Holy Trinity Catholic Church


Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity
Catholic Church
101 Walt Banks Road / Peachtree City, GA 30269
Parish Office
(770) 487-7672
Faith Formation
(770) 487-0175
Hispanic Ministry
(770) 487-5352
(770) 631-4380
[email protected]
February 21, 2016
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday 4:00 pm Vigil
5:30 pm Vigil
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
1:45 pm Español
4:30 pm LifeTeen
Daily Mass Schedule
Mon. - Thurs. 9am & 6:30 pm
Noon & 6:30 pm
9 am
Holy Hours of Adoration
Fri: 12:45pm - Sat 9am in Sanctuary
Mon.-Thurs. & Sat. after 9am Mass
Mondays after the 6:30pm Mass
“Rosary for Life” Fridays at 11 am
in the Adoration Chapel
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Fridays at 3pm
Fridays, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Saturdays, 9:45 am - 10:30 am
or by appointment with a priest.
Healing Mass Schedule
2nd week of each month
Tuesday @ 6:30pm & Friday @ 12 noon
March 1 & 4
Pastor: Father J ohn Mur phy
Parochial Vicars: Father Dair o Rico, Father Pavol Br enkus
Deacons: Ter r y Blind, Tony Cuomo, Gene Dicker son, Mar k Fr iedlein, Mar k Sholander
Deacons Emeritus: Ben Gr oss, Mike Landaiche, Don Kelsey, Tom Zawor ski
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
9:00 am
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
1:45 pm
4:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
6:30 pm
12:00 am
6:30 pm
9:00 am
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
1:45 pm
4:30 pm
 = Deceased
February 20
Arlene Richardson 
John Montano 
Ursula Targonski 
February 21
Arlene Richardson 
Brett Thomas 
Charlie Vicari 
V. Michael Rossetti 
Raúl Bahamón 
Parish Family
February 22
Nestor Costa Souza 
Dr. Jeffery Curtis 
February 23
Adam Schaefer 
Richard Timothy Rossiter 
February 24
Richard Dupont 
Fr. John McGrath, SM 
February 25
John Sexton 
Antonia & Eugenio Dias 
February 26
Joe Cera 
Jerry Wall 
February 27
Shirley Fox 
Parish Family
Dorian Slagoski 
February 28
Parish Family
Brett Thomas 
Eileen Rohlfing 
Kate Rolka 
Valentín Reynoso 
Sara Litty 
(SI) = Special Intentions
Second Sunday of Lent
Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14;
Phil 3:17-4:1 or 3:20-4:1; Lk 9:28b-36
1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 16:13-19
Tues Saint Polycarp
Mt 23:1-12
Wed Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6,14-16;
Mt 20:17-28
Thurs Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a;
Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43,45,46
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4,9-12;
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Third Sunday of Lent
Ex 3:1-8a,13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8,11;
1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
Abram’s faith is sealed with a covenant
initiated by God, our light and our salvation.
The transfiguration of Jesus prefigures the
transformation in glory to which we are called
by our sharing in the paschal mystery the dying and rising of Jesus.
Peachtree City, Georgia
February 21, 2016
Yasmile Aguirre, Michelle Barkley, Mary Barth, Lauren Berger,
Russ Bilodeau, José Raúl Bonilla, Bill Byrnes, Emperatriz Cárdenas,
Nena Cera, Ruby Countryman, Dcn. Gene Dickerson, Ellie Fenton,
in Prayer
Russell Fenton, Don Franks, Oscar Galvez, Sr. Teresa González,
Jerry Greenwell, J oe Higgins, Paul & Sheila Ivins, Shir ley J anssen, J oyce J ones,
Betty Jorgenson, Dcn. Don Kelsey, Dcn. Mike Landaiche, Bob Litty, Ann MacAvoy,
Neisa Pamfil, Fr. Joseph Peek, Marc Pelletier, Rudy Pinter , J oe Plunkett,
Lee Plunket, Mr. Quatroche, James Roshak, Rick Scheer, Henk Smit, Tommy Stroud,
James Stuessel, Kathy Szegedy, Ruth Thoman, Maddy Truitt, Marta Laura Veek,
Don Ventura, Philip Wandra, Helen & Tom Zaworski
Please pray for those who have died
Joel Asher Barham, son of Chr is & Car r ie Bar ham
Randolph W. Hill, husband of J udy Hill
Hazel Maurice Martin, sister of J ohn Mar tin
Guadalupe Sánchez
and all the wonderful caregivers
Preparing Your Heart
During Lent
on Fridays
Penance Service
Bring family and friends to
each Friday in Lent
Loreto Hall
5pm to 7pm
12pm Mass
Enjoy new menus and
good fellowship
each week of Lent
12:45 Adoration
5:30pm Confession
Donations accepted.
