HOOVER HEARTS AND MINDS HEADLINES Hoover Elementary School 12705 West Euclid Avenue New Berlin, WI 53151 Telephone: 414-604-3800 Fax: 262-782-2231 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 Ali Hatab, Principal Susan Bernard, Secretary FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Hoover Families, We would like to wish all of you the best during this festive time of the year. We hope that you have enjoyed your visits to Hoover during the concerts and have enjoyed listening to your children sing and practice at home. Enjoy these years as they do grow so fast. 4 Appreciation: We would like to extend our appreciation for your involvement and engagement the first few months of the school year. We are truly appreciative to the volunteers that come and help out daily and weekly. You are great and know that you are making a difference for all children. We are happy to note that our parking situation has improved drastically. We can’t thank you enough for following the parking procedures set forth with the help of our wonderful parents. Our 5th grade parents met to kick off the completion ceremony and established a committee. Please let me know if you are interested and willing to help out. I can direct you to the committee chairs. PBIS: Please see our PBIS expectations section and expect to see a blurb in this/future newsletters. Please talk with your child about being respectful, responsible and safe at school and outside of it. We celebrate our students weekly and are proud of their progress. Collaboration/Communication: Our staff members collaborate weekly to improve teaching and learning and we rely on data to form our daily instruction and personalize that instruction for each student. Your thoughts and feedback to teachers are welcomed and encouraged. Staff will continue to send communication home and please make sure to see us on Facebook and other mediums of communication. Lost & Found Our lost & found container located in the MPR has items that have not been picked up. Please make sure to check it. Items not claimed will be donated. Engagement: Please engage your child daily on what they have learned each day across all disciplines and encourage them to be critical thinkers. Have them give you examples of what they are learning and why they are learning it. As always, my doors are always open. Please do not hesitate to call and schedule an appointment, either with myself, Mrs. Carr or your child’s teacher. FEBRUARY JANUARY 5 School Resumes 2 Open Enrollment Begin through April 29th Survive Alive Team Explore/Inspire 1:00-2:30 p.m. 1st Graders Only 3 Kindergarten Registration 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 9 PTA Meeting-6:30 p.m. Survive Alive Team Reach/Wisdom1:00-2:30 p.m. 1st Graders Only 12 PTA Meeting-6:30 p.m. 18 NO SCHOOL 20 Survive Alive-Team Intellect-10:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. Team Sisu/Victory1:00-2:30 p.m. 4th Graders Only Human Growth Meeting for Grade 5 Parents-Irving School-6:00 p.m. 22 Quarter 2 Ends 25 NO SCHOOL 26 4K Parent Info Meeting for New 4K-Horace Mann-6:007:00 p.m. 27 4K Parent Info Meeting for New 4K-Mitchell-6:00-7:00 p.m. 29 Report Cards Go Home 12 Human Growth Meeting for 5th Graders-9:4510:45 a.m 15 NO SCHOOL 17 Parent/Teacher Conferences-4:30-8:00 p.m. 19 Six Flags Deadline 26 PTA Spaghetti Dinner5:00-7:00 p.m.-Silent Auction 5:30-7:00 p.m. STUDENT COUNCIL– 2015-16 HOOVER PBIS (POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS AND SUPPORTS) UPDATE Students at Hoover are continuing to work on following our three PBIS expectations: Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe. Students are encouraged to follow our expectations and are rewarded with Spike Tickets, which can be used for a variety of individual incentives. We also work towards whole school incentives. Each newsletter will now include an update. Just as in academics, a strong connection between what we are doing here at school and what you are doing at home will really help our students be successful! Celebrations: Classroom behavior referrals are down 28% compared to this same time last year! This shows everyone is working hard to learn, follow and reward classroom expectations. Overall, the number of behavior referrals is down school wide this year. Way to go! How you can help: Our older students are earning Spike Tickets to spend on an incentive cart, full of small goodies. We are looking for donations to our cart. This can be anything from small trinkets to gift certificates to your favorite restaurant or movie. Please contact Amy Gahl-Sweeney at 6043800, ext. 1737 or email me at [email protected] if you can help. Student Council held its elections. The officers are as follows: Team Victory Hailey Dahlberg Breana Foster Jacob Geboy Leeasia Hayes Imani Stanford Amy Strait Lydia Werra Anna Zenz Team Wonder Mariana Golombowski Bianca Mubarik Matthew Rizza Callan Wichgers Team Sisu Eireland McCully