voice shepherd`s - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
voice shepherd`s - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
SHEPHERD’S VOICE Monthly Newsletter of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church – LCMS February 2013 Mark Your Calendar 2.3 Worship/Communion 2.3 Women’s “White Elephant” Bingo 2.9 Sweetheart Dinner 2.10 Worship 2.13 Ash Wednesday Worship 2.17 Worship/Communion 2.20 Midweek Lent Worship 2.24 Worship 2.27 Midweek Lent Worship A Word from Pastor The season of Lent provides an opportunity to preach a sermon series on specific gifts from a text in Isaiah, which has been called “the fifth gospel.” You will not only become more familiar with this oft-neglected section of Isaiah (chapters 55-66), but you will be inspired to joyfully receive God’s good and perfect gifts flowing from our Savior’s bitter suffering and death that are freely given because of his Easter victory! The season of Lent also points toward Baptism into the cross and resurrection of Christ. Historically, Lent developed as a season of preparation for Holy Baptism. Lent is the Church’s refocus on the significance of Holy Baptism. The daily drowning of contrition and repentance, which characterizes the entire Christian life of discipleship, is deliberately intensified during Lent as a renewal of faith and life in Christ. Continued on next page Word from Pastor, continued Lent brings the cross to sinners and sinners to the cross of Christ This repentance is never the product of human wisdom, reason, strength, or effort. Rather, it is always the divine work of the Holy Spirit through the Law and the Gospel. The Law crucifies the old Adam, and the Gospel raises up the new man in us. Lent is not aimed at an emotional response. Rather, it is preaching Law and Gospel. Lent brings the cross to sinners and sinners to the cross of Christ as the fountain and source of forgiveness, life, and salvation. During mid-week Lenten worship, we will explore the story of Amos in conjunction with the Passion narrative of John’s Gospel. The theme is “Restore the Roar.” This theme is brought into heavy prominence in the 7 oracles. Like the nations, we are addicted to gossip, anger, worry, laziness, excuses, selfishness. You name it; it has us. Over and over again we scream, “Gotta have it, gotta have it, gotta have it.” God, therefore, also says this to us. “You alone have I known from all the families of the earth; therefore I will visit upon you the fruit of all your iniquities” (Amos 3:2). Thank God that he does not leave us with Amos. There is another prophet in Israel who was more than a prophet, and because of Him, because of Jesus, we have hope despite our rebellious ways. Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8). Blessing in Christ Jesus, Pastor John From Portals of Prayer Constant in Prayer A 10-year-old was doing her homework when her mother heard her say, “Lord, help me with this assignment or I’ll never get it.” That was a prayer of faith. To pray continually doesn’t require us to be on our knees all day long or to walk around with folded hands. Christians, like other people, have work to do. After all, “if a man will not work, he shall not eat.” But even while we Christians work, we pray to God. We are Christians around the clock. Our spirits are in constant communion with God, as the Holy Spirit continuously directs our thoughts and yearnings heavenward. In danger we call on God to protect us. We thank God for His blessings. When talking to unbelievers, we pray for their conversion. We pray for our children, “Lord, help them grow into mature Christians.” For the sick we breathe a prayer for recovery. Often these are silent thoughts, but prayers nonetheless. Only God knows the prayers of a Christian who lies awake at night, of a farmer praying while tilling the soil, of those in all circumstances of life who put their trust in Jesus Christ, their Savior, who has promised to hear them. SEEN & HEARD MANY WAYS TO MEMORIZE GOD’S WORD God tells us over and over again that His Word is “a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths” (Psalm 119: 105). He means that His Word can guide us and lead us through dark places in our lives. God says that His Word