PALACIOS Seawall Commissioners receive
PALACIOS Seawall Commissioners receive
Terrific Tigers At Blessing Elementary More To Water Fight Than Critters v. People VV Leopards Rally Past Tigers 21-7 See PagE 12 See PagE 2 See PagE 5 Seawall Commissioners receive ‘Thanks’ for recent projects BY TERRY MOSIER A round of ‘thanks’ were offered at last week’s regular scheduled meeting of the Matagorda County Seawall Commission. The first ‘thank you’ to the Seawall Commission was extended by the Grassy Point Bait Camp, who expressed their gratitude and relayed some of the praise of fishermen for the nearly completed Grassy Point Road (East Bayshore Drive). The construction is mostly complete and just a few items need to be finished up. The final payment on the project should be released at the next meeting if the items are completed. The other ‘Thank You’ to the Commissioners came via Gary Hafernick, Chairman of the City’s Parks and Recreation Committee, who thanked the Commissioners for their assistance during the past year for improvements provided to the area along the bay front. Hafternick also presented some Parks and Rec. Committee ideas for future improvements to the Commissioners. The ideas ranged from additional solar trash compactors, a four feet wide Americans with Disabil- OCT. 16, 2013 VOL. 106 • NO. 41 PALACIOS TEXAS • P. O. Box 817 • 453 Commerce Palacios, Tx. 77465 (361) 972-3009/Fax 972-2610 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: 75¢ BEACON USPS 418460 Sights from BayFest BBQ Cookoff 2013 A total of 54 BBQ cook-off teams converged on the grounds of South Bay for the 2013 Chamber Foundation’s BayFest BBQ Cook-Off. Except for paid advertising, all articles, photos or other information submitted on Monday will be published on a space available basis only. Observing Our TH 106 Year 1907-2013 BEACON BRIEFS ■ Palacios Trail Riders annual Oct. Ride Saturday The Palacios Trail Riders will hold their annual October ride on Saturday (Oct. 19). Riders are to meet at 8 a.m. at the Matagorda County Pct. #3 barn and will depart at 9 a.m. Meal will be provided, bring own snacks and drinks. For more information call 361-655-1129. ■ Feathered Fri. this Thursday at Mad Island Pick it uP ‘Like’ the Palacios Beacon on facebook SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON $25 A YEAR IN COUNTY $35 A YEAR OUT-OF COUNTY Beacon Photos by Ryan & Brandi West Martinez fills vacancy as new Associate Judge BY BRANDI G. WEST Palacios Beacon (See CITY, Page 2) MCND approves Admin. Building improvements In a Special Meeting held early last week, the Commissioners of the Matagorda County Navigation District #1 (MCND) discussed improvements to the Port Adminstration Building and the upcoming International Work Boat Show. With all but one Commissioner present, Jimmy Neeley was the lone absentee, the architectural plans for improvement in the Port Administration Building for the build out of 1 SECTION, 12 PAGES We l c o m e a b o a r d a n d gratitude was expressed at last week’s Palacios City Council meeting towards Sonia Martinez, Palacios’ newest Associate Judge. Court Clerk Martinez was recommended to Council by Municipal Court Judge Linh Chau, “She has experience with the court, she lives in the city and works for the city.” “We’re fortunate to have her come forward to do this for the city,” commented Council member Gary Hafernick. Martinez will assume responsibilities when Judge Chau and Associate Municipal Court Judge Robert Garrett are out of town. Other Approved Items John Conner was nominated as sole candidate for the position of Matagorda County Appraisal District Board of Directors. The following items were declared surplus property and authorized the disposition of this property by sealed bids: two tugs, one power unit, and one air compressor at the airport, one police vehicle, and an assortment of abandoned bicycles. Visitors Citizen Forum Council members Gary Hafernick and Ed Schultz recognized the City of Palacios employees and residents Open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Beacon Closed Wednesdays PPalacios ride (See SEAWALL, Page 3) Serving The City By The Sea Since 1907 BEACON DEADLINE IS 5 P.M. FRIDAY The monthly birding event, Featherd Fridays, will be held at The Nature Conservancy’s Mad Island Marsh Preserve Thursday, October 17th. We will meet at the front gate at 8 am, and “bird’ until 11:30 am. Wear outdoor clothing and bring bug repellent, water or drinks, snacks, binoculars, sunscreen and hats. If interested in participating, please e-mail or call Cathy Wakefield: [email protected], 361-404-1198. Kana reported that an advisory board may be created to work with the Committee. On Dec. 2, from 5-8 p.m. at City Hall, the Committee plans to hold a Charatte meeting. A Charatte meeting is described as being a brainstorming session with a tad more organization. Instead of everyone brainstorming in mass, the Charatte breaks down the masses into several small groups, each of which brainstorms ideas one-after-the-other until everyone involved has had a chance to fully PALACIOS WEDNESDAY The Only Newspaper In The World Published Just For The Palacios Area. ities Act (ADA) accessible side walk from the parking lot to the walk area for wheel chairs. three exercise pads and three more composite benches on concrete pads along the splash aprons. Pavilion Update Joe Kana reported the Pavilion Committee had met on Sept. 30 and elected officers. Kana will serve as President, Judy Chavez is Secretary, Debbie Morris is Treasurer and two at large director positions are still vacant. The Committee also plans to meet again in October. the additional vacant office space into three separate offices were approved. The improvements will also include the upsize of the current A/C unit and the installation of an additional door. Several Commissioners will be attending the upcoming International Work Boat Show, along with Port Director Debbie Morris. Discussions over the itinerary and marketing (See MCND, Page 3) Early voting begins Mon. In person early voting starts next Monday (Oct. 21) through Nov. 1 from 8 a.m. -5 p.m. on nine proposed Texas constitutional amendments and Palacios ISD ballot seeking approval of an $8-million bond initiative. Voters can cast their early votes at either the County Annex in Palacios or at the County Clerk’s office in the courthouse at Bay City. Jackson County residents voting in the PISD election will also cast their early votes at the County Annex in Palacios; however, on Election Day, (Nov.5) Jackson (See VOTE, Page 2) Sales tax revenue record set in 2012 falls in Oct. 2013 BY BRANDI G. WEST Palacios Beacon The City of Palacios sales tax rebate check remains on the rise for the month of October and has all ready surpassed years past totals. October’s rebate of $84,923 will be received this month from the State Comptroller’s office. The October rebate was a hefty increase of 47.49-percent over what was received in the same month of last year, surpassing the total year to date rebate to $733,600. Last year, 2012’s, rebate totaled $665,196 which was a record breaking year. Thus far the sales tax revenue rebates has been monumental this year making 2013 the year to surpass in the future. According to the State Comptroller’s office the increase is due to one sole entity within the city. Entities contacted by the Palacios Beacon have not been forthcoming or assumed responsibility for the well-appreciated up tick in sales tax revenue generation. October’s rebates reflect sales from August and are reported to the State Comptroller in September. Comparison of sales tax is also followed by the area 13 cities, including Palacios, in Calhoun, Jackson, Matagorda, Wharton Counties and two cities in Brazoria County. Less than half of 13 area cities received less this month when compared to October 2012. The five cities rising above last year’s figures in October sales tax revenue were: East Bernard, La Ward, Point Comfort, Wharton, and Seadrift. Despite this month falling short on revenue for most cities, year to date the majority of area cities are sitting pretty. Year to date rebates in the following area cities have surpassed the year to date rebates in 2012: Bay City, East Bernard, Edna, El Campo, Ganado, Point Comfort, Port Lavaca, and Seadrift. According to State Comptroller Susan Combs, “State sales tax revenue collections continued to grow at a moderate pace.” “Growth was led by collections from construction, telecommunications and retail sectors. State sales tax revenue has now increased for 42 consecutive months,” said Combs. Totals for the 12 other area cities are listed as follows: Oct. 2013 rebate, Oct. 2012 rebate, percentage (See TAX, Page 3) • Palacios Beacon For News & Advertising Deadline 5 p.m. Friday • Page 2 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Ducks Unlimited says water-use decisions not as simple as critters vs. people Press Release from Cucks Unlimited Contact: Andi Cooper 601-956-1936 As the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) seeks permission from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to cut off inflows to Matagorda Bay, Ducks Unlimited reminds Texans of the intrinsic link between environment and economy along the Colorado River and the need for all users to share in conserving water. For shrimpers, farmers, fishing guides and birding eco-tourism businesses, the economy is directly tied to ecosystem services, especially the freshwater supply. For others, the economy is tied to business, industry, real estate or other jobs, but all of them require water. “Every individual, every occupation, every community depends on water, and there is presently not enough to meet all demands,” DU Conservation Outreach Biologist Kirby Brown said during a LCRA board meeting in September. “The reality of the immediate situation is that all users should conserve equally and as much as possible. In the longer view, we must look at all the triggers for water conservation. The VOTE ones we have now are clearly coming up short, and water conservation is the only immediate solution.” Brown encouraged Texans to remember that water is required for all life and livelihoods, and that all users must take part in conserving this limited resource. “We are in a severe drought, potentially worse than the drought of the 1950s,” Brown said. “Yet there continues to be a lack of understanding of the situation by our communities and the public. Cities use anemic water-conservation policies that continue to allow non-essential uses of water while criticizing and politicizing agricultural and environmental water uses and crying out that it’s a ‘critters’ versus people debate. That’s an oversimplified and ineffective approach to the problem, and it needs to be corrected. ” Water allocation decisions are not about “critters” versus people. They are about a sustainable supply of water that can support all aspects of a complex, basin-wide regional economy and ecosystem. Reflecting on the current water allocation policies in the state, Brown feels current water use priorities are out- (Continued From Page 1) County residents will cast their votes at the Carancahua Community Center. Requests for mail ballots are being accepted now until Oct. 25 and mailed ballots must be received by Nov. 5. Remember new this year is the requirement of photo identification such as a driver’s license, passport, personal identification card, handgun license, military identification card, or a citizenship certificate with your photo. If you do not have any of these you may apply for an Election Identification Certificate at the area Department of Motor Vehicles: Bay City; 510 Ave. F or Port Lavaca; 201 W. Austin St. dated and unsustainable. “How is watering the lawn weekly, or keeping golf courses and business grounds green, a matter of public health and safety or a beneficial use of water during these times of severe drought?” Brown asked. “If the public doesn’t start thinking along those lines and share water conservation responsibilities equally, then we are going to debate and argue the issue while the supply continues to dwindle and limit our economy.” Along the Texas MidCoast, rice farmers have been cut off for two years, but the Highland Lakes continue to go down. Now the LCRA is proposing the cutoff of critical freshwater inflows to bays and estuaries, while an estimated 50 to 75 percent of the residential water currently being used is dumped on the ground for non-essential use. “Cities and communities, which are justly worried about their economies in the face of limited water, are calling for halts in environmental and agricultural uses while not taking a hard look in the mirror at their nonessential uses,” Brown said. “Cities must recognize their water-conservation policies are not working and make responsible changes. Communities must believe there is a legitimate threat to public health and safety to address the serious drought. As long as residents can water weekly, they will continue to think ‘What’s the emergency?’” In the meantime, the cutoff of water to rice farmers is crushing the rural economy of three coastal counties on the lower Colorado River and creating a food-supply deficit for more than 600,000 ducks on the Texas MidCoast. Environmental flows currently being considered for cutoff are necessary for the habitat that supports 60 to 80 percent of the continental redhead duck population and critical fisheries. Texas waterfowl hunting alone provides more than $204 million in annual economic input, and annual revenues from wildlife tourism, including hunting, fishing and wildlife watching in Texas top $5 billion.