February - The Chemeketans
February - The Chemeketans
Vol. 89/No. 2 February 2016 Back row: Membership Co-Chair Mary Liepins, President Mike Pennington, Treasurer Mark Olson, Recording Secretary Fletcher Moulton-Adelman; front row: Councilor Ted Gaty, Vice President Susan LaTour, Councilor Steve Dougherty, Councilor Ralph Hall. Absent: Membership Co-Chair Michael Gurley The Chemeketans are a group united in a common interest in outdoor activities. Application for membership may be made after completion of two qualifying trips with the club. For information and forms, contact chemeketans.org GENERAL INFORMATION Trip Participation It is your responsibility to determine from the description of distance, altitude, terrain, trail and possible weather conditions, whether you, your children, and your guests can fully participate. The leader may refuse to take anyone not properly equipped or who is judged incapable of making the specific trip. All valuables should be left at home or carried with you not left in a vehicle at the trailhead. Dogs/pets are not permitted. Hiking Trip Ratings DAWDLER: Pace slow, group makes frequent stops for viewing, photography, etc. EASY: Max. 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000 feet. MEDIUM: 6 - 10 miles round trip, 1000 - 2000 feet elevation gain. HARD: Long, strenuous, and difficult. Trip Essentials Participants should wear appropriate foot gear and clothing (no jeans), carry lunch, water, rain gear, warm sweater/jacket, and the following "essentials": EXTRA food/clothing/water flashlight & extra battery lighter/matches in waterproof container solar blanket and/or ground insulation in winter Insect repellent first aid materials sunglasses pocket knife toilet paper candle sunscreen whistle small shovel Snowshoe Trip Ratings The difficulty of a snowshoe trip is dependent upon a number of variables: principally length, elevation gain, snow conditions, and the number of people able and willing to break trail. EASY - Generally not over 5 round-trip miles with up to 500 feet of elevation gain. MEDIUM - Generally over 5 round-trip miles up to 8 with over 500 feet of elevation gain up to 1000. HARD - Generally over 8 round-trip miles with over 1000 feet of elevation gain. Membership and Bulletins The best way for prospective members to request club information and guest bulletins is to complete the online "MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION REQUEST FORM", available on our website www.chemeketans.org under "Membership" or "Contact Us". You may mail requests to Chemeketans, Membership Secretary, PO Box 864, Salem OR 97308 or email [email protected] and use an unambiguous subject line and include a snail mail address and phone number. If you mail in names of prospective members on signup sheets, instead of directing people to the website, it is very helpful to include email addresses. Trip Meeting Points IKE = RAS = CCC = RLC = SKM = RPR = PAR = FMN = SAF = MBI = Ike Box, 299 Cottage St. NE- SW corner of Cottage and Chemeketa Rite Aid South, south Commercial, behind bus stop WEEKENDS ONLY – Green Parking Lot (lot off Cooley Dr off Lancaster Side) Redeemer Lutheran Church at 4665 Lancaster Dr (corner of Hayesville Dr – but never on Sunday) Big K Lot, 2470 Mission St., Mission St. side, just west of Jack-in-the-Box Roth’s Portland Road, 4746 Portland Road NE (park in northwest corner on Portland Road) State Motor Pool Park and Ride lot on Airport Road Fred Meyer North west side of lot (River Road side) Safeway West Salem, use Capital Manor exit from 22. Park on Edgewater -- southwest corner Minto Brown Island Park (1st parking lot on right as you enter island) New and Renewing Member Dues: Adults $20 and Juniors (under age 18) $3. Annual subscription to print bulletin $20. st The membership year starts January 1 . Bulletin Editors: Joanne DeMay 971-237-9775 [email protected] Bill Geibel 503-873-0270 [email protected] Mike Berger 503-400-7645 [email protected] Cover Editor: Allan King [email protected] Mileage Reimbursement for Drivers To reimburse drivers for vehicle operation costs, the suggested donation is 9¢ per mile per person to drivers. This issue was edited by Bill Geibel The March issue will be edited by Joanne DeMay The April issue will be edited by Mike Berger Guests (non-members) A guest under 18 years of age must provide a signed Release From Liability And Assumption