
PROJECT / 2016
After the successful first edition, “Pueblo Mágico” has become a
pioneering project and has achieved popularity in a very short time.
No residency in any country across the globe has this vision and
For 3-weeks the beautiful village of Tepoztlán was filled with young
filmmakers from Mexico, Poland, Singapore, Chile, Switzerland,
United States, Germany and Costa Rica.
We had mentors from Denmark, Spain, the United States and
Mexico. This mix created a unique dynamic that makes “Pueblo
Mágico” a location that everyone wants to return to.
The residents will without any doubt find in “Pueblo Mágico”
an unique opportunity to create a strong network of professional
contacts that will be very useful for the next steps in their film s
and career. Over the course of the residency they will make new
friends with whom they may collaborate in future films. They will
also have a clear idea on how to proceed with their films, and will
have lived an unforgettable life experience.
This year, residents from different parts of the world will meet in a
house for three weeks in the beautiful village of Tepoztlán to develop
their film projects guided by a team of internationally renowned
mentors who will guide them through the areas of scripting,
directing, cinematography, sound, production, distribution,
markets and industry – ensuring that their projects develop, and
prepare them to face the next step in the search for funding for the
production of their film.
As in the professional residencies, this new social project seeks the
support of professional mentors to provide these future filmmakers
with support and guidance as they write, read, think and develop
their ideas with other filmmakers, but also generate discussions on
the social environment and quality of life.
With this new project we aim to position ourselves as producers
of social films, which are currently finding space in international
festival circuits, as was the case of the documentary “Ecos de la
montaña” by Nicolas Echeverria.
Ecology will become a fundamental part of all programs and all
residents will be aware of the ecological situation of the town
of Tepoztlán, and may choose to participate in extra-curricular
In order to be able to dig deeper into each project and provide
each resident with the opportunity to surround him/herself with
professionals working in a line that is in tune with his/her film
project, we decided to create two residency programs this year. We
will develop a residency that will be exclusive to fiction film projects,
and one for creative documentary projects.
For each one of these areas, “Pueblo Magico” will invite national
and international mentors who will teach master classes on their
specialty and have one-to-one sessions with each resident to
provide in depth guidance on their projects.
The fiction residency is destined to filmmakers who have made at
least one short film in any genre, and are in the early stages of
development of a feature film.
In addition to the mentors, “Pueblo Magico” will invite a tutor, who
is a fiction film director whose task will be to support the residents
over the three-week period and ensure that they are making
progress with their projects. The tutor will work with the residents
on one day of each week.
The “Pueblo Magico” program will take place in the town of
The beautiful Tepozteco landscape, mountains, the lush vegetation
of the area as well as the tranquillity of its streets will be the ideal
setting for the residency.
The International Professional Residency Program will have two
distinct residencies this year: one for fiction film projects and
another for creative documentary features. This change allows us
to fine-tune the sessions with mentors and accommodate more
In addition, we will host a residency for indigenous youth from the
poorest areas of the country that will learn the filmmaking craft and
leave with a short film shot in and around Tepoztlan.
activities that have a positive impact on the villagers’ lives.
* Two residencies in one year, one for documentary
projects and one for fiction projects.
* A residency for young indigenous filmmakers.
12 filmmakers – 6 Mexican and 6 from across the globe – will
dedicate 3 weeks to working on the development of their film
projects in a space that has all the comforts they need to be focus
only on their films.
The fiction residency program is divided into three large themes:
- Script writing (conflict, characters, dialogue etc.)
- Directing (techniques for working with actors etc.)
* National and international projection.
* ecological awareness and voluntary work.
- Production - Festivals and markets - Pitching
These mentors will also propose exercises and tasks that the
residents will work on in their free time.
By the end of the program, the residents will have the chance
to present their projects in a final pitching in front of producers,
mexicans and also from other parts of the world, who will hear their
idea and maybe be interested in producing their films.
The documentary genre has become a very powerful tool to change
reality and tell original stories that would otherwise remain unknown.
The residency is open to film projects in the development stage; the
filmmakers selected are seeking a space where they can connect
with nature, where they can nourish their idea and complete the
script of their creative documentary.
During the three weeks of the program, the residents will receive
the support and input of national and international mentors who will
work with each one of them on all aspects necessary to execute
their documentary project.
These will include an analysis of documentary language, the steps
necessary to complete a project while keeping your personal vision,
script writing for documentary film, directing methods, and the
post-production process.
