April 2012 - Christ Lutheran Church
April 2012 - Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran Church CH RIST LUTHE RA N CHU RCH The Tidings I SSU E # 2 86 A PR I L 2 0 1 2 Easter Services— 8:00 Worship in the Gathering Area 9:15 Easter Brunch in the LICC 10:30 Easter Worship in the Sanctuary Tiki has a new date this month. month Because Holy Thursday is the first Thursday of the month, we will play the second Thursday, April 12 at 6:30 pm. Laugh and have fun before the tax man cometh. Thank you to Georgia Clark for the March snacks and to Betty Massey for the April refreshments. Sissy Waldrop and Margaret Janke are trying to keep their medals. Sissy had a score of 17. This is an easy game to learn and new players are always welcome. Bring your friends and share our fellowship. Viva Fiesta Camp Hope 2012—July 9th, 16th, 234e—A big thank you to Susan Geisler for the colorful bulletin board—Staff applications are n the Welcome Area and on the church website. They are due May 13th. Training Date is July 5th-7th and will be here at CLC! —Scholarships are needed to make the camp successful. Please consider contributing to this. $35 will pay for half a tuition for someone that needs it. And let Sandy know if you are in need of a scholarship—Camper registrations are also in the Welcome Area and on the church website—Adult volunteers are needed for crafts and snacks. Please call or email if you have a desire to help this wonderful camp or have any questions. Sandy Naill 979-265-0444 [email protected] P AG E 2 T H E T ID IN G S From the Pastor, to My Partners . . . What are you afraid of? We get scared by lots of things, besides the proverbial “fear itself.” Often negative experiences in the past can lead into very intense anxieties and phobias. Sometimes we can become fearful in common places, like being in a crowd, standing in line, being on a bridge or traveling in a car. In extreme cases, the fear can immobilize people, and they become prisoners in their own homes. Some common fears include agoraphobia (fear of crowds), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed places), lygophobia (fear of the dark), hypsiphobia (fear of heights), and pteromerhanophobia (fear of flying). You might not worry too much along the Gulf Coast if you had chionophobia (fear of snow), but you’d be ill suited for this area if you had thalassophobia (fear of the ocean). Unless you have cyberphobia (fear of computers), you can search and discover all kinds of interesting fears: for example, euphobia (fear of hearing good news) and arachibutyrophobia (fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof or your mouth), as well as hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (the fear of big words). There’s even ecclesiophobia (the fear of church) and homilophobia (the fear of sermons). The popularity of shows like “Fear Factor” and slogans like “Fear This” reminds us that fears, anxieties, and phobias play a large role in shaping how we interpret the world around us and how we respond to other people. What a surprising contrast to hear words like, “Fear not!” “Peace be with you!” “Do not be afraid!” Where do we hear these voices? They come to us as the first words spoken to fearful people in the Easter story. What relief – in fact, joy! – we’d feel if we learn to trust these words! Let us, too, seek Jesus who was crucified. Fear not - present troubles that could break our hearts. Fear not - dark clouds and threatening future. “Fear not” – the dark day of death and the day of judgment. We lay our fearful world and troubled lives at the foot of the cross. Remember the Easter words: “Fear not!” What better message of faith to take to the world? Trust these words. Build the foundation of your faith and trust in God on them. Nothing else can brighten the sun and fill our spirits and fire up our hope and give us more strength and energy to endure – yes, even more – actually to thrive and to grow and to serve! These Easter words bring new purpose and new confidence. “You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was Learn these Easter words of faith: “Fear not!” God’s peace, Pastor Paul Geisler crucified. He has been raised. …he is going ahead of you. … You will see him, just as he told you.” (Mark 16:6-7) I S S U E # 28 6 P AG E 3 Worship & Music Notes April 1st: We start the month of April heading into Jerusalem. Combining “Hosanna!” of Christ’s triumphal procession with palm-laden entry, culminating with “Crucify Him!,” mark a stark contrast in one liturgy. Christ has emptied himself