Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use
Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use
NanoMatters BuildingBlocksforaPrecautionaryApproach PieterJ.C.vanBoekhuizen Cover design: Nano Matters Pauline van Broekhuizen‐Stutje, Amsterdam (2012) Oil paint on medium‐density fibreboard Photography oil painting: Anton Staartjes NanoMatters BuildingBlocksforaPrecautionaryApproach ACADEMISCHPROEFSCHRIFT terverkrijgingvandegraadvandoctor aandeUniversiteitvanAmsterdam opgezagvandeRectorMagnificus prof.dr.D.C.vandenBoom tenoverstaanvaneendoorhetcollegevoorpromotiesingesteldecommissie, inhetopenbaarteverdedigenindeAuladerUniversiteit opvrijdag21December2012,te15:00uur door JacquesCornelisvanBroekhuizen geborenteAmsterdam Promotor: Prof.Dr.L.Reijnders Overigeleden: Prof.Dr.W.E.Bijker Prof.Dr.F.J.H.vanDijk Prof.Dr.W.R.F.Notten Prof.Dr.W.P.deVoogt FaculteitderNatuurwetenschappen,WiskundeenInformatica The work in this thesis was performed at IVAM UvA BV – Research and Consultancy on Sustainability,PlantageMuidergracht24,1018TVAmsterdam. ThestudywasfacilitatedbyageneralgrantfromtheUvAHoldingBV.Partsofthestudy elaborate on other projects such as the capacity building project NanoCap that was granted by the European FP6, Science and Society Program, grant no. SASͲCTͲ2006– 036754ͲNanoCap, the study within the context of the European Social Dialogue in the Construction Industry as granted by the European Commission, Directorate General Employment by the grant agreement no. VS/2008/0500–SI2.512656, a study granted by Stichting Arbouw to perform exposure measurements in the construction industry, the pilotprojects‘NanoReferenceValues’and‘Guidanceforsafeworkingwithnanomaterials’, ascommissionedbytheDutchsocialpartnersFNV,CNVandVNO/NCWwithagrantfrom the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and by many discussions within the frame of the WorkingConditionsCommitteeoftheDutchSocialEconomicCouncil. Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Introduction and questions raised 1.2. A definition for nanomaterials 1.3. Adverse effects of nanomaterials 1.4. The precautionary principle 1.5. Background concentrations and process‐generated nanoparticles 1.6. Exposure limits for nanomaterials 7 9 13 16 22 26 30 2. Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use of Nanomaterials: Positions Taken by Trade Unions and Environmental NGOs in the European Nanotechnologies Debate. Pieter van Broekhuizen, Lucas Reijnders 45 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 59 Use of nanomaterials in the European construction industry and some occupational health aspects thereof. Pieter van Broekhuizen, Fleur van Broekhuizen, Ralf Cornelissen, Lucas Reijnders Use of nanomaterials in the furniture industry The paint value chain and nanomaterials 4. Workplace exposure to nanoparticles and the application of provisional nanoreference values in times of uncertain risks. Pieter van Broekhuizen, Fleur van Broekhuizen, Ralf Cornelissen, Lucas Reijnders 5. Exposure Limit Values for Nanomaterials – Capacity and Willingness of Users to Apply a Precautionary Approach. Pieter van Broekhuizen, Baerbel Dorbeck‐Jung 77 78 81 109 6. Comparison of control banding tools to support safe working with nanomaterials 129 and the role of process‐generated nanoparticles Pieter van Broekhuizen, Hildo Krop, Lucas Reijnders 7. Exposure Limits for Nanoparticles: Report of an International Workshop on Nano Reference Values. Pieter van Broekhuizen, Wim van Veelen, Willem‐Henk Streekstra, Paul Schulte, Lucas Reijnders 153 8. Conclusions Summary Samenvatting Epiloog 165 175 183 193 Chapter1 Introduction 7 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1 Introductionandquestionsraised S ince the late nineties of last century the emergence of nanotechnologies1has been thesubjectofpublicdebate(‘nanodebate’).Nanotechnologiesapplymaterialsatthe nanoscale, though it may be noted that the range of the nanoscale, which was formallyrecommendedforlegislativepurposesbytheEuropeanCommissionasmaterials with a diameter of 1Ͳ100nm, is not precisely defined in terms of risk as will be further discussedinsection1.2.Thestakeholdergroupsthatcommittedthemselvestotakepartin the nanodebate are quite divergent being NGOs (e.g. EEB ndͲb, FoE 2007), consumer organizations (e.g. BEUC), insurance companies (Münchener Rück 2002; Swiss Re 2004; Allianz nd), religious organizations (Toumey 2012), educational organizations and musea (Nanototouchnd),tradeunions,andmanyothers. Contributionstothepublicdebatehaverangedfromhighexpectationsandambitiousroad maps (e.g. Roco & Bainbridge 2001; Royal Society 2004, KNAW 2004, Roco 2007), to dire warnings(ETC2003,FoE2007).Themattersraisedhaveincludeditspromisestosolveso farnotͲeasilysolvableproblemsasfindingnewenergyresourcesandreductionofenergy use(e.g.Cientifica2007,Lewis2007),cleanwatersupply(e.g.Hillieetal2006,Grimshaw 2009), cleaner food production (e.g. Joseph et al 2006), medicines with targeted drug delivery(e.g.Park2007),newcancertreatments(e.g.Maynard2010),smartselfͲrepairing coatings (e.g. Shchukin et al 2007), substitution of toxic substances in products (e.g. Ellenbecker et al 2011) and many others. Other topics in the nanodebate relate to the social and ethical issues of introducing nanotechnologies in society (e.g. Sandler 2009, Gammel 2009) and matters of hazard (potential to harm) and risk (chance that harm will occur). The importance of the latter matters is linked to findings that a specified mass of nanomaterialsmaybemorehazardousthanthesamemassoflargersizedmaterials.Thisis discussed in more detail in section 1.3. The differences in properties between nanosized andlargersizedmaterialsmayrequireincludingfactorslikesize,form,zetaͲpotentialand other parameters in hazard assessment (SCENHIR 2009, Shvedova et al 2010). The properties of nanomaterials may require using new metrics for exposure assessment departing the conventional massͲbased approach (Oberdörster et al 2005), which is an important issue for risk assessment and standard setting (see also section 1.6). With the growingattentiontotheoccupationalhealthrisksofmanufacturednanomaterials(MNMs) interest is also emerging in nanoparticles that are generated in processes (processͲ generatednanoparticles–PGNP),whichmaybesimilarlyharmful.Thisisbrieflydiscussed insection1.5andinlaterchapters. Special attention in the nanodebate regards the matter of risk governance. One relevantmatterinthisrespectisthequestionwhetherexistinglegislationcoversthesafe useofnanomaterials.Initialstudiestoidentifypossiblegapsinexistinglegislationregarding 1 Thewordnanotechnologiesisusedinthepluralformastoexpressitsnatureasenabling technology.Nanomaterialsandtechnologiesthatstudyandoperateatthenanoscaleareusedin othertechnologies,likee.g.biotechnology,genomics,coatingtechnology.Assuch nanotechnologydoesnotexistasindependentdiscipline,butisgenerallycharacterizedasa convergingtechnology. 9 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ control of potential hazards of nanomaterials resulted in early European and national governmental statements that existing legislation, in principle, covers the new risks of nanomaterialsaswell,andonlyslightadaptationsshouldhavetobemadetoaddressthe nanoscale(EC2008;NL2008).Morerecentstudiesshowthatsometimesmorefundamental changes in legislation should be considered (VogelezangͲStoute et al 2010); other studies are still ongoing (DG Empl 2012). The legislation regarding the cosmetics directive has alͲ ready been “nanonized” under the pressure of consumer organizations and after agreeͲ ment in the European Parliament (EC 2009). Initiatives to include nanomaterials in the REACH regulation are ongoing; adaptations have been made in accompanying guidance documentsaddressingananoͲspecificapproachforidentification,informationrequirement andriskassessmentofnanomaterials,(ECHA2012). Giventhepresenttrendtoderegulation,theambitionofgovernmentstodevelop new legislation is limited and preference is given to selfͲregulating of social partners and softinstruments.Thelatteremphasizetheresponsibilityofindustrytotakecareforasafe and acceptable nanotechnological development and advocate a deliberative approach to give a critical voice to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) (Renn et al 2006, Widmer et al 2010).InanefforttoframearesponsibledevelopmentofnanotechnologiestheEuropean Commission launched a voluntary Code of Conduct (CoC) for nanotechnological R&D and emphasized the need to invoke the precautionary principle when indications of hazard, uncertainties and ambiguities are at stake (EC CoC 2008, NanoCode 2012). Industry respondedtothiswiththeirownCoCsorsimilarapproaches,whichiselaboratedfurtherin section1.4. More in general, in the debate of risk governance the operationalization of the precautionaryprinciple (PP)hasbecomeimportant.Allrelevantactorshavinginterestsin nanomaterials on the European market, being industry, governments and CSOs, tend to agree on invoking the PP when ambiguity and uncertainty is at stake. It is however questionable whether they mean the same when they operationalize the PP. Indicative thereofistheemergenceoftheconcept“precautionaryapproach”,astowhichtheuseof theword‘approach’maybesuggestalooseinterpretationofthePP(Rip2006). Other matters that are important in the nanodebate are the balancing of the uncertainties regarding (health) risks and (economic) benefits, and the problem of trust. Manyofthestakeholdershaveonlyalimitedtrustinthedownstreaminformationsupply (Brunetal2012).Problematicin this respectisthelackoftransparencyinthe marketof nanomaterialsandtheconfidentialityofproductcompositions.Downstreamusersarekept ignorant to a large extent about the composition of nanoͲenabled products and are generallynotinformedaboutapossiblereleaseofnanomaterialsduringtheintendeduse oftheirproducts(seechapter5).Thismatterwillbetakenupinchapter3. This thesis will partly deal with the emerging position of European trade unions and environmentalorganizationsinthenanodebateabouthazardandrisk.Alargerpartofthis thesis will more specifically deal with hazard and risk linked to nanomaterials at the workplace. The latter part of the thesis is to be viewed against the background of major developments in workplace risk governance. These include REACH and ‘deregulation’ and thewaytotranslatetheprecautionaryprincipleintoaprecautionaryapproachthatallows developingmanufacturednanomaterials(MNMs)andapplyingthesesafelyinproducts. 10 Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________________ Thequestionsraisedinthisthesisregardthefollowingtopics. 1. TheroleofCSOsinthenanodialogue This thesis focuses on developing precautionary risk management strategies in situations whereuncertaintiesprevailandeconomicinterestsforceindustriestogofullspeedahead withnewmaterialsthatcanbemanufacturedatthenanosizeandstudieshowCSOsbuilt theircapacitytopositionthemselvesinthenanodebate.Section1.5shortlyintroducesthe dilemmas around making the precautionary principle operational. Chapter 2 goes into detailaboutthecapacitybuildingofCSOsandtheirinitiativetodevelop“buildingblocksfor aprecautionaryapproach”. Questionsraisedare: a) What is the role of CSOs in the dialogue on the responsible development of nanotechnologies? b) Fromtheirperspective,howcantheprecautionaryprinciplebemadeoperational? Aswillbeexplainedinsections1.3and1.6thereisempiricalevidenceforhazardsandrisks of nanomaterials but this evidence does only allow in a very limited number of cases to derivehealthbasedoccupationalexposurelimits(HBͲOELs).ThishastriggeredunconvenͲ tional approaches to safeguarding the workplace characterized by potential exposure to nanoparticles.OneoftheseapproachesessentiallysubstitutesHBͲOELsbynanoreference values(NRVs).Thisapproachisdiscussedinchapters3Ͳ6.Anotherapproachmakesuseof controlbanding.Thisapproachisdiscussedinchapter6. 2. Downstreamuseofnanomaterials Workersalongthefulllifecycleofnanomaterialsareinvolvedinhandlingandprocessing nanomaterials, but ignorance about the type of nanomaterials used in products, their potentialreleaseduringuse,aswellasthelimitedknowledgeaboutthehazardsofMNMs mayhindermakingafullriskassessmentandtodevelopanacceptableriskmanagement. These issues are elaborated in a pilot in the construction industry, which described in chapter3ofthisthesis.Thefollowingquestionswereraised: a) WhichnanoͲenabledproductsareusedintheEuropeanconstructionindustry? b) Are employers and employees aware of the nanoparticulate character of those productsandofitsimplicationsforoccupationalhealth? c) What are actual exposures to nanoparticles in a limited number of working environmentswhereworkersdealwithnanoproducts? d) How do these exposures compare with preliminary nano reference values for workplaceexposurebasedonaprecautionaryapproach? In an epilogue to this chapter (3.2 and 3.3) the discussion of the downstream use of nanomaterialsisextendedtothefurnitureindustryandthepaintvaluechain(includingcar repairandpaintingcontractors). 11 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Assessmentoftheusefulnessofprecautionarynanoreferencevalues ToassesstheprovisionaltoolofnumberͲbasednanoreferencevaluesastudywassetupto applythematworkplacesusingnanoparticlesinsettingsastheyoccurinpractice.Airborne nanoparticles’ concentrations were measured and compared with nano reference values. ThisapproachwascomparedwiththegenericapproachproposedbyPauluhn[2010]and with the massͲbased approach as proposed by the British Standard Institute (BSI 2007]. Theseissueswereelaboratedfurtherinchapter4.Thefollowingquestionswereraised: a) What is the actual exposure to NP during the use of nanomaterials in different occupationalsettings? b) IstheconceptofNRVsausefultoolforriskmanagementinindustrialsettings? c) HowdoestheNRVͲconceptcomparetotheoverloadͲbasedapproachasproposedby Pauluhn[2010]andthemassͲbasedapproachasproposedbyBSI[2007]? 4. Lessonslearnedfromthediscussionandexperiencewithnanoreferencevalues TheintroductionofanewprecautionͲbasedriskmanagementtoolliketheNRVmaynotgo without opposition. Therefore a study was set up involving companies using MNMs and regulators in the Netherlands with the aim to get insight into the acceptance of the NRV benchmarks,aswellasintotheuseoftheseNRVsasavoluntarytooltominimizeexposure attheworkplace.Questionsraisedwere: a) WhatcanbelearnedfromthediscussionaboutandexperiencewithNanoReference ValuesintheNetherlandstominimizeexposuretonanomaterialsattheworkplace effectively? b) Underwhichconditionsarecompaniesthatproduceandusenanomaterialsableand willingtoapplytheNRVs? c) IsthevoluntarynatureofNRVsacceptable? Chapter5seeksanswerstothequestionsraised,anddrawsconclusionsabouttheusability ofNRVsasriskmanagementtooltominimizeexposuretonanomaterialsattheworkplace and regarding the potential to apply the NRVs as an instrument that can be used on a voluntarybasis. 5. Comparisonofriskmanagementtoolstosupportsafeworkingwithnanomaterials Chapter 6 seeks to compare risk estimates and control measures that emerge from applying the laymenͲoriented guidance for working safely with nanomaterials and two nanoͲspecificControlBandingtoolswiththestrategytomeasureworkplaceconcentrations and refer these with nano reference values (NRV). The matter of processͲgenerated nanoparticlesandwhethertheseshouldbetakenintoaccountinriskmodelingisdiscussed. Questionsraisedare: a) DoMNMͲspecificCBtoolswhenappliedatthesameworkplacesleadtosimilarrisk estimates for control measures and how do these relate to measured concentrations?” b) Is it legitimate to ignore PGNPs in risk assessment and risk management when assessingMNMs?” 12 A Definition for Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ReflectionontheprecautionaryapproachusingNRVsinaninternationalcontext TheprecautionaryapproachofNRVswasreflectedataninternationalforumofsmallͲand mediumͲsizeenterprises(SMEs),largecompanies,tradeunions,governmentalauthorities, research institutions, and nonͲgovernmental organizations (NGOs) from many European countries, USA, India, and Brazil. The approaches towards risk management of nanomaterialswithinsufficienthazarddataandopinionsoftheparticipantsabouttheNRVͲ conceptarefurtherelaboratedinchapter7.Thefollowingquestionswerediscussed: a) AreprecautionͲbasedNRVsforMNMsusefulandacceptableasasubstituteforHBRͲ OELsandderivednoͲeffectlevels(DNELs)? b) ArethemetricsasusedintheNRVusefulformeasuringNPs? c) IsitadvisabletocombineexposureassessmentofMNMsandPGNPs d) Whatistheopinionaboutapplyingtheprecautionaryprincipleinriskassessment? e) How should a workplace deal with the lack of information regarding MNMs in products? f) Isitappropriatetousesoftregulationforexposurecontrol? 7. Generalconclusions Thestudyendswithdrawinggeneralconclusionsinchapter8. Thisintroductionfurtherhighlightsafewtopicsthatare(orshouldbe)inthefrontlineof thediscussiononthesafeuseofnanomaterialsinpractice.Thefirsthighlight(section1.2) concerns the definition of nanomaterials, which is object of an ongoing debate regarding the purpose of defining nanomaterials exactly, being for legislative purposes for the industry e.g. for registration of the materials they market, or for the purpose of risk identification. The second highlight (section 1.3) regards the potential adverse effects of nanomaterials,whatisknownandwhatshouldbeknowntobeabletomakeareliablerisk assessment. Section 1.4 reflects on the precautionary principle and the role this principle has in risk management. The fourth highlight (section 1.5) regards the background nanoparticles with a ‘natural’ origin and nanoparticles that might be formed at the workplacebyprocessesandequipmentused:theprocessͲgeneratednanoparticles.Sofar this anthropogenic source is largely outside the debate on nanotechnologies, but argumentsarebroughtforwardtoincludethissourceaswellinriskassessment.Section1.6 finally discusses the definition and scope of occupational exposure limits and derived noͲ effectlevelsinEuropeandprecautionaryapproachestostandardsetting. 1.2 Adefinitionfornanomaterials A nessentialelementtostructurethedebateonnanotechnologiesistodefinewhat wearetalkingaboutwhenreferringtonanoparticlesandnanomaterials.Overthe past decade there has been a considerable global effort to develop a suitable robustandcomprehensivedefinitionthatallowsthecharacterizationofnanomaterialsso astofacilitatescientificand,moreparticularly,regulatoryandlegislativediscussionsand agreement.ForregistrationofsubstancesundertheREACHlegislationaunivocaldefinition for nanomaterials is needed, especially to distinguish whether new materials that are 13 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ marketedshouldbeconsideredasnanomaterialsorshouldbeconsideredtofallunderthe definition of existing substances. Arguments were brought forward concerning sizeͲ and surfaceͲ oriented definitions regarding statistical limitations of particle number size distributions(Lidèn2011)andregardingthehazardsofnanomaterialsbeingnotlimitedto numberandsizeonly,butbeingaffectedaswellbydifferentotherfactorslikeporosityand chemistry (Maynard 2011). Maynard states that a ‘one size fits all’ definition of nanomaterials will fail to capture what is important for addressing risk. He warns for sciencetobepushedasidewhenpolicyͲmakerswouldrestricthealthpolicytolimited,but clearnanoͲregulations.Scenihr(2010)stressedthat“nanomaterial”isacategorizationofa materialbythesizeofitsconstituentpartsanddoesnotimplyaspecificrisk,nordoesit necessarily mean that this material actually has new hazard properties compared to its constituents. However, size will influence biodistribution (and distribution kinetics) in an organismorinanecosystem. TheJointResearchCentreoftheEuropeanUniongaveanoverviewofcurrentdefinitions andapproaches(Lövestametal2010)andconcluded thatfor pragmaticreasonsandfor thesakeofuniqueness,broadness,clarityandenforceability,itwasjustifiednottoinclude propertiesotherthansizeinabasicdefinition.Forspecificpurposesitmighthoweverbe relevanttoadaptthegeneraldefinitionbyincludingotherpropertiesaswell. The European Commission (EC) published its recommendation for a definition of nanomaterials in October 2011 (EC 2011) (box1). Its considerations are clarified in an accompanyingQuestionandAnswersdocument(EC2012).Areviewisforeseenby2014in thelightofexperienceandofscientificandtechnologicaldevelopmentswithaparticular focus on whether the number size distribution threshold of 50 % should be increased or decreased. Box1TheEuropeanCommission’sdefinitionofnanomaterials ‘Nanomaterial’means anatural,incidentalormanufacturedmaterialcontainingparticles,inan unboundstateorasanaggregateorasanagglomerateandwhere,for50%ormoreofthe particlesinthenumbersizedistribution,oneormoreexternaldimensionsisinthesizerange1 nmͲ100nm. Inspecificcasesandwherewarrantedbyconcernsfortheenvironment,health,safetyor competitivenessthenumbersizedistributionthresholdof50%maybereplacedbyathreshold between1and50%. Intheabsenceofbetterargumentsforotherthresholds,theCommissiondecidedtofollow themostcommonlyappliedapproach,i.e.asizerangebetween1and100nm. ThedefinitionoftheEuropeanCommissionisintendedforuseasreferenceforlegislative and policy purposes in the EU and does not define boundaries for occupational or environmentalrisks.TheECarguesthataspecifichazardsorrisksofthenanomaterialwill only become clear as a result of a risk assessment. Another reason for not referring to properties specific to nanomaterials is legal clarity. The specific properties of (different) nanomaterialsvaryanditisoftenunclearwhethersuchpropertiesrelatetothenanoͲsize, to the chemical nature of the material or a combination of both. Nevertheless the Commissionmakesanimplicitreferenceto potentialrisksbystatingthatit mayinsome 14 A Definition for Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ cases be necessary to include additional materials, such as some materials with a size smallerthan1nmorgreaterthan100nminthescopeofapplicationofspecificlegislation orlegislativeprovisionssuitedforananomaterial. Proposalsfora higher upperͲlimit inthe definitionof nanomaterials>100nmwere made byenvironmentalNGOs(EEBndͲa).TheEEBproposesarangeof0.3Ͳ300nmtoallowthe definition to capture as much material as possible about which there is already concern. An upperͲlimit of 300nm was also suggested by the German Advisory Council on the Environmentforprecautionaryreasons(SRU2011)andearlierbyScenhir(2009). SomescientistssuggestanupperͲlimitlowerthan100nmwhenthefocuswouldbe solelytoidentifynanoͲeffects.Auffanetal(2009)suggestedthatnanoparticleslargerthan about 30 nm do not in general show properties that would require regulatory scrutiny beyondthatrequiredfortheirbulkcounterparts.Auffanetal.(2009)alsosuggestedthat thereisacriticalsize,whichisstronglyrelatedtotheexponentialincreaseinthenumber of atoms localized at the surface as the size decreases and delineates a smaller set of nanoparticles,typicallywithdiameterslessthan20–30nmandshowingasizeͲdependent crystallinity.Choietal(2011)haveshownthattherearemajordifferencesintranslocation ofnanoparticlesfromthelungsintothebodyatnanoparticlesizeswellbelow100nm.Pan etal(2007)showedgoldnanoclusters(1.4nm)tobetoxictocellsowingtotheirspecific interaction with major grooves of DNA, whereas smaller or larger gold particles did not behaveinthisway. The EC definition regards ‘natural’, ‘incidental’ and ‘manufactured’ nanomaterials. The starting point is to consider primary particles including particles in agglomerates or aggregateswhenevertheconstituentparticlesareinthesizerange1nmͲ100nm.AsdeͲ fined by the EC, nanomaterials are not exclusively synthesized (manufactured or engiͲ neered) nanomaterials. The term nanomaterials also covers particles originating from natural processes and originating from heating and combustion processes (incidental nanoparticles), and assemblies of these with manufactured nanomaterials and nonͲ nanoparticulatepollutants.Inthepartofthisthesis,whichfocusesonworkplaceexposure the incidental nanoparticles are called processͲgenerated nanoparticles (PGNP). The EC notesthatnanoparticlesarepresentinlowquantitiesinmostsolidmaterialsandthatthe percentage may be significant in certain powders. Their choice for the 50% number size distributionmayrefertothisphenomenon,anditwillbesubjecttofurtherreview.RegardͲ ingpotentialrisksitmustbenotedthatathresholdforthenumbersizedistributionof50% innanomaterialsdoesnotguaranteethegeneratedairbornenanoparticles’concentration to remain within safe limits when using products that contain nanomaterials (Weir et al 2012).Nanoparticleshaveahighpotencytobecomeairborne,whichismainlydetermined by the handling procedures, also in batches with a concentration of <50%(p/p) (van Broekhuizen et al 2012). Additionally, the RIVM (Bleeker 2012)noted that it agrees with theCommission’sprinciplethatananomaterialshouldnotautomaticallybeconsideredas hazardous, but conversely, materials not covered by the definition should not automatiͲ callybeconsideredassafe.SuchmaterialsmayposeananoͲsizerelatedrisk,ifasubstanͲ tialnumberoftheparticlesisinthenanoͲsizerange,dependingonthedegreeofhuman andenvironmentalexposure. RegardingtheuseofnanomaterialsinproductstheECnotesthatifananomaterialisused 15 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ amongstotheringredientsinaformulationtheentireproductwillnotbecomeananomaͲ terial. With this explanation the EC proposes to strongly limit the use of the wording “nanoproduct”. In sum the recommendation of the European Commission for a definition of nanomaterials has an explicit legislative and policy orientation, and contains some eleͲ mentsregardingrisksofnanomaterials.Underthedefinitionthebackgroundand‘incidenͲ tal’nanomaterialshavetobetakenintoaccount.Risksinthepracticeofthedownstream user using nanomaterialͲenabled products have to be considered by specific risk assessments that take into account the release of MNMs during the handling of the productsandtheNMsthataregeneratedattheworkplacebytheequipmentandtheuse ofconventionalbulkmaterials. GiventheECdefinitionandexistinglegislationsuchastheChemicalAgentsDirective(CAD 1998)andinREACH(EC2006)themanufacturerandsupplierhavetoprovideinformation aboutthepotentialreleaseofMNMsandtheassociatedrisksduringintendeduse.ItreͲ mainsquestionablewhetherthemanufacturerortheOEM(originalequipmentmanufacͲ turer)hasaresponsibilityaswelltoinformthedownstreamandenduseraboutthepossiͲ blereleaseofPGNPsduringtheintendeduseofhisequipment. This thesis considers nanomaterials in accordance with the ECͲdefinition within the sizeͲ rangeof1Ͳ100nm.However,whenmeasurementsarecarriedout,thedetectionlimitsof the measuring equipment of 10Ͳ300nm are used, taking into account the likeliness that assembliesareformedattheworkplacethatmayhavealargerdiameterthat100nm. 1.3 AdverseeffectsofNanomaterials W hen released in the workplace or in the environment nanoparticles may be potentially dangerous. The lung, skin, gastrointestinal tract, nasal olfactory structures, and eyes are the major portals through which nanoparticles can enterthebodyasaresultofoccupationalorenvironmentalexposures(Bormetal2006). After exposure the nanoparticles could translocate into the blood and lymph circulating systemandtraveltodistantorgansincludingthecardiovascularsystemandbrain(Neletal 2006,Choietal2010).Ofprimaryconcerninoccupationalsettingsareinhalationandskin exposure.Sofarthehealthyskinhasshownlittlepenetration,yetthereareseveralstudies thatpointattheconditionoftheskin(barrierintegrity,anatomicstructure,skindiseases suchasallergicandirritantcontactdermatitis,atopiceczema,psoriasis)thatmayinfluence uptake (MonteiroͲRiviere et al 2012). On the other hand, calcium carbonate and calcium phosphateNPswereshowntobeabletoinhibitskinpenetrationofnickelions(Vermulaet al2011).InhalationisthemostrelevantexposurerouteofMNMsandthelungsandpleura the major primary targets for adverse effects (Donaldson et al 2012). Larger particles deposit higher up in the nose and upper respiratory tract, while only the smaller size particles deposit in the more peripheral bronchioles and proximal alveolar region (Donaldsonetal2012).Theinhalationdepositionprobability,asafunctionoftheparticles’ diameterisrepresentedinfigure1,showingthattheparticlesatthenanosize(between1 16 Adverse Effects of Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ –– 100nm) havve the higheest probabiliity to depossit in the alvveolar region n. Deposition n may in ncreasefurth herwithexercise,toadeegreegreate erthanthatp predictedbyymodeling(D Daigle etal2003). Figure1 Inhalation ndeposition nprobabilityy(fromICRP1994) Leegend: The grraph shows thaat nanoparticlees with a size between 10 and a 100nm dep posit primarily in the alveolaarregion(yello owline),while smallerparticu ulatesandlargeermaydeposittinthetracheo oͲbronͲ chialreegion(bluelinee),ortheupperrairways(redline).NP=diameeterrangeofnanoparticles In n the lungs several cleaaring mechanisms are active. In thee upperͲairw ways particle es are trrappedinthemucusand dremovedupwardsbyth hemucociliaaryescalatortothethroaatand sw wallowed. In n the terminal bronchio oles and alvveolar region the cleariing mechaniism is predominantlybymacrop phageaction n(Donaldson n2012). W When nanom materials aree deposed in n the lungs other organ ns may also be affected. One possibilityistthatnanomaaterialstransslocatefrom mthelungsin ntothelymp phaticandcirculaͲ ory systems. Choi et al (2011) dem monstrated in rat modeels that nan noparticles with w a to hydrodynamicdiameter((HD)lessthaanу34nmtrranslocateraapidlyfromtthelungtolymph m factor determining the nodes, whilee below thiss size the surface charge is a major trranslocation with dipolaar, anionic or nonionic surfaces beeing permissive and caationic su urfacesbeingrestrictive.Theydemo onstrateasw wellthatnanoparticlesw withaHD< 6nm andadipolarsurfacechargecantransslocaterapid dlyfromthelungstolym mphnodesan ndthe bloodstream, and can bee subsequenttly cleared by b the kidneeys. Choi et aal. (2011) su uggest hat the smaaller nanoparticles, with a HD у5 nm m are of concern for caarcinogenesiis and th distal inflammation beccause they are capablle of traveling from tthe lung to o the dstream, the ey can poten ntially reach every tissue and bloodstream, and once in the blood 009) show th hat iridium and a carbon primary parrticles, organ in the body. Kreyliing et al (20 heiragglomeeratesandagggregateswiithasizebettween20and80nm(and daprimaryssizeof th <10nm)arefo ound24hafttertranslocaationfromth helungtothebloodcircu ulationinthe eliver, pleen,kidneys,heart,an ndbrain,andinthesoftttissueandbo one. sp 17 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ Other possibilities are that inflammation of the lungs triggers the release of metabolic stressorsandplateletͲleukocyteaggregateswhichmightaffectotherorgansandthatthere isanimpactonactivityoftheautonomousnervoussystem(Reijnders2012). Epidemiologicalstudieshaveassociatedexposuretoambientnanoparticleswithsystemic effects,such ascardioͲvascular diseases(Simkoetal.2010,Brooketal2010),whichisa reasontoinvestigatethisissueforMNMsaswell(Colognatoetal2012). Ofinterestisalsotheexposurerouteviathenoseandtheolfactorynervethatmay give direct access to the brain. Elder et al (2006) found in inhalation experiments with nanoͲMnOinratsahigheraccumulationoftheseparticlesintheolfactorybulbthaninthe lungs,andfoundincreasedlevelsofMninthebraintissue.Theauthorsconcludedthatthe olfactoryneuronalpathwaymightbearelevantexposureroutesubsequenttoinhalation forMnoxidenanoparticlesalsoinhumans.Savolainen (2010)suggests that theseobserͲ vationsareofspecialimportancebecausethedoseswerelowtomoderate,andbecause thetranslocationpathwaywasintraneuronal. An overview of possible mechanisms by which nanomaterials might react with biologicaltissuewasgraphicallyrepresentedbyNeletal(2006)seefigure2. Figure2 Possible mechanisms by which nanomaterials interact with biological tissue (from Nel et al 2006). Tounderstandpossibleadverseeffectsofnanoparticlesitisimportanttounderstandthe nanoͲbiointerface,inwhichthenanoparticles’surfaceandtheinteractionsbetween the MNM and biomolecules play an essential role (Nel et al 2009). Most important for the 18 Adverse Effects of Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ nanoparticless’ surface properties p a are the maaterial’s cheemical composition, su urface unctionalizattion, surfacee charge, sh hape and angle of curvvature, poro osity and su urface fu crystallinity, heterogeneiity, roughneess, and hyd drophobicityy or hydroph hilicity (Nel et al d they are coated 2009). When nanoparticles enter the blood, plaasma or inteerstitial fluid w with proteinss, the nano oparticle–pro otein coronaa. The corona is of further significance becauseitinffluencesthe surfacepropertiesofth heparticlean ndthehydro odynamicsizzeand hanges in re eaction with proteins in n the surrou unding iss subject to continuous dynamic ch m medium. It influences association, dissociation and exchan nge of elem ments (Savollainen 2010). d high adso orption by the t smaller nanoparticcles is The high reactivvity of, and r at th he surface of o the particlle. A nanopaarticle explained by the numberr of atoms residing w withadiamet terof300nm mhas5%ofitsatomsatthesurfaceoftheparticcleand50%when th he diameterr is 30nm (C Colognato ett al 2012). Thermodyna T mic analysiss reveals thaat the su urface tensio on decreasees with decreeasing particcle size as a result of th he increase in i the potentialeneergyofthebulkatomsofftheparticle es.Smallerp particleswith hincreased molar bmoleculeso orionsperu unitareaontotheirsurfaacesin frreeenergyaremorepronetoabsorb ordertodecreasethetotalfreeenerggyandtobeccomemoresstable.Henceadsorption nonto mallerparticcleshasahiggheradsorptioncoefficie ent(Zhangettal1999). sm Figuree 3 indicates potential interaction ns of MNM M with cellss and subce ellular sttructures. Fiigure3. Possibleinteraction nsofMNMswiiththecelland dsubcellularstrructures. Sugggested mechaanisms underlying nanoparrticleͲinduced d responses aat the cellularr level, whicch, in sufficieently high or persistent le evels, potentiially can lead d to, altered tissue funcction.(FigureffromColognatoetal2012) M Muchisstillu unknown,bu utitiscleartthatnanomaaterialsarelikelytointerferewithce ellular organization andaffectbiologicalfunctionsinwaaysthatcann notbededuccedfrompre evious w macroͲ or o microsizeed particles (Kagan ( et al 2010). experience with 19 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ ȋȌǦ Ǥ Oxidativestress,whichiseffectedbytheinitiationandpropagationoffree radical oxidation reactions and excessive accumulation of their products, is one of the mostprominenteffectsassociatedwiththeadverseeffectsofnanomaterials(Shvedovaet al 2010). Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants inside cells, in lung lining fluid or tissue fluid, such that there is more oxidation. ROS are produced by particles themselves by chemical reactions and by cells as part of normal respiration.Excessiveoxidativestresshasbeenproposedasacommonparadigmforthe toxicities of engineered nanoparticles (Shvedova et al 2010). Many studies support this hypothesis(seeforexampleFadeeletal2012,Reijnders2012).ForexampleforthelowͲ toxic, fineͲ and nanoͲTiO2 it was shown that local persistence in the lung may lead to chronic inflammation and may cause nonͲgenotoxic induction of lung tumors in rats (NIOSH2011).Therearehoweveralsocontradictingstudiesthatfindnodirectcorrelation betweenROSproductionandcelltoxicity(Diaz2008). The form of nanomaterials is an important issue in hazard and risk assessment. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) were shown to be able to induce asbestosͲlike alterations in the mesoͲ theliumofthemouseperitonealcavity(Polandetal.,2008)andincreasethelikelihoodof mesotheliomas in sensitive mouse strains (Takagi et al., 2008). Long CNTs may give an acuteinflammationleadingtoprogressivefibrosisofthepleura,whilethisisnotthecase forshortCNTs(Murphyetal.2011).BasedonthistypeoffindingsSCENIHR(2009)advises toconsiderthepossibilitythatfreefibers,rodsandtubesthatarechemically/biologically persistent, are rigid and have a high aspect ratio (i.e. μm in length and nm in diameter) mayhavesimilarpropertiestoasbestos. Nel et al (2009) summarized the mechanisms of nanomaterial cytotoxicity of difͲ ferent nanomaterials (see table 1). A general overview of effects as the basis for pathoͲ physiologyandtoxicityisgivenintable2. Table1 Summarynanomaterialcytotoxicity(fromNELetal2009) Nanomaterial TiO2 Cytotoxicitymechanism ROSproductionmediatedbyelectron–holeͲpairs Glutathionedepletionandtoxicoxidativestressasaresultofphotoactivityandredoxproperties NanoparticleͲmediatedcellmembranedisruptionleadtocelldeath;proteinfibrillation ZnO ROSproduction Dissolutionandreleaseoftoxiccations LysosomaldamageInflammation Ag DissolutionandAg+releaseinhibitsrespiratoryenzymesandATPproduction ROSproduction Disruptionofmembraneintegrityandtransportprocesses AuNPsandnanorods Disruptionofproteinconformation CdSe DissolutionandreleaseoftoxicCdandSeions SiO2 ROSproductionbysurfacedefectsandimpurities Proteinunfolding Membranedisruption Fe3O4 ROSproductionandoxidativestress 2+ LiberationoftoxicFe Disturbanceoftheelectronicand/oriontransportactivityinthecellmembrane 20 Adverse Effects of Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ Nanomaterial CeO2 Cytotoxicitymechanism Proteinaggregationandfibrillation MWCNT SWCNTandMWCNT FrustratedphagocytosiscauseschronictissueinflammationandDNAoxidativeinjury GenerationofROSduetothemetalimpuritiestrappedinsideCNTs ProͲinflammatoryeffectsduetooxidantinjury GranulomatousinflammationduetohydrophobicCNTaggregationInterstitialpulmonary fibrosisduetofibroblastͲmediatedcollagenproduction Fullerenes ROSproduction(spontaneousorphotoactivated)Hydrophobicsurfaceincreasesaggregationbut promotesintramembranouslocalization Cationicnanospheres anddendrimers Membranedamage,thinningandleakage Damagetotheacidifyingendosomalcompartmentbytheprotonspongeeffectthatallowsentry intothecytosol Liberationoftoxiccations Co/NiferriteNPs, magneticmetallicNP Al2O3 Cu/CuO ROSproductionProͲinflammatoryresponse DNAdamageandoxidativestress MoO3 Membranedisruption Table2 NMeffectsasthebasisforpathophysiologyandtoxicity(fromNel(2006)). Effectssupportedbylimitedexperimentalevidencearemarkedwithasterisks*;effectssupported bylimitedclinicalevidencearemarkedwithdaggers†. ExperimentalNMeffects Possiblepathophysiologicaloutcomes ROSgeneration* Protein,DNAandmembraneinjury*,oxidativestress† Oxidativestress* PhaseIIenzymeinduction,inflammation†,mitochondrialperturbation* Mitochondrialperturbation* Innermembranedamage*,permeabilitytransition(PT)poreopening*,energy failure*,apoptosis*,apoͲnecrosis,cytotoxicity Inflammation* Tissueinfiltrationwithinflammatorycells†,fibrosis†,granulomas†,atheroͲ genesis,†acutephaseproteinexpression(e.g.,CͲreactiveprotein) UptakebyreticuloͲendothelialsystem* Asymptomaticsequestrationandstorageinliver*,spleen,lymphnodes†,possiͲ bleorganenlargementanddysfunction Proteindenaturation,degradation* Lossofenzymeactivity*,autoͲantigenicity Nuclearuptake* DNAdamage,nucleoproteinclumping*,autoantigens Uptakeinneuronaltissue* Brainandperipheralnervoussysteminjury Perturbationofphagocyticfunction*; ‘‘particleoverload,’’mediatorrelease* Chronicinflammation†,fibrosis†,granulomas† Endothelialdysfunction,effectson bloodclotting* Atherogenesis*,thrombosis*,stroke,myocardialinfarction Generationofneoantigens,breakdown inimmunetolerance Autoimmunity,adjuvanteffects Alteredcellcycleregulation Proliferation,cellcyclearrest,senescence DNAdamage Mutagenesis,metaplasia,carcinogenesis Interferenceinclearanceofinfectiousagents† In sum: based on (still limited) experimental animal and cell tissue studies with MNMs and epidemiological studies on the effects of airborne particulate pollutants it is likelythatexposuretoMNMsmayleadtoadversehealtheffects.Oxidativestressleading to inflammation is likely one of the key mechanisms exhibited by many nanoparticles of 21 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ differentsize,chemical compositionandform.Asa resultofprolongedhighexposureto morereactiveNPsoxidativestressmaygiverisetoanongoinginflammation,whichislikely to worsen bronchitis or asthma in those who already have a lung disease and even may causelungfibrosis.OngoinginflammationorgenotoxiceffectsofreactiveNPcouldleadto lungcancerifexposuresarehighenoughandforaprolongedperiod.AsbestosͲlikeeffects, includingmesotheliomamightbeexpectedfromexposuretorigid,chemically/biologically persistent free nanofibers with a high aspect ratio (length >20 μm). Also there might be effectsofnanoparticlesonotherorgans.Savolainenetal(2010)emphasizethatavailable observations on the toxicity of manufactured nanoparticles and the early stage of risk assessmentwithalackofdatajustifiesapplyingaprecautionaryapproachinassessingthe risksofmanufacturednanomaterials. 1.4 PrecautionaryPrinciple T hePrecautionaryPrincipleemergedataworldwidepolicyforumin1992attheUN Conference on Environment and Development in the Rio Declaration on EnvironmentandDevelopmentincludedinprinciple15amongprinciplesofgeneral rightsandobligationsofnationalauthorities(UNEP1992)(seebox2).Itwaslaunchedasa principletoprotectagainstadverseeffectstotheenvironment,butitshouldnotbeseen as restricted to the environment. The scope of its applicability is much broader and includesoccupationalhealthandconsumersafety. Box2 RioDeclaration,principle15:PrecautionaryPrinciple Wheretherearethreatsofseriousorirreversibledamage,lackoffullscientificcertaintyshall notbeusedasareasonforpostponingcostͲeffectivemeasurestopreventenvironmental degradation. The PP is a deliberative principle and, as von Schomberg (2006) notes, its application inͲ volvesdeliberationonarangeofnormativedimensions,whichneedtobetakenintoacͲ count while making the principle operational in the public policy context. These regard issuessuchaswhentoinvoketheprecautionaryprinciple(actratherthannottoact),the level of protection aimed at, a costͲbenefit analysis balanced with health considerations, theburdenofproofofadverseeffectsandthetiming,theproportionalityofprecautionary actions, deliberation about uncertainties and lack of knowledge, the seriousness of possibleadverseeffects,andwhatleveltouseasprovisionalstandard.Theprecautionary principle is subject to extensive debates and is frequently reformulated as to make it better comprehensible. It is used as basis in many European Directives and International treatiesandissubjectofrulingsoftheEuropeanCourtofJustice(VonSchomberg2006). A significant policy document relating to the precautionary principle is the 2000 Commission Communication on the Precautionary Principle (EC 2000). While this docuͲ ment does not have a legally binding status, it provides a comprehensive EU level policy guidance on the application of the principle and provides insights into issues relating to boththescopeoftheprinciple’sapplicabilityin EUlaw,aswell asintoconditionsforits invocation. TheEuropeanCommissiondoesnotprovideadefinitionfortheprecautionary principle.Neverthelesstheynoteintheircommunicationthattheprecautionaryprinciple 22 Precautionary Principle ___________________________________________________________________________________ applies under defined conditions (box 3), but in view of ongoing discussions on the philosophy behind the principle, its interpretations and its nonͲstrictly binding character there is room to make the principle operational into a precautionary approach for industrialpractice: Box3 ApplicationoftheprecautionaryprincipleaccordingtotheEuropeanCommission Theprecautionaryprincipleapplieswherescientificevidenceisinsufficient,inconclusiveor uncertainandpreliminaryscientificevaluationindicatesthattherearereasonablegroundsfor concernthatthepotentiallydangerouseffectsontheenvironment,human,animalorplant healthmaybeinconsistentwiththehighlevelofprotectionchosenbytheEU. IntheCodeofConductforResponsibleNanosciencesandNanotechnologiesResearchthe European Commission emphasizes the importance of conducting research activities in accordance with the precautionaryprinciple, anticipatingpotentialenvironmental,health and safety impacts of nanosciences and nanotechnologies and taking due precautions, proportional tothelevel ofprotection,whileencouragingprogressforthe benefitofsoͲ cietyandtheenvironment( ʹͲͲͺȌ.Invokingtheprecautionaryprincipleinmatters regardingthedevelopmentofnanotechnologiesanduseofmaterialsmanufacturedwith thesetechnologiesisacceptedbymanyofparticipantsindiscussionsexplicitlyaddressing themattersofhazardandrisk(SwissRe2004;GR2006;WWR2008,SER2009,EC2010). Governments advocate applying the precautionary principle whenever uncertainties and ambiguities are at stake when using nanomaterials (EC CoC 2008, SRU 2011, Gans et al 2012). Several industrial participants have publicly given notice of their intentions to contribute to a responsible development of nanotechnologies but do not refer to the precautionary principle. They include the control of risks in Codes of Conduct (Dupont 2007,Bayer2007,BASF2008,PACTE2008,Evoniknd)orrefertotheircommitmenttothe Responsible Care Initiative (CEFIC 2011). Industrial stakeholders acknowledge the large uncertaintiesandambiguitiesregardingtherisksofmanufacturednanomaterialsandshow awarenessthatthecollectionofhazardandexposuredataofthenanomaterialsuseddoes notkeeppacewiththerapiddevelopingtechnologiesandthemarketingofnanoproducts (NanoCap2009,thisthesischapter5).Howeverthemeaningoftheprecautionaryprinciple asperceivedbythoseinindustrymaybevariable.Hellandetal(2008)concludefromtheir studyintheSwissindustryusingMNMsthatthatindustrydidnotconveyaclearopinionas towhoshouldberesponsibleformanagingthepotentialenvironmentalhealthimpactsor how to regulate NPMs throughout their life cycle. They note that industry does not necessarilyseemonitoringanddemonstratingspecificcharacteristicsofirreversibility asits responsibility. Engeman et al (2012) demonstrated that despite the reported uncertainty and perceived risk regarding MNMs (which should motivate to apply a precautionary approach), companies reported preference for autonomy from government regulation, andamajorityof58%agreedthatworkersareultimatelyresponsiblefortheirownsafety at work. Jostman (2007), Executive Director of the Programme Product Stewardship of CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council) has invoked scientific uncertainty as reason not to apply the precautionary principle. Such responses suggest ambiguous views on responsibility and demonstrate tensions between the roles and the values of regulators, industryleaders,industrialhygienists,andworkersincreatingasafeworkplace. 23 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ In order to apply the precautionary principle properly, it must be clear what is precisely understoodby‘scientificuncertainty’andwhattypesofuncertaintiesarerelevantforthe invocationoftheprecautionaryprinciple.VonSchomberg(2006)categorizesfourtypesof uncertainties related to the state of affairs in science and the possible corresponding responsesbyriskmanagement. Table3 Overview of State of Affairs in Science and the possible corresponding responses by Risk Management(sourcevonSchomberg2006) Policy Framework/ Regulatory action/ Examples Circumstances StateofAffairsinScience Risk Knowneffects,quantifiableprobabilities, uncertaintiesmayhavestatistical(e.g. stochastically)nature RiskManagementbydefiningthresholds onthebasisofchosenlevelof protection,exercisingprevention, minimizationofriskandorprecautioͲ nary**minimizationofrisksbyfeasible managementmeasures:applyingthe ALARAprincipleetc. UnquantifiableRisk, lackofknowledge Knowneffects/unknownoruncertain causeͲeffectrelations,therefore unknownprobabilities Antibioticsinfeedingstuff/Protectionof theNorthSea.Invocationof precautionaryprincipleisjustified; preventivemeasurestotakeawaythe possiblecausescanbejustified. Epistemic uncertainty:scientific controversies,lackof knowledge Unknownscopeofeffects,however, degreeandornatureoftheir ‘seriousness’(inrelationtothechosen levelofprotection)canonlybe estimatedinqualitativeterms. Invocationoftheprecautionaryprinciple isjustified:example:GMOs,Climate Change,Ozonedepletion Hypotheticaleffect/ imaginaryrisk Argumentsonthebasisofafully Invocationofprecautionaryprincipleis conjecturalknowledgebase,noscientific notjustified. indicationfortheirpossibleoccurrence ** Remark PvB: It would be better to use the wording “preventive minimization” instead of “precautionary minimization” Basedonhiselaborationsoftheprecautionaryprinciple,itsusebytheEuropeanCourtof Justice,thebroadEUendorsementofEuropeanGuidelinesontheprecautionaryprinciple and on International Treaties such as of the WTO and the UN, von Schomberg (2006) proposes a definition to bring the precautionary principle in line with the growing recognition of the normative challenges involved while invoking the precautionary principle(seebox4). 24 Precautionary Principle ___________________________________________________________________________________ Box4. Policydefinitionoftheprecautionaryprinciple(vonSchomberg(2006)) Where,followinganassessmentofavailablescientificinformation,therearereasonable groundsforconcernforthepossibilityofadverseeffectsbutscientificuncertaintypersists, provisionalriskmanagementmeasuresbasedonabroadcost/benefitanalysiswhereby prioritywillbegiventohumanhealthandtheenvironment,necessarytoensurethechosen highlevelofprotectionintheCommunityandproportionatetothislevelofprotection,maybe adopted,pendingfurtherscientificinformationforamorecomprehensiveriskassessment, withouthavingtowaituntiltherealityandseriousnessofthoseadverseeffectsbecomefully apparent. Von Schomberg (2012) further elaborates on how the normative qualifier “reasonable grounds”isrelevantforinvocationoftheprecautionaryprincipleandreferstothetypeof circumstances as listed in table 3. It is the second and especially the third type of circumstancesintable3thatgiverisetotheuseofprecautionaryprinciple.The‘qualityof theinformation’relevanttotheprecautionaryprinciplerelatesespeciallytowhattypeof informationisknownorshouldbeknownandofwhichinformationoneisignorant.Still,as Rip (2006) remarks, this formulation of the precautionary principle is not immediately applicable to nanotechnologies as broad umbrella term of enabling technologies. What should be considered as ‘reasonable grounds’ remains unclear especially in case of promisesandconcernsaboutnanotechnologies.Rip(2006)showsthattherearepossibiliͲ ties for precautionary approaches even when the precautionary principle (as defined by von Schomberg) cannot handle speculative technologies (where there is ignorance, not just uncertainty). The PP can handle manufactured nanomaterials, in R&D, intended or alreadyappliedinconcreteproducts,whichareonthemarket. Againstthisbackgroundindiscussionsadistinctionshouldbemadebetweenthe broad umbrella term “nanotechnologies”, for which no general adverse effects can be assessed,andtermssuchas“nanoparticles”.Regardingthepositivestanceoftheinvolved actorstowardsinvocationoftheprecautionaryprincipleindiscussionsbetweenindustry, governmentsandCSOs,itseemsthatindustryactorsrefertothenanomaterialsastheyare currentlyunderdevelopmentoronthemarket. In sum, the precautionary principle has a deliberative nature and it is based on normativequalifiers.TheprecautionaryprincipleisalsoafundamentalprincipleintheEU legislativeframeworkandassuchitmaystimulateindustrialusersofnanotechnologiesto formulateawayinwhichtheyintendtoapplythenovelnanomaterialsintheirproducts and processes; the novel nanomaterials that lack the essential hazard data needed for a reliableriskassessment.Asacomplementtoexistinglegislationindustrymayalsodevelop codes of conduct to frame their responsible and sustainable approach towards nanotechnologiesandoperationalizehowtheyintendtodealwithuncertain,ambivalent human and environmental risks. The precautionary principle allows CSOs to give an interpretationofnormativequalifiersusedfordefiningsafeandsustainablenanomaterials and nanoproducts and to contribute to the formulation of a socially acceptable precautionary approach. Transparency and openness, especially by the industry about known,anduncertainrisksarekeyelementsinthis,includinginformationonwhereinthe productionchainandbywhatuseofnanoproductsreleaseofnanomaterialsmightoccur. Thisthesisappliesthedefinitionfortheprecautionaryprincipleasgiveninbox4. 25 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.5BackgroundconcentrationsandProcessͲGeneratedNanoparticles A mbient“background”nanoparticles Nanoparticles (in many environmental studies denominated as ultrafine particles (FP))arearoundusinourdailylifeasparticlesoriginatingfromnaturalprocesses like volcanic activities, fires, and erosion processes and from anthropogenic sources as traffic,smoking,heatingandcooking.Dynamicprocessesintheatmosphereplayaroleof which agglomeration and aggregation (the formation of assemblies) are important processes. In natural environments the formation of new particles is of importance, of which the main mechanism is nucleation of lowͲvolatile gasͲphase compounds, followed by their growth into small particles (Morawska et al 2008). The background of nanoparͲ ticlesinambientairconsistsofamixtureofinorganicandorganicparticlesthatvariesin (chemical)composition.Particlescomposedofsubstancessuchasmetaloxides,polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons,oxidizedorganicstructures,sootinmanydifferentformsandsizes may be present. Sources of ultrafine particles are abundant, but in urban environments traffic,(especiallyemissionsfromdieselengines)maybedominating(MattiMaricq2007, Morawska et al 2008). In urban centers in Finland concentrations up to 140.000 particles/cm3 were measured, while along highways number concentrations of >60,000/cm͵ weremeasured(Husseinetal2005).Nanoparticleorultrafineparticle(UFP) exposure for pedestrians in Leicester, UK was suggested to be up to 50% higher than in cars(Gulliveretal2007);atcarparkingsinLeedsmeanUFPexposurelevelsofattendants were reported up to 40,000 particles/cm3, while peak levels may be as high as 400,000 particles/cm3(Tiwaryetal2012).Dahletal(2006)identifiedthatduetoweartherubber car tires emit significant amount of UFPs originating from the carbon reinforcing filler material (soot agglomerates) and the plasticizers (mineral oils). Emissions from aircraft engines were measured under varying conditions at concentrations from 700,000 nanoparticles/cm3upto > 5,000,000nanoparticles/cm3witha particles’ diametervarying fromу10nmͲу30nm(EPA2009). Theambientnanoparticlesmayinfluencetheindoornanoparticles’concentrations. Van Broekhuizen et al (2012) (see chapter 4) measured mean indoor background concentrations in Dutch industrial plants varying between 6,000 and 21,000 nanoparticles/cm3, with an occasional high mean concentration of 28,000 nanoparͲ ticles/cm3. Particlenumberconcentrationsincleanairinthehighmountainsweremeasured in the Himalaya’s at a height of 4520m (above sea level) varying from 80 – 8,000 particles/cm3withameanat1150particles/cm3(Moorthyetal2011). Cigarette smoking is another not processͲrelated anthropogenic source of workplaceairbornenanoparticles.VanBroekhuizen(2011b)foundinasmokers‘roomofa companynanoparticles’numberconcentrationupto>500,000particles/cm3Ǥ Somebackgroundconcentrationsaresummarizedinfigure4. 