July/ Aug - Ramapo Kennel Club
July/ Aug - Ramapo Kennel Club
GROWL E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 5 8 J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 Economic Impact of AKC Dog Events in New Jersey The American Kennel Club (AKC) was established in 1884 to promote the study, breeding, exhibiting, and advancement of purebred dogs. We now represent more than 5,100 dog clubs nationally, including 118 clubs in the state of New Jersey. The AKC sanctions thousands of dog events each year, which generate significant economic benefits to local communities in addition to the millions of dollars AKC dog owners in New Jersey spend annually on their dogs. Here are the statistics for the State of New Jersey over the past three years: 2012: AKC licensed and sanctioned 404 events in the state of New Jersey, in which more than 88,700 dogs participated. 2013: AKC licensed and sanctioned 463 events in the state of New Jersey, in which more than 93,320 dogs participated. 2014: AKC licensed and sanctioned 479 events in the state of New Jersey, in which more than 87,100 dogs participated. The AKC conducts ongoing research regarding the economic impact of AKC events in localities throughout the state, as well as of AKC registered dogs in the state. Surveys demonstrate that exhibitors at AKC conformation dog shows spend an average of $512 per show weekend. This means spending by AKC dog show exhibitors for a show weekend could inject more than $1.5 million into the local economy. And because AKC dog shows are an educational and familyfriendly event, large spectator gates can generate additional revenues for cities and towns statewide. For more information or information about the impact of dog shows in other states, view Economic Benefits of Dog Shows by State in the AKC GR Toolbox on the AKC website, akc.org. In this issue: Economic Impact of Dog Shows..... 1 President’s Message..................... 2 June Meeting Minutes.................. 3 RKC Committees & Chairs............. 3 Awards Dinner Presentations...... 4-6 JACK GRASSA Handling/Training Class Scheds.........7 Brags, etc............................... 8-9 Dates to Remember....................10 A new Puppy Kindergarten graduate. For more photos see page 7. V I S I T U S O N L I N E AT W W W. R A M A P O K E N N E L C L U B . C O M President’s Message JACK GRASSA I hope this finds all our members and their dogs enjoying what’s recently been a remarkably dry, sunny summer. Get your R&R in now, before fall is upon us and life resumes its hectic pace! Ramapo Kennel Club looks forward to a busy, eventful fall. Sharon Fremer Our monthly meetings start up again on Wednesday, September 9th. We currently have 2 presentations lined up for the fall meetings; a follow-up to our spring Straws to Paws program with Dr. Mary and Debbie and an overview of Canine Rehabilitation with Ria Acciani of Advanced Canine Rehabilitation in Warren, NJ. We are searching for a third topic. Ramapo Kennel Club If there is a group or person you would like Ramapo to Officers host, please contact me with President their name, email and phone Sharon Fremer [email protected] number and I will happily Vice President get them on the calendar. Amy Starost Obedience, Rally and Show Treasurer Handling classes will resume Ruth Henningsen at the Butler VFW in early Recording Secretary September and continue Kim Luikert through until next June. Corresponding Secretary Training schedules may be Tilly Grassa [email protected] found on page 7 and on the Board of Directors RKC website. Volunteers are 2016 also always welcome. Just Melissa Ayer show up, we’ll happily put Gerrie Oliver you to work! Rose Radel 2017 Our point shows will be Elaine Barone held on Sunday and Monday, Lorraine Fennemore October 11th and 12th out Janis Hayes AKC Delegate Jeffrey David Ball 2 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL •July/August 2015 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. Palisades KC will start out the Harvest Cluster with their shows on Friday and Saturday, October 9th and 10th. Show chairman Jeffrey Ball welcomes all volunteers and will happily find you a job to do. HELP WANTED! Ramapo needs to fill two