to the November 2015 Newsletter.
to the November 2015 Newsletter.
THE CONNECTION Serving Businesses Since 1934 November 2015 WWW.COZADCHAMBER.COM Spotlight Business of the Month Sew Y’ Know owned by Candi Hasbrouck Highlights Business of the Month Sew Y’ Know Pages 4-5 New Chamber Members Sew Y’ Know Simple Touches Ashes to Blessings Cozad Christian Church New Pastor John States Page 6-7 Spook Night Highlights Page 8-9 BID Bench Donation First Bank & Trust BAH Go Kart Raffle Pages 10 Natural Escapes Page 11 Kiffin Murphy Real Estate Western Valley Ins. Page 12 Cozad United Way Big Red Casino Night Pages 13-4 New to Cozad Christian Church 2016 Cozad Chamber Board Member Cozad Christian Church Pastor John States and Penny States Security First Ins. Pages 15 Sonny’s Super Foods Page 16 Window Decorating Contest Cozad Jaycees Page 17 Holiday Food & Gift Festival Page 18 Barn Quilts Page 19 Marketing Class Page 20 1 Cozad Entertainment Page 21 CH AM BER CHA TT ER Cozad Area Arts Council Entertainment Todd Green, multi-instrumentalist, will perform on Sunday, November 1st at 3:00PM in the Cozad High School Auditorium.For more info call Ann Burkholder 784-2056. Tickets available at the door and at the Cozad Chamber. Sponsored by the Cozad Area Arts Council with support from Nebraska Arts Council and Nebraska Cultural Endowment. Cozad United Methodist Around the World Dinner Sunday, November 1st 5-7PM at Cozad United Methodist Church (15th & B). Enjoy cuisine from America, Mexico, Germany, Italy and France. Advance tickets: Adults $8/ Children 8 & under or $9 at the Davis Family Dental Halloween Candy Buy Back Bring your wrapped Halloween candy to Davis Family Dental (1002 Meridian) on Monday, Nov 2nd between 4:00-6:00PM and receive a chance to win an iPod Touch for every pound of candy donated! Candy will be sent to our U.S. Troops through Operation Gratitude. First Bank & Trust BAH Friday, Nov 6th from 5-7PM at First Bank & Trust (747 Meridian) Enjoy beverages & hors d'oeuvres while touring our newly remodeled lobby. VFW Supper The VFW will host a supper at the Cozad Elks Club on Monday, November 9th at 6:00 PM in honor of Veteran's Day. The supper is open to all area veterans and their spouses. There is no formal meeting, just a social gathering of veterans and Cozad Area Entertainment Series Tues, Nov 10th 7:30PM Cozad High School Auditorium Alaskan String Band Sponsored by JM’s Gifts and the Cozad Community Foundation. Contact Sandy Keiswetter for membership options. 308-784-3831 Chicken Fried Steak Dinner Thur, Nov 12th 5:00PM Grand Generation Center (410 W 9th St) Enjoy chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, jello salad and dessert! Dine In or Carry out Call 784-2747 by 4PM for Sew Y’Know Ribbon Cutting and Open House Fri, Nov 13th 725 Meridian Open House 10:00AM-6:00PM Ribbon Cutting at 4:00PM United Way Casino Night Sat, Nov 14th at Chipper Hall Supper available at 6:00PM. Games start at 7:00PM. Advance tickets $20 Tickets at the door $25 Contact a United Way Board Member or call the United Way office for tickets. 784-2804 Pastor Doug Smith 25th Year Celebration Pastor Doug Smith will be honored for his 25 years in the pastorate during the 10:30AM worship service at Cozad United Methodist Church (1515 Ave B) on Sun, Nov 15th. Flu Shot Clinic Thu, Nov 19th 10AM-12PM Grand Generation Center Cost is $20. Please call 784-2747 to schedule your appointment. Walk ins welcome. 2 Holiday Food & Gift Festival Sat, Nov 21st 9AM-3PM Grand Generation Center A full house of great vendors! Hayrack rides 10AM-2:00PM Lunch available 11AM-2:00PM Purchase tickets to win prizes! Drawing held at 2:30PM. Red Cross Blood Drive Tues, Nov 24th 11:30AM-5:30 PM Catholic Church Parish Hall (613 W 13th St) To make an appointment call or text Amanda at 308-660-6709. Walk ins are welcome and needed! 