Hearings set for major SL zoning changes
Hearings set for major SL zoning changes
Please pay STEP 1QEB BERCSa ito tar, CC. SJT-EW3 tfir S pa. your carrier for March. Thank You f »/ ca», CuO. B3WS7Q ban mane*. « DCCfiE IUJITW sB tal pod tak <uw HOT UOE PUSUC UEWWf 32*13 ELECT! 1C B.VQ, AVON U&, CHffl 44012 Serving Avon • Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake ^ftTg^rr^ffSfciaffigF^^ W |T *J "~ Community eyed for AL site Pulse ..Aid Opinion By Marcclla Grande RJ.H. April FodljiC As in years' past the Fren issue ju-rt prior to or on April 1st, our readers con count on a couple of April FooTfe ttirioa. This year'rj*taric» which appeared in last week's £ ouo had to do with, turning the Peter Ml'lar House Into a bait chop because a long lost relative showed up with proof of ownership. Tho second stay wax about the elephant oa loan from the Cleveland Zoo and its new bume on property owned by Bucky Kopf on Walker Rd. And Last, but not least, tho story about area communities banning concrate lawn geese. Again, in case you didn't rood those storiesa all n1 the way through, they were our """ April Foela on our unsuspecting readers. Thanks to those Individual*, both real and fictitious for being good sports — and wo'ra already working on even better stories Tor 1997. The ShvIHeld Lake Senior Citizens onlited-living retirerrant complex is moving along. The second public bearIng for tbi* projoct i» sot lor Tuesday. May 7. at 7 pjn. Again. many ore nappy to see Mayor Gory Mlngea moving forward with this project Sure, it's not going to make everyone happy, but in the long run. It will bo a benefit for the community. hfore feedback. As each day goes by, I continue to hear more and more reasons why various levies/issues Eailod to achieve vrterH* acceptance at tho polls March IB. As I indicated last week, higher taxes Is ranked right up there on top. That reason alone could be directed toward any levy at any time — a very easy analysis. The issue I hoar the most feedback on right now U the 3.9 mill 51.8 million Avon l&ka School levy that took a Continued on page 10 AVON LAKE — If Avon Lake approves an agreement with Kurtz Brothers of Cuvahoga Heights, the city would accept yard waste from other cities 83 wou as from its own residents. But other cities would pay Cor tho service, whereas Avon Lake wculd receive it free in exchange for Kurtz using city property. Edward Janesz. Kurtz's development manager for organic recycling, said ho is not yot convinced that the Lorain County Silid Waste District has a composting site in mind — perhaps implying that Avon Luke could be it. Janesz p-..-wonted a proposal to City Council Monday night about how the operation could wont. Kurtz Brothers, a company with 30 yuan of experience in top soil mixing, sludge recycling und yard waste recovery, would set up composting operations behind tho city service garage an tho 2 -1/2 to 3 172 acres already designated for composting. Janesz said eventually, eight or nine more acres would be needed. Continued on page 8 Eggstra, Eggstrs, road-ail~otyout-.it/ Sheffield Lake Recreation Department's Easier Egg hunt at tho SL CMc Center was packed with ready ogg picker-uppers including Jonathon Mohrbach and his brothers Patrick and Matthew. The Mohrbach boys aro tho sons of Ken and Angela Mohrbach of Sheffield Lake. The hunt lasted a little over five minutes on Saturday. PRESS photo — Mercatla Grantio ALMS alum brings sled By Marcella Grande AVON LAKE — Some sports have gained tremendous popularity over tho years, but slod dog racing has not bit its prime. However, the sport is gradually picking up speed and so Is one of its participants. Daryl Raymond of Wellington. A 1967 graduate of Avon Lake High School. Raymond raises 26 Alaskan Huskies and occasionally races them. Last Friday, he brought one of his dogs to Redwood Elementary School where his nephew, Carsten Anderson, is a student. Raymond spoke to Carsten's third-grade classmates about the thrill of tho cold-weather sport and the care of tho dogs. The Alaskan Husky is not recognized by tho American Kennel Club, Raymond pointed out. "It's more of a hybrid breed." he said. "Alaskan Huskies are selectively bred for sled dog racing." Raymond's team can run as fast as 22 miles par hour. This year, they demonstrated their ability at two races held at tho Carlisle Reservation of tho Lorain County Metroparks and another race at Punderson State Park. Raymond also races in Michigan and Pennsylvania. With spring and summer coming, ths sled dog team is on hiatus until Thanksgiving time, when Raymond, 47, will enter h.t next race. He started raising tho dogs maro than 15 years ago. One of his neighbors was featured in Country Living magazine for slod dog racing. When Raymond saw this, hs knocked on several doors on his street looking for the sled dog racer, and when he found tho musher/neighbor. Raymond caught the sled dog bug. : ttmtfmwf on-page 23 Senior complex to be debated Hearings set for major SL zoning changes By JoAnrw Easterday SHEFFIELD LAKE — Two public hearings to consider zoning changes ware set by City Council. The first one. to be held Wednesday. May 1 at 7 p.m.. deal* with property at the comer of Abbe and Lakevlow roads. The second hearing involves a requested change from Rl rwidontial to R3 limited-use residential proposed by Richard St. James of Gallery Enterprises. Tho Abbo-Lukeview case, submitted by Steven Loy, would bo necessary to accommodate the construction of a selfservice storage complex with a resident manager. The Gallery Enterprises cose involves tho request to build a senior independent/assisted living retirement complex ct 4701 Lake Road, across from Amber Oaks and Convenient Food Mart. That hearing is scheduled for Tuesday. May 7 at 7 p.m. . Neighboring property owners will receive written notice of the hearings from the clerk of courts. Stroct repair dollars few Road work wilh the nowly purchased "hot" box was to have begun about April 1. weather-permitting. It was noted thot the work on 20 streets would require about $1.2 million. There is S17.000 in the service department's budget for tho work. In other business • Council authorized the purchase of an Intel Pentium computer from Mir.roland Computer Center in Westlake. The new computer will allow the city to have E-mail exchange, greater access to library materials, and could even be used to assist the Schools exchange program with Sheffield. England. Continued on page 23 Daryl Raymond harnesses his Alaskan Husk/ sled dog. "Lity." PRESS photo — Marcvile Grande "M'H 'frtva Eftl*1?;:* iirtfliiil/fliij J ,'/, il ft^1" J,s 5 J*j> II HFilftK. Ti rX* v'fri fflv\TO,d«i«M^wS« m$te&tfOTi&)!i lSta||f®M . Easter Dinner We Cany a Large Selection of Cold Wine for Carryout Custom Sliced Suift Premium HARD SALAMI to Wini Chunk or Sliced Land-0-Lakes AMERICAN CHEESE. *2.99 Powered NASCAR A Holiday Tradition SEE STORE FOR DETAILS ECKRICH KIELBASA..LB.»1.99 Free 2 Liter Salad Time TOSSED SALAD MIX IB. .79 Get any Flavor 2 Liter Faygo Pop with purchase of a 9 pc. Bucket of Chester Fried Chicken for only $8.99 or Holiday Redpes, Sunshine Farms Our buckets contain only Juicy Brtasts, Thighs & Legs.. .No Wings SOUR CREAM Lunchtime Favorite! Chester Fried Chicken 2 pc. Dark Meat Snack Pack i6oz..99 Nabisco CHIPS AHOY COOKIES is oz.«2.79 IWgh.Leg 2 crispy Jo-Jo Potaloes IB. »3.49 OElljf $1.79 Store! Emcsia Julio Gallo Open Everyday 6AM 'HI Midnight WHITE ZINFANDEL $449 _ SJIWIEID LAItf 137 Lear Rd • 933-2718 4786 Lake Hd • 949-7631 Convenient ^ EAAdMflVt , ,aT; * .'i"*. -*t VI j« • The PRESS welcomes krtt^rs editor «rj «*» tone. • Afl letter* and newvrdoiaea nuistbr TYFE9 DOUBIE-SPACED. • Incbde * unv, J^drwa, phono numiw. and « signature for verification, ' Letters wiU be edited tcr brevity end djrfty. • Aultors* name cin be wfthheid upon • AU items rrajat be in by Ttiursdjy 5 pjn • Send n«w» rdcjs« and ttt«r» to: THE PRESS. P.O. S« 30O. Avon Utc. Ohio 44O12. or take them to our office at 155 tear Read during office hours (9 ajru to 5 pm, Mondayfrlday) approximately four weeks, three days a week for thrse hours p*>r day. If you believe in nurturing tne creativity of children and have time to volunteer, we would lore to have your help. We are already receiving calls from families who participated last year; hut before we can. begin registration, we need directors. If you are at home this summer and have theatre or dance experience, please consider helping in this worthwhile project. Please send a letter of interest to: Directors. 348 Jaycox Road, Avon Lake. OH 44012 by April 15 for PO//CS will continue to serve To the Editor In light of the mcent defeat cS Issue t»3, the income tax Incraaso for tfaa City or Avoc. I. want to assure ALL cf our cUIzuns, .*lmt the dedicated men and wonwri" of the Avon Police Dapartment *.vill continue to serva with the barnp professional standards that you have become accustomed to and expect. " "To those 889 voters who supported our effort*, a special THANK YOU. RobL H. Jackson, Sr. Director of Public Safety . . To tha Editor: CRS held its "Women of Worth" luncheon on Thursday. March 21 in the pub at the L-ish Heritage dub. Tho community's support was wonderful our reservation List was filled - and on such a snowy and blustery first day of Spring. CRS would l!ke to thank the Irish Heritage Club. Sisson's. Kathleen Wilhelm. Mona Burke. Kathy Wasserman and tho 50 wonderful women who came for lunch and gave so generously to our Women of Worth project In addition, we are grateful far the donations dropped off at the office by those who were unable to come to the luncheon. Once again, we have to say - Avon Lake, you're the greatest! Marjorie W. Calkins Community Resource Services --£_ To the Editor The Avon Lake Summer Youtheatre is getting ready for its second summer. Lasr year ovar 70 children from Avon Tjfcn and the surrounding cities wer* able to participate in Ciis group thanks to the wondorrul niiponse of the talented volunteers who stepped forward to . , ,. We ore now seeking volunteer director* and assistants for the summor 1996 program. The commitment involved is Continued on page 11 GOLD STOPE CHOCOLATES When you care enough to send the very best "THE CANDY SHOP" South Shore Plaza • Vermilion • 967-8318 Mon.-Sat. 9-9 • Sun. 1CV6 _ __^f __ Food drive a great success To the Editor; North Coast Nautilus ft Tanning. along with International Karate Centers, both of Avon J*aks, raised a total of 419 pounds of food during tiur year's Food Drive. Food collected benefits the Second Harvest Food Bank. The Food Bank benefit needy families of. Lorain. Erie, and Huron counties. According to the Food Bank, continued support during tho winter months aftei the holiday season ii desperately needed- Jeff Ellis and International Karate Cenlers did a great job ia assisting us this yfcar. Together, we increased our iood donation by 61 percent ever last year. Members of both North Coast Nautilus & Tanning and International Karate Centers got into the spirit of giving. We asked our customers to bring in at least two nan-perishable food items, but many of them brought in a loaded shopping bag! North Coast Nautilus & Tanning and International Karate Centers are looking forward to continuing the tradition next year. Thanks to everyone involved who made this benefit food drive a tremendous success. Rick Cadwell Ncrth Coast Nautilus ft Tanning Women's luncheon G success Youtheatre needs volunteers INT1KNATIONAI. AVAMP WINNING consideration. Thank you! Jennifer DeSalvo A.L. Youtheatre Coordinator "*»/."! *•' •,j'...''«/k'i.<'.ir,\. ..V»*l-sar.'";.«' INVOLVED IN OUR v COMMUNITY Weekly Cable Cast of... "Wee/nest/ay lust Isn't Wednesday Without The PRESS" Join the Easter Parade to an Easter Candy Wonderland. Well worth the trip. Owner Tom Zahan is kept busy putunj names on Ihe many different Easier Egggs and larger v r o n e from your youngnt child Homemade Easter Bgggs Homemade Chocolate Rabbits Homemade Easter Baskets Each week PRESS Publisher, Rick Hemmer, produces a 20 minute cable show promoting The PRESS advertisers and stories of community interest readess would find in the current issue of The PRESS. The Cable show appears five times dai!y-5 am, 9 am, 2 pm 7 p.m. and 12 midnight-on the Avon Lake Community Access Channel 34. Homemade Sugar Free Easter Candy AU With Names Free Of Charge While You Wait Co-Producers Jason Forbes Andy Cifranic 158 Lear Road, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 (216)933-5100 wtt\MtmV%HW>i»l^^ Phone 933-5100 Fasc 933-79O3 P.O. EOT 300 15E tear Road Avon Lake, Otto 44012 efCeunl C&TuJsiint Cqyright 1393 O Hemms*, Jr. 1U. (Dick) Hammer, Sr, - 1922-1589 to encourage students to IcxA beyond the high school diploma and diccover numerous opportunities to belter prepare themselves for thptr fulute. We commonly ha\e six to len students r.^rtidpale in one or more "Post-Servnidary Option;"' courses at a nearby university or college each sriuDol year. Lemming Eapper . everywhere. At Avon laVe High School, we ar-e p.omating at least two new exciting farms which wili help our students b° better prepaiea for the 21st century. DEADLINES NEWS ITEMS: Thursday — 5 p-in ADVERTISINGFriday — Noon Clj\S SIFTED S: Monday— S pjn. CJn Send Navw fcams, aid Artld&s to: ThePreti '.O. Box 300 Avce Lake. OH «012 I,! OTY SCHOOLS SCHOOL CALENQAE Thursday, April 4 - NO SCHOOL-SPRING B.'iEAK OFJT CAMPUS EDUCATION AT AVON U.»E HIGH SCHOOL. I .ram Ing happens in a variety of fr.fns during diffjtrent opportunities. An i .-_. r - Lklnda _ r . of .eduOT'Joaal • „„,, n- up** quo "^njTrgqi lUBfiSt (OdfJUQUGS» &Hl ^" *,"*•->£ '• I'f V 4 v •'<*?% % which will help students be more successful. \ Qrw common way to offer new «nd different e, 'ucatiocal opportunltiM is to doliver iaitruction from t- different «jducationaJ sits. Fot Avon Lake High Scl- :,cl, this is our off-campus learning program. We paiyVJipate In s number of individual educational exp^rience> in addition to two specific special program which promotes pfT-campus education. These two 01 '•> campus programs are "Operation New World" and thv), ' "StatB"w Ohio Port-Secondary Options." "OporaUot New World" Ss a joint program with Lake Ridge, . Academy In North RJdgBVille. This is an integrated' '" instructional awpcrionco which has been designed to" offer studanis opportunities to see and experience life and culture in a UUrd world country. On-campus, we «?B unabla to pCw anything ehnilar to this program. Getting B sanw. about what is happening in a society Jaxff fortunate than ours is a real education about learning to appreciato what ii available in our own lodoty. "OpanUoD. Hew World" offers academic credit in lasgURge arts, a foreign languago, idonce, social studios, and statistics during too second semester of the school year. During 1095-06. Avon Lake students have been able to enroll in on-campuf courses during period 01 and 02,- then go off-campuj to the "Operation New World" program, returning at approximately 2:30 p.m. tor end of the day teacher assistance and participation in aftar-tchool activities. This is Avon Lake education in B fp«dsi form. * "Stale of Ohio Post-Secondary Options'* is a state mandated opportunity for students to enroll in college level course* while being a high school student This program allows students to lock bttyond the local high school curriculum and address hisjner individual educational needs. It also provides colleges with new ways Nationwide is moving in with big discounts. if your ban* *oi budf wilfun A» but tan ywxi, >w» bom NaKarMnde.. Smatf dorm lock rm and an oc dncounh oho tfoiattf. Cofl ut today to »M if you qualify- BOMMER INSURANCE AGENCY 2219 Wisteria Way, Avon, Ohio [N010NWDE ISSR.KBI 934-4510 I I PET CARE Jamas Haddad Veterinarian There is a new medication available for the treatment of heamvorm disease in dogs. This product has iht advantage of being quicker and safer than previous treatments. The disadvantage is tnat it,is very expensive to use. have your dogs teslitd and put on preventive this ,tprms and avoid this tttr'iC altogether. Intervention in Barr and Forestlawn schools is taking a new twist. Mr. Kanary 's working with the classes on force, energy and simple machines. The children are working in teams with hands-on experiments. Mr. Kanary, a Physical Education and Health Educator, is also certified in Saence and is excited about helping in this area. The children have already worked with map reading, map making and using a compass. They have also tackled perimeter, area and volume. The students ore now discovering the uses of the incline plane, the lever and Che screw. The studerts hf.vo hands-on problems to solve as a team and record their results. The fourth graders will also learn to combine the simple machines to make their jobs easier. This message is to you as a public service by James E. Haddad, D.V.M-. Avon lAka Animal Clinic. 124 Milder Road, Avon Lake. OH 44012.' Phone: 933-5297. FAMILY VISION CAKE CONTACT LENSES • ilNlkl) * • DISPOSABLE • ASTIGMATIC Real Estate Transactions AVON LAKE M E Garment ZBJlfcoraffe RSVfcxar* 1 fSSJXO WLttvwty 338O3 Etaarte DUttttd 1 JBD.tBO LLPrteto 33803 Been* BftULfytrywk t tSOJXO JLNfbon CDCTO LttaHd. CAPmeer \ U4SJ300 EHunerxi 33188 Redwood u USD-man • 1 WRSmvCuner HB Oarcwy In, GjmoEa Const Inc. 1 S2SB.OOO MJMc&oy 525 RocfevDOd CL GorrtfU Const. bK. 1 satoxoo LUHOrcfw KIK9M I100JDOO TRBOOK UTKOMTK , WMMW JoH Mn. =2557 SaasV *«*«*.• PJ Brady CANovotny CANoratny 32338 sruraWMt EhoraVte* L.thUctwl CfiHowotny JSJtourv TAHcion WBBttrtndiJoH Wtehrtnrti Jort BouiyMtoy s?3,oao DR. SCOTT H. SEIPE OPTOMETRIST (216)933-8300 - EUMNGSAKD' /ETTriELANCWGS AUDNLAK^OH 44012 S*J. AVftLABLE 32730 VTJar Ri J S140.0OO SITO^OO $71400 S3S9.92S SZTUJOO JEANE DDQsTS S1B3JKC DCFFtELO LAKE JLtLPwry . UACatvui UUdnpW WHmw* VButftar OLW* LLBnwr.r TDSWMlOr. AttoMoxtDr. BJSytn- ArptaQMfeOc CokndoAM. 4018SR2&* •7&QQO S144J30U •1*4.000 FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 3, 10M (For your ptrwutUeJ duly Jeane Oinn hunjstope, biwnl on your own dale of fainh. call l-WO-9JW-r7*M. Your prnnc company wirt bill you •» JUuzk* ceiui J minute.) RHEtucmndJC W7JOO IUPPV BIRTIIDAV! IN THE rrend.1. Keep your uverhml u tow 1173JOO NEXT YEA» OF YOUR LIFE: _ , ...,. Spruce up your mrnJondingi but VIR(i() IAu(. iJ-Stpi, 22): keep in mind lhat too nurty cwn- Throw oui your uiual plant for QwnorCorM. 1 1104.104 Torn couU undermine your moti**- wmeihinf marc eitirinf. A romanOEKo* 1 $33.050 rjan to achieve inai ttunp. Say on tic affair could tal* oil tile a rackei. ALBurcft 1 SI 1 0,000 your toei! If you itick 10 ihe rule Someone oiler* a nouible %oluiion book, cornpetilon will not tUnd • toa pruMcm. chince. An economic uptwinj LIBRA (Sept. 23-Od. 22): CerTivon vrall tuwncuri and tirniied tain »orriei ub^ide In tite lijht of pnrinenrtpv TeJr down the borricn day. Ii ii time to let |t> of in old thai leptmt you from a tiblinf or hejrtacrw. Take a chance un Ihc finl Allssa Kmy, MattrMW loosendvld. Hifher-upi are tnmt likely to reatly good idea that comet your er. Jotmltor MahnkB. Pmirwla (ranI favorx early in I9Q7. Decide wuy. Passmore. Jannllar Parry, what you wa« mmt. A March "97 ; t SCORPIO {O«. 2>Nov. 21Y. A StophanI* Rudd, Lynna wedding ioundt marveloui? new friendship opem your eyei K> a Sponcw, Pnfflp Tnjfljt, Brandon CELEuniTIES BUPN ON ipecial opportunity. Movies about THIS DAY; •cireit Dofii Day, travel or adventure hold powerfg] WhatfaT, AMpafl Wtahtman. •cipr Alec B»Idwin. comedian appeal. Rclalivct ore eager to know Qrsd« 10: JaFlroy Ana, Eddie Murpby. •cum Jennie Conn. how '-• you - are. Lauren Bonatka. Mlchella ARIES (March 21-April 19): SACnTARIUS (Nov. 22-tVc. Burkv. Codeon Byrne, Kimberiy Curb a tendency to impose your 2!): Your Tinancn get a welcome Dellksl. DenrJo Dlugosz. Daniel taitri on tho^e cknrtl to you: they boon. ThanL your lucky ilatt! IT Froehlieh, Jacob Qorhan, Soxt have their own prtfermcn. Be will- y<M are in a leadership poiiiion. do Hatdman. EDzabath llg. Ton) injr to rnoie » journey atone if you no* be \hy aboui puinting -mbonjiKonkoly, Megan Lehman. Mofiy cjnmX find oxigtnbl uxnponion*. naici in the right direction. Uttchar. NiwJona Loah. Jason TAuWs'i April *2JV-M4y CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. ndoptin; 4 f etirroui atlituUe lo-__ I u ): Youf ptnonal finaiwet are UakU. Jason Mffler, Rupa Patal. »ornepne will pay rich reward*. Try highlighted in a positive way. An Vhlorlo Porw. Russia PhiQIpa. to eliminate jealomy or en*y. A uptwai aiiitude i^ irvtcciiouv other Sean Ricftardson. Brian SaWn, patient, communicative approach people respond with entliuiiaun. " Alysaa Schnslder, Gregory will win over c1o«* tiev Maintain ye-.f optimism about iht Slnglalon. Frvdorldc Strauch, UEMIM iMjy 31-June 20): A future. Suy in touch with your own Megan Volruba, Nathan djy when temputiom muM be oner. ernouonal need*. Relai, Waema, Adam Zaket. Cymfiifl cpme. Thcie who wane Irrtie on /IV^AHIU^ (Jan. (Jan. 20-Feb. 2U-r 18): Baikiewicz. Bonrta Jean Behm. fri«oloui punuili or jonip will Make themcnt of iheneM (ewtitfK Mellsu Benadict. Douglas eiperiewe Kiiets. Gel better tvfa- you *ill \hine like a morning mr! Braglla. Robin Broadhursi, rtized 21 niied 41 *mt work anrfKnnw and home. ' b__:.:- - . - • development! are featuretl . CANCER (June 21-luly 22!. where your love life ii concerned. Jamio Carter, Brian Corcoran. Something that vrtrm tike in advan- Someone Kamotri Ely, JamJter Qantz, ii w i l l i n g lo meet you tap: could be unyihing but. A new more thun half way, Kavln Hoy. Klmberty Horton, profw-jl U a rehath of a prtvioui Cynthia Jenkins. Erin Kilbana, PISCES [Feb. 19-March 20); propmol. You benefit from clicking Y«ur imiigiruiioo may be working Tarn Knuth. NataSc Kotowskl. to whjt you know bcw, overtime in romance. Do wruit you Klmbofty Krai, Jennifer Kublk. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): can van 10 iu iperul ipenu more mitre time time wi|h chil- ; Timothy Leopotd, Michagl Impulse-buying could be a big dren. If tontiiler adding Jtldin 10 your • If consider Ughitool. Emily Martins. Kuflo icmpijiidfl. Your teiue of humor i« dren. family, discuti Ihe ramificatiunt McLauphlin, megan McNwoloy, your greaieii u*\el. You have J with your mule. Avoid neglecting a Katio MusaD, Andrew Rutuo. prophetic iniifht Iniu butine»t purtni\ neeif^. William Rulus. Damion Suv (tovtari. Kamy Schmkn, PhilDp Schnoldor. Matthow Stewart, . . .^. ^uoj,ftu. nuiuoraic punuits come easily to Kylene Thomas. Katie Voile, thoao Intolliflont youngitors. They got bored quickly, however, Kathryn Walling, Sarah Woavar, and will flit from subject to subject. Artistic puwfu always hold Elizabeth Vvhito, Gregory ipedal appeal for those availves Arias. Dam entrepreneurs, they young. Hlla Ztka. 770 Hc^vtow Dr. . It mo ttsoo honor roll Th»loDo*ing Awn Lak* High Srcoot studont* haw bean named to Vie honor roll far tf» sacond nln* w**k* oncfing pariod. Omlff 12: Jannlur CaD. UonJca Cftfrtyan, KrtattT* Corcoran, Amanfla ^leffraM, Brian Jicha, IJndsay King. Emily Klein. Todd Martin, Mary Mlcrwla Uarttna. Mamsrat McOratft, Elton MC«r. Lfly Milter. Mattfww Pattys. Mariana Radlc. Amanda Scrtmldt Sarah Simmons. Scott Snydar, Ryan Stmart Miertaol BJrsloy. Btyan Bowdon. Tamara Orlgriiwaa. M. McClaJn CJoner. Jom DoataJ, Jason Etssnmann. Kandra fTaum. JormHar Glnmor. Christina HaD, KrKtin Hwntaer, Brian Hombock, Chrystal J«nkins. Karl Knioppar, Mark Lorn, Mattww Loo, Justin Marshall. Ashlay Ponman. Joshua Schenkar. Christine Scotl, Ooolfrtfy Simpson. Mogan Williams. Tracy Wozniak. Grad* 11: Androw Cifranic. Oavld Galtwnla. Jason Kray. Nicola Kraba, Erik Mathisan. MchaBtf McKay, Doug Means. Donald Mutter, Robert Rocco, Travis Taunton. Sarah WaRer. Crwryl W0mgr, Chris Andarson, Jennifer Bagstad. Melissa Bailey-Harris. Brian Barnes. JalmJe Batton. Amanda Chawansky, Grogcry Drab, Scan Thomas Fursdon, Justin HaD, Juf(» Hanson, Elc Hertwrth, Heather Hoslap, Keith Mine, Elisna HocUnf). Chrfstophor llg, Michael Isn0r. Eileen Kim, could one day own an nrt Ha Dory or bookstore. Count on Ihoso Intropld lypo* to do as much traveling as thvy can afford. They want to leu as much of (he world U pouible! :U »fi \-jggLJSJg^ Red California Strawberries-! Whole 6 Lb- Average e Star (i 5s?§a^i , Semi-Boneless Sugardale %%"'" Sugardale Hams BONELESS Ham __ SaltSmoted Semi-Boneless Hamilton Hams 38 Dozen Carton Grade ~AA StrOfiCt3ssic,Diaf,Caffoine Ffoe or Cherry 2 Liter Coca Cola Country inn SwanfafelMwfe ip-n-Sht U). WITH THIS COUPON AMD SSO.OO PUIICHASf LIMIT 3 PLEASE! me THE >»G«T 70 LIMIT QUANTITIES AND WWCT TYPOGRAPHICAL Oft ,U.USTRAT,ON ERRORS TO AND KWO NEAKST STOP-N^HOP C*U 64(^400 SAVE UP TO 31° ^ t.i'.Ai i i'-. - By Mary Swindell ri £ AVON — Unseasonably arctic weath% er on March 21 caused numerous =ping* outs along 1-90. '±s most spectacular of g which was a jack-knifed tractor-trailer £ truck in the westbound lanes east of <ii Jaycox: Road. The rig, a U.S. Express leading truck out of Oklahoma City, was hauling bags of herbicide when it skidded out of control at about 7 a.m.. spilling between 100 and 20O of the tegi onto tha roadway. The westbound lanes were shut down until the mess was cleaned up and the truck towed. TJalEc resumed at about 12^0 p-zn. AVON POLICE BLOTTER man walking westbound alang the 1-90 berm brought an officer out. this on March 27 shortly alter 2 pjn. Tha pedestrian, a Rocky Rivc-r resident, wcs hunting for a lost hubcap, /i-j.iarejjtlv he didn't find it. for he was spviled by another officer a abort time later o.\ the SR 83 .pverpass dgain searching for his errant Hubcap. Another traveller in distress was a Bellevue man whoso van was stopped along the w^sibound berm of 1-90 on March 27. The man told an officer that he had just purchased the van but couldn't get a door to close. The officer ot the door closed for the traveller, and e was on his way. fic on Onler Read March 27 shortly after 5 p.m. The woman was gone when palic*? went out lo look for her. Another pedestrian, a man said to b* headed west oa Chester Road March 23 at about 11:45 pjn. and yelling at motorists, brought officers out to see why this was so. but the fellow had disappeared into the eight Gun nut? „*• motorist used his cellular phone to tell police OE a m^n in a brown Ford picLiip brandishing a gun at other drivers after he had exited 1-90 at SR 611. this shortly after 9 pjn. on March 27. The informant couldn't say which way on 611 the gun-happy driver had gone and officers were unable to find him. DisOTieMed Westlaker A Center Road woman, returning home Much 27 at about 5 pjn_. Jouna a woman, sitting at the end of her driveway. Concerned, the resident asked the stranger, who seemed upset about •omauiirig. to come into her house. The resident called the police. Officers took tha wonuia to the stetion where she phonod hwr mother in Westlake. The woman, who was on medication, had walked to Avon from Westlake and had gotten lost. Her mother drove to the station to fatcH her. Dog gone but hound found A woman lost her rorweiler near SR 611 and Northgate March 27. An officer found the hound at the Secluded Inn and dog and human were leunited. Beagles AWOL , A Moon Rpad man cumplainod thai' his beagles were missing March 25 zad suspected that somebody may have let them loose overnight. -Hubcap boat A report of a suspidaus-appoaring Unsteady on bar feet Motorists reported a woman, apparently dntsk. staggering in an out of traf- On purpose A woman complained March 25 that f Kids at large A concerned resident reported four boys, who appeared no older than eight, walking along SR 611. this on March 26 at about 5:30 pjn. An ofScer . picked tha lads up and took them her neighbor purposely throws dl» be*, kethaU against her freshly planted trees. She has asked him sevural " to stay off her property but he her, she said. Several Red Oak Avenue found their mailboxes damaged momics of March 24, One reported seeing a white car occupi several youths racing do-.ro the the nigM before^ Frand foiled Security forces at the Department Store at the Great Norttenj Mall infcrmed Avon Police March n that they had rescued a wallet bclcKjjing to an Avon man and had detainad* man who had tried to use tha victim'*^ credit card. The resident \v& advisadto: contact Sears to get his wallet ord oai back. ;,-; Shell shock A Ston&y Ridge Road woman her house splattered . with March 24. ' Clarioti of ice A resident voiced hjs March 22 about snowmobilen up front yards on Naga! Road Schwartz Road. ' Celebrate Easter sunrise withUCC AVON LAKE — The United Churub of Christ is celebrating Easter with a special Easter sunrise service at 6:45 Easter morning. All arc welcome to come and worship with us by the lahg for what will bo a glorious experience. Meet at Joo and Ruth Dobosy*s lakeside home. 31748 lake Rd, Rememuer to turn your clocks for- ' "r i«rard an hour before you go lo bed baft Saturday night, because Easter S starts the official "daylight day. Wear w^nn clothes and be for wet grass. Parking will be avallanla/ en Lake Rd- with police on duty Uv assist guests, Try us 011 for size. Thursday, April 11,1996 8:30-11:00 a.m. Sman classes and individual attention are just some or' the reasons families choose Lake Ridge Academy. Nona Profcsnoni] Haircut Products FOB H*t k TMb UM «d Join us for a closer look. To begin your morning, join us first in the Bettcher Convocation Center to register and receive a program of the morning's activities. 37501 C«nttr Rldj. Road North Rldf«»iU«. Ohio 44039 {216M77-9434 • (216)027-1175 Admission Testing for Grades 6-12 Saturday, April 13,1996 9:3Qa,m.t Fine Arts Center Call to register or i Personalized Attention you need £« ApoHalile/or your Personal Infuiy Medical Malpractice Wortan Compensation Wrongful Death Ti-afflc Violations /DUI Domestic ReLattona Probate W&s Real v***i* Law Corporate Lav Register now! registrations are now being accepted at Jack 'n Jin Nursery School (or classes beginning in September. Several openings remain for children who are 3, 4 are? 5 years af age. Our program is fuB of educational fun for cfifldren of thesa ages. Jack "n JIB students enjoy many actwities including songs and fingerplays. For more information concerning tha school or registration, please contact Debbie Pettys El the Avon 1 ate Unftnd Church of Christ. 933-7946. THOUQHT YOU'D LIKE TO KNOW... Ey \AttntMUtei Art1; Lair Mayor Mayor*! Ball t Success! - Thanks to til* Olid work of tha committee and than) who attended tha mayor's halt. $13.600 wa» raised to benefit dty projects end tin school tbundaHnn. Thia ytmr ws choao to give 50 percent to each entity, that is $6,flOO a piece. Not bad. huh? We an already talking about next year's hall. Hope t> se« you thoit>! Jnztia Otnttr - We are on oar way. Thp meeting! with Galli*u, Kimar & Gordon Archiiocts have begun. Stay tuned. Avon Lakn Shopping Center - Keep your eyes on this one. A lot of wonderful addition* are being planned. Hopetuily it wUl become a reality. Strasrt Park - Ws are planning to lni»aU some drsintgo in thb^ pwrt thU • ~- of Park Land - We are nral doss to making • daaL RKTWttoff Osttr - A committee of lovon ha* been appointed to work with the architBctj on this projoct that will end up as a bullot question. They arc Cannier Ulrich, Jim Camellia. Rick Stuart. John Moran, Robert Froohlich. MlchHl Keanu and David Mono*. Hare ore some focti: 1. The high school property Is the focol point right now - it could chango. Z. Plaaia undentland when this study to complete - It win b« on tha bdkiL However. I have a hard Um* Justifying it being put on tbn ballot •long with otter city issues. So. when there is a planned election and the city, schools and library are not presenting anything las operations, that is when I feel it would •» fair to ask you to vote on this i±5oe. I am cortalnly open tr any comment* you may have on ijla- There will be public input meetings during this procBss as wau. Enjoy vonr ndmnanl Tarry - Me. Teny Polly. Utilityman in die service department is retiring alter 23 years. This gentleman was our in-house "jack of all trades." His talents save the city a lot of money over the yean End we will miss him. Thanks, Terry, for being such a great asset to the city over the years. I hope you and your wife have many year* of enjoyable retirement City'* Iocs - St. Joseph's gain - Also leaving us for a new adventure is Dave Aslakacn. Dave h*<? oeeu with us since bis fii*t day out of school in 1982. He was approached by St. Joseph Church and School to become their maintenance man when Arnio rctiros. Dave baa boon a "role model" employe*. This is probably why they came after him. We want to again extend best wishes to him In bis new employment. Wo are clad the! Avon Lake will still benefit by his talent*. Like Ron Andolsen said, "if he has to leave, at least ho will hove thn -highest' Uvol boss available!" A word or pralse_To Avon lake resident, friend end colleague. Mr. Carls Distelhorat. Garis and I sit together an Ihe Board of Directors for United Way • of Lorain County. lie just finished a sparfctag term as president of the board. Folks, this man is a great loader with a sincere compassion to help others. He is an cL=2dllent volunteer that by example proves that if there is a need there is a' way. T am grateful to have become acquainted with this gentleman. Do you have any concerns? Ideas? Please don't hesitate to give mo a coll at 833-6141, 930-4100, 1-800-365-8626. 933-4930 or fax 930-4JQ5. May tod continue to bless Avon Lake. \\ Two.Large Sec me for quaSy Grange Che fe« Pizzas Only $8.90 Any 7u» OornerJ SyMa Lai* Auto * Home Business * Life I FISH FKT... $8.95 I TUESDAY FAMIUr NIGHT P1Z7A 5PECIALS 12 cut... $16.957$3^5 Savings 8 cut— $! !.95/$3.40 Savings ponfoundlfli insurance AVON Indudo: Picu. Anltp^Uo. Pitcher of Pop 934-513J HAm HOUS: 11-7 PJJL- MO?<.- FttL 11-4 7JUL SJUUBDJCT; 1-4 RU. SUNDAY THE LANDINGS 933-3801 THE PRESS. . . Sponsors This Weeks COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the OLD FIRE HOUSE SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1996 8:30 AM- 1PM for appt call 933-6164 Al CThe Count) "Whitney or 233-6827 Jackie at Tlie Lorain County Blood Bank. • Walk-Ins Welcome • MM BWOD SANK DONATE BLOOD SAVE A LIFE Be the sponsor of our next WEEKLY Community Blood Drive. - . CALL 322-5700 Janine, L.C.B.B., Marketing COME CELEBRATE OUR 1st ANNIVERSARY CORNER CAFE Comer of BecWc & Moore Rds. AvonUAe 933-9939 Michael Kearns, D.D.S. Glenn Kuemerle, D.D.S. Convenient Hours Evening or Saturday New Patients Arc Always Welcome 33398 Walker Rd.-Suite "A' Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 {Aftxxnt to Drug Mart) 933-4486 ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS - APRIL 4 BREAKFAST 2Eggs Homefrles Toast LUNCH Soup ft Sandwich Oflh*Day Tues.&Soi. BBQRibs Friday lake Erie Perch Fry THURS.ON1Y Jim's Farrwxts Spaghetti Dinnor Compfefe M*nu XvaBabte AGP? • POP • W»# • MUHCWES ^ \1 11 °^ •'**.' 2 Co/ifioued from page f He brought -samples of the products Kurti maJLes tram Lhe compost uvalerials: AmeriMuIch. Nature's Blend compost and leaf humus. These products are scld for company profit. In addition to free yard composting services. Avon Laie would receive a «mall return from Kurtz's sale of the products. Plus. Janesz said, residents could gel small loads of top soil and humus fox their gardens. Composting requires expensive equipment to turn. mi*, screen, grind and chop materials. One piece of equipment costs between S18D.ODO to S250.DOO. Janesz said. The city does not hava the manpower or the equipmenl to manage a composting site to the degree of efficiency that Kurtz can. Yard waste collection is currently included in the city's contract with BFI of Nt*w Russell Township. BFt charges each household $12 a month for collection uf recyclable*, garbage and }ard waste. The city pays a portion of that charge, Mayor Vince Urbin was asLed if the 512 a month BFI fee would be reduced since yard waste would b« handled by a different firm. He said possibly, but regardless of v;ho handles yani waste collection nud recycling, BFI still has to go to each household each week. Although BFI collects yard waste, it cost the city 59.500 to have it hauled away last year, said Service Director Tom Lescher, Contracting with Kurtz would save the city that charge plus the cost of paying two equipment operators. Lescher added. Immediate Delivery at LUPi CHEVROLET Today ^ 1996 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CARRYALL k'4 Silvarado * Leather Trim could bt> placed on >ard waste collection if an cdar develops — until the odor dissipates. Councilman Greg Zilka praised th« citv's proposed contract with Kurtz u did most of his colleagues. The plan ii endorsed by council's Public Servka committee chaired by KowalskL However, council is wondering whether a composting service setting up scop in Avon I^g has to be put out to competitive bid, Law Director Geoff Smith said ha baa been studying that question and has yet to make a determination. Kurtz currently operates yard wasta recovery sites in Ulckliffe: and on Rockside Road near IndejwndencaA'alley View. L. addition, Kurtz operates a sludge recycling facility in North Royalton. Many council members and the major werf concerned about the types of odor that could result, fanes* assured officidls that Kurtz uses sawdust to control odor. &iwdu!>t is a form of carbon that neutralizes decaying grassclip- , ,. Council member Holly Kowalsti asked about fertilizers getting mixed into the grassclip pings. -Bacteria breaks down the fertilizers and pesticides to undetectable levels," Janesz saidCounciinv.n Greg Zilka said residents in nearby U'estlake were assured that the compost site near them would not emit an odor, but it did, Janesz said an odor can result from improper management and not enounh carbon used on the decaying materials. When pressed further about an odor. Janesz said perhaps it could be written into the contract that a moratorium dfe' pay the •at Atom itett * cl *tt jot bxf. David W. McCLENAKAN 753-A Avon Beldcn Rd. Avon Laka 933-7044 Clove. 236-3588 /Hislater Wifliam G. Zurkey William G. Zurkey has been seloct»3 by the Ohio Music Education Association to bo the guest conductor of iho 1996 OMEA District 1 Honor* Choir. The two and half day event win be held from March 29-31 in the Tolado Masonic Auditorium. The choir members were auditioned form fchocli across the northwest Ohio region with the top 10O voices selected. Mr. Zurfcey will rehearse and prepare the cfapir for the concert on Sunday, March 31. Mr. Zurkey, Director of Vocal Music at Avon lake High School, has alyr servad OMEA as a festival guest conductor, member of the contact music selection committee, a member of the program selection committee for tha Cleveland Conference, and the OMEA solo A ensemble music revision committee. He holds a Master of Music Degree and has completed additional courseworlc in Doctoral Studio* in Music Education at Kent State University. 1954 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN ^ CARRYALL 4X4 . • Silverado " Laother Buckets Too Many Option* To List 70,700 Mila* TV-APPLIANCE Ctonl ct Cream Cappuccino & "Espresso In The Landings 1994 C-10 EXTENDED CAB 2 WD PICK-UP * Silverado • Cap • Badlinar 32730 Walber Rd.. Avon Labe. Ohio 44012 Phone 930-2531 G£ Lumfrr Ctn Boata Pack NO PAYMENTS 90 DAYS FREE! fit «dns I m«d to SO WTS "Rdrigcraton "Freocrj •Rangts •Dbhwaiben •'Wuhen & Dryro •Microwave Orou « 3T •UntM afm ho^r tag wrf nvn Ir I ton W On Ut Stantfluu I beta rf Unto* $ GOOD FOR 1.00 OFF Too Mauv Option* To Uat 34,000 Milts 1995 $17,995 949-6146 expires 4-30-96 S-10 EXTENDED CAB PICK-UP * 2 WD • LS Trim * Auto • Air & Mora TV-VCS-WPUJWCE SERVICE ONAlilOJOfiBJWNta _$5.00 or more purchase^ WJSR2080T PBXP^SOCT ELCORPQRAT ^••••••••••••••^ ii- Serving Our Communfiies Since 1973 Business & Pleasure Travel Harrahs Only 18.500 MUas 933-6151 835-3533 607 MILLER RD. AVON LAKE. OH Airline Tickets * Hawaii Vacations CITY • Caribbean Cruises FfinhSmR* Las Vegas—Atlantic City SHITH BUILDING » 33439 LAKE ROAD • AVOM | JU£ . j^SSOO • 476^012 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^•^^^^^^^~^~*^~- E C * S I M O H Q T I 1 •"•'•".iV.:'.1.;V--,i*' .,'i'-'"^. 