A tutor specialized in the documentary genre will accompany the
residents through the three week period. S/he will meet with the
residents once a week and follow through on the progress that each
one is making on the exercises proposed by the mentors during the
group classes, but also on how each resident is advancing with his/
her film project.
This year we will continue our collaboration with the EDF team to
ensure that our resident filmmakers have the opportunity to shoot
short scenes of their films, that will help them in their search for the
form and style of their film, and that may also serve as a trailer/work
sample when applying for funding.
In the last week of the residence, a mentor specialized in festivals
and distribution will give a master class in order for the residents
to understand what options exist for this genre in the market and
what festivals would be suitable for their films.
This 4-day workshop will end with a pitching session, in which
each of the residents will have the opportunity to present their
projects to Mexican and International producers and possibly
secure partnership for their film.
At the end of the residency thanks to the the idyllic surroundings
of Tepoztlan, the residents will leave with a clear plan on how to
proceed with their films, they will also have forged friendships with
residents and mentors from across the globe with whom they can
work on projects in the future.
One of the changes in the program of “Pueblo Mágico” is the new
space that we will provide for indigenous youth, a population with
fewer opportunities in the film industry.
The team of “Pueblo Magico” believe that youth from
disenfranchised communities should have the tools to tell their
own stories. We are convinced of the importance of creating and
nourishing a voice amongst the youth of poor, rural, and indigenous
short film. Each film will have one character and will be shot in one
Two tutors will accompany them through the filmmaking process:
scripting the short film, learning to record sound, film, and edit.
The residents will work in groups of 3 and as such each one will
direct, film and capture sound. They will discover that filmmaking is
a group activity and explore the different technical roles necessary
to filmmaking.
The aim of this Filmmaking Lab is to provide these teenagers with
the resources to learn the filmmaking craft in this beautiful location,
and also to find a space for social discussion where they can talk
openly about their social problems .
At the close of the residency the short films will be screened and
the community of Tepoztlan and filmmakers from Mexico City will
be invited to the event.
The new residence will last 10 days and will be designed for 12
teenagers (16 to 20 years old) from indigenous communities from
the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca as well as Morelos.
In addition to covering the educational/training of the teenagers
residency will provide accommodation and meals to the 12 selected
“Pueblo Mágico”s team will work with several high schools and
NGO’s in Morelos, Guerrero and Oaxaca to select the 12 participants
who will be chosen based on a story or script they have written that
illustrates their creativity, imagination and narrative skill.
In the 10 days each resident will make a 3-5 minute creative
documentary. The tutors and staff of “Pueblo Magico” will select
six themes that the residents will explore and develop to make their
Memories of 2015...
Antonella Sudasassi (Costa Rica)
Project: El Despertar de las Hormigas / Fiction / Debut feature film
Pablo Peréz Lombardini (México)
Project: Los sueños de Jeronimo / Fiction / Second feature film
I am very happy because my project “El Despertar de las Hormigas”
is in a great place. The Mexican film residency helped me think a lot
about my project, where it stands, what i wanted to say, which was
essential for my film. It is a great networking place where I got to
meet some very interesting mentors, producers and fellow young
The first great moment I recall was a barbecue Flavio, the director of
the Residency, asked us to organise, it helped us work together as a
team, and we ate and laughed and bonded.
Each day of the residents we had very valuable chats from all of our
mentors, but when the night came, hours just flew when we spoke
and discussed films and life.
I’m looking forward to working on Florian’s film for a few months.
Mak Chun Kit (Singapore)
Mauricio Lopez Fernandez (Chile)
Project: Buying happiness / Documental / Second feature film
Project: La Jauria / Fiction / Second feature film
On a professional front, I most enjoyed meeting people whom I could
work with on future projects. Coming from Asia, it is encouraging to
find likeminded individuals halfway around the world. On a social
front, it was great exchanging ideas and indulging in film with fellow
filmmakers. And a few of the friendships made are priceless.
The residence gave me more clarity on my doubts about the approach
of my project, which involves a lot of ethical issues. I have reworked
my teaser trailer and proposal.
The strongest points for me at the Mexican film residency were
getting to meet the experts like Sydney Levine, Carlos Contreras,
Jim Stark, Nicolas Celis amongst others - the contacts that I made
there have been very crucial to the development of my script and
film project.