26 Background Concentrations and Process Generated Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure4 Indicationofsome“environmental”backgroundconcentrations Ultrafineparticles’concentrations(particles/cm3) Airport >700.000 Seriouslypollutedenvironment >100.000 Highways >60.000 Cleanairintown <10.000 Cleanairmountains у1.000 0 200.000 400.000 600.000 800.000 Sources:seeprevioustext ProcessͲgeneratednanoparticles Exposure assessment to MNMs in industrial workplaces shows that the handling of nanomaterials and nanoͲenabled products may give rise to exposure to primary MNMs andagglomerates(Brouwer2010),andsimultaneouslytonanoparticlesformedbyworkͲ relatedprocesses.Thisthesiswillshowthatnanoparticlesgeneratedattheworkplaceby processes and equipment used may even dominate the airborne nanoparticles’ number concentration. Industrial processes (also conventional processes, without any relation to nanotechnology and manufacturing or processing of nanomaterials) may generate airͲ borne nanoparticles, sometimes up to levels of several millions of particles/cm3. Characterization of these nanoparticles is generally highly complex and may complicate riskassessment.ThepotentialhazardofthePGNPs,similartoMNMs,dependsonfactors like size, surface, form, composition etc. and may be comparable to the anticipated and provedhazardsforMNMs(SCENIHR2009).Therefore,whencarryingoutaworkplacerisk assessment identification and characterization of PGNPs cannot be ignored (SER 2012, EU/US2012).Anexampleisdieselexhaustparticulates(DEP),asalistedcarcinogen(SDU 2011).DEPisahighlycomplexmixturecontainingnanoͲ,fineͲandcoarseͲmodeparticles aswellasavarietyofgaseouscomponentsoftoxicologicalrelevance(e.g.nitrogenoxides, carbonmonoxide,aldehydes).ThedominantcarbonͲbasedchemicalcompositionofdiesel sootNPsbearssimilaritiestothatofseveralcommerciallyimportantclassesofMNMs(e.g., carbonͲbased fullerenes, nanotubes), whereas their physical structure (i.e., agglomerates ofsphericalprimaryparticles)bearssimilaritiestoothersthatalsohaveastrongtendency toagglomerate(e.g.,titaniumdioxidesandothermetaloxides)(Hesterbergetal2010). ThetypeoftheairborneprocessͲgeneratednanoparticles(PGNPs)ishighlyspecific for the materials processed, the way of processing, machinery used, temperature etc. Typicalsourcesfortheformationofnanoparticlesatworkplacesarecombustionprocesses (Donaldsonetal2005),soldering,welding,useofelectricalequipmentandfracturingand abrasion activities like sanding, milling and drilling. Scymczak et al (2007) demonstrated that universalelectricalmotorsemitnanoparticles witha highcontentofcopper.During the operation of a universal motor, brushes made of graphite slide over commutator contactbarsmadeofcopper.Thismovementcausestheformationofparticlesnotonlyby mechanicalabrasion,butalsobybrushsparks.Scymczaksuggeststhatdomesticappliances andelectricpowertoolsusingpowercontrolbyphaseanglemodulationcanbeastrong sourceofnanoparticleswithahighcontentofcopper.Plasmacutting,metalinertgasand tungsten inert gas welding, metal grinding, aircraft maintenance, brazing, food 27 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ preservation (smoking), smelting and laser ablation were shown to emit nanoparticles’ numberconcentrationsrangingfrom2x104to4x107particles/cm3nearvariousprocesses (Riediger et al. 2007; Pfefferkorn et al 2010). Evans et al (2007) reported spatially and temporally varying nanoparticle number concentration within an automotive grey iron foundryfromprocessemissionsinincoming makeͲupairandtheheatingwithdirectfire natural gas burners, melting and pouring operations ranging from 1.9x104 to 3.5x106 particles/cm3. Evans et al (2010) reported elevated nanoparticles concentrations up to 1.15x106inacarbonnanofibers(CNFs)productionplant,butnotedthattheconcentrations werenotduetoCNF,butreleasedduringthermaltreatmentofCNFs.Petersetal(2006) reported a large variation in airborne NPs concentrations in a machining and assembly facilityinthewinterandspring,probablygeneratedthroughevaporationandsubsequent condensation of metalworking fluid components and demonstrated that these ultrafine particlespersistinworkplaceairoverlongtimeperiods.Petersetal(2009)demonstrated that airborne nanoparticles in a production facility producing nanoͲlithium titanate are dominated by “incidental” sources (welding or grinding), and that the airborne “engineered”productispredominatelycomposedofparticleslargerthanseveralhundred nanometers. Also laser applications may generate NPs. Barcikowski et al (2007) showed that duringshortͲpulseandultrashortͲpulselaserablationreleasedNPsfromthematerial(laser ablationisanapplicationofalaserforthecleaningandconservationofartworksofdifferͲ entmaterialslikepaper,stone,metals,leather).Barcikowskietal(2007)notedthatfemtoͲ secondlaserablationcausesthereleaseoffinerparticlesthannanosecondlaserablation, whichmaybeduetohigherenergydensity.Intheirstudyonlasercleaningofpaper,they showa dependence on the fibre-size of the paper as cleaningofshortͲfibrepapergeneratesa higheramountofnanoparticlesthancleaninglongͲfibrepaper.Modernlaserprinterswere showntoemitpeakNPemissionratesoftheprintersexceeding7.0x108sͲ1(sizebetween 11and79nm)andreachingconcentrationstomaximum2.6x105particles/cm3(Koivistoet al2010). Abrasion of surfaces coated with nanoͲenabled coatings may generate nanoparͲ ticles as well, but it seems to be the use of electrical equipment that dominates the generation of nanoparticles (Kopponen et al 2009; Göhler et al 2010; Wohlleben et al 2011). The studies show the generation of nanoparticles during the sanding process of conventional and nanoͲenabled coatings. However, no significant difference could be observed between coatings containing and not containing nanoparticle additives. Kopponenetal(2009)notethatthehandͲheldsanderwasthemainsourceparticleswitha diameter<50nm.Thefractionwithlargerparticlesisrathermadeupfrommatrixmaterial, whichcontainsthenanoadditivesembeddedinthecoating(Göhleretal2010).Figure5 summarizessomeofthesefindings. 28 Background Concentrations and Process Generated Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________ Fiigure5 Indicationofconcentrationsofsome eprocessgeneratednanop particles Process–geeneratedparticllesconcentratio on(particles/cm m3).Sources:seeeprevioustexxt. Welding 800.000Ͳ 4.00 00.000 Bakery 640.000 Plasmacutting >500.000 Soldering 000 400.0 Grindingmetal 150.000 Ind dustrialactivitiess M Meltingsilicone 0.000 100 V Vacuumcleaner Offficeactivities 300.000 Laserprinter 260 0.000 Officework 10.000 0 200.000 400.000 600.00 00 80 00.000 1.000.000 AdditionallyttothePGNPssgenerated inprocessess,thereareaalsoconventtionalcompo A ounds th hat contain a fraction of o particles at the nano oͲsize that may m give risee to emissio ons of nanoparticless at the workplace. Thiss thesis sho ows that durring paint m manufacturin ng the emissionofnanomaterialsfromconveentionalcom mponentsmightbesignifficant(chaptter4). Insum m,thebackggroundconcentrationoffnaturaland danthropogeenicnanoparrticles iss variable an nd in urban environments strongly impacted i byy traffic exhaaust (and exxhaust gasses from industrial processes wh hen not properly filtered). It may locally reach h high leevels.Inurbaanareaswithrelatively lowpollutionlevelsanaaveragebackkgroundof1 10,000 3 to o 20,000 paarticles/cm is common n. The conccentration of o nanoparticles at indu ustrial w workplacesge eneratedbyheatingand dcombustion nprocesses,byelectricaalandhighͲe energy (laser) equipm ment, as weell as due to the use of conventionaal powders w with a fractiion of nanoͲsized particulates, may be co p onsiderable. It is likely that in many cases, when nanomaterials or nanoͲeenabled prod ducts are ussed, processͲgenerated nanoparticle es will dominatetheeairbornenaanoparticles’numberco oncentration.Itisalsolikkelythatairborne PGNPs may pollute p ‘convventional’ workplaces where w no nan nomaterials are handled d. This in ndicates the importancee of taking nanoparticle n es into accou unt when caarrying out a risk assessmentin naconventio onalworkplaacewhereheatingorcombustionis atstakeorw where uipmentisused.Thisho oldsaswellffortheuseo ofconventio onalpowderss.Itis electricalequ advisable for these sourcces in case of o insufficien nt knowledgge or uncertaainties to ap pply a precautionaryyapproachaaswell,similaartotheriskkmanagemeentapproach hforMNMs. 29 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.6 Exposurelimitsfornanomaterials F rametoderiveanOELandaDNEL Requirements regarding risk management of chemical substances in European Member States are embedded in the legal frame, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Framework Directive (OSHD 1989) and the Chemical Agents Directive (CAD 1998). Both directives lay down the employers’ obligation to take the measures necessary for the safety and health protection of the workers, including prevention of occupationalrisks.TheCADdoesnotrefertonanomaterialsassuch,butaccordingtolegal analysis,thegeneralobligationsapplyaswelltonanomaterials(EC2008).TheCAD(1998) laysdownminimumrequirementsfortheprotectionofworkersfromriskstotheirsafety andhealtharising,orlikelytoarise,fromtheeffectsofchemicalagentsthatarepresentat theworkplaceorasaresultofanyworkactivityinvolvingchemicalagents.TheCAD(1998) defines the employers’ obligations to assess risks arising from the presence of chemical agents at the workplace and states that the employer shall obtain information from the supplierorfromotherreadilyavailablesources.TheCADdefinesOccupationalExposure Limits(OELs)asatooltoprotectworkersfromchemicalrisksandstatesthatOELscanbe used as a tool for risk assessment. The OEL is defined as the limit of the timeͲweighted averageoftheconcentrationofachemicalagentintheairwithinthebreathingzoneofa worker in relation to a specified reference period, generally referring to an 8hrs timeͲ weightedaveragedperiodoverafullworkingweekduringanentireworkinglife(ArboporͲ taal,nd).DistinguishedareintheNetherlandshealthͲbasedOELsandriskͲbasedOELs,the latterreferringtocarcinogenic,mutagenicandallergenicsubstancesforwhichathreshold foranadverseeffectcannotbedefined.Forcarcinogenicsubstancestworisklevelshave beenagreedintheNetherlands:a‘prohibitive’risklevelcorrespondingwithanadditional cancer risk of >10Ͳ4/ substance/year and a ‘target’ risk level corresponding with an addiͲ tionalcancerrisklevelof>10Ͳ6/substance/year.Forinhaledallergenicsubstancesa‘target risklevel’hasbeenagreedcorrespondingwithanadditionalrisktobecomesensitizedof 1%(10Ͳ2/substance/year)(SERnd).TheriskͲbasedOELsarecurrentlyunderdebateinthe EuropeanUnionasanoptionforaEuropeanapproach(ETUI2012).IntheNetherlandsthe employers(c.q.the manufacturerorsupplier) have theobligationtoderivehealthͲbased OELsforthesubstancestheymarket,whilefortheriskͲbasedsubstances,andafewother substances (“without owner”) generated at the workplace the Dutch Ministry of Social AffairsbearstheresponsibilitytoderiveOELs. TheEUREACHlegislationdefinesDNELs(DerivedNoͲEffectLevel)andDMELs(deriͲ ved minimumͲeffect level) (REACH 2006). REACH requires manufacturers to derive a healthͲbasedDNEL forsubstancestheymarketinavolumeof>10tonnes/year/company (ECHA 2010). The type of hazard data required depends on the market volume (ECHA 2008).REACHprescribestheuseofspecifiedassessmentfactorsforderivationoftheDNEL, whichcontraststhederivationofOELs,whichleavesmorescopeforexpertjudgment(i.c. by the European Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits, abbreviated: SCOEL).IthasbeensuggestedthatthiswillleadtoDNELs,whicharegenerallylowerthan OELs(SchenkenJohanson2011).HoweverinpracticethereareexamplesofOELsestabͲ lishedatalowerlevelthantheregisteredDNELs(vanBroekhuizen2011a).IthasbeenarͲ 30 Exposure Limits for Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ gued that it is preferable to harmonize the procedures for deriving OELs and DNELs to avoid confusion (Kalberlah 2007, Schenk and Johanson 2011), but a standardized proceͲ duretoderiveanOELfromaDNELisnot(yet)agreed.Forsubstanceswithoutathreshold effectlevelREACHproposestouseaDMELthatshouldfollowariskͲbasedapproach(ECHA 2010). To date the methodology to derive a DMEL is under debate in Europe (Püringer 2011)andnoDMELsforsubstanceshavebeenderivedyet. OELsandDNELsfornanomaterials The REACH guidance extends to deriving DNELs for nanomaterials (ECHA 2012a). So far howevertheregistrationofDNELsfornanomaterialsisexceptionalandtotheextentthat nanoparticulatematerialsareregistereditisnotclearwhetheradequatenanotoxicological data have been used. Illustrative is the registration in the REACH registration dossier in 2012 of carbon black and silica fume as materials for which a nanosize is likely (REACH 2012).Bothareknowntohaveprimaryparticlesofwhichasubstantialnumberislikelyto beinthenanoͲrange(<100nm)(Kuhlbuschetal2010;Evoniknd).Theparticlesizeofthese materials is not published in the REACH registration dossier. Both particulates have an establishedregulatorylimitvaluesinsomecountries(e.g.GESTISnd137),butitisnotclear whetherthesetakethenanoͲsizeintoaccount. Illustrative is also that the frequently used nanomaterials like TiO2, ZnO, Ag and Al2O3 have not been registered as nanoparticles (REACH 2012). The registered DNEL (inhalationlongͲtermexposure,systemiceffects)forthesematerialsisthereforeassumed toregardthecoarseform.ForCeO2ageneralworkerDNELͲinhalationforlongͲtermexpoͲ surewithsystemiceffectsisregistered,withoutreferencetotheparticlesize.Itisnotclear whether the published DNEL for CeO2 refers to the nano or the nonͲnano size, although the identified use for this compound states “Used in industrial polishing Ͳ nano cerium dioxide” and “Used as wood protection Ͳ nano cerium dioxide”, suggesting the DNEL to refertothenanosizedparticulates(ECHA2011).ThenanoͲapplicationforCeO2ascatalyst indieselfuel(Maetal2011)ishowevernotmentionedintheREACHregistrationdossier. Table4summarizesthesefindings. Table4 DNELs(inhalationlongͲtermexposuresystemiceffects)ofsome“parent”materials fornanomaterials,aspublishedintheREACHregister,comparedwithOELs Namesubstance CASnr DNEL(1) 3 OEL Remarks 3 mg/m mg/m TiO2,Titaniumdioxide 13463Ͳ67Ͳ7 10 10 AgSilver 74440Ͳ22Ͳ4 0.1 Ͳ ZnO,Zincoxide 1314Ͳ13Ͳ2 5 5 Al2O3,Aluminumoxide 1344Ͳ28Ͳ1 15.63 Ͳ Graphite 7782Ͳ42Ͳ5 1.2 2 CB,CarbonBlack 1333Ͳ86Ͳ4 2 3.5 SiO2amorphous,smoke SiO2,Silicafume CeO2,Ceriumdioxide 60676Ͳ86Ͳ0 69012Ͳ64Ͳ2 1306Ͳ38Ͳ3 0.3 3 0.3 Ͳ DNELforcoarseTiO2notfornanoͲTiO2.OELisACGIH forcoarseTiO2 NotregisteredfornanoͲAg NotregisteredfornanoͲZnO.OELisDutchOELfor ZnOͲsmoke DNELLocaleffects,notnano DNELLocaleffects.OELisACGIHvalue(excl.fiber formsofgraphite) DNELforsystemicaswellaslocaleffects.OELis ACGIHvalue GermanOELfortherespirablefraction. DNELonlyregisteredforlocaleffects. REACHregistryexplicitlymentionsnanoͲapplications (1)DNELͲinhalationforworkerswithlongͲtermexposuresystemiceffects 31 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ ForafewspecificnanomaterialstheindustryandresearchhaveadvisedanOELoraDNEL. Thesearesummarizedintable5.Bayer(Pauluhn2009),Nanocyl(2009)andNIOSH(2010) proposed OELs for multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). DNELs were calculated in an experimental study by Stone et al (2009) applying the DNEL methodology with the prescribedassessmentfactorstoMWCNTs,fullerenes,AgandTiO2(seetable5). Table5 OELsandDNELsasproposedbyindustryandbyresearchgroups 3 Substance OEL μg/ 3 m DNEL 3 μg/m Particles/cm (5) MWCNT(Baytubes) 8ͲhrTWA(6) 50 7.1x10 Ͳ3.2x10 MWCNT(10Ͳ20nm/5Ͳ15μm)(1) Reference 6 7 Pauluhn,2009 4 5 Stoneetal2009 3 4 Stoneetal2009 2 4 Stoneetal2009 2 4 Stoneetal2009 ShortͲterminhalation(8) 201 4.1x10 Ͳ5.1x10 Chronicinhalation 33.5 7.1x10 Ͳ8.5x10 ShortͲterminhalation(8) 4 8.5x10 Ͳ1.0x10 Chronicinhalation 0.67 1.4x10 Ͳ1.7x10 MWCNT(Nanocyl) 8ͲhrTWA 2.5 Nanocyl2009 CNT(SWCNTandMWCNT) 8ͲhrTWA(7) 7 NIOSH2010 CNF(carbonnanofibers) 8ͲhrTWA 7 MWCNT(10Ͳ20nm/5Ͳ15μm)(2) NIOSH2010 5 Stoneetal2009 3 Stoneetal2009 5 ShortͲterminhalation(8) 44.4 2.9x10 Chronicinhalation 0.27 1.8x10 ~800 2.7x10 NEDOͲ22009 DNELͲlungscenario1(3) 0,33 4000 Stoneetal2009 DNELͲlungscenario2(3) 0.098 1200 Stoneetal2009 DNELͲliver 0.67 7000 TiO2(21nm) Chronicinhalation 17 8.3x10 TiO2(10Ͳ100nm)(REL)(4) 10hr/day,40hr/week 300 4.5x10 –4.5x10 Fullerenes Fullerene Ag(18Ͳ19nm) TiO2P25(primarysize21nm) TWA8h/d,5d/w 3 (1)BasedonaNOAECforpulmonaryeffectsof5mg/m (for 6hours) (2) Based on a LOAEC for systemic immune effects: 0,3 3 mg/m (for6hours) (3) Extrapolating the LOAEC to a NAEC using an extrapolationfactorof3(scenario1)and10(scenario2) (4)REL=RecommendedExposureLimit Stoneetal2009 5 4 Stoneetal2009 7 NIOSH2011 7 1200 6.5x10 NEDOͲ12009 (5) Thenumberofparticles/cm3wascalculatedassuming that the particles have a spherical form, and CNTs haveacylindricalform. (6) TWA=Timeweightedaverage (7) 8hrͲTWA,40Ͳhour/week,50weeks/year,for45years (8) ͳͷǦǡ ThedifferencesinthevaluesforMWCNTsuggestthatdifferenttoxicologicalconceptsand sample characteristics may lead to a different limit value. Pauluhn (2009) assumes that assemblages of MWCNT lead to volumetric lung overload, which triggers a sustained pulmonary inflammation. Stone et al (2009) suppose immune effects to be the critical effectandderiveasignificantlylowerDNEL.Stoneetal(2009)emphasizethattheremight besubstantialdifferencesinthepotentialofdifferentCNTstoinducetoxiceffectsoreven tumors, depending on the form and properties of the carbon nanotubes. Stone et al. (2009)suggestthatevaluationswillhavetobemadeonacaseͲbyͲcasebasis.NIOSH(2010) basedtheirproposalforarecommendedexposurelimit(REL)regardingmultiwallcarbon nanotubes on the limit of quantitation (LOQ) of NIOSH Method 5040, currently the recommended analytical method for measuring airborne CNT. The LOQ for the NIOSH method5040is7ʅg/m3.NIOSH(2010)statedthatanexcessriskofadverselungeffectsis predictedbelowthislevelandthereforeadvisedtoreduceairborneconcentrationsofCNT and CNF as low as possible below the REL. It is not clear how the manufacturer Nanocyl deriveditsproposalforanOELfortheirMWCNTsbuttheirproposal(Nanocyl2009)isin linewiththeNIOSHadvice. 32 Exposure Limits for Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ NIOSH(2011)proposedanOELfornanoͲTiO2basedontoxicologicaldataandused theUSthresholdlimitvalue(TLV)forcoarseTiO2(of1.5mg/m3)asreference.TheNIOSH proposalishigherthantheDNELproposedbyStoneetal(2009),whichreflectsthestrict useofspecifiedsafetyfactorsasprescribedintheDNELͲmethodology.ThehigherOELfor TiO2asproposedbyShinoharaetal(NEDOͲ12009)mightbecausedbyahigherdensityof theTiO2studiedbyShinoharaetal.2009). A generic approach for the derivation of DNELs for manufactured nanomaterials was proposed by Pauluhn (2010), based on the evidence that repeated rat inhalation exposure studies suggest that the particle displacement volume is the most prominent unifying denominator linking the pulmonary retained dose with toxicity (the overload hypothesis). He calculates a volumeͲbased generic concentration of 0.54 μl PMresp/m3 (PMresp= respiratory particulate matter) to represent a defensible OEL. Related mass concentrations can be calculated by multiplication of the volume concentration with the agglomeratedensity:Cm=0.54μlPMresp/m3×ʌ,whereCmisthemassͲbasedconcentration and ʌ is the PMͲagglomerate density. Calculating DNELs with this algorithm gives rise to DNELs with a similar magnitude as the DNEL for (coarse) parent for materials. The “PauluhnͲapproach”hasbeenscrutinized bythe RIVM(2012),anditwas concludedthat the overload hypothesis cannot be seen as representative for the critical effect of nanomaterials.Inchapter4ofthisthesistheapproachsuggestedbyPauluhn(2010)willbe comparedwithothergenericapproaches. OELsandDNELsfornanomaterialsandaprecautionaryapproach SofarneitherwithintheDutchnorwithintheEuropeanlegalframeworksOELsorDNELs for nanomaterials have been derived on the basis of nanotoxicological data. As shown above,onlyforalimitednumberofnanomaterialsspecificOELsorDNELshavebeenproͲ posed. An important hurdle to the derivation of healthͲbased OELs and DNELs for nanomaterialsistheinsufficiencyofhazard data.Additionallythereis theneed toadapt themetricsusedforOELs(andDNELs)tothecharacteristicsofnanomaterials:metricssuch asparticles’surfaceareaconcentration(cm2/m3)andnumberconcentration(number/m3) maywellbeabettermetricforriskassessmentthanmass(Abbottetal2010,Ashbergeret al2010,Ramachandranetal2012).Alsothecharacteristicsoftheairbornenanoparticles shouldbeconsidered,whichmightbestronglyinfluencedbytheassembliesformed.Inthis contextECHA(theEuropeanAgencyadministeringREACH)notesthattheparticles’toxicity asͲproduced,asͲexposedorasͲinteractedmaydiffer(ECHA2012b).TherearealsoknowͲ ledgegapsinparticletoxicologyandthestudyofparticleͲinducedcarcinogenesistodecide whetherforcertainnanomaterialsahealthͲbasedorariskͲbasedOELshouldbeadvisable orthatevenanotherapproachispreferable(Shvedovaetal2010). Forriskassessmentofnanomaterials(includingthederivationofOELsandDNELs) a caseͲbyͲcase approach is advocated, similar to chemical substances (ECHA 2012a). But evenforthemostfrequentlyused(andstudied)nanomaterialslikenanoͲTiO2andcarbon nanotubes(CNT)theavailabletoxicologicaldataarelimitedandtheadvisedrisklevelsmay vary due to different methods and assumptions used to derive the OELs (Kuempel et al 2012) and possibly due to differences in characteristics of the nanomaterials studied as well(seetable5). 33 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ Asexplainedinsection1.4insuchcasesanoptionistoinvoketheprecautionaryprinciple andtoderiveprecautionͲbasedlimitvalues. A problem with the derivation of precautionͲbased limit values is that the legal system defines its frame for risk assessment to a healthͲbased or riskͲbased approach and does not include a precautionͲbased approach for setting OELs. Also it might be argued that precautionͲbasedlimitvaluescannotguaranteetoprotectthehealthofworkers.However, itisclearthatalackofhazarddatadoesnotreleasetheemployerfromtheobligationto provide a safe workplace. In view thereof, as will be further elaborated in chapter 2 the precautionary approach to the use of nanomaterials may be operationalized by the convertingtheREACHprinciplenodatanomarketintotheprinciplenodatanoexposure. Thismightinprinciplebeguaranteedbyfullcontainmentoftheprocessinoperation,but workplaceexperiencesuggeststhatevensuchsystemscannotguaranteethatsubstances arenotreleased.Filling,cleaningandmaintenanceoperations,leakagesoraccidentsmay releasenanoparticlesintheworkplace(Reijnders2012).Itmayalsobearguedthatwhen noexplicitchoiceismadeforanexposurelimit,theimplicitchoiceismadetoregardthe current exposure level as acceptable. Against this background the Dutch Social and EcoͲ nomicCouncil(SER)concludedthatprecautionͲbasednanoreferencevalueswereneeded toprovisionallyfillthisgapduetotheabsenceofOELsandDNELsandadvisedtheMinister ofSocialAffairstoacceptthisapproach(SER2012). Precautionarygenericapproachestostandardsetting The approach based on nano reference values is one of the proposed precautionary geͲ nericapproachestostandardsetting.Thefirstofthesegenericapproacheswasproposed bytheBritishStandardsInstitute(BSI2007).BSI(2007)proposedagenerichazardͲbanding concept for limit values based on the assumption that the hazard potential of the nanoparticleisgreaterthanthehazardpotentialofalargeparticle.BSIappliedtheprinciͲ pleof‘standardsettinginanalogy’andacknowledgedthatthisassumptionwouldnotbe validinallcases.BSIstatedthatalthoughthelevelsrelatetoexistingOELsforbulkmateͲ rials,theyareintendedaspragmaticguidancelevelsonlyandshouldnotbeassumedtobe safeworkplaceexposurelimits. IFA(InstitutfürArbeitsschutzderDeutschenGesetzlichenUnfallversicherung)(IFA 2009andupdatedin2012)furtherdevelopedthe precautionary,generichazardͲbanding concept assuming that the particles’ surface triggers the potential effects and can be characterized by the size and the density of the nanomaterials. IFA proposed to use the particles’numberconcentrationrequiredtoattainamassconcentrationof0,1mg/m³for particlesinthesizerangeupto100nm.Indoingso,IFAreferredtoanumberofexisting andproposedexposurelimitsforparticles,whichIFAthoughttoberelevant,suchasthe NIOSH proposal for nanoͲTiO2 (NIOSH 2011) and the German risk limits for respirable biopersistent granular toner particles (BAUA 2010). To derive benchmark levels for granularnanoparticleswithasphereͲlikeshape,andnormalizedatadiameterof100nm, IFAcalculatedthenumberofparticles/cm3thatcorrespondtoamassconcentrationof0,1 mg/m3(seeChapter7,table2atpage158).Thesecalculationsleadtotworiskbandsfor insoluble granular nanoparticles: one for nanomaterials with a density <6.000kg/m3 and one with a density >6.000kg/m3. Consequently, for granular nanoparticles with a smaller 34 Exposure Limits for Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________ diameter the massͲbased benchmark level is stricter: for nanoparticles with a 50 nm diameterafactor8,andwitha20nmdiameterafactor125.Forcarbonnanotubes(CNTs) for which no manufacturer's declaration is available stating that the CNTs do not exhibit asbestosͲlike properties, IFA proposed a provisional fibre concentration of 10,000 fibres/m³,basedupontheGermanexposureriskratioforasbestos(BAUA2008).Inviewof theDutchlimitvalueforasbestos,whichwasrecentlyfurtherreduced,thebenchmarkfor suchCNTsmightevenhavetobesetatalowerlevel(SER2011).IFAadvisedtousealowͲ riskbandforsolublenanomaterialssimilartotheOELforthecoarse(ormolecular)form. RIVM evaluated the usefulness of the BSI and IFA concepts (Dekker et al 2010) and concluded that the benchmark levels suggested by IFA can be used as provisional and pragmaticnanoreferencevalues(NRV)toreducetheworkers’exposuretonanomaterials. Dekker et al. (2010) emphasized that the NRVs, as presented here, are not healthͲbased andproposedtousetheNRVsintheNetherlands. Hesterberg et al (2010) proposed to use diesel exhaust particulates (DEP) as a genericmodeltosuggestlimitsfortoxiceffectsofnanoparticles.TheInternationalAgency forResearchonCancer(IARC)classifieddieselengineexhaustascarcinogenictohumans (Group1),basedonsufficientevidencethatexposureisassociatedwithanincreasedrisk forlungcancer(BenbrahimͲTallaaetal2012).Hesterbergetal(2010)statethatDEP,asa complexmixtureofultrafineandcoarseparticlesandavarietyofgaseouscomponentsof toxicological relevance (e.g. nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, aldehydes), may bear similarities to e.g. fullerenes, carbonͲbased nanotubes and to sphereͲshaped primary particles,whereastheirphysicalstructure(i.e.,agglomeratesofsphericalprimaryparticles) bearssimilaritiestoothersthatalsohaveastrongtendencytoagglomerate(e.g.,titanium dioxidesandothermetaloxides).TypicalsizedistributionsforDEPwerefoundforprimary particles in the range of 15Ͳ40nm, and for agglomerates in the range of 60Ͳ100nm (Burtscher2005). Hesterbergetal(2010)suggestedaNOEL(noͲobservedeffectlevel)for cardioͲvasculareffectsforDEPatanexposurelevelbetweenof100μg/m3PM2.5(3×104 particles/cm3) and 200 μg/m3 PM2.5 (5 × 104particles/cm3). These levels are in the same order of magnitude as the proposed levels for NRVs for biopersistent granular nanomaterials. Insum:itishighlyquestionablewhetherinthenearfuturesufficienthealthͲbased OELsand/orDNELswillbecomeavailabletosupportemployerstofulfilltheirlegaldutyof providing a safe workplace. PrecautionͲbased nano reference values (NRVs) may fill the gapcreatedbytheabsenceofhealthͲbasedOELsand/orDNELs,butmustbeworkableand acceptable.Thisisanimportanttopicinthefollowingchapters 35 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ References Abbott,L.C.,Maynard,A.D.:ExposureAssessmentApproachesforEngineeredNanomaterials.Risk Analysis30(11),(2010) AlisonElder,RobertGelein,VanessaSilva,TessaFeikert,LisaOpanashuk,JanetCarter,RussellPotter, AndrewMaynard,YasuoIto,JacobFinkelsteinandGünterOberdörster(2006)Translocationof InhaledUltrafineManganeseOxideParticlestotheCentralNervousSystem.114(8):1172Ͳ1178 Allianz&OECD(nd),Smallsizesthatmatter:OpportunitiesandrisksofNanotechnologiesͲReportin coͲoperationwiththeOECDInternationalFuturesProgramme Arboportaalnd,Ͳstoffen/veiligͲwerͲ ken/grenswaardestelsel/grenswaarden Aschberger,K.,F.M.Christensen:Approachesforestablishinghumanhealthnoeffectlevelsfor engineerednanomaterials.JofPhysics,ConferenceSeries,ProceedingsofNanosafe,(2010) AuffanM,RoseJ,BotteroJͲY,LowryGV,JolivetJͲP,WiesnerMR(2009).Towardsadefinitionof inorganicnanoparticlesfromanenvironmental,healthandsafetyperspective.NatNanotechnol; 4:634Ͳ41. 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Key in their positioning is their view that the use of nanomaterials with currently unknown occupational and environmental hazards must have consequences for the risk management and use of nanoproducts. They have made proposals for responsible manufacturing and for applying the precautionary principle to the use of nanoproducts and they urgently call for the acceptance and the operationalization of a precautionary approach by the industry and governments. The trade unions and NGOs are calling for transparency and openness regarding processes and products that contain nanomaterials and have proposed specific tools for nanomaterial use that put the precautionary principle into practice, including the principles no data → no exposure and no data → no emission. The proposed tools also include compulsory reporting of the type and content of nanoparticles applied in products, a register of workers possibly exposed to nanoparticles, and the use of nano reference values as guides to assess workplace exposure to nanoparticles. KEY WORDS: Engineered nanomaterials; environmental NGOs; nano reference values; nanotechnologies debate; occupational exposure limits; precautionary approach; public debate; trade unions 1. INTRODUCTION properties, and applicability of such nanosized materials for professional and consumer products opens new horizons.(1,2) Due to their small size nanoparticles (NPs) exhibit novel properties (different from their bulk counterparts—larger particles with the same chemical composition), such as high tensile strength, low weight, high electrical and thermal conductivity, unique electronic properties, and high catalytic activity. New products that use these novel properties, such as paints and coatings, sunscreens, cosmetics, nanomedicines, self-cleaning glass, semiconductors, and food, are entering the market and new technological opportunities are forecasted.(3) The NP challenge includes dealing with potential environmental and occupational health risks. Emerging nanotechnologies pose a challenge for academic and industrial R&D to explore new scientific pathways and to develop materials and products with new qualities based on properties of matter at the nanoscale. The scientific focus is not always entirely new, but the technological focus, exploring the 1 IVAM UvA Research and Consultancy on Sustainability, NL1001ZB Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2 University of Amsterdam, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ∗ Address correspondence to Pieter van Broekhuizen, IVAM UvA Research and Consultancy on Sustainability, P.O. Box 18180, NL-1001ZB Amsterdam, Netherlands; tel: 31 20 525 6324; fax: +31 20 525 5851; [email protected]. 47 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ >10 tons/year. To date there are many nanomaterials that are marketed in lower volumes. For nanotechnological R&D, where lack of empirical exposure data and toxicological uncertainties prevail, the European Commission therefore advises the use of the precautionary principle,(25) as explicitly stated in its Code of Conduct: “N&N research activities should be conducted in accordance with the precautionary principle, anticipating potential environmental, health and safety impacts of N&N outcomes and taking due precautions, proportional to the level of protection, while encouraging progress for the benefit of society and the environment.”(26) How precaution in nanotechnologies should be brought into practice for manufacturing and use of nanoproducts is the subject of a public debate. Some environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are calling for a strong precautionary approach to the development of nanotechnologies and recommend a product ban for all applications associated with releases leading to human or environmental exposure until evidence shows that they are safe for both human health and the environment.(27−32) The U.K. Soil Association(33) banned the use of manmade NPs from all their certified organic health and beauty products, as well as food and textiles. In theory the European industry endorses a precautionary approach, but the European industry has also stated that regulation is only called for if scientific evidence demonstrates that nanomaterials are harmful,(34) apparently opting for voluntary measures as long as scientific uncertainty exists.(35) This ambivalence may be characterized as a conditional precautionary approach. Regulatory bodies are of the opinion that current legislation covers in principle the potential health, safety, and environmental risks in relation to nanomaterials, and state that only adaptation and improvement of implementation is necessary.(36,37) An example of the latter is the revision to cosmetics regulation agreed by the European Parliament in 2009, obliging notification on the product label of the NPs contained in the cosmetic product.(38) Governing bodies often aim at involving the relevant stakeholders in the discussion on nanotechnologies. Various governmental initiatives were carried out or are underway to organize public nanoengagement activities.(39−47) However, this may be not uncontroversial as Rip(48) stated: “they tend to do so with a narrow freedom of action leading to predetermined boundaries in the government-orchestrated debate.” The role of ethics in the debate is often emphasized, but critical remarks about the role of Recent toxicity data about commonly used NPs show hazardous properties for aquatic organisms.(4) Indications for human health hazards have been reported by many research groups showing oxidative stress, fibrosis, cardiovascular effects, cytotoxicity, and possibly carcinogenicity as effects of NP exposure.(5−11) The manufacturing, trade, and use of nanoproducts may lead to worker exposure and environmental emissions of NPs while the extent and the potential effects are still uncertain.(6,7,12−14) This means that industrial employers and employees face the problem of dealing with uncertainties in developing safe products and in designing company-specific measures to prevent exposure and environmental emissions. To cope with these uncertainties several initiatives to guide industry to a safe use of NPs have been published, including several Codes of Conduct.(7,15−20) Some industries have liaised with NGOs to develop a framework for the responsible development and lifecycle management of engineered nanomaterials.(21) Most of these guidance documents are formulated against the background of chemicals legislation(22) and the Chemical Agents Directive,(23) which use the occupational hygiene strategy as a leading principle. This is the hierarchical risk management strategy, laid down in the CAD 1998, which ensures that the risk from a hazardous substance to the safety and health of workers at work is eliminated or reduced to a minimum. The strategy prefers substitution of (potentially) hazardous substances. In the case that this is not possible, emission of the substance must be minimized by designing appropriate work processes, engineering control, and the use of adequate equipment and materials. Subsequently, if this is not possible adequate ventilation and appropriate organizational measures may be applied. Finally, if these mitigating measures fail, personal protective equipment may be used to prevent exposure. However, in practice companies often choose the simple way out by selecting the final option in the risk management hierarchy: prescribing the use of personal protective equipment. Although “Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals” (REACH) does embody the precautionary principle, to date it does not deal explicitly with the use of nanomaterials. Structured initiatives are underway to close some of the identified gaps, for example, concerning the characterization of NPs,(24) but others, like the obligation to provide a chemical safety report (CSR) for hazardous substances, are only obligatory for substances brought at the market in a volume of 48 Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use of Nanomaterials ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ethics are also made. Sally Randles(49) notes skeptically: “In the face of the ‘ethics deficit’ that produced the GMO debacle and its subsequent moratoria, this time things need to be done differently. A spoonful of ethics will assist in this explicit pathclearing exercise by assuaging opposition and making nanotechnologies more ‘palatable’ to various publics, thus enabling market acceptance. Small hurdles, like working with possibly very toxic substances will have to be cleared by the formulation of good practices for safe work and production and good intentions to take care for man and environment should be agreed by all stakeholders in the field.” She emphasizes the importance of taking a proactive, responsible, and transparent line by industrial and governmental stakeholders concerning occupational and environmental health and safety issues, to seriously address ethical issues in the debate to prevent a strong opposition from civil society toward nanotechnological developments. Participation of civil society in the public debate on nanotechnologies is taking place against a background of public perception of risks and benefits and is also influencing the latter at various levels. Trade unions, environmental NGOs, and consumer organizations (together called civil society organizations, CSOs) have a voice in the public debate, as representatives of many millions of citizens (professional workers and consumers), and as protectors of the general environment. Against this background, the No European project NanoCap organized a structured capacity-building project for European trade unions and environmental NGOs on nanotechnologies from 2006 to 2009.(50) The aim was to provide the CSOs with the tools to take part in the national and European debate on nanotechnologies. This article reflects on the issues brought forward by the CSOs in the Nanocap project and the building blocks (principles and tools) they recommend using to make the precautionary principle operational in the development of nanotechnologies. The CSOs’ recommendations are described as a precautionary approach. 2. THE NANOCAP PROJECT NanoCap was set up as a consortium of five European environmental NGOs, five trade unions, five universities, and was coordinated by IVAM UvA BV, the Dutch research and consultancy group dealing with sustainable development, occupational, and environmental chemical risks (see Table I). NanoCap worked for three years on the structured enhancement of stakeholder capacity to understand and critically assess nanotechnologies. The aim was to assist trade unions and environmental NGOs to develop a position on nanotechnologies and take part in the public debate. The trade union groups involved in the project had already a long-standing cooperation in the field Code Participant Organization Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 IVAM SNM LA BEF EEB MIO 7 8 9 10 11 12 FNV AMIC ETUI KOOP PPM UAAR 13 TUD 14 KUL 15 16 UES ECDO IVAM UvA BV Stichting Natuur en Milieu Legambiente onlus Baltic Environmental Forum European Environmental Bureau Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging AMICUS the Union European Trade Union Institute Kooperationsstelle Hamburg ppm Forschung + Beratung Arbeit Gesuntheit Umwelt University of Aarhus, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre (iNano) Technical University Darmstadt, Institut für Philosophie Catholic University Leuven, Department of Public Health University of Essex, Biological Sciences University of Amsterdam, Expertise Centre for Sustainable Development 49 Netherlands Netherlands Italy Lithuania EU Greece Netherlands Ireland EU Germany Austria Denmark Germany Belgium United Kingdom Netherlands Table I. Participants in NanoCap NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table II. NanoCap Working Conferences of chemical risk policy. The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) is the technical bureau of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) that represents the interests of trade unionists at the European level. ETUC currently comprises 82 member organizations, from a total of 36 European countries and 12 European industry federations, representing more than 60 million workers. Amicus-Unite is the largest trade union in Britain and Ireland with almost 2 million members. The FNV is the largest Dutch trade union organization, with 19 national member trade unions and 1.4 million members. The German and Austrian NanoCap partners acted as intermediaries to the German and Austrian trade unions, and were selected in consultation with these unions. The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) as umbrella organization represents 143 member organizations in 31 countries with a membership base of more than 15 million. The Greek MIO federation represents 115 NGO members in 26 countries around the Mediterranean while the Lithuanian BEF represents NGOs from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Germany. Legambiente (League for the Environment) is the largest environmental organization in Italy, with 20 regional branches and more than 115,000 members. Finally, Natuur en Milieu, the Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment, is an independent environmental foundation without members. The universities involved took responsibility for the scientific input. They were invited to participate in the NanoCap project based on their expertise relevant to the nanotechnology debate, covering the fields of technology, physics, chemistry, environmental science, occupational health, and ethics. The agreement at the start of the NanoCap project was that there was no obligation to end the project with a single common position representing all of the NGOs and trade unions involved. Each partner was free to leave the project with its own vision and position on nanotechnologies. The project focused strongly on engineered nanomaterials and products, which contain engineered nanomaterials. The areas covered were technical issues, environmental and occupational health risks, ethical issues, and an assessment of the claimed benefits. Topics such as nanotechnological applications for medicine, nanoelectronic applications, and military nanotechnologies were largely left outside the scope of the activities organized. The capacity-building process was initiated by the CSOs drawing up Action Plans, identifying relevant nanotechnologies’ stakeholders their inter- Working Conference 1 2 3 4 5 Topics Basics of nanotechnology Technical and chemical-physical nanotechnological issues OHS & environmental Issues related to nanoparticles Ethical issues nanotechnologies Critical assessment of benefits of nanotechnologies Organizer ECDO UAAR UES & KUL TUD IVAM & TUD ests and strategies in nanotechnologies development, and developing national and European strategies to involve them in the NanoCap activities. At eight project team meetings, several separate trade union and NGO meetings, and five subsequent one-andhalf-day working conferences (see Table II) the strategies, nanotechnological issues, scientific certainties and uncertainties, the operationalization of the precautionary principle, and priorities for the positioning in the debate on nanotechnologies were discussed. The universities, with contributions of external experts, organized the working conferences, all with introductions to the topics followed by extensive discussions. The program for these different working conferences was largely determined by the preceding deliberations in the project team. All project partners and their invitees attended the working conferences. The Aarhus iNano Institute introduced the elementary and applied scientific basis of nanotechnologies; the Catholic University, Leuven, highlighted the toxicological and occupational health aspects of NPs; the University of Essex, the environmental and chemical issues and metrics; the University of Amsterdam outlined the sustainability issues and the precautionary principle; the Technical University of Darmstadt (TUD) elaborated on the nano-ethical issues and finally IVAM and TUD together organized the working conference assessing the claimed benefits of nanotechnologies in relation to economical interests. Comprehensive factsheets including an ethics portfolio were put together.(50) The NanoCap team visited several companies involved in the production and use of nanomaterials and discussed with the management the safe design, production, and use of nanomaterials and nanoproducts. Subsequently, both the trade unions and the environmental NGO partners had separate deliberative meetings to develop their positions on nanotechnologies which 50 Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use of Nanomaterials ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ were then discussed within their own national and European organizations and finally agreed. The project finalized with the organization of the European Conference “Working and Living with Nanotechnologies” in collaboration with the European Parliament body STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment). Here CSOs publicly presented and discussed their positions in the nanotechnologies debate. It is estimated that approximately 1,500 persons were directly involved in one or more NanoCap activities, excluding those who were informed via national dissemination activities of the partners. During the project the NanoCap website had more than 180,000 visitors. keting, and use of nanomaterials at all stages of their life cycle. They also call on the Commission to amend the REACH regulation so as to give better and wider coverage to all potentially manufacturable nanomaterials, especially with respect to the REACH registration requirements concerning market volumes and CSRs. They want a CSR to be required for all substances registered under the REACH regulation for which a nanometer scale use has been identified. They take the precautionary principle as starting point and propose concrete measures to realize transparent risk information for the workplace, not only when working with substances known to be hazardous, but also on how to act when the hazards of used substances are still unknown. Transparency and openness on nanoproduct composition are key elements in the ETUC position. In this respect the ETUC states that industrial voluntary initiatives and responsible codes of conduct may only serve a useful purpose pending implementation of the necessary changes to the current legislative framework if there is an independent and transparent system for assessing compliance and if sanctions are foreseen in the case of noncompliance. The environmental NGOs also emphasize the need to operationalize the precautionary principle to assure a sustainable development of nanotechnologies. Their position in the nanotechnologies debate is strongly influenced by their experiences regarding the GMO debate (genetically modified organisms), where the precautionary principle was ignored despite the many scientific uncertainties. A key element for the NGOs is their call for a premarket registration and a regulatory framework that anticipates the safe management of future applications in advance of their availability on the market. They note disagreement over the adequacy of existing legislation to address the potential impacts of nanomaterials, and stress that the European Commission’s regulatory assessment conclusions do not provide a solution to closing the regulatory gaps. The framework should require registration of public and private research, and test-based assessment and approval of near-market uses of nanomaterials. This information should then be put into a publicly available inventory, as part of a coherent and comprehensive policy framework on nanotechnologies. They favor consultation on (nano)technological innovation, which should include a systematic consultation of public opinion about the needs for some innovations, as it should not be assumed that they will all deliver social advantages large enough to justify increased risk. 3. RESULTS OF THE NANOCAP PROJECT The trade union groups, led by the ETUI, reached an agreed position, endorsed in 2008 by the ETUC and published as Resolution on Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials.(51) The Dutch trade union FNV(52) and the Irish/British trade union Amicus/Unite(53) published derivative position statements that played a role in their national debates on nanotechnologies. The EEB published the collective environmental position for the environmental NGOs in 2009,(54) with national derivatives appearing in Italy,(55) Lithuania,(56) and the Mediterranean.(57) The Dutch Natuur en Milieu presented its position directly to the Dutch parliament.(58) The ETUC notes that there are significant uncertainties regarding both the benefits of nanotechnologies to our society and the harmful effects of manufactured nanomaterials on human health and the environment. The development of these emerging technologies and the products from them also pose huge challenges to society in terms of regulatory and ethical frameworks. The ETUC considers that if the past mistakes with putatively “miracle” technologies and materials are not to be repeated, preventive action must be taken where uncertainty prevails. This means the precautionary principle must be applied. In their resolution the ETUC strongly focuses on the legislative aspects of nanotechnologies, in particular in relation to the chemicals legislation REACH and the Chemical Agents Directive.(17) They ask for full compliance with REACH’s “no data, no market” principle, especially calling to refuse to register chemicals for which manufacturers fail to supply the data required to ensure the safe manufacture, mar- 51 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CSOs consider risk communication to be important. They stress that communication should not only concern known hazards and risks, but should also consider what is still unknown. In the case of possible human exposure to NPs and emission into the environment risk mitigating measures should be based on a worst-case approach. Otherwise, the precautionary principle will remain meaningless. On that point the CSOs achieved agreement on some practical tools to realize an operational and comprehensive precautionary approach for working with nanomaterials. These are summarized in the following seven building blocks: (4) (1) No data → no exposure and no data → no emission In spite of the REACH principle no data → no market, practice shows that many nanomaterials characterized by incomplete data regarding risk are used in products that are currently marketed. The precautionary principle starts from the basic assumption that these nanomaterials can be hazardous substances. Consequently, the CSOs state that all emissions and exposure to NPs over the full product life cycle should be prevented. (2) Reporting of the content and type of NPs in products. Communication in the production chain should be strongly improved. Manufacturers and suppliers are called upon to report the content and type of NPs in their products to an independent body that will establish an inventory of nanomaterial-containing products on the market. Manufacturers are also called upon to report the content and type of NPs in their products to the next user in the production chain. (3) Registration of workers possibly exposed to nanomaterials. As part of the risk management system, and for retrospective workplace analysis, the employer is called to keep records of the workers handling nanomaterials including: type, handling, frequency, duration, known hazards, and any exposure-mitigating measures in place. The following distinctions apply: For nanofibres3 and CMRS nanomaterials (carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic, or sen3 (5) (6) (7) Nanofibres are especially the single-wall and multiwall carbon nanotubes (SWNT and MWNT). 52 sitizing), the preferred format is the one used in the existing obligation for registration of working with carcinogenic substances.(59) For other nonsoluble nanomaterials the preferred format is the one used in the existing obligation for registration of working with reprotoxic substances.(60) Transparent communication about known and unknown risks. Manufacturers and suppliers are called upon to use the Safety Data Sheets to inform the product user about identified risks of nanomaterials and to inform the user about existing uncertainties in knowledge that may adversely influence the performance of a reliable risk assessment. Manufacturers are called upon to provide a CSR as defined in the REACH directive,(22) including nanomaterials marketed in relatively low volumes, >1 ton/year/company. Derivation of workplace exposure limits. Employers and governmental agencies are called upon to derive Health-Based Recommended Occupational Exposure Limits (HBR-OELs) for NPs for which enough toxicological data are available. If gaps in knowledge on toxicological properties exist, the derivation of provisional nano reference values (NRVs) is an option; NRVs are guidance values that take the precautionary principle into account by using the worstcase approach to establish provisional exposure limits for nanomaterials. Development of an early warning system. To support occupational health monitoring, a system to identify early signals of adverse health effects should be developed to relate possible work-related illnesses to the exposure to specific NPs. A comparable system should be developed for environmental monitoring to relate identified environmental effects to the emission of specific NPs. Premarketing approval for all applications of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials as a central element of the policy and regulatory framework. CSOs emphasize that products should not be marketed if they introduce new, or uncertain, risks to health or the environment, while their claimed benefits cannot be substantiated. Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use of Nanomaterials ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. DISCUSSION from the market. Given this situation, and the fact that CSOs don’t want to enforce a total halt to industrial production and the conviction of the CSOs that provisional (precautionary) measures must be taken for as long as the gaps in knowledge remain unclosed, the CSOs subscribe to the no data→ no exposure/ emission principle. This approach creates room for industry to continue nanotechnological research and development and even market nanoproducts on the condition that they can prove the prevention of any exposure to, or environmental emissions of, NPs. To be effective, the no data → no exposure and no data → no market principles must be taken seriously by industry. The CSOs’ preference for this approach, which has also been called a “too soon” scenario, implies the acceptance that new evidence might show later on that precautionary measures selected originally were too strict and that preventive measures may be weakened. It could also mean possible delays in marketing of specific products, due to the need to wait for evidence of safe manufacturing and use. A “too late” scenario, however, with society waiting for proof of risk, while in the meantime workers, citizens, and the environment are possibly put at risk is not acceptable for the CSOs. The experience with asbestos is a deterrent example of the latter scenario, and this point was raised in the NanoCap project. The REACH directive embodies a precautionary approach for hazardous substances that tries to avoid the “too late” scenario by demanding premarketing hazard assessment. Therefore, an adaption that makes REACH suitable for properly dealing with nanomaterials is highly urgent. To date several companies have adopted a precautionary approach and are delaying further development of their nanoproducts until they can fully assess the environmental or occupational health risks of their products (Huisman, personal communication; Streekstra, personal communication). In doing so, they risk their frontrunner positions in innovation, but they may gain the trust of society and avoid possible nasty effects in future. Some of the CSOs’ positions regarding precaution, notification, and transparency have been recognized by the European Parliament.(65) The European Parliament explicitly asked for a thorough implementation of the no data → no market principle for nanomaterials to which workers, consumers, and/or the environment may be exposed. The European Parliament has also called for specific amendments to be made in REACH, especially with regards 4.1. Precaution, Transparency, and Notification According to the CSOs, precaution is a key element in nanotechnology policy development and although the application of the precautionary principle is acceptable for many industrial stakeholders, as reflected by the publication of codes of conduct, there is no agreement on how to put a precautionary approach into practice. A precautionary approach, triggered and motivated by uncertainties or ambiguity about nanotechnological hazard and risk issues, generally competes with economical interests. Industrial interests in the development of nanotechnology are expected to grow to a trilliondollar market.(61−63) Many industries use communication strategies that exploit the ambiguities of nanotechnology to translate the technologies into a moneymaking industry.