Prospectus - The Canons C of E


Prospectus - The Canons C of E
Correct at date of printing
The Canons C of E
(Voluntary Aided)
Primary School
Head Teacher: Mrs Michaela Fallon
Derwent Road, Bedworth,
Warwickshire CV12 8RT
Tel: Lower School — 02476 312154
Upper School — 024 76 312220
Email: [email protected]
Message from Mrs Michaela Fallon, Head Teacher
Congratulations in selecting The Canons CE
Primary School for your child’s next stage of
education. We strive to ‘Learn, Play, Care and
Pray’ together; as stated in our mission
We are committed to offering each member of our
school community a welcoming, caring and
stimulating learning environment where they feel
safe and nurtured. An environment in which they
develop a love of learning and can grow as an individual making the
most of their God given talents.
Our school is built around Christian values which are integrated
throughout our curriculum.
Within this Christian framework we
encourage our children to take responsibility for their own learning in
order to develop spiritually, socially, physically, creatively, academically
and morally.
We seek to foster close links with parents, parish and the community,
and trust you will seek to engage in this partnership in order to support
your child fully.
We look forward to working with you and welcoming you into The
‘Canons Family’.
Message from the Bishop of Coventry
As the Bishop of the Diocese of Coventry, a Diocese that covers most of
Warwickshire as well as the city of Coventry, I am really delighted to
welcome your child and your family to The Canons Church of England
Voluntary Aided Primary School.
Education is dear to my heart and at the centre of the Church’s life and
work. In this Church of England school your child will be nurtured and
supported, and will receive a high quality experience of learning within a
distinctive Christian context.
Our schools reflect God’s love by
celebrating the absolute worth and wonderful achievements of every
child and adult within a framework of values and behaviours rooted in
the life of Christ.
Please be assured of my prayers for you and your family at this exciting
The Rt Rev’d Dr Christopher Cocksworth, Lord Bishop of Coventry
Nicholas Chamberlaine Trust
The school’s existence is underpinned through a Trust Deed as set
down in the Will of Nicholas Chamberlaine.
Annual assistance is given to the School by the Foundation to support
the school’s Church of England Aided status. (Recent contributions
have enabled the provision of enrichment experiences such as off-site
learning opportunities.)
Our Vision
As a Christian place of learning our vision is for The Canons C.E.
Primary School to be a happy place where:
all conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of others,
acting responsibly and considerately, clearly demonstrating an
understanding of right and wrong;
a Christian, caring ethos pervades every aspect of school life and
helps to create an inclusive environment in which all feel loved and
all develop confidence in their ability to learn and a desire to learn
more, through praise, encouragement, enjoyment and
all are encouraged to take some responsibility for their own
learning, to demonstrate perseverance, determination and an
aptitude for hard work in order to achieve high standards;
the environment is safe and secure, attractive and stimulating; - all
are encouraged to understand their responsibilities as members of
the school and citizens of the world, whilst being aware of the
importance of personal beliefs and spiritual understanding.
Ethos and Values
The Canons C.E. Primary School is a Christian community built on
gospel values. We encourage positive supportive relationships with all
stakeholders. We endeavour to work in partnership to achieve the best
for our children.
Our school code of conduct is based around ‘Respect’. Respect for
others and respect for property, these are our two golden rules.
Other key ‘values for life’ underpin our curriculum and our collective
Governing Body
As a voluntary aided school our governors are the employers. They
have been instrumental in amalgamating Canon Evans CE Infant
School and Canon Maggs CE Junior School.
We have 16 governors in total comprising of the Head Teacher, 2 staff
governors, 3 elected parent governors, 6 Parochial Church Council
governors, 2 Nicholas Chamberlaine Trust Foundation governors, 1
Local Authority governor and 1 ex officio governor.
Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Michaela Fallon (Head Teacher)
Jonathan Charlton (Assistant Head)
Tim Barnes (Assistant Head)
Cath Brown & Magueritte Farmer (Joint Assistant Head)
Sharon Richards (Learning & Pastoral Manager)
Extended Leadership Team
Donna Nagy (Foundation Phase Leader)
Margueritte Farmer (Assistant Head & KS1 Phase Leader)
Cath Brown (Assistant Head & KS2 Phase Leader)
Administration Staff
Tracy Windross (School Office Manager)
Susan Burton (Admin Assistant)
Lorraine Mellor (Admin Assistant)
Wendy Gorring (Admin Assistant)
Amy Pearson (Admin Assistant)
Geoff Allen (Senior Caretaker)
Craig Hill (Caretaker)
Our Staff continued
Lower School Teachers
Carole Gibbs
Victoria Osborn
Donna Nagy
Solveig Rogers
Laura Woodford
Lucy Ward
Jill Glover
Deborah Phoenix
Margeuritte Farmer
Christi Hurn
Karen Field
Liz Liviabella
Lower School
Teaching Assistants
Cath Smith
Beth Calcott
Karen Ainslie
Tina Dawson
Debbie Gilbert
Liz Anstey
Kim McGukian
Nicola Adlington
Katie Freeman
Sharon Yeomans
Anne Carberry
Sarah Jones
Nicola Mayer
Upper School Teachers
Megan Hood
Helen Dreher
Cath Brown
Toni Broadbent
David Bristow
Demi Young
Jenny Day
Jodie Haynes
Jonathan Charlton
Deborah Campbell
Tor Pinfold
Lissi Kittendorf
Tim Barnes
Lesley Grey
Aileen Thomson
Suzi Bath
Upper School
Teaching Assistants
Lizzie Lissimore
Ali Ind
Tracy Brine
Kerry Payne
Kerri Morris
Ros Cooke
Lorraine Griffiths
Michelle Croston
Marie Gazey
Carol Crowder
Val Ward
Suzy Clayton
Stacey Clarke
Gary McCrossan
Midday Supervisors
Karen Ainslie, Elizabeth Anstey, Kam Bhamra,
Tracy Brine, Ann Harris, Sarah Jones,
Alma Stein, Erica Thomas, Nicola Tonks,
Karen Macdonald, Lilian Marley, Jo Wood,
Kim McGukian, Suzanne Murphy,
Kerri Neal, Beth Calcott, Nicola Mayer,
Alma Stein, Erica Thomas, Nicola Tonks,
Cleaning Staff
Aileen Farley
Karen Macdonald
Alexandra Mosey
Lorraine Peach
Julie Reeson
School Arrangements
The Canons’ has an age range from 4 – 11 year olds and admits 90
children in each year group from Reception to Year 6. This allows us to
organise children into three registration groups for each year.
The school is currently split between buildings which predominantly
cater for lower school being Reception to Year 2, and upper school
which caters for Year 3 to Year 6.
Lower School (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)
The doors to the classrooms are opened at 8.45 am when you are
welcome to bring your child into school. School starts at 8.55 am ready
for registration. Lunchtime is from 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm and the school
day ends at 3.00 pm.
Upper School (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6)
The school is open from 8.30 am when staff are available on the lower
playground. Children should not arrive before this time. Children make
their way into school between 08.40 and 08.45am. The playground gate
is locked soon after this time and subsequent arrivals will need to enter
via Main Upper School Reception. All children should be on site by
08.45am so that they are in their classrooms by the time registers are
taken at 08.50am. Lunchtime is from 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm and the
school day ends at 3.15 pm.
We believe that a uniform looks smart, wears well and contributes to a feeling of
belonging to the school, and our uniform consists of:
Purple V neck sweatshirt or cardigan with School logo in the colour of your child’s
house team.
Hanover = red
Stuart = blue
Reception, Year 1 and 2
White Polo Shirt
Dark grey skirt/trousers
Purple gingham dress (summer only)
The Canons sweatshirt or Cardigan
Tudor = green
Windsor = yellow
Year 3, 4, 5 & 6
White shirt/blouse with collar
Dark grey skirt/trousers
School tie
The Canons sweatshirt or Cardigan
White Polo Shirt (summer only)
Purple gingham dress (summer only)
Please note summer uniform may be worn for the term after Easter up until the
October half term. Thereafter the winter uniform MUST be worn, however children
may wear the winter uniform throughout the whole year. Parents can purchase all
the items that bear the school logo from Toye Kenning and Spencer, Bedworth.
Footwear – children should wear black shoes or black trainers to school. Shoes
should have sensible sized heels. White or coloured trainers are not permitted.
Footwear with Velcro fastening is preferred for children in the lower years.
All children should have a change of clothes for Physical Education. Indoors this
must consist of house colour T-shirt, with dark blue or black nylon short or navy/
black pleated games skirt. Children undertake indoor P.E. in bare feet.