The residency is an amazing experience and a time and space where
you can put all your energy and efforts to develop your projects,
which is what I did.
Maria Fernanda Galindo (México)
Luis Horacio Pineda (USA)
Projecto: Defensoras / Documental / Second feature film
Project: La cosecha de los naranjos / Fiction / Debut film
More than a place to write, the Mexican Film Residency was the
perfect opportunity to think of my project deeply, listen to other
filmmakers and understand that sharing is an integral part of the
creative process.
The residence helped me to form a clearer concept of my documentary.
Rio Manso the new title of my documentary is a long and intense
journey and I’m grateful to the residence for putting me on the right
One of the most beautiful and strongest moments in the residency was
when I decided to throw away my awarded script that I had worked
on for 6 years and begin writing a new one from scratch keeping the
same concepts based on the lessons I got in the residency from the
The residency gave me invaluable tools such as information, exposure,
knowledge and the friendship of all these people that I met.
Florian Seifert (Germany)
Alexander Albrecht (Switzerland)
Project: Las libelulas no mueren / Fiction / Debut feature film
Project: Brooklyn treehouse / Fiction / Debut film
First and foremost at the residency I gained the courage to really
engage my project the way I wanted to. Before Tepoztlan my plans
to shoot half of my movie in Mexico didn’t seem realistic but the
residency allowed me to get in contact with just the right people:
I met a producer who helped me find a Mexican co-producer. We
begin filming in September (less than one year after the residency).
I also found like-minded fellow filmmakers there who are a fantastic
network of supportive friends.
My experience in Tepotzlan was really magical. I made new friends,
and was able to develop my initial idea for a film, and work on
exploring my characters and the story. I particularly appreciated
how one of our mentors showed us that all our written scripts and
stories are in some way connected, and encouraged us to help each
other during the residency.
The food was great and the hosts are wonderful!
Thanks to the support of the HAY FEST (International Festival
of Literature and Arts) the Spanish film director and Oscar
winner Fernando Trueba visited “Pueblo Mágico” to meet the
first generation of residents and to inaugurate our international
residency for film projects in development.
Other than meeting with each director in one-to-one sessions, he
gave a Masters Class open to the general public where he spoke
with participants about his career as a filmmaker, the role of the
director and his experience with his film Belle Epoque which won
the Oscar for best foreign film in 1992.
At the end of the Master Class, Fernando presented his film Belle
Epoque at a screening held in the main square of Tepoztlán where
many people form the small town and the residents of “Pueblo
Mágico” enjoyed watching this chef d’oeuvre.
With the visit of Fernando Trueba, “Pueblo Mágico” launched a
partnership program with festivals with the goal of strengthening
ties that allow us to widen and diversify the public that international
filmmakers have access to in México, as well as share in the different
activities that these festivals have scheduled.
With the support of
The visit of José Rodriguez, director of documentaries at the Tribeca Film
Institute, marked a turning point in the development of the residence as
José demonstrated how the different festivals are intertwined through
alliances that generate a circuit that is very important to know in order to
know which festivals to one must apply to and when to do so.
In partnership with the FLICC, (Latin American Co-production
forum), the residents of “Pueblo Mágico” visited Mexico City to
attended a conference given by the script writer of “Amores Perros”
Guillermo Arriaga at the University of Communication.
For many of the residents who have not yet filmed their first feature film
meeting José was an exciting experience as this is one of the most
important film institutes in the world.
At this occasion, the residents had the chance to see Guillermo
Arriaga´s work first hand. He spoke in front of more than 150 people
about his career, revealing the way he works and his experience
with great filmmakers.
The Tribeca Film Institute is undeniably a reference when looking for
financing for film – particularly for auteur cinema. With its important
funding capacity the Tribeca Film Institute aids emerging filmmakers to
develop, produce and/or complete their films.
Furthermore, the residents of “Pueblo Mágico” had the opportunity
to present their projects to the scriptwriter and receive tips from him
on how they should work on the treatment of their scripts.
This trip to Mexico City demonstrates “Pueblo Mágico”´s intention
to generate a quality program focused on networking that allows its
residents to familiarise themselves with what is happening in the
film world and meet important players in the industry today.
After a day of sharing their diverse experience José and the residents
pledged to keep in touch during the process of making their films.
