Kehilat Hakodesh March 2012


Kehilat Hakodesh March 2012
March, 2012
Adar/Nisan, 5772
Volume 39, Issue 3
Kehilat haKadosh: The Monthly Newsletter of Congregation Beth Shalom
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(seriously….we need the cash)
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Half Page
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Eighth page
Contact Sue Prousa
[email protected]
or 630-961-1818
Please send payment made out to
Congregation Beth Shalom to:
Congregation Beth Shalom
(Attention Newsletter Editor)
772 W. 5th Avenue
Naperville, IL 60563
Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - [email protected]
Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - [email protected]
Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch [email protected]
Education Director: Barbara [email protected]
Facilities and Office Manager: Sue Prousa –
[email protected]
Secretary: Dorothy Battle – [email protected]
Custodial support: Dave Sanders
Inside this issue
From the editor .............................................................................................................. 1
From The Desk Of The Rabbi ..................................................................................... 2
Jokes from the cantor…whoops, we mean, a note from our cantor ...................... 3
Zuckerberg to launch Punimbook ............................................................................... 5
Chabad Exposed! ......................................................................................................... 5
Congregation Beth Shalom Community Seder ......................................................... 6
Seder Registration Form .............................................................................................. 6
A Note From Ms Robin................................................................................................. 7
Special Thanks to All Who Helped With Our 40 Anniversary Concert ................ 7
40 Anniversary Concert Pictures .............................................................................. 8
Israeli Dance at CBS .................................................................................................... 8
Let Dominick’s know what Passover items you’d like this year .............................. 9
40th Anniversary Dinner Dance .................................................................................. 9
CBS to launch new show in its “CSI” series .............................................................. 9
From the CBS Archives ............................................................................................. 10
Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter Program Needs Volunteers ................ 12
Gift Shop News ........................................................................................................... 12
Join Us for Our Interfaith Dinner 2012 on Earth Day Weekend! ......................... 13
Jews decide to give up control of the world ............................................................ 13
Free Adult Education Course : “Jewish Customs: Frequently-Asked
Questions & Answers” ................................................................................................ 14
Jewish Customs Schedule ........................................................................................ 14
News from Jakobpils .................................................................................................. 15
Getting Hacked Is Not a Joke ................................................................................... 15
In the Wink of an Eye ................................................................................................. 16
Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers .................................................................. 16
Library news ................................................................................................................ 17
CBS Member Art Show .............................................................................................. 17
ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized
Job Assistance ............................................................................................................ 18
Ongoing Programs and Activities ............................................................................. 19
CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines .................................................... 21
Donations ..................................................................................................................... 24
Make a Donation ......................................................................................................... 25
In Memory .................................................................................................................... 26
Board of Directors and Committees ......................................................................... 27
From the editor
Purim is here, Purim cheer! ‘tis a holiday so dear . . .
As you know not only is Purim here but so is the mischief and
mayhem that come with it. This month’s issue of Kehilat haKodesh is
meant to kick off this season of fun. So, hold on tight because we’ve
asked our columnists to let loose in a no holds barred, in your face,
raucous celebration! Who knows what you’ll find!
For example, Rabbi Rudolph will be sharing a favorite recipe from his
childhood – pigs in a blanket smothered in Gouda. Cantor Hasha will
be sharing her emotional journey at a recent retreat called, “Let the
Music Play: Helping Introverted Cantors Learn to Express
Themselves”. She thinks that the things she learned will really help
her come out of her shell. Finally, Jeff Rest and Gregg Yedwab will be
launching our new fundraising campaign – Dollars for Davening. For
every $100 you donate, we’ll have someone sit in for you at High
Holiday services for one hour but all spiritual benefits and redemption
is transferred to you. For mere $1800 you can fulfill all Days of Awe
mitzvoth from the comfort of your home without taking off your
So, smile, laugh, and have fun this month. It’s time for Purim.
Brad Kolar
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
From The Desk Of The
I was visiting the tenth grade class a few
months ago and asked them if they had
any questions for their rabbi. After a
few moments of uncomfortable silence,
one student raised his hand. “What
makes a Jewish joke Jewish?” he asked. What a great question! I am
tempted to say, I cannot define what makes a Jewish joke Jewish, but
I can certainly tell a Jewish joke when I hear one. Or, maybe not. In
1990, William Novak and Moshe Waldoks, authors of The Big Book of
Jewish Humor, published a book called The Big Book of New American
Humor: The Best of the Past 25 Years. “Calvin Trillin is there,” they
write, “along with Jackie Mason, Jerry Seinfeld, Mel Brooks, Carl
Reiner, Nora Ephron, Fran Lebowitz, Larry Gelbart, Woody Allen –
wait a minute, it’s beginning to look a lot like Hannukah!” In fact,
they write, only half of the contributors to the New American Humor
book were Jewish. Is Jewish humor becoming more American, or is
American humor becoming more Jewish?
My father wasn’t exactly a by-the-book Jew. He taught us that we
celebrate the eight nights of Chanukah to acknowledge the suffering
of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. (Jonathan Katz)
My parents gave me so much Jewish guilt when I was a kid. They had
a bumper sticker on their car that said, “If my son had worked just a
little harder, I, too, would have an honor roll student at Jefferson High
School. (Joel Chasnoff)
And, from a book entitled Zen Judaism
Drink tea and nourish life. With
the first sip, joy. With the
second, satisfaction. With the
third, Danish.
When I traveled to Germany and Israel in January with 25 rabbis from
the Chicago Rabbinic Action Committee, my 27 year old son Ariel said,
“Dad, make sure you bring back some good rabbi jokes for me.” I
don’t know why he wanted rabbi jokes, but I dutifully asked my
colleagues – plus one Israeli we met at Starbucks at the Newark
airport – for rabbi jokes, and I heard a few good ones. Unfortunately,
I can’t remember any of them. So, here are two short jokes and some
Jewish-Zen wisdom from The Big Book of Jewish Humor (op.cit. 2006,
Harper Collins):
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Jokes from the cantor…whoops,
we mean, a note from our cantor
Laughter is infectious. Let’s get sick. It triggers
(great horse, not PC, Tonto & the Lone Ranger)
healthy physical changes in the body. It
strengthens your immune system, boosts your
energy, diminishes pain and protects you from
the damaging effects of stress. It will not pay
your mortgage, however.
For five marks, Freud himself would treat you.
For ten marks he would treat you and press your pants.
For fifteen marks, Freud would let you treat him,
and that included a choice of two vegetables.
(I’ll have mine with eggroll)
I did not write the jokes. But I laughed at all of them. My Guide to
the Perplexed is The Big Book of Jewish Humor, edited and annotated
by William Novak and Moshe Waldoks.
A poor Talmud scholar approached his rabbi with his masterpiece: a
commentary on the Mishnah:
“Better you should stop writing,” said the rabbi. “It won’t get you
“And if I stopped writing,” replied the scholar, “would it get me
How do you feel?
How should I feel?
What hurts you?
“Sam, please close the window.
It’s cold outside.”
“Nu, and if I close the window,
will it be warm outside?”
What doesn’t hurt you?
When do you feel bad?
When don’t I feel bad?
When did it start?
When will it end, better!
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Two members of the congregation were talking.
