gole maryam


gole maryam
The applicability of Montessori Method in preschool
of Tehran City
Maryam Akbarzadeh,Reza Solgi
This study aims to investigate the applicability of Montessori Method in preschool in
Tehran. The method of research is survey. The research population included all preschools
in Tehran city which of them a sample of 15 preschool centers were selected. The research
tools included data collection, researcher’s questionnaires, interviews and observations
were used to analyze data. But we didn’t use the elements of Montessori Method in this
Key words: active learning methods, Montessori’s education, pre-school centers
© 2015 BBT Pub. All rights reserved.
Childhood is the first and foremost stage of human life. At this time, the child's first relationship with nature would
be built, as well as their social relations and they will achieve self-concept (Mofidi, 2004). Children are valuable
assets and future builders. Consideration childhood education has been regarded by a range of experts in
sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, physiologists, and eventually by many different professionals.Education
at the time of childhood which is time of the formation of character and creating different habits and the time for
prevention of the problems would build future of individual and society and also reveals the country’s path.
Considering the problems of children, leads to the development and progress of the society and neglecting in
solving the problems of child’s, creates irreparable damage. Therefore, investing and planning in primary
education, the most sensitive and important tasks for managers and supervisors of the community and should be
of utmost priority (Mafakheri, 2007).Preschool period is the most important period in education of children. The
main objectives of preschool education are: The physical, mental, emotional, social growth of children based on
the moral and religious principles, increasing the talents and abilities levels of children, preparing and educating
children to understand scientific concepts and simultaneous growth of Farsi language along with local languages.
Preparation and training of children to establish cooperation and social interaction and supporting low-income
families in their children’s educational process (Mofidi, 2001).Child training in order to implement Islamic
principles in personal and social life, strengthen children's sense of participation in social activities and their sense
of responsibility, increasing their mental and physical strength, creating physical balance and enhancing basic
skills in children, instructional strategies that are considered in this section are; encouraging authorities of the
Ministry of Education to pay more attention to preschool education, Allocate more indirect funds from the
Ministry of Education to training preschool centers, Education and training of skilled individuals by focusing on
pre-school education, expansion of independent teaching spaces for preschools.
Preschool centers are like fantasy centers in our community and development of such centers due to the
economic, social and cultural reasons have not tremendous growth. But in developed countries, pre-school
learning is considered appropriately and such belief among its people is institutionalized that much of the mental
development of children in the years before their entry into primary school takes shape (Aghazadeh, 2003).The
fact that childhood is a time to construct personality, the fact that to build a society, next generation should be
used, the fact that tomorrow's world will be made by today's children, is not slogans, but is a truth, since the time
that children were important by the theorists, either by Avicenna who considered the child as a blank board or by
more recent theorists who believe that child is everything, just smooth the way for them;This period of human life
has always been the case. New strategies and methods used in teaching children in order to consider consistent
education with the nature of this period. Planning for children education was formed from pre-school and early
years (Mofidi, 2004).There were various reasons for the neglect of early childhood education and in other words,
there has been a neglect of education in this period. Recommendations and intellectuals’ world view in pre-school
period look reasonable, but in paying attention to children practically, we have difficulty for a long time. People
like Froebel and Maria Montessori realized a genuine belief in the value and importance of early childhood
education, and such a belief was not just a matter of the speech or a slogan, but they manifest it in action.Maria
Montessori in 1907, both established a school in a poor area of the city of Rome, capital of Italy, and gave poor
children under five years training, such as learning to read and write and observing the cleanliness and hygiene.
He also traveled to other countries and in numerous speeches he promoted and disseminated his thoughts on the
importance of teaching kindergarten and preschool children and incidentally, in one of his travels, he got so ill and
later died (Parsa, 1989).In Iran new education and ways which their names are known in the world is always
welcomed. One of these methods is Montessori who has been welcomed for several years in pre-school centers
and was emphasized by the managers of the centers. But how is it possible to apply techniques such as these in
Iran and how it can be introduce as a method to pre-school centers has been one of the concerns that have shaped
M.Akbarzadeh, R.Solgi/ Teknologi Tanaman/Vol(12), 2015
the research in order to evaluate the feasibility of implementing such methods in preschool centers in Tehran
(Aghazadeh, 2003).Considering the procedures and written documents about methods of training and educational
programs for children and experience in this field indicates that a variety of approaches and methods have
emerged. In some countries, especially developing countries, the west and the leading countries just always look
correct and necessarily what happened there would be performed unquestionably. In Iran active Kindergartens
with these methods are very much and necessarily due to the physical facilities and teacher training centers,
applying such methods is not possible. Although the world celebrated one-Syrian centenary training centers,
awareness of Iran’s educational community from Montessori’s method is low. And translated books in this area
are less than five and in none of the Faculty of Science in Psychology and teacher training centers in Montessori’s
pattern is taught. Kindergarten in Tehran in 2001 began their career by Montessori’s name on their boards and
the only center which benefited from this model was Mahdavi’s kindergarten complex that was able to start up
such course by creating Montessori’s equipment and tools and has published two books in this field (Bayat,
2008).One of the current problems in the education of children, especially pre-school education in Iran refers to
entry methods, and approaches that are not compatible with society of Iran and have become like advertising
slogans which has turned the city's education campaign into advertising shops and with these tags only incidental
fees will go up and nothing useful in the center of the curriculum and children's learning will happen eventually.