With the support of
With the support of
IMCINE director, Jorge Sanchez inaugurated the “Pueblo Mágico”
residency and familiarised himself with the projects selected for the first
edition of the Mexican Film Residency.
New York artist Malcolm Harris was commissioned to bring diverse
artistic influences to the residency in order to help the residents reflect on
the importance of developing the artistic sensibilty.
Jorge Sánchez shared the functions of his job as director of the Mexican
Institute of Cinematography, with the residents, explaining what strategies
they employ to promote national cinematographic activity.
Malcom is a creative consultant, art amateur and cultural world icon
based in New York. His main purpose is to live his life as a vehicle for
social change. His passion for art, music, fashion and entrepreneurship,
combined with its extensive and diverse global social network, jointly
support a single inspiration -. “Make the world a more beautiful and better
for all its inhabitants”. He is an advisor to Fortune 500 companies and high
profile clients on how to combine purposes, passion and philanthropy in
their daily lives and as part of their corporate identities.
Over all , Jorge explained to them what calls offers the IMCINE each year
to support the production of Mexican cinema and what are the procedures
that apply to them.
In addition, after listening to the exhibitions of each resident on their
projects, IMCINE director advised each of the filmmakers about the
possibilities get braces by IMCINE and which points had to work in order
to meet the requirements of the calls.
The objective of this talk was not merely institutional but he was focused
on the strategy of “Pueblo Mágico” to support and expand the coproductions between Mexico and the world.
At the end of the talk and with the company of fernando Trueba gave
opened the first generation of “Pueblo Mágico”.
Malcom visited the residence to give a talk on the relationship between
cinema and other artistic disciplines. His passion for music, art and
fashion enthused residents to think of film not as an isolated discipline
but as part of a whole that is constantly influenced by the different trends
that are taking place in different creative fields. In addition, Malcon spoke
of the importance of the development of aesthetics in film productions,
giving residents tips on how to find inspiration and what materials, authors
and artists could nurture them in order to develop aesthetic proposals for
their projects.
For “Pueblo Mágico” Malcom’s presence was very useful as a
supplement to the basic tutoring program because through this artist
residents could think and see film as a discipline that encompasses many
others artsitic disciplines.
With the support of
With the support of the Danish Embassy in Mexico, “Pueblo Mágico”
developed a 3-day filmmaking workshop with the renowned director
Birgitte Staermose.
During her visit to the residency Birgitte clarified the vital role of the director
in the process of developing a film project.
During their outdoor sessions in constant contact with nature, Brigitte
analysed each one of the residents’ projects and worked with them on
aspects of directing a film and how this role articulates with other actors
involved in the process o the creation of a film.
Participation in the residence served to clarify, among other issues, the
main differences are between a film director and producer.
Before leaving she gave a keynote talk about direction of actors.
Brigitte Starmose / Denmark
Birgitte Stærmose’s first feature film, ROOM 304, premiered in the
main competition in Karlovy Vary IFF followed by general release
in theatres in Denmark in 2011. The film was released on VOD in
the US and sold for distribution to 10 countries. Her documentary
OUT-OF-LOVE received a special mention at the Berlin Film
Festival amongst many other awards, it was nominated for best
European short film in the EFA awards. Staermose has worked on
SOPHIE with cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle (Slumdog
With the support of
The first residency the development of film projects at “Pueblo Mágico”
focused both on fiction and documentary films.
For the workshop on creative documentaries we invited Mexican filmmaker
Lucia Gajá who in 2003 won the Ariel Award for her documentary “Soy”.
Her second documentary “Mi vida adentro” (2007) won the award for
Best Documentary the Morelia Film Festival and was premiered at the
Cannes Critics’ Week, Tribeca, Silverdocs and many other international
festivals. It received awards Paris, Buenos Aires, and Documenta Madrid.
Lucia gave a workshop on the main lines along which to develop a
documentary script.
Aware of the projects presented at the residency, Lucia worked closely
with the residents who were developing documentary projects: Mak,
Maria Fernanda and Weronicka.
We have also invited the director of “Purgatorio”, Rodrigo Reyes who after
showing his movie have talked about his experiencies as documentary
director to the residents.
We attach great importance to the participation of renowned producers, who come to the residency to listen to the residents speak of their projects
and talk to residents the production requirements, costs, etc.
At the end of each residence we hold a final pitching where producers listen to the progress that each resident has made, and decide if they are
interested in producing/co-producing the film or otherwise assisting the director in the development and production process.