Of Risk to the trip leader if he/she is not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. To submit an Activity or We Were There report, use the online forms at www.chemeketans.org. Look under "Who We Are." If you do not have internet access, ask a friend or the hiking coordinator to do this for you. You may also call, email, or send your write-ups directly to the editors at their home addresses. Coordinators for: February Hiking: John Huff, 503-507-7348 [email protected] Midweek Hikes: : Elizabeth Seibert, 503-315-8785 [email protected] Dawdler Hikes: Carol Soderberg, 503-363-8435 [email protected] February 2016 The Chemeketan Trip Leader Guide is available at http://www.chemeketans.org/Leader_Guide.pdf. Thunderbird Lodge: To reserve the Chemeketan cabin on Whitewater Rd., call or email Kim Hyatt: [email protected], 503-362-2765 2 www.chemeketans.org FEBRUARY 2016 CALENDAR Day Date Location & Activity Leader Mon Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sat Sun Mon Mon Wed Thurs Thurs Fri Sat Sat Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Thurs Sat Sat Sun Mon Wed Thurs Sat Sat Sun Mon 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 20 21 22 24 25 27 27 28 29 Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Audubon Nature Reserve Restoration Center 50+ for Lunch First Aid Class Burke's Balcony Snowshoe Mulkey Creek Hike Mt. Pisgah Hike Fishermens Bend Dawdler Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Audubon Reserve Restoration Center 50+ for Lunch Second Thursday Pizza - Padington's South Picture Night Potato Hill to Little Nash Sno-Park XSki Luckiamute River Trail Hike Santiam Canyon Snowshoe Urban Walk: Oregon State Hospital, Greer Park Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Milwaukie and MAX Dawdler Audubon Reserve Restoration State Forestry Museum Dawdler Center 50+ for Lunch Santiam Canyon Snowshoe Silver Creek Falls Hike Oak Creek to Fitton Green Hike Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Audubon Reserve Restoration Center 50+ for Lunch Santiam Canyon Snowshoe Vineyard Mountain Loop Hike Spencer Butte Hike Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Bill Anning Lee Slattum Lee Slattum Mike Niemeyer Tom Burke Matt Rieke John Huff Paula Hyatt Bill Anning Lee Slattum Lee Slattum Nancy Rockwell Marcia Hoak Roz Shirack Susan LaTour Jean Gabriel Elizabeth Seibert Bill Anning Carol Soderberg Lee Slattum Paula Hyatt Lee Slattum James Sealy Debra Dawes Bill Wylie Bill Anning Lee Slattum Lee Slattum Mona Knapp Sylvia Dawson/David Jackson Jim Rastorfer Bill Anning FUTURE EVENTS Wed Wed Sat-Sun Sun-Sat Sat-Sun April 20 April 27 April 30-May1 May 29-June 4 July 30-Aug 13 Climb School Classroom Session #1 Climb School Classroom Session #2 Climb School Field Sessions Canyon de Chelly, Northeast Arizona 85th Annual Chemeketan Outing Theresa Conley Theresa Conley Theresa Conley Hardin King Ken Ash 2016 CHEMEKETAN EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Vice-President Recording Secretary Membership Co-Chairs Treasurer Councilor Councilor Councilor February 2016 Mike Pennington Susan LaTour Fletcher Moulton-Adelman Michael Gurley Mary Liepins Mark Olson Ted Gaty Ralph Hall Steve Dougherty [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 3 513-284-7566 503-362-3375 503-315-7108 609-410-3764 503-363-6385 503-559-0728 503-585-3380 503-763-8976 503-566-8899 www.chemeketans.org ANNOUNCEMENTS February Council Meeting will be Wednesday, February 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ike Box, 299 Cottage St. NE , SW corner of Cottage and Chemeketa You Can Find Information On.... Chemeketan Bulletins from June 2010 to present on the Chemeketan website. Chemeketan Council Meeting Minutes at our website under Who We Are>Club Business>Council Minutes. Annual Meeting Minutes on the website and in the March bulletin . Backpack Schedule on the website and in the March bulletin. Climbing Program and Schedule on the website Annual Outing Registration and Information on the website. DUE DATES!! Please submit your bulletin articles by the FIRST of the preceding month. You snooze, you looze. PHOTOS: Many recent photo submissions to the editors have been too small in file size and too pixelated. Please submit photos that are either the original size or at least 300400 KB in size. If photos are too poor in quality, they will be rejected. Editors