“Our cantor is magnificent,” says the first.
“No big deal,” says the second man.
“If I had his voice, I’d sing just as well.”
Moses asks G-d to explain the kosher laws:
“Does that mean that we should wait six hours between
eating meat and drinking milk?”
“Does that mean we should have two sets of dishes?”
“Does that mean we should check the label of
everything we buy, and use only those items made with
pure vegetable shortening?”
They say that when you tell a joke to a peasant,
he laughs three times—
once when you tell the joke,
again when you explain it,
and yet again when he
understands it,
for peasants love to laugh.
When you tell a joke to a landowner,
he laughs twice—
once when you tell him the joke,
and again when you explain it,
for he never really understands it.
When you tell a joke to an army officer,
he laughs only once—
when you tell it.
He never lets you explain it,
and it goes without saying that
he is unable to understand it.
But when you tell a joke to a Jew—
even before you’ve had a chance to finish it
he’s already interrupting you.
First, he’s heard it before.
Second, why are you telling it wrong?
So she decides to tell you the joke—
but in a much better version than yours!
“Does that mean—“
Cantor Hasha Musha Perman
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Zuckerberg to launch Punimbook
To connect with his Jewish roots, Mark Zuckerberg has announced
Punimbook – a spinoff of the popular Facebook website. Punimbook
is also a social networking site but has been modified to be better
suited for Jews. Some changes include:
Replacing the “Like” button with three new buttons “Guilt”
“Feh”, and “So, you think that’s a problem?”
Replacing “Comments” with “Commentary”
Replacing “Friends” with “Meshbukah”
Adding three new relationship statuses
“Get off my back ma”
“Working things out”
“Waiting to give my mother grandchildren”
And, to better stratify relationships, he has put a new twist on
“Friends” by adding a second category called, “I think he is the
brother of my Aunt Sally’s bridge partner”
Chabad Exposed!
A shocking undercover sting operation in Brooklyn has determined
that Chabad is actually a front for the New York Based company,
Fedora Inc. The Attorney General stated, “Chabad just turns out to
be an elaborate scheme to market and sell black hats to unknowing
Jews.” Charges of collusion and anti-trust violations are pending.
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Congregation Beth Shalom Community Seder
Seder Registration Form
Saturday, APRIL 7, 2012, 7:00 PM
Rabbi Rudolph will lead this year's Community Seder to celebrate the
2nd night of Passover. Please join us for an evening of insights,
singing, and a delicious traditional Seder meal for an experience sure
to be meaningful and fun for the whole family. All reservations are
due in the synagogue office by Tuesday, March 20. Please complete
the form below and return with a check or cash to ensure your place
at the table!
Anyone interested in helping with either set-up or clean-up please
contact Carrie Svensson at 630-369-8704 or [email protected]
Volunteer Opportunities:
Table Set-up:
No. of adults ($33 each)__________
No. of children ages 6-13 ($15 each)_____________
Children 5 and under are free
Place for Elijah: This is a mitzvah opportunity to donate the cost for
one or more adults so that those with limited means can join
Friday morning or early afternoon April 6th
Seder Platter Prep and Seder sides:
Saturday After Noon April 7th
Clean-up Assistance: Stay for 30 min. to 1 hr after all guests have
left, helping with loading and unloading dishes.
Next day Clean-up etc: Again, 1 hour to help finish cleaning left over
platters, bit items, etc. and putting Passover Seder items away in
$100 max per family (please contact Rabbi Rudolph if the cost
represents a hardship)
Amount enclosed_______________
Please send or bring this form with your payment to: Congregation
Beth Shalom, 772 W. 5th Avenue, Naperville, Illinois, 60563.
Deadline: Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
A Note From Ms Robin
Attention, attention! The preschoolers
have taken over the ELC!
The following changes will take place
All toys including but not limited to puzzles, trains and train tracks,
play-dough, pegboards, stringing beads, magnets, parachutes, balls,
big wheels, and books can be played with the entire class time.
Children will not have to do any clean up. Any and all necessary clean
up will only be done by teachers.
Daily snacks will now consist of each child’s choice of unlimited
cupcakes with lots of frosting accompanied by chocolate ice cream, a
bottomless bowl of Pirate Booty, and an endless supply of cotton
candy, Tootsie Roll Pops, Airheads, and/or Skittles. Children will have
a choice of a milkshake topped with whipped cream, any flavor soda,
and/or a raspberry or blueberry Slurpee to drink.
Children will never be asked to share any toys. There will be enough
dolls, blocks, magnifying glasses, binoculars, dress up clothes, play
food, cars, trains, dinosaurs, and sand and water toys to ensure that
every child can have what they want all the time with no sharing
Paint smocks will never have to be worn, no matter how messy the
project may be. Children’s arms, faces, and their clothing completely
covered with paint is perfectly acceptable and highly encouraged.
Children will not have to come in from playing outside until they want
to come in, even if the parents are at the door. Parents will have to
wait until the children are done playing and are completely ready to
come home.
Teachers are never allowed to request that a child stop playing to
allow the teacher to tie their shoes. If shoelaces are a problem,
children can instead decide to run around the room barefoot.
These changes to take effect immediately. Bring on the cupcakes and
Happy Purim!
Special Thanks to All Who Helped With Our
40th Anniversary Concert
People supported this celebration in so many ways, with the Cultural
Arts Committee, chaired by Linda Gaines, the support of the Board by
Liz Levitt, Lisa Ohlhausen, and Gregg Yedwab, publicity by the
wonderful team of Elizabeth Sigale, Wendy Foster, and Melanie
Greenberg; the incredible Living History slide show by Ariana and
Armand Vigder and Linda Gaines with help from Sheli Isenberg and Ira
Rubin, and the many pictures shared from CBS members past and
present; Joanne Sapadin's vision; the sound engineers, David Sapadin
and Brian Toby; the talented participants; Stage Managers Marc
Swetlitz and Zena Goldenberg; the CBS Festival Choir, with their gifted
conductor and accompanist, Mark Lee; the elegant and delicious
dessert reception organized by Sheri Rubin and Robin Rubin with
their wonderful cadre of bakers; the beautiful program designed by
Jason Toby; house manager, Jef Shapiro, box office managers, Robin
and Gary Frisch; water maven Eileen Landau; program distributor,
Diane Toby, Darshan’im (grand greeters) Zack Frisch and Irwin Gaines;
and the consistent support and encouragement of Dorothy Battle and
Sue Prousa. It’s thanks to our wonderful volunteers, helpers, and staff
that we are able to have amazing events like this.
Thank you
Cantor Hasha
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
40th Anniversary Concert Pictures
Israeli Dance at CBS
Beginners Israeli Folk Dance Class News:
Photos courtesy of Wendy Foster
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Our class is now officially
open to congregants from
other synagogues. A guest
from another synagogue
showed up by chance. We
were honored to have her
We had our first two
partner dance classes.
We demonstrated and
taught Israeli dance to the
pre-schoolers at the
Congregation Beth Shalom
We will be leading Israeli dance at the CBS oneg shabbat on
Friday evening, March 23rd, when the Interfaith program
participants will be there.
We are going to be leading Israeli dance at the Hadassah
women's seder on March 18th.