6:30pm Mass
7pm Stations of the Cross
Thursday, March 10
6:30 p.m.
7:30pm Adoration
Other Area Lenten Penance Services
February 24 - St. Gabriel
March 2 - St. Matthew
March 3 - Our Lady of Vietnam
March 7 - St. John the Evangelist
March 14 - San Felipe
March 14 - St. George
March 15 - St. Philip Benizi
March 16 - St. Peter of the Rock
Priests from several parishes will be available at each Penance Service to hear your
confession. All will begin at 7pm with the exception of St. Gabriel at 6:30pm.
Thanks for your generosity!
¡Gracias por su generosidad!
FY2015/2016 Offertory Weekly and Actual to Date
Ofertorio: Semanal y Cifra Real
Offertory / Ofertorio January 24, 2016
Offertory / Ofrenda
To Date Actual / Cifra Real
Prior Year Comparison 1/25/2015
Upcoming Second Collection:
March 6 - Catholic Relief Services
Second Sunday in Lent
Holy Trinity
welcomes our newest parishioners!
Sandra Garcia
Kenlee McConaghy
Tim & Pam Wiley
Next weekend is our Saint Vincent de Paul Society
monthly door collection. Your donations are dedicated to
directly helping those in need in our Holy Trinity parish
community, and as needed, assist to our neighboring St. Vincent
de Paul conferences. Please consider giving generously.
The Monday Night Rosary Group will lead the
Rosary every night during Lent after the 6:30pm
Mass Monday-Thursday. Stations of the Cross will
be held on Fridays. All are invited to participate.
from 12pm to 6pm in Loreto Hall. Donors should be
18+ years of age (16 with parental permission). For
answers to questions, to signup or to volunteer to help,
contact Ron Plues at (770) 487-2590 or [email protected].
Thoughts From this Sunday’s Readings by Fr. John
Previous reflections can be found on his blog at
Just as the Gospel for every first Sunday of Lent focuses on the temptation of Jesus, the Gospel for every second Sunday of Lent presents
the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. The temptation of Jesus
frames our observance of Lent. St. Luke’s account of the Transfiguration gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ glory and prepares us for His suffering, death and resurrection, the “exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem” (Luke 9:31).
What captured my attention as I reflected on today’s readings were the
experiences of Abram in the first reading and Peter, James and John in
the Gospel. In these readings all four men experienced a transforming
encounter with God. And for all four men it was terrifying. We begin
with childless Abram to whom the Lord promised descendants as
countless as the stars and land that Abram and his descendants would
possess. But Abram needed more tangible proof so he asked, “Lord
God, how will I know that I will possess it?” God asked Abram to
prepare a sacrifice of animals which he did. Then God put Abram into
a trance “and a deep, terrifying darkness enveloped him” (Gen. 15:12).
God sent Abram a vision of a “smoking fire pot and a flaming
torch,” (signs of God’s presence) which passed between the sacrificed
animals and Abram was assured that God’s promise would be fulfilled. However, he would never see it himself. All he gets is the
promise of a peaceful death.