When undertaking outdoor PE, kit may be supplemented with a jog suit or a track
suit during colder months. Children will need plimsolls or trainers for outdoor
To help keep everything together we ask that each child has a large drawstring bag
to keep their PE Kit in. The lower school children should also have a book bag for
their reading books and homework, and a spare set of clothes should also be
provided in their PE bag. The Upper school children should bring a school bag
(small back pack size) with all of their belongings, which will be kept in their school
locker throughout the day.
Whilst we prefer children not to wear jewellery of any kind in school, we are allowing
children to wear stud earrings on the understanding that parents are taking full
responsibility for any loss or injury. Children will need to remove or cover earrings
for P.E. to comply with health and safety and the onus is on the parent to provide a
means for this. Children may wear a watch if they wish, however again we cannot
be held responsible for any loss or damage occurring in school. We must also insist
that IWatches or watches that can text, message, ring or record images, are not
worn in school. Extremes of haircuts or hair colours are not acceptable in school.
Attendance & Lateness
Children should be at school, on time, every day the school is open,
unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
All children may sometimes be reluctant to attend school. Any problems
with regular attendance are best sorted out between the school, the
parents and the child. If a child is reluctant to attend, it is never better to
cover up their absence or to give in to pressure to excuse them from
attending. This gives the impression that attendance does not matter
and may make things worse. Permitting absence from school without a
good reason is an offence by the parent. The school has a legal duty to
promote attendance and is required to publish attendance figures.
We work closely with the Warwickshire Attendance, Compliance &
Enforcement Team (ACE) to regularly monitor attendance. Every halfday absence from school has to be classified by the school, (not by the
parents), as either AUTHORISED or UNAUTHORISED. Parent/Carers
of children with poor attendance are contacted and, where required,
action plans are drawn up between school and parents to encourage
100% attendance. Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons
away from school for a good reason like illness or other unavoidable
Number of Days Lost
Please remember it is better
to be late than not to be in
school at all. Lateness (ie
after the register is closed in
the classroom) is recorded.
Parents are informed of
persistent lateness by pupils.
If your child is absent please notify the school either in person or by
telephone on the day of absence to ensure it is authorised. Our answer
machine is available 24 hours a day. You simply need to leave your
child name, class and the reason for their absence. Unauthorised
absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and
for which no ‘leave’ has been given. This includes:
Children being kept off school unnecessarily, eg. shopping trips.
Truancy before or during the school day.
Absences which have never been properly explained.
Children who arrive at school too late to get a mark.
Holidays in term time.
If no written or telephone message has been received from the
child’s family to explain absence or late arrival a member of the
school’s office staff will endeavour to contact the child’s parents to
ascertain the reason for absence. This is normally done by 10.00am
to ensure any possible truancy is picked up.
Head Teachers are not permitted to authorise absence for holidays
taken during term time. They are permitted to grant leave only in
exceptional circumstances. If you think you have exceptional
circumstances please talk to us without delay and before arrangements
are entered into or money committed. If exceptional circumstances are
accepted the Head Teacher will determine how much absence will be
Please ask at reception for the official form to complete.
The school’s curriculum is broad and balanced, encompassing
everything which we feel is necessary for the academic, physical,
spiritual, social, moral, and creative development of your child.
Foundation Stage children (Reception children)
Children in Reception classes work to the Foundation Stage Curriculum
which is organised into seven areas of learning:
Communication and Language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
The Early Learning Goals and Foundation Curriculum lay secure
foundations for future learning.
Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds) and Key Stage 2 (7-11 year olds)
A major part of the curriculum for these Key Stages is the National
curriculum. This consists of ten subjects which all children must study
from the start of Year 1.
Technology (ICT)
Physical Education
Modern Foreign
Design and Technology,
Art and design
Language (French - Key Stage 2)
Personal, Health and Social Education (PHSE) also has a regular place
on our timetable.
Curriculum … continued
The National Curriculum is just one aspect of our wider curriculum.
Literacy and Maths are taught discretely although we also build in
opportunities to teach these subjects through other curriculum areas
and apply their skills. We endeavour to create exciting curricular
opportunities enhanced by visitors to school and school trips. Reviews
of each year group’s curriculum plan is shared on our website*
Religious Education is a core subject in our school and the focus on
Christian Values which pervade all aspects of our curriculum.
