Quality Improvement System


Quality Improvement System
Quality Improvement System
With the launch of our new Quality Improvement System, the Office of Early Childhood is now offering
the FREE CPR, First Aid Certification and Medication Administration training courses
that were negotiated as part of the CSEA/SEIU child care union contract.
All home-based Care 4 Kids providers are eligible to take these classes including:
• Licensed Family Childcare providers
• Unlicensed Family, Friend, and Neighbor providers
These training classes are very important for you because new regulations may soon require that you have a record
of current training in First Aid and CPR in order to remain a Care 4 Kids provider. Also, Medication Administration
is critical because many parents and family members will need to rely on you to give medication and provide safe
care to children with special medical needs.
Don’t miss the opportunity to get FREE classes to meet new requirements likely to be in place by October 2016!
Courses will be offered across the state.
REGISTER NOW – It’s easy!
Go to http://qispublic.211ct.org
For more information, call 211 Child Care by dialing 2-1-1
or 1-800-505-1000
Our goal is to offer more services to more settings,
so stay tuned for many more supports for you and your programs!
Connecticut’s Office of Early Childhood directs the policies of the Quality Improvement System.