Hope you can join us on Monday nights, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, in the CBS
social hall!
Let Dominick’s know what Passover items
you’d like this year
Susan Ganden has been working with the manager of Dominick’s at
1300 S. Naper Blve (75th and Naper) on their Passover order. She is
attempting to accommodate us this year by carrying more products
that have been requested by members of Congregation Beth Shalom.
They have also promised to check with other store managers of areas
that have large Passover sales i.e. Buffalo Grove.
40th Anniversary Dinner Dance
Set aside October 20th, 2012 for Congregation Beth Shalom’s 40th
anniversary Dinner Dance. It will be a very special evening and we
will keep you posted as we work out more details. We need lots of
help in planning the evening so please contact Rita Kramen at
[email protected] or Melanie Greenberg at
[email protected] if you would like to be part of our
CBS to launch new show in its “CSI” series
Following up on the success of CSI: New York’s franchise shows CSI:
Miami and CSI: Las Vegas, CBS has decided to add another version of
the popular crime series: CSI: Yeshiva. The show will follow a group
of rough and tumble Rabbis who sometimes have to work outside the
law as they investigate violations of Halacha. The show will star rap
star Lil’ John as Chief Rabbi Schlomo Rabinowitz - a man who must
overcome his own demons (a secret hankering for popcorn shrimp)
while he tries to set the Yeshiva students on the straight and narrow.
Watch for special cameos of our own R’Av Yo during Rabbi Schlomo’s
flashbacks about his great, great grandfather, the Jewish pirate,
Greybeard Goldenburg who never pillaged or plundered retail.
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
From the CBS Archives
Yiddish Comes to Naperville
30 years ago, in November, 1981, Rabbi Dr. David Graubart traveled
to Naperville with his wife and our first Rabbi, Morris Fishman and his
wife, Lila, to view some Yiddish films at our congregation which was
then at Wesley Methodist Church. At the time there existed the
Yiddish language newspaper, The Daily Forward, which had a Chicago
edition. Below is an English translation of Rabbi Graubart's
observations of our young Jewish community n the Daily Forward. It's
entitled: "Yiddish Comes to Naperville."
Sheli Isenberg
(Translation: Yiddish Comes To Naperville)
Tuesday, November 1O, 1981
One evening recent1y we travelled together, the four of us,
my friend and colleague, Rabbi Dr. Morris Fishman and his
wife and my wife, to Naperville, situated one hour’s drive from
Chicago, which has a Jewlsh population of approximately one
hundred families comprising the membership of the local
email community whose activities rally around the
congregation which does not as yet have its own Synagogue
building, being temporarily a tenant of the Methodist Church.
Naturally, during worship, the Christian symbols are removed
or covered so that Jewish prayers can be conducted without
compunction. Rabbi Fishman is the spiritual leader of the
community in addition to all of his other obligations as
Director of Pastoral Care Services in a large psychiatric
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
hospital, Professor of Old Testament in a Catholic University,
and member of the Conservative Beth Din. I can almost assure
my worthy readers that this doesn’t by far exhaust all of his
functions as a scholar, a counselor who specializes in psychotherapy, and a spiritual leader of a growing and developing
Holy Congregation.
The history of Jewish Naperville is rather brief but interesting.
Before 1920 Jews had not set foot in the area. Not one Jew
could be found there. No one in Chicago was aware of a
Jewish presence there.
During our visit in town, we met a lady who related a curious
fact: She had arrived there in 1920 and discovered two other
Jews there. One was born in town quite by coincidence; it so
happened that a Jewish couple stopped in the area for a brief
stay and before they managed to leave Naperville, the young
wife gave birth to a child and thus the little boy became a
native of the town. He is at present a distinguished civic
One enters the spacious vestry. It is filled with young couples
that came to see an old Yiddish film, David Pinski’s “Yankel,
der Schmid”,featuring Moishe Oysher in the main role. Some
of the assembled understand “Mameloshen” (mother tongue;
others have no difficulty following the story by reading the
English sub-titles. They all enjoyed the picture and chuckled
over it. The audience is not entirely Jewish. There are “mixed
couples” among them, not fully converted to the faith. But
they all attend Synagogue functions becoming progressively
interested in the religion and it often happens that the nonJewish partners eventually embrace Judaism.
They are fascinated by the performance following every scene
with intense interest. I would never believe, much less
imagine, that such interest in Yiddish would be manifested in
this Midwestern “shtetl”. During the intermission and also
later we chat with some of the audience. One is a professor in
a neighboring college, another is on the staff of the nearby
Argonne laboratories in the capacity of a research chemist.
The women are also in similar professions. From our
conversation we gathered that some are familiar with Yiddish.
It is even possible to communicate with them in the language.
Others recall phrases and expression which they heard from
Zayde - Bobbe. One senses nostalgia in their talk; they would
love to learn Yiddish. Such a course would attract a number of
In the course of our conversation, some of the members
mentioned their grandparents who were Forward readers.
Some recall reading the Chicago edition of the newspaper
which was printed at Kedzie and 13th on the old West
Side…In the meantime we are witnessing the emergence of a
Jewish community which in the not too distant future will
contain within itself all the panoply of a full grown
congregation. In the interim Rabbi Fishman provides them
with excellent leadership.
This article was written to increase the awareness of our CBS
members about our history in anticipation of our 40th anniversary in
May 2012. Sheli Isenberg, Hilary Decent, Joni Hirsch Blackman, David
Sapadin, and Brad Kolar are the core of the CBS History Project right
now. YOU may have talents we can use so contact us if you want to
be involved with the committee. Our goal is to present our common
history in film, on our website, and in a book.
We will be contacting founding members and more recent members
who have and are contributing to our history for the historical facts
and stories that make us who we are as a community. You don’t have
to wait to be contacted and can call Sheli Isenberg with your
knowledge of how we grew to where we are today. We are also
interested in any material you may have boxed away somewhere in
your home which might add to our historical knowledge. We want to
build the archives of CBS. Contact Sheli at 630-355-9571 or
[email protected] to contribute material, stories or your
But we were happy to see Yiddish come to Naperville in the
form of the film “Yankel the Blacksmith” with which the little
community fell in love. The atmosphere was warm and
heartily Jewish.
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter
Program Needs Volunteers
If you don't see a design in stock at the gift shop we can place an
The title DSP has been recently changed to reflect the warm and
welcoming way we greet arrivals at CBS, an approach which also
helps keep our building and the people within it as safe and secure as
possible. Darshei Shalom translates as Greeters or Communicators,
and more literally Seekers of Peace and Wholeness. Each
participating individual is a Darshan (as versus the previous DSP
designation). Since CBS is the House of Shalom, Darshei Shalom has a
very specific tie to our congregation.
Serving as a Darshan means you represent CBS as our greeter...our
communicator...and our preacher of peace and wholeness. What a
mitzvah, how great an honor! Preparation involves viewing a twelve
minute video at your convenience. Please consider volunteering to
be a Darshan when you get the call!
Gift Shop News
The gift shop is having a sale on in stock
Tallits (supplies are limited). All Tallits
are $50 each!!! Also, come check out
our new items...Lego Mezuzahs, books,
Kosher Soap, new jewelry, Seder
Plates, and much more.