(64) For instance, economical interests led to the industries’ confidentiality policy and consequently restrict communication on the nanomaterials used in products and their risks. Lack of transparency and, as emerged in the NanoCap project, confidential behavior make the CSOs suspicious. A major element in the CSO position is the notion that public acceptance of the new technology strongly depends on the transparency created by industrial and governmental stakeholders on currently confidential issues regarding product composition and associated risks. Therefore, the CSOs are asking governments to undertake legal steps to enforce binding obligations for precaution, transparency, and open communication. Their calls to oblige manufacturers to carry out a premarket nanoproduct risk assessment, to report the composition of their nanoproducts, to register exposed nanoworkers, and develop nano references values are examples of their approach to translate the precautionary principle into practical measures. The same holds for the CSO proposal for the principles no data → no exposure and no data → no emission. The starting point is the REACH principle no data → no market, but it cannot be denied that numerous nanomaterials are already on the market, some of which had appeared long before these materials were explicitly identified as nanomaterials and before it was recognized that these materials may have new and as yet uncertain (toxicological) properties. The actual situation with chemicals in Europe suggests to the CSOs that a huge number of chemical substances with little or no data are not banned 53 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to the registration of nanomaterials, a CSR for all registered nanomaterials, irrespective of their hazard identification, and for a notification requirement for all nanomaterials that are placed on the market, irrespective of their volume and concentration thresholds. At the national level France aims at the compulsory notification to the administrative authorities, prior to fabrication, importation, or distribution of any nanomaterial, indicating the quantities handled and the intended uses.(66) In the Netherlands, developments in the Dutch Social Economic Council (SER) have shown that it is feasible to reach agreement between trade unions and employers’ organizations on most of the building blocks for a precautionary approach.(67) Trade unions and employers’ organizations have agreed on the first six building blocks, even for the commercially highly sensitive point of notification (reporting) of the nanomaterials used in products. However, the last building block proposed by CSOs, premarketing approval of nanoproducts, has not been agreed. Following the SER advice, the Dutch Parliament has endorsed notification of the NP content of products,(68) and the derivation of provisional NRVs.(69) The Parliament asked the Dutch government to seriously consider a binding notification and to establish NRVs for nanomaterials. However, in contrast to the French approach, the Dutch have decided not to launch a national initiative for binding notification, but to shift this initiative to European political channels. proaches. Another solution is the provisional use of NRVs. One possible precautionary approach has been suggested by NIOSH for nano-TiO2 .(70) Based on the increased reactivity of nano-TiO2 linked to the increase in surface area, NIOSH proposes a 15-fold reduction for a nano-TiO2 limit value compared to the existing OEL for large-particle TiO2 (1.5 → 0.1 mg/m3 ). This approach does not take into account possible new specific effects that are observed for some substances at the nanoscale.(71) A more generic approach was proposed by the British Standards Institute.(72) It follows the principle of “standard setting in analogy” and proposes a risk-ranking system (see Table III) for the establishment of “guidance values,” which are called here NRVs. The BSI approach presupposes the derivation of substance-specific NRVs, but this is only possible for a limited number of NPs because for only a few has an OEL has been established for its coarse form. For these particles with no OEL for the coarse form, BSI suggests that an alternative would be to develop a benchmark based on particle number concentration. BSI suggests that 20,000 particles/mL above the ambient environmental particle concentration is an appropriate benchmark. This approach would be useable as a generic benchmark and solves many problems concerning the lack of data, but it ignores any substance-specific toxicity. One may note that the use of safety factors by BSI is not substantiated. Peculiarly, very toxic CMRS NPs get a lower safety factor than insoluble NPs. Furthermore, some confusion might arise about the apparently contradictory ranking system that includes a separate group for soluble NPs while engineered NPs are generally defined as insoluble materials. Nevertheless, the solubility characteristics of NPs are of interest because the solubility of NPs may increase significantly as size decreases,(73) which may have a direct influence on the bioavailability and thus influence the toxicokinetic behavior of the substance. Comments on the BSI methodology have also been made by the German Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung, the IFA,(74) which introduces particle size and density of nanomaterials as important parameters to determine benchmark levels (see Table IV) with the metric particles per cubic meter. This generic approach was adopted in the Netherlands for its NRVs as an acceptable precautionary exposure level for ENPs as long as HBR-OELs or DNELs are 4.2. Nano Reference Values The call for the establishment of NRVs is related to the use of occupational exposure limits (OELs) for occupational risk assessment. It is the common practice in Europe to use health-based recommended occupational exposure limits (HBR-OEL) for this purpose, based on sound empirical data about hazards. In REACH the derivation of DNELs (derived noeffect levels) is foreseen, to function as a basis for the establishment of OELs. However, when sound empirical data are lacking, which is still the case for most commercial nanomaterials, an HBR-OEL cannot be established, leaving to the employer the task to derive a provisional exposure limit for workplace chemicals. For this the employer may use an expert guess, a worst-case approach, a read-across method, a SAR (structure activity relationship), or other ap- 54 Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach to the Use of Nanomaterials ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table III. BSI, Nanoparticle Risk Ranking, and Proposed Guidance Values Cat i ii iii iv aA Description Guidance Value Remarks Fibrous materials; a high aspect ratio insoluble nanomateriala Any nanomaterial already classified in its coarse particle form as carcinogenic, mutagenic, reproductive toxin, or as sensitizing (CMRS) Insoluble or poorly soluble nanomaterials, and not in the category of fibrous or CMRS particles 0.01 fibers/mL Analogous to asbestos fibers. 0.1 × existing OEL for molecular form or larger particles Soluble nanomaterials not in the fibrous or CMRS category 0.5 × OEL The potentially increased rate of dissolving of these materials in nanoparticle form could lead to increased bioavailability. Therefore a safety factor of 0.1 is introduced. In analogy with NIOSH a safety factor of 0.066 (= 15 × lower) is advised. An alternative benchmark level is suggested as: 20,000 particles/mL above the ambient environmental particle concentration. A benchmark of 0.5 × OEL is proposed. 0.066 × existing OEL for molecular form or larger particles fiber is defined as a particle with an aspect ratio >3:1 and a length more than 5,000 nm. Table IV. IFA Proposed Benchmark Levels Description 1 2 3 4 CNT with a high aspect ratio (>3:1), longer than 5,000 nm, insoluble nanomaterial Metals and metal oxides and other biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1 and 100 nm (Metals and metal oxides and other)a biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1 and 100 nm Density 0.01 fibers/cm3 10,000 fibers/m3 >6.000 kg/m3 20,000 particles/cm3 <6.000 kg/m3 40,000 particles/cm3 Ultrafine liquid particles a Text Benchmark Level (8-hr TWA) Applicable OEL Type • CNT, for example asbestos-like SWCNT or MWCNT without specific toxicity information of the manufacturer • Ag, Au, CeO2 , CoO, Fe, Fex Oy , La, Pb, Sb2 O5 , SnO2 , • Al2 O3 , SiO2 , TiN, TiO2 , ZnO, nanoclay • Carbon Black, C60 , dendrimers, polystyrene • CNT with explicitly excluded asbestos-like effects • e.g., fats, hydrocarbons, siloxanes between parentheses inserted by the author for clarity of the description. not available.(75) They refer to the background corrected ENP-concentration in the workplace atmosphere and are defined as a warning level to trigger a thorough assessment of NPs at the workplace when this level is exceeded. Then the source of the NPs’ emission(s) should be thoroughly identified and possibilities to reduce the emission of NPs must be assessed. The NRVs are quantified as an 8-hour TWA exposure concentration (time weighted average exposure over the 8-hour working day). in companies and in the European countries are key players in the European nanodebate, influencing the opinion of the general public. According to the NanoCap project design CSOs were free to develop their own, independent position in the nanodebate while deliberating with NanoCap partners and in discussions with external stakeholders, such as industry, consumer organizations, and policymakers. The independently developed positions from the trade unions and the environmental NGOs show a large similarity in their approach of nanotechnologies. An important point is their demand for more openness and transparency of the industry on manufactured nanoproducts and their possible risks. Concerning nano legislative issues the CSOs identified that existing directives and regulations are not addressing nanotechnologies adequately and ask 5. CONCLUSION This article reflects on the deliberative approach used in the NanoCap project, which enabled the structured enhancement of the capacities of European CSOs to understand and critically assess nanotechnologies. The CSOs with their many members 55 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ therefore for an updating of the current legislative framework. The precautionary approach operationalizing the precautionary principle regarding the professional use of nanomaterials as proposed by the European CSOs can be summarized in seven building blocks: 3. Woodrow Wilson Institute. PEN Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. 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Hazard reduction for the application of titania nanoparticles in environmental technology. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008; 152(1):440–445, available at 13. Reijnders L. Hazard reduction in nanotechnology. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2008; 12(3): 297–306. 14. Grieger KD, Hansen SF, Baun A. The known unknowns of nanomaterials: Describing and characterizing uncertainty within environmental, health and safety risks. Nanotoxicology, 2009; 3(3):222–233. 15. VCI. Guidance for the passing on of information along the supply chain in the handling of nanomaterials via safety data sheets, Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. 6 March 2008. downloads/tmp VCIInternet/ 122301Guidance%20SDS%20for%20Nanomaterials%20 06 %20March%202008.pdf?DokNr=122301&p=101, Accessed May 2010. 16. BAUA. Guidance for handling and use of nanomaterials at the workplace. Bundersanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedicin (Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. 2007.;jsessionid=D 357612FC8032E2BE78E5703E43C18BA? blob=publication File&v=2, Accessed May 2010. 17. BASF. versions:/publish/content/sustainability/dialogue/in-dialoguewith-politics/nanotechnology/images/BASF Guide to safe manufacture and for activities involving nanoparticles.pdf, Accessed November 2009. (1) No data → no exposure and no data → no emission. (2) Reporting of the content and type of nanomaterials in products (traceability) (3) Registration of workers possibly exposed to nanomaterials (4) Transparent communication about known and unknown risks (5) Derivation of workplace exposure limits (6) Development of an early warning system (7) Premarketing approval for all applications and nanotechnologies and nanomaterials as a central element of the policy and regulatory framework These building blocks may help in the development of governmental policy and may stimulate precautionary initiatives in industry. This may as well help those industries still waiting with further development and marketing of nanoproducts for the “outcome” of the nanodebate to take this hurdle. If building blocks find enough support to become real tools in a precautionary approach to nanotechnologies they may need further elaboration, as outlined here for the case of NRVs. 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Abstract In the European construction industry in 2009, the use of engineered nanoparticles appears to be confined to a limited number of products, predominantly coatings, cement and concrete. A survey among representatives of workers and employers from 14 EU countries suggests a high level of ignorance about the availability and use of nanomaterials for the construction industry and the safety aspects thereof. Barriers for a large-scale acceptance of products containing engineered nanoparticles (nanoproducts) are high costs, uncertainties about long-term technical material performance, as well as uncertainties about health risks of nanoproducts. Workplace measurements suggest a modest exposure of construction workers to nanoparticles (NPs) associated with the use of nanoproducts. The measured particles were within a size range of 20–300 nm, with the median diameter below 53 nm. Positive assignment of this exposure to the nanoproduct or to additional sources of ultrafine particles, like the electrical equipment used was not possible within the scope of this study and requires further research. Exposures were below the nano Keywords Nanomaterials Construction industry Awareness Risk assessment Exposure measurements Nano reference values Occupational health EHS Introduction Nanotechnology creates possibilities to produce construction materials with novel functionalities and improved characteristics. An overview of current nanotechnologies research for the construction industry has been presented (NICOM3 2009; Lee et al. 2009; Ge and Gao 2008). Applications of nanotechnology have been described for cement, wet mortar and concrete, paints, and coatings (NICOM3 2009), insulation materials (Insulcon 2009; Relius 2009; Aspen 2009), glass (Econtrol 2009; 3M 2009; SaintGobain 2009) and infra-structural materials (Eurovia 2008; Bijl 2008). Nanoparticles (NPs) have been claimed to reduce the weight of concrete by using silica fume (an aggregate of amorphous SiO2 nanoparticles), to increase strength and elasticity of concrete, to save energy consumption of houses by improved performance of isolation materials, to improve weathering properties for exterior surfaces, as self cleaning coatings for interior and exterior surfaces and window glass, as traffic exhaust P. van Broekhuizen (&) F. van Broekhuizen R. Cornelissen IVAM UvA BV, Plantage Muidergracht 14, 1018TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] L. Reijnders University of Amsterdam, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 61 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ purification coatings for infrastructural works, to provide better crack resistance of polymer materials, as biocidal surfaces for walls of surgery rooms, to improve fire resistance of materials, etcetera. NanoTiO2 in concrete is explored with the aim to enhance its’ durability and to maintain whiteness throughout the entire lifetime of the construct. It is claimed that organic pollutants, microorganisms and NOx are broken down by the photo-catalytic activity of TiO2. The efficient performance of nano TiO2 for road coating systems or coating of acoustic fencing along motorways has not been substantiated in practice, though (van Ganswijk 2009). More advanced, ‘‘smart’’ developments have been reported, including building materials containing nano-sensors, and nanoparticulate self-repairing materials (Koleva 2008; Yang et al. 2009). Some of the applications of nanotechnology have already reached the market; many are still under development. Actual uses of these applications in buildings have been described (Hessen Agentur 2007; Leydekker 2008). Occupational exposure to NPs may have an impact on health. Indications for human health hazards have been reported by many research groups showing oxidative stress, fibrosis, cardiovascular effects, cytotoxicity, and possibly carcinogenicity as effects of nanoparticle exposure (Renwick et al. 2004; Borm et al. 2006; Schneider 2007; Schulte et al. 2008; Borm et al. 2008; Trouiller et al. 2009; Knol et al. 2009; Stone et al. 2010, b). Findings, e.g., suggest that metal oxide nanoparticles affect the cardiovascular system and may inflict DNA damage. The pulmonary response to nanoparticulates in general has been demonstrated to be inflammogenic in nature, with epithelial damage, oxidative stress and cytotoxicity, driven by particle mediated ROS (reactive oxygen species) production, being common findings. At present there is only very limited information about the availability and actual use of nanoparticulate products and about possible exposures to NPs released from these products at the workplace. To date, exposure to engineered NPs in practice is limitedly reported in scientific literature for research activities and to an even lesser extent for workers in NPs manufacturing or nanoproducts’ use.1 Reports on the exposure of downstream use workers to NPs are rare (Schneider 2007; Berges 2009; Brouwer et al. 2009; Plitzko 2009; Methner et al. 2010a; Methner et al. b). Insight in exposure to NP in practice when NPs are emitted from products, which contain a solid matrix, is limited. Mechanical abrasion tests quantifying the nanoparticle release into air from dried surface coatings show that there is no significant correlation to nanoparticle content. NPs remain embedded in the coarse wear particles (Vorbau et al. 2009; Göhler et al. 2010). Also, Koponen et al. (2010) were not able to detect a clear effect of ENPs on dust emissions from sanding ‘‘nanopaints’’ in a standardized testing situation. Against this background this paper addresses the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Which nanoparticulate products are used in the European construction industry? Are employers and employees aware of the nanoparticulate character of those products and of its implications for occupational health? What are actual exposures to nanoparticles in a limited number of working environments where workers deal with nanoproducts? How do these exposures compare with preliminary nano reference values for workplace exposure based on a precautionary approach? In the characterisation of nanoparticles a distinction is made between engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) and ultrafine particles (UFPs). Both are in the same size range, but ENPs are nanoparticles that are industrially manufactured and used in products to add a specific functionality. UFPs are nanoparticles with a natural origin or nanoparticles with an anthropogenic origin generated as byproduct of human activities, such as burning fuel or drilling. If no distinction is being made between these two types the term ‘‘nanoparticles’’ (NP) is used. Concerning the nanoparticle size the draft definition, as published by the European Commission (2010) for ‘‘nanomaterial’’ is used. This definition considers three different possibilities, of which the first is used in this study: Nanomaterial means a material that meets the following criteria: consists of particles, with one or more external dimensions in the size range 1–100 nm for more than 1% of their number size distribution. 1 In this article, a nanopoduct is considered to be a product in which engineered nanoparticles are used to influence the specific properties and to improve the performance. 62 Use of nanomaterials in the European construction industry ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Materials and methods The insight gained in the development and use of nanoproducts in the construction industry was further deepened by in-depth interviewing of construction employers and workers, architects, raw material, and product manufacturers as well as R&D scientists, in total ca 45 interviewees from Western European countries and 5 from the USA and Canada. Inventory European nanoproducts market Within the European social dialogue in the construction industry the association of employers organisations FIEC2 and the association of trade unions EFBWW3 together did set up an inventory of the current availability and use of nanomaterials and nanoproducts at European construction sites. This inventory aimed to provide insight into barriers and drivers for the use of nanoproducts in this sector and to identify related occupational health and safety issues. The FIEC represents 34 national member Federations in 29 countries (27 EU and EFTA, Croatia and Turkey), construction enterprises of all sizes, i.e., small and medium-sized enterprises as well as ‘‘global players’’, carrying out all forms of building and civil engineering activities. The EFBWW is the European Industry Federation for the construction industry, the building materials industry, the wood and furniture industry and the forestry industry. The EFBWW has 75 affiliated unions in 31 countries and represents a total of 2,350,000 members. Part of the inventory was a questionnaire set out by the FIEC and the EFBWW among their members in 24 European countries (hereafter called the 2009survey). A strategic selection of 144 well-informed FIEC and EFBWW contact persons in the Member States resulted in 28 completed questionnaires from 14 European countries. Completeness was not pursued, as this would require a much more elaborate approach. The aim was to get an impression of the actual use of nanoproducts in the European construction industry and of the communication about technical performance and health and safety issues regarding nanoproducts in the sector. Literature research and an extensive web search generated further insight in the use of nanomaterials and communication about potential related occupational health risks. Preliminary exposure measurements Exposure to NPs dispersed during use of nanoproducts was measured at two different companies for a total of four different working situations: 1 spraying a liquid window coating, 2 and 3 applying a cement repair mortar and 4 nano-concrete drilling. All exposure measurements are carried out with an Aerasense NP monitor (NanoTracer): a portable aerosol sampler of Philips Aerasense, Eindhoven, and The Netherlands. The NanoTracer provides real time information about the number concentration (particles per cm3), number-averaged particle diameter and surface area. The apparatus detects NP’s within a range of 10–300 nm, as an arithmetic mean in time intervals of 16 s or less, depending on the selected modus. The accuracy is considered to be ca. 10%. The apparatus technical details of the Aerasense NP monitor were described by Marra et al. (2007; 2010). On board data logging capabilities were utilized for the Aerasense NP monitor. A laptop computer with software was used for both control and data acquisition (NanoReporter, Philips Aerasense, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) and data analysis (NanoReporter and MS Excel, Microsoft Corporation, United States). All aerosol NP monitors used were time synchronized with the laptop prior to commencement of sampling. Statistical analysis was carried out with the statistics programme Stata. Personal exposure assessment and source identification measurements were carried out during all described activities. Personal monitoring was carried out with a NanoTracer fixed at the belt of the worker. Natural background concentrations were measured at the workplace preceding the activities using nanomaterials. Near-field emission (within 1–2 metres from activities) measurements were carried out with a second NanoTracer operated hand-held by of one of the authors. During all observed activities, the workers wore FFP3 protection masks. 2 FIEC Fédération de l’Industrie Européenne de la Construction. 3 EFBWW European Federation of Building and Wood Workers. 63 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Working situation 1 Company 1 specialised in the application of water based self-cleaning and antibacterial coatings for exterior and interior hard surfaces: walls, windows, and horizontal surfaces. According to the technical data of the product the active nano-component is TiO2 (anatase) with an initial particle diameter of\8 nm and a BET 160 ± 30 m2/g.4 For application a paint spraying system is used (Wagner W850F). The actual activities concerned the application of the self-cleaning coating on the exterior windows (approx. 75 m2 glass) of a small rural detached house (see Fig. 1). One worker applied the coating, during 1 h. The activities carried out were the filling of the spraying system with 1 L premixed coating dispersion, followed by the spraying activities. In total ca 250–330 mL coating was used, with an estimated use of 17 mg nano-TiO2. The electric generator of the spraying system was placed at approximately 1.5 meter distance of the personal monitoring equipment. The weather conditions were dry with a mild wind (approximately 3 Beaufort). Fig. 1 Spraying the self-cleaning coating on a window (Company 1) Working situation 2 Company 2 is specialised in concrete repair in civil works situated in or nearby water, especially bridges and viaducts. The company uses concrete mortar with nano-filler for repairing large damaged surfaces and for applying a concrete covering on reinforced steel (rebar). The mortar material used is Emaco NanoCrete R4. According to the supplier, the product contains ‘‘applied nanotechnology’’ that provides elasticity to the mortar, and prevents the development of cracks. Neither the technical data sheet, nor the Material safety data sheet (MSDS) provide information on the exact nature of the nanomaterial present. However, according to direct information from the manufacturer, the nanocomponent in NanoCrete is highly agglomerated fumed silica with a size of [ 100 nm (BASF 2009, personal communication). The MSDS does not mention any nano-related measures. The actual work concerned the manual repair of a limited surface area at the underside of a concrete bridge (see Fig. 2). Deteriorated concrete parts were pneumatically removed, after which 4 Fig. 2 Manual concrete repair at the underside of a bridge (Company 2, location 1) Technical product information of the product Environ-X, provided by the supplier NanoServices. 64 Use of nanomaterials in the European construction industry ___________________________________________________________________________________________ measure NPs generated by the electrical equipment, measurements were carried out immediately next to the idle running mixer. Electric power for the equipment used was generated by a diesel generator, which was situated at approximately 25 metres from the construction site, adjacent to the workers canteen. Cigarette smoking workers generated an additional source of exposure to UFPs (ultrafine particles). NanoCrete was applied manually. The total amount NanoCrete used was 25 kg, which was mixed with water, resulting in ca 11 L mortar. The mixing itself had a duration of 3 min; the period used to apply the mortar was 35 min. Electric power for the equipment used was generated by a diesel generator, which was situated at approximately 15 metres from the construction site. The weather conditions were dry with a mild wind (approximately 2 Beaufort). Working situation 4 Working situation 3 At location 3 the same company 2 re-enacted drilling activities in cured concrete mortar. Measurements were carried out during drilling work in a concrete wall in the open air, at the companies’ headquarters. Measurements were carried out during drilling in conventional concrete as well as in a wall that that was constructed with NanoCrete mortar. In addition to the measurements during drilling, a measurement was carried out immediately next to the drill, while it ran idle, to measure NPs generated by the electric equipment. During all activities the weather conditions were dry, with a relatively strong wind, approximately 5 Beaufort. In all cases (drilling and idle- running) one NanoTracer was located ‘upwind’ and one ‘downwind’ at approximately 0.5 metres from the employee. At another location of company 2, at another day, measurements were carried out during mixing of shotcrete repair mortar at a repair work at a concrete bridge. The product used was the same concrete repair mortar as used in working situation 2. The dry mortar was dosed from 25 kg bags into a vessel, and mixed with water by means of a long-stemmed mixer (see Fig. 3). Subsequently, the wet mortar was pumped through a hose and pneumatically projected at high pressure onto the surface of the bridge. The actual spraying activities were not monitored. During mixing and spraying, the workers wore P3-dust protection masks. During all activities the weather conditions were dry, with a relatively strong wind of approximately 5 Beaufort. In addition to the measurements of activities involving nanomaterials, to Results Market survey In Table 1 an overview is given of typical nanomaterials offered at the market for actual use in the European construction industry in 2009, as identified in the interviews and the inventory. In total 94 different products were identified (Broekhuizen et al. 2009). Table 1 shows that only a few types of NPs dominated the use of NPs in construction materials in 2009. Nano- TiO2, ZnO, aluminium oxide, Ag, and SiO2 are predominant. No evidence was found for the use of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in construction materials neither in coatings nor in cementitious or concrete products; this despite the intensive ongoing research and the claimed high potential of CNT to positively influence the specific performance of products. Coating products were identified to dominate the market, being 68% of the total number of the Fig. 3 Mixing concrete repair mortar (Company 2, location 2) 65 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1 Nanomaterials actually applied in construction materials (2009) Material Functionality introduced Nanoparticle Type of introduction Concrete Self-cleaning surface (photo-catalytic) Increased durability TiO2 Surface layer Ultra strong concrete SiO2 (silica fume) Mixed in matrix, filler to improve material strength Aerogel, often SiO2 or carbon based Corrosion reduction Insulation material Improved insulating properties against heath, cold, fire or a combination thereof Nanoporous material# Coatings## Improved surface penetration, coverage Reduced layer thickness Nano-sized dispersions Transparent coatings Photo-catalytic, self-cleaning, hydrophobic properties Nano-sized ingredients TiO2, ZnO, SiO2 Glass Additive in the coating Anti-bacterial TiO2, ZnO and Ag Additive in the coating Scratch resistance SiO2, Aluminium oxide Additive in the coating Easy-to-clean surfaces Carbon fluorine polymers Additive in the coating Fire retardant TiO2, SiO2 and nano-clays Additive in the coating UV-protection of wood TiO2, ZnO, CeO2, Additive in the coating Decolourisation of wood by tannin Nano-clays Additive in the coating IR-reflection Tungsten oxide Surface coating Non-reflective glass Nano-porous surface SiO2 Surface structure Fire or heat protection Metal oxides SiO2 Surface coating Surface coating Transparent silica gel inter-layer between two glass panels Infrastructure # Easy-to-clean properties Ag, SiO2, carbon fluorine polymers Surface coating Photo-catalytic self cleaning properties TiO2 Surface coating UV active air pollution reduction on asphalt, road pavement blocks, sound barriers and tunnels TiO2 Surface coating The internal structure consists of nano-bubbles (nano-holes) ## Coatings with similar functionalities are developed for many different material surfaces like wood, plastic, metal, concrete, glass, ceramics and natural stone The inventory of nanomaterials applied in the European construction industry is the result of a questionnaire held under 144 members of FIEC and EFBWW in 24 EU-countries. The response was 28 answers from 14 countries. To this inventory data were added from in-depth interviews with 50 manufacturers and end-users in the EU and an extensive web search on nanoproducts that are marketed in the European construction industry identified nanoproducts. Coatings also included products like a top coating for road pavement or a top coating for concrete products. Concrete and cement products and insulation products made up for 12 and 7% of all the identified products. According to the interviews, silica fume-based cement (amorphous silica) appears to be a successful nano-niche. Silica fume does improve the particle packing of the concrete matrix resulting in improved mechanical properties, reduced water permeability and a higher durability (NICOM3 2009). However, its production process and the high demands placed on the equipment to handle silica fume cement cause silica fume to be more expensive for use than alternative cement types. As a result, silica fume is only applied on specific customer demand or if regulation does require so. EU wide rough estimates, made by interviewed experts, suggest that silica fume UHPC (Ultra High 66 Company 2, location 1 Mixing mortar Company 2, location 2 Mixing and handling repair mortar Company 2, location 3 Drilling cured concrete mortar 2 3 4 67 24 Background in workers canteen 11 9 9 12 Drilling in normal concrete, near field Drilling machine idle-running Background 13 Drilling machine idle-running Drilling in NanoCrete concrete, near field 11 7 Drilling in NanoCrete concrete, near field Drilling in normal concrete, near field 5 107 Background Direct emission mixer 52 Personal exposure: (NanoCrete mixing) 23 26 9.512 5,611 10,075 10,656 7,043 9,743 7,886 7,416 6,896 59,957 5.964 6.107 45,429 6,177 7.195 16.337 11.346 66.079 572.410 164.424 83.545 20.068 52.732 114.962 115.011 13.310 71.519 641.074 73.928 15.696 11.832 7.643 12.319 88.688 55.865 43.460 18.549 35.966 9.318 80.450 8.738 10.985 123.931 11.412 11.907 12.219 7.605 22.889 195.616 70.981 39.033 15.960 29.545 49.978 79.619 8.844 13.983 199.508 20.763 11.898 34 34 24 19 19 21 34 22 19 25 20 21 23 27 31 54 40 300 97 59 48 223 94 70 184 300 173 65 207 174 Max (nm) 48 37 44 43 40 44 51 47 44 47 51 47 47 54 53 Median (nm) 45 32 74 51 32 42 107 48 43 57 69 62 41 49 59 AM (nm) The NanoTracer detects NP’s within a range of diameters of 10–300 nm as an arithmetic mean in time intervals of 16 s Measurements at four outside locations in the construction industry were carried out using two NanoTracers, one for personal monitoring and one to measure the concentration of NP in the near field (as in situation 4, respectively the down- and up-wind concentration). The near field is defined as a distance of 1–2 m from the activities with dispersive use of nanomaterials. The background for situations 1, 2 and 3 was measured preceding the activities using ENPs. The background for situation 4 was measured at larger distance in up-wind position. Direct emissions from idle-running electrical equipment were measured without the use of products containing ENPs. The nanomaterial used in situation 1 concerns a waterborne suspension of Nano-TiO2, while situations 2 and 3 concern the mixing of dry nanomaterial. Situation 4 concerns release of NPs from drilling activities in cured concrete NP/cm3 number of nanoparticles/cm3, nm nanometres AM (NP/ cm3) Min (nm) Median (NP/ cm3) Min (NP/ cm3) Max (NP/ cm3) Diameter nanoparticles N amount of measurements, Min lowest measured value, Max highest measured value, AM arithmetic mean Down-wind location Up-wind location SiO2 (amorphous) NanoCrete R4 Personal exposure: (NanoCrete mixing) Background Background SiO2 (amorphous) NanoCrete R4 83 185 Personal exposure during spray activities TiO2 (anatase) Company 1: Spraying self-cleaning coating 1 N Number of nanoparticles Workers exposure to nanoparticles Measurement Location ENP Working situation Table 2 Exposure measurements to NPs at some construction sites Use of nanomaterials in the European construction industry ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ measurements, and corrected for the local background concentration (see Table 2) Table 3 Background-corrected 8-h TWA exposures to NPs. The 8-h TWA exposure was calculated based on the actual working period with products containing NP at the days of the Working situation 1 Company 1, Spraying self-cleaning coating 2 Company 2, location 1 Mixing mortar 3 Company 2, location 2 Mixing and handling repair mortar Measurement location Personal exposure during spray activities Exposure time (h) AM (Np/cm3) Mean 8-h TWA (Np/cm3) 1.25 12.219 50 Background 11.898 Personal exposure: (NanoCrete mixing) 0.05 Background 199.507 1.117 20.763 Personal exposure: (Nanocrete mixing) 0.5 Background 13.983 321 8.844 Table 4 IFA proposed benchmark levels Description Density 1 CNT with a high aspect ratio ([3:1), length [ 5.000 nm, insoluble Benchmark level (Nano reference value) (8-h TWA) Type NP 0.01 fibres/cm3 (10.000 fibres/m3) • CNT, for example asbestos-like SWCNT or MWCNT without specific toxicity information of the manufacturer 2 Metals and metal oxides and other biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1 and 100 nm [6.000 kg/m3 20.000 particles/cm3 • Ag, Au, CeO2, CoO, Fe, FexOy, La, Pb, Sb2O5, SnO2, 3 (Metals and metal oxides and other) biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1 and 100 nm \6.000 kg/m3 40.000 particles/cm3 • Al2O3, nanoclay, SiO2, TiN, TiO2, ZnO 4 Ultrafine liquid and soluble particles • Carbon Black, C60, dendrimers, polystyrene • CNT with explicitly excluded asbestos-like effects Applicable OEL Performance Concrete; *4w/w% silica fume) makes up for 5% of the concrete market, which comes down to approximately 3.6 Mtons of silica fume concentrated in relatively few special construction projects. Raw material silica fume generally is highly agglomerated (Evonik Rheinfelden 2008, personal communication; BASF 2009, personal communication). The interviews indicate further that the actual use of titanium dioxide NPs in concrete is limited, typically reserved for those types of concrete that can be manufactured as bi-layer systems and for which a relatively high unit price can be asked (2009, personal communication). Photo-catalytic cement products like concrete blocks, bricks, tiles or roof • e.g., fats, hydrocarbons, siloxanes, NaCl tiles are just about to appear on the market, their actual use is still small. Because of its lower costs and similar, but less reactive characteristics, microcrystalline TiO2 (particles [ 100 nm) is used more frequently than the nano-TiO2 (Heidelberg Technology Center Germany 2009, personal communication). Other TiO2 containing products are photo-catalytic cement products for the construction of exterior walls, facades and tunnels (Heidelberg Technology Center Germany 2009, personal communication; ItalCementi 2009), binders for coating materials for concrete floors, paving blocks, tiles, roof tiles, road marking paints, concrete panels, plaster, and cementitious paints (ItalCementi 2009), and coating for natural stone and concrete surfaces (Nanogate 2009). 68 Use of nanomaterials in the European construction industry ___________________________________________________________________________________________ received from respondents (see Box 1) and statements obtained from the in-depth interviews does indicate that the actual market penetration anno 2009 is still low and limited to a rather few niche products. Interviewees state that high costs and uncertainties about long-term technical material performance of nanoproducts are a barrier for large-scale acceptance (BASF 2009, personal communication; Heidelberg Technology Center Germany 2009, personal communication; Skanska 2009, personal communication). Interviewees emphasize further that health and safety issues remain barriers to be overcome prior to market application (Makar 2009, personal communication; NanoCyl 2009, personal communication; BASF 2009, personal communication; Bayer 2009, personal communication). Not only the toxic (asbestos-like) effects identified for specific long multi wall carbon nanotubes (Poland et al. 2008a, b; Takagi et al. 2008) trigger end-users to postpone the use of nanomaterials. Also the uncertainty about the toxicity of spherical shaped nanomaterials influence this attitude (2009, personal communication). For the decorative paints industry, the following high performance construction coatings and coatings with specific nano-modified properties can be identified on the market: anti-bacterial coatings (Bioni 2008), photo-catalytic self cleaning coatings (Clou 2009), UV and IR reflecting or absorbing coatings (BASF 2009 personal communication; Byk 2009), fire retardant coatings and scratch resistant coatings. Nanoclay (i.e., hydrotalcite) is used in wood coatings to prevent wood ‘‘bleeding’’ by tannins that, in time, decolorize the wood surface (Byk 2009). Coating applications for glass and wood benefit especially from the transparency of NPs to visible light. In the case of glass, one finds ‘‘baked-on coatings’’ applied during the glass production process and sprayed-on coatings applied on-site. Insulation materials called ‘nano’ are often made out of a nano-foam (or aerogel), containing nano-size holes (Insulcon 2009). On the market are: nanostructured fluoro polyurethane products (combined with a photo catalytic iron oxide top layer) for heat and cold protection (BASF 2009, personal communication; Relius 2009). There are also nano-porous silica structure insulation materials produced for fire protection (Aspen 2009), as well as materials for sound isolation (BASF). Information supply The primary source of hazard information for downstream users is the MSDS. However, from the respondents 37% answered that general hazard information was provided via the MSDS or the product label, but that very limited, if any, information was supplied on the nano-additive in the product. Kittel (2009) describes comparable findings for the situation in Austria. Current legislation does not oblige manufacturers and suppliers to report the level of NPs contained in the product to the downstream user, but as in-depth interviews point out, there is also confusion about the definition of NPs, nanomaterials and nanoproducts, resulting in conflicting opinions about characterizing the supplied material as ‘‘nano’’ or not. As was Awareness The 2009-survey indicates that 80% of the workers’ representatives and 71% of the employers’ representatives were not aware of the availability of nanomaterials and were ignorant as to whether they actually use nanomaterials at their workplace. This high level of ignorance makes that no strong conclusions can be drawn from the survey results alone with respect to the market penetration of nanoproducts in construction. Nevertheless, combining the responses from workers and employers that did work with nanomaterials, with several comments Box 1 Citations from the 2009-survey on awareness ‘‘…I have spoken to a number of companies regarding this subject and no one is aware of any materials containing these products. I have also spoken to a number of people from the Health and Safety Executive and they are also not aware of the existence of these products. I would be happy to receive further information regarding this issue so that I can investigate further (UK),’’ ‘‘…we tried to get information from several construction-subsectors, but until today we didn’t receive useful indications. The problem (and we are not very surprised) is still unknown (CH),’’ ‘‘…the subject is simply too abstract and too unfamiliar to respond to the survey at all (NL)’’ 69 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ stressed in the interviews, the time that a ‘‘nano-tag’’ was a good product selling argument is over; uncertainty about possible health or environmental effects prevails. As a consequence, to prevent a negative impact on the sales, products are now predominantly marketed without referring to the nano-size. In industry the terms ultrafine (Stone et al. 2010a, b) and sub-micron particles (Sprietsersbach 2010) are frequently used. The market may now face a growing number of downstream users who are not informed about the type and content of NPs in the products they use. Particle concentration (Np/m3) 20000 15000 10000 5000 background spraying nano coating Fig. 4 Boxplot of the particles concentration measured during application of the self-cleaning coating. The plot shows the minimum, the 25% percentile, the median value, the 75% percentile and the maximum particles concentrations. The background and the spraying activities are in the same order, although the amount of measured NPs for the spraying activities is slightly higher Exposure measurements Results from the exposure measurements are presented in Table 2. From the measurements in the four working situations it is evident that sources of UFPs such as the electric mixer, the drill, the diesel aggregate or cigarette smoke may well dominate over ENPs exposure at the construction site as generated by the use of nanoproducts. It is uncertain whether the NPs released from the NanoCrete R4 in the mortar are ENPs. Due to the claimed highly agglomerated state of the silica fume in the NanoCrete R4 in situations 2, 3, and 4, the amount of free ENPs in the prepared mortar may be very limited. Nevertheless release (de-agglomeration) of ENPs might occur under the high-energetic activities like drilling, but confirmation as this can only be given by chemical analysis of the particles and a more thorough analysis of the particle size distribution. At all measured outside locations there is a large variation in the airborne concentrations. The minimum and maximum concentration may differ by a factor 50, as measured for the idle-running drilling machine at location 3 of company 2. An explanation for this strong variation might be the strong influence of turbulences in the outside air on the airborne NPconcentration. The short, sometimes very high peak exposures generated by short-term activities like adding nanosized mortar and the subsequent mixing, are quickly diluted by the outside air turbulence. Table 2 also shows the diameters of the measured nanoparticles, measured as the arithmetic mean of the particles diameter averaged over time intervals of 16 s. Measured particles vary in minimum and maximum diameter between 19 and 300 nm (probably larger than 300 nm as well, which is the detection limit of the used equipment). Larger NPs are likely to be formed by agglomeration. The arithmetic mean of the particles’ diameter in the personal exposure measurements varies from 59 to 69 nm. For the drilling activities a larger arithmetic mean is measured, but the median is comparable. The median for the different situations varies between 37 and 54 nm. The measurements carried during the spraying of the self-cleaning coating are presented in boxplot (see Fig. 4). A slightly elevated particles concentration is observed during these activities. A distinction between exposure to ENPs derived from the coating and those NP possibly generated by the electrical motor of the spraying equipment cannot be made at this stage. During the mixing of mortar a high emission of NP is possible, as is shown with a peak exposure of [ 600.000 Np/m3 for the single use of one 25 kg bag of NanoCrete at the location 1 of company 2. At the second location the measured exposures, during the mixing of 6 bags, were much lower, probably largely influenced by the weather conditions. These measurements are shown in Fig. 5 of which a boxplot is presented in Fig. 6. In this situation, with a relatively strong wind, peak exposures did not exceed 72.000 Np/cm3. Independently, a peak exposure of almost 115.000 Np/cm3 is measured for an idle running mixer (see Table 2). For the series of short peak exposures no distinction can be made between exposure to ENPs dispersed from the mortar-mix and UFPs generated by the electrical mixer equipment. At the same location separate measurements were carried out of the exposure to NPs in the workers 70 Use of nanomaterials in the European construction industry ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 80000 Particle concentration (Np/cm3) Fig. 5 Exposure to NPs during mixing mortar in company 2, location 2. The figure shows the results of personal monitoring of the adding of 6 NanoCrete bags and the consequential mixing of the mortar (time is represented in seconds). The actual mixing activities took place in the time interval between 565 and 2493 s. Just before this period, in the time interval between 235 and 565, a smoking colleague visited the working site, which resulted in a short peak exposure of the worker of 60.000Np/cm3 60000 40000 20000 0 0 235 565 2493 3170 Particle concentration (Np/cm3) time both at a distance of 0.5–1 meter from the drilling worker (se Table 2). For drilling in cured NanoCrete concrete the arithmetic mean NP concentration for the downwind position exceeds the concentration in the up-wind position by 40,000 Np/cm3. For drilling in ‘normal’ concrete this difference is ca. 16,000 Np/cm3. The median values for these situations differ 20.000 Np/cm3 and 6.000 Np/cm3, respectively. The NPs emission generated by drilling in NanoCrete concrete is 2–3 higher than the emission of drilling in ‘‘traditional’’ concrete, suggesting a higher release of NPs from the NanoCrete concrete. At the same time a control measurement shows that the emission of NPs from the idle-running drill in this situation may be as high as [ 600,000 Np/cm3 in the downwind position, indicating that the higher emission during the NanoCrete-concrete drilling may as well be caused by engine-generated NPs from the higher drilling intensity in the denser NanoCrete concrete. 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 background mixing mortar Fig. 6 Boxplot of the particles concentration during mixing of mortar at company 2, location 2. The plot shows the minimum, the 25% percentile, the median value, the 75% percentile and the maximum particles concentrations, including outliners representing the short-term peak exposures during the actual mixing of NanoCrete. The exposure during mixing of mortar is clearly distinguishable from the background canteen and of the emission of NPs of the diesel aggregate (see Table 2). The workers’ exposure in the canteen shows a high average personal exposure to NPs, of nearly 80.000 NP/cm3, with peak exposures of [ 110.000 NP/cm3, likely to be generated by (indoor) smoking workers. A contribution to the indoor NP concentration, however, may also be generated by the diesel aggregate that was standing adjacent the canteen. For the drilling of cured concrete (company 2, location 3) the near field concentration of NPs was measured in an up-wind and a down-wind position, Personal exposure 8-h TWA A mean 8-h TWA (time weighted average) personal exposure to NPs, corrected for the background concentration of NPs, can be calculated assuming that no other activities with this nanomaterial are carried out during the working day. For working situation 1 this means no further spraying activities, for situation 2 and 3 no further mixing of NanoCrete containing mortar. For working situation 4, the 71 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ drilling in concrete, no 8-h TWA was calculated because this was specifically arranged to test the generation of NPs and does not represent a real-life drilling activity. In all cases the calculated 8 h-TWA exposures to ENPs (including engine-generated NPs) are an estimate of the apportionment of workplaceemitted particles to the total particles concentration. The calculations are presented in Table 3. For the situation 2 and 3, in company 2, the level of the background corrected 8 h-TWA exposure to workplace-generated NPs is largely determined by the short-term peak exposures of handling the nanoproduct. The exposure may be a mix of ENPs released from the nanoproduct and UFPs generated by the electrical equipment. at the workplace. When exceeding this level the source of the nanoparticles’ emission(s) should be thoroughly identified and possibilities to reduce the emission of nanoparticles must be assessed. The NRVs are based on the benchmark levels as proposed by (IFA 2009; Schulte et al. 2010) and quantified as 8-h TWA (time weighted average), corrected for the background concentration as shown in Table 4: For the measured workplace situations 1–3 in which nano-TiO2 or fumed silica may be emitted, both metal oxides with a density of \6.000 kg/m3, the values in Table 4 would imply a (background corrected) level of the NRV of 40.000 particles/cm3. All the calculated 8-h TWA exposures (see Table 3) remain well below the NRV level, suggesting that for the specific workplaces of this study and their actual conditions no extra measures would have been necessary additional to the measures that were already required based on the risk assessment of the other (bulk and molecular) materials used. Comparison of measured values with nano reference values Based on what is known today tools have been published to help to design a safe nano-workplace (Schulte et al. 2008; VCI 2007; Borm et al. 2008; NanoSafe 2008; NanoSmile 2010), including the use of control banding tools (Paik et al. 2008; Höck et al. 2008). Ignorance about possible risks and the lack of essential health and safety information of the downstream user might be argued to call for a precautionary approach in risk assessment and risk management. Building blocks for a precautionary approach were adopted by the construction employers’ organization and the trade unions (Broekhuizen and Reijnders 2010; FIEC-EFBWW 2009). The question, which arises in this context, is what is an acceptable precautionary exposure level? As for ENPs HBR-OELs5 or DNELs6 are not available, temporarily precautionary reference values are being developed in The Netherlands, called nano reference values (NRV) (Dekkers and Heer 2010). A NRV is defined as a warning level and refers to the ENP-concentration in the workplace atmosphere, corrected for the background NP concentration. It is intended to be a warning level to trigger a thorough assessment of nanoparticles Discussion The high expectations for nanotechnological products for the construction industry, as mentioned in scientific literature and market studies (Freedonia 2007), are as yet not reflected by practice. Limited communication in the production chain about technical and health and safety aspects of these products is observed. Costs and the present uncertainty regarding long-term technical performance of nanoproducts are factors that limit the use of nanoproducts in the European construction industry. At the moment nanomaterials and thus nanoproducts are significantly more expensive than their non-nano alternatives. Manufacturers of construction materials are reluctant to develop nanoproducts, especially when the performance of existing non-nanoproducts is believed to be sufficient. This holds in particular for the larger volume products like concrete or mortar and for construction coatings. Nanoproducts, as a result, remain niche products that are only applied upon specific request. A larger potential in the future is expected for insulation materials, architectural and glass coatings that have the improvement of the energy performance of the construct as their main objective. These are currently niche markets, but the current focus of 5 HBR-OEL Health-based recommended occupational exposure limit. (maximum permissible concentration of a given gas, vapor, fiber or dust in the air at the workplace). 6 DNEL Derived no-effect level. (Within REACH the level above which humans should not be exposed). 