2010 Annual Report - Ramapo for Children
2010 Annual Report - Ramapo for Children
2010 Annual Report The Mission of Ramapo for Children Ramapo for Children inspires youth with special needs to experience success, develop healthy relationships and learn necessary life skills. Ramapo achieves this through residential camp programs, adventure-based experiences and innovative training for the adults who empower children to reach their full potential. On our Rhinebeck campus, Ramapo provides adventure-based, experiential learning programs that promote positive character values, build social and learning competencies and enhance self-esteem in children, youth, and adults. In New York City, Ramapo Training—the professional development program of Ramapo for Children—provides staff training, program support, and coaching for educators, parents, and youth service workers. CONTENTS 3 Letter from Ramapo’s Chief Executive Officer 4 Ramapo’s Philosophy and Approach 5 Looking Back: Honoring Ramapo’s Trailblazer 6 On-Campus Programs 10 Off-Campus Programs 12 Measuring Results & Informing the Field 13 Program Highlights & Financial Summary 14 Shining Stars 19 Ramapo’s Board of Trustees & Staff LOOKING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD A letter from Adam Weiss, Ramapo’s new CEO Dear Friends of Ramapo, My first trip to the Rhinebeck campus was thirteen years ago, as a visitor to Camp Ramapo. It was clear to me then that Ramapo was a community of dedicated professionals who understood how to help some of the most vulnerable children experience success and believe in their own potential. Camp Ramapo continues to thrive, but Ramapo for Children has become so much more than just a summer camp program. While maintaining its core philosophy, Ramapo has taken giant strides over the past decade, touching new audiences in a growing number of new settings. I’m incredibly honored to have been invited to become part of the Ramapo team. For many people, Ramapo has been defined by the children we serve, and those children continue to inspire us during the summer and throughout the year. What we have discovered about ourselves, however, is that what truly defines us is the knowledge and expertise we bring to bear on children’s behalf. We are experts! We are experts at training adults to form meaningful relationships with young people, relationships that build self-esteem and promote success. We are experts at using role modeling as a teaching tool, and we are experts at using honest feedback and open communication as strategies for promoting behavioral change. In that spirit, we have begun the process of strengthening our ability to tell our story and reach new audiences. In the coming months we will increase our capacity to promote Ramapo Training to more schools and agencies in new locations. We will expand our scope of services by growing the Staff Assistant Experience (formerly known as Footholds), our burgeoning program for young adults aged 18 through 25. We will also be developing a new “look” for the organization, along with an updated narrative and a strengthened presence on the web. Of all that is amazing about Ramapo, the single characteristic that stands out to me as truly unique is the consistent generosity and support of our board, our parents, our alumni and our friends. One of the first lessons I learned about Ramapo was that none of our accomplishments, past or future, would be possible without the Ramapo family. In closing, I want to take a moment to thank Bernie Kosberg. He is a tough act to follow, but I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for his vision and accomplishments. With gratitude and warm regards, Adam Weiss Chief Executive Officer 3 During Ramapo’s summer programs, both counselors and campers serve as role models for positive behaviors. “My years spent at Ramapo shaped both my character and my career. While at Ramapo, I was able to witness firsthand the transformation of young people as they realized their full potential and self-worth within their daily lives. I am most grateful for that experience.” Troy S., former counselor HALLMARKS OF THE RAMAPO APPROACH Ramapo’s work is grounded in a set of guiding principles that have emerged from decades of experience providing direct service, with a track record of demonstrated success: RAMAPO’S PHILOSOPHY AND APPROACH • Personal relationships are the capital that motivates behavioral change, and relationship building is a set of skills and activities that can be taught. Ramapo for Children is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that has been helping young people with special needs reach their full potential since 1922. With over 85 years of experience in direct service and training programs, Ramapo has developed a unique ability to create inclusive environments that promote positive behavioral change, foster skill development, and help support learning and personal growth. • Observational learning and role modeling are powerful teaching tools when adults model desired behaviors intentionally, both individually and as a team. At the heart of the Ramapo approach is our ability to equip educators, caregivers and youth with the skills they need to build trusting relationships, serve as effective role models, handle challenging behaviors constructively, and improve continuously through reflective practice. 4 • Thoughtful rituals and routines can teach desired behaviors, are important elements in establishing safe emotional environments, and must be adapted to the particular needs of individual children and groups. • The collective celebration of individual accomplishments is a defining characteristic of supportive communities, and adults must identify opportunities to celebrate individual success. • Honest feedback and open communication are key catalysts for personal development, and adults must understand how to have difficult conversations constructively. • Both adults and young people must adopt the habit of reflective practice, taking the time to process and reflect alone and with other members of the community. Above: Bernie Kosberg poses next to the map of the Kosberg Interpretive Nature Trail. Right: Entrance to the trail. LOOKING BACK : HONORING RAMAPO’S TRAILBLAZER On July 13th, 2010, over 130 people made their way down Ramapo’s mile-long dirt and gravel driveway. Former counselors, campers, parents, friends, staff, and Board members strolled along the edge of Lake Sepasco, took the opportunity to test