The Governors of the school have decided that it is appropriate to
provide Sex and Relationship Education for pupils at various points
during their years at The Canons C.E. Primary School. This generally
commences as part of the science curriculum in Key stage 1, and is
sensitively handled accounting for the children’s age and knowledge.
Parents are informed when this is about to take place, given opportunity
to discuss the content of the programme and informed of their legal
right to withdraw children from these lessons should they wish to do so.
There is a written policy for this subject and parents/carers are entitled
to view this and any other written school policy on request. Many key
policies can also be viewed on the school website.
Collective Worship
As a Church of England Aided School our religious
syllabus is geared heavily towards Christianity and
its teaching. Therefore, the Bible is central to the
We hope that children will learn an understanding
of the Christian way of life and develop qualities of
honesty, courage and caring etc. Particular
emphasis is placed on the Christian Festivals and composition of, and
the background to, the Bible. All children in the School will be involved in
R.E. study which brings them in contact with other major world faiths.
As a Church of England Aided School we would hope that all parents
who send their children to the school would wish the children to be
involved in religious teaching.
We lay great stress on a daily assembly and a collective act of worship.
Our acts of worship are firmly rooted in the Anglican Christian tradition,
but acknowledge the diverse and multi-cultural world that we live in.
All teaching staff are encouraged to lead assemblies/collective worship
and there is regular input from the clergy and other members of the
parish church with whom we seek to maintain strong active links, and
occasionally from members of other local churches/charities etc. On
occasions parents are offered the opportunity to attend these
Children also have opportunities to plan and lead acts of worship. On
several occasions during the school year children attend All Saints
Church for an act of worship.
Home/School Links
Parents/teachers meetings are held termly to discuss progress, and an
annual report is sent to parents in the Summer Term.. Please remember
that the School encourages parents to come in and talk to staff
whenever there is concern. Please get in touch to arrange a meeting
with your child’s class teacher in the first instance, this can always be
passed on to the year leader or the phase leader if necessary.
Our aim is to provide every child with appropriate opportunities to learn
within a safe, secure and happy environment. The emphasis is always
on working in partnership. This includes the partnership between
teachers, support staff, governors, parents, children and other relevant
agencies. We have a Home/School agreement document which aims
clearly to state the complementary responsibilities of parents, children
and school and ask all involved to sign this document..
At the end of each week the school sends home a newsletter outlining
important information for parents and giving information about next
week’s activities. A copy of this is always published on the website*.
We also use ParentMail which is a text messaging service that enables
us to send you messages or inform you of any last minute changes.
In the upper school each child has their own home/school diary. Please
ask to see the diary every weekend and sign to acknowledge receipt of
the newsletter. Parents and teachers often send notes to one another in
the home/school diary. The diary is provided free of charge from PTA
funds. If a child loses their original diary a new one can be purchased
for £1.50.
Special Educational Needs
We are an inclusive school and are committed to meeting the needs of all
pupils including those with special educational needs (SEN). There is a
shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs will be
provided with every opportunity to make the best possible progress in school.
Parents of children identified as having SEN are invited to a termly review
meeting with their child’s teacher (this is in addition to termly parents
consultation meetings). At this meeting progress and/or concerns are shared
and targets are set for the term.
A range of support/resources will be deployed to meet the individual needs of
our pupils with SEN. Any concerns about progress and/or involvement of
other agencies will always be discussed with parents/carers in the first
instance. Likewise we encourage parents to raise any concerns about their
child’s progress with their class teacher.
Mrs Richards is the Learning and Pastoral Manager, she is responsible for coordinating the provision for those children identified as having SEN. Please
speak to her if you have any concerns/questions relating specifically to SEN.
The governor with responsibility for SEN is Mr Geoff Allen.
Equal Opportunities
We are committed to providing the best possible education for all
children. We believe every child is of equal importance, has something
of value to contribute and that every member of our school community
will benefit by working in an environment which accords equal value and
respect for all.
All children have the opportunity to take part in the full range of
experiences provided by the school and to develop their potential in a
supportive, caring atmosphere, in which they can feel confident and
comfortable. We provide a broad, balanced curriculum, that caters for
the needs of the individual child in a happy stimulating environment, and
which challenges discrimination on the grounds of age, ability, race,
ethnic background, gender, sexuality, class, income, disability, religious
belief or creed.
