information on stewardship at Trinity.
information on stewardship at Trinity.
For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Mt. 6:21 Stewardship is about loving God with heart, soul, and mind and loving our neighbor as ourselves. It is about who we are (self), whom we love (neighbor), and who loves us (God). It is in the context of a loving relationship that we, as people of faith, prayerfully reflect on how we direct our time, treasure, and talent. This may be the most important stewardship drive we have ever attempted. We are spending down our endowment at a rate that is outside the limits of good nonprofit financial practice. Without an increase in giving from the members of the parish, Trinity’s long-term future will be uncertain. Our forebears looked to the future and saw to it that Trinity is here for us. Can we do less? Why do I pledge to Trinity? “Will you continue in the apostle's teaching and fellowship?” We have promised to support the sacramental ministry at Trinity with our presence at worship and with our daily prayers. “Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?” In Baptism we are called to regular reflection on our lives. Walk in love as Christ loved us... “Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News…” By making a commitment to Trinity, we help spread the Gospel to the next generation and the next. “Will you seek and serve Christ in all person’s loving your neighbor as yourself?” Trinity has served up hot meals for the past twenty plus years. Commitment to service is at the heart of Christian life. “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” In times past regular church attendance and tithing were the cultural norms—not so now. Bur Jesus leads us into the knowledge that God knows our every need and will provide for us abundantly. When we make a commitment to support the church, it is more than a financial promise. Cultural apathy toward church attendance is widespread, but those who commit to regular church attendance are enriched by the relationships in the community and nurtured and sustained in the Eucharist. If you have been away, come back and see. You’ll be surprised and amazed. Thoughts On Stewardship Trinity Episcopal Church 26 White Street Haverhill, MA 01830 “Ascribe to the Lord the honor due His name; bring offerings and come into His courts.” Psalm 96:8 Our mission is to serve the risen Christ by promoting spiritual energy through regular participation in Holy Communion, Bible Study, Prayer, and Service . We have been blessed with much generosity from those who have shared of their wealth with Trinity at their passing. And we have been blessed with skilled and dedicated investment managers. The people of Trinity can continue to sustain our ministries by making a commitment now to support Trinity in attendance and by making a pledge.. Income We fund our ministry through: grants fundraisers pledge and plate offerings Int & Div 22% Rent 1% How do we pay for all that we do? and our endowment Plate and Pledge 7% Endowm ent 70% All that we do and all that we have is given to God’s glory and in service. Sometimes it is helpful to see how we fund our ministries. Operations Christian22% Education 1% Outreach 19% Expense Building 9% Worship 3% Clergy 24% Staff 22% (Percentages based on FY 2009 YTD and are approximate Some categories cover several ministry areas.) YOUR PLEDGE! What is a pledge? A pledge is a commitment to give a set amount of money to the church in the coming year. It is an expression of gratitude to God for all that God has given us. As such it is not just another charitable donation nor a bill from the church. Pledges allow the Vestry to create an accurate ministry budget because we know our income from pledges and from the endowment. Since we cannot always predict our finances and since life situations can change, pledges may be adjusted up or down during the year with a call or note to the treasurer. How much should I pledge? Pledges are based on giving the church a percentage of your earnings. The enclosed card provides a guide to help calculate pledge commitments. It is based on different levels of income and shows what percentage of income our weekly gift represents. Consider prayerfully, but know that every gift is important regardless of the amount. What does it mean to tithe? The tithe is the Biblical standard of giving set by Jacob. As Episcopalians we work toward giving the Biblical tithe of 10% or more. For some of us, increasing our pledge in annual steps is a responsible way to work toward the goal. But we can all approach our decision prayerfully and faithfully, and in appreciation of the many blessings of our lives. "Of all that you give me I will surely give one tenth to you." Gen 28:22