“Ducks Unlimited understands that there is simply not enough water to meet all needs at present, and natural resources and downstream economies should and have shared in restrictions and conservation measures,” Brown said. “Common-sense water-allocation policy is required in these times. The luxuries of lush, green lawns and squeaky-clean cars each week are relics of a bygone era of conspicuous consumption possible in times of greater rainfall. Now, our ecosystems and the economies they support must come first.” Ducks Unlimited Inc. is the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to conserving North America’s continually disappearing waterfowl habitats. Established in 1937, Ducks Unlimited has conserved more than 13 million acres thanks to contributions from more than a million supporters across the continent. Guided by science and dedicated to program efficiency, DU works toward the vision of wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever. For more information on our work, visit www. EVEN LITTLE ADS GET ATTENTION! You’re Reading One Now! PALACIOS BEACON Area Briefs Capital Murder charges filed on Gonzales man GONZALES: Capital murder charges are filed on Daniel Ramirez, 30, after a shootout with local law enforcement during a narcotics investigation. During the incident, an active and ongoing narcotics investigation in northern Gonzales County on County Road 44B, one of the men opened fire on the Gonzales County deputies. The remote pasture of marijuana plants is where the deputies, with no other choice but to return fire, killed 21-year old Jose Luis Millian. “When the officers identified themselves as sheriff’s office deputies, one of the individuals opened fire on the deputies,” said Gonzales County Sheriff Glen Sachtleben. According the Sachtleben, the amount of marijuana is significant as being one of the largest if not the largest ever found in the county with an estimated 4,000 plus plants. “The unfortunate shooting of one of the violators is being investigated by the Texas Rangers as the Sheriff’s Office does not investigate itself,” Sachtleben said. –The Gonzales Inquirer Family loses home to blaze GLEN FLORA- A home in Glen Flora was engulfed in flames destroying a bulk of Tiffany Jones’ worldly possessions but fortunately all seven children and Jones were safe from harms way. “I just thank God that my kids weren’t here,” said Jones. With the efforts of Wharton and Glen Flora fire units the structure was saved but the smoke damage was extensive. It is believed that the window AC unit was the cause of the fire.- Wharton Journal-Spectator Unbuckled child leads to cocaine bust EL CAMPO: Pierce station state troopers are at it again; working tirelessly to ensure illegal activity is reprimanded and drugs stay off the streets. Earlier this month Trooper Thomas Arriaga was patrolling US 59 when he noticed a child was riding in a van without a seatbelt. The interview led to inconsistent travel plans and Arriaga’s suspicions of illegal activity was accurate. With the help of troopers Bruce Cipriani and Alfred Ochoa the vehicle was searched and 14 bundles of cocaine were found in the right rear quarter panel of the van. The bundles totaled 37 pounds of cocaine an estimated $457,205.33 street value. “Like always, we are more than happy to find dope and put crooks in jail,” Ochoa said. - El Campo Leader-News Scientists take to Port A to study BP spill effects PORT ARANSAS: Scientists from around the nation working together in Port Aransas with plankton ecologist Ed Buskey with the University of Texas Marine Science Institute. The findings are the dispersants used to break up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill were actually more harmful to specific tiny Gulf of Mexico creatures than the oil itself. “We find that things like zooplankton are actually eating the lightly larger oil droplets,” Buskey said. Also the dispersants were two to three times more toxic to the zooplankton, a fundamental building block in the food chain, than the oil. Also according to Buskey, oil has always been in the environment and nature has evolved to accommodate that and that while the spill (Deepwater Horizon oil spill) was big the Gulf of Mexico is significantly bigger.-Port Aransas South Jetty HOUSEHOLD Saturday, October 26, 2013 hazardous 8 a.m. - 12 noon wa s te day collection 2013 EVENT SPONSORS: 2013 where? Matagorda County Fairgrounds Bay City, Texas ONE DAY ONLY! Do it for a cleaner, safer environment. • LyondellBasell • OXEA • Celanese • Chevron-Phillips • Clean Harbors • PMI • STP Nuclear Operating Company • Zachry (Phillips & Lyondell) • Matagorda County • City of Bay City • Baycel FCU • Taft Snow The health and safety of our families, neighborhoods and environment are threatened when household hazardous waste is stored or disposed of improperly! Things To Bring DO NOT BRING • Used Motor Oil • Antifreeze • Brake / Transmission Fluid • Old Diesel / Gasoline • Pesticides / Herbicides / Insecticides • Pool Chemicals • Paints / Thinners (Will Recycle to the Public) • Household Cleaners • Drain Openers • Stain Removers • Furniture Polish / Wood Preservatives • Cooking Oil • Batteries (Auto, Rechargeable, Alkaline) • Old Appliances (with / without Freon) • Tires (8) NO Semi or Tractor Tires • Products labeled “Warning / Caution / Poison” • e-Waste: Computers, Printers, Cell Phones • FARM / BUSINESS WASTE • EXPLOSIVES • RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL • DIOXINS • TV’S • MAGAZINES or NEWSPAPERS • COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS FREE PAPER SHREDDING by : Baycel FCU Avoid Identity Theft In an effort to help the community to protect themselves against ID theft. We encourage you to bring any sensitive documents that are no longer needed. Examples: • Bank Statements • Insurance Forms • Credit Card Statements • Income Tax Records • Medical Records • Investment Information Limit of 6 boxes (15x12.5x10) per household. Personal paper products only! Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day! For more information, call Ruben Gonzales (979) 244-2717 What is household hazardous waste? Household hazardous waste is any product labeled: toxic, poison, corrosive, flammable, combustible or irritant that you are ready to dispose of. DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY • Palacios Police Reports • Individuals listed have been arrested and/or charged with an offense. Inclusion in this report does not imply that the person is guilty of any crime. The following are offense and arrest reports submitted by the Palacios Police Dept. to the Palacios Beacon as of noon Friday. ARRESTS Reynaldo Zamora-Estudillo, 35, 1015 Lucas Ave., arrested at unknown time on Oct. 6; sexual assault of a child. Joseph Anthony Shake Longoria, 22, 312 E. Tres Palacios Ave., arrested at 11:17 p.m. on Oct. 10; public intoxication. Angela Elizabeth Contreras, 18, Port Lavaca, arrested at 11:17 p.m. on Oct. 10; public intoxication by minor and unsafe speed. INCIDENTS • Bond Probation: Subject was detained in the 900 block of Welch at 10:06 a.m. on Oct. 4; turned over to Matagorda deputy for transport. • Information: Officer dispatched to 400 block of E. Austin St. at 3:42 a.m. on Oct. 5; unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. • Theft: Officer dispatched to 1500 block of 1st St. at 9:38 a.m. on Oct. 5; report filed with criminal investigation division. • Criminal Mischief: Report was filed at 8:21 p.m. on Oct. 5; juveniles throwing rocks and damaged vehicle. • Criminal trespass in habitation: Officer dispatched to 300 block of Humphrey at 4:57 p.m. on Oct. 6; report filed. • Obstruction or retaliation threats: From the Police Chief By Police Chief David Miles I enjoyed the cool weather this past weekend and look forward to more. With the coming cool weather also comes the foggy nights. These are the vehicle burglar’s best friend. I remind you to make sure your cars are locked and valuables are taken out or locked in the trunk. Report was filed at 7:14 p.m. on Oct. 9; assaulted at residence. • Assault: Report was filed at 12:11 a.m. on Oct. 9; victim transported to the Palacios Hospital emergency room. Case is under investigation. • Intoxicated pedestrian: Officers transported subject at 2:10 a.m. on Oct. 10; possible overdose. • Harassment: Report was filed at 7:13 p.m. on Oct. 10; unwanted messages on Facebook page. Sheriff soliciting donations for purchase of new drug dog Matagorda County Sheriff Frank “Skipper” Osborne is asking for donations for the purchase of a new drug dog. The cost of a new dog is an estimated $7,500. ‘Roxie’ is currently Matagorda County Sheriff’s office drug dog and has been on the drug force for 10 years and is ready for retirement. “I’m asking for anyone’s help, if you would be so kind,” said Osborne. Roxie has been on the drug force since she was received from the San Antonio Police TAX Department over two years ago. “Due to her age and heavy workload, Roxie is developing the beginning stages of arthritis in her hips,” commented Osborne. The medication is costly but necessary to ease her pain and stiffness. “It is time for her to be able to play instead of working grueling hours,” said Osborne. Matagorda County Sheriff’s office first drug dog, ‘Bear’ was awarded in 1988 and was purchased for about $1,200. (Continued From Page 1) of change in parenthesis; year to date 2013, year to date 2012, and percentage of change in parenthesis. Bay City: $392,811, $396,393, (-.90-percent); $3,857,978, $3,800,704, (1.5-percent). East Bernard: $28,631, $23,756, (20.51-percent); $262,061, $208,592, (25.63-percent). Edna: $103,367, $104,361, (-.95-percent); $994,347, $917,246, (8.4-percent). El Campo: $275,045, $286,292, (-3.92-percent); $2,891,082, $2,837,772, (1.87-percent). Ganado: $39,021, $46,124, (-15.39); $472,861, $349,369, (35.34-percent). La Ward: $918, $262, (249.77-percent); $5,035, $5,381, (-6.42-percent); Point Comfort: $26,105, $8,425, (209.84-percent); $138,089, $83,922, (64.54-percent). Port Lavaca: $191,044, $204,905, CITY (Continued From Page 1) contributing to Pedal Palacios being a success. City employees were also appreciated by Council member Troy Lewis and Judy Chavez for their hard work for spotting and resolving water leaks before this past weekend’s event. Lewis commented regarding city employees getting into holes, “with water up to their necks” Lewis commended these employees by stating, “They are hard workers.” (6.76-percent); $2,051,089, $1,980,343, (3.57-percent). Seadrift: $12,201, $9,936, (22.8-percent); $112,144, $104,190, (7.63-percent). Sweeny: $24,066, $25,256, (-4.71-percent); $279,800, $320,194, (-12.61-percent). West Columbia: $54,318, $68,210, (-20.36-percent); $591.209, $622,699, (-5.05-percent). Wharton: $302,353, $179,328, (68.6-percent); $1,807,094, $1,808,590, (-.08-percent). MCND (Continued From Page 1) plan was reviewed. The purpose of the trip will be to get the Port recognized as a place where potential operators might want to build facilities and base their operations. The brochures that would be distributed were to be delivered to the Port Admin. office that afternoon. The Commissioners retreated into Executive Session to discuss Property Easements and Property Development of Port properties. After returning to Open Session, no motions were made. The next regular meeting of the MCND#1 Commissioners will be held Thurs. (Oct. 17) at 2 p.m. at the Port Administration Building. Call me today for a complimentary insurance review. (979) 244-4671 Hank E. Huitt 3120A Ave F Bay City [email protected] Due to inflation the cost has gone up but Osborne indicates they are worth the money. The citizens of Matagorda County are asked to consider assisting with this purchase of a new drug dog. If you are interested in helping with the purchase send donations to: Matagorda County Sheriff’s Office at 2308 Ave. F in Bay City, TX 77414. SEAWALL (Continued From Page 1) contribute. The ideas generated by one group will be passed onto the next group to build upon, refine and prioritize. Kana informed the Commissioners that three sites for the newest installment of the Pavilion are under consideration by the Committee: the old location at the end of 4th St. and on the east side of the Pavilion (T-head) Pier; at the end of the Seawall on the east side of South Bay Marina (SBM); and on land by the east side of SBM and West of the South Bay Boat Ramp. The exact location will be decided upon at a later date. Turtle Point Bulkhead The bulkhead repairs are nearing completion with only 150 tie backs needed to be welded, filter cloth installed, sheet pilings sawed off to proper elevation, back fill, and compacted. High tides during the last month have hampered the process. Apelt Property The environment written report is in and Tom Schmidt, with Urban Engineering, said it covers a longer area than the proposed work site and will be useful in the future should there be need to extend the erosion control. The Commission is considering installing 600-linear feet of big rock erosion control to extend the current rock placement. the proposed work is to be located five-feet behind the high tide line as to not require permitting. Inspector’s Report Larry Lanfear, inspector for the District reported the fol- CRIME STOPPERS lowing: • Bay Front Walkway: The large amount of weeds were growing between the pavement and the concrete walk around the Texas Baptist Encampment has now been removed. There are four AEP lights out and were being repaired. • Groins: Two area lights are out on the groins adjacent to the Pavilion Pier. • River Road: There are some small washouts with minor depressions and a couple of cap boards are missing. • McGlothin Road: Gary Hickl managed to paint over graffiti on the box culvert at the outflow under East Bayshore Dr. at McGlothin St. between the recent rains. Other Business: Commissioners approved: the renewal of office space lease with MCND#1; Engagment letter with Reed & Associates for annual accounting audit. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. at the MCND#1 Administration Building. Come Join the Fun Omar’s Bar & Grill 1-800-299-2878 ~ Mixed Drinks & Draft Beer ~ Open 7 Days A Week • 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Matagorda County Crime Stoppers provides citizens with a toll-free number to call to report crime and drugs in your area. If your information leads to an arrest and charges, you can receive a cash reward. Callers do not have to give their names to qualify for a reward. No Minors after 9 p.m. DJ’s on Saturday Nights 814 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios • 361-356-1072 NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF TEXAS § § § MATAGORDA COUNTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Matagorda County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on September 26, 2013, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in November, 2013, the same being the 5th day of said month, at the North Entry, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. on said day, beginning at 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Matagorda and the State of Texas, to-wit: Sale # Cause # Judgment Date Acct # Order Issue Date Style of Case Legal Description Adjudged Value Estimated Minimum Bid 1 T15,416 04/03/13 47560 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL TR NO. 1: TRES PALACIOS OAKS HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 661, VOL. 7, PG. 5*(47560/R16421) $1,300.00 $1,300.00 2 T15,416 04/03/13 47561 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL TR NO. 2: TRES PALACIOS OAKS HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 662, VOL. 7, PG. 5* ( 47561/R16424) $1,300.00 $1,300.00 3 T15,416 04/03/13 47565 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL TR. NO. 3: TRES PALACIOS OAKS HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 666, VOL. 7, PG. 5* ( 47565/R16434). $1,300.00 $1,300.00 4 T15,416 04/03/13 47566 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL TR. NO. 4: TRES PALACIOS OAKS HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 667, VOL. 7, PG. 5* (47566/R16436). $1,300.00 $1,300.00 5 T15,845 05/05/10 24832 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR CALLIS, DECEASED, ET AL BAY CITY ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, BLK 47, LT 6 (W/2), VOL. 5, PG. 36* $28,050.00 $7,689.25 8 T16,354 06/26/13 48061 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. GENE FRITSCHE, DECEASED TRES PALACIOS OAKS OAK MEADOW SEC, LT 1211, VOL. 6, PG. 31* (48061/R17414). $1,300.00 $1,197.45 9 T16,354 06/26/13 48062 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. GENE FRITSCHE, DECEASED TRES PALACIOS OAKS OAK MEADOW SEC, LT 1212, VOL. 6, PG. 31* (48062/R17416). $1,300.00 $1,197.45 10 T16,412 04/03/13 16272 SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. DEE FOREST GUIDRY AKA DEE CARTER GUIDRY, ET AL G J WILLIAMS, ABST 103, 13 1/2 ACS TR, VOL. 26, PG. 531* $14,000.00 $8,626.90 (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Matagorda County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. Dated at Bay City, Texas, September 26, 2013 Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Matagorda County, Texas Insurance subject to availability and qualifications.Allstate County Mutual Insurance Company, Irving, Texas. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. The PALACIOS BEACON Your hometown newspaper for over 100-years Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 - Page 3 By Deputy Notes: The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However, the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT. For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (713) 844-3576 Page 4 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 10 YEARS AGO-2003 Palacios woman, Melinda Lopez, rescued a day after falling overboard from shrimp boat. Rocky Sheffield of Palacios finds his biological ‘family’ after 46-years. Edna Hamlin, mother of William L. Hamlin who lost his life in the Vietnam War, was honored among the Gold Star Mothers in Matagorda County. 15 YEARS AGO-1998 MCND #1 Commissioners debated the economic viability of establishing a new seafood processing plant at the port. Candidates for 1998 PHS Homecoming Queen are seniors Lisa Longoria, Brandi Bates, Wendy Freudenrich and LeAnn Duran. Duchesses are freshman Tiffany Seaman, sophomore Christina Hernandez and junior Erica Zepeda. For the first time since 1996, the Sharks won a district game as they corralled the Edna Cowboys, 10-6. Brandon Bowers kicked a 32-yd. field goal and Jamie Dinh caught a 9-yd. TD pass from Ryan Kubecka. 20 YEARS AGO-1993 Senior Cassie Kubecka, escorted by her father, Douglas Kubecka, was crowned Friday night as the 1993 Homecoming Queen for Palacios High School. Cassie received her crown from 1992 Queen Gaynell Byrd. 25 YEARS AGO-1988 The Palacios Sharks celebrated their 20-0 shutout of Columbus last week. The district opening win gave the Sharks a 4-1 record overall. The Palacios Area Fund recently completed its seventh year of operation in Palacios. PAF awarded grants totaling more than $19,000. Dan Morales of Palacios was one of two individuals awarded a scholarship from the Reverend Monsignor Albert G. Henkes Seminarian Scholarship Fund. 35 YEARS AGO-1978 The faculty of Palacios High School has selected Edwin Holsworth as student of the month. Russell Johnson of Lake Jackson, who had many friends in Palacios, died Sunday after he was stung by a wasp at his Palacios Pet Pals (361) 972-3005 • • (361) 972-0100 If you can’t adopt one of our shelter animals or fostered animals, how about being a sponser? For only $10 a month you can help feed, shelter and get medical help for one of our beautiful cats, kittens, puppies or dogs. Please call Palacios Pet Pals at 972-0100 for more information or mail your sponsorship to Palacios Pet Pals, P.O. Box 215, Palacios, Tx 77465. We are a 501c3 organization and donations are tax dedcutible. Palacios Auto & Towing 1105 Henderson • 361-972-5923 • M-F/7:30am - 4:30pm Purchase 2 New Tires and receive a FREE Oil Change. Plus tax, shop supplies, and disposable waste fees where applicable. Diesels slightly higher. MUST HAVE THIS COUPON. Coupon good through October 31, 2013 Coupon not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Limit one coupon per person. DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY ranch near Centerville. 45 YEARS AGO-1968 Mrs. Esther Smith, pianist for the Rotary Club since it was chartered in 1934, was presented a Rotary International Pin in appreciation of her service. The Palacios Library Board voted unanimously to give Life Memberships in the library to Mrs. George Barnett, Mrs. Florence Trull and Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Brooking. Mrs. Charles Luther attended the Texas Federation of Women Club’s yearly board meeting in Austin. 50 YEARS AGO-1963 The Earl T. Ward Furniture & Appliance store will have an official opening Thursday. Over 50 planes and 200 flyers, members of the All-Texas Tour, were expected to fly in to the local airport Saturday. The Palacios Seawall Commission planned to construct an extension to the pavilion pier. Karen Bell and Donald Neeley were selected for state choir while Mary Ann Burke, Linda Johnson and Tommy Ellis won regional honors. 55 YEARS AGO-1958 D.W. Marshall Construction Company of Victoria was setting forms for the foundation of the 60x120 foot structure, the new supermarket for the Curtis family, at the corner of Fourth and Main. A petition bearing the signature of 8 for and 1 against was presented to the city council seeking the extension of the present city limits to include the territory east of Highway 35 between the present city limits and Foley Village. 60 YEARS AGO-1953 Only two ginning days remain, the total now stands at 2919 bales ginned locally for this year. The Junior High Hornets defeated by the Victoria freshmen 13-7 last week, will play Clute City here Thursday night. The Sharks, who defeated Port Lavaca 20-12, travel to West Columbia Friday. 65 YEARS AGO-1948 Mrs. Glen Claybourn, worthy matron, and John Lynch, worthy patron, entertained officers of the Palacios chapter of O.E.S. G.L. Pore became the owner of the R.N. Grant Jewelry business. Nineteen million pounds of fish were caught by commercial fishermen in the coastal area during the period from Sept. 1, 1937 to Aug. 31, 1948. 70 YEARS AGO-1943 The sum of $214,625 was collected here in the Third War Bond Drive. Word was received from the War Department informing Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Miska that their son, Pvt. John Miska, was killed in action in Sicily on Sept. 16. 75 YEARS AGO-1938 The completion of Highway 71 was celebrated in Columbus. A new weekly paper for Matagorda County made its debut in Bay City with W.E. Green as editor and publisher. The mechanical work was done in the Palacios Beacon office. 