Vol 15 June 2009
Vol 15 June 2009
KOALAS IN CARE Newsletter Servicing the Greater Taree, Great Lakes & Gloucester Areas KOALAS IN CARE INC PO Box 1249, Taree NSW 2430 Email: [email protected] www.koalasincare.org.au 24hr Koala Rescue June 2009 (02) 6552 2183 Volume 15 4th Anniversary Edition - Founded 1 July 2005 New Enclosure for Boobook & Friends Our new fully-enclosed yard for Boobook and the orphaned joeys is now complete and is in full use. How wonderful this is - the current babies are having loads of fun climbing, jumping and generally being mischievous. Being fully enclosed means they get to stay out after dark and pretend to be real wild koalas. This has been made possible due to a very generous donation from Craig Gibbins from Protective Fencing and we thank Craig very much. Koalas In Care could not have possibly afforded to build such an enclosure. Not only did Craig donate all the materials for the enclosure but he also had it delivered to Taree from Somersby on the Central Coast. We also thank Paul Fechney and Mandy Penhall for their help with the construction. Too big a job for us to undertake we were pleased to have their assistance to get the job completed. Paul F prefabricated the walls and roof sections before delivering them to the facility for completion. This was a great help which made putting it together faster and much quieter considering we had several koalas in care at the time. The weather was not kind to us during the construction stage with the sun cooking us one day and the next was freezing cold and raining. The two Pauls braved the rain and worked on regardless to complete the enclosure to lock-up stage. We must also thank Vanessa and Elaine Standing for their very kind donation towards the bits and pieces needed to complete the project. A very sincere thank you to all who were involved from Boobook and friends!! President Paul’s Report The current period of wet weather is certainly testing us all and hampering activities such as restricting access to leaf cutting areas, rain falling on cue at shift time trying everyone’s patience and the 10hr detour Christeen and Mandy had to take to get home from the recent Koala Conference held at Lismore. As reported previously our ‘Food For Furry Fellas’ tree farm project is progressing well with a welcome boost of funds recently granted from Holiday Coast Credit Union which will cover costs for our first two farms. The support from other agencies and individuals has also meant we can achieve our goal more quickly. It is planned that farms one and two will be planted this coming spring. Greater Taree City Council has been holding workshops to allow the public to put forward their ideas for inclusion in the Manning Valley Community Plan. This is a long term plan to shape the area’s future direction. Our submission proposed that the Draft Shire-Wide Koala Plan of Management, a Tree Preservation Order and an Environmental Levy were crucial in protecting our area’s koalas. Christeen and I recently attended a Dept. of Fair Trading information session where we were informed of new legislation coming into force in late 2009 concerning Incorporated Associations such as KIC. New items include more flexibility and simplified procedures to benefit the running of groups. It also highlighted the need to ensure good practises are used when holding raffles. It has been very pleasing to receive so much support from businesses and individuals by way of items for our raffles which are a source of income to support our work. I would like to thank the facility team for doing extra shifts and supporting me while I was filling Christeen’s role as Facility Manager while she and Mandy were away at the Conference in Lismore. While everything went smoothly despite the weather conditions, I think we were all very pleased to see them return safely. Kia bellowing HABITAT REPORT by Paul McLeod A recent site inspection of Tree Farm No 1 was held with NPWS Area Manager, Kevin Carter and Field Worker, Tim Milliken in view of slashing long grass ready for our spring planting. Recent heavy rain will obviously delay this work. Country Energy in conjunction with its contractors, Active Tree Service, have generously offered support by way of clean mulch for our project. Great Lakes Council recently put on exhibition a Draft Development Control Plan to guide the future expansion of the Pacific Palms area south of Forster. The koala population is low and under extreme pressure and we have, through our submission, suggested stronger restrictions and actions be adopted to help the area’s koalas. Recent alarming legislation put to the NSW Parliament proposed hunting of natives and release of feral bird species into National Parks. This is obscene and dangerous to our rescuers who often travel through these areas to rescue or check on koalas reported to us as needing