June - South Milwaukee Yacht Club
June - South Milwaukee Yacht Club
101 Marshall Avenue South Milwaukee, WI 53172 [|z{ g|wx June 2014 Inside this Issue: Photo of the Month Commodore’s Comments Event Calendar Wii Bowling Recap June General Membership Notice Notice of June Auction It’s Finally Summer! SMYC’ers take advantage of good weather and smooth seas with a road trip away from South Milwaukee Yacht Club. 2014 OFFICERS COMMODORE John Groth Commodore’s Comments All boats should be in by the time you read this. The harbor with boats is an awesome sight. As Commodore, ones perspective changes slightly. You come to appreciate that we really have stewardship of an amazing yacht club. That our facility sprang from a spot on the shoreline, an idea and vision to what we have today and it is still growing. I am always amazed that our members step up when things need to be done. We are truly an island in a sea of madness, that people with different backgrounds but with a common interest, boating, come together and enjoy each other’s friendship and make the club a happening place. VICE COMMODORE Jan Ruggles REAR COMMODORE Dan Moshinski CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Seth Yust TREASURER Betsy Reifschneider FINANCIAL SECRETARY Mary Karwacki FLEET CAPTAIN Bryan Gahan BOARD MEMBERS Tom Hoffa Michael Cieczka Rick Klamrowski Karen Kilman Mike Strzok Randy Kempowski 2014 COMMITTEE CHAIRS HOUSE AND BAR Bill Wheatley (Bar Manager) Linda Daly (House/Hall Manager) CRUISE Open ENTERTAINMENT Cheryl Rybka FINANCE Mike Gengler FLEET CAPTAIN Bryan Gahan GAS Jon Haag GROUNDS “Fish” HARBOR & DOCKS Randy Kempowski HEALTH & WELFARE Debbie Smith HOUSE MAINTENANCE Gary Gale JUNIOR ADVISOR Barb Nowak L.M.Y.A. Linda Daly MANPOWER Mike Cieczka MARKETING Open MEMBERSHIP Paula Modlinski PLANNING Kyle Brunk AUDIT Kyle Brunk LAUNCH AND HAUL OUT Bob Smith RULES AND BYLAWS TBD This past Memorial Day weekend was the return of the ever popular Wii Bowling Tournament. The participants had a great time. The winners were Mike Ciezcka, Tom Hoffa, Jennifer Groth and Mitzi Cozad. Mitzi could not have bowled any better if she had known what she was doing! Thanks to Mary and Tony Karwacki for sponsoring the event. If you missed it don’t miss the next one, you’ll be sorry. The activity that you see around the club is that we are replacing some of the concrete slabs along the north and east walls. Thanks to Randy Kempowski and the ad hoc Harbor and Docks crew for their work. I forgot last month to mention a couple of members who stepped up and helped out. Jeff Mueller who was part of the travel lift crew and Katie Steinhaus who helped out with both the raffles at the Easter Party and the 50/50 raffle at the SMYC brunch back in May. There will be more activities in the coming months. Check the High Tide for events. Come down to the club to take advantage of the camaraderie and if you have an idea for an event, such as a fish boil, movie night or what ever, please let Cheryl Rybka know so she can put it on the schedule. See you at the club and happy boating. John [c] 414-639-4212 [e] [email protected] Outer Wall Concrete work in Process! 2014 Wii Bowling Tournament Recap An enthusiastic crowd turned out for the Wii Bowling Tourney held May 24th. Congratulations to the winning team of Mitzi Cozad, Mike Cieczka, Jennifer Groth (the ringer) and Tom Hoffa. Taking second place by a measly 6 pins was the Klams (randomly teamed) along with Chris Rogers. Double-winner for the night, Tom Hoffa also took home the fifty-fifty prize! A big Thank You to everyone who helped with the set-up, cleanup and equipment use! Special thanks to Dona Cieczka; the only one who can make the Hall look like a bowling alley! Congratulations Krissy and Jarod! Celebrators Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! Debbie Brunk 7/2 Mitzi Cozad 7/3 Kiki Kilman 7/3 Stephanie Bruck 7/6 Marc Rybka 7/6 Art Morasco 7/8 Lisa Olson 7/9 Jayne Nowicki 7/11 Jim Spiess 7/12 Larry Burss 7/14 Barb Mueller 7/14 Jan Ruggles 7/14 Bob Smith 7/16 Barb Robish 7/18 Elizabeth Steinhaus 7/18 Steve Steinhaus 7/18 Jessica Schmus 7/21 Jeannine Blaser 7/23 Cathy Juriewicz 7/24 Katie Steinhaus 7/24 Jason Schmus 7/25 Faye Liegler 7/28 Carol Baltutis 7/29 Stacey Wegner 7/30 Amber Zweck 7/30 Harry Brunette 7/31 Sandra Kilman 7/31 Tara Withington & James Borne 7/1 Guy & Jane Dallmann 7/9 Moe & Sherry Landry 7/10 Bob & Patti Cardarelle 7/11 Mike & Katy Gengler 7/12 Ryan & Rachel Behling 7/16 Seth & Julie Yust 7/18 John & Sheryl Hurula 7/29 If you don’t see your birthday here, please email [email protected] It’s Finally Summer! Everyone’s Boating! Welcome New Members: Father and Son team of Bob and Bill Gravitter Notice to Members: Item to be discussed at June General Membership meeting Attention to all members: the South Milwaukee Yacht Club board plans to present to the members for consideration, a repair plan for the outer wall road at the June general membership meeting. Your attendance is strongly recommended for the discussion on this proposal. Thanks, 2014 Board of Directors Support SMYC Advertisers! 101 Marshall Avenue South Milwaukee, WI 53172 Bring your Yen to Ben’s 2014 SMYC Auction! June 15th at Noon All Donations welcome! Drop off at Gazebo
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