is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). In the Old Testament God speaks to us through His prophet Moses who tells us to make His Word part of the very fabric of our lives. We are to “teach them [the commandments and God’s ways] diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6: 4-9). So what I am about to share with you is not a sales pitch, unless you want to say that God is making the “pitch” to us in our time, in our culture, in our church. Technology is good as far as we use it for good and noble purposes. There is a new and easy way to memorize your 40 Bible verses given out each Sunday by Pastor John. If you have a cell phone or iPad or any device that can connect to the Internet and download applications, you are in for a treat. There’s an Ap for that! It’s called ScriptureTyper: “the easy way to memorize Scripture.” It’s an easy Ap to use. You can memorize Scripture any number of ways. Teachers and students, pay attention. You can type in the verse by entering the first letter of each verse: For example: “God is our refuge and strength. . . “ You type G, I, O R, A, S, etc. and the program fills in the rest! You can also use Flash Cards and shuffle through your verses. You can also Record your verses in your own voice and listen to them anywhere. I do it on my way to the church, on the road to visits, whenever I have a free moment. And who doesn’t to devote time to God’s Word? The application has many ways to learn that are fun and rewarding. If Pastor John can memorize them, so can you. This application is also available free on the Internet at http://scripturetyper.com You can also purchase all the bells and whistles on iTunes store for a few dollars. It is well worth the cost! And then you can carry it wherever you go. Our Memory Verses – all 40 of them – will “grow” on our Tree of Life planted near the back of our sanctuary. Special thanks to Lauren Seider for drawing the tree and to Ann Seider for providing the materials and giving her time. Let’s grow in our walk with the Lord by memorizing as much of God’s Word as we can. Share this Word with one another, share it with your neighbor. Don’t just keep it to yourself. February 3 "When Life Overwhelms, God Provides" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Life is hard, but God provides real strength to face everyday struggles. (Jeremiah 1) February 10 "Do You Need a Miracle Today?" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus' miraculous Transfiguration tells us God is very real and He sent Jesus to help you in your time of need. (Luke 9:28-36) MONTH OF SUNDAYS February 17 "Overcoming Temptation with the Word" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus countered Satan's temptations with the power of God's Word. He is the Savior for all who are overwhelmed by their sin and failures. (Luke 4:1-13) February 3 - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Message: “Ultimate Authority” Text: Luke 4:31-44 February 10 – Transfiguration Sunday Message: “The Power of Spiritual Experiences” Text: Luke 9: 28-36 February 24 "Never Alone" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus Jesus understands our loneliness, but we will never fully comprehend his. (Psalm 25:16) February 17 – First Sunday in Lent Message: “What Can We Do?” Text: Luke 4: 1 - 13 February 24 – Second Sunday in Lent Message: “Keep On Keeping On” Text: Luke 13: 31-35 VERSE OF THE MONTH Special Services February 13 – Ash Wednesday Worship Message: “Rescued from the Rubble” Text: Amos 1: 1-2 February 20 – Midweek Lent Worship Message: “Upside Down” (5 part sermon series) Text: Amos 3:1–8 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 February 27 – Midweek Lent Worship Message: “This Is the Night the Lord Has Made” (5 part sermon series) Text: Amos 5: 18 “TELLING LOVING Amos 1: 1-2 CARING” … in Christ Caring and Serving Ministry Jesus said, “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s People, but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:12 GOOD SHEPHERD CARE MINISTRY Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:10) Please notify the Care Ministry if you need any of these services: Meals for families of those hospitalized or otherwise incapacitated. Delivery