80 YEARS AGO-1933 The bus station was moved to the Crescent Drug Store. Miss Ruby Johnson was a new employee in the post office. Palacios gins had turned out 1247 bales of cotton for the season and 6917 bales had been ginned in the county. 85 YEARS AGO-1928 Clarence Koontz was furnishing the local markets with plenty of home grown vegetables. Carl Ehlers disposed of his interests in the Queen Theater to the co-owner Ralph Williams and J.L. Deutsch, Sr. More than 13,000 bales of cotton were reported for the county and Palacios had more than 2,500 bales. 90 YEARS AGO-1923 The Palacios football boys were scheduled to play Victoria. H.C. Lewis was coach; Joe Deutsch, Jr., was captain and quarterback; Glenn Shuey and Paul Stanford, halfbacks; Gerald Miller, fullback; Clarence Buller and Frank LeCompte, ends; Sterling Smith, center; Lester Dunkleberg, Homer Luther and Ruel Batchelder, guards; Emmett Gibson and Fred Thompson, tackles. Monstrous 5k Glow by the Bay TAFE ‘Good Apple’ Educators for Sept. The Palacios High School TAFE Club selected Mrs. Lydia Schuetz the Secondary winner of the TAFE ‘Good Apple’ recipient. TAFE members said that Mrs. Schuetz allows students to voice their opinions without getting in trouble, is a motherly figure for many and gave them confidence in their writing skills. Pictured right is senior TAFE Presidnet Rhianna Aparicio presents Mrs. Schuetz with her award. The Elementary winner was Mrs. Andrea Lindley. TAFE members said that Mrs. Lindley uses fun projects in her class that make the subject memorable, her cheerfulness makes students want to learn and that her motivation allowed them to reach their AR goals. Pictured left presenting Mrs. Lindley with her award is junior TAFE Vice-President Brytanny Vu. ONE CALL ONE LOW PRICE Advertise Your Business or Event STATEWIDE Regional ads available Contact this newspaper for more information 000-000-0000 361-972-3009 Palacios Pride Pick it uP coming to town this Saturday Pathways to Adulthood free one day seminar next Fri. Pathways to Adulthood is a FREE one-day seminar that will help parents prepare for their child’s life after high school. It is open to families of children who have a disability, chronic illness or other special health care need and the professionals who work with these children. It is never too early to start planning for the future. Seminar topics will include: funding sources; legal issues - guardianship and alternatives, estate planning; school transition services and maximizing remaining school years; medical transition; opportunities for work; ideas for establishing a positive, family-run home; building networks of support; emotional obstacles parents face in planning; and much more. The seminar is presented by Texas Parent to Parent and co-hosted by Partners Resource Network TEAM Project, the Down Syndrome League of Victoria and the Gulf Bend Center on Octo- ber 25 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. in the Gulf Bend Center, 2nd floor conference room located at 6502 Nursery Dr. in Victoria. Lunch will be provided. Pre-Registration is required. Go to http://www. to register online or call Cynda Green at 512458-8600. Campbell-Huitt Insurance 328 Commerce Palacios, TX 361-972-2551 Auto-Bonds Business Home Life Flood PALACIOS MEDICAL CLINIC DR. GUS A. GROSS, MD Habla Espanol Call for appointments (361)972-2000 PALACIOS COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER SPECIALTY CLINICS Mark Schnee, M.D., FACC - Cardiologist For appointments call (713)796-2668. Christian F. Maluf, M.D., FCCP - Pulmonologist For appointments call (979)241-6100. M. Atiq Dada, M.D. - Nephrology For appointment call (979) 245-421 Celebrate Halloween early this year; dust off those shoes once again, start preparing, or in this case planning what you will wear for the “Monstrous 5K Glow by the Bay” this Saturday (October 19). Wear your glowing costume and light up the night enjoying the music filled glowing course in support of the Boys and Girls Club of Palacios. The fun filled nighttime experience will have plenty for the whole family to enjoy. Everyone is invited to participate, walking, strolling, jogging, racing, whichever works for you and to add to the excitement participants are encouraged to dress up in costumes that rock and glow. Prizes will be given for best costume and most glow. Always putting children first the Boys and Girls Club of Palacios along with participating organizations will provide the children an opportunity to “Trunk or Treat” along the 5K. Vendor booths will open at 5 p.m.-9 p.m. and interested parties should contact the Boys and Girls Club of Palacios. Starting Oct. 10 the cost for adults (18 & up) $30 per person and students $20 per person. Cost includes glow items, trunk and treating, and after Glow Party. Also free registration for kids under 5 and all active Boys and Girls members. Additional glow items will also be available. All are invited to attend the pre and post 5k party, eat and shop at the vendor booths and most importantly join in on the fun. For additional information, call the Boys & Girls Club @ 361-972-2642 or email: [email protected] Palacios B EACON Serving the City By The Sea Since 1907 Periodical Class Postage Paid At Palacios, Texas 77465 (USPS 418460) NICHOLAS M. WEST..............................................PUBLISHER RYAN G. WEST............................................EDITOR-SPORTS CAROLYN WHITE............ADVERTISING/OFFICE MANAGER BRANDI G. WEST...................REPORTER/ PHOTOGRAPHER TP MEMBER 2013 TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION South Texas Press Association Gulf Coast Press Association Published Weekly On Wednesday PALACIOS BEACON TONEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 453 Commerce • P. O. Box 817 Palacios, Texas 77465 (361) 972-3009 / FAX (361) 972-2610 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Advertising & Article Submission Deadline 5 p.m. Friday • BEACON OFFICE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS • ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: • Matagorda County...$25.00 • Outside-County...$35.00 • ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS STOP AT EXPIRATION DATE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Palacios Beacon, P. O. Box 817, Palacios, Texas 77465. YOUTH DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 - Page 5 PJHS 1st six weeks Students of Character THE faculty and staff of Palacios Junior High have selected (l-r)Brooke Vandenbergh, Noah Zamarripa, Kean Tran and Julia Molina as Outstanding Students of Character for the first six weeks. The students were chosen for this honor based on attributes of their character. The character trait for the six weeks was Responsibility. These students met the demands of duty, were accountable, pursued excellence and exercised self-control. (Sumbitted Photo) Round-Up 4H places 21st at State Fair of Texas SPONSORED by the Matagorda County Cattleman’s Association, Round Up 4-H members (l-r) Jackson Engel, Avery Kubecka, Ty Kubecka, and Dalton Novak competed in the Jr. Livestock Judging Contest at the State Fair of Texas on Monday, October 7 in Dallas. Competing against 139 contestants, the Round Up team placed 21st. (Submitted Photo) PHS TAFE donates to American Heart Asso. AS a result of the annual “Palacios Cares” Fundraiser, PHS TAFE will be donating $150 to the American Heart Association. Pictured wearing their fundraiser shirts from last year is sophomore member Mina Aparicio (left) and Junior member Kaitlin Bui (right). This year’s theme is “Keep Calm and Stop Bullying!” (pictured right). See members for more information or email TAFE Sponsor Norma Wollam at [email protected] or call 361-972-2571. (Submitted Photo) Terrific Tigers of the Week at Blessing Elem. STP visits East Side for National Nuclear Science Week SELECTED as Terrific Tigers of the Week at Blessing Elementary were: (front, l-r) Monica Rivera, Felix Hernadez and Rilyn Hackfield; (back) Madison Kacer, Allyson Lucio, Madison Harris and Julian Rodriguez. (Submitted Photo) The South Texas Project representatives, Wendy Brost and Stephanie Rodgers, visited with all fifth grade students at East Side on Friday, about the Nuclear Power Plant on National Nuclear Science Week. Some topics that were included were fuel pellets, how nuclear power and electricity is made, and nuclear fission. They made all students aware of the 15th Annual NAYGN Drawing contest for the National Nuclear Science Week of 2013 and encouraged them to take part in this contest. God’s Team “You Will Always Be His First Pick” Heavenly Delight Night Thursday, October 31st 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. First Baptist Church Christian Life Center 200 Welch Ave. Tickets: 4 for $1.00 Featuring: I Great FOOD I Hayride I Balloons I Moonwalk I Plenty of Booths for the Kids I Cakewalk I Much More “You will always be His first pick” WCJC Bay City offering GED test next Fri. The Bay City campus of Wharton County Junior College will offer GED testing to the community on next Fri. (Oct. 25) beginning at 9 a.m. Registration for the test is required and takes place on Monday, October 21 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Bay City campus, 4000 Avenue F in Bay City. Area residents who wish to register for the test should bring a valid, governmentissued photo ID. Those under 18 need a withdrawal form from high school and must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Other forms are required depending on the age of the test-taker. Cost for first time test-takers is $80 and $13 to re-take a test. As part of the registration process, an online demographic survey is required. It can be completed at http:// Testing and to ask questions, please call the Wharton County Junior College Testing Center at 979.532.6386. Students of the Week at Central SELECTED as Students of the Week at Central Elementary were: (front, l-r) Jessie Valdez, Alicia Kacer, Sidney Cason and Jordan Juarez; (back) Chaze McRae, Vy Vu, Andrew Barker, and Aiden Garcia. Not pictured is Jesse Gomez. (Submitted Photo) MONSTROUS 5K GLOW BY THE BAY Saturday, October 19th Palacios City Park • 600 Main Street Costumes encouraged, includes Trunk or Treating for the Children 5K Starts @ 7:30 p.m. Browse through the vendor booths from 5pm - 9pm * Prizes for best costumes and most glow * COST: Adults $30 Students $20 Free registration for Palacios Boys & Girls Club Member and children under 5 Cost includes glow items, trunk or treating, and after Glow Party Extra glow items for sale - Optional To register go to : For more information email: [email protected] or call (361) 972-2642 Page 6 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Worship At The Church Of Your Choice Quality, Variety and Value! 