their stamina on the high ropes course, and marveled at Ramapo’s renovated campus buildings. While they came from many different walks of life, all of these people shared a common goal—honoring Bernie Kosberg for his 25 years of service as CEO of Ramapo for Children. The highlight of the day was the dedication of the “Bernie Kosberg Interpretive Nature Trail.” This milelong loop through Ramapo’s rambling woods traverses a diverse variety of habitats found in the Hudson Valley, with trail signs along the way teaching visitors about local ecology. The trail symbolizes the spirit of creativity and curiosity that Bernie brought to Ramapo over the years, and underscores Ramapo’s commitment to provide therapeutic learning in a beautiful natural environment. In addition to the summer event, a second gathering came together in late October at Mickey Mantle’s restaurant in New York City. After a touching slideshow tribute chronicling Bernie’s 25 years at Ramapo, the Board announced the creation of the Kosberg Family Summer Camp Scholarship Fund, which received over $200,000 in support. This long-term fund will be designated to provide scholarship support for disadvantaged children with special needs, honoring Bernie’s vision to provide summer camp opportunities for all children to grow, learn, and have fun. 5 “Most of us have little tolerance for the child who is different. For that child, the rejection can be devastating. You have given my son the chance to make friends and you’ve given me back hope. You have succeeded!” Joseph P., camper parent Summer camp is a time for learning new skills and developing lasting friendships. ON-CAMPUS PROGRAMS SUMMER PROGRAMS The Ramapo approach was refined on our 250-acre campus in Rhinebeck, New York. During the summer, we operate Camp Ramapo, a residential camp that serves children from ages 6 to 16 for whom learning is difficult, including children affected by autism spectrum disorders or other social, emotional, or behavioral challenges. Camp Ramapo incorporates all the best aspects of traditional summer camp into a unique therapeutic environment with highly trained staff and a one-to-one staff-to-camper ratio. 6 PROFILE OF A RAMAPO CAMPER Sarah is a 7-year-old girl from New York City. She is nonverbal, and before coming to Ramapo she was unable to communicate with her caregivers, resulting in daily tantrums and difficulties learning basic skills such as table etiquette. With the one-on-one attention that she received at Ramapo, she quickly started using and responding to sign language, communicating needs such as using the bathroom, as well as indicating “please” and “thank you.” Counselors also worked with her to learn to use a fork, stay seated during meals, and clear her dishes. On Visiting Day Sarah’s mother was overcome with happiness at being able to sit next to her daughter and enjoy a picnic lunch. “Thank you for a great weekend! The Ramapo facilitators did an exceptional job, not only in creating a great learning experience, but in making Ramapo a very warm, welcoming, and inviting place.” Hasani I., non-profit youth leader, NYC During both the summer and the school year, participants engage in a variety of adventure-based activities. YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS The Rhinebeck campus is busy year-round. Many camp participants and their families stay connected to Ramapo through weekend programs and ongoing mentoring, while Ramapo Retreats hosts groups of young people, educators, and other community-based organizations for short-term Ramapo experiences. These retreats enrich participants with a greater appreciation of their own potential and provide a toolbox of new strategies for successful communication, teamwork, and leadership. 2010 STATISTICS AT A GLANCE • Number of summer campers: 573 • Summer camp scholarship funds awarded: $563,750 • Number of summer staff: 195 • Number of on-campus year-round staff: 23 • Number of retreat participants: 6,700 7 “The work at Ramapo is more difficult than at the schools I previously attended, but there are more opportunities to learn skills I can really use. I’m doing real work here and ‘putting it to the test,’ performing tasks that really make a difference around the campus. I also like being able to approach people and talk to them without being made fun of. At Ramapo, I’m just one of the guys.” The 2010 Ramapo program staff and Staff Assistants. Ramapo Staff Assistant, summer 2010 PROVIDING A CONTINUUM OF SERVICES THE STAFF ASSISTANT EXPERIENCE For young adults who are on the cusp of selfsufficiency and independence, the Staff Assistant Experience is a residential work program that gives participants the opportunity to practice vocational and life skills in the company of a supportive team of mentors and coaches. Through the Staff Assistant Experience, Ramapo provides young adults with work and living experiences that can prepare them to live independently of their parents. The primary goals of the Staff Assistant Experience are: • Developing Independent Living Skills: Mentors work with participants to provide instruction on such tasks as meal planning, shopping, cooking, cleaning and household budgeting. • Developing Social Skills: An inclusive living community provides structured and unstructured situations where participants can be socially successful. • Developing Job Skills: Job coaches provide meaningful work opportunities to teach universally applicable vocational skills and help participants manage supervisory relationships in the workplace. 