Lacey North Team Intellect Joaquin Beard Taylor Freitag Mya Goetsch Taryn Lisinski Alyssa Moua Mackenzie Schumann Student Council sponsors the Hat and Mitten Tree in December and will be sponsoring the Pennies for Patients in February. We applaud the students who give their time to make Hoover a great place. ATTENDANCE POLICY According to Wisconsin State Statute, each student is allowed 10 days of excused absences throughout the school year. These absences may be for illnesses, doctor or dentist appointments or family vacations. If your child is absent more than 10 days, an attendance intervention plan will be created to help your child be in attendance daily. As you know, daily attendance is crucial for academic success. If your child will be absent, please call the school office at 414-604-3800. This is a 24 hour line in which you may leave a voicemail stating the reason for absence. Our school hours are from 8:30-3:30 each day. Early pick up as well as late arrival is part of our attendance policy, as every minute counts for learning! HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT MEETING State law encourages school districts to provide instruction in human growth and development to students. The West Allis-West Milwaukee School District will continue to provide human growth and development instruction in grades 5-8. Before providing instruction each year, the District will provide parents of students enrolled in these grades with an outline of the curriculum, and explain how parents may inspect the complete curriculum and instructional materials. If a parent files a written request for exemption with a child’s teacher or principal, the District will not require the student to take human growth and development. Parents may exempt their children from all human growth and development instruction, or from instruction in specific subjects. For more information or to view the complete curriculum and instruction materials for grades 5-8, contact Jill Ries at 414-604-4960. There will be a parent preview night held at Irving elementary School on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Irving is located at 10230 West Grant Street, West Allis, WI 53227. Student presentation at Hoover will be on Friday, February 12th from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Boys will be in the fieldhouse and girls in room 134. 4 Year Old Kindergarten Parent Information Nights Join us for a 4K information session! You will have the opportunity to learn about: 4K Curriculum Social/Emotional Development Expectations 4K Jump Start Program The Registration Process 6:00-7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 26th Horace Mann Elementary 6215 West Lapham Street & Wednesday, January 27th Mitchell Elementary School 10125 West Montana Avenue DISMISSAL PROCEDURE Students will not be called down to the office until the parent is present in the office to sign the child out. If you have an appointment, allow enough time for the student to be dismissed from class. Please be sure to send a note in the morning to let the teacher know of the early dismissal, so that he/ she will have your child ready. FOUR YEAR OLD AND FIVE YEAR OLD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR Information regarding K4 and K5 registration for the 2016--17 school year will be sent home in January. Registration will take place on Wednesday, February 3rd. If you have any questions about registration or know of someone in your neighborhood that needs to register, please call the school office at 414-604-3800. OPEN ENROLLMENT 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR Wisconsin’s inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they live. Students in 5 year old kindergarten to grade 12 may apply to participate in open enrollment. Children entering prekindergarten, 4 year old kindergarten and early childhood education may participate only if the child’s resident school district offers the same type of program and only if the child is eligible for the program in the resident school district. Parents should call their neighborhood school or the district administration office for more information. For the 2016-17 school year, parents must apply no earlier than February 1, 2016 and no later than April 29, 2016. Late applications will not be accepted for any reason. Application forms may be obtained from the West Allis-West Milwaukee Business Office at the District Administration Building located at 1205 South 70th Street on or after February 1, 2016. REMINDERS TO PARENTS SEVERE WEATHER POLICY INFORMATION Classroom Interruptions—We strive to protect instruction time for students. Please plan ahead. Information regarding after school activities, rides, appointments, etc. should be discussed before students come to school in the morning. The only phone messages into classrooms should be for emergencies. As residents of Wisconsin, we all recognize the need to make special preparations