Mother's Morning Out Registr ation will be
held on Monday, February 22, 6pm - 7pm in
our preschool. Children must be 2 years old
by September 1, 2016 to register. There is a $100 registration
fee. For more information, contact Laury Walter at (678) 466-1723 While Peter, James and John had an experience similar to that of
Abram, the imagery is dramatically different. Instead of a vision of a
or [email protected].
flaming torch or smoking pot, they see Jesus’s face transformed and
The Seniors Ministry will be playing his clothing become “dazzling white.” With Jesus they see Moses and
Bingo in Loreto Hall on Wednesday, Elijah in their glory. God speaks to them, “This is my chosen son,
listen to him.” The sense I get is of radiance and hope. Although the
Potluck lunch 12pm-1pm, followed by disciples don’t understand what has happened, they, unlike Abram
Bingo until 3:30pm. Come and join the fun! Contact Ron Plues at actually will see the fulfilment of God’s glorious promise. Yes, they
[email protected] if you have any questions.
will witness the horror of the crucifixion, but they also will see the
resurrected Christ. They will share in the New Covenant; our liberaYou can Help the Refugees. Car r y the tion from sin and death through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Future is collecting used baby carriers (soft
structured, back-pack types), which they are for us when he reminds us in the 2nd reading from Philippians 3:20-21
personally transporting to various points in that, “Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a savior,
Europe and the Middle East to give to refugees fleeing, often on the Lord Jesus Christ. He will change our lowly body to conform with
foot and carrying their infants and/or young children. This small his glorified body by the power that enables him also to bring all
gesture helps lighten their load, keep their children safe and warm, things into subjection to himself.” Our transformation occurs when
and gives hope to the hopeless.
we listen to Jesus. It occurs when we immerse ourselves in scripture.
If you have an old carrier please place it in the silver box in the It occurs when we take the message of the Gospel to heart. It occurs
vestibule by Tuesday, March 1. For more ways to help or get when we allow the light of Christ to shine through us. Transfiguration
involved with this charity, please contact Jennifer Harmeling at
[email protected].
every day to each of us. “This is my chosen son, listen to him.”
Great and holy God,
on his journey to his suffering and death
when he would rise from the dead.
In the drabness and sufferings of our lives
and in our frustrated efforts to transform this earth,
let a ray of hope shine on us and all our brothers and sisters;
hope that lifts us up and sustains us on the way to you
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
Nuestro Ministerio Hispano
770-487-5352, 770-487-7672 Exts. 303
(Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. - lunes a jueves;
11:00 am a 1:00 pm - domingos)
en español: domingos 1:45 pm
Confesiones: todos los viernes a las 5:30 pm, sábados 9:45am,
o por cita llamando al 770-487-7672 Ext. 311.
Bautizos: Favor de llamar o pasar por la Oficina parroquial
para anotarse para la plática o para información sobre los
Ministros Extraordinarios
Sagrada Comunión:
Reunión para las personas interesadas en participar como Ministros
en la Misa en español y para los que ya participan como Ministros
que necesitan renovar la certificación de la Arquidiócesis,
el martes 23 de febrero, a las 7:00 pm, en la Iglesia.
Más información en la oficina parroquial.
Acogiendo la misericordia de Dios para poder
ser misericordiosos
Una noche de reflexión guiándonos hacia
la vida espiritual
Padre Jacques Philippe
viernes, 26 de febrero
Holy Trinity – Salón Santa Faustina
7-9:00 p.m.
* Se ofrecerá traducción en español.
Misión hispana de Cuaresma
Sábado, 5 de marzo
8:30am – 2:00pm
Conferenciante: Dr. Fernando Casanova
February 21, 2016
Reflexiones sobre las lecturas de este domingo del Padre Rico.
21 de febrero 2016
Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
Las Dos Noches de Abrahán. En medio de la noche, Dios lleva a
Abrahán, primero a la contemplación de la grandeza de sus
promesas y luego al reconocimiento de la propia nada. Porque hay
aquí la historia de dos noches. Una, la de contar las estrellas; otra, la
de permanecer semiaterrorizado ante los trozos de carne despedazada. Esta segunda escena, nos remite al modo en que solían celebrarse las alianzas entre jefes de tribus o clanes, en aquella época:
los que sellaban alianza pasaban por en medio de los animales
despedazados y juraban, cada uno por los propios dioses, que
querían un destino semejante si llegaban a incumplir las promesas
Si lo miramos bien, estas dos noches, la de la admiración y la del
espanto, se corresponden bien con esas dos dimensiones que la antropología moderna ve en el hecho religioso: "fascinante" y
"tremendo." Belleza que encanta y abismo que espanta; sublime
ternura de un Dios que enciende la esperanza y temeraria audacia de
un mortal que conversa y peregrina de cara a su Dios. Tal es la
alianza; tal es la cuaresma.
