Made Up Pages - Two Worlds magazine
Made Up Pages - Two Worlds magazine
DEATH IS THE GATEWAY TO A LARGER LIFE September 2011 Founded 1887 No. 4412 £1.50 Two Worlds T H E M O N T H LY M A G A Z I N E F O R S P I R I T U A L I S T S ‘Dead’ relative makes speedy return When it’s time to pass on The power of the spirit Medium ‘feels’ murder Beware the wolf you feed ‘Two Worlds’ is based at PO Box 55307, London SE16 6WW Our phone number is 020-7064 8000 Fax: 020-7231 1751 E-mail [email protected] Web site Mediums’ rally 7.15 pm-10.00 pm on Saturday, September 3 40 Stalls 16 free talks Healers Massage Meditation Crystals Aura camera Bookstall Herbalist Readers Drumming Ghost talk Doors open 10.00 am-6.00 pm Belper Sports & Leisure Centre John O’Gaunts Way, Kilbourne Road, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1RZ Tel: 01773 716411 with local mediums Diane Gent, David Williams & Annette Moss in aid of TICKLED PINK Tickets from or on the door at the Mind-Body-Spirit show Come and join some of the UK’s leading healers, therapists and clairvoyants for a fabulous weekend in Belper on September 3-4, 2011 Download the show guide at Mind-Body-Spirit show 10.00 am-4.00 pm Clairvoyant night 7.15 pm-10.00 pm Northstar Crystals presents Sat/Sun October 8-9, 2011 with shaman, seer & mystic Barbara Meiklejohn-Free Buddha Maitreya Meditation class Sixteenth consecutive year! Healers, therapists & readers from around the UK Sixty stalls. Sixteen FREE talks, demonstrations & workshops Doors 10.00 am-6.00 pm. Admission £4.00. Two-day pass £6.00. Under sixteens free Mansfield Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, Notts NG19 7BH Download the show guide at £1.00 off with this advert £1.00 off two-day day pass or 50p off single day admission Limit one discount per visitor TwoWorlds CONTENTS Two Worlds Are One Amongst the varied topics in this month’s editorial are the terrible massacre in Norway, the passing of singer Amy Winehouse, some unusual survival-packed stories and a crop of coincidences. Page 4 The power of the spirit “The human spirit is gradually evolving,” says Silver Birch. “Centuries ago there were but a handful who dreamed dreams and saw visions. Now the vision splendid has come to hundreds of thousands.” Page 11 The Margaret Holmes column Our resident adviser tackles Spiritualists’ attitudes towards animals, how to read the aura and helping neighbours who have suffered a bereavement. Page 15 When it’s time to pass . . . Can someone really pass on before his or her time? Do organ transplants necessarily prolong one’s time on earth? Medium and minister Dennis Jones addresses all these points . . . and more. Page 23 Grandmother makes speedy spirit return Medium Ivan Lee answers various questions concerning his life and gift, telling, for instance, about a “dead” relative who made speedy contact from the Beyond. Page 28 Medium ‘feels’ murder An extract from a new book by Ann Bridge Davies, which contains survival-proving accounts, and exercises and advice on how to develop the gift of psychic art. Page 33 When spirit truths reign supreme “We are all spiritual beings,” writes Maurice Barbanell. “It is not death which confers a spiritual status upon us. We survive because we are spiritual beings. We live on earth because we are spiritual beings.” Page 38 Beware the wolf you feed A selection of thought-provoking stories selected from the worldwide web by Vanessa Attwood. Page 44 Book reviews Always happy with a book in his hand, Graham Jennings turns the pages of two titles, calling one “hugely worth reading” and the praising the other for giving “the broadest possible perspective of personal evolution.” Page 50 Front cover photo. Please see ‘Beware the wolf you feed’ on page 44 Founded in 1887 by Emma Hardinge Britten. Obtainable on order from Spiritualist churches, newsagents and bookstalls. Published the first day of every month. ISSN 0041-4719. Annual postal subscription. UK £22.95. Europe £35.50 (by airmail). Rest of the world £42.50 (by airmail). Only Sterling cheques can be accepted, or pay by credit or debit card. “Two Worlds” is also available to read online. The price is just £18.00 per annum anywhere in the world. Please go to to subscribe and pay by secure server. Editor Tony Ortzen does not necessarily agree with views expressed by contributors. Advertising rates sent on application. Two Worlds Publishing Co. Ltd, PO Box 55307, London SE16 6WW. Telephone 020-7064 8000. Fax 020-7231 1751. E-mail: [email protected] Website Two Worlds Are One NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK BY TONY ORTZEN home. Possessed by the ugly sisters of drink and drugs, Amy joined the socalled 27 Club of musicians who all passed on at that age. They include Rolling Stone Brian Jones, who drowned in a swimming pool in 1969. Meanwhile Jimi Hendrix died in 1970 after mixing wine with sleeping pills whereas singer Janis Joplin suffered a heroin overdose the same year. Also members of the same club are Doors star Jim Morrison – heart failure caused his passing in 1971 – whilst Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain shot himself in 1994. What can one say, for there are times when mere words sound so empty, clumsily inadequate and pathetic? All of the families involved in this latest spate of tragedies will never be quite the same again until reunion occurs Beyond. As Spiritualists, we appreciate that each and every victim will have been met in the spirit world with loving arms and continue to survive, but these sad stories highlight the often overlooked fact that the gap between life and death is sometimes so thin it’s barely visible. Spirit guides have always taught that barring accidents, no one passes before their allotted time. But what constitutes an accident and what is fate? Likewise, who – or what – determines the exact day of one’s passing? These are questions which, I fear, R ARELY can there have been so much bad news in the space of a few short but heart-wrenching hours. First, a 37-year-old Latvian waiter was stabbed to death just up the road from home outside a Tube station. Within days, two eighteen-year-old youths were arrested for questioning. Next, news filtered through of a bomb which ripped apart the centre of Oslo. Not content with that, lone gunman Anders Breivik then made his way to a lovely-looking island and callously killed dozens of youngsters attending a summer camp run by Norway’s ruling Labour Party. As ever more ghastly details emerged, a news flash suddenly announced that singer Amy Winehouse had been found “dead” at her Camden, NW London, 4 Are you a Spiritualist? Do you follow the teachings of the guides? Do you eat meat? Silver Birch (pictured left) said: “All life belongs to the Great White Spirit. No one must take it in whatever form it is. Life does not belong to man. It belongs to the Great White Spirit. It was never part of the plan that man should consume his brother or sister in whatever form life manifested itself” The above is echoed by Ramadhan – Ursula Roberts’ guide – and many others All the great peacemakers, philosophers and thinkers from Confucius and Ovid to Einstein (pictured right) and Schweitzer tell us not to murder animals Spiritualist churches administered and services conducted by flesh eaters are surely ignoring the absolute basics of a spiritual life. How can a medium stand up and give an address advocating love and compassion if they consciously contribute to such suffering? If you would like to be in touch or meet with fellow-minded Spiritualists, please contact Therese McElwee on 01483 415930 or Jane Bateman on 01483 232217 Working in the Realms of Spirit By Mike Williamson £12.99 Mike has been working as a medium for 35 years, running circles and serving churches. He also visits people’s houses where they are having spiritual problems like hauntings, ghosts and things going bump in the night. He has visited hundreds of families to remove troublesome spirits and help lost souls on their journey back to the spirit world. The book is about how he and his family were being attacked by troublesome spirits, and how he had to learn to overcome the forces of darkness so that he could give his family peace of mind. How there was no one to help when he needed it, so he had to find a way of dealing with his situation. How he had the good fortune to be able through his wife to talk to her guides. How they taught both him and his wife about the spirit world and developed their mediumship. How to run a circle and develop your mediumship and many other forms of mediumship Visit for further details or call 02392 468001. Postage and packing on the book is £2.90 (UK), £3.60 (Europe) and £5.80 (rest of the world) 5 HEALER PRACTITIONER ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL PO Box 343, Cardiff CF24 3WN Chairman Mr Ray Williams. Tel: 029204 65171 Website: E-mail: [email protected] The association was established in 1977 to promote the art of spiritual healing. The HPAI maintains a register of all approved practitioners, healers and healer counsellors The HPAI is an umbrella for spiritual healing organisations We also provide professional indemnity insurance See website for therapies we cover and further information We also are able to offer membership and cost effective insurance for reiki healers Spiritual Doorways Ringway Community Centre, 268 Baring Road, London SE12 0DS All enquiries Pat McNally 07927 288904 or 07930 434959 Monday Evening of Clairvoyance. September 5 Maggie Jones. 7.30 pm. Admission £3.00 Friday Afternoon of Clairvoyance. September 16 Philip Holden. 2.00 pm. Admission £3.00 Friday Afternoon of Clairvoyance. September 30 Chris Oborne. 2.00 pm. Admission £3.00 Purple Lady and Rainbow Healing Sanctuary in motion Workshop with Maggie Jones. October 8. 11.00 am-4.00 pm. “Gentle ways into trance.” Must be booked. £15.00 waged. £10.00 unwaged. Please bring a packed lunch Tea and coffee available. The venue is Ringway Community Centre (address above) Future events include a “Sound healing with colour” workshop at the Seekers Trust, Nr West Malling, Kent. November 20. £25.00 Mediums Daniel Naughnane and Patricia McNally We are also holding a weekend on the Kent coast, which will include two workshops and an evening of clairvoyance. October 21-23. £60.00, including buffet lunch on both days and all light refreshments. (This does not include accommodation, although it is available at very reasonable rates.) Mediums Daniel Naughnane, Patricia McNally and Cheryl Turtlemoon 6 none of us can adequately answer on this side of the veil where we only perceive a miniscule part of the complete picture concerning our collective and individual destinies . . . n n n LET’S move to some brighter news and three really intriguing accounts which popped up on the internet. Writing from Sunderland, Audrey Calleja said that five years ago, she was suffering from cancer. Whilst undergoing chemotherapy, she took a walk with her husband “when we stopped at our local bar for a quick drink. Inside, my husband left me to go to the bar and I sat alone at the table. “A man approached me and asked if I would mind if he joined us. I motioned for him to sit down. After a few moments, he began to stare at me, which made me very nervous.” The stranger told Audrey: “I know what you have. It’s breast cancer on the left side. I’m right, aren’t I? Don’t worry. You’ll be fine, really. You will recover.” At this point, Audrey’s husband came over to the table looking puzzled about what was going on. Audrey repeated what the stranger had said to her. “Oh yeah,” said her partner. “How do you know since the doctors don’t know what’s going to happen yet?” The man calmly looked into Audrey’s eyes and replied: “I am your guardian angel and have come here today to tell you that you’ll be fine. I know you don’t believe me, but mark my words: everything I say will come true.” SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN WORKSHOPS RICHARD NEVILLE Introduction to mediumship Saturday, October 8 (full day) Do you think you have the gift of mediumship and are ready to develop? If so, come and join Richard for this taster workshop, which is for absolute beginners GEOFFREY HAYWARD The universal power of the spirit Saturday, October 15 (full day) This workshop is designed to help you open up your psychic faculties and develop spiritual gifts in order to contact the spiritual world TERRY TASKER Trance healing Saturday, October 22 (full day) Learn how to heal in the trance state Workshop will include practical techniques and exercises to do so and link with the universal healing energy MERCEDES GARCIA Trance mediumship and trance development Saturday, October 29 (full day) A unique day with one of the UK’s finest mediums. It will cover various areas, including using trance in all aspects of mediumship Half-day workshops–1.45 pm-4.45 pm £40.00 (members £30.00) Day workshops–11.30 am-5.30 pm £50.00 (members £40.00) To book by credit or debit card, please call reception from noon-5.00 pm Monday to Friday on 020-7931 6488 SAGB, 11 BELGRAVE ROAD, LONDON SW1V 1RB 7 With that, the stranger “got up and walked out of the bar. We never saw him again, but here I am five years later feeling fit and well. “One of two things happened that night. Either I came across a man who was clairvoyant and could see into the future or I truly came across my guardian angel. “Whoever he was, he certainly knew what he was talking about. I’ll never be able to explain how that man – or angel – knew I had breast cancer.” n n n STILL with guardian angels, B. Leddy Bellflower of the USA posted an account “which proves to me that loved ones still live.” One afternoon, she was walking down Clark Street in Bellflower, California. Just about to cross the road, Leddy “suddenly felt something pull me back. “I was startled and practically stumbled backwards. I was shocked to see a car whiz around the corner. I could almost feel the force of it as it came within inches of me.” Once she was able to get across the street, “I heard someone say, ‘I’m here, Edith.’ I turned around quickly as no one had called me Edith since I was a little girl. “When I looked, I was surprised to see my aunt, who had died years earlier. She smiled and waved, and then faded from view. This dear lady raised me and was the only mother I had known.” As Leddy continued on her way home, a woman said to her, “Gee, Miss, you must have a guardian angel!” – “Oh,” said Leddy, “I do!” She ended by saying it “was an experience I will long remember, for I believe my aunt reached out from the other world to save my life.” Here’s another American-based account which features a “dead” parent. It came from Mrs M. Sippu, of Plymouth, Pennsylvania, who said that when her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, “my husband and I wanted her to move in with us so I could look after her. “However, she refused to leave her own home. It was too small for us to move in with her, so we purchased a vacant lot next to her home and built a house on it. This compromise worked out fine until she suddenly passed away the following summer.” One afternoon, about a month after her mother’s funeral, Mrs Sippu “was sitting alone on my deck looking over at my mom’s old home and wondering what to do with it. “It was so close to my new home that renting or selling it would cause us to lose the privacy we enjoyed yet I couldn’t just let it stay vacant, pay taxes and maintain it.” Suddenly, what appeared to be a bright spot of sunlight hovered in front of Mrs Sippu, who heard her “dead” mother say: “Take what you want from the house. Lock it up and let it be. On June 8, the problem will solve itself.” Mrs Sippu told her husband about the incident. Although he thought she was “being rather foolish, he agreed to go along with my wishes to follow those instructions. 8 father, was delivered on the fourth day of the fourth month at 4.40 pm. Not to be outdone, Emily’s mum, Helen, was born on the tenth day of the tenth month whilst brother Harry arrived on the sixth of the sixth month. Up to Hull where when she was thirteen, Mandy English threw a bottle containing a message into the sea. It was found six months later by a six-year-old boy, who sent her a postcard. Mandy did not reply and forgot all about it. When she was 44, Mandy went through some childhood keepsakes, found the postcard again and saw it was from a Richard Morwood . . . the man she was dating. Back to the 1920s and American novelist Anne Parrish. Browsing in a secondhand bookshop in Paris, Anne spotted a title which was one of her childhood favourites. The novelist flicked through it – and spotted her name and old address on the inside cover. It was her very own copy, which she had given away many years before. Neat stories, eh? “One night, a vicious storm broke out. My mom’s old house was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. It was insured for replacement value, which was three times what we could have sold it for. The date the fire occurred was June 8 . . .” n n n WHILST they are nothing to do with Spiritualism as such, here’s a cluster of coincidences which make fascinating reading and have stood the test of time. Two ships sank on December 5 in 1660 and 1767 off the Dover coast. Both times the only survivor was named Hugh Williams. Fast-forward to August 8, 1820 when a boat capsized on the Thames . . . and only a Hugh Williams survived. One hundred and twenty years later, a mine destroyed a British tank. Two people lived to tell the tale: one man and his nephew named Hugh Williams. Now let’s read about four-year-old Emily Beard, who was born on the twelfth day of the twelfth month at twelve minutes past twelve. David, her ABSENT HEALING SENT ANYWHERE! Spiritual healer Martin Coombs offers to send distant healing to people and pets anywhere in the world and to try a free absent healing experiment Open to all. All that is required is an open mind Log on at (click on to ‘The experiment’ and don’t forget the sound) Alternatively, write with SAE to Box No 10373, London SE23 3ZQ or call 020-8699 8777 9 There’s lots going on at our Central London premises Come and meet us at The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association! Founded in 1931 as a result of the two-world partnership between medium Winifred Moyes and her guide Zodiac, The Greater World Association is still flourishing THE GREATER WORLD BELIEF & PLEDGE 6. I believe that all forms of life created by God intermingle, are interdependent, and evolve until perfection is attained. 7. I believe in the perfect justice of the Divine laws governing all life. 8. I believe that sins committed can only be rectified by the sinner himself or herself through the redemptive power of Jesus the Christ by repentance and service to others. The Pledge 9. I will at all times endeavour to be guided in my thoughts, words and deeds by the teaching and example of Jesus the Christ. The Greater World Association promotes Christian Spiritualism. Our members accept the following beliefs:1. I believe in one God who is Love. 2. I accept the Leadership of Jesus the Christ. 3. I believe that God manifests through the illimitable power of the Holy Spirit. 4. I believe in the survival of the soul and its individuality after physical death. 