still reserve the right to publish photos based on their judgment, including reader interest and available space. Some photos may only be put in the ebulletin due to space restrictions in the print version of the bulletin. DISCOUNT VENDORS The stores listed below will honor Class Participants in session 15%, 30% on rentals. No discounts on service work or sale items. Next Adventure, 426 SE Grand, Portland, 503-233-0706 10% discount. US Outdoor Store, 219 SW Broadway, Portland, 503223-5937 - 10% discount. Peak Sports, 207 NW 2nd, Corvallis, 541-754-6444 - 10% discount. Redpoint Climber’s Supply, 800-923-6207, 8283 11th St. Terrebonne -10% discount. Salem Sports Authority - Lancaster Mall, Salem. 15% off entire purchase on first Monday of each month at outdoors register. . BULLETIN ADS your Chemeketan membership sticker with a discount: Salem Summit Co., 246 State St., Salem, 503-990-7304 – 10% discount. Oregon Mountain Community, 2975 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, 503-227-1038 - 10% discount. The Mountain Shop, 1510 NE 37th, Portland, 503-2886768 - Discounts: Members 10%, Climb Leaders 15%, A Chemeketan member may place one small non-commercial ad per year - for example, offering outdoor equipment for sale – in the Chemeketan bulletin, free of charge. These classified ads are subject to space availability. There will be no display ads placed on the back cover. Ads must be sent via email directly to the editors and must be received by the first of the month preceding the month in which they are to be published. WHERE AND WHEN Refer to the General Information on Page 2 for trip ratings, meeting locations and other important information. Trips leave promptly at the time stated so be there a few minutes ahead of time. RT = Round Trip. The use of an asterisk* on Climb related activities indicates that the activity is available to first year climbers. mowing grass, and building raised growing beds from salvaged logs. At 11:00, we quit and head to McDonald's on Wallace Road to drink coffee and have a good visit. Into our fifth year, we have accomplished much with our collaborative effort. Thursday, February 4, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Into our seventh year, our Chemeketan and guest lunches continue at the City of Salem's newest Senior Center, the Center 50+, at 2615 Portland Road NE. Lunch is served between 11:30 and 1:00. The cost is $5.00 if you are 50 or better; $6.50 if you are younger. Drop in for some good food, conversation, and a chance to do some networking. Monday, February 1, 10:00 a.m. KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY, BILL ANNING Come join the fun every Monday to help solve the world's problems. Wednesday, February 3, AUDUBON NATURE RESERVE RESTORATION, LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Like many of you, I am both a Chemeketan and a Salem Audubon member. I have volunteered to lead a restoration program at the Audubon Nature Reserve, located in West Salem on Eola Drive, behind Safeway on Edgewater. We work every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 on a variety of projects: removing invasive plants and replacing them with natives, picking up liter, constructing and maintaining trails, February 2016 4 Friday, February 5, 6:00 p.m., FIRST AID CLASS MIKE NIEMEYER 503-910-9726 Upon completion of this course, students receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid Course Completion Card that is valid for two years. (Note that this is not a Wilderness First Aid Class and does not cover CPR. This is First Aid Only.) Course will be at the Drakes Crossing Fire Station at 19364 Powers Creek Loop RD NE Silverton, OR www.chemeketans.org Friday, February 12, IKE BOX, 7:00 p.m., PICTURE NIGHT MARCIA HOAK 503-363-1352 Travel to a part of the world most tourists don't visit Newfoundland and Labrador. Eight Oregonians led by Barry Wulff explored the trails, geology, history and culture of these Canadian provinces in June 2014. Neil Peterson & Sharon Wright will show their photos of the amazing land of Tuckamore, Moho, icebergs, a UNESCO Viking site, native cultures, wonderful people, and more. RATED: EASY. 97381. This is about 10 miles SE of downtown Silverton on Hwy 214 towards Silver Creek Falls. Additional details at www.mikessummits.blogspot.com. Fee is $25. Saturday, February 6, BURKE'S BALCONY SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: TOM BURKE 503-930-5704 This snowshoe offers a potentially great reward for a moderate effort. The first two miles are an easy, mostly on road grade. The final 3/4 mile push is cross-country with most of the total elevation gain. Good views of Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington, Three Fingered Jack and other peaks. I will plan to accommodate anyone who would like to go but choose not to complete the steep push at the end. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 150 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 5.5 miles, Elev. 800 feet. Saturday, February 13, POTATO HILL TO LITTLE NASH SNO-PARK X-SKI PRE-REG W/LDR: ROZ SHIRACK 503-399-8615 We will ski to the top of Potato Hill (about 900 feet of elevation gain) for good views of Three Finger Jack, Three Sisters, and other Cascade peaks. Then we will return via the Hash Brown Loop and cut over to the trails on Little Nash Crater for a 1300 ft. descent to Little Nash Sno-Park. We may need to substitute another trail if snow or weather conditions are not adequate. We will need at least two cars for the short shuttle. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, Driving dist RT 160 miles, X-SKI dist 7 miles, Elev. 900 feet. Saturday, February 6, SKM, 8:00 a.m., MULKEY CREEK HIKE, MATT RIEKE 541-928-2767 Mulkey Creek is part of the Corvallis-To-Sea Trail, which when completed will start near McDonald Forest, cross the north flank of Marys Peak and end at the Beaver Creek Natural Area, between Newport and Waldport. This segment goes from near the Benton County Fairgrounds up Mulkey Creek and up a ridge to Fitton Green. It is a mixture of various topographies with good views of the valley and the Coast Range. Hope for sun! Slow pace. RATED: EASY-MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 80 miles, HIKE dist 9 miles, Elev. 700 feet Saturday, February 13, 8:30 a.m., LUCKIAMUTE RIVER TRAIL HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: SUSAN LATOUR 503-362-3375 This fairly recently developed trail begins at the Luckiamute River Landing and heads through woods and open fields past ponds and sloughs to a campsite on the Willamette River. The trail may be wet, muddy and slick, so wear appropriate footwear. Bring a snack. A lunch stop in Independence could be arranged. If the rivers are high, the leader may opt for a different hike. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 40 miles, HIKE dist 4 miles, Elev. 0 feet. Sunday, February 7, MT. PISGAH HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: JOHN HUFF 503-507-7348 This is a great hiking area just south of Eugene. We will hike up through the arboretum and choose from a myriad of trails to the summit. There are nice views of Diamond Peak and the southern Willamette Valley. Some places on the trails can be steep and muddy. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 145 miles, HIKE dist 6 miles, Elev. 1300 feet. Saturday, February 13, SANTIAM CANYON SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: JEAN GABRIEL 503-507-9835 The location of this snowshoe will depend on snow conditions and road conditions. I have several possible trips in mind. I'm aiming for a medium-hard level, but snow conditions will make a difference on whether it seems easy or difficult. Pre-register by phone or by e-mail at [email protected]. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, Driving dist RT 190 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 7 miles, Elev. 1200 feet. Monday, February 8, 9:00 a.m., FISHERMENS BEND DAWDLER HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: PAULA HYATT 503-362-2765 Up the North Santiam Highway lies this BLM park with a good trail along the river. This time of year the water is usually rushing over the rocks making for great viewing. Bring lunch and dress for the weather. Slow pace. RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 40 miles, HIKE dist 3 miles. Monday, February 8, 10:00 a.m. KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY, BILL ANNING Sunday, February 14, 9:30 a.m., URBAN WALK: OSH, GREER PK HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: ELIZABETH SEIBERT 503-315-8785 We'll take a sweet Valentine's Day walk through the Oregon State Hospital grounds to Greer Park and then to the Marion County Master Gardner demonstration garden. Be ready for a little mud but not much. Please pre-register tentative interest by Saturday noon at [email protected] or by phone. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 0 miles, HIKE dist 5 miles, Elev. 50 feet. Wednesday, February 10, AUDUBON NATURE RESERVE RESTORATION LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 See February 3 write-up. Thursday, February 11, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 See February 4 write-up. Thursday, February 11, 6:00 p.m., SECOND THURSDAY PIZZA, NANCY ROCKWELL 503-508-2941 Come for pizza and good company at Padington's Pizza Parlor, 5255 Commercial St SE. See you there! RATED: DAWDLERS, Elev. 0 feet. February 2016 Monday, February 15, 10:00 a.m. KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY, BILL ANNING Tuesday, February 16, 8:30 a.m., MILWAUKIE AND MAX DAWDLER HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: CAROL SODERBERG 503-507-0867 5 www.chemeketans.org We’ll start in south Milwaukie and walk north along the Trolley Trail. We’ll cross Kellogg Creek near the Willamette and continue into Sellwood. When we reach the northernmost point of our hike we’ll take the new MAX Orange Line south to near our starting point. After the hike we’ll drive a short distance to the restaurant at Bob’s Red Mill to have a late lunch. Since we’re having a late lunch you may want to bring a snack. In addition to a snack please bring water and money for lunch and your MAX ticket (which will cost $2.50). Slow pace. RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 90 miles, HIKE dist 6.5 miles, Elev. 200 feet. consists of trails and gravel access roads and we will return by the newly established loop to the Mulkey Creek Trail. A stop at the New Morning Bakery is planned. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 80 miles, HIKE dist 6.9 miles, Elev. 1170 feet. Monday, February 22, 10:00 a.m. KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY, BILL ANNING Wednesday, February 24, AUDUBON NATURE RESERVE RESTORATION LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 See February 3 write-up. Wednesday, February 17, AUDUBON NATURE RESERVE RESTORATION LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 See February 3 write-up. Thursday, February 25, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 See February 4 write-up. Thursday, February 18, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 See February 4 write-up. Saturday, February 27, 8:00 a.m., SANTIAM CANYON SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: MONA KNAPP 503-473-3726 Snow conditions permitting, we will start at Scar Mountain Road and head up to Olga's Outcropping. Our route is mostly a gentle grade and includes a beautiful view of Mt. Jefferson, framed by the snowy foothills. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 150 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 6 miles, Elev. 700 feet. Thursday, February 18, 9:30 a.m., STATE FORESTRY MUSEUM DAWDLER PRE-REG W/LDR: PAULA HYATT 503-362-2765 We will have a walk in the area, then visit the museum and learn more about what our state forestry department has done in the past and is doing today. A volunteer will be on hand to answer questions. Bring a snack, and if weather permits, we will continue with a dawdler walk in the area. Slow pace. RATED: DAWDLERS. Saturday, February 27, 7:30 a.m., VINEYARD MOUNTAIN LOOP HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: SYLVIA DAWSON & DAVID JACKSON 503-951-1293 Located in McDonald Forest, this is a great mountain loop hike with terrific views from forest service roads. There is a gradual elevation gain of 900 feet. The roads are pretty well kept but if rains are recent, boots, raingear, and hiking poles are recommended. Also bring a snack. If the group wishes, we will drive to the New Morning Bakery in Corvallis for lunch. Moderate pace. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 120 miles, HIKE dist 7.3 miles, Elev. 900 feet. Saturday, February 20, 8:00 a.m., SANTIAM CANYON SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: JAMES SEALY 503-588-7339 We will decide on the exact location of this snowshoe right before we go, depending on snow level and conditions. Expect a good workout because the leader likes long snowshoes with plenty of elevation gain. This also could be a cross county route that the leader has not scouted and would be navigated by GPS. Hopefully we will have clear conditions and get above the trees to get a good view. Moderate pace. RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 180 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 8 miles, Elev. 1300 feet. Sunday, February 28, 8:00 a.m., SPENCER BUTTE HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: JIM RASTORFER 503-390-4640 This hike is mostly through a Douglas fir forest at the southern edge of Eugene. We will hike from the Martin St. trailhead to the summit of Spencer Butte. On a clear day the view can include the Cascade peaks as well as the southern Willamette valley. The top of the butte is actually above the tree-line and consists mainly of rock formations and grass. Come prepared for muddy trails and unpredictable weather. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, Driving dist RT 130 miles, HIKE dist 7 miles, Elev. 1500 feet Saturday, February 20, 9:00 a.m., SILVER FALLS HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: DEBRA DAWES 503-781-8309 Silver Falls in February should be glorious with a high volume of water flowing, but be prepared for mud and/or icy conditions. We will park at the North Falls lot, hike the Canyon Trail and warm-up/lunch at the South Falls Lodge before returning on the Rim Trail. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 50 miles, HIKE dist 8 miles, Elev. 600 feet. Sunday, February 21, 8:00 a.m., OAK CREEK TO FITTON GREEN HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: BILL WYLIE 503-378-0315 Fitton Green is a very scenic upland prairie west of Corvallis which overlooks Kings Valley and the coast range. The route Monday, February 29, 10:00 a.m. KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY, BILL ANNING. FUTURE EVENTS Wednesday, April 20, 2016 CLIMB SCHOOL CLASSROOM SESSION #1, THERESA CONLEY 541-231-0453 The 2016 Chemeketan Climb School is a great introduction to basic mountaineering and rock climbing skills. Students attend two classroom sessions and a weekend field session. February 2016 Chemeketan Climb School, or an equivalent, is required to participate in club-sponsored climbs. The classroom sessions will be held in downtown Salem on Wednesday April 20th and 27th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. The field sessions will be held the weekend of April 30th - May 1st, where students will practice 6 www.chemeketans.org rock skills at Columbia Hills State Park and snow skills on the base of Mt Hood. We'll be camping Saturday night at the state park and eating a buffet dinner at Spooky's Pizza in The Dalles. The costs for both the camping and the buffet are included in your registration fee ($155 for members and $175 for non-members). Base camp in beautiful Canyon de Chelly, hike 6-10 miles per day, with elevation 1000'+/- daily. See cliff dwellings of Anasazi and native rock art of Anasazi/Ute/Hopi/Navajo. Become acquainted with four generations of a Navajo family and share potluck with them. Be surrounded by the quiet beauty of patina-covered red rock canyon walls, turquoise blue sky with white clouds, green riparian areas. See dramatic scattered high desert flora, and sleep with canyon walls providing crystal clear views of starry dark night skies. Call or email interest. [email protected]. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, HIKE dist 35 miles, Elev. 1000 feet daily. Climb school students must be at least 16 years old by April 30th 2016 and any student under 18 years old must be accompanied by a guardian who is a paid Climb School participant. The guardian is expected to stay with and be responsible for the younger participant throughout the weekend field sessions. The number of climb school participants is limited to 45. Please register online at http://www.chemeketans.org/climb_school.asp where further information is available. You may also contact Theresa Conley at [email protected]. Saturday-Saturday, July 30-August 13, 85th ANNUAL CHEMEKETAN OUTING KEN ASH 503-884-3160 The outing is a cooperative camping adventure featuring daily hikes and has been a Chemeketan tradition since 1928. Campsites and meals are provided for a minimal fee and a few camp duties. The 2016 Outing will be in the Wallowa Mountains of northeast Oregon from July 30 through August 13. Participants may attend either or both weeks. The camp ground, on the Nez Perce Tribal Homeland site, has