702 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios (361) 972-2534 Owners Richard & Nancy Rhoades 972-6281 317 Henderson Palacios, Tx MATGORDA HOUSE HEALTHCARE CENTER Skilled Nursing Facility 700 12th • Bay City • 979-245-7800 Admissions Director: Debbie Castillo Oscar’s Pest l ro Cont list ia Spec Pest Fre Ter e Inspe mite ction & termite cOntrOl “The Only Name You Need to Know in Pest Control” Oscar TOrres, Owner (361) 578-7378 • (361) 920-7378 Palacios Funeral Home 701 1ST STREET • 972-2012 PALACIOS HOUSING AUTHORITY Located at Seacrest Estates 45 Seashell • (361) 972-3721 Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are may mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that were I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.,Thomas said to Him. “Lord we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father” except through Me. John 14:1-6 AGAPE FAMILY OUTREACH 1811 Newsom Blvd. Sunday Fellowship: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Discipleship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Eric Young Church Phone: 972-0800 ASAMBLEA APOSTOLICA DELA FE EN CRISTO JESUS 710 8th Street Lunes-Oracios 7:30 p.m. Martes-Culto Juvenil Bilinque: 7:30 p.m. Miercoles-Culto De Adoracion: 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical: 9:45 a.m. Culto Evangelisticio: 2 p.m. Pastor: Eddie Martinez Phone: 972-2419 BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 451 Commerce Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Richard Alamia Assistant Pastor: Carmen Rios Phone: 972-6171 BLESSING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 39 South 11th St., Blessing Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. Serving the Community 43 Years Mon-Sat: 11am-1:30pm & 5-9pm 1917 13th St. • Bay City • 979-245-2097 GOLD COAST SEAFOOD, INC. “We are proud to support our local Churches” Turning Basin #1 • 1116 11th St. • 972-3713 BLESSING CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Railroad & Pecan Streets (Bilingual Services) Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Raymond Salinas BLESSING FIRST BAPTIST 459 Main Street • Palacios, TX • 361-972-2585 361-588-9579 Hotel Blessing CARS Join us on FaceBook [email protected] SUV’s FIRST BAPTIST of PALACIOS TRUCKS PALACIOS AUTOS 361-972-3596 • 117 Henderson • Palacios, TX 1-877-4-BAY CITY W W DOCK TURNING BASIN #2 361-972-5012 1407 AIN STREET P.O.MBox 342 P ALACIOS, T EXAS 77465 Palacios, TX 77465 361-972-1555 Serendipity Bay Resort 1001 Main St. ~ Palacios 361-972-5454 The Trull FoundaTion Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m. & 7 p.m Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Larry Swift Church Phone: 588-7325 Pastor’s Phone: 588-6313 CARANCAHUA CHAPEL Corner CR 470 / CR 476 Carancahua Community Ctr. Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m. Wed. Service: 6 p.m. Pastor: Bob Keprta Casual Dress [email protected] 6th at Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class: 7 p.m. Phone: 972-2132 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 508 4th St. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Lloyd Rodriguez Church Phone: 972-6550 404 FourTh STreeT • PalacioS,TX • 361-972-5241 Serving the Palacios - Matagorda County Area Since 1967 Palacios Antiques & Resale 501 First Street • Palacios 361-972-1380 Open Fri. & Sat. 10am - 5pm • Sun. Noon - 4pm Prime Parts Supply 709 Henderson • (361) 972-2565 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS Phone: 972-1606 4th & Rorem Sunday School: 9 a.m. Bible Class: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:15 Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Pastor: J. Jeffrey Baxter Church Phone: 972-3852 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA 3rd & Morton Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Sunday Coffee: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Pastors: Andy & Janell Blair Church Phone: 972-2124 Pastor’s Phone: 972-5389 3rd & Lucas Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday Adult Choir: 6 p.m. Pastor: Rev. David King Church Phone: 972-3013 Pastor’s Phone: 972-6005 FIRST UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 525 Morton Street Sunday Service: 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. Pastor: James & Susie Jimenez Se Habla Español Church Phone: 972-2707 HOUSE OF GOD SECOND PRESBYTERIAN (Bilingual) 9th & Morton Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-5254 LA VINA DEL SENOR Domingo: 9.45 a.m., 6 p.m. Miercoles: 6:30 p.m. Viernes: 6:30 p.m. LABOR OF LOVE MINISTRIES CHURCH OF CHRIST OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN LCMS 202 Main Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning PILGRIM ROSE BAPTIST Worship: 10:45 a.m., 9th & Moore Sunday Family Bible Study 5:45p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Wed. Youth & Children Activities: 6 p.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Wed. Church Prayer Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Chris Webb Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Associate Pastor of Ministries: Pastor: LeRoy Monroe James Collins Phone: 972-6482 Church Phone: 972-5486 FIRST UNITED METHODIST Melstan Feed & Seed Blessing, TX Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastors: Andy & Janell Blair Church Phone: 972-1158 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 111 N. Main St. • Port Lavaca, TX • 361-552-5441 817 FM 616 COLLEGEPORT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th & Morton Domingo Escuela Domincal: 9:45 a.m. Adoracion: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Miercoles Estudio Biblico: 7 p.m. Pastor: Juan Aguilera Parsonage: 972-5542 SOLID ROCK FELLOWSHIP 1004 Magnusson Confessions Saturday: 5-5:45 p.m., or by Appointment Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Sunday Vietnamese Mass: 8 a.m. Sunday English Mass: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Spanish Mass: 11 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Bryan Heyer Church Phone: 972-2446 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL 3rd & Main Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2744 Church Fax: 972-1334 THE LIVING WORD CHURCH 12th & Henderson Sunday Worship 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7 p.m. Intercession: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 7 p.m. Pastor: Tony Flores Church Phone: 972-2352, 972-2955 TRINITY BAPTIST MIDFIELD COMMUNITY WEST PALACIOS CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 10th & Ritchie • PO Box 657 Sunday Worship: 6pm Thursday Worship: 7pm Church Phone: 361-649-4715 Pastor: Kenyon Hamilton PALACIOS AUTO & TOWING 1105 Henderson 361-972-5923 Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm, Sat: 8am to Noon After Hours - By Appointment Only Palacios House of Flowers 414 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-2517 Under New Management Irene Page, Owner WES’ FEED & MORE 1160 FM 616 • 361-588-6631 Tire Shop 361-588-6660 Blessing, Texas 77419 GULF BAY MARINE 301 Main Street Palacios, TX 361-972-0409 The Luther Hotel An Historic Inn 408 South Bay Blvd. 361-972-2312 STP Nuclear Operating Company www. 215 5th St. Palacios 361-972-5900 ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC 2nd & Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. Pastor: Louis Rush Church Phone: 972-3139 NEW BEGINNINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD (361) 972-2222 1-800-787-7741 1800 First St. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; 6 p.m. Wednesday. Service: 6:00 p.m. Pastors: Billie Burch Church Phone: 972-3675 1008 5th Street Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Monday: 7 p.m. School of the Book Wednesday Worship: 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Danny G. Perez Church Phone: 972-2849 Pastor’s Phone: 972-2475 Junetta St., Midfield Sunday Worship: 7:30 a.m. Pastor: Clyde Grier 308 4th Street ~ Palacios Coastal Properties "Strong Churches Make Strong Communities" EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HUD CERTIFIED Dairy Queen 215 Henderson Ave. 361-972-2554 Open: 10am-10pm PALACIOS HEALTHCARE CENTER 1414 4th Street 361-972-2542 “The Small Home with the Big Heart” 502 FM 616 Blessing, TX Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 7:30am-5pm Sat.: 7:30am to Noon Antonio’s Tire Service Cell:(979) 323-4700 Shop:(361) 588-6594 • Road Service Available 7days a Week • 24 Hours a Day • Verner L. “Butch” Bowers Attorney-At-Law 807 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2545 BIG G Auto GlAss 1-800-460-2080 Proudly Serving the Palacios Community Cut-n-Curl 400 Henderson Ave. #1• Pelican Plaza Palacios • 361-972-3905 Hairstyling for the whole family 808 9th St. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Praise-Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 5 p.m. Daily Bible Study: 11 a.m. - Monday-Friday Pastor: Roosevelt Ellis Church Phone: 972-6262 Pastor’s Phone: 409-933-0967 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To list your church information on this page, for free, bring, mail, fax or e-mail your information to the Palacios Beacon. Fax: 972-2610; or E-mail: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When visiting the businesses and services listed above, thank them for sponsoring this Church Page. LAGASSE MARINE WAYS Turning Basin 1 • 361-972-6060 We Support Our Community & Local Churches Capt. Tom’s Seafood 361-972-3780 CAMPBELL-HUITT INSURANCE 972-2551 Homes • Business • Life 453 Commerce • 361-972-3009 • Fax 361-972-2610 S TYLES LSpookyIFEcostumes and scary pranks aren’t DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Obituaries Foran obituaries be initthe Palacios Beacon must first be For obituarytoto bepublished published must be BOWERS submitted bythey either a funeral MITTIS EVELYN home or a family member. There is a $40 charge for a standard obituary. submitted by either a funeral home or family members. Funeral services for Mittis Evelyn Bowers, 82, of Palacios were held on October 11, 2013 at the First Baptist Church in Palacios with Rev. Chris Webb officiating. She was born on February 25, 1931 to the late Dennic Clary and Pearl Mae Clary in Palacios and went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, October 8, 2013. Mittis was devoted to her family and loved being surrounded by her kids and grandkids. She loved the Lord and was an active member of First Baptist Church in Palacios. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Ray Edwin Bowers; daughters Janet Martin & husband Jay of Beeville, TX and Merrianne Pringle & husband Steve of Houston; son Dennis Ray Bowers & wife Lee Ann of Palacios; grandchildren Justin & Tammy Bowers of Spring, Kristen & Nick Christopher of Richmond, Stacy & J. D. Greenawalt of Bay City, Shannon Bowers of Huntsville, Chris Pringle of Houston & Kevin Pringle of New York; eight great grandchildren; niece Susan Furman & husband Jim of Austin and other nieces and nephews from Louisiana and Texas. Mittis was preceded in death by her parents, three sisters, a son Neil Edwin Bowers and a great granddaughter. She had many friends who loved her dearly. She will be missed by all who knew her. Pallbearers were be Justin Bowers, Chris Pringle, Kevin Pringle, Nick Christopher, J. D. Greenawalt and Reed Bowers. Memorials in her name may be made to First Baptist Church, 312 2nd St., Palacios, TX 77465 or The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting Arrangements were made with Palacios Funeral Home in Palacios. Alapha Club celebrates life of 2nd First Lady, Abigail Adams At the October 7 meeting of the Alapha Club, members were asked to respond to the question: “if you were First Lady, how would you want to influence America?” Responses ranged from teaching family values to an emphasis on education and conservation. The response that received the most enthusiasm was “as First Lady, I would do everything in my power to make members of Congress learn problem-solving skills!” The program presented by Leala Kahlich, Miss Murphy, and Sue Stacy emphasized the contributions of Abigail Adams, the second First Lady (who was also the first Second Lady, as her husband John Adams was the first Vice President) and mother to John Quincy Adams, the sixth President. Members were shown excerpts of a PBS movie on John and Abigail Adams and their incredible love story. The letters written between John and Abigail spoke of great love and friendship and we learned that Abigail was very astute in her political thinking. While her husband was President she was one of his most trusted advisers, sometimes called “Mrs. President”. She also pushed for more rights for women, although it would be 150 years before women received the right to vote. Abigail died in 1818 at age 73. Where there’s a WILL, there’s a way! Do you have a Will? Between half and two-third of American adults do not. A Will helps ensure that whatever personal belongings and assets you own will go to family or beneficiaries that you designate. If you do not have a Will, a court decides who gets your assets. With a Will, you can appoint a guardian of your minor children, decide who will inherit your money and who will inherit your property. You may also take advantage of the tax benefits that a Will offers. Put your mind at ease, and create a Will during our ONE-TIME SPECIAL. For $550.00, The Chau Law Firm, P.C. will draft: a living will, HIPPA release, power of attorneys, and instructions for burial remains. You qualify for