5. I believe in Communion with God, with His angelic ministers, and with the souls functioning in conditions other than the earth life. SPIRITUAL HEALING Wednesdays 10.30 am-1.00 pm. Healing WHY NOT JOIN US? For a minimum donation of just £10.00 per year, you can become an Affiliated Member. You will then receive our Newsletter free of charge HOW TO CONTACT US You can do so in person or by post, phone, fax or e-mail. Please contact The Greater World, The Greater World Spiritual Centre, 3-5 Conway Street, London W1T 6BJ Tel: 020-7436 7555. Fax: 020-7580 3485 e-mail [email protected] 10 The power of the spirit WISDOM FROM THE LAND OF LOVE AND LIGHT BEYOND Named after famous Fleet Street journalist Hannen Swaffer (pictured left), the circle at which Silver Birch spoke met at medium Maurice Barbanell’s NW London flat for decades. Over the years, the guide spoke on a vast array of subjects concerning life here and hereafter. Below, Silver Birch explains why he believes the world has improved despite the bad news which often appears in the media. T HESE days, news can boomerang across the world in seconds. So it is that an event which happens many thousands of miles away can rapidly be seen on the internet and television, reported on radio or featured in newspapers. So much of what we see, hear and read is bad news. Almost daily acts of violence and misery flit across our TV screens. Yet humanity, Silver Birch insisted, was progressing. He touched upon this during a trance talk to two visitors. “The world has improved,” said the guide, “for one very important reason, and that is the power of the spirit has been at work. “Wherever that power finds a lodgment in your world, wherever it is successful in revealing itself through capable instruments, there begins a work of regeneration. In that work, the whole scale of values gradually becomes changed. “Had it not been for the descent of the power of the spirit in this highly organised form, then indeed the outlook would have been very dire. But the power of the spirit, the great leaven, has been at work throughout the whole of your world. “At first there were little drops. Gradually they became streams, then rivers, then seas. Now there is a mighty ocean of the spirit that will never evaporate. “That has changed the whole course of history; that has revolutionised the whole outlook of man’s life. It has brought the factor of the spirit, the eternal factor, without which all is illogical, unreasonable and without a purpose. “The whole direction of science, religion, philosophy, art, ethics, morality, music, literature: the whole of life has been changed by the recognition that has gradually been given to the ascendancy of the spirit which rises out of the demonstration that man is a spiritual being who survives the earthly grave. “There have been occasional retrogres11 sions, but the march has been onward. Man, slowly, painfully, has evolved towards the light.” “On the other hand,” said one of the visitors, “if this planet were very much better than it is, it would cease to have any purpose because it would not be training us to get to a higher sphere. Therefore, there must be this suffering to cause progress.” “Yes,” replied the guide. “But once man is aware of his spiritual nature, once he has caught glimpses of the eternal reality, once he has seen, no matter how faintly, part of the cosmic plan and realises his place in an infinite scheme of which he is an integral part, then he knows that he, too, is infinite with an infinity of life in which to develop his infinite character. “By that I mean that there is an infinite road of progress revealed. The summit cannot be seen for always you are ascending. “We are all part of the Great Spirit. You in your totality – and the totality of all life – comprise the Great Spirit. Apart from the totality of life, the Great Spirit has no existence. “The road of progress is infinite. Being infinite, there is no finality. Once you have grasped that you will see that there is no merging of ultimates because if you could reach the stage where the whole of your individuality – not the small fraction that is expressed through the physical body, but the whole of your individuality – could achieve perfection, then the plan of life would cease to be rational. Hafan Y Coed Spiritual Development Centre Situated in the picturesque Brecon Beacons National Park, where all the natural energies provide a perfect place for spiritual growth, relaxation, revitalisation and contemplation September 2–EVENING OF CLAIRVOYANCE Oscar Villegas–7.30 pm start September 4–AN INTRODUCTION TO MEDICINAL PLANTS Rita Jones September 9-11–PSYCHIC CSI DETECTIVE WORK Angela McGhee September 11-17–MEDIUMSHIP, INCLUDING CLAIRVOYANCE AND TRANCE Moira Hawkins September 18-23–MENTAL MEDIUMSHIP COURSE Susan Leybourne September 23-25–ANIMAL COMMUNICATION Liz Griffin October 7-12–TRANCE, TRANSFIGURATION & TRANCE HEALING Paul Hanrahan Please contact us to request a free brochure or see our website Tel: 01639 730985 Mobile: 07812 181597 12 “Life is infinite. While you are constantly striving towards perfection, gradually discarding in each phase of your evolution one more fragment of imperfection, the process is an infinite one to which there is no end.” Then one of the visitors asked: “Has the mechanical age helped evolution? It does not look like it.” “In the end it does,” answered Silver Birch. “You must see evolution as something which is not a straight line. It is a series of advances and retreats. “Man rises and falls. Man struggles to rise again and rises higher than he fell, and so gradually, the race evolves. You can point to epochs and say, ‘Look! That is a dark stain in evolution.’ But that is not the whole story; it is but a part of it. “The human spirit is gradually evolving. With that evolution there comes the obvious lesson that is learned as more and more understand the nature of their own beings as more and more realise their own possibilities, as more and more know the plan of existence and strive to fit themselves into it. “Centuries ago there were but a handful who dreamed dreams and saw visions. Now the vision splendid has come to hundreds of thousands. “There are countless numbers of reformers, pioneers and teachers all at work because they know what could be and they desire to help to achieve it. That is where the growth has been made.” “In that I entirely agree with you,” said one of the guests. “There is growth, but this planet as a whole, if it were very much better, would not permit of growth.” Silver Birch replied: “But as you grow – I do not mean you individually, I mean the race – so you will find that the world in which you live can be developed, too, and that you can have a richness of life such as you never before dreamed possible. “You speak about the age of the machine, but all the problems arise because man is the slave and not the master. “But when he is the master then he can have anything – the age of culture, of leisure, of artistic accomplishment, of the pursuits of the mind and the spirit, and riches of the inner life would be the possession of vast numbers. “The power lies within each one because each is part of the Great Spirit; the same power that created the whole universe; the same power that fashioned the mountains and stars and planets; the power that gave the sun its light; the power that gave all the perfume to the flowers; the power that made the whole of the universe is within you. “You could bring it into activity if you chose to attune yourselves by your life to that great over-ruling force.” “I suppose,” said a sitter, “that the power which gave perfume to flowers gave poison to snakes.” “But,” countered the guide, “it is all the same thing to me. I never say that the Great Spirit is responsible for all that you call good and that the Devil is responsible for all that you call bad.” “Potentially,” added the same ques13 “The amount of progress that society has made is just a speck compared with the progress that has yet to be made.” “No, I would not say that,” said Silver Birch. “It is small in comparison, but it is progress. “You must remember this: you have evolved laws and codes, systems of ethics; you have enriched literature; you have plumbed the depths of the arts; you have fathomed the treasures of the mind; you have uncovered some of the riches of the spirit. “All that is due to the long succession of people who have trod your world, who have suffered and toiled, who have made mistakes and blunders, who were part of the maelstrom of which human existence is composed. “But taken altogether, there has been an advance and man today is richer, not physically, but spiritually and mentally, than those who trod the earth in the earliest days. It must be so.” Later the guide commented: “There is much work to be done in spreading the elementary facts among those who are woefully ignorant, who do not even know they are spiritual beings and that they will live beyond what is called death. “How tragic it is to contemplate the large numbers going through life deaf, dumb and blind to all spiritual reality. That is a great tragedy. “It is to these that our efforts must be directed, for they are the ones who must be prepared, who must be awakened, so that they can begin to fulfil what their lives are intended to be.” tioner, “we have in us all that is good and all that is bad, too.” “Every human being is a microcosm,” was the reply. “In miniature, you are the universe. There is potentially the perfection of angelhood and potentially the foulness of the worst brutish beast. That is why you have the free will to develop the path along which you will go. “I look around your world, torn as it is by war and misery, by chaos and confusion, by distress and sadness, and think there is much to cause the heart to ache. “Yet I do not abandon my hope because I know the power of the spirit is at work, that all this is a world in travail, that out of the suffering there will emerge, not at once, but a much better world for all who dwell in it.” A member of the circle commented, 14 The Margaret Holmes column Got a problem concerning Spiritualism, the paranormal and allied areas? If so, help’s at hand. Write to Margaret Holmes, and she will do her best to investigate and advise. Please note that Margaret cannot enter into personal correspondence. You can contact her by post, fax or e-mail. For those who may be contemplating As a Spiritualist vegan, I am against all forms of animal exploitation and a different eating lifestyle, I would add would, for instance, ban so-called that there are many delicious alternative sports such as fishing, horse racing, etc. foods which do not involve the exploitaThough I try not to judge others, I am tion of animals. Apart from health food shops like amazed that the majority of Spiritualists accept animal survival yet merrily tuck Holland and Barrett, major supermarinto bacon or sausages for breakfast, kets such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s now have a roast Sunday lunch and would offer a wide range of ready-made meatappear to eat meat on a daily basis. free foods which are based on pulses, Isn’t this somewhat hypocritical? – soya, etc, both of which are nutritious. Quorn contains egg, so is not suitable Name and address supplied. Whilst I, too, am against animal for vegans, who also eliminate diary exploitation – whether it concerns one’s products from their diet. For further information and advice, diet or sport – it is important to remember that we are all at different stages of contact the vegetarian and vegan socispiritual development and understand- eties, whose websites can be found at and www.vegansoci ing. Many individuals feel unable to break For those without a computer, their away from the conditioning they received as a child while others simply postal addresses are The Vegetarian Soenjoy eating flesh foods. I would sug- ciety, Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altgest that people turn to vegetarianism or rincham, Cheshire WA14 4QG (tel 0161 veganism when they are spiritually 925 2000) and The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 21 Hylton Street, ready. It is a matter of personal choice. Hockley, Birmingham B18 6HJ (tel Whilst on the surface it might appear 0845 4588244). These days, many easy-to-follow veghypocritical, I would hesitate to pass judgement on those who consume flesh etarian and vegan cookery books are available, although anyone planning to foods, be it meat, fish or fowl. 15 Classified Advertisements party plan. For bookings, please contact me on 01623 458698 or 07895 899105 (Monday-Saturday 10.00 am-7.00 pm). E-mail [email protected] Webcam readings available. (11-11) SPIRITUAL HYPNOTHERAPIST. Jennifer Matos, Mcs, BA Hons, Adv Dip Hyp.Dip Cp. NHS registered. Accredited hypnotherapist. Transpersonal psychotherapist. Hypnotherapy for all areas of life. To remove unwanted behaviours, releasing the core causes with spirit guidance. (Free assessment). Richmond-upon-Thames. Tel: 07817 468361. Website (3-12) PSYCHIC GUIDANCE and contact healing. Anita Wooldridge. Walton, Weybridge area, Surrey. Tel: 01932 250407. (6-12) CELEBRITY PSYCHIC medium Samantha Hamilton will look into those important issues. Untimed reading. Call Freephone 0800 0438149. Website (3-12) LINDA JACKSON. Tarot reader. Readings £15.00 per person. I can do postal, phone and one-to-one readings at my home. Healing. Ring 07951 252089 or e-mail [email protected] (3-12) LEE SWEENEY. Psychic/clairvoyant. Love and relationship specialist known for his accuracy. Telephone readings with a touch of magic. Free heart love charm with your reading. Freephone Lee on 0800 1216820. Credit/debit cards accepted. (4-12) SUSIE MATTHEWS. Medium in Portsmouth area does church services, demonstrations, workshops, private/group/postal readings, etc. For further information, ring 07809 243283 or e-mail susiematthews (8-11) JANE OAKLEY. In-depth postal readings. Caring, sincere, established medium. Three questions (optional). Private readings available (untimed). Donation £15.00. For details, ring 07504 402058 between 11.00 am and 9.00 pm. (9-11) SUE AND MALCOLM NASH. Spiritual mediums from Reading. Churches served, private readings, healing, hypnotherapy and kinesiology. Webcam readings now being offered by Malcolm at www.spir (9-11) TELEPHONE READINGS, postal and private by Kate Sterriker. Genuine, honest, caring medium. Proof from your loved ones. Please phone for details. 01377 249686. (11-11) A SPIRITUAL psychic portrait plus a reading by a medium, healer and artist. Please phone Shirley Ariel on 020-8907 9123 for details between 10.00 am7.00 pm. (6-12) EILEEN ANN. Experienced medium. Allow me to communicate with Spirit for you. Postal £10.00. Churches served. Psychometry and sand readings given. 01842 815899. (11-11) MELANIE HALLETT. International trance medium, healer and teacher. Over 30 years’ experience. Private and telephone readings. Mediumship and spiritual development guidance. Workshops. Churches served. Tel: 01327 879960. E-mail [email protected] (11-11) MEDIUMS TELEPHONE and postal readings. A humble, downto-earth Spiritualist medium and clairvoyant offers readings giving hope and inspiration. Credit cards accepted. E-mail [email protected] or telephone Honor on 01354 740184. (9-11) SINCERE spiritual mediums Petula and Paul Monk. Gloucester area. Printed postal readings £15.00. Send cheque/postal order (to Petula Monk), SAE and photo (returnable). Telephone for details. 01452 725196. Private sittings. Reiki healing. Tuition. Absent healing (donations). Available for church services and charity events. Distant psychic clearances. Website www.paul (11-11) EXORCISM. The spirit release way. Spirit release practitioner and medium clearing unwanted spirit attachments and negative energies. Gemma Miller. Tel 07590 223979. Visit our website www.rescue (3-12) BARONESS COLLETTE STAR. A forthright clairvoyant tarot consultant of some 35 years’ experience. Postal £20.00. Telephone £24.00, including free tape. For home visits, prices vary. Also first edition signed spirit-drawn and interpreted divination/tarot pack. 36, Riverains, 71 Vicarage Crescent, Battersea, London SW11 3UN. Tel: 020-7228 2588. E-mail [email protected] (9-11) SADIE DUCLOS-BRYCE. Genuine clairvoyant medium offers sincere guidance. Telephone readings, confidential private sittings, parties and corporate events. 9.00 am to 9.00 pm. 40 years’ experience. Visa/Mastercard/Amex. Free tape. £45.00. Untimed. E-mail [email protected] Tel: 01474 702471. (9-11) POSTAL READINGS. Clairvoyant Spiritualist offers postal readings for £5.00. Please send photograph and SAE to Mrs Pamela Havens, 9 Swirles Buildings, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR30 2DZ. (11-11) MARGARET LE GRANGE. Medium. Handwritten postal readings. £10.00, plus SAE. Three questions. 38 Boscaswell Village, Pendeen, Cornwall TR19 7EP. At home 01736 787478. Own books for sale. Website (10-11) VIOLET MOON. Psychic medium, clairvoyant, tarot and angel cards. Let the tarot guide you. Tel 0208667 1019 or 07930 809172 for details. PayPal, credit and debit cards accepted. (10-11) POSTAL READINGS. Send photo of your loved one in Spirit and I will send a taped reading based on the spiritual. Please send £10.00 cheque made payable to Peter Wilson. 67 Sandon Road, Stafford ST16 3HF. Tel: 01785 604186. (8-12) YVONNE ROBINSON. Clairvoyant medium. Private and phone readings. Over 25 years’ experience. Tarot cards read too. Tel: 020-8903 8701. Give me a call! You won’t be sorry. (3-12) EMILY ROSE. Natural-born psychic medium/clairvoyant. Various readings available. Phone, private, personal, drawing. Home visits where possible. Past connections, ancestral homes, dinner parties and 16 SHARON BRUSH. International medium, psychic and clairvoyant. Immediate telephone readings 10.00 am to 10.00 pm. Twenty-five years’ experience. Confidential, sincere, spiritual guidance. Tel: 01621 843992. Credit cards accepted. Specialising in love and relationships. Hypnotherapist and healer. (3-12) TELEPHONE SITTINGS by Lucy Powell. Clairvoyant medium. Angel card reader. Website www.lucypow Hours Monday to Sunday 2.00 pm-10.00 pm. Readings £25.00 for 30 minutes. Tel 01425 616936. (1-12) VALERIE FRASER. International trance medium offers postal readings on cassette. £20.00. Please send photo (returnable) and letter to Valerie Fraser, 18 High Street, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 2HA. (2-12) ANGEL READINGS from Italy by Franziska Siragusa, certified angel practitioner with diploma from Charles Virtue, son of Doreen Virtue. Also diploma-holder from Diana Cooper’s online angel course. Please visit (3-12) CAROLINE KNIGHT. (Formerly Jennie Walker). Established medium for over 30 years. Private and postal readings. £25.00 donation plus SAE to 27 Brookvale Grove, Olton, Solihull, B92 7JH. Tel: 07964 163534. E-mail: [email protected] Spiritual healing also available. (4-12) STEPHEN MCDONALD. Medium and clairvoyant offers genuine insightful postal readings from a direct blend with Spirit. Genuine spirit worker. Let me connect on your behalf. Send an example of your writing and reading fee of £10.00 by cheque made payable to Stephen McDonald, 45 The Comptons, Comptons Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5DW. Tel: 07826 850586. (6-12) “TOUCHED BY ANGELS” contains coloured manifestations of guides, angels and ascended masters, and inspirational true stories/real-life photos of angelic contact and spiritual proof. £7.99, plus p and p of £1.65 UK, £2.75 Europe and £4.35 rest of the world. Postal or one-to-one readings with the author. E-mail [email protected] £25.00. Tel: 020-8654 2409 (7-12) IRENE NEWELL. Registered Spiritualist medium. Taped readings £15.00. Write to 17, Alexandra Court, Southfields Road, Eastbourne BN21 1BY. For oneto-one sittings, please phone 01323 729663. (9-11) POSTAL READINGS by Andrew Woodley. Now taped or on CD. Enclose your date of birth. No questions please. State preference CD or tape. Please write to Andrew Woodley including cheque for £20.00 with your return address. Send to 137 Hilton Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 9XP. Tel: 01268 510668. Website (7-12) vive. Founded by famous Victorian medium Emma Hardinge Britten in 1887, it sometimes seems like a monthly miracle it continues to appear. Gifts to help our mission are always welcome, but here’s another way you can help – remembering “Two Worlds” when making your will. Please rest assured that every penny will be used to promote Spiritualism. If you have already made your will and would like to make an addition (a codicil) to include “Two Worlds,” please write to editor Tony Ortzen at “Two Worlds,” PO Box 55307, London SE16 6WW. Alternatively, please e-mail [email protected] or phone 0207064 8000. We will then send the correct wording for a codicil or a will. Please help “Two Worlds” promote knowledge of the next world! (5-12) ANIMAL RIGHTS IN SPIRITUALISM. For an information pack, please send an A5 SAE to Elissa Rattigan, 1, Quarry Bank Road, Chesterfield S41 0HH. Tel: 01246 230474. (9-11) SPIRIT RELEASE. Negative energies, house and business premises cleansed in the London area by two Spiritualist Association of Great Britain mediums and tutors. Please contact Richard Neville on 020-8946 2720 or 07565 393101. (5-12) “MUSINGS” is a beguiling mix of short stories, poetry and correspondence by the author Ian Knight’s late wife Georgina. Informed by her work as a nurse within the hospice movement and by her interest in her family’s history, her stories touch on bereavement, the afterlife, the effect of war on personal relationships and how traumatic events in childhood can continue to shape us as adults, but also on the power of faith and love, stoicism and hope to console us in our times of need. Stories inspired by spirit and priced at only £7.45 (including p & p) from Ian Knight, 10 Ventry Close, Poole, Dorset BH13 6AW. (12-11) A UNIQUE HOLIDAY with a purpose at our mountain retreat in Spain. Relax in an environment of perfect peace, enabling the healing of mind, body and spirit. Help offered for personal and emotional issues, fears and phobias plus spiritual development and healing. We care for you from the moment we meet you at the airport. Please telephone Clive and Vivien on 00 34 660 004 493 or e-mail livinginhar [email protected] or visit (12-11) READ MY BOOK “Why I am a Spiritualist.” Discover the purpose and meaning of your life – where you came from, why you are here and where you are going. Available from Ada McKay, 29 Thorngrove House, 500 Great Western Road, Aberdeen AB10 6PF. £4.00, plus p & p of £1.65 (UK), £2.75 (Europe) and £4.35 (rest of world). E-mail [email protected] (4-12) FREE SPIRITS CLUB. Friendship, penpals or romance. Extensive postal register. Only £25.00 per annum. For details, contact Shirley on 01493 730137. Free Spirits Club, 14 Scratby Crescent, Scratby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 3QR. Online club also available. E-mail [email protected] (1-12) WORLD-SHATTERING revelations. Earth’s vibrational changes, how they occur and other vital issues. Send £2.00 for set of four CDs. Michael Foster, 1B Clyde Street, Chopwell, Tyne & Wear NE17 7DH. (9-11) PERSONAL “A CASE AGAINST REINCARNATION.” Read startling evidence