'i/r-i- -'..."'-j ^.'-i.1- ij--..-,, ;.,,.-..' You're invited to the grand opening celebration of Strongsville Savings Bank's new Avon Offiice FAVORABLE RATES StrongsviLJe Savings Bank cordially invites you to the grand opening of its new office at 36839 Detroit Road in the heart of the Avon business^district FREE Gifts for deposits of $2,500 or more Strongsvilie Savings Bank offers favorable rates on mortgage loans and savings plans,, For current rates ca3 Tim Gossman at 934-2565 FREE SPARKLING CRYSTAL FOR SAVINGS DEPOSITS The ciassic elegance of Cristal cTArques can be yours when you open or add t > a Strongsvflle Savings account, only at the new _ Avon Office. "A" Come m and get acquainted with Manager 71m Gossman and his well-trained staff. TAKE HOME A FREE GIFT* DEPOSIT 8" bud vase. ^f Learn about StrongsviDc SavuxjjT many services uhlch can help you reach your financial goals, S5.0OO or more Cake tray. *li 3.OOO or mom Set of 4 wine gta««- S2C.OOO or more Quartz dock surrounded byczystal. "Gifts available only at Awn Office whfle the supply lasls. One free flft per ootomw. one free gift per account Sony, crystal terns cannot be mafled or delivered. For morelnformation, call the Avon Office at 934-2565 Services for You at Strongsvffle Savings Bank • RAandKeogriReiliwTwntAccourts • Direct DeposttcfGowmmentOiecks N.O.W, Oieddng Accounts Via and MasteOHtl Accounts • Traw*r'» Checks • UUEty Bffl Foments Residential Moctga^ Loans Residential Construction Loans .Vtaa and MutefCani Merchant Service • Notary Services AutomobQe Loons CXIveHjp MAC Machine • Commercial Loans Srfft Dqx»tt Bcoces • Hcrne Equity Loam tsville Savings Bank Telephone 934-2565 Avon Office • 36839 Detroit Road •Avon Telephone 238-7311 Ma&i Office • 14092 Pearl Road • StrongsviUe • TDD LINE 826-9275 SIX-DAY SERVICE Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Thuraday - 9 am. to 4 pm Friday-9ajn.to6p.m. • Saturday• 9am.to 1 pm ^ e % ej J3 £ ut |E •^•!V*M;.^ •>M i ••:•*>, » "2. f .'. - ' ll stomping from Avun Lake voters. II seems thftre are a few other Ley teawins. other than the obvious for the defea*. Evidently, man)- parents aren't the least tit satisfied with the operation of Troy School Whether it is lack of confidence at Troy, the programs, or discipline, many negative votes came from this area. Others hive expressed a problem with Learwood Middle School When yx*o try to pinpoint the prohlem. it's difficult tn get those who ctuplain to be man specific One parent wouldn't go into detail, but told me tbey couldn't get say satisfaction with their problems fit Learwood and handled it on their own by simpiy voting no. In other words "if you're not going to help my situation. I'm no! going to help yours. One area taal seems to reaUy have -,• votsrs upsat is the StipL of-Schools, Dr. Qayton Dusek. There seems to be e big undercurrent about his ability to lead the district \Vbile his presentations prior to the levy were infr:rma»jve. many were dissatisfied in the way h* didn't answer some quei&acs. There is evan further unhappinsss regarding a Inck of a thorough breakdown of where t'j» money goes... which prompts ma to say 85 percent goes to salaries — need I say more? SoiDfl have indicated they'd like to &ae Dtttak dtaniued to bring back confidancB in the district — the voters just azan** corafbrtable with tha way things are ran. T-Mtiitg a nipt, go Is certainly «a easy way out, but I dont believe the V rwidantd ol Avon Lcke would support a bug* waota of thalr money — aftor all Dusek has two years left on his contract. Nope — he'* hem for at least two more With the levy gains down as hard as il did. I cant tea sny possibility of passago coma Novffmbor. Tha Avon lake school board will probably go aftar some buyouts for the teachm with many ytars in tha disbict, tlona with « vrtge freeze fur othfin- Just ilka privota industry. It'j course The Press. Don't wait — hop in vour car and driva to any one of tliese locations — these nif the hailesi tickets in town. Congratulation! to the Lively Avon LaXers. a group of nearly 2QO local senior citizens that is celebrating their first anniversary. Under the Isadership of P;-esident Resells Baldwin, alone with Vice President John Monm, secretary Betty [nothing 1 can't do) Waiefield and Kim Sisson. thAs group has brought together a gathering of many people. The PRESS salutes this group of cilizens foj thair smiles, tireless efforts and continued support of better living for Avcn Lake's experienced citizens (See re la I ad article.) Th* Avon Lake Public Library will put their 1.8 mill operating levy back on tha ballot this coining August This tevy is a do or die situation for the future existence of the Avon Lake Library— without it tha library will all but cease to exist. This is the only levy the library has to operate on und the community can expect an aggressive and informative campaign bv Avon Lake Library supporters. Stay tuned™ Bob Feiler — Cleveland Indians Hall of Famer will visit the Avon !-«>• Drug Mart on Saturday, April 13 from n ajn to 2 pjn. Feller wOl sign autogranhs and vLiit with young baseball enthusiasts. Congratulations are also in order for Avon Lake Track Coach Kim Weaver who was named Lorain County Division U Coach of the Year. Kim has done an outstanding job because thjf & the sixth time in the last seven years she hcs received thi? honor. Other stuff ~. I see where the Avon Lake Rotary Club and Avon Lake Klwsnis dub just finished up their blood drive challenge to see which club could coma up with the most donors. The Krwftnlms prevailed, edging out the Rotarfans 30 to 27 — the Rotry Club Prnddaut Rev. Meredith Coleman must now tako the Klwaus dub President Ross Randall to lunci«_that idea floated by Avonites Jim Muzzy and W» hm imtiMM Uclorti — and thay won't la**' long. The Future Business John Sraltek to build a Joint polica station between Avon and Avon Mk* will LMden oV America from the Avon Lake High School and area buiiruiasas are never fly - as good as it sounds and as fponioring "Avon Laka Night it Jacob's well as tha two cities get along it's just Field* on Wednwday, KUy 15. 7.-05 not something ereTyons could live with —. great letters to tha editor this p-m- •galruit the Detroit Tlgaro, We have at ITst Prus Office, 1 58 Lear week, dont miss them _ even though Rd.. 200 tickets for this special night Ai. Mayer Vlnce UrfaJn removed the Cost is SI 0 per Uckot and they wUTbe Radiation Canter off the November •old on • first-corns, Crst-*erva basis ballot, it really wouldn't havo made much difference - with all the tax only. TlckoU can also be purchased from requests this issue Jnst wouldn't go maybe a few years from now.M..Go ALHS, Allan Insurance. Lupe Tribe!!!!! Chevrolet. Sail** Hallmark and of 'H Avon Lake ha.s been named a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day Foundation. Ii is the third \ear Avon IJJ.R has jeceived this national recognition. Avon Lake Ls also the recipient of a Tree City USA Growth award for demons Ira ling progress in its community forestry program in the following activity areas: tree inventory and analysis, computerized tree-management system, recycling. The Growth Award was created to recognize environmental improvement and higher levels of tree care in Trea City USA communities. The Tree City USA program is sponsored by The National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, To bocome a Tree City USA. H community must meet fiHir standards: a tree Who's New Emilv Ann Peterson arrived December 18. 1995 at 1222 p-m. Sha weighed eight pounds and 12 ounces. and was ,"»1 inches long, The proud parents ore Chris and Tiki Potersonof Elyria, The prouder grandparents are Rich and Lora Peterson, of Avon, ond Bud and Patti Reinhart. of Perrysviile. Ohio. Las and Tammy Ahrens of A ore tha proud panaiU of their child, josiah DantoL Josiah was bom Friday. Dec. 29. 1995 at 6.15 p.m. Ha weighed B HM. 8 ox. and was 20 1/2 inches long. He Join* siblings Heidi. 10 Samuel. 8 1/2, Hannah. 6 1/2. Haathar. 5. Joshua & Calab. 3 1/2. and Gnrtchen. 2 to make up one big happy family. Grandparents are Albert and Helen Ahrans of Angus. Nebraska and Charles and Margaret Schalk of Avon, Joseph and Holly Kowalski of Avon Lake announce the adoption of their daughter. Patricia Ferro Kowalski. Patrida was born in Bogota. Colombia on July 10. 1995. She was placed in the Kowalski'* arms on Nov. 7 and she arrived homo on Doc. .«. Welcoming bar home were big brothers Vincent 10. and John 9. board or department, a city tree crdj. nance, a comprehensive community forestry program, and an Arbor Day-' observance. "Trees make a world of difference In' our communities." John Rosenovr. Tfet National Arbor Day Foundation's prasl.'" dent. said. "Trees nave long been recognized for the beauty ana value thsjilend to our homes, neighborhoods;; parka and business areas. At the amu time, those treea conserve energy, halp clean the air, protect rivers and stroaam, " and provide a home for wildlife in our.*towns and cities." "An effective community forestry' program is an ongoing p'rocasa o// renewal and improvement—a proj^BB* of tree planting and care thai continosj • through the years." Rr^enow said. "T&j ; Tree City USA a^vard is an exraGant ' indication that 'bare is a solid fbuno>tion for that procass of improvement,*•.' • - •d A faaby boy. Jace Christopher. wms bora to Jace and Christine (AndrewjJ Stokes of Hartland. Michigan on Nov. J. " 1995. Jace weighed In a* 6 Ibs. 13 to. •';'•• and measured 19 inches long. Prowl;;:". grandparents are Larry and MarianittV" Andrews of Avon T-ake and Bill tad~ Gladyr Stokes of Plymouth, M Great-grandmother is .Anne Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S, are pleased to announce the birth ef their son. Chriatophfir IJanioI ladiko*. born on Dec. 22. I9Q5 ol loss pjn. at ;: Fairviev General Hospital. Chrirtopasr weighed in at 9 Ibs, 2 ox. and measured "• 21 3/4 inches long. The croud grntd* f parents are Me. and Mrs. Hugh BaniaJ . McGhee arid Mr. and Mrs. Cfcristnph* i , Send new baby to us tt P.O. Box 300, Avon Like. Oh 44012. Immunization80clinic »*/ " ** *•* » » •» * .* Awn Life* Pisjic Ltnry,, 31640 ElaoHc Etwl. nThr torn 330p.m. toe tu*. orananM tWi to 18 ytan nwdnn swrurixt1 *** **n"WE? J1 *? ? 9*fcwttstav fcwttstav toww. toww. no on* «J to darted due to Bt* kttbKsv & pay. "JJ ^?S? ** P"*"" to ««»*** tw a projiam AndOTon of *» UMfcgrta Great Lakes Initiative to be fought in private sector Initiative'and evaluate how* it will impact communities. AVON LAKE — In an attonipt to clean up thj Gnat Lakes, tha Unltad StattM Euvironmental Protection Agancy (US EPA) met with itrong oppoimon to proposed regulations. TUB Northoast Ohio Rogional Sawor District and American Matropolitan Scwor Agondas (AMSA) took the EPA to court ov«r Its Great Lake* Ini4ative. Them awocUliotti of public utilities decided to withdraw from arbitration and allow privata industries to continoe tha battlo. according to Rick Eberla awistant utilities dlractor. Many public utilities operations bclievo the reguUtlons are too stringent to be Implemented at a reasonable cost while often yielding imall benefit*. -The EPA is beina lued on two fronlf. Eberie said. -The EPA said to AMSA: 'We've taken in your concerns... let's compromise and inttle this suit and aJIow tha private sector to continue your Cfluio. UUlllles Director John Knieppor believes AMSA has pained as much as possible by making thtr EPA explain the Knieppflr said, optimistic tne regulations will b« realistic whan revised. The board agreed March 18 to contribute $1,500 toward legal fees for the groups opposing regulations. Kniepper said post donations wero well spent because the groups ware able to farce tha EPA to listen, where a small municipality could not have done so by itself. Preserve Nature In of/Mr fco»/n»«* You can do more than you think. • The board approved a change order to savo 11,500 on a pump improvement project by not painting. The building housing a new water pump was to be painted, but already matches an existing building on site. • Bids were accepted for the sola of two utilitifl; department vehicles: Si ,750 was accepted for a 1989 Chevrolet Celebrity, and 5976 accepted fora 1980 Ford Bronco, Those vehicles were replaced by a Dodgo Caravan and Dodge Intrepid, costing a little more than 515.000 each. m i mt For more ideas on reusing and reducing, callI-800-9WILDLIFE stuff toidy I * m Continued frwn paje 3 Supports Avon Lake Schools To the Editor. 1 really cringe at the thought of my house payment increasing because more taxes are being collected, but ! strongly support the Avon lake schools and will continue to vote yes on future tax leviao. This past weekend 1 was with 13 high school students in Coluirhus a( Oie Siate Leadership Conference for ite Future Busings Lsaders of Ammo. Also along on the trip was their adviser. Ms. Donna Gerhart and her husband, as well as Ms. Slacey Minkis. an ypgljah teacher at the high schocL I was so impressed with these kids and teachers. They were polite, well bebavad. enthusiastic about what they were doing and supportive of each othflt They were truly proud to be from Avon Lake High School and they reflected their education by doing extremely well in several events. What we have to remember fa that these kids are our future and we, as the adults, have to show then, that we valne them by providing for them now—and what's more important than thflir education? Grades and scores are Just one part of learning, -working together, problem solving, giving to the community are also very important, and I uw that this pact weekend. We alto need to value our teachers— lh»y nave a very tough job—ana I certalnr/ couldnt and unruldnt dj and they dwtrvB to make a decent living. They have cur children's lives to their hands everyday—what'* more important than thai? We ere willing to spend "hundreds af doQors on Indians season tickets or a vacation, but not additional money on our iidaT What are we saying My daughter was very upset whan flie t«vy did not paw. She felt it was the older people saying no to the younger people. Zjoplainad to har thst many are on BX*d inuHjuM «ndil'*a ftrasgj&.icr thtEU I hope thay •wBBraHJC wying our • kids axeat •worth it RBmsrobnr, in the not too distant future, these young people will be taHng care of us and will be mftVfoE decisions that will impart our lives tremendously—let's model to them what is importsnt In this life. Katia Kilgoret / *v/7/ not vets lor another school levy worth. Without an objective evaluation of each worker, on average we will gel li*s effort than we could be getting. Are teacher overpaid? riow do we know? That's the real question that should be asked and evaluated objectively. I salute those teachers who dedicate their lives to their profession and I also bold them accountable for allowing iheir profession to sink to the level of mediocrity which oy definition is where 'he average always descends when eat-h individual is not judged on their own e3orts- Ualil steps are taken toward true "equal pay for equal work" (note that the present system only measure the equal pay siae) I will not be voting for additional school levies. If a principle measuring stick, as stated by Dr. Dusek. is that we "get through the next four vears without asking for more money from the voters." then I believe the focus is on the wrcng issue. Its how well the children are being taught and what is being taught that needs to be the focus. That's the challenge for ALL of those involved in the profession of teach;~g. I'm not at all pleased with "outcome bc^ed education" either but that's another letter. Suffice it to say that individual merit within the teaching •tircfessioa will become reality during the next few years either through a teacher merit system •ievisod by those within the system or through school "vouchers." So teachers and administrators, it's really up to you; oo you want year profession controlbd by you or by "vouchers?" Narae withheld by request Library Is a great bargain To the Editor Recently I hwd » very entertaining week! I read two novels that were best sellers; watched two major motion picture videos; read the New York Times everyday; spenl time with ray grondchilinen "discovering" all sorts of new ways to play with them; had lunch one day with IDS friends. Not bad tor an old retiree, huh? And. of course (tecept for the cost of th* food at tha luncheon) it didnt cost me a penny. Becai^a of the Avon Laks Public Library. I had a wonderful time. FREE! If you're not talduR advantage of the Avon Lake Publit: Library, you're making a big mistake. It's simply wonderful I have lived In 20 diflnrenl cities and noca of the others had a library half as good as ours! Please make it a point to use our library as often as you can. And bring your family and friends with you. It is guaranteed: you will be happy that you did. John Moron To the Editor: I almost voted "for1" the schoo. levy bcouua of the excallent job of presontIBE the facts via cable that was done by Dr. Dusek and Mr. Ryan. Then I rcmembarod a fundamental rule by which I Mayor's Ball s have always judged everything worthhuge success while, if yon can't measure it. you probably are inaccurate in your assessment To the Editor Wo thank everyone who attended the of its value. _ There are outstanding taacnon witnsecond annual Avon Lake Mayor's Ball in our school system and mcst of the at the Irish Heritage Club on March 2. teacher* are OK. then there are those Novotny Catering did a wonderful job fow who are really doing more harm getting all of those steaks off the mil than good. How do we reward each of and onto our plates. Karol Kcmelius thnro lor then- different levels of "excelwho designed this year's American flag lanca?" Wn pay thorn all the earn* wage. artwork, and Avon Lake Printing ownSeena to mo that this is a real slap in ers Tom and Jane Brock who have masthe face to those teachers who are tered the art of our last minute handexcellent and a misguided reward jor Evelyn Urbin, you did a great job at those who are performing at V-y compiling, typing and laying out the mediocre lovel and worse. program. The Irish Heritage Clubs Whan teacher salary and benefits beautiful facilities and generous donamake up wall over half of; the total costs tion to the community is appreciated. and there Is no way lc evaluate trie Also to bo commended are Fratianne Individual performance cf the teacher. Flowers of Avon. Eddie ft Gus Guthrie, there is something wrong with the sysJohn Tillotson Photography. John - ion. I. for one. will never vote lor Runyan and the Avon Lake/Avon another school levy until there is Chamber of Commerce. Thank you to deviled a means for evaluating the spesafety our safety forces, city department cific performance ofeducatlng our chilheads and council: especially Wade M. dren and the wages received by each Mertz for our invocation ana Pledge of teacher. Most persons are paid today on , measured performance and its uma Allffgians0_ The generous donations for our raffle Sattaachar. dacid. for thrive, were tnm the Avon Lake Public Library that thfly will join the 21st century and Shop and the DiscovoryWorks. stand on their own merits. Fratello's. Potor Miller House Museum. I have said nothing about the ease by Avon Lake Sparkle Market. Cindy which such a system can como into Crellin of Sweda & Sweda Realtors. being, only that it is required to ensure Designing Baskets. Barbara McCaw ol Swtwe. the tax paying public, can know that we are getting our money s Sell's Gifts. Daniel T. Urbin and tam/Jy. Avon Luke's Medicine Shoppt, A/on Qttks Country Club. Alien Kefrigaraticm HeiMing & Cooling. Avon <Jil"* City and Aval Lake City Schools. Mighty GoUaih Productions. Rick and LJ^dd Hemnwr, Dick Deasy. Kris SImecek. Sweetbiiar Golf Clu>, The Kopf Construction Corp- the honorable Sherrod )3rown. Nick & Charlie's Lear. Road Iru*. Papa Joe's Pies. Avrn Lake Dairy Queen & flrazier and Avon Lake hairps^lon Man** Event. T) .fise are thf, corporate sponsors who cor.tinu3 to support our community: Applied Specialties. BF» Waste Syitems. Century Telephone. Consumers Bui'.ders Supply Company. Ford Mo'jr Company. Knowhon Realtors, SL John West Shore Hospital. Tha BFGoodrich Company. The Geon Compaav. The Kop f Construction Corp.. Tlie Moraine Journal. Mollinax Ford. Smith & Smith Attorneys. Ail of you helped to provide our community with additional funds for tha Avon l.akfl City Schools Foundation and Avon Lake city programs. Mayor Vincent Nt Urbin. we thank you. too. for the opportunity to work with an individual wbc has the community's best interest al heart. Your generosity and all of those who sunported the second annual Avon Lais Mayor's Ball—thank you. Barbara McGrath Kathleen O'Brien WilhtJm. co-chairs A public school teacher gone sour To the Editor. Congratulations to the citizens of Avon lake for making a "wake up call" to our fino «chcoU! It Is apparent that tha citizens of this city are demanding accountability in our school systtm. Below are some very critical points which Dr. Dus^k and our school ooard have dismissed. \l Dr. Dusak claimed that cs attractive salary base drcws good teachers. I am a former PUBLIC school teacher who chose my profossion because I loved the piospect of teaching certainly not because of tha pay. Teaching jobs are in demand (ask. any unemployed "want to be" teacher). Tlio system is flooded with applications from oil types cf potential teachers, both good jno bud. What makes Dr. Dusek think that a groat salary is appealing to only "gootl' teachers? Does a lucrative starting salary keep the "had" teachers frora applying In our system? Do you^alway* know you are hiring the "good" teachers? I suppose now that the levy failed, we can expect the "good" tnachers to do a lot of whining and perform below expectation because tne have boon denied a "good" salary? Once a toachnr Is hired, it is a difficult, if not impossible, task to release her/him. I am a former PUBLIC school teacher who performed my job with respect and enthusiasm. When the chips are down and cutbacks are made, who is the first to lose their job? Unfortunately, the least experienced and often times the most enthusiastic teachers are the first to go. Case in point: We all have heard of several teachers in the system who we would never want our child to have. Sony, it is true. Before my children even entered school, I had heard all the horror stories. Stories of teachers with files filled with information which would put the average worker out of a Job within moments. Were those teachers released? No. the UNION would never allow it. When is the last time you heard of an Avon Lake teacher losing his/her job? What are the statistics? In the real world, poor performance means you lose your job! And what about teacher evaluations? Can a supervisor walk into a classroom at anytime for an observation, or must the teacher receive previous notice? In the real world, your supervisor watches over every move, without advance warning. Believe me. I spook [ram experience. I know many teachers who were always well prepared for oach and every c'nss; then there were those who NEVER would have passed an observation and evaluation without prior nctice. I am a former PUBUC schocl teacher who knows that your years of experience and amount of "extra" education does not necessarily make you the best i'r.andidat6 far deserved tenure. Some of ihe most irlelligent master's degreed teachers are the least enthusiastic, least committed, and least atle to teach, it is time lo hold each teacher accountable for his/her performance. Salary increases should be distributed bated upon performance, not upon years of experience and education- No, the UNION would never allow that. I have witnswed it- The taxpayers are not always reilvng what they paid for. I often test like the teachers in this system feel that WD are cheated to them. They have it wrong. They are privileged to be in the system snd to be teaching our future leaders. Let's prioritize and spend the mcney where it truly vroula be most beneficial—textbooks, updated equipment, end o*her necessities. MORE MONEY TO THE TEACHERS WILL NOT MAKE TH£M BETTER TEACHERS. Remember how little those private school teachers often make? Remember how they supervise after-school activities for i!"tle if any stipend? Remember how tho.fe teachers nave few ""-eneEtsT RememhT the quality of education and the quality of the sTudccts these school are producing? Tell ran how those tsachers perform belter because they receive great salaries and benefits! Maybe the private school is an option we should all seek. After alL at least you Ret what you pay for! Name withheld by request ; Avon does have speed problems To the Editor "Speed Kills' - true or frlse? Taxpayers should be allowed to speed through the c'.ty they pay taxes to - true or false? Police officers" are concwned with, and trained and paid to promote public safely - true or falsa? Get a grip, Mr. Hummer! Avon speeders are not unwitting victims of an overzealous police department! In [act, all one has to do is stand in front of Qty Hall for five minutes and connt the p«opla whirring by to cet an idea of what kind of spcedina problems this city has. What do you Ulink. Mr. Hmnmar. that people have some right to speed or that it's no big deal? Dent you think that more than a fow of Avon's voters voted down the ircreascd income tax because of personal budget comtraints and a feefine of ""enough is enough?" Or, possibly oecausa they would rather vote project by project on monies to ho spent rather tfran hand over their money permanently for politicians to use for whatever pot project - necessary or not - that thay toe fit If speeding is such an Important issue, why not take up race car driving..jind keep our streets safer? Name vrfthhold by request Ttianks hosts A hostesses To the Editor: fho UK/USA committee at Brooksida High School and Sheffield Middle School would like to ixpross our THANKS to the following famllias who have so graciously opened up tlioir jearts and homes to the students "from Sheffield. England: Mr.* Mrs. Dflan DiCailo; Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Tatarka; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Abbott: Mr. ft Mrs. Joseph Woch: Mr. & Mrs. Wayne North; Mr. ft Mrs. Robert Houriet; Mr. ft Mrs. Greg Klocppel; Mr. & Mrs. John Keatley: Mr. ft Mrs. Bruce Putman: Mr. ft Mrs. Armando'Catanete: Mr. ft Mrs. Jim Rouhier; Mr. & Mrs. John YaUon: Mr. ft Mrs. Duncan Estep; Mr. ft Mrs. Dale Hildebiand; Mr. ft Mrs. Alan Caudill; Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fabian: Mr. ft Mrs. Clarence Rutherford; Mr.* Mrs. Michael Carver: Mr. & Mrs. Alltn Lyndes: Mr. ft Mrs. Robert Michaels; Jana Barrett; Mr. ft Mrs. Leonard Smith: Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mullinex: Mr. & Mrs. Nate Lawson: Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson: Mr. ft Mrs. Werner Wittman: and Mr.* Mr*. Al Piccclano. Taking another person into your home for three weeks is a big commitment and we sincerely appreciate the efTort on their ports. Staff It students of Brookside H'^h IK 'MV:»'#^jV-i,vw|.,v^ "c^'i^vwi^ ;iV; v'iw-.'jMl'' yfemi^te^^ p:«^» :::«»^>iMi*?}« ...AND DISCOVER SOMETHINQ NEW! Avon Lake Library 933-81S8 Board Action ,, £• I : Tho Board of Trustees voled March 23 to rasuboit the Library Operating Levy on tho Aug. 6 ballot. The 1.8 mills would replaea the current .98 mill, which expires In December. The Board also reinforced the policy that the library continue to provide a full range of services since the library is operating through December on funds the.-voters approved more than Eve yaarsego. ;J: . Uorary clo*ad for holiday > *• - Friday. April 5, Saturday, April 6 and Sunday, April 7 the library will be dosed due to tho Easter holiday. . - Nlffhtcf 1000 Stars mtlonal Library Week. Wednesday, April 17; 7 D.m. During National Uorary Week famous people all over the United States vljit libraries to encourage reading on The Night of 1000 Stars. This year, Avon Lake is fortunate to have Sooua McDowell. Or ^ Music Awartt winaar. Sacna McDowell has delighted audiences of all ages on three continents with her family oriented musical programs. Accompanying herself on guitar and autoharp. Ms. McDowell's traditional and original music reflect* life In the "land Down under" as well as her humanitarian and ecological beliefs. Sponsored by Friends of tho Library. A Sevn J/iar- from Cart to Computer The Library Shop will bo sponsoring ~ a s«mlni*T' to share infoncation about ojraalog. operating and maintaining- a non-profit shop. It will be held Friday. April 20. 0:30 aon. to 3 pjn. Tha Library Shop is a non-proGt museumquality shop managed and oper. '.ed by the Friends of the Avon Lake Aiblic Library. The shop sells a variety of fine gifts, books, educational and science merchandise, cards and posters, with proceeds to benefit tho programs and projects of the Avon Lake Public Library. For seminar reservations call 933-8128. The seminar fee of SIS includes a Continental bretkfast, lunch, and a packet of Information. Academy for Senior Studies Spring classes at Avon Lake Public Library, in cooperation witi LCCC Include: Conversational Spanish; Colonial History of Virginia; Early Virginia Residents; Stories! Stories! Stories!-Come Learn end Tell Your Stories: History & Culture of the Yucatan, and Spotlight on South-western Pennsylvania [preparing for a threeday trip there to June). In addition. Director Judy Higgle will teach a class Introducing seniors to wonderful children's literature at LCCC, and Bob Solan will lead a backstage tour of area theaters. Call the Center for Lifelong Learning at 1-800-935-5222 for more information, or to register. Registration forms can also be found at the library. Mayor and Mrs. Urbin, student Chris Madsen and June Roesky are among mmy:*,f:l who enjoyed dancing at the Senior Citizen Prom. ' On Friday, March 1, the first annual Senior Citizen Prom was held at Troy Intermediate School, hosted by its sixth graders and the P.T.A. No tax money was used. For this inaugural event, the Lively Avon Lakers groups was invited and approximately 100 attended, {hi future years, the entire senior population of Avou Lake will be invitadj The Senior Prom was created to join the generations and to help tha sixth graders coonrct with the community, developing more cf an outward view Rosourco booldots available instead of just focusing internally. Community RMOUTC* Ssrvtea* to pleased to Music from the '30s. '40s and '50s make cvaHabto to tha communtty. frw o» cftaro*, was enjoyed, an array of food and enter«n exttnsta) Information and resource guide tainment was provided, and tours of covering • variety of tubjacts. Thb (p*Ja Ssts the renovated school were given. local InterrnaUon. county aoencitt and cfhar ttcflRfes offering; botfi •msrponcy and ongoing Students served as greeters, escorts, utistara in OTMS from substance abut* to coat-checkers and waiters. Many recreation, sartor dtfzsn* tc ta*n Itaum. W« are seniors enjoyed dancing with students gnrttfut ta volunteer BJ. Mason for rnatrchlng. who were happy to teach them several and compfflng (Ms bocUcL line dances. To obtain • copy of ta Quid* lor your home, offlco or human nnourc* dapar&nent.plBa>* call A good time was had by all. accordor stop by the OTS offlca, 32770 Uk* Hd. ing to Mary Alico Sanders. "These nice, (Vatertn's Uwnortsl HaH), 033-5039. ORIc* young people met me at tho car, paid hours are 10 «JIL to 1 p.m. Monday through such itfco attention all evening and Friday. . gavr. ino a fantastic tour of the school." she said. Benujdotte King added, "It's wonderful to see so many happy, poai- RICHARD FERONTI Licensed Agent Since I979 "Tired of paying too much for Auto & Home Owners Insurance?" Call or Visit Us... 933-3295 33467 Lake Rd., Suite 203, Avon Lake {located above Avon lake Printng) Babysittfna clase at North Coast Tho North Gout YUCA wffl be offering an American Rod Cross Babysitting etas during spring break, Tho class wffl b* hold April 9, 10 end 11 from 930 am to noon. Tho clasa la open to afl anu youngttars ages 11 and ofdar. Each youngsnr wttl rerreJvo • Rod Cross BabysltSng Ccrfiitcstton upw> BumpMon of trw das*. Tha coot of the dm. Including tho Had Cross MaroaJ, to $15 far area YMCA mombors and *W tor guests. For more Information or to rooisttr for thta doss, contact «w North Coast YUCA at 0338100 Of 835^622. Avon Women's Club meets 'Italian GarctenTizza >,n"&i)l PfovoHont' Cheese v.ith \li(fs of Ranted Red Stnfrir S7.00' *. Large SI 0 0 0 15,1 Lear Rd.. AvpjftaJte, Ohio \ 933 8154' Jose Mendozflj M.D. ^itemed Medicine ii nleued to toonotxc that bisprivateprsctice and the AvonLakcMefidiaic are moviufi to a new locaii on. t: MooJjys I Oam to 8pm; Tuesdays, Thursdays &Pridayi 11 am -6pm OccuionaJWaJDesdaysifeSalurdavs 9 am- 1pm UmilalwaDt-tniiprxriatac^areavaflaWc. Avon Women's Club is httflng to noxt meeting el 730 PJTI. on Monday, >prt 8 at Avon Oaks Hunting Homo. Child Care Center on French Creak Road. SsrKira Zandors will presant *-••<- Qardons.' . For more WormaUcn acn aDoui aout mombBruhtp. ptoAs* eaJJ Cvol Burmelstsr «t 837-5270. f 228Mmo-Rood * AvooLakB.Gbio (2I6) 933_5264 ing. "This was a wondei—, „„ attended event. We're all delighted be here and it's obvious tho kJi enjoyed teaching us to dance Electric Slide!" Mayor and Mrs. Urbin attended many, wero pleased with the effort. '"This Is sjj ^ excellent opportunity for both ganw*-^ • tions to mingle. The spirit Is wonderful""" This Is what family Is about." ho saiaV; Many door prizes wero donated local businesses and greatly op] ed by tho seniors. Contributors ed Copy Plus, Dlanna's Dryclean USA. Faroh's. Marge's Flowers, Mr. Hero. Novotny Catering. Sell's .uuuutu**, Sisson's Flowers, Sparkle, Subway, Thai . Works and Tom-Car Foods. I. Troy Intermediate would like to COD-\.v UnuB its connection with the seniors of $ Avon Lake. If you have a sped&I skiU.,^ expertise or ability to chore with our-j students, or If you and your friends.? would like a general "gentle" introdac-' tion tc Toiaputors, please call Mr. Paul. Hollas^ or Mrs. Mary ODee. Principal, at Troy, 833-2701. Community Good Friday #*rv?c9 Tha Avon Lai» UWstartal AeaodaBon invtm you to oaffwr In prayer on April 5 tor th* Community Good Friday Sarvtca. tt wffl bo heJd •I Chrtot EvcnqaacsJ Luftoran Church, 32747: Uit Road, fti Avon Ufc* at noon. Thto prnv wrvtcs to «r> csportunfty to renew fto moonlnn of" ChnsTs w for or us ut.and our taJvafan. sataHon. «•—• CUrgy, •MIT •»<low ~—t— staff «nd mombtni from ttw «a«ndlno cnurefm wU tske port in th* praym wxl hymn*. Induolnn « preunafion Tram tfw diVgy cfwfr: H»w»rend M hart (rom the Avon Lako Preabytarian Church, w*» daffw ffw urmon *nStod *Th» Cart Word.' retlacdngcn John 19^0. Tho foBowCng diurcAn are sponsoring Ms ev*t& Avon Lxka PrwbyMflan Cnuron. Avon Lake Unttod Church of Chrttf, CaJvtry Btpfitt Church. Christ Evrnjiooacal Lytfwrtn Church, Holy Spirit Catfwfic Church. Ulw Snore UnftwJ Mamoaiit Church, We hop* you can titonda-vl pray wflh us this Good Friday. Decorating Flooring WM1LY OWNED AND OPERATED • COUNTRYSIDE PLAZA *Vlnyl *Ceramlcs *Carpet *Hardwood Floors KITCHEN & BATH PLANNING CorpotSomptos 25C to 500 eoch Groat for Cor or Door Mots 37460 Harvest Drive SJJ&E\ lltem Pfzzcas! 99.75 \ 3 LARGE* lt»m Primary Care of Avon Lake * »—— tive kids. We can tell the to be here!" Betty Wakeflo AVON LAKE; HOLY spmrr CHURCH «10 Ltar Rd, 933-3777 Wednesday T«robra« Snvlct: 7JO pjn. HoVTbuaday Man: 7JO pun. Good FHday Scvkaa: 3fD pjiu, 7JO pjn. Holy Silurday: 3.00 p m tSenina of RaodEfflte vyi Mas: 7:30 PUTL' \ Eider Sunday Maasac WJO BJIL. 1030 am, Noon CALVARY BAPHST CHURCH 32607 EJactrte Dhrd.. 935-8828 Good Friday Service 7:30 PJIU Eutn Sunday Sunrise Service: Veterans Manorial Part. Avon Labi 7:00 am Eager Waohlp Service 1 055 am SunoVy Sehoot 9^5 tm. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 32929 Uk* Rd. 933-5152 HsVThundw MOT 7:00 pm,Eudarbfic Adoration urtfl IQ-OOpjn. . Good fifciay. Noon. Celebration of the Lord'i Hofc SihBday: 2.-00 pjn. Basing of Esfler Food EsstaV&J Man 7:30 pjn. Easia Sunday MUCKS: &OD tm, IftOO BJTL, Noon. AduS Choir. IttOO ajn. CWdrera Chotn Noon CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 31747 Uk« HA, 933-6263 HafcThundw: 730 |ia Worship Service EisfcrSunday: 7X0 am Sunrise Sendee, 8.-OQ * . un. Ester Bmliri, 1&15 am Holy , v;' Communion Wbnhip '•£iAKE SHORE UNITED METHODIST - CHU11CH : 33119 EJjcMc BIwt, 933-5238 : thf LartSuppe Good fifdsy: Noon, Community Stwte'W CtaM Evangtleal Urittnn Church. SaftadUR IfcOO am-Nccn, Enter Fiir. * EtMiftr Sunday Surri« Smfcr 7OO »JT: AVON LAKE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 32340 Electric Blvd. 933-6240 Maundy Thursday; &3C p-m. Soup Suppo, 7 JO pjn. Tcntboc and Cominuivoi VAnltip Service (ChUd care far 6 yn. Kd irounger) Good Friday: Noon, Cammuniiy Good Friday VJorhip at ChrU Evargdcsl Lutheran Chuidi Ufanhip Servfcw: WO ajn, HOT ajn. Sunday Schoot 11:00 im. AVON LAKE UNTTEO CHURCH OF CHRIST 32S01 Electric Blvd.. 933-3241 Maundy Thursday Tenebrac Sr\fc< of Holy Commurion 7JO p-m, ' f&irr Sunday SunrtK Service: &45 ajn. [ca3 chunii lor dinctSora) •Easto Wbrjhip Snvieo: 9-.QO a-m, HdX) ajn. AVOW: AVON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 37711 Detroit Rd. 934-5121 Maundy Thursday Service: 7:30 pjn. Good Friday Tmebrae Service: 7^0 pjn. Easter Sunday Sunria Scvicr 8.O3 «JT, Youth Servfcs with Breakfast foflouring ESJICT Sundry Worship Service: ItHMajiv FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 2265 Gtrdra Dr.. 9344710 Easier Sunday Early Service 7:00 SJIL Easter Sunday Lntt Scrvke: 930 ajn. Brealdad (ervd betuMtn tctvias. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 33601 Detroit Rd, 937-5363 Hdy Thursday: &00 p jn. F^schal Supper in HaQ [reservaDoni) Holy Thursday MasK 8.00 pjrt. 9K30-10.00 pjn. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4792 Oiter Rd, 949-2620 Maundy Thursday; 7 JO pm. Good Friday: 730 pm Eader Morrang Service. 10-JO i-m. ConbaiorB Good Friday: 1&.00-1 1:00 ajn. Confeaiora, KD P.TL Solemn Ltturjar HOJ, 7.00-8.OT pjn. ConuuJoni Holy Saturday: lOKn-ll.-OO ua. Canksaaca, 3.-00 p-m. Btoang of Fxd. 3:15-5«) pjn. Conltsaora, Easter VigQ Mass: 8:00 pjn. Easier Sunday Haaac WB »Jn, 10-JO ajn, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST €133 Soiuct AVI.. 949-5171 Maundy Thunday Tmebrat Comrajrton Sersfc* 1 Good ftiday -1230 pjn -1:00 pm "Rrilecnon and Meditation" Service Easter Sunday • Sunrise Service - 7KB un. Gazebo at the Community Centec Baa&rf Mowing at church. Cetebrafion Service 10-30 am with Cnddrerfi Choir SHEFFIELD/ SHEFFIELD LAKE: BAY VILLAGE: ST. THOHAS THE APOSTLE CHURCH 71S Harrij Rd, 949-7744 HoV Thursday: &00 pm Mass of ihe Lord'* Supper Good Fnday: 3.-00 pjn. Celebration of ihe LonTi ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 468 Bradley Rd,. 871-6200 Maundy Thunday: 7:30 pJTL Holy Eucharist Coed Friday. 730 p-m. Ewttr Sunday Sextos: &00 ajn, lOflO un. Passion Holy Saturday: Noon, Blessing of baskets; 3,004.<X) run. Confcssora Easter Sunday Masses: 830 ajn, 1 0-30 am, 1230 pjn. CHURCH OF GOD 2280 North Abba Rd, 934-6992 Sunday Schoot lOflO am Eatier Morning Worship: 10:45 am Easter Evening Sevice: &00 p.*n. ST. TERESA AVTLA CHURCH 1878 Abb* Rd. 934-4227 ST. MARY OF THE Holy Tnunday: 7XD pm Mas o( *« Lord1* DfMACULATE CONCEPTION ,-jupper 2640 Steaty Ridge RiL, !>34-4212 I Good Friday: ZOO pjn. Lflurgy o( th* Lord'i PMekm, Confeatans toJourino; 7*30 pjn. Holy Thundv 730 pjn. Sototu."^j« <rf Our Stofiora o( ntc Oron. Contertom fcCtaring ionfi Suppct . . -_.... r Good Friday: 3:00 pjn. Solemn Lifcntfca' ~ ^ HoJy Si&irday Cbnfnaont 1 U» ajn.-Nooa, . ZO&3.