significant roles for 2016. We need an assistant show chair to work with show chairman Melissa Ayer and we need a Match Show chairman. Both these roles serve the club in important ways, but they also teach people about the ins and outs of show operations and prepare them to one day become chairmen themselves. We need some depth on our bench – please consider volunteering for either of these spots. MORE HELP WANTED! The Board is compiling job descriptions for virtually all positions held in Ramapo KC. This includes, but is not limited to, Officers, Directors, AKC delegates, committee chairmen and members, point show chairs, assistant show chairs and committee members, match show chairs and committee members. You name it; we want your input on a job description for it. Whether you’ve held the position or you simply have ideas about what it entails, please join the conversation. It is important that all these roles reflect and meet the needs of the club. In closing, may the next 8 weeks be happy, healthy and full of fun. See you in September! Sharon Minutes RKC Member Meeting June 10th 2015 Paris Inn Wayne NJ accepted, Vivian Bregman seconded- voted on and approved. Diane Ammerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:07pm seconded by Vivian voted on and approved. Sharon Fremer called the meeting to order at 9:06pm. Recording Secretary- Lena Tamboer made a motion for the May 13th minutes be Respectfully submitted by: Kim Luikert June 28 2015 2015/16 RAMAPO KENNEL CLUB COMMITTEES & CHAIRS Show Handling Linda Hachtel Fred Hachtel Sharon Fremer [email protected] Obedience & Rally Classes Elaine Barone Ruth Henningsen Joanne Silver Amy Starost Anne Hulsizer [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Growl Tilly Grassa [email protected] Roster Ruth Henningsen [email protected] Awards Elaine Barone [email protected] Membership Janis Hayes [email protected] Meeting Programs Sharon Fremer [email protected] Hospitality Kim Luikert Gerrie Oliver [email protected] [email protected] Property Ruth Henningsen [email protected] Sunshine Lorraine Fennemore [email protected] Electronic Media Tilly Grassa [email protected] Legislative Coordinator Sue Cone [email protected] Special Dinners Lorraine Fennemore [email protected] Breeder Referral Antoniette Coviello [email protected] Community Service Rose Ann Tucker [email protected] Ed Programs/Seminars Sharon Fremer [email protected] NJ Federation of Dog Clubs Delegates Sharon Fremer Rose Ann Tucker [email protected] [email protected] NJFDC Alternate Jeffrey Ball [email protected] Parliamentarian Jeffrey Ball [email protected] Canine Health Liaison Joan Murko [email protected] 2016 Show Chairman Melissa Ayer [email protected] [email protected] 3 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL • July/August 2015 THE 2015 RKC ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER T he Annual Awards Dinner was held on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at the Paris Inn in Wayne, NJ. Congratulations to all the members for their accomplishments in 2014. Very impressive! Thank you again to Elaine Barone for doing an outstanding job with the presentations. A fun time was had by all, and it was a great way to start the summer. Vivian Bregman- Border Collie HIT U-CDX BREAKOUTS MAZEL TOV OF KELEV UD, VER, ASCA UD & RN Lorraine Fennemore- Great Pyrenees CD CH. KARENZ KERNEL KRACKERJACK CD,RN,CGC Bred by Lorraine and Anthony Fennemore Elaine Barone Elaine Barone- Siberian Husky CGC,RA MICKEY MICK AT TWO RIVERS CGCA, RA Mickey is a rescue dog and co-owned by member Ruth Henningsen Vivian Bregman- Border Collie PUTD AKC/ASCA OTCH, UKC-GROUCH SUNRISE MsSUGAH OF KELEV UDX10, OGM, VER, RN, PCDX, PUTD Sugah earned her PUTD title at 12 years of age. Anne Hulsizer Anne Hulsizer- Labrador Retriever RAE, CGCA CASBAR GLENWILD WEEKEND CD,RE,THD,RAE,CGCA Anne is the first Ramapo Kennel Club member to achieve this title. RALLY AWARD OF EXCELLENCE Karen Stickle- Leonberger GCH GCH ZIR OZZY’S ROGUE SHADOW Lorraine Fennemore Ruth Henningsen-Siberian Husky U-CDX U-CDX OLYMPUS SEA CRUISE CDX, RE, CCGCA, THD Karen Stickle Joanne Silver- Chesapeake Bay Retriever The following dogs are bred, owned, coowned and/or