Application - Flandreau Indian School
Application - Flandreau Indian School
The FlandreauIndian SchoolAdmissionsDepartmentconsistsof the Registrarand the AdmissionsReview Committee.Applicationsare acceptedthroughoutthe schoolyear and for the start of eachterm. The Registrarreviewsthe applicationsfor completeness. The Review Committeethen meetsto review eachapplicationfor acceptance. After applications arerevieweda letter is sentout regardingyour acceptanceor non-acceptance.The acceptanceletterwill statethe term you are acceptedfor. FLANDREAU INDIAN SCHOOL lI32 N. Crescent St. Flandreau,SD 57028 (605)997-3773 ext.2ll4 (800)942-1647 ext.2ll4 Dear Student: Thank you for consideringthe FlandreauIndian Schoolfor advancingyour educational opportunities.Pleasereadthe applicationand completeall requireddocumentationbefore sendingto FlandreauIndian School. FlandreauIndian Schoolis an off reservationboardinghigh schoolfor grades9 - 12. Studentsare allowedto enroll prior to the beginningof a term. Contactthe Registrarif you haveany questionsregardingadmissionsor the applicationprocessat the numberabove. Here are answersto the most frequentlyaskedquestions: 1. What is the applicationdeadline? The deadlinefor applicationsis tentativelyset for eachterm. We want to see our studentsstart schoolon the first day. You may call the numberabovefor thosedates. 2. When shouldthe applicationbe sent? Our AdmissionsReview Committeewould like to havethe complete applicationhere as soonas possibleoncethe studenthas completedtheir currentschool year. 3. What happensif I don't senda completeapplication? An incomplete application will not be reviewed.Parentsmust includeALL requiredinformation with the applicationbefore sendingit. Sendingin an incompleteapplicationdoesnot reservea slot for the student. 4. May I requestmy previousschoolto mail you my grades/transcripts? Transcripts(official copy of schoolgrades)must be includedwith the application.(Do not ask previousschoolto mail the transcriptdirectly to our school.Pleaseattachthetranscriptto the application.) 5. May I sendmy applicationwith a releaseof information for FlandreauIndian Schoolto requestmy transcripts? FlandreauIndian SchoolWILL NOT REQUEST TRANSCRIPTS from the applicant'sformer school(s). 6. May I get a physical after I am acceptedat the FlandreauIndian School? Physicalexaminationsand immunizationsrecordmust be includedwith the application.(A copy of a previousphysicalcan be sentif it is not older than one year from the startdateof the schoolyear.We will also needa copy of the current physicalto be sentto us oncethe studentis ableto schedulean appointmentat your Indian Health ServiceClinic or other clinic. 7. When will I know if I am acceptedor denied? Review Committeewill review applicationsand make selectionsthroughout the year. An acceptanceor denialletterwill be sentafter your application hasbeenreviewed. 8. Can a studentof legal age enroll themselvesat the FlandreauIndian School? All forms mustbe completedand signedby parent/guardian; studentsmay not sign their own applicationevenif they are 18 yearsof age or older. FlandreauIndian SchoolAdmissionFacts 1. Behaviorcontractswill be requiredaspart of the approvalfor admissionfor students having exhibiteda history of abusingschoolrules. 2. Specialapprovaland review will be requiredfor late applicationsand thereis not a guaranteefor approval. 3. Studentswho havebeensuspendedor expelledwill receivecritical application examinationby the AdmissionsReview Committeeand SchoolPrincipal. 4. Studentswho exhibit behaviorthat would endangerthemselvesor otherswill be denied admission. 5. The FlandreauIndian Schoolis on a block schedule;therefore,26 creditsare required to graduate. 6. Incompleteapplication packetswitl not be revieweduntil application is complete. Your application must have the following to be consideredfor enrollment at the Flandreau Indian School. Pleaseuse this list as a checkbefore vou mail your application. 1. Parent/GuardianSignature 2. Social SecurityNumber (Copy of the Card) 3. Certificateof Indian Blood. You must be enrolledwith a US federally recognizedtribe or you must be Yodegreeor more if not enrolled. Tribal EducationOffices cannotcertiff and sign blood degrees. Tribal ID cards are not acceptable! 4. Physicalexamination. New one every year. 5. ImmunizationRecord. 6. Consentof parent/guardianfor medical care.Pg 10 CompletelySigned. 7. Parentalconsentform for Records,Field Trips, and Medication. 8. Copy of Birth Certificate. DO NOT SEND BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE. 9. An ofhcial up-to-datehigh schooltranscriptmust be included. If you have not attendedschoolfor a semesteror more, pleaseindicateso. Flandreau Indian Schoolwill not request transcripts. 10.If you are a new freshmanyou must provide proof of promotionto grade9. Pleasesubmit a copy of your 8thgradereport card stating promoted to grade9. 11.Policy sign off sheet. Both Parent/Guardian and student. 12.TrlbalResolution must accompanyapplicationif you resideoutsideof SouthDakota,North Dakota, Montana,Wyoming, Iowa, Nebraska,Minnesota,Wisconsin,or Michigan. 13. ELO Signature(seepage 3 of the application) 14. Social Summary(seepage 3 of the application) 15.Free and ReducedLunch Form. 16.McKinney Ventro Form. Must be signedat the bottom. lT.Letter from studentstating why they rvould like to attendFlandreauIndian School. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED! ! t ! Completed applications can be mailed to: Flandreau Indian School Attn: Registrar 1132N. CrescentSt. Flandreau, SD 57028 Pleusedo not fsx upplications, we needoriginul signutuFes. Page I APPLICATION FOR BUREAU FUNDED SCHOOLS& FEDERAL BOARDING SCHOOLS Attachedwith the applicationis an instructionsheetand accompanyingpapersto be completed. TINITED STATESDEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs 1076-0122Data Elements for Student Enrollment in Bureau Funded Schools: Expiration 0313112012 STUDENT ENROLLMENT APPLICATION Name of School: GradeApplying For: FlandreauIndian Irltltltrrtrrtllllllttttrrlrlrlllllttttatltttttlrrarrllllllllllrrrrlltrllltllllrllatllll 1. IDENTIFICATION:SOCIALSECURITYNUMBER: NAME OF STUDENT ADDRESS:POBOX MIDDLE FIRST LAST STREET CITY: STATE: DATE OF BIRTH: ZIP CODE: DEGREEINDIAN: S E X :M A L E ( ) F E M A L E ( ) PLACEOF BIRTH: TRIBAL AFFILIATION: ENROLLMENTNUMBER: HOMEAGENCY: (Must includecopy of Certificateof Indian Degreeof Blood) : RELIGIOUSAFFILIATION(optional) DOMINANT LANGUAGE SPOKENIN HOME: STUDENTATTENDEDFLANDREAUPREVIOUSLY? YES NO NOTB: SocialSecurity Number must be included at the top of this page. Page2 Student'sName: NOTE: Pleaseinclude the area codewhen recording telephonenumbers. Pleaseprovide documentation of legal guardianship if applicable. ltlttrrllltttttrrlllltltttlllllltlllttltltrrllllllllllrllllltllltllllllllllllrllllllllll 2. FAMILY AND BACKGROTIND INFORMATION: Parentsor Legal Guardian (circle one) Father Mother: Address: Address: Town: Town: Tribal Affrliation: Tribal Affiliation: Home Agency: Home Agency: Living: ( ) Deceased:( ) Living: ( ) Deceased:( ) Occupation:(opt.) Occupation:(opt.) Employer: Employer: Telephone: Home: Telephone:Home: Work: Work: Emergency: Emergency: Other: Other: Studentresideswith: Name Address: zip: City, State Telephone: 3. SCHOOL PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED: (Pleaseincludecompletemailing address) SchoolName: Address: CitylStatelZip: Telephone: Dates Attended: GradeCompleted: I am legally responsiblefor this studentand hereby apply for his,4reradmissionto this school. Understandthat additional information may be requestedby the school before the sfudentis enrolled. Signatureof Parent/LegalGuardian The FlandreauIndian School will follow the guidelines set forth in 62 BIAM 9.5 Page3 A. CRITERIA FOR BOARDING SCHOOL: Favorableaction is recommendedupon this application becausethis caseconforms to the following criteria for boardingschool. Ifthis applicationis for an off-reservationboardingschool and for socialreasons,a social summarymust accompanythis application. Check all applicablecriteria. EDUCATION FACTORS SOCIAL FACTORS (Must be accompanied by social summary) schoolsnearstudent'shome: Federal/public In hisftrer family environment, the student: ( ) Grade level not offered. ( ) Are severelyovercrowded. ( ) Exceed| % mile walking distanceto schoolor bus route. ( ( ( ( ) Do not offer specialvocational/preparatorytraining necessaryfor gainful emPloYment. ( ) Do not offer adequateprovisionsto meet academic deficienciesor linguistic/culturaldifferences. ( ) ReceivingSchooloffers specialacademicprogram neededbv student. OTHER FACTORS - Parent Choice - Was rejectedor neglected. Does not receiveadequateparentalsupervision. Well beingwas imperiled due to family behavioral ( ) Was behavioralproblemstoo difficult for solution by family or local resources. ( ) Was siblingsor other closerelativeenrolledwho would be adverselyaffectedby separation. Homeless - Other If you do not live in SouthDakota,North Dakota,Minnesota,Michigan, Wisconsin,Iowa, Nebraska, Montanaor Wyoming, you will be requiredto submit a resolutionfrom your tribe to attendour school. If you live outside the boundaries of the Flandreau Indian School,it is the parent's responsibility to contact the Tribe to find out if your Tribe has a resolution' . If you shouldhavequestionsregardingresolutions,pleasefeel free to contactus at 1-800-942-1647 B. Out-of-Bounds ApProval: ReceivingBIA EducationLine Officer Date Page4 (To aid studentin IntenseResidentialGuidance) SUPPLEMENTALATTACHMENT FOR FIS BOARDING SCHOOL APPLICATIONS AN INTENSERESIDENTIALGUIDANCE(IRG) FLANDREAUINDIAN SCHOOLOFFE,RS PROGRAMTO ASSISTSTUDENTSWHO HAVE SEzuOUSPROBLEMSADJUSTINGTO SCHOOL, OF THE INTENSERESIDENTIALGUIDANCE OTHERPEOPLE,AND/OR SOCIETY.THE PURPOSE IN SUPPORTS PROGRAMIS TO PROVIDECULTURALVALUE REINFORCEMENTS, AND SOCIAL ABUSE DRUG IINDERSTANDINGAND COPINGWITH ALCOHOLAND DEVELOPMENT,PLUSDEVELOPINGA PEERGROUPALL IINDER THE DIRECTIONOF INDIVIDUAL ADVISORS.PLACEMENTOF ELIGIBLESTUDENTSIS KNOWN TO MAXIMIZE THEIRSCHOOLRETENTIONRATE AND TO HELPRESOLVESOCIALPROBLEMSTHEY MIGHT BE EXPERIENCING. for IRG eligibility,we needa statement In orderfor the studentapplicantto be considered from a socialworkeror socialagencyofficial,officerof the court, placement recommending Pleasemakea brief statement or psychologist. juvenileauthority,formerprincipal,counselor, on thestudent'sapplication,further if you checkedoneof the socialreasons regardless Programplacement. Guidance for IntenseResidential will benecessary explanation for referringa studentto IRG mustbe from officialsotherthanparents. Statements REFERRAL STATEMENT/SOCIALHISTORY: Recommendthe need for Student'sName To be placed in Flandreau Indian School's Intense Residential Guidance Program. Name and Title (Parentsor Legal Guardianscannot sign this form.) Date Page5 SOCIAL INFORMATION AND PROGRAM REFBRRAL Has your studentmissedmore than 10 daysof schoolin the last year? If yes, give nameof school: No Yes ol, dates'and reason No -ff"or.t"a*t Ueensusperuledfrom schoolin the last year?Yes school.dates.and reason: If so, explain: No Has studentever beenarrested?Yes If yes, give nameof What was the law violation? ExPlain: Has studenteverbeenin jail or detention?Yes If so, explam: No -- If yes, give nameof probationofficer, address,and phonenumber: Has your studentreceivedor beenreferredto treatment?Yes No - If yes,where? If yes, pleaseidentify and describewhat kind and havethe Counseloror therapist No _ senda reportto FlandreauIndian School. yes Type of Therapyor CounselingReceived: Name & Title of Counseloror Therapist: Address: PhoneNumber: Parent/ GuardianSignature Date NOT PROVIDING OR PROVIDING FALSE INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD'S IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM THE FLANDREAU INDIAN SCHOOL. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS PAGE COMPLETELY. Page6 MEDICAL INFORMATION Does the studenthave any medical problems that may interfere with school attendanceand/or needsmedical If yes,pleaseexplain: No carewhile in school? Yes Is the studenttaking medicationson a regularbasis? Yes - No - Is the studentallergicto any medicationsor foods? Yes - No - Has the studentreceivedthe HepatitisA injection? Yes Has the studentreceivedthe HepatitisB injection? Yes No -No -- If yes, list: If yes, list: No Doesthe studenthave any medical insuranceor Medicaid? Yes type? What If So, Pleaseprovide a copy of the card with the application. WhatNumber? All FlandreauIndian School staff is authorizedto act in Loco Parentisfor the studentsat the Flandreau Indian School. The FIS staff has authorityto sign all paperworkrequiredfor emergency,medical,or hospital careat any medical facility. FYI: Definition - In Loco Parentis: In loco parentis is a term used in situations where another individual or agency is acting in place of a parent on behalf of a minor. The tcrm is used in legal settingsto assign the rights, duties, and responsibilitiesof a parent to another person or agency. Alternatively, the term has been used in less formal referencesto describe the role played by an educational institution, such as a boarding school, college,or university, in supervising minors and young adults. NOT PROVIDING OR PROVIDING FALSE INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD'S IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM THE FLANDREAU INDIAN SCHOOL. I. MEDICATION With my full consent,the FlandreauIndian Schoolhasmy permissionto administermedicationto the student. I (we), as parent (s)/legal guardian (s), have read this consentform for the FlandreauIndian School and fully understandand agreeto its content. SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE Page 7 FLANDRBAU INDIAN SCHOOL POLICIES The FlandreauIndian School wants to provide positive leaming within a safe and healthy environment. Our concernis to encouragestrong academicprogressin the classroomand dormitory situation. We have adoptedthe following policies to improve our studentslearningand safety. NO TOLERANCE POLICY ON ALCOHOL, DRUGS, AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR The FlandreauIndian Schoolwill adopta policy on violence,use of alcohol,use of drugs,and any administrativelydeterminedaction. Violencemeansviolent behaviorwhich might lead to insult, or injury toward studentsor staff. Studentsmay be subjectto an immediate hearing, which could result in a referral to the TransitionDorm, suspension,or expulsion. Students,who are involved in any act of violence or exhibit violent behavior toward staff, students,or to the generalpublic on or off campus,will be subjectto a mandatorycounselinginterventionprogramwithin