La Transfiguración. El Maestro, con el que habían vivido durante
tres años sus discípulos, exteriormente era un hombre como los
demás palestinos de su época. No era ni más grande ni más
pequeño, con el color bronceado de la piel, como correspondía a los
habitantes del desierto, con ojos tal vez castaños, con las mismas
necesidades y flaquezas humanas, menos el pecado. Era tan parecido a sus discípulos, que Judas, para identificarlo en el huerto, tuvo
que dar una señal: “Aquel a quien yo besare, ese es”. Sin embargo,
en su interior, se diferenciaba substancialmente de los demás hombres porque era el Verbo de Dios encarnado, era Dios y hombre.
Pero esto era una realidad oculta, un misterio que solamente se descubría por revelación del Padre, como se lo dijo a Pedro. Ni siquiera
los demonios llegaron a saber a ciencia cierta quien era, porque de
lo contrario, no lo hubieran llevado a la cruz porque allí sufrieron su
En la transfiguración mostró Jesús a sus discípulos, por un instante,
su verdadera personalidad, su gloria, su belleza divina, oculta hasta
esos momentos en su humanidad. Su rostro brillaba como el sol y
El amor sobre todas las cosas
sus vestidos blancos como la nieve. Allí aparecen también Moisés y
Conversión y penitencia
Elías para presentarlo como el Mesías, mucho más poderoso que
Conversión y santificación
ellos y al que habían anunciado tantos años antes. Le hablaban de su
próxima muerte ignominiosa. En ese instante, una nube densa lo
Habrán espacios limitados para la Guardería. Favor de inscribirse en la
Oficina Parroquial con Elsie.
cubrió como fue cubierta el arca de la alianza, como signo de la
Más información: 770-487-5352.
presencia de la divinidad. Y así lo entendieron los tres discípulos al
El jueves, 10 de marzo, a las 6:30pm, celebraremos el Servi- arrojarse sobre la tierra, temblorosos por la cercanía de Dios.
cio de Reconciliación de la parroquia. Varios sacerdotes
Esta revelación fue confirmada por el Padre celestial: “este es mi
estarán disponible escuchando Confesiones en español.
Hijo muy amado, escuchadlo”. Con estas palabras, el mismo Padre
da testimonio de la mesianidad de su Hijo. Ese hombre que verán
Feria de la Salud “Día de la Familia”
traicionado, sentenciado, azotado, coronado de espinas, escupido,
llevando la cruz a cuestas hacia el calvario y muerto en la cruz, ese
sábado, 12 de marzo; 8am – 12pm;
era el Hijo de Dios. Estos tres discípulos, Pedro, Santiago y Juan, se
en Holy Trinity
volverán a encontrar solos con Jesús, en el huerto de Getsemaní, tan
Se ofrecerán exámenes gratuitos del seno, diabetes, colesterol, dental, audidesconcertados como lo están ahora. Entonces no entenderán abción, visión y muchas cosas más. Si desea un análisis de sangre por favor
solutamente nada. Se olvidaron totalmente de la epifanía del monte.
venga en completa ayuna. ¡Venga con toda su familia y amigos!
Solamente después de la resurrección de Jesús, empezarán a entender estos misterios; y es que los misterios de Jesús, sólo se podrán
San Vicente de Paúl:
entender a la luz de la pascua y con la fuerza del Espíritu Santo.
Línea de ayuda:
678-466-1750 ó 770-487-7672 Ext.450
Second Sunday in Lent
Neisa Pamfil who ser ved as a Catholic
Charities counselor at Holy Trinity for several years continues to struggle with
ALS. We all remember her kindness and
compassion in helping individuals and families during troubled times. Neisa was diagnosed with ALS approximately 2 years ago
at which time she move to Tennessee to be
near her daughter Samantha as she started college. Her illness has
progressed and she is totally immobile. The cost of her care has
also increased to an average of $1,200 weekly. This is a cost that
can only be sustained by a multitude of friends and family. Holy
Trinity has been asked to contribute to this worthy cause for the
next three months in the amount of $500 per month.
During this year of Mercy
Holy Trinity is hosting a
Refugee Forum
Thursday, March 3, at 7pm, St. Faustina Room.
With help from Catholic Charities, we will:
• Educate to dispel rumors, misinformation and fear
• Gain understanding about vetting process
• Spread awareness
In preparation for the refugee family Holy Trinity is adopting,
we will:
• Establish Committees
• Share list of needs and create collection Teams
• Raise Money
Neisa has a Go Fund Me account into which anyone may make a Follow our progress on Facebook, under
direct deposit, (we ask that your donor information include Holy Holy Trinity PTC – Refugee Family Adoption
Trinity) or you may send donations to Holy Trinity indicating that RSVP and Questions to Jennifer at [email protected]
the donation is for Neisa Pamfil. Contact Mary Ann Cox for more
information at (404) 226-4488. Thank you!
Childcare is available at Holy Tr inity dur ing many
classes and events. Check the schedule on the door
in the Childcare Hallway for events, dates and times.
If you need childcare for your ministry or event,
contact Tina Terrell to make arrangements at
[email protected] or (678) 466-0724.
St. Vincent de Paul is a benefitting par tner for the
2016 Hunger Walk/Run. Visit www.Hunger Walk
Run.org to register for the 5k Walk/Run on Sunday,
March 13, 12pm at Tur ner Field. You may also make
a donation directly.
The Knights of Columbus will hold their annual
Community Charity Golf Classic on Friday, April 22 at
Whitewater Creek Country Club. Sponsor and Team Info
can be found at www.HolyTrinityPTC.com.
Seniors Ministry Fall Trip. This year ’s fall tr ip
will be a Pilgrimage to Montreal, Quebec, Canada!
Monday, October 3 to Friday, October 7. Watch
for more details in upcoming bulletins. The cost will
Hearing Devices are available for your convenience
located in the back of the Church
be approximately $800/ double occupancy, which includes airfare.
A copy of passport is required at registration. Register in the ParOne in 6 American struggle with hunger daily, and up to
ish Office. For questions, contact Jim Towle at (770) 371-7754.
20% of families locally don’t know when they’ll receive
their next meal. The Knights of Columbus Council 8081
If you would like to be notified by e-mail of upcoming
are sponsoring the 40 Cans for Lent program. Last
Funerals at Holy Trinity, please contact the front office to
year we raised over 1,800 pounds of food, which was distributed to
be added to our Funeral e-mail list.
local food banks including St. Vincent DePaul. This year our goal
is 2,500 pounds. There is a Knights of Columbus box in the vestibule to place your donations. We are asking all parishioners to
Healing Masses
bring one can of food for every day of Lent. Our mission is to ease
Tuesday, March 1, 6:30pm
hunger locally by providing food to those who need it most through
the Fayette County food banks. Thank you for your generosity.
Friday, March 4, 12pm.
Sale! Most Items are 50% Off!
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be available durStop by and visit our Gift Shop . Our hour s ar e:
ing Mass for every baptized Catholic over the age of reason. PraySunday: 8:15am-1:45pm,
er teams will also be available immediately after Mass to pray with
Monday: 12pm-3pm
people for healing and other needs.
Wednesday: 9:45am-11am, 4pm-8pm
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for February
Care for Creation.
Evangelization: Asia.
That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter
between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
Attention All Intermediate or High School Students
from Holy Trinity! Knights of Columbus Holy Tr inity
Council 8081 - Peachtree City will be awarding four
scholarships to Holy Trinity students either going to or attending a
Catholic High School. The Donald B. Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund is intended to provide financial aid to students from Holy
Trinity parish interested in furthering his/her Catholic education.
The award will be granted on a combined basis of financial need,
academic achievement, community involvement and a 250-word
essay on one of the Knights of Columbus principles (Charity,
Unity, Fraternalism, Patriotism). Applications can be obtained
from any Knight, the Church Office or the Holy Trinity Web Page
(www.holytrinityptc.org). Any questions contact Tom Hughes at
(770) 231-8421 or Ryan Knippel at (404) 670-0726. All applications must be received by Wednesday, March 30, 2016.
Guilt and Anger. These feelings can be a
part of the journey of grief and can affect the
healing process. Find out how to handle
these emotions and to continue the process of healing from grief.
Please join us on either Wednesdays, 7pm-9pm or on Fridays,
9:30am-11:30am in room #102 in the Faith Formation Building.
Contact Gayle Reddy at (770) 631-8251 or [email protected]
for more information.
February 21, 2016
Discernment Mass. Men and Women seeking to
discern their vocation are invited to join Fr. Tim
Hepburn the first Saturday of each month through May
for 10am Mass followed by a light brunch and a talk on
discernment. This event will be held at the St. Charles Borromeo
House, 813 Dalrymple Road, Atlanta. For more information, contact the Office of Vocations at (404) 920-7460.
Help support the fine arts! Please join the Our
Lady of Mercy Catholic High School Fine Arts
Department for their annual fundraiser Leap Y ear
Cabaret on Leap Day, Monday, February 29,
6:30pm, at St. Philip Benizi’s Founder’s Hall, in Jonesboro.
Patrons will enjoy homemade tapas style entrees and decadent
desserts while drama students and faculty perform song, dance, and
monologues from popular productions! Tickets are $10/adult and
$5/children 10 and under. Family price $25 (2 adults and 1+ children). Ticket price includes one tapas entrée and one beverage.
All desserts are $1 each. Funds raised will support the Mercy Players spring musical production, Hairspray. Musical performance
dates March 18 & 19 at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School.
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School
Kindergarten - 8th Grade
As the body of Christ on earth, all of God's people have  Academic Excellence – Top 10 percentile in the Nation
been called to love and care for one another.” Let us be  Safe and Secure Learning Environment
there for you in your time of need. Stephen Ministers  Financial Aid Available
Open House
are trained, confidential members of our congregation
Thursday, March 3, 9am -11am
that are called to serve all our brothers and sisters at Holy Trinity.
Let us walk with you. For more information about Stephen MinisYou may also call to schedule a tour at a time
try, please contact Sandy Killoran at (678) 489-8502 or Jerry
most convenient for you.
Greenwell at (770) 487-2752.
Our Lady of Victory Catholic School,
211 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 30290
Saint Peregrine Cancer Support Group. Lend spiritual
(770) 306-9026
support to anyone affected by cancer at any phase of his or
her cancer journey. This program will help you work
through the emotions that occur at varying stages of this
Lucy Ibotson and Marlene Scheepers will provide no
disease through prayers and discussion in the grace of the
charge repairs for your rosaries! Contact the Parish Office
Holy Spirit.
at (770) 487-7672. You can drop them off in the Parish
Two sessions offered the 3rd Tuesday each month: Morning 10am- Office and they will be returned after repairs are completed.
11am (after morning Mass) Evening 7pm-8pm (after evening
Ave Maria Academy - Exciting News! A new school
Mass). Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15 in
in Newnan opening Fall of 2016 is currently accepting
room #103 first floor Faith Formation Bldg. across from the office
enrollments. Ave Maria Academy offers traditional
downstairs. For more information, please contact June Round at
5-day and 2-day hybrid classical education models
[email protected] or Norma Greenwell at normagreenwell@ in the Catholic Tradition. Ave Maria Academy is formed to be a
K-12 school. Currently strong interest exists for grades K-8. Each
Calling all Immaculate Heart of Mary
School Alumni and Parents of Alumni!
The IHM Alumni Mass & Reception will be
held on Saturday, March 5. Please join us at
4pm for Mass and then stay for a reception immediately following
in the lower level of the Church. Childcare will be provided by
Divine Playtime. We hope to see you there!
Watch special Lenten programming
all season long.
For information,
visit www.CatholicTV.com
subsequent year will gradually add grades 9-12. Join us!
Ave Maria Academy, P.O. Box 74009, Newnan, GA 30271
[email protected], (678) 590-1868, www.avemariaga.com
Ave Maria Academy is a classical school grounded in the teachings of the Catholic Faith and faithful to the Magisterium of the
Roman Catholic Church. Ave Maria Academy is an independent
school. There is no legal or financial connection or obligation
between Ave Maria Academy and The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Promise to protect, pledge to heal. To r epor t abuse by chur ch
personnel, call the Archdiocese of Atlanta 24-Hour Reporting
Hotline at (888) 437-0764. We are here to listen and take action!
Second Sunday in Lent
Fr. Jacques is a world renowned speaker, author, retreat leader and spiritual master. We are so blessed to have
him come to Holy Trinity. Several members of Holy Trinity - along with 100’s of the other people from Atlanta were so blessed to attend a one day retreat with him last January at St. Peter Chanel. It was wonderful! Fr.
Jacques Philippe’s profound words on prayer, freedom, and God will greatly benefit anyone looking for spiritual
guidance in today's modern world. “The spiritual life would be unlivable if negation and repression were the
only legitimate responses to our desires. But the spiritual path is not a way of negation but an education of desire: progressively learning to leave superficial desires behind in order to let the deepest desire emerge, the one
that carries the call addressed to us by God” (Fr. Jacques Philippe).
Register by using form below; in the Faith Formation Office; in the
vestibule or online at www.holytrinityptc.org Go to “News & Events.”
For more information contact Terri Thomas at 678-466-1739 or
[email protected]. To learn more about Fr. Jacques go to:
Childcare is available for this event but there are a
limited number of spaces available. Preregistration
is necessary. To register contact Tina Terrell at
678-466-1724 or [email protected]
Fill out information below and place in a sealed envelope with your payment. Drop in locked white box in the vestibule
or outside the faith formation office. You can also bring this form to the Faith Formation office.
Saturday, February 27 - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
If registering more than one person include the following information below for each person. Payment due upon registration:
Name: _______________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________
Check one:
Holy Trinity)
____ cash or _____ check (payable to
$ amt enclosed __________
Phone Number: _______________________________
Names of other couples at your table:
Childcare is available for this event but there
are a limited number of spaces available.
Preregistration is necessary.
To register contact Tina Terrell at
or [email protected]
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
February 21, 2016
A Journey of Conversion
For those wanting to be Catholic
Those needing to complete their Sacraments
Anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Helping you to live a Gospel inspired life in an increasingly secular world
Have you been coming to Mass for awhile and think, “what does it mean to be Catholic?” Are you
interested in finding out what Catholics really believe? Join us for Inquiry.
Now might be the perfect time to join us. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm.
All sessions are informal and completely commitment free.
Upcoming RCIA Events:
Feb 28 (8:45am) First Scrutiny (Woman at the Well)
Mar 6 (10:30am) Second Scrutiny (Man Born Blind)
Mar 13 (12:15pm) Third Scrutiny (Raising Lazarus)
The Scrutinies
are minor Rites of the Church celebrated in the RCIA
community during the 3rd, 4th, and 5th weeks of Lent
to better prepare our candidates to receive their
sacraments at Easter.
RCIA Topic this week, Wednesday, Feb 24:
Catholic Morality “The object, the intention, and the
circumstance make up the three ‘sources’ of the morality of human acts... One may not do evil so that
good may result from it.” CCC#1757 & 1761
Upcoming RCIA Classes
Mar 2 What the Church Believes
Mar 7-9 Parish Mission
Mar 16 “Holy Week in the Holy Land
Need information on Annulments or Convalidations? Contact Joanne @ 678-466-1738 or
[email protected] for confidential counseling.
Second Sunday in Lent
Holy Trinity Elementary News
Formación de Fe Hispana
Para más información, favor de leer la sección de Ministerio de Jóvenes en el boletín de Holy Trinity
Elementary Coordinators can be reached at:
Sharon Brown at [email protected] or Sachiko Doreste at: [email protected].
Pope Francis, Laudato Sí ,#1
In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of
Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister
with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who
opens her arms to embrace us.
Please join us on Wednesday, March 16 at 7pm in room 206 for a presentation by
Dr, Elizabeth Keysar on Pope Francis’ Overview of the Laudato Sí Encyclical.
Topics to include:
· What is Happening to Our Common Home
· The Gospel of Creation
· The Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis
· Integral Ecology
· Lines of Approach and Action
· Ecological Education and Spirituality
Parents—we will be collecting bags of
wrapped candy for our annual Easter Egg
hunt that will be held March 26. Please
Mark Your Calendars!!
drop off 1 bag of hard candy (no chocolate)
to the Faith Formation office to the
attention of Sharon Brown or Lisa Aultman.
Estaremos juntando bolsas de dulces envueltos para la
búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua que tendremos el 26 de
marzo. Les agradecemos si pueden dejar una bolsa de dulces
(NO CHOCOLATES) en la oficina de Formación de Fe a la
atención de Sharon Brown o Lisa Aultman.
1st Grade Parent Mini Retreat during class time
Sunday, March 6
Wednesday, March 9
Please plan on attending you child’s Faith
Formation class for a special parent
session. The class will focus on the First
Communion sacrament your child will be
receiving this year.
Clase Sacramental para los estudiantes
de 1er grado y sus padres. Domingo, 1 de marzo a las
12pm. Es una sesión especial para hablan especifícamente
sobre el sacramento de la Primera Comuniòn.
Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 26, 1-3pm
For children ages 3-Grade 4
We will have craft, games and an awesome
Egg Hunt. Bring your own basket. Return
your empty eggs for a special prize.
Búsqueda De Huevos De Pascua
en Holy Trinity
sábado, 26 de marzo, 1-3pm
Tendremos manualidades y juegos y gran
Búsqueda de Huevos!
Trae tu propia canasta.
¡Habrá premio especial al regresar los
huevos vacios! Niños de 3 años-4to grado
pueden participar. ¡Inscríbete ya en la
oficina de Formación de Fe.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity YOUTH MINISTRY News
Formación de Fe Hispana: Ministerio de Los Jóvenes
Middle School
High School
ATTENTION! For more details about Youth Ministry news, go to htptc.com.
Youth Ministers: Heather Garger: [email protected].
Megan Vilardi: [email protected].
Save the Date! Partnership Days—March 17-19
Clean out clutter and support our youth ministry programs!
How can you help??
Registration is still open. There are 3 spots available. A $50 deposit
required. Total cost is $290. Fundraisers throughout the year will help
offset costs. For more information, contact Heather or Megan.
Todavía seguimos recibiendo las inscripciones. Hay cupo limitado y requiere
un depósito de $50 para reservar su espacio. El costo total es de $290.
Tenemos oportunidades de hacer recaudaciones de fondos durante este año
para ayudar a bajar el costo. Favor de contactar a Heather o Megan para
obtener más información.
Drop off donations to Clothes Less Traveled from
now until March 17th OR Consider volunteering on Saturdays,
March 5th, 12th, 17-19th OR Shop from March 17-19th and
proceeds will go to benefit the youth ministry programs.
¡Saca todo lo que no necesitan y da apoyo a nuestros programas del
Ministerio de los Jóvenes! ¿Cómo pueden ayudar? Pueden dejar cosas
para donar a “Clothes Less Traveled” de ahora al 17 de marzo O
Considerar a ayudar como voluntarios los sábados, 5, 12, 17 – 19 de
marzo O Comprar algo entre el 17 y 19 de marzo y las ganancias van a
ayudar a los programas del Ministerio de los Jóvenes.
Saturday, February 27
St. John Neumann, Lilburn
Join hundreds of other middle school youth
for this annual day of fun, fellowship and faith.
Registration Forms are available in the Faith Formation office.
Cost is $20. Please see Heather or Megan for more info.
$5 for food. Register in Faith Formation office. We will meet at Holy Trinity
at 6p and return at 10p. Registration open until full.
Para este evento inscríbase en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Saldremos a las
6pm y volveremos a las 10pm. Puede ir a xltatlanta.com para más información y
listado de eventos. Costo: $5 para comida.
Holy Trinity Youth Adult Group
Sábado, 27 de febrero de las 8am-8pm. El festival Católico de estudiantes
de secundaria es un evento de todo el día con juegos, pláticas, alabanza y
adoración, y tiempo de compañerismo. Vengan con los grupos de jóvenes
de secundaria que vienen de diferentes partes del Arquidiócesis para
juntarnos una vez al año para compartir, orar y celebrar juntos.
Inscripción en la oficina de Formación de Fe.
[email protected] Cell: 772-214-7134
Thursday Night Study
This week’s topic: Lent Scripture Series
The aim of this study is not only to deepen our knowledge of Christ,
but to strengthen our relationship with Him. If you are interested in
learning and growing in community with other young adults, come
on out to this study! All young adults over 18 years of age invited
to attend.
Bosco Room at Holy Trinity
7-9 pm Thursdays