this special if your estate is worth less than $500,000. A minimum $200.00 retainer is required, with the remainder due on November 16, 2013. What to do: 1) Contact our offices for a packet to be sent to you 2) Fill out the packet and return it to us with all the paperwork signed and filled out with the retainer paid 3) Save November 16, 2013 in your calendar! We will take care of the rest! Do not miss this opportunity to put your mind at ease regarding yourfuture and the future of your loved ones! Please request to speak to either Jonathon or Loren The Chau Law Firm, P.C. 723 Main Street, Suite 1015 Houston, Texas 77002 281-888-7982 (Phone) 281-764-6799 (Fax) Or email us at [email protected] Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 - Page 7 •Birth announcements must be submitted within 4 weeks of birth to be published free of charge. Otherwise, a $20 charge applies. •Wedding stories must be submitted within 4 weeks of ceremony to be published at nominal rate, otherwise $5.50 per column inch rate will apply. BY Chinatu Gladrich AgriLife Extension Agent-Matagorda County Halloween is a particularly deadly night due to the high number of drunk drivers on the road. In 2012, Texas lost 15 motorists from Friday, October 28, through Wednesday, October 31. The Saturday prior to Halloween was a particularly deadly night, with 10 Texans losing their lives in alcohol-related crashes. Texas law enforcement officers remind drivers that they will be out in force looking for drunk drivers. If you as scary as impaired drivers do not drive sober, you will get pulled over. Young men are particularly at risk of being involved in a traffic crash as a result of “buzzed” or drunk driving. “With drunk driving, there’s no trick and there’s no treat,” said Chinatu Gladrich, AgriLife Extension agent for Matagorda County. “We want all our residents to remember that Halloween is about kids and trick-or-treating—not about seeing how much alcohol they can drink.” Palacios Library’s annual Havest Moon Dinner & Dance set for Oct 26 featuring Percy Lewis and the Jazz Prodigy Black and White is the 2013 theme for the Palacios Library’s annual Harvest Moon Dinner Dance scheduled for Oct. 26. The evening will begin with a reception and silent auction at 6 p.m., followed by a seated dinner at 7 p.m. and a live auction after dinner. Returning by popular demand is Percy Lewis and the Jazz Prodigy, who will provide the evening’s entertainment and music for dancing. Cocktail attire is recommended. If you aren’t already a member of the Palacios Library’s Century Club, memberships are still available. Century Club members’ dues of $100 per year fund free internet access at Palacios and Blessing libraries, the after-school homework assistance program for Palacios’ students, and library improvements, equipment, and programs. To become a member of the Century Club, go by the Palacios Library, 326 Main, Palacios, or write to: Friends of Palacios Library, P. O. Box 2, Palacios, TX 77465. Century Club Members receive admission for 2 to the annual Harvest Moon Dinner Dance. Put Saturday, October 26, on your calendar, and join the crowd at the Palacios Recreation Center for a fun evening of dinner, dancing, and entertainment. For additional information or, if you are not a Century Club member but would like to attend the Harvest Moon Dinner Dance, please call: 361-972-3234, or call Pat at 361-972-9922. Pantry Patter Veteran Services Officer to be at VFW on Oct. 30 The Robert Duran Caring & Sharing Food Pantry BY FRAN FULLER September passed without a hurricane - thankfully. At times at the food pantry - it seemed a mighty wind had passed through - Trinity Baptist Youth came and packed our boxes. Our nominee for Volunteers of the year is the Trinity Baptist Youth - the United Way had a Kick-off luncheon at Bay City Country Club and several of the pantry bunch attended, plus the honorees, Jeanne Wilson and two others. A lovely time to enjoy this honor. We were blessed several times with the presence of Angels -- that is Angels from Care Home Health out of Bay City -- Leslie Rodriguez and Haley E. Garcia. They came and volunteered and offered help to all in need. The pantry is running a little short of plastic bags to bag our groceries. If you have some extra (and who doesn’t?) we would appreciate having them. Just drop them by most mornings during the week. Where Caring Is Our Calling VFW Post 2467 announced that Jason Sanders, Matagorda County Veterans Service Officer will be holding a Q&A seminar for all local veterans who may have questions or concerns about their veteran benefits, at the VFW Hall located at 200 Commerce in Palacios on Oct 30 at 6 p.m. VFW membership is not required to attend. Any veteran who may have a pending VA claim and has questions, are asked to bring their documentation. This is a great opportunity for all veterans to learn more about their benefits and some of the newest changes to those benefits so please try to attend. For more information contact Gus Valcik, Post Commander, at 361-935-5052. Driving while impaired is a crime that seriously risks your safety and the safety of those around you. Whether you have had one too many or are way over the limit, drunk driving is not worth causing a traffic crash, serious injury, or worse—death. The legal and financial costs of driving while impaired can be significant. Drunk driving violators often face jail time, the loss of their driver’s license, higher insurance rates, use of an ignition interlock, and dozens of other unanticipated expenses rang- ing from attorney fees, court costs, car towing and repairs, and lost wages due to time off from work. Plan ahead so that you don’t turn the roads into a real-life horror show. If you are going to a party, plan a way to safely get home at the end of the night. For information on free alcohol awareness programs available through the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Watch UR BAC program in College Station, go to www.watchurbac.tamu. edu or call 979-862-1911. New Arrivals BENJAMIN LEE STALEY Terry and Ann Staley of Alexandria, VA announce the birth of their son Benjamin Lee, born September 19, 2013. The new arrival weighed 8-lbs., 2-oz. and was 21- inches long. He was welcomed home by big sister Leah Elizabeth. Maternal grandparents are Bruce and Cara Herlin of Palacios. Paternal grandparents are Terry and Kathy Staley of York, PA. NOTICE DESTRUCTION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORDS SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORDS of students who were dismissed from special education classes during the 2005-2006 school year are to be destroyed October 21, 2013. These records include students from Bay City ISD, Tidehaven ISD, Palacios ISD, Van Vleck ISD and Matagorda ISD. If former student or parents want copies of the records they should contact Halcy Martin-Dean at 979-245-6318 before October 18, 2013. OCTOBER’s WORLD MISSION BREAKFAST Saturday, October 26th 8am - 11am Church of God of Prophecy 808 9th St. • Palacios $7.00 - All You Can Eat Please join us for pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, grits, hot coffee, juice and our famous breakfast strudel. All proceeds go to support mission fields around the world. We have enjoyed your fellowship and patronage for 67+ years, and appreciated your continued support. Please call 361-972-6262 (day of event) to place your “to go” order or to reserve dine in space. OCTOBER is WARNINGS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WE OFFER: • Physical Therapy • Respite Care • Occupational Therapy • IV Therapy • Speech Therapy • Wound Care • Secured Unit We accept Medicare, Medicaid, Private Pay, Private Insurance, and V.A. Stop by for a complimentry mug or a cup of hot chocolate and a tour. Contact Admissions Coordinator Gidgett Reynolds at 361-649-5400. Gidgett Reynolds Admissions Coordinator 361-649-5400 524 Village Road • Port Lavaca, TX 77979 ✦ 361-552-3741 • Verbal/Emotional Abuse Against You • One Person Making All the Decisions • Intense Jealousy • Isolation from Family/Friends • Lack of Independence • Control Over Every Detail of Your Life • Lack of Respect for Your Feelings and Ideas • Fear of Physical Safety for Self/Children/Pets • Misuse of Alcohol and Drugs • Physical Abuse Against You • Threats/Intimidation Against You DON’T BE A VICTIM CALL FOR HELP THE CRISIS CENTER 1.800.451.9235-HOTLINE 979-245-9299 Page 8 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY DEADLINE Monthly bills paid by Two-day Paddling-Camping 101 be offered at MCBNC Oct. 26 the City of Palacios toKayakers and canoeists are titled Paddling-Camping 101. Following are bills paid by the city of Palacios the second half of the month of September. Bills are published by the Palacios Beacon as a public record since City Council does not see bills prior to payment. America Electric and Hardware, supplies; $77.13 Ascent Aviation Group Inc., aviation gasoline; $32,249.63 Alco Stores Stores, Inc., supplies; $108.39 AT&T Mobility, on call & cell phone; $82.84 BCOS, INC., contract overage; $121.05 Blessing Lumber, propane for forklift; $32.90 Brazoria Co. Water Lab, water lab samples; $240 Constellation Energy, electric service provider; $8,118.51 Bear Graphics, ordinance Vol. 14; $307.38 CSG Systems Inc., Aug. 2013 water statements; $1,129.15 Duffy’s Lawn & Garden, blades for saw; $119.70 Envirodyne Laboratories, Inc., sewer lab testing; $476 Fire Fighters’ Relief, fire fighters pension; $5,775.03 F o s t e r F e n c e LT D , replaced 6” wheel; $535 Franklin Legal Publishing, No#4 code of ordinance; $715 Ford Motor Credit, Pymt 23, Acct # 9036600; $1,386.07 Don Guynes, inspections; $160 Hayes Electric, electric repairs; $165 Harvey Welding Service, welding repairs; $2,442.36 Supermedia LLC, directory listing; $24.75 P r o g r e s s i v e Wa s t e Solutions, Aug. 2013 Garbage collection; $49,722.16 ICC Industrial Chemical, fogger for machine; $406.79 Antonio’s Tire Service, backhoe tire; $213 Lyle Printing, business cards; $104.15 Lexis Nexis, TX Criminal and Traffic; $52.49 Pay and Save, INC. Lowes, coffee & prisoner support; $151.73 Matula & Matula Construction, water distribution Pymt 3 &4; $58,460.81 Matagorda County Treasurer, bldg. lease; $800 Mastercard, credit card services; $657.24 John D. Mercer, water distribution system & wastewater treatment; $7,020.81 Terry W. Mosier, airport hanger fence/ gate; $2,450 Mid Coastal Lumber, supplies; $97.23 Oscar’s Pest & Termite, quarterly pest control; $150 Palacios Lawn Care, mow & weed airport; $450 Group 71 Invest, Unit# 3, 7, 10, 2013, 2512, chief’s truck; $515.95 Palacios Beacon, public hearing; $382.50 Palacios Veterinary Clinic, canine rabies vaccine; $10 Prime Parts Supply, supplies; $612.40 Pitney Bowes, quarterly charges; $282 Rexco Construction Services, 6th & Main St. improvements; $3,500 Service Supply, repaired chop saw; $294 Sun Coast Resources, Inc., bulk fuel 8/9, 8/19 & 8/28; $10,453.36 Tomahawk Live Trap, dog & cat traps; $986.32 Total Call International, long distance service; $121.80 Vertex Financial, water supplies; $3,455.60 T.S.I. Laboratories, Inc., testing for Margerum Blvd.; $508.75 Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Management, Acct-17050590; $212.98 Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Management, PD Annex; $221.98 Verde Environmental, Inc., micro-blaze; $1,525.63 Verizon, phone service; $1,087.18 Wofford Electric & Pump Supply, ¾ HP 1750RPM; $302 TOTAL: $199,483.75 Express Inc. CONTRACTORS NEEDED! Daily Express, a leader in Heavy Haul and Specialized Transportation, is in need of experienced Contractors to pull our step-deck and lowboy trailers hauling Machinery, Construction, fabricated and Agricultural loads to multiple destinations. We can also lease on Contractors with their own Step-deck or RGN’s. **Best FSC in the Industry**No Trailer Rent, No Agents or Brokers, Free Base Plate, Paid Permits/Escorts and Advancement Opportunities!