8 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE STAFF ASSISTANT EXPERIENCE In summer 2010, the second year of Ramapo’s Staff Assistant Experience served seven young adults, five of whom continued on into the fall program. Extensive evaluation of the program has been conducted through interviews with participants, parents, and Ramapo staff members, and outcomes have been overwhelmingly positive. • Learning Tangible Work Skills: Staff Assistants reported that they learned tangible work skills, developed a work ethic, and were able to apply vocational skills that they learned previously to “real work.” • Building Social Relationships: Staff members reported that they valued the personal relationships they developed with Staff Assistants, along with being able to help Staff Assistants set goals and work toward achieving those goals. • Providing a Support Network: Ramapo was able to provide a network of support for both Staff Assistants and staff members through close and frequent communication, as well as opportunities for both work and socialization. Above: AmeriCorps members spend more than 150 hours learning how to facilitate activities and games. Right: The 2010 Ramapo AmeriCorps team. AMERICORPS AT RAMAPO Ramapo’s AmeriCorps Program—“Future Leaders in Youth Development”—is an opportunity for young adults to participate in a meaningful service learning experience. Ramapo offers eight summer and ten year-round AmeriCorps positions. AmeriCorps members are involved in a variety of tasks, learning tangible leadership skills in the fields of youth development and special education. “As an AmeriCorps member at Ramapo, I was learning every day. I learned ways to help prevent and manage difficult behavior in children. I learned how to plan and lead events and outdoor activities for diverse populations. I learned how to structure activities to push a group to their highest potential. I learned how to plan community service projects and write a public service announcement. Through everything I learned, I gained confidence and clarity for my future goals.” Rebecca S., AmeriCorps member RESPONSIBILITIES OF A RAMAPO AMERICORPS MEMBER • Participating in and leading experiential learning programs—AmeriCorps members learn how to facilitate activities in both summer and year-round programs. • Interacting with Staff Assistants—as mentors, job coaches, and roommates. • Developing community service projects—in 2010 Ramapo AmeriCorps members recruited 358 volunteers who provided over 1,300 hours of service at 40 different projects located throughout the Hudson Valley. 9 “In the weeks following Ramapo’s trainings and coaching sessions there has been a new energy and camaraderie within the faculty. There is a distinct change in the attitudes and behavior of the staff and I am prepared to continue training our faculty in the fall.” Rodney F., high school principal, New York City OFF-CAMPUS PROGRAMS RAMAPO TRAINING’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY Since 2001, the Ramapo approach has been “exported” to hundreds of public schools, private schools, and youth-service organizations throughout the New York Metropolitan area. Ramapo Training provides behavior management techniques, program support, and coaching for educators, parents, and youth service workers, and has empowered thousands of teachers and other youth service professionals with practical tools needed to transform classrooms, after-school programs, and summer camps into environments that foster positive behaviors and promote success. Specific training specialties include managing difficult behaviors, structuring programs to meet individual student needs, increasing student engagement, strategies for avoiding conflict situations, and creating inclusive environments for children with autism spectrum disorders. Ramapo Training has grown significantly in the past 10 years, from having one part-time staff member to a current staff of 38 (including 6 full-time administrative staff and 32 trainers). Ramapo Training now collaborates with over 200 schools and agencies in the New York Metropolitan region. 10 THE GROWTH OF RAMAPO TRAINING 2001–2011 Number of training and coaching programs 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 WHO RAMAPO TRAINING SERVES 8% 27% 58% Schools 58% Out-of-school Programs 27% Parents 8% Youth Program Supervisors 3% Programs for Children with Autism 2% Early Childhood Programs 1% Conferences 1% Ramapo Training workshops are interactive and hands-on. “I left here happy, knowing what to do with my children, and I am relieved that other people like Ramapo Training get where I am coming from.” Jessie D., parent training participant HIGHLIGHTS OF RAMAPO TRAINING REACHING TEACHERS IN NYC From 2007-2009, Ramapo Training undertook an extensive evaluation of its teacher training programs, working with over 250 teachers at 13 New York City schools. The studies had statistically significant findings across the years, showing that teachers gain skills in classroom management (effectiveness in the classroom) and that they have an improved sense of ability and satisfaction in their jobs (resiliency). In addition, 95% of teachers surveyed gave high ratings to our trainings, and almost all say that they would attend another training by Ramapo. OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME PROGRAMS: DEVELOPING BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS In 2009-2010, a total of 31 staff members from out-of-school time programs participated in a yearlong Behavior Management Specialist Training Series. Results reported by workshop participants were overwhelmingly positive. Following the workshop series, 100% of participants reported a reduction in behavior incidents and noted an increase in positive relationships between staff and the children they served. Participants reported that they and other staff were better able to manage difficult behaviors, were more confident, and were more likely to handle disruptive behaviors on their own. MEETING PARENTS’ NEEDS WITH TARGETED WORKSHOPS Responding to feedback in our workshops, Ramapo continues to develop new curricula to address the needs of parents raising and advocating for children with special needs. Current offerings include: • Helping Parents and Caregivers to Manage the Behavior of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders • Help Me Fit In! Practical Strategies for Teaching Your Child Social Skills • Show and Tell: Using Visual Strategies to Help Your Child Understand, Listen and Follow Directions 11 MEASURING RESULTS & INFORMING THE FIELD Ramapo for Children is committed to the ongoing success of our programs. Our 85-year history, which includes 10 years of Ramapo Training in New York City schools and after-school programs, provides us with a wealth of knowledge that we are continuously using to inform our practice. Our goal is not only to enrich the lives of the children served by Ramapo programs, but also to share our unique perspective nationally, positioning Ramapo as a thought leader in the field of training adults—including teachers, youth workers and camp counselors—to work with children who face challenges learning and forming relationships. Ongoing studies consistently show that participants in Ramapo’s programs significantly improve their social and relationship building skills. As we continue to capture program-specific evidence and youth development outcomes from Camp Ramapo, Ramapo Retreats, Ramapo Training and the Staff Assistant Experience, Ramapo for Children is equipped to both share our knowledge of best practices broadly and foster an ongoing cycle of learning and development. 