presented by Helena Blavatsky, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, James Van Praagh, Colin Fry and others at (9-11) WHERE THERE’S A WILL! Like most religious publications, “Two Worlds” faces an uphill battle to sur- 17 DO YOU KNOW someone who struggles to read print? Why not treat them to a subscription to National Talking Newspapers and Magazines? We provide blind and partially sighted people with more than 200 popular newspaper and magazines titles, including “Two Worlds,” in a range of audio and digital formats. To find out more, call 01435 866102, email [email protected] or visit Reg charity no. 293656. (10-11) TEACHINGS OF INFINITE WISDOM. By May Clark. Priced at just £3.99, including postage and packing. From May Clark, 10 Northampton Way, St Leonardson-Sea, East Sussex TN38 9QN. (4-12) THE SPIRITUALIST Benevolent Fund helps Spiritualists in need with grants towards heating bills, kitchen equipment, furniture, home repairs, unexpected costs, etc. Apply for help to TSBF, Grants Secretary, and send letter care of “Two Worlds.” (5-12) SPECIAL OFFER! First published in 1996, “Joyous Inheritance” answers many questions about life in the spirit realms. This detailed description of the world beyond is only possible because of the remarkable affinity between its two co-authors, Ronald Alford in this world and his wife Ying in the next. Normally, £7.99, you can now obtain a copy for just £5.99, plus p and p of £1.65 UK, £2.75 Europe and £4.35 rest of the world. Please make cheque payable to Tudor Press (London) Ltd and send to 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3XX. (11-11) READ MY BOOK “Journey into the Light” (incorporating rescue work in circle). Author has had experience of many home circles and mediumship with husband Bill for over 30 years. Spirit friends and guides directed them into this work. Circle sitters were mediums or healers themselves and many spirits were helped over into the light of the spirit world. Very interesting reading. Available from Iris Wright, “Rainbow’s End,” 5 Harbour Hill Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 3PX. £8.99, plus £1.00 p & p (UK) and £2.00 (Europe). (12-11) B & B IN GLORIOUS North Devon. Family room with en suite in Spiritualist home. Sleeps four. Very reasonable rates. See for details or contact [email protected] Tel: 01805 622883. (8-12) his successful commercial business. Now devoting more time to assist clients. He also teaches spiritual awareness/knowledge and visits clients one-to-one, or small groups either in their own home or workplace if permissible. Either telephone 07771 521561 or e-mail [email protected] (1-12) THE SURREY HEALING SANCTUARY. Spiritual healing (members NFSH). Psychic operations, absent healing and herbal medicine also available. Contact Alec and Marilyn Nicolas, “Penduckshaw,” Rabies Heath Road, Bletchingley, Surrey RH1 4NB. Telephone 01883 741800. E-mail surreyhealing (11-11) ABSENT HEALING is our gift along with our prayers to help a relative or friend with illness or disability. There is no charge and no cost to anyone. Call Clifford with a few details in confidence. Tel 01332 772460 between 6.00 pm-8.00 pm. (12-11) CONTACT OR ABSENT healing for you and your animals. Banstead, Surrey. Join our weekly open circle. Courses on crystals. All proceeds to our horse rescue centre. Try interacting with our horses for a new way of healing. Visit or Facebook, or tel Barbara Harlow. 07801 766805. (10-11) TRANCE HEALING is channelled healing energy direct from Spirit. I trained at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, over a period of five years and now have a healing practice in Sutton, Surrey. A healing session is £20.00 (concessions available). I also hold trance healing workshops. Please telephone Shirley Bell on 020-8715 8717 or e-mail [email protected] for more details. (11-11) CONTACT AND ABSENT healing for people and animals. No fees. Melksham, Wilts. Contact Mike Fisher. Tel 01225 400310. E-mail mikej.fisher@virgin (9-11) SPIRITUAL HYPNOTHERAPIST, psychotherapist, medium, clairvoyant and healer. Healing for all ailments and healer training. Also animal healing and crystal ball scrying. For further details phone Sandra Hanrahan, D. Hyp., D. Psy., M.M.C.R. (Assoc), BSYA (COL) AMANF on 01425 278858. Corinthian healer member. (4-12) THE RED EAGLE Healing Sanctuary. Reiki master/approved spiritual healer. Contact or distant healing for mind, body, emotions and spirit. People and animals. No fee. Tel John. 015242 22518. (3-12) ‘STAR RISING.’ Do you live in or around the Dumfries or Carlisle areas? Trisha and Bob Young offer tarot card and “symbolic runes” readings and more for individuals and groups in the comfort and privacy of your own homes. Please ring 01461 40261. (10-11) LEARN HEALING in London. Hands-on or distant, reiki or a simple version. Cost negotiable. Please ring David Bedford on 020-8748 0429 (Ansafone). (10-11) ABSENT HEALING for all types of ailments. Also animals. No fees. Donations accepted. Send SAE. Please write to Valerie Fraser, 18 High Street, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 2HA. (2-12) SPIRITUAL NATURAL HEALER. Reiki master. Also clearing of negative energies. Home visits by appointment or at our sanctuary. Hants/Berks area. Call Laurie Morse on 01256 880082 or 07785 221538. (11-11) SPIRITUAL HEALING ABSENT HEALING for people and also animals. No fees. Donations accepted. Contact Tony. Tel 020-7476 3766. E-mail [email protected] (3-12) TO BE ABLE TO CHANGE your attitude from feeling unsure, unworthy, lack of enthusiasm, feeling lost, dejected, being somehow unconnected with society, family even, distinct lack of confidence, fears and phobias, etc, etc, and to be able to alleviate/cure physical ailments, such as stomach and skin disorders, arthritis and many, many more. John A. Clarke guides clients through a structured programme which harmonises the mind and body. Yes, it does work! It is also a natural process. He has been taught/developed mainly by a Tibetan, Chinese and a North American Indian master for some ten years, and practised for 25 years on the periphery of 18 switch to a meat-free diet may find it easier to do so gradually. Some colleges offer evening courses in vegetarian cookery, which is a further avenue well worth investigating. Another area of animal exploitation where Spiritualist churches can play a role is to ensure that at psychic suppers and other social functions, eggs from battery hens and meat produced in factory farm conditions are avoided. Bon appetite! DEREK LONG, member National Federation of Spiritual Healers. Healing for animals, people and places. No fee. Donations accepted. Tel: 01691 829083. (3-12) SPIRITUAL SURGERY carried out by Matthew and Father Francis through Ed Pearson for all manner of physical and emotional conditions. Regular clinics held in Essex, Sussex and the Isle of Wight. For an appointment, please call Ed Pearson on 01277 210585 or 07771 862088. Website www.spiritsur (10-11) SOUL MATES FUTURE FRIENDS and loving partners. All ages, UK or overseas. Established 1984 and still going strong ‘cos it works! Free details: Person to Person (TW), PO Box 40, Minehead TA24 5YS. Tel: 01643 709509 (9-11) LADY, 50s, healer, vegetarian. Likes meditation, countryside. Animal lover. Wishes to socialise or write to those with similar interests and for companionship. London/Surrey. Please write to Box 15 at “Two Worlds.” (10-11) LADY, ATTRACTIVE 60-year-old, healer, likes meditation, spiritual workshops, loves nature, wishes to socialise or write to those with similar interests and for companionship, maybe more. Hyndburn, Lancashire area. Please write to Maria at Box 54. (9-11) MEDIUM, 67, who runs sanctuary in West Country, looking for lively female spiritual partner to share life for friendship and possibly more. Please send photo (returned). Box 84. (9-11) LADY, 60, lives in London. Loves nature. Also interested in Spiritualism. I would like to meet a gentleman to share life with. Please send photo. Box 311 (12-11) FEMALE MEDIUM. Mid-life, living truly fulfilling, positive path of loving service would like to meet outgoing male for uncomplicated spiritual friendship, socialising and possibly more. Lives in the South East. Photos appreciated and returned. Box 83. (6-12) VERY ATTRACTIVE 40-something lady, loving, good sense of humour, family orientated and fun, seeks similar gentleman, who must be outgoing, loyal and hardworking, for meaningful relationship. Box 330. (8-12) Recently, two of my close neighbours suffered a bereavement. First, a young mother across the road lost her son in a tragic accident. Within a couple of days, an elderly neighbour’s husband passed on after a long illness. Both know that I am a Spiritualist. Quite by chance, I met them on the same morning, but apart from offering sincere condolences, I was at something of a loss as to what to say. How would you have handled the situation, as I don’t think it’s diplomatic to start talking about survival after death to non-Spiritualists when they are still grieving? – Maria Wilkins, Manchester. Even many Spiritualists grieve the passing of a loved one. Although we have knowledge of the continuity of life, we still miss the physical presence of someone with whom we had a close relationship. At the time of writing, the horrific events in Norway are still fresh in our minds. It is hard to imagine the suffering felt by those whose children, friends and relations were killed by a gunman. WEBSITES (You can feature your website here for just £25.00 for one year) (9-11) (9-11) (9-11) (9-11) (3-12) (3-12) You can place an advert in these columns for only £36.00 per year! Please telephone 020-7064 8000 for further details 19 There aren’t any words to console those who lost loved ones in such terrible circumstances. Where Orthodoxy still holds sway, I feel it is unwise to introduce the subject of survival after death so soon after the passing of a loved one. I would suggest that the fact your neighbours know you are a Spiritualist will, in time, be a source of comfort to them. A well-known medium once stated that at least a year ought to pass before anyone should seek contact with the spirit world, although not everyone will agree. However, some maintain that a twelve-month period allows time for the natural grieving process to run its course and is why I think you are right in waiting for a more appropriate time to mention survival after death. It may be, of course, that your neighbours will approach you at some stage in the near future to discuss the subject. If this happens, then will be the right time for you to help them. Perhaps you could lend them some books about Spiritualism and spirit teachings, and offer to accompany them to a Spiritualist church should they decide to visit one. In the next couple of weeks I will be attending two funerals, but I certainly won’t introduce the subject of survival unless I am specifically asked. in someone’s auric field mean? – Tom Watson, Oxford. The aura is an invisible body of light that surrounds all living things. Just as no two people are identical, so no two auras are alike. The colours present can range from a dirty, muddy brown to a glorious, translucent white depending on an individual’s character. In 1879, Dr Walter Kilner was appointed in charge of electro-therapy at London’s St Thomas’ Hospital. This was the hospital’s first official step towards establishing electrical treatment. Dr Kilner held this post until about 1893. Until the early years of the last century, auras were seen only by psychics, but in 1908 Dr Kilner discovered that he could view them by looking through a screen of dicyanin (a blue dye). This had the effect of making someone who looked through it temporarily short-sighted and thus more able to see the radiation present in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum. In 1911, he published a book called “The Human Atmosphere.” A revised edition was published in 1920 as “The Human Aura” and is still readily available. Dr Kilner claimed no psychic gifts and insisted that anyone could see the aura. It is still possible to buy aura goggles (have a look on Google) and see the auras the way Dr Kilner did. Unfortunately, some people with vision problems such as colour-blindness and extreme long sightedness cannot see it. In 1939, a Russian named Semyon Davidovich Kirlian accidentally discov- I would like to try and learn to read auras. What is the best way to go about this? Could you also give a brief description of what the various colours 20 ered what is now known as Kirlian photography. If you place your finger (or any other part of your body) in a Kirlian device, the resulting photograph will show an array of colours around, for instance, your finger. One fascinating aspect of these photographs is that pictures of a diseased leaf have a completely different type of aura to that of a healthy leaf. This raises the possibility of aura healing. The outer aura is oval in shape and encircles the body like a cocoon. It extends between six to eighteen inches around the body. It is larger around the head and shoulders than at the feet, so can appear to be egg-shaped. An aura is generally seen as an unclear haze. Often it is impossible to see exactly where it ends. The main auras within this cocoon are the mental aura, which is constantly in motion, reflecting the thoughts, whilst the emotional aura illustrates one’s feelings at any given moment. Meanwhile, the physical aura mirrors the body’s state of health and can show incipient health problems up to eighteen months before they may manifest. The spiritual aura usually extends from shoulder to shoulder around the top of the head and indicates the level of spiritual awareness and development of spiritual faculties. Many mediaeval paintings often depict the spiritual aura as viewed by mystics and artists of that time. Gold and silver colours are rarely seen except in the most advanced spiritual adepts. The colours in auras all have specific meanings depending on where they are seen. A very brief description of the auric colours and their meanings is as follows: n Red. Relates to the physical body, heart or circulation. Powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual and passionate. In a good, bright and pure state, red energy can serve as a healthy ego. n Orange. Reproductive organs and emotions. The colour of vitality, vigour and good health. Lots of energy and stamina. Creative, productive, adventurous and courageous. An outgoing social nature. HOLISTIC HEALERS ASSOCIATION CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Crystal healing £160.00 Horse & small animal healing £160.00 Colour healing £180.00 All courses are certificated For further information, contact Kate on 01355 276410 E-mail: [email protected] 21 n Indigo. The third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive and deep feeling. n Violet. Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of colours. This is the intuitive colour in the aura and reveals psychic power of attunement with self. Intuitive and visionary. Regarding how to learn to read auras, one avenue would be to sit in a home circle or join a Spiritualist church’s development group to see if you have an ability in this direction. I also looked at and found a good selection of books about the aura. Alternatively, your local library may be able to help as well as a good bookshop which contains a mindbody-spirit section. n Yellow. The spleen and life energy. It is the colour of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action. Creative, playful, optimistic and easy-going. n Green. Heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy colour of nature. When seen in the aura, it usually represents growth and balance, and – most of all – something that leads to change. Love of people, animals and nature. A teacher. n Blue. The throat and thyroid. Cool, calm and collected. Caring and loving. Likes to help others. Sensitive and intuitive. n Soft blue. Peacefulness, clarity and communication. Truthful and intuitive. n Bright royal blue. Clairvoyance. It is often seen in the aura of mental mediums. THE INSTITUTE OF SPIRITUALIST MEDIUMS REGISTERED CHARITY No 261885 We are an organisation dedicated to the promotion, teaching and development of spirit communication. Our aim is to raise the standard of mediumship As an educational body, the Institute provides opportunities for individuals to take part in workshops, seminars and residential study weekends. We offer aspiring mediums three stages of assessment as they progress – probationer, intermediate, and registered and approved medium For circle guidance, see ‘The circle network’ on our website. Why not visit one of our monthly branch meetings and learn more? All seekers of spiritual knowledge are welcome Cherry Hinton, Cambs North Kent, SE London 1st Thursday of each month 3rd Thursday of each month British Legion Hall, Fishers Lane, Cherry Hinton, Community Centre, 4 Knee Hill, Abbey Wood Cambs. Contact Pauline Porter 01223 561116 SE2 0YS. Contact Betty Stewart 020-8859 2436 Yateley, Hants Romford, Essex 3rd Friday of each month 1st Wednesday of each month Yateley Industries Disabled Hall, Mill Lane, Yateley The Friends Meeting House, Balgores Crescent, Contact Pat McQueen 01344 776514 Gidea Park. Contact Julia Hudson 01708 769800 Potters Bar, Herts We regret to announce the closure of this branch All meetings begin at 8.00 pm, except North Kent, which begins at 7.15 pm Admission is members £3.00 and non-members £4.50. 50p concession for over 60s For more information, visit our website Central Office: 132 Reading Road South, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hants GU52 6AL Contact: General secretary 01252 680516 22 When it’s time to pass . . . BY MINISTER DENNIS JONES Can someone really pass on before his or her time? Do organ transplants necessarily prolong one’s time on earth? What is the origin of the Spiritualists’ National Union’s (SNU) seven principles? Below, medium and minister Dennis Jones (seen left) addresses all these points . . . and more. I to “Them up there” looking down on “Us down here.” This is obviously an oblique but somewhat Freudian reference to the understanding adopted by some orthodox religions which has no place in the modern Spiritualist movement. This brings me to the vexed question of organ transplants. Do they necessarily prolong that period of earthly existence? Probably not in the scheme of things, but they might just improve the quality of life, although “Day X” and “Day Z” possibly remain constant throughout the equation. An earlier incarnation of the SNU’s philosophy and ethics committee promised to consider the issue of transplants in relation to Spiritualism, but we still await its findings with interest. In his book “The Psychic Stream,” Arthur Findlay referred to an apparent acceptance of some concept of an afterlife which was present in all religions, weaving a psychic thread between all of them, but recognising that only Spiritualism constantly seeks to reinforce this point. This year commemorated the 163rd AM naturally a little reluctant to castigate others for their points of view which are evidently honestly held, but there are various issues within Spiritualism which have caused me to think twice over the years. Hopefully, these might now benefit from some further examination. One such issue is when platform mediums assert that a communicator “went before his or her time.” How on earth do they know? Is the communicator actually stating this? If so, how valid is that opinion? Just because someone passes to the spirit world at an early age does not automatically suggest that they “went before their time.” My understanding of life and death may be limited, but I believe that you incarnate upon the earth plane on “Day X” and depart on “Day Z,” and whatever period of time elapsing between the two dates is probably your allotted life span. Another old chestnut in common use even – dare I suggest – among some Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU) award-holders are occasional references 23 pared with the membership figures for other religions. March 31, 1848, is, of course, generally regarded as the birth date of modern Spiritualism, marking – as it does – the date upon which the Fox sisters first made contact with the spirit world. However, similar and earlier events were recorded within the Wesley family in England and by Swedish seer Emmanuel Swedenborg’s communications with medium Andrew Jackson Davis in the USA. Indeed, “An Illustrated History of the Haunted World,” written by Jason Karl, points to the existence of earlier spirit activities at Epworth Rectory in 1716 during its occupancy by the Rev Samuel Wesley, the father of Methodist Church founder John Wesley. The case of the Epworth poltergeist was never brought to a very satisfactory conclusion, although there is clear evidence of rapping and other associated disturbances at the property. At over 163 years of age, Spiritualism nevertheless remains a comparatively young religion, which is still evolving. Having sowed the early seeds of proving survival after physical death with the mixed experiences of the Fox family members, a number of other personalities tried their hand with mediumship in subsequent years. One notable American medium, Amelia Hayden, demonstrated at home and abroad and was – in turn – applauded and pilloried for her work on behalf of the spirit world. It was probably no accident that a anniversary of the modern Spiritualist movement. It is to be hoped that all future anniversaries of Hydesville Day will be remembered in a very positive way. For new Spiritualists, Hydesville is a small hamlet about twenty miles from Rochester, New York. It was here that Kate and Margaret Fox, followed shortly afterwards by their sister, Leah, established regular, meaningful contact with the spirit world. Meanwhile, March 2011 contained what might be regarded as a turning point for our movement in the unlikely form of the national census. When number crunchers at the Office for National Statistics publish their deliberations, perhaps Spiritualism may emerge with more numerical credibility when com- The Violet Moon Spiritual Centre and Tarot Cavern 15 St George’s Walk, Croydon, CRO 1YH Mediums, psychics, tarot, angel card and ribbon readings Tuesday, August 30 Gary Mannion psychic surgery clinic 11.00 am-6.00 pm Trance demonstration from 7.30 pm-9.30 pm Holistic mystic products and charms at Tel: 07930 809 172 or 020-8667 1019 E-mail: [email protected] Web: PayPal, credit and debit cards taken 24 MAIDSTONE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (M.S.D.C.) Tel: 01622 746249 and 07711 811066 E-mail [email protected] Website PSYCHIC AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT MORNING Saturday, September 3–With mediums Steve Clark, Chris Everett & Lucy Hope 10.00 am-1.00 pm–£5.00–Includes free tea/coffee and biscuits throughout the morning EVENING OF CLAIRVOYANCE WITH ROSS BARTLETT Wednesday, September 14–8.00 pm-10.00 pm–Ross came to demonstrate his mediumship for us last year and we were all impressed with his accuracy–He is the youngest working medium in the UK–Grab the chance to see him now! £7.00–Members £5.00 HEALING AND MEDITATION MORNING Saturday, September 17–Healing 10.00 am-11.00 am–No charge Guided meditation 11.00 am-noon with medium Janet Wilson–£3.00 WORKSHOP ON PALMISTRY Saturday, September 24–With Robin Lown, who is internationally known as a true expert on palmistry–He has brought this ancient subject into the digital age!