7th Annual Turkey Care Program The 100th Meridian Boss Gobbler Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation are accepting monetary donations to donate as many turkeys as they can to those less fortunates over the holiday season. Donations can be sent by December 15, 2015 to Rod Kostman, 117 E 19th St, Cozad, NE 69130. For more info call Matt GGC Mitten Tree Please help our community by donating mittens, hats, gloves, scarves and blankets. All donations will be hung on the Mitten Tree and will be donated within the community. Donations will be accepted until December 18th at the Grand Cozad Community Foundation Go Kart Raffle $10 tickets available at Security First Bank in Cozad. Only 500 tickets will be sold. Drawing to be held on Red Day February 27, 2016. Shop at Chamber Businesses for your chance ey to win $25 Weekly in Cozad Cash Dollars $3,488,450.00 Spent In Cozad! C C C Based solely on the number of cards turned into the Chamber office. October ozad hamber of Preferred Shopper ommerce Melissa Werner Mayla Sutherland Jann Devine Scott Schmidt Not shown Peg Mack Congratulations to all of our winners! Thanks for Shopping Cozad! 3 Candi Hasbrouck learned to sew in elementary school and from her great grandmother, Florence Mercer who did mending for people in Cozad, even into her 90’s. Grandma Florence allowed her to use end of the spool thread and fabric scraps that she kept in a bucket. Little did Candi realize that those skills would lead her to open up her own business, Sew Y’ Know, in downtown Cozad. Candi Hasbrouck Candi loves teaching sewing classes and has co-taught kids 1st-5th grade in Afterzone for the last several years donating fabric, supplies, sewing machines and time. She taught the kids to make doggie toys and ice packs stuffed with rice to replace the disposable ones Afterzone had been using. Candi offers, mending, sewing new clothes and items, embroidery, dry cleaning services, tuxedo and prom dress rental, prom dress exchange program and sells sewing notions, baby items just to name a few and she has recently added retail items in her new location. Christmas stockings The dry cleaning aspect of the business is really picking up. Residents can drop off their dry cleaning by Thursday for Liberty Cleaners and have them back the following week on Thursday. Candi is able to patch, repair or replace zippers, hem, and on more than one occasion, has recognized the mending stitches of her grandmother in clothes brought in for repair. Sewing Notions In June of 2012, Candi started Sew Y’ Know, which at that time was just teaching classes on sewing. She was located in the back of Sandra Coble’s Consignment store. The classes were so well received that she had adults offering to pay for classes for children that wanted to learn to sew but couldn’t afford the classes. When Carol Bauer became ill and was no longer able to continue her sewing business, Candi began to expand and took on mending at that time. Candi moved to her new location at 725 Meridian in October of this year and has started her retail business, carrying sewing notions and she has the ability to order about any notion her customers may need. Adult Bibs She also offers baby crib bedding and clothes, aprons, Christmas stockings, adult and children bibs, customized monogramed towels, hooded towels in a variety of superheroes styles for kids, towel wraps for women, beach towels, hot/cold corn bags for sore backs, neck, feet and she can custom make them for her customers. She also sews taggies toys for baby’s and toddlers. Taggie “If you see something on Pinterest and you would like it made for you, just bring in the photo to me and I’ll make it if I can. I do a lot of memory quilts and pillows also. These are made from the sporting shirts from kids. I also make memory pillows and quilts from clothes for families that have lost a Memory Sport Pillow loved one.” shared Candi. Hot/Cold Corn Bags 4 Candi also makes doggie pillows, beds and toys and she has also embroidered logos and names on hundreds of items for school or gifts. She is able to save teen girls hundreds of dollars on prom dresses with her Prom Dress Exchange Program and can alter prom dresses for further savings. Candi is hoping to soon be able to handle large embroidery orders. In her spare time, Candi and her husband, Adam, enjoy watching their 3 boys play in all of their many sporting events, piano and guitar lessons. “All of the boys know how to sew and are quite good at it.” Tuxedo Rental & Prom Dress Exchange We are very pleased to welcome Sew Y’ Know to the Cozad Chamber of