reading cinemas sunbury
reading cinemas sunbury
ELIZABETH DRIVE, SUNBURY 3429 31st July, 2014 PHONE 9740 8666 No 23 Dear Parents, Staff and Children Bookfair Sincere thanks to Amanda Chatman for her coordination of this year’s Bookfair. The display was magnificent and appreciated by our families. We sold $2,000 worth of books and will receive $500 worth of books for our school library. Huge thanks also to Sandy Brydson, Julie Mills and Joyce Turley for their time and assistance in running the Bookfair. Winners of the ‘Guess How Many Worms’ competition were: 1 Grace Vandenham 2 Stella Vaughan 3 Michael West Buildings and Grounds As mentioned in our last newsletter, Mark Chatman has been coordinating the replacement of the playground edging with the assistance of Ben Payton and Sharon Moore. These works were completed last weekend with the additional “hands on” help of Paul Spencer and Dan Bradbury. The end result is fantastic and we sincerely appreciate the hard work, effort and time that has been devoted to the completion of this project. We are very fortunate to have wonderful parents willing to help with our improvement initiatives. Whooping Cough We ask that parents continue to be vigilant in monitoring any coughs and colds that children may have. Whooping Cough begins with ‘cold like’ symptoms, with the cough presenting afterwards. Please seek medical advice if you are unsure so that your children can receive the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Enrolments 2015 Enrolments for the Year 2015 are now being taken. If you know of any potential enrolments, please ask families to contact the school as soon as possible. Camps Program On Monday, we sent home a letter to all families outlining the Camps Program from 2015 onwards. Camps will be offered to children in Grades 3 /4 and 5 /6 every alternate year. Please contact the school if you have any queries regarding the new camps schedule. Parent Opinion Surveys The data we collect from Parent / Staff and Student Opinion Surveys plays a very important role in the development and implementation of our School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plans. If your family received a parent opinion survey last week, could you please return it to the office tomorrow. Inga Wilson Assistant Principal TIMELINE Term 3 July / August 4th August 31st July 11th August Grade 5/6 Sovereign Hill Excursion Western Water 5/6 August 11th August Responsible Pet Ed Incursion - Preps Father’s Day Stall Dates to Remember 31st July Western Water 5/6 - No cost 11th August Prep Incursion - Responsible Pet Ed No cost 4th September Father’s Day Stall 11th September Grade 5/6 Sovereign Hill Excursion Thank you to next weeks volunteers: More volunteers are needed and would be greatly appreciated. August 10.00-12.00 12.00-2.00 Mon 4th CLOSED MONDAYS Tues 5th Second Hand Uniforms are available at any time in the Community Room (Cornish Street Building). Uniforms are available for a gold coin donation, this is an honesty system please leave the money at the office. “SAVE THE DATE “ Sunday 16th November 2014 - Shopping Tour More information to come soon. Wed 6th Thurs 7th T. Vandenham Fri 8th G. O’Donovan MEDICATION POLICY If a child needs to be given medication at school, parents must supply: A signed note stating • child’s name • name of medication Education Maintenance Allowance Instalment Two Have you recently received a Health Care Card? If you have you may be eligible to apply for the second installment of EMA. Please see the office for a form. Parents/guardians whose children have transferred to this school since 28 February 2014 will need to submit a new EMA application form. If you applied at the beginning of the year you do not need to submit a new form. Applications close on 1st August 2014 Eligibility information can be obtained from: ema/default.htm Contact: School Office for application form and further information Key Dates: Eligibility day - 14 July 2014 • dosage and when it needs to be administered • time frame medication is to be taken Medication Permission Notes are available from the office or the sick bay. If however you are unable to obtain a Medication Permission Note on the first day your child’s medication is brought to school, then written authorisation from parents will suffice. However, a school permission note will be sent home that day and will need to be completed for the continued administration of the medication. Please note that staff are unable to administer