handled by Joanne Silver Vivian Bregman 4 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL •July/August 2015 Ruth Henningsen GCH SILVERCREEK CABINRIDGE GIDGET CD,BN,RE,PCD,CGCA,CAT CD,RE,CAT GCH SILVERCREEK’S MANDAN SUN VOW, CD,BN,RN,JH CD,JH SILVERCREEK’S SANDY BAY RADIANT ZARA CGC CGC Joanne Silver LESLEE VALENTE MEMORIAL AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN OBEDIENCE AENNCHEN ANTONELLI/GILMA BLAUVELT-MOSS BREEDERS AWARD – JOANNE SILVER WITH 10 TITLES IN 2014 Elizabeth Smith- Rough Collie THD, THDA, THDE, SOCIII, VCH, ORT U-CH AVANT GARDE A PIECE OF THE ACTION, “ANDRE,” BN, NAJ, RE, CAT, THDX, CGC, (AKC), RN(CKC), RO3(UKC)CD, RM(ASCA), HIC(CCA), NAC, TNN(NADAC), BPDX, TT, SOC III, VCH(AWCA), CGN, ORT Elizabeth Smith- Rough Collie THDA, THDE U-CDX,U-CH, TARTANSIDE CARTE BLANCHE JACK GRASSA SILVERCREEK APPLEJOHN MARINA CD,GN,,RAE,NAP,OFP,OJP GN,NAP VC(AWCA) “FELLA,” CD, CDX, BN, RN, RA, RE, RAE, RO3, HIC, OA, AXJ, JNP, OAC, NJC, TN-O, TG-N, NGC, WV-N, BPDX, BPS, CGC, CGN, TT, TC, SS, PET, TDIaov, THDX, SOCIII, OV, VCX, NV Titles won in AKC, CKC, UKC, ASCA, AWCA, ATTS, TT, NADAC and/or GSDCA Elizabeth Smith and the following Belgian Tervurens: AM/CAN GCH, OTCH (Can) ASPEN GLOW de COTAH, “VALOR,” THDA,THDE CD, CDX, UD, BN, GN, GO, VER, HIC, AX, OAJ, NF, OAC, OJC, NGC, TN-O,WV-N, UCA, CAT, RE, RAE, RO3, URX, RMX, TC, TT, SCT, CGC/CGN, PAT THD, VCC, FFX-OG-4, FFXAG2, NV Titles won in AKC, CKC, UKC, ASCA, UBSC and/or NADAC Tilly Grassa RAMAPO KENNEL CLUB GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD – TILLY GRASSA AKC OUTSTANDING SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD – TILLY GRASSA CANADIAN SUNSET du AFTERSHOCK “ABBY,” BN, CD, TT, RN CD, HIC, BN, CA, CGC, SCT(UBSCA), RN(ASCA), TT(ATTS) ALL PHOTOS: TILLY GRASSA EXCEPT WHERE NOTED CH MARJAN’S SILVERCREEK CHANTILLY LACE BN,RA,CAT,CGC BN,RA GCH BURNING LOVE du AFTERSHOCK “NUKAG” GCH, THDN, TT, RA HIC, BN, CAT, CGC, RA, (ASCA)RO1, (UKC) SCT, (UBSCA)TT, (ATTS)THDN(AKC Dick and Sue Symons- Belgian Tervuren VCD4, THDD (400 visits) BISS GCH CT MACH VINEMA ANGEL MARJII SYMONS VCD4, HT, MXB, MJB, MFB, TQX, RN, THDD, CGC, TDIEVA, TT. Marjii’s VCD4 is the first for her breed. Dick and Sue Symons- Belgian Tervuren VCD3 CH CT SYMONS’TREASURE JESSI UD, AX, AXJ, XF,CA,THS, CGC, TDIA,VCD3 Special note – Dick has been doing pet therapy for 22 years. Rose Radel 50 YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE – ROSE J. RADEL 55 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL • July/August 2015 WHAT IS A KENNEL CLUB? IN SINCERE APPRECIATION Since not all our members were able to attend our June Awards Dinner, I’m again expressing my enormous gratitude to you all. First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your exceptional support on my accident. I was well ahead of the prognosis for healing and I feel you were instrumental in my doing so. I tend to think our dogs pass on their wonderful loving traits to us. Ramapo Kennel Club has made a significant impact on Ed’s and my life. If it weren’t for this club, Ed and I may never have gone to a dog show. We may never have known the many friends and experiences the dog world has provided. We would not have had the wonderful memories which truly enhanced our lives. More than likely, we may never have owned Miniature Pinschers and made breed history many times. I may not have chaired a national specialty for 6 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL •July/August 2015 The following year she was competing in obedience trials. She also was then elected to the job of corresponding secretary of the Ramapo Kennel Club. She has worn many hats, progressing, not only to President of Ramapo, but also President of another all-breed club and President for 20 years of the Greater Metropolitan Miniature Pinscher Club. Of course I am talking about Rose Radel. Rose started showing Poodles, but was soon convinced that a “Wash and Wear” dog like a Min Pin was better to travel with. Her accomplishments led her to exhibit her dogs approximately 30 times in foreign countries, from South America to Central America to Canada to European Countries. This included Monaco, where she was entertained by the Royal