We just received a new shipment of
jewelry for the gift shop straight from
Israel. Iris Braunstein Shemesh was
born in Israel and still lives there. She
is a multicultural jewelry designer.
The creation process involves
meticulous hand work and quality
control of the highest standards.
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Join Us for Our Interfaith Dinner 2012 on
Earth Day Weekend!
SPONSOR A NEIGHBOR: You may invite and sponsor non-Jewish
friends or neighbors to attend. If so, please include their names in
your RSVP and include payment for them in your check.
Saturday evening, April 21
Let the skies rejoice, the earth have glee,
Ocean resound, in all your fullness!
Let the fields exult, and all belonging there,
then all the forest trees will sing with joy!
– Psalms 96:11-12
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Volunteer to help welcome our
interfaith guests by greeting, interpreting, and acting as a host, by
contacting Carole Kerr at [email protected]. Or volunteer to help
set up, serve, or clean up by contacting Terrie Stainman at
tstainman@ccsd66. Or volunteer to bake mandel bread (pareve only)
by contacting Susan Ganden at [email protected].
Please come to a very special event, as the members of CBS host our
second annual Interfaith Dinner on Saturday evening, April 21, on the
Eve of Earth Day.
QUESTIONS: Bernie Newman, [email protected], 1-630-3574544.
In gratitude for the blessings of friendship, mutual respect, and
understanding fostered by our ongoing relationships with many other
local religious communities, we are inviting friends of diverse faiths
from several different congregations to join us. Please come and be a
part of this evening of fellowship, education, and outreach:
DATE: Saturday evening, April 21, 2012 at Congregation Beth
TIME: 7:00 pm – Program and Dinner in our Social Hall, concluding
with Havdalah Service. You are also welcomed to join us and some of
our guests from the interfaith community for our Shabbat Mincha
Service, immediately before the Dinner at 6:15 pm in our Sanctuary.
COST: $15 per person (please send your payment to the CBS office,
check made out to “Congregation Beth Shalom,” with “Interfaith
Dinner” on the memo line).
RSVP: We will accept the first 100 people and then establish a
waiting list, with all reservations and payments due by March 26 to
the CBS office. Please give the names of all who plan to attend.
RSVP to the CBS office at [email protected], or by phone at
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when brothers and sisters
dwell in unity - Psalms 133:1
Jews decide to give up control of the world
Given the turmoil in the global economy, continued unrest in the
Middle East, the high unemployment rate, and the prospects of global
warming, the Jews have decided to give up control of the world.
In an interview, Jeremy Feinstein, president of the Elders of Zion
stated, “Hey, a few hundred years ago it seemed like an easy way to
make some cash. But, frankly, it’s gotten to be too much work. Who
knew things were going to go so bad? And, we’re only 1% of the
population, we don’t have the manpower [sic] to solve all these
Feinstein said that the Jews will maintain control of the
entertainment industry. With less overall responsibility, they’ll have a
lot more discretionary time on their hands and want to be sure that
they have more choices than reality TV.
Free Adult Education Course : “Jewish
Customs: Frequently-Asked Questions &
interaction, but also to serve as a set of class notes that you can
always refer back for yourself, or use the completed class notes to
answer any questions about Judaism that your children or
grandchildren might ask of you at home.
Why sit around at Beth Shalom on Sunday mornings waiting to drive
your child or grandchild home after their Religious School classes
when you could be learning more about Jewish customs and basic
Judaism by taking this free course?
You don’t have to attend every session. Feel free to come to any
session that you can. Walk-ins are always welcome at any time.
Would you like to win a prize for the most correct answers about
Judaism during class?
Would you like to be able to answer questions that your child or
grandchild might ask you about what they are learning about Judaism
in Religious School?
This course is for parents or grandparents as well as for all interested
adults. It will be presented by Joseph R. Davis, M.D., Ph.D. in
Congregation Beth Shalom’s Library from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM on
each Religious School Sunday morning.
Each session will be taught for 60 minutes with approximately 20
questions and answers on Jewish customs for the first 35 minutes,
followed by the meaning and use in an English sentence of three
Yiddish words for 5 minutes, followed by the accomplishments of two
famous American Jews 10 minutes, and finally followed by an
important event in modern Jewish history for the last 10 minutes of
the class.
As long as you are already here on Sunday mornings during the time
you bring and pick up your child from Congregation Beth Shalom’s
Religious School, why not take advantage of this free, exciting and
enjoyable opportunity to learn more about Jewish customs and basic
It is also never too late for you to get more knowledge about Judaism,
even if you don’t currently have a child or grandchild in the Religious
School on Sundays.
This course will be held from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM on each of the
Sundays that the Religious School meets during the academic year of
Jewish Customs Schedule
Passover Customs I & II
Minor Holidays
Shavuot Customs
Kiddush Customs
Medical Customs
Mar 11, 2012 & Mar 18, 2012
Apr 15, 2012
Apr 22, 2012
Apr 29, 2012
May 13, 2012
The course will include both the presentation of traditional answers
to each question by the teacher as well as the opportunity for you to
interact as to what each Jewish custom, Yiddish word, famous
American Jew, or important event in modern Jewish history may
mean to you in your life today.
You will receive a worksheet at each session which you can complete
during the class and which will serve not only to stimulate class
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
News from Jakobpils
Getting Hacked Is Not a Joke
Dear Friends,
While Purim might be a time for fun and trickery, it’s never fun to find
out that your email, Facebook, or on-line accounts have been hacked.
While we often hear of elaborate, high tech schemes to steal
information, the reality is the many people get hacked by making
some simple mistakes. Here are some tips to help you protect
Today we have distributed your help and I hasten to direct to you the
list of our members of the community who will get your support on
payment of municipal services and medicines.
1.Minna Kuleekova
25 lats
2.Michael Lapuha
25 lats
3.RAfael Finkelstein
25 lats
4.Isaac Donde
25 lats
5. Sender Silber
25 Lats
6.Braina Lotkina
25 lats
7.Isaac Hertzbach
25 lats
8.Eugenia Eleveecha
25 lats
9.Zinaida Livcha
25 lats
10. ESther Krasnooheena
25 Lats
11.Felix Kalninch
16 Lats
266 Lats*
Once again we ask to thank your synagogue and our sponsors who
understand our necessity and send help to our community.
Raya and Freida
* Editor’s note: One lat = $1.88 so 25 lats = approx. $47
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
1) Use common sense – If you get an email from someone who
you’ve only spoken to once or twice in the past year wanting
to show you pictures or with a referral to a website, it’s
probably fake. Trust your gut, if you think it is strange that
someone is sending you something, don’t open it.
2) Keep your anti-virus software up to date – New viruses and
malware come out constantly.
3) Don’t use the same password for all of your accounts. I once
heard someone say that having the same password for all of
your accounts is like having a single key for every door in your
house, your car, your safe deposit box, summer home, etc.
Finding that one key opens up your life. The same is true for
4) Never use your email password on a site for which your
username is also the same as your email address. Many sites
don’t ask for a unique username but rather simply use your
email address. By using the same password as you do for
email, you are giving hackers direct access to your email
5) Be careful about how much you disclose on public forums (or
distribution lists). If you are invited to an event through evite ,
facebook or any other public site and have to decline, just
decline. Don’t say that you’ll be out of town or at another
event. Otherwise you are giving anyone with access to that
page, information on when your home will be empty.