-00 pjn. Blndna of Food Badatc 4-00 pjn. HoV Satoday: 2X0 D4n. De^ng of Food " i Euttr Wflp HKE &00 pjn. Enter VtgB Mwc 8K)0 pjn. EcAr Sunday U»a:ftOOun, 1 IflO wn. Earitt Sunday Mawa: 8.-00 ajn, 10KX) aJit, Noon ••• CHURCH ON THE RISE Good Friday: 730 pm CandWgW Comnunton Soviet and HJusfriUtd Sermoa "The WHp, Hammeand fi» CrasT Rourn-cSon Sunday Services: 9OT ajn. and 11: a-m. SpecaJ music «nd compklf chOdrm'* minfaSy provided BAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 25415 Lake Rd.. 871-3822 Maundy ThunsJay: 7 JO pm. The Lord'i Suppa Good Friday Tenebrat Snvicc 7-30 DJIU Saturday EvcnbiQ Wonhrp: &00 pjn. Easter Sunday SenAsc 7.45 »JTL, 9:15 am. HO) un. Sunday Schoot 1145 un. SPONSORS FOR IHE E4OTEJ? CHURCH SERVICE SCHEDULE AUDI HEATING ft COOLING 614 Mo^re Road Awon J-ds ----------- m....933-2535 AVON HOME DECORATING 36775 Detroit Road Avon______—..-.... -------- -934^000 AVON LAKE HARATHON 239 Miner Road 'Avon Lake. .................... .933-2442 BlilTERFLY FAMILY BOOKS AND GIFTS HUBERT'S LANDSCAPING RICHARD A. FERONT1 Avon Lake ™._ 690 Avon BcJden Road Avon Lake KUNGSHIRN WINERY Erie Insurance Group 33467 Lake Road, Suite 203 Avon Lake_______________J...933-3295 933-7073 CONVENIENT FOOD MART 137 Lear Road . Avon Lake 4786 Lake Road Sheffield Lake ..„.:.-.. 933^718 -949-7631 AVON LAKE PRINTING 33467 Uto Road Avon Lakev-----------.....933-2800 DEANGEUS RESTAURANT ft LOUNGE 33479 Lake Road Avon Lake „ .933-4007 BOB ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY DR. KATHLEEN FLEMING, DR. LINDA STOLFO 33399 Walker Road, Sulla B Avon Lake....,--------.........933-5223 BUTTS PLUMBING 174 Lear Road Avon like «.........—.....-93^8686 BRUSNAHAN It STUART, ATTORNEYS 158-A Lear Road BURMEiSTER-BUSCH FAMILY FUNERAL CHAPELS 32000 Dfi&olt Road, Avon 163 Avon Beldan Road ___ AvonUk.-----------;_933OT 33050 Webbec Road Avon Lake .933-6222 .933-6666 KNOWLTON REALTORS Wfaltor Square BuHding, 32745 WaDar Rd. 4»«on Lake - _.^33-2500 KOPF BUILDERS 420 Avon Beldcn Road Avon Lake .933-6908 LANDINGS ANIMAL HOSPITAL Optomatry 33398 Walker Road, Suite B Avon Lake .933-3214 Dr. Donald R Routes 516 Avon Beldan Road Avon Lake -....933-2148 LUPE CHEVROLET 607 Miner Road Avon Lake EASY STORAGE 933^151 38390 Chester Road Avon.. .934-6300 MARTY'S CYCLE CENTER FAROH'S CANDIES * 32087 Electric Boulevard Avon Lake .,.933^204 "The Landings" Avon Lake 933-4360 NORTH COAST YMCA HARISEL'S AUTOMOTIVE 149 Lear Road Avon Lake .930-2886 32796 Walker Road Avon Lake 933-9100 NOVOTNY CATERING 143 Lear Road Avon Lake .933-5375 RAYMOND F. BLAKESLEE & SONS 525 Avon, Bclden Road 933-9333 SPARKLE MARKET 33479 Lake Road Avon Lake ...........---------.933-6203 . STAR BANK ,. J •The Landings" . " * Avon Lake ......... — ....... .933-4575 > THE CHILDREN'S CEKTEH 321 Lear Road .J Avon Lake.......................933-5158 THE PAINT ft PAPER PLACE 32745 Walker Road v, Avon Lake ................. 3-933-3111 -1 THE PRESS 158LearRoad Avon Lake _ ................... .933-5100 TOM-CAR FOODS 453 Avon Bdden Road Avon Lake______________......933-9115 AvaSabio si Our Visit Out .Video Deparim§R8l Ronl One Today INI.--; ^ ,;;§i Courtesy Counter ' u'i'iri'H 1 MO" and'SB1* Discount Drug Mart Gift Certificates Stock Tltlos. ,»J9S Stock TiU8s.^ YOUCANPUYAIU: YQURfVWQRfTE ,> OHIO LOTTERY: :: SEStVICS • $1.99 First Pago Sarii • 99* Each Additional JPflg^l H*w) Your Doctor F« YburV ; ^f Priweripttoii to any Obsouniprtig ilirt FfiCE ofOhwga.;:, 33382 Waiter Road Discount Farm Fresh Grade A Extra Large Eggs 96cdoz. PriMl Elfictlfl 4-3-86 thro 4-9-SB Come & Meet Cleveland Indians Hall of Famer Bob Feller Only At Our Avon Lake Location 33382 Walker Rd. Auti%aj| Saturday, April 13th Citqo Motor Oil Rraslae Old Fashioned ifor BIG! 2 & Pkg. RabaU 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bring Your Camera! Autograph Signing! Picked Witi Rmc'i Pcvm Butcr EJJJ, Curfrre Cun. Roddi Ptept. Svccoam, Fiikj'i Ftwt Siacti. FREE Eckrich Hot Dogs, Dan«Dee Chips & Pepsi Saturday, April 13th 11a.m.-2p.m. Only At Our Avon Lake Location- 33382 Walker Rd. All Donations Benefit The Avon Lake Youth Baseball Federation Classic Coku, Diet Coke Caffaitw Frw Hit Ccks OaltftMotr! Wicker Baskets tad fe a | i L»v 1095110 rt^93 ; 37 ItjMtw lOu E^^f^l »> KHD CUBKJM KXUWVMTVia AKWUW4 ft OKODCZr • T-SHIRTS • JACKETS •SWTATSIURTS • APRONS •HATS •TOWfl.S. AND MORE! CIT TOUl BASOJUl TEAM tmiTOKMS oacnu IN IABLY THE Any SIngte Garni wrt Coanoaft Pressed R*Qut*r &Mi On Hxiom M3t» W*UCT1 «j-- «VOM 1AM. OHIO 448H (!»•! ' 933-7717 Plenty of E Parking . Doli-Rostaurpnt ^ Family Dining with a Comfortable Atmosphere 'BREAKFAST SPECIAL Other Breakfast Specials from $1.19 No diacounta on specials. No substitutions. Dine-In Only. Offer good 7am1 Tarn. MorvFri. Only. Not valid holidays. Hours: Moru-SaL 7am - 8pm; Sun. 7am - 7pm Mart Raza) 33383 Wsfcw Road, Avon Lak« * 833-4062 2 PANCAKES • 7 EGGS . , ? BACON • 2 SAUSAGE Plenty ef FREEPar&n r• / » - » • . DolI-Rostaurant,, - t^family Ummg with a Comfortable Atmosphere LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS $*3» faff\ • Country Fried Stoak • Baby Bnf Uvor Drila *3 W* • Meat Loaf • Broiled Chickon Breast • Broadod Ocean Porch All include Potato, Soup & Salad -» j way to get your efaisa money fast! H^asgs^M Electronic filing i»^*^^^^* It V I I FAMILY HAIRCARE C O U PO N ymatrix- H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE HJUl-SUU-COMtETO $1.00 OFF OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 9«.m.-Op.m. Sat. 9a.m.-Sp.rn.. Sunday lOo.m.-Ap.m, 33382 WALKER RD.. UNIT J AVON LAKE, OHIO 933-2S77 Nationwide s SeCQFld Opinion detects risks before INSURANCE WENDY they become problems. We UK & Recommend ^matrix- HAIR-SKIN-COSMETICS No AppolntmtHti Evtrl Fast. Easy. Certain f KEE OM5INESS IN5URANCt ANALYSIS MATRIX PRODUCTS Avon Lake Drug Marc Plaza 933-4247 L^O Hours: Won.-Sat 7am - 8pm; Sun. 7am - 7pm , (Drug Mart Plaza) 33302 W«lk«f Road, Avon Lakv • 033*4062 There's one sure / '— Also featuring: * t!^?1?.11^0 Uugn* 5"?"? K^*_, . ° Tondertom Mon.-T?iur. 9*8 Fri. 9-6 Sat. 8-5 To mok« turm your butin«u it properly proledod by on odaquol* rniufonee progrom, ^»ll ot for o H« »cood opinion. We con anol/i« the offactiverwi of your praitnf iniuronce, including pinpoinring ony duplieolion or finonciolly domoQing gopi. iffOni btol tnanA WI tUu^tanuC* DRUB MART PUU 933-3826 Billy R Smith 1-800*835-0523 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE wffl&WiEwmww&^M3^i$j8ftiM>i REALTORS SINCE 1903 600644. Spacious Amnerst spGt boasts 3 BR upstairs wftn a 41h bedroom on tower level that would make a wonderful ofllce/gucst room. 2 full balha. patio doors of) dining room, targe tarn, room w/WBFP, 2» car gar.. lanced yard. BdtJWona partdr.Q. Cal Carol J. Qresco 933-3733*71-0488. 810012. Fabulous Coventry model featuring 4 BR. 23 BA. dramatic two story foyer, with ceramic flooring, first floor study/den, gourmet kitchen loaded with upgrades, spacious tamiry room, wooded tat. Jan Gamer 933-3733. 730025. New Gamellia Corotructlont Ready for occupancy DramaSc 2 etofy foyer, woitng kitchen with many upgrade* large breakfast nook, abundance of natural fight, neutral oV,of S26S.BOO. Jaris Gamer 933-3733. 605201. EJrcepttonal Wastwfndsl 4 BR. 23 EA. colonial or wooded tot! 1st fleer study, largo lot. walkout basement, spacious kitchen and eating area. Loaded with upgrades, great cure appeal. S280.90O. Jants Gamer 833-3733. 803617. Custom Ajhwood Colonial in Westwtndsl 2 story foyer with hardwood (tooting, spacious kitchen with island, ceramic flooring. & skylight in master bath, neutral decor, wooded lot. deck. $246.900. Jants Gamer 833-3733. 609015. Think spring - come and see this beautiful home wttti park Eke yard. Before you know it youTI be planting your flowers or sitting out in the enclosed porch. 4 bedroom Colonial. $189.900. Unda Homm $33-3733. 720338. ExdUBtve Britannia Estates home offers 4 bodrmt, 4.5 baffn. dramatic marble open foyer, huge UL. tam. room ttAnorbla fireplace, exquisite master sutte. extra game rm.. basement, pool w/larg» patio, 3 cor gar. J. Demo* 933-3733. 13773. Looking for In home office? 4th bedroom wttn a private ntranccl Lovely 4 SR. 1tt bath Avcn Lake ranch has much lo (for. Kitchen with dishwasher ft disposal, hardwood floors. lewer carpeting, baoemant with rec room, 2 car gar. with dual arage doora, lovely shaded lot. $118.900. Much more. Call 809640. WANT A ROOM FOR THE ARTIST IN YOU? Thfc Avon Lmk» homm offen you « dtftor*m thing ttyte. WBh • i ond story bonus room thut has plenty of windows, this Is a per feet room for flie artist. 3 BR, 1H bath. paSo. bfltoony. 2)4 car gar., spacious room, sJorage.andased patio w/gnU and much more. Carol J. Gresco B33-3733/H71-O4B8. Carol J. Gresco 933-3732/871-O4B8. 812264. Just lisbidl Come one & all to see this 3 bdrm. colonial at 311 Woodland In Elyrtol Own and updated wftn copper pipes, updated wiring, etc. Oakwood Schools, dose to Rt. 113 S 1-90. CaQ Sard Weber 933-3733,949-7027. 814935. NEW LISTING ON Z5B ACRES. Lowly 4 OR bungasw located In Russia Township (Eryria) on two parcels of land. Many nowor items such as roof, deck, front oktowaJk. furnace, and fufl BA, kitchan wtth aD oak cabinets 4 10 ft. braakfait bar. 2Vi car gar. end moretll $164,900. Carol J. Grosco 3242444«J3-3733. IOOB3S, Comfort and convenience witJJ this 2-odrm. colonial at 819 E. 34th St. Central air. newer windows, nowor furnace, 1 car garage, vinyl siding just to name a low of th= improvomentt. Priced at S55.900. San* Weber 933-3733/949-7027. 600496. Attention June brldjslt! Spend your honeymoon in your new home 11 Located at 2127 Easttawn Avo. You win have room to grow as your lamlly does. 3 bdrms.. full bsmL and hubby can tinker In his 214 car gar. $66.000. Sandl Weber 9333733/949-7827. 813397. Just listed 650 Westthore Olvd.ll House needs repairs, sold "as Is". There is ample space to expand. Priced at 45.9OO, trite home has a total of S lots located on a quiet treat CaD Sandl Weber at 933-3733 or 949-7627. 7302t7 You could travel the world ft find llttfe to compara with the peace & tranqutUy of this tovery lafcefroni QiHR at turn of the I century, complete with guest house & 240' beach. Karen Jesensky 933-3733. $699,000. 729849. Log stytad ranch. Adorable 3 bedroom w/large closets. Kitchen wAreakfast bar & pantry. Living ft dining combo, newly rebuilt 114 heated garaga an on a 80x118 lot For more detaHa caD Carol J. Graaco 933-3733. $09,000. 14437. Fabulous Prectwtck Dstingl 4 BR 3.5 BA. derVSh 6R. kitchen has parquet flooring & oak cabinets, year round Florida room, wWi ceramic tooting, security & cprinldar systems, deck! 312,000. Jan Garner 033-3733. 12652. Fire Um» home buyers come saa this charming 2 bodroom ranch ,WeH cared for. spacious kftchen with pantry, WOOO--A Hjmlno fireplace In Bvfng room. $09.900. Unda Homm 933733. Duality Service Since \W\\ By Marcella Grande AVON LAKE — What started out 03 a small tea and coolde gathering ha5 ballooned Into an organization that is almost ZOO people strong. Last year. SO senior citizens attended a gathering In a local party center to survey interest and ihare ideal on orga"lying and choosing the name for a local senior citizens club. A year later, the Lively Avon Lakers has ISO members and continues to crow. LAL President Rosalia Baldwin said luncheon meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at the Avon Lain Library and feature entertainment. Mrs. Baldwin also writes a Lively Avon Lai ers monthly newsletter that U delivered to 250 people. "No one ever djearned weld have this many people," said Mrs. Baldwin. "We had no idea tho group would get so largo so quickly." The group usually takes one bus trip a month. Members have gone to places such as the Carousel Dinner Theater and Severance HalL "We went to two Indian* games last year." Mrs. Baldwin said, "and we have tickets to three Indians games this year." The group is strictly a social organization, she added. Membership dues is 55 a year. Since the Lively Avon Lakers are sponsored by the Avon Lake Recreation Dept, the city provides the group with 52.000 — money u:ied toward travel expenses. "This group was so overdue." Mrs. Baldwin said. "We haven't had fewer than 70 people at a luncheon. We bad 103 people show up this month." Besides Mrs. Baldwin, officers ii,dude John Moran, vice president: Biitty WakeGeld. secretary; and Kim Suson, treasurer. Other activities offered for seniors are college courses that could be taken at the library through Lorain County Community College and golf leagues that play at Aqua Marine each summer. Mrs. Baldwin also indicated the group** interest in bringing multi-level senior housing tailored to residents needs and desires to Avon Lake. She and other LAL members have spoken with a builder and city officials about the possibility. The housing would be designed lor different levels of needs including assisted living, convalescent and condos and cottage apartments for those who are uirtually independent. The facility would have diumg areas and possibly retrreational facilities. Executivu board members of the Lively Avon Lakers include Joan Richards, Margaret Lane, Mary Ann Tilden. Frances Caramel. Beverly Kiousis and Sally Bowes. for Humanity's Uvely Avon Lakers officers include Rosalia Baldwin, president, and Betty Waksfea, secretary, pictured recently at ttv> group's first annhrorsary party. Pfl£SS photo—nfc* Hammer The Geon Company has announced that together with a coalition of vinyl industry partners, it will supply the vi"yl building materials for Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity's upcoming 24-home building project, to take place in Cleveland during the city's 1996 Bicentennial celebration. Six of the homes will be constructed during a July "blitz build." in conjunction with the city's actual 200th birthday. Geon and partner companies will supply the vinyl siding, flooring and windows for the habitat homes, as well as the PVC pipe—• contribution estimated to be over $1 CO,000. A recent study conducted by Franklin Associates found that the use of vinyl in eight major building and construction applications saves an estimated 260 trillion BTUs per year—the equivalent of 44.2 million Barrels of oil. or 250 billion cubic feet of natural gas. Last year, over 500.000 homes were built or remodeled with vinyl siding, the leading siding material in the United Stales. Geon also will coordinate a vinyl recycling project on-site during the Bicentennial Village build. The vinyl siding scrap that is left over will be collected ana ground up, then recycled into a second-generation product. The project is designed to demonstrate how a portion of this country's construction scrap cq" be diverted from landfills. Stephen Frye, executive director of Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity said, "Our partnership with Geon for the Cleveland Bicentennial Village build is a great partnership. Together, we're bringing high-quality, affordable housing to one . of Cleveland's neighborhoods." The Geon Company, headquartered: in Avon lake, is a leading North American producer of vinyl, the world's second-largest selling plastic material. The company, which employs 1.8OG in facilities locatod in the United Stit.», Canada and Australia, reported sales of SI.3 billion In 1095. ************************************** NEW 96' CAMARO'S 50 To Choose From From $233 Per Month **l*n> payment i 00 month* - taut now. $30CO crt or tradn down. 73.000 total irtitt. Customer mporvfcl* lor neon Mar. 1 it pyna. 1 ucuflty d«po« dM «Incaptton. We Are Tho Area** Most Complete Chevrolet Commercial Truck Dealer. We Stock Dump Trucka, Utility Service Trucks, Hi-Cube Van*, Pickup*, Work Trucka end Cargo Vana. New * * * Dump Trucka From $19,990 HEVROLET JACK MATIA GEO 1100 E. BROAD'ST., ELYRIA GM Employees 1st Time Buyers College Gr;uts Wei COOK'' Elyria 365-7311 Cfev 777-6336 * * Renoe Fisher Kyle Slivason • Bill Wenzler Miss Ronee Flshec, daughter of Mr. 03d Mrs, Jeff Fisher of i7109 South • Ridge Ed. in Avon, has won the Doan's Scholarship of $20,000 to Tho Columbus College of Art and Design. It* - Miss Fiahor hopes to work in graphic design and communications. Mr. Kyle Stivaton. son of Mr. and Mn. Jeff Stlvasan of 35539 Keller Drive, Avon, has won a $15,030 scholarship to The Columbus College of Art and Design based on his portfolio. Along with his Interest in art. Kylo was 1996, 171 Lh. L.C.C. champion in wrestling. Mr. Bm Wenzler. of 3535 Jaycox Rd.. Avon has won a $20,000 art scholarship to Columbus College of Art and Design. Bill is interested in graphic design and illustration. He is the son of Mrs. Jennifer Watson and Mr. Robert Wonzlar. The Loraln County American Red Cro33 Is offering thn following First Aid and CPR courses for the months of April: , Standard First Aid; A basic course to • prepare Individuals in the community to feaat victims of acddantal injuries or sudden illness who need immediate care. This course is geared toward the workplace. The first evening of tha two day courses will focus on adult CPR. An Amnrican Sad Cross Adult CPR cartiBcsla (valid for 1 year] and a Standard First Aid certificate (valid for 3 yoars) will be issued. 6 1/2 hours. Courses will be held on Tuesday and Thursday, April 9 end 11. 5:30-0 pjn. and Saturday, April 20,0 a.m.-4 pjn. - Community CPU: A basic course to prepare individuals to perform the Ilfeomargency skijJs of rescue ig, one-rescuer CPR. and first lor choking of adult, infant and victims. This course Is geared towed the community and family. Tha ; first evening of thu two day courses will feeuj on adult CPR while the second evening will focua on Infant and child CPR, An American Red Cross Community CPR cortificato will be : Issued (valid for 1 year). 6 1/2 hours. : Course* will be held on Tuesday and : Thursday. April 16 and 1C, 5:30-9 pjn. and Saturday. April 27. 9 ajn-4 pjn. Adult CPR: A basic course to prepare individuals to perform the llfesaving emergency skills of rescue breathing. first aid for choking, and one-rescuer CPR for victims aged eight and older. An Americar. Red Croos Adult CPR certificate will be issued (valid for 1 year). 3 1/2 hours. Courses will be held on Wednesday. April 3. 5:30-9 pun.. Tuesday. April 9. 5:30-9 pjn.. Tuesday, April 19. 5:30-9 pjn., Saturday, April 20, 9 miL-l pjn.. Saturday. April 27. 9 a.m.-l pjn. Babysitting: A 9-hour course focusing on basic childcaro skills including feeding and bathing an Infant and child CPR. Geared towards 10 thru 12 yearolds. American Rod Cross Babysitting, and Infant and Child CPR certification will be issued along with a pin at the course's completion. Participants must attend all throe sessions for certification. Course will be held on Monday, • April 8, Wednesday, April 10 and Friday, April 12 from 9 a.m.-nooa. All classes will bo taught at the Chapter building located at 2029 West Rivor Rd. N. in Elyria and OKI open to the public. Pre-registratlon is required. For information on course costs or to regular, please call the American Red Cross at 245-0096 In Loraln or 324-2929 in Elyria. fc Mrs. Sandra Ellas of Sheffield Lake is proud to a ana unco the engagement of her daughter. Melissa Marie, to Robert Geno Palmer, son of Rudy and Mona Palmer. Melissa is also the daughter of the late Norman Elias. Miss Ellas graduated from Ashland University in May of 1995 with B Bachelor of Science in Education. She is curreptly employed with the Weatlaks City School District where she loaches Spanish and Reading at Lee Buraeson Middle School. Mr. Palmer Is currently a City Councilman for Sheffield Lake. In addition, he is the General Manager at Lawn Tech, Inc.. of Avon Lake. A December 14. 1996 wadding is Melissa Elias and Robert Palmer planned at SL Thomas Church. Sheffield Lake, with a reception to be held at Breezewood Hall, Sheffield Village. John and Ann Pawlyshyn of Avon Lake celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on March 25. 1990. Originally from Ukraine, they were married in Gormany in 1946. They came to the United States in 1949 where they lived in Parma the majority of the time. That was where they raised their daughters before settling ir* Avon Lake in 1980. John retired from the Ford Motor Company in Brookpark after 30 years. His time is now spent doing yard work and gardening at their home on Coventry CL Ann worked as a tailoress for many^ears and stiLl enjoys sowing for family and friends as well as working in their garden. They are members of St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lorain where Ann sings in the chmth choir. The event was celebrated with a family dinner at the Panorama Restaurant wnoro John and Ann were honored by their daughters and sons-in-law. Olga and Ron Aadolsen of Avon Lake and Olena and Dale Smith of Colors. Maryland. Baba and Didi. as they are referred to by their family and some of their neighbors, are the proud grandparents of six grandchildren. John and Ann Pawtyshys • . i • ' ' '•. x •Your fax itlHcttlth /v Ourhiiiktiy C<f/)( vrn! i Drs. Chesky and Wcrtman are available to serve your health care needs at their new office location conveniently located in The Landings at the corner of Avon-Bslden & Walker Roads. New patients are welcome to call for an appointment Stnart B. Choky, D.O. FACOD.G. Obstetrics &Gjracdoey EAAP. Pediatrics \J Primary Care of Avon Lake (216) 930-5010 a on I AD inloonaUon ilitnJJ U typ«l dou- Bookkeeping & nt mult «cctnnp»ny Mcfa mbmbiioii. Tax Service 'Karat 'e'^ to the best thing Fve ever done forChzlaty myBrent-Parent child." SdkooOdon • Grata attention span S^coiN&disdplJjictSbTngthtosay'KO' Better Vtok Habits to unhealthy peer pressure ERNATIONAL KARATE CENTERS »«*, 448 Aron Bclden HA In The Ltt $59.00 per Month — Monthly P & L — Sales Tax — Employee Taxes — Quarterly Taxes M. J. Baker & Associates Business ft Tax Services Over 20 Years Experience Phone:933-5000 RESURRECTION WEEKEND At Church On The Rise Good Friday, April 5th at 7.-00 pjn. Candlelight Communion Service and Illustrated Sermon, "The Whip, Hammer and the Cross". Resurrection Sunday Services April 7th at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 OJTI. Sjadil §uiie ad amfUU dUMnm'f nlftlf&j pntUtti ill a: AVON LAKE — A mBn knocked on a % door of a Tcraahawk Drive home March «27 at about B:30 pjn. When two girls y answered, the man showed them some £kind of silver-colored badge hanging uj from a chain around bis neck, said he P was a "court Judge*" and needed to talk to their mother. Instead, the girls shut the door and phoned their mother at work, end she In turn called the police. The strange caller was gone when police arrived. He was described as whIU). dark-haired, about five feet 11 inches **0i, having a hoary build and wearing a blue ana grey jogging suiL He drove away In a small-lira pickup truck. »v »' Gun gone A Hay Vlllago man has been charged into his 1990 Chevy Ceo in the school parting lot Taken were a pair of 550 sunglasses and about S3 in change. The thief or thieves apparently used a slim LAKE jim or coathanger to get into the car. Sheffield Lake Police stopped a young man on a routine traffic violation March 28 at about 12:45 a.m. and discovered that the 1983 Chevy the youth was driving bad been stolen from a driveway on Maple Cliff Drive in Avon with granoTtkeft after he admitted stealLake. Checking Maple Cliff Drivs. Avon ing a Clock nine-millimeter semiautoLake officers found a 1986 CMC pickup matic gun from a resident's home. The truck that had been stolen in resident told police on March 22 that Ashtabula. The keys to the truck were the gun went missing some time found in the '83 Chevy. The youth, a between .Nov. 25 and Feb. 28, and that he suspected a friend of his son. juvenile, was to be charged with grand theft auto. Charged! was \VUliam Laverry. 20. AVON POLICE BLOTTER Car crime* A student at Avon Lake High School discovered at the end of classes on March 27 that somebody had broken 20% OFF with this ad UK GOLD * NATURAL GEM "Y^NECKLACES PETER & Co Jewelers' 375 Lear Road in Avon Lake Corner of te*rJ( W*BzrKds. 216-933-4871 My WELCOME WAGON baakoi b loaded wttn taatJ gltts, Informalion and canto you can redeem for more gH& al local busln&sse* who'd BaloaayTl'Myc&lbo Mon*/ visa lo hoJp you wffli tips fcr al your nmds. Newparonr? Moved? MAVOHUUtlCALU CAROLE UACK 933-2949 IH WCH. CALLi NANCY HCOKS 933-5602 II*1 f« h Unwanted visitor* Avon i-aVn firefighters put out a fora on a front porch on Lakewood Drive March 25. The homeowner left his teenage daughter at home with imtructions not to allow more than one person in at a time, according to reports. At about 8 p.m., a Lorain youth phoned the girl, saying he and three other guys would be stopping by for a visit. The four Lorain youths came over and. no matter what Dad had said, they all went in the house on the pretext of one of them having to use the phone. In the meantime, two neighbor women came over to visit, too. As they were leaving, one accidentally left a sweater behind. Two of the suspects exited the home, leaving the front door ajar, and drove off in alight blue fourdunx sedan. One of the neighbors again went csross the street to see what was going 'in. when the other two guys came out and left the neighborhood. When the neighbor came out of the house, she found a garbage can on the porch afiro. with tho sweater used as fodder. Firemen doused the blaze. The Dotoctivo Bureac late last week was preparing to file charges against tho suspected arsonists. He uid, aha uld . Police triad to »ort out a dispute between a Belle Read man and his exgirlfriend, the mother of his child. March 25. He said she had threatened to spray him with pepper spray when h? asked for the return of two food-shopper cards. She said he had threatened to slit her throat. Police persuaded her to give thorn tho cards, which they returned to tho owner. Both wore referred to the city prosecutor. Batman Police raced to McDonald's on Walkor Road March 25 shartly after S pjn. on a report of a man in the parking lot swinging e baseball hat. An 18-yearold Avon Lako man and a girl said tho • Wt mplojr only tntifitd BMchinki lo work on nor klmnbrt, OMC Cotn or VohraPtnU The GIFT for any occasion. French Creek Road • Avon (216) 934-0004 Haw Summer Shine In Your Hair For Easter Highlight 00 Off Oder Expto* 4-3M6 Spedal Vbrk Street 933-5974IJ sian. a Lorain resident, had been swinging a bat around and uttering threats. Then batman got into his car and drove off. but befom exiting the parking lot. sprayed .some pepper macs in their direction. He vowed to come back with some of his pals, they said. The fracas started when tho Lorain man allegedly shoved tha girl. She got two of her friends to come outside with her including the la-year-old, and the teens were confronted by the man brandishing the baseball bat. according to reports. Driveway dispute Two Lake Road next-door naighbcn are at odds over their driveways. One charged that his neighbor allows her friend to drive over the grass strip aoparating their driveways. When he complained to her about this, she became irate and threatened him with "a firefight" involving guns, the man charged. Lamppost laments Several residents of Avon Belden Road. Admiral's Way and Woodstock Avenue found their lampposts knocked over the morning of March 23. One Avon Belden resident, whose lamppost glqtg and bulb wore smashed, said he saw three bays walking across the street the night before. Heer-buyen An officer on patrol spotted what ha suspected was an underage girl exitins the BP station on Avon Belden Road March 24 shortly before 1 ajn. loaded down with beer. She got into the passenger seat of an Olds. She and the driver, another young woman, left the parking lot. but since the car was minus a front headlight, they were puHod' over. The officer found a caio and a half of Busch Lite covered with a coat at the passenger's feet An 18-year-old Avon Lake resident was cited for underage possession of alcohoL The clerk was charged with selling alcohol to a minor. Jam** GMhanty to ipttk A new book m «r imOMSv* t pro^n approach to otma prrvinton w< b> fca topic of a aft at tw Ason Laid Ubrtry April 4 and Aprt 15 at 2 OJIL and 7:30 pjn. U. 3. ccngraational aa&otit JamM Calan*y,nyrinQ wWi tw Natwal Uw Puiy. wfl bJ» t» tftfc on K» panoral rawlencM and Jay UncuT book Th» Crinw Vkcdna.* Th» dteutHon «• tocua on aXmtnaUng fw real cauM d ertma. Thte talk is a muat tor anyone irai wants ID b* avart ol Vm best cpproechM tor raducfng vttan» In sodafy. Many ratoranca* of suocaosU program! lorsVDtsraductonwQ] bt dttd. auch a> 8« 7U program^ tiflfcffvonaa to reducing Nflh Uaad praam wfihout *uot- Al Awn U*a nthtantt BI» cordbly (nutted to aWnd. BSoodmoblfo scft9du!9 Th» Lonin County GIoodmabBa «OI t» at Awn ' Bearing*. 1500 tag*) Rood. Avon on Thunday. April 4 from 1-4 p_m. Kiwanis plans April programs Kiwanis Club of Avon Lake meets weekly at the Avon Lake Public Library on Electric Blvd. from 6:30-8 p.m. Guests are always welcome. Programs for April are: April 4 - Kroig Bnisnahan, Kiwanian —The Legal Profession, Dock Rates tmrtioa At $625 967- April 11 - Doa Breen — Ohio's Role in the Civil War. April 18 - State Wrestling Champs — Avon Lako High School. April 25 - Sgt. Duaiio Stroatpr - Avon Lako Police Detective Bureau. By Heather Rutz AVON — Some Avon High School (tudenli ere learning the value of a dollar Dr»t-hand with the formation of their own company called Ninth Hour Products. The company is a class project run through the Junior Achievement (JA] program. Founded in 1919. JA is the largest non-profit economic education Qjganizaticn in the world. The group's purpose lsi\"to educate and inspire young poopiB to value free enterprise, uoderrtand business and economics imd bo work force ready." Ninth Hour Products, run by teacher Debbla Moten's business principles and management class, is selling firstaid kits for cars; the price Is $7. Having taught the business class for 10 years. Hasten said this is the first tiraa she has been involved with Junior Achievement She Is convinced that the GJDOTUU cWvai hrmiff many of the concepts har iitudents are taught. *Whet Setter way to learn than to do this? You can actually do tomsthmg mid learn first-hand." Mosten said. By JoAnn* Kutarday v AVON — Council Is considering tffTffitwl»g the time for miMntanyncg bond* and mtting higher standards for work and -ntttarfali on Avon's street* «od ild*wall*, The dty doesnl have tha UHB and manpower to oversea the ropoir work en roads, offidals iwy. s'< Council President Ed Krystowski amid. "Ton have to roly on the Integrity ;(-of tha people doing thi work." Yal whan problem* arise, tha dty ut bt ahla to coma bade to someone tohnt BVobloB*. --• Acrarataf to' Caaccilfiun Tid ttcsykv C&M such u Strongsville r&vttepBr* 60 piil In sidewalk* btdi&in begin thair work. uksd O*fk of Council to rarvay cities more thia Aren to see bow they Ifaal with l)t* urua. rP-.Al.th» AprU 8 council meeting, the pMtsutsc* fjtaUnj a special ma permit •to tb* Avon school board for thi high nHJHwl and campu* will be heard on Bnt wdtog, Thli orilnanca doss not s*c£ui» the dovalnpar's agreement far '•aamdmy «CCBM, The dovelopor's ijajiaiiinTii ngulzm man engineering wort bttora the Planning Commission ew/inaka a recommendation to coundL This permit has no conditions All the students egreed thai actually running their own company has taught them mora than they can learn from e textbook. After setting up the company and operating it for a while, many students commented. "It wasn't that easy." Tha student owners of Ninth Hour Products hold board meotings and have shareholders. Students do their own market research and advertising. Each student in the class holds a position in the company and is paid for their work, plus students earn commission on the kits they sell All students are also required to buy stock in the company at 51 a share. For this particular company, students purchased two shares, the "i"*iTnum allowed to prevent ownership of the company by a few people. When the company is liquidated in May. all stock- holders will receive their Investment back, plus any dividends the stock made. Karl Coleman is tha Lorain County coordinator and advises the Avon students. The key to Junior Achievement's success, she said, is having enough volun- attached. If there Is no developer's agreement, this permit could not bo passed. If Planning Commission approves the developer's agreement and makes a recommendation to council, then citizens would be allowed to respond during a public forum. Inothtrbuslnot* Ninth Hour Products President Josh Guorrlerl shows the auto first aid til leers from the community. "Business people or others in the The green space in the center of the turnaround was also under scrutiny. The turnaround would be composed of geo grid blocks that would support emergency vehicles but allow grass to grow through them. • Clean-up Week could be axed this* year duo to its high cost. In the past, this event has cost the city $11,000 lor m community are needed to deliver the j^ programs in the schools. We bridge the <" gap between the community and edu- •" cation." Coleman said. ;g Student Jim Wilier-spoon, vlce-presi- p dent of marketing, said the company P first surveyed the public to determine 3 what kind of product they should sell. S What they found is that most people didn't have first-aid kits for thoir cars. The kit includes bandages, cotton balls, latex gloves and a safety road flare. Ninth Hour Products has sold about 75 kits so far. through advertising in the community and school newspa- * per. To order a kit, contact the company through the high school at 934-6108. When the company is liquidated and everyone gets paid, the students willgivb their profits to a local charity, probably Our Lady of the Wayside, said company President Josh Guorrieri. The Junior Achievement office In Elyria conducts programs for elementary and middle school children, in addition to high school programs throughout Lorain County, dose to 100 classes ore running in 27 school In the county, Coleman said. • special collection facilities. Councilman David Kaiser said BFI will come to a residence to pick up a special load If called at no expimse. Tho original intent of Clean-up Week was to prevent residents from dumping. But with BFI only a phone call away, the concern no longer exists. • Coundl wIQ consider hiring a fireEghter/EMTA, Kevin Pocos. to fill a vacancy. • Regulating private utilities In respect to crossing a city right-of-way Is an Isiua council will adorns In the future. However, attorney Russell McLaughlln said that tha ordinance proposed would mile some properties undevelopahla. Ha addad that the proposed ordinance Is discriminatory and could ba easily challenged In court. Kn advised council to study tha ordinance further before bringing it to tha table. • North Star Subdivision submitted a aubdlvidor*s agreement for approval. Kryatowskl found the Idea of a cul-dw aac, no sidewalks, an undersized turnaround and'no sanitary sewers to be bulls with the plan. Even though this subdivision Is presented as a "Western Reserve" style, (one aero minimum lots Intended far stataly homes), this concept was never embraced by Avon. tI I* ( * HP * *< #*r f*i ;8 If ! *f ;* i t»: I $ ' i Introducing TeleRle from the IRS. If you are single and filed Fonn 1040EZ last year, you can file your tax return in ten minutes by phone. Anytime. Check your tax booklet for information. Dsuttd CommunicaaofM, Inc. "not 44070 4I9625S82S Department o) tha Treasury Intevna) Rav*nu> Swvlc* Changing for good. BTeleFile It's free. It's fast It works. CO detector proceeds go to CRS Avon Lako Mayor Vines Urtin presents a check for more than $1.600 to the Avon Lake Community Resource Services Assistant Director Chris Martins. The proceeds were from me sale of cartoon monoxide detectors which were made available to the public thanks to Columbia Gas The Avon Lake Fire Dept managed the sate o! too detectors. Also pictured are Fire Chief Gary Fryfogie and Ray Frank of Columbia Gas. PRESS photo — Mareatfa Grand* AVON LAKE — Police Department dispatchers may be paid for a minimum of four hours when they are called u for special duty. The change was decided \v members of the Special Employees and Human Resources commitlefcs ol council in a joint meeting last Thursday. The change must be approved by City Council and the law director. . ,. The dispatchers had filed an unfair labor practice against the city because it was paying the dispatchers by the hour, while paying police officers a four-hour minimum each time they were called in for special duty. When the four dispatchers were hired, they were not contracted by the police department's union, or their bwn. Now, their own union will negotiate their next contract for them at Uae end of the year. , The two committees agreedj that although the city was not obligated in a contract to pay the four-hour minimum, it would do so until a new contract lor matron, was available. Avon Lake has no women on its . The only certified mrtzons usually covers the dispatching T c y n e * dispatcher would b e called in would be if a female pn««>Br was brought in during a time when only males were on duty. Andolsen said that situation has happened two or three times in the past two years. . t\,\-a "Monetarily, this 13 nothing. Councilman Earl Martin said. B en With the alternative of P j*£j§ money on a possible lawsuit, he added that honoring the four-hour pay minimum until contract negotiations wm a "simple decision." WARNING FOR SENIORS PERSONAL INVITATION To A FREE. EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP Joseph T. Nemchik & Company Ctnfitd Fbaadat Ptomrr CenifM t&Xt muf Btoaten Auoffiii 4 Richard A. Beebe, Attorney a Law Yoa eoold tarn jf*x Homr.Cw. LifeS*rintt~ You SPRING SALE If You Gin Dream KWe Can Do It! How long haw you been imflEJning a beautifully carpeted living room...bedroom...playroom? Your dream ofl become * reallly! Find out bow to protect your assets ifld your children's inheritance. Plan to mend our no con. no obligtlion workshop to heir our speakers tnd receive Iftenume. Where Avon Lake Public Libra? 72649 Electric Blvd. Tim: IChOO KD or 2:00 pm choose • convenient timenine information tt both workshops When Wednesday, April 10, CFr.CHA.CLT IMPORTANT T* AMtmn m Stmt 21C-9B5-1176 new Stna» Golbtto* Colbcttoa -. 3U dccontar colon tad S Byte* fcunricj the tttnrpMud qtolltr tod donbOllT of VtirDued B™ flbcnl And for a llmlitd UflX. your Official Rolex Jeweler, wants to remind you to turn your timepiece ahead one hour on Sunday. April 7. Imagine 240 Col 8 Styles! K Wonderful loops, textures and plushes. Wear-DatedlP1 Nylon Twist $1Q95*complete. Wear-Datedn™ Wear-DatedH™ Nylon Saxony Plush Cut & Loop Berber Nylon $0:295* $7195* , f M^/ complete &X complete 29 Colors ^: 31 Colors Sale Price Includes Pad & Guaranteed Installation ROLBX IAKI RD. (M•• HOUtfc ^ SUNDAY 1*aWO FREE ESTIMATES fair Offuiil K*tr* Dt*lrr FURNITUREiCARPCT-c ^ 44M Utarty Aw^ VERMIUON, OHIO 44089 NIELSEN JEWELERS Ni*r Crttmtma In Atfaxby TnJr 753 Broadway, Loraln, Ohio Sheffield-Sheffield Lake New* By RJ» filak Newsworthy items far this column may be tent to 703 Kenilwortb Aw.. Sheffield Lake. OH 44054-1232 or coll 919-3736. You can also fax me at this number or tend o-ouuJ to rhfenterplGaoLcam. All information must be received by noon on the Wednesday prior to the next edition. Sheffield Village. This is the last rfrnnrx* to voice your vlow* on tho now zoning plans of the village. The public homing will ba held tonight at Brookuidfl High School starting at 7 pju. Mako a difference in your community and plan to attend. City of Sheffield Lake. A public hearing will bo held at Sheffield Lake City Hall on May 1 at 7 pan. far nrmning proparty on Abba Road. The request is principled by Siavan Loy concerning ths oonitructlnn of a salf-tarvB storage and residcnco on Abbe Road. of Abba Road (Stale Routo 301) bordering Sheffield Village. The rezoning will cismga the maps to road induatrial/resIdantial 1 (R-iJ/limitad u» from the cansnt btiiinass district (B-Z) should tho request of Mr. toy be approved. • The senior complex plan planned for construction on luca Road will also be presented at a public hearing an May 7. 