WALTHAM RECREATION Summer 2016 510 Moody Street Waltham, MA 02453 (781) 314-3475 www.city.waltham.ma.us ON-LINE REGISTRATION WALK-IN REGISTRATION Begins Thursday, March 31 at 9:00 a.m. Concludes Friday, April 8 at 12:00 noon To register, go to: www.city.waltham.ma.us Follow the link to the Recreation Department. On-Line Registration is for Waltham residents only Non-residents may call the office for registration policies/program cost. Begins Wednesday, April 13, 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. On Thursday, April 14 registration continues during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Registration is held at the Waltham Recreation Department, 510 Moody Street, Entrance on Alder St. Please ring bell. SUMMER REGISTRATION RESTRICTIONS A percentage of openings will be available during online registration. All weeks will have openings during walk in registration. You are restricted to a maximum of 2 weeks for the following program: Summer Chill Zone Program A waitlist will be made available beginning at Walk-In Registration for the possibility of additional weeks. Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept) REGISTRATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES General All programs are offered to Waltham residents only, unless otherwise stated. Before registering, check that the participant meets the age/date of birth/grade level qualifications. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until a program fills or begins. The Recreation Office maintains a waitlist for sold out programs. Please call the office. Each adult may register just one child, unless registering siblings. A processing fee of $10.00 will be charged for any changes made to registrations. Birth certificates and proof of residency is required for all first-time participants. Please submit these to the Recreaction Office within one week of registering and/or before the start of a program. Documents can be faxed to the Recreation Office at 781-314-3482. Children and adults with disabilities are encouraged to participate in our programs. Please let us know of any special needs at the time of registration. Weather/No School Cancellations Youth programs do not meet on holidays or during school vacations. If Waltham schools are cancelled due to inclement weather, all youth programs are cancelled as well. If Waltham schools are delayed due to weather conditions, programs may run as usual. Please call the Recreation Office at 781- 314-3475 for further information. Adult participants should check with their instructors for cancellation policies. Cancellation Policies Although we do not expect to cancel programs, we reserve the right to cancel due to insufficient enrollment, space limitations, or instructor availability. If a program is cancelled by the Recreation Dept., all participants will receive a Recreation Dept. credit. Recreation Dept. credits can be applied to future programs, or toward the purchase of discount tickets. We are unable to issue refunds. Withdrawals If a participant needs to withdraw due to injury or illness, a doctor’s note will be required and a Recreation Department credit will be issued. If a participant withdraws for any other reason, credits will be issued only if a program is full and we are able to fill the opening with another participant. A Recreation Department credit will be issued. Recreation Dept. credits can be applied to future programs or toward the purchase of discount tickets. We are unable to issue refunds. Online Registration A limited percentage of program openings are reserved for online convenience. If online registration is full, walk-in and mail-in registrations are still an option. Online registrants are still required to submit a papercopy of our Waiver, Consent, and Release form to the Recreation Office. Activenet.com Online Registration We have employed the services of Activenet.com for online registration. Activenet.com is a secure site. You must have a valid credit card for online registration. Activenet accepts Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Charged transactions will appear on your statement as Activenet.com. Please keep the confirmation email you receive from Activenet.com as your receipt. Activenet.com will charge a processing fee of 6.96% per transaction, plus $0.50 per transaction, with a minimum of $2.00 per transaction. Non-Residents Non-residents may register for programs, if space allows. Non-residents will be charged an additional fee per program. By registering for programs, registering parties agree to the above guidelines. Any registration that does not comply with the above guidelines will be subject to cancellation. Activenet.com processing fees will not be refunded. Only Recreation Department credit will be issued, we are unable to issue refunds. Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept) TICKETS AND PASSES *Each Waltham resident may purchase six tickets per visit. *Due to inventory of tickets at the time of purchase, a monthly restriction may apply. AMC DISCOUNT MOVIE TICKETS Save money by purchasing AMC Movie Theatre tickets in advance. Gold Tickets will soon be changing to Green tickets and restrictions may apply. They are a great gift idea as well; everyone likes to go to the movies! Check movie schedules at www.amctheatres.com. Cost is $9.00 per ticket. EMBASSY THEATRE DISCOUNT MOVIE TICKETS You don’t have to leave town to watch first-rate movies. The Embassy Theatre in downtown Waltham has six screens and shows a great mix of independent and Hollywood movies. Find out what is playing at www.landmarktheatres.com. Discounted tickets are available at a cost of $8.00 each. LAUNCH TRAMPOLINE PARK We now have passes for “Launch Trampoline Park” in Watertown. These tickets may be traded in for a one hour jump time. Subject to availability. You must also fill out a waiver online or at Launch. Cost: $10.00 per ticket MUSEUM OF SCIENCE/OMNI THEATRE/ PLANETARIUM TICKETS Enjoy Exhibit Hall admission for less than a third of the cost of full-price tickets! Check out dinosaur skeletons, watch baby chicks hatch, learn about electricity. You can purchase discount tickets for Omni Theatre movies and the newly renovated Planetarium as well. Learn more at www.mos.org. Ticket cost is $6.50 each. SIX FLAGS NEW ENGLAND DISCOUNT ADMISSION Ready to ride? You’ll find a ride for every kind of rider, top-notch entertainment, shows and a parade! Hurricane Harbor Water Park (open May through September) is included in the cost of admission! Each Waltham resident may purchase six tickets. Ticket price is $36.00. Get park details at www.sixflags.com/newengland. WATER COUNTRY DISCOUNT ADMISSION Go fast or just relax at Water Country in Portsmouth, NH. You’ll find rides and slides; waves, rivers, and pools; kiddie rides; as well as dining and snack areas! Each Waltham resident can purchase six tickets, discount ticket cost is $30.00. Get park details at www.watercountry.com. 2016 MASSACHUSETTS PARK PASS The free pass entitles the bearer to free parking for one vehicle (excluding buses and vans) at over 50 facilities in the Massachusetts State Parks system that charge a day use parking fee. The one day pass can be obtained at the Recreation Department. Reservation required securing a day pass. *All discount tickets are subject to availability and price change. BIRTHDAY PARTIES Beginning September 9, 2016 Waltham residents are invited to celebrate their birthdays with us! We offer parties for “Tigers” and above. See Fall Preschool Programs for ages. Two party package options are available: Option #1 Up to 15 party friends $100.00 Option #2 16-25 party friends $140.00 Make your reservation in person at least two weeks prior and up to two months in advance. (Example: Sept. 13th for a Nov. 13th party) The Recreation Department will host parties September 9, 2016 – June 2017 Check out the Recreation Department website for more details. Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept) SUMMER CHILL ZONE PROGRAM INFORMATION: Summer Chill Zone is open to Waltham residents entering grades seven, eight and nine. Each session meets Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-.4:00 p.m. with drop-off and pick-up at the Waltham Community Center, 510 Moody St. Seven sessions are offered; youth can attend a maximum of two sessions and may put their name on a waitlist for additional sessions. STAFF: This program is now supervised directly by Recreation Supervisor Adam Dallaire and two additional seasonal staff members. MEDICAL NEEDS/SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Our staff will try to meet the needs of all participants. If your child requires special accommodations, please note them on your registration form. Feel free to contact the Recreation Office to further discuss your child’s needs. NOTE: If your child will be receiving medication during program hours, strict policies and procedures are in place relative to your authorization to administer medications by personnel. An Authorization to Administer form must be completed. TRANSPORTATION: Staff and participants will be getting to and from trips via one of the following modes of transportation: City of Waltham trolley, van, bus or walking. WAIVERS: Several trips require a separate waiver. Everyone needs to complete an online waiver for “Launch” at launchwatertown.com if you have not done so in the past year. Paper waivers will be provided for all other locations. WHAT TO BRING: Comfortable clothing, Sneakers (swimsuit, and a towel on pool days). We recommend always bringing a lunch, water and snacks. On certain occasions you may opt to purchase lunch. TRIP SCHEDULE: The Schedule below is tentative and subject to change due to availability and weather. Each week will include a trip to the Movies, Pool, Putt at Prospect Hill and the weekly trips listed below: Session Three July 11– July 14 Kimball Farm, Launch, Laser Tag Session Four July 18– July 21 Merrimack Valley Pavilion, Launch, Bowling Session Five July 25– July 28 Jay Gee’s, Launch, Glow Golf/Laser Maze Session Six August 1– August 4 Canobie Lake Park, Launch, Kayaking Session Seven August 8– August 11 Indoor Kart Racing, Launch, Ice Skating Session Eight: August 15– August 18 Paintball, Launch, Roller World PROGRAM FEES: $130.00 per session. Sessions run Monday-Thursday with optional “Free Fridays.” FREE FRIDAYS: Entering Grades 7-9. 