Amcham • Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado de Sao Paulo • Fundacao Getulio Vargas • General Electric do Brasil Ltda. • Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica • Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada • Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado • Instituto para Educacao em Medicina e Saude • Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia • Universidade de Sao Paulo • Universidade Estadual de CampinasPro-reitoria de Extensao e Assuntos Comunitarios • Centre de Recherche Publique - Gabriel Lippmann FINLAND MALAYSIA CANADA HONDURAS • HEC • McGill University, Schulich Library of Science and Engineering • Memorial University of Newfoundland • Royal Ontario Museum • University of Manitoba • University of Toronto • University of Waterloo • Wilfrid Laurier University 132 COLOMBIA • Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay • Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology • Jadavpur University • University of Madras • Indonesia • Bandung Insitute of Technology PORTUGAL • Helsinki University of Technology • Helsinki University of Technology, Library of Computer Science and Engineering • Lappeenranta University of Technology • Universiti Teknologi MARA MEXICO • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico FRANCE NETHERLANDS • Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers • La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie • National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control • Ministry of Economic Affairs • Ministry of Education, Culture & Science • National Research Institute for Mathematics & Computer Science • Techniek Museum • University of Amsterdam Computer Museum GERMANY • Deutsches Museum, Bonn • Frankfurt Museum of Applied Arts • Fraunhofer Society • German Museum of Technology • Heinz Nixdorf Museum • University of Paderborn • Consejo Hondureno de Ciencias y Tecnologia INDIA • Cognizant Corporate Library • Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad • Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore • Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM NIGERIA • University of Lagos NORWAY • Norwegian University of Technology and Science PERU • Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia PHILIPPINES • University of the Philippines Manila POLAND • Warsaw University • King Mongkut’s University Technology Thonburi TURKEY • Middle East Technical University UNITED KINGDOM • British Museum • Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine • Museum of Science and Industry • Museum of the History of Science • Queen’s University Belfast • Science Museum • The British Library • The Royal Society • University College London • University of Cambridge, Whipple Collection • University of Oxford, Bodleian Library • University of Sussex • Warwick University UNITED STATES • Arizona State University • Auburn University • Bowdoin College Library • Brookings Institution Library • Brown University, John D. Rockefeller Library • California Institute of Technology • Carnegie Museum • Carnegie-Mellon University • Case Western Reserve University • Colorado State Library • Computer History Museum, California • Connecticut State Library • Coronado Public Library • Dakota State University • Dartmouth College • DePauw University • Duke University • Eastman School of Music • Emory University • Florida State University • Georgia Institute of Technology • Georgia Public Library Service • Harvard University • Harvard University, Technology and Entrepreneurship Center • Healthcare Advisory Board Company • Howard University • Indiana Historical Society • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences • Inter American Development Bank • International University Exchange • Internet Public Library • IUPUI University Library’s Special Collections and Archives • LeHigh University • Library of Congress • Louisiana State University • Massachusetts Institute of Technology • Michigan State University • Minnesota State University • Missouri State Library • Montana Tech Library • Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago • Museum of Science, Boston • National Museum of American History • New Jersey Institute of Technology • New Jersey State Archives • New York Hall of Science • New York Institute of Technology • New York Public Library • New York University, Elmer Homes Bobst Library • North Carolina Board of Science and Technology • North Carolina Museum of History • Northern Michigan University • Northwest Missouri State • Ohio State University • Oklahoma State University • Penn State University Library • Pepperdine University • Princeton University Library • Public Education Network • Purdue University • Rand Corporation • Rice University • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation • Rutgers University • San Bernardino County Museum • San Francisco Museum of Modern Art • Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum • Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History • South Carolina Department of Archives and History • South Dakota State University • St. Mary’s Episcopal School, Memphis • Stanford University • State Library of Michigan • State Library of Ohio • State of Florida Library • State University of New York • The Tech Museum of Innovation • Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Jefferson Library • University of Alaska Southeast • University of Arizona • University of Arkansas at Little Rock • University of California • University of California at Berkeley • University of California at Los Angeles • University of Cincinnati • University of Colorado • University of Connecticut • University of Dayton • University of Delaware • University of Florida • University of Georgia • University of Hawaii, Manoa • University of Houston, College of Technology • University of Idaho • University of Illinois Library • University of Iowa • University of Kansas • University of Kentucky • University of Louisiana at Monroe, Sandel Library • University of Massachusetts • University of Michigan • University of Michigan Library • University of Michigan, Center for Information Technology • University of Minnesota • University of Mississippi • University of Missouri • University of Nebraska, Omaha • University of Nevada, LasVegas • University of New England • University of North Carolina • University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flager Business School • University of North Dakota, Chester Fritz Library • University of Oregon • University of Pittsburgh • University of San Diego • University of South Carolina • University of South Dakota • University of Vermont • University of Virginia • University of Washington • University of Wisconsin • University of Wyoming • USC • Virginia Tech University • Wake Forest University, Z. Smith Reynolds Library • Washington State Library • Washington State University • Washington University • Wesleyan University • West Virginia University • Western Carolina University • Wheaton College • Wisconsin State Historical Society • Yale University VENEZUELA • Biblioteca Marcel Roche • United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization • Universidad Simon Bolivar ZIMBABWE • University of Zimbabwe T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 133 THE OFFICIAL ARCHIVES ONLINE THE ORAL HISTORY ARCHIVE The Computerworld Honors Program’s official Archives Online harnesses the power of the Internet to provide global access to the primary source materials submitted by Computerworld Honors Program Laureates. This ever-growing global collection comprises an extraordinary selection of interpretive resources. In addition to sound recordings, still photography, interviews, oral histories and video biographies, the archive now includes literally thousands of case studies of outstanding applications of information technology. Nominated over more than a decade by the Program’s Chairmen’s Committee, these works are submitted for inclusion in the permanent research collections of a select group of the world’s leading academic and research institutions. The Chairmen’s Committee and Sponsors of the Computerworld Honors Program have made possible the creation of oral histories and video biographies of some of the most outstanding leaders of the information technology revolution. These interviews are designed to capture for posterity some of the personal and professional stories of these individuals, their goals, ideals, mentors, sources of inspiration and thoughts on the future of technology. Transcripts and, in many cases, highlights of the original audio or videorecordings of these interviews, are rapidly becoming available through the resources of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and The Computerworld Honors Program’s Official Archives Online. Marc Andreessen, Founder and Vice President, Netscape Communications Corporation Douglas Engelbart, President, The Bootstrap Institute Robert Ballard, Founding Chairman of the JASON Project Gordon Eubanks, President, CEO, Oblix David Evans, Co-Founder, Evans & Sutherland Edward Barnholt, Chairman, President and CEO, Agilent Technologies Joe Forehand, Chairman and CEO, Accenture Craig Barrett, Chief Executive Officer, Intel