** Get on board with a proven leader today! Call Erik or Nicole at 1-800-669-6414 or apply at invited to expand their paddling horizons by equipping themselves with a keen appreciation for the ins and outs of camping at remote and primitive waterfront locations. The Matagorda County Birding Nature Center, near Bay City, will again offer its annual two-part outdoors knowledge and skills course, The Heart Beat of the Universe (Philippians 2:4-8 NKLV) “ Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Selfish, self-centered, self-seeking, self-fulfilling, these words conjure up a lot in our minds when we think about them don’t they? And let’s be honest with ourselves; when we think of these words, we typically think of others that we know, don’t we? The fragile nature on us how important it is for us to appreciate the life that we’ve been blessed with. He wants us to make the most of it, each and every single day. Being self-centered is easy for most of us. It almost second nature if we live by the flesh. If we live by God’s Spirit, though, being selfish will become more and more difficult to do. God wants us to consider others and see them as being important. We’re put here to love God be a light to this sighing, dying, humanity of this world. Take a few minutes today to ask God if your life is imparting anyone else around you in a positive way. Our lives should be a light to them without us having to preach to them or quote scriptures to them. It’s not about how many Bible verses we quote on a daily basis, but what we say and do in everyday settings and situations that imprints the most! It is up to us to love them and impact their lives with our own lives. God has equipped us for this! Call for prayer Y. Servantes., Jr. 832-964-7601 Session #1 will be held Oct. 26 at the Center’s riverside pavilion from 9:20 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. It will cover the fundamentals of everythingmust-go-in-the-boat wilderness camping - including gear, foods, shelter, destination and campsite selection; safety and emergency management. Session #2 will be a guided 18-mile overnight float trip down the Colorado River on Dec. 14 and 15. This field exercise is designed to hone one’s practical understanding regarding safe and comfortable camping along the shores of enticing waterways, under the watchful eye of an experienced expedition paddler. The course is limited to ten (10) individuals, 18 or older, possessing the confidence they can cover 8-10 miles per day on slow-moving flat water. The cost is $50 per person and covers two light meals; shuttle, guide, instruction and trip leadership services; and 2014 MCBNC membership. Loaner kayaks (single or tandem) are available, if needed, for an additional $25/boat. Contact Willie Younger at 979-240-4872 or [email protected]. By Vikijane Mosier The library received memorials in memory of Herb James from the Palacios Lion’s Club and Paul Cooper by Beverly Behnke. We are getting ready for our annual Harvest Moon Ball and on display in the library is a quilt made by Mary Kay Beard. This quilt will be used for our loud auction along with a few other items; there will be many items for the silent auction as well. This week we talked about autumn and what makes our leaves turn colors and fall off the trees. Everyone made leaf rubbings. Last week we learned all about whales during Story Hour. Miss Vikijane read Wilma On Her Own, a story about a young Beluga Whale in a bay near Nova Scotia. We did some whale work sheets and drew some whales. More recently volunteer reader Rev. Chris Webb told the children about gold and the Gold Rush and read From Gold to Money by Ali Mitgtsch, Clementine by Ann Owen, and Swamp Angel by Ann Isaacs. Later he demonstrated how to pan for gold and everyone worked on gold mining pages. Story hour is every Tuesday at 10 a.m.; any child who is at home during the day is welcome to come. We have fun reading new books and doing crafts. We have just received some new First Books which we will be giving away each week, home schoolers are also welcome. All children in need of help with homework may sign up for our Homework program which lasts from 4:15 until 5:45, Monday through Thursday. All children must bring everything they need to complete their homework. So far we have had over 30 students who regularly attend. Our computers are here for tools to help children to complete their homework and also for learning games that will help strengthen their learning abilities. If you would like to find out more about our homework program please call the library at 972-3234. AIRLINE CAREERS BEGIN HERE Become an Aviation Mechanic. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified – Housing available. Job placement assistance CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance Dallas - 800-475-4102 or Houston - 800-743-1392 NOTICE OF TAX RESALE ( Properties previously struck off to MATAGORDA COUNTY) (See note below) Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Matagorda County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosed and bid off to the taxing units in the suits described below. Therefore, I will on November 5, 2013, at the North Entry, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on said day, beginning at 10:00 A.M., proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, and in the manner provided by Section 34.05(d), Property Tax Code, all of the right, title and interest of the taxing units, acquired through each of the suits listed below, in and to the following described real estate being situated in Matagorda County, Texas, to wit: Note: Matagorda County is the taxing unit to which the property was struck off to in trust. Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne, By: __________________________ Date _____________ Cause # Judgment Date Struck-Off On Sale # Account Number Style of Case Legal Description Adjudged Value (See note below) Estimated Minimum Bid (See note below) T14,935 04/04/12 08/07/12 T15,086 12/05/07 03/04/08 T15,088 08/01/07 10/02/07 43487 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. WILLIE BRYANT LT 1, BLK 65, D.P. MOORE PARK ADDN, CITY OF BAY CITY, VOL 26, PG 507* $2,500.00 $1,940.00 11893 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. ROY H. WALDREP 2 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, T. M. DUKE SURV, ABST 29, VOL 484, PG 779* $6,200.00 $1,567.00 20847 I & G N RR CO SURV, ABST 323, 2.58 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VOL 135, PG 630* $8,000.00 $2,300.00 T15,157 05/01/13 08/06/13 T15,288 12/10/08 04/07/09 36807 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF WANDA N. RICKWAY, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. RICHARD W. ROHLFING, ET AL $750.00 $750.00 LT 2 BLK 5 OF THE EXTENSION OF D. P. MOORE PARK ADDN, CITY OF BAY CITY, VOL 43, PG 260* $21,350.00 $2,500.00 6 T15,307 11/02/11 03/06/12 13785 $2,198.00 T15,431 11/02/11 03/06/12 T15,455 02/20/08 12/01/09 T15,526 10/05/11 Cause # 02/07/12 Judgment Date T15,606 Struck-Off On 03/03/10 08/03/10 47548 MORRISON & COOPER LEAGUE, ABST 63, A C BELL S/D, 1.67 ACRES PT LT 4, VOL 1, PG 26 & VOL 152, PG 501* LT 649, HIGH MEADOW SEC OF TRES PALACIOS OAKS, VOL 6, PG 8* (R16391/47548) $11,970.00 7 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF J. C. STREDIC, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF EDDIE GRICE, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. TIMOTHY W. HOLT $1,300.00 $1,300.00 24716 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. TRAVIS EDISON, ET AL BAY CITY ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, BLOCK 33, LOT 6 (S-50'), VOL 37, PG 547* $14,960.00 $1,500.00 43660 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. TAMEKA L. CHATMANStyle of Case LT 5, BLK 12, EXTENSION TO D. P. MOORE PARK ADDN, VOL 43,Legal PG 265* Description $2,500.00 $1,703.00 Adjudged Value $18,850.00 (See note below) Estimated Minimum Bid $2,500.00 (See note below) T16,084 05/01/03 08/06/13 T16,134 09/19/12 03/05/13 40479 $14,380.00 $4,175.00 T16,144 06/01/11 10/04/11 28562 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Sale # 10 11 12 13 43560 40059 28563 Account Number EL DORADO S/D, LT 540, VOL 6, PG 37* MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. DAVID J. ROBBINS, A/K/A DAVID JAMES ROBBINS MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. ROBERTA W. THOMAS, ET AL LTS 4 & 5, BLK 3, MEADOWOOD, PHASE 1, CITY OF BAY CITY, REC'D IN SLIDE 353-B & 354-A* LT 6, BLK 9, D. P. MOORES 1ST ADDN, CITY OF BAY CITY, VOL 6, PG 3* MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. JACK CARPENTER A/K/A BLUFORD L. CARPENTER, JR. (IN REM ONLY) MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. GARY CARPENTER A/K/A GARY ALAN CARPENTER, ET AL CAMELOT FOREST, SEC 1, BLK 3, LT 50, VOL 8, PG 1* $500.00 $500.00 CAMELOT FOREST, SEC 1, BLK 3, LT 49, VOL 8, PG 1* $500.00 $500.00 Notes: All sales are without warranty, expressed or implied. Specifically, there is no warranty as to title or physical condition (including the condition or existence of any improvements). The sales are subject to any rights of redemption as provided by law. All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of Matagorda County. All prospective bidders should make their own investigation of the title held by the taxing entities and the value of the property. Prospective bidders are encouraged to consult their attorney. Prospective bidders should not rely on the "Adjudged Value" as representing the actual value of the property or any information regarding the property contained in the records of the Matagorda County Appraisal District . Payment must be made in cash or by cashiers check. All sales are final. All Sales subject to cancellation without prior notice. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Beacon Classified Ads 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY $5.00 Per Insertion for 25 Words Or Less • Payment required at the time of placement for all Classified Ads A. CONTRERAS Palacios Autos Contractor • Foundation • Remodeling • Carpentry • Residential • Painting • Free Estimates 117 Henderson 2011 GOLF CART 406 Milam Edna, TX 77957 361-781-0882 361-235-0208 Cell Office: 361-972-3200 Sheila Benear: 361-935-0549 Terry Mosier: 361-550-1937 809 First Street • Palacios,TX • 0 Riverside Dr. (TPO) - 2 Riverfront lots with water & electricity. $25,000. PENDING • 710 Rorem - 2bd, 2ba Home. Charming and ready to move in. $69,000. • 314 CR 304 - 4 Acres of land with many possibilities. $50,000. • 222 E. Lou Lou Lane - 3bd, 1ba, A great little fish camp at Schicke Point. $50,000. • 504 Humphrey - 2bd. 1ba Cute starter or empty nester home. $59,500 • 74 Grand Oak 2 (TPO) - 3bd, 2ba, A lovely home with 5 well maintained fenced in lots. With a huge garage/work shop. $96,000. • 311 Rorem - 2bd, 1ba, Coastal Charmer! This home welcomes you with open living areas. With additional living area in garage. $55,000. • 27 Catamaran - Two beautiful lots well maintained. There is a septic, storage buildPENDING ing and a sun room. $32,000. REDUCED $28,000. • 47 Riverside Dr. (TPO S/D) - 3bd. 2ba. Immaculate home on 4 lots. There is also a river front lot across from home. $159,900 • 205 Main St. - 3bd. 2ba. Classic Charmer! Super location, a few blocks from downtown & bay. $125,000 • 729 CR 305 - 4bd. 3 ½ ba. Luxurious water front home with a little over 2 acres. The master bedroom is downstairs with an awesome view of the bay. $319,000 • 00 Hwy 35 W. - 1.79 Acres – Spectacular homesite ready to build on. There is a 401ft. water well and under ground electricity. $135,000. • 0 First St. - 2 Lots These lots are 1 block from E. Bay Blvd. & 3 blocks from S. Bay Blvd. Not far from downtown. $59,000 • 0 Greenwood (TPO S/D) - 4 Lots that go from Greenwood to Red Haw St. It is a gated community with a pool and boat ramp. $6,000 • 0 Matagorda - A beautiful lot 1 block from E. Bayshore Dr. $15,000 PENDING • 0 Turtle Bay Cove Dr - 2.73 Acres – Excellent waterfront property on Turtle Bay. Great homesite! Possible Owner Finance. $80,000 • 39 Palacios Bay Dr. (Beachside) - A waterfront lot in a gated community. $94,000 • 111 5th. St. - A view of the Tres Palacios Bay from this lot. One block from the seawall and downtown. $50,000 Your Coastal Property Specialists! PIERCE REAL ESTATE 438 MAIN ST • 361-972-0810 NEW LISTING - Lot 404 at Carancahua. 