Nicolas produced the short films “Ver llover” (Palme d’Or in Cannes)
and “ Roma” by Elisa Miller. He also produced the first documentary
by Tatiana Huezo, “El lugar más pequeño “ the most awarded Mexican
film in 2012. More recently he worked on the production of “ Heli “
by Amat Escalante, “ Hilda “ by Andrés Clarinod as well as “Desierto”
by Jonas Cuarón and “Semana santa” by Alejandra Marquez, both
recently premiered at the Toronto Film Festival. With his company
Pimienta Films is producing “Tempestad” by Tatiana Huezo, “Soy
negro “ by Raffi Pitts and the upcoming movie from Ciro Guerra.
LUCIA Gaja / Mexico
She was born in Mexico City 1974. She studied Graphic Communication
at the UNAM and directing at the University Center for Film Studies
(C.U.E.C.) .
She worked as assistant director to directors such as Paul Leduc and
Marisa Sistach.
She won the Ariel for her documentary “Soy”.
Lucia has been jury at several film festivals and is part of the selection
committee of FOPROCINE. Her documentary “Mi vida adentro”
premiered in the Critics’ Week in Cannes, Tribeca, Silverdocs and
many other international festivals received awards in Morelia, Paris,
Buenos Aires, and Documenta Madrid.
Laura has a long history in film production. She has produced “Del
amor y otros demonios” , “Cinco días sin Nora”, “Quemar las naves”,
“Nicotina”, “Francisca, la perdición de los hombres” and “Así es la
vida” amongst other films.
She was executive producer of the highly acclaimed films: “El crimen
del Padre Amaro”, finalist for the Academy Award for Best Foreign
Language Film, “El coronel no tiene quien le escriba” was official
selection Academy Awards; and “El evangelio de las maravillas”
selected to Un Certain Regard section at Cannes Film Festival
He was born in Mexico City in 1983. He attended college at the
University of California, San Diego in Madrid and Mexico City, where
he earned a degree in International Studies. Instead of following this
career, Reyes chose to become a film director.
His films have been screened throughout Mexico in several
documentary film festivals, including DOCSDF 2010 and 2011. In early
2012, Reyes won the prize at the FICUNAM international festival.
Jim began his illustrious career as a co-producer on Jim Jarmush’s
Down By Law that was nominated for the palme d’or at Cannes in
1986. In the thirty years that have followed Jim Stark has produced
scores of films including Jarmush’s Mystery Train and Night on Earth,
Vladan Nikolic’s Love. He is also a renowned scriptwriter, and has
been cast in several independent films as an actor.
Jim Stark is constantly looking for fresh talent and innovative cinema
projects. He spends some months of each year in Mexico, where he
collaborates with Nicolas Celis on local and international projects.
with the support of
One of the goals at “Pueblo Mágico” is that filmmakers can generate
material that will be useful for them at the time they will seek development
or production funding.
It is for this reason that “Pueblo Mágico” in collaboration with EFD (the
company that provides filming equipment for the biggest and important
films shot Mexico) held a cienmatographer workshop that was conducted
by the director of photography Maria Secco.
María conducted a workshop in which three of the residents had the
opportunity to shoot a scene from their projects with all necessary
equipment provided by EFD.
Residents were divided into different teams to find locations, and extras in
the village in order to film the scenes.
Each resident shared in the experience, and was able to analyse the
results of the filmed scenes with Maria.
María Secco / Uruguay
Maria Secco has a degree in Cinematography from the C.C.C in
She has worked as director of photography in “Gasolina” (2006 ),
“Las marimbas del infierno” (2010 ), “Polvo” (2011) and “Te prometo
anarquía” (2015 ) by Julio Hernandez; “Agua fría de mar” (2010)
by Paz Fábrega; “Vete más lejos Alicia” (2010) by Elisa Miller, “La
demora” (2011) by Rodrigo Plá; “Tanta agua” (2012) by Leticia Jorge
y Ana Guevara; “Lejanía” (2014) by Pablo Tamez; “Los años de fierro”
(2014) by Santiago Esteinou, “La jaula de oro” (2014) by Diego
Quemada Díez and “Club Sandwich” (2014) by Fernando Eimbcke.
She worked as coordinator of the cinematography department at the
with the support of
The writer´s work should not be limited to inventing a story to be told in
pictures, as s/he would be confining films to an unique genre: fiction.