the TransitionDorm. (This will include disrespectfulbehaviorin the classroom,cafeteria,canteen,dormitory, at the gate,or other areason campus.) This also includesan accumulationof majors,which might result in a studint hearing. Examplesof the aboveare listed,but not limited to the following: Intimidation;threatsof violence;participationin group violence,i.e., in a room where a fight may take place or groupsof students intimidating others;verbal threats or written threats,or any such treatsto staff members,AWOL's that would endangerhealth and safety, or any.thinglisted in Article X, SectionsA, B, and C of the Student Handbookwhich definesstudentsstandardsof behaviorand conduct. If a studentcommits an act of violence leading to seriousbodily harm to themselves,anotherstudent,or staff member, the studentmay be subjectto a hearingfor suspensionor expulsionimmediately. Studentswho are involved in consumptionof alcoholor useof drugswill be subjectto a mandatory counselingintervention program within the Transition Dorm. A studentmust attend the mandatory counselinginterventionsessionsassignedby the staff immediately. When the studenthas successfully completedthe programin the TransitionDorm and then receivesanothermajorriclating the zero tolerance policy, that studentmay be subjectto a hearingfor suspensionor expulsionimmediately. GANG-RELATED CLOTHING Any wearing of apparelthat signifies gang membership,items with gang connection such as handkerchiefs, "rag", necklaces,and/or"colors", and clothesdepictingany tobacco,liquor, or explicit/implied sexual connotation are viewed as inappropriate. Any clothing items the school administration deemsto be gangrelatedwill be banned. Studentswho may participatein anyway in gang related activities may be subjectto immediatesuspensionor expulsion. Activities suchas the abovemay be considereda health and safety issue. We have readand agreeto the abovepolicies: Parent/GuardianSi gnature Date StudentSignature Date Page8 VANDALISM POLICY The FlandreauIndian Schoolhas adopteda policy on vandalism. The policy statesthat vandalismwill result in a major infraction and that the studentwill be expectedto pay for damages,such as but not limited to: brokenwindows; defacing;of ID cards;destructionof heatvents,furniture, or textbooks;damageto walls; graffiti on any FIS property; or tampering with the sprinkler system. However, if the destructionis the result of u d"lib.tately setfire ordeliberatedamageto property,law enforcementwill be notified and the FBI may alsobe involved. All students,upon enrolling at the FlandreauIndian School,will be required to sign a contract statingthat they agreeto keeptheir dormitory room in good condition. This policy may include all buildings locatedon When vandalismis discoveredin a dormitory room, all studentswho occupythat room will be "*p,rr. chargedwith vandalism or destruction of federal property. Parentswill be notified and the student(s)will be given five days to arrangefor payment of damages. The student(s)involved will also be citied with a major ior vandalism. Any studentin the room where the vandalismhas taken place, who can prove he/shewas not involved,will be exemptfrom the vandalismcharges' SEARCH AND SEIZURB POLICY It is the inherentright of schoolboardsand schooladministratorsto inspectlockers,desks,and/orstorage spaces.Theselockers,desks,and/orother storagespacesremainthe property of the school;and school &ficials have the right to accessat anytime for any reason. School officials have the authority to conduct searchesof individual studentsand studentproperty. Authority for thesesearchesmay be exercisedas neededin the interestofsafeguardingstudents,staff, studentproperty,staffproperty, and schoolproperty. Schoolofficials may searcha locker, desk,or other storageplace wheneverthere is reasonablesuspicionto believea locker, desk,or other storageplace may containarticleswhich are illegal or constitutea violation of schoolpolicies or regulations. Reasonablesuspicionprovidesthat school officials are not underthe more stringentconditionsof probablecauseas are law enforcementofficials. School liaison ofltcers are also coveredunder the conditionsof reasonablesuspicionwhen directedby a school administrator. If an actual student searchis deemednecessary,it must be done by a staff member of the samesex as the studentand with the samesex witness. If probablecauseexists,law enforcementwill decideif a strip search is required. Schoolofficials may grant law enforcementofficials permissionto usedrug dogs on propertyownedand/or controlledby the FlandreauIndian School. We haveread and agreeto the abovepolicies: Parent/Guardian Si gnature Date StudentSignature Date Page9 PARENTAL CONSENT DOB STUDENT'SNAME: RECORDS 1. Family EducationRights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 34 CFR Part99 SubpartD - May an Educational Agency or Institution disclosepersonally identifiable information from educationrecords? Sec.99.31 Under what conditionsis prior consentnot requiredto discloseinformation? (readsin paa) (a) An educationalagencyor institution may disclosepersonallyidentifiable information from an educationrecordof a studentwithout the consentrequiredby Sec.99.30if the disclosuremeetsone or more of the following conditions: (1) The disclosureis to other schoolofficials, including teachers,within the agencyor institutionwhom the agencyor institution has determinedto have legitimate educationalinterests. (2) The disclosureis, subjectto the requirementsof Sec.99.34,to officials of anotherschool,school system,or institutionof postsecondaryeducationwherethe studentseeksor intendsto enroll. Releaseto: SCHOLASTIC ASSESSMENT TRANSCRIPTS HEALTH IMMUNIZATION OTHER(specify) Registrar FlandreauIndian School 1132N. Crescent Flandreau.SD 57028 Purpose:For Enrollment 2. EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION Releaseto: ExceptionalEducation FlandreauIndian School 1132N. Crescent Flandreau.SD 57028 IEP FIELD TRIPS 3. I (we) hereby grant permission for studentto participatein an organizedschool sponsoredactivity trip as approvedby FlandreauIndian School. I understandthe studentswill be properly chaperonedand alL precautionswill be taken to insure his/her safety. (Check only those appropriate) Recreational SchoolClubs Camping Interscholastic Sports Parent/GuardianSignature Town Trips Reli gious/Traditional On-Reservation Off-Reservation Extracurricular Date Overnight Out-of-State Home Visits Swimming Other Pase10 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE CONSENTOF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OR OTHER PERSONWITH PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CARE OF THE CHILD SSN Date of Birth Name of Student have read the ConsentForm for the Indian Health I (We), to arrangefor or to provide the following health servicesfor this child: 1. Health careincluding medical examinations,routinelaboratorystudies,x-ray procedures,and skin tests. 2. Dental careincluding dentalexaminations,preventativeuseof fluorides and necessaryemergencydental care. 3. Mental healthservicesincluding evaluationand treatmentnecessary. 4. Emergencyhealthcarefor accidentsor illness. 