any form of medication unless written authorisation is received. THANK YOU SO MUCH! The students and staff would like to thank all of the parents who came to help out Cancer Council Relay For Life Come out and enjoy an evening at the cinemas and at the same time help out a wonderful cause. Join the members of the KHE SANH team in seeing: on our ‘Market Fresh’ visit. We really appreciate you giving up your time and the effort that you put in. You certainly helped to make the day a great success and a wonderful learning opportunity The Hundred Foot Journey starring Helen Mirren When: Thursday 14th August Time: 6.30pm or 8.45pm (2 sessions) with supper provided in between sessions. Where: Reading Cinemas, Sunbury Tickets: $20 each for all of us. Contact Kristy for more information or to RSVP by 11/08/14 on 0409 808 466 or [email protected] I can’t catch my breath. It’s hard to breathe. Sometimes it may feel like someone is squeezing my chest really tightly. * Kids Eat Free from 5pm-7pm * * Wednesday Oyster Night * I may cough a lot. Sometimes more at night or after sport. My throat may feel itchy. I use my puffer with a Spacer. It helps to get more medicine into my lungs. What’s on this month? My breathing may sound funny, it may be a bit noisy (wheezing) or it may sound like a whistle. * $14 Lunch Specials * * $7 Coffee & Cake All Day * *$15 Pasta Night Thursdays * Winter Takeaway Special Order 2 pastas off our Pasta Menu and we’ll throw in a garlic bread and a pudding FREE! Thank you to Soltan Pepper for supporting Sunbury West Primary School My Blue puffer. This is also called a reliever. The medicine in my reliever quickly makes it easier for me to breathe. Please ensure that if your child suffers from Asthma that the school has a current Asthma Action/Care Plan STUDENT OF THE WEEK TERM 3 - 2014 - Monday 28th July PREP Megan The whole Vangrade Berlo For their excellent Congratulations onstart yourto100 thedays term.of school. SH 1/2 A Anita Zambetta Lara Parkinson Claudia Rogulic For always their fantastic trying hard start to complete Term 3. Keep theiritwork. up! Zoe Gardner Aiden Kellett 1/2 L Riley Doyle Trinity Watts For being the consistent so considerate effort he andis caring. putting into his work. 1/2 M Harvey Zoe Pearce Meacham JustinLangmaid Will McConnell Jack Azzopardi For the improvement pride she shows in his in her maths. work. For using the enthusiastic great maths presentation strategies and of his persistence space project. to work out challenging maths problems. 3/4 B 3/4 B Jaxon Dowal Amy Quick Mitchell Spencer For being fabulous classroom helpers. For their fabulous Commonwealth Games research. 3/4C 3/4C Ava Bedford-Carey Stasia Bradbury For always putting in an exceptional effort. For a consistent effort all week. 3/4P 3/4P 3/4 T 3/4 T Mithil Chawla Logan Weiler Justin Sheppard Aaiden Vaiese For his great start to Term 3 and for his great work in Maths. For being a fantastic role model to her peers in our numeracy sessions. For always doing their best and working hard. For their terrific approach to work. 5/6 D 5/6 D Jayden Watts Bella Nightingale Jordan Giellin For their focus on their own learning. Welcome to Sunbury West Primary School. 5/6L 5/6L Hope O’Brien Connor Lloyd Tamika Carr Jay LakerBerry Michael For a fantastic focused start to the term. Fantastic effort! For a great start to learning in Term 3 and a consistent and focused approach. For a great start to Term 3, and for his great work with fractions. For their mature and sensible approach to all tasks and for their lovely manners. 5/6N 5/6N ART ART MUSIC MUSIC P.E. P.E. Nikolaj Maksimovic Abby Chatman 3/4’s Preps All Grades 5/6L For excellent Music Works. For their excellent dancing and singing. For being willing to adapt to new ideas and activities. For demonstrating a responsible attitude. ABSENCE AND ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is important as it helps school progress, social adjustment and the development of dependability. However, home is the place for a sick child. A sick child cannot work well and may pass his/her illness onto other children and staff. Children returning after an absence must bring a written note. If it is known that a child will be absent for a long period, parents are requested to discuss this with the grade teacher and the Principal or Assistant Principal. PRIMARY SCHOOL WEAR UNIFORM SHOP Will now operate from PSW Sunbury Shop 6/106—120 Gap Rd Aldi Centre Trading Hours Mon—Wed 10am—4pm Sat. 9am—12pm