or pick up of medicine, or groceries for ill or shut-in Delivery of meals Transportation to physician appointments Light housekeeping Hospital or shut-in visits Other as needed Care Committee: Mary Orth Jeff Bird Kathy Dickey Serving the Lord Acolytes 2/3 Abby Hoek Danny Nadler 2/10 Tyler Smith Caden Bird 2/17 Kelsey Jaeger Kallie Tunink 2/24 Katie Hoek Audrey Seider Ushers 2/3 Steve Maseman Gary Seider 2/10 Russell Stelzer Ed Bartels 2/17 Matt Hoek Dan Hoek 2/24 Steve Maseman Ed Bartels Readers 2/3 Karen Butcher 2/10 Ann Seider 2/17 Judy Maseman 2/24 Bill Mahieu (573) 682-5132 (573) 682-1683 (573) 682-3662 Altar Guild Greeters Kitchen Nursery 2/3 Dana Rakers Lori Gesling Bill and Judy Mahieu Martin and LeeAnn Mahieu Ann Seider Lori Gesling Leslie Fadler Lisa Smith 2/10 2/17 Alane Gronefeld Starr Nadler Lori Gesling 2/24 Amanda Tunink PUZZLE CORNER Here is a puzzle called a cryptogram A cryptogram is a message written in a code in which each letter is replaced by a different letter throughout the message; every S might be coded as a G, for instance. No letter stands for itself or for more than one other letter, so when you know the code for a letter, write the answer letter over the coded one wherever it appears in the message. Hint: This puzzle is a Bible verse, and will be one of the verses that we will put on the Tree of Life Memory Verse Tree for March. The key to the answer is hidden on one of the pages of the newsletter. FPGMG GYEQ ZK WEI “E Y I Z W P R Y X, Y H Q Z W P Z V M Z W, YHQ ZWP A E L P, H K K H P T K I P G Z K ZWP LYZWPV Z W V K M S W I P.” PCTPUZ Prayer Corner SERVING THE LORD WITH OUR TREASURES Date/Offering SICK: Jeanette Stelzer – Chemo treatments; mother of Russell Stelzer and Palmyra Dubbert. Johnny and Georgia Trammell – Johnny suffering with cancer. Uncle and Aunt of Jeff Bird Mary Darby – Sister of Jane St. John. Karsen Trentham – Friedreich’s Ataxia; 18 year old son of Eric and Kim Trentham. Kalyn Trentham –Friedreich’s Ataxia; daughter of Eric and Kim Trentham, sister of Karsen, who also has the disease. Debbie Stelzer – cancer treatments – sister-in-law of Russell and Jacki Stelzer and Palmyra and Rick Dubbert. Michelle Smith – daughter of Jane St. John ONGOING HEALTH CONCERNS: Family and friends of members - Carol Hoffman, Ralph Ostmann, Mark Ramsey – son of Ed Ramsey Ronald Wiebers – vision problems (macular degeneration); father of Dayna Graham Rebecca Mabry – various health issues; grandmother of Dayna Graham ARMED FORCES OF OUR COUNTRY: Chris Macklin – nephew of Ernestine Ramsey Ray Finlay – husband of Suzanne (Hedberg) Finlay, Diton J. Parker – son of David and Emma Parker; grandson of Margaret Parker Joe Martin – nephew of Palmyra Dubbert and Russell Stelzer Dylan Kempker – son of LeeAnn Mahieu Gregg Allmon – grandson of Edgar and Mary Orth Caleb Bohlmeyer, Marcus and Mathew Younger, Jeremy Mitchell, Chris Greve, Justin Thurston, Ethan Lee –son of Steve and Nancy Lee; grandson of Dick and Norma Keil. Matthew Bolin – home from Syria; still in service; grandson of Ed and Jean Morse Ryan Ball – home from Afghanistan, waiting on word for next assignment; grandson of Betty Ball. THANKSGIVING We give thanks with Greg and Kara Stowers for the gift of a son born at 5:29 a.m. on Monday, January 14. Charles Garon weighed 6 lb. 9 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. He has a “big sister” Breelle. Amount 1/6/13 Current Building Sunday School Lutheran Witness Advent Initial Offering Total 2473.20 225.00 4.32 47.00 60.00 25.00 2834.52 1/13/13 Current Building Sunday School Total 1158.25 355.00 4.37 1517.62 1/20/13 Current Building Sunday School Lutheran Witness Initial Offering Total 1354.25 525.00 3.00 65.00 10.00 1957.25 Attendance 84/12 68/7 80/6 2,578.34 is needed each week in current and building to meet budget. A CONVENIENT WAY TO CONTRIBUTE The church is now set up to accept donations on our website. Go to www.goodshepherdcentralia.org and you will find the “Donate” button on the lower right side of the home page. You may pick from six designations: General Fund, Building Fund, Benevolence Fund, Youth Group Trip (San Antonio 2013), Capital Improvement, and Memorials. You may donate two ways: Through PayPal or from your credit/debit