–In this “Decoding the Lines” workshop, we will be looking and learning about the lines on the hand–£30.00–Members £25.00 I S F INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUALIST FEDERATION I S F Long fraternal weekend in Switzerland Saturday, September 10-Sunday, September 18, 2011 At the Home for Education and Encounters near Aarau For the first time in its long history, the ISF is meeting in Switzerland at the invitation of the Swiss Action-Group for Spiritualist Mediumship Workshops and demonstrations by international mediums, guided meditations, social gatherings and coach trips. Groups on mental, physical and trance mediumship as well as on healing for beginners, intermediate and advanced students . . . and much more! Fraternal weekend November 17-20, 2011 At the Eastbourne Centre, Grand Parade, Eastbourne, East Sussex There will also be lots going on at our weekend in Eastbourne, too, including trance, mental mediumship, psychic art and healing! Both events are also open to those who are not members of the ISF For further details, please visit or phone 01438 236754 25 THE LYNWOOD FELLOWSHIP (for spiritual and metaphysical studies) Reg charity number 287430 SEMINARS FOR 2011 Cober Hill, Scarborough. Monday 26-Friday, 30 September Helen Brown, Margaret & Hugh Davis, Ronnie Williams Full board & en suite. Single £295.00. Twin £275.00 Deposit £50.00 The Lindum Hotel, Lytham St Annes. Friday 4-Sunday, 6 November Anne Davies, Mark Foster, Jackie Wright Full board & en suite Single £195.00. Twin £185.00 Deposit £50.00 Bookings to Barbara Hague, 13 Raleigh Drive, London N20 0UX For more details, log onto Tel: 020-8368 7198 North London Spiritualist Church 425 Hornsey Road, Islington, London N19 4DX Phone: 020-7272 0438 E-mail: [email protected] President: Michael Shaw Secretary: Philip Jones Sunday. Divine service. 11.00 am. September 4 – Sherrie Hardaker Wednesday. 7.30 pm Saturday. 7.30 pm September 7 – Jeff Phillips September 3 – Ray Pendergast 14 – See below 10 – Maria Antonio 21 – Uwy D’Rose 17 – Jeff Hewitt 28 – Stewart Fraser 24 – Zebedee Franklin EVENING OF SPIRITUAL ART Wednesday, September 14 – 7.30 pm-9.00 pm – With Christine Parkin, CSNU Entry fee £5.00 each Healing: Tuesday and Fridays from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm Meditation: Sundays at 2.45 pm Closest Tube: Finsbury Park. Buses: 210 & 91 26 number of prominent people of the time became interested in the movement. Robert Owen, a socialist and one of the co-founders of the Co-operative Society, extolled the virtues of Spiritualism following sittings with Mrs Hayden and other mediums. Again, it was probably no accident that thirteen years after his passing in 1858, Robert Owen selected medium Emma Hardinge Britten to communicate a credible framework in the shape of the principles of Spiritualism. Originally believed to be five or six in number, they later became the nowfamiliar seven principles of the SNU, which would, in turn, become the thrust of National Spiritualism. They read: n The fatherhood of God. n The brotherhood of man. n The communion of spirits and the ministry of angels. nThe continuous existence of the human soul. n Personal responsibility. n Compensation and retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth. n Eternal progress open to every human soul. These principles formed part of the articles of association and became the ultimate basis for the constitution of the Spiritualists’ National Union in 1901. Over the years, there have been a number of published critiques on the seven principles. Many of these volumes are, sadly, out of print. However, two remaining works of reference can be found. Firstly, there’s “The Principles of Spiritualism,” compiled by Harold Vigurs in 1984. Later, in 2007, came the “Philosophy of SNU Spiritualism” by members of the union’s then philosophy and ethics sub-committee, led by its former chairman Minister Barry Oates. This latter volume must now represent the definitive work on the principles, containing – as it does – some new thoughts on old words. There are, for example, new slants on the original principles which suggest that all seven deserve further consideration. Without detracting from Mrs Britten’s undoubted contribution towards modern Spiritualism, it is perhaps worth noting that the substance of the principles was already in evidence during a public debate between Robert Owen and a certain Mr Campbell which took place at Cincinnati, Ohio, on April 13, 1829, under the title “The Twelve Fundamental Laws of Human Nature.” Whether or not the existence of the Cincinnati event unwittingly coloured Mrs Britten’s apparent “discovery” of the principles we shall probably never know, but does it really matter? What matters most is the fact that modern Spiritualism now boasts a credible set of guidelines upon which life can be based. Once again, we must acknowledge the efforts of some of the pioneers of Spiritualism in presenting us with a credible legacy with which to take the movement forward. Perhaps one day “Those up there” will tell “Us down here” the truth about these matters, assuming, of course, that they didn’t “go before their time.” 27 Grandmother makes speedy spirit return THE EDITOR’S E-MAIL INTERVIEW WITH A SERVING MEDIUM This month sees clairvoyant Ivan Lee (pictured left) under the mediumistic microscope as he answers various questions concerning his life and gift, telling, for instance, about a “dead” relative who made speedy contact from the Beyond. First, Ivan responds to the points: “Were you raised in a Spiritualist household? If not, how did you discover your mediumship?” N O, I was not raised as a Spiritualist. In 2003, I discovered something different was going on within me. It came after I changed my life around for the better. However, looking back, all through my life there was a feeling of Spirit being close to me. Where were you born and when? I was born in Carshalton, Surrey. If I have to say when, it was the year 1962. Where do you live now? I still live in Surrey. Although I have lived in different areas, I always seem to come back to Surrey. Do your neighbours know you are a medium? If so, what’s their reaction? I have just moved, so as yet they do not know. At my previous addresses, my neighbours always showed a good and interested reaction. What psychic gifts do you have? My strongest is communication with loved ones. When I demonstrate, all the psychic senses seem to work together. Where did you develop them? I joined a circle at London’s Wimbledon Spiritualist Church. I was very fortunate to be with its former president, Derek Robinson, and medium Keith Charles (the “psychic cop”), who have both helped me tremendously with my development. Are you a full-time medium? Have you had any previous occupations? Yes, I am now a full-time medium. In the past, I have had various jobs in retail and mini-cabbing to name but two. What makes a really good medium? That’s a tough one, but honesty and humility. Oh, and above all, a great deal of patience and discipline. Do you prefer private sittings or public demonstrations? I have no preference, as they both have their pluses. Can you recall a couple of really unusual spirit messages you have relayed? There are many I could choose from, but at one private sitting I sat with a lady and was relaying a message from 28 her grandmother. I recall giving her the relative’s name and the condition which caused the grandmother’s passing. The look on the lady’s face made me pause and ask if she was OK. The sitter told me that fifteen minutes before she came for the sitting, she received a phone call from Ireland saying her grandmother had just passed. At another sitting, the first thing I said was: “I have your husband here. He has come in like a bat out of hell.” This was an unusual thing for me to say, but the lady burst out laughing and told me: “That was the song which was played at his funeral. That’s all I need to know he is all right.” “Bat Out of Hell” was written by Jim Steinman for the 1977 album of the same name. It was released as a single in 1979 and again in 1993. The lead vocals were performed by Meat Loaf. What advice would you give to fledgling mediums? To have patience and trust. Do you have a family? If so, what do they think about having a mediumistic dad? Yes, I have children. Well, they are grown-ups now. I hate to say it, but I’m also a granddad. My children take it with a pinch of salt. To them, I am just dad. They have always been very supportive. What was the best day in your life . . . and the worst? This is a difficult question, but it would have to be the birth of my boys and then my granddaughter. In fact, I’ve had many great days. One of the worst – and there have been a few of them – was the passing of my dad. Even doing what we do, I found it a very hard and emotional time. What’s the soundest piece of advice you have ever been given and by whom? Probably by Derek Robinson. It was simply this: “Always be honest with your work. Never try and kid anyone because you can fool others and yourself, but you cannot fool the Lord.” What is your philosophy of life in no more than two or three sentences? Always be true to yourself. Always be yourself. Treat others how you like to be treated. Never think that you cannot do something because if you think you can’t, then you are right. How do you relax in your spare time? Well, I don’t know if “relaxing” is the right word, but I do scuba-diving and dancing, for which I take proper lessons. When I can get to Stamford Bridge (the home of Chelsea Football Team) I like to watch them play. I also enjoy the martial arts t’ai chi and pak qua. What kind of programmes do you like watching on TV or listening to on the radio? I am very open to TV if it’s good, although I also enjoy movies. At the moment, on TV I really like “Torchwood,” a science fiction and crime drama dealing with the fictional Torchwood Institute, “Doctor Who” and usually anything on the Discovery channel. I will listen to any rock station. Absolute Radio is the one for me at the moment. What really irritates you in life and 29 other people? I find ignorance irritating. You don’t have to agree with everything, but people should not just dismiss someone else’s faiths and beliefs or their way of thinking and living. We are all different. Even if you don’t accept someone’s point of view, it is always good to respect it, provided it does not harm anyone. What would be your perfect day? Another tough one! OK, here we go. Breakfast with the family, a public demonstration, then off to watch Chelsea win. Then it would be back home for a barbecue with friends and family before flying off to the Barrier Reef for some diving, so it would have to be a long day. Failing that, I would choose a day with friends and family just having fun. What are your three favourite possessions? To be honest, I don’t really have any favourite possessions. I find that if you are happy with yourself, everything else is a bonus. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? To be more understanding of myself. We are always our worst critics . . . and I am mine. Are there any bad habits you would like to give up? Only one – and I am working on it. It’s smoking. If you could invite three people for dinner, “dead” or alive, who would you choose and why? For my first dinner party – there would have to be more than one – I would start with John Lennon, as I love his music and outlook on life. Next would be Richard Bush, the founder of Wimbledon Spiritualist Church, which began in 1913. It would be fascinating to discover first-hand exactly how it happened and about the movement at that time. For obvious reasons, I would also invite my dad. What makes a Spiritualist church really good? The people – always the people. Having been to many different Spiritualist churches, they all have their own individuality, but the people in it make a church great. What’s the most satisfying aspect about being a medium? The most satisfying and humbling thing is seeing the comfort it gives to people. What makes it all worthwhile is to be able to convey a message from a loved one and give evidence of life eternal. Rate our rates! Churches and centres can advertise at specially reduced rates Please phone 020-7064 8000 for details n For further details about Ivan Lee, please visit his website at www.ash 30 Set in magnificent surroundings, Stansted Hall is the ARTHUR FINDLAY COLLEGE Registered Charity No. 261898 The College is the centre of spiritual and psychic investigation and instruction in the UK We are here to teach and help you We offer All-Inclusive Residential Courses with Full Board & Excellent Tuition. For prices and availability, please contact College Reception Topics taught include Spiritual Awareness, Healing, Mediumship, Philosophy, Meditation, Presentation and many other aspects of the Psychic Sciences. Increase your knowledge in an atmosphere of love and spiritual activity Private Sittings available by appointment – also Complementary Therapies Please send £3.25 for the full College Programme Choice of Vegetarian or Ordinary Diet Visit the College Shop For Enquiries & Bookings: Telephone: 01279 813636 Fax: 01279 816025 Access/Visa payments accepted E-Mail Address: [email protected] Visit our Website at: Spiritual Healing available every Tuesday from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm free of charge. All welcome Public Service held every Sunday and Wednesday at 7.30 pm. All welcome Stansted Hall · Stansted Mountfitchet · Essex · CM24 8UD 31 CRAWLEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH & HEALING CENTRE Capel Lane, Gossops Green, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 8HL President Maureen Hedger. Tel: 01342 870657 Secretary Carol Hopkins. Tel: 01342 843070 Sunday Divine service 6.30 pm-8.00 pm Wednesday 7.30 pm-9.00 pm September 4 Susan Motson Clairvoyant evening £4.00. Members £3.00 11 Andrew Daniels September 7 Stevie Robinson 18 Jenny Ayers 14 Anne Germaine 25 Lyn Probert 21 Debbie Dean 28 Adi Townsend SPECIAL EVENTS Saturday, September 10–Evening of clairvoyance with Ivan Lee–Advance reduced price tickets available or £7.00 on the door Friday, September 16–7.30 pm–Open development evening–For those interested in joining and finding out more about the church’s proposed circles Saturday, September 24–7.30 pm-9.00 pm–Psychic supper–Advance booking essential Healing is available on Thursdays 7.30 pm-9.00 pm and after each service on Sunday and Wednesday E-mail [email protected] Full programme available at The Spiritual Pathway Healing Association For a more spiritual way of life At The Spiritual Pathway Healing Association, we pride ourselves on the high standards we have set and continue to achieve to ensure our members always come first Break free from the shackles and dogma that may be holding you back from achieving your aims For more information about the SPHA, contact Brian Timbrell on 01935 862556 or e-mail [email protected] 32 PLEASE COME AND JOIN US IN ‘TWO WORLDS’ READING ROOM Medium ‘feels’ murder BY ANN BRIDGE DAVIES A medium for over 30 years, Liverpool-born psychic artist Ann Bridge Davies (seen left) has appeared on TV’s “The Magic and Mystery Show” and “The Something Strange Show” as well as demonstrating in various parts of the world and issuing two DVDs. Below is an abridged extract from her book “Portraits from Spirit.” Running to 167 pages, it contains survival-proving accounts, and exercises and advice on how to develop the gift of psychic art. P SYCHIC drawings can be very valuable in helping people understand themselves. A psychic who links into the auric body of a person can sense certain impressions from the person’s energy field. These impressions can be quite personal. When I was in my twenties, I was visiting a friend in Bath and because it was a lovely summery evening, we decided to go to the local pub for a drink. We walked into a bistro-type bar and my friend noticed a few other colleagues sitting by the window. Now, because this was many, many years ago in my youth, I cannot remember how the conversation came around to fortune telling, but my friend suggested I look into the girl’s hand. The girl thrust her hand towards me. As I closed the hand, I said, “No, I don’t do that sort of thing.” She pulled her hand back and said: “You’re the second person who wouldn’t read my hand. The first said I would have an unexpected death!” I was shocked to hear her say that and tried to explain that I was not going to say that to her, but she would not listen. However, what I had felt when I touched her hand was a feeling of great sadness and remorse which was not the same as death. We quickly left the pub and never spoke of it again. However, the memory never left me because this is an example of an inappropriate time and place for psychic readings. I had not asked to read her hand; it was thrust on me. Often in those circumstances words can be said which are not right and this scenario should be avoided at all costs. I think the phrase goes, “Loose lips sink ships.” A reading is a very emotive and personal experience both for the reader and the psychic, so when asked to do a reading on the spot, choose your words and place carefully. Often the reading is never forgotten, especially when it has been anticipated for a long time. 33 Another memory I would like to share with you regarding an inappropriate psychic reading was many years ago when I was taken to an outdoor market that had stalls selling everything under the sun, including chickens and livestock. One of the stalls took my attention. The stallholder was selling old-fashioned bric-a-brac and there was a row of handyman’s tools laid out on the green velvet cloth. My father used to have tools just like them. As I stretched out to pick one of the shiny screwdrivers up, I developed a sharp stabbing pain under my ribs. I kept hold of the screwdriver to look at it, but my breath was being taken away by the pain. I must have looked peaky because the stallholder asked if I was feeling all right. I said I wasn’t and could do with a drink of water. She went off and brought back a paper cup filled with tap water and suggested I put the screwdriver down. Shortly after I let go of the screwdriver, the pain went from my side and I thought it was due to having been a little bit dehydrated and the water relieved the pain. Apparently not! The stallholder began to tell me the story of how she obtained the screwdrivers. A young man stole the screwdrivers many years ago from a neighbour. That night he took one of them into town and stabbed another young man under the ribs, who ultimately died. After the police had done with them (this was a time before police forensic evidence sciences we have today were available) they were returned to the owners, who never used them again. When the owner died of old age, she was given them to sell. What had happened was that the screwdriver had been left with the residual psychic energy from the stabbing impressed on it and I inadvertently picked up the pain of the assault up when I touched the object. This form of psychic sensitivity is called psychometry. The police have been using psychics and this technique for many years to find people and solve crimes. The impression the psychics received from the objects are believed to provide missing information for the police to use. However, the information is not generally used in a court of law because it cannot be proven. I had unwittingly received an impression from the screwdriver. This is one reason why I don’t buy second-hand goods unless I know where and from whom they have come. Psychic awareness can be a blessing and a curse because as it is developed, it is more than just screwdrivers we can gain impressions from. Friends, family and neighbours have all got living auric energy around them, so it is best to close off your energies as much as possible otherwise you may be tuning into every Tom, Dick or Harry, object or animal without knowing it. Psychic art is all about drawing and painting earthbound energies – any energy which can be seen, heard or felt using paranormal methods. 