help. National Parks should be fully protected and not used as target practice for a minority element of the community. Thankfully the Bill has been rejected but I expect another attempt at similar legislation in the future. Leaf collecting has been severely limited due to the current wet conditions with many of our areas inaccessible. There has also been an explosion of ’spitfire’ grubs on several species just to make collecting a bit more hazardous. Page 2 KOALA CARE FACILITY REPORT by Christeen McLeod, Koala Care Facility Manager March - May has been very quiet regarding incoming patients with only one koala per month being admitted. However in our facility we still have two joeys being reared and several adults undergoing treatment. Patient updates: Boobook remains well and is enjoying her new enclosure. Tallow has improved and is putting on weight slowly. She is spending time with Boobook and is practising to be a wild koala. Larni has responded well to her treatment for wet bottom. She will be kept in care over winter allowing her time to grow and mature. Timmy has not responded as well to his treatment for wet bottom to date. CeeBee is doing very well as an orphan. He is having fun, building skills in preparation for his release come spring and generally being a torment to the girls in the enclosure. He is doing a very good job at becoming a wild koala. (See admissions on the next page for further information). The facility is looking like a bog hole at present with the persistent heavy rain. Conditions have made the day to day activities hazardous and very time consuming. The amount of washing generated from sick koalas is always a problem during wet weather. The washing machine and dryer operate constantly and we all pray for sunshine. There has been some changes on the facility team with Michelina giving up her position on Mondays to pursue other interests after almost three years on the team. I thank Michelina and wish her well in her other endeavours. I look forward to her continued involvement on the Management Committee and as a working member. Tina Collins has completed her basic training and will be filling the Monday position in the interim to advance her skills. Mandy is enjoying her advanced training involving rescues, pickups and many other activities. My First Koala Conference I made it to my first koala Conference at Lismore in May. Luckily the Conference wasn’t called off due to the heavy rain and flooding. Unfortunately some of the speakers got evacuated the night before. Some parts were really sad especially Dr Jon Hanger’s presentation on Koala Retro-virus, with the enormity of the range of symptoms and how literally devastating it could be for our koalas. On the brighter side there were speakers there that gave you goose-bumps and I thought how lucky our koalas are to have them on their side. by Mandy Penhall Top right: Looking across paddocks Lismore to Casino Road I know Christeen won’t give herself a big enough pat on the back so I am - Christeen left all the dramas of the day at the door and delivered her presentation with confidence and pride. She was really well prepared with KIC’s presentation and slide show up on the big screen of photos and data which I thought was very informative. Above: Mandy at the Lismore levy gates. We should all be proud of Christeen, she has put KIC on the map. Thank you Christeen from all the furry fellas and all of us who care. KOALAS IN CARE Admissions March - May 2009 Date Name 26/5/02 Boobook 7/4/08 Age Sex Reason for Admission Area Result AM F Will remain in care due to her Tinonee disability & ongoing treatment. Permanent Care - remains well Tallow Joey F Abandoned in logging area heavy tick infestation + head trauma Elands In care - making better progress 17/1/09 Timmy AM M Wet Bottom - poor condition Tinonee In care - treatment continuing 18/1/09 Kia AM M MVA - head trauma Gloucester Released 17/3/09 7/2/09 Gateway AM M Bilateral Conjunctivitis advanced (See story) Taree South Released 12/5/09 13/2/09 CeeBee Joey M Abandoned & dehydrated Crowdy Bay National Park In care - maturing with no problems (A twin) 15/2/09 Larni Juv F Wet Bottom & mild conjunctivitis Tinonee In care - progressing well 23/3/09 Swampie Juv F MVA - minor injuries Tinonee Released 9/4/09 30/4/09 Mileena AY F MVA - slow to recover Old Bar In care Further tests being done 29/5/09 Turtle AM M Bilateral conjunctivitis requiring surgery Died 3/6/09 Wallabi Point In care Above: Tallow spending time in the new enclosure Left: CeeBee relaxing in the sunshine Page 4 Koala Conference - Lismore ‘Friends of the Koala’ hosted a Koala Conference in May at Lismore. KIC was represented at the Conference by Christeen McLeod and Mandy Penhall. Unfortunately the Conference coincided with the severe weather event which caused major flooding in the Northern Rivers area. While