72 Use of nanomaterials in the European construction industry ___________________________________________________________________________________________ the denser concrete structure of the NanoCrete provokes a higher drilling intensity, resulting in an increase in engine-generated NPs. As anticipated by Maynard and Zimmer (2002) and shown by Szymczak et al. (2007) electric equipment is a source of NPexposure that cannot be neglected. In a test system Szymczak found a significant emission of Cu NPs up to 3.0 9 1011 particles/m3, generated by universal motors as used in domestic and do-it-yourself electrical equipment, including a drilling machine. Chen et al. (2006) and Meng et al. (2007) have reported about the high reactivity and acute toxicological effects of copper nanoparticles. This emphasizes the need to take Cu-NP exposure also into consideration when making a risk assessment. The emission of NPs from the electrical equipment shown here and reported elsewhere (Szymczak 2007) is of the same order of magnitude as, or larger than the measured on-site exposures. Consequently one could suggest that the exposures to nano-TiO2 or nano-SiO2 may well be lower than the measurements presented in Table 3 suggest. Uncertainty about the origin and relative contribution of measured NP calls for more elaborate sample analysis to quantify exposure to ENPs. The claimed highly agglomerated state of the SiO2 NP’s in the cement mortar used and the possible contribution to the exposure of electrical equipmentgenerated NPs, are arguments for further physical/ chemical analysis of the samples. EDX/SEM analysis might be a good option. Notwithstanding the need for further analysis of the NPs, comparing the 8 h-TWA exposure (Table 3) with the proposed NRVs (Table 4) suggests that the use of NRVs may provide a valuable tool for a first workplace risk assessment. The calculated 8-h TWA exposures to NPs (possibly as a mix of different types of NPs) remain well below the proposed NRVs and to date there is no indication that for the prevention of adverse effects of the concerned nanoparticles the use of a ceiling value is advisable. In view thereof no further specific nano-risk related measures would be necessary. However, given the observed exposure pattern additional assessment of the peak exposures seems appropriate (van Broekhuizen 2011). This might lead to a 15 min-TWA and a short-term peak exposure level should be leading in the risk assessment and suggests the need for additional shortterm nano reference levels, for example in analogy society on the improvement of energy management in the context of climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gasses does stimulate an increased market share (Broekhuizen et al. 2009). Risk avoidance is another drawback for use. Potential users seem to wait with using nanomaterials, until more evidence for a safe use comes available. Advocates for more openness of the industry about the type of nanomaterials used in the products, have taken up this point (IG DHS 2008; ETUC 2008; EEB 2009; Broekhuizen and Reijnders 2010; FIEC, EFBWW 2009) and have suggested openness about health risks, advice on how to use nanomaterials safely and information about the so far unknowns. However, it is questionable if voluntariness alone would suffice to generate more openness in the communication. Voluntary initiatives to increase openness of industry about their nanoproducts have been only limitedly successful (Berger 2007; Helland et al. 2008; DEFRA 2008; Breggin et al. 2009; US EPA 2009), which in some countries did lead to initiatives to develop legal instruments to enforce more openness (e.g., The Netherlands, France, Austria). Measuring the personal exposure to ENP at industrial workplaces is subject to several factors which influence the level of NP exposure, as presented here, and merit discussion. The first one is the size range of the measured nanoparticles concentration. The NanoTracer measures in the range from 10 to 300 nm, meaning that in principle an overestimation of the amount of nanoparticles is possible. For risk assessment this is not necessarily a problem since there seems not to be a sharp limit for effects at the 100 nm size, as is shown for example by Barnard (2010) for TiO2 for the potential of generating of ROS as a function of the nanoparticles size. Furthermore, the measurements show that the major part of the measured particles is in the range \100 nm. Especially the background concentration, the use of electrical equipment, heaters, diesel aggregates, and smoking are identified in this study as potential confounding factors in ENP measurement. The use of electrical equipment is of specific interest. This study indicates that the use of electrical mixers and drilling machines may contribute significantly to the workers NP exposure. For instance, the difference measured between drilling traditional and NanoCrete concrete in the near field might relate to an emission of NPs from the Nanocrete concrete, but it may also be that 73 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The awareness of majority of the end-users, construction employers and employees about the existence of nanoproducts and about their actual use appears to be very low. It is concluded that communication about product performance and health risks of nanomaterials has to be improved in the production chain. Real-time exposure measurements in a limited amount of exterior workplaces show a low 8 h-TWA workers’ exposure to dispersed airborne NPs, if compared with NRVs, but it is difficult to distinguish ENPs from a NPs’ background exposure and from NPs generated by the electrical machining equipment. Short-term peak exposures seem to be characteristic for the workplaces investigated. Further chemical analysis of airborne workplace nanoparticulate samples is needed to elucidate the productrelated contribution to the measured nanoparticle exposure. Comparison of the exposure with NRVs shows a limited exposure, not exceeding the warning level for 8 h-TWA exposures. with the rule of thumb for a 15min chemicals’ exposure, used by Labour Inspectorates, NRV (15 min-TWA) = 2 9 NRV (8 h-TWA) and for peak exposures NRV-peak = 10 9 NRV(8 h-TWA) (van Broekhuizen 2011). For most of the cases presented here, this would mean an exposure well below the proposed NRV-peak and the 15min-TWA. Only for the mortar mixing in situation 2 the NRV-peak might be exceeded, which might lead to an advice to apply risk mitigating measures during the adding actual mixing of the NanoCrete. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) were not found to be used in the European construction industry. In the case that this changes it is useful to point out that the suggested NRV for CNT of 10.000 fibres/m3 (see Table 4) is analogous to the established OEL for asbestos. It should be mentioned that this asbestos OEL has recently come under debate. The Dutch Health Council published an advice to lower the OEL for chrysotilic asbestos to 2,000 fibres/m3 and amphibolic asbestos to 420 fibres/m3, in line with an acceptable yearly fatality risk level of 4.10-5 (Dutch Health Council 2010). One might argue that the levels suggested by the Dutch Health Council should be adopted in setting the level for nano reference value of long CNTs for which the toxicity is not specifically established, in line with findings that exposure to long CNTs triggers responses that are similar to the effects of asbestos (Poland et al. 2008a, b). Acknowledgments The study was granted by the European Commission, Directorate General Employment by the grant agreement no. VS/2008/0500–SI2.512656 within the context of the European Social Dialogue in the Construction Industry. The authors like to thank the companies (construction companies, raw material producers, product manufacturers, waste processing), the industrial branch organisations, R&D institutes and individuals for their valuable contributions to the study, the insights provided and their openness in discussions. The Stichting Arbouw, the Dutch bipartite expertise institute for occupational health and safety in the construction industry, granted the exposure measurements. The authors like to thank Jan Uitzinger for help with the statistical analysis. Conclusion In 2009, the use of nanoproducts in the European construction industry was at a relatively low level. Within the as yet small nanomarket in the construction industry, primarily coatings and cement and concrete dominate. The most important NPs in these applications seem to be nano-TiO2 and silica-fume. A major barrier is the high price of nanoproducts used in bulk amounts, limiting the use to situations where the customer specifically requests their use. A higher use is foreseen for nanoproducts with energy saving properties. Another barrier is the uncertainty of potential manufacturers and end-users about adverse occupational risks of ENPs leading to reluctance in selecting these materials. 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J Occup Environ Hyg 5:239–249 76 Use of Nanomaterials in the Furniture Industry ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Useofnanomaterialsinthefurnitureindustry R egardingthemarketpenetrationofnanoͲenabledproductsand(unͲ)awarenessofcompanies andworkers abouttheavailabilityandrisksofnanomaterialsthefurnitureindustryshows a picture similar to that of the construction industry shown in the previous section (van Broekhuizen 2012). The findings of van Broekhuizen (2012) dealing with information supply and workplace exposure measurements are briefly summarized here. The limited downstream information supply is explained by the finding that many companies in the sector keep the use of nanomaterialsinproductsconfidential.Competitionandintellectualpropertyrightsarementioned as reasons for confidentiality. Marketing also matters in this respect, but its impact on confidentialityisambivalent:whileitholdsforsomecompaniesthat“nanotechnology”sells,itseems to apply more generally that companies prefer not to label their product as “nano”. The onͲgoing uncertaintyregardingthepotentialhealtheffectsofnanomaterialsisalsomentionedasareasonto keep their use in products confidential, avoiding “unnecessary questions”. Another factor limiting communication is ignorance. Upstream material suppliers themselves are often not well informed andconsequentlycanprovideonlylittletonoinformationtothefurnituremanufacturer. A large market potential for nanomaterials in furniture was identified, but in practice only a very limiteduseofnanoͲenabledproductswasobserved.NanoͲSiO2wasusedinhospitalsandofficesin easyͲtoͲclean, waterͲrepellent, oilͲrepellent and antiͲgraffiti coatings. NanoͲSiO2 is also applied in high scratch resistant lacquers or in coatings to protect metal, wood or stone against erosion and wear processes. It may protect wood against algal growth and attack by other organisms like woodwormortermites.Furthermore,nanoͲSiO2isusedinconcretetoachieveanultraͲhighstrength andhighdensitythatissuitableforuseinkitchenandstreetfurniture.NanoͲAgandnanoͲTiO2are identifiedinbactericidalorselfͲcleaningcoatingsatthesurfaceoffurnitureinmedicalcentres,the foodsector,swimmingpools,saunasandeveninevenpublictransportworksandvehicles.Nanoclay was identified as stabilizer of pigments. NanoͲTiO2 nanoͲZnO and nanoͲCeO2 were found in use as UVͲblocking agents, for example in wood protective coatings. Nanocellulose was identified as compositematerialandnonͲwovenadsorbentwebs. Limiting factors hampering the use of nanomaterials are the still high prices, although lower price are expectedwhenmarketvolumesgetlarge.Uncertainty about adverse health effects remains an issue of concern for manufacturers and may be a reason to postpone their decision to apply MNMs in furniture products. Workplaceexposuremeasurements x Workplace exposure measurements during high pressure spraying of MNMͲcontaining lacquer on woodpanelsinasprayͲcabinshowedhighnumber concentrations in the exhaust air, but personal Figure1Highpressuresprayinginthespray exposure concentrations far below the NRV8hrͲTWA cabin.Thearrowrepresentstheairflowofthe ventilationsystem:greenindicateslownumber (see in fig.1). The existing exhaust ventilation ofnanoparticles;redindicateshighnumberof systemprovedtobeeffectivealsoforMNMs. nanoparticles. 77 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ____________________________________________________________________________________________ x LowͲpressure spraying of a MNMͲcoating on furniture cushions using a manual pumpͲspray andwipingcloths,inanotͲventilatedroomdid notshowanyMNMexposure(seeFig.2). x Sanding of wood panels treated with highly scratchͲresistant lacquer, at an unͲventilated workͲbench generated nanoparticles as a fraction of the total sanding dust. The sanding machine engine also released nanoparticles. Wet sanding did not generate a measurable Figure2Coatingofadentistchaircushionusinga MNMͲconcentration,butincaseoffullͲdaydry lowͲpressurepumpͲsprayandasoftwiping sanding and polishing workplace exposure exceeded the NRV8hrͲTWA. It is likely that processͲgenerated nanoparticles contribute to this numberbasedconcentration. x During cutting of nylon textile treated with a waterͲrepellent coating with normal scissors no nanoparticlesintheworkplaceaircouldbedetected. In sum: in the furniture industry there is smallͲscale use nanomaterials. There is a large information gap in the industry about nanomaterials and nanoͲenabled products regarding availability,benefitsandpotentialrisks.Theidentifiedusesofnanomaterialsalwaysoccurredinthe form of nanoͲenabled products. With the nanomaterials embedded in a liquid or solid matrix, the exposuremonitoringfocusedonpracticeswheredustoraerosolsweregenerated.Thestudyshowed that the existing exhaust ventilation, as installed for protection against “conventional” substances, wasalsoeffectivetoprotectagainstexposuretonanoparticles.Theuseofelectricalequipmentmay generatesignificantnumberconcentrationsofairbornenanoparticles. 3.3 Thepaintvaluechainandnanomaterials an MaanenͲVernooij et al. (2012) have studied information about nanomaterials and workplaceexposuretonanoparticlesintheDutchpaintvaluechain,whichincludescarrepair materials.Theirresultsarebrieflysummarizedhere. Interviewed downstream users in car repair shops are not triggered to obtain information about nanomaterials,astheyfeelthatsuchinformationisnotimportant.Theyemphasizethatsafetydata sheets (SDS) of products used do not report on nanomaterials. Neither the management, nor the workersincarbodyrepairshopsknowwhethertheyareconfrontedwithcarsthatarecoatedwitha nanoͲlacquerorwhethertheyusenanoproductsforrefinishing.Asaconsequencetheydon’tknow whetherthereisariskforexposuretonanoparticles.Theinformationisneithersuppliedtothemby thepaintmanufacturers,norbythesuppliersofthecars.Managementofcarrepairshopsdoesnot have the chemical knowledge to demand upstream information from suppliers or manufacturers aboutthecoatingcomposition(andespeciallyonthenanocontent).Itseemsthatmanypaintand coatingmanufacturerskeeptheiruseofnanomaterialsincarrepairproductsconfidential. Information supply about nanomaterials seems less of a problem amongst painting contractors. The painting contractors organization FOSAG states that painting contractors are inherentlyconservativeandscepticaltowardsinnovativeproductsandfearbusinessrisksandlosses duealowerperformance.AbetterperformancehasyettobeprovenfornanoͲenabledpaints.The branch itself does not experience ignorance, but it should be noted that nanoͲenabled paints are V 78 The Paint Value Chain and Nanomaterials ___________________________________________________________________________________________ only applied when explicitly demanded by the customer (homeͲowner or architect). FOSAG stated that it does not note anxiety about the possible health effects of nanoparticles among painting contractors. Workplaceexposuremeasurements Analysingmomentsofpossibleoccupationalexposuretonanomaterialsalongthepaintvaluechain shows that the risks of occupational exposure to primary MNMs mainly occur during paint manufacturing.Thehighestprobabilityofexposurewasidentifiedwhenworkershandledrypowder formraw(nano)materials.Theexposureprobabilityissignificantlyreducedwhenthenanoparticles arehandledintheformofaliquidora(nonͲpowdery)solid.Inthatcasetheexposurecharacteristics seemsimilartothatofhandlingormachiningacoatingwithoutanynanomaterial. Personal sampling of airborne concentrations from nanomaterials emitted during paint production (and corrected form the background) shows an arithmetic mean concentration for nanoͲTiO2 of 875,333 particles/cm3 (mean diameter 58nm) and for the additive SyloWhiteTM (an amorphous sodium aluminum silicate that is not purchased as nanoͲcomponent) an arithmetic mean concentration of 2,949,906 particles/cm3 (mean diameter 44nm). Taken into account the short duration of the activities the exposure remains below the NRV8hrͲTWA (у0.5xNRV). However peak exposuresexceedtheNRV15minͲTWAupto>12xNRV15minͲTWA.Measurementsinanotherpaintcompany manufacturingapaintbasedonnanoͲTiO2showed8hrͲTWAexposuresfarbelowtheNRV8hrͲTWA.Van MaanenͲVernooij et al. (2012) emphasize that the level of exposure is strongly influenced by the handlingproceduresandthecontrolmeasuresappliedinaddingthebagstothemix. In sum: the downstream information supply on nanomaterials’ release and potential risks shows large gaps. Gaps may regard products (components) supplied to paint manufacturers and professionalendusers,butmayalsoregardsinformationaboutproductssuppliedforservices(like carrepairandmaintenance).Thelackofinformationisnotalwaysexperiencedasproblematic,asis shownforpaintcontractors.Exposuretonanomaterialsinthepaintvaluechainisexpectedprimarily duringpaintmanufacturing.Theexposuretoairbornenanomaterialsduringpaintmanufacturingis stronglyinfluencedbythecontrolmeasuresandcaretakenduringthehandlingofthenanomaterials. Exceeding of the NRV15minͲTWA is likely when insufficient control measures are taken. The source of airbornenanomaterialsmayalsobe“conventional”drypowderingredients,whichcontainnanosized particles. This source may dominate over the number concentrations generated by nanoͲ components. References VanBroekhuizenF(2012),“NanoinFurniture”,StateoftheArt2012,ExecutiveSummary,IVAMUvABVMay 2012,EuropeanSocialDialogueintheFurnitureIndustry VanMaanenͲVernooijB,LeFeberM,vanBroekhuizenF,vanBroekhuizenP(2012),Pilot“KennisdelenNanoin deVerfketen”,TNOreportV9445|1,March2012.ͲenͲ publicaties/rapporten/2012/04/10/eindrapportͲpilotͲkennisdelenͲnanoͲinͲdeͲverfketen.html 79 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 80 Chapter 4 Workplace exposure to nanoparticles and the application of provisional nanoreference values in times of uncertain risks Published in: Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2012) 14:770‐795 81 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 82 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Workplace exposure to nanoparticles and the application of provisional nanoreference values in times of uncertain risks Pieter van Broekhuizen • Fleur van Broekhuizen Ralf Cornelissen • Lucas Reijnders • Received: 17 July 2011 / Accepted: 6 February 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012 workplace air were up to several millions of nanoparticles/cm3. Conventional components in paint manufacturing like CaCO3 and talc may contain a substantial amount of nanosized particulates giving rise to airborne nanoparticle concentrations. It is argued that risk assessments carried out for e.g. paint manufacturing processes using conventional non-nano components should take into account potential nanoparticle emissions as well. The concentrations measured were compared with particle-based NRVs and with massbased values that have also been proposed for workers protection. It is concluded that NRVs can be used for risk management for handling or processing of nanomaterials at workplaces provided that the scope of NRVs is not limited to ENPs only, but extended to the exposure to process-generated NPs as well. Abstract Nano reference values (NRVs) for occupational use of nanomaterials were tested as provisional substitute for Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs). NRVs can be used as provisional limit values until Health-Based OELs or derived no-effect levels (DNEL) become available. NRVs were defined for 8 h periods (time weighted average) and for short-term exposure periods (15 min-time weighted average). To assess the usefulness of these NRVs, airborne number concentrations of nanoparticles (NPs) in the workplace environment were measured during paint manufacturing, electroplating, light equipment manufacturing, non-reflective glass production, production of pigment concentrates and car refinishing. Activities monitored were handling of solid engineered NPs (ENP), abrasion, spraying and heating during occupational use of nanomaterials (containing ENPs) and machining nanosurfaces. The measured concentrations are often presumed to contain ENPs as well as process-generated NPs (PGNP). The PGNP are found to be a significant source for potential exposure and cannot be ignored in risk assessment. Levels of NPs identified in Keywords Nanomaterial Nanoparticle Risk management Occupational Exposure Limit Nano reference value Health effects Exposure measurement P. van Broekhuizen (&) F. van Broekhuizen R. Cornelissen IVAM UvA BV, Plantage Muidergracht 14, 1018TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] Introduction Working with nanomaterials may result in exposure of workers to nanoparticles (NPs) and the possibility that adverse health effects develop (Borm et al. 2006; Yokel and MacPhail 2011). A recent proposal of the L. Reijnders Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 83 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ the way of application and the measures used to mitigate exposure (Plitzko 2009; Brouwer 2010; Wang et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2011; Vosburgh et al. 2011). Number-, mass-, and surface area exposure concentrations have been suggested as metrics for exposures to ENP (Abbott and Maynard 2010; Ramachandran et al. 2011). Heitbrink et al. have suggested that for workplace exposure to NP the active surface area concentrations can largely be explained by particles smaller than 100 nm (Heitbrink et al. 2009). By assuming a spherical size for these nanoparticles the surface area can easily be related to the number concentration (Ramachandran et al. 2011). Brouwer et al. (2009) have offered a ‘decision logic’ as a guidance as regards how to proceed with the data reporting and analysis. This is based on the statistical difference of the average workplace concentration during nano-activity periods compared to the background concentrations (near or far field), an elemental characterization (using e.g. EDX) of the sampled ENP and on observations during the measurements. For risk assessment and –management, comparison of measured exposures with acceptable or accepted risk levels is essential. It has been questioned whether the commonly used reference for substances, the health-based recommended occupational exposure limits (HBR-OEL) derived for ‘coarse’ particles (typically [500 nm) are applicable for nanosized particles (Schulte et al. 2010, Stone et al. 2010). As yet no firm conclusion can be drawn which would be applicable to all nanoparticles. Provided that the chemical properties, as driver for the toxicological behaviour, are the same for the bulk and the nanosized particles, then scaling-down might be an allowable methodology (Stone et al. 2010). Schulte argues in favour of the derivation of nano-specific HBROELs motivated by the specific characteristics of the nano-size. If different metrics are chosen for reporting like particle surface area or number, he argues, it will be necessary as well to make conversions to massbased on these metrics. As yet no OELs have been derived for any nanomaterial by the European SCOEL (the Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits) or any national OEL-setting authority. NIOSH has proposed a recommended exposure limit (REL) for TiO2 nanoparticles in workplace air on the basis of available toxicity data, specifically data linking tumours to exposure (NIOSH 2011). This proposed standard is European Commission defines nanomaterials as natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where, for 50% or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions are in the size range 1–100 nm (EC 2011). This definition is clearly legislation/ registration oriented and not aimed to define nanomaterials in terms of risk. In the present publication nanoparticles with a diameter up to 300 nm are studied. Workplace exposure to NPs may have three main sources: engineered NP (ENP), process-generated NP (PGNP) or incidental NP, which include enginegenerated NP (EGNP) and combustion-derived NP (CDNP), and the environmental background NP. The environmental background concentration originates from natural sources (vulcanism, weathering, etc.) and anthropogenic activities like combustion (Donaldson et al. 2005; BéruBé et al. 2007; Evans et al. 2008). In risk assessment of ENPs in occupational environments identification of PGNP, distinguished from the background concentration is essential (Ramachandran et al. 2011). So far, measurements of workplace exposure to ENP have been limited (Plitzko 2009, Brouwer 2010, Wang et al. 2010, Lee et al. 2011, Vosburgh et al. 2011). From these measurements it appears that the background concentration of NPs varies, and quite often varies between 10,000 and 20,000 nanoparticles/ cm3 for industrial workplaces or offices in moderately polluted city areas (Wehner et al. 2002). EGNP present at workplaces may be generated for example by electrical equipment like compressors, universal motors, drilling machines, vacuum cleaners and by diesel engines (Szymczak et al. 2007, van Broekhuizen et al. 2011a, b). Measurements suggested that workplace concentrations due to EGNP emissions may exceed several 100,000 nanoparticles/cm3 up to several million nanoparticles/cm3. The latter concentration seems to be almost up to a physical maximum beyond which coagulation changes the concentration rapidly as outlined by Kreyling (Kreyling et al. 2010). PGNP have been reported in number concentration of [1,000,000 nanoparticles/cm3 with a low mass concentration (\0.10 mg/m3) (Peters et al. 2006). Studies done so far show that the actual exposure to engineered nanoparticles (ENP) may vary quite substantially depending on the physical status of the nanomaterials (powder, paste, liquid), the process, 84 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 0.3 mg/m3, as time-weighted average for up to 10 h per day during a 40 h working week. This is a factor 16.6–33.3 stricter than the 5–10 mg/m3 private limit values for fine TiO2 particles used in several European Members States (SER 2012). NIOSH has also published a draft standard for exposure to carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers based on available toxicity data (NIOSH 2010). In this case hazard would justify an eight hours time-weighted average between 0.2 and 2 lg/m3 air, but due to a higher upper limit of detection 7 lg/m3 was proposed. Under the European directive REACH it is foreseen that DNELs (derived no-effect levels) will be derived by the manufacturing industry. DNELs are healthbased risk indicators and with REACH coming at age it is expected that the amount of DNELs will rapidly grow. To date, however, no DNELs have been derived for nanomaterials, except from the draft DNELs that were calculated as an exercise for MWCNT, fullerenes, nano-TiO-2 and nano-Ag by the ENRHES project (Stone et al. 2010). Drawbacks for the rapid development of DNELs are the cut-off values in REACH for DNEL-derivation for substances brought at the market in volumes of[10 tonnes/year/company and the on-going discussions whether nanoparticulates should be considered as different from their bulk form for registration. Pauluhn has proposed a generic mass-based approach to estimate DNELs for manufactured nanomaterials based on evidence from repeated rat inhalation exposure studies suggesting that the particle displacement volume is the most prominent unifying denominator linking the pulmonary retained dose with toxicity (Pauluhn 2010). He states that the experimental evidence obtained in the most sensitive bioassay (rat) with granular biopersistent particles supports the view that the prevention of overload-like conditions may also prevent secondary long-term effects to occur. He calculates a volumebased generic exposure of 0.54 ll PMresp/m3 9 q (where, PMresp means respiratory particulate matter) to represent a defensible OEL based on a combination of generic theoretical considerations and empirical evidence. The mass-based limits can be calculated by multiplication of the volume concentration with the particles’ agglomerate density (q) (mass concentration in mg/m3 = 0.54 ll PMresp/m3 9 q). In this article, limit values as proposed by Pauluhn will be applied to the workplace concentrations and compared with nano reference values (see Table 4). The EU Chemical Agents Directive (CAD)1 places responsibility on employers to protect the health and safety of workers from the risks from all chemical agents, including nanomaterials. Central to this is the employer’s risk assessment, to identify and use control measures appropriate to the way the chemical agent is used in their workplace. To achieve this, when OELs or DNELs are lacking, the employers have the obligation to derive safe exposure levels themselves, even if existing knowledge gaps limit a reliable derivation. This practice has led European and national policymakers and industry representatives to the belief that for nanomaterials a precautionary approach should be applied. In such an approach the REACH principle no data, no market was paraphrased by in the principle no data, no exposure, where ‘data’ refers to hazard data (SER 2009; van Broekhuizen and Reijnders 2011). The latter principle is clear about its stated goal, but it has been recognised that its consequence, a zero-exposure, is in practice unattainable. Therefore, the use of generic benchmark levels was suggested, as a tool that can be used in risk management of nanomaterials as long as health-based limit values are not available (BSI 2007; IFA 2009). Such benchmarks represent a warning level for nanoparticles in the workplace atmosphere that should lead to risk reducing measures when this level is exceeded. BSI proposes a risk ranking system with a mass-based approach for insoluble or poorly soluble non-CMAR2 nanomaterials. A guidance value can be derived by using a safety factor of 0.066 (15 times lower) compared to the OEL of the bulk material. For nanomaterials classified as CMAR in their bulk form a general safety factor of 0.1 compared to the existing OEL is suggested. IFA introduces a particle numberbased approach for recommended benchmark limits, arguing that the size and density of the nanoparticles must be employed as classification criteria for derivation of the recommended exposure limits. Based on the IFA-methodology nano reference values (NRVs) have been developed, as described in the following 1 The Chemical Agents Directive (CAD), are Council Directives on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work (98/24/EC), and on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work (2004/37/EC). 2 CMAR Carcinogenic, mutagenic, asthmagenic, reproduction toxic. 85 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1 Nano reference values, based on the benchmark levels as proposed by IFA and adapted according to discussions with IFA and the Dutch expert panel Description Density Benchmark level (8-h TWA) Type NP 0.01 fibers/cm3 SWCNT or MWCNT or metal oxide fibres for which asbestos-like effects are not excluded 1 Rigid, biopersistent nanofibers for which effects similar to those of asbestos are not excluded 2 Biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1–100 nm [6.000 kg/m3 20,000 particles/cm3 Ag, Au, CeO2, CoO, Fe, FexOy, La, Pb, Sb2O5, SnO2 3 Biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1–100 nm \6.000 kg/m3 40,000 particles/cm3 Al2O3, SiO2, TiN, TiO2, ZnO, nanoclay Carbon black, C60, dendrimers, polystyrene Nanofibers for which asbestos-like effects are excluded 4 Non-biopersistent nanomaterial in the range of 1–100 nm Applicable OEL reference values (provisional NRVs) for these benchmark levels (Dekkers and de Heer 2010), see Table 1. The evaluation suggests that NRVs can be used as pragmatic benchmark levels to reduce the workers’ exposure to nanomaterials and also suggests a few adaptations to the IFA scheme. Based on the findings in the current research project, the scheme for NRVs, as presented in Table 1, was adopted in the Netherlands (van Broekhuizen et al. 2011b). The NRVs, as presented here, are not health-based in the sense that the values are not derived from toxicological and epidemiological studies linking doses of the substances to health effects. Still there is a link with presumable health effects. An example is the comparison of CNT-toxicity with asbestos-like properties as shown in the results of Poland et al. (2008). Underlying the NRVs is also the evidence that the number of nanoparticles and the surface area (SA) of the particles can be used as determinants for possible health effects of low solubility particles (Bermudez et al. 2004; Oberdorster et al. 2004; Abbott and Maynard 2010; Aschberger and Christensen 2010). Because the number concentrations (or the SA) can be better metrics for relating dose to the observed effects of a specific nanomaterial, the particles’ metrics preferred over the mass metric for the NRVs. In using the nano reference values, a number of choices have been made which are explained in the following. section of this article. NRVs are recognised by Dutch authorities as an acceptable tool for precautionary risk management (Dekkers and de Heer 2010; van Broekhuizen et al. 2011b). The aim of this study is to add to the measurements of workplace exposure to NP and to test the usefulness of the NRV concept as a tool for health & safety management at the ‘nanoworkplace’ in settings as they occur in practice. The following approach was chosen: – – – Fats, NaCl Study the actual exposure to NP during the use of nanomaterials in different occupational settings. Assess the usefulness of NRVs as a health and safety management tool for industrial settings. Compare the approaches to worker protection of Pauluhn (2010) and BSI (2007) with the application of the NRV-concept, as presented in this article. Nano reference values for risk management The approaches for using benchmark levels as risk management tool for nanoparticles as proposed by BSI and IFA (BSI 2007; IFA 2009) was evaluated by the Dutch expert panel on risks of nanomaterials and the RIVM.3 The RIVM subscribes to the IFA approach as a provisional alternative for HBR-OELs or DNELs and advises to use the designation provisional nano- • 3 Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). 86 NRVs are developed for the risk management of ENPs, but for practical risk management purposes limitation of the scope of the NRVs only to ENP Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ • • may complicate the measurements. As pointed out in the introduction, process-related activities may generate biopersistent nanoparticulates, which by their nature are expected to exhibit hazardous properties as well, comparable to those of ENPs. Without further physical and/or chemical identification of the composition of the particles distinguishing between ENPs and PGNPs is not possible. For risk management purposes it is therefore suggested to apply a worst-case approach and assess the airborne ENP combined with PGNPs for situations where the NRV is not exceeded. In cases where the NRV is exceeded further characterisation of samples is indicated to distinguish ENPs from PGNPs. This approach simplifies the (interpretation of the) measurements considerably and makes it possible to carry out measurements with relative simple equipment and without the necessity to go into extensive (and expensive) physical/chemical analysis to analyse the relative contributions of the sources. This matter is further discussed in the discussion section. In the present study NPs are taken into account with a diameter up to 300 nm. As argued by Scenihr agglomerates/aggregates of nanoparticles may have dimensions well beyond the 100 nm size, which would not be considered to be nanoparticles, while retaining specific physicochemical properties which are characteristic for nanomaterials most likely due to their relative large specific surface area (Scenihr 2009). In addition, the German Advisory Council on the Environment advises a 300 nm limit for investigation and monitoring, for precautionary reasons (SDU 2006). For this study the 300 nm limit was dictated as well by the use of the measuring equipment, the NanoTracer, which has this 300 nm as an upper detection limit. This is further discussed in the discussion section. NRVs have by definition a provisional character and they can be regarded as part of the current state of the art of science. NRVs do not guarantee that exposures below these values are safe. They are pragmatic benchmark levels that have to be accompanied by additional measures to minimize exposure. Hence, in the Netherlands the use of NRVs is primarily voluntary, but potentially obligatory. If employers do not have alternative • • scientifically acknowledged tools for exposure assessment they are committed to use NRVs. As such NRVs can be considered as ‘soft regulation’4 (Dorbeck-Jung 2011; van Broekhuizen and Dorbeck-Jung 2012). The NRV is established as a background-corrected, 8 h-TWA (Time Weighted Average) exposure level. As shown in the present study the professional use of nanoproducts may show a strongly varying emission of NPs, which often is characterised by short peak exposure periods (van Broekhuizen et al. 2011a). This indicates the need for a practical tool to assess short term exposure periods as well. Therefore, the assessment over short exposure periods of 15 min-TWA seems appropriate to serve as an additional tool for risk management. For this a short-term NRV15min-TWA was derived. This NRV15min-TWA can be derived from the NRV8h-TWA, in analogy with the common risk management approach of the Dutch Labour Inspectorate for assessing short-term exposures to chemical substances (SDU 2006): NRV15min-TWA = 2 9 NRV8h-TWA. In addition, a Precaution Characterization Ratio (PCR) was defined as the quotient of the measured concentration of NPs and the NRV, in analogy with the RCR (risk characterization ration) as defined in REACH (ECHA 2008). The PCR is a simple tool to signal whether the NRV is exceeded. When the NRVs as indicated in Table 1 or the exposure levels for short periods are exceeded the source of the nanoparticles’ emission(s) should be identified and possibilities to reduce the emission of nanoparticles must be assessed. Methodology Particle concentrations of NPs emitted to the workplace air during occupational use of nanomaterials were measured in eight different Dutch companies. Six of them used ENPs. Control measurements were 4 By soft regulation we understand sustainable rules of conduct which in principle have no legally binding force, but which nevertheless have effects in regulatory practice to achieve certain policy goals. Hard regulation refers to rules of conduct that are based on legal authority. Soft regulation includes standards, codes of conduct, and benchmarks etc. It can be established by private and public organizations. 87 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ nanomaterials. For non-fibre NPs a distinction between the densities [6,000 and \6,000 kg/m3 has to be made to distinguish category 2 and 3 substances (see Table 1). Information about the biopersistence is required to distinguish category 4 substances. When pure MNMs are considered the information about the density and biopersistence is provided in available SDSs (safety data sheet). For PGNPs, which are not further chemically characterized, in general an assumption will have to be made that the emission of the current process or activity is a mix of many components. An expert guess has to be made for the two parameters for the supposed dominant component of the emission.Engine-generated and combustionderived NPs (generally metal oxides resp. soot type products) can be classified as biopersistent substances with a density \6,000 kg/m3, leading to a NRV of 40,000 particles/cm3. It is in general only the pure metals that have a density [6,000 kg/m3. The mass-based 8 h-TWA concentrations (as given in Table 3) are calculated assuming that the particles are a perfect sphere and that the density of the nanoparticles during one activity equal. The mean mass concentration for each specific activity was estimated as carried at two companies using only conventional nonENP products. The used measurement strategy complies with the methodologies described by Brouwer et al. (2009), Ramachandran et al. (2011), but no characterization of the chemical identity of NPs was carried out. The measurement strategy fits in a tier 1 approach as defined in REACH, which is a reasonable worst-case default scenario (ECHA 2008). All particle concentration measurements are carried out with an Aerasense NP monitor (NanoTracer): a portable aerosol sampler of Philips Aerasense, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The NanoTracer provides real-time information about the number concentration (particles per cm3), number-averaged particle diameter and surface area. The apparatus detects the concentration of NPs in numbers of NP’s (nanoparticles/cm3) within a range of 10–300 nm, simultaneously with the mean particles diameter over a time interval of 16 s or, in the fast mode, only the number of NPs per cm3 over a time interval of 3 s. The technical details of the Aerasense NP monitor are described by Marra et al. (2010). On board data logging capabilities were utilized for the Aerasense NP monitor. A laptop computer with software was used for both control and data acquisition (NanoReporter, Philips Aerasense, Eindhoven, the Netherlands) and data analysis (NanoReporter and MS Excel, Microsoft Corporation, US). All aerosol NP monitors used were time synchronized with the laptop before commencement of sampling. Statistical analysis was carried out with the statistics programme Stata. Background concentrations were measured at the workplace preceding the activities using nanomaterials. In most of the cases monitoring and source emission measurements took place close to the identified source of NPs with the NanoTracer in static or in a hand-held position. The evidence for the potential of exposure reflected by the workplace air measurement studies is based on the interpretation of time/activity concentration profiles. If an increment of concentration could be associated with a task or an activity indicated the presence of nano-sized objects, then it is interpreted here in terms of ‘exposure’ to ENP, PGNP or a combination of both. The selection of a NRV requires knowledge about the density and the biopersistency of the concerned CM ¼ c n qX d 3 CP;i n i¼1 i ð1Þ where C M is the mean mass concentration (mg/m3) of the measured airborne nanoparticles for the specific activity,c is a constant: p6 1015 ; di is the measured (16 second saverage) particle’ diameter (nm) of the measured nanoparticles, q is the density of the measured particles (kg/m3), CP;i is the measured background-corrected particles’ concentration of the nanoparticles CP;i ¼ Ni ðcm3 Þ ; and n is the number of measurements per specific activity. The PCR8h-TWAwas estimated as PCR8hTWA ¼ n t 1 X CP;i 8h n i¼1 NRVi ð2Þ where t is the time the component is used (or activity is carried out) and NRVi the NRV for the component.CP;i is the measured background-corrected particles’ con centration of the nanoparticles CP;i ¼ Ni ðcm3 Þ ; and n is the total number of measurements. 88 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ speculated by the authors that for black passivation nano-silica or nano-alumina is used. For blue passivation the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) mentions a component with a valency of 3, presumably Cr3?(III), which may oxidise in the bath to Cr(VI). The nanocomponent, supplied as a concentrated suspension, is used in an electroplating dipping bath (size ca. 1 9 3 m, 2 m depth) at room temperature. Measurements were carried out above the dipping bath at a distance of approximately 1 m of the fluid surface. In addition, tests were carried out to find out whether NPs are generated during abrasion of the finished surface. For abrasion a table-top rotary platform abraser was used with nonplated metal, metal plated with non-nano material and metal plated with nanomaterial (blue passivation). Static measurements were carried out at a distance of 10 cm from the abraser. The PCR15min-TWAwas estimated as: PCR15 min TWA ¼ t 1 15 min n n X i¼1 CP;i 2 NRVi ð3Þ For a 15 min short-term exposure period activities were selected for periods with a peak concentration of at least CP,peak [3*CBC and CP,peak [2* CP,median, where CBC is the average background concentration (arithmetic mean). In these calculations, errors can be made in the selection of the particles’ density and the correction of the background. For specific components, which are considered to be monodisperse system, and for the average particles’ density of PGNPs it is likely that in worst-case estimations an error can be made of at least 50%. For correction of the measurements for the (fluctuating) background the average background concentration was used. This as well may introduce an error in the calculations. The BSI benchmark was calculated based on the OEL, as given in the SER-database (SER 2011) for the coarse material as OEL/15 for the nanoscale particles, supposing a non-CMRS nature of the components (CMRS carcinogenic, mutagenic, reproduction toxic, sensitizing). For non-characterized material (PGNP) the OEL of 5 mg/m3for respiratory dust was used. For soot an OEL was selected equivalent to the OEL for diesel exhaust fumes. The nano-TiO2 OEL was based on the recently advised REL (NIOSH 2011). Calculation of the Pauluhn-DNEL was based a volume-based generic mass concentration with the following algorithm: DNELPauluhn = 0.5 ll nanoparticles/m3 9 q, where q is the density of the nanoparticles in kg/m3. The selection of q was identical as indicated for the NRVs. The BSI and the Pauluhn approach both are described for MNMs, but for comparison reasons their methodology was applied as well for PGNPs. Nanopaint manufacturing The paint manufacturing company produces batches of waterbased nano-paints a few times per year. Solid (powdery) additives, coarse TiO2, CaCO3, talc and nano-TiO2 are supplied in paper or plastic bags. After cutting them open with a Stanley knife the bags are shaken out manually in the agitator vessel. The vessel is constructed with exhaust ventilation. Personal monitoring measurements were carried out with a NanoTracer attached to the belt of worker. The background was determined at the production location preceding the manufacturing of the batch. A second NanoTracer was used to measure the emission of the nanoparticles in the near field at a distance of approximately 1 m. Manufacturing pigment concentrates for plastics manufacturing The company manufactures nano-ZnO concentrates for plastics applications. Measurements were carried out during the manufacturing of a pilot batch, in an as yet not-optimized production plant. A dispersing agent (solid) is added to a melted mineral wax in a mixing vessel, heated up to 160C, after which solid nanoZnO powder is mixed in the wax. Both components were supplied in a 20 kg storage vessel. Six vessels with nano-ZnO were added. The solid powders are transferred from the storage vessel to the mixing vessel by vacuum transfer with an aspiration lance into Description of the workplaces and measurements Electroplating plant In electroplating, nano-components are used as a substitute for the carcinogenic Cr6?(VI) to improve scratch resistance and corrosion stability of the passivation coatings. The exact type of the nanoparticles used is kept confidential by the supplier of material. It is 89 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ coating is further handled in a variety of production steps to generate a finished product. These finishing steps require several mechanical polishing steps and steps with high temperature gas heating. Measurements of the emission of NPs (in this case called ultrafine particles-UFP) were also carried out near the equipment present in the plant. The background NP-concentration was determined in the room where the Al2O-3- was dispersed, preceding the dispersion operation. the mixing system. The dispersion is vigorously mixed with an internal circulating pump system and an external mixer. Local exhaust ventilation was applied above the mixing vessel. The mixing vessel itself was covered with a provisional cover, not completely closing the vessel. A small opening was left around the entrance of the external mixer. Static measurements were carried out with a NanoTracer above the provisionally closed vessel at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the top of the vessel (ca. 50 cm from the liquid surface). Measurements were also carried out near the storage vessel during the vacuum up of the ZnO at 1 m distance. A second batch was made in the afternoon with the same procedure, but with more care taken to prevent emissions by more thoroughly covering the small remaining openings of the mixing vessel with cardboard. Car refinishing In car refinishing, abrasion and spraying operations are carried out, using a nano-TiO2 coating and a 2-component nanocoating (with unknown nanomaterials). During both types of activities nano-coatings were tested and compared with otherwise similar conventional coatings. For abrasion activities exhaust ventilated equipment and wall exhaust ventilation are commonly used. During the exposure measurement ventilation was switched off, to avoid confounding data by the possible (unknown, uncontrollable) emission of ventilation engine-generated NPs. The abrasion apparatus was air-pressure driven (not electrical) and equipped with an eccentric rotor blade with a 5 mm offset. Abrasion was carried out with T-Euro 747 Velcro discs with a P400 grit made of anti clogging aluminium oxide material, except for the conventional Mercedes coating that was abraded with a more coarse P80 grit. The P400 grit is commonly used in car refinishing. During spraying of the coating in a closed spraying cabin, normal floor-ventilation was used with an airflow velocity of 0.2 m/s and a capacity of 26,000 m3/h. The spraying pistol used was a Devilbiss (air-pressure driven) and was operated as specified by the supplier of each coating. Personal exposure measurements were carried out with a NanoTracer in the breathing area near the HEPAfilter equipped breathing mask that was used for personal protection. Nitril gloves and protective clothing were worn. Production non-reflective glass The principle of the non-reflective glass is based on the creation of a transitional layer on glass with an intermediate refractive index (in-between glass and air), resulting in a strong reduction of light reflection. For this, a polymer suspension containing nanomaterials is applied to sheets of glass. This suspension is made at a different location. The layer is applied by dipping of the glass in the polymer suspension followed by a heating step in an enclosed room. Subsequently, the sheets of glass are cut and packed for transport. Coating and heating are automated processes in a closed space in the production hall. Dry coated sheets of glass are further handled manually. Emissions of ENP might be expected during the cutting of the glass, and during waste management: the breaking of glass, which is not up to specification. The cutting and breaking activities were monitored. Manufacturing fluorescent tubes For manufacturing of fluorescent tubes different nanosized metal-containing pigments are used. The focus was on the production of a nano-Al2O3 dispersion used for the inside coating of glass tubes. To this, solid nanoAl2O3 powder (with a primary particle size of 13 nm) is supplied in paper bags and transferred to the mixing vessel by vacuuming them up with an aspiration lance into the mixing system. This work is done in a small room having a wall with exhaust ventilation. The Manufacturing ‘conventional’ non-nano alkyd wall paint To control the emission of NPs from ‘non-nano’ paint component measurements were carried out during the production of a ‘conventional’ solvent-based white alkyd matt wall paint. The following solid components 90 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (supplied in paper bags of *1.0 9 0.490.2 m) were added to the mix: an amide wax (1 bag), a clay mineral (1 bag), talc (10 bags), CaCO3 (16 bags) and (coarse) TiO2 (18 bags). The bags were cut open with a Stanley knife and shaken out manually in the agitator vessel through the rectangular chute with upright edges (*1 m 9 30 cm) that was made in the well-closed cover of the agitator vessel. Measurements were carried out manually with a NanoTracer above the vessel at a distance of *30 cm from the chute. The background concentration of NPs was determined at the production location preceding the manufacturing of the batch. bathes containing nano and non-nano materials. The blue passivation nano-bath gives rise to a slightly higher concentration than the non-nano bath, with average nanoparticle diameters being above 100 nm. Because nanomaterials used in the passivation bath are non-volatile it might be that the engines used in the electroplating process generate the observed particles. Averaged over the 8 h working day, for a worker working the whole day in this area a personal exposure would exceed a NRV of 40,000 particles/cm3, assuming a density \6000 kg/m3, reflecting a low metal content. For the activities with the rotary platform abraser a NRV of 20,000 particles/cm3 is used, reflecting an emission with a high metal content. The results are graphically presented in Fig. 1 in a plot with the number of NPs versus the average NPdiameter. The average diameter of the NPs generated during abrasion is the smallest for the abraded coated objects (nano and non-nano), larger for the uncoated metal and the largest for the free running abraser. The fact that both the coated nano and the coated non-nano abraded metal plates show a rather similar emission of NPs with a similar average diameter suggests that the generation of particles in this process is not nanomaterial-specific. Table 3 shows a PCR15min-TWA [1 for the three abrasion activities, with and without coating. This suggests the generation of nanoparticles during abrasion, presumably being a mix of metal particles and coating particles. Test long-term wear lubrication in metal company The possible emission of PGNPs from operating electrical engines was controlled at a company involved in testing long-term wearing of bearing systems. Measurements were carried out with large ‘heavy’ machines and with smaller ‘light’ table-top machines. 11 heavy machines (type Asea MBL132 SB 38.2with a speed of 2,580 rpm, a load of 16 kW and lubricated with turbine oil) carried out 2-months duration tests. 