Jay Forrester, Germeshausen Professor Emeritus of Management, MIT, Sloan School of Management Bill Bass, Senior Vice President, E-commerce & International, Lands’ End John Gage, Director, Science Office, Sun Microsystems Andreas Bechtolshiem, Vice President Giga Byte Switching, Cisco Systems William H. Gates, Chairman, Microsoft Gordon Bell, Chief Scientist, Stardent Computer Andrew Grove, Chairman, Intel Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web John Hammergren, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, McKesson Corporation Steve Case, CEO, America Online Vinton Cerf, Senior Vice President, Internet Architecture & Technology, WorldCom Frederick Hausheer, Founder, Chairman & CEO, BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals John Chambers, Chairman & CEO, Cisco Systems Jeff Hawkins, Co-Founder, Chairman & Chief Product Officer, Handspring Gerald Cohen, Founder, Information Builders Bill Hewlett, Co-Founder, Hewlett-Packard Craig Conway, President & Chief Executive Officer, PeopleSoft Inc. Max Hopper, Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Max D. Hopper Associates Inc. Seymour Cray, Chairman, Cray Computer Corporation Irwin Jacobs, Chairman, Qualcomm Michael Dell, CEO, Dell Computer Robert Dutkowsky, President & CEO, JD Edwards Corporation Steve Jobs, CEO, NeXT Bill Joy, Chief Scientist, Sun Microsystems Robert Kahn, Founder & President, Corporation for National Research Initiatives Larry Ellison, President & CEO, Oracle 134 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 135 THE ORAL HISTORY ARCHIVE Ray Lane, General Partner, Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers Ted Leonsis, President, Interactive Properties Group, AOL Time Warner Kenneth Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America Steve Markman, Chairman, CEO & President, General Magic J Andrew McCammon, Pioneer in Theoretical & Computational Chemistry, University of California at San Diego Hasso Plattner, Co-Founder, SAP AG John Pople, Professor, Northwestern University Casey Powell, Chief Executive Officer, Sequent Computer Systems Linda Roberts, Director, Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education Michael C. Ruettgers, Executive Chairman, EMC Corporation Lewis Sadler, University of Illinois- Chicago Biomedical Visualization John McDonald, Co-Founder, McDonald & Stredney Eric Schmidt, Chairman & CEO, Novell Patrick McGovern, Founder, International Data Group Ralph Shrader, CEO, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. David McQueen, Professor, New York University’s Courant Institute Scott McNealy, CEO, Sun Microsystems J Edward McVaney, Co-Founder, JD Edwards A C K N OW L E D G E M E N T S Stratton Sclavos, Chairman & CEO, VeriSign, Inc Stephen Sprinkle, Managing Director, Deloitte Consulting Don Stredney, Co-Founder, McDonald & Stredney Robert Metcalfe, Founder, 3Com Matthew J. Szulik, Chairman, CEO & President, Red Hat Anne Meyer, Center for Applied Science and Special Technology Ralph Szygenda, Group Vice President & Chief Information Officer, General Motors Gordon Moore, Chairman Emeritus, Intel Joseph Tucci, President & Chief Executive Officer, EMC Dr. Nathan N Myhrvold, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Corporation Hal Uplinger, Producer of Live Aid concert Thomas Nies, Chairman, Cincom J. Craig Venter, President & Chairman, The Center for the Advancement of Genomics Ken Olsen, Founder & President, Digital Equipment Corporation Ann Vesperman Olson, Vice President Customer Service, Lands’ End Paul Otellini, President & Chief Operating Officer, Intel David Packard, Co-Founder, Hewlett-Packard Seymour Papert, LEGO Professor of Learning Research, MIT Media Lab Charles Peskin, Professor, New York University’s Courant Institute 136 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE 2006 CHAIRMEN’S COMMITTEE The Computerworld Honors Program proudly thanks the Program’s Chairmen’s Committee for 2006. 