Commerce. We look forward to the opportunity to help the business grow and blossom! Husker Kitchen Towel Hours: Dry Cleaning: Drop off Wednesday, Pick up next week after Noon on Thursday Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry and Community Service Pastor Doug Smith from the Cozad United Methodist Church is celebrating 25 year of ministry and community service in Cozad. A celebration in honor of his accomplishments and dedication to CUMC and Cozad is scheduled for November 15 at the 10:30AM Worship Service. The Boy Scout Troupe 1189 will present the flags, followed by the recognition of Pastor Doug as an Eagle Scout, representing volunteerism and community service. Antique car enthusiast Dick Hansen will provide the NASCAR citation, with reference to the notable red car and the notable driver. District Superintendent the Rev. Alan Davis will recognize Pastor Doug, with the commendation highlighting his Silver Anniversary. United Methodist Women Vice President Jan Nichols will assist. Pastor Doug and his wife Carolyn have been instrumental in starting and managing the Thrift Shop in Cozad that has come to the aid and touched the lives of the homeless, those in need and those who have lost their home and belongings in fires or other tragic circumstances from Cozad and beyond. How fortunate we are to have such caring people ministering the needs of those within our community. They are our unsung heroes. 5 Pastor John States - Cozad Christian Church A strong desire to return to ministry is what led Pastor John States to the Cozad Christian Church. “I’m so glad to be back into ministry. Cozad has been a perfect fit for us.” shared Pastor John. Celebrating 30+ years in ministry, including a 5 year commitment to recruit for his Alma Mater at Summit Christian College in Gering, Nebraska, where he attended seminary from 1974-78, Pastor John felt the call to return to ministry. He was born in Central City, NE and graduated High School in 1974 from Atkinson West Holt and was in the same class as Lyle and Gina Davis. At 16 years old, Pastor John felt the call from God leading him into ministry. He preached his first sermon at the age of 16 to his peers at a youth rally. “It was pretty scary and probably was a record for the shortest sermon ever… less than 5 minutes.” He was ordained in his home church in Oneal and began his ministry in Burwell. He has also pastored at Julesberg, CO and for short time in Sterling, CO in a brand new church. He spent 6 years in Baird, NE, 3 years in Alva, OK and Knoxville, IA and ministered at Concordia, KA for over 10 years. During his visit and interview with the Cozad Christian Church, Pastor John assured them that if they chose to hire him, he would remain pastor of the church for 10-15 years with the goal of bringing another young person alongside of him to continue growing the church and ministry. When asked what he liked best about pastoring a church, Pastor John said, “I love people. I like to be around people, I like to see people grow. Preaching is the most fun part of being a pastor for me. I enjoy sharing from God’s word and I try to find nice new and fresh ways to do that. I’m not afraid of change or to try something new and I look for new ways to change things up.” John likes to use visuals and his wife, Penny, is terrific at putting together powerpoints for his sermons. The church has moved to chairs which allows them to move the rows to fit more people in the worship area and it also gives them the flexibility to rearrange the worship area. Cozad Christian Church has 5 different worship teams with guitars and musical instruments bringing variety to the worship experience. They also offer Children’s Church once a month and occasionally Pastor John will have a Children’s Moment during the worship service. Sunday School has recently returned to Cozad Christian Church and Pastor John is pleased to have such a strong dedicated group of leaders serving their youth and children’s programs which are going strong. Sundays begin with Sunday School at 9AM for all ages with the Worship Service from 10-11AM. Following the Worship service, they get together for coffee and goodies and have a great time getting to know each