card. When you enter your amount, you will see that the “Total Amount” field will include fees. This fee will be charged to you and it includes 30¢ + 2.2% of your donation. Thank you for your donations however you choose to give; whether online, in the offering basket at church, through the mail, or in person to the Treasurer or Financial Secretary. If you have any question, please let me know. Jacki Stelzer 573-682-7231 WHAT'S NEW IN CONFIRMATION CLASS? Pastor John's Confirmation class does weekly activities to reinforce God's Word and make things fun. The activity shown in the picture is about learning that all believers are part of the "body of Christ." God has created all of us, and all of our parts. And we are members of the one body of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 12: 27). The confirmation class has been recently challenged to memorize all 40 verses to be introduced in church services this month and the coming months for 40 weeks. The Israelites wandered 40 years in the desert. Jesus lived in the desert for 40 days while Satan tempted Him. 40 verses is a good Biblical number to associate with this activity. We are called to be in God's Word daily. What a great way to learn Scriptures [also see the article on ScriptureTyper]! Jesus tells us to be prepared at all times to tell others about Him and the faith He has called us into through Holy Baptism (2 Timothy 3:16). Our class invites the whole congregation - the body of Christ - to memorize these same Scriptures along with us. Learn the Word together. Talk about the Word at the dinner table. Talk about the Word during family time. Pastor John will remind you of these verses in sermons, in worship service, in email blasters, in newspaper articles and newsletters, in conversations and in prayers for one another. And especially on the Tree of Life (see photo on later page), as the leaves show us that God's Word grows our faith through the Word, Jesus Christ. Another activity that the class participated in was drawing Luther's Rose [top right] on the wall of the middle class room in the Fellowship Hall. When we meet for class, we are reminded of God's story - that He suffered and died on a cross for our sins, that He gives us hope through his resurrection and new life and washes us clean in Holy Baptism, that He give us eternal joy through Jesus. Praise be to God! The Confirmation class continues to work on the 6 Chief Parts of the Catechism. Some things never change! Thank the Lord. Soon we will be moving from the 10 Commandments to the story of our salvation, which is clearly written in the Apostles’ Creed. Parents are welcome to visit with their children and spend time with us in class. You are always welcome. FEBRUARY 2013 SUNDAY 3 8:30 am Confirmation 8:45 am SSchool/Bible Class 10:00 am Worship 2:00 LWML Bingo MONDAY 4 6:00 pm Worship 2201220122012 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 5 6 7 9:00 am Bible Study 3:00pm Heritage Hall Worship 7:00 pm Women’s Guild 14 15 16 21 22 23 10 11 12 13 8:30 am Confirmation 8:45 am SSchool/Bible Class 10:00 am Worship 6:00 pm Worship 9:00 am Bible Study 7:00 pm Ash Wed. Worship 17 18 19 20 8:30 am Confirmation 8:45 am SSchool/Bible Class 10:00 am Worship 6:00 pm Worship 9:00 am Bible Study 7:00 pm Midweek Lent Worship 24 25 26 28 8:30 am Confirmation 8:45 am SSchool/Bible Class 10:00 am Worship 6:00 pm Worship 9:00 am Bible Study 7:00 pm Midweek Lent Worship 5 -7 pm Sweetheart Dinner 7:00 pm Movie Night “Undefeated” in Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm Worship Committee Birthdays 2/3 Robert Graham 2/4 Trenton Brooks 2/6 Matt Hoek 2/9 Steve Buckert 2/10 Mary Kilthau 2/13 Diane Bailey 2/13 Travis Banks 2/14 ElLouise Kollmann (91) 2/15 Carol Riedel 2/18 Cynthia Toedebusch 2/24 Eli Bartels 2/26 Jim Gesling 3/1 Mary Brechler (90) 3/2 Caleb Gesling 28 7:00 Dinner at Carlan’s Wedding Anniversaries 2/7 Ed and Sheryl Bartels 2/24 Gary and Carol Riedel 3/4 Adam and Devon Andersen ElLouise Kollmann (91 on February 14) Lutheran Home AL West C15 2825 Bloomfield Road Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 Mary Brechler (90 on March 1) 5053 Academy Road Hallsville, MO 65255 Bible Babble For infants and toddlers 0 – 3 years old