The renowned and award winning editor with several Ariels under her belt
Mariana Rodriguez, conducted an entertaining workshop in which the
residents understood the editor’s role as one that writes with images.
With a sequence of moving pictures and sound in sync, you can express
numerous sensations, and ideas. For this reason, the scriptwriter’s work is
to provide a structure for the idea that we want to convey to the audience
who come to watch a film.
This structure is what will allow the passage from a script to an ordered
film, shot by shot and scene by scene.
With this in mind Carlos Contreras, scriptwriter of “Sueño en Otro Idioma”,
“Las Oscuras Primaveras” and “Párpados Azules” met the residents in
one-to-one sessions to analyse in detail each of the scripts that they were
developing at the residency.
Mariana recounted her experiences working alongside renowned Mexican
directors and how her work complements and brings to life the initial idea
that the director brings to the project.
In her workshop the residents watched different film sequences edited
by both Mariana as well as other editors; in doing so they were able to
compare different editing styles, the successes and failures in this process.
At the end she met each resident to discuss the most difficult scenes of
each script in development.
His lessons were very helpful to the filmmakers who discovered the
strengths and weaknesses of their written projects, and with Carlos´ help
were able to construct a solid base from which they could continue this
creative process.
Carlos Contreras / México
Carlos Contreras graduated from the University del Valle de Mexico,
he worked as a creative consultant in advertising from 2000 to 2007.
He has participated in both the Sundance Writer ‘s Lab and in the
Binger Film Lab, on two occasions and with three different projects:
“Sueño en Otro Idioma”, “Las Oscuras Primaveras” and “Párpados
Azules”, which won the award for best screenplay at the Guadalajara
International Film Festival 2007. He participated in the 46th Spanish
selection of the Critics’ Week at Cannes and won the Special Jury
Prize at the Sundance Film Festival 2008.
Mariana Rodriguez / Argentina
She studied directing at Centro Universitario de Estudios
Cinematográficos (CUEC - UNAM). She has worked as an editor since
2002. She edited “ Lake Tahoe “ and “ Temporada de patos “ by
Fernando Eimbcke for which she received the Ariel Award for Best
Editing. She co-edited “Voces inocentes” by Luis Mandoki. She edited
the films “Un mundo maravilloso” and “El infierno “ by Luis Estrada;
“ Del amor y otros demonios” by Hilda Hidalgo; “Cefalópodo” by
Rubén Imaz and the documentaries “Julio Cesar Chavez “ by Diego
Luna; “ Fraude “ by Luis Mandoki among others.
In words of Andrés Martinez, founder and director of Chemistry (digital
post-production company) filmmakers should approach the postproducer from the development stage of their film, because from there
they can make key decisions that will influence the result of their film.
Inspired by this reflection “Pueblo Mágico” invited him as a mentor
to give an intensive post-production workshop.
His objective was to know the distinctive features of each project and
to provide advice that could help these projects be made in a more
efficient manner, and as such avoid unnecessary costs and problems
once in the editing phase.
Based on his advice the residents made changes to their scripts that
make them more cost-effective.
Andrés’ workshop had a special surprise since his company Chemistry
gave a post-production package as a prize to the best project: Florian
Seufert from Germany.
Andrés Martinez / México
From a young age Martinez Ríos has been contact with the world
of film and postproduction, which influenced his choice of career
as a director. In 1999 he decided to open the first rental company
for film equipment, Aatomo Rentas that also focused on creating a
technological bridge between production and postproduction. He
recently, founded Chemistry that specialises in colour correction.
The film industry is in constantly evolution, especially in times of rapid communication and social networks, where you can be in contact with
anyone who might be interested in your film. Nevertheless, this advantage can also be a disadvantage because there is no time to process
the huge amount of requests and relationships end up being impersonal.
That is why one of “Pueblo Magico”s strategies related to festivals, markets and distribution is focused on bringing key players from the
film industry to the residency to create close relationships with the residents that will benefit them during the production of their films and
distribution of their films.
Sidney has been working of in the entertainment industry for three
She was vice president of acquisitions for Republic Pictures and
spent three years as purchaser of feature films for Lorimar. She
also worked in international distribution for Twentieth Century Fox
and ABC Video Marketing. In 1988 she co-founded FilmFinders as a
back office for both business acquisitions and sales distribution and
festival programming. She has taught at UCLA, MAIA , Binger, Cannes
market, Berlinale Talent Campus and often acts as a presenter on
panels and seminars.