other and the visitors. Pastor John feels that growth and attendance in a church is indicative of what’s going on in the life of a church and he sees growth taking place in the Cozad Christian Church. He believes that in 3-5 years the congregation could grow from their current of 80 to average 150. On Wednesday nights, an average of 25 kids in 1st-5th grade attend the Kid’s Club from 6:30-8:30PM, with the little ones meeting only for the first hour. Kid’s Club is led by Irma and Junior Dishman along with many other helpers. The middle schoolers, led by Pastor John, Bob Dunmire, and TJ Coffey, has recently changed their name to M2J (Mission to Jesus) and have designed their own logo which is in the process of being printed on t-shirts. The High School students, led by Linda and Rally Williams, kept their name, Crossroads, and they currently lead worship and music on every 5th Sunday which helps to encourage and grow the youth to serve in ministry. 6 On Wednesday nights, middle school and high school kids start out together for a 15 minute time of worship and then the two groups split up for the rest of the evening. They average around 25 teens between both groups and have designated youth rooms for the teen groups. Pastor John also shared that missions is a big deal for ministry and expressed his admiration for former pastor, Jeremy Jech, who started Mission to Cozad (M2C). Pastor John is thrilled to be a part of such an impactful local mission and the Cozad Christian Church will continue to grow that vision in missions both locally and abroad. Pastor John expressed, “It really doesn’t make any difference what your background is or what your past has been. We know what Jesus can do to change all of that and that’s what we’re all about here at Cozad Christian Church. When we have new people, I want them involved. I like to get people plugged in and help them find a place to serve here at the church.” “I have a few things around here that I call “Not Of This World” (NOTW) material and that’s my attitude and who I am. I’m a person in the world but not of the world. October was Pastor Appreciation Month and the church surprised Pastor John and Penny with gifts and they feel very blessed to be where God has placed them. Pastor John also celebrated his 60th birthday with the church family in attendance. Pastor John and his wife, Penny, have a son in Columbus, NE, their oldest is in Knoxville, IA, youngest daughter is in Torrington, WY. Penny was hired on by the school system to head up the cafeteria and is really enjoying the position. John also loves to get involved in the community. He is a part of the Cozad Ministerial Association, TeamMates, and he is seeking to join a committee at the Cozad Chamber and was recently voted in as a Cozad Chamber Board Member for 2016-2018. Pastor John is also currently the ‘voice’ for the Haymakers for girls volleyball and basketball and boys basketball games and is really enjoying serving the school system in that manner. Years ago Pastor John was a trained fireman and EMT but is not physically capable of serving in that area but shared his admiration and appreciation for what the firemen and EMT’s do. The son of a police officer, he feels it is very important to support the men and women who serve in these areas. He very much appreciates the Cozad Police Department and has already gotten to know a few of them who attend the Cozad Christian Church and the opportunity he has had to get to know Chief Adams. Pastor John and Penny enjoy bike riding, movies, walking, spending time with family, and taking drives in Zippy (Pastor John’s economical car) to visit nearby communities to see what they are like, They are planning a Christmas Open House in their home for the church and community. We are pleased to welcome Pastor John and Penny to the community of Cozad, the Cozad Chamber Board and we would like to express our appreciation for the Cozad Christian Church who has greatly impacted so many through their ministry outreach in Cozad and surrounding communities. They recently participated in Spook Night with Junior Dishman giving train rides to the the children in attendance and they continue to be a big part of M2C. 7 Spook Night