7 p,m. at city fall, Tnis U tha tima fnr residents end interested partial to make their vlaws tnown concEHiing the pro- Jad. • Domonk«i Library. A book «nls spcuti sorad by Uia Friands of the Library will beheld April 11-13 at the library. Good boolj at bargain prices will bo sold to acyono Qltending. For more information call 049-7-110. French Creek Nature Center. On April 7 a program. "High Tido" from 10 ajn.-noon will allow participants to see how spring floods recharge wetlands and change iho landscape every season. This event is for ages 10 years to adult. Visitor. A sai'&r from the United Stales Navy took a break from the service of our country to visit Sheffield l-nfce resident Sarah Duff and our fine city. The former Lorain County resident. AGJ Maureen W. Gara-Uhlir. was en route from Yokoauka. Japan to her new duty station OD Guam in the Pacific Ocean. I hope her skills of a weather forecaster will help keep our military personnel in that area safe and give th?ni a rJTaocfl to maintain our xroedom and return to the best country in the world, the United States of America, Ou that note I think you aliould fly your Hag on days other than holidays. Til next week from the little house on Kenilworth. have a great one! DETROIT - WljraUA PEOFESS10HAL BUlUHNfi 32730 Walker Road Suite F4. Avon Lake LANDINGS ^fcfee^JilW TRAVEI. CENTER 835-0202 • Mort.-Fri. 9-6: Sat 10-2 . "VIVA LAS VEGAS" 3 nigiii We 4 n%r« Sa PALACE STATION-CAIiDEN i, SAHARA-DELUXE pern per Of- Kid SrU> STtad toy 5-*u;at 1 EECAUBUR LUXOR hduto Inborn' sifts pa pran.fcMbjp» 22: SL Joseph honor roB fi«i orsdK Joel Conaotatt. Chriaiopoer JaKoretd. Ctvse Jeddc Staff? grade: Gwwi Bucknel. Rebecca Dg. DenM* KontatyCofewn Tofcar. Cofin Vooal Sofanffi prada: Endry GcdtowsM, Jecmuof Jmnrstt. Enn Monroe Efahffj oracle: Temsre Andolsen. David CeffBOo, Erin UcNeeley. Kefle Slmonvich. Cscandra SctderBsch UaraoedHcnorneJI The loflowtrg 7V>- and Bffvgmdar* made ffw honor rol kr tie socond nine xtaalo: Megan Baddy ScoB EUO. Lamn Benodct Brand Berry. Krtafin Blakaelei. Afiaon Donatka. Jusfln Boohor. Amy Bridenbtter. LJndsey Braulltene, Can Quran. Jonrtfer Cartion. Brandy Cair. Jeromy Canar ChrtaCni Cheda. Madeline dement. UUMfil Costsa), Krystal CzechansU. Coffin DBweon. Kristin tNederich, Kn*Hne Drvers, Joehue Dotazal, KcMeen Oonsiacclo, Michael Oowto. Jessies DuiHoada. Uetft Eren. Osntefta Fsbry, CoBeen Fetgatter, Chetses Fltzhugn. Carty Fox. UWefta Fwnvtts. Jonathan Gerutts. Glower. Christopher Gtynn. Justn i. Jason Qrsy, Petrick Orembsn. «„..». Qnam. James Harper. Lmuni Kay. Kriaten Haynsl. Anne-Uarte Heczko, Ssrsh Helbert. Kbnberty Hrd. SteM ito. Brian tnoleriont. Ertn Janolari. Crrtaopher Jaioacak. Chris \lsson, Kurt Jenkins, Gary Johnson. Ktfharina Johnston. Conetsnca Kssaor. Cararyn Kfcn, KiyMal Klsk^ Mary Ktager. S»«n Korsy. KnW JannBsr Under. Oobra Leaser. i MAt. Girai Maokmi, Andrea UarQnsz. Y, Jennaar UcNaman. Michael ...uu.^ ,Jt* Usnoertnk. Jcnalnan Miller. Nalhanlei MOOQ. Jeka Morgan, Brie-Anne invert* Me*w«r Ke^fe. Paid Neleon. Jsosica Osttr Olna PeussTJu* PhDSps, Zsehary Prank, Mart* Ralaan. Jan Ramsier, Andrew Rear, Kyle We*. Jermflw Rtopeth. Schlsns. AJOon Schneider. AndrewSi Uontes Settr. Brea ShsrtxtaV Rsahet , CsrtBnwKMofnan8niim.RyenSievonB.Miro eaaJar-WaOman, Beih SuQon. Kyte Tnomss. Aknee Thormon. Saa Urban. PuraD Vtaw^. SlKWt WWkar. Ua&sn WsKvs, AJitalr WsSS, Utry Vteber. Qarva Wick, Oeornla WUlacn, Dank Wtton. Aaron Zupan i Antochaw. Ttontra AmoW. Kkrtfwly y. Bradey BaruJ. John Bayer. fl«nneB. Ashley Bematr. BM. Erica Dower. TOtoiy Bowman. Ucnael Bt«». Itoghan Cagtoy. Bon Cteto. beti Cooper. Krfifin Cowan. JJla DeOart. Dtomond. Undny Donrr. A»ywri OoV. Edetotetn, Justin Elliot. Stephanie syson Rntay. Abby Fteher Usa Rtfw. Robert Ratten. Aison Powle. DanWe Foy, Anthony O«jro». Hilary Geojpe. Kathryn QMldd, Robart Gnebart Erin Green. Sheryj Qrtaemef.TTmDirv Guentrwr, Tami Harmon. Kea iolas Httrman, Christophar Heslap. HodoM, Katryn Hoftnan. Uaflnaw . >**f* Knwt. Udwle Kumk. Dram . Malay-Unener. Jedyn-.l^eeer. . ortcTUz. Jt*5"«l2.**m r. WBim IMQnley. James UMcank. jSonl*»dy. Robert Morris. Carty Morrison Neumann, Siren Udhew Reyno». . OerfdRocca lindsey feme.. lOMn SMmto. PeU Oatonow. Slewen Snyder. Tares ceinnt Ussoet> late, Brooke Thompson, Andrew THotson. SSSta. Nets VMtomm ey WfolnowsU. WtBnsn. Casey YurnSmten, POavtd Zetarte. Ateander ZBca. ^ OPTOMHRY 33398 Walker Road Suite 8 AvonLcko Wi nWi you fts proftoionc ono aflenfion you mad !o be a JUOMIUI ctnladltraveonr. C/reorafito • TLiferf • Gas P«nwa6to • £xlflflrf«f Wear • Astigmatism 933-3214 _- OUR FELLS ARE STILL ONLY $23.00 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL NAIL CARE? We hove that and more! • Full Set New Nails • Manicures $20.00 $10.00 See EmQyfor these Specials on MOIL, Tfcfc, Wed. • Pedicures $30.00 • Gift Certificates * 2197 Clifton Way, Avon across from Gnter's Nursery an <Fatitoi&tc9 9 •^Bfc.'^W'*' — ^eia^ _ . _._ ••*__ WT—:—™^» /"^T**-***.me Complete Fanuly Haircare Center 35110 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville (Next to Domino's Pizza) 353-3388 Job Tb> FeeHslk GsBC • «« «wt»c Krilj Cosnd /Mnsvn -d Wjsnk 5Hm / A«to«t Utnctr teoBrpnrfW«oI,He»sTj^'ta^«M|^»«»^*- Perm Plus Includes Shampoo. Pom, Cut & Style For 26 '" No Appointment Necessary WithTTiisAd Ask 'Brookside graduate Amy loannidis her favorite vacationing trxit and she'll probably tell you it's Ocoee. Florida. Okay, so it's no Daytona Beach or Fort Lauderdale, but while spring-breakers were drinking themselves silly st those popular spots of frivolity. loannidls, a sophomore on the Baldwin-Wallace women's softball team, was banging oul hits. In a pair of losses at the Rebel Spring Games in Ocoee—the final leg of tha Yellowjackets* spring trip—loannidis collected four hits i« sir. at-bals. while driving in a nro. Sba is currently B-W's second leading hJiter with an average of .545. Things weren't all groovy for the centerfielder and pitcher in the Sunshine State. She suffered her first loss on the mound, giving up 12 hits and 10 earned runs in five innipg* of work against Springfield (Mass.) Univers-ty. Chawansky watch - Cur Megan Chawanskv watch tnV"* us to Anrarillo. Texas where the former Avon Lake basketbell star led the Northwestern University women's team into the NTT championship against Arizona. Chawansky's game-high 21 points was a catalyst for thfl Wildcats' 79-75 semifinal victory over Louisiana State March 24 that propelled her team into the tiLle game. Unfortunately for Chawansky and the rest of her teammates, tha Cats couldn't duplicate the magic in the championship, losing 79-63 to Eni-th the year at (23-11). Chawansky and Michelle Ratay led Northwestern with 19 points against Arizona. , •Ravelin' Man - Avon Late sophomore James Upson will be spending his spring break playing soccer in Europe as a memowr of the Olympic Development State Pool U-16 team. Upson will train and compete in Paris before moving on to England. where he will play in tho Yarmouth Easter International Tournament. In addition to the wealth of soccer knowledge Upson will gain, ha will also have the opportunity to tour London and ta^"* in professional soccor games in England. Say what? Avon's Daniftln Poloricb will be headed to Minnesota after Easter as. got '*"«, a member of the Elyria Flame* midget girls ice hockey team. That's right. Polovich's Flames won three games in Morgantowi!. W.Va. to capture the Mid-American District on March 15-17 nnH earn the right to compote at the national tournament IB Minnesota. Poiovich had three assists and a goal in two of tha Flames' district wins. A Notre Dame woman - ALHS senior Melissa Marini ha« signed a letter of intent to play mxxy at Notre Damn College of Ohio. Marini, a second-team all-county Amy taanrwfis selection, will play forward for coach Beth Gavin's Blue Falcons. 'Melissa will be a great addition to our team.* Gavin said. "She will be a groai help offensively, working with Barbie Chester (last year's leading scorer). Her penonaljfy and determination will ba good for the team." the Humrnir falls - Sheffield Lake native and current Indiana University wrestler Roger Chandler camo op a match shy of wrestling for a notional ghaTnpi cm «Ti jp Q| 142 DOnndS. Chandler, who with brother. Ron. makes up one-half of Sheffield Lake's renowned sibling wrestling duo. lost to eventual champ Bill Zadick (Iowa), before burying his pair of consolation opponents 14-3, and 7-1 to earn third place March 23. Brown offers info on financial aid 5th grade CYO team has 8-0 season The St Joseph's Avon Lake 5th grade girls basketball team just compleled a perfect 8-0 regular season and won their division. Overall, the team finished with a final record of 19 wins and 5 losses, including first-place finishes in both the St Thomas Sheffield Lake and St Peter North Ridgoviile Tournaments. The season concluded with a championship Mass and breakfast for tho team on March 24. Picture are: (front rowJ-NalaSa Urbin. Celeste Cobos, Melissa Scrivens. Malarle Moran. Second row: Kelly Johnson, Chrissy Batt, Abbey Groza, Amanda Meddem. Corirme O'Donnell. Amanda Abel. Third row: Mae Wells. Rachaol Thompson, Margaret Del Regno, Mary Rose Milter. Kalie Koestler, Courtney Women. Back row. Coaches Carl Moran and Bob Johnson. Safety Town Registration AVON LAKE — Children eligible for kindergarten this fall are also eligible to attend Safety Town. Registration deadline is April 15. and is accepted on a Erst-come, first-servo basis. The teutons ore an hour-and-a-half long and run two weeks. Safety Town will bo bald at Erioviow Elementary School. 230 Lear Rd. Registration forms sre available at the school your child will attend, as well as your child's nursery school, For more information, call Sharon at the Recreation Dept. at 930-4130, Monday through Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 2 pan.: and Friday, from noon to 4 pjn, Friday night couples golf league AVON LAKE — If interested in joining the Friday night couples golf league at Aqua Marine, please call J. Holocek at 933-3095 by April 20. Play will begin on Friday, May 3 and continue through August 30. Play starts at 5 p.m. Couples enjoy competitive match play, followed by dinner. Now members bre welcome. Line-dancing for seniors AVON LAKE — Tho mnrt session of Ronna Murray's WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S; Representative Sharrod Drown (OH-13) has Information available for students and parents on collogD fjnfl"rial aid. "Improving the education and ensuing nrrpTO to higher learning far our nation's young pooplo has been one of my top priorities as a member. of Congress,'* said Brown. "With tho cost of tuition at most colleges and universities rising year after year, many families are Ending it moro difficult to send line-dancing for senior citizens begins Thursday. April 25. The one-hour sessions, from 2 to 3 pan., are haldat tho Old Firehouse at the corner of Avon Balden and Lake roads in Avon Lnke. The foo is $18 per parson. To make reservations, call Sharon at tho Recreation Dept-. at 030-4130 between 10 aon. and 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday; and Friday between noon and 4 pan. Aqua Marine Men's Golf League AVON LAKE — The Aqua Marine Men's Golf League is a two-man team format which runs for 2O weeks starting April 25. If interested in joining tho league, call Al Harsar. 9GO-1Q64; Al Coy. 933-5294; or Ed Bloom, 933-3537. There will bo an organizational meeting for all members on Monday, April I, 8 p.m. at 663 Moore Rd., Avon Luke. In addition, then will be a general membership mooting on April 22 in tho pro shop of Aqua Marine. 7 p.m. Chamber Golf Outing AVON LAKE — Start practicing your swing — you have moro than a couple of months — far tno Avon Luke-Avon Chamber of Commerce golf outing on )unc 14 t^Swootbriar Golf Course. .1—«-*J their children to these school*." Brown's office is located on Abbo Road in Elyria. Phono: 934-5100. __ Awn Ufca Band Aids ntMOno to terotl Apt 17 at tw Atat Late Hoti School band loom st 730 pjn. Al ponrb an know! ID afiand. Wtfd low ID hM you Join w. THs «• bt «* amusf maafino. Wo «« h*w t» «toeSon of oSnn for 1006-1007. Trials •• irtBaano prior to it» general msafro at 630p.m. Deadline is May 15 to enter and take advantage of the following entry prices; Individual entries are $65 and include 18 holes, cart. lunch, dinner. The foo for o bole sponsor or a Skill Awards sponsor is $135. Dinner only is $35. Mako checks payable to: Avon Luke-Avon Chamber of Cammnrco. P.O. Box 275, Avon Late. Ohio 44012. For mom details or to bo billed, call Kathleen at 9338311. Co-chain of the Avon Lake-Avon Chamber of Commerce are Goofiroy Smith. Esq. bf Smith * Smith Attorneys in Avon Lake, and Roy Frank of Columbia Gas Co, in Woatlake. Tourney help needed AVON lAICS — Your help is needed NOW to assist in organizing the 15th annual Avon Lake Fathers Day weekend soccer tournament to bo held Juno 15 and 16. Last year, ICC teams from Ohio and surrounding states porticinatod. More than 200 volunteers wore needed hist year to halp with the event. This year, help Is needed on various committees including concessions and publicity. This ovent helps to raise funds for most of the Avon Lakjo Soccer Organization's expenses such as field maintenance, equipment, clinics and referees. This tournament is the only soccer fundraiser. If interested, call Joe Kowahki. 933-4695; Terry Burke. 933-2100: or John Gerulis, 933-4652. ftefwoocTtto^graoer Carston Anderson with UTy. Photo — cowtosy of Bnx* P. from Tfcft thlrd-firaders ho spoke to In ME. Mattsy*» and Mm. Wlchman'ff classes at Rodwood are reading a book about sled dog racing called Sifter. Raymond spoke ot length about longcUitanco lied dog radng, especially the famous /ditaroa. competition — the annual 10-day ntcs from Anchorage to Jtiome. Alaska. Last year. Raymond stayed with renowoad racer Deedoe Jonarow who came in fifth place in the Iditarod. Jonarow of Willow. Alaska, won the $22,000 prize; tho grand prize was $300.000. EU& of the 60 teams who raced paid the 51,000 entry fee. Raymond helped handle Jonerow's dogs wMIo aha racod. Raymond explained that 'women have been successful in the sport, port* Iy becauaa they are lighter man men. Incidentally, people in their 80s have run the Jditand. Sled dog racing is not what Raymond does for a living — he is a software engineer. Other than big-time competition, "there's really no money in it.** he said. "I go through five tons of dog food a year and provide much of the veterinary cara to the dogs myself." In the Iditarod, sled dog teams race along e. 10-day trail similar to the one made famous by tho legendary Bolto. the Siberian Husky who helped carry Diphtheria serum to a tiny Alaskan town back in 1925. (Last year. Walt Disney produced the animated movie on Ballo who, incidentally, was later rescued from a circus side show by a group of Cleveland school children.] Iditarod racers have to carry dog food, their own food and a \vbole camping outfit, and they must be able to withstand temperatures of -20 to -40 degrees and even lower. Raymond said Alaskan Huskies have webbed feet and are bulkier than Siberians. "They (Alaskans) are kind of like a draft horse in the dog world. "And they are very hard to control. They don't know when to stop." be said, admitting that he fell aft his sled several yean ago, but the dogs continued running the race trail without him. For his presentation, he brought one of his dogs. Lily, and harnessed ber to demonstrate how she prepares to race. Lily was immediately ready to go. bjt bar hopes were visibly dashed when Raymond removed ber harness to continue his presentation. Raymond said some people believe it is cruel to race the dogs, but they are bred with the racing spirit and the physical attribute* to withstand the cold and run fast He aba said, on occasion, a sled dog will simply refuse to run any farther, and there is nothing anyone could do to make it run. The driver is simply out of luck and has to rely on the other dogs. The Iditarod is a dangerous competition not only because ofthe severe temperatures, but because all kinds of surprises can emerge from the Alaskan Dr. Douglas W. Voters, D.O.S. and staff Beatrice Gel FTC* Hambter Rrtrica fVcnft ton ib-ton Tizza^utter '933-5570 ::'.•'•;-' " < 1 K | AKf Jlor.1 .Apr.! Jlpr.1 Jlpr. 1 f Dufrpaki ____ J^r.4 Jean Cnamw ...... Jpr. 4 ....Ja. < DawlUunan Dale tote Ssfidri Rebncer ---- Jlpr.i JadtCsto Crtaori 4*. 2 John 1 Guer ....... Jlpr. < TtarosEtaai JjJf.2 SoahBnxQa ....... Jijjr.4 JohnWbo DebteVSneky Uarj Brth Prideao ..fcr.2 Srija Biter Juiuthuu Copny .... Jlpr. 4 Tin Carrion ST. EenartLormce .. Jjir.2 CtraflneHsra JX« Jpr.2 JtprS Sinft iCTmeyer RuftGMrtner Jfcr.2 ifeoo tSGsndemoca JJJT. 5 Rmatt Bate Wiyw Bunn ....... -Apr. 2 Therm Dietoian — Jpr.5 ItoyWmdra ....... Jjtr.3 EXcrtHofetner ...Jpr.S torfent OndKtin ....Jjf-3 ii^ Artrr.ifijfi IJH .»., J/y. 5 • The owner of a pool on the southeast corner of Cove Beach has until June to correct the problem of encroaching eight feet on city property. After the correction, a fence will be erected. e Elaine Weber from Safety Town was present to explain the nooa for the $750 requested from council. The chock will bo issued. e Harbontone Inn has been sold. Within two weeks, final papers will be signed for a new restaurant and bar. e Council repealed the ordinance relating to enowplow licensing. Snowplow operators had to be licensed, but tnU requirement is no longer. / NOW ' sf RVING'ALL of. AVON L A K E Orujm.-il .incl Only RBymond transports his team in this vehido. and Best Wishes to our patients & friends from Hearings set for SL zoning • Mayor Gary Mingee Issaod two pzodomatioiu. On« went to pharmacist • tKnlel Haradem, Jr. who was inatrumaalxl in txving the life of a parson whom h* noticed we* having breathing difficulties whan ha called hi a pnscriptioQ^ Handam alerted the rescue •quad who came to the person's aid. Th» secoad proclamation declared ''April ufflamonalmonth for those paopia kUlad as a mult of alcohol-related mffic acddanU. TtU proclamation u la daw attentioa to the fact that people in itill driving whileintpxicatod. ''•' • Again, Mayor Minna requested volunlMn to give about thiw hours of Mrritt to the dty by being part of a n?Iaw board on the water ratal. Inlwwted people ara urged to call City -HalL wilderness including a moose running ^ out of the forest. ™ Many students wanted to know whoji 3 Raymond was going to enter the g Iditarod. He explained that the kind of "*. competitions he enters are not long-dis- §3 tance. but sprint racing. Plus, he would f have to live year-round in Alaska in ** order to work ths team year-round, he g said. " S Since the dogs lan easily get overheated. Raymond does not exercise them when the temperature dips below 50 degrees. Ohio summers can be difficult on the dogs; Raymond mates sure they have plenty of water, and provides cool surfaces for the doei to lio oit during those dog days of July. UtJafiettanB ..... Jpr.3 Rebccci Aradt WiterBmtar ...... Jflf.3 Kiflij Kamps ScattWucd RdyQeno ........ Jter-3 Randy IGcU ....... -ta.3 ttrtiieBo^a NaQBty Jflr.8 Jlpr. B Jjr.S Jjr.5 Jjjr. 5 Tmflhj CorTtm jtgr.S ...Jtor.5 ...Jlpr.5 JLpr. S Family Dental Care • Cosmetic Smile Design Dover Junction Mall * Learwood Square OOO-198O - 933-327O Design is like writing music -.you just do it and yon know when its rightl Ttaft V« (taiga i* ID about liking tteetsea^efioinst^ wdefiB*acia| to naan{lay ^ .poffluj it ^°*i.ftaia .eve^ooe etaBeatify. U become your single source for all your V I: S I Ci J \N I S I F*t)A 1 G| WE DELIVER. Buy I 3 5 - I 2 fi 1 * Sell * Trade Lionel N HO K-Line RAILROAD VIDEOS My business is helping protect your business. Regardless of the size of your business, adequate risk management Is essential As a Grange agent, I can provide the professional risk management your business requires. Grange offers a variety of business Insurance plans that can be tailored to meet your needs. CaH or visit soon and let me put my experience to work for you. Bob Allen Gift CerUfkntj-» Arallable S TRAEKS SELF STORAGE Ston tern In A Prt«t« Cwc«W * 5(^1 Endowd Ana It YouKMpTtwtby Model Trains & Supplies YourpartnerInprotection Fiin Tlrm L*»*t AtMxtant I BUY 814CenterRd Avoa OLD T?ATWCi (BL 831 The Eaitend Ti»ii) In the old feedmill ^""^ 998 Avon Baldan (Bt-- 83} Avon. Ohio BOB ALLEN - 1 mile north of 1-90 Dcuni* Brecse, Owner LIONEL INSURANCE AGENCY, INC 33399 Wilker Rd., Avon Lake 933-5223 «S,nil7;TH,l,)KT?;foito^WF^S-l'™WW'W*W-J/#'* ON YOUR LOCAL COURT DOCKETS ESTATE PLANNING Wills • Trusts • Guardianships Living Wills • Durable Power of Attorney • Survivorship Deeds AVON LAKE UUMCIPJU. COURT Wesley Shaw. 2617 McKWoy. Loraln. was fined J500 and sentancsd to 30 days In JaQ on a char™ ol driving wider susfwnston, wtlh $250 of ffw fw» and Ba wntsnca datsnd. Ha was afio finod (SO tor tpewUng. Brian W. Suits, 279 Avon BakJen Rd., Avon Lake, was fined S2SO and nntencad to 30 days In {aQ on a chaiga of driving undar suspension, with the sontanca deferred- Ha was also fined S25Oon a ctaraa ol possessing Daoal/ncttttout Bcsnse plates. H» was atso fined $50 on a plate registration violation. Adam C. Buchanan, 3001 Storwy Rldga Rd., Avon, was finod $250 and sentenced to 30 days In Jaa on a charga of dttcrtwfy conduct-poislstIna wtth tha aomanca and the fina auspendod. ftcherd K. Co», 2O5 Lear Rd^ Avon Uke, was flned $100 for possession of marijuana. Mohammad A. Najar. 113 Bay RUoc Aw.. BrooWyn. NY, was finod $85 tor speeding and $25 on a seal belt violation. Fined S£0 on charges of speeding were Ga/y E. Msfflngty, 5658 Winding Creak. Woat Chester, and John C. Smith. 208 Inwood BhrtL. Avon 934-6543 W* Wisteria Way • Avon. Ohio Laka-Rnrd $50 on open container chargas wan Joo H. Aim. 4268 HoB Aw.. Sheffield Laka, and Krnnoth E Gilbert. 4331 Hoi Avi.. ShaJBald Uiifl. Tanv S. Ractor, 4O29 Dunton Fbl, Lorakx wt* finjd $50 on a charga ol dtsorieriy conduta. Fredartcfc S. She(v«y JL. BS23 Laka A«., Byria. wu fined $100 on an insecure load charge. Fined £60 for speeding were Jamte Aaiakian, 210 Cove, Avon Lafca. and E. Sean Rtzganld, 219 Inwood. Avon Laka. Brian W. Caco. 2249 Primroaa L/u Avon, waa fined S50 on a reaaonabto control vtataton. Bonnie Henwnaf. 33835 Lake Rd, Avon Lain. was flned $45 on a taflure to ytold vkaiaflon. Many Marth. 322BO Laka Rd, Avon Laka. wa* Bnad $45 on a reasonable contro) vtoteSon, Sharon t_ Sheets, 120 Beck Rd-. Avon Lake, WHS flned $45 on an assured dear Distance vitiation. Carol L. Fortrtzzto, 33315 Uka.FUl, Avon Lake, was finod $40 on a trafHc cortroJ devtea/rign vfaiaSon. ;.Et'Cetera Explore the Caribbean aboard a Tax Ship. 6 & 13 Jay Caribbean adventures. [j£t .Cetera' Sheffield Lake city meetings SHEFFIELD LAKE—The following meetings will be hold throughout tha month of April: • Wodnoiday. April 3 - Planning Commisaion. 8 pjn. • Thursday, April 4 - Building & Lands Committee, 7 p-m.; Ordinance Committee. B pjn. 9 Monday. April 8 - Park Board. 8 pan. • •niesdny. April 9-Dty Council, 8 pan.; Board of Control. Op JU.• O Thursday, April 11 - Economic Development Committoo, 7^0 pjtu • Monday, April 15 - Board of Trusteei/Qvic Cantor. 7 pan. • Tuesday, April 10 - Parks & Recreation. 7 pan.; Finance ft Claims. 8 pjn.; Coundl work sosalon. 0 pjn.: Board of Control. 0:30 pjn. • Wednesday. April 17 - Northeast Lorain County Social -Servicw (moots In Civic Center), 7 pjn.: Zoning Board of Appeals, 8 pjn. " • Tuesday. April 23 - UtiUties & Insurance, 7 pjn.: City Council, 6 pan.; Board of Control, 9 pan. For man information caS your trawl agent or 1-300-327-2601. . winajamtner.cont Dept. S318 Avon Lake city meetings AVON LAKE — The following committoo meetings are planned for this woek and next woek: « There will be another joint cession of the Special Employee and Human Resources cammlttaas on Thursday, April 4, at 5 p Jn. in City Hall • Public Service Committee will meet Wednesday, April 10 at 4:30 pjn. in the service and engineering building. • Iron Committee will robot Wednesday, April 10 at 7:30 pjn. in the Old Firohouso. - Phillip Schneider is the PRESS Carrier of the Month for January. Phillip, 15, serves customers on Frodoricksburg and Electric Boulevard in Avon Lake and has been a carrier since September of 1992. A 10th-grader at Avon Lake High School, his favorite subject is biology. When he is not in school, Phillip's hobbies include soccer and collecting baseball, football and basketball cards. Phillip has a brother, Rob, and a sister, Lisa, and is the son of Bob and Chris Schneider. The PRESS congratulates Phillip on making Carrier of the Month. His customers commend his prompt service and.are glad to have him as their carrier. American Heart11 Association. VIDEO tazfcr. "t 'A , ! I I i I I I i Trust your heart The American Heart Association. Since 1924 woVe sponsored lifosaving education programs and funded more than $13. billion in research. Other organizations may copy us, but they cant hold a candle to our heart and torch. To loam more, call 1-800-AHA-USA1. I i 'SINCE 1951 I I MONEYTO STRANGERS Thisjpace provided is a public Mfvee. O1M5. American KaartAttoclaHon numbers and deadline dates, it's no wonder we only misplace minor items like our car keys. As we get older, we do tend to forget SOCIAL things thai occurred recently. However, there are many ways you can improve CONNECTION your memory. One way is to maintain a daily routine. Repetition helps to reinBy Lisa Burmebter force behavior pattarns. Another idea is to get out and socialize! Conversation with others stimulatps the mind to think and you can learn new things Does this situation sound all too from others. Exercise your memory and familiar? You walk out tlia door and recall abilities by doing crossword puzyou realize that you have forgotten your zles, playing cards or board games. !f car keys. You go back into the housg you find that you are having frequent and aftor some searching, you finally and^serious memory lapses, or perhaps find them on the end tahla in the living having difficulty learning new facts or room. You turn around to leave again you feel disoriented, confused or and half way to your destination you depressed, do not hesitate to talk with find that you have loft the list and your doctors about these things. coupons for tha grocery store on the P.S. You know the story in the first kitchen counter! At the grocery store paragraph about forgetting the keys, the you are in tho checkout fine and find list, the checkbook, etc.? It is really a that the checkbook is also at homo with true story. It happened to me recently tho list and the coupons. You leave the and I am only 30 years old! store to go home and of course, you If you have an interest in the theater, cannot remember where you parked the LCCC is sponsoring an off campus class car! By now, you are convinced you at the Emia Senior Center entitled. have the Beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease! Am I wrong? This History of American Theater. This class scenario founds familiar - right? Relax! will begin April 11 and meet for three You do not have Alzhaiinor**. You care wooks. Tho cost is 518 and will be • experiencing something that happens taught by Avon Lake's vory own Bob Solon. To register for any of those class; to all of us - forgBtfiilnaai>.- We livo In a world in whicu we must es, call Lorein County Community ramembtJT o groat deal of information at College at 308-4087. Freo Art Show: Don't miss the Spring all times and It is not uncommon that our memory banks get overloaded occa- Art Show beginning April 3 at tho sionally. Telephone numbers, address- French Creek Nature Center. Sou Clela ,«, social AQCurity numbers, automatic Stelnickifc portrayal of wildflowars. taller machine cooes, and birthdays are streams and lighthouses. This beautiful fust a few examples of Information wo art exhibit will be on display until must ramombcr every day. If you nacd April 22 form 8 ajn. - 4:30 pjn. and it to know computer passwords, fax and isFREE. SENIOR Avon Lake choirs rated superior -On Saturday, March IB tho Avon Lake -High School Chorale and Acappella Choir, undor the direction of William G. Zarfcoy. earned Superior ratIngs at tho Ohm Music Education Association District IV Choir Competition at Parma Valley Forge High School District IV includes the western half of Cayahooa County and matt of Loraln County, the Chorale and AcBBpolla Choir eacn performed a 20 •minute concert before an audience and throe O.MJJA. sanctioned adjudicators followed by a lightsingtag performanco before tha slghtreadlng judgo. The Chorale flntorod the contiist In Claas *AA" which Is the classification of the moat difficult music and earned four straight superior ratings. The selections performed included: "Avo Maria" by Tuniaso Victoria. "Tho May Night" by Johannes Brahms, and "Auormn1* by Hugo Alfvon. Those pieces wore chosen from a list of "AA" classification selections published for contest by the OMEA. The Acappella Choir entered the contest In Class "C." The selections performed Included "Cantata Domino** by Jay Althouflo. "All Ye Who Music Lovo" by Donato. and Tho Ash Grove" by Linda Spovacek. Rob Schneider accompanied tho choir on piano and Julie Hournor played tho flute. Soloists in Tho Ash Grove" wore Aimoe Brudar and Shelly McKay. The O.M.E.A. District Choir Competition U approved by the North Central Committee of Ohio and tho Ohio Association of Secondary School Principals. Area churches to get 'faith lifts' The members of the Avon Lake United Church of Christ have recently given their Christian Education/Sunday School wing and nursery a now faith lift" Murals which were hand painted on the walls, have created a cheerful environment for all of "God's children" to enjoy. This was an upliftIng project orchestrated by Maureen Weir and Jeannie Foutz which brought together the entire congregation. The Avon Lake United Church of Christ extends a gracious welcome to everyone to attend worship and enjoy their worm and friendly atmosphere. Services and Sunday School arj offered at 9 a-m. and 11 am. every Sunday at 32801 Electric Blvd., Avon Lake. Child core is also offered for infants end toddlers under two years of age in their newly decorated "Noah's Nursery." Be sure to stop in for your "faith lift" today! Social Seen Saturday night "Allvo" noon with a caierad href) whEcfi cottt $5.75. Raaorvattons tor Aa maal an raqulrvd and may ba mada wfffi Si> Wemort at 934-4445 by April 7. Alt adults over SO an woJcomo. Tho program. *Rutala at • Glanc*. Communism to cipttalsm- wO to pnsonud by (jury Lofcai. Lolul was • number of an excKango program Jrrvcrvlng 100 American *tudentv and ton toscharflsadare who vfaltsd Russia horn June 22 tfsouoh JJy 23,1005. The purpose of tfw program was to promott buoar mutual undontindlng wfffi tht hop* Of mtHnrj oaslar th» maintaining of paae» bshM*n tho two nafiona. ,;*., Avon lake Baptist Church, 321 Lav Rood, win to presenting an avaninQ of ttw contemporary ChrtsUan music foalurtng Jamia and Angle Flanagan. Sound Foundation. Salvation and Light Woria on Aprfl SO til 7 pjn. Raf rBshmema wtu ba available. Admission Es fr*a. however, a fn>« wilt offering win ba accapttd. Robelo "visit" Russia Autunvi Rab.Ja wDlbo Umvofing to Huastn via armchair at BJ» Tuacdiy, April 0 moating at Tho Bam. 37711 DeiioH Road. Tha mooting begins al Discover TORANtl Join Us For Our Dally And Evening Specials •WestUke's Little Italy* Authentic Italian food Open For Breakfast Mon. thru Fri. 7 a.m.-11 a.m. Chocs* from 25 Posits. Moil. Chicken &.St«ak entre*s and « Uuge selection of fine wines •Ritodlnttttlbplan Rottavjmtstntha OraUndAraa Saturday 7 a.m.-Noon Sunday 9 a.m.-l p.m. • Fcanrtd on Channel 3 News Now Opei; for Lunchl - FrirJjiy 800 & Erio at Fionas Ave. 280-2211 Opan at 11 BJK. hr Uneh and OfeMT Gnat Patta* * cibwrw* « 8M«el«Ky Dtoin«r» «mny;*lz*Plznvr ~,. d • PUa • LiUtfria -,.,Karen A Jim Loflln - PropiWore , wtthanyoUiw RMtauranl Not AfflTlatid Affl EVERY FRIDAY LAKE ERIE PERCH HOOTS: Monday tf«u Mdiy lunch I IJO-3.-OO • OWW» « JO- 1 ftOp It.ir < hm'il Nuiul.'i\ \ K I Mt.. \ \ U \ I \ K I *»M U H ( 7 27C2S CMt«r Ud»> Bd. • Ufeottete • D92-O30O •Good Food Rich ° Charlies = Lear Road Inn * SENIOR HAPPY HOUR 3-4 RM. HAPPY HOUR 4-7 RM. NEW DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS 76t d&ofatc Poxfy W « •Bilto •S*ven •Homo For Tho Holidays •Babo *Opor»tion: Dumbo Drop 'GoodSpirits • Wt How.imp! ON SAVE Join III For "Grumpy" Hoar 3 * 6:30 pm Mon-Fri WITH THU COUPON A Red Tavern in the torn' Ikmllnt-ll tm NOW FEATURING 5 DAY RENTALS 10% of Thousands of Movivs & Games i Do«i not Induda alCDhoUc bwMraon j and cannot ba comCtoMl wttri any i otn*r coupon or discount cardi. 11-10 1» Buonlahe 933^895 32485 LokoRd. Avon Lake $339730 ! VIDEO ysuwiD.'iunoooioiua-ra-ntt BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL BRIEFS Dr. Lynn Chrismer, M.D. Maithow HIava Susan Schflling Columbus. He is certified in internal Schilling earns CfiS designation medicine and holds a Certificate of Susan Schilling, an Avon Lake realAdded Qualification-Geriatrics. tor, has been awarded the Certified Dr. Chrismer ir a member of the Residential Specialist (CRS) DesigAmerican Medical Association (AMA). nation by the Residential Solos Council Ohio State Medical Association of the Realtors National Marketing (OSMA). Lorain County Medical Institute, an affiliate of the National Society of which he is president-elect Association of Realtors. and the American Geriatric Society.He Schilling is a sales associate with is on the Medical Advisory Board of Smytho. Cramer Co., 3 2020 Walker New Life Hospice and of Med Wise (a Road. Avon lake. She is a member of primary care geriatric medical piactice the Loraiu County Association of at EMH Regional Medical Center). He Realtors. She is also a director on the formerly served as medical director of board far her association, Brown Memorial Nursing Home and Logan Elm Nursing Home, both in Eiyrla Methodist announces Circloville. Ohio. Former Medical Director, Roger new Medical Director BaldozjQ. will be the admitting physiDr. Lynn Chriamer. M.D. will assume cian at Elyria United Methodist Village. the dutlos of Msdical Director for the Elyria United Methodist Village, 807 .Ely/ia Unitod Methodist Village effecWest Avenue. Elyria, is a complete tive March 4. retirement community with over 350 Dr. Chrismor. o graduate of Ohio Independent and nursing residents. State University Medical School, did Tho Village is celebrating its 100th his residency in internal medicine at anniversary this year. ML Cannol Medical Contor in New Co-manager at 84 Lumber 84 Lumber Company announces the appointment of Matthnw Hlayj Jo Comanager ot the 64 Lumber store in Marysville, Ohio. The now Co-manager graduated from Avon Lake High School in 1990. He is the son of Robert and Anita Hlava of Avon Lake. Hlava. a native of Avon Lake, started with the 84 chain in August 1994 at their Pataskala. Ohio store. He, his wife. Lucinda. and daughter. Brlana. are residing in Columbus, Ohio. As Co-manager of the store. Hlava is responsible for store operations including sales and inventory control 84 Lumber Company is the nation's largest, privately owned lumber and building supply retailer, with 373 stores nationwide. Continental named awards finalist The finalists in the 1996 Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association's Image Awards have been announced. The competition, which is open to cable system members of the OCTA. honors excellence in local program- ming and production. Continental Cab lev is ion's Wast of Cleveland oraration. based in Elyria, has been named a finalist in Government Affairs Programming and Customer Information Programming. Award winners will be announced at the 1996 Image Awards ceremony on April 1 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus. Nick Clooney ol American Movie Classics will serve as emcee for the event, held In conjunction with the OCTA's 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting. Diamond Pin recipients at Know/ton Knowlton Realtors would Ilka to congratulate the following agents on receiving their Diamond Pin Award. The Diamond Pin Award is given to those agents who did over a million dollars in production far 1905. It is ihtt most prestigious award given to Knowlton agents. Local Knowlton Realtors agents who were recognized wen Bill Schram, Jr. and Dobi DeChant, bath of Awn Lake. Thomas Perdak (contar). president and CEO of Strongsvilie Savings Bank, introduces tho staff members of the bank's new Avon'Office. At the right hi the picture is Timothy Gossman, manager of the branch'and former managor ol the North RidgevillQ Office. • Vot career day at OSU • Ohio Siato University wtQ be holding a VWorfnaiy Corner Day and Hospital tour on Saturday, April 20. at me Columbia carnptn. Tho program win begin at 10 «jn. and repeat again at 130p.m. The program conelsta of a tfscuuion of admissions proceduree and requirements, an Introduction to present and future opportunJHoa In the veterinary flald, Ittm and slide presentation* end a guided tour of the OSU Veterinary Motpftal. To get more Information, please caD ue at tno Avon Lake Animal Clinic. 933-5297. Cleveland B92-37O0. Lake Shore Women meet The LeJce Shore Women's Club win meet April 10 at noon In the Gallery Room ot the Avon Lake Presenting the only life insurance plan you may ever need! NorienwicU'i MuW-TUx Uf* giw you rhv R..pbi1iiy lo dst-Qn a plan to fit your specific neadi and odju*l ihot plan oi your lifetime raadi change. • • • • OwtCB of J»w invnhnenl oolloni TcutUhrraci occumulalkmt FlciiU* premium* Fomily wcuriV 1.90 EXIT 183 MILLS RD. £AXT* Sm|],Pf .WOwn,, LINDA MURPHY PHOTOCRAPHCR Op.JttOfl Studio portraits in tbe comfort of your home, garden, or stable. WANTED FrelghtJIner Conventional 80" Sleeper Model FLD - 360 Cummins. 9 ipd.'uen*.. eir deflector, side extenders, power steering, side skirting, air conditioning, mtsad roof, perfect small fleet edd on/or owner opera tor truck. 953-3877 HAIR CARE CEHTZR MM THE WHOUENUUULY •Six Second Billing •One Plus Dialing •Great Intro on Calling Cards *24 Hour Operators *Easy Billing •No Minimum Usage •Absolutely No Obligation \ONLYREQUIKEMENTIS YOUR SIGNATURE NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Lorain County Tnnslfe new Dlal-A-Ride. brochure la now available lor dtetrtnraon. The new bfochum htahJightt faroboi and tdwduBno tnfcwmaflon of al of tts epactonjed aervtce programs, twain Cmrty Tnunire OlaJ-A-RMe progrome ore ovaUable » wntora and penana wBi dsabafde* In Lorain County on a caJHor cental basis. For • copy of the new breefiure comet Us. Debbie Uohr. Poralran«a Coordnaior. at (216} 233-7868. Lorain or (216) 320-6645. EJyria. 34439 Milts nd., N. Ridgajville. Ohio (218} 35W223 J££E'.ESL« ^AVEUPT030%ON YOUH LONG DISTANCE 'PHONE BILL' LARRY VAN DER OORD Dlal~a-Rlcto brochure available ALLEN TRAILER SALES CORP. CoD our Aowwy far o fn« pro»p»etu* mot provide* more tompl»to information, including charg**, ten, and oxpem** B«od ir carefully before yoM irw«*l or tend mon«y. 183 Lear M.. Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 Public Library. Program vriS bo •Commtrtty RetourDB Center" by Marge CaMns. Kow member! a/« mi« weioarM. Chabrnanlf Kay Lewie «Hh hoete«Ma Pnyffie UcQlrna, HaUn SJuwerand Bwrtce Goodwin. CaU 930-2686 and Start Saving! llWs Is no gimmick.. .1 am a 4 0 year resident of Avon LakeJ T 933-3251 HAIR • NAILS -TANNING ^Easter Specials $5 OFF FUU SET ACRYLIC NAILS $ fUrj. 5 00 MATRIX OFF PERMS MEN'S JUp. 8-38.00 33M3 LAKE KOAD-JtWN UKE (Hut te 5. leadership Trairung • All group laadart andtoachcnare required to tab tm following training courm: a. Our Church in Miniitry b. Knowing Your Bible c. Undaritonding Diia Dodr'ne In addition, aft hsochen imnt tat* tfme ipeoiol OVistian Education counei: o. Your Sunday Schcd at Vfcrt b. McaJering riw MtfhoA Age I***l handboob to bo aJudiod in conjunchon w* the above auuna. N At emoi Ml. onow ••* a 1H*. fmi nm M tt rirf* Uwti*toSlUtkfc In. Mlfetaw,W^ Ui hew* DanU Into, Wdte HmU, hkvt tarn*, ^^ ^^ R*v. John M. Bunn*y Sttilor Factor * , Pastor Bunney has earned an international pjpif, having minbtered in Central and South ' America, trie Middle East, Africa, India, Russia, and Europe. . He has sarvnd for almost 20 years as a • presbyter of In* Ohio District council of the Auamblies of God, white postoring churches in Ohio. 6. Home end fonury feflcwihip • One very important minion oftf>echurch b to help build ifrongfanuK-unih. ft b a fed *iaf more tm hoff of Anwrican divorct. whh die reJHng bmbtnfomJJM-ftb ebo a tact rfir* fJarm people ore turning to drvgi and uicick Our nJion b in froubbi W», at OVnSon wdl do our ubnotf to oHor blip to rfie famiGos of our surrounding cammv*dieL CXir Hamu and ramify FeSowJup onV* cfcni dnomicnt on topic* deigned to bind up ihe brnlen hearlad, itrer^hen the faltering, and to mend and enrich marriage*. Temperament itudin ore omnd to Wp men and women understand each aeW. R*c^ ii:. Oidd rearing court** wsD be offiered Thnui wi9 include oge U«J help*: birth troughtooVJer;elementary age chilrlran; pretooni, and young adubi. AD of Ine obowt wifl be done in small, iniormal group irftingi to encourage openheartod diicuuian. Thoie in need of vncouragemanl and prayer wifl find it in &ete Mtowihip grouot. 7. Youth Ministry - An exciting, thriving ministry gets teens actively involved in their faith. Thii induoSt Bible study, drama and music miniitries, participation in national fine ortt festivals, fund railing activities For missions, district and national youth conferences, camp, just plain fun, and positive pew pressure. CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES Bibb CIa» • tJilo lessons om designed to meet tW needs. sluQi, and intmih of each aga group. In nonary and prmdiool dcirei for instance, riie emphatis b on skifli: interoding wjlh other children; snoring toys and tools; and siHing sKB far tiory time. WB want to moke church a pleasant experience for afl of our children. Christum Heritoge was tntabtished in Avon under his leadership in 1979. The new facility will be ready for occupancy in the spring of 1997. '* Church • While parents worship in thb sanduory en Sunday momtfig, (hair children from 3 to 1 2 year* of oge enjoy Children's Owrch. The worship end ojrriculuni ani varied and exciting, tf God hod mlended young children to lit stifl tar " long periadi of time, he would hove adjusted iheir energy lavel tor Rxtf land of behavior. Our children sing lively choruses; Gsten to Bile storm; learn obou) minions, ploy (euon related gomes, and do lauon raided handwork They hove puppet progrorm in wfech UBUCAL GOALS fOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ihey may portidpot* - oB rjuoronlted to tpefl 'enjoyobl* learning." They will also ret *•« introductory Coining in musk. They can use rhythm Onit£on Heritage Atumbfy of God presents on educational program dxrt mates ample instruments at chorus fimu (or when *ey can't sit tfiH}. Th^ may want to parficipole in ' pranuon far aB hJy dwkotod beKevgrs who wish to develop lhaV full potential in the ^UHcSertrcirioWoytJn^Tfwycan'oi^ariirflm^ faith. Th» program U designed to incJuda every facet of Chridian life. Since we aWlobscrve HaBowetn, children's -runittars provide o Harvett P»1y tor *w young ones as an ab»mQtive evening of ccahjme*. g<Bn«^lr«oh,Qndprii».'Alr UVC'N LEARN fELLOWSWPSf OR ADULTS 4w annual church picnic, childran hove pony rides, supervised play, and just Irw ploy time w!* tmr bnt fnends. Afl of Ah toppeJ off wi*i barbecued nos, d»dfc«n and every bod tfiol Ae mind con wnogine. • • . 1 . Pint 1Wn0f Writ • This rfets U sfcudured 10 that iwwoarneriiTwy enter at any time onJ nan* fa (ul raring of teaching1 oonoiming the funoonantali of die Chri»Hon foilh. . 3. UiHcol Knowledge • Tbughl by ihe senior poiJor and uleeted iro*ucton, these from finl grade *woug>> high school, tocicW young Q^ the exsWal* of Chris&in tubjiob om fa* leriotn ftudenb of tf» Kbl». Tn»/ or*taughton an advanced IM! and worwinnood The gi A earn merit boc^ tar corrytoir^tf^ indudK • program*. While the design b similor to Girl Scouh, tfte Mbswnelto program h ft^Ie BibbSurwy Boob of the Bible People of ihe Bibl* cantered, b mdudei a specid seofion for preschool boy* and girU whidi prepare them Bid- Doctrine* PenWeuoS 7heGc*p*b to enter MissioneHw and Royal Rangers when they reach tehoolage. TWCpiuUt HiitorieoJBoob Prophecy The Royal Rangers program h similor to Boy Scout* in structure. TVw boyi carap 3, Uwrt-Twm Bectivwi - 7he» tubjeds are ehoien to round out ihe believar'i out, attend disfrid and national roJEet, earn merit bodge*, and Uam *e prinapl« of undntomfng of Ae Knodom of God; fe origin; ih ploc* in fcria/i world, and the Christian living. MmoneWe* and Royal Bangen meet an Sunday evenbg. Our goo) i* to provide Church Kitlory ffihin we've been) our chikinm wi* positive peer pmture frwr. cradb to colege. We wont them tob* The Church in Current Evwh (Wnere we're going) strong in their fei* and their oflegianue to ihe toed churck They vn? U thoroughly Tfw Asumbliu of .God in Mtuians trained in rfie principlei of ChrisSon tving. As the church p/tjwi,niorec^c«rc!uIaV*n wiBporlicipaleindslrictandnaliordraUieiandccmpe^ experience* help BiJtLond* Peal and Prownt them to realize lhat fce Church it more »wn ftWr tacol church, ft a a company of . bdic*en too numerous to count. Knowing fts wiO ttrengeSen ihwn in fce to* bacouse required to participate in ih* foeowing training coiJne whioS p«1dn to lr«V porficulor they wifl realize that ihe Kmndom of God i> real, and is a powwM farce (or good i area* of twice. world. Theie proorqmi are both nofionol and iraemaeonol. They iinve -*Aww*r VVonwi'iMiAi*i« Miwionilte NuoeryMmntry Auembliei of God churchei and mission itahans am ettoblishecl MUnsMniilriM Royal Rang»n Kidpleihip Training OulaW* MWdn«i Ag* U-el Training 1WS4JL 4:30 PJt Smol Grw^ Ucdmhip CHU5T1AN HIWTAO1 b curr«n»*y t«taded on HM north ifal* of th« InMrMcften of Rout* 93 ond Owitejr toad In Avon, its now leertton wtH ba noor iho touthwoct cornw of Ch»t*r Rood and Route S3 fating InMrstato I «O. far Wormoltsn you may coH 316/937-6336 borwoon 8:3O ajn. and 4:30 pjn. MOUL-IOJOUt 7JOPJL Ut Prices Good W«L, AprB 3, 1996 thru Tu»«v Aprilfl,1996 WlfUffOtl TlM KoM *• LMt OuMriUiw Ami C*m«t TypogropWod bran w O • 453 AVON BBUMN ROAD, AVON IAKB ! Opeit Regular Hpurs Stqrttas faster Sunday, • r." '_. ' -* ' ' ' ' - . _,'_ I _ _ . • « • • n 4. ht Daily ill Certified Angut Iwf Ri V.t Fall-Cut Round Steaks III Bflmor fakrfeh ROLLED ,. ^ RUMP S«©49 ROASTS....u. M$ GARLIC BOLOGNA. $1179 hfcridi ALL-MEAT BOLOGNA, 8^79 Turkey Breast Eckridt Cooked Ham Lb. si Semi-Boneless Half Hams $*-*9 Boneless Half Hams SUPREME HAMS Lb. Tcm-Cor MACARONI SAUVD.ii. Tavern Ham m - -••ifl <m LONCBORN CHEESE ASSORTED PORK CHOPS. *pur Own FRIED CfUCKEK TO CO U PC, BUCKET IS PC. SOCKET FISH-K-CHIPS ASSORTED PORK CHOPS Snudw't - Owe • Canal • loflmolA Sundae Syrup POPCOi^l CAKES Vlokltodw State Red Delicious Apples AH Veri*tl«* Candy Bar* 6Pk, Z DUX PICKLE.* BBQ SAUCE O«W Modal pi !;, i 1 - Flour OoUm RIPE BANANAS IDAHO POTATOES Krcft-AlVortwtfe* DRESSINGS SWEET ONIONS Von Camp PORK/ BEANS C Fr*$afane fakerief HOT CROSS BUNS «!f( fom E»n>1 LuHii SilirrM «/ Cta* t«4 Fwh Kn BATHROOM TISSUE Dairymen* 2%, 1%, Skim Milk Gallons PECAN ROLLS ?»i Avia 1.5 L, Inglenoofc i.s L Milt OnMdw • 1mA Own Ibic - Unh. <MSt • Vanilla • Swirl Mr. Cookie Face -AuFtarori ICE CREAM or YOGURT...i/aOAL 2/S 6Pfc. HAM LOAF Belden Road, A5pn Lake ' r,REAT SELECTION COLD BEER . WINE • POP : At State- Minimum Price ' Patio & Rattan Furniture Call 949-2689 QUALITY CLEANING AT AFFORDABLE RATES • We supply all cleaning materials • Same team will visit each time • Satisfaction guaranteed • Affordable & dependable • Residential & commercial • Move Ins & outs SPRING CLEAN A DIFFERENT ROOM EACH VISIT AlUPnctRatn! * Ow 100 Graopi Oi DliplnUJDT YM W«1 SM Jbqrvten Qu! * SALE! * OO $ Brown Jordan Tamlaml" 5 PC. Group ";::: •25-00 274.00 «• Hand Prof»»Ml Now Through April 30lh Average3bedroomhome/ $f Q Q*£ CLEAN SWEEP Personalized Cleaning3 Service ,GIRC«rUncatM I Avallabl* ~~ * vft*rm*~, - t ' *wJfflS£ I IJ**- I . ~"V Ucensed * Bonded * Insured Westlake's Largest S.-*/«?5 • Airr? - Service TQRO Dealership . CRICKET POWER EQUIPMENT, INC. 30582 Center Ridge Rd. • Wostlake (Batwoen CrocVir and Bradley Roadi) 835-4200 ^$749" Stock Or SpMUJ Ontor AtNoExtraCharg*! ftrF*mo» ftmrf **#n tan -HwyLJ*- Ijon EtollM 273M Lonln Road • N. Olmsttd, OH 44070 • 777-2848 On Lorain Rd. (Rl 10). Just wost of Groat Ncxlhem Man. Uoft-Frl. 10$, Sit 10-5, Sun. T2-5 • CfO4 Create a new look with easy-to-sew decorating projects ™ When you think of spring and sumn-mer. it's "hard not to think of the oul=£ doors — bright-yellow sunshine, wild£ flowers, crystal-blue waters. Now, you * can bring till wnnn feeling indoors fay 3 giving your homo a seasonal face lift j£ Wbetner it's for the kitchen, bathroom, Jjj living room or bedroom, Ihore are many . xways to incorporate iloms you hava sown into your decorating scheme. Sowing is a fun and creative way to express personal style in the home, according to the Sewing Fashion Council for the American Home Sewing and Craft Association. A few simple sewn items can make all the difference by turning an ordinary home into an extraordinary one. Visit your local fabric store to got a better idea of the wide selection of fabric*, patterns and nations available for home decorating. Color, texture and _„ print should bo inlcBp into consideration whan choosing fabrics to create an atmosphere. Bright, strong colors, like yellow or orange*, create a cheerful room, while print fabrics add a cozy affect. Textured fabrics add dimension and Interest Mixing solids, stripes and floral fabrics It very popular this season . end leaves a lot of room for creativity. If you era Having difficulty deciding on a style, bring a selection of fabric samples hmnp. ana drape them around the room to get a sanae of how thr fabrics work together with other itomiw like carpotIng and wall coverings. 3AEHE YOUBSELF IN LUXURY Tie latest trend hi home decorating is the designer bathroom sot in which everything coordinates — wallpaper with shower and window curtains. towels, tsat cushions, and just about . every accessory imRtdnsble- These sets are beautiful, but expensive when purchased wptritoly. Create your own designer cccessonos by sawing matchIngSbrlc. ribbon or trim on to » plain hand towel tor a fashionable loot A ahower curtain can be mada with but- tonholes sewn at the top lor easy attachment to hooks. Some other easy decorating Ideas Include adding fabric or ribbon to mirror frames, wastebaskets. tissue boxes or any of your own Innovative ideas. KITCHEN CAPERS Small detail* can make a big difference. With just a few yards of fabric and basic sewing skills, it Is very simple to give your kitchen a new look for summar. With your kitchen's current color scheme in mind, try incorporating a new color that will "rejuvenate" the room. For example, add yullow. red or green to a blue and white color scheme to brighten it up. Replace plastic place mats with serge-sewn quilted mats or plain appliance covers with some sewn in a fruit print Gingham, calico and chintz are great fabrics for napkins, chair covers, stool cushions and aprons. Also perfect for the kitchen are fabrics with barnyard prints featuring roosters or cows. Conversational prints, like teacups, are another sbowstopper in the kitchen. Youx family and friends will be impressed at this summer's rty when then- hastes*. "warns" tc ve it all together. - ' ' , K LIVING ROOM OR SUN ROOM? If you weren't blessed with a room that catches the afternoon sun perfectly or has just the right touch of comfort. create it yourself. Add style and comfort to the living room by sewing throw pillows or recovering old pillows with a bright, colorful fabric. Create the Ulusicn of a garden Inside your home by using a fabric with a nature-Inspired print when redecorating. Throw pillows, which can be sewn in a variety of shapes and sizes from simple to elaborate, add a touch of comfort to any room. Another great way to give a room on. updated look la to cover the walls with fabric. Choose the fabric for the walls first, and then build tha rest of the room around it. since wall coverings are such a dominant feature In any BEDROOM BEAUTIFUL Wake up and open your eyes to all the exciting patterns, fabrics and notions available for redecorating the bedroom. A duvet cover allows you to recover an old comforter with a refreshing new fabric. Not only is it simple to saw. but at the end of the season, it cm be removed, leaving the original comforter and giving the bedroom two completely different look). Duvet cavers allow you to utilize a variety of fabrics. so there's no need to choose just one. Don't forget draperies, valances, dust ruffles and lampshades, which ere also easy decorating projects to sew. Following am decorating tips from the Sowing Fashion Council for sewing at home: • If you are now to home sewing, buy a basic "how-to" book, and koep it dose by for easy reference. It will come in handy for measuring and determining yardage and for clarifying instructions. • Start vrlth one project, and use it as a focal point around which to build your decorating scheme. Leftover fabrics g»*n be used to make additional small coordinating accessories. • When shopping for fabrics, bring samples of your current wall colon and carpal to help you see bow the fabrics will coordinate with the colon already in the room. • Keep In mind that colors can chance the mood of a room — traditional dark colors, like hunter green and maroon, evoke a cozy feeling, while pastels and neutral colors create a calm ing atmosphere and bright colors, like lipstick red and orange, stimulate the senses. - • Consider the amount of sun exposure the room receives whan selecting window treatments. A sunny room, for example, may require lined curtains to SPRING SALE ALL GLIDDEN PAINT 50% OFF LIST* ensure colorfastness and prevent fading • When purchasing fabrics, buy ell tho yardage from one bolt as dye lots can vary. Check your measurements carefully to make sura that you buy enough fabric to complete the project. For more information about easy-tosew decorating projects, write to the Sewing Fashion Council, P.O. Box 650. Madison Square Station. Naw York. NY 10159-0650. Luxury fabrics and more coordination enhance bedroom While the popular "unmade bed" look Is still the most Important decorating style hi today's bedrooms, trendsetting ready-made comforter sets, window decor and accessories have taknn a now direction. More luxurious fabrics and rich colors, as well as an extensive selection of coordinated compooants. will add en elegant, dresaed-up character to almost everyone's favorite retreat. Part of the richness comes from the use of heavier-weight woven fabrics similar to upholstery materials. Many are being printed with a heat-transfer. technique that adds the multitones and greater depth of very expansive fabrics to the pallora. • A prime example IK Cotswold. an ensemble from Croscill Horns Fash-'. ions. Warm, muted mauvo, lavender;; pn*? peach tones and large. old-Iain-* ionoa blooms give the design an. antique quality. Designer Gregory . Davidson predicts that among current; fashion treads, "simple m!dtane • antique looks will becoma deeper, richer and even appear slightly worn." •; A free idea-filled booklet of bedroom decor is available by writing to DepL MB. Cntsclll Home Fashions, 261 Fifth Now York, NY 1001B. Personal Landscape & Lawn Sprinkler, Inc. 934-6898 New location: SSSSGOonKtoAnnm Sheffield VuTiff Utssl wot of Mffler BowD RESIDENTTAL-COMMEWCAL-CONDOMINIUMS Automatic Sprinkler Systems MOWING FERTnJZAnON PROGRAM SPRING CLEAN UPS LAWN AERATION LANDSCAPING LAWN INSTALLATION •IN STOCK ONLY Exclusively Jrom.. . . McoDMyouMVf MtTtrOOn^i to Aa ttum wtfvfli* to**. MULCH Offfring pmftaunal quality urvfca a affardaUt, comprtltlvt prtcn. Glidden PRING ABKI HOAI) I,UMBHH'CO. «i»d HOME CKNTKR Ifi.'i Aliiir Htf • SlifHMd I n k . ' 40 : UWN INSTALLATION UULCH INSTALLATION; i/r -892-1110 or 949-6111(,;".) —^ r^tki vii ^AV: , 0"»r good through H- ^AmmmmmmMw, A delight for the whole family The arrival of spring signals that everyone will soon be enjoying the beauties of nature - glooming flowers and greening shrubs and trees. Another natural beauty thil can be enjoyed within the home U ornamental fish. Tho fMrinal'"S mcvomonts. bright and distinctive colors, and various shapfls of omamontal fish arc a delight for the whole family. Enclosed porchos tCalifornlo or Florida rooms) ore ideal locations for goldfish aquariums- Goldfish, unlike tropical fl^. do not need a heated aquarium and aro a greet addition to spring and summer living. GoMlUh are fun and beautiful- In fact, a ttudy conducted by researchers at tha University of Pennsylvania In 1080 conclndad that watching ornamental fiah in home aquariums helps relieve stress. So, if you have iome extra space and would lite something your whole family could oa\oy. consirtmr an aquarium ornamental goldfish. Tb go about starting a goldfish aquarium, you will Erst want to localo a good dealor. If you have a friend who has an auarium, ask for a rafarenco: othertha phone, book lists most goldTropical fob are wann-Woodad and require * haatfid aquarium. Goldfish do fine In an aquarium vith a water temperature around 65 P. Whan visiting a tropical-fish store. gat on la's* of different siz&s of aquariums and th» type of equipment you will aaad. A goldfish aquarium should b* eovcnd with B reflector using fluoraicant lights, which do not throw off a tlfioiflcajit amount of host. In terms of a stand lor your aquarium. your dealer vriU have a selection, but • you also could consider building one to jnatcilhB decor of yotIT room..Thia is " wUUvely simple, but IM sure It'*; very 'Sturdy, since the weight of the aqusri"•um and water i* quite heavy. A good Idea Is to build an open stand out of twfrby-fcw* and then cover the • • trofil wltb decorative paaolins to match your r«m docot Laove the back open, 'kS tbp wiring :«nd;lulling from your aquarium^ pump tad filtar can be •torvd out cfiight " - l) In'adtlition to the reflector, you also will need a good filler, since goldfish art rithor mossy. Tha .Whisper Power Filter and Bio-Bag Filter Cartridge system U an easy w*y to maintain a crystal-dMT aqutrlum. Your dealer can : = ; helpwilb«wlecUon. Even thoueb you don t no»d a heater, •'v It's a good iua to use a thermometer to " mala sun the waier temperature does i not ri« beyond 80 R •; A nceat development iu.thermome: 1«r ladmehicy to tfitJIqnld crystal dioi" til thermometer, which affixes to the ; - outside of tha aquarium, yet ma&fure most accurately the water temperature. The Socondnature Acura liquid crystal aquarium thermometers are accurate to within 1 degree and can be read easily through the aquarium glass. If you are going to keep a lot of fish, you also will want a separate air pump in addition to the Elter to add more oxygon to tha water. A Whisper air pump ia good for this purpose and is quiet endlong-lasting. Decorating your goldfish aquarium can be great nin. There are multicolored gravels, highly decorative backgrcunos. hundreds of ornaments, as well as Plantastics plastic aquarium lants that are so real In reproduction X almost impossible to distinguish them from live plants. Most good retailers will have a complete assortmsnt. and your selection should bo basiKi on the siza of your aquarium and Ihe amount of money you decide to spend. Onco you have set up your aquarium, you should add a chlorine neutrolizer. like AquaSafa 2. to' the water and initially add only a few fish. These few fish will help develop the proper biological conditions necwsary to maintnioB fully stocked aquarium. After three or four weeks, assuming everything is functioning properly, you can goaneed and add the rest of the fish. Aquarium maintenance is much simpler than people think. Every two weeks, a partial water change (not greater than 20 percent), by siphoning the water from the bottom of the aquarium. i» ell that's required. A device called thn Hydro-Clean Gravel Cleaner allows efficient siphoning by separating the debris bom the gravel ana removing it with the water from the aquarium. On a monthly basis. your filtar will require minimal maintenanc'*. That's all tnsre is. Fallowina this simple routine, your goldfish wUl live a long and prosperous life. In fact, one of theblggest problems people have is spending too much time maintaining thoir aquarium. On a dairy baiis.galdfish should be fed a small quantity of a quality flake food or pellet, like TotraFln or Tetra DoroFln. Goldfish are truly beautiful end have been increejiiiB dramatically in popularity. There are many different body shape* and colors to choose from in a variety of pries ranges. They will survive at much lower temperatures and could be left In an unhttatod area for most ofthe year. ' Goldfish and tropical fun form we bails for a truly rewarding lifelong hobby - and one the whole family can enjoy. .. For more Information, write Tetra/Socondnalure, 3001 Commerce St. Blflcksburg. VA 24060-6671. for a free full-color starter booklet Including illustrations and complete information on 30 popular tropical fish. S You Can Enjoy a Northern Equity One of ' Credit Using the equity in your home gives you borrowing power unequaled in today's financial markets. A Northern Bqnily line is crantniait A Northern Equity line puts jou in charge lioUta credit cards a Ptoflhem Eqnftjr Hoc oflcrs wry compctahe rates that may even be ca deductible* V ' A Northern Equity line cm handle today's eoerecncto c - make tomorrow's dreams i reality CM* ,•••••»*» br*e*c «•* You dart taw IB at K fpa dool w« (o, ta «n«bB» JW hvb« » Nwitatm Bqnfef l^e OB Bjja || tbe (Bfrnncc. \lliai 700 be^o to count the wayi— N •AVWOt AUD LOAN COHMHY lurtta 244-3473 IkMODn BOUrUbM Orti.ail'MOB iWl I HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING FURNACE & SHEET METAL ULM 871-1030/871-3777 E ^I?^BP SERVING TBE WEST SIDE SINCE 1944 PRE SEASON SALES: $10.00 "* SERVICE CALL (Regular Price $28.00) Conwi mat bt prowled «l B COJJ. NOPAYMENTS FOR WITH Not 5 «U« •«•»»• MONTHS INSTALLATION OF CARRIER FURNACE OR AIR CONDITIONER (APR b«f4 «• I7Ji% - N« SUM! fc« -m» offer ll.lttd n IMUIM eifdll aHUcarti ««ly) Kot valid wtih any dher otfa Expim MfrM OFF $50.00 WITH INSTALLATION OF CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING b« pm-trf .1 C.OJ1. INSTALLATION ESTIMATED 'all Foi A f t?p Estimate 235-Yard (9273) Carrier 24 BOOR EMER.G2NCT OER.VICE Ten tips for creating a knockout kitchen la your kitchen boring and lifeless? If E y°ur kitchen needs help, don't worry. Countless *oIutiDns for creating "a I?00™111 tttchcn exiat. and most of them cm be accomplished in one weekend. Following are 10 tips for j enhancing and updating the look of your kitchen, 1. Flooring — i5ay goodbye to hardlo-clean floors. With Georgia-Pacific's EtoruaFloor™. the look of real wood combines with a biilliant. long-lasting finish of an extremely hard lacquer to give you an easy-to-clean, wear-resistant surface. EtarnaHoor easily can be installed directly over a variety of subfloors, including concrete, vinyl and wood. You won't ever have to worry about refiniihing. since this Ooor is virtually maintenance-free. Its prefinished topcoat offers shine and protection for years to coma. 2, Working Windows — Let the sun shine in your kitchen. Create a cozy window scat, or grow herbs right on your windowsilL It'a easv with Grand View® Viavl Windows from GeorgiaPacific. Designed to visually open any room* a garden or ubay window ensures mairirniim inaula an and lowest airinfiltration rates. 3. Moulding Migjc — Available in a wide variety of shapes and contours, Georgia-Pacific real wood moulding can add immediate drama to your kitchen. Customize your cabinets with moulding profile* along the tops, or odd panel moulding to flush cabinet and drawer fronts. Create on attentionfitting celling with a cluster of light* surroundt.d by moulding. Your dishwasher door even can blend in with a new moulding-framed front, glued in place with epoxy. And. it's easy to build an overhead pot rack with moulding to display ana store your wares at the same time. 4. A Fabulous Faucet — If you're looking for fashion appeal and valuepacked performance, then take a !ook at the wide selection of kitchen faucets available from Delta Faucet Co. These faucets come in a variety of finishes to match any kitchen decor and are known for their reliable operation. For instance, the Waterfall™^ elevated spout swings 360 degrees, so it's easy to clean large pots. Other convenient and timesaving accessories include a contemporary-style vegetable sprayer and updated soap dispenser. 5. Pro-hung Wallpaper — If you like the look of wallpaper, out don't want vo endure the hassle of hanging it. The Paper Works Collection® from GeorgiaPacific is the solution. Available in many different patterns, the attractive "wallpaper" prints are mounted on plywood paneling sheets for easy application. Simply nail the 4-foot-by-6-foot panels onto the wall, and cover the seams with matching saam tape. No more hassles with messy wallpaper paste, matching up seams or smoothing out vyrinkloa. This collection also features designer-style border* with a peel-off back that can be used by themselves or to further enhance The Paper Works Collection, G. Organized Coaldna Utensils — Now. you can find exactly what you're looking for without rummaging through your "junk drawer" or hunting through cabinets. Cover the top half of a wallwilh a perforated hardboard. like Clutter Cutter® from Georgia-Pacific. Attach small books onto the boles in the board, and hang your cooking utensils, measuring cups, small pots and pans. Everything you need will always be right at your fingertips. 7. Tempting Tiles — Decorative tiles can add a splash of color and design to countertops, bat-ksplashea or even the floor. There are lots of sizes, colors and shapes to choose from, but one constant remains: You'll need to install a stable, moisture-resistant base beneath the tile. Georgia-Pacific's Dens-Shield® Tile Backer installed underneath tile helps prevent moisture damage to the subfloor or wall cavity. - 8. "Green" Appliance* — If it's time to replace appliances, you may want to remodel "green." That doesn't mean green-colored appliances, just ones that are more environmentally friendly. According to Whirlpool home economists, your best bet whan it comes to buying a new refrigerator is one of the new 3995 CFC-free systems, which beat 1993 federal efficiency requirements by as much as 41 percent. The newest dishwashers also are more energy-efficient — about 25 percent more. If you choose a dishwasher with internal heating, you can further cut energy costs, say Whirlpool home economists. That's because it raises temperatures to grease-dissolving levels, so the machine donsn't place extra demands on your hot-water beater. Other items to consider are trash compactors and in-sink garbage disposals, which will belp reduce the volume of household trash. 9. Wainscoting — Change the look of your breakfast area by paneling the- bottom half of a wall and capping it off with a chair rail. Tho natural beauty of its classic beaded look and the choice of nine rich wood-grain shades make Bedford Village® paneling from Georgia-Pacific a perfect cuolce. Thil adaptable deiign can dr«« up your breakfast nook or any of your kitchen walli. 10. Easy Make-overs — Don't forget the little details. Ihw ttiutli Ufuches. By doing a fev simple things, you can give your kitchen a distinctive flair. Try hanging some largv ferns from the coiling. Add new knobs, and hardware to your cabinets. Install a dimmer switch on your light hanging over the kitchen table. Replace the solid door* of a few cabinets with glass ones, and show off your tableware. Use a stencil pattern, and add some color to your backsplash or walls. These are just a few ideas. Let your imagination soar, and the opportunities are endless. Tackle ana project every weekend, and before you know it. your kitchen will bo a knockout For more information on Georgia-Pacific's building products and free project brochures, call 1-800-BUILD-GP. FREE 15 Year Parts & Labor Warranty ON SELECTTRANE FURNACES & 10 YEAR WARRANTY ON SELECT AIR CONDITIONERS, Make natureeven more beautiful by Froo Estimates XL14QO • Since 1974 Iff! 24 Hr. Emergency Service • We Service all Brands Pill Financing Available • Subdivision of Allen Refrigeration w • Boilers, Electronic Air Cleaners, Humidifiers, Hot Water Tanks FOfl QUALIFIED BUYERS • UUTIH) T!UE ONUf ORHl HOT AVW LADU TO COtmUOORS OR BUILDERS giving gardensstyle TKANE Call Chris Al 933-2535 ' Nature is beautiful, and gardening is one of the best wayi for people to enjoy it. Planting seeds and bulbs. and watching them grow into froth vegetables and beautiful flowers can give people a groat sanxo of accomplishment, and a fooling that they've enhanced nature. Par those who already have a garden, another way to edd to nature's beauty is to give this garden its own style. In bis book. "Garden Style." Terence Conran offers suggestions for adding containers, trellis work and other classic Accessories to a garden to beautify Its deiign. Cardans should be enchanting and memorable. TYelliaing. planters next to a homo and fast-growing creep' an can help blend a house in with Its sotting, anchorInc it to the environment and creating an established garden. Since things grow hi a garden, people should use accassorlas made of natural materials as much as possible.' < However, when it comes to selecting the colors of the accessories, they shouldn't stick to the traditional shades of white or dark groan. Instead, they can folio* the technique of Mediterranean gardeners, and use vivid colon to create a positive, cheoiful atmosphere. For example, yellow and blue both go well with a gardon's fresh groom, and they give en extra feeling of freshness. Adding containers to a design has many advantages. not tho least of which is adding a sense of movement to a garden. Having some plants growing in huso pots while others are In beds creates different levels and keeps a person looking — and moving — throughout the area. A large container can also help to create a focus of Interest that complements the entire garden. Whether just planting a garden or adding to one that's bean around for years, people should plan the design carefully. They need to consider practical, as well as aesthetic, requirements when making decision* and must try to create a balanced environment. Whatever they chooca, the garden should reflect their own personal style. 835-3369 CASUAL FURNITURE 40% OFF of the rcfiular Price! BJ •*««*« *W9V GHOUSG IB^^^M^^M^^^^^^^J ffwDofiwry.fiwUy-a-wy POOLS, SPAS, W OMo'i ij/wtf Glftrlbutorml North Olmsted 779-8600 Elyria 324-7900 This spring give your home a little Renewal and Restoration Buying a home la a sound financial investment. Maintaining a home secures that investment Giving your home the yearly face lift it needs ensures its value — simple "lipstick and rouge" can enhance the curb appeal of your home, neighborhood and community. In terms of present homeowners to future home buyers, rnalntqjning a home's exterior could be the difference between a house for sale and a house that sells. Probably the most difficult obstacles to maintaining the home's exterior are time and money — both of which are limited. However, with the inception of advanced formulated cleaners, giving your home the necessary maintenance it needs shouldn't put a strain on your budget Offering a complete line of renewers specially formulated to restore your bome> exterior surfaces is Convenience Product*, the maker of Touch 'n Spray® Home Savers Concentrates: Exterior Wall. Concrete Surface and Wood Deck & Fence Rpnewers. Each concentrate is packaged in easy-to-handle half-gallon Dottloa that include convaniont noso-cnd sprayers to ensure precise application ratio and powerful foaming action. This ease of application allow* you to remove grime, stains and oil deposits from hard-to-clean surfaces, lifrg house siding, cement floors and sidewalks, and wood decks and foncos. in just minutes. Spray on, brush, end rinsa off. It's so simple that anyone in the household can use them. To beautify your home's exterior this spring. Touch 'n Spray® Home Savors Cbncentratns offer these convenient and economical solutions: • Tbjt first impression of a home is largely determined by the condition of what is most dominant — the exterior wall. Harsh winters can be brutal to your home's siding. Instead of another coat of paint or worse — replacement of costly siding, simply remove Iho layers of grime, ataics and cuddation from vinyl and aluminum siding, stucco, painted wood, brick, and fiberglass to revitalize your home and remove years from its exterior face. • Part of your home's transformation includes those finishing touches to your garage Doors, driveways and sidewalks. Oil deposits, gasoline and grease from vehicles will stain, weaken and create slippery driveway surfaces. Rain and groundwnter also can create white deposits or stains on patios, porches and step;. If left untreated, these stains will be harder to remove. • Special care always should be paid to the exterior wood structures of your home in order to maintain and protect their natural beauty. If your wood structures are in relatively good shape by the end of winter, simply restoring your wood fences, decks and siding by removing griraa. stains and the occasional bircTdropping could be all the spring maintenance needed. By maintaining your wood structures, you can keep peace in the neighborhood, since unkopt fences and wood siding not only affects your property value, but the neighborhood as well. • Don't forgot about your lawn and garden. When using exterior denning products, be sure that the chemical makeup or wash-off won't harm your vegetation with petroleum distillates or bleach, In fact, look for products that actually promote the growth of shrubs, like Touch 'n Spray® Home Savers Concentrates. To achieve a beautiful home vT'.h little effort and time this spring, try Touch 'n Spray® Home Savers Concentrates to give your home a little R and R — and EavD a little more time for your own! For more information about renewing your home's exterior and Touch 'n Spray® Home Savers Concentrates, all 1-800-325-6180, or write to Convenience Products, 8G6 Horan Drive. Fenton. MO 63026, Attn: Customer Service Department NYLON PLUSH/SCULPTURE {any 3 rooms up to 40 yds.) DELUXE PLUSH/nWCKLSS ^38 COLORS."; AVAILABLE? (any 3 rooms up to 40 yds.) Installed nstaled (carpet, base grade pad, labor) (carpel base grade pad, labor) frnm from KITCHEN CARPET (up to 20 yds) Installed KITCHEN VINYL 50 PATCRNS TO CHOOSE FROM (Hoor a labor only. No prep) Up to 20 yds. (carpet, base grade pad, labor) For every $349 purchased at regular sale prices here at Scarvehi Floors, we are offering up to 300 sq. ft of steamed carpet cleaning... FREE OF CHARGE. See store for more details. Wnlnwn yvdage rttf&tA. pttrata «ductel Offering Expert Installation on Carpet • Ceramic Tile • Vinyl • Hardwood 3G£37DctnXRQKi Avon (Aoofts from 934-6140 Uon.eThun.104 Get More Froin Your Phone With 'Custom Calling Services From Tel-TouCh Great to avoid the family phone lines or keep the lines of communication open in your dual career household. Quit going in circles. Try ALLTEL's TelTouch service. You'll never go back to rotary dial again. Custom O&ll features Call Waiting Call Forwarding 3-Way Calling Speed Calling Pruuretion Keeps you talking even if your telephone set or inside wiring becomes defective. Call Your ALLTEL Business Office Today 329-4OOO ALLTEL y. No »A«f- 363 Third Street, P.O. Box 4033, Elyrla, Ohio 44036-2033 Ohio, Inc. Breathe fresh life into your home i: Springtime la not only a good time lo dean out last year's cobwebs, it's also a good time to rethink your home's look, to freshen nad consider changes for the belter. Homeowners today consider redecorating and remodeling much more often than did their parents, who ware more Ukaly to live hy the maxim "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" "Cocooning," the proliferation of how-to books, videos and television program.'!, and a retail environment that supports such efforts are just a few reasons for this trend. Stuart Boattis. vice president of styling and design for Mannington Rwllient Floors, says that the downside to all the redecorating tools and choices available is that homeowners can get overwhelmed, "They get stuck in a dated look, became they think redecorating will be expensive and too difficult or they simply don't know where to start."* ho says. Homeowners can. overcome such apprehension by rethinking their approach. "Remodeling or redecorating doesn't have to be overwhelming. Think fun and creative, and concentrate on select projects that will make a real difference, rather than attempt to change the entire house," Seattle says. Some of his recommendations include: * Change the look of a major surface in your Lome. Altering the color of your walls - ha a main living area or a few select rooms - can change the personality and emotional resonance of your home greatly. Choose a color that's meaningful to you, makes you fee! good or reflects your personality. Brightly painted walls for the den or entry-way can bring drama, humor or even a sense of adventure to your homo. Colors liko deep red. smoky taupes. rich sage greens or sun-washed yellows communicate sophistication and warmth and give presence to a room. Wallpapering Is another groat way to add pattern, color and/or texture to a homo. • Think of your home'* flooring as a big canvas. Consider the look you want to create and which materials will best help you achieve your masterpiece. Resilient flooring is endlessly stylish, versatile, functional and offered in a wide price range. Establishing a country or natural look? There's faux stone, granite, wood and terre-cotta patterns. If you're going for a garden feel, try a floral or leaf design. If clarsic. Gothic or traditional design is more your style, there are more marble and geometric variations in vinyl 'h^" in all of Greece. The sophisticated designs of the Mannington Silver Series collection perfectly complement a range of design moods. An interesting area rug over carpet, hardwood or resilient flooring layers textures and colors and gives eye appeal to nondescript flooring. Retile a bathroom counter, floor or bath/shower surround to create a special retreat or add pizzazz to the one room in which you start your day. • Replace a regular, old window with a new, large, standard or custom window to bring the best decor enhancer around into your home light A larger window or series of windows will help to bring the outdoors in [hopefully thj« is a plus) and make the room seem larger. • Restructure existing architecture for a new look and improved home function. Enclose a porch or extend a deck for a more functional entertainment space. Create a dramatic difference hy changing a traditional doorway or a dividing room wall into a symmetrical arch. • Reupholsler dated, worn or unexciting pieces of furniture to bring new Ufo to a room. Trade in blah beige upholstery for an exciting, rich fabric like brocade or larwstry; go for a fabric in a favorite shado with an embossed pattern for.a simple, yet dynamic, statement. Any of these changes will give your homo's decor professional panache and wake up your senses with refreshing color, pattern, texture and shape. SPRBNG CARPET ftN" VIRT^M-LY ODORLESS FORMULATED FOR CLEANEP UOft,TUE* WED, FRL 0-6 •THUBS. S-fl * SAT. S-4 Pots 'Mulch Soil • Manure Care Products For AS Your Rower & Garten Needs. • Annuals • Vegetables • Hanging Baskets • Perennials • Rosas • Ground Covers •Seeds • Foliage Wide selection of ftrtffizefs, Insect 4 Disoasa Control Products. 