5. Transportationof the child to andlor from anotherhealth facility for these services. I herebygive consentfor all of the aboveservices' Exceptionsor SpecialInstructions: Signed Address City & State Relationship Date ValidUntil IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE, PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF THE CARD WITH APPLICATION. YOUR Personis defined as one who in the absenceof the parent or legal guardianprovides a home for the child suchas next ofkin. All FlandreauIndian School staff is authorizedto act in Loco Parentisfor the studentsat the Flandreau Indian School. Page1I FLANDREAU INDIAN SCHOOL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Other names NAME: Date of Birth: Parentor Legal Guardian: Not Evaluated Abnormal Normal Eyes Iars. Teeth Glands Heart Lungs Abdomen Genitals Posture Physical findings which are of significanceto the School: BloodPressure Pulse Recommendationsand Restrictions: List allergies: Significantfamily/personal& socialhistory: (List seriousillnesses,hospitalizations,etc.) Pleaseinclude history of chicken pox or vaccine for Chicken pox #l & #2. ENTBNDATE (MO/DAYiYR) EACH IMMUNIZATION WAS GIVEN a|v 5'" 4'n J 2^' 10' VaccineType DTAP/DTP/DT Td OPV/IPV Measles Or date child had disease Rubella Historv of d sease not acceptable History of disease not accePtable Mumps Hib Hep. B Hep.A Tuberculin Test (Mantoux recommended; Induration (In mm): Other Signatureof Examining Physician Date Page 12 INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Studentparticipatedin SpecialEducation: Yes Studentparticipatedin Gifted & Talented: Yes No No Has your studentever beenon an IndividualizedEducationPlan (IEP) for SpecialEducation? If yes,please indicateyour child's disabilitY: Cognitive Impairment Emotional Disturbance Leaming Disability Speechor LanguageImPairment Other Health Impairment pleasecontactthe schoolthat last implementedyour child's IEP and havethem forward the Special EducationRecordsto the FlandreauIndian School. This is extremelyimportant. It will assistthe staff in planning an appropriateprogram for your student. I am legally responsiblefor this studentand herebyunderstandthat additional information may be requested by the ExceptionalEducationDepartmentconcerningmy child's Individual EducationProgram. Parent/LegalGuardian Signature The FlandreauIndian School, in cooperationwith the Bureauof Indian Affairs funded schools,will ensure that a free and appropriateeducationand a full educationalopportunity is provided in the least restrictive environmentto all childrenwith disabilities,grades9 through 12. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS I. Requirementof SchoolBoards. A. Each governing board shall decide if the exam is to be repeatedon an annual basis, on a biennial basisor triennial basis. B. Each goveming board shall decide whether they want the doctors to evaluate sexual maturity based upon the Tanner Maturation Index. Please white-out item 13 on the PhysicalExam form if the decisionis NOT to usethe TannerMaturationIndex. TI. Requirementsof Member Schools. A. Each member school shall make copies of the forms that must be completed by the parentsandlordoctorsin sufficientquantitiesto meetyour needs. B . Member schoolsmust keep on file the following: 1. A copy of the PARENT PERMIT FORM. This form must be submittedannually. 2. A copy of the INITIAL PRE-PARTICIPATION HISTORY report for each student who takes the comprehensiveexam for the first time. This form must be made available to the medical examiner at the time the studenttakes his/her first physical exam. 3, A copy of the INTERIM PRE-PARTICIPATION HISTORY for eachstudentmust be submitted annually by the parents except on the very first occasion when the INITIAL PRE-PARTICIPATION HISTORY is required. All questionson the INTERIM PRE-PARTICIPATION HISTORY form should be answeredwith the following in mind: IN THE PAST YEAR: Pleaseexplain any yes answersin the spaceprovided on the form. Any yes answersmay require a re-visit to the medical provider for re-certification of health. The parent/guardiansignaturedenotesthat the student is physically able to participate. signed by either a 4. A copy of the comprehensivePHYSICAL EXAMINATION Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy,Doctor of Chiropractic,PhysicianAssistant or NursePractitioner. C. Member schools may commence schedulingphysical exams as early as April i for the ensuingschool year. III. Role of Doctors, Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioners. A. The certificatiorVsigningof the physical exam form is reserved for only a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy,Doctor of Chiropractic, a Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.Stampingthe name of a medical clinic or a medical associationas a substitute for the authorized signatureis unacceptable.All examsmust be signed by authorizedmedical personnelas listed in paragraphtwo above. B . The examiner shall receive a copy of Instructions for conducting the orthopedic screening and other portions of the exam. The instruction sheet follows the other forms located in this section of this publication. C . The medical history form must be made availableto the person(s),conductingthe physical exam at the time the examinationtakesplace. Revised07-09 PHYS - #1 SOUTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ITEMS TO BE EVALUATED Station I - Individual History All \'ES items in the history are reviewed in detail to determineif they constitute a risk to participation by the athlete,or need additionalevaluation. Station2 - Blood Pressure Right arm,sitting.Valuesneedingrecheckandpossiblefurtherevaluationare: Under11Years130175 12yearsandolder140185 Station 3 - Vision (Snellen) corrected visionlessthan20l40requiresfurtherevaluation. visionlessthan201200, Uncorrected Station 4 - Skin, Mouth, Eyes, Ears severecaries,pupil inequality,contacts,ear Pustularacne,herpesor otherinfections,athlete'sfoot; braces,dentalprostheses, drainage,malformation. Station 5 - Chest pulse discrepancy,murmurs,abnormalrhythm, forced expiratory history. Heart enlargement, Review of cardiac-related maneuver,evidenceof latentbronchospasm. Station 6 - Lymphatics' Abdomen, Genitalia of testicles,hemia,andTannermaturationindex. absence organomegaly, Cervicalor axillaryadenopathy, Station 7 - Orthopedic rangeof motionor strength Asymmetry,scoliosis,swellingor deformity,decreased Station 8 - Review that applY. Checkall categories other) Sports(collision,contact/endutance, -All -Contact/Endurance Sportsonly dueto -Other SportsOnlYdueto -sports dueto ParticipationNot Recommended, ApprovalWittrheldPendirigevaluationfor CrossCountry' Sports=Basketball, and Wrestling];[Contact/Endurance Definition:[Collision=Football Track, Volteybatl,CompetitiveCheerand CompetitiveDance];[Other Sports=Golll GymnasticsiTennis, Revised07-09 PHYS _ 1A SOUTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION ORTHOPEDICSCREENINGGUIDE Athletic A Generalhabitus;acromioclavicularjoints StandFacins Examiner Look at ceiling, floor, over both shoulders;touch earsto shoulders Cervical spine motion Shrug shoulders(examiner resists) Trapezius strength Abductshoulder90 degrees (examinerresistsat 90 degrees) Deltoid strength Full external rotation of arms Shouldermotion Flex and extend elbows Elbow motion Arms at sides,elbow 90 degrees flexed, pronate and suPinatewrists Elbow and wrist motion Spreadfingers;make fist Hand or finser motion and deformities Tighten (contact) quadriceps;relax quadriceps Symmetryandkneeeffusion; ankleeffusion "Duck walk" four steps(awayfrom the examinerwith buttockson heels) Hip, knee and ankle motion Back to examiner; knees shaight, touch toes Shouldersymmetry;scoliosis, hip motion,hamshingtightness Calf symmetry,leg strength Raise up on toes, raise heels uire reflex hammer, ta measure, n, and examination table. SOUTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PARENT OR GUARDIAN PERMIT I herebygivemy consentfor who was bom at GRADE 2 0 0 9 - 1 0S c h o o lY e a r Name (PleasePrint) City, Town, County, State High School to compete in SDHSAA approved athletics for Date of Birth duringthe2009-2010schoolYear. to participatein organizedhigh schoolathletics,realizingthat suchactivity INVegive our permissionfor our son/daughter involvesthepotentialfor injury which is inherentin all sports' Signed Parent or Legal Guardian INSPECTIONAT THE SCHOOL' THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ANNUALLY AND MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR INITIAL PRE-PARTICIPATION HISTORY SEEREVERSESIDE FOR TIEALTH HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE Revised07-09 PHYS- 1B INITIAL PRE-PARTICIPATIONHISTORY (This form must be completedprior to the taking of a physical examination.) GRADE NAME DATE OF BIRTH ,2009-10SchoolYear) YES NO YES NO I 2. 3 Has a doctor ever deniedor restrictedyour oarticipation in sports for any reason? Do you have an ongoing medical condition (like diabetesor asthma)? Are you cunently taking any prescription or nonnrescriotion(over-the-counter)medicinesor pills? Do you have allergiesto medicines,pollens, foods.or stinging insects? Have you ever passedout or nearly passedout A 5 DUzuNG exercise? 6. 7 8 9. t0, Have you ever passedout or nearly passedout AFTER exercise? Have you ever had discomfort,pain, or pressuretn vour chestduring exercise? Doesvour heartrace or skip beatsduring exercise: Has a doctor ever told you that you have a heart murrnur,high blood pressure,high cholesterol,or a heart infection? Has a doctor ever ordered a test for your heart? (for example:ECG, echocardiogram) l1 Has anyonein your family died for no apparent reason? 12 Doesanyonein your family huue4!"44,plq!&nll ll. Has any family member or relative died of heart nroblemsor ofsudden deathbefore age 50? t4. Does anyone in your family have Marfan Svndrome? l5 H a v ey o u e v e rs p e n it h e n i g h t i n a h o s p i t a l ? 16. Have you ever had surgery? ln Have you ever had an injury, like a sprain,muscle or ligamenttear,or tendonitis,that causedyou to miss a oracticeor game? l8 19. Have you had any broken or fracturedbonesor dislocatedioints? Have you had a bone orjoint injury that required x-rays,MRI, CT, surgery.injections, rehabilitation,physical therapy,a brace,a cast,or crutches? 20. Have vou ever had a stressfiacture? 11 Have you beentold that you have or have you had an x-ray for atlantoaxial (neck) instability? Do vou regularlvuse a braceor assistivedevice? 22. ZJ 24. 25. 26. Has a doctor ever told you that you have asthma or allereies? 3 0 . Have you had a herpesskin infection? 3 l Have you ever had a headinjury or concussion? you beenhit in the headand been Have 32. confusedor lost your memory? Have you ever had a seizure? JJ. 3 4 . Do you have headacheswith exercise? 3 5 . Have you ever had numbness,tingling, or weaknessin your armsor legs after being hit or falline? JO. Have you ever beenunableto move your arms or less after being hit or falling? 3 7 When exercisingin the heat,do you have severemusclecrampsor becomeill? 3 8 . Has a doctor told you that you or someonein 39. 40. 41 42. 43. 44. 45. your family has sickle cell trait or sickle cell anemia? Have you had any problemswith your eyesor vision? Do vou wear glassesor contactlenses? Do you wear protectiveeyewear,such as eosslesor a faceshield? Are vou [6ppy with vour weight? Are vou tryins to gain or loseweight? Has anyonerecommendedyou changeyour weisht or eatinghabits? Do you limit or carefully control what you eat? Do you have any concernsthat you would like to discusswith a doctor? 4'7. Are thereother sportsthat you would like to participatein that were not approvedat a oreviousexamination? 4(). FEMALES ONLY: 4 8 . Have you ever had a menstrualperiod? 49. How old were you when you had your first menstrualperiod? 50. How many periodshaveyou had in the last l2 months? Explain "Yes" answers here: Do you cough, wheeze, or have difficulty breathingduring or after exercise? Is there anyone in you family who has asthma? Have you ever used an inhaler or taken asthma medicine? 27. Were you bom without or areyou mlsslnga kidney, an eye, a testicle,or any other organ? 28. Haveyou had infectiousmononucleosis (continueon frontsideof this form if necessary) (mono)within the last month? 29. Do you have any rashes,pressrresores,or other skin problems? in interscholasticathletics' I I do not know of any additional health reasonwhich should keep this studentfrom participating certiry that the answersto the above questionsare true. DATE SIGNED Sisnature ofParent or Guardian Revised07-09 PIIYS _ 1B @ NAME CHECKONE: SOUTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOI, ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORM Date Exam Expires: Check Appropriate Physical Exam Term: Triennial Biennial Annual OF BIRTH- GRADE-DATE MALE FEMALE (2009-10SchoolYear) Repeatin 5 minutes, if elevated l. Blood pressure(sitting) 2. Height 3. Weight 4. Vision 201-(L) Normal Abnormal YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES NO NO YES NONE- COMMENTS 20l-(R) 5. Head 6. Mouth (dentures,braces?) 7. Eyes (contacts?) 8. ChesUlung 9. Heart a. HearLsounds b. Murmurs c. pulsediscrepancy(rad. vs fem.) ' d. abnormalrhythm 10.Abdomen a. liver or spleen enlargement b. masses I l. Genitalia a. hernias b. testes 12. Orthopedic a. cervical spine b. shoulder shrug c. deltoid d. arms/elbow e. hands f. hips g..knees h. ankles i. Scoliosis 13.TannerMaturationIndex(Optional) Circle: I II .III IV V SPORTSPARTICIPATION RECOMMENDED FOR: other All Sports:collision,contacVendurance, Contact/EnduranceSports only due to Other Sports Only due to Sports Participation Not Recommended,due to Approval Wittrheld Pending evaluation for Definition: [Collision=Ftiotball and Wrestling]; [Contact/Endurance Sports=Basketball, Cross Country, Gymnastics, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Competitive Cheer and Competitive Dancel; [Other Sports=Golf] NAME OF EXAMINER DATE and certify the health ofthe student athlete: Doctor of NorE: The following licensed medical personnel are qualified to perform the examination and licensedNurse Practitioner' Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy, Doctor of Chiropractic, licensedPhysician Assistant Revised 07-09 PIIYS - lC SOUTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PARENT OR GUARDIAN PERMIT GRADE I hereby give my consentfor SCHOOLYEAR 2OO9-10 Name (PleasePrint) who was bom at Date of Birth City, Town, County, State to competein SDHSAA approvedathleticsfor High School during the 2009-2010 school year IiWe give our permissionfor our son/daughterto participatein organizedhigh school athletics,realizing that such activity involves the potential for injury which is inherent in all sports. Date Sigaed Parent or Legal Guardian THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ANNUALLY AND MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTIONAT THE SCHOOL. INTERIM PRE-PARTICIPATIONHISTORY (Used in conjunction with the BienniaUTriennial examination.) SEEREVERSESIDE FOR TIEALTH HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE Revised07-09 PHYS - #2 INTERTM PRE-PARTICIPATIONHISTORY (Used in conjunction with the BienniaUTriennial examination.) GRADE NAI\M IN THE PAST YEAR: 1 2. J. A 5. 