34 SHIRLEY JUNE MURRAY 9.5.1948-10.6.2011 Secretary of Amersham Spiritualist Centre Amersham Spiritualist Centre would like to thank everyone for their love and support on the day of Shirley’s funeral FRANCE & HOLLAND HEALING CLINICS Spiritual healer Michael Chapman, son of famous trance healer George Chapman, is pleased to announce that he will be available for private consultations in Alkmaar, Holland on September 18 and Paris, France on September 24 and 25 For appointments, please ring 01970 832696 or write to Michael at Pant Glas, Tre’r-ddol, Machynlleth, Powys SY20 8PN, UK Other clinics are held at regular intervals in Buckinghamshire, George & Michael Chapman Essex, Surrey, Wales and Birmingham Contact & distant healing available 4 Body & Soul Centre of healing and learning 28, Shelley Road, Bognor Regis, W Sussex PO21 2SN I currently offer Aura-Soma readings at only £5.00 per reading. The four chosen equilibrium bottles can be seen as keys to consciousness. They can help us to connect to the very essence of the soul, helping us to recognise and understand our own essential nature All money collected from these readings will be donated to St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Chichester (registered charity number 281963) To book, call Annette or Terry on 01243 830581 or 07703 583834 SCOTTISH SPIRITUAL COLLEGE Seminar at Stirling University, Scotland June 23-30, 2012 £195.00. Includes all workshops and self-catering accommodation Workshops – mediumship, tarot, hypnosis/regression, runes, angels, crystals, scrying, dowsing, etc Programme available. For further information, contact Kate on 01355 276410 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 35 SPIRIT HELPER As seen on Living TV’s “6ixth Sense.” Yes, your spirit helper drawn in full colour, plus a pencil sketch of a loved one or friend. Drawn by an internationally-acclaimed psychic artist whose work has been seen on TV in England and all over Europe Please enclose a short sample of handwriting to allow the link to be made. Pictures A3-size and spirit information Fee £25, inclusive of postage and package. Cheque/postal orders made payable to Haydn Clarke. Send to 68, Clinton Avenue, Welling, Kent DA16 2DZ Telephone 07774 165492 E-mail OWEN WILLIAMS AND FRIENDS WELCOME YOU TO THE NIRVANA HEALING CENTRE Friends Meeting House, 9, Limes Road, Egham, Surrey TW20 9QT In association with the Surrey Healing Association Car park and entrance at rear SPIRITUAL CONTACT HEALING AND DISTANT WORLDWIDE INTERCESSIONS Every Tuesday from 7.30 pm All enquiries to 01932 780128 or 07947 844764 E-mail [email protected] SPIRITUALIST MEDIUMS INTERNATIONAL Irene & David Jackson (MCSSI). Spiritualist mediums & healers Our credentials are a husband-and-wife partnership as full-time working mediums and healers–now based in Poole, Dorset–with many years’ experience of most aspects of mediumship (mental, physical and trance) between us We enjoy an extensive annual programme of serving churches, groups and individuals at home and abroad, and offer a comprehensive umbrella of mediumistic services. Please view our website Whatever your spiritual needs are at this point in your life, we will be most happy to hear from you. We are only an e-mail away Contact us via our website “Contact us” page Website: E-mail [email protected] THE OFFICIAL LESLIE FLINT WEBSITE Leslie Flint (pictured left) was one of Spiritualism’s most remarkable independent direct voice mediums. Over many years, thousands of people returned through his gift He once commented: “I think I can safely say I am the most tested medium this country has ever produced . . . I have been boxed up, tied up, sealed up, gagged, bound and held, and still the voices have come to speak their message of eternal life” Visit (the only official Leslie Flint website) to learn all about this astonishing medium and to listen to hundreds of spirit communications 36 The same process is used when drawing an aura of a person or the energy from a rock or piece of land. You will use the same techniques of “linking in” to the energies and then offload onto your paper, board or canvas in the form of a drawing or painting. Spirit art, on the other hand, is to do with non-earth energies and falls into three types: clairvoyant, automatic and energetic using non-physical energy. These three types connect with the spirit world in different ways. A clairvoyant artist will see the spirit world through their third eye and transfer what they see onto the work surface. The images can be of faces, people, animals, memory objects and landscapes, and are distinct from visionary art, which may originate from the subconscious. Clairvoyant images should always come from images projected to us from the spirit world as distinct from visions and hallucinations. This is a concept which is very difficult to contextualise. Clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience all seem to work together, albeit in different proportions, when producing mediumistic images. They can be created by using any art process while the medium is the artist drawing the impressions received from the afterlife. Automatic drawing is different from clairvoyant art because the medium is not necessarily the artist. The medium offers the use of their body in the creation of the artwork. When demonstrating spirit art to an audience when I am also giving verbal evidence of the spirit being drawn, I offer the use of my hand to the spirit artist to use bypassing my own ability as an artist. My understanding of this is that the spirit artist will trigger the part of my brain which operates my hand. The spirit artist then draws the image for me. During a demonstration, this will take no more than two minutes to complete, usually taking less time, then I finish off the details clairvoyantly. I have drawn hundreds of portraits in this way during many demonstrations and each one is different. I have found that if I interfere with the drawing while it is being created, the drawing is not as accurate. As an evidential portrait, it is not as good. The nose may be too wide or long or the features are wrong, so my aim when drawing automatically is not to get in the way by staying slightly to one side of my physical body while the drawing is being done. I have been doing this a long time and feel safe working this way. After the drawing is complete, I will then give the verbal evidence, for example, of who the person may be, what they died of and the work they did while alive, or the relationship to the recipient of the drawing. Once identified as being an accurate representation of the face of a spirit person, then my job is done. n “Portraits from Spirit” is available direct from “Two Worlds” at £12.50, plus p and p of £1.65 UK, £2.75 Europe and £4.35 rest of the world. 37 When spirit truths reign supreme BY MAURICE BARBANELL Though Maurice Barbanell (pictured left) wrote the words below many years ago, they are equally applicable today. The founding editor of “Psychic News” and former editor of “Two Worlds” for many years writes that “We are all spiritual beings. It is not death which confers a spiritual status upon us. We survive because we are spiritual beings. We live on earth because we are spiritual beings.” T HERE are not many certainties in our lives, but there are two events concerning which there can be no argument. We are all born into this world and we all die. What are you? You might think this a facetious question, but it is not. “Man, know thyself ” is an ancient injunction, but how many people know themselves? The reflection you see in the mirror is not you. The body which gives you so much trouble, and is subject to age, pain, infirmity and disease, is not you. Your birth certificate does not tell you who you are. No scientist has ever discovered the origin of life. Neither has he manufactured even a minute object that was capable of living. He can make an atomic bomb, but he cannot make a blade of grass. What is the difference between a living body and a dead one? Chemically, organically and structurally they appear to be the same. Why is one living and the other dead? Why has the heart ceased to beat? Why do the pulses no longer throb? Why has the blood ceased to circulate? Why are the limbs rigid? Spiritualism supplies the answers. The evidence obtained through mediumship demonstrates that you survive after death. You do so not as a phantom or as a winged, airy, amorphous being, but as a real individual. After death, you possess consciousness, memory, all the mannerisms that belong to you and to nobody else, and, most important, the ability to love. You survive death as a spiritual being because survival is part of the natural law, a fact which is purely biological in its operation. It has nothing to do with your religious beliefs – or lack of beliefs – or your outlook. It is not a reward or a punishment. You have no alternative but to survive. 38 As, after death, the evidence clearly shows that you have a complete set of faculties through which you can express yourself as a spiritual being, then you and I and all of us in this world today must possess these faculties. We are all spiritual beings. It is not death which confers a spiritual status upon us. We survive because we are spiritual beings. We live on earth because we are spiritual beings. We die merely because that which gives animation to the bodily frame departs. The vital principle is withdrawn. Without this dynamic, the body is incapable of functioning. If we lived our lives rightly and in harmony with natural laws, death would be comparable to the apple dropping from the tree when it is ripe. Every individual in the world is a spiritual being expressing himself or herself through a physical body. You are not a body with a spirit. You are a spirit with a body – a tremendous difference. How much do you know about yourself? Very little. Your real self is seldom exhibited to others. We all hide ourselves behind the personalities through which we exhibit varying aspects of our natures. Spiritualism reveals the purpose of earthly life and clearly shows the relationship between our present stage of existence and the next. The majority of mankind has lost its way. Most people are chasing shadows, illusions and will-o’-the-wisps. Because they are unaware of their spiritual natures, they concentrate wholly and solely upon the requirements of their bodies. Their focus is wrong. Their perspective is erroneous. Naturally, physical bodies require what is necessary for their sustenance and well-being, clothing, warmth, shelter, food and exercise. Most people, however, do not stop at the satisfaction of their primary needs. They continue to accumulate and overload themselves with wealth of varying kinds in the hope that this will provide them with security. How many think about the requirements of their spiritual nature? How many realise that their spiritual selves, which are the eternal realities, also require sustenance? At death, we are compelled to leave behind all the physical wealth that we may have accumulated. We cannot take it with us. When newspapers print details of wills, the accounts are often headed, “Money they left.” Yes, they had to leave it. It was a philosopher who wryly remarked that it was a good thing people could not take their money with them when they died because in most cases it would only melt. The body is the lesser; the spirit is the greater. The body will crumble into dust or be resolved into elements which no longer maintain the form by which we recognise one another now. However, you, the spiritual being, will persist. But how much do you know about the real you? Have you found yourself? As a spiritual being, you are an inte39 gral part of the infinite spirit which is responsible for the whole of the universe and all the manifold activities which it embraces. You are part of the vast cosmic power which controls every facet of universal life. You are God, and God is you. By virtue of your spiritual nature, you are in possession of an eternal relationship with God which no event in life or death can sever. Potentially, you possess all the powers of an infinite spirit. Within you is the rich treasury and armoury of the spirit. It was summed up many years ago in the words of the Nazarene, “The kingdom of heaven is within,” to which I would add that so also is the kingdom of hell. You make or mar your own destiny. You create your own heaven or hell. Have you ever tapped that vast latent power which is within you? Have you ever unearthed some of the rich spiritual jewels which lie beneath the surface? You can do so. You can learn how to find strength in your hours of weakness, guidance in times of crisis and help when all seems difficult. Within you is the power. Once you have discovered the secret, life has a new meaning for you and you realise its purpose. Earth is a schoolhouse where we are sent to learn the lessons so that we can be fortified and equipped for the greater life that awaits us beyond death. The lessons have to be learned in shadow as well as in sunshine, in storm as well as in peace, in pain as well as in pleasure and in sorrow as well as in joy. Each experience adds its quota and THE GREATER WORLD OWNED CHURCHES LEEDS GREATER WORLD SANCTUARY 14 Clarendon Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9NN President: Margaret Bellamy Tel: 01132 456 623 Sunday Services at 3.00 pm and 6.15 pm TEMPLE OF LIGHT 221 New Road (Luton Arches), Chatham, Kent ME4 4QA President: Rita Davidson Tel: 01634 819 268 Sunday Service 6.30 pm ILFRACOMBE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Green Close Road, Ilfracombe, North Devon President David Gravell Tel: 01271 830062 Sunday Service 6.15 pm LUTON The Greater World Church, 64A Compton Avenue, Luton, Beds LU4 9AZ Cynthia Barnwell, GWRM Tel: 01582 584164 ALL CHURCHES HAVE SPIRITUAL HEALING AVAILABLE ON THE PREMISES OTHER SERVICES ARE HELD THROUGHOUT THE WEEK 40 ‘The Difference’ Spiritual Development Centre Kingswood Village Club, Brighton Road, Lower Kingswood, Surrey KT20 6SZ Ample free parking behind the club SPECIAL EVENTS Thursday, September 8–7.30 pm-9.00 pm–Open platform–Willing participants and audience welcome Thursday, October 13–7.30 pm-9.00 pm–Evening of clairvoyance with Karen Willis Development circle in Reigate. Monday evenings and Thursday mornings. Full-day workshops on developing mediumship–Contact Mariea or Viv, or visit website for details Healing will be available at the end of each evening Enquiries Viv 07885 619625 or Mariea 01737 244552 THE KNIGHTS CIRCLE, BASINGSTOKE Come and try your mediumistic skills in a friendly atmosphere at our open platform evenings with trained teachers who are mediums We meet at Popley Fields Community Centre, Carpenters Down, Popley, Basingstoke RG24 9AE from 7.30 pm on the first Thursday of every month The cost is £3.00 for workers and a sympathetic audience For further information, please call Sue on 01256 336375 or Jean on 01189 702392 All very welcome. We look forward to meeting you! (Charity number 1032596) MARY EDWARDS SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL (Founded by Mary Edwards and John Marshall September 2003) Glyn Hall, Ewell Village (opposite The Star pub), Surrey KT17 2AS Enquiries: Julie 01483 279854 (Nearest railway stations: Ewell East and Ewell West Bus routes: 406, 418, 470, 467, 293, E15, E16) Sunday Service 6.30 pm-8.00 pm September 4 Winnie Taylor September 18 Penny Day 11 Joe Watts 25 Sid Privett PSYCHIC SUPPER Saturday, September 24–Please phone to book in advance WORTHING NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Affiliated to the Spiritualists’ National Union) Friends’ Meeting House, rear of 34 Mill Road, Worthing BN11 5DR President: Sandra Stevenson 01243 828541 Secretary: Christine Parkin 01903 691030 Service first Sunday of the month at 6.30 pm Healing available from 5.45 pm by arrangement September 4 Colleen Giddings Saturday Evening of Clairvoyance Awareness & Development Circle 7.30 pm £5.00 on the door Thursdays 7.30 pm £5.00 September 17 Helen DaVita E-mail [email protected] 41 TADLEY SPIRITUAL AWARENESS CENTRE The Memorial Hall, The Green, Tadley, Hants RG26 3PB Enquiries to Laurie & Denise Morse. Tel: 01256 880082. Mobile 07785 221538 Sunday service at 6.30 pm followed by healing September 4 Elaine Johnson 11 Marion Chilver September 18 Andrew Daniels 25 Ben & Penny Gater ANGEL PATHWAYS SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Blyburgate Hall, Blyburgate, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9TF Our services are held every Saturday evening at 7.30 pm when all are welcome We have a different visiting medium every week and healing and refreshments are provided after the service and mediumship demonstration For further information, please contact Carol on 01502 586485, who is also available for private readings/telephone readings and demonstrations of mediumship, or visit our website at SEVENOAKS SPIRITUAL AWARENESS CENTRE Riverhead Village Hall, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2EL (Opposite Harvester) Mediums’ secretary. Elizabeth. Tel: 01474 708197 or 07702 976018 Service every Sunday at 6.30 pm. Healing after service September 4 Val Hood September 18 Jan Brooks 11 Karen Ford 25 Jean Evans We try and make the centre a place where people can find comfort and upliftment Do come and visit! A warm welcome to all STOCKPORT CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 46, Old Road, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 1TD President Mr A. Parker. Tel: 01614 276279 Sunday. 3.00 pm. Divine service Monday. 7.00 pm. Healing Tuesday. 7.30 pm. Clairvoyance Wednesday. 7.30 pm. Music and meditation Friday. 11.00 am-3.00 pm. Private readings Saturday. 11.00 am-3.00 pm. Private readings Saturday. 7.00 pm. Open circle 42 helps to make our character, which is our eternal possession. We can cheat the laws of parliament, but we cannot cheat the laws of God. Spiritually, we cannot pretend to be what we are not. When we are guilty of greed, rapacity, intolerance and selfishness, we are the ones who suffer. Our spiritual natures are stunted as a result. If we practise goodness, kindness, toleration and unselfishness, we are better off because our spiritual natures thrive as a result. “For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” That is a natural law. No priest can alter it. No theological doctrine can change it. No recitation of a Bible text can disturb it. No deathbed repentance can interfere with the immutable sequence of cause and effect. Here is the practical and personal application of Spiritualism as revealed in the manifestation of spirit power. It is a demonstration that we are all personally responsible for what we do and that death will not transform sinners into saints, dullards into sages or fools into philosophers. When these facts are known by all mankind, then the whole of the earthly scene will be transformed. Individuals will acquire a greater stature. Life will have a richness, dignity, nobility and lustre. We shall be aware of our divine heritage and will work to achieve our divine destiny. Peace, serenity and tranquillity will be the natural lot of most people. Fear will have been vanquished. A new set of values will prevail. War will vanish and co-operation take the place of individual and national antagonism. Materialism and all its follies will have been exposed. All the blots and excrescences which mar human existence and prevent the spirit of man from finding its full expression will have been obliterated. The world will have realised that malnutrition and slums are not consistent with man’s spirit. The body, the temple of the spirit, will live in conditions more appropriate to its setting as the casket of a brilliant jewel. Colour, creed, race, language and nationality are barriers between people. They will not be barriers when man knows himself. The same spirit which is within you is within every human being in the world. This is a divine and eternal relationship stronger than the ties of blood or family. They will not persist, but our spiritual relationship will endure forever. We are members of one vast spiritual league of nations, all part of the divine family. Killing cannot extinguish that relationship; neither does it end our responsibility to ourselves and our duties to one another. One day this profound truth will be realised by the rulers of men and a new order will dawn for mankind. Then the vision of dreamers, reformers, pioneers and martyrs will have become realised and the kingdom of heaven on earth will be a living reality. The power of the spirit will be known in all its glorious and sublime majesty. 