some who travelled to Lismore were evacuated prior to the Conference commencing, others like us were flooded in and found the Conference to be a welcome distraction to the weather. Held at Southern Cross University the day was filled with interesting presentations including Dr David Lloyd, Southern Cross University; Mark Graham, Coffs Harbour City Council; Jamie Morton, Catchment Management Authority; Sue Higginson, Environmental Defender’s Office; and Dr John Hanger, Australia Zoo. Wildlife groups were represented and presentations were given by Christeen McLeod, Koalas In Care; Audrey Koosmen, Native Animal Trust Fund; Cheyne Flanagan, Koala Preservation Society; and Barbara Dobner, Friends of the Koala. At the end of the day a lengthy discussion took place reviewing key points raised by speakers and attendees. Outcomes were prioritised, recommendations were formulated and actions were determined. There were no great surprises for those of us working with koalas. The message was the same from all the represented groups up and down the coast - continued habitat loss, localised extinction of koalas, increase in disease affecting koalas, Government at all levels not listening to those at the front line, lack of funding for research, lack of funding for groups caring for koalas, ineffective legislation to protect koalas, and the outdated SEPP 44 needs to independently reviewed immediately. There will be a strong push from those working with koalas to have the status of the koala elevated at a Federal level. Sadly, while I feel that we as koala carers know our koalas are sick and in trouble, it hits home when the likes of Dr Jon Hanger talk about the level of disease that is ravishing our koala population. Infectious disease such as chlamydia, retrovirus, koala AIDS, as well as leukaemia and cancer and yet all levels of Government are hesitant to implement measures to protect koala habitat and koalas. Obviously they just don’t get it and would prefer to wait until its too late. Christeen delivers KOALAS IN CARE’s presentation at the Conference. ENVIROFAIR The Envirofair was held 6th June. Amazingly the sun shone but it was extremely soggy underfoot. A good crowd attended and it was again a great opportunity for us to talk koalas with the general public. We held a day raffle and the winners were: Tina & Mandy on the KIC stall at the Envirofair 1st Prize: Bev Pettersen 2nd Prize: Gisela Duber 3rd Prize: Marjory Spence 4th Prize: Hanne De-chelard There was a lot of interest in our stall and lots of questions asked regarding koala issues. We thank the community for their support of our work with koalas. Page 5 HOLIDAY COAST CREDIT UNION Pet Barn Expo Community Partnership Grants 2009 Held 15 March 2009 KIC applied for funding through the HCCU Community Partnership Program for the first two tree farms. The funding will be used to purchase items which will be required to complete the plantings such as mulch, stakes, potting mix, etc. This was a great opportunity for KIC to KIC has received a grant of $1000. Paul attended the presentation and morning tea on behalf of KIC at the Holiday Coast Credit Union. 2nd Prize - Dani Lawless - pet goods do- speak to the general public about koalas as there was a good crowd in attendance. The day proved to be quite profitable for the group. A raffle was held on the day with the winners being: 1st Prize - Keith Sumpner - pet goods donated by Taree Pet Barn. nated by Taree Veterinary Hospital. Thank you to those who volunteered on the day and to Taree Pet Barn and Taree Veterinary Hospital for donating the prizes. WANTED - Fencing Material Plans are now underway to establish our No 3 Tree Farm. To achieve this goal we are in need of a supply of fencing timber. We are looking for a contact within the Taree/ Wingham area that would be willing to donate the following items: 7 x strainer posts; 8 x stays; 15 x normal posts. (Tallowwood, White Mahogany or Stringybark is preferred) LARNI CAN YOU HELP? 6552 2183 A Successful Working Bee During April we held a Working Bee/Social Day at our house to pot up the seedlings for the first two tree farms. As you know we have generous people who have put their hand up to help with land for the ‘Food For Furry Fellas Tree Farm Project’ and this means many seeds have to be raised for planting. The day was great weather wise. We started at about 11am with many hands making light work because a couple of hours later we had potted up about 300 plants. We have had about an 85% success rate which is good for our first effort. After the Working Bee was completed we enjoyed a B.B.Q lunch and relaxed in the sun enjoying a chat. Thank you everyone who came along, Michelina. Lou, Nancy, Christeen, Paul, Tina, Dave, Jye and Jess. Thanks again from Mandy, Paul, Jaxon, Declan & Skye. Page 6 Development at Cundletown A development site opposite