for the safety and welfare of students in the event severe weather conditions develop. School personnel will attempt to take every precaution in planning for the well-being of your children. In planning for unusual weather conditions, your assistance will be appreciated. When it appears that severe weather conditions are developing, please: Student Drop off in the Morning—We ask that you do not walk your child to their classroom in the morning. You are more than welcome to bring your child to the school building, but then they need to walk to their classroom alone. We are trying to keep the classroom interruptions down to an absolute minimum. Listen to area radio and TV stations for early announcements regarding the possible school closings. Remember to listen for “WEST ALLIS-WEST MILWAUKEE School Closings” not “Milwaukee Public School Closings”. Announcements will be made periodically starting about 6:00 am over the following local radio/TV stations: Visitors—Visitors must secure a pass from the office before proceeding to visit a teacher, pick up a student or conduct any business. Thank you for adhering to this protocol. Radio Stations WTMJ……....620 WOKY….…...920 WISN……...1130 WKTI…….....94.5 WRIT………..95.7 WKLH……....96.5 WQBW….....97.3 Parent Contact Information—Be sure to notify the school office when you have a new address or phone number. Make sure we can contact you, a relative or friend regarding your child. This is critical in case of an emergency. SWEAT PANTS NEEDED WJMR...98.3 WMYX...99.1 WKKV...100.7 WLUM...102.1 WHQZ…102.9 WXSS...103.7 WMIL...106.1 WNRG..106.9 TV Stations 46D/1005...WDJT CBS58 33D/1006…...WITI FOX 6 28D/1004………...WTMJ4 34D/1012…..WISN-TV12 If you will not be home in the event that classes are dismissed early, please make arrangements as to where your children should report. A decision to dismiss early will only be made on those rare occasions when dismissing at the regular time will result in our inability to get large groups of students home safely. In such instances, radio stations will be asked to make early announcements of the time of dismissal. We are looking for sweat pants to help our students that have accidents or fall into puddles or mud. We are trying to eliminate calling parents and having them leave work or home. If we have a supply at Hoover, we give a change of clothing to the student, and ask them to wash and return the pants the next day. On those few winter days when a decision is made to conduct classes as usual, but as a parent/ guardian you believe it is in the best interest and safety of your child to remain at home, we encourage you to make that personal decision. You know your child and your situation better than we do and should act accordingly. Please be sure, however, to call the school hotline and report your student absent as “weather related“, so we do not have to call you. If your children have outgrown elastic sweat pants in sizes small (4-6) to large (10-12), Hoover Office would appreciate the extra pants. Please remember to always call Hoover office and report your child’s absence on days they will not be at school. PACERS Cardiovascular fitness is an important component of overall physical fitness. Regular participation in cardiovascular exercise can promote the loss of body fat, prevent disease, decrease stress and anxiety and help prevent childhood obesity. Aerobic Capacity is perhaps the most important area of any fitness program. The PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run) is a multistage fitness test adapted from a 15 meter shuttle run. The test is progressive, which means it is easy at the beginning and gets harder. This test will give a good approximation of how healthy a student is, in terms of aerobic capacity (heart health). All students have participated in the PACER assessment and the following Hoover students are being recognized for their outstanding efforts: Top Three Runners Maxwell Wallace-154 Wilson Scherer-147 Joaquin Beard-115 100 Club David Bevsek Jonah Choate Meka Lund Bianca Mubarik Anthony McGowan Nolan Rausch Edgar Santos Daniel Staskunas Callan Wichgers 90 Club Ryan Burtch Ben Derhammer-Gresser Milos Graovac Josh Kim Rayven Kingsby Anna Zenz 80 Club Addyson Collings Hanna Fleming Isaiah Forster Jacob Geboy Nathan Hutter Dominick Pintarro Delaney Shotton Maxwell St. Clair Mar’niji Taylor Dario Vujic Niko Vujic William Walters Elizabeth Williams SIX FLAGS SIX HOUR READING CLUB Students need to read for six hours in order to participate in the Six Flags Six Hour Reading Club and earn a free ticket to a Six Flags theme park. Reading for school or homework assignments does not count: it’s reading for fun! Students can read books, magazines, comic books, or newspapers for the Reading Club. They can read silently, aloud, or with an adult, or an adult can read to the child. Students keep track of their reading on copies of the form provided by the teacher. They should record