6. 1. DATE OF BIRTH (2009-I 0 SchoolYear) YES NO YES NO Has a doctor denied yow participation in sports for any reason? Do you have a new ongoing medical condition 0ike diabetesor asthmaX Are you currently taking anY new prescription or non-prescription (overthe-counter)medicines or Pills? Do you have new allergiesto medicines, pollens, foods, or stinging insects? Have you passedout or nearly passed out DURING exercise? Have you passedout or nearly passed out AFTER exercise? Haveyou had discomfort,Pain,or Dressurein vour chest durine exercise? Has your heart raced or skipped beats durins exercise? 9 . Has a doctor told you that you have a heart murmur, high blood pressure,high cholesterol"or a heart infection? 1 0 . Has a doctor ordered a test for Your heart?(for example: ECG, echocardiogram) Has anyone in your family died for no ll aDDarentreason? t 2 . Have you spentthe night in a hospital? 1 7 . Havevou hada stressfracture? 1 8 . Did a doctor tell you that you have t9. 20. 21 22. z)- 24. 8. Have vou had sureerv? 14. Have you had an injury, like a sPrain, muscle or ligament tear, or tendonitis, that required medical attention? 1 5 . Have you had any broken or fractured bonesor dislocatedioints? 1 6 . Haveyou hada boneor joint injury that requiredx-rays,MR[, CT, surgery, injections,rehabilitation,physical therapv.a brace.a cast,or crutches? 25. asthmaor allergies? Have you startedto cough, wheeze,or have difficulty breathing during or after exercise? Have you used an inhaler or taken asthmamedicine? Have you lost a kidney, an eye, a testicle, or any other organ? Do you have any new rashes,pressure sores.or other skin oroblems? Have you had a new herpes skin infection? Have you had a head injury or concussion? Have you been hit in the head and been confusedor lost your memory? 26. Have vou had a seizure? 21. Have you experiencedheadacheswith exercise? 28. Have you had numbness,tingling, or weaknessin your arms or legs after beins hit or falline? 29. Have you been unable to move Your arrnsor legs after beine hit or falling? 30. When exercising in the heat, did You have severemusclecrampsor become ill? Explain "Yes" answershere: (continueon front sideof this form if necessary) RECERTIFICATIONOF HEALTH As the parenyguardian, I herewith affix my signature and certify that the above named student is physicatiy fit to participate in interscholasticathletics for the culrent school year insofar as all "Yes" fesponsesare concerned. Date Revised07-09 Sisnature ofParent PHYS - #2 This is the form that the South Dakota High School Activities Association recommends to those for member schools that feel it is important to get consent from parents and/or legal guardians be should form This medical treatment when away from home on road trips for various activities. kept on file at the school and another copy should travel with each team on which the athlete competes. CONSENTFOR MEDICAL TREATMENT (Mother-Father-Legal Guardian) I am the who participatesin co-curricularactivities of High School. I hereby consent to any for medicalservicesthat may be requiredwhile saidchild is underthe supervisionof an employeeof School District while on a school-sponsored from activity and hereby appoint said employeeto act on behalf in securingnecessarymedical services any duly licensedmedical provider. Datedthis )o day of Parent'sSignature: CONSENTOF CHILD have read the above Consent form signed by I, (Mother-Father-Legal Guardian) and join my (himlher) in the consent' with Datedthis day of 20 Student'sSignature: Revised07-09 PHYS.#3 SOUTHDAKOTA HIGH SCHOOLACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PARENT AND STUDENT CONSENTFORM SchoolYear: Name of High School: Name of Student: Placeof Birth: Date of Birth: The Parentand StudentherebY: part 1. Understandand agreethat participationin SDHSAA sponsoredactivities is voluntaryon the of the studentand is considereda privilege. to 2. Understandand agree that (a) by this ConsentForm the SDHSAA has provided notification participation; athletic with the parent and student of the existenceof potential dangersassociated (b) participation in any athletic activity may involve injury of some type; (c) the severity of such injuries .in ,ung" from minor cuts,bruises,sprains,and muscle strainsor more seriousinjuries the such as the boJy's bones,joints, ligaments,tendons,or muscles,to catastrophicinjuries to disability, total result in to as head,neck and ipinal cord, or on rare occasions,injuries so severe paralysisand death; and (d) even with the best coaching,use of the best protectiveequipment, ind strict observanceofrules, injuries are still a possibility 3. Consentand agreeto participationof the studentin SDHSAA activities subjectto all SDHSAA the bylaws and rJes interpretationsfor participation in SDHSAA sponsoredactivities, and activities rules of the SDHSAA memberschoolfor which the studentis participating;and the 4. Consentand agreethat personallyidentifrabledirectory information may be disclosedabout student as a rEsult of his/her participation in SDHSAA sponsoredactivities. Such directory information may include, butls notlimited to, the student's photograph, name, grade level' height, weight, and participation in officially recognizedactivities and sports. If I do not wish to have any o, oit such information ilisclosed,L"nust notify the sbove mentioned high school, in writing, of our refusal to allow disclosure of any or all such information prior to the student's p articip atio n in sp on sor ed uctiv itie sterms I acknowledge that I have read paragraphs(1) through (4) .above, understand and agree to the thereof, including the warning of potential risk of injury inherent in participating in activities. DATED this ,20 day of Name of Student(Print Name) Student Signature (4) above, I am the student's parentlguardian. I acknowledgethat I have read paragraphs(1) through in understandand agree to the terms thereof, including the warning of potential risk of injury inherent for permission give my hereby I activities. athletic i" participation name) to practice and competefor the ,,;h;ltlf DATED this day of 20 Signature ParenVGuardian THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ANNUALLY AND MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTIONAT THE SCHOOL Revised07-09 PHYS-#4 CONSBNTFOR RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM (HIPAA) Date of Birth StudentsName 1. I authorizethe use or disclosureof the above named individual's health information including the Initial and Interim Pre-ParticipationHistory and Physical Exam information pertaining to a student'sability to participate in South Dakota High School Activities Association sponsored activities. Such disclosure may be made by any Health Care Provider generatingor maintaining such information. 