Family of Monaco when Grace Kelly was there. Rose was a student at Rutgers and was employed by the Prudential Insurance Company. She has authored many articles and written a book about her favorite breed. She was the Ramapo Kennel Club delegate to the AKC for 25 years. During this time she was a fierce champion of dogs and their benefit to the dog world. Rose was always a delegate to make her position known to the AKC “powers to be”. Rose is one of the most caring, concerned members of our club and wants nothing more than to promote the health and well-being of our 4-legged companions. She is a wealth of information having competed in the breed and obedience rings, earning titles both here and abroad. It is our honor to have had her as a 50 year active member of the Ramapo Kennel Club. -Elaine Barone the Miniature Pinscher Club of America in conjunction with the AKC Centennial in Philadelphia in 1984. I was able to write a book for our breed and be listed in the Library of Congress as an author. We traveled world wide to about 30 countries for the dog shows. To some of these places several times. At World and International Shows, the flags of all participating entrants are flown. At times, the American flag was flown only because we were there. We felt so honored. Because we had a mutual interest in dogs, the people in foreign locations told us where to stay, what to buy, the best places to eat, etc. We learned much more about the country, how they viewed America and our people. They were much very open to share their thinking with us than if we were just tourists. The quality of our travel was enormously enhanced and we made valued friends. I could go on and on. Most importantly, I would not have been blessed with the superb friendships that Ramapo has provided. The memories are treasured and my gratitude is immense. Life’s finest to you always. The members of this club are the best and I’m fortunate to be a part of it. Heartfelt thanks, Rose J. Radel ALL PHOTOS JACK AND TILLY GRASSA 50 years ago, one of our Ramapo Kennel Club members was asked if she would like to join the Ramapo Kennel Club. Her reply was “What is a Kennel Club” and then joined. At the time this prospective member had 6 poodles of various sizes, from standard to toy. She had AKC papers for these dogs that were both purchased by her and her husband, as well as “rehomed”. A hearty congratulations from Jeffrey. RKC Show Handling Schedule - 2015/16 TUESDAY EVENINGS 6:45 - 7:30 DROP IN CLASSES ONLY $10.00 per dog No classes July and August Sept. 15, 22, 29 Oct. 6, 27 Nov. 3, 17 Dec. 1, 15 Jan. 19, 26 Feb. 2, 23 Mar. 1, 22 Apr. 5, 26 May 3, 24 June 14 FMI: Linday Hachtel 973-697-4337 or Sharon Fremer 201-665-2565, [email protected] RKC Training Class Schedule - 2015/16 TUESDAY RALLY CLASSES WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE Session 1 Session 1 Session 2 Session 2 Session 3 Session 3 Feb. 16, 23 Mar. 1, 15, 22, 29 Apr. 5 Feb. 17, 24 Mar. 2, 16, 23, 30 Apr. 6 Session 4 Session 4 Apr. 19, 26 May 3, 17, 24, 31 June 14 Apr. 20, 27 May 4, 18, 25 June 1, 15 Feb. 9 CGC/THERAPY testing (there is a fee for testing) June 22 CGC/THERAPY testing (there is a fee for testing) 7:30 - 8:15 RALLY ADV/EXC. 8:30 - 9:15 RALLY NOVICE (Basic obedience skills required) Sept. 15, 22, 29 Oct. 6, 20, 27 Nov. 3 ALL PHOTOS JACK AND TILLY GRASSA Nov. 17 Dec. 1, 15 Jan. 5, 19, 26 Feb. 2 Photos of the Puppy Kindergarten graduation, June 2015. Puppy Kindergarten 6:30-7:15 Beginner Obedience 7:30-8:15 Advanced Beginner 8:30-9:15 Sept. 16, 23, 30 Oct. 7, 21, 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 18 Dec. 2, 16 Jan. 6, 20, 27 Feb. 3 FOR CLASS INFORMATION AND TIMES CONTACT: RUTH HENNINGSEN 973-697-9456 or email at: [email protected] OR JOANNE SILVER 201-891-5090 JOANNE [email protected] Class registration form available on the website: ramapokennelclub.com/RKCClasses 7 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL • July/August 2015 Thank you . . . again Receiving the RKC Good Sportsmanship and AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Awards this year at the awards dinner really came as a complete surprise! So much so, that I didn’t know what to say except “Thank