12 HIGHLIGHTS OF PROGRAM EVALUATION IN 2010 • Ramapo Training: After attending a Ramapo Training session, 97% of teachers reported that they were able to establish productive relationships with their students. • Summer Camp Evaluation: With funding from the Eisman Foundation for Children, Ramapo is conducting a three-year study of 24 young children with special needs, evaluating the long-term effects of summer camp programs on social skills and self-confidence. In the first year of this study, 100% of camper parents and 87% of campers reported that camp increased participants’ self-confidence. • Staff Assistant Experience: In-depth interviews show that Staff Assistants gain meaningful work experience and feel they are an important part of the Ramapo community. • Ramapo Retreats: 98% of adults and 94% of youth participants said that their group got along better after attending a Ramapo Retreat program. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY LOOKING BACK: 2010 ACCOMPLISHMENTS LOOKING FORWARD: GOALS FOR 2011 • Camp Ramapo served 573 children and • We will “tell our story” more effectively and provided significant scholarship support to more than 50% of families. • Environmental Education Experiences were piloted as an integrated part of the Ramapo Retreats program. • The Staff Assistant Experience completed its pilot program phase and expanded to serve seven participants in the summer of 2010. • Ramapo Training began pursuing its goal to expand capacity beyond New York City, creating an in-depth 90-page training manual for educators. to new audiences so that more children and families can benefit from Ramapo's experience and expertise. • Camp Ramapo will continue to enrich the lives of over 550 children with special needs during the summer of 2011. • Ramapo Training will reach beyond the New York Metropolitan area and develop new training content and materials. • The Staff Assistant Experience will serve more young adults and partner with other organizations and local businesses to expand the range of vocational opportunities available to participants. • Ramapo Retreats will bring more people to our Rhinebeck campus for a wider range of programs and experiences. Ramapo was awarded Charity Navigator’s highest rating of 4 stars for the fourth year in a row. This exceptional rating is achieved by less than 15% of charities and indicates that our organizational performance and fiscal responsibility “exceeds industry standards.” FINANCIAL SUMMARY: REVENUE AND EXPENSES FY10 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $4,819,644 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $4,815,651 3% 5% 11% 35% 62% 84% Program Fees $2,968,367 Charitable Contributions $1,717,966 Investment Income $133,311 Program Services $4,040,764 Management and General $540,899 Development $233,988 Certified Audit, March 2011 13 THANK YOU TO OUR SHINING STARS In 2010, Ramapo’s annual budget of $4.8 million was met with the help of 1,428 gifts from 1,040 generous contributors. This represents a 12% increase in donations over 2009. We wish to thank the following Foundations, Family Foundations, Corporations and Individuals for their support of Ramapo for Children from November 1, 2009 to October 31, 2010. In addition, we would like to thank those supporters who gave to us anonymously last year, as well as those individuals who chose to remember us through gifts to UJA-Federation of New York and the United Way. If you would like to make a gift, please contact us at (845) 876-8409 or visit our website at www.ramapoforchildren.org FOUNDATIONS # Autism Speaks Baker Summer Camp Scholarship Fund # Bloomberg, LP # J.E. & Z.B. Butler Foundation # Disney VoluntEars Community Fund # The Dyson Foundation # Eisman Foundation for Children # The Hyde & Watson Foundation # Isabella Freedman Jewish Greening Fellowship # John & Fred Klingenstein Fund of UJA-Federation # J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc. # Lopez Low Foundation # Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. # The Pinkerton Foundation # Ruth Turner Fund, Inc. # The Andrew Sabin Family Foundation # Stewart’s Foundation # Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge (SCOPE) # UJA-Federation of New York # United Way of New York City # van Ameringen Foundation, Inc. # Vital Projects Fund, Inc. FAMILY FOUNDATIONS # Judy Angelo Cowen Foundation # The Cameron & Jane Baird Foundation # Pete & Devon Briger Foundation # The Clarke Family Foundation # Peter A. & Elizabeth S. Cohn Foundation # The Bodri Foundation of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund # The Farbman Family Foundation— Steve & Eileen Farbman # Alfred & Harriet Feinman Foundation # Frehling Family Donor Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Dutchess County # The Glickenhaus Foundation # The Gottesman Fund # Gymtime Foundation # Heller Family Foundation # The Kupferberg Foundation # Jesse & Joan Kupferberg Family Foundation 14 # # # # # # The MAT Charitable Foundation N.S. Goldstein Foundation # Richard Nye Foundation # PJ Foundation # The Rosenthal Fund # Seibert Family Foundation # The Silverweed Foundation # David & Peggy Tanner Philanthropic Fund # The Three Chicks Charitable Trust # Jack M & Rose Ullman Foundation, Inc. # Witkin Family Fund CORPORATIONS # Adams Fences, Inc. # Atlantic Business Products & Larry Weiss # C-J Searles Cranberry Co. # The Chazen Companies # Competitive Courier # ERE LLP & Fiscal Management Associates LLC # Bill Fischer & Fischer Travel Enterprises # FOJP Service Corporation # GoodSearch.com # Google Matching Gifts Program # Houghton Mifflin Matching Gift Program # IBM Employee Services Center # iStar Financial, Inc. # K & K Realty Holdings, Inc. # KeyBank # Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management, Inc. # Law Offices of Susan Deedy # Lester’s # McCabe & Mack LLP # Microsoft Matching Gifts # Morris Associates—Mr. Michael Morris # Orange County Ironworks, LLC # Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program # Rock City Sand & Gravel Corp # Rockefeller Financial Services Matching Gifts Program # Sara Investment Real Estate # Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP Staley Real Estate Sun Wallpaper & Paint, Inc. # Top Spin