In the Wink of an Eye
We’ve been living in Naperville for five
amazing years. Of course it didn’t take
me that long to discover what a
wonderful place this is. It’s a city so
beautiful that even the downtown
graffiti is painted by artists; a place
where if anyone breaks into your house
it’s simply to redecorate and clean it for
you; a community where if you knock into someone’s car they
immediately admit it’s their fault and buy you a new one. The
following facts may not exactly be true, but you can’t blame me for
thinking they might be.
1.The 1948 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to someone who once
drove through here on his way to Chicago.
2. The trees at the Riverwalk pump out antioxidants that eat fuel
emissions from nearby cars.
3. Johnny Depp first decided that one day he'd star in Pirates of the
Caribbean while playing on Centennial Beach as a small boy.
4. The musical about a farming community, Oklahoma, was originally
going to be called Naperville, but the name didn't fit the music.
5. Mahatma Gandhi was a bus boy at Indian Harvest.
6. Mayor Pradel was a cheer leader in high school.
7. The Bermuda Triangle is a place where people mysteriously
disappear when something bad happens to them. The Naperville
Triangle is a place where people suddenly appear and wonderful
things happen to them.
8. Elvis Presley still performs nightly at Pfeiffer Hall.
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
9. A Naperville man always wiped Louis Armstrong's forehead when
he sang Wonderful World.
10. America the Beautiful was composed under a tree in Naperville's
Central Park.
Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers
Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers to provide companionship and
support to a significant number of patients with life-limiting illnesses
and their families in your Naperville/Glen Ellyn/Lisle/Warrenville
community. Patient Care Volunteers provide conversation, leisure
activities or a quiet, caring presence.
You may also use your education and/or area of expertise to aide our
patients and program. Your additional talents might include art;
horticultural therapy; gardening; massage therapy; music therapy;
pet therapy; life review and reminiscence such as recording oral
histories, scrapbooking, photography, and more.
Patient Visit Volunteers may occasionally provide the opportunity for
respite to caregivers if a patient resides at home, allowing a caregiver
to take time for him/herself.
Volunteers with Odyssey Hospice are an important part of a larger
team who recognize that psychological, spiritual, and social services,
as well as medical/clinical care, can contribute to an improved life
quality for patients in the last stages of life. We offer an extensive
orientation as well as ongoing volunteer support.
I would be happy to offer an informational presentation at your
convenience, as well as local site orientation. Please contact me at
[email protected], or 847-439-0348.
Thank you very much.
Judy Guggenheim
Library news
ADAR in the CBS Library
By Carol Medor for the CBS Library Committee
The Congregation Beth Shalom Library reports long lines forming out
the door and down the corridor. Books and media items are literally
flying off the shelves, causing patrons to duck and cover their heads
to avoid being hit. Children’s books have sprouted legs and have
been seen jumping right into backpacks, while CDs have thrown
themselves into players, resulting in Jewish music of all types being
heard at odd moments throughout the grounds.
What is happening? Why so much activity in the usually sedate and
seldom used facility? Could the membership have suddenly
discovered this underused resource, featuring Reference works (such
as Jerusalem: Rock of Ages by Fosco Maranini and Commentary on
the Torah by Richard Elliott Friedman), Adult Non-fiction (including
Kibbutz: Venture in Utopia by Melford Spiro and The Richest Man
Who Ever Lived: King Solomon’s Secrets to Success, Wealth, and
Happiness by Steven K. Scott), Adult Fiction (featuring Thursday the
Rabbi Walked Out by Harry Kemelman and Exodus by Leon Uris),
Children’s Books, both Non-fiction (such as Our People in Olden Days
by Ben Israel and Bible Stories for Jewish Children ) and Fiction
(perhaps, The Cat in Krashinsky Square by Karen Hesse or The
Mystery Bear by Leone Adelson), Young Adult Works (such as Rashi’s
Daughter: Secret Scholar by Maggie Anton and Six Million Paperclips
by Peter W. Schroeder and Dagmar Schroeder-Hildebrand), and
Media Items (including both CDs and DVDs, including Authentic Israeli
Folk Songs and Dances and Living our Legacy—Jewish Americans: The
Early Years)?
The Gold Cup by Belva Plain or The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva)
or a non-fiction book with a quirky title (look for How to Raise a
Jewish Dog as told to Ellis Weiner and Barbara Davilman or Boychiks
in the Hood by Robert Eisenberg). Select a book of Jewish humor,
such as In One Ear and Out the Other by Sam Levinson or Mazel Tov!
You’re Middle Aged by Albert Vorspan. Check out a DVD of a past
CBS Purim Spiel and remember how talented and funny fellow
Congregants can be (remember Holy Neuteronomy and Passover the
Musical ?). Whatever one’s interest, the Congregation Beth Shalom
Library can help enhance the enjoyment of Adar. Be sure to be the
first in line to make use of this terrific membership resource, just
watch out for flying books and errant media items.
CBS Member Art Show
Members, get out your paint brushes, cameras, pencils and … your
creativity. CBS ArtSpace will be having a show for members only next
summer. Artists (yes, this means you) can submit up to 3 pieces, and
the jury will select at least 1 for exhibition. The show will run all
summer of 2012. We’ll have an artists’ reception and ribbons will be
awarded in various categories.
Artists must be at least 16 years old. Art must be wired for hanging.
Jewish content desirable but not required.
Submission Process:
Submit up to 3 jpegs. Label your files with your name and the titles
of the piece. Include a list giving the title of each piece, size,
medium, and price, if for sale. Include a brief bio and/or artist
statement. Drop off your entries at the temple, or mail them: CBS
Member Show, Congregation Beth Shalom, 772 W. 5th Ave.,
Naperville, IL 60540 Deadline: May 1, 2012.
It must be Adar!! What a great opportunity to have some fun and
explore the less serious side of Jewish life. Pick up a novel (perhaps,
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment
Website for Personalized Job Assistance
current economic turmoil, this is an opportunity for members of the
Jewish community to connect and help one another,” said Rose
Dessau, Supervisor, JVS Employment Services.
Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) announces the launch of, a new free job search website
accessible by Chicago area job seekers and employers. A unique job
posting board, caters to local jobs at all
professional levels, offering a wide range of
resumes and open positions to ensure a
productive and mutually beneficial search.
Unlike any other job posting website, qualified
candidates are screened by an experienced,
highly trained JVS career counselor.
In addition to ParnossahWorks, JVS provides job campaign assistance
through the Jewish Employment Network (JEN) offering networking
opportunities, career counseling and cutting-edge job search
strategies for people looking to be
competitive in a tough market. JVS career
counselors provide support and help keep
clients motivated and on track throughout
the job search process. Evening roundtables,
ongoing groups and targeted workshops
along with a client list-serve complement
individual sessions with a counselor. The
Jewish Employment Network is a partnership
of Jewish Vocational Service, the Chicago
Board of Rabbis, the Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago and affiliated
The website offers an alternative to large,
overwhelming job boards, with JVS staff
providing confidential services to both
candidates and employers to attain a strong
match. The job posting board gives individuals
access to job opportunities and employment
assistance, while offering a venue for
employers to find pre-screened candidates to
fill their open positions. The site, free to both
employees and employers, is made possible by
a grant from the Jewish Federation’s J-HELP
Initiative. Additional features include: job search tools and
strategies, relevant resources, a calendar listing topical workshops
and special events and opportunities to sign up for job campaign
For more information on call 312-6733437 or e-mail
[email protected].