March 3 8:45am In the Nursery Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 15-19 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. If your work schedule allows...come join us as we teach the kids to Jesus is Alive! Tell It on the Mountain--Where Jesus Christ is Lord! We'll need helpers with registration, music, crafts, snacks, games, photography, preschool teachers and group leaders. Also could use some visionaries who like to decorate or have ideas on spreading the word that our VBS is a great place to be. Come join us! Contact Ann Seider 682-3389 if you'd like to help or have questions. Enrollment will begin in early May. Flyers advertising our VBS are available for distribution and can be picked up on the narthex table. Jacki Stelzer (573) 682-7231 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 “TELLING LOVING CARING” … in Christ SENIOR YOUTH GROUP The Sr. Youth are getting excited…..only 5 more months and $2000 before we go to San Antonio for the National Youth Convention. The Sr. Youth have continued to work hard to raise the funds necessary to go. We received $1079 from the Special Services Offerings throughout the Advent/Christmas season. After all of this, we also received a generous donation of $1500 by an anonymous donor. We are so thankful for everyone’s generosity!!! We have scheduled a Sweetheart Banquet on Saturday, February 9, from 5 – 7. We will be serving a ribeye dinner for $15 a plate. John Briggs will DJ the dance for the evening. We will also provide childcare and pizza for $5. Contact Donna Hoek or Michelle Parrot for your reservation. We invite you to dine with us at Carlan’s Restaurant on Tuesday, February 26, from 5:00 to 8:00, as they have agreed to help us with our fundraising efforts by donating 15% of their profit. Hope to see you there! Keep your eye out for chocolate bunnies - Easter is almost here and we are planning to sell them again this year. Talk to a Sr. Youth member to reserve your favorite flavor today! Choose between Chocolate, White Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Crispy, Marshmallow, Almond, Cookies & Cream, Caramel, & Sugar Free. Our next meeting will be held on February 8 at 5:00 in our fellowship hall. We will have a short meeting, dinner, and decorate for the Sweetheart Banquet. WOMEN’S GUILD Feb. 3 – White Elephant Bingo from 2 – 4:00 pm Bring a wrapped ‘white elephant’ gift for the Bingo game. Lots of fun, fellowship and food. Feb. 7 – Monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. Pack cookies for college students and military men and women Bring 3 dozen cookies or other treats suitable for mailing. “Tree of Life” Memory Verses February 2013 February 3 - 1 Corinthians 1:18 - Cross For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. February 10 - Ephesians 2: 8-9 - Grace For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. February 17 - Philippians 4: 7 - Peace And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. February 24 - Matthew 6: 33-34 - Anxiety But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. GOD CALLS US INTO HIS FAMILY The Fadlers I received a phone call from a young gentleman on the road last fall. He introduced himself and said that he would like to be baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church. There was a sense of urgency in his voice. What great news for a pastor to hear! Nothing gives us greater assurance of God’s salvation than baptism in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. That assurance and promise of God’s saving grace came to Matthew Fadler and his wife, Leslie, when Matthew Maclain was baptized on Monday night, September 24, 2012, at Good Shepherd. Their family, Brent and Valerie Fadler, also attended and witnessed this miracle of God in Christ. Why did Matt make that special call to Pastor? Leslie said her whole life has been “church and family.” Good Shepherd was warm and felt like family to her. Matt agreed. He wanted to share the same faith as his wife and learned, through Lutheran pastors, that the Lutheran church taught the truth of Jesus Christ crucified for our sins, and that righteousness comes by faith through hearing the Word of God. He wanted to be baptized – and that was the urgency I heard