Productions, Inc. # Triaction Conditioning Corp— Mr. & Mrs. Lyon Marcus # Truist # Westex—Tony Marinello & Alexis Weiss # Williams Lumber & Home Centers IN-KIND DONATIONS # Jonathan H. Allen # Mitch Boyarsky—Jackson Lewis LLP # Sue, Sam & Joshua Diaz # The Walt Disney Company—Disney Publishing # Ralph & Diane Genetti # Hasbro, Inc. # J & J’s Gourmet Cafe & Catering # Marjorie, Stewart & Lawrence Johnson # Jean-Pierre LeBlanc & Rose LeBlanc # Ken Marshall # Merritt Bookstore # Poughkeepsie Farm Project # Pro Bono Partnership # Red Hook Natural Foods # Lisa & Mark Schwartz # Jennie & Jeff Stokum # Village Pizza # Williams Lumber & Home Centers # Winter Sun & Summer Moon SHINING STARS # 28 Anonymous Donors # Karen Abrahamson # Vicki & William Abrams # Peter & Gila Acker # William Ackman—The Pershing Square Foundation # Sarah LaChance Adams # William & Dinny Adamson # Guity Adjoodani # Dr. Elliot & Helen Adler # Nancy & Howard Adler # Peter & Diane Albert # Sabrina Allan & Douglas Ellenoff Jonathan H. Allen Maria Allwin # Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Alpern # Robert & Marcia Altabet # Anita Altman # Jesse Angelo # Kate Angelo # Lillian Arlia # Linda Dano Attardi # Gilbert & Bonnie Bach # Bridget Baird # Cameron Baird # Rachelle Band & David Kuskin # Wendy Banner & Geoff Wiener # Elizabeth Barbone # Michele & Eric Barbosa # Lonnie & Karen Barnett # Lauren A. Baum # Sarah Bax # Beth Baxter # Michael Becker # Nancy & Joe Beechem # Kate Beever # Mark & Sharon Beever # Chris & Kathi Bell # Marian Bellama # Gary Belsky # Lisa & Peter Benet # Richard & Gail Bennek # Neil Beresin # Evan & Cindy Berg # Meryl & Stephen Berliner # Hy & Shirley Berman # Roger & Beth Berman # Jennifer Bezoza # Mr. & Mrs. David P. Bicks # Bonnie Billet # Mary Bingham # Rob Biniaz & Lucy Hood # Andrew G. Black # Bruce & Ann Black # Katherine Blacklock # Susan C. Blaisdell # John & Phyllis Blaney # Laura S. & Lloyd C. Blankfein # John & Pam Blanpied # # # # # # # # Cindy Blasewitz Adam Blau # Judith Block # Wayne Blouzdis # Mandi Bokman # William Bolduc # Timothy Bontecou # Sharon Botsford # Leslie & Samuel Bowden # Marcia Bowne # William B. & Dr. Jane Eisner Bram # Elizabeth Branca # Mrs. Myrna Brandt # Eric Braverman # Linda & Steven Brion-Meisels # Karen Brock # Joan Bronk # Dr. Jane Brooks # Margaret Brooks & Bob Chestnut # Deacon Bob Brooks # Caroline & Brian Brost # Rose Brown # Sheila Brown # Bella E. Browne # Maureen Browne # Vicki Bryant # James & Joanne Buccellato # Sidney & Lois Buchman # Denise Rachelle Bump # Adrienne Burg-Charwat # Jennifer Buri da Cunha # Nichole & Wayne Burke # Julia P. Burns # Howard & Lisa Busch # Ronald & Anne Cacciola # Margaret M. Cahn # Denise Calvo # Tricia Candemeres # Thomas & Michelle Cantelmo # Vivian Cardia # Alexis Carlson # Ann Carmel # Jason & Amanda Carmel # Jonathan & Dorothy Carmel # Peter W. Carmel, MD # Mr. Victor J. Caroddo # David & Deirdre Carroll # Liane & Marc Carter # Margaret Carter # Lauren Caslin # Mary Cassese & Robert Haskins # Bonnie & Clive Chajet # Lisa Chajet # Lori Chajet & Ben Wides # Patrice Chandler # Patricia Cheetham # Anne Cheetham-Condorelli # Wendy Cheng # Ariane Cherbuliez # Dianna & Stephen Chipkin # Alan & Bonnie Chodosh # Church of the Messiah # Susie & Michael Chusid # Jennifer Clabaugh # Heidi Clark Jane Forbes Clark Greg & Judy Clemens # Brian Cogan & Robin Keller # Curtis A. Cohen # Mark & Ellen Cohen # Martin Cohen # Philip Cohen & Rebecca Kramnick # Steven A. & Alexandra M. Cohen # Barbara & Bertram J. Cohn # Lawrence & Ann Cohn # Michael Coleman—Laughing in San Diego # Phillip G. Coleman # Alice & William Collins # Marcia & Geoffrey Colvin # Congregation Kol Ami # Kimberly J. Cook # Margaret Cooley # Charlotte & Sheldon Cooper # Stanley & Rosalyn Cooper # Douglas Copeland # Alfio H. Cornacchini # Taylor Couch # Carol Countryman # Amanda Cox, MD # Cathy Cramer # James & Kathy Craven # Stephen & Elizabeth Crawford # The Crespi Family # Miranda Critz # Allen & Nancy Croessmann # Lisa Crowley # Kelly Cullen # Rose Marie Cullen # Amanda D’Attilio # Mr. & Mrs. D’Attilio & Family # Jordan Dale # Douglas Dalessandro # Betsy Daniels # Robert & Betty David # David & Erin Dawson # Sally & Manuel de Vengoechea # Bob & Kathy Dean # Bob & Jeanne Dean # Jonathan A. DeCristofaro # Glenn Del Favero # Emme & Jonathan Deland # Lisa Delima & Bobby Alter # Henry Denker # Anne M. Derzon # Louis DeSorbo # Albert, Melissa & Benjamin Dethlefsen # Amber L. DeWeese # Amy K. Dezura # Eric Diamond # Suzanne & Terry Dingbaum # Dr. Joseph & Mrs. Julie Disa # Jeffrey DiScala # Barbara DiStasio # John (Ginz) DiStasio # Michael DiStasio # Steven DiStasio # Jonathan Dobias # Harriet Dolinsky Andy Donchin Marjorie & Alan Doniger # Roberta Donin, M.D. # The Donnelley Family # Joseph & Catherine Doris # Marlene Dorison # Teresa Dove # Katherine Y. Downes # Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Drescher # Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Druker # Susan & James Dubin # Sue Ducat & Stan Cohen # Janet & Daniel Duffy # Judy Dulberg # Steve & Dawn Durning-Hammond # Carmen Dutile-Redfearn # Carol & Marty Edelman # Susan Edinger & Thomas Davanzo # The Ehrenpreis Family # June Eichbaum & Kenneth I. Wirfel # Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Einhorn # Alice & David Elgart # Brett Elias # Martin Elias # Susan Klein Elicks # Charles & Nel Ellwein # Danielle Elsner # Deborah Engel & David Goldstein # Peter Entin & Barbara Janowitz # Dr. Leonard G. Episcopio, DDS # Tom & Sally Estes # Helen C. Evarts # Alexandra E. & Daniel Fallon # Ilana Fardjad # Brian Farragher—Andrus Children’s Center # Beth & Michael Fascitelli # Joan & Frank Feder # Eric & Amy Federman # Esther Fein & David Remnick # Andrew & Mindy Feldman # Sheldon Feldman & Gayle Saunders # Judith & Carl Felsenfeld # Antonia Fenn # Linda Fiddle, Esq. # Alan & Lois Fields # Ian Henry Fields # Michael Fineman # Bob & Arline Fireman # Orah Fireman & Andrew Schiavoni # Karen Fisch # Barry & Marti Fischer # Jeanne Tibbets Fischer # Julie & Richard Fischer # Joel Fisher # Anita Fishman # Amy Gant Fitzgerald # Mary & Steve Fleming # June Fortess # Patrice Frank # Chuck & Dawn Franke # Alexis Franks # Karen Freedman & Roger Weisberg # Nina Freedman & Michael Rosenbaum # Dr. & Mrs. Richard Frieden Ruth Friedman Sam & Ilana Friedman & Laurie Stein # Edward Frischling # Sally Froelich # Dori Fromer & Harley Frank # Christopher & Joyce Frost # Mrs. James J. Fuld # Lisa & Jim Fuld Jr. # Hope