By the pathology of the condition of children in pre-school education, such issue can be considered and also
imported methods and approaches can be examined and thus provides a good curriculum. Montessori teaching
supplies before the revolution in Iran was incomplete and a number of prominent kindergartens attended
them.Since 1980, Iranian companies and manufacturers produced these educational toys and in the 60s, the
education industry, produced several samples of the instruments, and some of the kindergartens used them. But
tools regardless of educational philosophy of them was just used which had no good result, and this method was
not correctly established in pre-school centers and kindergartens (Barzin, 2012) The present study seeks to
answer the question whether methods such as the method of Montessori which is introduced as an active
approach, Can be used in Iran as a convenient method in pre-school curriculum? What are the barriers and
challenges ahead to achieve this importance?
The purpose of the present study: the feasibility of using active learning methods (Montessori) in pre-school
centers in Tehran. Specific research objectives are:
- Investigation of pre-school centers coaches familiarity with the aspects of Montessori’s method
- Evaluation of the role of guides and trainers in Montessori’s training centers.
- Examination of the role of tools in Montessori’s method.
- Checking the quality of the educational environment in the implementation of Montessori’s method (as a method of activation).
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used in the Montessori’s centers, on children’s self-discipline and concentration.
Research questions
-Are the instructors familiar with Montessori’s method and its dimensions?
-How much is the guiding role of teachers in Montessori’s centers?
-To what extent are the tools used in the Montessori useful in training children?
-To what extent do the Montessori learning environment centers have enough quality to implement this method?
-How much are the methods used in Montessori centers effective in children’s concentration and self-discipline?
Method and materials
The present research method from the view of aiming is Applicable and in nature is from descriptive methods and
survey research. The population of the study included as the following:
The population consisted of all pre-school education centers in Tehran that use Montessori teaching method. The
total numbers of such kindergartens in in the year if 2013-2014 are aboiut15 centers. These centers include
Schools of Nora, Mofid, Vale, Soudeh, Fazeh, Aletaha Primary School, Moshaar Center of Montessori, Gole Maryam,
Shohadaye Rasan Primary School, Montessori’s Kindergarten named Foroghe Iran, Mobtakeran Primary School,
House of Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Saba’s Primary School, Educational Complex of Mahdavi and Mehdi
Yaran. If the number of members of the population be so large that researcher may not be able to conduct
research on all members of the community, the researcher will attempt to sampling. Because the number of
members of the study sample is not so large and conducting research on all members of the target population is
possible, thus the researcher did not attempt to sampling and sample size equals to the target population (15
units).In this study after getting separate license from welfare and coordinating with the centers of preschoolers,
conducted interviews and observation and researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect the data.In
conducted interviews and observations, 10 questions based on Montessori’s component of education are
efficiency reasons of Montessori’s method, which included: the tools used in the centers, educators of Montessori’s
method, teaching methods, children skills, assessing the differences with other centers. In the questionnaire part
with check list, observations list consisting of 15 items (4 research question) refer to the center and related
information was collected about one to two hours in a friendly environment with coaches and managers and
direct observation centers. Montessori Scope & Sequence Aligned to the Common Core State Standards (National
Center of Education and the Montessori, 2013) and finding high-quality preschool (NIEER) were used. The
observation check list included 10 items scored on Likert scale and based on 6 components of quality including
the trainers’ skills, physical environment and the layout of space, methods of teaching and learning, teaching tools,
M.Akbarzadeh, R.Solgi/ Teknologi Tanaman/Vol(12), 2015
children’s interaction with peers, adults and educators to answer the research questions. Finally, 15 items were
selected according to Likert scale items and the answers were multiple choice.The designed questionnaire was
presented to a number of experienced professors and experts in the fields of psychology, Psychometrics, research
methods, curricula, elementary school administrators and teachers to provide their judgments about the content
of the questionnaire, then their views was collected and the questions that all scholars had agreement on it was
hold, and was administered after reviewing the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated to
determine the reliability of the questionnaire, as the result of this calculation is closer to 100, it indicates the more
reliability of questionnaire. It is noteworthy that the alpha coefficient of less than 60 hundredths usually
considered to be poor, range of 70 hundredths is acceptable and 80 hundredths is well regarded. Questionnaire of
the present study run based on the performance of a test on a sample with size of 30 kindergarten teachers and
according to Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which is .726, the questionnaire is validated.To analyze the data,
descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, charts, etc.) were used. To answer the research questions in
the field of inferential statistics, chi-square test was used.