Christine Davila is the director of Ambulante California, the traveling
documentary film festival founded by Diego Luna, Gael García Bernal,
Pablo Cruz and Elena Fortes. She has been the associate programmer
for the Sundance Film Festival since 2008 and is the programmer
for the International Film Festival dedicated to promoting Curacao
Caribbean cinema. She is an associate programmer at the Los
Angeles Film Festival. Christine dedicates her time and work in
search of Latin American emerging talent.
José is the director of documentary programming at the Tribeca
Film Institute where he oversees the development and financing for
all documentary funds. He directed the Latin American program,
Filmmaker Workshop Funds. After an internship as an assistant
producer to Amy Hobby he settled in New York and became a script
reader for Overture Films.
“Pueblo Magico” made a visit to Mexico City to meet our allies and also to visit possible future co-producers. This is the only day that residents
leave the village of Tepoztlán.
The screenings of films is a fundamental part of the three-week program.
Thanks to the support of the Hotel Boutique Casa Fernanda residents
have the privilege to enjoy a comfortable movie theatre located in the
beautiful Tepozteco landscape.
Vice is a media empire valued at almost 4 billion dollars, their
websites have 96 million monthly visitors (half outside the US),
counting YouTube, HBO and other channels, they have 250 million
Its success is due to the production of low cost documentaries with
great media and artistic impact. “Pueblo Mágico” visit was conducted
to expose the residents to the criteria they have for documentary
filmmakers to produce their videos.
The residents watch and study the development of cinema from the
countries where they come from, the influences of the history the twentieth
century and twenty first century on cinematic practises, the advent of
sound, colour, television, digital cinema, etc.
As a part of the program great Mexican filmmakers are invited to the
residency to share their experiences with the residents, in an intimate,
relaxed setting. The residents are responsible for receiving these guests
for dinner that they prepare.
The Goethe Institute of Mexico was one of “Pueblo Magico’s”
partners for this first edition. Thanks to their support we not only
awarded a grant to a young German filmmaker but we were able to
access quality films. Residents were treated to a great lunch by the
Goethe team.
Carlos Reygadas, one of the Mexico’s most famous film directors
lives in Tepoztlán. We made use of our proximity to visit the postproduction studio he has built. During this visit the residents were
guided to the rooms where editing, colour correction, and sound
design take place.
They also visited the rooms reserved for filmmakers in postproduction and the house where the family of Carlos Raygadas lives.
with the support of
Mentors were invited to enjoy the comfort of the Hotel Boutique Casa
Fernanda, La Posada del Tepozteco and the exclusive Hostal de la
luz, appointed by the Dalai Lama as a place of world peace.
These are spaces nestled in nature that allow the mentors to relax and
refresh for another day of interaction and work with the residents.
These hotels are located in prime areas of the village of Tepoztlán where
one has a wonderful view of the Tepozteco and its abundant natural
environment. Mentors made use of the facilities provided including a spa,
swimming pools and gourmet cuisine.
It is very important for the “Pueblo Mágico” team that the residents
enjoy the natural beauty of Tepoztlan and that they have the best facilities
to work, in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere on their projects. We
want the same for our mentors, that the time spent with us at the residency
proves to be an unforgettable experience.
The dining experience at “Pueblo Mágico” delights the palates of our
residents and mentors with delicious local dishes on offer. Our cook is
responsible for preparing a varied menu that includes tasty topozteco
dishes that blend tradition and innovation of modern cuisine.
For breakfast you can enjoy seasonal fruits and a variety of juices and
local dishes made with homemade tortillas.
In addition to traditional ingredients like coffee or granola and yogurt
our chef prepares a special dish each day to help our residents start the
morning with a lot of energy.
The meals are varied and designed so that the residents can try different
food with unique flavours every day. Our cook always includes vegetarian
dishes for those who prefer not to eat meat.
With the support of
During the three-week residency, filmmakers and mentors shared meals
and leisure activities with the residents in a relaxed atmosphere that
strengthened ties that go beyond commercial and professional interests.
Tepoztlan was chosen as the location for “Pueblo Mágico” residency
due its rich cultural heritage that the residents are able to experience
during their stay here.