2. The information identified above may be used by or disclosed to the school nurse, athletic trainer, coaches,medical providers and other school personnel involved in the care of this student. 3. This information for which I am authorizing disclosure will be used for the purpose of determining the student's eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities, any limitations on suchparticipation and any treatmentneedsof the student. 4. I understandthat I have a right to revoke this authorization at any time. I understandthat if I revoke this authorization,I must do so in writing and presentmy written revocation to the school administration. I understandthat the revocation will not apply to information that has already been releasedin responseto this authorization. I understandthat the revocation will not apply to my insurancecompany when the law provides my insurer with the right to contesta claim under my policy. 5. This authorizatronwill expire on July 1,20-. 6. I understandthat once the aboveinformationis disclosed,it may be redisclosedby the recipient and the information may not be protectedby federal privacy laws or regulations' 7. I understandauthorizing the use or disclosure of the information identified above is voluntary. However, a student's eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities dependson such authorization. I need not sign this form to ensurehealthcaretreatment. Signatureof Parent Date This form must be completed annually and must be available for inspection at the school Revised07-09 PHYS- #5 United $tatesDepartmentof {:heInterior BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FI.AN DRI,dU INDIAN SCHOOL FI.ANNREAU, SOTJTHDAKOTA 57028 IN REPLY REfERTO: ircbrualy2007 ans: DearParentsiGuar:di referraltbrmsfor theB.l.E (Burcauof Indian received inclianScrhoolhas TheFlantlreau of the progriunis to Thc purpclsc Eru:ollnrent. N{cKinneyVcntroStuclent Bducation) youthrvhotnavbc ltomcless ot andunaccompaniecl assistfanliliesof students Thesefornrsrvill becotnepartof the cnrollrlcnt tentporaryhourslessncss. expcricncirrg IndianSchoolmay bettersen/ethe packct.This fonn is rcquiredso thattheFlandreau filesalongwitir will bekeptin contldential needsof ourstudents.Yourinlbnrration y"oL'rr child'seducation. otherfilesconcernittg yourstudcntto tireFlanrjreau IndianSchool. l'hankyou for sencling Sincerelv. 4"qE'-u*"* tJettyBelkham Chief SchoolAdministrator $sF.EElgq4r rr{ftMERlcA:' la .l ..i; I BIE McKinney-VentoEnrollment/ReferralForm of this formis to addieeathe requirdmenlsof tha Mc(innay-Vonto Thep*urpese Act l-rtleX ParfC of the No ChlldL6ngeninO providershav€thenecsssary Act. Thisdooumentwill beusedtoshar€withsohool staffandparfner{ngagenoiesteensofeall informstion to support ihe childendhivherhmily, a temporarylivin! 1. lr yourcurfentaddrBEA arangement?Yes_ No_ Yes - No2, lsyouriertrporaryaddressdueiolosso{housingoreconomlchardship? lf answerto both questionsis. "YES'],otorsc6ntlnue, othefwieedoo here. Thank\bu. Studenllnformetion StudentNam{s) Age(s) FarenVGuardianName(s) School Site(s) GradeLevel(s) phonenurnberl ParenVGusrqian_/V'qvth fl cellularphons n WofkPhone E ShalterPhone tr FrmllyiFrien&Residence Resldenc)I lnformdion No* Are yorJa hlgh school studen{who is currenflylivfng on your own? Yes_ Wheredoesthe studentstayat night? trothed trShelter trTemporaryHousing Address/Diredions ShellerContactPersqn The larnilyfouth has besn residlngwithin the school districtboundariesand intendto stay. ---.-- (pleaseinitial) f rigin? O Yes D No D o o c t h 6s l u d e n t w i s h t o c o n t i n l o a t s c h o o l o o . ls schoololorigin a boardingschool? Yeq No-* r|fpresentschoo|isaboardingschool.wi||sfudenlbeenro||edinresidentialdorm?Yes-NoI Agnod Upon Soryrbes EducaiionalSeivices Description: AfterschoolServlces ' DescriFtion: SeMces Transportation Pick-up Location Drop-offLocalfon(if different) HealthServices lmmpnizations Dental F Fres Lunch Counseling undErstEnd dayandwill thatthe qgreeduBqt',gervlcelaresupplemenla{ to theregularinshuctiqnal Tho perenVguardiarrfodh v*richneedto be oontinued.Inthc went thatthc famlly/yor.fth residoncychanges,it is their be ro.analuated to determino immediately. to notifi SchoolLiaisory'Deslgnee rosponsibility ParenUGuardianffouth - -- - ---EF-'Rrr 7h-rt4- SchoolLiaisonrDesignde Dat€ United StatesDepartrrent of the Interior BUREAU OF'{NDIAN AFFATRS FLANDREAU INDIAN SCHOOL FI,ANDREAU, SOUTH DAKOTA 57028 INREPLYREFERN); : March5,2007 DearParenVGuardian: from the stateof SouthDakota We operateour food programthrougha re-imbursement to supplythebestfood from SouthDakotaChild & Adult Nutrition. In orderto continue would you pleasesigrrthe form operationwith the statethroughthesere-imbursements for FreeandReducedlunchesandreturnit to the FlandreauIndian School. Your responsibilityin signingthe formswill allow your child to participatein bettermealsat tle FlandreauIndian School. Thankyou for your cooperationin this matter. Sincerely, E-unA^oa*"-' s.ft,re.lkfuChief SchoolAdministrator T+FF.EEI;1EtF+. rx[MERrc.A={ INSTRUCTIONSFOR APPLYING LIsea separate application for eachfosterchild.List otherchildrentogether. If your householdgetsSNAP (fbrmerly FOOD STAMPS), FDPIR, OR TANF fbr all ot'the children listed,fbllow these instructions: Part lA: List eachchild's name.scl.rool/cenLcr, age,and/orgrade. Part 1B: List the SNAP (lbrmerlyFood S.tamps). FDPIR. and/orTANF c:ase number. P a r t 2 : S k i p t h i sp a r t . Part 3: Skip this part. Part 4: Srenthe form. A SocialSecurityNumber is not necessar If you are applying for a FOSTER CHILD, follow theseinstructions: Part 1A: List eachchild's agc, and/orgrade. Part lB: Skip this part. Part 2: I-ist the child's personalusemonthlyincome,if any. Part 3: Skip this part. Part 4: Sisn the tbrm. A SocialSecuriryNumberis nor neccssar Part2B.If you are applying lbr a homeless,migrant, or a runaway check the appropriate box and call your school's homeless Iiaison,or migrant coordinator. ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLDS and f'or children the householddoesnot get benelits fbr, fbllow theseinstructions: Part lA: List eachchild's ageand/orgrade, Part 2: Skip this part. Part 3: Follow theseinstmctionsto reporttotal houscholdincomefrom last montn. Column A-Name: List the tirst and last nameol eachpersonliving in your household.rclatedor not (suchas erandparents, otherrclatives.or liicnds).You must inc:ludeyoursclfand all children.Collcgestudcntsawayat schoolrnly still be palt o1'the householdin somecircumstances. Iithc studentis countedin thc householdthat stLrdcnt's ir.rcorne mustalso be included. Attachanothersl-reet of paperil'you needto. Column ll-Last month's incomeand how of'tenit was received:List the typesof incorneyour hor-rschrilri got last monthand how oiien you eot tlrcn. Enplovntenlinconre:List thegrossincomeeachpersoncfrned is not thc samcas takc homepay.Gross income is the amount earned belbretaxesand deductions.It shouldbc listcdon yorrrpay stub.or your bosscan tell you. Ncxt to the amourtt.writc how oftenyou got it (wcekly.cvcly otherweek.twrcer month.or rnonthly).Otlrcr lncctrne: List thc total anrounteachpersongot lastmonthlrornall other sources.lncludewclllre. child support.alimony, pcnsiotls.retircment.SocialSecurity,Worker'sCornpensation, unemployment. strikebeneiits.Sr-rpplemental Sccuritylncome (SSI).Veteran'sbeneilts(VA bcnetits),disabilitybenefits,resLrlarcontributions fl'ompeoplewho do