871-2050 3984 PORTER ROAD'WESTLAKE Sun. 1K Closed Eastor We Offer Worldwide Floral Service Liberate your kitchen f» : How do you mako an apartment or house a home? The easy answer may be "move In," but how do you create a •pace and style that reflect your tastes while enhancing your quality of life? "Stylo is nothrolevant — far from it — and our lives would ho milch loss fun without it But no style works well unless you pay somo attention to what's underneath — tho bare bones of structure, design and fixtures,'* says international homo-design expert Terence Conran in his book. "The Essential House Boob Getting Back to Basics" (Crown], which includes more than 650 color photographs and 200 Illustrations. Tlia mission of this book is to help you to understand tho myriad options that art open to you In the doslgn and fitting out of the space in which you live." Connm, founder of the chain of Habitat stores now in more than 20 countries. Is also the owner of the Conran Shops In London and Paris and, as an avid cook, is author of books on kitchens and dining, as well as books on bedrooms and b»ths. Conran brings a simplicity and common sense to home design and focuses on key elements that make a home work the way it should — efficient and flexible organization of space, good lighting, well-planned storage, and sensible surfaces and materials. The kitchen, ono area covered In "The Essential House Book," is tho most important space hi tho whole house, according to Conran — a place where you are sustained both physically and emotionally. The demise of tho dining roam — one of tho most dramatic change* during tho past century in the way people Inhabit Souses — parallels the renaissance of the kitchen (oatIng or lounging in the kitchen) from a working-class necessity, or bohemian ecconmcily, to tho accepted norm that suits an informal but busy lifestyle. HOP ON IN FORA REAL TREAT Dairy Queen DAIRY QUEEN* FROZEN CAKES TRUST AND RELIABILITY AT REASONABLE. PRICES Offer Low Cost Home Repairs and Remodeling 'Carpentry Wallpaper -Painting ' Concrete & Repairs Electrical • Plumbing i Carpet& Hie Drywali • Garages ' Roof & Repairs Basement Waterproofing •1 Kitchens & Baths Decks • Additions Powerwashing Certified Pest Control Complete Tree Service & Stump Removal #1 Quality Replacement Doors and Windows Glass Block Windows Insurance Work/Fire & Water Damage • FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • All Work Guaranteed for 1 Year sira * IB: isira 82Bi IMVE ssoi pivany work over! ! On any work over { JOn'any.StfprlcovwI :-;$5p.OO. ,- ! J ;. ,$100:00' J !v; - $25biOO;-.r.;I OB«r tubjKt to chw»g« «tmout notfca. Not valid with any other ofl.r. OPEN ALL YEAR SERVICE & SATISFACTION ELYRIA NORTH RIDGEVILLE AVON LAKE Com Kfod& Abbe Rds. 32936 Center RWgeRd. Comer Miter & Walter Rds. 327*4411 365*4*11" ^ O33-22O8 934-5826 LORAIN COUNTY FAST LOW COST SERVICE 333-4448 CUYAHOGA COUNTY Need money? You have treasures in your trash Your redecorating could cost you nothing, claims author Tony Hyman, if you're careful when you clean house. "Nearly everyone owns a few old things that can be sold to help cover the cost of the new.** he says. When parents clean out the junk their children left behind, Hyman warns not to discard toys just because they're not very old. Five of the 10 most valuable baseball cards date from tLe 1950s, Transistor radios from the 1960s have reached the $300 mark. So have calculators, dolls, model kits and rock 'n* roll posters, some of which have soared to $10,000. The key to getting these outlandish prices is finding the people willing to pay them. There is only one good buyer of cigar boxes in the whole country, and finding top buyers of things like cap guns can be equally difficult David Welch, in Illinois, says there are 50 items from the 1960s that he will pay $1.000 or more for. If you have one of those itnms, how do you find Welch to toll him? That's where Hyman enters the picture. Twice weekly, his syndicated radio show tells what to do and where to go to sell everything from alarm clocks to yo-yos. In IB years. Hyman has put tens of millions of dollars in people'* pocket*. Now, by popular demand, ni? inside information is in print Thtsh or Treasure contains names, addresses and phonos/faxes of reputable people ready to pay cash for a million different items you might own. It includes 57D pages of what collectors want to buy. who wants to buy them, where to go for free appraisals, and numerous tips on how to get top dollar for china, records and everything else you want to sell. Hyman says you need his book because you can't sell most things locally far more than a fraction of their real value. He says it's easier, faster and far more profitable to dispose of your stuff over the phone or through the mail. Toys from the 1960s aren't the only valuables you might own. AQ Ohio woman sold two greenish-blue pottery vases at her yard sale, charging 565 each upon the advice of a local antique dealer. The man who bought her vases contacted pottery expert Riley Humler, of the Cincinnati Art Gallery, who helped him resell his vases for $39.000. How did he find out about Humler? Humler. like Welch, is one of the 1,200 expert. reliable buyers recommended in ThzsTi or Treasure. Trash or Treasure is available exclusively by mail. S.end $24.95, plus 55 shipping and handling, to Trash or Treasure. Box 3028-CD. Pismo Beach. CA 93448. Include the banner mime of this newspaper, and the publisher will include a free pad of form letters to use when writing to buyers. Prompt orders also will receive, at no charge. The World's Most Accurate Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide, an 58 value. To purchase with MasterCard/Visa, call 1-8CQ-549-7500 (you won't hear it ring). A 30-day money-back guarantee is given. Should you check out your stuff before throwing it away? Judge for yourself. Two summers ago. a home in Nova Scotia was sold for 555.000. In that attic was a pile of comic books that the new owner sold for $79,000 — enough to pay for the house and then some. Could that happen to you? Don't underestimate the value of some raiher ordinary-looking things, Hyman warns. Items don't have to oe old, rart or expensive to be valuable. PEZ dispensers have brought $1.500 and some Happv Meals boxes are worth hundreds oT dollars. A Charlie's Angels pillow will pul 5300 in your pocket. The GJ. Joe nurse doll is worth 52,000 if still in her box. And. if you can Gnd Mike Strauss, there's a toy Hot \Vheels Volkswagen for which he'll pay you 53.500. FTTRNITtTRE CO. AM1SH HANDCRAFTED FURNITURE ^ t- AMUtfcfffrirfaaw ffttg^SHRgfeSg M»^y>>^ctf.^t^V-:^7'-K^ (419) 663-0725 37 E. Main St.. Norwalk Won. & Thurs. 9:30-8. Tues.. Wed. & Fri. 9:30-5. Sat 9:30-4 FIRESTONE CARPET i^^^M^SW SAME AS CASH 26840 Brookpark Ext • North Olmsted CARPETING • PERGO . CERAMIC TILE • LINOLEUM • HARDWOOD FLOORS -AREA RUGS (Next 10 Hilts) TJiundiy Friday Sttuniiy. Sunday 10.00-8:00 10:00-5:00 10:00-3:00 10:00-8:00 lftCO-S.-00 10:00 -«:00 «lffi „ Small can be beautiful: stips for decorating small space ,. Every man a — and woman'* — homo j should bo hia or hor castle, but not everyonei has a homo with castlo-Uka £ proportions. IT your homo's scale is on uj &e diminutive side, hero are rorao tips f &om Iho doalgn experts at Laura Ashley to give those gjnall rooms a largo dose of spaciousness and charm: • Ktwp the color palette simple. A monochromatic color schema or one that uses only two dominant colors will vliually atrolch space. Although the color palette may be monochromatic, you still can create visual interest by Incorporating different textures and pattern*. • Uvt double-duty furniture to seve space. Choose versatile pieces, like LJaura Ashley's overscaled Cressford ottoman that provides extra seating but olio servos as a coffee teble. Upholstered dining chairs, lilto Laura Ashley's Baiknloy chairs. f«n function equally well In a dining room and as extra seating when pulled into a living room. • Minimize the neej for storage pieces by putting in built-in storage. Built ina not only huu£e a tremundcus amount, but also can camouflage space* stealing architectural elements, like vertical beams or broken-up walls. . • Reflflctive surfaces can "fool the eye" into thinking that a room Is bigger than it Is. Using mirrors is an old trick that works. So does putting glass doors on cabinets and bookiholvns. • Don't automatically put ail of your furniture against the walls to try to make a room look bigger. Creative placement of furniture —-Uko Coating It In tho cantor of the room— often makes small tpacos look largor. • luo advantage of irregularities in tho room's proportions for efficient furniture placement For example, a bay window makes a lovely swrt to nestlo a •mall safe or chair. An awkward wall nlcho may bo just tho placo to put a desk and chair or a small table. Tho end of a room, particularly if tho celling slopes down, can bo a cozy nook for a bed. • Instead of space-grabbing furniture, utilize space-saving options, like shelves. For example, if there's no room for D night stand, add a long shelf behind the head of tha bed or along the adjacent wall. Or. choose furniture that also can provide hidden storage. A skirted round or square plywood table can bide ? lot of clutter. • If certain rooms, like formal dining rooms, are rarely used, consider temporary furniture. A folding table covered with a colorful table cover, for example, can accommodate a dinner party, then be tucked away so the room can be used for other purposes. Another dining-room option is a table that can expand with leaves. • Avoid elaborate, heavy window treatments that may overwhelm a small room. Choose simple window treatments, preferably ones that are installed within the window frame, like Roman blinds or shades, and maUe sure thoy let in lots of light to visually expand the room, • Use wallpaper creatively to makn rooms look larger and also taller. For example. Laura Ashley's Colourwash wallpaper adds interesting texture, instead of busy pattern, and Colourwash Stripe wallpaper gives the illusion of higher ceilings. Wallpaper borders also create the illusion of width. • Keep thefloorsunderstated. Opt for plain carpet, like wool sisal, or bare wood floors with small accent rugs rather then busy-patterned carpets. Laura Ashley offers trained design professionals who will help you with design-related problems. For information about the Laura Ashley Home Styling program, call [800] 367-2000. "Almost Too Good To Be True!' Buy One Vertical Blind And Get One Vertical Blind FREE - WITH THIS AD •NEW ORDERS ONLY' Select Fabrics Only 930-5222Q DECK OR PATIO - YOUR CHOKE! Take advantage while the offer lasts! Offer expires May 1.1996. -fl i "B Carpet, Upholstery and /^1 * JL 1 rapery 'Uleaning. THE MOST DRAMATIC NAME IN FLOORING D C M C O For nufniftcent floor* ikil raprwnt In* ultuntl* in lusurhnu living, tiep up lo the finnt n*mr in floai {uhiom Damco. Our Opulence Uoon crulc an environment of txiuty 4nJ etetfinn tint trURilormi • room into • ptkc*. Damro*i ciyttJ-lit* Cle«r-VW* luruc* bring* out Ine iptrUing vliitn, viiid colon uia intricate c!*UiIi of Opulence (loon- And Inr Ullr.Cl«n™ni>-»«» uirtlunc finiin Ortpf your floor kwting » if il'i juil been wmiej, mn ^*oen diy. Call For FREE Shop-At-Home . Appt. • . 843-6363 XCTul'i more. Opulence t\io K*« ine penonriflnce qiulitio you a eipect from men «n eilnonliiury floor; *n u!lr*-ltiict uretlune wctr VSsit Our Newest Location At: 26701 Brookpark Rd. Ext. (across from Hills) 779-2424 Alto: 6686 Pearl Rd., Parma tits. 843-6363 HOUSE OF Broolmafk uyrr, ncepliarxl (cuff *nd Krilcn miitAnce. •no long-tmn *irriniin ttul tmun the briuly of your Boor Uttt for y**r» tnd yean. So [or lh« firwml in flooring, loot for flooring'* finest name: Opulence from Domcu. ^DOMOO. On Sale Now Opulence. Hlte Residential Commsrcial J & P Custom Loraln nd. Shopping Ont»f .,|,,.i,,-. • Ittr (r.Mlfii-'Hl- * rit'.iliM MuilL-. • V.'rtu.il Itlnul- Floor Covering Carpet • Tile • Linoleum 327-3020 35070 Center Rrdge Rd.. North Ridgeville Preventing mildew in moiituro-prone areas, like Dalhrooms, almost seems impossible. Humidity and condensation tram baths, sinks and showers croato an environment that mildew thrives on. A traditional approach to dealing with persistent raildow problems ha* boon to use oil-based paints, which provide a ham, durable and shiny finish that can bo washed and scrubbed when it comes time to remove mildew growth. However, alkyd (oil-based) paints can take 24 hours to dry. require hazardous solvents for cleanup and omit a strong odor. And. the organic oils in these paints can serve as food for mildew. The mildew eventually grows back and claim the surface, so cleaning and repainting need to bo done on a frequent baris. Today, paint manufacturers have developed mildow-nuistant water-base paints for high-humldily uroas. These now water-base paints contain resins that produce a tight, water-resistant Dim that's hard, smooth and durable. Win. Ziimer & Co.. a national manufacturer of problem-solving paint and decorating specialties, has taken this a stop further by developing a unique watorbase mildew-proof resin system and creating a mildew-proof paint with a money-back guarantee. Zinsser's Perma-Whlte Mildew-Proof Bathroom Paint is guaranteed mildew-proof for a minimum of Cvo yean. It Is also blisterproof and peel-proof. It can be applied over most clean, dry surfaces — including glossy-painted walls and ceilings, sheotrock, masonry, etc. — without a primer and without sanding. It's available in a white satin or semigloss finish that's tintable by your retailer to match any decor. It's ideal for moro than fust bathrooms — it can be used in other high-humidity areas, like laundry rooms, basements, garages and closets. Before painting over mildewed areas, Zinsscr recommends cleaning the surface thoroughly with a solution of two cups bleach to one gallon water, followed by a clean water rinse. This will Idll the existing mildew. Let the surface dry. and apply two coats of Perma* White. The first coat primes and seals the surface, the second serves as the finish coat Use the semigloss finish if you want the traditional look on walls, ceilings, doors and trim. A satin version, which reJuces the glare of traditional bathroom paints so wall imperfections do not show. Is also available. This unique mildew-resistant paint is available at most hardware stares, home centers, and paint and decorating outlets. For further information and free literature on Penna-Whlts. visit your local retail outlet. Homeowners should have air conditioners checked now before summer arrives Homeowners should have their air•conditioning; system chocked now before the poak cooling season - by a qualified contractor or ssrvice technician-to ensure the iyilem wiU work efficiently this summer. Recording to the Air-CaTuiiu'oning end Refrigeration Institute (AHI), If your air conditioner is no longer cooling properly it could involve something as simple as replacing a fuso, resetting a circuit breaker or chocking to «MI If tha thermostat is set properly. If an electrical problem isn't tha causa, the refrigerant may be low if the system still runs but datisn't coal enough, However. If tha problem Involves any major port like tha campnusar, says ART," you would hoax strange noises similar to thow of mechanical equipment aot running correctly. Whaa your air-conditioning system starts giving you more problems than seem cost-cffwrtive to fix, you should consider replacing your system. Because newer equipment usually is much more energy-efficient than older control air-conditioning or heat-pump systems, you might cctuolly save money by replacing your old system before it completely wean out In some cases, the money you save in reduced utility costs might pay back your purchase price of a now system years earlier than you tbfafcFor more information about the basic rules to follow form keeping coot this summer at mip' "" cost, send for ARI's froo pamphlet. "How to Keep Your Cool and Save Cold Cash." Send e stamped, salf-addressod. business-size envelope to ARI. Department 9G-KT, 4301 North Fairfax Drive, Suits 425, Arlington. VA 22203. No phone orders occoptad. GROWING 10,000 SHADE & FLOWERING TREES f TRAXLER'SV 934-5188 Do-It-Yoursdfor Well Do The Planting .Top soil.Stakes 3 Delivery Tree Purchase 2" Caliber or Larger Trees No: valid with any other discounts or offers. Minimum purchase $100.00 Offer Expires April 30. 1996 1-90 to Exit 6U 1/2 mile south of Detroit Ask About Guaranteed Low Prices HOURS: 8-4:30 Monv-Fri., 10-4:30 Sat. Evenings Cc Sundays by Appointment 2980 Stoncy Ridge Road, Avon a The Planting of a Tree Shows "^'& Faith in the Future! .V*Td^te«M^^7' •^•^i ^r:.^^^* 937-5678 Delivery or Pick-Up Top Soil Send Stone BULK MATERIAL: DBL Shredded Mulch Red & Brown Pirenni*! 933-4313 :6iird^»g Pri^;Gi«lrt Uwn Maintenance UWn Installments 1 jS'V* .-* ^~ Sione& ROSE* COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL FREE ESTIMATES We'll Have One Of The Most Complete 850 betar M. !*»• Hi R« K FREE ESTIMATE C*ll...93y.5t7«/ W8- . Sprinkler Sy • .-•-•^•-"•» '- ' •• Indoor Planter* and Gardens Variety of Sizes Problem birds when shoo doesn't work ™ Any bird can become a problem, ri From drilling holes In your house to =j oatlng your raspberries, there are Umoi o, when tho habits and instincts of birds . conflict wllh humans — even though wo uj may want them around. S Meal bird problems do not havo a •jj aimplo solution. What eliminates a bird x In ona iltuation may not work In another, or may work oaly far a short time. Shooting, trapping and poisoning, naldo from being nosh', are net solutions. All wild Birds (except plgoons. EngH-h sparrows and starlings) are protected by federal and state laws. The secret LJ to USD several tactics, and to vary thorn. The goal is to remove what attracts tho bird, or build a barrier between the bird and what it finds so attractive. _ COMMON COMPLAINTS As-more homeowners remove dead trees, woodpeckers may turn to metal gutter*, house siding and television antann&a. Suot feeders, which attract woodpecker*, may divert them from your hau&o or attract thorn to tho house's vicinity. Scare techniques balloons, e plnwhool. your child, flash tape, tin can lids on' a string, wind chirn0* — often work tho best. If you love grapes, apples end raspberries, chances ore sterlings, orioles, robins, blackbird and Jays love them too. Again. barrier* are the most effective detamntB. Opaque plastic "hats" can keep starlings from pulling up small plants, whiu' aotting is tho best solution for larger bu*I « and trees. Tho main problem with roosting birds is what they leave behind. Stringing rows of monoGlament 1 or 2 Inches above the roosting spot or lacking up netting is the best solution. Birds often pick what seem to be the strangest places to nest, such as the gutter, clothes drier, kitchen fan vent or a bucket In your garage. II is important to note that the came law that protects most wild birds also protects their nosts and eggs. You need a federal permit to disturb them. Obviously, the time to act is before the nest is built. Try offering these birds an artificial "nest" nearby. If you live In rural areas, waterfowl may be the biggest nuisance, especially if you are near water. One strategy for farmers Is to delay fall plowing to allow waterfowl to feed in harvested fields. Scarecrows are the traditional choice to frighten fowl, but they can bo time-consuming to create. Really, anything that moves and ma^es noise, such as e dog, is fine. Pieces of plastic bags on short poles are easy ana effective at one flag per acre. The ground below a bird roost can be contaminated. Elevated feeders can ba used by all birds and will eliminate rodent problems. if you're going on vacation, never leave the feeder full. A bird can become trapped inside, especially in feeders with ports smaller man 1 inch. If you offer your birds a bird bath, make sure it has less than 3 inches of water to prevent small birds from Solutions to the most frustrating watering problems are just a call away Spring brings with it lush vegetable gardens, beautiful flower beds and many gardening questions. Hero are solutions to some frustrating watering problems you may have. Problem: Frustration from constantly screwing and unscrewing sprinklers and nozzles. Solution: The Quick Connect™ System. Quick Connect it a unique "push-ond-click" connection that gives gardeners a fast and easy way to attach noses, nozzles, sprinklers and faucets without tiid hassle. FEEDING-STATION BLUES Sincp about 82 million Americans food wild birds, sooner or later there are bound to be some problems. Here are some things to watch out for and/or remedy: Add hardwood mouldings to dress up a room "Moulding provides elegance, surprise, unexpected detail," dedans Now York designer Stan Hum. "It's lilupearlB — U drosses up a room." Affordable end eary to Install, hardwood mouldings transform en ordinary room Into one rich in character, depth and definition. A touch of moulding establishes mood, emphasizes architecture and creates a focal point " * *' IT way to add character, and "Mouldingi are an [ traditionally,'' notes Atlanta thoy don't hava to l» 1 dffflg ?" C&irln Gand "I Just dosignsd a bedroom with traditional mo _, but I let It float away from (ha celling to create a «p*f» for cove ^flhtingUouldlng* and dscoratife woodworedirect the eya. add pbailns change* of scale within a room, and can unify or divTda a space. "Setting off one area with different mouldings fwi give you definition between 'rooms* whore you may not have any wall*," says Qilcago Interior daslgnar Mariano Rimland. "All it may take Is * change of moulding on tho ceiling or at floor leveL" Whan shopping for hardwood moulding, youll find a wide range of choices to fit any budget You can custom order decorative hardwoods through your architect, contractor or interior designer or through millwork houses, specialty shops and custom cabinet shops. You can find them, too, at local lumberyards andhoma canters or through mail-order specialty catalog!. • Oak, older, ash, beech, birch, cherry, maple and walnut are among the most papular choices for hardwood mouldings. Poplar is a particularly affordable option, since It's painted easily to flatter wall color, window treatments or upholstery. •v. -* * I 11 W r Running from 32 to 42 Inches above tho floor, chair rail* protect walls from chair backs and can signal a , change in wall covering*. For Instance, the upper half may bo painted while toe lower half is wallpapered, * Go ahead and mix grain patterns, tones and colors In your mouldings, flooring and furnishings. A variety of wood* and finishes add* drama to a room. For free Information on decorating and caring for folld hardwood furnishing*. caU 1-000-373-WOOD, or write to Hardwood Mam3actvrors Association, Dopt MH3-05,400 Penn Center Blvd., Suite 530, Pittsburgh. FA 15235. Problem: Huge puddles, gardeni and high water bills dua ovorwatsring. . •..''.-';'. Solution: Automatic timers.- They'll j turn the water on and off for you, Eaiy,~; to program and fully automated* Uwy-,? save time and water. . \?~>rfi Problem: You dun't know whfif'SQ^ find those product!;. ••. ; r.-.£ Solution: The Quick Connect SyttioV.;; automatic timers and GARDENA pffKP,. ucts oro available in lawn and gfi dopartmonts nationwide. For the nearest you. call (800) 426-6410. , ^ • Dsoflticnmia- nswxnws » cuaioara • was • wpacwiguinmrfs « BUM MAKE THE RIGHT GALL FOR HOME REMODELING. CALL TERRY BENNETT. BRING Trow YFARS OF HOME BUILDING EXPERIENCE To YOUR NEXT REMODEUNC PKOJCCT. . Terry Bennett believes that a borne enrironment should be designed ; around your lifestyle. To help you reach that goal, he offers free design consultation to turn your concent into an easy-living reality. Why not ask an experienced pro for ^^^^ advice on your next remodeling or flHHam ^: new home construction project? Call v* FERfiV Terry' Bennett Builders & Remodders. 835-HOME(4663> 26612 Onter Ridge Road • Westlake, Ohio 44145 835-HOME (4663) or 1-800-901-8232 nwrowB • cuBtoavs • auxs - waw urucmirrs •saw* usru Hmei» * VornaAppllanca « Bodronlcs Since 1948 FAVORITE DECORATING TIPS • Moulding choices depond on the size and scale of your room. Crown mouldings, for example, work best in rooms where the coiling* are 8 feet or higher. Choose narrower mouldings for smaller rooms, wider ones for largorrooms. • Mouldings should ho widest at tho floor level, becoming progrensively narrower as they approach tho ceiling. • If you want visual continuity and flow, continue tho same moulding pattern hi adjacent rooms — especially If there's an uninterrupted view from room to room. For example, extend the entryway mouldings to your formal living room. • Hardwood mouldings add a touch of class oven to a plain drywoll celling. For example, crown moulding hi classic dentil design embodies sophistication and drawning. Hose out the bath daily and, wash U with hot. soapy wpjer ones a, week to Mil algae and bacteria. Many lawn-care chemicals kill sons-,: birds ai.d contaminate their fooqij Herbicides, insecticides and fbrtilizaeji are also duadly poisons. j|:' For further information and advice,' call your U.S. Fish and Wildlifa Servlca; Regional Office (under the U.S.. Department of Agriculture). Ducone GAS GRILLS ———— Propam and Natural GeiModali Available. Pertablt or Pirmant nt DUGAN£ OFFERS: ^«*t-ftrtm«nij.l«tt304 lUMnt ilMf U-V^CnATE" vmagr-nvfeq TOP PORTID" 904 tbMm UN! feonwi . /VO4H&D* fam nliir cn*rra«an. ifa»to rotowta on modM 10041 SOW ^Qttnri 3M 0*4*u itad poll orotM fa/tiOt rfSM dM*» iM tut mtjr hnrt optoral on al RM nnftb km. wtnl M nrtvtaM*d «•«« U*5* «*•-« «Mrftm mm* kr MM MMidnMr «*n tot MU* Hate c»g»Mitii< «n MT M RMM ««•«. w« 5«* Our Large Selection *F«crft/rvf e Ten items to fix before you sell Knowing the 10 most critical Items to fix before you put your home on the market can result in earning thousands of extra dollars, claims consumer advocate and author Bob Easter. Many sellers fix the wrong items when trying to got the most benefit for their hardearned money. Certain items bring a larger return than others, and tome item* really don't cost any money, just some work. Thera are two types of homes in every marketplace: lj the homo people live in on a daily basis and 2) the home people make- ready for sale and present to me public. There are at least two major mistakes that owners overlook when selling thoir home. 1] They never look at their home through the buyer's ayes. 2) Sellers seldom realize homo buyers will drive through neighborhoods and maVp a snap decision to call about a home basad upon their impression of the home from the street. Some exterior mistakes that most sellers make include: • garage doors open and showing a mossy garage. • can parked in the driveway and in front of the house. • car repairs in the driveway, along with bicycles, lawn mowers and equipment in tho yard. • boats or campers parked in the driveway. The more attractive your home shows from the street, the more likely it will sell quickly, particularly if the price is competitive, says Hasten •"The 14 Home-Sailing Socmts, The Mistakes Everyone Mokes' Is tho best little straightforward house-selling book we have seen ... It's full of «>ems of inside information. Easter tells you what any house sailor should know," writes Judy Rose. Detroit Free Press Mark and Diana Wood, cf Seattli. Wash., found the book extremely beneficial when selling their homo. "It was the best selling experience we've ever had. Wo can barely believe how smoothly and quiddy our home sold. It was 35 hours from listing to full-priced contract and 20 days later to a hasslefree closing. Amazing! Your step-byitop marketing plan aad straightforward advice would definitely benefit anyone who wants to sell." To see your hrune through a buyer's eyes, send for the free checklist of "The 10 Critical Items to Check Before You SelL" Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below. To order "The 14 Home-Selling Secrets." call 1800-848-5593, or write to 4212 Lostridge. Suite 900. Austin. TX 78731. The book costs $9.95 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling, end credit cards are aTCeptsd. Easter's new book. "Home Buying Power: Imlde Tips. Tricks and Trends for Buying the Home of Your Dreams." already has been adopted by consumers. "1 am a recently retired college administrator having read many books, but none as informative as 'Home Buying Power/ In the process of buying my seventh home. I feel totally in charge and confident ia every detail." say* Elliott P. Chambers, Ed. D-, of Locli, Calif. To order this book, which costs $12.95 plus $3.50 shipping and handling, call 1-800-848-5593, or write to the above address. Luders ID Caslora Wood Fencing MunMzed Itwl Fenct» Wrtc CUSTOM WOOD DECKS 90 Days to 12 Months Same as Cash * on qualifying purchases 230 OfaoHin Rd., Elyria, Ohio 44035 "W3 have Set the Standards in Quality Fencing Sines 1932" For FHM Ertimclti: Syria 323-7581, lorein 288-0088, Otv*. 951-1725 -Srz^asgga*1*™^* ^sgjrgjgrv^-——=-\ { HOME ZMPROVKEHT J HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING WE SERVICE ALL BRANDS STANDARD AND HIGH EFFICIENCY FURNACES HEAT PUMPS • BOILERS • AIR CONDITIONERS WATER HEATERS • AIR CLEANERS^ • HUMIDIFIERS CU STO M ER SATIS FACT IO N IS OUR GOAL 24 HOUH SERVICE "SETTING NEW STANDARD FOR SERVICE EXCELLENCE Somehow a thank you note just didn't sown quite enough. OH»r axpir** 5-31-98 RADIO DISPATCHED EMERGENCY REPAIRS Westland Is Your Neighborhood Dealer For a YORK HutFQ and A* Qnttoma l/k Hard 7b Stop AThmeT Phone WESTLAKE Phone AVON 871-7525 9344400 licensed - Bonded • Insured Jeff Mitchell, Owner- ANY AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE/REPAIRS Call Now For Appointment With This Coupon Not Valid With Any Olhei Specials VHlitt ftiru 8/1/36 Beautify your yard with an easy-to-l ,t i : li* I I 8 If you really enjoy being in your yard leaves con foul tho wbier and lice roots n- and would like to give it feat extra will make digging difficult. ^ ulmanilon to make it even more cnioyUsing a heavy garden hose or a rope, | able, as well as the envy of the neighyour pond design to conform "\ oorhood. bora's e great suggestion - put free-farm It. your landscaping scheme. g? in your own yard pond! Too much trouWhen caas'ructing your pond, dig g ble? Don't know how lo do it? Through bath a shallow area and a deeo area. o- now tochnology, all those worries are Fish will feed on insects in the shallow x needless. area, and it is the ideal place for potted Installing your own garden pond is plants such as lilies. simple, mainlining It is easy and. best The deep area will provide security of all, your pond will provide years of for your fish and protect them from trouble-free enjoyment birds and small animals. Depending on your climate, the deep area of your PONDS AROUND THE WORLD pond should be anywhere from 24 to 40 European guidons, particularly In inches, and the shallow area *iom 4 to Great Britain, southern France, north- 12 inches. ern Italy. Holland and Germany, almost After digging out your pond location, always feature a yard pond. the ground with sand, carpet Nine yean ago. a German company. line padding or even old newspapers before Tetra Worke. known best in the United the liner. This will protect Stales for its home aquarium products. installing the liner against sharp, protruding • developed a banded, two-piece, heavyobjects like roots and rocks. duty (32 millimeters thick), flexible To create that professional look, build .rubber pond liner. This HURT allows a rock border around your pond, allowhomeowners to free-form a yard pond ing the rocks to overlap me edge of the efficiently and easily, in whatever pond 1 or 2 inches. You can landihapo Is best suited for the terrain or scape by back around the pond and even the Aomoowntfr's needs. build a patio, if desired. This linor can withstand Iho warmest iummers and the coldest winters, and EASY MAINTENANCE Is available In sizss big enough to create Maintaining your pond is very easy. ponds almost 10 foot in diameter. has an economical, .permanent Through Tetra Worke's U.S. distribu- Tetra pond filter and air pump, as well as a tor, Tetra/Socondnature, a full lino of full line of water chemicals and foods products and complete information on to ensure that your fish will prosper. constructing a yard pond are now avail- And if you want to add the grace and able beauty of a waterfall or fountain to your How do you construct a garden pond. Totra even offers a powerful and pond? Start by soloctlng a location on water pump. your property whom tho ground ia fair- reliable What kind of Ban should you put in ly ' van. although because of the flexi- your pond? Tho hardiest are large bility of the liner, oome leveling can bo Common or Comet goldfish. Depending echiflvsd when digging your pond. Tho on tho size of your pond, these hardy pond should ba placed where it will get fish will grow rapidly and can withapproximately six hours of sunlight per stand the worst climates. As long as the water in your pond does not freeze to • while you cen place your pond any- the depths, those fish can surwhere, it It not recommended to place vivelowest tho cruelost winters. it directly under trees, since falling GIVE YOUB YARD that extra dimension. Yard Ponds are easy to construct, easy to maintain, beautiful to look at, and will provide yean of #j trouble-free enjoyment. If you live in a wmmar climato, you con soloct from tho most prized pond fish - beautiful and exotic Kol, from Japan. Those aro increasingly available throughout the United States, and although not quite as hardy as the common goldfish, they are treasured pond fish that have the" potential to live for decades. What should you do in the winter? Nothing! After thn first frost, remove your filter and leave your pond alone until the onset of spring (as soon as the water temperature roaches 50 degrees Fahrenheit]. Never food your fish during the whi- ter, as their metabolism directly relate*"to the water temperature, and whan it drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. tliBfish will not oat. In the spring, reinsUll your filter and begin feeding your fiih. • A Tetra Kol pond thermometer will pro-vide you with the proper guidance te feeding your fish according to trinperoture. Your yard pond will provide yaai» of enjoyment and truly mmce you the envy of your neighborhood. For further information, write Totra/Socondnatura, 3001 Cararasree St. Blacksburg, VA 240GO-G071. or contact your local pot store or lawn and garden center. CONCRETE SINKING OR SETTLING? DON'T REPLACE - RAISE THE SLABJACK WAY! ingrora Special Easter p w a v b gnu* Ufa* wdvla ««•»* lU. TW i»4«Biw««rfilBWM*li«Mb*oiaifiB*Mj BEFORE Easter Sunday is April 7. Give fresh flowers tn a memorable Tdeflora keepsake. To send one of these charming spring gifts anywhere in the U.S. or Canada call or visit our shop. Telcfiardi ring Birdlwwe Bouquet Wh*t An n* Snbutt Omr CMO«W Rnlmi • ECpl40U>CAl.iMh.lf««w.W •HOTdKMbr*vter.«nQii . -OUWUWTOO. mm to UttD IMMEDUmV. Slabfvtking Oflm OiUHtonal Btrwflft TeUflaras Peter Rabbit™ Bouquet CwimN Iurt«. SLABJACKINQ IS THE PROVEN ALTERNATIVE TO CONCRETE REPLACEMENT * IT SAVES: CONCRETE • TIME • MONEY Introducing Decorative Concrete Engraving Tclffloras Garden Caddy Bouquet 933-3253 Now Cany (J^&a^.CvC. Chocolates 690 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt. 83), Avon take THE CLASSICALLY RICH BEAUTY OF COBBLESTONE, BRICK, OR TILE CAN Now BE ENGRAVED INTO YOUR EXISTING CONCRETE! Coacnto tffrtriff« itmr*lui mfffnaa uu firmnnl U* a opmrf t*larw mtfi'tf amtrUt TU* pravnt * b mri lappta(. AllMf tn( Ihn |i • nlBtkn to . nlnm. pdv. »S dcdo. bun nd whtaf Mi at hi inartmdto)at *fewdin. AMERICAN CONCRETE RAISING, INC. 034-1774 • FREE PROFESSIONAL SURVEY • 1-800*31-2701 * f hfer for the arden a *°l!!f T !! 9 »« «he gardener . "hen. choosing a sharpener, shim™,,, remera™ « _ one direction, tho EdeeCraft Diamond know that sharp tools a n f n r tton use ...rTTj _013 nro labor saving, safer and promote healthier plants. Dull lawn mower blades or pruning lools tend to toar grass and branches, exposing tho plant to disease. Dull tools require excess fores to use and causa unnecessary stress and strain on tho body. GENERAL SHARPENING TIPS First, clean all tools to be sharpened. Next put tho tool In a visa. This is safer and helps assure a straighter edge. Examine the shape of the blade edge. . Iff best to main lain the original edge shape when rosharpbaing. a m m Umt diamond abrasives are harder than any olher material and will sharp, en more efficiently than conventional sharpening stones or steel files. WORTH TRYING: A new multipurpose file/sharpener that does a terrific job on yard and garden tools is the EdgoCraft™ Diamond File™ Set. It includes three 300-percent diamond abrasive pads (coarse, medium and ultrafine grits) that interchange easily on a magnetic holder. Diamonds will sharpen any metal alloy. Unlike conventional steel files that can only Gle in File Is multidirectional. For more information and store locations, call EdgeCraft at (BOO) 3-12-3255. For tools with a single-sided edge (e.g. lawn mowor blades), start with a coarse grit, and move the sharpener in a circular motion along the cutting edge until a burr is formed along the entire edge. The burr feels like a rough protrusion on tho opposite side of the edge you're sharpening. Carefully run your finger across the blade to find tba burr. Remove the burr by running the sharp- Protect your home from summer allergies Ii your home ready for another heat to trap up to 98 percent of airborne irriwove like last summer? August was 7 tants as small as 1/25,000 of an inch. degrees above normal for same major That includes pollen and mold spores, dties. Hot weather doesn't just put a as so _ _ well ,, ., as , microscopic —-wvm. particles UU1UUJB3 SO strain on your air conditioner; it also small that theygo right through ordiincreases your need for a whole-house fary fiberglass or polyester fpanel filair cleaner to defend your nose against ters. the attack of pollen. High-efficiency media air cleaners The hot. dry weather that much of the work effectively for up to two years country experienced in tho summer of before tho media need changing 1005 was Ideal for ragweed, according because they use a deep-pleated design to Unda Blelmehl of tho American mat greatly expands their surface area Acttdomy of Allergy, Asthma and and dust-catching ability. SpaceImmunology. "Those ore the conditions-• Guarcl®, by the maker of Aprilaire® in which ragweed 'hrives. Usually rag- humidifiers, is only about 2 feet square, weed bothers more people than normal but It is a full 6 inches thick and conon hot end windy days." more than 78 square feet of pleatSlnco ragweed pollen can travel for tainsdust-trapping media. That's enough up to 400 miles In the wind, there is not ed, to cover one wall of a small room with much anyone can do to avoid outdoor 34 20-inch-by-20-inch filters. .exposure, but you can make your homo If you wore one of the thousands of a dean-air sanctuary. To reduce your people who were convinced by last exposure to pollon. most experts roc- yoar s heat wave to buy or replace an air oirmand practicing en avoidance strat- conditioner this summer, now is egy. Among the common recommenda- also the bestbefore time to get a whole-house .Uons: air cleaner. • Koop your house closed up as much It is very cost-effectivo to install a as possible; whole-house air cleaner when you are • Limit outdoor activities, especially having other major work done, like during the morning; installing a central air conditioner. • Shower before going to bed; That's because the contractor usually *- Brush pets frequently outside; can combine tho work and provide the ...homeowner with a lower installation airclaanar. . .,\ icost. A wbola-house cleaner installBu on a • For information about whole-house, home's central heating and cooling sys- nigh efficiency media air doaners. coll tem Is an excellent way to clean all of the Consumer Information Department - the air that moves through the system. of Research Products Corp. at 1-000They difler from tho do-it-yourself 545-2219. Ask for tho free brochure, hardware-store variety of filters, "Air Cleaners for Allergy Relief." because high-efficiency media air Research Products Corp. makes tho cleanors usa specially engineered fibers Space-Guard® High-Efficiency Cleaner. Air oner quickly, once or twice, along the side opposite the edge you're sharonnIng. Repeat the process using medium grit, then fine grit abrasives. For tools with a double-sided edge (e.g. axes), sharpen by making several strokes on one side, then several on the other sldo, alternating sides with first a coarse, then medium, then fine abrasive. ScissorUke tools, such as hedge clippers and pruning shears, need sharpening only on the cutting blade. Sharpen only the straight-edge blade of heogu clippers, not the serrated edge. Sharpen only tho convex blade of pruning shears. When you feel a burr along the entire cutting edge, close the shears several times to remove it. Remember that the pivot screw of scissorlike tools must bo properly adjusted and lubricated for optimum cutting. or swags, jabots, cascades and other top treatments that are bung on the rods can be layered for a more formal decor or a change of paco — or season. . The new look is best exemplified by this soft, flowing window dressing from Croscill Home Fashions, a company leading the now directions. For a booklet highlighting more window-dressing ideas, write to Dopt. M. Croscill Home Fashions, 261 Fifth Avo.. Now York. NY 10016. : "fe^i ^II^MI^iSS^r^-; fffi YiJur Single Source for Unique Imported Tit Reputation 6 Performance Our N/jain Concerns iers^f ceramic iie. marble 6 granite. Residential. & commercial d^-it-y^urself center Cutoa dojgaed hnrUrnprj featuring: mural vood dccb. degacL *tooe brick patios, , garden pooU and votcHalb, decorative vood fcocei, ictaiaiqgvalli. rock garden*. Jaapaneie garden* & much morel Your (Satiriaction i* oar Reputation 29579 Center Didtgc Ed • Wcatfokc • 871-9083 «•': • Opulence returns to windows Windows covered only with blinds wore, cot so long ago, the height of fashion, but that's all changed now. The newest took for windows is a drossed• up opulence. Out, and it's a big but, tho window treatments are different from years' past: they're fresher, oarlor to haag and easier to overlay v/Jih now elements. Gone are tho pinch pleats. Today, •; loop-top panels that bang from decora: Uve hoods on decorative roda are the : basis of much window dressing. '•. Scarves that simply drape over the rods « , d design service. Lxpert installation Canterbury Plaza 26261 Center £.idg<s K.d. \VestLakc? 