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (must arrive by 2:00 p.m.) Fridays, July 15– August 19. Activities may include, but are not limited to: free play in the gym, indoor rock climbing, games and video games and art projects. We will walk to Lizzy’s Ice Cream each afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Please bring money for this afternoon trip. There is no cost for this program, but you must register and be a current Chill Zone member. Space is limited. TRIPLE TRIP TRIPLE TRIP REPLAY! Entering Grades 7-9 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Entering Grades 7-9 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 28 Laser Quest/Jordan’s IMAX Tuesday, July 5 Laser Craze/Burlington AMC Thursday, June 30 Canobie Lake Park Thursday, July 7 CoCo Key Water Resort Friday, July 1 Friendly Fire Paintball Friday, July 8 Boston Paintball Sign up for one, two or all six trips! Supervised by Adam Dallaire and Kathy Gross. Fee: $45.00 per day. Drop-off and Pick-up from the Chill Zone. Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept) KARATE Entering grades Kindergarten through nine Introductory, intermediate, and advanced karate classes will teach proper stances, breathing, stretching, discipline, confidence, and practical self-defense. Karate classes are offered through partnership with Steve Nugent Karate Institute. All instructors are certified black belts teaching a standardized system of martial arts so that the quality is high and consistent. Uniforms and belts are provided. Students must be registered by belt level. Enter/exit through door #11 on Beech St. at the Waltham Community and Cultural Center. Entering Kindergarten Thursdays, June 30– August 18 4:15– 4:45 p.m. Fee: $108.00 Entering Grade 1-3 Thursdays, June 30– August 18 4:45– 5:30 p.m. Fee: $108.00 Entering Grade 4-9 Thursdays, June 30– August 18 5:30– 6:15 p.m. Fee: $108.00 GIRLS BASKETBALL Entering grades three through nine This program will include beginning and intermediate skill development, offensive /defensive tactics and small game play. Our approach to learning will include keeping the “fun” in fundamentals while at the same time challenging the participant to learn how to compete and enjoy the game of basketball. Individual offensive and defensive skills as well as ball handling, shooting, passing, and rebounding will be emphasized along with team play. The staff will consist of Waltham High School Coaches who will be assisted by present and past basketball players from the high school. Bring a refillable water bottle, lunch and a morning snack. July 18– July 22 Kennedy Middle School 9:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Fee: $120.00 FARMER FOR A WEEK Entering Grades four through eight Spend a week on the farm in the summer, learning about the natural sciences and developing your agriculture and culinary skills! Young farmers will learn about all stages of the food system, from growing their own food to caring for chickens, and preparing healthy snacks each day in our solar powered kitchen. We'll touch on a range of skills such as math, science, writing, group cooperation and more! Session #1 July 18– July 22 Waltham Community Fields 9:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. Fee: $150.00 Session #2 Aug. 1– Aug. 5 Waltham Community Fields 9:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. Fee: $150.00 Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept) DRAMA Entering grades four through twelve There is an actor in all of us, so come help us put on a show! Skills covered will include: Acting, singing, dancing, costuming, set dressing. We will also play theatre games and outdoor play. The week will end with a mini performance presentation with excerpts from musical theatre shows. Bring an old white t-shirt for purposes of making costumes. This program is held at MacArthur Elementary School located at 494 Lincoln St. The workshop Director is Stephanie Mavrides of International Dance Project/ACTS. Participants should wear appropriate clothing for activity. Bring a bag lunch and a drink and a white t-shirt for costume design. July 18– July 22 MacArthur Elementary 9:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. Fee: $110.00 DANCE Entering grades four through twelve Many dance styles and techniques will be introduced during this week long program. Include: jazz, tap, modern, hip-hop, musical theatre dance styles, lyric and ballet, etc. The week will culminate in a mini dance presentation. We will also play dance and theatrical games as well as make costumes and outdoor play. Bring an old white t-shirt for purposes of making costumes. The workshop Director is Stephanie Mavrides of International Dance Project/ACTS. This program is held at MacArthur Elementary School located at 494 Lincoln St. Bring a bag lunch and a drink and a white t-shirt for costume design. July 25– July 29 MacArthur