Our behaviour policy is followed throughout the school. It is based on
rules that are appropriate for our children and they ensure everyone is
safe within school.
We encourage good behaviour through praise and reward, praising the
achievements of children whilst at the same time having a system of
support and sanctions for those who find it more difficult to behave in an
acceptable way. Children are encouraged to celebrate achievement
whether in school or at home, and we congratulate them in class and at
We have 2 golden rules:
Respect for people
Respect for property
School House Teams
The School has adopted a competitive house system based on royal house
names. The houses are:
During the year, several Inter House sporting events and other competitions
are organised. The School competes with other schools in the area in a wide
range of sports.
Parents are encouraged to support their child, if selected for a team. The
basis of School sport is friendly competition that encourages playing fairly
and to the rules of a game.
Children also collect house points through hard work or good behaviour in
Illness in School
If your child is unwell at home, please consider whether they are well
enough to be in school. If they have had sickness/diarrhoea we ask that
you keep them off for 48 hours until they are fully recovered.
We have staff qualified to look after minor bumps and
bruises. If your child receives a head bump, they will
wear a fluorescent first aid wrist band which you will be
able to see when they return home, however, we will
always try to contact you if we are concerned,
especially if they have a head bump. First aid slips are
sent home with every child who has received first aid in
Medication in School
Our policy relating to children requiring medication can
be found on our website and gives detailed
information relating to children requiring long term
If you child requires short term medication in school
please note that we are only able to administer
medication if it is prescribed and required 4 times a day or more. You
must complete a specific medication form which gives us permission to
administer medication, otherwise we will be unable to provide this
medication for your child.
All medicines must be handed into the school office and children should
not keep their medication in their bags or on their person. Children in
the upper school may self medicate, however the medication forms are
still required to be completed, and the medication still needs to be
handed into the school office.
Emergency Contact
On starting school you will be asked to supply us with emergency
contact numbers. These are rarely used but are vital should there be an
accident which requires us to contact you –for example a child may
need hospital treatment. Please make sure these numbers are kept upto-date.
Before & After School Facilities
We hold a variety of after school clubs to help with
the children’s education, ie Mathletics, Spellodrome,
Sports, Music etc. These clubs change regularly and
we would advise you to visit our website* to keep up
to date with the clubs we are currently offering. We
always endeavour to find new interests for the children to participate in
and would welcome suggestions from anyone who would be able to run
additional clubs.
We have a before and afterschool homework and
breakfast club which is also free of charge. Details of
this will be distributed at the beginning of the terms.
Wrap-around Care
We are fortunate enough to have an activity based before/afterschool
paid facility called SKAMPS. Here the children can play and have fun
and you know they are being looked after until the time you are able to
collect them. This facility runs from 7.45 am until the start of the school
day, and from home time until 6.30 pm. This facility charges per hour..
If you would like further information, or would like to book a place, please
contact them directly on 07979 522342.
Food in School
We promote healthy eating in school and hope that our parents will
support this.
All children in the lower school (years Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are
entitled to a free school hot dinner at no cost to the parent. Although
parents do not have to complete an application form for this service, we
would still urge parents who are eligible for pupil premium funding for
their child, to make a claim. Our school office staff are very happy to
help you with this claim. Please see the section marked ‘Pupil Premium
Incentives’ for more information.
For children in the upper school (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) are
currently required to pay for their hot school dinner. Our school meals
are cooked on the site and represent good value, both nutritionally and
cost wise. Cooked school meals currently cost £2.10 per day, however
you may be eligible to receive Free School Meals for your child. For
more information on the criteria please come into the school office, call:
01926 742060 or visit the following website:
Alternatively children in all school years can eat a packed
lunch; these are normally consumed in the hall. As all
schools are legally required to be proactive in
encouraging healthy eating and lifestyle, parents are
requested to support this by carefully choosing what they
pack in their children’s lunchboxes. Sweets, fizzy drinks, grapes and
chocolate bars are not permitted in school. We also do not allow cans,
bottles or thermos flasks and would suggest a disposable carton.