835-8453 Here's how to choose vinyl windows to block unwanted heat flow X By DEAN JOHNSON, - host ol tha popular hams-Improvement « lelBYiaion thaw. HOMETIME®, now In g Its loth season on PBS 5: rf If you're building or remodeling a « nouse and have noticed deterioration of rf your window frames, you'll soon have w to make a decision about now or freplacementwindows. You'll find a multitude of styles, shapet and slzea from whJch to choose in B variety of malarial systems. Your first stop is to shop among reputable building-products brands, brands that stand oohind their products. You'll find a wide selection of windows cold through building-materials dealer* and homo canton. You'll wont to look for windows that feature solid construction, energy efficiency and low maintenance for your busy lifestyle. Your choice is critical in ensuring beauty, as well as performance. Fora number of reasons, many homeowners ore choojing window frames mada of vinyl ovor thoio made of primed wood, wood with vinyl or aluminum cladding, or aluminum. Often, vinyl windows ore less expensive ihgn traditional wood or wood windows with vinyl or aluminum cladding. Vinyl windows also effectively block boat escape, which occurs through gaps and cracks In wood frames. Unlike wood, vinyl windows don't require pointing, saving you time during installation, as well as costly maintenance down the road. While aluminum windows are generally the least expensive windows, their disadvantages are aesthetics and energy efficiency. Heat flows readily through the frame from indoors to outdoors, making the indoor side of the window fael cold. This problem applies even to aluminum frames that are "thermally broken." Le.. have insulation between the interior and exterior parts. (Aluminum is Gae, though, to reinforce horizontal members of largo windows.} If you dorlda the low maintenance and energy efficiency of vinyl windows appeal to you. check out the following details. And, remember, not all vinyl windows are created equal: • Welded corners are airtight and watertight and won'l pull apart after exposure to heat and cold. • For Increased energy efficiency, look for Low-E/Argon glazing, which helps keep the house wanner in winter and cooler in summer. • Consider double-pane windows, which also slow heat flow through o window, nearly halving the heat loss that can occur through a single pane. • R-value measures a wirdow's resistance to heat flow, so the higher the Rvalue. the greater the insulating performance. • U-value measures the actual heat transfer through a window's frame and glass, so a lower U-value means the window is insulating more efficiently. The new single-hung and doublehung Ult windows make cleaning a breeze, and many casements open a full 90 degrees. Check the Ult features out on o couple of different brands. • Installation ease may be a factor if you're doing the replacement work yourselL Look for a frame depth of at least 3W inches or one that may not be as deep but is offerud with an accessory — a drywall return or wood return — that snaps on to the frame and brings drywall or wood flush egaiint the window, so you won't have to caulk or trim. • Check the warranty. Ten years for glass and lifetime for vinyl ere reasonable. The warranty should be nonprorated. • " Choosing windows is often a complicated exercise. Following these tips should help you through the purchase process and ensure your new windows will contribute to your comfort and savings throughout the year. . Helping the environment begins in the back yard Period for lounging, ball games and silt and sand. Whatever soil type you cookouH, your lawn is a real asset to have, you can probably improve i'. by your homo. But did you know that your •periodically added organic matter like lawn - and how you c&e for it - can also compost, manure or grass clippings. help the environment? Your lawn may Some lawns ore too packed down or only beasmall piece of land, but all the have too much clay, which blocks the laws across tho country cover a lot of penetration of air and water. Your lawn ground. Thai's why taking cam of the may need to be aerated by pulling plug* environmont begins in your own back- of soil out to create air spaces. yard. Caring for your lawn can have a Most lawns need to be fertilized bigcar Impact than you might think. every year. They need more nitrogen, You don't nave to be an expert to phosphorus and potassium than soils grow a healthy lawn. Just keep in usually contain. Use a alow release mind that 8ho secret U to work with lawn fartiliisr and have tho pH of your nature.- Healthy grass provides a feed- lawn tested periodically to insure that Ing ground for birds, which find it a the grass can best absorb the nutrients rich source of Insects, worms and other (pH 6.S to 7.0 Is best) Soil can be food. Thick grass prevents toll oration, "sweetened" with lime or made more filters contaminants from rainwater end "•our* with sulfur. absorbs many types of airborne polluThe right type of grass - one that suits tants, Uk» dust and soot Grass Is also your needs and likes tho local weather highly efficient .at converting carbon - will always give better results. If dioxide to oxygen. you're putting in a new lawn, it's worth iThare are a.few things you,should your while to identify the best-typo of know to insure that your lawn and the 'gran.- Grasses vary in the type of clienvironment remain hoalthy: mate they prefer, the amount of water The first thing to start with Is the soil and nutrients they need, their resisThe kay things to remember are texture, tance to pests, tolerance for shade and . nutrients and pH balance. Lawns grow the degree of wear they can withstand. bast in.sail with Intermediate or If your established lawn foils to thrive. "loamy" soils that have a mix cf clay. consider replanting with a different type of grass. You may have a waterloving species in an arid environment. Mow reasonably high. • usually , between 2W to 3H inches high. Longer grass has more leaf surface to take in sunlight, enabling it to grow thjrVpr and develop a deeper root system - to survive drought, insect damage and disease. It Is also Important to have a sharp blade on your mower to prevent tearing and injuring of the grass. Proper watering will also help your lawn grow deep roots. Most people water too often with too little water. It's best to water only when the lawn really needs it and. then, to water deeply. Frequent shallow watering trains the roots to stay near the surface. It's best to water in the early morning to reduce evaporation, when tho lawn begins to For Your Lawn & Garden, Equipment Needs NOW IK HKI IS WUXAI.J, ' TOO. • Mowers • Tillers • Riders Roses: a miniature rose for all purposes Miniature roses — real roses on a smaller scale — en hardy perennials that are easy to grow and bloom continuously throughout the growing season. From the darkest red. Black Jado, to the whitest white. Ice Queen, end every color In between, miniature rases maka •a wonderful addition to'any part of tho perennial border. Low-growing mlcrominis. such as . Rod Minimo and the beautiful, hot pink live Wire, grow only to a holgbt of 8 inches, maldne tliesa tiny plants perfect for the front of the border. Classic miniature roses, such as the pink and white blcolor, Child's Play, and the beautiful, yellow Good Morning America, are medium growers, reaching a height of 10 to 24 inches, and ere perfect lor splashos cf color in the middle of the perennial border or In beds by themselves. They make great cut flowers, too.|i Tboro aro climbing mlnkturos, such as the light pink i^-.*: Lajoio, which can throw "canes of up to 12 feet high that are always covered with perfect 1inch flowers. These vorsatilo plants are extremely winter hardy ana can bo trained to climb on a fence or arbor or. In the case of the very floriferous Rod Cascade, spread out and tumble over a stono wall. Thoro is a miniature roso for every gardening purpose. For a froo color catalog about miniature roios and miniature rose culture, write to Nor'East Miniature Roses. Inc., P.O. Box 307 AH, Rowley, MA 01QG9, or call 300-0407064. A-1 Concrete 327-0101 UNEVEN SIDEWALK? WE PUMP IJ UP! Save 50 - 70 % Over Replacement • Driveways • Patios • Steps • Any Slab! FREE ESTIMATES FORMERLY LORAIKWBTY CONCRETE LEVELING wilt from dryness, or whan th*e color dulls. :. All grass forms a layer of thatch, or ~doad plant material, between the grass blades and the soiL Whan the layer gets too thick - deeper than Vi inch - water and nutrients can't get to the roots. Raking will help, as will using a mower that breaks the layer up and sprinkling on a thin layer of topsoil or compost In a healthy lawn, microorganisms and earthworms help keep the thfiteh layer in balance by decomposing U and releasing tho nutrients Into the soil. Sot realistic goals for your lawn. Putting-green perfection may bo a long shot. Even a healthy lawn is likely to have some weeds or insect posts, but' beneficial insects and other organisms will help keep these thing" uadar control. " • Tractors • Generators Water Pumps HUSOWBUUWNJUnGJUDENSUf BtcWc chita uw* worthy OfCMJUflMCtfM, r Cham saws • Lawn Mowers • Lawn Tractors Line Trimmers • Tillers»and more FACTORY TRAINED Service and Warranty Work on Most Major Brands of Power Equipment RENT: Edgera • Slicora • Delhatchere & Tillers • Mowers • Lawn Rollers PARTS • SALES • SERVICE & RENTAL EQUIPMENT Huber's Power Equipment Inside Gerber's Garden Center 36383 Detroit Rd., Avon • 934-1533 - 1-800-737-5629 Cultivate a love of gardening in your children To tie young gardener, o packet of gauds hoi da mystery, adventure and a promise. -. "Planting seeds and watching a veg-'stable or flower garden grow is one of thfl moat satisfying experiences a child can have outdoors," aaya Peter , Reynolds, president of BRIO® Corporation, a toy company baied in Milwaukee. Wla. "Whan the first tiny - jacves poke through tho soil, it's a tricaiph of nature and your child's skills. ' That sanso of accomplishment grows with the plants." . Tb nurture your children's natural - cariosity about how plants grow, give thlim a small garden plot of their own - or encourage them to work with you, -suggests Roynolds, whose company - OUKB* sturdy gardening tools for children. Not only will the children delight In their gardening successes, but they'll enjoy the tune spent with their parents. They'll also develop their cross motor skills by working in the garden. With BRIO'S quality, durable; cblldtlza garden tools, children om dig. rate, hoe and plant just like their *parnnt«ltf,*~].~r_~ . Mada from epoxy ilacquored. metal fastened to sturdy wooden handles. BRIO iocis look like their full-size counterparts, but they're just the right «ua and weight for children ages 4 and older to maneuver. "By leaching your children to garden, you can cultivate a lifelong love of the earth in them." says Reynolds. "And by summer's end. you'll probably be surprised at how much they've taught you," ^^ Increasingly, parents, educators and youth loaders are discovering the mulUfaceted benefits nf gardening for children, says David Young of the National Gardening Association [NGA). a nonprofit organization based in Burlington. "Gardening Is a vehicle for learning about life, nature, food production, problem solving and teamwork, while developing pride, enhancing selfesteem, and delighting in feeding and beautifying the community." says Young. "Besides, it can be fun." Roses: new flower promises a wonderful rose garden Lynn Anderson, e new variety of hybrid tea rose named for the singer who "Never Promised You a Roso ' Gordon." promises to be one of tho t world'* great roses. The Cower* aro '"truly fabulous — large, perfectly • fanned and a beautiful creamy white finely edgtd with raspberry pink. Bast of all, tho lynn Anderson rosebutb it easy to grow Jo all climatm. Thn long canes and huge, shiny green foliage ere extremely pest- end disoasa• iwlaUnL Requiring only good soli, plenty of water ana a cup of fertilizer once a month, Lynn Anderson is astounding In Its vitality and superb tower, quality. Eyon, if you've novor: gftfitn t K*W btfbfsr yourfciendi'and naigblxBrwiU think you're an expert. : Lynn Anderson Is destined to become • popular 'exhibition rose and has already woo a number of top awards at ' TOBB abowi around the country. Because it U 10 easy to grow, novice rosarians will find It tiw perfect •tntar " ' .. " A 1QQ5 Introduction from Weeks Roses, Lynn Andnson can b* purchaiod at nuTserias and garden centers nationwide. • Catch the Special m$easm Conditioning NOW! £ NO DOWN PAYMENT 6COMFORT MONTHS SAME AS CASH CREDIT FINANCING AVAILABLE Young is director of the N'GA's Youth Garden Grants Program, which provides material grants to schools and community organizations around the country for gardening projects. He offers the following practical tips on how to start a garden with your children. • Keep the garden small enough and simple enough to be manageable for the child and to ensure success. • Keep it dose to the house so that it's easily accessible and frequently seen. • For small children, try turning an old tire Into a gardening plot Fill the center with soil, end plant small sections with radishes, lettuce, carrots and marigolds. • Older, more experienced kids can move to larger plots and more diverse plants. • Choose a sunny, roomy spot, and plant sunflower seeds. Be sure to keep the soil wet until the seeds sprout. Your little gardeners will bo delighted when the giant flovrers tower over them. "Gardening; provides a great opportunity to work with your child through the stages of watering, weeding, thinning and. ultimately, harvesting." Young says. Additional tips and a variety of fun gardening activities can be found hi the NGA's "Guide to Kids' Gardening,'' written by Lynn Ocone and Eve Pranis, end published by John Wiley & Sons. The book U available nt public libraries and bookstores. To order, write to NGA. 180 Flynn Ave.. Burlington. VL 05401, or call 1-800-LETSGRO. BRIO'S lino of garden tools features a spado, hoe, metal rake, throe types of shovels, two brooms. 9 leaf rafco. watering can, hand trowel, hand rake and bond shoveL It also includes a metal whoolbarrow with wooden handles and metal pail with a wooden grip. BRIO garden tools end other toys are available at specialty toy stores. For e list of stores that carry BRIO toys, call 1-800-558-6863, exL 5. A number of BRIO toys have won national and international awards for fun, qualify, safety and durability. CLEANING CORPORATION SIDING WINDOWS GUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 933-7060 1-800-943-WASH Drad Smith '.Roofing Co. / iMr>' . •-. COMING SOON NEW SHOWROOM UEUODt BETTER BUSINESS |S)E)Cl BUREAU "SSMGE ON SELECT MODELS. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS & ROOFING I CHIMNEY REPAIRS 125 OFF •NEW ROOFS •SLATE & TILE REPAIRS •TEiAROFFS CoIIKwlnJfcflateat Licensed* Bonded Insured MECHANICAL INCORPORATED 216/25241840 FREE 835-3377 ESTIMATES 24550 SPERRY DR • WESTLAK li i . , . ,... , Le^inglOn, JBef nhardU. ;, | 'American Drew,./ ' V- ,*\\' ' ' ' Waterfurcl. Masland- '• , Carpet. Oriental.Kiigs , and, More! . , ; • r *• J 7fC~:;;>£S! i* Lowest Price ' • ( Guarantee ;()n alt jaew arid •' ••:^"':current products, wp ^ p;iiaran'Uv:ilre lowest" pritv ofltrecl'by^ahy11, ' , comparable Factory Authomecf Dealer ' witHin our (Itvliy^ry & - ranjur. U' you find a lower iH'ia.-'advt'rtiscd \vitliin ;l() (J;iys, wr'll ( i-'hrcflullv rrl'inul ihr . 1 •'\ t <.,,L _ , fc * ' , ' I Our G'nUiry.t-Iom^ • Showroom has 'three. flotu's o! Fine*. Quality I-'uruilure, Accessorie and Designer Accents .nnmatclu'il in the Cleveland Aa i a. Interior Design Our |)rofession;il DrsiLi'ii Stal'T first starts w i t h listening Lo'your needs and desires. Then, from New HiMuephmning. and coordinating, to [jvlpiiiLj w i t h the ll'ni^lnn.Lf touched, we're here to civale Meaiilinrl Interiors1 tor \ou. Visit Warner Interiors Today and Discover The Difference We Offer You. INTERIORS Quality Furniture & Interior Design 23123 Center Ridge Rd. Westlake • 331-4830 Fine Furniture Gallery Hours: Mon., Tues.. Thurs. 10-9 • Wed., Fri.. Sat. 10-6 • Sun. 12-5 :&£!;;j!^ 3ii|»|^^^ ; ; j£ '•' }i$;i f:i;v ^SS S J0$* ,r'0?^ ytfv •l^'i'^^Ja^^ § - iW&£Pti'lj _naS "m In The Classifieds REAL ESTATE OS NoToLUSTfcD COMDO; 3»44 Brendan Lane, zrao. oiraoa air Commercial Property LOfUM KDUSTRIAL PARK MM 2-SO aerea. Wl* Ml V . new avitiiHa. Lamed actacar* to Fad UOKX Co. BflBrunawUiHil batman flia.2/90. Lorain. Ohio. Cnrtact Query DaUarea, coMvwi BankarLeeDrageReatv. (210)323IHO- SPACE » City Center Compl«i, MI LorOn 4 anaa • Loner tMl 900. 1.400 VM 2.000 «- fL TMfd lOorTOO «q. It Reasonable tsa. uOBoa patt. Phone 344-4117, 10 Honrn For Sate AFFORDABLE HOME LOANS FAMILY HOME UOrTTGAGECORP. Avon Lak», Ohio UARX LUNDV •&TIOO "Pro-qdalify for free "ConverrtionaVFHA/VA loans - 'Croat problem loans •Refinance ^Home Improvement loans "Socprtd mortgages •Moblla hometoans AVO* LAKE LAMCHMaS. 3 BH TaHnftaua* aAoaamtnL By Ow 10303031. ; (83,000. PRINClPAtS , ONLY. 933-3031 : AVON LAKE CONOO boammJoy WMM; 2 teftDomt, l-ua MAS. •^wncd-ln ponft. batad naar pubtte BOH ecun* on Laka Eri*. new .indo.i. iniuili laundry. appuancei negotiable. pel* OK. WESTLAXE COLONIAL; SywriTid c 2Sr?V£J*; - """ 1274.900. 20 Lots and Acreage For Sale AVON LAKE LOTS FOR SALE OR BUILD TO SUIT Call Trademark Homes _ 25 Uoblle Homea For Sale SAVE THOUSANDS - Buy factory olivet ant CM - Cal tor (raa color TOED OP raJ4nwa. We now over 33 pra ownad homai ready lor tmtnadUua oattwy E-Z ffrahcfcxi. Deflvwy hcfejdad. l-flOC«a6.17S3T Out of Town Property 30 HOUOAY LAKES, WUUid: Slwip 4A*Onx>m coraaniporwy on taka. Eoant lot hdulaa two ctx±a and . CM S3MOB tor _ -AVON LAKE. U4 BEOHOOU MUCH 2 Bana, <nWwi bawHTM. C/A, Mt bar, •nokwad paBo. tmwt vvd, *I« csr oaaoa. «190.COO- •-•-••.-^' - • " • * "''• 3M2* WoM. 4V8BD/2.BBA. iam.room. 2J 100x373 lot. r _ AVOW LAKE.Tvon Point Rd~ 40(140. M.OOft NorVi Apea net. Bag oiler. COCOn brocfure * taUturt ft vtwt acreatM land taroama on bew/UTuI 39,000 acre lake near Kjxaivllla. Tannetiea tt.j The Smcfcy UountaJr*. ExcMant beattn *fishing.Viewt from only 1 1 .800 and ten tronH Iron me ma SXTL Easy flnanOna Cal Indian Stetowa 8002»«ja, Ett 1 122. Re fWT21 443-0ft)._ NEAR HLTON HEAD, SC . (ratal paradM. AAxdoUa watarfiont ivM Red 30 rranuea nom Hlfion Head { Baaulort. Eautn *Ue waterfront tameaum from M9JXM vrtm dock ttproval Cafl today 000-5544964, ExLIIOO. MOVING AVON LAKE 3 BEDfiOOU. 2 bain, appliance*. 2 ear garage, Nov Avallicle; SBOO UQ * Uiriinei * Depotit 833-0670 after 0PM o* tor* niMMyB. AVOM LAKE 3 OEOflOOU, t-1/2 Dam. LH. FR. Buement. 1 Car An. G*TM. Now Arotattt. J8QO MO * Ultimo* * Securay. 933-51IW After 6PM. AVON LAKE. CONVENIENT LOCATION: 3 Bedroom. 2 Bam. 1 Car Oarage. NO PETSi Availatia JUNE lit 1700-00 UO • Sacuray * Ubtffie*. CXJ Rental. P.O. Box 196. Avon L«k». Otto. 44012. LAXEWOOO; 5073 RHxrt. upKain. 5iMitrecm. ntftg.. now. heal. J35Crtr>o. AviilabI* Apnl t. B71aaai. LARGE CANOPY TENTS For Hart Parted for Your Outdoor Partyl AtklorUark SmKh'a Country Counttr _ 834*403 _ OFFICES AVAILABLE 3-4 RQOU SUTTES Uk* Road, Avon Laka RaaaonaQla Rant LRMM tKluded. Cat tor Appattmant _renoa_ ONE ft TWO badrooma Irom SC5S. Washer, dryor. tnlcmwairg. pool. lannls. uuna. tanning. Cai) S924747 _ TWO eeonooy UNFURNIEKEO APARTUENT (500.00 MO + Security Deooitl. Ralorancei Racuinid: No ^^081834-4977. VILLAGE ON THE GHEE* (IBadrvoml Navriy Hemodnted 1 4 S Bedrooms Commercial For Rent 52 ceranf, tree tandng 1 4 jnoaolLl tkx*. WH bufld to tuL 531-8383, B71-05S8. ~55 OlflcvSpaco For Rant CmrCEMTEHCOUPLBt; Dnmiowr. Lenta. Raaagnabla rent UUBla* pakt Five parUnp. Variou* ataftflnttnecttpeces. 1QSOO aq.lt. 480 CQ^iL 500 *q.ft. 1100 aq.ft. Can al be ananrjed to mB tonartt. LMntahed areaa. 1421 aQJL (2010 taJL and 2150 »q-R_ fheee can be conttwl to provtda 41 BO *qJL) Pnona 244-4117. FAIRVIEW Medical Art*; Profaaskmat taulkllno with (r*thly painted (pound floor suBe avoOabto. Ideal tor medical or other 358-2330- 63 -OUTOF Share House/ <-Apartment THE AREA? .LAJCEWOOO; Cotton, larga room. . partJnfl- F«mal* noniy. S320 + O^poM. Laava CALL FOR n^E PUBUCATIOH 65 Vacation Property ForR«m 1340. In WMHm Bay VHana. Prtcad tar « 1178.500. 31103 GKTHoiuS. eurejwoi mxww nWDto or dMlnn tmr OUR. FIM Ab» log Homaa. JfKS day County Hntamy Daot ty H CO, Uoaa. TannaoaaT aaTSuiTS. (Sof MOVING OUT OF THEAR&V? CALL ran Fiss PUBLICATION 1*800-753-3643 Uonday- Sunday RRIDGEVILLE By Owner; Charming 3 BR, 1-1/2 bath Split, remodeled kitchen, family room, living room, fireplace, fenced yard, 2car oarage. 9337146/353-0402 AQSIBTAHT HEEDED for buiy onrewonoc pracuca. M of p4fi -eme Pl«*le t*nd reiutne la: Kim Comstodi. 32745 WaDur Rd.. Suna D.AwnLake. OH 44012. BARTENDER WANTED; Apply Uitcneir* Tavam. 74263 C«nl«r (Mtu«.(l»-a415QEAUDOAN: Ft* or Pvl-Dme wim lottomng A 4 C Ha* Owon. 540 Sooft Kanitngton Rd.. Rocky Rnar. 333-ISCi anm-4p»n. _ BEAUTICIANS: Fua or pan-time. ESTREUERA SALON Bay VHjga. Caa Joan on Uondn lOvrL-lpm. B35-47S7. _ BEAUTY SALON ranMy rnmodMed carUmporary Kmawt*tt. now rm opaningi lor 3/ianlor ilyllili t t^rtor tryist W or pan-time t t/nal tacn potnon ateo open. Apery at Gmtty WMt. 20013 Detroit Rd, Ro _ _ CASHIER PO&mON. EWEFUENCED OHOCERY, UEAT ft GENERAL POSITION- 11 Yaan or otdar. Apply In paraon ONLY: Smnh'a Country Counw. 37SOO CotorMo, Avon. _ UAINTENAHCE POSmOHS 1ST. 2ND. 3RD SMtt. eDOM mMnum BarOng tatnat, BaxUa •chMuing. Raunw*. rnuMMvm ana cofleoe ttudarg am enoounOrfd n arcrytoipenon. BPEXWcCS WaikarftRLU _ A«»iLafc» _ CHARLES SCOTTtt now accepong •ppllcatton* lor ESTHEDCtANS. UASE OTHER APISTS, NAIL TECHS. HAIR STYLISTS duo U ipa •JpenUofi. Appfy m panon or cal 333-7804 or BS9.1 9ST. _ CHUBCH CUSTODIAN Adjve vvtt vde cmv^U^^n of TOO laom CmtooUn, Q*J can c«mr «rtn DO crddran In bufldng. Wa naed •aU-rvfiant IndMduDl wno to a handyman, Jcb IrtwrMS caia and repftr 01 heaiffy uted tacffitr. Rafarancaa raqulrad. Sackg round check ntqUrBd. Send Raauma to Wwl Ufa. P.OJVu 45014 C. WaBlaJt*. OH 44143. _ CLEANING: ReittantlaJ homei. Looking lor depandabte, malura h»t». TnnjnooaOon reqtirad. Good pay. Part-ume. flexble noun. Apply a] 34068 Canar Rklga Rd. NA 3278348._ _ _ COUPUTER USERS NEEDED. Typing ft Word Procowlng Irom home. S45.00Cnfr Imcama pountut. Cal 1-800-5134343 EJaB-1382 COHTESTANTB WANTED tram OH, PA and aurroundinn antn betwvan tv aoaa of 7-23 to campatt In Bi*» yaa/i 1HV CLEVELANO PAGEANTS OMT SaO.OOO anardad nnmaiBv m KtmartHpa. prUaa and Naikxals. CBJI1-BOO-37B-BT70E«1.Z130. CONTHACT SPEOAUSTAtUYCR Dynamic heanncxra group purcnaUng compony oeaka ewertenoac: hidMdual » nooodata purehnslno conoacB. W1B 6ain. PDM.303ttCUmaniRoad. . Wartafce. OH 44145COURIER: S houra par Mak. Uutf have own traniiMrtatlon. OependabUlTv Imparathr*! Santora Waicune. 22&-2O33. DEMTAL ASSIST AMTKFQA Pin-cme caution avwuoe In easy gong Wtuflaka ofitee. Cai 632-1810. DIE MAKERTOEPAJfl. iQer. Uj^w Catp. UnempCyed «rtar. SUI level: MO&NI*. Overtime. HneWi Irv •uranca. Drivtna bonus-1320 tax tmai aaa-4047. ORlVEnft-Exparienceovineipeii' < •need. ATS Mrr* yout Enjoy tap payitaenBftt*. fugn ndaa aaiunod cornennooali. taiatttB-egmipedand mucn nvn. Cal Araterun Tnckyvj Sarrca al l-aXMSS-»433- EOE. : DHIVERE-OTR-Do you have lull ' m«dical plan? New conventional . •OUVmenl? RMor program? We Ceri i Pka gnal Uorvon bcru*t CDL-A re- ' qutfTjd. Cal BOO-788-t 14T. J _ DISHWASHER, IOAU-3PU, Food PrWSanchrtcn Uikar, BJUJ-JPU UF. Apply In Parton.- Lermyi D«U. 33688 WaJtor Road. Avon LBM. DRIVER FLEET OPERATORS and o*TMitoc*faion neeottd by gnntog regional mekinB, w* have fau o* -No Touch* traignt. Lei u» help you Incnuua prcto and rataln dnvvn. Jon ma earner mat pun your booom Una Una. We oiler me kdowing; *AJ mliAa paid *AI pemn paid *No company trucks *Bue puta program •insurance dacounta 1 lilaacn guvantaas 'No hoWback or ascrov •Home weakens guarantaad *Sig vcrkar*! Comp. tawnga •Driver r»ouOng uaistanco. CaJ Rod at r«CuOa Expran. euO-20frCUOE U-F, Bam-ta apm. QM me detain UraVERS -CaUrk iraamailonal o(. Ian great pay, banelita and tne chance » gat home more ofttnl UuM be 22 wWi CDL and Haztlat an. dorMment. BOO-050-Ma. _ DWVtftS EOE kwi a team of taadant. Uavwtck on«n. atoughaa B loto*. Enjoy benolta and pcffing horn*. Raglonbl run* avnTlabtD. Uavartck TraraponaOon Inc. 1-800__ HEEDED to oponue reptanal or 43 Hat**. Excellent pay and oerwflta. UW.-num 1 p. OTH e»perteree raqubwt Cal ContJnenla) Eainc. i-coo-zsa^npo^oe. DRIVERS Stem TrantporlaDon now hiring onMra. SMti oflora: EjcaDant beneDla, advcncad pay pOn. 401K plan, dock purdun ptooram. top of me tne equipment. comcMia bAoa Roimtxnemant avaltabla. COL training avaAotria on weekday* or «MkancH tor Iranpantnced drhvn who wouU Ik* to team howtodrtv» an 1 0 »hae*r. For more d»tala cat 1-aOQ400-eoSQjaofrmfc Mm. 23y«.} DIVERS TEAW-OfM tor a cantor tna know* whara tonportam. Top teama earn $l04.0QOWyear. eraJtont boneRO. 40if». jiooo Nrtng bo«». al traignanar convcnoonata. Sotia w«crjmea Can today: 1-800441^384 Covonnnt Tranaport. Omvuts-Con-Way truddoed urvteaa-The beat way. Top pay. oompany paU beneBts. higri mtoa. om. nffibed ran and blanket wrap opporlunltlei. Call 1 -800-15 5-CWTS 12887). EqtaJ Opportxrttv Dncayiwr. leaie program-No money oown. Uust meet DOT reqtiramnnt. Late model ura* -la Cal AreOc EJQTMI 1* MO2T-0431. . teeuflty. no lay-orli. Outllanding pay. tenant. CAST, he. 1-600-504Z778. EOEW. _ DR3VEH3; Emenanced^ora Tked of long houn ft tow pay? Eim up ID S40-95.COO/VT. and Up taneRi wQh RoehL Ouatoomm. 4a/sr van or Batbed. Oroi ft mrad- 85H no Kocn. SJgn on bonuB. Tak to our driven. Dnv«r trairui ft icama waloana, 1B00-4g7-g343-_ _ DfnvCRS: Onry Z mo. expenano* needadl JJft--36Trt to Bard Top banoto mckjamg heain. He, dantal ft vtlion In*.- ana 401k. Dm* Uta rrcoa-. Dp of CM In* mrwenkjiaJ •gulp- «20a ontrtaton bonua. Your choice ol nattnD or tegkmal tnts. O/O leaieAurchasa avail. Call lOara-jpm. Sun, or Oanvflcm. m-(. i-eoo-ars-8754 m& SL-a. . _______ DflY CLEAKEnS: Cunomer SarMo and Cajnier Hob: Ful Tkn*. Apcfy h Peraon. FUdne CKanan. 146 Loar Read. A von Late. _ EARN UP TO HUrWaek. We NMd People B Uake Jawufty. (NacUaoaa. Bracataf*. Earrinoi] Jotoa Awattable Year Round. Fiom Your Honw. No Eiponenca Naadad. Send SASE to Kowancnrtf. Corp, 5183 Broadway Ave. Str24B EU-207, Buftatt. NY 14043_ : _ EPE8 hauBng a fiat bed company mad* exparlencod drivvn. E-PES hautrgonan: •Horn* weekly •04 and 95 convanttonal tnttor* *s»p on. arp pay •Salary and pertarmanca bonua ttoeScal and dental toaurara *V»=«flon and noUay pay •401 Kplm •SataBta comrnunlcalinn Cnl 1400-24fr«337 or 1 -000-5210620 tor WormaBon on • compa/iy thai can*. Company drtw** and ownor openun naadad. HOME LOANS/REFINANCE • Rtfimt to i lav ntt • ftiuhm 3 to 5H duwi • rHA/Vl tiE- Lnm • D*U CoreotoSon • Han knprmrnctt. _. • Und Conlnctj • CrwSt Pntem OJL • Bsinvtc* OX family MORTGAGE CDHPaHATTDN GSO Uetn ROM) • Ann Ukt, Dfl 4Ui: (210) 933-7100 • 1-800-847-0071 1-300-753-3943 BEACHfBOMT COHOO^A Ivg badroom baacNronl oondo at one o( vStoo Ian morn In tha US la Uonday- Sunday •vnJtaDla ** ««rt Ourtng tha *«ak d B4HouraADay Friday. Uay 3 throutfi Friday, May to Ttw condo, locaiao In tha eutuaM So*" &aa Ptantaflon on 35 Vacation Property CapUvn litand. Florida. Hatos tH. _ For Sale has a pool and tanrta court*.»1.100Cafl davWma •• 221-214* or avertng HILTON HEAD TTm» Shaw: atadroom. ataiJi ham. pod. f raa atK»4M5_r goB. lannia, aakm $ifjoa 916.000. VBJuv p1B) 779-1507. 77VBaaoti and Dacfc Ona Dadroom. _ 5537. _ OnaBaff).UlnlK>cn>n.PT4vina . Entranoa. W^Wnrj Dtcianca to RED WEEK (130 (M) flmt thaitng. Caaar PotfU- Cal 1-4 18*21-8134. Fatrflati Uouniajrw. AahaMM. HC. 1350 «n. n. aeo, acA. jaaua. oo«. LAKE ER^ ISLAND AOVEHTURE tlthlno, iirimmlng, complataly PACKAGE; fumhnd. CMnar Drcndna. «4.70d. 3J1-47SO. _ eoupia. Middto Bm Wnd For more Informalton ft tnf£ SHARE unu am ounpgrcuKJ on imnbwihipa. DIftran tataa^noapt WoAMda wJaotana, Cal Vacation LUXURIOUS CONDO KELLEY8 Natwork U.S. and Canada 1-flOOStay In the heart ol 5434173. FIM nntal Hormailon twift wand ki naarty naw 3 bedroom, baautllully rtammtud condomtrtutn «nn pool ft RENTAL 45 For Rent AVON LAKE 3BR. Sain * 1/2. *. ccntnl loeaHon. Saoo/Uonth. Try A Tax Deferred Annuity • For C.D. & IRA Rollovers 7.50% WANTED Halp Wantod "POBTALJOBS" . pU banalR>>, For uam »nd eppDeiwn Into col 2137B44010EXTOH134.BAU-11PU. 7Daya. 10-KEY. HataM oUnt. 75 naadad. LooSo tor • career? Cal ASAP! DrMrlo DO«*S320 tw (rea. VtW ADUIM«TRATfVe SECnETAnTAVOflO PROCE8SMO • Guaranteed One Year • Guaranteed Principle & Interest NO FEES! NO SALES CHARGE! JOSEPH T. NEMCRTK & COMPANY Estate & Financial Advisors 276 S. Main Street, Amherst Call: 985-1176 or 1-800-252-7449 B y K O P F F R AVON indapendom RapratantaiM. PotanlUI S200-S2000 per monlh. Maka own houra. Door/door not nacauan. UaolcaUotner inturanca nvaJlabia. 1-800-288-63 ij, BARTENDER, aiparwnceer, pantime. Call M-F (liam.7pm). 0332095. T) N B U I L D E R S Enjoy Pre-Q#cAJY& VP&JYJJVG WOODFIELD ESTATES! UYATL£ BEACH, Nonn-5p«aouB. alloidabla ocaanlront no mat t condo'a. OaDy ft wwkty rain of) aaaion Juna iSlti. April ft Uay •padalK from S43.00/nlom. Fma EMoO RaaRy 1-600-525- 80 IS YOUR C.D. MATURING? O . M ,. E :I RECEIVE $5,000 IN UPGRADES ^%3°pf Builders is so excited about Woodfleld Estates I ^^Ibcy can't wait until March 31st GRAND OPENING to show it off! Now is your chance to preview Avon Lake's newest single-family home community and take advantage of PRE-GRAND OPENING SAVINGS! If you purchase a home at Woodfleld Estates before I its Grand Opening on March 31st, you will receive $5,0001 in frte upgrades courtesy of Kopf Builders! March is fast approaching, so hurry in to Woodfleld Estates today and] see what all the excitement is about!! Savings at MACHINE CREMATOR, Fonuna 100. Unemployed wter. Slul S12.SQ1*. Sato enwnyvnm bonuMi. Driving Donus-132<3 Irael 779-5290. OWNER/OPERATORS (at Ohio avnar. 100 ml* f*du» Ouo. hkvn* *A •B«*u>nd« and most WMk nigM*. No handling. D/H KDokft. fmunuxM avaiUDta cafl 1BOO-aSO-1170. St. John West Shore Hcapttai to curPOSTAL AND GOVT JOBS ranOy Mekmg • OMBad AwnUc ln12 I/HOURS .DENEFITS sJnx» to be reeponsWe tor eerceic NO EXP WILL TRAIN or nap classes a put ol mo Wai FOR APPL k INFO Avon Program. For consMeraflon, _ 1JCX>-XXX.XXXX _ ptaaw cafl KaUh Porcherta. Manager. POSTAL JOBS K. John Weal Shore Fitness Ce«ar. Start S12.oaVHr. For Exam and aittJS-BISI. ArcAcatUi Into. Cal (219) 7594301 JXTOH519. gAU-SPU. Smvf rt. STJOHN PHE53ER WAHTEO; FutVPan-ttma. Apply Fokvtt* Dry Qeanen. 22245 WEST SHORE HOSPfTAL Now or emcnoncod lo 28927 Cwrtsr Ridge Rd REALTOR; •ork ««n Duytrm. TmMng prcxrlCM. Opportunliy lo cam tictntni Westlake, OH 44145 commiaalona. Laadt bMng provuad. Looking lor a !«am-orlani«d, Eajjal Opporturtly Employer mxtvalad. rMpontmn pencn who FOAEUAN FOR LANDSCAPING •noy* wrung Brim poopla. Ptoaw NEEDED, EXPERIENCED. Appty In cJ&S8-^sa. _ Person: Oerbefs Oanttn Center. RECEPTKJWST. PART-T1UE, FOR 38303iQetroa Road. Avon BUSY ANltUL CUNIC. Uim ba FOUNDRY WORKER. Brand Now matura. teOiatasDc, p*opto-ortwn»a Facility. Unemployed w/car. Skin and aUa to do 4 mmgi at ore*, wu levet iSOQjwk. Quieh rait**. Paid tnun Avon Laka Anlml CUnlc. 134 veeaOon*. DrMng borus-9320 tax Uitlir Road. NO PHONE tNOUIRIES. FAEEHEALTH BENEFITS RECEPT1OK1ST •EttsMsnetl long Distance Co. At EVan ABen. . . •**>* nmlty going ptacm. Now you can toin a Kadar lr * TreirwiQAiu wBno Vm tr* twma (unwrtncs Industry. In •CBB now! 1-BOO-77M712 E*. 1473. an txcaOor* career cpponunitv. Our FRONT OlcBK RECEPTIONIST. new North OtmdMl Hore tcuekna a cmdanttous mdMduaJ » meet and CJtto TV Station. Greet dents. Froe great aatornan BI ««• as ooneral computer Inuring, Driving bonus>330 tax 1ml Oeay 2S2-4114. dcnCnJ and Mapnana duflea. FteriU* «vcnro end Mekand howrs. FULL TtUE hoip needed. WM trUn. Qayki Bratfy at Chip 'a Qreen world Landscaping. Pleau eortnd ETHAN ALLEN 671-8448._ _ GENERAL HELP Wa^Uka, Oh «1« UaOard Day Qtf) Company la oeaUng _ (211? 171 -a«44 high enemy (trpontljlja person kx RECEPTIONIST, Radio Station. seasonal Bciaflnj A order praeesaCentra! loceUon. Great beneflla. h^Cal UflU. 671-1474. Orlvina bona-5320 tax ITM! Tammy OEHEBAL LABOR 734-4B21. _ WESTERN ENTERPRISES. a RESIDENTIAL OUBJJER KWa on Isadng manUactumal oorrvrMMd light modal homo Hoatasi In pan fangs. |> taoktig: tor pood. WMOatt. EnafgaOc panon nMdad dependable peoc4a to wortc lo ca-ordb»ta aalaa appoJntm«nt«. permanars; pErt-iime posfiorn in our Sand raame to: 6777 Engkt Rd. OuUry Department FMAH Sul» U UkMate»g HU, y'Dittrn hous between 3PU end iiPUTweofler good, cttsn end Kartudcy Fnad CNcfcan ti now aosafe working condUone and capnng applcaMna torday and rtgnt -----» based on tf«a.>tari*yn pay lor quBKaM day anyoma. 3Z73& mce preferred but not : «a «a tain on BIC |dx i an enccunged » apply. SALES ABSISTAKT; In Housa Apply ti person at Western Galoa . O>DW Wi c^ca. Train tor Enwprlm S3673 Fin Oak Ettoi flj*"*1**" Caraar oppartunlry. Partway, Avon Outooina panonallty. Vrork aoma ___" Lake. Onto. OMMnoa t Saturdara. Cal BOO-gTOO. HANOUI row TRUCKING dmm. Fiee driver taming-. V you SECRETARY, Oavalcnd Evants qualify. Students welcome. Corp. Protauinal lun-oundlngi. Experience pay up to .as/ml. D(Mnboru4320taxbMl Batty EXPERIENCED DRIVERS; 'Na pev tceM "Premium •Vm. Flan. dadicatad "Up lo -32/mL •FUI tjanefis. BukMn Transport 1800-823-2169 EH. L-9. AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR Hotel HEALTH AIDES Interim HsalffiCara of Nam East Onto. Inc. nee InwnedUla home can aisJonmems (Incfudina Medicare vwsj lor suie anted and competency «MBH] home heaBi eld**, ro•Hong mOOHf h Cuvenorn and Loraln Ceumiaa. an shifts, ftaxtila hours. • DonN Pronnma • . •4DlfBpian For mom Inicrrnalon Ctl Cyan « 1400-7804001 WTmi HBALTHCARI Itm Unbi Ro-tulto *!• Horth OtMnoTOH 44670 1OBMFVH IW« IUO «MUyt FnM your leeaHen. ft UUIM Brecar eandlenoaa»«eUrea; _ envelope! SFLFeedDieeeumera •1 Weavenoe Rd Ea na . NC g«M end Weekends for busy animal hrjspUL Kwu kM* anknal*. apply et Avon Lake Anlaul Cllnle. 134 Htller noae% NO PHONE INOUfllES. LABU*I IttLI* HKiOCO 10 Start HCLP HtlDtD. no anvertanoa necessary. . B37.M7A LAMDtCAlHMO; Seasonal help wanted at Westlike aparUnant eompiex. Fun Ume^e-flluv. Start ImmrrliMy. Apply between 11am.5pm. VUaae bt the Perk. 27433 Delro»HfL7\tfeailelia. _ LAW I WOftCttiEMT JOM how Hbtap, U 8. Cuelome. OUIcert. Bc-FoMreo CM (2tB) 704JX10 EXrM17,OAUI011PU.TDevs. mm cooics ANTJ «u« p€niot3 HBDCD: Uuat beat leeal lews, dd (Bus Persons); Une Cooks. e merle nee pretarrod but nol naoaaaary. FuM flme evertnae and uiiltsnai. Amty wlren: Hafts en Laee. 334M Lafce Road. Avon Lafca. UACHIHI*r/tBT*UP. Special Protect Urtewptoyed w/cer. Skin level: MBJWwk. dudle position. Employee reeoanltlon. Driving ) BPfcaet»2^047. y oetiHEAD iALOON n Waaeawe-. HataQ ejejertsneed Line Cooks ft egmnced Keohen 8MB . Top wane* or eel We want matura, ^ •one who would enjoy netotng tan*eea mortna Mo f» Cleveland area. to unpack and oat oroartjed si •»* naw home. Perfttna onf». pvMitna, ttocfcy tUwar omoa. ftaqjraa protatttonal appaatanea. twlno, GHntj. anrBaflrn phono* & mlaaafanawa ofDca dutMa. Plaaat aand ftaauiw to: Gocrotary Poaflon. PJOJio* 183W. Rocky Riw•f. OH 441 IS. _ STAY HOUg UAKK lltTJM A DAY Pnxataira Ual) tor Local Campanlaa. Wori Datveradl Eaay Uonayl Lbrttad Opartnga. Cal Brtdc 1-316. 513-3030 tXTt2B (Call* ' Raft«l»t» _ TCIEUAHKETER: Ful (X pan-Uma. Expaitanca habM but not nacsa>ary. For Upra atformailon cal afur cm. 27^paa. THE PRESS Part-Tim* Advartlilng SalM We have an bnmeoute openina In our acNenttlng sales daparlrriert Some tales eiperianDd would be hsbU but nda must Working dose lo home end a good wage makss Wa opsnlng very deatrable. Ptaaae submi your resume to-. The Press, P.O. Bo* 300, Awn Lake, Ohio, 44012 or drop It OH at 158 Lear (toed. AM» Lake. TODDLER TEACHER 1dO-530pm. Uon-FrL Unknum rcqutnmani: ntti tchoot educaaon, good cnudreaiing suits, nurturing penoralty. able to pavi and conduci actMleatorchJklren 24 to 30 fnonfhs. E.CEd e pi* Cal for appobttnent 333-2O40_ TREE WofllOIRS WANTED. QR9UNO UCT AMD CLBUBER9 UPDATE YOUR RESUME Even If youfre ernptoved. you should ehrays l-ava an updstea Resume. NORTH SHORE fSSUWE SERVICE can help you writa. revUe and tarmat your Raaume quickly end nusonabty. Your Resume wU be kept on dtok tar tuture updates end piMed cU uslno a Leser rrmtar. We can also aasM you to wntinn an alfectfve cover Matr. For efffc&nt end WANTED EKPCHICNCCD NAIL TECHMCUW Knowledge of acrylics desired buy not necessary. Ful or part-time tor tvacslc Rocky RJver Salon. CaJ 33M223 tor Iraetvlew. WaJxJftJCOWEHVATWN JOM Qame waMena. sscurtty. maMsnanDt. etc. No axp. necessary. Now HWng. For Info Cal (210) 704-0010 EXT WOO, BAM to ^ tlPU.7days. _ WOBD PHOC6S8OH. CPA (Imi. Oaautllul offices.. Great benallts. DrMrn bonu*432D tax heel Amy 253-4114. AUPAW HOUEBTAY; t^-ki ctukj can. Taking ecpAcaeane tor lununer antvBli. Cod Carol Weto f or Wafmaton 871 -0815 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER 4 MOTHET jl ona- Yta babynt « my horrH day* of ragMU- Col anytime 327-1060. IN MYJYOUR NOH-SUQKINO HOUEFOnUV«ft11 YR.OLOS. M-F. DAM-SPM. Tieudto. bcgtrvung in Summer. College tiudenu vfllcome: Herioranctn Required. PtoBtt cal 1BDO-223-2273. X49I97. Leave . and Ad «507. LOVING UDU tu caro tor your crud moo -In. Lakawood. One openmg. 