the material they read and the time they spend reading. A parent, guardian, or teacher must verify each entry by initialing it. A parent or guardian must sign the form to verify that the child completed the six hours. The dates for reading are due February 19th. HEALTHY YOU WITHOUT THE FLU Flu season is upon us once again. The flu spreads easily when an infected person coughs and sneezes into the open air and a healthy person breathes it in, or by touching objects infected with the germs when touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. The simplest way to protect our health is by washing hands properly. Soap, warm water and rubbing hands together (friction) while washing 20-30 seconds or as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday can help prevent infection. Learn to sneeze and cough into your bent arm to keep the germs from going airborne. Of course we don’t want to forget to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get enough rest to help our body work best. One of the best forms of prevention is to get a yearly flu shot. Everyone over 6 months of age should get the shot. The West Allis Health Department makes it easy for you by holding several community flu clinics. Call the West Allis Health Department flu hotline at 414-302-8670 to hear the dates, times, location and fees. We want you to be healthy all year long. To speak to a nurse, call the Health Department at 414302-8600. SEVERE COLD WEATHER-DRESSING WARM ATTENTION 5th GRADE STUDENTS AND FAMILIES Here in Wisconsin, artic winds, a numbing chill, biting frost, and sub-zero wind chills can lead to frostbite and hypothermia. During their SEL lessons, 5th grade students have been working hard to complete workbooks to learn about career clusters, work habits, multiple intelligences and learning styles. These lessons and activities help students discover more about themselves as a student and individual and help them set goals for the future. As part of this experience, each 5th grade student and their family will have a conference with their school counselor. This conference will be a positive way for your student to share their goals with you. It will also be a time to talk about their upcoming experience as they transition into intermediate school. You will be contacted in January and February to set up these 30 minute conferences. If you have questions before then, please contact Mrs. GahlSweeney or Ms. Hennessy at 414-604-3800, ext. 1737. Frostbite can damage body tissue in fingers, toes, ears and noses. The skin loses feeling and appears pale white. A wind chill of minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit can cause frostbite in less that 15 minutes. Hypothermia can be fatal and occurs when your body’s temperature drops below 95 degrees. Warning signs of hypothermia are uncontrollable shivering, confusion, slurred speech and sleepiness. If you detect the symptoms of either frostbite or hypothermia, seek medical help immediately. Easiest way to combat the extremes of winter’s cold is to dress for the weather. Mittens are warmer than gloves and wearing a hat helps you to retain body heat. Rather than putting on one heavy piece of clothing, it is better to dress in layers of warm clothing. It is also important to keep dry, so the outer shell should be wind resistant and water repellant. Wet clothing leads to rapid heat loss causing hypothermia. THANK YOU A big thanks to all who contributed to the Hoover hat and mitten tree. Many heads and hands will stay warm thanks to you. All Board Meetings are held at the School Administration Building, 1205 South 70th Street. Board of Education Daniel Bailey Stephanie Emons Patricia J. Kerhin Diane Narlock Gail Radonski Jeff Sikich Susan Stalewski Sue Sujecki Patricia Ulwelling SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Dr. Martin Lexmond January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 NO SCHOOL 3 4 Classes Resume Survive Alive Grade 1 Only 1:00-2:30 Team Explore/Inspire 5 Survive Alive Grade 1 Only 1:00-2:30 Team Reach/Wisdom 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m. NO SCHOOL 24 31 25 NO SCHOOL K4 Information Night-Horace Mann School6:00-7:00 p.m. Survive Alive-Grade 4 Only-Intellect10:30-12:00/Sisu & Victory 1:00-2:30 Human Growth Parent Mtg.-Irving6:00 p.m. K4 Information Night-Mitchell School-6:007:00 p.m. Quarter 2 Ends Report Cards Go Home February 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Open Enrollment Begins through April 29th NO SCHOOL PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m. Kindergarten Registration8:00-4:00 Parent Teacher Conferences4:30-8:00 p.m. Human Growth Meeting for 5th Graders: 9:45-10:45 BoysFieldhouse Girls-134 Six Flags Deadline Spaghetti Dinner/Auction Dinner-5:007:30 p.m. Auction: 5:307:00
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Flu season is upon us once again. The flu spreads
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