not live in your household.and ANY OTHER INCOME. Seesamplebclow.For farm income,seethe exampleon thc back of the applicarion. Next to the amount,write how often the persongot it. Column C-Check ifno income:Ifthe persondoesnot haveany income,checkthe box. Part 4: An adulthouseholdmembcrmustsign thc lbrm and list his or her SocialSecurityNumber.or mark thc box if he or shedoesnot haveone. Part 3. T6tal Household Incirme from Last Month-You l. Name (List everyone in houschold) must tell us how much and how often 2. t,ast month's income and how often it was received Excntple: $lO1hnonthlt $1))/tv,iceamonth $10)/evervotherv,cek $t))/wcektt 3. Check if No income Non-discriminationStatement:This explainswhat to do il'you believeyou have beentreatedunfairl5,.Iu accgrdance with Federallaw and U.S. Dcpartmentol'Agriculturepolicy. this institutionis prohibitedl'romdiscriminatingon rhebasisof race.color.narionirlorigin. scx.age.or disability. Totl|eacomplainto|discrimination.writetJSDA,Director'Of|iceo'fCiviIRight'\,t400IndepandenceAl,enlte, or calt (800) 795-3277(voice)or (202) 120-6382(TTY). USDA is an equplopporrunirypro,vider and employcr.. Privacy Act Statement: This explains how we will use the infbrmation you give us. The NationalSchoolLunch Act requiresthe informationon this application.You do not havcto give the infbrmrtion.but if you do not. we cannotapprovechildrenfor tiee or reducedpricemeals.The SocialSecurityNumber of the adulthouseholdmemhclwho signsthe applicationis requiredunlessyoulist SNAP (fbrmerlyFood Stamps).FDPIR,oTTANF casenunbers for all chilclrenyou areapplyingibr, OR if you are applyingfor a fosterchild. You mustcheckthe "l do not havea SocialSecurityNumber"box if the adult householdmernbersigningthe applicationdoesnot havea SocialSecurityNumber.We WILL useyour intbrmatjonto sceif childrenareeligiblelbr free or reducedprice mn the program.and to entbrcethe mles of the proglam.We MAY shareyour eligibilityinformationwith education,health.and nutlition programsto help them evaluate,fund, or determinebenefitsfor their programs,auditols for programreviews.and law enforcement officialsto help themlook into misuseof programrules.CONFIDENTIALITY: Section9 (b) (2) (C) (iii) of the NationalSchoolLunch Act, as amendedby section | 08 of Public Law 10 I -448, authorizesreleaseof free and reducedprice schoolmeal eligibil ity statusfor certainprograms. suchas Title I, administeredby the South Dakota Deparrmentof Education. Attachments-- oaoe 16 INCOMEGUIDE,LINES ( E l ' l i ' c t i vJct r l y| . 1 0 0 9l h r o t t g hJ u n d. J Uj.U l o ) 20.036 1.670 Weekly 386 2 26.955 2.24'l -519 3 13.874 2.821 652 4 40,79-l 3,400 785 5 41.112 3.9'/6 HouseholdSize may Participants or for free qualify reducedpricemeals if yourhousehold incomeis at or belowthelimits on this chart. Yearly b 54.611 1 61.550 Monthly 9r8 1.051 5.r30 I. 1 8 4 8 68,469 5,106 1. 3 1 7 For eachadditional member.add 6.919 511 1.14 and all incluclingparcnts.cllildrcrr,grandparents. Look at the IncomeGuidelilcs chart.Find your householdsizc.HOUSEHOLD is all persons. HoUSEHol.l) income. TOTAL your household Find total living expenscs. your and share home who live in unrelated peoplerelatedor unemployment. INCOME is the incomecachhouscholclmembergot last monthbefbrctaxes.Tliis includeswages.socialsccr:rity.pension' price meals f'ree and reduced are eligible tbl chilclren tbstcr In certain cases, income. cash welfarechild support.alimony.and any other us. please contact want to apply for thcrn, you with ancl living foster children you If have income. ol'your regardless DETERMINING INCOME weeklyincomc If a householdreportsincomesourcesat morc than one fiequcncy,the prefcrredmcthodis to annualizcall incorrteby rnLtltiplying b v 5 2 . i n c o m e r e c c i v e d c v c r y 2 w e e k s b y 2 6 , i n c o m e r e c e i v e d t w i c e a m o n t h b y 2 4 . a n d i n c o m e r e c e i v e d1l 2 n .o n t h l y b y Do not round the values resulting Jrom eaclt conversiott. Thc inlbrrnationto ligurc incomelrorn privatebusincssoperationis to bc takenfionr your To figure monthlyincomefor farmiself'-employed: tax fbrrn lincs in the spaccsbelow.Divide thc total U.S.lndividual lncomcTax lleturn Form 1040.Write the numbersfrom the corresponding write it ls zcro on the applicatiorl.All other nurtber, ncgative it is a column. If earnirrgs monthli, in the the application by l2 and write rt on fbr the personwho earncdit. Nct losscarrvovercannotbe usedto decrease incomeon lines7 through22 ol'the tax lbrm must be listedseparately the houselroldincome. Proplietorship[ncorttc Farrn lncorne P a r t n e r s h i lpn c o t n e Line 12 $ Linc 13 $ Line 13 li Line ll $ Line14 $ Line 14 $ Line 14 $ Line l7 .$ TOTAL $ Linc 18 $ Line 17 $ TOTAL $ TOTAL $ INCOME TO REPORT Earnings fiorn Work Wages/salaries/tips Strike benefits UnenrploynrcntcomPensation W o r k e r ' sc o m P e n s a t i o n Net income fronr self:owned business. day care businessor farrrl Children's Incomc Do not include income fiom a child's occasional work such as lawn mowing. walks, etc. A child's income from regularly scheduledjobs must be incltlded. Attachments -- Page 14 P e n s i o n s / Ricr e t m c n t / S o c i aSl e c r r r i t y Pensions SupplementalSecuritylnconre Veteran'spaylnents S o c i a lS e c u r i t y Welf are/Child Support/Alimony Public assistancepayments Alimony/child supportpayments Othcl Mont hly Inconre/Self-entployment D i s a b i l i t yb e n c f i t s C a s hr v i t h d r a w nf l o m s a v i n g s lntorcst/di v idends lncome 1l'onrcstates/trusts/investments Regular contributionslrom personsnot living in the samehousc'hold rental income Net royalties/annuities/net A n y o l h e ri n c o m e \,/ n NewAPPlicant APPlicant D Previous PRICE MBALS APPLICATIONFOR FREEAND REDUCBD , refer to next Page.) (For comPleteinstntctions To apply for free ot recluced Part I A. Child's Name meals,fill otlt thls for each fbsterchild l i c a t i o na n d S c l r o o lo r C e n t e r Child's Namc S c h o o lo r C e n t e r Grade I, b. Programon lnclian --------..-----3 fb*GdyE-ili." (T.qnF] u t'oodDistribution str.t* trs), ternR^._r111a.1siston." r...iuing sNAF@il"'[Ru,. part r I]. Househords 3 and4 Thcapplication Sections Rescrvations(cor-rrmoditiesr.o-pn):lfyotrrhorrseholoist.ttiw.rceluingSNAP yeumustalsocomplete thesebenefits, receive l, i and4. If notail oi thenbouenairedchildren cAsE NUMBIlR.Fi' oursccrions e 1 ' a na d u l t M U S T h a v ct h e s i g n a t u r o SNAPClse Number: FI)PIR Case Number: T A N F C a s eN u m b e r : income: monthrv ttst' personrr orthechir'r's risttheamoun( orcoun. agencv illii;,ii1ill,iljli;1"i,:ill$iflliliilJlJi l$iXl'til",,ora*criare .$D S " -k ' _i rp- t' -o P a r t 4 '......- ^ . - L ^ ^ r . " k , . m a r o c cr i r i e . n o r m r p r a n t 2B.lfthechilclyoLrarelpplyingforislrorneless,mrgrant.orarunawaychecktheappropriateboxanc|cirllJoui.::H',1,:!t'*'a--u*ffiij Purt 3Jot"t Househoidlncome itwasreceived ffiften $/Oi)i|eck/r' $100/evetloth(rH't'cA $100/twkenntonth fr",ritr, $1O0/nutntlt P e n s i o n sr.e t i r c t n e n lS' o c t a l FarnVOther Secunty S/ Earnings fl'orrtwork belbre $/ !_ $/ $/ !- $,/ s;/ !_ $/ n tr n tr tr I $/ s_ t_ L $ !_ i_ ! $/ l_ $/ _q ! $,/ ! $/ $_ 3i/ x $/ $ -sign) (Adult must Number r"-*-"'- "- ",-"-'-- "- - -P a r t 4 . 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