Results and Findings
The first research question
- Are instructors of centers familiar with Montessori’s method and its dimensions?
Table 1- the significance of the observed frequency and the expected frequency of the first research question
Too Much
Level Of
According to Table 1, the observed chi-square amount (24.133) with 3 degrees of freedom at the level less fallible
than0.01 is larger than the table chi-square (11.34). So there is a significant difference between the observed
frequencies and the expected frequencies. With 99% confidence we can say that over the medium instructors who
are working in training centers of Montessori are familiar enough with Montessori’s educational philosophy.
Second research question
- How much is the role of educators and teachers guidance in Montessori centers?
Table 2- significance of the observed and the expected frequency of the second research question
Too Much
Of Sig
According to Table 2, the observed chi-square value (45.520) with 3 degrees of freedom at significant level of 0.01
is larger than the chi-square in table (11.34). So, there is significant difference between the observed frequencies
and the expected frequencies. With 99% confidence we can say that most educators believe that they have
moderate to low guiding and help.
Third research question
- To what extent are the tools used in the Montessori’s method effective in teaching children?
Table 3- Meaningful review of the observed frequency with the expected frequency on the third research question
Too Much
Level Of
According to Table 3, the observed chi-square value (134.320) with 3 degrees of freedom at significant level of
0.01 is larger than chi-square table (11.34). So, there is a significant difference between the observed frequencies
and the expected frequencies and we can say with 99 percent certainty that the majority of instructors believe that
tools have crucial rules in education and training.
The fourth research question
- How much Montessori learning environment centers, have the quality needed to implement this approach?
M.Akbarzadeh, R.Solgi/ Teknologi Tanaman/Vol(12), 2015
Table 4- Significant of the observed and the expected frequency on the fourth research question
Level Of
According to Table 4, the observed chi-square value (54.053) with 3 degrees of freedom at significant level of 0.01
chi-square table (11.34). ). So, there is a significant difference between the observed frequencies and the expected
frequencies and we can say with 99 percent certainty that the majority of instructors believe that the quality of the
environment for running active procedures in centers was as moderate to low. And in a sense, most centers do not
have such same quality.
The fifth research question
- How much are the methods used in Montessori’s centers effective in self-discipline and concentration
components of children?
Table 5- observed and expected frequency significance on the fifth research question
Level Of
According to Table 4, the observed chi-square value (134.320) with 3 degrees of freedom at significant level of
0.01 is larger than chi-square in table (11.34). So, there is a significant difference between the observed
frequencies and the expected frequencies and we can say with 99 percent certainty that the majority of instructors
believe that instructors view on Montessori’s impact of concentration and self-discipline are different and most of
them believe that the effectiveness of these methods is higher than average.
Discussion and conclusions
In interpreting the results of this study it can be stated that: Since regarding the child as one of the pillars of
education, solutions and new ways of teaching the child is adopted. . Planning to for pre-school education was
formed from early years. One of the current problems in the education of children, especially pre-school education
in Iran are entry methods, and approaches that are not compatible with society and has become advertising
slogans and has turned the city's education campaign into shops, with these labels only incidental fees will go up
and nothing right will happen in the curriculum and eventually in children's learning process. In Iran active
Kindergartens with these methods are very much and necessarily due to the physical facilities and teacher
training centers, applying such methods is not possible. Although the world celebrated one- Montessori centenary
training centers, awareness of Iran’s educational community from Montessori’s method is low. And translated
books in this area are less than five, in none of the Faculty of Science in Psychology and Teacher Training Centers
in Montessori’s pattern is taught. Kindergarten in Tehran in 2001 began their career by Montessori’s name on
their boards and the only center which benefited from this model was Mahdavi’s kindergarten complex that was
able to start up such course by creating Montessori’s equipment and tools and has published two books in this
field (Bayat, 2008) The present study seeks to answer the question whether methods such as the method of
Montessori which is introduced as an active approach, Can be used in Iran as a convenient method in pre-school
curriculum? What are the barriers and challenges ahead to achieve this importance? The necessity of regarding to
such a thing is this that kindergarten and pre-school period indicates their positive role more than before. It has
features that the majority of them are mentioned below. Children need environments that can enhance and enrich
their social and emotional capabilities and strengthen them. Education given to preschool children, indirectly
M.Akbarzadeh, R.Solgi/ Teknologi Tanaman/Vol(12), 2015
provide growth, learning mathematical concepts, reasoning, reading, writing, and language learning. Parental
involvement next coaches in children’s education have an important role in children training; Due to the fact that