43 Beware the wolf you feed . . . WISE WORDS FROM THE WEB SELECTED BY VANESSA ATTWOOD n n n A BEAUTIFUL baby boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a truly devoted husband and wife. The boy was the apple of their eyes. One morning, when the child was around four years old, the husband saw an open medicine bottle. He was late for work, so asked his wife to cap the bottle and put it in a cupboard. Preoccupied in the kitchen, the mother forgot to do so. The boy saw the bottle and clambered up to it. Fascinated by the medicine’s colour, he drank it all. However, it was a potentially poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed, the mother called for an ambulance, which rushed her son to hospital where, despite emer- T HIS short but telling tale concerns two wolves and begins one evening when an old Cherokee was telling his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. “My son,” he said. “This battle is between two wolves inside all of us. One is named Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and the ego. “The other wolf is called Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his kindly, wise grandfather, “But which wolf wins?” With a tender smile, the elderly Cherokee replied, “The one you feed . . .” STAFFORD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH ARTHUR FINDLAY CENTRE 96A Stone Road, Stafford ST16 2RS Affiliated to the Spiritualists’ National Union. Awarded a Certificate of Excellence in 2007 Sally Ferguson Church of the Year Award 2010 Church tel: 01785 615513 President: Angela Butler Sunday Divine Service at 6.30 pm. Wednesday Evening of Clairvoyance at 8.00 pm Spiritual healing Monday 1.00 pm-3.00 pm and Wednesday 7.00 pm to 7.45 pm Awareness/Development classes and Open circles arranged throughout the year Saturday, October 15–10.00 am-4.00 pm–Open Day–Free admission to demonstrations Spiritual healing & private sittings–Refreshments available all day–Private sittings can be booked in advance Thursday, October 20–7.30 pm–Evening of mediumship with television, radio and theatre medium Donna Stewart–Tickets £12.00 Saturday, October 29–10.30 am–Workshop with Sheila Green–An enhancement of working with colours and auras in mediumship 44 ing onto forgiveness. If everyone could look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be fewer problems in the world. Let go of all your envies, jealousies, unwillingness to forgive, selfishness and fears, and you will often find that things are not nearly as difficult as you think. n n n SOME of us stroll gently through life with our chosen paths clearly mapped out, including breathtaking views, serene stops and cheerfully infrequent roadblocks. The scenery is full of hand-painted signs which say, “Welcome” and “Have a lovely day!” Calming classical music plays softly in the background. But for the rest of us, the path we stumble along is often the road less travelled, and is unmarked and unpaved. Our scenery is full of garish metal signs which read, “Caution – bump ahead” and “Danger – watch for falling rocks.” Static plays in the background of our minds. Often without warning, we are gency treatment, he passed on. The mother was stunned and terrified. How would she face her husband? When the distraught father arrived at the hospital and saw the “dead” child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words. What do you think those words were? The husband simply said, “I love you darling.” His totally unexpected reaction is proactive behaviour. The child had passed on. There was no point in finding fault with his mother. Besides, if only he had taken time to put the bottle away, this tragedy would not have happened. The mother had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from her husband. This is what he gave her. Sometimes we spend so much time asking who is responsible or who’s to blame for a variety of situations, but shouldn’t forgiving someone we love be the easiest thing in the world to do? Treasure what you have. Don’t multiply pain, anguish and suffering by hold- SPIRITUAL FREEDOM Room 2, Shrewsbury House, Bushmoor Crescent, Shooters Hill, London SE18 3EG Evenings of clairvoyance 7.30 pm-9.00 pm. Admission £4.00 Wednesday, September 7 – David Harris Wednesday, September 21 – Janet Gausden CHARITY EVENT Thursday, September 8 – Psychic supper for Animal Samaritans – Sold out Development circles (all levels) – Tarot & crystal workshops For further information, contact Jan Gould on 01322 434109 45 hurled off the path, getting tangled in the undergrowth of life and ending up with bruises. It is easy to begrudge those around us who don’t seem to struggle, but we need to remind ourselves that wisdom comes from discord. This is our opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with our own courage, to learn profound lessons and to heal. In “Earth to Tao,” Jose Stevens writes: “The truth is that you learn the most about yourself and life on earth from falling off balance, then finding your way back to balance again. “Healing, then, is the balance or the neutral position of acceptance. We could therefore say that all of life is truly an attempt at healing.” Let us all journey together on the “road less travelled” towards wellness, balance and healing. n n n BE a little more forgiving when you don’t want to. Be a little more helpful when you don’t want to. Be a better listener when you don’t want to. Be a better friend when you don’t want to. Be a better parent when you don’t want to. Be a better person when you don’t want to. Be a little more loving when you don’t want to. Why? We all need the practice. n n n DARE to dream large. Never quit, but go after what you want with a totally committed attitude. Remember that life is so short that you must enjoy each and every moment. Look at your fears, laugh and then move forward. Accept responsibility for your actions and the type of person you want to be. Learn to love learning. Grow constantly. Embrace change willingly. Never say “Never.” Think like a winner. Learn to love and forgive yourself, and be happy with who you are. Surround yourself with positive messages and people. Only be in charge of your life and let others be who they are. Be kind and think nice thoughts about other people, always expecting the best from them. Learn to be effective, but not always right. Include God in your life. Thank Him for all He has given you, your family and friends. Be the type of friend you would like to have. Make a difference to just one person each and every day of your life, whether it be by a smile, a gentle touch, a kind word or a helping hand. Learn to be flexible, for few things are black and white and written in stone. Above all, remember that people are much more important than things. n n n COMPARED to immortality, we are only on earth for such a short amount of time. An average of 70-100 years seems long, but it goes faster than we realise. It’s incredibly important to live every day to its fullest potential. When you’re 87 years old and on your deathbed, do you want to look back and think of things you wished you had done? I don’t know about you, but I want to look back and remember all the times when I let myself go and had fun. I plan 46 ANN BRIDGE DAVIES TV and international spirit artist, lecturer and medium invites you to master mediumship, and psychic and spirit art through her new book PORTRAITS FROM SPIRIT DVDs: An Introduction to Psychic Development with Ann Davies (psychic art) and Developing Spirit Art with Ann Davies (spirit portraiture) Workshops: Becoming a Spirit Artist courses and Teaching Spirit Art workshops Spirit guides, soul portraits and angelic portraits can be drawn or painted for you Tel: 01785 253602 E-mail [email protected] Spiritual surgery Are you in pain? Have conventional treatments failed to provide the relief you crave? Matthew Father Ed Pearson has been blessed to work with spirit surgeons Matthew and Father Francis to carry out spiritual surgery for all kinds of physical and emotional problems Regular clinics are currently held in Essex, Sussex and the Isle of Wight If you would like a demonstration at your church or centre, please contact Ed (details below) For an appointment, call Ed Pearson on 01277 210585 or 07771 862088 or online at Ed TUNBRIDGE WELLS CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Friends Meeting House, Grosvenor Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BB President Barbara Larkin. Tel: 01892 722464 Services on Sundays at 6.30 pm September 4 Karen Ford September 18 Karen Willis 11 Christina Green 25 Barbara Almond SPECIAL EVENT Tuesday, September 27–7.30 pm–Evening of clairvoyance in the Camden Centre with Paul Broadway–Entrance £5.00 Dorking Awareness Group For the education and development of mind, body and spirit Friday, September 9 – Unlock the power of your dreams–Davina Mackail Friday, October 14 – An evening of mediumship – Lesley Hoube Friday, November 11 – “2012 – Opportunity and challenge: an astrological view” Derek Hawkins A warm welcome to all to join us on a Friday evening at the Odd Fellows Hall, 270 High Street, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1QT. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Meetings start 8.00 pm (no entry after 8.00 pm) Admission £4.00 (under 16s free) For further information, please contact Kate Winter 07717 712811 47 to recall the occasions when I allowed myself to try new things and opened the door to enjoyable opportunities. Life is only truly wonderful if you really leave yourself open to be part of it. n n n IT is hard to forget, to apologise, to save money, to be unselfish, to avoid mistakes, to keep out of a rut, to begin all over again, to make the best of things and to keep your temper at all times. Likewise, it’s also hard to think first and act afterwards, to maintain a high standard, to keep on keeping on, to shoulder blame, to be charitable, to admit error, to take advice and to forgive. Yes, all these things are often hard, but they certainly pay! n n n NOW here are some inspirational thoughts from various times and individuals to put a spring in our step . . . n If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes – St Clement of Alexandra. n Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day – Thornton Wilder. n The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible – Arthur C. Clarke. n Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks – Johann Gottfried von Herder. n n n IMAGINE for a moment that your life is over. You have now passed on to the spirit world. Look at the complete story, the finished picture, and ask yourself these questions: “What was best? What was worst? When was I happiest? What did I give? What did I withhold? How could I have done better? “Could I have done more for others? What stopped me? Did I live my dreams and fulfil my potential? If not, why not? Did I make a difference? Have I left a gap in the world?” Now remember that you are alive on earth. You still have the chance to change things if you really want to. I believe that most people are not afraid of dying, but worried that when death comes, they will not have really lived . . . n n n A LITTLE girl walked to and from school daily. Though the weather one particular morning was questionable and clouds were forming, she made her usual trek to school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up along with thunder and lightning. Concerned that her daughter would be frightened and possibly harmed by the storm, the child’s mother got into her car and drove along the road to the school. As she did so, she saw her little daughter walking happily along, but at each flash of lightning, the child stopped, looked up and smiled. Bringing the car to a halt, the mother called to the child to get in with her. As they drove home, the girl continued to turn toward each lightning flash and smile. “What are you doing?” the mother asked. “Well, I must do this,” said the girl. “God keeps taking pictures of me.” 48 THE GREETING PLACE FOUNDATION SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Douzaine Room, St Peters, Guernsey Our regular services are Sunday 11.00 am – Address and communication Wednesday 7.30 pm – Healing group Saturday 10.30 am – Healing clinic Other services as announced Everyone welcome Enquiries to Margaret Phillips. Tel: 01481 256629 E-mail [email protected] Website SUTTON COURTENAY SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay, Oxon OX14 4BB Between Abingdon and Didcot Enquiries Pat and Sam Quennell. 01235 847460 Service with clairvoyance at 7.30 pm September 6 – Patrick Carbury October 4 – Andrew Daniels November 1 – Judith Ford December 6 – David Chapman All correspondence to 43 Barretts Way, Sutton Courtenay, OX14 4DD Association of Universal Healers and Spiritualists Founded 1992. Reg charity 1014604 Working for unity in Spiritualism. Churches, healing centres and individuals throughout the British isles • Affiliation inquiries welcome Ordained ministry • Medium certification • Healing association (BAHA standard) Inquiries to 99 Wealcroft, Gateshead-upon-Tyne, NE10 8LN Tel: 0191-416 3689 EPPING SPIRITUALISTS’ CHURCH Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood, Epping, Essex CM16 6ND Tel: 01992 576677. Registered charity No 284561 Every Tuesday 1.00 pm-2.30 pm healing. Clairvoyance 2.45-4.00 pm September 6 – Poppy Bowling September 20 – Tony Calcott September 13 – Jeff Phillips September 27 – Sandy Wilkinson Saturday, September 3–11.00 am-4.00 pm–Open Day–Private readings, lots of stalls, healing, refreshments, etc Wednesday, September 7–7.00 pm-9.00 pm–Psychic social evening Friday, September 30–8.00 pm–Evening of clairvoyance–Michael Redwin Private one-to-one readings 6.00 pm-7.45 pm–£10.00 49 BOOK REVIEWS BY GRAHAM JENNINGS All the books featured below are available direct from “Two Worlds.” Please see our address on front cover. Please don’t forget to include postage and packing. If paying by credit card, please give your number, the type of card and the date on which it starts and expires. Please also give the security code. This is the last three figures on the back of the card by your signature. Readers outside Britain should pay by credit card. stopped. Then came a neighbourhood craze for ouija boards. When one was shown to her mother, Christine was instinctively afraid. After the glass moved towards her and off the board, she begged her mother not to play with it again. Later, a life-saving operation in hospital brought about a meeting with a Spiritualist medium, who told Christine about the spirit world. She listened fascinated, but did not pursue the subject. On Christine’s first holiday away from home, her “dead” maternal grandmother, Nan Rose, appeared in a dream. The relative said that she would always take care of her and she must not be afraid. However, Christine was – and again pulled up the bedclothes. She married and had children only to go through what she describes as a “testy divorce.” Christine went to a young gypsy fortune-teller and was impressed with the reading, but it was only later that she consulted a Spiritualist medium. Both her father and Nan Rose communicated. Suddenly, it was no longer enough to hear from them. Christine “Touched by Angels.” By Christine Snowdon. Paperback. 130 pages. £7.99, plus p and p of £1.65 UK, £2.75 Europe and £4.35 rest of the world. Fastprint Publishing. CHRISTINE SNOWDON is living proof that it is not the circumstances into which we are born which determine our destiny so much as the way we live it. She was born in Vallance Road, East London, 60 years ago. Her neighbours were the notorious Kray twins. Both families adored their mum, but there the similarity ends. Unlike the Krays, Christine’s life, after a slow start, has been a steady, spiritual progression through the realms of love and light. Her father was a cabinet-maker who made his own furniture and saved all year to give the family a summer holiday. He fell victim to the Asian flu epidemic of 1957. After his passing, Christine began to “see” him in her mind’s eye at night. Knowing nothing of such matters, she was afraid, squeezed shut her eyes and pulled up the bedcovers. The visions 50 RICHMOND SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 97 Church Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6LU Tel: Mediums’ secretary Anne McKeever on 07904 449973 Sunday Divine service at 6.30 pm September 4 Joan Dempsey 11 Ashley Mills 18 Del Hodd 25 Anne Blackmoore Wednesday Clairvoyance. 7.30 pm September 7 Sid Privett 14 Martin Twycross 21 Carrie North 28 Karen Pyle OPEN PLATFORM Tuesday, September 13–7.30 pm–With Joyce Balcomb OPEN CIRCLE Friday, September 30–7.30 pm–With Anne McKeever NEWQUAY SPIRITUALIST CENTRE 80a Tower Road (Opposite Backpackers), Newquay, Cornwall TR7 1LY Enquiries Dennis Colley. Tel: 01637 879018 Thursdays 7.30 pm Clairvoyant evening September 1 – Freda Norton September 15 – Annie Olorenshaw September 8 – Rosemary Clarke September 22 – Trish Sadler September 29 – Sue Searle Sunday, September 4 – Gayle Force Friday, September 30 – Private readings AMERSHAM SPIRITUALIST CENTRE (Affiliated to the Spiritualists’ National Union) Amersham Common Village Hall, White Lion Road, Amersham, Bucks President. Jean Sabatini. Tel: 01494 776438 Website: Friday. Address and clairvoyance. 7.15 pm September 2 – Gwen Smith September 16 – Graham Woodroffe September 9 – Open platform September 23 – Autumn festival. Judith Hunt September 30 – Sandy Hagger Open circle every second Friday of the month 51 had to speak with them herself. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she said mentally, “If you are there, Dad, then please talk to me.” In her mind she heard: “Yes, I am here. You can talk to me.” So began the first of innumerable conversations. At first, they were with family and friends, but after a while they began to include guides, ascended masters and angels. Many of the lengthy replies Christine received from them are given in this book. As well as developing as a medium and psychic artist, Christine became a reiki master and an angel guidance counsellor. Some of her coloured drawings of the masters and angels she has spoken with are also reproduced in the book. Christine’s story is a delightful, engaging one of hope, struggle and fulfilment. Although the style is spoken English rather than written and lacking in punctuation, this book is still hugely worth reading. plus p and p of £1.65 UK, £2.75 Europe and £4.35 rest of the world. Eye of Gaza Press. IT is easy enough to find people teaching aspects of esoteric philosophy, but rarely within the context of totality. Greg Branson does just this. For instance, some say we reincarnate continually, others that we have only one physical life. Who is right? In a sense both are, but only partially so. How can this be? As the author explains, we do indeed evolve through a succession of lives, but not as the same person. A new soul is created from the spiritual body for each incarnation which, he says, “does not obliterate the earlier ones.” Thus the spirit lives on in a new vehicle for expression, but with the karma accumulated from past experiences. The previous vehicle has had its life here and will not return. The author likens the various souls undergoing incarnation to the segments of an orange, which he calls the personal self or oversoul. Only one segment incarnates at a time. There are usually long sojourns between incarnations, but no one forces anyone to reincarnate. What, then, of the spirit world in all this? Needless to say, it is so much more than the Summerland beloved of many Spiritualists. It is an integral part of the evolutionary plan. After all, that is our home: where we come from and to which we shall return. If you are looking for a book that gives the broadest possible perspective of personal evolution, this is surely it. “Serial Consciousness.” By Greg Branson. Paperback. 