14 light machines (type HXUR 365 G 2 B 3, operating at a variable speed, temperature and load) carried out measurements with different type of lubricating oils (Shell Turbo T9, Turbo T32, Turbo T68, and Turbo T100). No permanent work was carried out near the running machines. Static measurements were carried out located in-between the machines, at a distance of 10–20 cm from the nearest machine. The background was determined in the operating room, next to the halls with the machines, because measuring the background in the same area was not possible due to possibly confounding PGNPs generated by the continuously running machines (which were actually tested). Nano-paint manufacturing No emission of NPs linked to handling nano-TiO2 during the manufacturing of a white water based nanowall paint was observed (Fig. 2, period M). A small emission of NPs is observed during the addition of conventional ‘coarse’ TiO2 (period K). Emission of NPs is also observed during the addition of the additives (period G) and of CaCO3 (period R). This might hold as well for talc (period S), as suggested by the results of the measurements in the near field (see Fig. 3). The personal measurements could not be conclusive for talc because the NanoTracer used for personal monitoring appeared not to function at the moment of the addition of talc. Based on their chemical identity all components are assigned a NRV of 40,000 nanoparticles/cm3. Regarding the observation of the handling of the different Results The results of the measurements are summarized in Table 2. Electroplating plant For the electroplating plant the results show an elevated level of NPs in the air above both, passivation 91 12.9 1.9 3.6 2.4 H, Laboratory, background I, Rotary abraser, free running motor J, Rotary abraser, metal uncoated K, Rotary abraser, metal electroschel nano M, Rotary abraser, metal coated non-nano 0 0 13.7 10.8 K—Adding bulk TiO2 M—Adding nano-TiO2 92 0 111.6 16,065 8.4 109.7 11.0 20.0 8.6 23.3 B 1—Dispersing agent C 1—Mixing nano-ZnO D 1—Storage vessel O2—Background B2—Dispersing agent 3.2 13.5 5.8 Dumping waste glass Glass cutting 1 Glass cutting 2 11.2 3.9 3.6 D—Background E—adding nano-Al2O3 H—Wiping machine Manufacturing fluorescent tubes 22.1 Background Production of non-reflective glass C2—Mixing nano-ZnO 0 30.9 A 1—Pre-heating wax 0 0 13,695 0 0 0 10,528 7,335 44,992 19,027 14,767 0 18.1 O 1—Background 5,025 0 11.5 Manufacturing pigment concentrates for plastics Near field (average full batch) R—Adding CaCO3 0 13.0 G—Adding solid components 0 63.8 111.6 Full period batch manufacturing 7,320 52,884 74,949 46,355 9,470 0 31,013 0 10,332 13,103 233,854 0 18,383 0 0 0 12,671 27,855 5,888 13,230 73,916 178,711 61,567 0 5,516 0 0 0 8,220 0 0 19,451 63,427 89,011 57,261 21,771 1,276 46,222 27,929 14,020 242,955 0 23,940 0 0 0 13,159 45,888 9,128 14,370 79,282 726,480 112,987 3,907 5,873 0 3,345 1,845 25,140 3,585 1,193 21,030 79,475 94,004 62,806 25,820 2,674 55,392 38,218 276,266 2,258 39,499 0 0 2,156 13,897 99,907 48,289 15,570 106,196 1,157,242 242,347 10,781 6,623 0 29,723 3,765 47,955 18,420 7,215 22,898 105,221 100,152 68,228 28,107 6,372 78,324 49,142 15,324 p75 Max Mean 19,005 2,649,870 39,975 64,770 11 0 10,029 35,126 517,275 143,640 22,770 158,587 6,226,237 1,345,177 32,347 9,855 25,703 244,485 61,200 128,895 40,095 270,135 82,230 115,009 110,034 72,357 60,844 11,350 121,021 55,394 14,323 436,997 1,509 28,875 0 0 603 13,391 70,148 32,521 14,364 89,999 1,077,011 216,784 6,029 6,217 1,039 39,043 1,495 33,234 11,573 13,212 21,613 82,765 93,933 61,308 25,937 3,747 64,630 34,090 80 20 27 27 42 24 61 116 21 22 41 44 25 27 23 24 22 28 39 40 52 66 80 106 111 27 32 33 130 95 83 150 36 39 59 58 44 39 33 30 38 40 42 42 55 74 92 106 114 94 p25 Min Med Min p25 Diameter (nm)a Particles per cm3 F—Background Manufacturing nano-wall paint 3.9 15.7 D, Blue passivating bath, nano 13.2 10.2 C, Passivating bath, non-nano Sampling time (min) B, Electroplating hall, bath background Electroplating plant Event Table 2 Background-corrected number of nanoparticles and their average diameter at different locations 28 35 40 130 117 90 177 57 54 74 71 77 43 43 38 42 42 45 42 57 79 104 109 117 99 Med 29 37 47 130 131 100 204 88 73 82 81 115 44 51 49 47 48 47 46 61 83 110 114 119 102 p75 232 43 57 279 239 188 286 236 152 135 95 241 89 272 138 272 149 48 50 64 93 120 119 125 116 Max 42 35 40 130 113 95 183 68 64 72 70 100 46 56 45 46 45 44 44 58 79 101 110 117 98 Mean NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.6 4.4 2.3 1.2 4.4 Q—Sealing machine, (Hall AB) U—Melting (Hall B) W—Pumping machine (Hall B) Y—Polishing product AA—Coating and drying 93 H—TiO-2 (pigment) (solid) 19.2 24.0 Heavy machines, hall a Light machines hall b 0 15.2 3.2 11.6 7.1 E—Abrasion plastic bumper R G—Abrasion nano-TiO2 coating H—Abrasion 2-component nano coating 10.5 P—Spraying conventional coating Max Mean 0 0 0 0 689 0 0 0 4,928 513 3,186 6,980 5,387 5,805 0 8,683 7,166 25,718 270,957 55,300 9,971 7,245 9,323 9,075 15,088 0 272,619 228,868 303,765 298,568 495,804 117,473 400,264 0 22,100 0 6,905 2,592 5,009 16,173 16,767 7,047 0 21,316 8,025 34,275 553,201 132,000 30,278 9,285 10,755 9,765 19,217 0 317,102 280,661 311,370 306,135 1,789,889 123,912 1,738,635 5,474 60,429 12,631 8,978 6,872 6,669 26,568 28,553 9,896 223 28,715 9,071 51,803 1,151,704 576,251 51,210 19,099 17,993 10,594 22,403 113,191 401,265 568,855 317,520 311,618 2,158,520 128,962 5,803,324 303,764 251,033 159,665 33,440 12,299 54,594 75,222 93,488 29,903 2,255 63,380 47,220 118,005 1,418,580 3,106,170 54,180 32,205 3,106,170 15,840 266,664 338,864 533,935 621,475 323,850 322,845 2,833,189 136,294 11,044,905 21,207 56,968 15,820 7,681 4,116 7,082 19,492 20,827 8,206 a Empty cells indicate that the measurement was carried in fast mode of the NanoTracer and no diameters were monitored 0 21,934 8,545 44,239 690,983 569,729 30,904 14,155 67,954 9,871 31,089 61,555 344,622 357,594 310,918 305,687 1,535,578 122,788 3,243,690 Min lowest measured value, p25 25% percentile, Med Median value, p75 75% percentile, Max highest measured valued, Mean Arithmetic mean The events are shortly explained in the ‘‘Methodology’’ section 12.4 N—Spraying 2-component nano coating L—Spraying nano-TiO2 0 12.6 C—Abrasion conventional coating R 0 14.5 11.0 A—Abrasion conventional coating M 2,552 0 0 5,085 Average background Vehicle refinishing 34.2 Background Long-term wear lubrication 8,880 10,410 15,270 5.5 F—Talc (solid) 3.2 0.8 C—Clay mineral (solid) 5,220 5,205 5,220 0 0 213,067 126,027 296,595 290,460 127,353 108,250 301,770 70,575 1.5 B—Amide wax (solid) p75 20 24 22 42 54 31 30 33 37 89 42 48 32 24 19 25 21 19 41 19 77 35 46 72 59 76 50 53 97 106 132 124 50 34 21 27 29 50 53 19 p25 Min Med Min p25 Diameter (nm)a Particles per cm3 3.9 89.0 Batch manufacturing G—CaCO3 (solid) 37.2 Background Manufacturing non-nano alkyd paint 3.6 1.8 P—Wiping unit (Hall AB) 1.1 N—Hall AB 2.4 L—Hall AB Hor A1 Sampling time (min) I—Adjusting device Event Table 2 continued 112 69 127 83 88 86 63 60 115 112 114 139 70 42 26 41 57 56 57 21 Med 138 113 170 93 126 101 85 128 140 121 158 157 80 59 53 56 70 63 62 26 p75 266 252 274 186 269 212 150 255 289 157 272 243 135 129 89 63 90 135 97 35 Max 112 81 120 87 104 90 71 86 122 114 121 144 72 52 38 42 53 58 59 23 Mean Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig. 1 Double boxplot electroplating plant, background-corrected average number of nanoparticles/cm3 versus average particle diameter. Vertical line boxplot number of particles/cm3, minimum, p25, median, p75 and maximum. Horizontal dotted line average diameter, minimum, median and maximum bags, it is highly suggestive that the measured peaks consist of NPs of the component that was added at that moment. For the full period batch manufacturing the PCR8h-TWAwas \1 (see Table 3). It is likely that a rapid dilution of NPs in the workplace air takes place (Fig. 3, near field measurements). The emission of NPs from talc (which was omitted in the personal exposure measurement) is clearly traceable (period S). Apparently the local exhaust ventilation cannot prevent the emission of small amounts of talc into the workplace air. short-term exposure, especially for the adding of the talc and CaCO3, the advised short-term levels are exceeded: PCR15min-TWA [1 (see Table 3). Manufacturing pigment concentrates for plastics The manufacturing of the pigment concentrates concerns principally three steps: heating the wax, adding a dispersing agent and adding the nano-pigment, both with an aspiration lance under vigorously stirring. For batch 1 the generation of NPs in the workplace air is graphically represented in Fig. 5. A large emission of NPs is observed during the adding of the nano-ZnO. Emission of NPs near the storage vessel is lower. Better coverage of the mixing vessel in batch 2 results in a strong reduction of the emission of NPs. Figures 6 (batch 1) and 7 (batch 2) show the number of NPs/cm3 versus their diameter. Batch 1 shows that NPs emitting after adding of the dispersing agent and the nano-ZnO have an almost comparable average median particle diameter of around 55 nm, which is a little lower than the average median NP size measured during the heating of the wax and during the background measurement (74 nm). The average particle diameter of NPs sampled near the storage vessel is Manufacturing non-nanopaint Figure 4 shows measured nanoparticle concentrations during the production of a conventional paint. High NP emissions of CaCO3 (period G) and talc (period F) are observed. Also for conventional (‘coarse’) TiO2 a slight emission of NPs might be observed (period H). All components are assigned a NRV of 40,000 nanoparticles/cm3. When it is assumed that the workers manufacture one batch per day the 8h-TWA concentration remains well below the NRV (PCR 8h-TWA \1). When these activities would be carried out more than three times a day under the same conditions, the PCR8h-TWA might be exceeded. For 94 1,396 3,606 5,645 4,947 I—Rotary abraser, motor J—Rotary abraser, metal uncoated K—Rotary abraser, metal electroschel nano M—Rotary abraser, metal coated non-nano 95 a a a a 52,792 842 4,100 18,478 Full production process 1 B2—Dispersing agent C2—Dispersing ZnO in mixing vessel 40,000 Glass cutting 2 40,000 3,238,755 117,853 1,530,643 I—Adjusting device L—Hall AB Hor A1 N—Hall AB 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 432,062 E—adding nano-Al2O3 H—Wiping machine Manufacturing fluorescent tubes 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Glass cutting 1 Dumping waste glass Production of non-reflective glass 2 40,000 245,989 C1—Dispersing ZnO in mixing vessel Full production process 2 40,000 3,810 B1—Dispersing agent 40,000 366 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 38.27 2.95 80.97 10.80 a 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.03 0.03 1.32 5 0.1 0.01 a a a a 0.02 0.25 0.28 0.18 0.07 1.61 0.83 8 hTWA NP/cm3 40,000 PCR NRV A1—pre-heating wax Manufacturing pigment concentrates for plastics R—Adding CaCO3 M—Adding nano-TiO2 K—Adding bulk TiO2 G—Adding solid components Full period batch manufacturing 969 64,327 D—Blue passivating bath, nano Manufacturing nano-wall paint 33,249 8 h-TWA BC NP/cm3 C—Passivating bath, non-nano Electroplating industry Activity 20 1.47 50 5.26 0.00 b b 0.03 0.08 0.08 0.01 100 100 1.67 0.3 0.7 0.37 0.66 0.37 2.44 2.7 1.89 1 b b 15 minTWA Soot Soot Soot Soot Al2O3 bulk No emission No emission SiO2 (amorph) Mix ZnO Non-ionic Mix ZnO Non-ionic Paraffin wax CaCO3 TiO2 TiO2 Bentone Average Guess Zn Fe Cu Organic aerosol Organic aerosol Dominating component(c) Table 3 Comparison of background-corrected 8 h-TWA concentrations with NRV and mass-based concentrations 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 5,610 800 3,000 5,610 800 800 2,710 4,240 4,240 1,470 3,000 7,000 7,133 7,860 8,950 2,000 2,000 kg/m3 Density 0.0433 0.0033 0.0271 0.0068 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.6018 0.0104 0.6683 0.0202 0.0006 0.0024 0.0005 0.0032 0.0004 0.0020 0.0240 0.0280 0.0449 0.1123 0.0880 0.0545 Average conc. activity BC mg/m3 0,0433 0,0033 0,0271 0,0068 0.0000 Full day 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5 h/day 0.2707 0.0292 0.0002 0.4128 0.1527 0.0004 0.4128 3 h/day a a a a 0.0004 1 batch/day 0.0015 0.0018 0.0028 0.0070 0.5 h/day 0.0880 0.0545 Full day 8 h-TWA BC normal working day mg/m3 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 56,620 Y—Polishing product 96 0 Light machines hall b 28,324 10,020 N—Spraying 2-component nano coating P—Spraying conventional coating 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 7.52 0.25 0.71 0.17 0.09 0.05 0.01 0.21 0.22 0.00 0.55 a a a a a 0.27 1.42 8.49 8.82 7.65 0.24 0.64 0.12 0.14 0.03 0.18 0.28 0.26 0.00 0.27 0.09 2.22 2.56 0.01 0.01 2.56 0.71 4.17 4.35 3.85 3.7 15 minTWA Guess Guess TiO2 Guess TiO2 Polymer Polymer Polymer No emission Soot TiO2 CaCO3 Talc Bentone Amide wax Average Soot Soot Soot Soot Soot Dominating component(c) 2,000 2,000 4,240 2,000 4,240 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,240 2,710 1,050 1,470 800 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 kg/m3 Density 0.0011 0.0029 0.0012 0.0026 0.0089 0.0021 0.0033 0.0047 0.0000 0.0002 0.0201 0.1720 0.0085 0.0003 0.0000 0.0064 0.0018 0.0096 0.0100 0.0066 0.0067 Average conc. activity BC mg/m3 0.0005 0.0015 0.0006 0.0013 0.0044 0.0010 0.0017 0.0023 4 h/day 0.0000 0.0002 Full day a a a a a 0.0024 2 batch/day 0,0018 0,0096 0,0100 0,0066 0,0067 8 h-TWA BC normal working day mg/m3 d c b a min-TWA was calculated For calculating the 8-h TWA concentration for vehicle-refinishing activities it was assumed that the different activities lasted the full day The selected compound is an expert guess based on the current process No 15 min short-term peaks are identified during this process For short-period activities (2–15 min) calculation of an 8 h-TWA is not realistic, so only the PCR15 BC Background corrected The comparison is expressed in the PCR8h-TWA and the PCR 15min-TWA. Bold values represent situations where PCR8h-TWA or PCR15min-TWA are [1. The mass concentration was calculated as described in the ‘‘Methodology’’ section. The last column shows the 8 h-TWA mass concentrations assuming a time period for the actual process 3,656 1,846 G—Abrasion nano-TiO2 coating 6,989 303 E—Abrasion plastic bumper R L—Spraying nano-TiO2 8,245 C—Abrasion conventional coating R H—Abrasion 2-component nano coating 8,907 A—Abrasion conventional coating M Vehicle refinishing(d) 21,933 a a a a a Heavy machines, hall a Long-term wear lubrication H—TiO2 (pigment) (solid) G—CaCO3 (solid) F—Talc (solid) C—Clay mineral (solid) B—Amide wax (solid) Full period batch manufacturing 10,778 339,687 W—Pumping machine (Hall B) Manufacturing non-nano alkyd paint 352,659 U—Melting (Hall B) 40,000 40,000 300,752 305,983 8 hTWA NP/cm3 P—Wiping unit (Hall AB) PCR NRV 8 h-TWA BC NP/cm3 Q—Sealing machine, (Hall AB) Activity Table 3 continued NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig. 2 Personal measurement of nanoparticle concentration during adding solid components to a waterborne nano-wall paint. A background, G addition of solid additives, K addition of coarse TiO2, M addition of nano-TiO2, R addition of CaCO3. Solid components are added manually by pouring the content of paper and plastic bags into the agitator vessel Fig. 3 Measurement of nanoparticle concentration in the near field during adding solid components to a waterborne nano-wall paint. Solid components are added manually by pouring the content of paper and plastic bags into the agitator. Sampling took place manually at a distance of 1 m from the agitator vessel. G addition of solid additives, K addition of coarse TiO2, M addition of nano-TiO2, R addition of CaCO3, S addition of talc considerably larger (177 nm). The real-time measurement (Fig. 5) shows a sharp increase of the emission directly after dosing the dispersing agent and the nanoZnO suggesting the peaks to reflect nanoparticulate mixtures of wax and/or dispersing agent and/or nanoZnO. This suggestion might be supported by the observation of the larger average particles’ diameters sampled in batch 2 (Fig. 7), which may be explained by assuming that larger wax agglomerates have been formed. The larger average particles’ diameter of the sampled airborne NPs in the air near the storage vessel may be agglomerates of nano-ZnO particles. The information supplied by the company is that the primary particle diameter of the nano-ZnO is 40 nm. 97 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig. 4 Measurement of nanoparticle concentration during production of ‘conventional’ solvent borne white alkyd paint. The y-axis uses a logarithmic scale. Solid components are added manually by pouring the content of paper bags into the agitator. B amide wax, C clay mineral; F talc, G CaCO3, H TiO2. Sampling took place manually at a distance of 30 cm from the adding of the solid powders Fig. 5 Measurement of nanoparticles during the manufacturing of a pigment concentrate of nano-ZnO in a mineral wax, batch 1 (logarithmic scale at the y-axis). A pre-heating of the mineral wax, B addition of the dispersing agent, C addition of nano-ZnO, D measurement of number of nanoparticles near the storage vessel All components are assigned to a NRV8h-TWA of 40,000 nanoparticles/cm3. When it is assumed that the batch processing takes place only once at a working day, the full production process can be calculated to have a PCR8h-TWA = 1.32. The 15 min-TWA for the dispersing agent and the nano-ZnO are: PCR15min-TWA, dispersing agent = 1.67 and PCR15min-TWA, nano ZnO = 100. Better coverage of the mixing vessel (improved RMM in batch 2) shows a strong reduction of the emission resulting for the full production process (2) in a PCR8h-TWA = 0.46. Also, the short-term peaks are significantly reduced: for the dispersion agent PCR 15min-TWA,dispersing agent = 0.01 and for the nano-ZnOPCR15min-TWA,nanoZnO = 0.08 (see Table 3). 98 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig. 6 Boxplot for the manufacturing of pigment concentrates for plastics (batch 1) (background corrected). Y-axis Number of particles/cm3, minimum, P25, median, P75 and maximum concentrations. X-axis Average diameter (nm), minimum, P25, median, P75 and maximum particles’ diameter. Batch 1 was prepared in the morning. Airborne concentrations were measured during the process of mixing of the components in the wax Fig. 7 Boxplot for the manufacturing of pigment concentrates for plastics (batch 2) (background corrected). Y-axis Number of particles/cm3, minimum, P25, median, P75 and maximum concentrations. X-axis average diameter (nm), minimum, P25, median, P75 and maximum particles’ diameter. Batch 2 was made in the afternoon, with an identical procedure as batch 1. The difference is the better coverage of the mixing vessel in batch 2 Production of non-reflective glass NPs, likely to be PGNPs (especially CombustionDerived NPs), with a maximum of more than 10 million nanoparticles/cm3 close to the emitting sources (see Fig. 8). It cannot be excluded that ENPs are emitted during these operations, but if so it is likely that the ENP concentrations can be neglected compared to the PGNP concentrations. The average NP concentrations may reach a level of more than a million of nanoparticles/cm3. An NRV8h-TWA of 40,000 nanoparticles/cm3 was assigned to these pollutions. Comparing the average NPconcentrations close to the (continuous) sources and the hall concentrations with the NRVs show for all the situations a PCR 8h-TWA 1 assuming a worker would work for the whole working day in these surroundings (see Table 3). For short exposure periods Cutting of the coated non-reflective glass nor the breaking of glass does not emit NPs in a significant amount (see Tables 2 and 3). Manufacturing fluorescent tubes In the manufacturing of fluorescent tubes the airborne NP-emission of nano-Al2O3 was sampled during the preparation of the coating mix for the inside coating of the fluorescent tubes. This activity does not emit NPs distinguishable from the background concentration (see Table 2). The further coating, sintering, drying and polishing, in which open fires are used, generate high numbers of 99 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Fig. 8 Average concentrations of PGNP from equipment used for manufacturing fluorescent tubes. The horizontal grey bars show the average levels of PGN Permitted during the operations of the indicated machines average number of particles /cm3 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 H - Wiping machine I -Adjusntig device L - Hall AB Hor A1 N - Hall AB P - Wiping unit (Hall AB) Q - Sealing machine (Hall AB) U- Melting (Hall B) of 15 min the NRV15min-TWA is exceeded as well: PCR 15min-TWA 1 (see Table 3). exposure control measures taken by the company during these activities are successfully reducing the exposure below the NRVs proposed here. The additional personal protection measures taken herein car refinishing are in line with the current state of the art advice for personal protection against airborne nanoparticles (which is non-woven protection of the skin and a HEPA filter respiratory mask). Long-term wear and lubrication tests The long-term wear tests in bearing systems show for the large machines a background-corrected concentration of NP of 21,933 nanoparticles/cm3 (hall a). Assigning the unidentified emission of PGNPs a NRV of 40,000 nanoparticles/cm3, this leads to a PCR 8h-TWA \1. The particles in this area might be conversion products of the turbine oil or PGNPs generated by the electrical parts of the machine. The small table-top machines do not show an emission of NPs. Comparison of the airborne concentrations with the Nano Reference Value Table 3 represents the calculated PCR 8h-TWA and the PCR 15min-TWA for the activities at the different workplaces and the related mass-based concentrations. The calculations were carried out as described in the methodology section. For some short-term activities no 8h-TWA concentration was calculated, because the period the materials are used is only very short. For these situations the PCR 15min-TWA is estimated. For the electroplating baths and the manufacturing of fluorescent tubes, where the NRV8h-TWA are exceeded it is highly questionable whether ENP are involved. It is more likely that these activities concern PGNPs. For the manufacturing of pigment concentrates it is clear that good industrial hygiene measures (i.e. better closure of the mixing vessel) strongly reduces the emission. Short-term exceeding of the NRV15min-TWA is identified for both (nano and non-nano) paint manufacturing industries, the manufacturing of pigment concentrates for plastics, the abrasion tests in the electroplating plant Vehicle refinishing In the overview as presented in Table 3, for car refinishing a scenario is used that assumes the measured activity that took place during 4 hours a day. The emitted particles are assigned a NRV8h-TWA of 40,000 nanoparticles/cm3. Neither abrasion of nano-coated metal car parts nor spraying of nanocoating of these parts generate an emission of NP that exceeds the NRV. Also the abrasion of a plastic bumper does generate only low amounts of NPs. Also short-term peak emissions are far below the respective NRVs shown with a PCR 15min-TWA \1. Spraying of the conventional coating and the nano-TiO2 coating generates particles with a diameter [100 nm, and for the 2-components nanocoating with an average diameter of about 80 nm, presumably being coating nanoparticles. The measurements suggest that the 100 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ industry with regard to the concentrations measured near the blue passivation bath and the emissions of the abraser. Here it is the selection of the dominating Cu particles in the emission that leads to a low BSI guidance value. Cu has a low established OEL for coarse material. The other exception where the BSI guidance value is slightly stricter than the NRVs is batch 2 of the manufacturing of pigment granulates, probably due to the relatively strict OEL for coarse ZnO. With the Pauluhn methodology the least strict exposure limits are derived. When these limit values are used for the assessment, all working situations for all workplaces are acceptable. Comparison of the situations where nano-TiO2 was used with the limit value as derived by NIOSH (2011) show that workplace environments in paint manufacturing and in the vehicle-refinishing industry remain considerably below this limit. and for the coating, sintering, drying and polishing activities in the manufacturing of fluorescent tubes. For the paint manufacturing industry it is interesting to find that addition of nano-TiO2 seems not to generate airborne nanoparticles, while the addition of the conventional components like solid additives, CaCO3 and talc seems to generate an emission of nanoparticles. Some of these emissions may reach short time high concentration levels. Another option for these short-term high emissions, like generation of PGNP by engines or combustion is unlikely, since no specific changes in activities were observed during the whole operation (see as well discussion section). In the situations studied dilution in the workplace air takes place rapidly and the NRV is exceeded only over a short distance of the emission source. The machining and finishing of objects treated with nanomaterials give rise to a low emission of NPs. The professional abrasion activities of coated metal parts and a plastic bumper in the vehicle-refinishing company show that the emission of NPs was below the NRV, even when equipment-integrated exhaust ventilation is switched off. This suggests that with good industrial hygiene measures also the emissions for the abrasion activities in the electroplating industry, which now give rise to a PCR 15min-TWA [1, may well be reduced to below the NRV. An overall look at the type of NPs generated at the different workplaces shows that in most of the cases it is highly questionable whether the measured nanoparticles are all ENPs. It is more likely that the emission is actually dominated by PGNPs. In Table 3 a worst-case estimation is made of the dominating component of the measured NPs. With the exception of paint manufacturing, where the measured concentration of the NPs can clearly be correlated with the actual use of nanomaterials, it is likely that other (non-ENP) NPs contribute significantly to the total NP-concentration. In those cases a worst-case approach was used to assign a density to the presumed dominating compounds. In this way the mass concentration of NPs at the workplace was estimated. A comparison of these mass concentrations with the suggested BSI-benchmark (BSI 2007) and the Pauluhn approach (Pauluhn 2010) for deriving DNELs for NPs is shown in the Table 4. Table 4 shows that for almost all situations the NRV approach is more strict that the BSI methodology. A possible exception is the electroplating Discussion The concept of NRVs was introduced as a tool for the responsible governance of use of nanoparticles at workplaces where risk data are limited and a precautionary approach is indicated (SER 2009). The metric used for these NRVs, the nanoparticles’ concentration, is uncommon in traditional risk assessment, but has several advantages. One advantage is that the particle concentration, as measured here, can be used to estimate the total surface area of the particles, which has been argued by several authors to be an advisable metric for nano-effects (Bermudez et al. 2004; Oberdorster et al. 2004; Abbott and Maynard 2010; Aschberger and Christensen 2010, Ramachandran et al. 2011). For a rough estimation one can use the measured (16 s-average) diameter and assume a spherical shape of the NPs. For comparison the particles’ concentration can be converted into the mass concentration, using an estimate of the density of the measured nanoparticles. This was done in Table 3, leading in general to low mass-based concentrations, never reaching the milligram/m3 range. When these mass-based concentrations are applied in the Pauluhnalgorithm, which was derived for poorly soluble spherical particulates (Pauluhn 2010), it is shown that the NRV-approach is always stricter than this massbased approach (see Table 4). Table 4 shows as well 101 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4 Comparison of the measured NP concentrations with the NRVs and the proposed mass approach of Pauluhn and the BSI Dominating compound DNELP mg/m3 BSI GV mg/m3 8 h-TWA conc/DNELP 8 h-TWA conc/BSI C—Passivation bath, non-nano Organic aerosol 1.08 0.33 0.050 0.165 0.83 5.0 D—Blue passivation bath, nano Organic aerosol 1.08 0.33 0.081 0.267 1.61 6.0 19.7 I—Rotary abraser, motor Cu 4.83 0.07 0.001 0.100 0.08 0.8 55.1 J—Rotary abraser, metal uncoated Fe 4.24 0.33 0.001 0.009 0.19 22.4 287.9 K—Rotary abraser, metal electroschel nano Zn 3.85 0.33 0.000 0.005 0.29 55.1 643.2 M—Rotary abraser, metal coated non-nano Metal 3.78 0.33 0.000 0.005 0.26 56.7 649.8 Average 1.62 0.33 0.000 0.002 0.02 10.7 52.6 Activity 8 h-TWA conc/NRV 8 h-TWA conc NRV/ BSI NRV/ DNELP Electroplating industry 16.5 Manufacturing nano-wall paint Full batch preparation Manufacturing pigment concentrates for plastics Full process batch 1 Mix components 0.43 0.33 0.960 1.251 1.32 1.1 1.4 Full process batch 2 Mix components 3.03 0.33 0.089 0.820 0.46 0.7 6.5 H—Wiping machine Soot 1.08 0.01 0.006 0.677 10.80 15.9 1722.6 I—Adjusting device Soot 1.08 0.01 0.025 2.708 80.97 29.9 3229.4 L—Hall AB Hor A1 Soot 1.08 0.01 0.003 0.333 2.95 8.8 955.4 N—Hall AB Soot 1.08 0.01 0.040 4.326 38.27 8.8 955.4 Manufacturing fluorescent tubes P—Wiping unit (Hall AB) Soot 1.08 0.01 0.006 0.669 7.52 11.2 1213.3 Q—Sealing machine (Hall AB) Soot 1.08 0.01 0.006 0.658 7.65 11.6 1254.9 U—Melting (Hall B) Soot 1.08 0.01 0.009 0.997 8.82 8.8 955.4 W—Pumping machine (Hall B) Soot 1.08 0.01 0.009 0.960 8.49 8.8 955.4 Y—Polishing product Soot 1.08 0.01 0.002 0.176 1.42 8.0 867.3 Average 1.62 0.33 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.269 Soot 1.08 0.01 0.000 0.021 0.55 26.1 2821.5 A—Abrasion conventional coating M Polymer 1.08 0.33 0.002 0.007 0.22 31.3 102.4 C—Abrasion conventional coating R Polymer 1.08 0.33 0.002 0.005 0.21 41.0 134.3 E—Abrasion plastic bumper R Polymer 1.08 0.33 0.001 0.003 0.01 2.4 8.0 G—Abrasion nano-TiO2 coating Nano-TiO2 2.29 0.30 0.002 0.015 0.05 3.1 23.9 H—Abrasion 2-component nano coating Polymer 1.08 0.30 0.001 0.004 0.09 20.9 75.4 L—Spraying nano-TiO2 Nano-TiO2 2.29 0.30 0.000 0.002 0.17 83.9 640.7 N—Spraying 2-component nano coating Polymer 1.08 0.30 0.001 0.005 0.71 144.3 519.5 P—Spraying conventional coating Polymer 1.08 0.33 0.000 0.002 0.25 156.4 512.0 Manufacturing non-nano alkyd paint Full batch preparation 74.7 Long-term wear lubrication Heavy machines, hall a Vehicle refinishing Italicized value indicates situations where the 8h-TWA exceeds the proposed limit value (or benchmark level). For paint and pigment concentrates manufacturing only the full batch preparation is presented Dominating compound is an expert guess DNELP DNEL derived by Pauluhn, BSI GV BSI Guidance Value 102 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ and may de-agglomerate quickly after exposure (Schulze et al. 2008). Interesting is the difference in particle diameter between the abrasion activities of galvanized parts and the vehicle refinishing, showing for the first particles with a median diameter of 42–57 nm and maxima \100 nm, while the latter shows a mean particles’ size of 60–88 nm, with a 75-percentile and maxima far above 100 nm. For the latter one may expect an aggregate of NP and polymer matrix, while in case of the abrasion of galvanized parts metal NP are expected to be generated, possibly with a lower agglomeration potential. In the current study exposure to nanofibers, such as carbon nanotubes (CNT), were not studied. Nevertheless, the scheme for the selection of an NRV, as developed by IFA (2009) was adapted for these group of substances. IFA restricts the first group solely to CNTs having asbestos-like effects. However, there seems to be no good reason to assume that rigid forms of long non-carbon nanotubes do not exhibit asbestoslike effects (Murphy et al. 2011). Therefore, the scope of the NRV for this group was extended to rigid, biopersistent nanofibers for which effects similar to those of asbestos are not excluded. This includes non-carbon nanofibers (for which asbestos-like effects cannot be excluded) as well. Consequently the nanofibers for which asbestos-like effects are explicitly excluded are allocated to group 3, the biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range between 1 and 100 nm with a density of \6.000 kg/m3. The importance of a special focus on the smaller NPs of\30 nm is argued by Auffan et al. (2009) who state that in this size range nano-effects occur, many particles undergo dramatic changes in crystalline structure that enhance their reactivity. Choi et al. (2010) demonstrate that NPs with a hydrodynamic diameter less than 34 nm and a non-cationic charge translocate rapidly from the lung to lymph nodes. They also demonstrate that NPs with a hydrodynamic diameter of \ 6 nm can translocate rapidly from the lungs to lymph nodes and bloodstream, and then subsequently be cleared by the kidneys. In that respect the lower detection limit of 10 nm of the used measuring equipment might be a disadvantage. The manufacturer of the NanoTracer for technical reasons advised this lower detection limit of 10 nm, as the diffusion charger used in the apparatus is less efficient in charging particles with diameters of\10 nm (Marra that the NRV-approach is mostly stricter than the mass-based (and scaling-down) BSI approach (BSI 2007). For particulates that have no OEL for the coarse form BSI did propose to abandon the scaling-down approach and to use a particle-base approach as well, using a generic benchmark level of 20,000 nanoparticles/cm3 above the ambient environmental particle concentration. This approach closely resembles the NRVs, but does not distinguish between higher and a lower densities and ignores a size-dependent toxicity. In that respect the BSI methodology would be stricter than their mass-based approach and in general stricter as well than the NRV-approach. NPs in the workplace have in general a density of\6,000 kg/m3, leading to a NRV of 40,000 nanoparticles/cm3. Modern measuring equipment has come available that facilitates measurements of NPs at particle concentrations much lower than existing equipment for measurements of mass, allowing the use of NRVs as an affordable risk management tool, for screening workplace concentrations and avoiding an elaborate and expensive chemical identification. This means that the use of NRVs has an advantage over the mass-based approach. The NRV is in line with the precautionary principle and gives the opportunity to make explicit existing uncertainties in composition and toxicity of NPs in the workplace air. Another advantage is that the particle number approach allows to use real-time measuring equipment, which is a large benefit. Particle concentrations, and average particles’ diameters can be real-time monitored, facilitating source identification. The choice in this study to consider NPs with a diameter \300 nm for the application of NRVs is outside the limits of the European definition for NPs which is 1–100 nm (EC 2011), and relates to the used measuring equipment, that has a cut-off point at 300 nm. But as argued earlier, the EC definition is legislation/registration oriented, and not risk-oriented. The 300 nm is as well in line with the arguments of Scenhir (2009) and of the German Advisory Council on the Environment that advises the 300 nm limit for investigation and monitoring, for precautionary reasons (SRU 2011), as summarized in the introduction of this study. The threshold of 100 nm has been criticized with the arguments that larger agglomerated particles retain specific physicochemical properties which are characteristic for nanomaterials, most likely due to their relative large specific surface area (Scenihr 2009) 103 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ cannot be ignored in risk assessment studies focussed on the emission of NPs. Thus, this study highlights the fact that potential hazardous PGNPs may reach significant airborne concentrations that should be taken into consideration as well when assessing handling of the commonly used, relatively simple ‘industrially used’ ENPs. The same holds for NPs present in conventional compounds that are not necessarily labelled as ‘nano’, as presumably applies to certain conventional paint components. This finding raises the question whether regular risk assessment procedures should not include the assessment of potential releases of NPs as well, even in settings where only conventional compounds are used. For handling compounds that by nature or due to their manufacturing procedure may contain a significant fraction of NP this seems indicated. Therefore, it is advisable to give the NRVs a wider scope than the actual limited scope to ENPs. It is advisable to make them an applicable reference for the assessment of other NPs as well, as provisional reference value for all biopersistent airborne nanoparticles used and generated at the workplace. The measurements of the fluorescent tube manufacturing show significant workplace emissions of non-engineered NPs up to several million nanoparticles/cm3: probably combustion-derived and possibly engine-generated NPs (CDNP andEGNP). It cannot be ruled out that this high emission also hides a small fraction of the applied ENPs. The composition of the nanoparticulate emission was not examined, but it is likely that the combustion processes generate a diverse group of nanoparticulate materials, consisting of organic and inorganic components with the ability of rapid agglomeration, aging by oxidation, which are all processes that do not necessarily reduce their toxicity (Donaldson et al. 2005). Electric motors have been shown to generate Cu NP (Szymczak et al. 2007). Oxidative stress and cardio-vascular effects have been associated with exposure to CDNP and engine-generated Cu-particles (Donaldson et al. 2005; Hesterberg et al. 2010; United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) 2009).These findings give an argument to apply NRVs as well in situations with PGNP emission, as proposed in this article. For a full risk assessment of the exposure to nanoparticles at most of the workplace environments studied here, characterization of the composition of nanoparticles is necessary. When there is no such et al. 2010). The measured average diameters were never \19 nm (Table 2), but this is no proof that smaller particulates with a diameter \10 nm are not present in the workplace air. For this measuring equipment with a lower detection limit would be needed, but so far no portable equipment with this feature seems to be available. The particle concentrations of airborne nanoparticles, as measured during activities in the different industrial settings, show strongly varying levels. As no off-line characterisation of nanoparticles has been carried out, there is ambiguity regarding the nature of these particles as already pointed out in the results section. In some cases it is likely that a mixture of the ENP and NPs generated from other (non-nano) materials is present. This might for example be the case for the abrasion activities in the electroplating plant and the car refinishing shop. The presence of ENP and NPs generated from non-nanomaterials was described earlier for the abrasion of surface coatings (Vorbau et al. 2009; Göhler et al. 2010; Wohlleben et al. 2011). Only for the paint manufacturing activities, there is a strong indication that the measured levels of NP are dominated by the materials that were added at that moment. If so, this would indicate that the emission of ENP during the manufacturing of nanopaint (especially nano-TiO2) is very low. However, the measurements regarding paint production suggest that NPs are emitted as well during the handling of conventional components, such as CaCO3, talc and conventional (‘coarse’)-TiO2. This might mean that conventional components may contain a substantial amount of nanosized particles. The fact that the emission of NPs linked to handling of conventional paint components is larger than the emission of NPs from handling nanoTiO2 raises questions about the precautionary advice solely given for the safe use of nanomaterials. One might argue that precautionary measures should also apply to conventional materials with a substantial fraction of NP. The many unknowns concerning the potential hazardous properties of ENPs as discussed in the scientific literature hold in principle as well for the NPs present in conventional paint components. In view of the recently published EC definition for nanomaterials (EC 2011) this means that compounds registered as conventional compounds (i.e. having a particle size distribution with\50% of the amount particles with a diameter \100 nm), but nevertheless containing a substantial, potentially dispersive fraction of NPs, 104 Workplace Exposure to Nanoparticles ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Extending the definition of the NRVs also for 15 minTWA and extending the assessment to particles with a diameter\300 nm and by making the NRVs applicable for the assessment of both ENP and PGNP would seem useful for risk management. The NanoTracer can be used for real-time screening measurements and tracing sources of NPs at the workplace and to check compliance with NRVs as they have been presented here. characterization, one might e.g. choose an approach based on educated guesses about the number of particles belonging to categories outlined in Table 1 (Nano Reference Values), as was done in the present article, to find out if further emission or exposure control measures are indicated. This study shows that the generic approach with NRVs is an interesting tool for risk management of workplaces where exposure to NPs is determined by NPs with little information on the actual composition of NP. The study itself gave rise to initiatives of companies to take measures to reduce workplace emission of NPs for those (short-term) situations where the NRV was exceeded. For others it confirmed the effectiveness of their precautionary protective measures, so they could motivate their strict orders to workers to wear additional protective clothing when handling nanoparticles (van Broekhuizen and Dorbeck-Jung 2012). Acknowledgments The study was carried out within the frame of pilot project ‘Nano Reference Values’, commissioned by the Dutch social partners FNV, CNV and VNO/NCW with a grant from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Further elaboration of the results was made possible by a grant of the UvA Holding BV. The authors like to thank the companies that gave access to their workplaces (electroplating company, paint, glass, machine and lightning manufacturers and the vehicle-refinishing shop) for their participation openness about details of their processes. The authors also like to thank the Expert panel on Nano Reference Values for their valuable discussions on the NRV. The authors like to thank Jan Uitzinger of IVAM for help with the statistical analysis and creative thinking in presentation of the data. The comments of anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged. Conclusion The use of solid, dispersable nanomaterials, used for manufacturing nanoproducts gives sometimes rise to high airborne NP concentrations near the source with a rapid dilution further away from the source. Machining (e.g. abrasion) of surface coated articles with nanomaterials-containing paint or coating shows only a very limited emission of airborne NPs. The contribution of process-generated NPs to the total airborne workplace concentration of NPs can be significant. This contribution cannot be ignored in risk assessment. Interesting is the finding that it is likely that the handling of some conventional paint components may generate airborne NPs as well, apparently due to a fraction of NPs in these compounds. The NP-emission generated by handling CaCO3 and talc in conventional paint as well as in nano-paint is in this study considerably larger than the emission linked to the use of nano-TiO2. Thus, there is a case to take the emission of NPs into account as well in the workplace risk assessment of conventional paints. The NRV approach as proposed here gives rise to stricter exposure limits than the mass-based proposals of Pauluhn and often to stricter exposure limits than the mass-based BSI proposal. NRVs appear to be a practical and easy-to-use tool for workplace risk management for handling or processing of nanomaterials at workplaces. References Abbott LC, Maynard AD (2010) Exposure assessment approaches for engineered nanomaterials. Risk Anal 30(11):1634–1644 Aschberger K, Christensen FM (2010) Approaches for establishing human health no effect levels for engineered nanomaterials. 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Report on behalf of FNV, VNO/NCW, CNV 107 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 108 Chapter 5 Exposure Limit Values for Nanomaterials – Capacity and Willingness of Users to Apply a Precautionary Approach Accepted for publication in: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (2013) 109 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach 110 Capacity and Willingness to use Nano Reference Values Exposure Limit Values for Nanomaterials – Capacity and Willingness of Users to Apply a Precautionary Approach Pieter van Broekhuizena and Baerbel Dorbeck‐Jungb ABSTRACT In the European Union, the legal obligation for employers to provide a safe workplace for processing manufactured nanomaterials is a challenge when there is a lack of hazard information. The attitude of key stakeholders in industry, trade unions, branch and employers’ organizations and governmental policy advisors towards nano reference values (NRVs) has been investigated in a pilot study, which was initiated by a coalition of Dutch employers’ organizations and Dutch trade unions. NRVs are developed as provisional substitutes for health‐based occupational exposure limits (OELs) or derived no‐effect levels (DNELs) and are based on a precautionary approach. NRVs have been introduced as a voluntary risk management instrument for airborne nanomaterials at the workplace. A measurement strategy to deal with simultaneously emitting process‐generated nanoparticles (PGNP) was developed, allowing employers to use the NRVs for risk assessment. The motivational posture of most companies involved in the pilot study appears to be pro‐active regarding worker protection and acquiescent to NRVs. An important driver to use NRVs seems to be a temporary certainty employers experience with regard to their legal obligation to take preventive action. Many interviewees welcome the voluntary character of NRVs, though trade unions and a few companies advocate a more binding status. KEY‐WORDS: Nanomaterials, precautionary approach, Nano Reference Values, Occupational Exposure Limits, Soft Regulation a Corresponding author: IVAM UvA BV, Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018TV Amsterdam, Nederlands; e‐mail: [email protected] b University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands 111 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach INTRODUCTION The Chemical Agents Directive (1) lays down the minimum requirements for protecting workers from the adverse effects of chemical agents that are present at the workplace, or as a result of any work activity involving chemical agents. In principle these minimum requirements regard nanomaterials as well. Dutch employers are required to assess the risks and control them (2). In the case of nanomaterials for which toxicology information is lacking (3), producers and users of nanomaterials are required to proactively obtain state of the art knowledge about managing exposure and health risk. Considerable gaps exist regarding hazard data and occupational exposure limits (OELs) for nanomaterials. To date attempts have been made to derive health‐ based limit values for only several frequently used manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs): for carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) (4,5,6,7), for fullerenes (C60) (8), for TiO2 (9,10) and for nano‐Ag (5). However, a derivation of an OEL requires large amounts of toxicity data. It is complicated and expensive. Note that the term MNM is synonymous with the term engineered nanoparticle (ENP) as used by other hygienists. The composition of MNMs may be complex, being for example a multi‐component material (e.g. with a surface coating of another composition or a material with specific active sites at the surface) and having a large particle size distribution with a possibly different hazard for different sizes (11,12, 13). The workplace air may also contain incidental nanoparticles that are generated by electrical equipment, or heating or combustion processes. In risk assessment these process‐generated nanoparticles (PGNPs) and agglomerates thereof with MNMs have to be taken into account as well. In view of a lack of data a precautionary approach has been advocated (14, 15). As a provisional alternative to OELs the German Institute for Occupational safety and Health (IFA) has developed benchmark levels for evaluating exposure to MNMs (16). The benchmarks draw on the finding that the surface of the nanoparticles is an important determinant of hazard (17,18,19), and use size, form, biopersistence and density as parameters to distinguish four groups. For low density (<6,000kg/m3) and high density (>6,000kg/m3) granular nanomaterials, with a supposed sphere‐like shape (diameter <100nm) number‐based benchmarks were established corresponding to a mass concentration of 0.1 mg/m³. For carbon nanotubes (CNTs) which possibly exhibit asbestos‐like effects the asbestos OEL is used as a benchmark level. The fourth group regards non‐biopersistent nanomaterials. These benchmarks were further developed as nano reference values (NRVs) by social partners in the Netherlands (20,21,22,23). The four classes of NRVs (8‐hours time‐weighted average; 8‐hr TWA), as adopted by the Dutch Social Economic Council in 2012 (24), are shown in Table 1. 112 Capacity and Willingness to use Nano Reference Values Table 1. Nano Reference Values (NRVs) for 4 classes of manufactured nanomaterials Class 1 2 Description Rigid, biopersistent nanofibers for which effects similar to those of asbestos are not excluded Biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1 and 100 nm 3 Biopersistent granular and fiber form nanomaterials in the range of 1 and 100 nm 4 Non‐biopersistent granular nanomaterial in the range of 1 and 100 nm Density NRV (8‐hr TWA) 0.01 fibers/cm SWCNT or MWCNT or metal oxide fibers for which asbestos‐like effects are not excluded 20,000 particles/cm³ Ag, Au, CeO2, CoO, Fe, FexOy, La, Pb, Sb2O5, SnO2, 40,000 particles/cm³ Al2O3, SiO2, TiN, TiO2, ZnO, nanoclay Carbon Black, C60, dendrimers, polystyrene. Nanofibers with excluded asbestos‐like effects Applicable OEL e.g. fats, NaCl 3 ‐ >6,000 kg/m³ <6,000 kg/m³ ‐ Examples NRVs are intended to be precautionary warning levels: when they are exceeded, exposure control measures should be taken. As such, they support compliance with the legal duty to control the health risks of MNMs. Use of NRVs requires measurement of the particle concentration and diameter and requires limited information about the identity of the processed (and measured) MNMs. For identification information is required regarding the shape of the MNMs (fiber or sphere‐like shape), its biopersistency and information on the density of the nanomaterial. NRVs presently are not legally binding. By regarding NRVs as part of the current state of science the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment has recommended to use NRVs as provisional limit values that should be accompanied by additional measures to minimize exposure (25,26). The Minister’s recommendation can be regarded as a ‘soft’ regulation (27,28). Although not legally binding, this regulatory measure involves certain commitments either to employ the NRVs or to search for alternatives. In 2010 the Dutch social partners initiated a pilot study to investigate whether NRVs are accepted in practice and how relevant actors perceive their usefulness. One of the goals was to explore whether producers and users of nanomaterials are capable and willing to use NRVs. Such information can inform further regulatory action. 