Ch 8 Essential Review


Ch 8 Essential Review
completethe followingreviewof chapterg, skin Disorders
by circlingthe correctanswerto each statement.
1. A chronicconditionthat appearsprimarilyon the cheeksand
and is characterizedby flushingis called
a) rosacea
c) seborrhea
b) asteatosis
d) steatoma
2- An itchy,swoilenresionthat rastsonrya few hoursis a
a) wheal
c) bulla
b) tubercle
d) macule
3. when checkingexistingmoresfor signsof cancer,rookfor
asymmetry,differencesin sizeand shape,and changesin diameter
a) feel
c) color
b) smell
d) symmetry
4. Smoking,drinking,takingdrugs,and makingpoordietary
a) developmental
b) stimulation
c) sunscredn
d) aging
5' An abnormalrounded,soridrumpabove,within,or under
the skin
that is largerthan a papuleis knownas a
a) bulla
c) pustule
b) cyst
d) tubercle
6' A thick scar resultingfrom excessivegrowthof fibroustissue
is a/
a) excoriation
c) ulcer
b) fissure
d) keloid
7. Anothernamefor a scar is
a) crust
c) ulcer
b) excoriation
d) cicatrix
8. A skin conditioncausedby an inflammation
of the sebaceous
a) chronicrosacea
c) seborrheicdermatitis
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" 11 0.:,: Chapter 8 Skin Disorders & Diseases
b) retentionhyperkeratosis
d) herpessimplex
9. A blistercontaininga wateryfluid,similarto a vesicle,but larger,is
a) wheal
c) bulla
b) tubercle
d) macula
is a skin diseasecharacterized
by red patches,
coveredwith silver-white
a) Eczema
c) Dermatitis
b) Psoriasis
d) Herpessimplex
11. An acquired,superficial,
round,thickenedpatchof epidermis
commonlyknowas callus,createdby pressureor frictionon the
handsand feet,is a
a) mole
c) keratoma
b) freckle
d) verruca
12. Benign,keratin-filled
cys.tsthat can appearjust underthe epidermis
are called
a) milia
c) p i mp l e s
b) blackheads
d) ulcers
13. An acuteinflammatory
disorderof the sweatglands,characterized
by the eruptionof smallred vesiclesand accompanied
by burning,
itchingskin is knownas/a
a) closedcomedone
c) contactdermatitis
b) miliariarubra
d) excessive
14. A term usedto indicatean inflammatory
conditionof the skin is
a) eczema
c) dermatitis
b) psoriasis
d) rosacea
15. An abnormalgrowthof the skin is called
a) hypeftrophy
c) keratoma
b) hypeftrichosis
d) callus
16. Foul-smelling
is called
a) anhidrosis
c) bromhidrosis
b) chloasma
d) hypeftrichosis
17. Deficiency
in perspiration
is called
a) anhidrosis
c) bromhidrosis
b) chloasma
d) hypertrichosis
8 Skin Disorders & Diseases
18. A smallbrownor flesh-coloredoutgrowthof the skin is
a) mole
c) stain
b) macule
d) skin tag
19.An abnormalbrownor wine-colored
skin discoloration
with a
circularand irregularshapeis calleoa --.-.
a) mole
c) stain
b) macule
d) skin tag
20-A spot or discoloration
on the skin,such as a freckle,is calleda
a) mole
c) stain
8 Skin Disorders & Diseases
b) macule
d) skin tag