212 pages. £11.50, It’s for free! If your church or centre does not receive ‘Two Worlds,’ we will send five free copies for three months! Please call 020-7064 8000 for details 52 Spiritual Sanctuary Founded in 1919 15 Tower Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 2HE. E-mail [email protected] Tel: 01322 864116 (evenings) Mobile: 07831 786385 (with message facility) Minister: Trevor Williams Officiator & Administrator: Patrick Bates Resi d T r s t evor ent med nis er a ium W g r O Sylv illiams s Bark ton a i i v a l Gray and Sy Hamp e n An Sunday service at 6.30 pm September 4 Tricia Bamsey 11 David Nason 18 Debbie DeVito 25 Jeannie Jackson Thursday 7.30 pm (First and last Thursdays of each month full evenings of clairvoyance) September 1 Keith Thompson 8 Sally Johnson 15 Alan Bray 22 David Stride 29 See Special events SPECIAL EVENTS Friday, September 2–7.30 pm–Doors open 7.00 pm–An evening of excellence in mediumship with well-known TV medium Nicky Alan–Tickets on sale at the Sanctuary or telephone to reserve (reserve tickets must be paid in advance)–Ticket price £12.00 and £14.00 for premium reserved seats Thursday, September 29–An evening of excellence in mediumship with the gifted and talented young medium Darren Brittain–Tickets on sale at the Sanctuary or telephone to reserve (reserve tickets must be paid in advance)–Ticket price £12.00 and £14.00 for premium reserved seats Saturday, September 17–10.00 am-4.30 pm–A spiritual workshop and personal development day with David Nason–Topics covered will include psychic self-defence, meditation, linking with Spirit and developing mediumship–Places are limited and early booking is advised Cost for the day is £15.00–To reserve a place, please e-mail Trevor Williams or telephone (contact details above) Every Tuesday Spiritual healing at 7.15 pm 53 BOURNEMOUTH SPIRITUALIST SNU CHURCH 16 Bath Road, Bournemouth BH1 2PE Tel at church: 01202 551751. President: 01202 528280 Sunday 10.45 am and 6.30 pm Monday 7.30 pm Service and clairvoyance Spiritual awareness meeting September 4 Joan Dunbar September 5 Joan Dunbar 11 Aileen Kettle 12 Aileen Kettle 18 Martyn Young 19 Al & Geoff Potts 25 Elaine Bevan 26 Elaine Bevan Wednesday at 7.30 pm September 7 Seekers’ group 14 Seekers’ group 21 Seekers’ group 28 Open platform Thursday 3.00 pm. Service September 1 Pam Kriek 8 Olive Woolf 15 Catheryn Green 22 Geoffrey Hayward 29 Margaret Claughton SPECIAL EVENT Saturday, September 17–7.30 pm–Evening of mediumship–Martyn Young HEALING. NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY. LAST APPOINTMENT IS 15 MINUTES BEFORE END OF HEALING SESSION. MONDAYS. 2.00 PM-4.00 PM. TUESDAYS 2.00 PM-4.00 PM. WEDNESDAYS 10.30 AM-12.30 PM. THURSDAYS 7.00 PM-8.00 PM. FRIDAYS 10.30 AM-12.30 PM AND 2.00 PM-4.00 PM Church accessible for wheelchairs and has loop system for hearing aid wearers WINDSOR SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Adelaide Square, Windsor, Berks President Denise Shoremi. Tel: 01753 520977 or 07976 815195 Secretary Mrs Stephanie Higgs. Church number 07951 791591 Sunday service 6.30 pm September 4 Sandy Hagger 11 Wills Turner 18 Sue Motson 25 Maureen Bright Tuesday. Evening of clairvoyance 7.45 pm September 6 Denise Carter 13 Jean Dynan 20 See below 27 Bill Rae DOUBLE DEMONSTRATION OF CLAIRVOYANCE Tuesday, September 20–7.45 pm–Bridie Hughes & Steve Curtis WORKSHOPS We now hold mini-workshops on the last Friday of each month–Subjects and tutors vary–Ring Dave on 07974 413575 for more details Do come and visit us. A warm welcome to all! NAMINGS WEDDINGS 54 FUNERALS WOKING SPIRITUALIST CHURCH GROVE ROAD, WOKING, SURREY GU21 5JB President: Sylvia Clapton (01483 831384) Sunday 6.30 pm. Divine service/clairvoyance Thursday 7.30 pm. Clairvoyance September 4 Jane Meakin September 1 Philip Holden 11 Nicola Antoni 8 Ashley Mills 18 Richard Neville 15 Michael Redwin 25 Marjorie Jefferies 22 Sue Ellis 29 Peter Biggs SPECIAL EVENTS September 3–7.30 pm–Charity Saturday special–Sid Privett & Winnie Taylor Tuesday, September 13–7.30 pm–Negative energy cleansing–Debbie DeVito Saturday, September 24–6.30 pm–Psychic supper–Various mediums REGULAR WEEKLY EVENTS Spiritual healing: Wednesday 7.30 pm-9.15 pm–Now weekly again–SNU qualified healers and healer trainees required Yoga: Thursday 10.30 am-12.00 noon Meditation circle: This is a closed circle on alternate Tuesday mornings 10.15 am-11.45 am Development circle: Open circle three Friday evenings per month 7.45 pm for prompt 8.00 pm start It is through your generous donations that we are able to keep the church doors open BATTERSEA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 46 Bennerley Road, Northcote Road, London SW11 6DS President Margaret Cutler Enquiries: 020-7622 4900 020-8265 3383 E-mail [email protected] Website: Sunday Service 6.00 pm Thursday Service 7.30 pm September 4 Bill Rae September 1 Zebedee Franklin 11 Sheila McCarthy 8 John Alexander 18 Karen Pyle 15 Lily Dolan 25 Mildred Davidson 22 Litz Butcher October 2 Martin MacDonald 29 Nicola Antoni BENNERLEY FRIENDSHIP CLUB Wednesday, September 7–2.00 pm–Medium Sheila McCarthy–£2.50–Limit ten PRIVATE READINGS Saturday, September 17–2.00 pm–Mediums Pauline Porter & David Burke Please book in advance EVENING OF PSYCHIC ART Saturday, September 24–7.00 pm–Andy Mulligan–Admission £4.00–Pay at door OPEN CIRCLE Tuesday, September 27–7.30 pm–Medium Sheila McCarthy–Admission £2.00 OPEN DAY Saturday, October 15–2.00 pm–Three mediums for short private readings–Spiritual healing & alternative therapies–Refreshments available–Admission £1.00 Healing: Mondays 2.00 pm-3.45 pm. Fridays 6.00 pm-7.00 pm 55 THE SPRING HEALING CENTRE St Martin’s Community Centre, Abbots Park, Tulse Hill, London SW2 3PW Enquiries: Hazel Lee Tel: 07977 703483 or September Mullen Tel: 07840 735615 The centre is open every Thursday evening from 6.30 pm-9.30 pm for spiritual healing, reflexology, reiki, ear acupuncture, Indian head massage, back massage, shiatsu massage, crystal healing, counselling, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy ALL OUR SERVICES ARE FREE It’s only because of your generous donations that we are able to open our doors ALSO AVAILABLE £5.00 fifteen-minute private readings with resident medium, channel writer or tarot reader (Registered charity number 1116117) FINCHLEY CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 4 Woodberry Grove, Finchley, London N12 0DR Enquiries: Church phone number 020-8446 3544 or Jennifer Lack on 07901 664247 Sunday evening. 6.30 pm Traditional service and clairvoyance Sept 4 Alan Albiston 11 Grace Kennedy 18 Michael Lennon 25 Bill Rich Thursday evening. 7.30 pm Modern service and clairvoyance Sept 1 Gwen & Mick Law 8 Stewart Fraser 15 Karl Greyston 22 Jeff Hewitt & Alan Shaw 29 Christine Bennette Saturday, September 3–7.30 pm–Special evening with Ross Bartlett–Tickets £12.00 September 10–10.00 am-4.00 pm–Workshop–Barry de Rose–£15.00–Members £12.50 Saturday, September 24–7.30 pm–Steve Freine–Special evening in aid of Alzheimer’s Society–£5.00–Members £3.50 The Lantern of Light & Sacred Space Healing Centre Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 8DX All enquiries to Lesleigh 01273 321129 Saturday Evening of Clairvoyance 7.30 pm. Admission £5.00 September 3 Betty Horne September 10 Bill Forrester September 17–Ian Taylor The Travelling Lantern Spiritual Centres Steyning & Hove The Steyning Centre, Fletchers Croft, Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3XZ Evening of clairvoyance–Wednesday, September 14–Jenny & Michael Ayers–7.30 pm–£5.00 Main Hall, BHASVIC, 205 Dyke Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 6EG Evening of clairvoyance–Tuesday, September 13–Betty Horne–7.30 pm–£5.00 September 27–Keith Charles & Sharon Neill–Admission £10.00 Adastra Beacon of Light Spiritual Centre The Green Room, Adastra Hall, 31 Keymer Road, Hassocks, W Sussex BN6 8QH Divine service–Closed this month–See you in October 56 BALHAM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Hamilton Hall, 211 Balham High Road, London SW17 7BQ Sunday Service 11.00 am September 4 Pat & Alan Seymour 11 Pauline Porter 18 Sid Privett 25 Thomas Yates Sunday Service 6.00 pm September 4 Joyce Murphy 11 Martin MacDonald 18 Maggie Jones 25 Joe Watts Wednesday Clairvoyance. 7.30 pm September 7 Ian Sinclair September 21 Pauline Woodhatch 14 Janet Devenport 28 Mary Ward PRIVATE READINGS Saturday at 2.00 pm. September 3–Sheila McCarthy. September 10–Mildred Davidson Friday at 7.00 pm. September 23–Nicola Antoni. September 30–Thomas Yates OPEN CIRCLE Every Monday from September 5–7.30 pm–Sheila McCarthy–Admission £2.00 MIND MEDITATION Group meets every Tuesday at 7.30 pm–Leader Jay Kavner–Admission £6.00 EVENING OF TRANCE Saturday, September 24–6.30 pm-8.30 pm–Maggie Jones–Pay at door–£6.00 ADVANCE SPECIAL EVENT Saturday, October 22–2.00 pm–Psychic tea–Please book in advance HEALING: FRIDAY 5.00 PM-7.00 PM SATURDAY 2.00 PM-4.00 PM LITTLE CHURCH OF ST FRANCIS Services are held once a month at Natural Therapies Meditation & Teaching Centre, 18 High Street Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 2AH Enquiries: Valerie Fraser 01424 218101 Thursday, September 29–2.00 pm–Valerie Fraser Healing available every Tuesday from 10.00 am-12.30 pm & Wednesday from 9.00 am-11.30 am ALL ARE WELCOME ABBEYWOOD CRUSADERS SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Harvel Crescent, Abbeywood, London SE2 0PT President Nita Manning. Mediums’ secretary Pam Servis. Tel: 020-8310 2144 Sunday Service 6.30 pm September 4 Marjorie Jones September 18 Jackie Courtney 11 Eddie Morgan 25 To be announced Saturday, September 3–10.00 am-4.00 pm–Crystal workshop–Please book with mediums’ secretary and bring a packed lunch Wednesday, September 7–11.00 am–Private readings–£5.00 for 15-minute reading Healing. Tuesdays 7.00 pm–8.30 pm. Thursdays 11.00 am-12.30 pm 57 CHICHESTER CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 39 Basin Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 2PY (Close to railway and bus stations) Services: Sundays at 6.30 pm and Thursdays at 7.30 pm Spiritual healing is available from 8.45 pm Thursdays President: Mrs Pat Peacock. Tel: 01798 342897 E-mail: [email protected] Speakers’ secretary: Mrs Jan Saunders. Tel: 01798 344486 Everyone is welcome Affiliated to the Greater World Association MAIDSTONE INDEPENDENT CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Next to 100 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. Enquiries Doreen Jackett 01622 203958 Sunday Divine Service 6.30 pm Tuesday Service 2.30 pm September 4 Jean Blackabee September 6 Malcolm & Lesleigh 11 Jane Kaby 13 Michael Keayes 18 Michael Kingscote 20 Margaret Blake 25 Harvest Festival 27 Barbara Almond September 6 13 Tuesday Service–Address and demonstration 7.30 pm Richard Baldwin September 20 Karen Willis Mary Ward 27 Brian Mullins Saturday, September 24–10.00 am-5.00 pm–Psychic Fayre–Free admission Healing before and after all services except after Tuesday evening service Healing every Saturday 2.00 pm-4.30 pm ELMWOOD SPIRITUAL CENTRE (Affiliated to Corinthian Church and Healing Association) Federation House, 17 Elmwood Road, West Croydon, Surrey President: Robert Witham Vice-President: David Carpenter Mediums’ Secretary: Sue Witham September 4 11 01689 848660 020-8689 5744 01689 848660 Sunday 7.00 pm–Address and clairvoyance Jackie Foster September 18 Pauline Lavey. Harvest Festival No service 25 Ralph Neale Tuesdays–Healing and private readings 6.45 pm-8.30 pm 58 BEXLEYHEATH CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 85 Lion Road, Bexleyheath, Kent DA6 5NT President Kathleen Reedman. Tel: 01322 345139 Sunday evening service–6.30 pm Tuesday afternoon service–2.15 pm September 4 Jean Evan September 6 Brenda Newland 11 Gerry & Brenda Foster 13 Iris Ingarfill 18 Iris Ingarfill 20 Sally Johnson 25 Gwen Legg 27 David Stride SPECIAL EVENTS Saturday, September 3–7.30 pm–Evening of flower readings with Daphne Webb–£5.00 at the door Saturday, September 24–1.00 pm-3.00 pm–Private readings–Bookings in church from 11.30 am–£5.00 a reading Wednesday, September 28–7.30 pm–Evening of clairvoyance Susan Motson–£4.00 at the door Spiritual healing–Thursdays at 2.00 pm DAVID NASON SPIRITUAL & HEALING CENTRE In loving memory of Jessie Nason Venner Community Hall, 1, Venner Road, Sydenham, London SE26 (Venner Road is opposite Sydenham Railway Station. The hall is adjacent to Sydenham High Street). Bus routes: 176–312–75–194–202–405 Enquiries 020-8857 8328 after 7.00 pm Demonstration of clairvoyance every Wednesday at 8.00 pm. Doors open 7.30 pm September 7 Pauline Woodhatch September 21 Andy Mulligan 14 Tracy Reed Psychic art September 28–Fiona Heale David Nason is available for private sittings Healing every week by registered healers from 7.30 pm until 9.00 pm Visit our website at TOLWORTH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH The Scout Hall, 12a Princes Avenue (Off Ewell Road), Tolworth, Surrey Buses 281, 406, K1 & K2 pass end of road Few minutes’ walk from Tolworth station Enquiries: 020-8543 0214 September 4 11 Sunday Services 6.30 pm Joe Watts September 18 Graham Ridgewell Marian & George Mackie 25 Martin Twycross Saturday, September 3–7.00 pm–Evening of clairvoyance–Richard Neville–£2.50 Saturday, September 17–7.00 pm–Evening of flower clairsentience with Hazel Blewitt–£2.50 59 Fleet Spiritualist SNU Church 193 Aldershot Road, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hampshire GU52 8JS Website President and mediums’ secretary Marion Chilver. Tel: 01252 624986 Sunday Divine service 6.30 pm Thursday service 7.30 pm September 4 David Cole, CSNU September 1 Pat Cambell 11 Sarah Boden 8 Bob Baker 18 John & Isabel Crowdey 15 Ann Burbedge 25 Michael Redwin 22 Kathy Busby 29 Barry Cairns September 3–7.30 pm–Tricia Monteverdi–Proceeds to Godalming Cat Sanctuary–£5.00 September 17–10.00 am-5.00 pm–Mediumship workshop–David Cole, CSNU–All levels–Please bring packed lunch–Refreshments provided–£12.50–Members £10.00 Open circle alternate Mondays (except Bank Holidays)–7.30 pm-9.30 pm Healing every Tuesday 7.15 pm-9.00 pm–Doors close 8.40 pm–All are welcome BASINGSTOKE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 28 Victoria Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 3BT Mediums’ secretary Sally Liddle. Tel: 07748 244801. Website Affiliated to Spiritualists’ National Union. Near Fairfield Arts Centre Sunday service 6.30 pm–Address & clairvoyance September 4 11 18 25 Thursday 7.30 pm–Clairvoyance Joan Williams September 1 Babs Smith & John Taylor 8 Malcolm & Sue Nash 15 Elaine Bevan 22 29 Helen Craddock Sue Ellis Lisa Liddel Ben Gater Betty Redwood Sept 3–10.00 am-4.00 pm–Working with the energies–John & Isabel Crowdey–£15.00 September 10–7.00 pm–Henry Cumming–£5.00–Members £4.00–Concessions £3.00 Oct 1–7.00 pm–Minister Matthew Smith–£5.00–Members £4.00–Concessions £3.00 Oct 8–10.00 am-4.00 pm–Mediumship workshop–Andrew Manship–£15.00 WEST WICKHAM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Surrey Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 0JU E-mail enquiries: [email protected] Sunday Services 6.30 pm September 4 Alan Seymour September 18 Karen Wood 11 Lorrainne Ipperciel 25 Brenda Cottingham SPECIAL EVENTS Wednesday, September 3–8.00 pm–Val Hood–£4.00–Concessions £3.00 Wednesday, September 7–8.00 pm–Mary Smith–£4.00–Concessions £3.00 Open platform–Second Tuesday each month at 8.00 pm–Karen Wood Development class–Third Tuesday each month at 8.00 pm–Karen Wood Non-members £4.00–Members £3.00 Discussion group–Fourth Tuesday each month at 8.00 pm–All welcome Healing: Tuesday at 2.00 pm and after Sunday service 60 BARNES HEALING CHURCH Between 77-79 White Hart Lane, London SW13 0QA Five-minute walk from Barnes Bridge railway station Contacts: Mediums/Readings 07581 534031. Healing 07946 390742 General enquiries 07581 534028. Website Sunday. Healing Service 6.30 pm September 4 Gladys Williams 11 Carrie North 18 Sid Privett 25 Avril Price Wednesday. Evening of Clairvoyance. 7.30 pm September 7 Esi Cakmakcioglu 14 Vanda Galazka 21 Paula Binns 28 Rosie Connor WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS September 10–11.00 am-4.00 pm–Art and soul–Inspirational and expressive art workshop with Heather McDonald–Using art to heal and discover the inner imagery of the soul and spirit–£20.00–Members £15.00–Call 07801 352421 to book September 13–Noon-2.30 pm–Lunchtime guided meditation–Rev Anthea Ballam uses guided meditation to promote health, calm and well-being Open platform–First Monday of month with Heather McDonald–7.00 pm-9.00pm–An opportunity for budding mediums and inspirational speakers to demonstrate–£4.00 Open circle–First and third Friday of month with Sid Privett–7.30 pm-9.00 pm–£4.00 Healing–Tuesdays 7.00 pm-8.30 pm. Thursdays 10.30 am-1.30 pm A WARM WELCOME AWAITS EVERYONE REGISTERED FOR MARRIAGES, CEREMONIES & SACRED SERVICES STOCKWELL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH St Michael’s Road, London SW9 0SL Nearest Tube Stockwell. Buses 2, 88, 322, 345 and 196 Tel: 020-7733 7761 E-mail [email protected] Friday. Clairvoyant Evening Sunday. Divine Service 7.30 pm-8.30 pm. £2.50 donation 6.30 pm-7.30 pm September 2 Thomas Yates September 4 Lilian Dolan 9 Sheila McCarthy 11 Janet Devenport 16 Rosie Conner 18 Marie Antoni 23 Coleen Rechere 25 Philip Holden 30 Maggie Jones STOCKWELL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH SUMMER FETE Saturday, September 3–11.00 am-5.00 pm–Admission £1.00–Senior citizens and children free admission–Private readings, spiritual healing, cake stall, glass, art and bookstall WORKSHOP Saturday, September 10–10.00 am-5.00 pm–With Ian Sinclair–Pathway and purpose £20.00–Members £15.00–Please bring a packed lunch–Refreshments will be provided PRIVATE READINGS Fourth Monday of the month–7.00 pm-8.30 pm–£6.00 for 15 minutes Website ALL ARE WELCOME 61 CAMBERLEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 112 Gordon Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 2JQ President: Mrs Judith Shepheard 01344 641318 Website Sunday Service 6.30 pm Tuesday Clairvoyance 7.30 pm September 4 Michael Lennon September 6 Jane Hamilton-Parker 11 Lorraine Gilbert, CSNU 13 Maureen Bright, CSNU 18 Terry Bowen 20 Marion Chilver 25 Jean Dynan, OSNU 27 Minister Dennis Jones Charity evening SPECIAL EVENTS Saturday, September 3–10.00 am-4.00 pm–Workshop with Minister Dennis Jones Friday, September 9–7.30 pm–Awareness circle Saturday, September 10–10.30 am–West London District Council healing review for trainee healers (number one) Friday, September 16–7.30 pm–Mini workshop Saturday, September 24–10.00 am-4.30 pm–Workshop with Deborah Comerford Wednesday, September 28–7.30 pm–Open platform Monday 1.00 pm-3.00 pm (except Bank Holidays)–Healing Monday 7.45 pm (except Bank Holidays)–Open circle Thursday 7.30 pm-9.00 pm–Healing FULL WHEELCHAIR FACILITIES. SOLEMNISED FOR WEDDINGS, NAMINGS AND FUNERALS CLAPHAM NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 11a North Street, Old Town, Clapham, London SW4 0HN Enquiries: Tel 020-7498 5521 September 4 11 Sunday Service: 6.00 pm Mildred Davidson September 18 Joyce Murphy Pat Murrey 25 Pauline Porter September 6 13 Tuesday: 6.00 pm Private readings and healing David Burke September 20 Karl Greyston Nicola Antoni 27 Janet Devenport September 3 10 Saturday: 7.30 pm Evening of Clairvoyance Belinda Lester September 17 Richard Neville Gladys Williams 24 Joan Dempsey EVERYONE IS WELCOME 62 CROYDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH CHATSWORTH ROAD, CROYDON CR0 1HE President–Mollie McManus, OSNU–Contact Number: 020-8688 1827 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday Service 11.00 am Sunday Service 6.30 pm September 4 Martin Twycross September 4 David Nason 11 Joan McCrory 11 To be announced 18 Mollie McManus, OSNU 18 Frances Cannon 25 Christine Oborne 25 Leigh Smith & Pat Seymour September 7 14 Wednesday Service 7.45 pm Karen Willis September 21 Sheila McCarthy Peter & Mollie McManus 28 Jenny Wood & Vicky Knight OPEN PLATFORM Monday, September 19 at 7.30 pm–All welcome SPECIAL EVENT Saturday, September 10–7.30 pm–An evening of mediumship with three mediums Mary Smith, Mollie McManus, OSNU, & Jennifer Barnett–Please support this worthwhile event–Entry £5.00 on the door–Fifty per cent of proceeds will be donated to a breast cancer charity Healing every Thursday at 1.30 pm-3.30 pm and 6.00 pm-8.00 pm–All welcome Visit our website on EALING NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 66-68 UXBRIDGE ROAD, WEST EALING W13 8RA (Next to Ealing Fire Station Buses 207, 83, E2, E7, E8) Telephone: Richard Burridge. 