529-057B. SSSItuationo WantBd"~ OABYBITTCn W/10 YEAHS EXPERIENCE WILL BABYSIT your chOOren ha or part Uma. M-F. t«tti Cpm. WU pravKM lunch, snecks. and tot* ol TUX Relerancas 0 needed. cafl 033-5414__ CLEANING DY JUDY: Prompt 4 dependttoie A very honest, ftol a efeaning laam. PersonattiBd Sttnnca. Cnfl>joV476-08l7CREATIVE HANDYMAN wilWn to do erranda. homo recaini tor a place to live. Hava ratarencos. Ajk lor Perry. 21 6-239-g7O2. _ THE REALTY ONE MARKETING SYSTEM YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY HOE™ AVON HOT 13379/811605. Just Usted: what ovoryono has boon waiting feel On a dead end ntreot mlnutsa from 1-90 and nothirfl behind this property. 4 bedroom ranch, all double hardwood floors. 1st floor tamiy rm. 2 fireplaces, tiatha. lanced yard, fun basarncnt, newer furnace. $129.900. Call ADA TAYLOR today rt S33-6195. DO YOU NEED A NANNY FOR YOUR GRANNY? 1 provide Heamtam and Home Management Servees tor tne Ettwty •Panonol Care and Groorrtrg •Moaii. Laundry B.X) Oooring -TransponaOort. jnd more For more inhxmaDan cal: KaOiy Schneider State CerUned Nurdng Aaslstant (216)933-7036 ______ * Avon Lake. Ohio EXPERIENCED MOTHER will babysit in my home, weekdays. Play aroa m back yard, win provide hsich, tltomoon snack ft T.L.C. Eastrlew School area. B33-M1 0. _ HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT wtn do your yard work, odd tab*. house deanlng and moke deuverici SpedalLze In elderly: 3 years aqaartenco. 9M-C767. OUALTTY CLEANING Honest Retiable mdMdual ParaonaBad servBe each Bma KMadaanlngteam Excellent retorences Fme Extbnates 323-1 113 or 3»4741 00 Wcnted To Buy BEDROOM CHESTOF DRAWERS. BUYING SB,V£fl, GOLD, POCWSI WATCHES. DtAUONO RINGS AMD OLDQUH8; COLLECTOR paying cath lot finMums. New. used, entigu*. One or e collection 734-3386 evanli igiAwtakenrti. GOT e campground mernbersnto or tunsshere? Wai take a. Amertcas most successful resort resale ctoannghousa. Can Resort Sato* tnformaiian ton free hotlne 1-OCO433-8887, _ . _ OLD AND USED FBHtNO LUHES « TACKLE: Cal (216)903-8264. A*k forUIka. WANTED old Uelntosh HI Fl stereo, empOfler tuner ft pre-emptubetyne ok. Alea went -M banjo. WANteD-.TOY TRAH48 Any kind, Any Condition. Cash paid. Call Bruce. 323-1 4S5. leave message. , WAMtfiftTOY THAINS Any kWJ, Any Condillon. Cash paid. Call Bruce. 323-1453. lagya meassoe. WEBTLAKE COLLECTOR wdl buy pocket watche*. mons wnst walcnes. clacks and watcn are) dock parta. Cal 754-0107 anytime. 85 Waiit»dToRent""' COUPLE WJCtflLO LOOWHQ FOH smafl 2-3 Badroom Home to Rant vnnediateiy. Crt B4B-2033. 120 Personals A PRAYER TO TH£ HOLY BPtfHTj Holy Sptrtl. you who made ma SM ewytmng »d ahowad ma tha way u reacfi my ttaatt: You who DBW ma tha dMna otR ID lorohw and loraot tfv wrong ItiatM donefi>ma and you who aralnaBlnalancaaolmyiaawBima. I, in mu ahon dUUooua. warn to thank you tor weryO*XJ arid corflrm once more that I navar want to bo "pnq"^ 'mm you no motor now great Om mataftat rtwb» may ba. I want 10 ba wBi yoj and my lOMd orwa In your parpatjal okxy. Arnan. Thar* youtoryour »• towaro* r^and my bvad one*. Partom rjuU tav tta prtyar 3 oonaacuBva '-tz~ wfltaut aiuno lor their wteh. Alter 3rt day your wttfi w» ba onmlad. no matiar how OffltaJt K may ba- ^nan promlta to pubflth trrf* dabaua as A PHAVEnTOTHE HOLY «PWT: Holy SpM. you who maoa ma aaa •varymno arKJihownd ma Vm way U men my Idaatr. You who ana me tha dMr» gffl 10 toroMe and tergal tha wrorq main dona to me. and you who ara In an irotancM In my I0a wim me; 1. In thla thotl dkalogua. want U lhank you tor avarytNnrj and oonflrm onoa more tnat I new wart to ba aepanued (mm you no matiar how omat tht mfitarw datin may be. I want to bo wfBi you and my toved OTM In your parpatual ctoo/. Arnan. Thardc you tor your kma toward tno and my tovwl one*. Pantona muat lay um prayer 3 conaecutlva dayt wlhoul atkJno tor your wtah. Artar 3rd day your wian wU ha grantad. no mattar how diracul H may ba. Than pnxniM to pubfiah thla oJatoQwa as toon aa tnia lavor ft grantatf. R.CJJd'-''< AVON LAKE HOT M305.3 BEDROOM FAMILY COLONIAL. 1ft baths, fun baseman! wood burner with brick mantel In family room screened porch on larger lot $164,900. Can ERNIE H1SEY. 033-6105. AVON LAKE HOT INEW. To be buDt $154.900. 3 BR, 2tt batn coL wbosement & _ '•an, rm.. Z car aa. par. quality construction by Einmlnenl Vision. Call ADATAYLOR. 833-8105 today. Raady tor occupancy. NORTH RIDGEVILLE 1715407. RIDGEVILLE BUILDING LOT. Woodo(J 75 ft. lot wittl all utUIlieo north of Center Ridge $213.900. Can ERNIE HIS EY. 033-6105. P f f i c e t 933-6195 On averaoe. we hava mor» than 4JOOO home* In our Invontory from which you can chooca largest number of homes listed tor oalo by any northern Ohio real estate company. Ant pick up ttie new Realty On* Homa Book alyour local supermarket convonlanco stofB oranyR*8ttyOr» office. II has ptctum and Inlorrnitlon on every one of our homes. -Oat tlantad- Smoky Uountaini beaulitul naw dupat. allorda&la price*, lovely caiabo, Chriatlan •arvlcai. con->puta Brrangar.tanti. tai^e or tmaJL cabini, locuzzia ft nrrplacat. No ta*/waJflng. 1-000BB3-7Z74._ . SICA8HSS Immadiato SS tor atructured untamanU. annutbas. lottery payouta. Irouranca dalm< and mortgagaa. 1-aoo-3S8-3Sfl3 J.Q. WOTBonh. tha rattan* only dbect purchaaar. ATTCMTlbk: Qet mamad in Tha Smoky Mountain*. Waddmrj* «tarl at SW-OC. We oflar ov«fytnlng trcm V» tut lo the Imo. No waiuno, ordained - 1-BOO-C19-33P7. OATLIHBURQ UEUORICS-* Mamorabla nut woddlnga. Maaured ranawnla, waddUioa "you oTdnl haw*. Dream Hi Wil pSn K. OAfilnbum'a Premier Chapel. Spadou* porkbig. Romandc honwymoon uttaa. 1-800B42-7115,_ __ UAHHV OH A UOUNTAINI 8* ma rt ltd In our mag nil leant mounoirriop dtqnt aurroundad by tree* * aw«ome vlaw* ol the Smoklail Plgaon Forgal For raaarvanom 1-000-730-4368-_ _ NEED UOMEYT Recalvlng payrrwrta on a aattUimertT We will buy your future payment! lor cash today. Can R 4 P Captal Raaourcaa at1-BOO-335-M15.FinlOc»lnQa. NOVENA TO ST-JUOE; Uav tna Sacred Heart ol Je«ua M edomd. glorillad. lavas end preferred tnrougriout tne world, now end forever. Oh.Sacrbd Heart of Je*u> pray tor us. Sl.Jude. worker of mlradaa. pray tor uo. SUude r*ipar of the hopalati. ptay tor u»- SAY THIS PRAYER nine tbnaa a day. By me alrjhSi oay your prayer wA be anBwarad. R h&a never been known lo tafL PubUcaOon mutt ba promited. THANK YOU ST.JUOE FOR FAVORS GflAr^TED. O.S. _ THANK YOU St. Jude for lavora grantad. Thanka St. Joaephll O.C. COMMERCIAL '132 Incom* Tax SarvlcM ^ACUSFWANCIALeERVIcT" TAXES DONE, your home, my ofllco: reasonable. Foimeity wilfi IRS. 034-1817. INCOME TAX PREPARATION IrdvldLjat ft Corporate Free pfckup t oetvery DAVID ILHOOILErn Accountant (Tl I) aai-afM Weettafca REDINGER TAX SERVICE Cafltor*i VTCVtNM.UHTH.CPft,CUA.Tax return prDparatlon tor mrJvfduate or •maA busmccaa, tn your home or mine. Evenings C weakend* evaoable. For appoWment eel 833pna? 135G«n«r«l SeHvlCT»~ A CARPET REPAIR Ouma. Holee, Spit Searns etc. deanlng. OaodorUlng 83&-J255 Smoke ftWaur Damso* Restoration _ ALEXANDRA UAIO BERVICCS, Family orientad. Home I otllce cUaning. Free edmnlna. 93O-aO4B. AVON LAKE WOODWOfUUNO CO. tl ra mada of wood, we can do IU* Bookahetvas. caBineta. cuatom ctoaats. antartalnmant canters, kltcnen pantries. Free estimate*. 93J-3C7& _ BATHTJS8 RCGLAZED. Batntub*. sinks, ceramic Ble. jeglaittd In your home lor a fraction of removal cost Save time. money end Inconvenience. Professional, guaranteed, colors avaitabla. Forfree eaBmale, can PERUA-QLAZE. «3*3137. _ BOB'S MAINTENANCE HANDYMAN SERVICE 1040 tonn $34.50 97&.1Q40 GREGORY A. SHANNON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. MS01-H LAKE BOAO „ j AVON LAKE Serving me Area tor 15 Year*. EveninoandWaekan] a AvaOabla. Please call 833-9187 HANTmUN REUOOEUNO _ Pknddno, EJeotneaL CwnenBy. ''-'™«- 835-8687 CLBAH1MO. - CommerclajT nMdenttaf. new eonttrucJon. betoje or after you move, apartments, ottlces, personalized sarylce. Donoad ft Irvund. Fret efarnaM. Ml work guaranteed- for more Mormaaon OBI DAY'S EASE. INC. 327-8348. others sand you • cleaning taam-we sand you setvtee. CLEVELAND CALLIGRAPHY Quotae lor oupknr, cerBHcajM. timt-; ly treee, InvUaVona. tlQns, pace . carov-You name V Custom wortc, maaonabie raiaa. CeJUKcat 35^.2521 COUU£RCUU.AUTOtNSUHANC« _ CompottBve Rate^tt Cal ABstaie tiewranceOompaiv . 7-3377 COMPUTER TRAINING FOR NOVICES. CaB P.C.riF. tor h-homo comcjaar lntrc.1uctlon and consutUnQ- Your place, your pace, miaad end p*rsorai 07Q-1SS/3 COPIES MADE 25 CENTS any size up to 11*17 THE PRESS ISaLEARRD. AVONLAKE Complete home A mccae home repairs, customdacking and porches. KUchen a dathroom RemodaQng. FREE ESTIMATES CALL BOB-322.6202 PU8IHE9B It REBIOENTIAL TELEPHONE 8YBTEUI. Salao. addfltorw, moves end chonnea. New or used eqijpmefli evatabla. Service on moct major branda. Residential wiring. Reasonable raiss. Leka Tt:*com, 833-5771. 1-600-5223771. ALPfNE TAX SERVICE OhtoHetunHllJo „„ RITA-CCA ttO. ELECTnONlC PIUKa OFFERED Additional tee lor extra •cheduaaAlormiutad. 40 Hour Turnaround CftC MAINTENANCE,INC. CHIMNEY SWEEP-arast prices, greet service, 13 yra. a»partance aervlrto *•!— Avon, 8.L.. B.V. Chimney Sorwana Avallsble. CaB Todd Durjkie. 033-4531. CLEANING SERVICE: Owner supervises every daensd house. We are a local company. We con design e planned regular maintenance program a* Often as you need. We can perform an euenslve cleaning anytime throughout the year or kwi one small service, even windows. YouH take pride In the appearance of your dean home. fWEABE HOT COMPLETELY FINISHED UNTIL YOU ARE COUPLBTLEY SATISFIED!) CALL CLEAN CORNERS FOR FREE ESTWATE. 927-44U. CRIBWOOD-FURNntME Rf PAH, 44MJATCOX.AVOH.a37^iaa. DRIVEWAY STONE Defivered end Spread (216) 277-0003 eUaeiiae Leaver' ELE< crmCAL ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. Licensed, Bonded. Insured Sarvtm Cleveland's Wsstslde Residential, nommerclaf. IndustriaJ Quality Service at Reasonable _ Rstea 366-6069 FAUILY UAH IN NEED OF WORK 25 Year* EiQMfterce Licensed Inaured ft Bonded Painting Plumbing Electrlcd Carpemry Roodno Sktim Insulstun Bathroom nemodeDng easement RemodaliriQ Kttchen RamodeEng Masonry Qanerai Home Repair Free Estimates Cal Ask for Dick Bia»aSiiiiiiiiHEt^Kd SWEDA, SWEDA & Assocl&toa 034-1000 c»t 107 FEATURED HOME OFTHE WEEK Soaring csQlng*. balcony. "JtyCgMs - hupe basement and an ;t«rpi ituming rocrmMsl floor master. SZM^OO in Avon UfeKzthy Satutkx KEW977. HELD MOWING aanafiltraaarwak nmattaRat 892-0007 FORD HOME IMPROVEMENT bmrjv It omffting m todo/a buenasg nonet A k*M«** <lif)Ne AUmnWrn, Uraoa. Layout. GaBya»Bng * CndM Cons*lna by Lew* Mi on* you Ha braca wtd tt aucaad e qulci tumircund tire* and iwttontt)*) mn. Ctf Lanca today a HANDYMAN -. .25 YEARS '- EXPERIENCE PfcHttno; Bacito*. Carnmy AVON LAKE ELECTRIFYING Tnta homa M| appeal to you rrtrxaa you ertB* tt» baaucfJ 4 Bfl oi. Wrowi rmASngt A naunl dacor. Fanmijc kcabon. Cafl far ELECTRICAL & TELEPHONE WDRX Ucanaad, borded I kiaumd. HuaaonaMa raiaa. ta3-4aS3EXPRESB SEWER k DRAIN CLEAN1MO. flsiidatttia) ft CommttdaL 1 10-00 off w«n Ma ad. AVON LAKE WESTWlrTOS COLONIAL Ftnu Oma oRaradl 1st Boor donl 3JXC aq. (U FaDuioua kd Cowred dadd Prtwta k3fl Stia entry <U accent throughout! Only FAX SERVICE S3>3300or*n-«2U FREE ESTIMATES Abnoat Uaa Nav Vacuwna ForBata or WOMEN ARE DYING To buy a naw vacuum or Oal ma ota vacuum (bad at ACTION VACUUM Carpentry 145 83S-S038 ' i«W BanifiTcbmany (onWno f Avon law brottedtymadad, tamt diy dallrtry inrvlea ot nonhaMfOom mtiatlaji ftom ont pound UD to 1,500 pounda anvwfiam m terdama. PAINTING « PAPERHANGINQ . OrwajinapaJr. EMrwnewf-raurad CalJWLEKAN 77tt->MH3 . rmirtvnniiiiifirfnf'f *" tALZS AMD aEMVICC. Maw and NbuM OaaMfa, nuMantaKt bwa«l IHUH an nawdaanan-Wa papal/ af matt*, wttrifiy ncm tor Hoo%»r 'tM EuraU. 1B11S Datrolt Rd.. Ukawood. Plctt-up and 1-JCT-073a ajtd vlndowa. 100% paymani until Juna of 1008. at tow t«OM • mordh. . RESIDENTIAL* COMMERCIAL BUILDING ft ; REPAIR SERVICES (Catpantry, Electrical, Plumbing) •:':- Guilamar Satisfaction la »l CoOJohn ol JR ENTERPRISES 779-7303 FuDvlnturad SHEFFIELD LAKE WHAT A VIEW Qrut 3 on Cdonlaf nutted on 13. wooded tot 3 aeaaon room Fam wftnodburw, tormal IB ft DH. Linda Acksfman or Oabl 933-3300 or 171-1259 871-6670 HAMDVMAN REPAIR-REMODEL M.T.O. OFFICE CLEANING fKAKWAaLK RATES •Thanugn CKeUnt hnpacofila Maranoa* - Bonrjarj>lnau«d AVON LAKE DELIGHTFUL! Lowly cadtr (tied 3 BH. ttt bath tore w/ai ne* •rtndOM ft norm door. Enjoy tM cozy FP ii «*nt»r A front por* 4 near dec* In tummeri Format DTO AVON LAKE UNSURPASSED VALUE! Fabulou* 4 BR 2H bath cdonlat In tne Scsatbriar naighborrioodl Ftaptaca. txnat tving A diringt Wooded tot. C/A. (ul tnwomerfl A must to TarOynn Ktamant FREE PICK UP ft DELIVERY 033-4040 JOSEPH'S HOME REPAIRS Do you nawB Maty laueai or a bn*an Map? Do you h«* any wtndtM • W BM«O na«7 Do you hM looaa v tottn tftnT Do you l«w holaa w your •enarn er hM in naad ot fjan* ryUlM maun) maMananoe? NUJOBIOTOO«UUJ AVON LAKE BASEMENTLESS! 5104,900! Great Ksnar or ntframc.-* :ancM * BRI Orty 23 ynu oM EoMn tttf \*fy qukx ttred NMW ioaf.v<ny( •X. tumaoB * A» WUt 0 Lakal LolatKanKodger.CRS 833-3300 or «71 -6253 1*.V<JN LAKE GAMELUA BUILT 4 BR cobnwi wDanhKOd oak fin. In kJL ceramic toyar. cronn mould' lno» and many uporadea. Farn tm WFP.tormalLR t DR. Immeolata VARGO VACUUM & SEWING MACHINE COMPANY DICKUILLER 327^922 734^0778 AVON LAKE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! tartly horn* kn aw al Avon Ufc** moat aougtt afiar ttgfixirhooda. 4 BR 2H DOtti. fcv bned rtc rm, ton rm •ftazy FP. extra IQ dackt joyca KaminsJcf WODDWOHKINa. KITCHEN. BATHROOUB, SMJlna. Roollng, wnkm End Oaeta. BLABOIUTE CUSTOU PfXUECTB. Ooaa H AlNo Job Too Bn or SmaJL Cal MO681 1 lor Fra» 130 Financial PRODLEiaT On* KM monNv pnymart. Cut Manet No fwrtatrnM. NO FEE. ComalIng artltaBta. NON-PROFIT AQENCY. NACC3 1-600^81-5353 OBIT CONIOUDATIONI Cut Paymanti Up to 80%. Ueansad. Oondad. Call Credit Uonanamant 140 REMODELING Any Una For ThaOatt Work CalTonyVlncI 779-4350 150 Catering CAKES**«WEDDINGS ft ALL OCCASIONS EL6OAHT DEB1QM8 TO YOUR •PECPICATIOKS OourmM FU«»Fra«h Ingiwfiarti HaWoomScralonRaapjaAlxara lorravfaw.8aKp * DaL Apga.ai-a2«3aaltlorAnn Do ALL t» wrk alyournaarl parly. Opportunltias 155 CMTi»liry Lota DEALERIHm wild national iiiaManinc*et»p.Aiaurailaecouna TWO COKTARY PLOTS In Ina tocaJ aiaa. teoo. wa«Uy . , ^ Incam* ouaramaaa ID start. tMowcunvm maiUf crtca. Located lAXaSO fcwMfrnart laqdwL Cafl at natfawi. Norm ftdnwta- CU BOOX12-2200. _ (21 0) M7-3BM AIW CPU; 0«k lor FRtTO LAY/HERflHEV routa. Cueilim oa*h builnaai, Top teaJ aRM. No saWq ImorM. (1 JOO par Cleaning 158 waak potanilal mln. lnvailm»nl CB.OOO. 1-800-ei7-«430 X 1000. DTOOIfTEn DAYS CLEAHNQ Ooan 8un--Frt. _ SERVICE UothamaurjMar NO LAVOW*, yettm Ha total Dry In 1 hour omat I t^hotomy daanm Sortfad and maurad txarinaa*. EKBjtfM ana. comclabi Wa Brtnn a Toutfi of Stnshlnal training, «qulpm«nt ft iuppllat. I13.0KLOO com* Inandrq. f-6ODCLEAMMO SERVICE OBteaa. Haaaaa. Comter. Oafly. WaaUv, UonlMr Xrrloa. nL do yot* own toatl 49 toadnd HUUIanad ttaa. Earn to to READV (or your biaJnaul Qrau kxaiton. Ww-mtlntajnad buOdlng. OhtMay wlndoan. Front canopy. AC. Bnamsn!/and/3rd noors. uppar Sanduiky. «0.000. Dav« Qillan VENOINU HTE-. Brand naw machinal (35+) 54.000. Siockad/raady. No ipollarja, no to tOCTi and rattre 800-3357374 JTn. 141 Building SupplKs~ STEEL lUUDmOS Ula7 5.000* tint- 40afD«14. 10,413; 40»75i14. »1 1,734: 50ieo*ia. jio.oeo: 80*100*10. S17.t33- 60x00x14. S1S.409; eOitOOxlO. 119.718. Ouallty-Sarvln-Excollanc*. Fraa Broerturat. Santinal B^fcfcigs. 000327-0700. __ STEEL BUJUJtMOO SALE; Orty 3 left al 1/2 prical Lail yaan ihow modal*. Arcfi ityla itrii^ht tld«>. 30'*30', 33'x40X 40'xSO . Full warranty, tlninelna available. CtoalmaHar. l-aoo-HS-7300. DIRTOUTI Haavy Duy. FuB Garvkpa Wais. Cearn. An» RM Canjati, Upnoaary. Ompartaa DoodorUtno. Carpal Rapaln PBinUno f Papar Hanolng SetvMSmoalBnl 835-4255 Smoka fc Waiar Damage Ratkxatlon SPRIMQ CLEANIHa TU*E Naad an axira having riancT? On 3Z7-4i74.lcanh*lp. 160 Construction CONCRETE RCUOVALft nEPLACEVEHT ROUGH « FM5H GRADWa WaKandtoABJooa BMorSmol 3W-2W1 OD8 ENTERPRISES MASONRY WORK by.loaapn Maw S Rapair. Ouamy Work. Slope. Chimney. Porch. Frw ESL No Job Too Smal. Rosidanlial * Commarctal 333-2631 _ WEEOEH uiffloveuorrs WATERPROOFING Foundation Repair. Storm/Sower Rapair. Sump Pump Imtallnlion end Utft Masonry, tf Your Baiamam Laaka Oim Ui a Call Today lor • (216) 808-0968 170 Landscaping A 10 YEAR ANUVEROARY SALE-A-BRATIONl * Lnan Can Prorjrama • L*an Uananonoa LANDSCAPES EXTRAORDINAIRE LanOKape unrioo apoeiaUzing ft lighting. waterfalls. pond*, brttk tMowaJkj and potto*. Cafl Onn, P37_ 0753. _ LAWN MAINTENANCE $10.00 & UP S3* -LAWN AERATION Any Lawn tnttaUDona * Ranovafiont Stianahan Landocaplno; 521-5206 You OTOW HI Wa maw U PretactJonal Umn malnlananca. Enrkm * (*fl gaarmp-Cal 327-4733. ' PRIVACY HEDO£-UquHaltan taJe. Cadar-Arborvflaa 3-1/2-4 tool fcae r*o. S2B.95-now S8.BO Inw dMrnv guarantaact 12 irao m.'n. Alio avattDir BWti «nd Lttc. 1 -«XHI8Bn;r»L _ CHOICE LANDSCAPING LTD. EpitngOaanUp FarOnBOn - Uo&ttnanoa ProlaaalonaL Raiabia Quality Wa«Slda« 070-nMO COMPLETE LAM DSCAPWO ft LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICE RatkSanUal/Commordal Spring Claan Up» Mrafion CHIP'S aaEEMWORLD LANOSCAPtNa _ 171 -»U1_ _ DESIGN . INSTALLATION COMPLETE . MAINTENANCE 30 Yre, Experience 333-7165 TEiwY tx ULtrmAY LAHDBCAPWO Lawn Ukjfctx Topanfl « OIVM) Dtfvarad Odd JoM? . JIKT ASKI FriandiY Sar*» Qutity Wort. Low POca*. CU m fat far FrwEaUntMa T«ny 327-7173 175 670-7660 6OS-M60 r. Dtywd Poww waoh. C«d«r Etatott^ Sartor Wcourt - Inturad For ProfaatJonrt won 4 fim Eaftnain. Ol MSjUO INTERiCR AJ WtfOMarmn* AX Mailor aatw C»*>OB* nn»r* RMnM flaidwood Fbon* 5l»in- Otaa* Waodoraln* Indudng ' Odd JoM. 30 Yn. EmMam. FREEEBTWATEO. MR. PAINT IraarioMEMrlar & SaaSng Equipment ALL TROY BILT EOUVUEMT kl ttxfctocaflyal taaory ana prtctt, IFM •WwnWy * tanica. Wa matcn any factory oflar. WorcoctaCc. 34200 Loratn. N. FUdaavtta 327. 3100TnOY-BlLT mac-Una tuiam, at tow. (Bract Iron lacttxy prtc**. For Trie cnaJog wtth prtoo*. apaclal uvings now In aftad and modat ouWs. call ton irao 1-000-535-0001. dipt a. 185 Painting " GARDEN ROTOTILUNG EDGING Call Dennis Broeso 033-3B1B - BRUSH-UP Palntlnq, WaUpapa*. iteptln Sauifled Cuuoma™ Smal Jot» woioomod 4 nppreclawl inaurad PETER 476-8424 _ CUBob D ft J'S PAINTING Bondad.tmurBd PnAtntona! WortonanaJ* promoi - Couttom * Santo Cat lor RM Prtoa Quot* Lawn Care & Uconse Reliable naa./ApL/lndui. MMOM! 1 FREE cutHng «Wi camnct BOB'S GENERAL REPAIR PaJnttno-Waipatwr Comptoto Drywol Work layn. aiT>etiai«a DOOCOWHARD 331-5749 Froe Estimatos Insured CERTIFIED PAINTING PAPCHWa PUASTCMNO SUPREME GREEN Lawn Cam Dwvlc* •DatradcMrn Etala Ucanaad * TraJned Futy Inturad-Wockan Comp. O.S.U.Caftnad Uamtor ONo Lawn Cora Anoc. Frea enimaiaa TEHRATUW LAWN CARE WC. Terraturt pnwUaa many tondacaptnoia*yleaa.CallQfOa(aBar A CUSTOM DESIGN Flna Intartor PcintlnD Faux Fintehaa - Pmw^ionokxi Craauva Wai OMirjna 835-4255 Smofc» & wataf Oamaga Ratttrallnn Can SlaM Baar maurad FrMEsrjmataa 221-0855 107 Plaitarinq/ Drywall A BEAUTIFUL CEILING Nan a CMon Raoain Interior PaHtag ft PBpaitinntfno Sluceo t Custom Tadurlng 835-4255 8rnok> * Wottr Oamaga RntoWlan Hooflnfl BROADVIEW ROORNG A1LTYFE8 RMlrtendal a Comnwrclal * na-Hooflng 1 ToaroH •HotBuOd-up • Comptata Quaar Sarvto • lea back-up prowOon 226-0800 Fait RalUtM Sanrtoa Ne.w Homes . •' Beautifu . ." . /with prices / .• .'..^' -vs • Visitour : w foriiiformaSoa on Armur! 20* *i* ecn» hJand. ltxk, cupboard *nd count** ip*t»I 1W finer denl Mm*r wi Playrocm34'« 20", dub n*Kn 35'»1 SI In weuwin* for f 135,000. NOW OPEN NEW CASTLE ROOFING COMPANY 193 Rubbish Hauling RUBBISH •1B-7372 (M»U: to Tnxy • Kjmla SftiJo) FS«rytt!iro tram A b Z. OaWng tor id tgn i«a »fc*». Optn Monday. 9AU-OPU, Saturday. OAU. 4PM. Sorna tmflura ara medical irid mtonflarnoua honw. RESAILONTHELAKE HAUUHG Oarvrjeof araf wjowaa raruvad. Camint or my ?ype rutbtafv'wgfcx.'Tcaa ramovad, 221-P2C4 TJtASH REtlOVAL: Yardo. Garages and Buarflertt deangd. r*l Bruoa. 333-1455. - CB PER FACE COflD TnarsHM* MSPCTFACZCO8Q 9 You SnoeaB-Ycu Los*) _ W-8377 _ RR2WOQO - $1 ttl « cord cuHwrad lor aaaacnad hardwood. Pnona 734-2B74. FSUWOOO Saaaot ; UbBdH&rOWOOd "- in oi a com 871.SB23 S.BXOHED AND DCUVCn&Qt ttC.00 nar fUck or <T4fl.CPDOrCOHl.B4IHfcaO Excellent wood, nasonafite can C^hwr. Call tor WE rUVE THEM AUJ Gap.L*t(. QaMtotfi. Untxo. Etc. Qua&y "•"» brand airing twhtona et7D% off mean. 250 Rummaga Salaa 871-3S23 SWEATBROTHERS *ttmlnan"'0vtl. Dump , ptanono. lot clairlnc. cabling. Ohio Ctrtidad Aroonet bnwnd. catorbM conauaBon. WU//WS TREE &. WICE 1400431-6462 3534083 DOLL CLOTHES. Expartr aawn tor Btf]U*.Kafl, Cabbage Pattl Al Ml prt». Great ran torEoeUr. UUX1E CANOPY TEHTO Fornant Ptrfad fcx Your Outdoor Partyf 20-137 or acncar Ask lor Mark Country Countar •M-MOl , LfVMtOCK & Equipment OAU4PU. Omtf MfnaM: Baka Sat*. THRIFT SrvJP 140 LOT not* A-*pttng BtmrnQOftog Or*/ >^^ warn * Rateve ttran. NMtura tndudoa Httrfea&xrtfPoary. y or »4o7l-I,^rir. Weekdays tOanx-lOpm. mos9y. Bartaia. 835-5042. Musical Instrumonts FENDER P4IASE PRE-CTS, Good Condition W.CBM. JSOO.OO. 835- PIANO TUNING and REPAnt SERVICE B-FLAT WOOD Good ConoBJorc Asking 8225 JO. M7-6434 310 Sporting Gootte GREAT FOR A OEOKKER E1QERI Roadgnol Ud-S (itza: 1501 downrfl skawW! imk blndnga and Satomon 8X71 tla boot* (tin: U). Fafr condfflon. $123 oJ).o. 833-771S and bav« macaaga. TAPPAH 8TAIMLEE8 STEEL OAS 67OVE. oommarcUl or ratldantlal uta. Top ovan w/roiiiiarle and aiparaia broilar. 4 hido-away burner*, control knoba on top. Best Oflw. 037^010 I BUY UOMEL TBAffg. 83*-«311. LIONEL TRAIN layout* and bud! to your dnlnw. LUwl tntina taught, aok], njpalnNl Cafl Ed altar CALL and aak ma abnul my Hoffna. B35-213k CERTIFIED TEACHER Will tutor ttudanta m Ondoa 1-12 al tutitact araaa. SUfl Uffla otaaa alao oRa »wL g all agai. boardlno * tratnlnf our aenoot t* iavan tor tt» 9JOBV oi laacfUng (tna aat« way). HOROEBACK AOWQ LEBSOMft. Laarn hon«mwn/* and nong tklBa. Oaamnan tvoucn Bdwwcad. l*Mlh Cfaai Euawian Cartar. YOUR child having difficulty nwding and rpafflng? Try Phordca. toyn. aiparMnca, a) ao*« 7ijg. Waddtag/Part, Band T YOU SING THE HITSI NOSTALGIA UUliC: Pacord oo&ictor, due Jocfcay. 90 ywan ol oktaf . Spadildng Vi 5T/I mualc. DIABETICS! Fraa tuppMlt For ttiotn who quality. Uarjcarannaurmca btllact ttact tor taat PI lip t. Litulln. glucarrwiara. Satlllacilon rjuarantotd. Liberty Uadtcal Supply. 1 -800-702. B028. M*rttan«Q7l. 9AM TO 1CRJ. EST. BALDWIN PIANO, Grtat Condition: t CORNICES.1 CdlonUl Blua. 033kmjrv culiiad top. wffiopodfcfflaflmaatat nnraaa haadooard and frame <>tl!i In o c k a o - Coil: WOM-M\ Sail: -BM3 CHINON GENESIO 1C Mmm TTL Flndaf Zoo» Cymara; auto socm, avto built-in aanaorftaaA. LCD panal. dattmt cat*, axtntana,Uaad I monlha. Ilka naw. S23&03. t3> 8B1S. OP QYU-PAC Ltg Qurett and Total Uppar Body. Universal Styta; JJ50.00. 033-0670 Uav* M««aQa. FOOT BATH-WA3OAOER; 'Dwao haar type. RataUng ft toattcQ. Van haaiar and matrudbm. EC. csa-cogo. FREE WOOD SHED; ExcailalU condaton. tMnota root. Uiat ba takan CHEAT FOR A aeOMNCft 6K1EHI Uan-a Ronlgnol Ukt-S (siza: ISO downnEB tktu wnn Lock ttninga am Salomon 8X71 tkl boot* (Hza: 11;. Fair condOtan. |12S oJux 833-7715 and laava maatana. UlUflOWAVC won proDa. stand, mdpt book and al paoara, Sirjo. OP 373 axardaar. 535. AS an in axcalant and worUnr oondrtion. Cal Day S7t-M01. LEAN UACHINE, compare to SOLOFLEX 43 Emctaa CapoSiWy; AlklnQ »100.00. 837-545B S PSCE OAK «arao caUtnatwWi Jensan tpaataiu, trtor ula. $300, 734*441. 'DOGGIE DAY CARE* LET US PAUPER YOUR CAT TOOI Tardar Lowing Vtattj f* your Hwn*. wNch often Paracnai AwnDoii and Daj v;nan wnHa you an cway. Naw %»««KTeachtng DaaJc Command* &>e tury tn Uorcft cm bota CAHCt/G CAMIHE SCHIXX. ODOQOBEDIEWCt PrBMrtte pinw Underpirton dataa attriing Aprtiah, Cot S33-W43 to Ragtttar. WB'IC than whan you cam ba. Crttar Can) onafs tandar, apedaiTarl caflng vtatt tor your pat In your homa when you nava to ba away. Wa can also provtda trantportaOan to and from tna wa end tna groomer when you naad ua to heto. For tufly Inaurad proCeaaional vat racomrBandad pat cara vtttta to your home ««tla you am away~Cal IN anyttme. Don % Leutta Sund&arg F«aa»adon pja, HaiiailTii . su-aia ^llba^fya whan »i naad ua. HAHDOUFTEO bird houaaa, teadan, bat houaaa. Bbd. smsO animal aaatl. taad. CaB 848-7811. . SIAMESE KnTENS: Blua tSaal Point »125. (Sanduakyl. CIAU£££ 8TUOi SCRVICE Saal Point 16-627-1573 (Sanduafcy) Loving cam rt horra Faad. water, oxarciaa OUT OF Bondage Inound cfsaturtjs all CALL FOR FREE PUBLICATION 3/BTURDV OFFICE toblai. do«k. awvai ehau DCOROOU SET; 60*0 Bgnt wood. akngla. trlpla dnMHt. by Hunttoy. daw and cnair. tormica top*. A-l opndltlon.»<OO.a7i-77SB.___ FOUR W DEIQE HN SECRETARIAL CHAIRS: Qood C n a o n . P5.00 Eadi. aaa-5223 NEIL OUJ1ONO TICKETS. CaJ B1S- Two offloa Owta, 3 racaptlon area cKalnr, Eicalani Common. Car Oruananan and Stuart Attonuyi. 830-5600. PRESSURE CLEANERS! Factory 2000 PSI-WW: 3300 PSfS70§: HCTtUA 3SOO PSI-1 1,006. In Stock. Tan Fraa. Cafl 24 houra. Fraa HoM**hold Goods OASBET DARK fOtS OttOHU TABLE. Tranal ttyto, 70 In. king. wtDiaavaa ndanda to W m.. 2 matchtng baneftaa, 2 aKW chain. 1 armcfW.OOO.OO.aai-SSIS. Black Lacquaf, Eh* naw. 1100.00. 871U4DO. WANTED TO BUY: Oaonom or^r ol drrwan. 833-8071 bawnwr "- FOUMO: Uan'a . WK&aka ana. Cal k> aarta> 3»t. UlSCtlUllOOUS Fur Sal* SSU Port* Pooia UU-. naw 1 0x3 1 tamtfy tin pool. IndudM hug* dack, filar, tnar. tanc* and nont 100% rtnanolnB. 1-aor>A40272S. 10- DELTA TAULE SAW. *T (anot. IS1 POUND ABOVC-OHOUND SWIUUMO POOL Mffinar. J3W.OO______ XQOO YARO9 OF CARp Caipet Inauaar hat Z.OOO yaida of carpatlnr>vanou> trytaa and cotort, rnat prtoo. CaB «i-7irj3 or 800-- 1-800-753-3643 - Sunday BTTP lOOOEXERCUttR. Uk» Hm, UACHWE; Indap itappar with monftnr. 0-10 wW raaUianca. PUasa oJ T77-35B1. IWW SIS •**&.'.*), KO-. Largo Kanmora rncfcw* /•, f78; Cal John 331-1 * * > 'Prtncw» Styta. Si 10; O»l grtOteart, axlra 878: Color TV-ID*, aicalanl TANATHOUE Buy DIRECT and SAVE! CommarcUrVHoma Unfl» Irom 1100.00 low Uonffiry Paymam FREE Color Catalog CalTOOAY HOO-843-13OS TAMNINC BEDS; Tan at Buy dlracl and aavat lalTwma urta from $it». Law monMy paymonta. Fraa color cataiooua. CaU touay 1-800-fl«130?. _ WOODWORKING VIBES; 7' Columbian haavy duly. 130., 7" ADamatny heavy duty rapid action, I3S. Botn accaknt eono/uort 83S- Computer isu coypimn; P3-2 771.408 290mg hard drtva, B mo.nwn. color monitor, kaytuan*. IBM. 333-42S3 attar Spin. 365 Housshold Peu HAPPY JACK UAHOE UEDJCJN& Promotaa haafing and hair growth to aavani manga and hot apota on dogt and horcaa wtffuut itarokbl Contalna NO Bannt Baraoalcl Avtl^Dle O-T-C OI&COUNT DRUQ UART 04. 833-2327. KITTENS/CATS; Al uttad. thota. Soma apayaovncjlarad. dadawad. Oraal vanatyt 281-1618. _ MINIATURE POODLE; Lova&la. tiatnad, afl ihoti, lovet carrtdaa.I am •awn and naad 1/pUl a day. My Senior mint go Into an aparenanC Sha wffl pay Tor my kaap. Lucfcaa. 221-733 1LOT £i2-02M. _ Put your Dog A Cal on a nagular Monthly Worming Progrun. Aak DtSCOOWT DRUO HART M t332)37 about TRIVERUICIDE. Racopttad ute * afl^tM aoamn hoo*. round, A Ppaworma. AvaUobla C^C. __ •JAUCU KITTENS BkjrlGaal PoW $135.00 tuuieu »TUB w TRANSPORTATION 3115 Auto Parts aVSarvlcc SMALL BLOCK Mopvparto tor aala: ImuAxjIar wglva •prftig wL |»5.. Ttelng cnaJn covar. $15.. yimiBon dampar. $10.. 837-5tflJ. TIRES FOflSALEi Four 31*10SOUS At Terrain TbM on Chroma Rlma. Fit Foro S Lug Kta) (^-Swtaa). Cnroma Cwtar Cap! and Lug Nuta. $CSO. Phot* (4tut 433M&8 Oayllma or (410) 433-2418 after 6pm. t,W'-"' *!«• '--f - 1 f!i' *^.. ?V" A-A-A Byytng Uaad SJiriaad Cart RurrtrnorJiM Rwa Tewing Autoa For Sate 3SO Animal Senricaa THE AREA? fW.-Jf DJ SERVICE: W* to Wl. Ml Occatkma, RaaaonnMy Pncad. •PrMtaParMa •Birthday* •WadOnrja •SpaotalOccbiana BAKUIACRLKIEl 5 oayt/4 rfow. Uual Salll W7WCc«jii». Umttrt Tldntt. Cvl 1aOO-3JS-eiK9 EXT3W1, MON-SAT, 6pm. 071-7803. Education & Instruction Stureo Equipment (KLQ03 STU uaad kamn; ttaroo: El|*r, bam room sink: Induatrlai ahtfving 4 rackina Tyvaa cowafla. MOVING SPRING SPECIAL tuamaflonal tr*tni.ig itttta oRara rtetmo irntrueflon 0«ol«ttr ID advanced. ExMmrt Moor or uddoor taoUdM. 20% off ftm S prtvua tonom 218-053-0132 tor mor» Wormeilon. LONESTAR KARAOKE QiaANTK OARAUE SALE Holy 8pM Hal. 4to Laar Road. AMT. Laka. Of*). APRIL 11TH. RELAXAVtON MASSAGE 1-216-033-5020 EntairtalnfTMnt AVON (JJCI, 371 AVON POINT ForWv^tLocs/SmcUng. Calroo for frta conauRaiicn. 8IQNET Special Evanta * MIDNIGHT ' CONNECTION CAM tiONBV, SAW MONEY U FlM LUrkiU 4 SHOP UMtt. A book. "T7n Flea tMiaiaarr by waa Lie toward SMndal 1 Mary Hoopw Wto you hoar. Sard $3.00 nefedad foraacft copy to: 1S32 vnctara *«»». uh«Mod OH WORKS KUUUADESALE 8UJOW«aKaa 23*5 BastBB RJ..WMflaka QUARTER HORSe tor ha*M base on Awn Uto tarm. Lidoor A Rlddsn HORVATH TREE SERVICE And Landaeaping -,'• Trea 4 Slwnp RamovC Topping. TrtmiMno. Btoub planting * cam. Now ttwm. Saed or tod. HYPNOTHERAPHY COOS * tWOS RCEALE SHOP r^'^-jf:- front brakaa and astf uust: tramrntaalDn i«bun Z Mara ago, vary KM run hlgri mtaa. naadi or wortc SI 000 or Boat Oflar. 833CMOABarBPU, t» FO6O EBCOAT. Gcod WotSOra 'M HONDA CRy, 70,000 mllas. 12 JOO. 833-0670 Uav»Ua«aaaB. l«ai FONtiAC QrJTti: V8. new baa. Man>; new port*. J8CO. or baft DODOS Ariai; Vary bia, dapandabla an] daan. *1.«OC. CaJ 3Z7IBM FOHO CROWN VICTOHtA, OrvBoatd Computar. Haaiad Fiont Wlndahlald. Automatic Load Le^ton, i3.*OQJH. 833-3336_____ IBM CHEVY BAilETTA OT. V-e, loadad. aunrool. W.000.00. S34S303 _ IBM FORD TTMMVtara: 87K. ful power, gmat eanxoon. S4 SCO. CM aHyepm.BOB-7712. TaailiaiAeuny Sabb <iS; Power. 9^-0743. _ iHICAVAUcA fiS} 4 door. air. auto. Good •^nrjBon. Asking $4JDOCal ajar' ^ :-*6-aaOD. _ nataoe *^i{Si«! *». wnead, anv 1m cat*- *r EC. 33K. unldr wnfranty.$830ojKtM2Bl. 13M EXPtOnfiR XLT. 4X4, 4-Ooor, Automatic, Many Option*. 1.E30 Milat. Showroom Nawt H8J>rs. Bas-iaMofK&a^V _ AUTO FINANCING on QualUy Pra-Ownad C*nl *AO Typaa of Ftnandno P<af« ToFKYourBud(iae *R»«BtabBah Your cradU tow Down Payanntal •Levnat Ailalraula FlnaitM flataal U.SJV.-1 MOTORCARS a LOCATIONS: Eiyrta. XJ4-M73 LBkaAwa.«ntaTt$ (1 UdaaXomidvavUall) ShaMald, 8344731 DaiwtRaad (Acreaa from Baaa ForrfJ _ CORVETTE 'K-TZ WANTED* Vary aarioua and qualified buyvrl Pmtor nlca restored convartlobif Frank 216-757-tnao. Pbuaa dp and ow mrtatlTaiiatriand. __ CORVETTES 1DS3 ID IBUTOvar 1HOI Ona locatlonl Fraa catalog 418SB2-S008 Fai: 419-SB2-4242. ProTaam. Box 608, Napolaon.OH 43545. Conama Wantadll e-a«aR: PrpTaama)Bftghi.M«t_ ___ SUIHWR CflUttlNO CAR 1 8M Ja* black But* Skylark 4-door huOop. Body m good shape. v-B automatic. power ataarmn 4 brafcai, many naw pans. 77.0-x) rrwaa. atklno GOOO. KUa In coBage, naad monayl 3Z7-OS4B 400 BQStS aV Uolors " If7« ISO HAIVOR. 3V Sadan Twin ZTO Crusadar. Nawvaa. nawuphouia«y.Exins.L _Dboat Slaapa att. 333-6710. ____ tiltl t*i'itlna 555 Regal Commodore; 32' ovan!) la rigid. Rtdar anti, loadad, Indudai iwn 5.0L Marcrulaar. Btatpa S comfortably. Ejacjronlea. 777-1B4B. CLIPTON LAOOON OOCM. Iralda or otittlda. Upto48 It 231-1005. as- Hdtpjia np. OUC UO. Qood condOton. low hour*. Cutdrhrt rrtWN 1MB. $7.000. 777^158. _ WELLCRAFT V30 Slapllft; Naw In 01. eompi. ------'aqulppad, -- ---- nplalaly proleiilonally lily _______ rnalntalnad. Batl raalliBcoBar. 871 -e*BB. 405 Comport a Van> 1877 CHEVROLET VAN. S patiangar, lowing set-up, rebuilt tranirnisBlon. naw brake ayitan<. Claaa 11 709.00. 834-4420 .^•'^ -•>.^'»/" '••^.^C.^ • • - it-. ,; .•i^t.'u*-; „ > ; f .» •• ,., «^' m, pe •L *' '• •'•:,^r;>. ' . .V* i. '.rr,^*11.'' ,y":^; "'•.'•; 1W CHATEAU Iraviri Irmdor. 3311. trort UKhon. I** no*. ileopt/Q. Erf tr*d 2/Bwninga 8i20 & Oifl Oocka t8.iOO Pom m-4224. " 1»» TOYOTA Uoior Home, Rear b*m. »l««p» 5, U-ira rmlai per naflon. auiomaiie. loll conialrwd jfl2JC30.WMaakBB3S-S70S. IBM FOflO Orw Too Vart Ewsilfcni arONan. 51K. air, eompleie IrHartor Itwhrlno. 2 ton* paint, new tiro*. XL imetaga. trailer m> package. Rme httcfi, cUim. OH 635-9658 leavu [-act * X-cellent 3C-perienced '?';- • ' Trailers 425 TRITON ELITE 4 PLACE ALUU1NUU BLED TRAILER, 53000. «31I-7715 LEAVE H&8SAOE. 930-5222 Wan 430 Tfuclt» For Solo •M DOOGE RA11 TRUCK, *aM bod. (MOd "Of* truck, J8SO. B33-6S4Q MtrSPU. _ __ IKS FORD RANQER EXTENDED CAD, fll.OCO Ufct, Auttmotlc. Alf. LMCM. isaoo. KM-wso MBiCTOR RESIDENTIAl. CLEANING SERVICE WINDOW CLEANING Lubert s tcniulChilUL CjJl for g*rimjtf G33-S222 EXPRESS Sower • Drain • Cleaning Residential • Commercial Free Estimates i| 10% Senior Discounts $i£^° FREY-PLUMBING AND HEATING intal & ReadenSal • Office Doming • Carpet & ROOT Senice • Bonded t Icsured SALVATORE 833-6672 • 768-3476 937-5826 CLEANING CO. • Thorough Consistent Quality • Professional Bonded & Insured Read & Use The Classifieds COMPLETE PLUMBING, HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING SERVICE NOJQBTOOSMALU •IHHBW uWldfi^ Ca^Mr Ul Spring tt GnaDy here! in ^mp to IT.UCC up thu jKd wtth a kme tpdcg duan-L-p and ••*' ,'j;.'.'./.'.. " ••' ' 933-0670 fTwnt all Repair Fcctat Wo«li Water 4 Smntr LmM Driveway Stono. SUg or LjmtfliXK 937*5020 LICENSED & BONDED PAINTING & WALLCOVERING Specializing In All Wallpapers ® Mowing • Trimming • Edging • Blowing lease Call For :FREE ESTIMATE 933-5780 PLUMBING, Inc. [KG MTOMOM RESlDEmiAL S OOHmClM HEW • REMODEL • REPAIR State Certified Backflow Inspector I SERVICE I ALEXANDRA MAID SERVICE CrxranmUJ 0 ResMenOa) MM Snvtcf Family Oriented 933-8444 TUNE-UPS - MUFFLERS - BRAKES INC. CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING 930-2949 33446 Lake Road SUPERIOR CLEAN I IMG CO., Dob VtedeU* Owner Emergency Sorvico Fraa Ettlmat.1 ^7 SPECIALIST^ (216)933-9450 ^ »2408 ZEBRA tit mom »y lia v to 3OT BL ft. tfffff Sduction Of Sand Nimt Fibrin lb Choott Ftom Claft hbrie. Vtoy! urf UitMr FtiiEttmftms fn» Pick Up 6 (Jttivery (216) 871-0820 DayVBtflpo Fainting Company • SIDING Shingles • Slats • Rubber Rooting • Wood Shake Gutters/Downspouts • Tear Offs • Reroofs • Repairs AddQlml Roan CAROLINE'S UMOUTERY ft DECORATING 933-4238 .talk to the experts^ HANDVMflM SERVICE Citptnby • Electrical * HOUM Ptlrtlnfl ' PtantdnQ • Dtywafl dittJsr 4© ttmtdi) HARTSEL ELECTRIC UconsotlBorKte&lnaund 937-5750 BACK H0€. DOZER DUMP TRUCK SERVICE. 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Por.ds, Fountains & . Waterfalls • Clean-up & Mulching • Shrub & Ornamental Pruning FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 2O YEARS EXPERIENCE i fc ^.-.' ' » NEW CASTLE ROOFING CO. TIM FORTHOFER Bulldar* Contractor Inc. Haw Hornet Garages RamodoOna AddBoro^ KJtervoru pocks HcnwFtopalrt GENERAL CUSTOM DU1.VT HOMES CONTRACTOR Quality Renovatiw of Century Homes Phono: 937-6430 34B75 Timbervtcw Dr.. Avon. OH LICENSED. BONDED. INSURED Ca/MIM MUZZY THE CROV.N1NC ACCESS FOR YOUR HOME SHINC1ES • FIAT ROOFS • CinTEIS WINDOWS • SIDING • KITCHEN & BATH J 892-5696 LcwU« 9JO2J99 REMODELING SPECIALISTS ADOfltONS • OWIAGES • SJCINQ • DECKS • OAZEBO3 POLE BABKS • DOORS • WINDOWS • ROORNQ FREE ESTIMATES 934-6274AVOKOM10 FllEE ESTIMATES 934-4716 RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAl- Service FAIRWEATHER ROOFING • Bi B»*f. • SHylii • Tiir-Orfi • {hitii • 1J Yur Flit tnh • Cinplilt Still Milit Sinlii • 40 riif Dlmiiiiiil SUijlit • Wit DltpiUiiJ Crm Jintiei Call 933-3517 Or Tell Fr«c 1-800-251-2517 Fully Insured - 24 hr. Emergency Service Tree Trimming and Removals 118'Crane Service uilders inc. General Contractor! - Builden - Remodelen •BATHS • ROOFINGS •KITCHENS •GARAGES • DRIVEWAYS • ROOM ADDITIONS •POLE BARNS •HOUSE ERECTION • FATiOS • ALUMINUM SIDING MARK DUDZIAK AVON, OHIO nnsr IMPRESSIONS i <&& at LAST FOCEVEB. . . B UtoGanDoA' -^BOOKSHELVES •4CRQWN UOLDWQ —ICUSTOU OOSETS 'Custom Guttor Proionh PVC Sttamlon StooJ SJdlno SAIF5 A SttWCF/ •AVON LAKE WOODWORKING AVON —IfffTCHEN RNANdNG AVAILABLE •'ALSQ,VINK & 'AtVM/WO FREE ESTIMATES 233-6450 323-7907 i-aa>*a6O709 934" «M 871-1 200 WARDEN - &YRIA. OHJO 933-3676933-3514 KRUMWEEDE CONSllUCTiON IH !»:< II IV "Your Total Remodeling Co." Third Generation Additions • Rooms Finished • Roofs • Siding Major or Minor Repairs I HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING — SINCE 1947 — I Estimates 934- Service All Makes & Models Furnace Repairs Furnace Installations Humidifier & Air Cleaner Service & Installation 24 Hr. Emergency Servieo 24-HOUR SERVICE 934-4400 J*(f «nd Dabl UliclwO. Owrw» DYBIK CONTRACTING Exterior/Into rior Repair & Remodeling _ •KRchsns * Bathrooms • Windows • Doors • DrywoD • Docks "No Job Too Sma/r Very Raasonablo Prices FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL ™ CONSTRUCnOM ilC. 949-2516 HOME REMODELING ^7V BONDED-INSURED Additions - Decks • Kitchens * Baths Siding • Windows • Doors • Roofing Rob Schnaufor (216) 933-9495 GARRETT-DUSER PAINTING, INC. 933-7898 INTERIOR - EXTERIOR WOBKEFtS COMP. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM SflEGRIST HOME IMPROVEMENT SpccUllting to: * Vbrj Siding ' Rc^ictmcnt VWfldovn • AtJditlont 174LoarRd.,AvonUke D33-IUV a«v«. t31-4332 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL • Gultoi • Gtrtgct • Bitboonu omiEi upntATiD • n>n CCTIMATIS 933-8676 SOYura &fpciUnc« * Mttmen Owiitoprwr Siwrii Exterior Prep Service* Available - FREE ESTIMATES Russ Harklns 949-6075 Distressed by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at 3224652 or 244-4652. KEARNEY CONSTHUCT1ON N<Md nit upcuvn flnttncil. adding on • iBmUy roam or QVIQ*? Far m*(0r or minor rvptlre, CiD tor • ITM ••tlmiu. 937-6337 ». GREENS IDE UP LANDSCAPING • SEEDING • SODDING • GRADING -.SHRUB PLANTING & DESIGNING •LAWN MAINTENANCE & MULCHING SPRING CLEAN UP 934^7336 i ir or 621-6332 Aulhonzod Dealer of Interior/Extorjor Painting Wallpaper Hanging Easy Roller Piintinf & Qcaning •Featuring" Call: S33-8686 |OOC2DADT< •ofid *uri«oa products •CORIAN i* Ou Ponfi tigiil»f»d Mdwnrk lor iu pnmun qu«b/ brand of *oCd Mrfoc* preducU. Only Du Pont mato CORIAN. WHY DO SO MANY CALL CLEAN CORNERS? ...OWNER SUPERVISES EVERY CLEANED HOME company pnviUty owrwd •nd opcrHMj. r^ .^UAU (wen ^yy For Your FREE ESTIMATE Call: SUE LEUENDEROER 327*4455 aft*n •• you nwd In your rnm* or offic*. •'W» cin perform in •Hintlva ctcarWng •nyWnt (hroughaul lh« yeir or Jutt on* Will urvic*, «v«n wmdoxrt. • Wt add •! Irw pmorwl touch*! to our d«inlng th«l you would do you art Htitn«] Sun. Mon.Tue. Wed. Thr. Fri. 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RQVALE W 1S« POtfTUC GRAND AM IE 1MS OLD* CUTLAU lUPflEME 1SW OLDS CUTLASS WAQON ,1995 POWT1AC FIREBIRD 4MM 4MM JtMK 4H^N 4UJN 4tMM 4U,T« 4U.7M We Are Dealing! . Why Pay , More! SATURDAY . SUNDAY . . . MONDAY . . TUESDAY . . WEDNESDAY THURSDAY . FRIDAY . . . . * 38,500 Miles * AM/FM Canette * Leather Interior 412^36 .SU,£9S .514^95 .§W,a95 3E&& 217,095 3lB,G95 424,035 .9-0 11-4 .3-9 -9-a .9-8 .9-9 ,9-B MIKE US$1 FMD EXIT 148 CLEVELAND 871-8072 LORA1N 934-6591 ELYRIA 306-7323 SERVICE TIL MIDNIGHT MONDAY - FRIDAY IJ This ad good thru TVes.. April 9tn or while supplies last. ONtlf & Operated EUeroBin H3JB- 1. Ratay salowt 2. Doass . «. awttn flrttar, 5. BOT Farrts I95O 4< /..•:•• "I".- Zir&'S ^^''¥$$3 CARVE Place Your ORDERS NOW! Stop in and Registered ..;; WIN A -'••'•>:*'•' SHARP STEREO RADIO DUftL CASSETTE W/RECORDER COMPACT DISC PUXpJ? . •"', "BOOM BOX* This Made! 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