ample space for tents and RVs. Good camping, hiking, food and company are guaranteed. Good weather is expected. Wednesday, April 27, CLIMB SCHOOL CLASSROOM SESSION #2* CLIMB THERESA CONLEY 541-231-0453 See April 20 write-up. Saturday-Sunday, April 30-May 1, CLIMB SCHOOL FIELD SESSION*, THERESA CONLEY 541-231-0453 See April 20 write-up. Registration opens March 1 for members and their guests and April 1 for all others. Application forms may be downloaded from the club website. Sunday-Saturday, May 29-June 4, CANYON DE CHELLY NE ARIZONA PRE-REG W/LDR: HARDIN KING 503-845-9340 WE WERE THERE Fairmount Christmas Displays and Park Trails Dawdler, December 15 Cold pleasant day, but the hoped-for displays were a disappointment. Some colored lights on roof eaves, a few bushes with colored balls hanging from the branches. I would guess people were not wanting to put out figurines or whatever on the lawns because they did not want them damaged by the rain. In previous years this has been a delightful hike. The Fairmount Park trails were in great shape, and the hikers, led by Paula Hyatt, were Robert Roner, Annie Landolt and Patty Schaffer. homes and made sure to drop off donations for the local food drive. A stop for snacks afterward topped off the evening. Guests: Steve Sorensen and Jim Rawls. Members: Zsa Dubois, Marcia Hoak, Ken Ash, Bill Anning, Joanne DeMay, Blanka Truneckova, Marilyn Glenn, Tracy Glenn, Bill Geibel, Robert Roner, Victoria Wilbanks and leader Linda Willnow. Silver Falls Hike and Solstice Potluck, December 20 Another Solstice celebrated with Chemeketan joy and enthusiasm. Who is afraid of a 100% chance of rain?? Not us! Dressed nicely for the weather and enjoying the massive water over the falls, the cozy charm of the Lodge and a dry finish to the hike were hikers Nancy Rockwell, Rick Cooper, Mary Liepins, Neil Peterson, Joanne Fitzgerald, Randy Selig, Vivienne Torgeson, and first-timers Stephanie Smith and Charlotte Muellen. Joining us for the final mile was Ken Ash. Potluckers were Zsa Dubois, Bill and Penny Wylie, Sharon Wright, Phyllis Benatti, and Nick Liepins. We dang near dirtied every glass, bowl, plate and cup in the house. A good time, for sure. Mary Coleman, leader. Audubon Nature Reserve, December 16 Along with trail maintenance and litter patrol on Highway 22, the restoration project at Audubon Nature Reserve is a chance for Chemeketans to volunteer. Led by Lee Slattum, the restoration began six years ago, and volunteers meet every Wednesday at the Reserve in West Salem and perform a variety of tasks. Constructing and maintaining trails, replacing invasive species with natives, picking up litter and building raised growing beds from salvaged logs are some of the tasks. Roads End and the Thumb , December 26 Twelve of us decided to take advantage of a day without rain and headed to the coast. Our goal was the Thumb, a steep climb up grass covered volcanic rock to a great view of the surrounding area. Those who made it to the top held on to their belongings, because the wind was strong. We all ended up with muddy boots, because of all the rain. Enjoying the day were front leader Bobbie Snead, guests David Kelln and Vicki Kimpton, members Deanna and Tom Davis, Janet Locnikar, Rosamund Irwin, Bev Hassell, Lynette Olesen, Mary Elliott, new member Anne Mandolt and rear leader Betsy Belshaw. In photos below on page 8. A large white oak fell in a November storm and posed a hazard. Volunteers broke it down with a chain saw, hand saws and clippers. Salvaged wood will be used for lining trails, erosion control, and raised gardens. Smaller pieces will be donated to low income families for firewood. Keizer Lights Walk, December 19 After two weeks of constant rain, 14 hikers were happy to endure a slight drizzle during the walk around the Keizer Christmas lights. We viewed many beautifully decorated February 2016 7 www.chemeketans.org Audubon Nature Reserve Tree Maintenance See December 16 We Were There. Photos: Allan King February 2016 8 www.chemeketans.org Photos From 2016 Annual Meeting and "Farewell to the Chemekeden" Party Photos: Allan King Photo presentation posters from the old days. Dates unknown. "Farewell to the Den" cake Robert Roner receives gift of appreciation for his many years of club service as the Chemekeden Chair. February 2016 9 www.chemeketans.org
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