020-8274 8871 E-mail [email protected] Sunday Service 6.30 pm Thursday Service 7.30 pm September 4 Jeff Woodhouse September 1 Minister Dennis Jones 11 Maureen Bright, CSNU 8 Barry Cairns 18 Bill Rae 15 George & Marion Mackie 25 Michael Lennon 22 Jenny Lewis 29 Andy Mulligan Psychic art OPEN PLATFORM Friday, September 23–7.30 pm–For aspiring mediums–£2.00 at the door Supportive audience welcome Healing Wednesday 7.30 pm-9.00 pm Marriages solemnised Namings A WARM WELCOME TO ALL 63 ELTHAM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Affiliated to Spiritualists’ National Union 64a Well Hall Road, Eltham, London SE9 6LX President Shirley Vint 020-8854 7800 Other contact Jean Kent 020-8856 6742 Website: Sunday Service 6.30 pm September 4 Steve Gosling 11 Francis Stadden 18 Judith Freeman 25 Tom Yates Wednesday 2.30 pm Service September 7 Jennifer Brown 14 Sheila Smith 21 Tom Yates 28 Francis Stadden Monday 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm start–Meditation Thursday 8.00 pm–Closed circle Friday 7.30 pm–Spiritual yoga FRIDAY EVENING OF MEDIUMSHIP September 30–Doors open at 7.00 pm and close for 8.00 pm start–Bill Forrester Healing every Tuesday at 12.00 noon and from 7.30 pm Marriages Solemnised Namings Wheelchair access available at rear of church FULHAM NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Kelvedon Road, Fulham, London SW6 5BP (Nearest Underground Station Parsons Green) Buses No. 11 and 14 Tel: 020-7736 7248 President: Mrs J. Way Secretary: Carol Jones Working for Spirit into the 21st century Sunday Service 6.30 pm Thursday Demonstration 7.30 pm September 4 Sue Roberts September 1 June Frost 11 Angela Watkins 8 Nikki Huntingford 18 Lynn Burridge 15 David Harris 25 Marian Murrell 22 Henry Cumming 29 To be arranged OPEN DAY Saturday, September 10–10.30 am-4.30 pm–Many mediums giving private sittings Excellent snacks made to order–Fabulous gift stall–Doors open at 10.30 am for first sitting at 11.00 am–We welcome friends old and new Spiritual healing–Our healing clinic is on Thursdays from 12.00 noon until 2.00 pm THE COMMITTEE EXTENDS A WARM WELCOME TO FRIENDS OLD AND NEW! WEDDINGS–NAMINGS–FUNERALS 64 HAMPTON HILL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Angel Close,Windmill Road, Hampton Hill, Middx TW12 1RG E-mail:[email protected] Website: President: Sheila Smoothy 01932 761044 Secretary: Linda Wright 020-8941 5177 Sunday Service 6.30 pm Thursday: Clairvoyance 7.30 pm Address & Clairvoyance Admission £2.50. Non-Members £3.00 Sept 4 Val Triggs & Carol Dawber Sept 1 Esi Cakmakcioglu. Spirit art 11 Natalie Walker 8 Minister Dennis Jones 18 Maureen Bright, CSNU 15 Fledglings 25 Anne McKeever 22 Chris Drew, CSNU 29 Janet Handley, CSNU OPEN CIRCLES AND CLASSES–ALL START AT 7.30 PM Monday, September 5–Open platform with Martin Twycross Monday, September 12–Open awareness circle with Martin Twycross Monday, September 19–Mediumship circle with Martin Twycross Tuesday, September 20–Open healing circle with Sheila Smoothy Monday, September 26–Open awareness circle with Joyce Balcomb Tuesday, September 27–Speakers’ & philosophy class with Martin Twycross Wednesday, September 7–1.30 pm–Open development class with Martin Twycross SPECIAL EVENTS Sunday, September 11–Workshop with Natalie Walker “Advancing your mediumship”–Tickets £20.00 Saturday, September 17–Morning of readings–Book in advance–£15.00 Spiritual healing every Wednesday from 7.30 pm HARROW NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1 VAUGHAN ROAD, HARROW, MIDDX HA1 4DP President: Hazel Middleton. Vice-president: Denise Pilgrim Mediums’ secretary: Denise & Les Pilgrim. Church tel 07528 348432 E-mail [email protected] Sunday Service 7.30 pm Wednesday meeting 7.45 pm Address and clairvoyance Clairvoyance September 4 Argentina September 7 Rose Murphy, CSNU 11 Susan Roberts 14 Frances Woolf 18 Betty Ross 21 Minister Dennis Jones 25 Avril Price 28 Helen Antonio. Psychic art PSYCHIC AFTERNOON TEA AND QUIZ Saturday, September 10–3.00 pm–£10.00–Members £8.00–Ticket only event Book your ticket now!–Please call 07528 348432 AN AUDIENCE WITH WENDY STOKES Saturday, October 22–Noon-4.00 pm–Author of “The Lightworkers’ Circle Guide” Wendy is a regular contributor to “Psychic World” and “Eternal Spirit” magazine and wrote a regular column for “Two Worlds” from 1999-2007 £5.00 entry fee– SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT OPEN CIRCLE WITH DOUGLAS HARVEY Every Tuesday–8.00 pm-10.00 pm–£3.00 per session PRIVATE READINGS Terry Bowen: (07961 034497). Douglas Harvey: (07983 504757) Les Pilgrim: (07867 627548) WE EXTEND A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE 65 HOUNSLOW SPIRITUALIST CENTRE 14/15 HANWORTH TERRACE, HOUNSLOW, MIDDX TW3 3TS President: Ian Middleton Enquiries to secretary: Brian Miller. Tel: 07940 729790 Mediums’ secretary: Paula Binns 07712 894233 E-mail: [email protected] Website Sunday 6.30 pm Divine service with clairvoyance September 4 Andy Mulligan 11 Winnie Taylor 18 Karim 25 Ajit September 7 14 Wednesday 7.30 pm-8.30 pm Evening of clairvoyance September 7 Stephen Lamont 14 Amber Domoney 21 Paula Binns 28 Jenny Lewis Wednesdays at 2.00 pm-3.00 pm–Clairvoyant service Ajit September 21 Jeanie Stanley Closed 28 Closed COFFEE MORNING First Saturday of every month–From 10.00 am–Half-hour readings £15.00 PSYCHIC SUPPER Saturday, October 22–7.00 pm–£15.00–Members £10.00 SPIRITUAL HEALING–THURSDAY 6.30 PM-9.00 PM A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE! A TEMPLE OF THE TRINITY LODGE FOR SPIRITUAL HEALING National Christian Spiritualist Church Spiritualists’ National Union Affiliated–Founded in 1938 95 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, London N13 4TD (Corner of Melbourne Avenue/Green Lanes–Buses 29, 121, 329, W2 pass the door) President: Mr M. Bull, CSNU Sunday Services: 11.00 am–Address only 6.30 pm–Address and clairvoyance Spiritual Healing: Every Monday between 2.30 pm and 7.00 pm Study groups: Every Wednesday and Friday (Members only) WEST CROYDON SPIRITUALIST CENTRE 1A York Road, corner Canterbury Road Affiliated to GWCS League Enquiries: President Frank Morris. Tel: 020-8681 3847 Saturdays: Service, Address and Clairvoyance 7.30 pm. Admission £1.50 September 3 Stevie Robinson & September 10 Sylvia Wooloff Haydn Clarke 17 Peter Gilbane September 24–Pauline Woodhatch Thursday, September 15–7.00 pm–Evening of clairvoyance–Gladys Williams Friday, September 23–7.30 pm–Evening of clairvoyance–Brenda Cottingham Friday, September 30–7.00 pm–Evening of clairvoyance–Susan Motson Mondays: Healing and Short Private Readings–1.00 pm-3.00 pm Wednesdays: Healing and Short Private Readings–7.00 pm-9.00 pm 66 KINGSTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Villiers Road, Kingston-on-Thames KT1 3AR Affiliated to the Spiritualists’ National Union (Buses K1 and K4 pass door) President Mr Bill Rae. Secretary Mrs Gerrie Chaney. Tel: 020-8401 6967 Speakers’ secretary Mrs Jackie Burton. Church mobile 07910 335763 Website Sunday Service 11.00 am Sunday Service 6.30 pm September 4 Sylvia Bryden September 4 Martin Twycross 11 Josie Bold 11 David Harris 18 Nicola Antoni 18 Anne McKeever 25 Richard Neville 25 Bruce Bayley Monday – Evening of mediumship 7.30 pm September 5 Penny Day September 19 Alan Bray 12 Pat Murrey 26 Steve Lamont Friday, September 2–7.30 pm–Open awareness circle–Bill Rae Saturday, September 3–10.30 am-1.00 pm–Private sittings–Thirty minutes £15.00–Book & pay at church in advance only September 3–2.00 pm-4.00 pm–Open platform–Lily Jenkins & Jack McCaugherty September 10–10.00 am-4.00 pm–English Heritage Day–Church open to public September 11–1.00 pm-4.00 pm–English Heritage Day–Church open to public Friday, September 16–7.30 pm–Open awareness circle–Bill Rae Wednesday, September 21–7.30 pm–Open platform–Gerrie Chaney & Bill Rae Friday, September 30–No Visualisation & meditation Healing–Mon 8.45 pm-9.30 pm. Wed 2.00 pm-4.00 pm (side door). By donation MORDEN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 214 MORDEN ROAD, MORDEN, LONDON SW19 3BY Enquiries to 020-8648 5369 E-mail [email protected] Sunday Evening–6.30 pm Service and Clairvoyance September 4 Henry Cummings 11 Belinda Lester 18 Peter Gilbane 25 Andrew Daniels Thursday Evening–7.45 pm Clairvoyance. Entrance £2.50 September 1 Pauline Woodhatch 8 Carol Dawber & Val Triggs 15 Daphne Foster. Psychic art 22 Michael Lennon 29 Sonia Campbell Williams PRIVATE READINGS Saturday, September 3–2.00 pm-4.00 pm–David Harris WORKSHOP ON MEDIUMSHIP Saturday, September 10–10.30 am-4.30 pm–Maggie Jones OPEN CIRCLE Mondays at 8.00 pm (except Bank Holidays)–Leader Rene Bond SPIRITUAL HEALING Spiritual healing available 8.00 pm every Sunday–Freewill donation A warm welcome to all! 67 WIMBLEDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 136 Hartfield Road, London SW19 3TJ President R. L. Robinson–Tel/fax: 020-8542 2394 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Sunday Service 11.00 am Address and clairvoyance September 4 Holy Communion September 11 Pollyanna Boothby Jackie Robinson 18 Prince & Iona Hewitt September 25–Jeff Hewitt Tuesday Service 7.30 pm. Clairvoyance. Minimum donation £2.50 September 6 Ivan Lee September 20 Pauline Porter 13 Shirley Monaco 27 David Chapman Wednesday Service 7.30 pm. Clairvoyance. Minimum donation £2.50 September 7 Jackie Robinson September 21 Maria Antonio 14 Ann Marie Lorde 28 See below SPECIAL EVENTS Sunday, September 25–7.30 pm–The unique Ivan Lee Wednesday, September 28–7.30 pm–Wendy Stokes–Divination & scrying Bring along a question for Spirit Saturday, September 24–7.30 pm–Keith Charles, the psychic cop, and the wonderful blind medium from Ireland Sharon Neill (as seen on TV)–Do come along and witness for yourself–Tickets £10.00 at the door or send a cheque made payable to Wimbledon Spiritualist Church and SAE PHOENIX CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST SANCTUARY St John’s Ambulance Hall, Fordwater Trading Estate Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8HG Tel: Margery Hall 01932 341914 or Barbara Bedford 01932 821835 Sunday 6.30 pm Divine Service September 4 Judith Ford 11 Karim 18 Nicola Antoni 25 Richard & Maggie Allum Wednesday 7.30 pm Service and clairvoyance September 7 Oliver Swann 14 Justine Emery 21 Ray Prince 28 Malcolm Putland & Lesleigh Badgery Spiritual healing is available on Sundays between 6.00 pm-6.30 pm 68 THE LONDON SPIRITUAL MISSION 13 Pembridge Place, London W2 4XB (An independent Christian Spiritualist church) Tel: 020-7229 2024 Website: E-mail: [email protected] LAWRENCE TAYLOR: PRESIDENT SPEAKERS’ & MEDIUMS’ SECRETARY. TEL 07902 455658 AVA JUNE–SOLOIST VIVIAN CRAGGS–ORGANIST MARRIAGES SOLEMNISED HEALING: MONDAYS 11.00 am-1.00 pm, 2.00 pm-3.00 pm and 5.15 pm-7.30 pm THURSDAY 5.00 pm-7.30 pm Sunday, 11.00 am Morning Service. Address and Clairvoyance September 4 Marjorie Osborne (Devotional service) 11 Val Triggs 18 Eva O’Brien 25 Jeff Philips Sunday, 6.30 pm Evening Service. Address and Clairvoyance September 4 Janice Brook 11 Joyce Balcomb 18 Angela Watkins 25 Joan Dempsey Wednesday, 7.30 pm Hour of Clairvoyance September 7 Sara Leslie 14 Nicki Leader 21 Janice Brook 28 Carol Wood AN INDUCTION LOOP IS PROVIDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF HEARING AID USERS 69 HACKBRIDGE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Hackbridge Hall, London Road, Hackbridge, Surrey SM6 7HF Buses 127 and 151. Hackbridge Station (BR) two minutes Minister: Rev Jackie Robinson. Tel: 07818 061063 Church: 020-8401 6485. Speakers’ secretary Sue Bailey Sunday Service–6.00 pm Thursday Service–7.30 pm September 4 David Harris September 1 Jan Devenport 11 Joy Bruce 8 June Frost 18 Keith Behan 15 Mary Ward 25 Nicola Antoni 22 Jill Hay 29 David Chapman Wednesday, September 14–2.00 pm–Afternoon of clairvoyance–Sue Bailey–Spiritual healing is available before the service–There will be a freewill donation Meditation afternoon–2.00 pm–Wednesday, September 21 Coffee afternoons–Every Tuesday–2.00 pm-4.00 pm–Mini-readings, healing, etc–Tea, coffee & cakes–Why not come along & meet new friends & have a chat? Wednesday, September 7–2.00 pm–Workshop on angel & oracle cards–£2.50 Wednesday, September 28–2.00 pm–Workshop on the “Philosophy of Spiritualism” with Jackie Robinson–£2.50 Friday, September 30–11.00 am-2.00 pm–Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Nurses–There will be various activities going on so come along and support them Spiritual healing–Mondays 7.00 pm-8.30 pm (except Bank Holidays) WEMBLEY SPIRITUALIST NATIONAL CHURCH 10-12 ST JOHN’S ROAD, WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX HA9 7JD President Betty Gelson Tel: 020-8578 5235 Website Sunday Service 6.30 pm September 4 Pat Murray 11 Mildred Davidson 18 To be announced 25 Liz Leake Wednesday Service 7.30 pm September 7 Brian Mullen 14 Karim Walji 21 John Alexander 28 Brian Devanney SPIRITUAL HEALING Healing Mondays 12.00 noon-2.00 pm (except Bank Holidays) Doors open at 11.45 am and close at 1.45 pm. Thursdays 8.00 pm-9.30 pm Doors open at 7.30 pm and close at 8.45 pm Marriages and namings ALL ARE WARMLY WELCOME 70 WEST NORWOOD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Ullswater Road, Norwood Road, SE27 (opposite Fire Station) (Tulse Hill and West Norwood BR Stations. Buses 2, 68, 196, 432 and 468) Enquiries: Andreas Vasiliou. Tel: 020-8653 6163 September 4 11 Sunday Service. 6.30 pm Janet Devenport September 18 Gladys Williams Alan Seymour 25 Janet Birdseye September 3 10 Saturday 7.00 pm. £3.00 admission Andrew Daniels September 17 Frances Cannon Margaret Hyde 24 Philip Holden Wednesday. 2.30 pm September 28–Sheila McCarthy A very warm welcome to all Do come and visit us! MAIDENHEAD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH YORK ROAD, MAIDENHEAD, BERKSHIRE SL6 1SF President Sharon Silver. Tel: 01628 639621 Vice-president Pam Saunders. Tel: 01753 530774 Sunday (Divine Service) 6.30 pm Thursday (Demonstration) 7.30 pm September 4 Alf Hunt September 1 Barry Cairns 11 Wanda Bolton 8 Karim 18 Elaine Johnson 15 Sara Stokes 25 Minister Brenda Lawrence 22 Peter Simon 29 Minister Dennis Jones OPEN PLATFORM First Friday of every month–7.30 pm–Sharon Spence FRIDAY WORKSHOP September 16–7.30 pm–Sandy Haggar PRIVATE READINGS Last Saturday of the month–2.00 pm-4.00 pm–Please book in advance at church Healing every Wednesday from 1.30 pm-3.00 pm and 7.00 pm-8.30 pm A warm welcome is extended to all. Full wheelchair facilities Loop system for hearing aid users MAIDENHEAD CHURCH ALSO HOLDS MARRIAGE AND NAMING CEREMONIES 71 THE GATEWAY CENTRE LTD 14a Lower Addison Gardens, London W14 8BQ Enquiries: 020-7603 3702 Founder: Lillian Brownfoot Mondays. Circle at 7.00 pm Tuesdays and Fridays. Private sittings and healing from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm Reflexology from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm Saturdays. Clairvoyant demonstration at 5.00 pm Sundays. Evening service at 6.30 pm. September 18–David Chapman All very welcome! Do come and visit us LEWISHAM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 65 Boone Street, Lewisham SE13 5SA President: Dorothy Firth 020-8850 5870 Mediums’ secretary: Marlene Devaney 07826 723575 Monday: Open circle and healing Tuesday: Private readings and healing Thursday: Group readings and healing First Thursday in month private readings Sunday: Service For times and more information call or see our website CHRISTCHURCH SNU CHURCH 196B Barrack Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2BQ Enquiries 01202 463985 or 01202 483713 Website Sunday–10.45 am (Service) Thursday–7.30 pm (Service) September 4 Kim Webb September 1 Sue Ellis 11 David Grove 8 Ben Gater 18 Terri Stromeyer 15 Jean Tanner 25 Mark Brandist 22 Molly Bryant 29 Ron Linsley Healing: Every Tuesday at 10.00 am Church accessible for wheelchairs and has loop system for hearing aid wearers THE WHITE ROSE SANCTUARY G.E.A. Hall, Woodhurst Avenue, Petts Wood, Kent BR5 1AR September 6 13 Enquiries: Chris or Alan 01689 854905 Tuesdays at 8.00 pm Ralph Neale September 20 Sheila Smith Mary Smith 27 Valerie Kirkham ADVANCE SPECIAL EVENT Tuesday, October 25–Evening with Ron Heron–£4.00 72 SUTTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH ST BARNABAS ROAD, SUTTON, SURREY SM1 4NP President: Mrs Betty Masters–01372 379489 E-mail: [email protected] Bus numbers 407 and 154 SUNDAY SERVICE 6.30 pm September 4 See below 11 Gladys Williams 18 Daphne Foster 25 Jane Meakin THURSDAY SERVICE 7.45 pm September 1 Christine Oborne 8 Roy Mackay 15 See below 22 Keith Behan 29 Jennifer Barnett DOUBLE DEMONSTRATIONS OF CLAIRVOYANCE Sunday, September 4–6.30 pm–Karen Wood & Eve Ellar Thursday, September 15–7.45 pm–Maggie West & Steve Butler EVENING WITH THREE MEDIUMS Saturday, September 10–7.30 pm–Sharon Spence, Judith Ford & Jill Pickett PRIVATE READINGS Saturday, September 17–2.00 pm–Bookable in advance at church OPEN PLATFORM Tuesday, September 27–8.00 pm sharp OPEN CIRCLE First Tuesday every month at 8.00 pm Healing after every service All welcome READING NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH “York Lodge,” 81, Baker Street, Reading RG1 7XY Telephone: 0118 9507281 Sunday–6.30 pm (Service) September 4 Wanda Bolton 11 Marian Murrell & Gillian Holland 18 Chris Drew, CSNU 25 Claire Broad Thursday–7.45 pm (Clairvoyance) September 1 Patrick Carberry 8 David Cole, CSNU 15 Minister Dennis Jones 22 Linda Herman 29 Sarah Carpenter Friday, September 16–Open platform taken by Sue Ellis, CSNU Saturday, September 17–10.00 am-4.00 pm–Workshop run by Carol Dawber, CSNU Please see for further details Saturday, September 24–Lyceum run by our Lyceum conductor Sharon Spence, CSNU Tuesday, September 27–Speakers’ and philosophy class No fledglings this month Healing: Mondays 1.30 pm-3.00 pm & Wednesdays 7.30 pm-9.00 pm Namings, marriages and funeral services website: 73 SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN 11 BELGRAVE ROAD, LONDON SW1V 1RB Demonstrations of clairvoyance every afternoon. Divine service on Sundays Special rates for senior citizens Walk-in spiritual healing clinics several times a week. No appointment needed No charge, but donations much appreciated Private one-to-one sittings seven days a week with some of the UK’s best mediums Psychic art demonstrations and workshops Nearest Underground and mainline station Victoria. For further information about times of demonstrations, etc, please call reception from noon until 5.00 pm Monday to Friday Tel: 020-7931 6488 Fax: 020-7931 6489 Forget-Me-Not Sanctuary of Spiritual Friends Anstridge Community Centre, Anstridge Road, London SE9 2LL President & healer tutor Yvette Coppin–020-8300 0870. Vice-president Sheila Smith We have evenings of clairvoyance and healing every Wednesday evening at 7.30 pm September 7 Sue Poole September 21 Rev Sherrie Hardacker 14 Pauline Woodhatch 28 Colin Higbe DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE Every Monday from 7.00 pm-9.00 pm ACTON SPIRITUAL CENTRE THE COTTAGE, WOODHURST ROAD, ACTON, LONDON W3 6SL President–Elaine Jordan. Tel: 020-8896 0184 Sunday service – 6.30 pm September 4 – To be announced Wednesday service–7.30 pm September 7 Karen Pyle September 21 David Cole 14 Rosie Connor 28 Iris Bridgewater Open circle–7.30 pm–1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Tuesday in month–Lorraine Gilbert–£3.00 Philosophy night second Tuesday in month–7.30 pm–Lorraine Gilbert–£3.00 Healing–Thursdays at 7.30 pm Large car park WOOD GREEN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Corner of Maryland Road & High Road, Wood Green, London N22 5AR Enquiries 020-8888 1992 Buses 121, 141, 232, 329 & N29 pass the door Sunday Service 6.30 pm Wednesday Service 7.30 pm September 4 Brenda Deanne September 7 Roy Jones 11 Jason Davis. Harvest service 14 Michael Lennon 18 Linda Harris 21 Pollyanna 25 Daphne Yole 28 Kathy & Sara Saturday, September 17–Coffee morning–Tickets £7.00 Healing: Tuesday 7.00 pm-8.30 pm and Thursday 2.00 pm-4.30 pm 74 WOODFORD NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Affiliated to the Spiritualists’ National Union 9 Grove Crescent, South Woodford, London E18 2JR Enquiries: 020-8989 6149 E-mail [email protected] Website Sunday Service 6.30 pm September 4 Michael Redwin 11 Stuart Fraser 18 Church fledglings 25 Stephanie Barrows Monday Service 2.00 pm September 5 Sandy Wilkinson 12 Margery Geary 19 Mike Matthews 26 Patti Bovingdon SPECIAL EVENTS Saturday, September 3–From 10.30 am–East London District Council healing review day for healers Saturday, September 3–7.30 pm–Demonstration of clairvoyance–Val Bickerstaff–£3.00 Sunday, September 4–11.00 am-4.00 pm–“Art from the heart”–Course on psychic art–Pat McNally and Daniel Naughnane–£10.00–Payable on door–Bring a lunch Sunday, September 4–4.15 pm-5.30 pm–Discussion group with Alfred Hunt–£3.00–Includes tea and biscuits Saturday, September 10–Noon-3.00 pm–Workshop with Alan Albiston–Subject to be announced–£6.00–Members £5.00–Payable at the door Saturday, September 17 & Sunday, September 18–Two-day course with Sue Griffiths–“Exploring your own spirituality”–10.00 am-4.00pm–Bring a lunch £35.00 in advance or £40.00 on the door Saturday, September 24–Noon-3.00 pm–Workshop with Val Bickerstaff–Subject to be announced–£6.00–Members £5.00–Payable at the door Sunday, September 25–11.00 am-4.00 pm–Shamanic workshop with Les Fuller £10.00 payable on the door–Bring a lunch Saturday, October 1–7.30 pm–Demonstration of clairvoyance–Jeremy Mullins–£3.00 Healing services Wednesday 2.00-4.00 pm and again at 7.30-9.00 pm A WARM WELCOME IS EXTENDED TO ALL NAMINGS AND MARRIAGES SOLEMNISED 75 Dedicated to the unification of Spiritualists Come and join US If you feel unity between all Spiritualists is important, whatever other beliefs they have, come and join US Fed up with being told what to do, what not to do, how to do it? United Spiritualists is celebrating its fifteenth birthday this year and would like you to be part of that celebration. If your church or group would like us to visit you and you can host, or help host an event, then please contact us at the address below We encourage personal development and the use of individual method and style We offer membership as affiliated mediums, healer, healer counsellors and Ordained Ministers. Training courses for these qualifications are available You can also affiliate your church, organisation or group Please check our website for more details of our aims and principles For more information, send a large SAE quoting “TW” to United Spiritualists, 30 Sparrows Lane, New Eltham, London SE9 2BS E-mail: [email protected] Dedicated to the unification of Spiritualists Printed by Centuryprint Limited, Corby, Northamptonshire Published by Two Worlds Publishing Co. Ltd., PO Box 55307, London SE16 6WW. Tel: 020-7064 8000