Originally developed by F E G S Health and Human Services System in
New York to serve unemployed and underemployed Jews in their
area, ParnossahWorks is operating successfully in Detroit,
Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis and Atlanta. “With
everyone from senior executives, middle managers, to young
professionals and recent college graduates being affected by the
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Ongoing Programs and Activities
CBS Cemetery:
Congregation Beth Shalom owns a section in the Naperville Cemetery
containing a number of gravesites.
Prices as of June 1, 2011 are:
$1,150.00 per gravesite
Nonmembers: $1,650.00 per gravesite
Copies of the Congregation Cemetery Regulations are available from
the Congregation office or Mark Greenberg/Gene Parker, Chairs of
the Cemetery Committee.
For information on site selection and purchase, please contact Gene
Parker (630 357 5047) or Mark Greenberg (630 579 8157).
CBS Seniors Group
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! To all Jewish Grandmas, Nanas, Bubbes and
Grandpas, Poppas & Zeides.
The CBS Senior is looking for these particular Jewish people (not
necessarily members of Congregation Beth Shalom) to become part
of our group to help vitalize our activites in the Synagogue and also
enjoy each other’s company. We meet the second Wed. of each
month. If you have a desire to meet new friends and enjoy
yourselves, please contact: Ruth Weber 630 983-4607
Calling all torah chanters: “The Bible should be read in public, and
made understood to its hearers in musical and sweet tones-––and
those who read the Torah without tune, show disregard for it, and its
vital values and laws.” (The Talmud, 1st Century C.E.). Calling all postBar or Bat Mitzvah Teens who would like to inspire the younger Bnai
Mitzvah students and keep their Torah Trope skills sharp! Calling all
Adults who once chanted Torah and have run out of “lein” excuses!
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Did you know that we chant Torah at every Shabbat morning service?
The Torah was meant to be sung, and we sing it! Join our growing
“Legion of Leiners.” We will help you brush up your skills, give you
plenty of time to prepare, and provide you with a portion to learn and
chant that is manageable for you. Remember: You don’t have to be a
Maven to do a Mitzvah! Your honor awaits! Contact Bernie Newman
at (630) 357-4544 or [email protected]
CBS Collegiate Connection
We would like to stay connected with your student at college, and
remind them that we at CBS are still thinking of them. In the past we
have sent a few encouraging notes a year, as well as a small gift.
Please pass on your student's address at college to Melanie
Greenberg at [email protected].
ELC Cubbies: Please Note: The cubbies in front of the Early Learning
Center (ELC) preschool classroom are for ELC use ONLY! Please do not
place anything in these cubbies. All materials that you wish to
distribute such as flyers for upcoming events, etc., must be preapproved by ELC Director Robin Frisch. Robin Frisch can be contacted
at 630.961.1818 x22 or at [email protected]. Any materials
found in the cubbies that have not been approved will be removed
and immediately discarded. Thank you for your cooperation.
Junior Congregation: If you are looking for an easy and fun way to
celebrate Shabbat and learn Shabbat morning prayers, then come
and check out Junior Congregation.
This student- led service (with adult supervision) allows children the
opportunity to be the gabbi, lead prayers in English or Hebrew, and
take a part in “Sedra Scenes” performances - great practice in public
speaking and preparation for Bnei Mitzvot. This service is targeted
for children who can read English and are beginning to learn Hebrew.
Students in first grade and above may attend without an adult,
though adults are welcome, space permitting.
Junior Congregation begins at 10:30 a.m. in the youth lounge and
lasts approximately one hour, followed by Kiddish. Please pick up
your child no later than 12:00 p.m. as the synagogue closes after
services. Please let us know if you’d be interested in hosting a Kiddish
for this service.
Our current topic of study is Rabbi Joseph Telushkin's book, A Code of
Jewish Ethics, Volume 1: You Shall Be Holy. Whether you can come
regularly or only drop-in occasionally, join us for the energizing
discussions and the joy of learning. You don't need to have been
present from the beginning of this topic to join-in whenever you can.
Please contact Eileen Gelblat (630-355-7916 or [email protected]) or
Nadene Eisner ([email protected] ) for more information.
Bernie Newman 630-357-4544 or [email protected].
Library: The library is open when the synagogue is open.
Monday and Friday: 9-2,
Tuesday, Wednesday. & Thursday 9-5,
Sundays When Religious School is in Session
For more information about our library, volunteering your time your
time or writing book reviews, please call Gerry Mendelssohn at 630416-2195
Lunchtime study group: Join us for our lively and popular weekly
lunchtime adult study group, on Thursdays from 11:30 am to 12:30
pm in the Congregation library, led by our Rabbi, Marc Rudolph. The
subjects of study are traditional Jewish texts (in English).
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Monthly Meditation: The Sages used to meditate an hour before
services to prepare themselves for prayer. On the fourth Friday of
the month you can do the same at 7:15 pm in the Library, with Jewish
Meditation Teacher Yonah Klem. Yonah will give a brief teaching and
then we will meditate about 20 minutes. Beginning and experienced
meditators are welcome.
Kosher Meat program. B’nai Israel has agreed to let us participate in
their kosher meat program. Simply fill out your request
( each month and pick up your meat
on the specified day.
Tot Shabbat Music Programs: Held on the 3rd Saturday morning of
October, November 2010 and January – May, 2011
CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines
Communication is a funny thing. Some people tell us they get too much, while others tell us they don’t get enough. Some people say they “tune out” because the same
information is repeated everywhere while others say that they waste their time searching for what they need. To improve our effectiveness, we are focusing each major form of
communication from CBS. However, we need your help. It is important that you at least skim the various communications from CBS. That will ensure that you are kept up-todate on what is happening in and around our community. For your reference, we have included a table summarizing our communication tools and submission deadlines.
Submission Deadline
Submit to
[email protected]
Once or
twice per
General information about CBS,
Oneg sign up, donation and
building information, emergency
announcements, ELC/Religious
school closings, and most up-todate calendar.
Events coming in the next two
weeks, “Save the date”
notifications for major events.
Time-sensitive or urgent matters
such as Shiva information, special
meetings, and other notifications
Wednesday of the week that
announcement is to be read
[email protected]
As needed – note: the digest is the
primary weekly vehicle. Special Digests
will be saved for exceptional events (at
the discretion of the office manager or VP
Member Services) so that we do not
bombard members with too many
The 25 of the preceding month (e.g.,
March 25 for submissions for April).
This is a firm cut-off date.
[email protected]
Special digests
Human interest stories about
Congregation Beth Shalom
members. General information
about upcoming (more than one
month away) programs. Monthly
[email protected]
For stories in the digest and newsletter, please just send unformatted text. If you would like to include a picture, send a jpg, png, or bitmap. Advertisements should also be jpg,
png, or bitmap. On-going CBS events are no longer called out in advertisements but rather appear on the “On-going programs and services” page. We hope that these
guidelines will better help you get the information you need without too much redundancy or confusion.