At break time the upper school has a tuck shop that sells nutritional
inexpensive snacks eg, cheese toasties, fruit and orange juice. Children
may bring in money to purchase tuck rather than eat items from their
lunch provision. Children should bring their dinner money into school on
a Monday to pay for the whole week ahead. Their money needs to be in
an envelope with their name, class, amount of money and the words
Dinner Money. We are happy to provide the envelopes if you need
some - please ask at the school office.
Payment of Dinner Money
You are able to pay for school dinners by cash or cheque
(presented at school), or by electronically online using our
ParentMail system. If paying by cash or cheque you will
now need to ensure that children only bring their dinner
money into school on a Monday to pay for the whole week
ahead. Their money needs to be in an envelope with their name, class,
amount of money and the words Dinner Money. We are happy to
provide the envelopes if you need some - please ask at the school
If you are paying online you may top up your account at
any time. The minimum payment is £10 however you
may pay as much as you wish. You will need an activation
code from Reception in order to set up your
account. Those paying online who have more than one
child in school MUST make the payment against each child
and not the whole payment made to just one child’s account.
Any payments which are in arrears by 6 days or more may
result in you having to bring a packed lunch for your child,
until the debt is paid in full.
Parent/Teacher Association
We have an excellent Parent Teacher Association that has been running
since 1973.
We now call this the ‘Friends of The Canons’. All who join the committee
make a valued contribution to the life of the school.
The ‘Friends’ organise activities/events such as, Summer Fayres, Christmas
Fayres, raffles, bingo nights, quiz nights, and much much more. All events
are organised in order to help raise funds for more resources which enhance
the children’s learning. Your support is therefore much appreciated.
New volunteers are especially welcome. If you are interested in becoming
part of our PTA, please pass your details onto our school office. It is also
worth looking out for information about events/meetings in our regular weekly
newsletters and on our website.
Pupil Premium Incentives
Every school receives funding for those children who are classed as
pupil premium*, this means that if your child is adopted, Looked after by
the Local Authority (LAC), or eligible for free school meals, even if your
child doesn’t want to eat school dinners, then the school will benefit
from that claim. The government takes this information from us in
January and we therefore urging all of you to make your claims as soon
as possible. Incentives offered for those children who are eligible for
pupil premium receive the following:
Free school dinners and free school milk
£25 School uniform voucher
Financial help towards school trips
A free place on our homework based breakfast and afterschool
It is very simple, all you have to do is claim online at this address:
Or WE CAN DO IT FOR YOU. All you have to do is bring in the
information required, and a member of staff in the school office will
happily complete the application for you, however this must be done
before January each year.
For us to complete an application you will need to provide us with:
Your own name and date of birth, Contact details, National Insurance
Number or National Asylum Seekers Number, Child’s name and date of
birth. If you are making an application on behalf of someone else you
will need to provide their details rather than your own.
Our pupil premium co-ordinator in school is Mrs Richards. Our pupil
premium governor is Mr Basra.
Details of how the pupil premium grant has been spent, and information
about its impact can be found on the school website.
Child Protection
Under the Education Act 2002 (Section 175 for maintained
schools/Section 157 for academies/free/independent schools),
schools must make arrangements to safeguard and promote the
welfare of children. Parents/carers should know that the law (Children
Act 1989) requires all school staff to pass on information which gives
rise to a concern about a child’s welfare, including risk from neglect,
physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Staff will seek, in general, to
discuss any concerns with the parent/carer and, where possible, seek
their consent to make a referral to Children’s Social Care if that is
considered necessary.
This will only be done where such
discussion will not place the child at increased risk of significant
harm or cause undue delay. The school will seek advice from
Children’s Social Care when they have reasonable cause to suspect a
child may be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Occasionally,
concerns are passed on which are later found to be unfounded.
Parents/carers will appreciate that the school’s Designated
Safeguarding Lead carries out their responsibilities in accordance with
the law and acts in the best interests of all children.
* The word ‘school’ is used throughout. This includes all schools whether maintained, nonmaintained or independent schools, including academies and free schools, alternative providers of
education, further education colleges and sixth-form colleges; and relates to children under the age
of 18 years.
Contact Details
The Canons CE Primary School is located just outside Bedworth Town
Centre. Easily found from the M6 motorway, and A444. Bedworth train
station is close by, and many buses stop in the town centre. We are a 5
minute walk from Bedworth town centre. Don't hesitate to call us if you
require instructions.
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall, Warwick CV34 4RL