in his voice that day. The rest is history –family history. The Fadlers are now a part of our family and have a strong desire to serve the Lord and use their talents and experience here. Matt is a local Centralia boy, who attended local schools and participated in track and field, as well as wrestling and football. He’s a modest guy, so he didn’t talk much about ALL his awards and honors in sports. Leslie grew up in Emma, Missouri, the daughter of Wendell and Sheryl Keesaer. She attended pre-school through eighth grades in the Lutheran system and then attended public high school. She went to college and majored in Early Child and Elementary Education, and graduated from University of Central Missouri with her degree in teaching. Leslie’s aunts were all teachers. That strong influence plus her love of kids brought her to teaching first grade in Centralia. And she loves her calling and the professional people around her. Leslie is a warm and loving person. People at Good Shepherd knows she has the heart of a teacher. She loves to surround herself with people who care about kids and education. Centralia was the perfect spot to live out that dream. Matt used his talents in the outdoors to major in Parks and Recreation. He attended the same school as his wife. He loves archery and hunting. “My favorite memory is hunting with my Dad and seeing him shoot a 14-point buck; also running track at the University with Leslie.” Matt also pole vaulted and Leslie ran sprints. All of these experiences guided Matt into the work of wildlife enforcement management. He draws up forest management plans that are bid out to his private company. Both Matt and Leslie would like to become more active in church. In fact, God has already put His hooks into them. Matt is now one of our newly elected trustees, and Leslie plans to help out with Sunday School and assist with Vacation Bible School. She loves to be around those kids! God has His plan for the Fadlers. They married on June 11, 2011 and first lived as husband and wife in Fayette, Missouri. In May 2012, they moved to Centralia. God was working in their lives to impress upon them the importance of His Word and Sacrament. And so . . . Leslie and Matt began talking church. It has always been important to them. Matt attended First Christian Church in Centralia, but he was never baptized or confirmed in the Christian faith. Matt and Leslie are hearing God’s Word at Good Shepherd which they say is a wonderful “blend” of the old and new. Leslie likes the music from All God’s People Sing, since these songs were part of her upbringing. She says, “I sang those same songs in chapel every Monday at Holy Cross.” I asked Leslie and Matt what attracted them to our church. As husband and wife they agree on this: They feel at home and welcome at Good Shepherd because of the close-knit community and relationships. “It’s family,” said Leslie. “Anytime we can be with family, we go.” That means Sweet Springs, but also here with her new family. We are so blessed to have the Fadlers in our family. A family that God continues to grow in many mysterious ways through His Holy Spirit. We are filled with joy that God called the Fadlers to be a part of His special family in Centralia. May God continue to bless them in the good works they do in Christ Jesus. By Pastor John Butcher Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 120 W. Gano Chance Road Centralia, MO 65240 CHECK OUR WEBSITE www.goodshepherdcentralia.org You can find it on the website! Member Directory (Resources) Preview of upcoming Sunday message Calendar for church events Find out about Men’s Club or LWML View pictures of Church activities Read current and past newsletters (Resources) Current events Constitution and church officers Donations to Good Shepherd through PayPal or your credit card Church Office (573) 682-3941 120 W. Gano Chance Road, Centralia, Missouri 65240 [email protected] Sunday School Worship Service Sunday 8:45 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Monday 6:00 p.m. Staff Pastor John Butcher (573) 489-3286 [email protected] Judy Maseman (573) 682-4237 [email protected] Elders Russell Stelzer (573) 682-7230 Dennis Haubein (573) 682-3979 Jon Rakers (573) 682-2707 Read John 14:6