3com, Eric A. Benhamou Accenture, Joe W. Forehand ACS Government Solutions, John Brophy Adobe Systems, Bruce R. Chizen Agilent, William P. Sullivan America Online, Jonathan F. Miller Apple, Steven P. Jobs AT&T, Edward E. Whitacre Autodesk, Carol A. Bartz Avaya, Donald K. Peterson BEA, Alfred S. Chuang BearingPoint, Roderick C. McGeary BellSouth, F. Duane Ackerman BMC, Robert E. Beauchamp Booz Allen Hamilton, Ralph W. Shrader Borland, Tod Nielsen Broadcom, Scott A. McGregor Business Objects, John Schwarz Capgemini, John Parkinson CDW, John A. Edwardson Cincom, Thomas M. Nies Cingular Wireless, Stanley T. Sigman Cisco, John Chambers Cognizant, Lakshmi Narayanan Computer Associates, John Swainson Compuware, Peter Karmanos, Jr. Dell, Michael Dell Deloitte, James H. Quigley Eastman Kodak, Antonio M. Perez Eclipsys, R. Andrew Eckert EDS, Michael H. Jordan EMC, Joseph Tucci Epicor Software, L. George Klaus Epson America, John Lang Extreme Networks, Gordon L. Stitt F5 Networks, John McAdam FileNet, Lee D. Roberts Fujitsu, Toshio Morohoshi Getronics, Klaas Wagenaar HP, Mark V. Hurd Hitachi, Shinjiro Iwata i2, Sanjiv S. Sidhu IBM, Sam Palmisano 138 Information Builders, Gerald D. Cohen Intel, Craig Barrett Keane, John J. Leahy Lawson Software, Harry Debes Lucent, Patricia F. Russo MCI, Michael Capellas Microsoft, William H. Gates Microstrategy, Michael J. Saylor Morgan Stanley, Merritt Lutz Motorola, Edward J. Zander NCR, Jim Ringler NEC, Akinobu Kanasugi Nortel, Mike S. Zafirovski Novell, Jack L. Messman Open Text, John Shackleton Oracle, Larry J. Ellison Panasonic, Paul Liao Patni Computer Systems, Narendra K. Patni Progress Software, Joseph W. Alsop Quantum, Richard E. Belluzo RAD Data Communications, Zohar Zisapel Raytheon, William H. Swanson RSA Security, Arthur W. Coviello, Jr. SAIC, Ken C. Dahlberg SAP, Henning Kagermann SAS, James Goodnight SGI, Robert R. Bishop Siemens, Klaus Kleinfeld Software AG, Haskell Mayo Sprint Nextel Corp., Gary D. Forsee Sun Microsystems, Scott G. McNealy Sybase, John S. Chen Symantec, John W. Thompson Texas Instruments, Thomas J. Engibous TIBCO, Vivek Ranadivé Toshiba, Tadashi Okamura Unisys, Joseph W. McGrath VeriSign, Stratton D. Sclavos Verizon, Ivan G. Seidenburg Wyse, John Kish Xerox, Anne M. Mulcahy Yahoo!, Terry S. Semel T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM THE 2006 SEARCH DIRECTORS COMMITTEE The Computerworld Honors Program proudly thanks those Search Directors who nominated organizations to the Program for 2006. 3com, Sue Fontes Accenture, Debby Gaul Adobe Systems, Anna O’Neil and Leah Taylor America Online, Tricia Primrose Wallace AT&T, Laura Mertz Avaya, Candace Deliman BMC, Chrissy Campbell Booz Allen Hamilton, Eleanor Schaffner-Mosh Borland, Christy Barsotti Business Objects, Melissa Neumann Capgemini, Jonathan Blank CDW, Brian Schwartz Cincom, Pat Dowling Cingular Wireless, Igor Glubochansky Cisco, Judy May Computer Associates, Laurie Spindler Dell, Alison Bullock Deloitte, Beth Herrmann Eclipsys, Jason Cigarran EDS, Michelle Massey EMC, Liz Thibeault and Patrick Cooley Epicor, Lisa Preuss Extreme Networks, Gregory Cross F5 Networks, Matt Grant FileNet, Laurie Owen HP, Cheri Wesinger Hitachi, Kat Kirk i2, Kirsten Monberg IBM, Jackie Mahoney Information Builders, Sabrina Salgado Juniper Networks, Amy Lee Keane, Fran Kelly Microsoft, Eric Basha, Tim Carroll and Keith Hodson MicroStrategy, Claudia Cahill and Wende Cover Morgan Stanley, Carol Horn Nortel, Geney Kook and Michael Branch Novell, Bruce Lowry Open Text, Richard Maganini Oracle, Chelsea Bach and Susan Zielinski Progress Software, Cynthia Maxwell RAD Data Communications, Dvora Levanon and Judy Smith RSA Security, David Seuss Siemens, Jennifer Fairbanks Software AG, Lisa Wulf SUN, Emily Laderman Sybase, Katie Hill Symantec, Jennifer Fairbanks TIBCO, Holly Lawrence Unisys, Jim Senior VeriSign, Sia Pappanastos Xerox, Eduard Roosli T H E L AU R E AT E , J U N E 2006 139 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE 2006 PROGRAM SPONSORS The Computerworld Honors Program gratefully acknowledges the generosity, corporate good-citizenship, and vital contributions these sponsors have made to the history of the worldwide information technology revolution. BENEFACTORS AND LEADERSHIP AWARDS UNDERWRITERS PROGRAM UNDERWRITERS SPONSORS PATRONS THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM ybase Congratulates Our 2006 omputerworld Honors Laureates od AB a arian Chamber of Commerce and Industry mbia University School of Nursing i eGovernment rical Safety Authority of Ontario ald City Software v e Telecom thwyse Intervoice JP Morgan Chase & Co. Kone b.v. Elevators & Escalators Leeds Hospital RTL Nederland Streets Heaver Ts’ewulhtun Health Centre University of Georgia USP Designs (PTY) The Computerworld Honors Program is governed by the Computerworld Information Technology Awards Foundation ©2006 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective owners. 140 T HE C OMPUTERWORLD H ONORS P ROGRAM THE COMPUTERWORLD HONORS PROGRAM One Speen Street Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 USA Phone: 508-620-7758 Fax: 508-626-8524 The Computerworld Honors Program is governed by The Computerworld Information Technology Awards Foundation Find the Computerworld Honors Program Collection online at: