HT TRACK REMIT ENV R8 FINAL SIZE:Layout 1 8/12/11 10:37 AM Page 1 HOLY TRINITY DIOCESAN HIGH SCHOOL This past July, Holy Trinity completed Phase One of its campaign to install a new, state-ofthe-art track that is both eco-friendly and functionally superior. The support we received thus far has allowed us to excavate the existing black top and pour asphalt in preparation for the rubberized track surface which will be realized in Phase Two in the spring of 2012. But this can only happen with your support! We need your help to guarantee the completion of the Track. The impermeable, shock absorbing cushion of the new track will offer the most favorable surface for training athletes in a variety of sports, and will most definitely maximize a runner’s ability. In fact, the new track will exceed the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) performance standards for athletic tracks. Imagine the possibilities for our students whose goals include mastering a sport in high school! Leading a healthy lifestyle, sportsmanship and a sense of accomplishment are inherent in sports, but they also play an important role in the education of a well-rounded student—it helps to build keen observation skills, supports the power of strategic thinking, and the value of clear and effective communication. Sports are an integral part of a young person’s development and directly connect to Holy Trinity Diocesan High School’s Mission Statement which, in part, “seeks to educate the whole person: mind, heart, soul and body.” We hope that you will join us in this important endeavor and consider a donation or pledge for the second and final phase of the Track campaign. A pledge allows you to make payment on a promised gift at any time before June 1, 2012 and can be made in the form of cash, check, credit card or stocks. You can make a gift in someone’s honor, memory or as a 45th Anniversary gift to the school. If you wish to speak to us directly about the many possibilities, we greatly welcome your call at (516) 4337361. We’re always happy to speak to those in the Holy Trinity family. With warmest wishes, Patrice Panza Senior Director Advancement & Alumni Affairs Joseph Conefry Associate Director Advancement & Alumni Affairs H O LY T R I N I T Y D I O C E SA N H I G H S C H O O L D O N O R I N F O R M AT I O N ( P L E A S E P R I N T O R T Y P E ) Name ______________________________________________________ PLEDGE INFORMATION Billing Address _______________________________________________ I (we) pledge a total of $___________ to Holy Trinity On the Right Track City _______________________________________________________ State ___________________________________ Zip________________ (cut here) Home Phone ( Business Phone ( ) _________________________________________ ) _______________________________________ E-mail Address ______________________________________________ To be paid n now n monthly n quarterly n yearly I (we) plan to make this contribution in the form of n cash n check n credit card n other Credit card type n Visa n Mastercard n Discover Card no. ____________________________________Exp. Date _______ Authorized signature _________________________________________ Holy Trinity Affiliation n alumni n parent n other Gift will be matched by _______________________________________ (company/family/foundation) Please make checks, corporate matches, or other gifts payable to: Holy Trinity Diocesan High School 98 Cherry Lane, Hicksville, NY 11801 516.433.7361 n form enclosed n form will be forwarded n I (we) wish to have our gift remain anonymous Signature(s) ______________________________________________ Date _____________________________________________________ Holy Trinity Track and Field Accomplishments 11 combined NSCHSAA and CHSAA Championships 2 New York State records in the 200m and 300m set by Shana Cox 3 CHSAA Records 2 Foot Locker XC Finalists Since 2007, 13 HTHS athletes have earned All- State Honors Naming Opportunities Entire Track Individual Lanes (5) Shot Put Area Long Jump Area $100,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 For naming opportunities or additional information please call 516-433-7361 Patrice Panza or Joe Conefry Office of Institutional Advancement Holy Trinity Diocesan High School 98 Cherry Ln, Hicksville, NY 11801 HOLY TRINITY DIOCESAN HIGH SCHOOL 98 CHERRY LANE HICKSVILLE, NY 11801-9769 PLACE STAMP HERE HOLY TRINITY DIOCESAN HIGH SCHOOL 98 CHERRY LANE HICKSVILLE, NY 11801-9769 HT TRACK REMIT ENV R8 FINAL SIZE:Layout 1 8/12/11 10:37 AM Page 2