113 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach METHODS The potential of compliance with the NRVs in the Netherlands was studied in a pilot in whom the nanomaterials using industry was involved. Workplace concentrations of nanoparticles (NPs) (and simultaneously their diameter) were measured and compared with NRVs. The results thereof are published elsewhere (21). The measurements were followed by in‐depth interviews with representatives of the involved companies (who were previously informed about the results of the measurements) and with representatives of trade unions, branch organizations and governmental authorities to get insight into perceived feasibility and advisability of the use of NRVs, as well as into activities and ideas to stimulate compliance. The topics of the interviews covered the issues of the requirements of rule compliance, according to the analytical framework that has been developed in regulatory governance studies to get insight into effectiveness issues of soft‐regulation that is established to comply with legal obligations (29,30,31,32,33, 34,35). Governance studies suggest that the successful use of soft regulation in the case of the NRVs first depends on the preconditions of appropriate and easily available measurement strategies at low cost, as well as on adequate information supply about nanomaterials used in products and their possible release during intended use. Second, the potential users of NRVs must know the rules, have a correct understanding of them and have financial resources to employ NRVs. Third, the value of NRVs in practice depends on the willingness of companies to employ them. Willingness builds on ideas on the usefulness of the NRVs, the interests of the companies to use the NRVs, and the compliance culture of the company and the social responsibility within the industrial sector. It builds also on, the available sanctions, pressures/binding force and incentives and pro‐active and knowledgeable oversight and enforcement. Candidate companies were selected based on the MNMs they used. The MNMs had to be biopersistent and insoluble, and present on the OECD list of manufactured nanomaterials (36) . The companies included manufacturers and users of products containing MNMs, and small to large companies. Low priority was given to the involvement of raw nanomaterial producers, because these appear not to be a key industry in the Netherlands. Involvement of R&D institutes had also a low priority, because these institutes were subject to an earlier study indicating a generally use of small amounts of MNMs and a potentially low exposure (37). Sixty candidate companies were identified, of which 26 were approached and 12 agreed to participate. Some companies refused cooperation without giving a reason or based on their own assessment of low MNMs’ exposure risk (23%). Two companies not using MNMs were included to provide some information on nanoparticulate emissions generated by during conventional activities. Measurements were carried out in 12 companies (Table 2). In‐depth interviews were carried out with representatives from the companies involved (see Table 2), with representatives of R&D institutions involved in health & safety management, with key persons from branch organizations and with governmental authorities. The companies’ interviewees generally were experts involved in health & safety management. In a few cases they were part of the companies’ management board. For the branch organizations and trade unions health & safety policy advisors were interviewed. Interviewed governmental authorities were involved in regulating chemical substances (and 114 Capacity and Willingness to use Nano Reference Values nanotechnologies). In total 25 interviews were carried out. Table 3 gives an overview of the interviewees. Table 2 Selected companies for measurement of airborne NPs Type of Industry R&D, Innovation support Paint, coating manufacturer Glass industry Electronic industry Transport industry Construction industry Metal/machine industry Service industry Total Nr 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 12 Table 3 Characterization interviews Background interviewee R&D organization Company large Company SME Branch organization Employers’ organization Trade union Governmental authority Labour Inspectorate total Nr 3 5 7 2 1 3 3 1 25 All participating companies and interviewees were informed about the concept of NRVs through an informative flyer, an introductory presentation by the study team, their involvement in measurements, the consequential reporting of the results and a discussion on the consequences with the research team. RESULTS Interviewees emphasize that NRVs are useful only if there is appropriate measuring equipment available. Workplace monitoring of nanoparticles’ concentrations and diameter was provided to the participating companies. For most interviewed companies the actual measurements in the pilot were their first structured activity to assess airborne nanoparticles at the workplace. Some interviewees believed that using a particles/m3 metric for airborne MNMs was not as informative for risk assessment as a mg/m3 metric. Two interviewees stated it was difficult to distinguish airborne MNMs from nanoparticles in ambient air and nanoparticles generated by processes like combustion (or PGNPs). They conclude that NRVs are useful for workplaces that process pure MNMs. Two interviewees from a trade union and a branch organization suggest that extending the scope of the NRVs, to cover both MNMs and PGNPs, is an excellent idea. Their argument is that with the existing uncertainties on the toxicity of both MNMs and PGNPs, the use of a generic NRV covering both sources is appropriate. And, as one of the interviewees put it: “Adopting NRVs, to control both MNMs and PGNPs, is in line with a precautionary approach.” Hazard identification is one of the key‐issues for downstream users of products containing MNMs. In general, the end‐user is not informed about a possible release of MNMs during intended use of the product. The interviewed Labour Inspectorate stated that 70% of 115 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach the upstream manufacturers do not inform the users of their products about the contained MNMs, because there is no requirement to do so (38). The interviewees from the car repair industry state that downstream users, confronted with this lack of information, are forced to use a precautionary approach for all activities where airborne MNMs might be generated. All of the company appeared to be well informed about existing chemicals legislation and workplace health and safety regulations (1,39). They are acquainted with the concept of OELs. The company interviewees agreed that the legal duty means minimizing exposure to MNMs. They know as well that NRVs are considered to be measures of best practice. Some interviewees conclude that this implies that NRVs are binding, while others are not sure about the binding character. One interviewee emphasizes the warning function of NRVs: “Their value lies in signaling the importance to handle nanoproducts with care”. Another company representative adds that NRVs helps risk management provided that exposure measurements can be carried out reliably. Most interviewees see a direct link between the legal obligation to provide a safe workplace and the use of NRVs. One interviewee summarizes: “NRVs are a good instrument to fulfill the duty of care responsibility, provided there is an efficient way to apply them in practice.” A representative of a trade union stated: “It is clear that the company has to substantiate their activities to control exposures. They have to prove that they take the new risks into account. The NRVs are perceived to be an excellent tool for this. According to another interviewee “NRVs are the latest state of the art of risk management and therefore it is the responsibility of the employer to act accordingly.” Some interviewees hold that additional measures to reduce exposure to nanomaterials at the workplace have to be taken when exposure measurement shows that the NRVs are exceeded. An interviewee from a branch organization notes that a role of the NRVs is to raise the awareness. He thinks that the usefulness of NRVs lies in anticipating coming legislation and mandatory information supply, and a stimulus to become active in relation to the REACH legislation and the safety data sheets (SDS). All interviewees prefer to use OELs based on specific toxicological information for specific MNMs, but they are aware that it will take time before such OELs become available. They recognize that the use of NRVs is a provisional solution and that it is useful to “forestall/reduce fear of employees, industry and consumers.” The NRVs gives reassurance to the company that measures are adequate in view of the current state of science. One of the interviewees remarks that the OELs are limited just as the NRVs are limited because they also involve information gaps and uncertainty. The impression of the research group during workplace visits (21) was, that source oriented exposure control measures in place, were often designed to control the emission of conventional substances. None of the companies involved had installed extra equipment to control NP emissions. One of interviewees stated that his company does not need additional control measures for working with MNMs, because their control measures for conventional hazardous substances (like abrasion dust, welding fumes, isocyanates and organic solvents) are thought to sufficient. On the other hand, one of the companies applies a precautionary 116 Capacity and Willingness to use Nano Reference Values exposure control protocol for working with nanomaterials, including separate storage of nanomaterials, the use of additional personal protective equipment for the operations, the registration of personnel involved in working with MNMs, and indirectly as well the personnel involved in transport of MNMs and waste management. Interviewees emphasize that the NRVs motivate a company to consider uncertainty in the degree of health risk posed by MNMs and stimulate a continuous efforts to reduce exposure. Yet, undesirable overprotection is also a concern. An end‐user states that they may lead to unnecessary fears among the employees rather than reassurance. A plant manager remarked that overprotection (irrespective of the use of NRVs) may lead to eliminating the production process using MNMs. In sum. The motivational posture of most of the interviewees (particularly producers) toward using the NRVs can be characterized as pro‐active and acquiescent. Most of them see the usefulness of the NRVs in providing ‘temporary’ certainty, supporting the employer’s legal obligation to care and to take precautionary action, as well as anticipating coming legislation and process innovation. The usefulness is questioned by some end‐users with critical remarks on over‐ or under‐protection of the NRVs. They seem to take the attitude of compromise or disengagement. With regard to social responsibility of the industry interviewees of the chemical and paint industry mention the European Commission’s Code of Conduct (EC‐CoC) for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies research (40) and the Responsible Care program of the chemical industry (41). Companies of the chemical sector argue that a culture of responsibility has emerged on the basis of the Responsible Care program, which has been specified in company‐specific CoCs that have been implemented and are controlled and enforced. They stress that the Responsible Care program covers all aspects of corporate responsibility and that there is no need for an additional CoC for nanomaterials and to implement the EC‐CoC. Paint industry interviewees mention their “normal” safety, health and environment measures, referring to the policy to keep the components in the product and to prevent release into the environment. This holds as well for nanomaterials and is stimulated by the employers’ association and the trade unions. These organizations pro‐actively provide on‐line information and organize meetings with companies that use and produce nanomaterials. Furthermore, interviewees feel that the recommendations of the Dutch Social Economic Council (14), the control‐banding tool ‘Stoffenmanager’ (42) and the Guidance working safely with nanomaterials and nanoproducts (43) support the development of social responsibility. With regard to sanctioning, rewarding and other issues of enforcement that can stimulate or hinder the use of NRVs, we draw on an activity that has been run by the Dutch Labour Inspectorate in 2011. (38) This inspection of companies using manufactured nanomaterials concluded that 86% of the inspected companies pays no or too little attention to MNMs in their risk assessment. These companies were warned and committed to live up with their obligation. The Labour Inspectorate referred also to the Social Economic Council’s advice, to apply the precautionary principle when working with MNMs (14). It advised to restrict exposure as much as possible and to use the Guidance for safe working with nanoparticles (43), or a 117 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach control‐banding tool (42,44) for risk assessment and to guide risk management. Occasionally the inspectors referred to the NRVs as an optional instrument for risk management of MNMs. However, they doubted whether the Inspectorate has the legal right to enforce the use of NRVs (or other risk management measures) in the context of uncertain risks. They observed strong disagreement amongst Dutch lawyers on the question whether the Dutch Labour Law requires application of the precautionary principle. Due to these interpretation problems of the legal frame, inspectors seem to avoid referring explicitly to the precautionary principle. They rather tend to use the employers’ legal duty of care as an incentive for enforcement of employers. DISCUSSION The precondition regarding appropriate information supply is identified as an issue of major concern. Many professional end users seem to be poorly informed about the MNMs in the products they use and their possible release during intended use. At a majority of the inspected companies in the Netherlands MNMs are not taken into account, where mandatory risk assessments are made. The issue of hazard identification, the definition for nanoproducts and the question of what to communicate in the production chain should be addressed to allow for good governance. Within this frame of poor information supply, confidentiality about MNMs used in the products and insufficient knowledge about NPs’ release and possible adverse effects, the NRVs may also be a useful tool for the employer to inform the workers about the potential exposure to NPs (MNMs + PGNPs) and to explain in what way the risk management measures take this source into account. The matter whether NRVs can easily be applied in regulatory practice, emerges particularly in view of their provisional and pragmatic character and the consequential necessity to consider additional control measures, even if exposure remains below the NRVs. Important in this respect is also that the level of the NRVs was shown to be significantly lower than mass‐based proposals for OELs for MNMs (21). The simultaneous generic assessment of MNMs with PGNPs (simply as particle number concentration), as advocated in the pragmatic measurement strategy from the SER (45) (see Figure 1), accepts as a consequence even lower levels for MNMs. But not withstanding the precautionary approach, a guarantee for an absence of health risks below the NRVs cannot be given. As such, NRVs may be regarded as providing temporary certainty. A precautionary approach implies as well an incentive to stimulate research, to find out under what conditions and to what extent exposure to specific MNMs is acceptable. Such research however may take time in view of the pace of toxicological research on nanomaterials and the fundamental emerging questions in the development of the “new” discipline of nanotoxicology (46). An unambiguous acceptance of the NRV‐concept by relevant authorities may solve remaining uncertainties. In this respect, international recognition, as reflected by the discussion in the international workshop on NRVs in The Hague 2011 (23) and the recognition of the NRV concept as an “overarching principle” for risk management at the 7th Joint EU/US Conference on 118 Capacity and Willingness to use Nano Reference Values Occupational Safety and Health in Brussels 2012 (47), is a step in that direction. This overarching principle states: “In case exposure limit values are not available for specific nanomaterials a precautionary approach should be applied ‐ generic nano reference values should be considered as a tool for setting provisional limits”. Figure 1. Strategy for workplace assessment of nanoparticles and use of NRVs Measurement in the workplace Correct for background & calculate 8‐hr TWA COMPLIES WITH NRV < NRV No further characterization required > NRV Yes Distinction with measurement strategy possible Concentration manufactured NPs < NRV ? Distinguish manufactured NPs from PGNP with measurement strategy Distinction with measurement strategy not possible No UNCERTAIN COMPLIANCE WITH NRV Further chemical/physical characterization of NP advisable DOES NOT COMPLY WITH NRV Risk management measures required With regard to the willingness to use NRVs, participants of the Dutch Pilot accept that for risk assessment and management of nanomaterials, sometimes non‐preferential provisional choices have to be made. The particle number concentration is at variance with the usually mass‐based OELs (17,18,48,49), and requires a change of “mind‐set”. A change of “mind‐ set” is also needed for acceptance of the precautionary approach used for NRVs, though it may be noted that precautionary NRVs, as advised by employers’ organizations and trade unions, are perceived as important. However, it might as well be that the provisional and voluntary character of the NRVs, is experienced as less of a threat, which would be in line with findings of Engeman et al (50), who find that an industry may identify the lack of regulation as a problem due to mistrust regarding responsible behavior of other industry. The voluntary character of NRVs is welcomed as well by governmental policy makers since this characteristic assures that it does not interfere with principles used in existing OHS‐regulation, being based on health or risk considerations. A reason for the easy acceptance of NRVs might also be the finding that 8hr‐TWA exposures to airborne MNMs, as measured in the accompanying pilot project, 119 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach generally remain below the NRVs, if conventional risk management measures are used (20). For companies these are reassuring findings. The pre‐existing knowledge of the interviewed persons regarding the feasibility of applying NRVs without further organizational or risk management consequences, might lead to a bias favoring acceptance of the concept. Experience of the labour inspectorate shows that active enforcement is an important driver to use supplied risk management tools as the NRV and the control banding tools. Contrasting findings regarding a pro‐active attitude of well‐informed industry are published by Engeman et al (50). These authors conclude that risk perceptions and safety practices are narrow and inconsistent and that because health and safety guidance is not reaching industry a mandatory approach may be the needed. Regarding the interest of companies to forestall more regulation, regulators could clarify that they are forced to come with top‐down measures if NRVs, or well‐underpinned alternative measures to safeguard occupational health and safety, are not used in the work with nanomaterials. CONCLUSION This small pilot study found that most companies working with nanomaterials accept NRVs as a tool to minimize possible adverse health effects among employees. Companies tend to be pro‐active and acquiescent toward using the NRVs for risk assessment and management. An important driver to employ NRVs seems to be a temporary certainty employers experience with regard to their legal obligation to take preventive action. A contribution to the positive attitude of companies towards the NRV may be as well the reassuring finding that conventional exposure control measures are generally adequate as well to control airborne MNMs. Although many of the interviewees welcome the voluntary character of NRVs, trade unions and a few companies advocate stronger regulation. Regulators are recommended to take account of technology‐related preconditions to compliance, like appropriate and easy available measurement strategies at low cost; appropriate information supply about nanomaterials used in products and their possible release during intended use. The NRV pilot study shows how important these preconditions are for compliance. 120 Capacity and Willingness to use Nano Reference Values ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The study was carried out within the frame of pilot project “Nano Reference Values”, commissioned by the Dutch social partners FNV, CNV and VNO/NCW with a grant from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Further elaboration of the results was made possible by a grant of the UvA Holding BV. The authors like to thank the companies that gave access to their workplaces (electroplating company, paint, glass, machine and lightning manufacturers and the vehicle refinishing shop) for their participation openness about details of their processes and readiness to participate in the interviews. The authors like to thank as well the trade union officers, branch and employers’ organizations’ officers and policy advisors of the governmental institutions that were ready to participate in the interviews as well. 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Herr Harthorn: Governance implications of nanomaterials companies’ inconsistent risk perceptions and safety practices, J Nanopart Res 14:749‐761, (2012) 127 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach 128 Chapter6 Comparison of control banding tools to support safe working with nanomaterials and the role of processͲ generatednanoparticles Submittedto: AnnalsofOccupationalHygiene(2012) 129 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ 130 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ Comparison of control banding tools to support safe working with nanomaterialsandtheroleofprocessͲgeneratednanoparticles PietervanBroekhuizen1,2,HildoKrop1,LucasReijnders3 Abstract Threequalitativecontrolbandingtools,the‘Guidance’,the‘ControlBandingNanotool(CBN) and the Stoffenmanager Nano (SMN), that estimate risks of working with manufactured nanomaterials (MNM), are applied to eight different working environments and compared with the Precaution Characterisation Ratio (PCR), derived from former measurements of nanoparticles’ number concentrationsat these workplaces. It was found that theestimated risk levels may vary, but the recommended engineering control does not necessarily differ. Differencesinprecautionaryapproachregarding‘unknown’hazardandexposuredataleadto differencesinestimatedrisklevels.TheCBNandtheSMNestimateahighriskespeciallywhen hazarddataarelacking.TheGuidanceestimatesahighrisklevelwhendispersiveMNMsare used.ItwasobservedthatthesensitivityforhazarddataisrelativelyhighintheSMN,andlow intheCBNandtheGuidance,whilethesensitivityforexposuredataisrelativelyhighforthe CBNandlowfortheSMNandtheGuidance. At several workplaces high PCR values are observed where heating or combustion processes take place or where electrical equipment is used, most likely resulting from the formation of processͲgenerated nanoparticles (PGNP). These nanoparticles’ sources are not taken into account by the control banding tools. It is argued that when a workplace risk assessmentfornanomaterialsiscarriedout,PGNPsshouldbetakenintoaccount. All three tools may contribute to raising the awareness of industries and workers aboutthepotentialrisksofnanomaterials. Keywords: Nanomaterial, Risk Management, ProcessͲGenerated Nanoparticles, Control Banding,NanoReferenceValue,Guidancesafeworking Introduction Risk assessment of the occupational use of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) and nanoͲ enabledproductsiscomplicatedbyseveralfactors,amongstwhichlackofappropriatehazard data and relevant exposure data and conceptual issues related to physical/chemical and biological properties of MNMs relevant for the toxicological behavior are frequently mentioned(Brouwer2010,Shvedovaetal2010,Yokeletal2011).Also,inworkingwithMNMs 1 IVAMUvAbv,PlantageMuidergracht24,1018TVAmsterdam,Netherlands Correspondingauthor:tel+31205256324;eͲmail:[email protected] 3 UniversityofAmsterdam,InstituteforBiodiversityandEcosystemDynamics,Amsterdam,Netherlands 2 131 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ theretendstobeexposuretoothernanoparticlesthanMNMs:backgroundnanoparticlesand nanoparticlesoriginatinginworkͲrelatedprocesses(ECHA2012c).TheEuropeanCommission acknowledges this in its recommendation for a definition of nanomaterials as natural and incidentalparticles(EC2011).Inthepresentstudy‘incidental’nanoparticlesgeneratedbythe workplaceͲrelatedsourcesarecollectivelycalledprocessͲgeneratednanoparticles(PGNP).The existing ambient background nanoparticles’ concentration originate from natural processes likevolcanicactivities,naturalfires,anderosionprocessesandfromanthropogenicsourcesas traffic, smoking, heating and cooking (among many others: Morawska et al 2008). The generationofnanoparticlesformedatworkplacesbyworkͲrelatedprocesses,simultaneously totheuseofMNMsincludecombustionprocesses(Donaldsonetal2005),soldering,welding, use of electrical equipment and fracturing and abrasion activities like sanding, milling and drilling. Scymczak et al (2007) demonstrated that universal electrical motors emit nanoparticles with a high content of copper. In manufacturing processes conventional comͲpounds, which contain a nanoͲsized particles’ fraction, may also be used, giving rise to emissions of nanoparticles at the workplace (van Broekhuizen 2012a). Assembly formation (agglomeration and aggregation) of nanoparticles from the different sources may further complicateidentificationandallocationofthemeasurednanoparticlestothespecificsource. Several Control Banding (CB) tools for qualitative risk characterization and managementofworkplacehazardshavebeenspecificallydevelopedforMNMs(Schulteetal 2008;Paiketal2008;Zalketal2009;ANSES2010;Höcketal2010;ICON2010;Hansenetal 2011; Cornelissen et al 2011; DuurenͲStuurman et al 2012). Most tools define defaults for unknownsfordealingwiththelackinhazarddataanduncertaintiesregardingpossibleeffects andthelimitedexposureinformationofMNMs.UsingaCBͲtoolmayforestallthenecessityto carryoutexposuremeasurements,butitshouldbenotedthatacontributionofPGNPstothe workplacehazardsisgenerallynottakenintoconsiderationintheMNMͲspecificCBͲtools.The CB strategies allow categorizing workplace risks into control bands based on evaluations of hazardandexposureinformationofMNMs.TheCBtoolsmaydifferregardingtheendpoints they select for risk evaluation. Brouwer (2012) evaluated several of the CB tools for nanomaterialsandconcludedthatthereisaneedtochecktheperformanceofthetools,tofill theknowledgegapsandtoextendthevaliditydomainforexposure. Anotherapproachtodealwiththelackofhazarddataanduncertaintiesinknowledge about hazards uses nano reference values (NRVs) and the precaution characterization ratio (PCR),asatoolforprecautionaryriskmanagementofMNMswhenhealthͲbasedoccupational exposurelimits(OELs),orderivednoͲeffectlevels(DNELs)arenotavailable(SER2012). This paper seeks to compare risk estimates and control measures that emerge from applyingthecontrolbandingtoolsGuidanceforworkingsafelywithnanomaterials(Guidance), the Control Banding Nanotool (CBN) and the Stoffenmanager Nano (SMN) with measured workplace concentrations, as evaluated with NRVs by using the PCR. These tools are elaboratedintheMethodssection. Two questions are raised. The first is: “Do MNMͲspecific CB tools when applied at the same workplaces lead to similar risk estimates for control measures and how do these relate to 132 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ measuredconcentrations?”Thesecondis:“IsitlegitimatetoignorePGNPsinriskassessment andriskmanagementwhenassessingMNMs?” ForthispurposetheGuidance,theCBN(Paiketal2008;Zalketal2009)andtheSMN (DuurenͲStuurman et al 2012) are applied at eight previously studied working environments (van Broekhuizen et al 2011, 2012a). The activities in these working environments are summarizedinBox1.Therecommendationsforsafeworkinglinkedtotheserisklevelswillbe outlined. These recommendations are comparedwith recommendations basedon exposure measurementsasrelatedtoNRVsfroma previous study (van Broekhuizen et al Figure1, Source–receptorschemeandscopeofthetools 2012a). Transmission The Guidance was selected Imission Emission becauseitwasdevelopedbytheauthors (Cornelissen et al 2011), the CBN was Worker Source selectedasatoolestimatingtheemission potential of MNMs, the SMN because it estimates the immission potential SMN GuidanceandCBN including the existing control measures (seefigure1).Thethreecontrolbandingtoolsshareasimilarconceptbydistinguishinghigh, mediumandlowrisksbasedonMNMs’hazardsandestimatedexposure. Methods TheGuidance,theCBN,theSMNandtheNRVconceptarebrieflyexplainedinthissection. GuidanceforworkingsafelywithnanomaterialsandnanoͲenabledproducts The Dutch social partners (employers’ organizations and trade unions) developed the Guidance as a laymanͲoriented guidance, to be used as simple guide for qualitative risk assessment when only minimal information about the MNMs properties and hazards is available (Cornelissen et al 2011). Control measures are advised based on the estimated emission potential. The Guidance is recently being combined with the NRVͲapproach (Broekhuizen2012b). The guidance uses a stepͲbyͲstep approach. Hazard and exposure data are collected and combined in a decision matrix to establish a control level (figure 2). For characterization of MNMsdataareusedthatinprinciplecanbefoundonthematerialsafetydatasheet(MSDS) or technical data sheet of the product. Three hazard bands are defined in line with the approachfortheNRVs(seetable1)(Broekhuizenetal2012c).Threeexposurepossibilitiesare distinguished (see figure 2). A combination of the health hazard bands with the exposure probabilitybandsdefinesthreeriskmanagementclasses:ahigh(A),medium(B)andlow(C) (seefigure2).Thetieredoccupationalhygienestrategy(OHS)isusedtoselecttheappropriate controlmeasure,meaningthatthemandatoryorderofprioritiesisusedforcontrolmeasures aslaiddownintheEUChemicalAgentsDirectiveorCAD(1998),andasoperationalizedinthe 133 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ Dutchlegislationbythereasonablenessprinciple(Arboportaalnd).Thisprincipledetermines thatitisnotallowedtochoosealowercontrollevelunlesstherearetechnical,operationalor economicbarrierstoapplyahighercontrollevel.Theadviceforlowrisk(C),mediumrisks(B) andhighrisk(A)situationsisdescribedintheexplanationoffigure2.Forthehigherrisklevels AandBitisadvisedtoapplypracticalexposuremeasurementsandtoapplyOELsorNRVsfor riskmanagementandtodistinguishMNMsfromPGNPs.TheGuidanceprovidestheuserwith alistofpossibleexposurecontrolmeasuresthatcanbeimplementedtolowertheexposure. Figure2. Decision matrix to determine the risk management class and the control level for activitieswithnanomaterialsandnanoͲenabledproducts(Guidance). Descriptionofthehazard categoryforeach nanoͲenabled product Probabilityofexposureto nanoparticlesduringactivities Hazard category1 Hazard categories2aand2b Hazard category3 Rigid,biopersistent nanofibersforwhich asbestosͲlikeeffectsare notexcluded Biopersistentgranularand fiberformnanomaterials withexcludedasbestosͲlike effects NonͲbiopersistent granularor(water) solublenanomaterial A A C A B C B C C ExposurecategoryI: Emissionofprimarynanoparticlesispossible. ExposurecategoryII: Emissionofnanoparticlesembeddedinalarger solid(>100nm)orliquidmatrixispossible ExposurecategoryIII: Emissionoffreenanoparticlesminimiseddueto workinginfullcontainment Explanationriskmanagementclasses: A ThehierarchicOccupationalHygienicStrategywillbestrictlyappliedandallprotectivemeasuresthatarebothtechnicallyand organizationallyfeasiblewillbeimplemented.Thereasonablenessprincipleisnotused. B AccordingtothehierarchicOccupationalHygienicStrategy,thetechnicalandorganizationalfeasibleprotectivemeasuresare evaluatedastotheireconomicfeasibility.Controlmeasureswillbebasedonthisevaluation C Applysufficient(room)ventilation,ifneededlocalexhaustventilationand/orcontainmentoftheemissionsourceanduse appropriatepersonalprotectiveequipment TheControlBandingNanotool(CBN) The CBN was developed as an “easy to use tool” by Paik et al (2008), updated by Zalk et al (2009) and is available in an Internet version: the CB Nanotool 2.0 (CBN 2010). The CBN estimates the emission potential of MNMs. The authors state that the CBN strategy may be particularly useful in nanotechnology applications, considering the overwhelming level of uncertaintyoverwhatpotentialoccupationalhealthrisksnanomaterialspresent,andtoassess andmanagetherisks.Therisklevel(RL)ofanoperationresultsfromcombiningaseverityand a probability score. The severity score identifies 15 hazard factors to estimate the potential hazardoftheMNM.Thesesumtoamaximumhazardscoreof100points.70ofthesepoints arebasedoncharacteristicsofthenanomaterialand30pointsarebasedoncharacteristicsof theparentmaterial.Theresultingseverityscoredistinguishesfour“severities”:low,medium, highorveryhighseverity,eachinabandof25points.TheMNMͲspecificseverityfactorsare: 134 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ surface reactivity, particle shape, particle diameter, solubility; for both the MNM and the parent material: the carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, mutagenicity, dermal toxicity, asthmagenicity;fortheparentmaterialalsotheoccupationalexposurelimit(OEL)isused.The probability score identifies 5 exposure factors determining the potential exposure of employees to nanoscale materials, primarily through inhalation, but dermal contact is also takenintoaccount.Thesesumtoamaximumprobabilityscoreof100.Theprobabilityfactors are: estimated amount of nanomaterial used during task, dustiness/mistiness, number of employees with similar exposure, frequency and duration of the operation. If scoring of the severity or probability factor is not possible due to unknowns, a default of 75% of the maximumscoreforthatfactorisassigned.Combiningtheseverityandtheprobabilityscorein a4x4matrixdeterminestheoverallriskleveldistinguishedin4risklevels.Thefourthrisklevel recommending “specialists advice” for engineering controls is used for special cases (but is neverusedinthecurrentstudy). StoffenmanagerNano(SMN)(vanDuurenͲStuurmanetal2012) The SMN is an InternetͲbased CBͲtool (SMN 2011), estimates the potential emission of the considered nanomaterial and calculates the immission of MNMs. The SMN combines hazard and exposure bands in a 5x4 matrix, establishing a ‘priority band’ (or risk level). Hazard banding is a stepͲbyͲstep procedure including the following steps: (1) determination of the water solubility, (2) presence of persistent nanofibers, (3) classification of MNMͲspecific hazardsand(4)classificationofinsufficienttoxicologicaldata.Thereare5hazardbands.The default for unknown hazards is given a high priority in case they fall into a relatively high exposure band. The exposure band is based on the conceptual model as described by Schneideretal(2011).ThemodelgivesadetaileddescriptionofthetransferoftheMNMfrom the source to the worker and identifies the following relevant factors: intrinsic substance emission potential, handling (activity emission potential), localized controls, segregation (enclosureofthesource),dilution/dispersion,personalbehavior,separation(enclosureofthe worker), surface contamination, and use of protective respiratory equipment. These factors are weighted by assigning a ‘multiplier’ to generate the score for the exposure band. SMN takestheexistingcontrolmeasuresintoaccountandprovidestheuserwithalistofpossible control measures that can be implemented to lower the exposure, leading to a renewed prioritization. The SMN cannot be applied to abrasion activities and physical fracturing operations. For these operations the authors refer to the general Stoffenmanager tool for chemicalsubstances(VanDuurenͲStuurmanetal2012). NanoReferenceValuesandthePrecautionCharacterisationRatio Nanoreferencevalues(NRVs)weredevelopedtoprovideprovisionallimitvaluesinsituations where recognised OELs and DNELs are not available (SER 2012). NRVs represent a warning level: when they are exceeded, exposure control measures should be taken. Use of NRVs requires measurement of the particles’ number concentration and diameter and requires limited information about the identity of the processed (and measured) MNMs. For MNM 135 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ identification, information is required regarding the shape of the MNMs (e.g. fibre or spherical),theirbiopersistencyandinformationaboutthedensityoftheMNM.DetailsofNRVs for different classes of MNM are set out in Table 1. NRVs are precautionͲbased normative quantifiers.TheyarenothealthͲbasedbutunderlyingtheNRVͲconceptistheevidencethatthe nanoparticles’ number and surface area are likely to influence the hazard of low solubility particles[Bermudezetal2004;Oberdörsteretal2004;AbbottandMaynard2010;Aschberger and Christensen 2011]. NRVs are generic values developed for MNMs, but in view of the likeliness that PGNP have similar hazardous properties as MNMs (SCENHIR 2009) it was suggestedtomakethemaswellapplicabletoPGNPsasaworstͲcaseapproach(Broekhuizen 2012a). However, an international panel preferred to distinguish MNMs and PGNPs in a separateevaluation(Broekhuizen2012c). Table1 NanoReferenceValues(NRVs)for4classesofmanufacturednanomaterials Class Description Rigid,biopersistentnanofibers 1 forwhicheffectssimilartothose ofasbestosarenotexcluded Density Ͳ NRV(8ͲhrTWA) 3 0.01fibers/cm Examples SWCNTorMWCNTormetaloxidefibers forwhichasbestosͲlikeeffectsarenot excluded Biopersistentgranular 2a nanomaterialintherangeof 1and100nm >6,000kg/m³ 20,000particles/cm³ Ag,Au,CeO2,CoO,Fe,FexOy,La,Pb,Sb2O5, SnO2, Biopersistentgranularandfiber 2b formnanomaterialsintherange of1and100nm <6,000kg/m³ 40,000particles/cm³ Al2O3,SiO2,TiN,TiO2,ZnO,nanoclay CarbonBlack,C60,dendrimers,polystyrene NanofiberswithexcludedasbestosͲlike effects Ͳ ApplicableOEL NonͲbiopersistentgranular 3 nanomaterialintherangeof 1and100nm e.g.fats,NaCl The NRV is established as a backgroundͲcorrected, 8hourͲTWA (Time Weighted Average) exposurelevel.Forshortexposureperiodsof15minͲTWAashortͲtermNRV15minͲTWAisused,in analogy with the common risk management approach of the Dutch Labour Inspectorate for assessing shortͲterm exposures to chemical substances [SDU 2006]: NRV15min,TWA = 2 x NRV8hr,TWA. ThePrecautionCharacterizationRatio(PCR)isdefinedasthequotientofthemeasured concentrationofNPsandtheNRV(SER2012): ܴܲܥ ൌ ݊ܲܰ݊݅ݐܽݎݐ݊݁ܿ݊ܿݎܾ݁݉ݑ ܴܸܰ PCR>1indicatesthattheNRV8hrͲTWAisexceeded.Inthiscasethesourceofthenanoparticles’ emission(s)shouldbeidentifiedandpossibilitiestoreducetheemissionofnanoparticlesmust be assessed. The PCR8hrͲTWA and the PCR15minͲTWA for the workplaces discussed here is graphicallypresentedinfigure3. Workplacesstudied The tools were applied at eight workplaces for which earlier studies measured airborne nanoparticles’ number concentrations(van Broekhuizen et al 2011 and 2012a). Box 1 briefly characterizes these workplaces. The measured backgroundͲcorrected nanoparticles’ number 136 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ concentrationsinthestudieswereexpressedasPCR.Thebackgroundwasconsideredtobeof natural or anthropogenic origin and measured at workplaces avoiding contamination with nanoparticlesemissionsfromproductsorprocesses(e.g.intheearlymorningwithequipment still in the switchedͲoff position). The PCR data used are presented in table 2. It should be noted that van Broekhuizen et al (2011 and 2012a) conclude that processͲgenerated nanoparticles(PGNPs)contributetothetotalexposuretonanoparticlesatmanyworkplaces, andthatitislikelythattherearesituationsinwhichPGNPsdominatethetotalnanoparticles’ numberconcentrationsattheworkplace. Box1 Workplacesandactivitiesstudied(seevanBroekhuizenetal2011,2012a) 1. Electroplating:dippingactivitiesofcomponentsinapassivationbaththat,accordingtotheMSDS,makesuseofa componentwithavalencyof3,whichispresumablyCr(III)(Cr2O3?).Workplacewithgeneralventilation. 2. Paintmanufacturing:mixingoperationduringmanufacturingofawaterbasedwallpaintwithnanoͲTiO2..Mixingvessel withlocalexhaustventilation. 3. Productionofpigmentconcentrates:nanoͲZnOparticlesaremixedinameltedwax.Fumehoodabovemixingvessel (localexhaustventilation–LEV)(3a).Improvedemissioncontrolwasrealisedbyincludingfullenclosureofthemixing vessel(3b). 4. NonͲreflectiveglassproduction:glasswithasilicacontainingnanoͲlayerisfurtherhandledbycutting(4b)andbreaking (waste)(4a)oftheglasspanels.Workplacewithgeneralventilation. 5. Lightequipmentmanufacturing:ThefocuswasputontheproductionofananoͲAl2O3dispersioncoatinginafully enclosedmixingvessel(5a).Thecoatingisappliedtotheinsideofglasstubesandfurtherhandledinavarietyof productionstepstogenerateafinishedproduct(5bͲj).Thefinishingstepsrequiremechanicalpolishingstepsandsteps withhightemperaturegasheating.Workplacewithgeneralventilation,someheatingmachinesareexhaustventilated. 6. Carrepair:abrasionandsprayingoperationsarecarriedout,usingananoͲTiO2coating(6a,c)anda2Ͳcomponent nanocoating(withunknownnanomaterials)(6b,d).Localexhaustventilatedwall. ApplicationofaselfͲcleaningcoating:outdoorglasswindowsaresprayͲcoatedwithananoͲTiO2containingcoating.No ventilationmeasures. 7. 8. Constructionindustry:nanoͲsilicaismixedoutdoortopreparehighͲstrengthmortar.Noventilationmeasures. 137 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table2 Precaution Characterisation Ratio (PCR) for an 8hrͲTWA and 15minͲTWA at different workplaces correctedforthebackground(Reference:Broekhuizenetal2011;2012a) Event Electroplatingindustry Ͳ passivatingbath 3a 3b ManufacturingnanoͲwallpaint** Manufacturingpigmentconcentrates Ͳ AddingnanoͲTiO2topaintmix Ͳ DispersingZnOinmixingvessel Ͳ Idem,improvedemissioncontrol TiO2 ZnO ZnO 4a 4b 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 5g 5h 5i 5j 6a 6b 6c 6d 7 8 ProductionofnonͲreflectiveglass Manufacturingfluorescenttubes Carrepair Sprayapplicationcoating(outdoor) Constructionindustry(outdoor) Ͳ Dumpingwasteglass Ͳ Glasscutting1 Ͳ DispersionAl2O3inmixingvessel Ͳ Wipingmachine Ͳ Adjustingdevice Ͳ HallABLocationA1 Ͳ HallAB Ͳ Wipingunit(HallAB) Ͳ Sealingmachine,(HallAB) Ͳ Melting(HallB) Ͳ Pumpingmachine(HallB) Ͳ Polishingproduct Ͳ AbrasionnanoͲ TiO2coating Ͳ Abrasion2ͲCnanocoating Ͳ SprayingnanoͲTiO2 Ͳ Spraying2ͲCnanocoating Ͳ SprayingselfͲcleaningcoating Ͳ Mixingmortar 1 2 Form MNM ld sp sp sp PCR 8hrͲTWA 1.61 0.02 5.00 0.03 PCR 15minͲTWA * 0.37 100 0.08 SiO2 SiO2 Al2O3 Ͳ sc sc Sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp TiO2 ? TiO2 ? TiO2 SiO sc sc ld ld ld sp 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.80 80.97 2.95 38.27 7.52 7.65 8.82 8.49 1.42 0.05 0.09 0.17 0.71 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 *** 5.26 50.00 1.47 20.00 3.70 3.85 4.35 4.17 0.71 0.03 0.14 0.12 0.64 0.00 0.13 MNM present Cr2O3? FormMNM:ld=liquiddispersion;sp=solidparticles;sc=solidcoating * continuousprocess,nopeaksidentifiedduringtheactivities ** 8hr TWA calculated over the full paint mix production cycle. 15min TWA only over the period of adding nanoͲTiO2. *** nopeaksidentifiedduringtheactivitiesAl2O3 Results Risk assessments of the eight case studies with the Guidance, the CBN and the SMN are summarizedintable3.Thecomparisonisgraphicallypresentedinfigure4.Comparisonofthe estimated risk levels generated with the three tools shows differences for the same operations,buttherecommendationsforsafeworking,basedintheestimatedrisklevels,do notnecessarilyleadtodifferentcontrolmeasuresaswillbeexplainedbelow. 138 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table3, ComparisonoftheriskassessmentsforeightactivitieswithnanomaterialswiththeGuidance,theCBN andtheSMN Guidance ControlBandingNanotool Hazard band Exposure band Risk Level Severity Probability band band 3Ͳ2b/2aͲ1 IIIͲIIͲI CͲBͲA LͲMͲH 2b(?) II B H StoffenmanagerNano Risk level Hazard band Exposure Band Risk Level EULͲLLͲLͲP 1Ͳ2Ͳ3Ͳ4 AͲBͲCͲDͲE 1Ͳ2Ͳ3Ͳ4 IIIͲIIͲI EUL 2 E 1 I Nr Event 1 Electroplatingindustry 2 Manuf.nanoͲwallpaintͲAddingnanoͲTiO2 2b I A M L 2 C 1 III 3a 3b Manuf.pigmentconc. ͲDispersingZnO ImprovedexhaustcontrolͲDispersingZnO 2b 2b II III B C M M L L 2 2 C C 1 1 III III 4a 4b 5a ProdnonͲreflectiveglass ͲDumpingglass ͲGlasscutting1 2b 2b II II B B M M LL L 1 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. Manuffluorescenttubes ͲDispersingAl2O3 2b I C L L 1 B 1 III 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 5g 5h 5i 5j 6a 6b 6c 6d –Wipingmachine –Adjustingdevice –HallABHorA1 –HallAB –Wipingunit(HallAB) ͲSealingmachine,(HallAB) ͲMelting(HallB) –Pumpingmachine(HallB) ͲPolishingproduct CarRepair ͲAbrasionnanoͲTiO2coating ͲAbrasion2ͲCnanocoating ͲSprayingnanoͲTiO2 ͲSpraying2ͲCnanocoating 2b II B n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2b 2b(?) 2b 2b(?) II II II II B B B B M H M H L L L L 2 3 2 3 n.a. n.a. C E n.a. n.a. 1 1 n.a. n.a. III I 7 SprayapplcoatingͲExteriorsprayingcoating 2b II B M L 2 C 1 III 8 Constructionindustry ͲMixingmortar 2b I A L L 2 C 1 III * Ͳpassivatingbath Explanation: *Thethirdlinepresentsthedifferentbandsinmountingorder,fromlowtohigh. Guidance: Hazardband:1,2a,2band3,where1=highestand3=lowesthazard(explanationseetable1) Exposureband:I,II,andIIIwhereI=highestandIII=lowestexposure(seefigure2) Risk(Control)level:A=highest;B=Medium;C=lowest 2b(?)=UnknownnanoͲcomponent Severityband:H=high;M=medium;L=Low CBN; Probabilityband:EUL=Extremelyunlikely;LL=Lesslikely;L=Likely;P=Probable Risklevel:1=low(Generalventilation);2=medium(fumehoodorlocalexhaustventilation);3=high (Containment);4=Unknown(Seekspecialistadvice) HazardBand:AͲD,E,whereAislowandDishighrisk,E=unknown(Seekspecialistadvice); SMN; ExposureBand:Class1–4where1=lowestexposureand4=highestexposure. RiskLevel(Riskpriorityband):I,IIandIII,whereI=highestprioritytotakemeasures;III=lowest priority. n.a. Notassessed.SuchactivitiescannotbeassessedwiththeCBNandStoffenmanagerNano. 139 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure3 GraphicalrepresentationofPCRsforthedifferentworkplaces(seebox1andtable1fordetails) (DatafromvanBroekhuizenetal2011and2012a) 100 PCR 10 1 0,1 0,01 1 2 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5bͲj 6a 6b 6c 6d 7 8 Differentworkplaces PCR8hrͲTWA Explanation: PCR15minͲTWA Seebox1andtable1foradescriptionofthedifferentworkplaces. PCR>1forworkplaces1,3and5bͲj.Fortheworkplaces5bͲj(9differentworkplaces)theaverage PCRisrepresented.Forworkplaces4a,4b,5aand7thenanoparticles’numberconcentration= 0(PCR8hrͲTWA=0) Therepresentedvaluesarecorrectedforthebackgroundconcentrations Activities5bͲjareprocessingoperationswithstronglyvaryingemissions,supposedlyfrom PGNPs.Anarithmeticmeanoftheseemissionsispresented. Figure4 ComparisonofestimatedrisklevelsfordifferentactivitieswithMNMs Riskband 3 2 1 0 1 2 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5bͲj 6a 6b 6c 6d 7 8 Activity Guidance CBN SMN Explanation: Seebox1andtable1foradescriptionofthedifferentworkplaces. Tofacilitatecomparisonofthetoolstherisklevelsofthedifferenttoolswerebroughtinlineby usingidenticalnumbers:risklevel1=‘low’risk;risklevel2=‘medium’risk;risklevel3=‘high’ risk.(ThereforetheGuidanceriskbandswererenumbered:A=3,B=2andC=1;theSMNrisk bandswererenumberedoppositely:I=3,II=2,III=1).NB:riskband4asdefinedintheCBNwas neverestimatedinthecasesstudied. Workplace 1 regards fullͲday electroplating operations in a fluid nanoͲenabled bath. Existing measuresattheworkplacearegeneralventilationoftheproductionhall..Workplace1hasa 140 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ PCR8hrͲTWA >1. The Guidance and CBN rank the risk as ‘medium’; the SMN ranks the risk as ‘high’ due to the uncertainty regarding the nanoͲcomponent. Van Broekhuizen et al (2012a) notethatitislikelythatthenanoparticles’numberconcentrationisstronglydominatedbyNPs generatedbytheprocessesappliedandequipmentused(PGNPs). Workplace 2 regards the manufacturing of nanoͲTiO2 paint. Existing measures are localexhaustventilation,generalventilationofthehall,andpersonalprotectiveequipmentair respirator, gloves and protective clothing. The 8hrͲTWA regards the manufacturing of a full batchofnanoͲenabledpaint,whichincludestheaddingofdifferentcomponentsthatcontaina fraction of nanoparticles. The 15minͲTWA was calculated over the adding of the nanoͲTiO2 only. TheGuidanceestimatesahighrisklevel,advisingtotakeallpossiblemeasurestoreduce theexposure;theCBNestimatesamediumlevel,advisingtoapplylocalexhaustventilation; theSMNestimatesalowrisklevelgivingalowprioritytoadditionalmeasures.Themeasured number concentration of nanoͲTiO2 is very low. The PCR8hrͲTWA <<1, the PCR15minͲTWA <1. Van Broekhuizenetal(2012a)reportthatforthispaintmixingoperationshortͲtermhighemissions from‘nonͲnano’paintͲcomponentsastalcandCaCO3occurinthenearfield. Workplace 3 regards the manufacturing of pigment granulates. 3a is the manufacturingusingafumehood,butwithanopenmixingvessel.Existingmeasureswerein both situations local exhaust ventilation and personal protective equipment: respirators and protectiveclothing.TheGuidanceandtheCBNestimatea‘medium’risklevel,andtheSMNa ‘low’ risk level. Measurements show a PCR8hrͲTWA >1 and PCR15minͲTWA>>1 for the insufficient controlled situation with an open mixing vessel (3a). Full coverage of the mixing vessel (situation 3b) results in a significant emission reduction PCR8hrͲTWA <1 and PCR15minͲTWA<1. For this fully contained situation the Guidance estimates a ‘low’ risk level, the CBN and SMN remainatrespectivelya‘medium’and‘low’risklevel. Workplace 4 regards the nanoͲglass breaking (4a). The activity gets a ‘medium’ risk ranking from the Guidance and a ‘low’ risk ranking from the CBN. The glass cutting gets a ‘medium’rankingwithbothtools.TheactivitieshaveazeroͲemission:PCR8hrͲTWA<<1.TheSMN was not applied at these activities because the authors state that the SMN should not be appliedforabrasionandphysicalfracturingoperations. Workplace 5 regards fluorescent tube manufacturing. The Guidance, CBN and SMN estimatetheaddingofAl2O3inafullycoveredmixingvesselbyusinganaspirationlance(5a)at a‘low’risklevel.Measurementsshowazeroemission(PCR15minͲTWA<<1).Furtherprocessingof theglasstubes(5bͲj),withheatingandcombustionoperationsgeneratesahighnanoparticles’ emission(PCR>>1),presumablyofPGNPs.Theseoperationsareestimatedata‘medium’risk level by the Guidance assuming an emission of a further undefined mix of nanoparticulate soot.ItislikelythatPGNPsdominatethisemission,butthesecannotbeassessedwiththeCBN and SMN. On the basis of the PCR improvement of control measures is indicated here, althoughstrictlyspoken,thePGNPsarenotMNMsandsubjecttodifferentpolicies. Workplace 6 regards car repair with abrasion of nanoͲenabled surfaces and spraying operationsnanoͲenabledcoatings).Thepaintingcabinisequippedwithaventilatedwall.The Guidance estimates all activities (6aͲd) at the ‘medium’ risk level; the SMN estimates the 141 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ spraying with “known” MNMs (6c) at the lowest risk level, and at the highest risk level for spraying with “unknown” MNMs (6d). The CBN estimates a ‘medium’ risk level for abrasion (6a)andspraying(6c)forknownMNMs,anda‘high’risklevelforabrasion(6b)andspraying (6d)with‘unknown’MNMs.Alownanoparticles‘numberconcentrationwasmeasuredinthe inhalationzone(PCR<1). Workplace 7 regards exterior spraying application of selfͲcleaning coating, for which theGuidanceestimatesa‘medium’risklevel,andtheCBNandSMNestimatea‘low’risklevel. MeasurementsshowazeroconcentrationofMNMsintheinhalationzone. Workplace 8 regards the outside mixing of nanoͲSiO2 in concrete for which the Guidance estimates a ‘high’, the CBN a ‘medium’ and the SMN a ‘low’ exposure risk. The particles’numberconcentrationintheinhalationzonewasverylow(PCR<<1). Insum,theriskestimatesmadewiththedifferenttoolsmayvarystronglybetweendifferent activities.Theestimatedemissionpotentialfromthe Guidanceand CBNfrequentlyleadtoa higher estimated risk level than the estimated immission potential from the SMN. An exception is the assessment of unknown MNMs to which the SMN applies a strict precautionary approach by assigning these situations a ‘high’ risk level. Comparing the estimated risk levels (figure 4) with the PCRs seems to show that risk levels (especially from the Guidance and CBN) frequently overestimate the risks related to the emission of MNMs. This is not necessarily the case. Existing control measures, installed at the workplaces to control the emission of volatile substances, dust or mist may be adequate to control the emissionofMNMsaswell. AhighrisklevelasestablishedbyaparticularCBtooldoesnotnecessarilymeanthat workplace control measures have to be improved, if compared with a low risk level as established by another CB tool. The assignment of a ‘high’ or ‘medium’ risk level by the GuidanceorCBNmayresultinsimilarmeasuresasa‘low’riskpriorityasassignedbytheSMN. ApointofattentionremainstheemissionofPGNPs(occurringespeciallyatworkplaces 1and5,wheretheemissionofPGNPsiscontinuous)thatarenottakenintoaccountbyanyof thethreeCBtools. Sensitivityofresultstochoices SelectingtherightdatatoqualifythehazardendpointsfortheCBNandSMNmaybe confusing.Anexampleistheendpointcarcinogenicity.TiO2wasassignedbyIARC(2010)asa 2Bcarcinogen(possiblecarcinogenictohumans),whileitsREACHregistrationdossierindicates that the substance has no classification (ECHA 2012a). Subsequently it is not clear whether TiO2shouldbeassignedas“carcinogenic”intheCBNandtheSMNornot.AssigningthenanoͲ TiO2with“unknown”isawayͲout,butanunsatisfactorychoice.AnotherexampleregardsZnO. The REACH registration file suggests that lower grade ZnO should be classified in the EU as reproduction toxic: Repr. Cat. 1A H360: May damage fertility of the unborn child (R61 May causeharmtotheunbornchild)(ECHA2012b).Theestimationusedinthestudywasbasedon thegeneralopinionthatZnOisnotreprotoxic.Howeverfromtheregistrationfileitisunclear 142 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ whetherstandardZnOandnanoͲZnO,whicharenotclassifiedassuch,shouldbeassignedas reprotoxic. Dustinessisanotherexampleofaparameterthatisnoteasytoassign.Theauthorsof theSMNremarkthatatpresentthedustinessformost,ifnotall,nanopowders,isnotknown quantitatively and decide that the highest dustiness class will be given as default for nanopowderstocomplywiththeprecautionaryprinciple(VanDuurenͲSchuurmanetal,2012). Nevertheless,whenusingtheSMNandtheCBN,achoicehastobemadebetweenunknown anddifferentintensitiesofdustiness. Toillustratethesensitivityoftheresultstothechoicesmadeastothetoolsstudied here,workplaces1,2and3areconsideredinmoredetailastotheimpactofchoicesonthe estimatedrisklevel.Incasesofdoubttheconsequencesofdifferentchoicesweretested.The sensitivitywasstudiedforchoicesmadeforthehazardfactorsandexposurefactors,including fortheSMNthepointwhethertheexistingcontrolmeasuresinfluencetheadvisedrisklevel. Theresultsthereofaresummarizedintable4. Table4 Sensitivity estimated risk levels generated by the tools Guidance CBN and SMN as appliedtoworkplaces1,2and3tochoices. Workplace Tool Assumptionsunderlyingthe estimateofrisklevel 1. Electroplating industry Guidance MNM=granularandbiopersistent Ͳ3 withadensity<6,000kgm . Medium ForscoringthechemicalidentityoftheMNMmakes nodifference CBN MNM=unknown;hazardproperties ofparentmaterialandNPform “unknown”.Dustinesswasscoredas “none”. MNM=Cr2O3;hazardproperties parentmaterial“yes”fordermal hazardandasthmagen;forNPͲform all“unknown” MNM=unknown; unknownhazard propertiesoftheNPform Medium Adviceistoupgradetheengineeringcontroltofume hoodorlocalexhaustventilation. Medium IftwoendpointsofthehazardscorefortheNPͲform wouldbescoredwith“yes”thecontrollevel increasestothe‘high’risklevel(RL3Ͳcontainment). High Anyadditionalcontrolmeasuretakenresultsinalow risklevel(risklevelIII) MNM=Cr2O3;hazardproperties: irritatingsubstance. Low Medium High Medium Assigningahazardproperty“toxic”,doesnotchange therisklevel; SMN 2. Manufacturing nanoͲwallpaint Guidance MNM=granularandbiopersistent Ͳ3 withadensity<6,000kgm . CBN MNM=TiO2;hazardproperties parentmaterial“no”toall(nonͲ hazardous)andnanoͲform “unknown”. Dustiness:“high” SMN MNM=TiO2;hazardproperty nanoform:“unknown”; Dustiness:“high” Hazardpropertynanoform: “carcinogen”,Dustiness:“high” 143 Estimated ## risklevel Low Low Medium Impactsofchoices Assigningahazardproperty“carcinogen” would increasetherisklevelto‘medium’(RLII). ForscoringthechemicalidentityoftheMNMmakes nodifference Adviceisthatupgradingoftheengineeringcontrolis notnecessary. Assigningahazardproperty“carcinogen”forthe parentmaterialandthenanoformdoesnotchange theseveritybandandrisklevel Loweringthe“dustiness”to“medium”reducesthe riskleveltolow(RL1) Assigningothervaluestothedustiness(veryhigh, mediumorunknown)doesnotchangetherisklevel. Assigning“nocontrolmeasuresatthesource”and “nopersonalprotectiveequipmentapplied”,does notchangetherisklevel Assigningothervaluestothedustiness(veryhigh, mediumorunknown)doesnotchangetherisklevel NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ Workplace Tool Assumptionsunderlyingthe estimateofrisklevel 3. Manufacturing Pigment Concentrates Guidance MNM=granularandbiopersistent Ͳ3 withadensity<6,000kgm . Medium ForscoringthechemicalidentityoftheMNMmakes nodifference CBN MNM=ZnO;Hazardpropertyparent material:“no”toall;nanoͲform: “unknown”toall. Dustiness:“high” Medium MNM=ZnO;Hazardpropertyparent material:“no”toall;nanoͲform: “unknown”toall. Dustiness:“low” MNM=ZnO;Hazardpropertyparent material:“yes”toreproductive hazard,“no”totherest Dustiness“low” MNM=ZnO;Hazardpropertynano form:“unknown” Dustiness:”high” Low Adviceisthatupgradingoftheengineeringcontrolis notnecessary. Assigning“medium”or“unknown”tothedustiness doesnotchangetherisklevel. Assigning“low”or“none”tothedustinessreduces theriskleveltolow(RL1). SMN MNM=ZnO;Hazardpropertynano form:“reproductiontoxic” Dustiness:”high” Estimated ## risklevel Impactsofchoices High Assigning“yes”toreproductivehazardfortheparent materialofZnOdoeschangetheriskleveltohigh (RL3) Low Assigningothervaluestothedustiness(toveryhigh ormediumorlow),doesnotchangetherisklevel. Assigning“nocontrolmeasuresatthesource”and “nopersonalprotectiveequipmentapplied”,does notchangetherisklevel TherisklevelchangeswhenZnOwouldbeassigned as“reprotoxic”. Assigning“nocontrolmeasuresatthesource”and “nopersonalprotectiveequipmentapplied”,does notchangetherisklevel Medium # Forthescoringofthehazardendpointsofthebulkmaterials(CMRS)thelabelingwasusedaccordingtothe listofcarcinogenic,mutagenicandreprotoxicsubstancesoftheDutchMinistryofSocialAffairs(Staatscourant 2012),andaccordingtothelistofallergenicsubstancesaspublishedbytheDutchHealthCouncil(2008) ## Foranexplanationoftherisklevelsseelegendtable2 EstimatingrisklevelswiththeGuidancedoesnotpresentmuchofaproblem.Selectionofthe hazardcategoryisgenerallyeasytobemade,sincetheselectionintheGuidanceislimitedto nanoparticles’size,densityandshapeanddoesnotrequirespecifictoxicitydata.Selectingthe exposure category seems often simple as well, although problems may arise for example in choosing between exposure category 1 and 2, when a solid powder is mixed into a fluid by mechanicallyaddingthepowderunderthefluidsurface,whilethemixingvesselitselfisopen. Thenthechoiceshouldbemadewhetherthenanoparticlesarecontainedinafluidmatrixor that exposure to nanoparticles is possible. For dispersive use of MNMs few options are available todifferentiate.Thisquite easily leadstoarisk ranking ata ‘medium’ or ‘high’ risk level. For these situations the Guidance advises to measure the nanoparticle’s number concentration. TheCBNresultsaresensitivetochangesmadeinassigningexposurefactorsandonlylimitedly sensitivetochangesinhazardfactors.Thisisshownforexampleforworkplace2,wherenone ofthechoicesmadeforthehazardfactorcarcinogenicity(‘yes’,‘no’or‘unknown’)influences therisklevel,whileareductionofthedustiness(e.g.fromhightomedium)directlyleadstoa downgrading of the estimated risk level. However, assigning in workplace 3 the parent materialZnOas‘reproductiontoxic’leadsto‘upgrading’oftherisklevel.Thefactor‘operation duration’ in the CBN (also important for “scoring” the exposure) may as well have a large 144 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ impact on estimated risk level as can be shown with activity 4a (breaking glass) which was estimated to be <30min/day, resulting in a low risk level (to be controlled by general ventilation). Assigning this factor with 30Ͳ60min would shift the risk level to medium (to be controlledbyfumehood/localexhaustventilation). The SMN results are sensitive to changes made in assigning hazard factors and less sensitivetochangesmadeinassigningexposurefactors.Anillustrationisworkplace2wherea choice“unknown”forthehazardfactorresultsina‘low’risklevelandchoosing“carcinogenic” for the hazard factor results in a ‘medium’ risk level, while none of the changes in the dustiness (very high, medium or low) changes the risk level. For workplace 1 with unknown MNMstheprecautionaryapproachisdominantresultingina‘high’risklevel,butaguessthat the MNM is Cr2O3 would lead to a ‘low’ risk level for irritating MNMs or ‘medium’ for carcinogenic, or mutagenic MNMs. Similar upgrading of the risk level is seen in workplace 3 whenZnOiswouldbeclassifiedas‘reproductiontoxic’.TheSMNresultsarenotsensitiveto changes made in existing control measures for workplaces 2 and 3. Here local exhaust ventilationisinplaceandhalfmaskrespiratorswithfiltersaspersonalprotectiveequipment areused.Settingbothcontrolmeasuresat“none”doesnotincreasetherisklevel. Insum,theapplicationoftheprecautionaryprinciple,asoperationalizedbythethreecontrol banding tools leads easily to an advice to apply a high level of engineering control. In some other cases the advised engineering control is higher than the existing level of control. “Unknowns”appeartobeessentialelementsindeterminingtheadvisedlevelofengineering control, but it depends on the sensitivity of the tool whether altering (some of) the “unknowns” by “knowns” will change the advised engineering control. The Guidance is the leastsensitiveto“unknowns”,butasaconsequenceitmaysuggestahigh(precautionary)risk level,whichmaybecorrectedbycarryingoutthemeasurements,asadvisedinthistool.The CBNresultsarerelativelysensitivetochangesmadeintheprobabilityfactors;theSMNresults are relatively sensitive to changes made in the hazards factors. In many cases the advice generated with the SMN corresponds with measurements of workplaces particles’ number concentrations regarding the estimation of exposure to MNMs, although it appears highly advisabletodevelopamethodtoquantifythefactor“dustiness”. Discussion