In addition to mentors, “Pueblo Mágico” invited filmmakers to come
to the house to screen their films and talk with the residents about their
experiences, all this with the idea of generating more opportunities to
make friends so that in the future they may work together.
The residents had the opportunity to visit the magnificent old convent that
is now a museum, and walk up to the Tepozteco pyramid, from which they
were able to admire the spectacular view of the town and surrounding
The industry depends largely on the networks that exist between people
who make films and work in the industry; at “Pueblo Mágico” contacts
are a priority and the goal is that they are lasting and effective.
the had also, the opportunity to meet the inhabitants of the town and
share a moment with them during the outdoor screening of Fernando
Trueba’s Belle Epoque.
With all these ideas in mind, we organised Tepozteco excursions,
campfires, night walks, parties, etc. for the residents, mentors, and guests.
A particularly special moment for the residents was the “day of the dead”
celebrations; in keeping with Mexican tradition they constructed an altar
for their dead loved ones and shared stories and happy memories of
these dear departed friends and family.
Yogi Hari Nam, led the residents through a yoga class in the large garden
amongst plants, flowers and fruit trees in absolute silence, they were able
to relax and connect with their creative essence.
Later, after enjoying delicious vegan food, they participated in the Temazcal
ritual as a group, which was a rewarding experience for the residents.
These activities are organized so that residents can better concentrate
and focus, which allows their ideas to flow without limitations.
Antonella Sudasassi (Costa Rica)
Project: El despertar de las hormigas / Fiction / Debut film
The residency allowed Antonella to apply for and win
development funding in Costa Rica for her film El
Despertar de las Hormigas. This fund enabled her to
travel to the Rotterdam Film Festival and the Berlinale
where she met possible co-producers for her film.
Maria Fernanda Galindo (México)
Project: Defensoras / Documental / Second feature film
Maria Fernanda’s documentary feature Rio Manso
(previously Defensoras) is in development. She received
funding from IMCINE (The Mexican Film Institute) to
complete her script.
She is collaborating with two women’s organisations:
JASS and Semillas who are helping in her search for two
other characters for her film.
The impact on the Tepoztlan community and the cultural contributions
of the project is a priority for “Pueblo Mágico”. In this regard we had
a great outdoor function with Eco-cinema.
We screened the film Belle Epoque directed by our special guest
Fernando Trueba, where more than 300 members of the Tepoztlan
community were in attendance.
Mak Chun Kit (Singapur)
Pablo Peréz Lombardini (México)
Project: Buying happiness / Documental / Second feature film
Project: El Caimán / Fiction / Second feature film
Mak was able to resolve questions around his documentary
feature that has began its publicity campaign this March.
The website for the film is:
He is currently working on another film in Mexico One
Taxi Ride: a film that explores an important social issue,
produced by Jim Stark and Nicolas Celis who he met at
the residency.
The residency allowed Pablo realise that his project
Geronimo’s Dreams was not quite right for his first
feature film and is now writing a script for a feature
entitled El Kaiman (The Cayman).
He is going to work with fellow resident Florian Seufert
on his shoot in September here in Mexico.
Florian Seufert (Alemania)
After the screening, Trueba gave a talk, and invited the community to
participate in his master class set for the following day.
For Trueba’s Master Class, the residency opened its doors to all
interested people of all age groups; the “Pueblo Magico” residents
thus had the opportunity to meet artists and people from nearby
villages who attended the Open Door Master Class.
Mauricio Fernandez (Chile)
Project: Las libelulas no vuelan / Fiction / Ópera Prima
Project: La Jauria / Fiction / Second feature film
Florian was able to concretise the Mexican shoot for his
film that will begin in September 2016. The producers
that he met at the residency, Nicolas Celis and Jim Stark
were vital to his project. Jim Stark is co-producing
his documentary feature, and put him in contact with
a Mexican co-producer, Carlos Sosa (Viento del Norte
Mauricio is writing the final draft of his feature film
project. Jim Stark, Carlos Contreras and Nicolás Celis
that he met during the residence have expressed interest
in his project. He is looking forward to collaborating
with them once in the production of his film begins.
* From among 10 projects developed durign the residency we have chosen those that are most advanced at this stage.
With the support of
Flavio Florencio
Artisitc director
Matyas Florencio
Productor and general coordinator
Ignacio Vazquez
Ejecutive productor
Eva Munyiri
Academic coordinator
Nina Rodriguez
Academic coordinator