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Calendar of Key Events in November
Sat Mar 10
Sun Mar 18
For the most up-to-date information, see If you would like to add an
event to the calendar, please check with Sue Prousa
to ensure that the building/room is available.
9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library
10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary
10:30am – 12:00pm: Junior Congregation
5:45pm – 6:45pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service
Thu Mar 1
Sun Mar 11
11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS
8:00pm – 9:30am: Youth Lockin
Purim Carnival (10 AM - Noon)
8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK 4)
8:30am – 10:25am: 1st Grade Family Passover
9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Passover
Customs I
10:45am – 12:15pm: Judaism and Urban Poverty 8th Grade
10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (510)
10:45am – 12:45pm: 6th Gr Family Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Prgm (Parents&Students)
11:00am – 12:30pm: Dine and Discuss
12:45pm – 1:45pm: 6th Grade Pizza Party with
12:45pm – 2:45pm: Rosh Hodesh Group (6th-7th)
8:30am – 10:25am: Religious School-Session I (PreK 4)
9:00am – 10:00am: Intro to Judaism: Passover
Customs II
10:45am – 12:15pm: Judaism and Urban Poverty 8th Grade
10:45am – 12:45pm: Religious School - Session II (510)
11:00am – 12:30pm: Dine and Discuss
1:00pm – 3:00pm: DuPage/Will Hadassah Women's
Seder - Contact: Susan Ganden
Mon Mar 5
Mon Mar 12
Thu Mar 22
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS
Tue Mar 6
Tue Mar 13
11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS
4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School
4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School
Wed Mar 7
Thu Mar 15
7:00pm – 8:30pm: Purim Megillah Reading
11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS
7:15pm – 7:45pm: Monthly Meditation Congregation Beth Shalom Library
8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service
9:00pm – 10:00pm: Israeli Dancing at Oneg
11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS
7:15pm – 10:15pm: CBS Board Mtg.
Fri Mar 16
Sat Mar 24
8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service
9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library
10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service
Fri Mar 9
9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library
10:00am – 10:30am: Tot Shabbat - Youth Lounge
10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary
10:00am – 12:15pm: B'MV Jordan Stern
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service
Fri Mar 2
6:45pm – 7:15pm: Family Service/Scout Shabbat
8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service
Sat Mar 3
9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library
10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary
5:45pm – 6:45pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service
8:00pm – 9:30am: Youth Lockin
Sun Mar 4
Thu Mar 8
11:30am – 1:00pm: Shabbat Shalom Hey - Social Hall
8:00pm – 9:00pm: 4th Grade Participation
8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service
8:00pm – 9:00pm: Birthday/Anniversary Celebration
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Sat Mar 17
Mon Mar 19
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS
Tue Mar 20
4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School
7:30pm – 9:00pm: Avodah Committee Meeting
Wed Mar 21
11:00am – 1:30pm: Gan Mock Passover Seder Social Hall
Fri Mar 23
Mon Mar 26
ELC Spring Break
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS
Tue Mar 27
ELC Spring Break
Wed Mar 28
Mon Apr 2
ELC Spring Break
7:00pm – 8:00pm: Israeli Dance at CBS
Thu Mar 29
Tue Apr 3
ELC Spring Break
11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS
4:30pm – 6:15pm: Religious School
Thu Apr 5
Fri Mar 30
11:30am – 12:30pm: Thursday Study Group - CBS
ELC Spring Break
8:00pm – 9:00pm: Shabbat Service
Fri Apr 6
Sat Mar 31
8:00pm – 9:00pm: Erev Pesach - No Services at
9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library
10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary
7:15pm – 8:15pm: Mincha/Havdalah Service
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Sat Apr 7
9:00am – 10:00am: Torah Study - CBS Library
10:00am – 12:00pm: Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary
7:00pm – 9:00pm: Community Seder
Kathleen and Richard Bokor
Fred and Sandy Goldenson
Michele and Geoffrey Stein
Kathleen and Richard Bokor
Herb and Adrienne Golinkin
Herb and Adrienne Golinkin
M. G. and Gail Sonkin
Larry Gryziak and Carol Drucker
Sue and Pete Levine
Herb and Adrienne Golinkin
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
Herb & Adrienne Golinkin
Myra Blatt
Liz & Bob Osgood
The Cohen Family
in memory of Benjamin Bokor
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Carole Schachter
in memory of Gen Wenslaff
in memory of Eva Golinkin
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of William Sonkin
in memory of Daniel Gryziak
in honor of the naming of our granddaughter
in memory of Frank Karlovsky
in honor of Marta Grosz becoming a U.S. citizen
in memory of Beatrice Friedman
in memory of Celia Agensky
in memory of Lewis Knox
in memory of Alan Lifton
Alice and Bernie Silverman
Phil and Cindy Golger
Fred and Sandy Goldenson
Sandy and Phil Doukas
Sandy and Phil Doukas
in memory of Myrtle Fidler
in memory of Frank Karlovsky
in memory of Beatrice Friedman
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Janis Newman
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
wishing Barb Bernstein Rufuah Shlayma
Sheila Fisher
Ed Bronson & Eileen Gelblat
Kay and Lloyd Hyman
Lynn and Ralph Kallmann
Lynn and Ralph Kallmann
Kay and Lloyd Hyman
in memory of Charles and Sylvia Daks
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Kurt Kallmann
in memory of Eva Kaufmann
in memory of Janis Newman
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
Bonnie Jane Eizen Adelman
Larry and Sima Petri
Eva & Rob Katz & Family
Susan Ganden
wishing Bob Fisher Rufuah Shlayma
in memoryof Harry Solomon Eizen
in memory of Mila Petri
in memory of Albert Basner
in memory of Beatrice Friedman
Dan and Paula Fraser
in memory of Alex Fraser
Sima and Larry Petri
in memory of Alan Lifton
Eric and Liz Levitt
Eric and Liz Levitt
Carole Kerr and Milt Volpe