Theconceptforthecontrolbandingtoolswasdevelopedtosupporttheindustrycarryingout anacceptableriskassessmentwithoutthenecessitycarryingoutexposuremeasurements.By adapting the tools to the properties at the nanoscale the lack of hazard data for MNMs becomes manifest. It may take some time to adapt toxicity models to the properties of nanomaterials to find out which toxicity endpoints are used best for hazard assessment of nanomaterials (Dusinska et al 2012). In the meantime a precautionary approach is indicated anddefaultsforthe“unknowns”havetobeapplied.Theoptiontoqualifylackingdataforan endpoint with ‘unknown’ seems an unsatisfactory solution for this dilemma, when all the requestedendpointshavetobequalifiedassuch.ButgiventherapidintroductionofMNMsin 145 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ products(stronglystimulatedbygovernmentalandindustrialdevelopmentalprograms)sucha precautionaryapproachmightbeprovisionallyacceptable.Theotheroption,aschosenbythe Guidance,avoidstheuseofthemanysofar‘unknowns’andusetheparticles’sizeandshape astheonlyfactorstoestimatethenanospecifichazards.TheNRV,andconsequentlythePCR, use the same approach by providing a provisional alternative for OELs. For companies and regulators that adopt the precautionary principle these tools may be useful, but (as a consequence) the uncertainty regarding the advised risk level remains and the advised engineeringcontrolmeasuresmayretrospectivelyhavebeentoostrict. In cases where uncertainty remains and an optimal choice of engineering control is difficulttomake,monitoringofthenanoparticles’numberconcentrationandmeanparticles’ diameter (irrespective of the composition) would seem indispensable (Ramachandran et al 2011). Provisional NRVs may provide a useful tool for exposure management. Sometimes furtherchemicalanalysisofsamplesmaybenecessary.Moreingeneralitseemsadvisableto carry out further exposure assessments at the wide variety of workplaces where MNMs are applied and complement this with an overview of situations where PGNPs dominate the airborneNPsconcentrations. Regarding the question raised: “Do different tools when applied at the same workplaces lead to similar risk estimates and recommendations for control measures?” the comparison of recommendations as generated by the tools shows that the risk levels estimated (or risk priorities estimated) may vary. This may partly be explained by the difference in concept used: an emission potential for the Guidance and the CBN, and an immission potential for the SMN that takes existing control measures into account. The variationinestimatedrisklevelsmayalsobeexplainedbydifferentchoicesmadeinthetools tomaketheprecautionaryprincipleoperational.Nevertheless,theresultingriskmanagement measuresmaybecomparable,asbeingbasedonforexampleandadvicetoselectanefficient control measure according to the tiered OHS (the Guidance), an advice for ‘upgrading’ the engineering control (CBN), or a risk priority with options for control (SMN). Whether the advisedriskmanagementmeasuresareoverͲprecautious,comparedtotheactuallymeasured nanoparticles’ number concentrations, is hard to judge taking into account the fact that the measurements regard backgroundͲcorrected number concentrations of MNMs + PGNPs. The threetoolsonlyassessrisksregardingMNMs.ItislikelythattheemissionofMNMs(+PGNPs) inmostofthecasesstudiedislow,withaPCR<1(cases2,3b,4aͲb,5a,6aͲd,7and8).Assuch, it would not have a high priority to further improve the control measures. By giving the situationsalowriskpriority,thisconclusionisinmostcasesconfirmedbytheSMN.Onlywhen poorly defined MNMs are used (e.g. 6d) the precautionary approach of the SMN leads to a ‘high’ risk priority and indicates to take further actions, e.g. to put more upstream effort in obtaininginformationabouttheMNMsusedinthenanoͲenabledproduct. It should however be noted that the dispersive uses of MNMs in the cases studied were generally only shortͲterm activities. ShortͲterm peak exposures may be masked in an 8hoursͲTWAapproach.Theuseofa15minutesͲTWAmaygiveabetterindicationfortheshortͲ termactivitiesandindicatewhethercontrolmeasuresshouldbeinstalledtoreduceapossible 146 Comparison of Control Banding Tools ___________________________________________________________________________________ peakexposure.TheGuidancedoesnotdealwithshortͲtermpeaks;theCBNandSMNconsider activitieswithadurationofthetask<30min,butnospecificattentionispaidtopeaks.Itisnot clearwhethershortͲtermhighpeakexposuresplayaroleinthehazardofnanoparticlesorthat theriskisratherdeterminedbyan8hrͲTWAͲexposurelevel(vanBroekhuizenetal2012c).For riskmanagementhoweveritseemsindicatedtooperationalizetheprecautionaryapproachby meansofpreventingshortͲtermhighpeaks. Regarding the question “Is it legitimate to ignore PGNPs in risk assessment and risk management when assessing MNMs?” it should be noted that none of tools studied take PGNPs into account in the control banding exercise. PNGPs are, however, mentioned in the Guidance as potential source of nanoparticle exposure, and are object of the measurement schemeprovided.ItisclearthatPGNPsmaycontributetothetotalexposuretonanoparticles and sometimes even be dominating (e.g. the studied cases 1 and 5bͲj). In many cases the emissionofPGNPshasacontinuousorsemiͲcontinuouscharacter,asisforexamplethecase in heating and combustion activities (Donaldson et al 2005), and with the use of electrical equipment (Szymczak et al 2007). It is likely that PGNPs generated by these sources are hazardousandmaybecomparableintoxicitytotheanticipatedandprovedhazardsforMNMs (Bérubéetal2007;SCENIHR2009,Pauretal2011).Therefore,PGNPsshouldnotbeignored when making a risk assessment (EU/US 2012). More attention for these potential hazardous PGNPsinregularriskassessmentsatworkplacesisindicated.ThisholdsalsoforalsononͲnano workplaces. The Control Banding Tools should find a way to deal with this potentially hazardoussourceofnanoparticles. The estimates of potential health risks of the control banding tools studied can be characterized by a high degree of uncertainty. None of them gives an explicit answer to questions concerningthebestengineering controloptions. Nevertheless they may guidethe downstream user of MNMs and nanoproducts in alerting them about the potential risks of MNMsandincreasetheawarenessofemployersandemployees. Theuseofthecontrolbandingtoolspoint clearly attheexistinggapsin information supplythatshouldbefilledbythemanufacturerandsupplier.Inthisrespecttheyhighlightas well some gaps in existing legislation especially regarding the transparency and reporting of the use of MNMs in products. Where confidentiality on product composition remains an acceptedindustrialpolicy,whilefacinganapparentlackinknowledgetoguaranteeasafeuse, theendusershouldbeprovidedwithsolidmeanstoenforcedemandformoreinformation.A precautionary approach is an option to cope with insufficient information, but it is highly preferabletodesignasafeworkplacewithrobustriskinformation.TheREACHphilosophyof the upstream shift of responsibility along the production chain to generate hazard data on substancesandtoprovidedownstreamriskinformationshouldbeurgentlyoperationalizedfor nanomaterialsaswell.TheidentificationofthecontributionofhazardousPGNPstothetotal airborneconcentrationofnanoparticlesattheworkplacepointsalsoatthelackofknowledge regarding the type of equipment emitting nanoparticles, their composition and potential hazard. It highlights the responsibility of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to generateknowledgeontheseitemsandtocommunicatethisdownstreamwiththeequipment 147 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ users.ItalsoraisesquestionswhetherthepotentialemissionofPGNPsshouldbemadepartof thedesignofequipment. Conclusion The Guidance, the CBN and the SMN, when applied at the same workplaces, may vary in estimating risk levels depending on whether the emission or immission potential is assessed andduetooperationalizationoftheprecautionaryapproach.Theselectedengineeringcontrol based on the varying risk estimates may be similar. The Guidance is strict when dispersive MNMsareusedandnotsensitiveto“unknowns”inhazarddata.TheCBNisrelativelysensitive tochoicesmadeinassigningtheexposurecharacteristics,whilefortheSMNthisisthecasefor choices regarding the hazard characteristics. None of the control banding tools takes the emission of processͲgenerated nanoparticles into account. This may lead to an underestimation of the exposure to nanoparticles, and as a consequence to an underestimationofthepotentialrisksat‘nano’and‘nonͲnano’workplaceswherePGNPsare formed. The control banding tools may have a function in increasing the awareness of employers and employees about the possible hazards and risks of nanomaterials. The tools makeexplicitwhatdataareurgentlyneededtofillthegapstomakeareliableriskassessment. Acknowledgment ThestudywascarriedoutwithagrantoftheUvAHoldingBV.TheauthorsliketothankFleur van Broekhuizen for valuable discussions about the topic. The comments of anonymous reviewersonanearlierversionofthisstudyaregratefullyacknowledged. References AbbottLC,MaynardAD(2010)ExposureAssessmentApproachesforEngineeredNanomaterials.Risk Analysis30(11). 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It reflects the discussions of 80 international participants representing small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), large companies, trade unions, governmental authorities, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from many European countries, USA, India, and Brazil. Issues that were discussed concerned the usefulness and acceptability of precaution-based NRVs as a substitute for health-based occupational exposure limits (OELs) and derived no-effect levels (DNELs) for manufactured nanoparticles (NPs). Topics concerned the metrics for measuring NPs, the combined exposure to manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) and process-generated NPs, the use of the precautionary principle, the lack of information about the presence of nanomaterials, and the appropriateness of soft regulation for exposure control. The workshop concluded that the NRV, as an 8-h time-weighted average, is a comprehensible and useful instrument for risk management of professional use of MNMs with a dispersible character. The question remains whether NRVs, as advised for risk management by the Dutch employers’ organization and trade unions, should be under soft regulation or that a more binding regulation is preferable. Keywords: derived no-effect levels; nano reference values; occupational exposure limits; precautionary principle; risk management INTRODUCTION The increasing production and use of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) has given rise to initiatives of governmental authorities, industrial organizations, and civil society organizations to advocate the application of the precautionary principle for risk management (EC, 2000). The tools chosen to make this principle operational for the workplace differ in approach, but they have in common that they all aim to minimize the occupational exposure as far *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +31-20-525-6324; fax: +31-20-525-5850 email: [email protected] as reasonably achievable. Control banding is an approach that is gaining growing acceptance among risk assessors. Several control-banding tools have been published, all making use of a two-dimensional matrix, generally combining a qualitative assessment of hazardous properties of the used nanomaterials with an estimate of the likeliness of inhalatory exposure (Paik et al., 2008; Schulte et al., 2008; ANSES, 2010; Höck et al., 2011; Hansen et al., 2011; van Duuren-Stuurman et al., 2012). There are also guidances that combine control banding in a risk assessment tool (Cornelissen et al., 2011). In the conventional quantitative approach to risk management of substances, health-based recommended occupational exposure limits (HBR-OELs) are accepted 155 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ to determine maximum levels of exposure (SCOEL, 2009). In analogy the European legislation REACH requires that manufacturers derive a derived noeffect level (DNEL) for the substances they bring to the market (ECHA, 2010). DNELs may be used to establish acceptable exposure limits. The ‘new’ properties of nanomaterials, incomplete information about the hazards of nanomaterials, their varying size distribution, and heterogeneous composition complicate application of the conventional approach for the derivation of limit values for nanomaterials (based on agreed toxicity test systems and safety factors). It has been suggested that a more generic approach might be more appropriate to generate acceptable exposure limits for groups of nanomaterials (Schulte et al., 2010). In line with this suggestion, and as a means to make the precautionary principle operational for the use of nanomaterials at the workplace, the Dutch employers’ organization and trade unions advised developing the concept of nano reference values (NRVs) (SER, 2009). For this purpose, they further developed the benchmark level approach as suggested by the German Institut für Arbeitsschutz (IFA, 2009) and tested its comprehensibility and suitability for use at the workplace in a pilot project with companies applying MNMs. The findings of the Dutch employers’ organization and trade unions were presented and discussed in an international workshop at The Hague in September 2011 for an audience of experts and academia, workers’ and employers’ organizations, large industries and small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and governmental authorities. A total of 80 participants from the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, Norway, USA, India, and Brazil took part in the discussions. Chaired by Frank Barry from the Irish trade unions, introductory presentations were given by representatives from the Dutch trade union (FNV), W.v.V., and employers’ organization (VNO/NCW), W.-H.S., explaining their positions towards safe working with nanomaterials. P.v.B. (IVAM UvA) and Bärbel Dorbeck-Jung (University of Twente) illustrated the findings of the pilot project on NRVs. Input from industries participating in the pilot project was given by Jolien Stevels (Holland Colours) and Robert Beckers (NanoCoatings) who clarified how in their company they make a precautionary approach operational. Markus Berges (IFA, DE) explained the basis for the derivation of the German guidance values for nanomaterials. P.S. [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA] 156 elaborated on the NIOSH approach to standard setting for nanomaterials and illuminated the state of the art of OELs for nanomaterials. John Cherrie (Institute of Occupational Medicine, UK) finally explained how the UK manages potential risks from nanomaterials. A panel discussion chaired by L.R. (UvA, NL) with some of the speakers mentioned previously, Jorge Costa-David (European Commission, DG Employment) and Dirk van Well [Dutch Association of the Chemical Industries (VNCI)], focused on the definition of nanomaterials, the preferred metrics, and the appropriateness of applying limits to short-term peak exposures for nanoparticles (NPs). They also discussed the use of the precautionary principle for standard setting, the information about the presence of nanomaterials, the choice for voluntary initiatives (soft regulation) versus hard regulation, and the advisability to use NRVs. This article describes the results of this workshop. WORKSHOP ACHIEVEMENTS Introductions Health-based approach. There are agreed protocols to identify a threshold above which an adverse health effect may occur (SCOEL, 2009; ECHA, 2010). For substances with such a threshold, health-based occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) or DNELs may be derived. For substances without an identifiable threshold level, as is the case for genotoxic carcinogenic substances and some allergenic substances, a risk-based approach defining a level that allows for a certain risk may be used. The Netherlands accepted, for example, a target level for one worker to develop a cancer in a population of 106 (million) workers per year (incident 10−6) or one worker to get sensitized in a population of 100 workers per year, related to the exposure to the specific substance. For a few frequently used MNMs, exercises have been carried out to derive a health-based OEL or DNEL. Stone et al. (2010) derived provisional DNELs for some frequently used nanomaterials by using the methodology as described by REACH. P.S. illustrated the preference of NIOSH for health-based limit values by explaining the efforts to derive a recommended exposure limit (REL) for carbon nanotubes (CNTs) (NIOSH, 2010) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) (NIOSH, 2011) (see Table 1). He stated that the NIOSH approach to TiO2 is supported by the finding that the toxicity seems not to be significantly modified by the crystal structure (anatase or rutile) or the coating on the particle, which indicates that International Workshop on Nano Reference Values ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1. Proposals for OELs and DNELs for specific NPs OEL or REL (mg m−3) Substance MWCNT (Baytubes) MWCNT (10–20 nm/5–15 μm) Scenario NOAEC pulmonary effects MWCNT (10–20 nm/5–15 μm) Scenario LOAEC immune effects MWCNT (Nanocyl) CNT (SWCNT and MWCNT) Fullerenes Fullerene Ag (18–19 nm) TiO2 (21 nm) TiO2 (10–100 nm; REL) TiO2 P25 (primary size 21 nm) 8-h TWA Short-term inhalation 0.05 201 Chronic inhalation Short-term inhalation Chronic inhalation 8-h TWA 8-h TWA Short-term inhalation Chronic inhalation DNEL (mg m−3) References 33.5 4 0.67 0.0025 0.007 44.4 0.27 ~0.8 DNEL-lung scenario 1 DNEL-lung scenario 2 DNEL-liver Chronic inhalation 10 h day−1, 40 h week−1 TWA 8 h day−1, 5 day week−1 0.33 0.098 0.67 17 0.3 1.2 Pauluhn (2010) Stone et al. (2010) Stone et al. (2010) Stone et al. (2010) Stone et al. (2010) Nanocyl (2009) NIOSH (2010) Stone et al. (2010) Stone et al. (2010) NEDO-2 (2009) Stone et al. (2010) Stone et al. (2010) Stone et al. (2010) Stone et al. (2010) NIOSH (2011) NEDO-1 (2009) SWCNT, single-wall CNT; MWCNT, multi-wall CNT; NOAEC, no-observed adverse effect concentration; LOAEC, lowest observed adverse effect concentration. the particle surface area of nano-TiO2 seems to be the dominating factor in toxicity. This facilitates the use of the NIOSH REL for nano-TiO2 since further characterization of the ‘form’ of the nano-TiO2 for risk assessment could be limited. For CNTs, NIOSH found that a working lifetime exposure of 0.2–2 μg m−3 [8-h time-weighted average (TWA)] would suffice to avoid health effects, but that the measurability, the relatively high upper limit of quantization, determined their proposal for the REL of 7 μg m−3. Table 1 summarizes these attempts to derive a massbased OEL or DNEL for MNMs. The table shows quite large differences for CNTs with ‘similar’ identity (but possibly differing in specific properties). The large amount of toxicity testing and data needed for deriving an OEL for single MNMs is recognized by P.S., and he suggests a more broadly useable approach to derive health standards for groups of nanomaterials that have a similar molecular identity (e.g. CNTs, metal oxides, and metals) or to group together nanomaterials that share a common mode of action (for example, the formation of reactive oxygen species) (Schulte et al., 2010). A generic massbased approach was published by Pauluhn (2011), suggesting to derive a DNEL for MNMs based on the ‘overload hypothesis’, stating that the particle displacement volume is the critical effect for lung toxicity. Pragmatic approach. MNMs are often characterized by large deficiencies in hazard data, and thus safe exposure levels cannot be determined (Schulte et al., 2010). There is growing evidence that the surface of the NPs seems an important trigger for the toxic effect (Abbott and Maynard 2010; Aschberger and Christensen, 2011, Ramachandran et al., 2011), which indicates that the particles’ number concentration seems to be a better metric for potential risks than the conventionally used mass-based approach. When there are large deficiencies in hazard data, NIOSH cites the use of qualitative control-banding methodologies for which several suggestions have been made (see Introduction) as an alternative for the OEL/REL approach for MNMs. This is also in line with the preferred approach in the UK as explained by Cherrie. He reflected on the approach of the British Standard Institute (BSI), who as a forerunner of the NRVs developed the idea of guidance values for nanomaterials, derived from existing OELs for coarse materials (BSI, 2007). This BSI approach was opposed by the HSE working group on action to control chemicals (WATCH) because in its opinion the meaning of benchmark exposure levels and their regulatory significance could be easily misinterpreted. WATCH prefers the gathering of exposure measurements for MNMs and focusing on principles of good control practices. 157 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 2. NP number concentration for a mass concentration of 0.1 mg m−3 Name CNT, commercial product Polystyrene CNT Fullerene (C60) Typical respirable dust Titanium dioxide Zinc oxide Cerium oxide Iron Silver Gold Density (kg m−³) 110 1050 1350 1650 2500 4240 5610 7300 7874 10 490 19 320 NP (cm−3) d = 20 nm d = 50 nm d = 100 nm d = 200 nm 217 029 468 22 736 420 17 683 883 14 468 631 9 549 297 5 630 481 4 255 480 3 270 307 3 031 908 2 275 809 1 235 400 13 889 886 1 455 131 1 131 768 925 992 611 155 360 351 272 351 209 300 194 042 145 652 79 083 1 736 236 181 891 141 471 115 749 76 394 45 044 34 044 26 162 24 255 18 206 9885 217 029 22 736 17 684 14 469 9549 5630 4255 3270 3032 2276 1236 Berges explained the pragmatic approach that was developed by IFA, the German Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA, 2009), to derive particle number–based benchmark levels for four groups of nanomaterials. IFA used size, form, biopersistence, and density as parameters to distinguish the groups. For the granular nanomaterials its aim was to establish a number-based benchmark with a mass concentration of maximum 0.1 mg m−3. On the basis of the assumption that the granular particles have a spherelike shape, for particles of different diameters, IFA calculated the number of particles per cubic centimetre that correspond to this mass concentration (see Table 2). IFA divided the granular nanomaterials into two groups, one with a density >6000 kg m−3 and the other with a density <6000 kg m−3, and established benchmark levels for these groups as 20 000 and 40 000 particles cm−3, respectively. From a massbased point of view this means that for smaller nanomaterials the benchmark level for granular materials is stricter. For CNTs, IFA took the precautionary stand that for those CNTs that possibly exhibit asbestos-like effects, the use of the asbestos OEL as a benchmark level might be appropriate. At present, however, monitoring of the above value in plants is hampered by a lack of collection methods of verified suitability, corresponding analysis methods, and criteria for counting the fibres and determining the fibre count concentration. For soluble and non-biopersistent NPs a benchmark was assigned according to the applicable OEL for the coarse (or molecular) form because regarding hazard, these particles are supposed to behave like ‘conventional’ substances. Application of the precautionary principle in the Netherlands. As explained by W.-H.S. and W.v.V., 158 the Dutch employers’ organization and trade unions have developed NRVs, building on the work of IFA. They acknowledge that when reliable data are missing and uncertainty prevails other tools are necessary to allow industry to use nanomaterials and to make acceptable risk assessment. W.-H.S. and W.v.V. advocate that alternative tools must be practical but transparent and trustworthy as well. This calls for close cooperation of workers’ and employers’ organizations on these matters, as was realized in the joint advice for safe working with nanomaterials at the workplace (SER, 2009). This cooperation has led to the derivation of NRVs, which provides the employer with a provisional limit value when airborne NPs may be generated at the workplace. The IFA-benchmark levels were evaluated in the Netherlands by a group of experts (Dekkers and de Heer, 2010) and further developed by a coalition of trade unions and employers’ organizations in the pilot NRV (van Broekhuizen et al., 2011, 2012; P. van Broekhuizen and B. Dorbeck-Jung, in preparation). The NRVs were made part of the precautionary approach as developed in the advice of the Social Economic Council (SER, 2009). The following scheme for recommended NRVs (as 8-h TWA) was adopted (SER, 2012) (see Table 3). NRVs are established as provisional limit values that are to be replaced by HBR-OELs or DNELs as soon as these become available for the specific NPs or for groups of NPs. NRVs are intended to be a warning level: when they are exceeded, exposure control measures should be taken. They are defined for MNMs as a background corrected 8-h TWA exposure level. With reference to the Dutch Labour Conditions Act, the Dutch Government states that they regard the provisional NRVs as the best available science and state-of-the art approach for risk International Workshop on Nano Reference Values ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 3. NRVs for four classes of MNMs Class 1 2 3 4 Description Rigid, biopersistent nanofibres for which effects similar to those of asbestos are not excluded Biopersistent granular nanomaterials in the range of 1–100 nm Biopersistent granular and fibre form nanomaterials in the range of 1–100 nm Non-biopersistent granular nanomaterials in the range of 1–100 nm Density NRV (8-h TWA) −3 — 0.01 fibres cm >6000 kg m−3 20 000 particles cm−3 <6000 kg m−3 40 000 particles cm−3 — Applicable OEL Examples SWCNT or MWCNT or metal oxide fibres for which asbestos-like effects are not excluded Ag, Au, CeO2, CoO, Fe, FexOy, La, Pb, Sb2O5, SnO2 Al2O3, SiO2, TiN, TiO2, ZnO, nanoclayCarbon black, C60, dendrimers, polystyreneNanofibres with excluded asbestos-like effects e.g. Fats, NaCl SWCNT, single-wall CNT; MWCNT, multi-wall CNT. assessment of nanomaterials (Atsma, 2009; Donner, 2010). FORUM DISCUSSION The introductory presentations were followed by a general discussion between the forum (with participation of van Well, P.v.B., P.S., Costa-David, and Cherrie chaired by L.R.) and the audience. The forum accepted the metric based on particles per cubic centimetre for the NRVs. With regard to the setting of a limit value for nanotubes in general, the forum welcomed the suggestion not to limit the first group of NRV scheme to CNTs only but to extend this group to all rigid biopersistent fibres in general. This choice reflects better the analogy of nanotubes with asbestos-like behaviour. P.S. indicated that this is a precautionary approach, but it may be difficult to count fibrous MNMs in ‘bird-nest’ agglomerates. With regard to the definition of the size of nanomaterials in the NRV concept, there was agreement in the workshop that workplace risk assessment of NPs should take into account particles and agglomerates with a diameter >100 nm as well. Setting boundaries to the diameter of nanomaterials was argued to be preferentially practical, leading to a suggestion to take an upper limit of ~300 nm into account. This limit cannot be substantiated by scientific arguments favouring a cut-off point for ‘nanohazard’ [as was also discussed by Lidén (2011)], but practical arguments, e.g. existing upper detection limits of available measurement equipment were used. The physical transport behaviour in air was brought forward as an argument not to establish a limit >200 nm. The recommendation of the European Commission (EC, 2011), aiming to set a clear definition for nanomaterials for legislative purposes, sets the upper diameter limit for nanomaterials at 100 nm (for 50% of the particles in the material). The EC emphasizes that there is no scientific evidence to support the appropriateness of this value in view of hazard and that the use of a single upper limit value might be too limiting for the classification of nanomaterials and a differentiated approach might be more appropriate. The choice to bring the concept of NRV scheme (see Table 3) in line with the European definition for nanomaterials must be seen against this background. In practical situations, ‘larger’ structures (agglomerates and aggregates) of primary particles of <100 nm may have to be taken into account for risk assessment. With regard to the idea to set, in addition to the 8-h TWA, a standard for short-term peak exposures to nanomaterials, the forum almost unanimously took a critical stand. P.S. pointed at spikes that may occur while opening a reactor vessel and stated that these incidents should not be ignored in risk assessment. But he emphasized that this does not legitimize the development of a separate standard for these short-term peaks. Berges also criticized the idea, based on the fact that effects of short-term peaks for particulate exposure cannot be substantiated by toxicological knowledge. A toxicologist from the audience reflected at the slow processes in the lung so as to argue not to take peaks into account in the assessment of risks by NPs. L.R., in contrast, reflected on the evidence that short-term peaks of ultrafine particles in ambient air could be associated with cardiovascular effects. The panel agreed to dismiss the approach as proposed for momentary peaks (lasting only a few seconds): NRVpeak=10 × NRV8-h TWA. On the other hand, the proposal to use the ‘rule of thumb’ as used in chemical risk assessment for exposure to NPs over a 15-min TWA period, NRV15-min TWA = 2 × NRV8-h TWA, found considerable support in the forum. For risk management a NRV over a 15-min period seems a useful tool as argued by Berges and van Well. 159 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ Measurement in the workplace Correct for background & calculate 8 -hr TWA COMPLIES WITH NRV < NRV No further characterizaon required > NRV Yes Disncon with measurement strategy possible Concentraon manufactured NPs < NRV ? Disnguish manufactured NPs from PGNP with measurement strategy Disncon with measurement strategy not possible No UNCERTAIN COMPLIANCE WITH NRV Further chemical/physical characterizaon of NP advisable DOES NOT COMPLY WITH NRV Risk management measures required Fig. 1. Traffic light scheme for characterizing NPs and use of NRVs (in colour in the online edition). Process-generated NPs A complication for measurement of NPs at workplaces is that electrical machines and heating and combustion processes may generate process-generated NPs (PGNPs) that may contribute substantially to the nanoparticulate pollution in the workplace air. Additionally, certain conventional compounds used at some workplaces may contain as well a nanoparticulate fraction that may contribute to the total concentration of NPs in the workplace air (van Broekhuizen et al., 2012). PGNP adds to the total exposure to NPs (Donaldson et al., 2005; BéruBé et al., 2007; Evans et al., 2008; van Broekhuizen et al., 2012). It is likely that PGNPs will agglomerate with airborne MNMs, making the ‘simple’ use of NP-specific OELs (when available) questionable. A strategic scheme for comparing measured workplace NP concentrations with the NRVs is presented in Fig. 1. 160 The need to prevent the formation and emission of PGNPs was recognized as an issue of high importance by the forum. Although the formation of PGNPs is well known from welding and from diesel exhaust particulates, formation by other common sources (such as electromotors) has so far often escaped the attention of risk assessors. Costa-David from the EC and Berges from IFA stated that PGNP preferably needs a separate policy approach and emphasized that they should not be mixed up in handling MNMs. They emphasized that the choice to consider both sources in a combined approach is a political one. Cherrie and P.v.B. argued that the choice to take both sources, PGNPs and MNMs, into consideration is a correct one in dealing with potential hazards. This approach would also simplify a practical assessment. It was emphasized that harmonization of measurement strategies for exposure to MNMs is a topic International Workshop on Nano Reference Values ___________________________________________________________________________________ of high priority. Initiatives were discussed earlier in the workshop on harmonization strategies to measure and analyse exposure to (manufactured) nanoobjects in the workplace air (Brouwer et al., 2012). Precautionary principle The importance of using the precautionary principle within the frame of MNMs, with limited hazard and exposure data and uncertain risks, was emphasized by all speakers. Speakers for the employers’ organizations explained their leading policy principle: a minimization of all exposures to airborne MNMs and as such for the industry to adopt a proactive attitude and also to take care of a transparent communication on the use of MNMs. Both the Dutch trade unions and employers’ organizations emphasized the need for pragmatism in risk management and recognized the fact that precaution means that policy measures must be comprehensible and easy to use for the users of MNMs and nano-functionalized products. It is their opinion that where possible the exposure control measures must be scientifically underpinned, preferably health based. But they acknowledge that waiting for OELs or DNELs until enough evidence is available is not the appropriate way and that they themselves have the responsibility to bring the precautionary approach into practice. However, the ideas on how to make the precautionary principle operational for the workplace vary widely. Trade union groups from France and the UK, for example, take the stand that uncertainty concerning hazard of nanomaterials unambiguously leads to a policy focused on zero exposure. According to these trade unions exposure higher than zero is unacceptable, and so is the NRV approach because a low exposure is accepted. Substitution should be leading, which in case of the use of nanomaterials could be, for example, the selection of materials with a coating of low toxicity, functionalized to avoid the dustiness, or applied in a non-dispersive matrix. P.S. made a critical note by stating that although we know little about the actual toxicity of nanomaterials, we know quite well how to control exposure. And knowing this we must question ourselves what risks we are willing to take, given the benefits the materials may bring. What we clearly do not want according to P.S. is to lay the burden on the shoulders of the workers. And as Costa-David added, precaution is not identical to prevention. Precautionary action is indicated where risks are unknown but likely, whereas prevention is indicated where risks can be qualified and quantified and as a consequence focused measures can be designed. Attitudes towards NRVs As pointed out by P.v.B. and Dorbeck-Jung, one of the findings of the pilot NRV (van Broekhuizen et al., 2012; P. van Broekhuizen and B. Dorbeck-Jung, in preparation) is that Dutch professional users of MNMs involved in the pilot NRV take a proactive stance and accept to use NRVs based on the perception of usefulness, motivated by the idea that these provide certainty, create trust among workers, and may forestall overregulation. Some doubts and disengagement were ventilated by one of the companies as well about the necessity to use NRVs, especially when exposures to MNMs are shown to be very low. With regard to the ability to use NRVs in practice, it was shown in the pilot NRV that the NRV concept is comprehensible, but it is questionable whether companies always have the right understanding of how to relate NRVs to the MNMs, the background concentrations, and the PGNPs at the workplace. The need to carry out (or to commission) workplace measurements is experienced as a burden, especially regarding the costs to be made. The results of workplace measurements of concentrations of airborne NPs, as carried out in the pilot NRV and presented in the workshop, did show that the concentration of MNMs is generally low, and that conventional fine dust control measures taken at the workplace are generally efficient to control MNMs compared with the advised NRVs (van Broekhuizen et al., 2012). The pilot NRV showed as well that use of NRVs in risk assessment was not restrictive for most of the assessed workplaces. But, as stated by the social partners as well as by the company representatives, recognition of the NRVs by governmental institutions, especially by the labour inspectorate, will stimulate their use in practice. Lack of information The lack of information on the presence of MNMs in products and their possible release during use at the workplace was brought up by the audience as an important issue relating to risk management. The first step in risk assessment is to get information about the type of nanomaterials to which exposure is possible. In spite of some good intentions from the manufacturing industry to supply required information, much of the information is lost along the production chain, resulting in largely uninformed end users. According to P.S., this limits the usability of NRVs (because some users may be simply unaware whether they actually use or are exposed to MNMs). P.S. argued in favour of a broad activity to develop ‘good practices’ in which exposure measurements 161 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________ show acceptable working situations. Comprehensible guidance documents, to guide the safe working with nanomaterials, are thought to be useful tools as well to support SMEs and workers in risk management. Quite a number of guidance documents on safe working with nanomaterials have been published (Paik et al., 2008; Schulte et al., 2008; Höck et al., 2011; ANSES, 2010; Cornelissen et al., 2011; van Duuren-Stuurman et al. 2012). Reference was also made to the SDS (safety data sheet) of products along which line more information on nanomaterials in products might come available. It is foreseen that a new adaptation of the SDS format, with respect to the reporting of some NP-specific data, will provide more information about nanomaterials used in the product (ECHA, 2011). Soft or hard regulation? A critical remark from the audience pointed at the experience of trade unions that guidance documents may be readily available in practice, but that these are generally poorly used. For ‘nano’ their expectance is not much better. This view has been confirmed by Engeman et al. (2012) in a study of company practices in 14 countries worldwide. Engeman et al. (2012) identified a lack of information as an impediment to implement nano-specific health and safety practices and found that companies were not taking advantage of widely available government guidance documents. The neglect of guidance documents was argued to call for more awareness of users of nanomaterials and an enhanced activity of enforcement authorities (like the labour inspectorate) to enforce the use of legal instruments. Dorbeck-Jung stated that there is a legal obligation for manufacturers and suppliers to provide proper health and safety tools but that the development of precautionary guidance tools, like the NRV, so far is considered to fall within the domain of soft law. It is, therefore, questionable whether their use can be enforced within existing legislation that does not recognize the notion of precaution as a basis of risk management. This shifts the initiative to the social partners, trade unions, and employers’ organizations to take the responsibility to put this issue on the political agenda. Here, however, the trade unions’ preference for binding legislation meets the preference of employers’ organizations for a soft law approach. Costa-David suggested that the NRV could be referred to in the ongoing initiative of DG Employment that studies the extent to which OHS legislation gives, and should give explicit, attention to nanomaterials, and also in the European guidance for safe working with nanomaterials. 162 CONCLUSIONS The precautionary NRV is thought to be a comprehensible and useful risk management tool as long as health-based OELs for MNMs are not available. Other sources at the workplace may generate (non-manufactured) NPs as well, and these may complicate exposure control measurement. An appropriate measurement protocol should be used to distinguish the MNMs from the PGNPs. It is advisable to develop a policy approach for these PGNPs as well. A strong political support to actively use the NRV is essential. The deliberative setting of the Dutch SER where employers’ organizations discuss occupational health issues with trade unions proofed to be a successful structure to provisionally repair the gap in the standard setting for MNMs. A broader awareness-raising campaign to explain the benefits of this tool for risk management may help further acceptance. Governmental acknowledgement should especially be reflected in the recognition of the labour inspectorate of NRVs as a provisional risk management tool. EPILOGUE Motivated by the positive outcome of this international workshop, the Dutch SER formulated its advice to the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs in March 2012 to accept the NRV as a provisional risk management tool for MNMs at the workplace. It advised to set up an active awareness campaign to draw attention to this tool and to actively stimulate the use of NRVs by companies. The SER also advised the minister to examine whether it is possible to develop a generic health-based OEL for PGNPs (SER, 2012). FUNDING The workshop was held within the frame of the pilot project ‘“NRVNano Reference Values’”, commissioned by the Dutch social partners FNV, CNV, and VNO/NCW with a grant from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Further elaboration of the results was made possible by a grant of the UvA Holding BV. Acknowledgements—The authors like to thank the speakers, the members of the forum, and the participants in the audience for their valuable contributions to the discussions and results of the workshop. The authors like to thank Fleur van Broekhuizen for the transcripts made during the workshop. Disclaimer—The opinions in this article are those of the authors and speakers and do not necessarily represent the views of the NIOSH. 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The focus is on the positioning of stakeholders involved in this deliberative process about application of the precautionary principle, especially on the demands of environmental NGOs and trade unions (Civil Society Organizations – CSOs). These demands regard the way that industry and government should deal with nanomaterials given the lack of sufficient hazard and risk data. This thesis also deals with the attitude of the industries, which use nanomaterials, especially of small and medium sized enterprises (SME), regarding their understanding of the precautionary principle and their willingness to make the principle operational for a safe workplace. The second issue regards the operationalization of the precautionary principle and how to embed this in a risk management strategy for the workplace. The focus is on nano reference values (NRVs), which were proposed to be used as a provisional alternative for the so far lacking health‐based occupational exposure limits (HB‐OEL). So far HB‐OELs are not available for nanomaterials. The concept of NRVs was further developed to a level that might make them acceptable as a tool for risk management when uncertainty regarding hazard and risk data prevails. NRVs were applied at workplaces where manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) and nano‐enabled products were used. The NRV‐concept was also compared with other concepts to support occupational risk management such as the control‐banding approach. Chapter 2 of this thesis deals with the role of the CSOs in the debate on the responsible development of nanotechnologies and what they propose to make the precautionary principle operational. The positions developed by trade unions and environmental NGOs show large similarities. The trade unions positioned themselves collectively under the umbrella of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) with a resolution on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in 2008 and 2010 (ETUC 2008, ETUC 2010). The Environmental NGOs formulated their position in the EEB position paper (EEB 2009). A key point in the position statements of CSOs is the demand for openness and transparency by industry about manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) applied in products. The CSOs ask for a full life cycle analysis regarding release of MNMs in all stages of the nano‐enabled products’ life cycle and an assessment of the associated environmental and occupational health risks. The CSOs emphasize that the precautionary principle should be applied when using MNMs and nano‐enabled products for which knowledge on the health hazards is insufficient or ambiguous and risks cannot be properly assessed. As viewed by the CSOs, the application of the precautionary principle does not only relate to industry and its environmental and health & safety policy but regards also the task of governmental authorities to provide a (legal) frame that guarantees the safe use of MNMs. The CSOs’ demands are summarized in “building blocks for a precautionary approach” (see table 1). 167 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ Table1 Buildingblocksforaprecautionaryapproach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NodataÆnoexposureandnodataÆ noemission. Reportingofthecontentandtypeofnanomaterialsinproducts(traceability) Registrationofworkerspossiblyexposedtonanomaterials Transparentcommunicationaboutknownandunknownrisks Derivationofworkplaceexposurelimits Developmentofanearlywarningsystem PreͲmarketing approval for all applications and nanotechnologies and nanomaterials as a centralelementofthepolicyandregulatoryframework The building blocks mentioned in Table 1 play a role in (ongoing) European initiatives to create openness and transparency and to assure the safe use of nanoͲenabled products. AmongthesearethepublicationsofCodesofConduct(CoC)bytheEuropeanCommission and some large companies manufacturing nanomaterials, adaptations in the REACH regulation to fit nanomaterials in the regulatory system, the recommendation of a definition of nanomaterials by the European Commission, the French initiative to make reportingoftheusenanomaterialsinproductsmandatory,initiativesinMemberStatesto setupadatabaseofnanoͲenabledproductsatthemarketandmanyothers.Thefirstsix buildingblocksalsoarethebasisfortheadviceoftheDutchSocialandEconomicCouncil (SER 2009) on the safe use of nanomaterials and provide a frame for the Dutch governmentalenvironmentalandoccupationalhealthandsafety(OHS)policy. IndustrialopennessandtransparencyaboutMNMsusedinmarketedproductsappearsto be problematic. The studies presented in this thesis about the construction industry, the furniture industry and paint value chain (chapter 3) show that market penetration of MNMs in products was limited and that awareness of the majority of the endͲusers, employersandemployeesofthebuildingandfurnitureindustryparticipatinginthestudies abouttheavailabilityofnanoͲenabledproductsandabouttheiractualuseappearstobe verylow.Formostoftheparticipantsitappearedtobeverydifficulttofindoutwhether manufacturednanomaterialsareappliedintheproductstheyuse,thereismuchignorance ontheavailabilityofnanoͲenabledproductsatthe marketandabout theidentityof the nanomaterialsusedintheseproducts.Thisappearstobeevenworseforsectorsthatare activeincleaningandmaintenance.Anexampleisthesectorofcarrepair.Carrepairshops are generally not informed about nanomaterials used in car components as coatings, bumpers, rubber particles etc. The transparency of the nanomaterials use is further obscured by the tendency of downstream product manufacturers to keep R&D activities confidential that they carry out with nanomaterials to improve the performance of their products.AndwhendownstreamproductmanufacturersareusingnanoͲenabledproducts intheirprocessesandproductsmanyofthemarereluctanttomakethispublicastoavoid acriticalreactionfromthepublicduetotheworldwidesocialdebateonhealthandsafety issuesandrelateduncertainties. Also information about hazards and risks of MNMs is poorly developed. A collective industrial effort to generate as yet lacking toxicity data for nanomaterials and the exchange of data bears similarities to those for chemical substances under REACH, for 168 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________________________ which a mandatory participation was foreseen in substance information exchange fora (SIEF) to assure and stimulate the exchange of industrially “owned” toxicity data (REACH 2006). For nanomaterials such initiatives were not identified. Only for a few nanoparticulate substances, such as CNTs, TiO2 and Ag more detailed information, includingproposalsforhealthͲbasedlimitvalueshavebeenprovided.Withtheexception ofCNTs(wheresomeindustrialcompaniesprovidedproposalsforanOEL)thisinformation was largely provided by research institutes. The limited information supply about hazard and risks is not only a problem for CSOs and consumers, but also for downstream professional users of nanoͲenabled products. They are held ignorant to a large extent abouthazardsandrisksofMNMsusedintheproductssupplied,neitheraretheyinformed bytheirsupplieraboutgapsinknowledgeabouthazardsandrisksorwhattheyshoulddo toavoidrisksorhowtoapplyaprecautionaryapproach. Thenodata,noexposureprinciple(buildingblock1intable1)callsupontheindustryto applyeffectivecontrolmeasures.ItallowstheuseofMNMsinproducts,butdemandsfor aprecautionaryapproachinoccupationalsettingstofullycontrolallexposurestoMNMs withinsufficienthazarddata,includingcontrolduringaccidentalreleaseandmaintenance and cleaning operations. The need to apply effective control measures also applies to environmentalemissionsofMNMs,alongthefulllifecycle.Thesafeoptiontoachievethis wouldbeamoratorium,i.e.toavoidtheuseofMNMs(andnanoͲenabledproducts).This option is not advocated by the CSOs that participated in the study. Nevertheless, it is generally acknowledged that when a choice is made to apply MNMs, releases cannot be prevented (at all foreseeable and unforeseeable moments) and consequently a zeroͲ exposure or a zeroͲemission is an illusion. Considering the derivation of acceptable exposure levels for airborne MNMs generates the dilemma that the existing gaps in toxicological knowledge make a derivation of healthͲbased exposure levels impossible. RegulatorsandindustrialstakeholdersintheNetherlandshaveagreedthatpostponingthe derivationoflimitvaluesforoccupationalexposureuntilmorehazarddatacomeavailable is not an acceptable option, as that would imply acceptance of the situation as it is, allowingexposuretoemergingconcentrationsattheworkplace. Inviewthereof,theconceptofnanoreferencevalues(NRVs)(buildingblocknr5intable 1) has been developed (IFA 2009, Dekkers et al 2010, this thesis) and framed for provisionaluseattheworkplace.Thestartingpointwastoderiveparticlenumber–based NRVs for four groups of nanomaterials. This was preferred over a massͲbased approach. Size,form,biopersistence,anddensitywereusedasparameterstodistinguishthegroups. Forgranularnanomaterials,assumingasphereͲlikeshapeandstandardizedatadiameter of100nm,numberͲbasedbenchmarkswerederivedequivalenttoamassconcentrationof 0.1mg/m3.(ThisimpliesthattheequivalentmassͲconcentrationforsmallernanoparticlesis lower, e.g. for particles with a diameter of 50nm this is 12.5ʅg/m3). For nanofibers (including carbon nanotubes) the asbestos OEL was used as reference. For soluble and nonͲbiopersistent nanoparticles a NRV was assigned according to the applicable OEL for thecoarse(ormolecular)formbecauseregardinghazard,theseparticlesaresupposedto behavelike‘conventional’substances. TheNRVsaredefinedas8ͲhourtimeͲweightedaveraged(8hrͲTWA)concentrations, intendedtobeawarninglevel:whentheyareexceededexposurecontrolmeasuresshould 169 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ be taken to assure an exposure below this level (see table 2). For shortͲterm peak exposuresofmaximum15minutesitwasproposedtouseamaximumleveloftwicethe value of the NRV: NRV15minͲTWA=2xNRV8hrͲTWA. This is in line with the discussions of an internationalworkshoppresentedinchapter7. Table2 NanoReferenceValues(NRVs)for4classesofmanufacturednanomaterials Class Description Density 1 ǡ Ǧ 2 NRV(8ǦhrTWA) Examples ͲǤͲͳȀ ͵ Ǧ ǡ ǡ ʹǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ʹͷǡ εǡͲͲͲȀͿ ʹͲǡͲͲͲ Ȁ Ϳ ͳͳͲͲ ʹǡ 3 ʹ͵ǡʹǡǡʹǡǡ ǡͲǡǡ ͳ ͳͲͲδǡͲͲͲȀͿ ͶͲǡͲͲͲ Ȁ Ϳ Ǧ 4 Ǧ Ǧ ͳͳͲͲ ǤǤǡ Thestudypresentedinchapter5ofthisthesisindicatesthatmostcompaniesworkingwith nanomaterialsacceptNRVsasatooltopreventhazardandrisk.CompaniestendtobeproͲ activetowardusingtheNRVsforriskassessmentandmanagement.Animportantdriverto use NRVs seems to be a temporary certainty employers experience regarding their legal obligationtotakepreventiveaction.Acontributiontothepositiveattitudeofcompanies towards the NRV may also be the reassuring finding that conventional exposure control measures are generally adequate as well to control airborne MNMs. Many of the companiesandregulatorswelcomethevoluntarycharacterofNRVs,buttradeunionsand afewcompaniesadvocategivingtheNRVsamorebindingstatus.Importantpreconditions for compliance to use NRVs relate to appropriate and easy available measurement strategiesatlowcostandanappropriateinformationsupplyaboutnanomaterialsusedin productsandtheirpossiblereleaseduringintendeduse.Regulatorscanbenefitfromthe positive motivation posture of companies. To enhance the use of NRVs regulators are recommended to emphasize the trust building function of NRVs. The Dutch Government accepted the approach and regards the provisional NRVs as reflecting the best available scienceandasstateoftheartapproachforriskassessmentofnanomaterials(Atsma2009; Donner2010). Asshowninchapters3and4ofthisthesis,theexposuretomanufacturednanomaterials wasmeasuredatavarietyofworkplaces:intheconstructionindustry(mixinganddrilling nanoͲenabled concrete), the furniture industry (applying nanopaint and abrasion of (nano)Ͳpainted surfaces), electroplating, nanopaint manufacturing, manufacturing of pigment concentrates, production of nonͲreflective glass, manufacturing of fluorescent tubes,carrepairandrefinishingandasacontrolthemanufacturingofconventionalnonͲ nano wall paint and the longͲterm testing of wear lubrication. An exposure assessment strategywasdevelopedtodistinguishexposuretomanufacturednanomaterialsfromthe ambientbackgroundconcentrationandfromtheconcentrationofnanoparticlesgenerated at the workplace by processes and equipment used. This assessment strategy allows for applyingnanoreferencevalueswithoutnecessarilyexaminingthechemicalcompositionof 170 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________________________ workplace samples. It was found that the use of solid, dispersable manufactured nanomaterials gives sometimes rise to high airborne NP concentrations near the source with a rapid dilution further away from the source. Use of manufactured nanomaterials contained in a fluid, or machining (e.g. abrasion) of surface coated articles with nanomaterialsͲcontaining paint or coating shows only a very limited or no emission of airborneNPs.FormostoperationstheexposurecanbecharacterizedbyshortͲtermhigh peak emissions, but the 8hrͲTWA exposure to manufactured nanomaterials remained in most cases below the NRV8hrͲTWA. The NRV15minͲTWA is incidentally exceeded at some workplaces. Themeasurementspresentedin chapters3and4 ofthisthesisshow that manufactured nanoparticles are not the only source of workplace exposure to nanoparticles. Also important can be processͲgenerated nanoparticles (PGNPs). The handling of some conventional paint components may generate airborne NPs, due to a nanoparticulate fractioninthesecompounds,andmaygiverisetoalargerNPͲemissionthantheemission generatedbythemanufacturednanomaterialsused.Combustionprocesses(e.g.theuse ofdieselengines),theuseofelectromotorsandcontinuouslyrunningmachinesmayalso generate PGNPs. That the contributions of processͲgenerated nanoparticles to the total nanoparticles’ exposure cannot be ignored in risk assessment, was acknowledged by the DutchSocialandEconomicCouncil(SER)thatmadethisfindingpartoftheiradviceonthe use of nano reference values (SER 2012). It was also taken up by the 7th Joint EU/US conference on occupational safety and health (EU/US 2012) of trade unions, employers’ organizations and governmental authorities. This conference adopted this issue in their overarchingprinciplesasfollows:Developharmonizedexposureassessmentmeasurements andcontrolstrategiesfornanomaterialsandprocessesͲProcessgeneratednanomaterials cannotbeignoredwhenassessingnanomaterialsattheworkplace. ThefindingthatitisrelevanttotakeprocessͲgeneratednanoparticlesintoaccount mayreachfarbeyondtheriskassessmentofworkplaceswithmanufacturednanomaterials or nanoͲenabled products. For activities with emissions for which a HBͲOEL has been established, like for example welding operations, it is advisable to reconsider the health basis of this OEL and to apply the knowledge that is available nowadays on the risks of exposure to nanoparticles. This thesis advises to apply the NRVs also to the processͲ generatednanoparticlesbecausethetoxicityisnotnecessarilydifferentfromtheassumed toxicity of manufactured nanomaterials. The Dutch Social Economic Council decided differently,anddecidedtodistinguishbetweenmanufacturednanoparticlesandprocessͲ generatednanoparticles,andtoadvisetheMinisterofSocialAffairstodevelopageneric healthͲbasedOELforprocessͲgeneratednanoparticles(SER2012). TheNRVapproachwasintegratedinalaymenͲorientedguidanceforworkingsafelywith nanomaterialsandnanoproducts(theGuidance).Inchapter6thisapproachwascompared withtwoqualitativetoolsthatsupportsafeworkingwithmanufacturednanomaterials:the ControlBandingNanotool(CBN)andtheStoffenmanagerNano(SMN).TheGuidanceand CBN estimate the emission potential, the SMN estimates the immission potential. The toolsprovideamodeltoestimatetheriskwhenworkingwithnanomaterials,mayprovide defaults for lacking hazard data and recommend a level for engineering control. It was 171 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ foundthatthethreetools,whenappliedatthesameworkplaces,estimatedifferencesin risk levels, but they do not necessarily lead to differences in recommended engineering control.TheCBNandtheSMNestimateahighriskespeciallywhenhazarddataarelacking. TheGuidanceestimatesahighrisklevelwhendispersiveMNMsareused.Itwasobserved that the sensitivity for hazard data is high in the SMN, and low in the CBN and the Guidance,whilethesensitivityforexposuredataishighfortheCBNandlowfortheSMN andtheGuidance. TheneglectofprocessͲgeneratednanoparticlesinthethreetoolsmay leadtoanunderestimationoftheexposuretoworkplaceͲrelatednanoparticleemissions, andasaconsequencetoanunderestimationofthepotentialrisks.Itwasconcludedthat the tools studied may have a function in increasing the awareness of workers and SMEs about the possible risks of nanomaterials. The tools make explicit what hazard and exposuredataareurgentlyneededtofillthegapstomakeareliableriskassessment. The NRVͲconcept was also compared with the approach of the British Standards Institute (BSI), which is a scalingͲdown methodology that derives benchmark levels for nanomaterialsbasedontheOELasestablishedforthecoarseparticles.TheNRVͲapproach wasfurthermorecomparedwiththegenericapproachproposedbyPauluhn,whoassumes lungͲoverloadtobethecriticaleffectformostnanoparticles,derivesanalgorithmwiththe particles’ density as key element to calculate a derived noͲeffect level for the specific nanoparticle.ItwasshownthattheNRVapproachasproposedheregivesrisetostricter exposurelimitsthanthemassͲbasedproposalsofPauluhnandoftentostricterexposure limitsthanthemassͲbasedBSIproposal. References Atsma (2009), Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, Letter to the Parliament, “Invulling strategie “omgang met risico’s van nanodeeltjes”, kenmerk RB/2010030882, 20 January 2009.