Cundletown Airport consumed a lot of time during April. Reports of koalas being in the vicinity during clearing activities were taken from members of the public. Inspections by KIC were carried out daily with one female koala known to KIC for about ten years located nearby. She spent several days in the same tree but eventually moved on. She has since been sighted visiting her favourite trees in the nearby area. While various agencies were notified of this clearing and the fact that a female koala was in the area nothing was done. Another case of loopholes in legislation that is supposed to protect koalas and their habitat. The irony of this is our koala sign saying that koalas live in the area sits on the edge of this clearing. A Huge Thank you! Raising funds to cover our expenses that are incurred doing our koala work is very hard especially in today’s economic climate. To our generous supporters who kindly make donations to KIC we sincerely thank you. You make our job easier and we couldn’t continue to do this work without your assistance. Paul & Mandy return from a rescue National Volunteers Week 2009 Christeen was recently nominated and received recognition of her outstanding volunteer services and special contributions to the well-being of the community as part of her work with KIC. Paul and Christeen attended a presentation at Greater Taree City Council where she was presented with a certificate and badge by Mayor Paul Hogan and Councillors Mave Richardson and Katherine Bell. The presentation was followed by morning tea and recognised about 20 volunteers from various organisations in the community. Congratulations Christeen! Supporters of KIC Taree Veterinary Hospital Manning River Times 47 Chatham Avenue, Taree Wingham Chronicle Vets, Donald Hood, Stuart Knox, Rob Brudar & Staff at their fantastic new Hospital for their caring attitudes, advice & ongoing support in the treating of our special koala patients. Great Lakes Advocate Gloucester Advocate Prime TV Kevin Carter (Area Manager Manning NPWS) & Staff NBN TV for ongoing support & guidance. Southern Cross Ten Terry Evans (Area Manager Barrington Tops NPWS) & Staff Agile Filly for ongoing support & guidance. Exciting Website Design & Development Geraldine Kirby, Mob: 0429 331 109 Bushland Fair Newsagency Mudford Street, Taree Bushland Bakery Chatham Avenue, Taree Bayer Australia for their donation of ‘Baytril’ to treat our koalas. Ingelheim Boehringer for donating ‘Metacam’ to treat our koalas. Barrier Signs 29 Grey Gum Road, Taree Marloy Pastries 1 Olympia Street, Taree Nancy Dixon Charcoal Chicken 28 Pulteney Street, Taree Taree Pet Barn Whitbread Street, Taree Coopernook Service Station Bowen Therapist - Mudford Street, Taree The Lunch Spot Pets Direct Whitbread Street, Taree Stockland Shopping Complex, Forster The Reef Bar & Grill Mik’s Pet Barn 1/2-6 Wharf Street, Forster Enterprise Court, Forster Kate - The Soap Lady P & A Haulage Experience the luxury of Kate’s beautiful homemade range of goats milk & vegetable oil soaps 48 tonne Tipper Hire Ph: 6557 0080 0429 999 069 Page 8 Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed in reports/articles published in this newsletter are not to be necessarily taken as being the opinion of KOALAS IN CARE INC. but rather the author’s personal opinion. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of any information in the newsletter published in good faith as supplied to the Editor. The President & Editor reserve the right to edit any article submitted for publication. DECC Licence No: MWL000100263 ABN 78 337 974 646 KOALAS IN CARE Inc. Servicing Greater Taree, Great Lakes & Gloucester Areas Management Committee 2008 - 2009 Office Bearers: Paul McLeod - President/Habitat Coordinator Christeen McLeod - Vice President/Secretary Mandy Penhall - Treasurer Calendar KIC 4th Anniversary 1 July 2009 Management Meeting 9 August 2009 Annual General Meeting - 13 Sept Committee: Nancy Dixon - Fundraising Coordinator Do you wish to receive your Vacant - Committee Member newsletter by email? Michelina Sirianni - Committee Member Please send your email address Other Positions: to [email protected] Aimee McLeod - Newsletter Editor Paul McLeod - NSW Wildlife Council Representative NB Please disregard if you already receive your newsletter by email. Christeen McLeod - Facility Manager/Public Officer/ NSW Wildlife Council Alternate Representative Dr Donald Hood B.V.M.S. - Patron Ron Witham B. Comm. ACIS CPA - Auditor NB All above positions are honorary James Paton (Paton Hooke Lawyers) - Legal Advisor All Koalas admitted to our Facility are treated by Taree Veterinary Hospital Veterinarians MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOW DUE Please pay by 1 July 2009 WANT TO HELP KOALAS? MAKE A DONATION TO KIC OR BECOME A SUPPORTING MEMBER!!!
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