Bob and Sheila Fisher
Paula and Dan Fraser
Diane and Jim Vojcek
Seymour Bloom
Bob and Sheila Fisher
Carol and Jack Medor
Elaine and Mike Beyer
Alice Sklar
Mali Sharon
Karen Meisner
Milt Volpe and Carole Kerr
in memory of Cecile Stern
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Allen Bloom
in memory of Cecile Stern
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Robert Winet
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Janis Newman
The Shugar Family
Terrie Stainman
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Judith Rein
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Alan Lifton
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Robert Winet
in memory of Alan Lifton
in memory of Abraham Shugar
Susan and Ira Rubin
Sue and Pete Levine
Sue and Pete Levine
Emily and Adam Levin
Julie and David Glen
Herb & Adrienne Golinkin
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
in honor of the birth of Sue and Pete Levine's
in memory of Cecile Stern
in memory of Alan Lifton
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
in honor of Gene Parker receiving the "Person of
Valor" Award
Bonnie Jane Eizen Adelman
in memory of Alan Lifton
Raye and Sheli Isenberg
in memory of Frank Karlovsky
Make a Donation
772 W. Fifth Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563
I (we) enclose my (our) contribution of $___ to the following fund(s)
In memory of
In honor of
and name)
Name of donor
Address (Street, City, State Zip)
Please send acknowledgement to
Name of donor
Address (Street, City, State Zip)
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
In Memory
March 2 & 3
Meyer Kaplan
Otilia Vigder
Gustave Barshefsky*
Molly Katz
Sarah Rosenberg
Ariel Sharon
William Bindler
Elenore Kittleson
Richard Sennett
Lewis Knox*
Carole Schachter
Harold Schultz*
Carmine Calfa
Stanley Davis
Harry Bloom*
Harriet Jankowski*
Sara Scheiner
Armand Vigder
Al Barshefsky
Norman Katz
Jill Kapson
Mali Sharon
Rick Bindler
Susan Jensen
Melissa Raab
Liz Osgood
Michele Stein
Robert Jankowski
Jeff Calfa
Sylvia Lippmann
Seymour Bloom
Robert Jankowski
10 Adar 5774
10 Adar 5774
10 Adar II 5774
10 Adar II 5774
11 Adar I 5774
11 Adar I 5774
12 Adar I 5774
12 Adar II 5774
12 Adar II 5774
13 Adar 5774
13 Adar 5774
13 Adar II 5774
14 Adar 5774
14 Adar II 5774
15 Adar 5774
15 Adar 5774
March 9 & 10
Betty Bauer
Bertha Salomon
Samuel Kalinsky*
Lillian Silbert
Elizabeth Richardson
Jean Adler
Rollin Parker*
Bessie Kipnis Michnick
Hilda Jacobs
Leo Temkin
Marcella Brown
Norton Kalinsky*
Max Michnick
Sol M Simon*
Casey Wonderlick
Cynthia Hope Farber*
Charles Braidman*
Al Jacobson
Eva Kaufmann*
Carol Keeth
Wendy Gross
Robert Kalinsky
Robin Frisch
Debbie Richardson
Craig Garber
Gene Parker
Eileen Landau
Cliff Kapson
Sarilee Huffman
Rikki Amesquita
Robert Kalinsky
Eileen Landau
Mike Simon
Carl Wunder
Beth Farber
Jill Kapson
Jeff Jacobson
Ralph Kallmann
16 Adar 5774
16 Adar 5774
16 Adar I 5774
16 Adar I 5774
17 Adar 5774
17 Adar I 5774
17 Adar II 5774
18 Adar I 5774
18 Adar II 5774
18 Adar II 5774
19 Adar I 5774
19 Adar II 5774
21 Adar 5774
21 Adar 5774
21 Adar 5774
21 Adar II 5774
22 Adar 5774
22 Adar 5774
22 Adar 5774
March 16 & 17
Charles Chapman
Celia Agensky
Celia Agensky
Abraham Shugar
Mordecai Markovitch
Norman Rosenberg
Milton Krieger
Tara Gregus
Robin Leckinger
Myra Blatt
Gregory Shugar
Mali Sharon
Jill Kapson
Robyn Weiss
23 Adar 5774
23 Adar I 5774
23 Adar I 5774
23 Adar I 5774
24 Adar I 5774
24 Adar I 5774
25 Adar 5774
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012
Goldie Scheiner
Ida Trushin
Sylvia Golda Daks*
Lena Keiser
Sidney Solomon Keiser
Mila Petri
Clara Kapson
Ellen Hose*
Leslie Mandel*
Rose Shapiro
Judith Rein*
Sarah Farber*
Maeta Rosengard*
Charles Daks*
Joan Matises
Harry Shack
Judith Winkelman
Jerome Rest
Rose Sherr*
Iris G Shapiro
Harry Solomon Eizen
March 23 & 24
Tillie Bauman
William Sonkin
Mildred Bloom
Alexander Fraser
Maryann Roberts
March 30 & 31
Albert Charles Basner
Melvin Gelblat
William Lippmann
Irwin Morris Radus*
Abraham Benjamin
Nathan Sarasohn
Earl Fagel
Mitchell Shesol
Myrtle Fidler*
Evelyn Shack
Marvin Bridges*
Morton Krugman
David Lewin*
Paul Scheiner
David Trushin
Sheila Fisher
Mildred Keiser
Mildred Keiser
Larry Petri
Cliff Kapson
Blanche Sheinkopf
Jeffrey Shapiro
Sue Levine
Beth Farber
Shelley Fagel
Sheila Fisher
Marvin Matises
Jennifer Weiner
Gary Winkelman
Jeff Rest
Sandy Goldenson
Jeffrey Shapiro
Bonnie Jane Adelman
25 Adar 5774
25 Adar 5774
25 Adar I 5774
26 Adar 5774
26 Adar 5774
26 Adar II 5774
27 Adar 5774
27 Adar I 5774
27 Adar I 5774
27 Adar I 5774
27 Adar II 5774
28 Adar 5774
28 Adar 5774
28 Adar I 5774
29 Adar 5774
29 Adar 5774
29 Adar 5774
29 Adar I 5774
29 Adar I 5774
9 Adar I 5774
9 Adar II 5774
Ruth Weber
Myron Sonkin
Rita Kramen
Daniel Fraser
James Roberts
1 Nisan
1 Nisan
2 Nisan
7 Nisan
7 Nisan
Eva Basner-Katz
Eileen Gelblat
Dan Lippmann
Irwin Gaines
8 Nisan 5774
10 Nisan 5774
10 Nisan 5774
10 Nisan 5774
Shelley Fagel
Nancy Sohn
Marvin Fagel
Sarilee Huffman
Alice Silverman
Jennifer Weiner
Rhonda Merchut
Kim Williamson
Laurie Fair
11 Nisan
11 Nisan
12 Nisan
12 Nisan
13 Nisan
13 Nisan
14 Nisan
14 Nisan
14 Nisan
* A memorial light on the CBS yahrzeit board is lit
May their memories be for a blessing
Board of Directors and Committees
Jeff Rest
[email protected]
Adult Education
VP Administration
Stephan Chriqui
[email protected]
B'nai Mitzvah Invitations Trudy Lythberg
VP Member Services
Liz Levitt
Lisa Ohlhausen
[email protected]
Stephan Chriqui
[email protected]
Mark Greenbergy
Gene Parker
[email protected]
VP Membership
Leslie Noel
Elizabeth Sigale
VP Education
Renee Major
Geoff Adler
Bob Fisher
Terrie Stainman
Cultural Arts
Linda Gaines
[email protected]
Stephan Chriqui
[email protected]
Gift Shop
Lauren Gaither
Jill Greenwood
[email protected]
Drew Effron
[email protected]
Gerry Mendelssohn
[email protected]
Brad Kolar
[email protected]
Religious School
Renee Major
[email protected]
Tikkun Olam
Mimi Qunell
[email protected]
Russ Klem
[email protected]
VP Finance
VP Development
Bob Fisher
Gregg Yedwab
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
VP Religious Practices
Chris Igo
[email protected]
Susan Karoll
[email protected]
Betsy Wunder
[email protected]
Director at Large
Nelson Chester
[email protected]
Director at Large
Sam Rest
[email protected]
Past President
Mark Greenberg
[email protected]
Kehilat haKadosh, March, 2012