Highlights ManythankstoALLofoursponsorsandvolunteersformakingSpookNightsuchagreatsuccess! Over450localchildrencameoutforasafeeveningofgames,treatsandfun!Thank-youforyou caringgenerositytoourlocalchildren! SPOOKNIGHTSPONSORS HomesteadBank KiffinMurphyRealEstate/WesternValleyInsurance DavisFamilyDental SimpleTouches Hoff’sTops&More Berreckman&DavisP.C. CozadChrisVanChurch FirstBank&Trust KaVeArndtPhotography&Design SewY’Know DriveInVideo BalancedBodyChiropracVc&Acupuncture Security1stBank ThriventFinancial CozadFloral&Gi^s NaturalEscapes BrillFamilyChiropracVc ServiceDrug TheDailyScoop CozadElksClub ShelterInsurance Tri-CityTribune CozadJaycees AltogetherLovely CozadUnitedMethodistChurch WilsonPublicLibrary RobertHenriMuseum Sonny’sSuperFoods Aspecialthank-youtoJeriJohnson,DawnBeans,FBLA,FCCLA,CHSStudentCouncilforallyour helpduringtheevent.Abigthank-youtoSonny’sSuperFoodsfordonaVngthegrandprizetubof goodies,CozadHighSchoolfordonaVngHaymakerhatsandshirtsfromMakersMarket,Student Council,JazzandSkillsUSAfordonaVngbagsofartsupplies,AmericanBaseballLegionfor donaVngthecandybarsforthepumpkinbucketprizes,andSecurity1stBankandHomestead BankfordonaVngtheSpookNightbags. ThanksalsotoCozadElksClubforprovidingfreehotdogstothekids,JuniorDishmanforgiving freetrainridestothekids,theCityofCozadforblockingofthestreetstokeepthekidssafeduring theevent.TogetherwemadetheeventSpooktacular! Sincerely, SandyBappe Grand Prize Winner of Tub of Halloween Treats donated by Sonny’s Super Foods Serena Kneisteadt 8 PrizeWinners KadenKruse HatfromMakersMarket JacobFlorance EmilyEvans HatfromMakersMarket TreatFilledPumpkin CozadChamber& AmericanLegionBaseball LarkynMalcom TreatFilledPumpkin CozadChamber& AmericanLegionBaseball MaxBazata ArtBag donatedbyStudent Council,JazzandSkillsUSA JaredMerced TreatFilledPumpkin CozadChamber& AmericanLegionBaseball JJRodriguez SydneyHowerter TreatFilledPumpkin TreatFilledPumpkin CozadChamber& CozadChamber& AmericanLegionBaseball AmericanLegionBaseball McKenzieMunster TreatFilledPumpkin CozadChamber& AmericanLegionBaseball 9 EmersynPropp ArtBag donatedbyStudent Council,JazzandSkillsUSA Downtown Bench in honor or Darin Hoffmaster The Business Improvement District (BID) Board recently purchased a bench in memory of respected businessman, Darin Hoffmaster, owner of EliteStaffing in Cozad. Darin was also the President of the BID at the time of his ALS diagnosis. The City of Cozad installed the bench in front of Flowers in downtown Cozad, Darin’s wife, Jill, is sitting on the bench in picture above. Most of the beautiful downtown trees were chosen by Darin while he was on the BID Board which is in charge of the beautification of the downtown area of Cozad. Go Kart RAFFLE Ticket - $10 Tickets available at Security First Bank in Cozad Only 500 Tickets will be sold! Drawing to be held on RED DAY February 27, 2016. Sponsored by the Cozad Community Foundation. 10 11 Kiffin Murphy Real Estate & Western Valley Insurance K iffin Murphy Real Estate and Western Valley Insurance have been in business combined for over 40 years. Taunya Chytka is the owner, Real Estate Broker, and Insurance Agent. Taunya started her business in Lexington in 2002 and transferred the Real Estate and Insurance business to Cozad soon after. She employs Kim (Dillon) Sassali who is a Real Estate Agent. Kim is a native to Cozad and knows the area and the people well. See Kim for all of your Real Estate needs. Ask her about our November listing special! New to the office is Amanda White. Amanda is licensed in property and casualty insurance and is newly licensed in life and health. S top by our office at 903 Meridian, for a free, no obligation quote on home, auto, motorcycle, farm, life, and health. The Realtors at this agency know the local markets and can save you time, money and frustration when buying or selling your home. Our full service agency can handle all aspects of your Insurance and Real Estate needs, under one roof. “WE ARE THE PROFESSIONALS THAT CARE!” 12 13 14 15 Proudly Featuring Custom made fruit baskets & meat and cheese trays for the holidays or any social gathering. (Ask to include some Troyer Amish products) & CHAIRMAN’S RESERVE CERTIFIED PREMIUM BEEF When serving up the best is