ͲenͲpublicaties/kamerstukken/2011/01/20/invullingͲ strategieͲomgaanͲmetͲrisicoͲsͲvanͲnanodeeltjesͲkamerbrief.html Dekkers S, Heer C de. (2010). Tijdelijke nanoͲreferentiewaarden, RIVM Rapport 601044001/2010, Donner, J.P.H.(2010): Tijdelijke nanoͲreferentiewaarden. Letter to the Voorzitter van de Tweede KamerderStatenͲGeneraalsGravenhage,Ref:G&VW/GW/2010/14925,10August2010.ͲenͲ publicaties/kamerstukken/2010/08/10/aanbiedingsbriefͲvanͲministerͲdonnerͲbijͲrivmͲrapportͲ tijdelijkeͲnanoͲreferentiewaardenͲbruikbaarheidͲvanͲhetͲconceptͲenͲvanͲdeͲgepubliceerdeͲ methoden.html EEB(2009).EEBpositionpaperonnanotechnologiesandnanomaterials.Smallscale,bigpromises, divisive messages. February 2009. Available atͲ 9988Ͳ45A3Ͳ0E327CBA2AFD88BA&showMeta=0 ETUC (2008) Resolution on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials Resolution adopted by the ETUC ExecutiveCommitteeintheirmeetingheldinBrusselson24Ͳ25June2008 ETUC (2010) 2nd resolution on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, Adopted at the Executive Committee on 1Ͳ2 December 2010.Ͳ GB_final_nanotechnologies_and_nanomaterial.pdf 172 Conclusions __________________________________________________________________________________ EU/US(2012).Overarchingprincipleformulatedatthe:7thJointEU/USConferenceonOccupational SafetyandHealth,WorkshopNanotechnologyattheworkplace(VanVeelenFNVͲNL,SchulteP NIOSHͲUS,CarterJOSHAͲUS),Brussels11Ͳ13July2012(proceedingsinpreparation) IFA(2009):TechnicalInformationÆnanoparticlesattheworkplace: REACH (2006), REGULATION (EC) No 1907/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation(EC)No1488/94aswellasCouncilDirective76/769/EECandCommissionDirectives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC. See articles 29 and 30. http://eurͲ SER (2009) Social and Economic Council Netherlands. Nanoparticles in the Workplace: Health and SafetyPrecautions.Advisoryreport0901,2009.TheHague. Available at /media/Files/Internet/Talen/Engels/2009/2009 01/2009 01.ashx 173 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 174 Summary 175 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 176 Summary __________________________________________________________________________________ Summary T histhesisstartswithashortoverviewofsomekeyissuesthatareimportantformatters raisedinthestudy:thedefinitionofnanomaterials,thehazardsofnanomaterials,the precautionary principle, background nanoparticles and nanoparticles formed during processesandtheuseofoccupationalexposurelimits. This thesis uses the nanomaterials’ definition as recommended by the European Commission: primary particles with a sizeͲrange of 1Ͳ100nm. When nanomaterials are measuredinthisthesisthedetectionlimitsofthemeasuringequipment(10Ͳ300nm)areused. Thus, airborne assemblies with a diameter 100–300nm are also taken into account. The European Commission underlines that its definition of nanomaterials not only includes manufacturednanomaterialsbutalsoregardsthebackgroundand‘incidental’nanomaterials. ‘Incidental nanomaterials’ may be generated by the equipment used or released from (nonͲ nano)bulkmaterialscontainingananoparticulatefraction. The hazards of nanomaterials are studied, but knowledge of the specific hazards relatedtothenanoͲcharacteristicsisstilllimited. Experimentalanimal andcelltissuestudies with manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) and epidemiological studies on the effects of (environmental) airborne particulate pollutants make it likely that exposure to MNMs may leadtoadversehealtheffects.Oxidativestressleadingtoinflammationislikelytobeoneof thekeymechanismsunderlyinghazard.Oxidativestressisexhibitedbymanynanoparticlesof different size, chemical composition and form. As a result of prolonged high exposure to reactivenanoparticlesoxidativestressmaygiverisetoanongoinginflammation,whichislikely toworsenbronchitisorasthmainthosewhoalreadyhavealungdiseaseandmayevencause lungfibrosis.Ongoinginflammationorgenotoxiceffectsofreactivenanoparticlescouldleadto lung cancer if exposures are high enough and for a prolonged period. AsbestosͲlike effects, includingmesothelioma mightbe expectedfrom exposuretorigidpersistentfreenanofibers with a high aspect ratio. Also there might be effects of nanoparticles on other organs. It is emphasizedthatavailableobservationsonthetoxicityofmanufacturednanoparticlesandthe earlystageofriskassessmentwithalackofdatajustifiesapplyingaprecautionaryapproachin assessingtherisksofmanufacturednanomaterials. Manystakeholdersadvisetousetheprecautionaryprinciplefortheuncertaintiesand ambivalences as they are encountered with nanomaterials. The principle has a deliberative natureanditisbasedonnormativequalifiers.Theseregardissuessuchaswhentoinvokethe precautionaryprinciple(toactratherthannottoact),thelevelofprotectionaimedat,acostͲ benefit analysis balanced with health considerations, the burden of proof of adverse effects and the timing, the proportionality of precautionary actions, uncertainties and lack of knowledge, the seriousness of possible adverse effects, and what level to use as provisional standard. The precautionary principle is also a fundamental principle in the EU legislative framework and as such it may stimulate industrial users of nanotechnologies to carefully considerthewayinwhichtheyintendtoapplythenovelnanomaterialsthatlacktheessential 177 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ hazard data needed for a reliable risk assessment in their products and processes. It may stimulateindustrytodevelopaprecautionaryapproachtooperationalizehowtheyintendto dealwithuncertain, ambivalenthumanand environmentalrisks.The precautionaryprinciple allows CSOs to give an interpretation of normative qualifiers used for defining safe and sustainablenanomaterialsandnanoproductsandtocontributetotheformulationofasocially acceptableprecautionaryapproach. The focus of the nanodebate is predominantly on the risks of manufactured nanomaterials, but nanomaterials are also formed by electrical equipment, heating and combustionprocessesormaybereleasedfromthenanoparticulatefractioninbulkmaterials. In this thesis nanomaterials generated by these sources are called processͲgenerated nanoparticles (PGNPs). The ambient background concentration of nanoparticles is variable andinurbanenvironmentstronglyimpactedbytrafficandindustrialexhausts.Inurbanareas with a low level of pollution an average background of 10,000 to 20,000 particles/cm3 is common.Theparticles’numberconcentrationofprocessͲgeneratednanoparticlesatindustrial workplaces may be considerable. It is likely that in many cases processͲgenerated nanoparticleswilldominatetheairbornenanoparticles’numberconcentration.Itisalsolikely thatairbornePGNPsmaypolluteworkplaceswherenonanomaterialsarehandled.Thus,itis importanttotakePGNPsintoaccountinriskassessmentofnonͲnanoworkplaceswithheating orcombustionprocessesorwhenelectricalequipmentisusedorwhendispersivepowdersare usedwithananoparticulatefraction.Inthesectiononoccupationalexposurelimitsitisnoted that there are as yet no registered Derived No Effect Levels (DNELs) or legal healthͲbased occupationalexposurelimits(HBͲOELs)fornanomaterials.Inviewthereofandgivenlargedata gapsregardingtherisksofnanomaterialstheuseofnanoreferencevalues(NRV)isproposed. Nanoreferencevaluesarelimitsregardingnanoparticles’numberconcentrationsbasedona precautionaryapproach.Inthisthesisthefollowingnanoreferencevalueswillbeused. NanoReferenceValues(NRVs)for4classesofmanufacturednanomaterials Class Description Rigid,biopersistentnanofibers 1 forwhicheffectssimilartothose ofasbestosarenotexcluded Density Ͳ NRV(8ͲhrTWA) 3 0.01fibers/cm Examples SWCNT or MWCNT or metal oxide fibers for which asbestosͲlike effects are not excluded Biopersistentgranular 2 nanomaterialintherangeof 1and100nm >6,000kg/m³ 20,000particles/cm³ Ag,Au,CeO2,CoO,Fe,FexOy,La,Pb,Sb2O5, SnO2, Biopersistentgranularandfiber 3 formnanomaterialsintherange of1and100nm <6,000kg/m³ 40,000particles/cm³ Al2O3,SiO2,TiN,TiO2,ZnO,nanoclay CarbonBlack,C60,dendrimers,polystyrene Nanofibers with excluded asbestosͲlike effects ApplicableOEL e.g.fats,NaCl NonͲbiopersistentgranular 4 nanomaterialintherangeof 1and100nm Ͳ ForshortͲtermpeakexposuresof15minutesaNRV15minͲTWAof2xNRV8hrͲTWAisused. Chapter2describesthecapacitybuildingofcivilsocietyorganizations(CSOs),tradeunionsand nonͲgovernmental environmental organizations, and their positioning as to environmental, occupationalhealth andethical aspects ofnanotechnologies. Key is theirviewthatthe large 178 Summary __________________________________________________________________________________ gapsinknowledgeaboutoccupationalandenvironmentalhazardsandrisksmustbereflected inriskmanagementanduseofnanomaterialsandnanoͲenabledproducts.TheCSOsadvocate to apply the precautionary principle when using nanoͲenabled products and call for the industryandgovernmentstodevelopanoperationalprecautionaryapproach.Sevenbuilding blocksareformulatedframingaprecautionaryapproach: 1. NodataÆnoexposureandnodataÆnoemission. 2. Reportingofthecontentandtypeofnanomaterialsinproducts(traceability) 3. Registrationofworkerspossiblyexposedtonanomaterials 4. Transparentcommunicationaboutknownandunknownrisks 5. Derivationofworkplaceexposurelimits 6. Developmentofanearlywarningsystem 7. PreͲmarketing approval for all applications of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials as a centralelementofthepolicyandregulatoryframework Theissues1,2and5weresubjecttofurtherstudyinthisthesis. An overview of the use of manufactured nanoparticles in the European construction and furniture industry is given in chapter 3. The construction industry uses nanomaterials predominantlyincoatings,cementandconcrete.AEuropeansurveyamongrepresentativesof workers and employers identifies a high level of ignorance about the availability and use of nanomaterialsandthesafetyaspectsthereof.BarriersidentifiedforalargeͲscaleacceptance of nanoͲenabled products are high costs, uncertainties about longͲterm technical material performance, as well as uncertainties about health risks of the products. Exposure measurementssuggestexposuresbelowthenanoreferencevalueofconstructionworkersto nanoparticlesassociatedwiththeuseofnanoͲenabledproducts.Themeasuredparticleswere within a size range of 20 – 300 nm, with the median diameter below 53nm. Positive assignmentofthisexposuretothemanufacturednanomaterialsusedortoadditionalsources ofnanoparticles,liketheelectricalequipmentusedwasnotpossiblewithinthescopeofthis study.Thefurnitureindustryshowsasimilarpicturebutactivitiesgenerallytakeplaceindoors. In this sector application of nanomaterials is predominantly found in coatings (scratch resistant, ǦǦ ǡ ǡ Ǧǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ȍ. The identified information gaps of downstream users regarding availability, benefits andpotentialrisksareconfirmedbythestudyoninformationsupplyinthepaintvaluechain. Although this lack of information is generally regarded as a drawback, it is not always experiencedasproblematicbythedownstreamusersasisshownforpaintcontractors. Concentration measurements were also carried out during paint manufacturing, electroplating,lightequipmentmanufacturing,nonͲreflectiveglassproduction,productionof pigmentconcentratesandcarrefinishing(chapter4).Activitiesmonitoredwerethehandling ofsolidmanufacturednanoparticles,abrasion,sprayingandheatingofnanoͲenabledproducts and machining nanosurfaces. The levels of nanoparticles in the workplace air are strongly 179 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ influenced by the physical form of the nanoͲenabled products used, e.g. nanomaterials embedded in a liquid or solid matrix, and by the control measures taken. Control measures (e.g. exhaust ventilation) as installed to protect against “conventional” substances, may also beeffectivetoreduceexposuretonanoparticles.Levelsofnanoparticlesintheworkplaceair, correctedforthebackground,weremeasuredashighasseveralmillionsofnanoparticles/cm3, especially during the use of dry, powdery nanomaterials. The 8 hourͲTWA (timeͲweightedͲ average)numberͲbasedworkplaceconcentrationsgenerallydonotexceedthenanoreference value. ShortͲterm peak emissions are likely to exceed the 15Ͳminutes TWA nano reference value (15min peaks) when insufficient control measures are taken. At many workplaces the airborne nanoparticles may originate from manufactured nanoparticles and from processes and equipment used (PGNPs). The PGNP are likely to be a significant exposure source and cannot be ignored in risk assessment. There are strong indications that nonͲnano paint components like CaCO3, CaSiO3, and talc may contain a substantial fraction of nanosized particulates giving rise to airborne nanoparticle concentrations as well. It is argued that risk assessmentsshouldtakeintoaccountthesepotentialsourcesaswell. The legal obligation foremployers in the EU to take care for a safe workplace is a challenge withinsufficientinformationsupplyorknowledgegapsonhazardsandrisksofmanufactured nanomaterials. Chapter 5 investigates the attitude of key stakeholders in industry, trade unions,branchandemployers’organizationsandgovernmentalpolicyadvisorstowardsnano reference values (NRVs) that may be used to solve some of these problems. NRVs were introduced as a voluntary risk management instrument, and differ from healthͲbased occupational exposure limits (OELs) as being precautionͲbased. A measurement strategy to allowemployerstopracticallyusetheNRVsandtodealwithsimultaneouslyemittingprocessͲ generatednanoparticles(PGNP)wasdeveloped.Themotivationalpostureofmostcompanies appearstobeproͲactiveregardingworkerprotectionandacquiescenttoNRVs.Animportant driver to use NRVs seems to be a temporary certainty employers experience with regard to their legal obligation to take preventive action. Many interviewees welcome the voluntary characterofNRVs,thoughtradeunionsandafewcompaniesadvocateamorebindingstatus. Chapter6appliesthreequalitativeriskmanagementtoolsformanufacturednanomaterialsto theworkingenvironmentsasstudiedinchapter4andcomparesthesewiththeNRVͲconcept. The tools studied are the Guidance working safely with nanomaterials and nanoproducts (‘Guidance’)andtheControlBandingNanoTool(CBN)bothestimatingtheemissionpotential of MNMs, and the StoffenmanagerNano (SMN) that estimates the immision potential of MNMs. Itwas foundthatthe CBN and the SMN estimate a high risk especially when hazard dataarelacking.TheGuidanceestimatesahighrisklevelwhendispersiveMNMsareused.It wasobservedthatthesensitivityforchangesmadeinthehazarddataishighintheSMN,and lowintheCBNandtheGuidance,whilethesensitivityforchangesmadeintheexposuredata is high for the CBN and low for the SMN and the Guidance. Compared to the measured nanoparticles’ number based concentrations referred to the quantitative NRV concept, the 180 Summary __________________________________________________________________________________ control banding tools are stricter in situations where MNMs with many unknown characteristicsareatstake.TheCBNandtheSMNignoreprocessͲgeneratednanoparticlesas potential source and as such may underestimate the potential risks of actual workplace exposure to nanoparticles. The Guidance draws the attention of the user to this potential source. All three tools may contribute to raising the awareness of employers and workers aboutthepotentialrisksofnanomaterials. Chapter 7 reflects on the opinion of an international forum about the usefulness and acceptability of the NRV as substitute for HBͲOELs and derived noͲeffect levels (DNELs) for manufacturednanoparticles.Participantsweresmall&mediumsizeenterprises(SMEs),large companies, trade unions, governmental authorities, research institutions and NGOs. Topics discussed were the metrics for measuring nanoparticles, the simultaneous exposure to manufactured nanomaterials and processͲgenerated nanoparticles, the use of the precautionary principle, the information gap on applied nanomaterials in nanoͲenabled products and the appropriateness of soft regulation for precautionary exposure control. The workshopconcludedthattheNRV,asan8hrsͲtimeweightedaverage,isacomprehensibleand useful instrument for risk management of professional use of manufactured nanomaterials with a dispersible character. The question remains whether NRVs, as advised for risk managementbytheDutchemployers’organizationandtradeunions,shouldbeapartofsoft regulationorthatamorebindingregulationispreferable. Chapter 8 draws overall conclusions. There was found to be much unͲawareness amongst downstreamprofessionalusers,consumersandCSOsaboutthemanufacturednanomaterials that are marketed in nanoͲenabled products. This unͲawareness regards the type of nanomaterialsaswellastheirbehavior.Therearelargegapsinknowledgeaboutthepotential releaseofmanufacturednanoparticlesduringintendeduseoftheproducts,andoverthefull lifecycle.Theknowledgeaboutthe hazardsofnanomaterialsis rapidly growing,but to date therearestillmanygapsinknowledgegivingrisetouncertaintiesaboutpotentialhealthrisks. To date nanotoxicology, i.e. the study of the adverse effects of nanoparticles is still an emergingscience.Despitetheseknowledgegapsmanufacturednanomaterialsareincreasingly usedinproducts,andreleaseandexposuredoesoccur.Whereuncertaintiesandambiguities prevail, the advisability to invoke the precautionary principle is generally acknowledged by regulators, industry and other stakeholders. However, their visions on how to make the precautionaryprincipleoperationalforthenanotechnologies’practicemaydiffer.Civilsociety organizations formulated explicit demands to industry and regulators to transform the precautionary principle into a precautionary approach that can be applied in practice. The demandsweresummarizedinsevenbuildingblocksforaprecautionaryapproachandgiverise tomanyinitiativestakenbyregulatorsandindustry.AsHBͲOELsorDNELsarenotyetavailable fornanomaterialsprovisionalnanoreferencevalues(NRVs)weredeveloped. The study shows that the exposure to manufactured nanomaterials in the Dutch workplaces studied, corrected for the ambient background concentration, is generally below 181 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ theleveloftheNRV8hrͲTWA.Existingcontrolmeasuresfor“conventional”substancesappearto be also efficient for nanoparticles’ control. The emission of manufactured nanomaterials depends on the processing conditions, but, for the workplaces studied, can generally be characterized by shortͲterm peak concentrations. ShortͲterm peak concentrations may incidentallyexceedtheNRV15minͲTWA. It is also concluded that nanoparticles’ number concentration at workplaces may be dominatedbyprocessͲgeneratednanoparticles,whichcannotbeignoredinriskassessment.In many processes it is possible to distinguish between the background, processͲgenerated nanoparticlesandthemanufacturednanoparticlesbyapplyingatieredmeasurementstrategy. InthosecasesitnotnecessarytofullycharacterizesampleswithphysicalͲchemicalanalysis.As suchariskmanagementstrategyusingtheNRVisaffordableforSMEsusingnanomaterials. Theconceptofnanoreferencevaluesprovestobeacomprehensibleandacceptable tool for the companies studied. The companies studied tend to be proͲactive in risk managementandacquiescenttousetheNRVasameanstofulfilltheemployers’dutyofcare for a safe workplace. The voluntary character of the NRVͲtool is welcomed by many companies,butcriticizedbytradeunionsandaminorityofthecompanies.Theypreferamore bindingstatus.ThestatusoftheNRVas“stateͲofͲtheͲart”,andtherecognitionbyregulating authorities,maygeneratethetrustinthisinstrumentandfurtherstimulatetheiruse. 182 Samenvatting 183 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 184 Samenvatting __________________________________________________________________________________ Samenvatting I ndeinleidingvanditproefschrift“NanoMatters”wordeneenaantalonderwerpenkort besprokendiecentraalstaaninhetonderzoeknaarderisico’svannanomaterialenen debeheersingdaarvan.Onderwerpendiehieraandeordekomenzijndedefinitievan nanomaterialen,detoxiciteitvannanomaterialen,hetvoorzorgsbeginsel,nanodeeltjesdie aanwezig zijn als achtergrondconcentratie, en nanodeeltjes die worden gevormd tijdens processen,alsmedeenhetgebruikvangrenswaardenvoorberoepsmatigeblootstelling. In het proefschrift wordt de definitie voor nanomaterialen gebruikt, zoals die wordt aanbevolendoordeEuropeseCommissie:primairedeeltjesmeteenafmetingtussen1– 100nm.Voordemetingendiebeschrevenwordeninditproefschrift,wordenoverigensde detectiegrenzen van de meetapparatuur gehanteerd: 10Ͳ300nm, hetgeen impliceert dat ook assemblages van deeltjes (agglomeraten en aggregaten) met een diameter van 100Ͳ 300nm worden meegenomen. De Europese Commissie benadrukt dat de door hen aanbevolen definitie niet enkel betrekking heeft op synthetische nanodeeltjes, maar tevens nanomaterialen betreft die als achtergrond in het milieu aanwezig zijn, alsmede “incidentele” nanomaterialen. Deze “incidentele nanomaterialen” kunnen worden gevormd door de apparatuur waarmee gewerkt wordt en ze kunnen vrijkomen bij het gebruikvangrove(nietͲnano)materialenwaarineenfractienanodeeltjesaanwezigis. De toxische eigenschappen van nanomaterialen zijn onderwerp van omvangrijk onderzoek,maardekennisomtrentdetoxischeeigenschappendiebepaaldwordendoor despecifiekenanoͲkarakteristiekenisnogbeperkt.Experimenteelproefdieronderzoeken weefselkweekstudies met synthetische nanomaterialen wijzen er op dat inademing van nanodeeltjes in verontreinigende lucht tot gezondheidsschade kan leiden. Oxidatieve stress als gevolg van blootstelling aan nanodeeltjes is een markant voorbeeld van een toxischmechanismedatkanleidentotontstekingsreacties.Oxidatievestressontstaatals een reactie op uiteenlopende nanodeeltjes met verschillende afmetingen, chemische samenstelling en vorm. Een voortdurende hoge blootstelling aan reactieve nanodeeltjes kan oxidatieve stress veroorzaken met een aanhoudende ontsteking als gevolg, die bij hiervoor gevoelige personen bronchitis of astma kunnen verergeren. Aanhoudende ontstekingenofgenotoxischeeffectenvanreactievenanodeeltjeskunnenooktotkanker leiden als de blootstelling hoog genoeg is en plaatsvindt over een lange periode. Nanodeeltjes kunnen ook een effect hebben op andere organen. Op basis van de aanwijzingendieermomenteelzijnaangaandedetoxiciteitvansynthetischenanodeeltjes, en de nog beperkte kennis aangaande de risico’s, wordt benadrukt dat voor de beoordeling en beheersing van risico’s (de risicoͲinventarisatie en evaluatie, RI&E) een voorzorgsbenaderinggerechtvaardigdis. Veelbelanghebbendenradenaanomhetvoorzorgsprincipetoetepassenvoorde onzekerheden en ambiguïteiten die zich voordoen bij nanomaterialen. Het voorzorgsprincipeheefteennormatiefkarakterenkenmerktzichdoorhetoverlegdathet vereist tussen de betrokken partijen om tot overeenstemming te komen. Dit betreft onderwerpen zoals de vraag wanneer het voorzorgsprincipe zou moeten worden toegepast (handelen is beter dan passief niets doen), het nagestreefde beschermingsniveau, een kostenͲbatenanalyse waarin de gezondheidsaspecten zijn 185 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ meegewogen,debewijslastinzakedenadeligeeffectenendetiming,deproportionaliteit van de voorzorgsmaatregelen, de onzekerheden en het gebrek aan kennis, de ernst van mogelijke nadelige effecten en het niveau waarop een voorlopige grenswaarde zou moeten worden vastgesteld. In de Europese regelgeving is het voorzorgsprincipe een fundamenteel principe, hetgeen industriële gebruikers van nanotechnologieën ertoe aan moetzettenzorgvuldigteoverwegenopwelkewijzezijdenieuwenanomaterialenbeogen toetepasseninhunprocessenenproducten,indiendeessentiëledatadiebenodigdzijn vooreenbetrouwbarerisicobeoordelingontbreken.Hetvoorzorgsprincipeiseenstimulans voordeindustrietothetformulerenvaneenvoorzorgsbenadering,waarmeezijdewijze operationaliseren waarop zij van plan zijn om te gaan met onzekere en ambivalente humaneͲ en milieurisico’s. Het voorzorgsprincipe stelt maatschappelijke groepen in de gelegenheidhuneigeninterpretatietegevenvandenormatievekwalificatievanveiligeen milieusparendenanomaterialenennanoproductenenombijtedragenaandeformulering vaneenmaatschappelijkaanvaardbarevoorzorgsbenadering. De nadruk in discussie over nanotechnologie ligt vooral op de risico’s van synthetische nanomaterialen, maar nanomaterialen worden ook gevormd door de elektrische apparatuur, door verhittingsͲ en verbrandingsprocessen of kunnen vrijkomen uitdefractienanodeeltjesingrovedeeltjesvormigematerialen.Inditproefschriftworden de nanodeeltjes die uit deze bronnen vrijkomen procesͲgegenereerde nanodeeltjes genoemd(inhetEngels:processͲgeneratednanoparticles–PGNPs). Deachtergrondconcentratievannanodeeltjesinhetmilieuisvariabelenwordtin het stedelijk milieu in grote mate bepaald door het verkeer en industriële emissies. In stedelijke gebieden met een lage luchtverontreiniging treft men gewoonlijk een achtergrondconcentratie aan van gemiddeld 10.000 tot 20.000 nanodeeltjes/cm3. Op de werkplek kan de concentratie van PGNPs in de werklucht (in aantallen deeltjes per cm3) aanzienlijk zijn. Waarschijnlijk zal de concentratie PGNPs in veel gevallen die van synthetische nanomaterialen overtreffen. Dus ook op werkplekken waar geen nanomaterialen worden gebruikt kunnen PGNPs de werklucht verontreinigen. Het is derhalvevanbelangomPGNPsookmeetenemeninderisicobeoordeling(RI&E)vannietͲ nano werkplekken als er verhittingsͲ of verbrandingsprocessen plaatsvinden, als er elektrische apparatuur wordt gebruikt of als er dispersieve poeders worden gebruikt waarineenfractienanodeeltjesaanwezigis(ofkanzijn). Indeparagraafovergrenswaardenvoorstoffenopdewerkplekwordtvastgesteld dat er vooralsnog geen wettelijke gezondheidskundige grenswaarden of geregistreerde “derived noͲeffect levels” (DNEL = afgeleide geenͲeffect niveaus) voor synthetische nanomaterialen beschikbaar zijn. Daarom, en ook vanwege de vele lacunes in kennis omtrent de risico’s van nanomaterialen, wordt het gebruik van nanoreferentiewaarden (NRV) voorgesteld. Nanoreferentiewaarden zijn op voorzorg gebaseerde grenswaarden betreffendedenanodeeltjesconcentratie(inaantallendeeltjes/cm3)opdewerkplek.Indit proefschriftwordendevolgendenanoreferentiewaardengebruikt(zietabel1). 186 Samenvatting Tabel 1, Nanoreferentiewaarden (NRVs) voor 4 klassen van synthetische nanomaterialen Klasse Beschrijving Dichtheid NRV (8‐uur tgg) Voorbeelden SWCNT, MWCNT of vezelvormige 1 2 Rigide, biopersistente nanovezels waarvoor asbest‐achtige effecten niet zijn uitgesloten Biopersistente, granulaire nanomaterialen in de range van 1 en 100 nm 3 ‐ 0,01 vezels/cm metaaloxiden waarvoor asbest‐achtige niet zijn uitgesloten door de fabrikant. Ag, Au, CeO2, CoO, Fe, FexOy, La, Pb, Sb2O5, > 6.000 kg/m³ 20.000 deeltjes/cm³ SnO2, Al2O3, SiO2, TiN, TiO2, ZnO, nanoklei 3 Biopersistente, granulaire en vezelvormige nanomaterialen in de range van 1 en 100 nm Carbon Black, C60, dendrimeren, polystyreen < 6.000 kg/m³ 40.000 deeltjes/cm³ Nanovezels waarvoor asbest‐achtige effecten expliciet zijn uitgesloten 4 Niet‐biopersistente granulaire nanomaterialen in de range van 1 en 100 nm Gangbare ‐ Vb.: vetten, keukenzout (=NaCl) grenswaarde Voor kortdurende piekblootstellingen van 15 minuten wordt een NRV15min‐tgg gebruikt van 2 x NRV8uur‐tgg. Hoofdstuk 2 beschrijft de capaciteitsopbouw van maatschappelijke organisaties, vakbonden en milieuorganisaties, met betrekking tot hun positionering inzake milieu, arbeidsomstandigheden en ethische aspecten van nanotechnologieën. Het kernpunt in hun opvattingen is dat de grote leemtes in kennis inzake beroepsmatige en milieurisico’s zijn weerslag moet vinden in het risicomanagement en het gebruik van nanomaterialen en producten die hiermee gefunctionaliseerd worden (in het Engels: ‘nano‐enabled products’, en in deze Nederlandse samenvatting kortweg ‘nanoproducten’). De maatschappelijke groepen pleiten er voor om bij het gebruik van nanoproducten het voorzorgsprincipe toe te passen en roepen de industrie en de overheden op een voorzorgsbenadering te operationaliseren. Zij formuleren zeven bouwstenen die het kader vormen voor een voorzorgsbenadering. 1. Geen data Æ geen blootstelling, en geen data Æ geen emissie 2. Rapportage van het gehalte en type nanomaterialen toegepast in het product 3. Registratie van werknemers die mogelijkerwijs blootgesteld worden aan nano‐ materialen 4. Transparante communicatie over bekende en onbekende risico’s 5. Afleiding van grenswaarden voor blootstelling op de werkplek 6. Ontwikkeling van een systeem voor vroegtijdige signalering van nadelige effecten 7. Goedkeuring voorafgaand aan alle toepassingen van nanotechnologieën en nanomaterialen als een centraal element van het beleid en wettelijk kader. Dit promotieonderzoek betreft met name de bouwstenen 1, 2 en 5 . Hoofdstuk 3 geeft een overzicht van het gebruik van synthetische nanomaterialen in de Europese bouwnijverheid en meubelindustrie. De bouwnijverheid past nanomaterialen voornamelijk toe in verven, cement en beton. Onderzoek in Europa onder vertegenwoordigers van werknemers en werkgevers toont een hoge mate van onwetendheid onder deze beroepsgroep betreffende de beschikbaarheid en gebruik van nanomaterialen in de sector en de veiligheid en gezondheidsaspecten hiervan. Een drietal 187 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ barrières staat een grootschalige acceptatie van nanoproducten in de weg. Dit zijn in de eersteplaatsdehogeproductkosten,deonzekerhedenoverdetechnischeprestatiesvan het nanoproduct op de lange termijn, en ook de onzekerheden aangaande de gezondheidsrisico’s van de producten. Blootstellingsmetingen uitgevoerd bij de verwerking (en bewerking) van nanoproducten door werknemers in de bouwnijverheid wijzen op een hiermee geassocieerde blootstelling die lager is dan de nanoreferentieͲ waarde.Erwerdendeeltjesindewerkluchtgemetenmeteendiametervariërendtussen de20en300nmmeteenmediaanbeneden53nm.Hetwasbinnenditonderzoekechter nietmogelijkomdezeblootstellingexpliciettoeteschrijvenaandegebruiktesynthetische nanodeeltjes,degebruiktenanoproductenofaandegebruikteelektrischeapparatuur.De meubelindustrie vertoont een vergelijkbaar beeld, maar verschilt van de bouwnijverheid vooral in het feit dat de werkzaamheden grotendeels binnenshuis plaatsvinden. In deze sector blijken nanomaterialen voornamelijk te worden toegepast in coatings (krasvaste, gemakkelijkͲteͲreinigen, bactericide, waterafstotende, olieafstotende en antiͲgraffiti coatings). De geïdentificeerde leemtes in informatie bij de gebruikers van nanoproducten, betreffende de beschikbaarheid, de baten en de potentiële risico’s van nanomaterialen wordenbevestigddoorhetonderzoeknaardeinformatievoorzieningoverditonderwerp in de verfketen. Hoewel het gebrek aan informatie doorgaans als bezwaarlijk wordt gekenschetst, wordt dit door gebruikers van nanoproducten, zoals in dit onderzoek schildersbedrijven,nietaltijdalsproblematischervaren,. Hoofdstuk 4 beschrijft concentratiemetingen in de werklucht die werden uitgevoerd bij verfbereiding, bij galvaniseren, bij de productie van tlͲbuizen, bij de productie van nietͲ spiegelendglas,bijhetfabricerenvanpigmentconcentratenenbijautoschadeherstel.De activiteiten die werden bestudeerd waren het verwerken van vaste poedervormige synthetische nanomaterialen, schuuractiviteiten, het verspuiten en verhitten van nanoproducten en het machinaal bewerken van oppervlakken behandeld met een nanocoating. De concentratie van nanodeeltjes in de lucht op de werkplek blijkt sterk beïnvloedtewordendoordefysischevormvandegebruiktenanoproducten,bijvoorbeeld ofhetnanomateriaalisopgenomenineenvloeistofofineenvastematrix.Bepalendzijn ookdegenomenblootstellingsbeperkendemaatregelen.HetblijktdatbestaandebeheersͲ maatregelen, die geïnstalleerd zijn om de blootstelling aan ‘conventionele’ stoffen te beheersen, zoals bijv. een afzuiginstallatie, veelal ook effectief de blootstelling aan nanodeeltjesreduceren.Hetconcentratieniveaudatopwerkplekkenwerdvastgesteld,en was gecorrigeerd voor de achtergrondconcentratie aan nanodeeltjes, kon soms wel oplopen tot enige miljoenen nanodeeltjes/cm3, vooral bij het gebruik van droge, poedervormige nanomaterialen. De tijdgewogengemiddelde (tgg) deeltjesconcentratie over een 8Ͳurige werkdag was doorgaans niet hoger dan de nanoreferentiewaarde. Wel bleek het dat er sprake kon zijn van kortdurende piekblootstellingen waarbij de 15Ͳ minuten tgg nanoreferentiewaarde soms overschreden werd, met name als er onvoldoende brongerichte beheersmaatregelen waren genomen. Op veel werkplekken kunnen de nanodeeltjes zowel afkomstig zijn van synthetische nanodeeltjes als van de processen en de gebruikte apparatuur (PGNPs). PGNPs leveren waarschijnlijk een significantebijdrageaandeblootstellingenkunneninderisicobeoordelingnietgenegeerd 188 Samenvatting __________________________________________________________________________________ worden. Er zijn ook sterke indicaties dat componenten die worden gebruikt in ‘gewone’ (nietͲnano) verven, zoals bijvoorbeeld CaCO3, CaSiO3 en talk, een substantiële fractie nanodeeltjesbevatten.Bijgebruikkunnenhieruitooknanodeeltjesindeluchtvrijkomen. Bijeenrisicobeoordelingmoetookmetdezepotentiëlebronnenterdegerekeningworden gehouden. De wettelijke plicht voor werkgevers in de Europese Unie om zorg te dragen voor een veilige werkplek is een uitdaging, zeker als er onvoldoende informatie voorhanden is en leemtes in kennis bestaan inzake de toxiciteit en de risico’s van synthetische nanomaterialen.Inhoofdstuk5wordtonderzochtwatdehoudingisvansleutelfigurenin de industrie, de vakbonden, brancheͲ en werkgeversorganisaties en beleidsmedewerkers bijdeoverheid,aangaandedenanoreferentiewaarden(NRVs)diekunnenwordengebruikt om sommige van deze knelpunten op te lossen. NRVs werden geïntroduceerd als een vrijwillig risicomanagement instrument. Zij zijn gebaseerd op voorzorg en als zodanig verschillenzeprincipieelvangezondheidskundigegrenswaarden.Eenmeetstrategiewerd ontwikkeld die werkgevers in staat moet stellen om de NRVs optimaal in de praktijk te gebruiken, terwijl zij ook rekening houden met gelijktijdig gevormde PGNP. De meeste bedrijven tonen zich gemotiveerd en proactief met betrekking tot de bescherming van werknemersenschikkenzichinhetgebruikvanNRVs.EenbelangrijkedrijfveeromNRVs tegebruikenlijktdevoorlopigezekerheidtezijndiehetgebruikgeeftmetbetrekkingtot hun wettelijke verplichting om preventieve maatregelen te nemen. Veel van de geïnterviewdenstellenhetvrijwilligekaraktervandeNRVsopprijs,hoewelvakbondenen enkelebedrijvendevoorkeurgevenaaneenbindendeverplichting. Hoofdstuk 6 maakt een onderlinge vergelijking van de risicobeoordeling die wordt verkregen met drie kwalitatieve risicomanagement instrumenten, die werden toegepast op de werkomstandigheden binnen de bedrijven die beschreven werden in hoofdstuk 4. DeuitkomstenwerdenvervolgensvergelekenmetdetoepassingvanhetNRVͲconcept.De bestudeerde control banding instrumenten zijn de Handleiding voor veilig werken met nanomaterialen en –producten (Guidance), de Control Banding Nanotool (CBN) en de Stoffenmanager Nano (SMN). De Guidance en de CBN maken een schatting van de potentiële emissie van synthetische nanodeeltjes, de SMN van de potentiële immissie. VastgesteldwerddatdeCBNendeSMNvooraleenhoogrisicoschatteningevalersprake isvanontbrekendedata.DeGuidancedaarentegenschatvooraleenhoogrisiconiveauals er dispersieve synthetische nanomaterialen worden gebruikt. Het blijkt dat de SMN een hogegevoeligheidheeftvoorveranderingendiewordenaangebrachtintoxiciteitsdata,en dat deze gevoeligheid laag is bij de CBN en de Guidance, terwijl de gevoeligheid voor veranderingendiewordenaangebrachtinblootstellingsdatahoogisvoordeCBNenlaagis voor de SMN en de Guidance. Vergelijkt men de resultaten verkregen met de control bandinginstrumenten,metmetingenvandedeeltjesaantallenconcentratiesinrelatietot hetNRVͲconcept,danblijkendecontrolbandinginstrumentenvooraleenhogerrisicointe schattenbijdebeoordelingvannanomaterialenmetmeerdereonbekendeeigenschappen. DeCBNendeSMNnegerenPGNPsalspotentiëleblootstellingsbronenkunnenalszodanig hetpotentiëlerisicovanblootstellingaannanodeeltjesonderschatten.DeGuidanceneemt de PGNPs evenmin mee in de risicoschatting, maar attendeert de gebruiker wel op deze 189 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach mogelijke bron en adviseert bij een hoge risicoschatting om additionele metingen uit te voeren. Alle drie de instrumenten leveren een bijdrage aan de kennis van de werkgevers en werknemers over de potentiële risico’s van nanomaterialen. Hoofdstuk 7 reflecteert op de mening van een internationaal forum over de bruikbaarheid en aanvaarbaarheid van de NRV als substituut voor de nog niet vastgestelde gezondheidskundige grenswaarden en DNEL waarden voor synthetische nanomaterialen. Deelnemers in het forum waren vertegenwoordigers van middelgrote en kleine bedrijven (MKB), grote bedrijven, vakbonden, overheden, onderzoeksinstituten en maatschappelijke groepen. Onderwerpen die werden bediscussieerd waren de meeteenheden waarin nanomaterialen zouden moeten worden gemeten, de simultane blootstelling aan synthetische nanodeeltjes en PGNPs, de toepassing van het voorzorgsprincipe, het gebrek aan informatie betreffende welke synthetische nanomaterialen worden toegepast in producten, en of niet‐dwingende regelgeving kan voldoen ingeval blootstellingsbeheersing een voorzorgsbenadering vereist. De workshop concludeerde dat de NRV, als 8‐uur tijdgewogengemiddelde waarde, een begrijpelijk en bruikbaar instrument is voor risicomanagement van het professionele gebruik van dispersieve synthetische nano‐ materialen. De vraag blijft echter bestaan of de NRVs, zoals ze geadviseerd worden door de Nederlandse werkgeversorganisaties en vakbonden voor risicomanagement, een vrijwillig toe te passen instrument zou moeten blijven, of dat het beter is om ze een meer bindend karakter te geven. Hoofdstuk 8 trekt algemene conclusies. Er werd vastgesteld dat het professionele eindgebruikers, consumenten en maatschappelijke organisaties in hoge mate aan kennis ontbreekt over welke synthetische nanomaterialen worden toegepast in producten die op de markt worden gebracht. Deze onbekendheid betreft zowel het soort nanomaterialen als hun gedrag. Er bestaan grote leemtes in kennis over het potentieel vrijkomen van synthetische nanomaterialen gedurende het beoogde gebruik van de producten, maar ook gedurende de gehele levenscyclus. De kennis over de toxiciteit van nanomaterialen groeit wel snel, maar ook op dit punt bestaan er momenteel nog grote hiaten in de kennis, waardoor de onzekerheid over potentiele gezondheidsrisico’s gevoed wordt. Momenteel is nanotoxicologie, de studie van de nadelige effecten van nanodeeltjes, nog een wetenschap in opkomst. Ondanks de vele kennishiaten worden synthetische nanomaterialen in toenemende mate toegepast in producten en vindt er emissie en blootstelling plaats. Tegelijkertijd onderschrijven regelgevers, industrie en andere belanghebbenden allen het belang van het toepassen van het voorzorgsprincipe zolang de onzekerheden en ambiguïteiten bestaan. Hun opvattingen over de wijze waarop het voorzorgsprincipe zou moeten worden geoperationaliseerd voor toepassing in de nanotechnologiepraktijk, lopen echter uiteen. De maatschappelijke groepen formuleerden de expliciete eis om het voorzorgsprincipe te operationaliseren in een praktisch toepasbare voorzorgsbenadering. Zij vatten hun eisen samen in zeven bouwstenen waarmee ze vormgeven aan de door hen beoogde voorzorgsbenadering, hetgeen bij de industrie en regelgevers tot diverse initiatieven heeft geleid. Een van de initiatieven is de ontwikkeling van voorlopige nanoreferentiewaarden als substituut voor de nog niet ontwikkelde gezondheidskundige grenswaarden en DNELs. 190 Samenvatting __________________________________________________________________________________ Hetonderzoektoontaandatdeblootstellingaansynthetischenanomaterialenop deonderzochteNederlandsewerkplekken,gecorrigeerdvoordeachtergrondconcentratie engemiddeldovereen8Ͳurigewerkdag,inhetalgemeenbenedendeNRVblijft.Hetblijkt datbestaandebeheersmaatregelen,dieinbedrijvenzijngenomenomdeblootstellingaan ‘conventionele’stoffentebeheersen,doorgaansookefficiëntzijnomdeblootstellingaan nanodeeltjestebeheersen.Deemissievansynthetischenanomaterialenhangtsterkafvan de procesomstandigheden, maar voor de werkplekken die werden bestudeerd, kon de blootstelling veelal worden gekarakteriseerd aan de hand van kortdurende piekblootstellingen.DezekortdurendepiekconcentratieskunnenincidenteeldeNRVvoor een15Ͳminutentijdgewogengemiddeldeperiodeoverschrijden. Ook wordt er geconcludeerd dat de nanodeeltjesconcentratie (in aantal deeltjes per volume) op werkplekken kan worden gedomineerd door nanodeeltjes die worden gevormd in het proces of door de apparatuur (PGNPs). Deze kunnen niet worden genegeerdinderisicobeoordeling.Bijveelprocessenishetmogelijkomaandehandvan een stapsgewijze meetstrategie een onderscheid te maken tussen de achtergrondͲ concentratie,dePGNPsendesynthetischenanodeeltjes.Indienhetonderscheidopdeze wijze gemaakt kan worden is het veelal niet noodzakelijk om luchtmonsters met behulp van fysischͲchemische analysemethoden volledig te karakteriseren. In die gevallen is het goedmogelijkomdeNRValsrisicomanagementstrategietegebruiken. HetblijktdathetNRVͲconcepteenbruikbareenacceptabelemethodiekisvoorde bedrijven die bestudeerd werden. Deze bedrijven zijn proactief in het risicomanagement vannanodeeltjesenzijaccepterenhetgebruikvandeNRValseenmiddelomtevoldoen aan hun zorgplicht voor een veilige werkplek. Veel bedrijven prefereren de NRV als een vrijwilliginstrument,maardevakbondeneneenminderheidvandebedrijvendenkendaar andersover.Zijpreferereneeninstrumentmetmeerbindendkarakter.Destatusvande NRV als standͲvanͲdeͲwetenschap en de erkenning hiervan door regelgevers, schept vertrouwenvoorhetinstrumentenkanhetverderegebruikstimuleren. 191 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach __________________________________________________________________________________ 192 Epiloog 193 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 194 Epiloog Epiloog N a meer dan dertig jaren op het grensvlak van wetenschap en samenleving en risico’s van chemische stoffen voor mens en milieu toch nog een proefschrift. Een moment om kort terug te blikken op wat er aan vooraf ging. Het aantal werkgevers was niet bepaald indrukwekkend, van Wetenschapswinkel naar Chemiewinkel en vandaar naar IVAM. Het voordeel is dat je binnen de beperkte huisvestingsradius van enige honderden meters, van de Sarphatistraat, naar de Nieuwe Achtergracht, naar de Roetersstraat en uiteindelijk op meerdere plekken aan de Plantage Muidergracht, de weg tenminste niet kwijtraakt. De inhoud van het werk was dynamischer en de Chemiewinkel, waar mijn feitelijke carrière begon, wist zich op het gebied van de bedenkelijke rol die chemische stoffen voor mens en milieu kunnen spelen, een prominente plaats te veroveren. Het milieuprobleem werd eind van de jaren zeventig pas echt goed ontdekt, tot ver onder het maaiveld. Bodemverontreiniging werd een nationaal probleem, de Volgermeerpolder, de Diemerzeedijk en vele andere verontreinigde locaties brachten hele dorpen op de been. Het Burgercomité Broek in Waterland bracht de dioxineproblematiek direct de universiteit binnen en benadrukte daarmee het belang van maatschappelijk gericht onderwijs en onderzoek en legitimeerde universitaire medewerkers en studenten om in hun werk en in hun studie het probleem te helpen oplossen. Met schep, emmer en lege jampotjes gingen we op pad. Illustere groepen die ten strijde trokken tegen de industrie klopten aan voor advies: Aktiegroep Tegengif op de Nieuwendammerdijk, op pad tegen de uitstoot van Ketjen, het latere AKZO, Aktiegroep Cindroom ten strijde tegen teer en PAKs van de Cindu in Uithoorn. Vele anderen volgden. Met Stichting Reinwater, al jaren gezamenlijk in strijd met tuinders in het Westland tegen de zoutlozingen van de Franse kalimijnen in de Rijn, werden lozingen van fabrieken langs de Rijn geïdentificeerd en bestreden. Honderden liters afvalwater werden uit de lozingspijpen onder water opgezogen, en de dioxines werden aan boord van het aktieschip geconcentreerd. Dichter bij huis werd het stankverspreidende bedrijf Rutte Recycling bij Halfweg bestreden met snuffelploegen, olfactometers en onderzoek naar biofiltratie. Dat was het begin en vele jaren volgden waarin het milieuprobleem steeds professioneler werd aangepakt, en waarin deskundigheid een steeds grotere rol ging spelen. Ook op de werkplek werden de chemische stoffen ontdekt en ook hier waren acties aan de orde van de dag, veelal met vakbonden in de voorste linie, toen nog het NVV en het NKV met hun vele afzonderlijke bonden die later gezamenlijk de FNV vormden. Nog onwetend van wat zich allemaal in het harde bedrijfsleven afspeelde trok ook ik met een horde chemiewinkeliers ten strijde voor de onderliggende in de samenleving. Ook hier illustere groepen zoals de bedrijfsledengroep Hoogovens die in praktisch iedere deelfabriek, van de Oxystaal, de Kooksovens tot de Centrale Werkplaats chemische misstanden aankaartten, en de strijd aanging met de bedrijfsleiding en de bedrijfsartsen. Eens per maand waren er bijeenkomsten van de Districts Advies Commissie Veiligheid, Gezondheid en Welzijn; een groep van 15 – 20 gemotiveerde werknemers uit bedrijven rondom Amsterdam, ik als 195 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach adviseur chemische stoffen. En dan bespraken we waarmee gewerkt werd en wat er misging. Over wat chemische stoffen allemaal voor verschrikkelijke dingen konden aanrichten bij werknemers was destijds nog maar weinig bekend, zowel bij de werkgever als bij de werknemer. In die begin tachtiger jaren doemden de organische oplosmiddelen op als bedreiging voor menige beroepsgroep, een oplosmiddel voor menige stof, maar een bindmiddel voor de actie. Aanvankelijk werd het vermoeden nog verwoord met voorzichtige vragen zoals: “kan het zijn dat mijn dagelijkse hoofdpijn door de verf veroorzaakt wordt?”, of, “mijn man gedraagt zich de laatste jaren steeds vreemder, kan dit met zijn werk te maken hebben?” Gaandeweg werd duidelijk dat schilders, drukkers, tapijtleggers, reinigers en tal van anderen werden blootgesteld aan onoorbare concentraties die in het ernstigste geval tot vroegtijdige dementie konden leiden. Herkenning van de problematiek, erkenning van de relatie van de klachten met het werk, de lastige diagnose van patiënten in het Solvent Team, de substitutie van oplosmiddelhoudende producten, moesten allemaal stuk voor stuk bevochten worden. De strijd werd heftig gevoerd met de vakbonden, tot op het Binnenhof met oplosmiddelslachtoffers, soms tot in de rechtszaal, en resulteerde tot slot, aan het einde van de negentiger jaren, in vervangingsverplichtigen voor oplosmiddelhoudende producten voor professioneel gebruik. Dit was een van de laatste mijlpalen waarin het Nederlandse arbobeleid, nog onafhankelijk van Europa, voor een eigen weg koos. Ook die tijden zijn veranderd. In Europa was ik al enige jaren bezig met het European Work Hazards Network, een groep van arbo‐activisten, die aanvankelijk in nauwe samenwerking met de regenboogfractie in het Europees Parlement, sinds eind van de jaren tachtig een kritische noot liet horen aangaande belastende arbeidsomstandigheden. Het globale karakter van veel beroepsgebonden aandoeningen werd duidelijk, we konden veel leren van hetgeen er in de landen om heen plaatsvond. Het betekende tevens het begin van Europese samenwerking in vele roemruchte Europese substitutieprojecten, zoals Subsprint aangaande reinigingsmiddelen in de grafische industrie, Sumovera met de betonontkistingsmiddelen in de bouw, LLINCWA aangaande het smeermiddelengebruik in activiteiten in en rondom de binnen‐ en kustwateren. Het betekende ook samenwerking met grote bedrijven. Belastende producten werd de wacht aangezegd en van alternatieven werd aangetoond dat zij prima als substituut konden dienen. Ook de Europese Commissie werd directe opdrachtgever toen we werkten aan de onderbouwing van de Europese verfrichtlijn, die het oplosmiddelgehalte in decoratieve verven moest terugdringen. De hele Europese verfketen kwam over de vloer, spannende tijden. Van andere orde was de samenwerking met restauratoren. Met hen werd onderzoek gedaan naar de oorzaak van specifieke verbruining van prenten in passe‐ partouts in archieven. Ook was er de zoektocht naar mogelijke kristalvorming in papier bij toepassing van massaontzuringsprocessen bij verzuurde boeken in bibliotheken. Detectiveachtig onderzoeken met verrassende uitkomsten. Met kunstenaars werden vooral risicovolle kunstenaarsmaterialen onder de loep genomen en afgezet tegen de ongebruikelijke arbeidsomstandigheden. Begin van het nieuwe millennium doemden donkere wolken aan de horizon. De faculteit besloot zijn activiteiten te rationaliseren, terug naar wat ook de universitaire managers hun “core‐business” noemden, en alle activiteiten die niet tot het fundamentele 196 Epiloog onderzoek konden werden gerekend, of tot de centrale onderwijstaken behoorden, konden maar beter verdwijnen. De Chemiewinkel werd gedwongen om te privatiseren, en te fuseren met IVAM UvA BV, de private onderzoeksgroep die jaren daarvoor al was afgesplitst van de toenmalige interfacultaire vakgroep Milieukunde. In 2005 werd daarvoor de laatste steen gelegd. Als afdeling Chemische Risico’s gingen we door en toen in die periode de discussie over de toepassing van nanotechnologie opdoemde en de risico’s van nanodeeltjes veel onzekerheid genereerde, sprongen we daar vol in en organiseerden het project NanoCap dat werkte aan de capaciteitsopbouw van de Europese vakbeweging en milieubeweging op dit nieuwe terrein. Aan de discussie over de risico’s van nanodeeltjes, hun potentiële nadelige milieueffecten en de ethische aspecten van de toepassing van nanotechnologie werd volop deelgenomen. NanoCap werd toonaangevend in Europa. Het stelde de vakbeweging en milieubeweging in staat om voorop te lopen in de discussie en de agenda in belangrijke mate te bepalen. De bouwstenen voor de voorzorgsbenadering, the building blocks for a precautionary approach, uitgekristalliseerd in vele discussies binnen NanoCap, werden onderwerp van mijn proefschrift en werden op een aantal punten verder uitgediept. Dit gold met name de ontwikkeling van nanoreferentiewaarden, die bij het ontbreken van gezondheidskundige grenswaarden als substituut hiervoor konden worden ingezet. De Commissie Grenswaarden van de Sociaal Economische Raad, waar ik reeds enige jaren namens de FNV in deelnam, bleek een uitgelezen platform om dit instrument in maatschappelijke zin verder te operationaliseren. Gezamenlijk hebben we hier een belangrijke mijlpaal in het nanoland neergezet. Dat het tot een promotie is gekomen is op zich een verassende wending geweest. Herstructureringen, reorganisaties en directeurswisselingen binnen IVAM verleidden de UvA Holding, waar IVAM organisatorisch onderdeel van uitmaakt, ertoe om mij het genereuze aanbod te doen om in halve werktijd over vier jaar een promotieonderzoek uit te voeren. Het onderwerp kon ik zelf bepalen, op voorwaarde dat de promotie binnen de UvA plaats zou vinden. Nanotechnologie lag voor de hand vanwege de verwachte grote maatschappelijk impact. In dit verband was vooral interessant de omgang met onzekerheden, de grote leemtes in kennis, de potentiële risico’s van nanomaterialen toegepast in producten waarvan nog geen verantwoorde risicobeoordeling gemaakt kan worden, en in dit verband de operationalisering van het voorzorgsprincipe en de rol van maatschappelijke groepen hierin. Het zijn onderwerpen waar ik in ander verband in feite indirect al jaren meer of minder gericht mee bezig was en ze kwamen samen in de nanotechnologie, op het grensvlak van wetenschap en samenleving. Toch had ik aanvankelijk meer ambities. Ik had aanvankelijk gedacht ook nog het onderzoek te kunnen combineren met onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de toepassing van nanotechnologie en tijdsgebonden biologische processen en kringlopen. Als trigger voor de milieuproblematiek en belastende arbeidsomstandigheden boeit het idee van het manipuleren van de tijd mij al jaren; het reduceren van tijdsgebonden processen in steeds kleinere tijdseenheden, dat dit niet zonder consequenties kan blijven en hoe wij daar als samenleving op worden afgerekend. Maar ik moet toegeven, dat was een brug te ver in het onderhavige onderzoek. Ook mijn idee om als zijweggetje in het onderzoek toepassingen van nano in de kunst en restauratietechniek te onderzoeken is er niet van gekomen. Wellicht wat laat in mijn ontwikkeling leerde ik in het promotieonderzoek dat beperking een voorwaarde is om in de wetenschappelijke wereld een stap vooruit te zetten en dat je je moet voegen in het 197 NanoMatters - Building Blocks for a Precautionary Approach keurslijf van het wetenschappelijke bedrijf. Het was vooral Lucas Reijnders die zich als promotor, en onvermoeibaar strijder voor een gezond milieu, mij heeft ondersteund in het vinden van de juiste vraagstellingen en in het beperken tot hetgeen er echt gecommuniceerd moet worden. En dan is het verrassend te realiseren dat die beperking transparantie en meerwaarde oplevert. In de beperking toont zich de meester. Er blijft dus nog een hoop over om na afloop mee door te gaan. Veel proefschriften eindigen met een lijst van mensen die bedankt worden. Dat doe ik niet, maar al de mensen met wie ik de afgelopen vijfendertig jaar heb samengewerkt, weten dat hun eigenzinnigheid mij veel heeft geleerd, dat ik niet zonder ze had gekund en dat ik ze in mijn hart heb gesloten. 198