L. & John L. Furth # Francis & Joanne Gaizo # Cathryn Galanter & Jim Rosenfeld # Matthew Galen # Ronald & Frada Galler # Jamie Gangel & Daniel Silva # Phyllis Gangel-Jacob & Bernard Jacob # Linda & Harold Ganz & Family # Samantha Garbus # Gina Garrubbo # Johanna Garsenstein # Malcolm & Laura Gauld # Robert & Gail Gaynes # Brett & Barbara Geiger # Lyn Light Geller # Ralph & Diane Genetti # William & Kathy Gerhardt # Michelle Gersen & Michael Zweig # Morton J. Getman # Paul & Janine Gherson # Jade & Joel Giffin # Rhoda M. Gilinsky # Nancy & Richard Ginsburg # Scott Gitlin # Yotam Giustizia # Eileen S. Glassman # Carol Glickenhaus # James Glickson # Kate Glynn # Yolanda Goettsch # David E. Golan, Laura C. Green & Liza Green-Golan # Andrew J. Goldberg # Bernard Goldberg # Alan & Jackie Goldberg # Judith Goldberg # Steven Goldberg # Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Goldberger # Barry Goldman # Susan Goldsmith # Sandy & Ann Goldstein # Steven L. Goldstein, Attorney-at-Law # Susan Goodman Goldstein & Glenn Goldstein # Linda Gonnella # Nita & Chuck Goodgal # Douglas Goodman # Lawrence & Andrea Goodman # Pearl Goodman # Arnold & Mariel Goran # Ellen Gordon # Zak & Wendy Gordon # James & Penny Gorman # Mr. & Mrs. C. Joseph Gould # Phoebe & David Gray # Heather & Al Green # Rona G. Green 15 THANK YOU TO OUR SHINING STARS, continued # Hank Greenberg Laurie Greenberg # George Greenslade & Sunghee Ko-Greenslade # Paul & Sharon Griswold # Jon Grouf # Jennifer & Bud Gruenberg # Jane & Randy Guggenheimer # Tal Gurion & Sharon Gillon # Belinda Guthrie # Matthew Hague # Martin Halbfinger # Carol & Peter Halfon # Ellen L. Halpern # Lauren Halpern # Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Halpert # Hannah Hamermesh # Haeng Eum Han & Jang Kyu Moon # Renee Hand # Brooke Harris # Karen Harris & Rob Gips # Mike & Sally Harris # Myrna & Bob Harris # Paula Harrison # Jennifer F. Havens, MD # John & Diane Hawes # Kathie Heale # Helen Healy # Ryan Healy # Susan H. Hecht # Andrew D. Heineman # James & Pamela Heller # Susie Heller # Jill Herman # Stephen Hermanos # Bruce & Terri Herring # Julie Hess # Christy Green Hickey # Elizabeth Levitt Hirsch # Harriette Hirsch # Stephen Hirschhorn & Linda Polsky # Maida & Harry Hirschkorn # Theodore & Kathleen Hochheiser # Burt & Judy Hoffman # Rachel Holt # Betsey Holtzmann # Howard M. Holtzmann # Dale & Jane Honeycutt # Mrs. Patricia Horoschak # Carin Horowitz & David Wagenheim # Teri & John Horowitz # Mr. David Horton # Mr. & Mrs. James Houghton # Amy & Greg Hoyte # Jennifer Hu # Laurie Hubbert # Annie Huggins & Andy Rex # William Hurd # Thomas & Tracey Hynes # George & Ronnie Igel # Ginna Incalcaterra # Elihu & Harriet Inselbuch # Evelyn & Sidney Insoft # Jill & Ken Iscol # Thomas C. Israel # # Rabbi Richard Jacobs & Susan Freedman # Robin & Matt Jacobs # Greg Jaffe # Lynn James # Elaine Johnson # Marjorie, Stewart & Lawrence Johnson # Samantha Meltzer & Michael Joseloff # Judy & Miles Josephson # Ondrej Jurik # Jude Jussim & Roger Baker # Larry Kades # Lisa Kaestner # Stewart & Sherry Kahn # Paul & Linda Kalos # Marjorie Kalter # Jack & Connie Kamerman # Jed Kanner # Alan I. Kaplan # Laura K. Kaplan # Lauren D. Kaplan # Frank E. Karelsen, III # Joe Karpowicz # Lori & Marc Kasowitz # Carol Kassel # Andy Katz # Gary & Shelley Katz # Jonathan F. Katz, Ph.D. # Mindy & Roy Kaufman # Dr. David Lee Keiser # Emily Keller # Jim Keller & Mary Ellen Hoy # Scott & Laurel Kemp # Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Kemp # Jeffrey L. Kenner # Tory & Elena Kiam # Dana Kiesel # Geoffrey D. Kimball # Richard W. & Athena Kimball # David & Barbara Kimmel # Joseph & Andrea Kirchhoff # Thomas J. Kirchhoff # Laura Kirk # Mari Kirsch # Dr. Morton Kissen # Dr. Diane Kittredge # Allen Kleban & Sharon Handwerg # Jana & Paul Kleidman # Donna Lynn Kleiman # Bonnie & James Klein # Jesse Klein # Joan Klein # Nancy Klein # Rabbi Jonathan Kligler & Ellen Jahoda # Sherry Knazan # John & Carmela Kogan # Patricia Kogan # Warren F. Kolber # Jesscia Kolenda # Joan & Daniel Konas # Bernie & Susan Kosberg # Rachel Kosberg & Alex Brooks-Barr # Roberta Kosberg # Sheyna Kosberg # # # # Lou & Christine Koskovolis Lillian E. Kraemer # Sarah Kramer # Larry Krantz & Joyce Barber # Jesse & Maris Krasnow # Louise Krieger # Carol & Steve Kruh # Cyril & Gail Kruss # Li Kung # Esther & Ed Kunin # Jonathan & Amy Kunin # Mike Kunin # Lillian Kurtz # Steven M.S. Kurtz, Ph.D. & Bonnie Schwarcz Kurtz # Peter & Rachel Kushel # James Langel # Ralph & Myrna Langer # Richard & Carol Lansing # Tammy Lapidus # Tori Larson # Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Lauber # Cecilia G. Laureys # Jules Layman # Ruth Lazarus & Michael Feldberg # Allison & Erik Leaver # Shelley LeBoff # Grace Lee # Thomas H. Lee & Ann Tenenbaum # Julie & Paul Leff # Carol & Brunch Lehman # Terry & Sue Lennon # Barbara Leshinsky & Lisa Vertucci # Ellis & Seth Lesser # Mrs. Mary Leventhal # Lisa Levi ‡ # Alice N. Levin # Judi & Serle Levin # Peter Levin # Mrs. Wilbur A. Levin # Emily Levine # Kenneth & Sharon Levitsky # Clare Levy # Nadine & Peter Levy # Judith Hatchfield Lewis # Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Lichstein # John & Ali Lichtenstein # Aaron Lieberman # Evie & Larry Lieberman # Deidre Linburn # Geoffrey Linburn # Ruth & David Lindy # David & Elizabeth Lipman # Jonathan & Holly Lipton # David & Maggie Lissy # Joanne Loeb & Leonard Malter # Judy Loeb # Dr. Frank Lowy # Joshua & Rachael Lubarsky # Suzanne Lunn # Alan Luxenberg # Elyse Maas # Steven Macaluso # Rhonda & Jeffrey Mace # Lucia Macro Jackie Maher Katlin Maher # Adrian Majid # Steven & Lindsay Malitz # Virginia Maltese # Emily Mandelstam # Rebecca & Jeffrey Mandler # Marcy Mann & Chip Squire # Paulette & Eric Mann # Pamela Mann # Howard Marcus # Stephen Marcus # David Marell & Patricia Mitchell # Diana & Joseph Marenfeld # Judi Markowitz # Clifford Marks # Clifford & Stella Marks # Melissa Marquardt # Hollie Marron # Jeffrey C. Martin, Esq. # Frank & Terry Martini # John R. & Ana M. Marvin # Rina Maschler # Eric, Janine & Faith Maskell # Barbara Massey # Denise E. Matthew # Regina & Rick Mayell # Michael & Elizabeth Mayers # Carolyn Mayo-Winham # Lowell & Susan (Pancost) McAdam # Maria & Jack McAndrew # Ann & John McChord # Mike & Michelle McClellan # Lynnette & Kevin McCollum # Tom McCoy # Mary McKay & Jan Philip Browne # Jennifer McKee # Mary Anne McKernan # Mary McNear & David Bialer # Matthew J. McNear # Patricia McTeague # Claude Mellins & Michael Conard # David Mellins # Paul Mendelsohn # Teri Mendelsohn # Jill Mendelson # Randi Menkes # Richard & Ronay Menschel # Harvey Meranus # Jordan & Evonne Meranus # Mr. & Mrs. Deusdedi Merced # Teri Meskin # MetroWest Jewish Day School, Inc. # Steven Metzbower # Ellen Metzendorf # Ben Mich # Donna Miller # Stephen Miller # Gail & Skip Millison # Laura Mineo # Amanda Heming Minsky # Maxine Mintzer & Gary Levine # Linda Miron # Ed & Suzanne Miska # Kim Miskoe & Laura Wasserman * ‡ Deceased 16 Vince ‡ & Betty Pirozzi Stacie Pirozzi & Michael Swartz # John & Susan Pittenger # Sharon, Roy & Sam Plastock # Satya Pradhuman # Caroline Prewitt # Gerald & Karen Pubentz # Pam & Jeff Rabin # Theresa Rampino # John E. Raskin # Elinor G. Ratner # Zoe Rawson # Mr. & Mrs. Robert Raynor # Raymond Reed # Joan Ress Reeves # Peter Reikes & Randi Frankel # Emily Reilley # Keith & Rose-Lee Reinhard # Eugene & Florence Reisman # Sarah & Edward Rex # Nonie & Rink Reynders # Jessica Reynolds-Freely # Tom & Victoria Reynolds # Rhinebeck Reformed Church— Dorcas Guild Women’s Group # Mary Rhollans # Helen & Mark Rice # Mrs. Jean L. Rich # Helene Richter # Heidi & Richard Rieger # Zibby Right # Mr. & Mrs. Allan Rimland # Elias Rimland # Lauren & Edward Rimland # Edythe Rishin # Rima Ritholtz # Dennis & Mary Roach # Kevin & Alicia Roach # Linda Robbins & Stefan Prosenickov # La’Toya Robinson # Ed Rodriguez # Jim Rogers # William D. Rogers # Paul Romanello & Jamie Fortunoff # Nancy Romer # Beth Roncloes # Nan Root # Paul Rorbah # Jonathan Rose & Gayle DeLong # Barry Rosen & Felicia Lebewohl Rosen # Enid Rosenbaum # Nanette Rosenbaum # Sandi & Dan Rosenbaum # Francine Halfon Rosenberg # Neal Rosenberg, Esq. # Carole Rosenblatt # Daniel Rosenblum # Fran & Eric Rosenfeld # Faith Rosenfeld # Richard, Stacy & Max Rosenthal # Ruth Rosenthal # Marcia & Irving Rosenzweig # Adam Ross # David & Allison Ross # Deni Ross # # # # # # # # Patricia Mitchell & David Marell Peter & Denise Mitchell # Wilma Mittendorf # Michael & Amy Moorin # Dianne Morales # Laurel Kiyabu Morgan & Joe Morgan # Perry Moriearty # Kathleen Morio # Ann Morrill # Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Moser # Mr. & Mrs. Shaye Mozes # Mary Alice Mudge # Cathleen Muller # John & Deborah Muller # Jean Murphy # Lorig Mushegain # Katherine Nash # Frederic & Frances Nathan # Lisette & Bill Nayor # Jennifer Neff # Nancy, Daniel & Michael Neff # Jennifer Engelman Nelson # Maureen Nelson # Steven M. Nelson # Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Newman, Jr. # David Ng # Donna & Martin Nielsen # Christy Frye Nolan # Dawn Nonn # Renie & Rich Noring # Mary Novacek # Gail & Abe Nussbaum # Tara Nussbaum & Alan Greene # John & Sue O’Banion # Dorothy S. O’Connor # Mrs. Pat O’Mara # Michael O’Sullivan # Caren & Steven Oberstein # Jane & Daniel Och # Karen Ogden # Rachel Ohring # Matthew Orenstein # Jill & Todd Orlich # Meridith & Jim Osborne # Ellen Oshins & Mary Lou Impellezeri # Kerstin Osterberg # Jane L. Overman # Lillie Pak & Daniel Levy # Arthur & Jill Palmiotti # Joey Parnes & Ellen Tattelman # Lisa Paterson # Sid & Cyrille Paul # Susan & Peter Paul # Ms. Barbara Paxton # Dr. William A. Pearlman # Yaniyah Pearson # Pelletier Family # Julie & Josh Penzner # Lois Perelson-Gross & Stewart Gross # Tara Peris # Bob & Donna Peskin # Douglas & Bonnie Petersen # Melinda Phillips # Marc & Mary Pifko # Drs. Bart & Michelle Pillen James Ross Paul & Nancy Ross # Stuart Ross # Mona Joy Roth # James & Sally Rothkopf # Cynthia & Jerry Rothstein # The Routhier Family # David Ruben & Nancy Englander # Harold Rubin # Benita Rubinett & Larry Elsner # Fiona & Eric Rudin # Marty & Kirsten Ruglis # W. Henry Russell M.D. # The Rustin Family # Sarah Ryan & Robert Wieman # Cathy E. Sacks # Lisa & David Sacks # Irving Sager # David Sailer # Ed & Norma Salem # Flora Sanders # Ginger & Bob Sauer # Phyllis K. Saxe # Ellen R. Saxl # Stephen Saxl & Alice Naude # Jeffrey A. Scales # George Schabes # Linda Schapiro # Katherine Locker Scharlatt # Gregg & Lisa Schenker # Mrs. Victoria Schiavoni # Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schleiff # Janet Schliff # John & Patricia Schmeltzer # Lexy Schmertz # Alan & Anne Berman Schnitzer # Susan B. Schoellkopf # Dr. & Mrs. Paul Schorr # Benjamin P.D. Schrag # Raymond V. J. & Jean A. Schrag # Rebecca D.A. Schrag # Barbara Schreiber # Donna J. Schuler # James & Kim Schwab # Deah Schwartz # Mrs. Joan C. Schwartz # Jodi J. Schwartz # Martha & David Schwartz # Michael & Lisa Schwartzman # Kristy Sedlacek # Ellen Seely & Jonathan Strongin # Alisa Seewald # Jessica Seils # Mr. Peter Setaro, P.E. # John Shapiro & Shonni Silverberg # Lawrence Shapiro # Paul R. Shapiro # Deborah Shefrin # Millie Sheldon # Ellen Sherman & Chris Hitchcock # Elizabeth M. Sherwood # Rebekah Mae Shirey # Mr. & Mrs. William Shirley # James Shollenberger # Fred & Stephanie Shuman David & Linda Sicher Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sicher # David Sicular & Lilian Stern # Herbert & Sydell Siegel # William E. Siegel # Donald & Peter Sileo # Ronnie Silver # Stuart Beal & Ann Louise S. Silver, M.D. # Amy Silverman # Amy & Mark Silverman # Sarah Silverman # Jayme Silverstone # Stephen Simko # Samuel & Gail Simon # Alison & Daniel Singer # Jaren Singh # Linda Skipper # Bruce Skyer # Pamela & Mitch Slater # Chrystia & Maya Slywotzky # Audrey & Brian Smith # Deborah & Scott Smith # Howard Smith # Robert Smith # Ross & Debbie Smith # Sandra Smith # Wilma P. Snyder # Joan Lasker Sobel # Frank & Esther Solomon # Elizabeth Speert # Kathryn H. Speert # Beth Sperber # David & Barbara Spizzirro # Jeffrey & Gail Stadler # Cynthia & David Stark # Gary & Linda Stark # Amy Starkman # Robert & Joan Stein # George & Marilyn Steinberg # Nancy Steiner # Sam Stempel # Rebecca W. Stephens # Ricki Stern # Betsy & Wally Stern # Chris & Martin Sterr # Thomas & Rosemary Sterr # Christopher & Amy Stokes # Jennie & Jeff Stokum # Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stone # Jack Strassman # Carol Kahn Strauss # Jane Witkin Summer # H. Eugene Swantz, Jr. # Nancy & Peter Swartz # Daniel Swee # Darius & Theresa Sweet # Rebecca Tamel # Lisa & Josh Tane # Szilvia Tanenbaum # Barbara Tarmy & Gary Fradin # Neil Tavernite # Lisa & David Tazartes # Joanna & Gary Templeton # Victoria Templeton * ‡ Deceased 17 THANK YOU TO OUR SHINING STARS, continued # # # # # # # # IN MEMORY OF # Rosalie Acquilano # Sylvia Anderson # Cynthia Beal* # Linda