your passion, you insist on the best beef. You know there is no cutting corners on quality, because the proof is always going to be on the plate. That’s exactly why we insist on only the highest quality, vetted by our strict Chairman’s Reserve® Certified Premium Beef certification process. We look at marbling, grading and the maturity of our cattle, all to make sure you have a delicious meal—because when you have a passion for great beef, nothing else will suffice… Passion cut fresh daily at Sonny’s. Gift certificates from Sonny’s make a great gift! 16 Winter Wonderland Parade Windows Decorating Sign-up Decorate your Windows for the Parade!!! Business Name: Contact Person Name & Number/Email: Please return these by noon on December 2nd to the Cozad Jaycees by emailing them to: [email protected] Window Judging will commence at 6:30pm on December 2nd. ***Only businesses with their windows decorated will be judged. All business related window displays will not be considered in this contest. Please make sure you are using lights in your windows because the judging will take place after dark. 17 18 I will come back to this store! Their staff made my Christmas shopping fun and easy! I am so glad I came in here today. What an inviting place to shop! Maximize Your Marketing $$ This two part series empowers you to define and create a marketing strategy that harnesses the power of customer service to expand your marketing budget. Improve your customers’ shopping experience and boost your bottom line! TWO PART SERIES November 10th & November 17th COZAD BUSINESS CENTER - Training Room Classes offered at 9:00 a.m. & Noon (classes will be approx. 1 1/2 hours in length and light snacks will be provided) Class Instructor: Kathy Bourque of WCNDD To register for one class or both, please call Robyn at 784-8006 or email [email protected]. 19 2017 Barn Quilts of Dawson County Event The Cozad Chamber Tourism Committee is preparing Cozad and Dawson County for the 2017 Barn Quilts of Dawson County Trail which is designed to bring tourism to our area in 2017 and beyond. Barn quilts have become an extremely popular art and the Barn Quilt Trails are quickly gaining popularity across the nation. Barn Quilts of Dawson County Nebraska is about celebrating our farming and quilting heritage and sharing that art culture with as many as possible. We hope to create a sustainable tourist attraction in Dawson County which promotes a sense of community while preserving and celebrating agriculture, history and art. There are currently 11 counties in Nebraska that have implemented barn quilt trails in their county and Cozad Tourism Committee is in the process of educating our businesses and community about the the Barn Quilt Trail being planned through Cozad and Dawson County in 2017. Barn Quilts are not just for barns anymore. They are popping up on businesses, mailboxes, garages, homes, fences, etc. and are currently the “fastest growing grassroots public art movement in the USA and Canada”. We are strongly encouraging our local businesses in Cozad and Dawson County, as well as our community members, to start preparations for the event by attending one of the upcoming workshops. We will inform you when our next workshop will take place. We are hoping to have one more this year and they will be offered monthly in 2016. Here is a link of the Barn Quilt Tours in Southeast Nebraska so you can get an idea of the impact this event will have on our communities! Please take the time to check it out. ~Photos Courtesy of Fillmore County 20 For more information, contact Sandy Kieswetter at 308-325-2897. 21 COZAD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Melanie Nutt American Lutheran Church Lindsay Erickson First Bank & Trust BJ Malcom Malcom & Nelson Law Office, L.L.C. Kim Sassali Kiffin Murphy Real Estate Western Valley Insurance Karmen Morse Homestead Bank Mike Millican Sonny’s Super Foods Barry Emerson GoldenLiving Center Holly Lindstedt Cozad Floral & Gifts Dawn Beans Cozad Community Schools IN THE OFFICE Sandra Bappe Chamber Director Jeri Johnson Office Assistant Email: [email protected] Phone: 308-784-3930 Fax: 308-784-3026 Website: 22
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