of divine power and protection, willingly accepting the cup of misery which is in store. April 8th: Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! The three days have passed and the tomb is empty. We will gather in the Narthex for 8:00am service, enjoying the beauty of the early morning without the potential nuisance of our Gulf Coast humidity, threat of rain or fog, and the often-present mosquitoes. A beautiful setting to gather at the empty tomb! 10:30 service will be in the sanctuary with much celebration and Alleluias! April 15th: We begin the Easter Season, seven Sundays, which will take us to Pentecost, in late May. Today, we gather with the disciples on the first Easter, and Jesus breathes the Spirit on us. Thomas asks for a sign and we receive bread and wine from the wounded Christ. We are transformed from a frightened people into a people of open doors, peace, sharing and forgiveness. April 22nd: In today’s gospel, we again visit with the resurrected Christ. Jesus opens the minds of the disciples to understand him as the Messiah. After convincing them that he has been raised, he sends them on a mission to proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness. April 29th: In a parable the disciples can understand, Jesus refers to himself as a shepherd who cares for his sheep. Reference to the 23rd Psalm certainly reflects His love for us through God, the Father. Holy Week April 5th, Maundy Thursday: At the heart of our Maundy Thursday service, is Jesus’ commandment to love one another. He washed the feet of his disciples and they shared the Passover meal. Our 7:00pm service will focus on the beauty of sharing the Holy Meal with one another, as Christ instituted it so long ago. April 6th, Good Friday: Again, we meet at the foot of the cross, where we nail our sins that Christ has forgiven. We hear the solemn reproaches and understand that we bear responsibility for what was done to Christ. We also understand that, as a forgiven people, we are to be Christ’s hands in this world. Service @ 7:00pm. Easter Prayer Vigil: Immediately after the Good Friday service, the church will be open for prayer, reading, listening, contemplation and one-on-one with your Savior. Come alone, or come with a friend or loved one, if the late hours are a concern. Devotionals, music, audio Bible, Stations of the Cross, and Jesus will be there waiting for you! I S S U E # 28 6 P AG E 4 LLLT First Monday of the Month 1 Derek Tweedle 10 Byron Sims April Vaughn 12 April Disisto 2 Penny Vogt 18 Joni Tannenbaum 3 Riley Matteck 19 Robert Massey 4 Ronald Northam 5 Steve Matteck 21 Bob Lundahl 6 Jared Marks 29 Kyler Lange 10 Pam Poklikuha Lorin Furlow’s130 White Oak, 7pm-9pm, Pot-Luck Tapas! Loren Zabel Bread for Life Study Group meets Wednesday’s, 1:30pm – 2:30pm in the church library. We discuss the readings for the upcoming Sunday. Copies of the appropriate Daily Discipleship are usually on the parlor table. If you’d like a study copy in advance, go to the ELCA website and type “Daily Discipleship” in the search. Christian love and sympathy is extended to— Jose and Julie Saavedra in the death of Jose’s father. Sandy Naill in the death of her sister Terry Watson Vogel, daughter of Viola Watson. Please keep them in your prayers. You are invited to Linda McCrery's graduation from UTHSC on May 4, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the GRB. Linda will be receiving a postmaster's nurse practitioner degree in psychiatric mental health and invites you to join her in this occasion. Details available by calling her cell (979-824-1986). As always, prayers are welcomed as she decides next steps for her career and studies for the boards. Synod Assembly 2012 - May 11-12, 2012 Lakewood United Methodist Church, Houston, TX The focus for this coming year's synod assembly is WORSHIP! We can send two voting delegates and our pastor, plus anyone else who is passionate about quality worship. Check your calendar, and let Pastor Paul know that you are interested in attending! T H E T ID IN G S P AG E 5 Please remember these people in your prayers. Marian Arntsen Carroll Grigsby Steve Miller Bill Stoerner Kevin Autry Verlene Heady Robert Newton Ginger Stoldt Staci Ayers Todd Hughes Terry Partridge Van Tetlow Taylor Bedrich Mary Johnson Brinly Pirtle Betty Thomas Alison Blevins Joseph Jones Sue Rieschick Bradley Thomas Debra Bonner Dennis Jones Karen Schubring Dora Updike Bill Bowden Betty Keith Doris Schwank Clara Veatch Patricia Bradburn Paul Lydic Kim Shelton Viola Watson Pastor Horacio Castillo Doug Magnussen Ed Siegel Ruth Wetherell Kathy Cordes Macel Magnussen Ken Smith Pauline Zabel Liz Ellett Betty Marshall Pat Soledade Brock Massey Fam Lord’s Work Income Net Expenses Budget February $13,968.07 $14,534.37 $17,013.75 Year to Date $39,220.97 $27,575.57 $34,027.50 Building Loan for February March Avg Attendance—65 Received $ YTD Avg Worship Attendance--70 Payment $Balance $ Easter Prayer Vigil Thoughts Steve Gluck The Easter vigil is a time to connect with Jesus when he changed the world. During the vigil, I am in the church alone with the Spirit. Although it is a quiet and reflective hour, the Spirit is loud and revealing. There is no more important time in our Christian calendar than Easter weekend and having the opportunity to be alone in the church building is an annual time which I look forward to. P AG E 6 I S S U E # 28 6 APRIL SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:00 AM & 10:30 Worship 9:15 AM Education Classes Bread of the World Bake Sale—Food Pantry Offering 7:00 PM-Literary Troupe 8 9 8:00 AM & 10:30 Worship 9:15 AM Education Classes 7 PM-Boy Scouts 10 7 PM-Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Servant Ministry Meeting 15 16 17 8:00 AM & 10:30 9:15 AM Education Classes 1:30 PM Bread for Life 7:00 PM 6:30PM Adult Maundy ThursChoir day Worship 6:30 PM Confirmation Class 7:00 PM Good Friday Worship —Start of Easter Prayer Vigil 11 13 14 20 21 27 28 12 1:30 PM Bread for Life 6:30PM Adult 6:30 PM Tiki Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation Class 18 19 1:30 PM Bread for Life 7 PM Church Council Meeting 6:30 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation Class 1:30 PM Audit Committee 7 PM-Boy Scouts 22 23 8:00 AM & 10:30 Worship 9:15 AM Education Classes 7 PM-Boy Scouts 29 30 8:00 AM & 10:30 Worship 9:15 AM Education Classes 7 PM-Boy Scouts 24 25 1:30 PM Bread for Life 6:30 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation Class 26 P AG E 7 T H E T ID IN G S April 1 April 8 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Chance Furlow Hope Furlow Ushers Debbie Smith Steve Gluck James Waldrop Lorin Furlow Jose Saavedra George Warren Dave McCrery Louise Humes Patty Northam Jennifer Sims Don White Duane Rayburn Greeters Ppt Tech Marge Janke Dave McCrery Julie Saavedra Jean Warren Mark Jessop Sharon White Kathy Sims Musician Mary Morgan Mary Morgan Sandy Naill Sandy Naill Acolytes Readers M Counters 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Austin Hughes Jeffrey Sims Marv Dettloff, Floyd Elllington Dave McCrery/Don White April 15 April 22 Acolytes 8:00 AM Tyler Burridge 10:30 AM Johanna Geisler Kourtney Gregory 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Riley Matteck Eli Matteck Readers Betty Massey Liz Ellett Louise Humes Linda McCrery Ushers Dave McCrery James Waldrop Robert Drake Jose Saavedra Dave McCrery James Waldrop Jose Saavedra Floyd Ellington Greeters Pat Northam Louise Drake Marge Janke Kathy Christman Ppt Tech Patty Northam Carrie Hay Steve Gluck Shane Pirtle Musician M Counters Sandy Naill Sandy Naill Marv Dettloff/Jose Saavedra Linda Pirtle Linda Pirtle Carrie Hay/Jose Saavedra April 29 8:00 AM Tyler Burridge 10:30 AM Maddie Hay Johanna Geisler Readers Ushers Steve Gluck Duane Rayburn James Waldrop Shane Pirtle George Warren Don White Greeters Estelle Brubaker Ppt Tech Bob & Barbara Lundahl Betty Massey Musician M Counters Linda Pirtle Linda Pirtle Kathy Sims/Betty Massey Acolytes Brydon Geisler Join the adult discussion group this and every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in the parlor. We discuss various contemporary themes found in current or recent movies, and apply them to our Christian faith journeys. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 86 Plantation Drive/ P.O. Box 948 Lake Jackson, TX 77566 Pastor…..Pastor Paul Geisler, Jr…... [email protected] Secretary…..Rachel Wood….. [email protected] The Hands of Christ Worshiping Learning Serving Office Hours…..Mon.-Fri…..8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Together Phone….979-297-2013 Fax…..979-297-7868 Web Site…..www.christlutheran-lj.org Ministers…..The People of Christ Missionaries • Pastor Dana Nelson/Thomas Osaski…..Serving in Peru • Pastor Horacio Castillo…..Serving in Guatemala • Stephen Deal…..Serving in Central America Worship Schedule Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 AM Education at 9:15 AM THE TIDINGS is published monthly by CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, 86 PLANTATION DRIVE, P.O. BOX 948 LAKE JACKSON, TX 77566-0948