Luna Burg # Daniel Chernikoff # Phoebe Cissell # Barbara DeCristofaro* # Robert DiStasio* # Hanni Edinger # Irving Gerson # Marian Goldman* # William B. Heller* # Ursula Karelsen # Elissa Keiser # George Klein* # Adrian LeBlanc # Lisa Levi* # Lyn Lewis’s Grandmother # Lore Mendelsohn # Walter Morio # Ralph, Barbara, Mike, Bud & Nuggie Cullen # Vince Pirozzi # Lillian Rind IN HONOR OF # Vicki & William Abrams # All the great campers & co-counselor friends* # Jesse Angelo # Kate Angelo # Art Block # Jennifer, Evangivaldo & Chloe Buri da Cunha # Sarah Calvo # Ann Carmel # Jonathan Carmel* # Mickey Carter # Lori Chajet* # Anne Cheetham Condorelli # Nate Clemens # Megan Collins # Hard Working Counselors* # John D. Countryman # Bob & Kathy Dean* # Ivanne Deneroff # Barbara DiStasio # Alan Doniger* # Vivian Ducat & Ray Segal # Dr. Albert Erdmann # Kevin J. Estes # Max Feldman # Nikki Lyn Fields # Orah Fireman # Anita Fishman* # Nina Freedman & Michael Rosenbaum* # Ilana Friedman # Matthew Galen # Rebecca Goldstein # Stephen Gordon # Laurie Greenberg* # Ken Grouf # Robert and Nan Hawes # Susie Heller* # Teri Horowitz* # Mark Hudson # Lawrence Johnson # Callie Kaplan # Frank Karelsen If we have accidentally omitted your name, please accept our sincerest apologies, and please let us know. Tambria Terry Bob & Joan Terwilliger # Marjorie Thibodeau # Aqiyla Thomas # Kathleen Thomases # Jeffrey & Cynthia Thompson # Daniel Tiano # Sarah & Nessim Tiano # Guy & Melissa Timperio # Mr. & Mrs. James Tisch # Rabbi Robert & Mrs. Lisa Tobin # Helene Spielman Torker # Cynthia & Michael Torrance # Russell & Naomi Torrisi # Julia Travers # Ellen & Jonah Triebwasser # Catherine W. Trimble & David W. Morse # Blair Trippe # Keith & Sandra Troccia # David Tsang # Brian & Erika Tucker # Leonard A. Tureff # Katherine Utter # Salima Vahabzadeh # Illiana Kerckerinck Van Meeteren # Dr. Peggy Van Raalte # Thomas Van Raalte # Shiloh & Tim Varvel # Margo Vassar # David & Sue Viniar # Carol Voelger # Jessica Vogel # Elizabeth Wachs # Marguerite H. Wagner # Jenn Walker # Karen Hirschkorn Walker # Daniel Walsh & Melissa Dixon # Helen & Herbert R. Warner # Hyman Warren & Sally Weiss # Amy Thiele Weber # Stacey & Jeff Weber # Charles & Lynn Weiner # Allen & Harriet Weingast # Andrew Weinstein # Boyd Weinstein # Abby Weintraub # Andrew R. Weintraub # Barbara & Allan Weisberg # Jane & Bob Weiss # Dr. Richard Weiss # Traci Weiss # Terry Weitzen # Bernie Weitzman # David Weller # Carolyn Wells # Sherry Wells-Levine # Judy Wenger & Marty Beaird # Annie Downes Whelan # Ryan Whelan # Kynyon White # The Whitehouse Family # Ruth & Jim Whiteside # Arthur Whitman # Patricia Whitney—Flowered Rock Farm Louise Wides Katherine & Ryan Wiegand # Susan & Howard Wiener # Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wigdor # Ilene Wilets & Dom Balletta # Gray & Marian Williams # Elaine & Ronald Williamson # Oliver & Mary Louise Wilson # Roy & Meg Wilson # Dr. Tracey M. Wilson # Kathleen Winitt # Bill & Joan Witkin # Edward Witkin # Peter Witkin # Amy & Tom Wolf # Marilea A. Wolf # Deane B. Wolfe # Karri Wolfe # Cheryl & David Wolff # Alma W. Wood # Darrell Wright # Dawn & Eric Wright # Michael A. Wright # Robert E. Wright # Nicole Wycoff # Janice Xuereb # Eve Yohalem # Jonathan & Holly Youngwood # Joseph & Susan Zacherman # Angela Zaia # Dale & Rafael Zaklad # Barbara & David Zalaznick # The Zeff Family # Lawrence & Carol Zicklin # Michael & Barbara Zimmerman # Suzy Zimmermann # Janet Zobel # Agnes Zulinska # David J. Zumpano Helen Rosen* Stanley Rosen # Ron Sanders # Alan Schorr # Jerry Selig # Seymour Shneyer # Theodore G. Sourlis # Jack Stein # Glenn Stempel* # Joyce Stempel* # Deborah Stern # Dr. Herb Strean # Barbara Brehm Swantz # Bob Thomases # Bob & Jean Thomases # Lenore F. Verdrager # Nick Voelger* # Lenore Warner* # Robert B. Weller # Dorothy Wright Emily Keller Sadie Ava Kleidman # Amber Drew Kleiman # Michaela Kogan # Bernie & Susan Kosberg* # Edward Kunin # Michael Kunin* # Lillian Kurtz # Rachel Kurtz # Beth Layne # Adrian Nicole LeBlanc # Julie and Paul Leff* # Coleman Lisa # Susan Loveall # Joshua Magat* # Leo Mandler # Arielle Mann # Elizabeth Martini # Mervin R. Matthew # Mary, Kelly, Julie & Kevin McKay* # Paul Mendelsohn* # Ivan Kruh and Miral Luka # Misa Moon # Alexandra (Gould) Munzel # Inna Muzykansky* # Nancy Neff* # Nancy Newman # Joyce Norden # Tim O’Mara # Joey Parnes & Ellen Tattelman # Joan & Larry Pass’s granddaughter Leah # Gerald & Karen Pubentz* # Peter Rice # Jake Rimland* # Edythe Rishin* # Nina Robins # Cara Rosenbaum # Richard, Stacy & Max Rosenthal* # David Ross # Stuart Ross # Harrison, Sydney & Samantha Rusie # Ellen Saxl* # Rebecca Schrag* # Oscar & Hugo Segal* # Lily Silva # Nicholas Silva # Jodie Singer # Doris Smith # Ginger Speicher # Sam Stempel # Eleanor Stone # Lisa & David Tazartes # Karen & Christy Thompson # Maggie Torrance* # Zuzana Vojtek # Jimmy Walker # Nancy Walker # Bill Witkin* # Amy Wolf # Joseph B. Zaia # Mira Jae Zeff * Multiple gifts received in honor/memory 18 BOARD OF TRUSTEES President Amy Wolf First Vice President Richard Rosenthal Vice Presidents Claude Ann Mellins, Ph.D. Deusdedi Merced, Esq. Treasurer Bob Dean Secretary David Ross Directors Ann E. Carmel* Jonathan W. Carmel Marc Carter Lori Chajet, Ph.D. Alfio H. Cornacchini John DiStasio Nina P. Freedman* Laurie Greenberg* SENIOR LEADERSHIP STAFF Susan K. Heller* Teri Goldberg Horowitz Joseph T. Kirchhoff Julie Abrams Leff Ellis Rosen Lesser Aaron O.L. Lieberman Mary McKay, Ph.D. Paul Mendelsohn Nancy Fuld Neff* Joey Parnes* Lauren Rimland Michael Rosenbaum* David Ross Ellen Rogers Saxl, Ed.D. Rebecca D.A. Schrag, Ph.D. William I. Witkin* Honorary Directors Alan F. Doniger Susan Heming Hecht Frank E. Karelsen III* William D. Rogers* Sam Stempel * Past Presidents Chief Executive Officer Adam Weiss Executive Directors Michael Kunin Lisa Tazartes Associate Executive Director Jennifer Buri da Cunha Director of External Affairs Elissa Harel Director of Major Gifts Jana Kleidman Director of Annual Giving Jennie Stokum Director of Program Evaluation Kira Krenichyn Ramapo for Children P.O. Box 266 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Phone: (845) 876-8403 Fax: (845) 876-8414 Website: www.ramapoforchildren.org New York City Office 15 West 36th St., Suite 14S New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 754-7003 Fax: (212) 754-4994 Website: www.ramapotraining.org
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