you!” So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you properly. Thank you to all the members of Ramapo KC for this honor. When I joined RKC I had recently left my job as Creative Director at the American Kennel Club and wanted to join an all-breed club as a way of staying involved in the dog world. And involved I got! I‘ve enjoyed being an active member, and have met so many wonderful people along the way. My various duties within the club as Corresponding Secretary and editor of the Growl and overseeing the website have given me the opportunity to keep in touch with all of you. I’ve enjoyed being the unofficial photographer to document our shows and events. Although I didn’t expect to get an award, it is so nice to be recognized for the effort, and I appreciate the thoughtfullness. Thank you all again. —Tilly Grassa BIG BRAG! HARVEST CLUSTER DOG SHOWS AND OBEDIENCE, RALLY TRIALS RAMAPO & PALISADES Kennel Clubs October 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2015 Friday- Monday Friday and Saturday, October 9 and 10 Palisades KC Sunday and Monday, October 11 and 12 Ramapo KC SUSSEX COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS AUGUSTA, NEW JERSEY HELP WANTED Ramapo KC needs to fill two significant roles for 2016. U-CDX Olympus Sea Cruise at Sno-Arch UD, RE, CDX-C, THD, CGCA. I am happy and so very proud to brag that my Siberian Husky “Nemo” can now add the title of UD to his name. He is now U-CDX Olympus Sea Cruise at Sno-Arch UD, RE, CDX-C, THD, CGCA. I want to thank everyone who supported me through this journey to his UD especially Elaine who always kept encouraging me to continue striving for this even when I wanted to give up. — Ruth Henningsen 8 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL •July/August 2015 Assistant Show Chair to work with Show Chairman Melissa Ayer on the 2016 point show and Match Show Chairman for the 2016 Match Contact Sharon Fremer at [email protected] if you’re interested. PUPPIES, PUPPIES, PUPPIES! Is the theme this year for The 19th Annual Gathering at Sunnybank, 381 Terhune Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470 All Proceeds Benefit the Collie Health Foundation Saturday and Sunday, August 15, and 16, 2015. FMI: Gerrie Oliver at [email protected] Items for Sale RKC is cleaning out some items from our storage area: • 5 ft regulation wooden broad jump. $30.00 (new cost $199.00) • 4 ft. grooming table (needs some work - ie: new screws in leg brackets, top in good shape $20.00 • Electric coffee pot can brew from 10 - 100 cups. Free to good home. Email Ruth Henningsen: [email protected] Pets Always Stay Free at Motel 6 Motel 6 is proud to be the official lodging provider of the AKC. AKC registrants receive a 10% discount at over 1,100 Motel 6 locations across the U.S. and Canada. Call the special AKC reservation number 855-M6-4DOGS and mention CP542764 to receive your savings. Happy Legs Stacking Blocks System Large box (36” x 16”) with blocks. Lightly used. $100 or best offer Metro Locking Tack Box Lightly used. $40 or best offer Email Sharon Fremer: [email protected] This is a new classified section for members provided free of charge. Contact Tilly Grassa ([email protected]) if you have an item you’d like to list. Got Stuff? Send your news, brags, suggestions, comments and photos to Tilly Grassa, [email protected]. Remember the Growl comes out about a week before each monthly meeting. Check the calendar on the last page for submission deadlines. The Growl is by and for the members so I need your help to make it interesting. GROWL Published by the Ramapo Kennel Club 7 Morgan Court Wayne, NJ 07470 Designer/Editor/Photographer: Tilly Grassa [email protected] 973-633-5254 9 Ramapo Kennel Club GROWL • July/August 2015 Dates to remember: All membership meetings are held at VFW Hall 45 Plymouth Street Fairfield, NJ at 8:00 PM (unless otherwise noted) NO MEETING IN AUGUST Wednesday, September 9 RKC Member Meeting, 8PM. Board meeting at 7:15 Program TBA October 9-12 Wednesday, October 14 The Harvest Cluster shows, Augusta, NJ RKC Member Meeting, 8PM. Board meeting at 7:15 Program TBA GROWL 11 Pershing Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450 FIRST CLASS MAIL