children entry to the preschool course was not mandatory. Parents had numerous problems at the time children
enter to school, fortunately, by highlighting the role of pre-school centers; parents have come to believe that preschool course for children is not only useful, but is necessary. The law requires only elementary and secondary
courses as mandatory, but due to the positive effects of preschool course on children's academic achievement,
encouraging parents to it is important. Children in each community are the cornerstones of the community;
therefore, an ideal community requires strong pillars. The writer of the present study believes that achievement of
goals requires to training of instructors. The purpose of this study was the Feasibility of using active learning
methods (Montessori Monte Surrey) in pre-school centers in Tehran, to achieve this, it was necessary to examine
the components of active learning in Montessori’s method and emphasized skills in Montessori’s training and
teachers familiarity with these methods. All of these components should accompany Montessori standards of
education implemented in the world and adaptation of the popular pre-school education in Tehran is expressed by
Montessori’s method. Today, our current study suggests that due to the scientific reasons, preschool education
should be more focused because children at this age show more response to stimuli, and get more mental
development. We are being deprived from having famous scholar in various sciences due to the lack of training
our children in the preschool years and in practice, we are faced with adults who are not familiar with the Science.
The importance of pre-school trainings economically is also justified. Perhaps we think that by not sending
children to preschool centers we can save money, the child who finds a way to these centers for proper mental
growth generally would have better position in society. The findings of the research with the results of the
research (Mofidi, 2004) on the examination of attitudes of parents, teachers and students about the importance of
pre-school education, have shown that the low internal efficiency of the education system and the need to prepare
children for a good start to raise internal efficiency is required. Preschool education in developing countries in
particular is targeted and regulated and a kind of synergy between the organizations involved with this course can
be seen, however, in our country there is no certain trustee pre-school centers. In our country, Welfare, Ministry of
Education, Ministry of Labor and other agencies and the private sector perhaps because of the part which is
money-making, each agency regard themselves as the trustee and in a sense it can be said that the interests in the
field has been replaced by law and the rule of law, even in 1981 AD, surprisingly, a circular was issued on closing
the country’s kindergartens centers which fortunately, after some time was canceled. On the other hand, the
trainings offered at the preschools are not related to elementary school education due to the uncertainty of
trustee, no one feels responsible and as a result such a connection would be established between educations of
these two learning periods. The other problem we have is that the graduates of related fields with childhood
education show less interest in establishing kindergartens or have not enough support and permit of the
establishment of such schools will be issued to those who do not have qualifications in some cases. So,
unfortunately, we see that the graduates of preschool training, as a secretary work in biscuit company or leather
or establish dairies rather than working on the crucial issue of human’s education. In sum, we are far from
universally accepted criteria and our growth rate in having children’s pre-school centers is slowed; so teaching
pre-schools certainly cannot be considered successful in Iran and new training requirements in this context
cannot be correctly forwarded. This project after investigating and feasibility, does not evaluate the condition of
existing centers to very good condition. There are many difficulties and shortcomings in this area that a safe and
suitable condition for pre-school education as the most important course cannot be considered. Study of (Rahimi
and Soleymany Niya, 2008) titled as the influence of life-skills training to increase social participation of children,
has shown that teaching life skills in children can significantly increase their social participation. Also, the
effectiveness requires same pattern between boys and girls and life skills training in both groups increased
community participation to one same extent. In a research on the effectiveness of teaching life values to
preschoolers on their mental health and social development, showed that teaching children the value of life, is
effective on their mental health and social development. This issue with research findings of (Holester, 2008) is
consistent that Montessori’s method in primary education, Montessori’s method, as individual learning or training
is known progressive and Montessori’s students tend to have higher rates of learning and social skills. Overall, the
findings show that Montessori’s training practices in the development of children's skills and their socialization
process and their capability is a very useful process. But based on the discussed possibilities and circumstances in
Tehran’s centers, this method is not held based on the standards. And so it cannot be expected to produce results
similar to what happened in other countries, necessarily usage of this method has no other function but
M.Akbarzadeh, R.Solgi/ Teknologi Tanaman/Vol(12), 2015
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Maryam Akbarzadeh, Department of Educational Science, Faculty Member of Education, Payam
Noor University,Kerman-Iran
Reza Solgi, Department of Education Management
Corresponding Author
Email:[email protected]