Elementary 9:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. Fee: $110.00 SKYHAWKS PROGRAMS Skyhawks programs are successful in delivering high quality sports programs to children in a non-competitive and recreational setting. The curriculum is designed to allow for maximum participation and encourage children to improve their fundamental skills through practice, repetition and modified games. See www.skyhawks.com for full program descriptions. Skyhawks has been teaching programs with Waltham Recreation since 1999. The following chart lists programs offered. Your selection enrollment choice must match the entering grade eligibility for September 2016. DATE PROGRAM LOCATION/TIME ENT. GRADE FEE July 5– July 8 MS Basketball (no program on 7/4) Kennedy MS 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. 6-8 $100.00 August 1– August 5 Veterans Complex 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. 6-8 $120.00 MS Multisport PARTICIPANTS MUST BRING/WEAR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS TO THE PROGRAM Basketball: Appropriate clothing (t-shirt, shorts, sweats, socks); sneakers, no black soles, lunch, snack and water bottle Multi Sport: Appropriate clothing (t-shirt, shorts, sweats, socks); sneakers, shin guards, lunch, snack and water bottle, sunscreen Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept) STREET HOCKEY-STICK HANDLING AND SHOOTING SKILLS 18 sessions 6 week program – May 16 through June 24 Join Waltham High (Boys and Girls) Coaching staff, for six weeks of street hockey skills. Each session will consist of 25 minutes of stickhandling and 25 minutes of shooting skills. Participants must bring their own hockey gloves and sticks. Please wear sneakers and bring a water bottle to each session. Session #1 Grades 1-5 Mon., Wed., Fri. Veteran’s Memorial Ice Rink 5:00– 5:50 p.m. Fee: $125.00 Session #2 Grades 6-8 Mon., Wed., Fri. Veteran’s Memorial Ice Rink 6:00– 6:50 p.m. Fee: $125.00 Session #3 Grades 9-12 Mon., Wed., Fri. Veteran’s Memorial Ice Rink 7:00– 7:50 p.m. Fee: $125.00 POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE (PAL) (In partnership with Waltham Recreation Dept. and Waltham School Department) Please contact the Police Department for more information and registration. Call the PAL information line for details: 781-314-3629 Junior Flag Football League (ages 7 - 12) June – August Fridays 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Boys/Girls Indoor Soccer (ages 13 - 17) June – August Mondays and Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Boys/Girls Indoor Basketball (ages 13 - 17) June – August Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Junior Street Hockey League (ages 7-12) June – August Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. June – August Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Senior Street Hockey League (ages 13- 17) Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept) ADULT FITNESS PROGRAMS ZUMBA® YOGA Tuesday/Thursday, 5:30- 6:30 p.m. June 14– August 18 Instructor: Jen Williams Waltham Recreation Dept., 510 Moody Street Thursday 6:15 to 7:20 p.m. June 16– August 18 Waltham Recreation Department 510 Moody Street Instructor: Katy Potts Zumba is a Latin-inspired, dance-fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance movements, creating a dynamic, exciting, and effective workout. But! We take the "work" out of workout! This 60 minute calorie burning class goes by so fast because you are too busy having fun! This class is designed for everybody and any fitness level. Get ready to sweat! Fitness “Class Pass” Valid for 12 drop-in classes of Zumba Cost: $55.00/residents, $65.00/non-residents Or pay per class: $5/residents, $6/non-residents. Yoga is a non-competitive, active and fun way to work on strength, self-confidence, concentration and relaxation. Increase strength, flexibility, and improve circulation while reducing stress in this Hatha Yoga class. Sessions will meet at the Waltham Community Center, 510 Moody Street held in room # 109. Enter the Building through Door #11 (corner of Beech and Alder Street) Cost: $65.00 PUTT AT PROSPECT HILL RE-OPENING THIS MAY!! Date To Be Determined. Please check the City of Waltham website for more information as it becomes available. COMING SOON!: Mini Golf Birthday Parties! Registration beginning March 7th, 2016 Facility to remain open from May 2016 (weather permitting) through the Fall season; anticipated to close mid-late October. For additional information, please contact Recreation Supervisor Adam Dallaire at [email protected]. AQUATIC SPRAY FACILITIES Looking to escape the summer heat? Visit one or all of the cool Aquatic Spray Parks at various playgrounds throughout the City. Hours of Operation- weather permitting Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.– 7:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 12:00 noon– 5:00 p.m. Waltham Recreation Department - 510 Moody Street- Waltham, MA 02453 – Phone: (781) 314 -3475 Fax: (781) 314-3482 www.city.waltham.ma.us (follow links to Recreation Dept)
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