317 EAST BAY BLVD - The Peaceful Pelican, Beautifully restored home with a spectacular view of the bay. $359,000 409 E. BAYSHORE - Castner Cottage, A great home on the water or rental income for a weekender, 325’ lighted pier, $229,500 411 E. TRES PALACIOS - Camp Logan, Bay view from the front porch, formal dining, $189,950 308 LUCAS - Nicely redone one bedroom on a double lot with large rooms and a SOLD storage building, $75,000 320 E. TRES PALACIOS Two for less than the price of one. The 3/1 house is a CONTRACT PENDING fixer upper but the 1/1 APARTMENT is ready to go, $69,000 315 EAST BAY BLVD - Spectacular bay view from this 0.46 acre lot, $90,000 ABALONE, IN BOCA CHICA - Secluded with a view of a nice horse ranch, $4,000 SE CORNER OF SH 35 & 11th - Commercial lot waiting for a business, $99,925 GREEN & 7th - Behind Lowe’s, subdivision waiting to happen, 19.83 acres, $999,925 SH 35 & UNIVERSITY - Storage building with office space, can be divided several ways, call John for more information, $299,000 (office currently for rent) John L. Pierce Broker/Owner/GRI [email protected] I can help you as a buyers rep even if it's not my listing. Featured Home 300 AUSTIN RE/MAX Coastal Properties 3 BR , 2 BA, 2 car garage, corner lot, fenced yard. Central Heating and Air Conditioning. NEW floor through out house. NEW Kitchen Cabinets. Price Reduced. $148,000.00 Call Ron at 979-240-4413 Seats 4 $2,800. F250, 7.3L $11,900. at IN-HOUSE FINANCING STORAGE UNITS 10’ X 10’ Climate Controlled Heated and Cooled 2601 Perryman 979-240-4413 LAND FOR SALE TWO LOTS for sale on E. Matagorda St. 100x150 total. For more information call 361-655-3515 or 361-2180516. (40-tfc) ----------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 1+ Acre Tracts. Owner financing available. $4,000. Down, $225/ month. Call Ron @ 979-240-4413. (37-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2BD, 1BA, Duplex $550/ Month plus utilities. $550/Deposit. No smoking, No pets. Please call 361-972-1438. (40-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR LEASE: 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 story. Available early October. Very nice unit in quiet 10 unit complex w-great neighbors. Includes washer/dryer. $725/ month, $725/deposit. e-mail: [email protected] (39-tfc) -----------------------------------------------WANTED: 2BD, 2BA House by the water, must be pet friendly. Please call Russell Cain Real Estate @ 361552-6313 or you can email information to [email protected] (37-tfc) -----------------------------------------------AVAILABLE FOR LEASE: A split level waterfront home. 2BD, 2BA, upstairs and a 1BD, efficiency downstairs. Renting all as one. $1,400/ month + Deposit. Call 361-655-3515 or 361-218-0516 for more information. (38-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 2BD, 1BD, Unfurnished Duplex. $625/month, $625/deposit, No smoking. No pets Call 361-9721438. (35-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 2 Story house in Tres Palacios Oaks, 3BD home built on three lots. The third lot has water, sewer, septic, and electric also. A three bay garage with one bay converted to built in with work benches. Stove, refrigerator and dish washer included. $65K asking will discount to $55K for cash buyer. Contact Vic Collins @ 1-281-543-9069. (39-5tc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE : 3/1/2 Home in Foley Addition. 1702 Gray St. Metal roof, on large lot. Call 361-550-6054 or 361-920-4601 for more information. (37-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 3BD, 2BA, House, CH/A, Privacy fenced yard, New Frigidaire Stove and Refrigerator. New Granite sink, new counter tops, new cabinets, new laminate floor. Remodeled bathrooms with new fixtures, tile floors. All electric, 5 ceiling fans, back deck, covered porch, $95,000.00 Call Ron at 979-2404413. (19-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ Ron Laws 979-240-4413 Broker/Owner Tammy Broussard 979-240-3420 Realtor Charlotte Tucker 979-241-8615 Realtor Independently owned and operated 2003 FORD YOU CAN NOW VISIT US ON OUR NEW WEBSITE Dan Tucker 979-241-5457 Broker/Owner COASTAL PROPERTIES 215 5th Street 361-972-5900 361-972-3596 H Auto Detailing by Appointment H • HOUSE LEVELING • David and Jody Cassady Owner/Broker Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 - Page 9 Robbie Brieden 361-920-2891 Realtor • 771 CR 305 - 3BD, 1 1/2 BA, Brick home with waterview. Situated on 4 acres. Attached on car garage. $361,000. Call Ron • 312 Duson - 3BD, 2BA, with open concept floor plan & wood burning fireplace. Enclosed front porch & detached garage $184,500. Call Charlotte • 1307/1309 8th Street - Great investment property. Property has 2 houses on it. Each property has metal storage building. Both houses need TLC. $27,000. Call Tammy • 412 Lucas - 2BD, 2BA, Covered front porch, kitchen and diningroom have been remodeled, large utility room. $74,900. Call Charlotte • 507 E. Bayshore Dr. - 2BD, 2BA, Open concept home with beautiful view of the Bay. $141,000. Call Tammy • 116 Willowrun - Cozy 3BD, 2BA, in Tres Palacios Oaks. 2 Car garage. $62,000. Call Tammy • 205 Duson - Very nice 2BD, 1BA, with one car garage. A brick home with fenced yard. $115,000. Call Ron • 113 College, Collegeport - 2BD, 1BA House. Home overlooks Tres Palacios Bay. $89,900. Call Ron SOLD • 507 East Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 2BA Home with waterview, sunroom, large kitchen, many extras, $298,000. Call Ron • 506 Morton - Newly remodeled 3BD, 2BA home. Stainless steel appliances, large backyard. Must see! $95,000. Call Ron • 568 Bayview - 2BD, 2BA, in Cape Carancahua w/waterview on 3 lots, jacuzzi tub and lots of extras Must see $175,000. Call Robbie • 517 Lucas - 2BD, 2BA Home great for entertaining with outdoor BBQ room. $115,000. REDUCED $110,000. Call Robbie • 1200 4th St. - Old Charm Victorian on corner lot. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 story home with wrap around porch. $159,000. REDUCED $149,000. Call Ron • 300 Austin - 3BD, 2BA, Home with new wood floors, kitchen cabinets & countertops. Fenced yard. $158,000. Call Ron • 1527 8th Street - 3BD, 2BA, Brick home on corner lot. Large living room, garage converted to game room/studio. $139,000. Call Tammy • 312 Perryman - 2BD, 1BA, HouseCONTRACT with new kitchen PENDING cabinets. Metal building. $75,000. Call Ron • 604 4th Street - 3 Unit Apartment building, 2 Story - Downstairs 3BD, 2BA, 2 Units upstairs- Each 1BD, 1BA. $110,000. Call Ron • 307 Windswept - Located in Sunrise Bay Sub-Division. This 3BD, 3BA, open concept home has a beautiful view of the bay. $279,000. Call Charlotte • 413 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview from balcony, $215,000. Call Charlotte • 415 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview, gated parking in the back. $215,000. Call Charlotte • 2209 Bayshore Dr. - Beautiful 4BD, 3BA, two story home with private pier. Many extras. Call Charlotte for details. $980,000. • 10 2nd Street- Jensen Point, 3BD, 1BA, Beautiful waterview. Access to boat ramp. $140,000. Call Tammy • 502 Elizabeth - Great view of the Bay. 2/2 w/garage, great yard, $180,000. REDUCED $170,000. Call Charlotte • 709 1st St. - Old time charm w/great view SOLD of bay. 2BD, 2BA brick home on large lot. $168,000. REDUCED $159,000. Call Ron • 805 Ave C, Blessing - 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, cinder block home, remodeled bathroom. $45,000. Call Tammy • 898 CR 324 - Nice country home on 20 acres! 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath, brick home with large barn. $295,000. $275,000. REDUCED $245,000. Call Robbie CONTRACT PENDING • 401 Henderson - Strip Mall! Great Business location! $325,000. Call Charlotte LAND • Lot 146 - Bayview in Cape Carancahua. Gated community with boat launch, pool, piers. $10,000. Call Ron • 552 Bayview - 2 Lots. Great lots to build on. S/D has piers, boat launch, pool. $19,000. Call Ron • Lot 24 Windswept - Sunrise Bay S/D. Fantastic view of Carancahua Bay. $45,000. Call Ron • 633 Swallow Drive - 2 Great lots to build on, includes small building and power pole. S/D has boat launch, pool and pier. $21,000. Call Ron • Lot 14 & 15 Red Snapper - 2 Lots with view of Carancahua Bay. $20,000. Call Ron • River Hollow Way - 1 Acre of River front property, lots of trees. $51,500. Call Tammy • Lot 3 Red Snapper - Waterfront lot with concrete bulkhead. Great view. $110,000. Call Ron • Tiger Shark - Waterfront lot in Boca Chica Subdivision $12,500. Call Ron SOLD • 6405 SH 35 - 1.73 Acres of undeveloped waterfront property on Turtle Bay. Over 148 ft. of water frontage with seawall. $92,000. Call Ron • 429 Catamarran - 3 Wooded lots on Tres Palacios River with 24X24 Metal Building, Pier, Covered Deck, 2 RV spaces. $55,000. Call Ron SOLD • FM 3280 - 627.71 Acres in 2 different tracts. $1,489,000. Call Dan • 503 E Bay Blvd. - Wateview, great building site, close to boat ramp. $150,000. Call Charlotte • Lot 3 Red Snapper Lane - 1.14 Acres. Water front lot with bulkhead. $110,000. Call Ron • 28 Windswept Dr. - .95 acre Sunrise Bay SD. $109,000. Call Robbie • 10 Acres-Collins Rd - Great tract for building or commercial, fenced. $65,000. Call Ron • 2 Acres - on Tres Palacios Bay -"Collegeoport" with 120' of Bulkhead $105,000. Owner financing available. Call Ron • 1st & McGlothin - 6 Lots, Road frontage on 4 sides. $115,000. Call Ron • E. Bayshore Dr. - 1.49 Acres would be great homesite with view of the bay. $110,000. Call Charlotte • 141 Sandollar - Boca Chica Lot #74. $6,500. Call Robbie • Lot # 13 & 14 - Live Oak Landing, Blessing, $49,900. Call Robbie • Lots 1344 & 1345 - Cape Carancahua, Waterfront lots-$79,000. each. Call Ron • Lot 1 - Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Lot 1B - Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Lot 2- Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Lot 3 - Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Koontz Street - Nice building site. Close to wetlands & birding. $12,000. Call Ron • 1st & Beecher - Lots 1, 2 & 3, Foley's 3rd ext., Hwy. Frontage, $90,000. Call Charlotte • Palacios Acres - Lot B - 2.08 Acres on 12th Street. Great location and close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Palacios Acres - Lot C - 2.08 Acres. Convenient location. Close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Riverfront Property - Live Oak Landing S/D, Lot 9, 2 acres. $89,000. Call Robbie • Lots 4-6 - Cape Carancahua #5 (Hwy 35), $75,000. REDUCED Call Tammy • 57 Bayshore - 2 Waterfront lots in Cape Carancahua. 122x150 - Lots 57 & 58, $79,000. Call Ron • 1620 Ruthven - 1 acre waterfront property with bayfront view $70,000. Call Tammy • Lot 63, Sea Urchin Drive - 75x104 lot in Boca Chica across from reserve. $7,500. REDUCED $5,900. Call Robbie • 2201 First St. - 6 acres in town. Building not included. $220,000. REDUCED $217,500. Call Charlotte • 684-685 Swallow - 130' x110' $12,000. Call Ron • Sea Urchin Boca Chica- $8,000. Lot 62 across from reserve. REDUCED $7,000 Call Robbie • 8.2 Acres on Green Ave. - $145,000. Possible owner finance. Call Ron • 1 Acre tracts on Collins Rd. - Great Building Site! Call Ron • 862 CR 478 - 1.3 Acres on Carancahua Bay - w/ 308' waterfront, Wonderful homesite. $159,995 $139,995. REDUCED $ 139,000. Call Charlotte • Bayshore Dr - 2.5 Acres WATERFRONT Land. Great Homesite! $295,000. REDUCED $199,000. Call Charlotte • Waterfront Cape Lots: Lot 404-$80,000. Call Ron. • Various Lots in BEACHSIDE S/D, some foreclosures, Sunrise Bay, Bay Point, Live Oak Landing, TPO, Cape and Boca Chica RENTALS: • 441 Main St. - Commercial Building $500/month, $450/deposit • 706 2nd St. - 3/2, No smoking, No pets, $750/month, $700/deposit. • 504 5th St. - 3/2, fenced yard, CH/A, $1050/month, $950/deposit. • VACATION RENTALS AVAILABLE BUYERS, COME SHOP WITH US. WE CO-BROKE See our website at MISC. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Walnut Diningroom set. Has 8 chairs (2 captain). Seats 4-12 people. Excellent condition. Call 361972-3025 for more information. (422tp) ------------------------------------------------ VEHICLES 2011 Buick Enclave for sale, one owner, 10,600 miles, $26,000. Can be seen at 212 Green Ave., Palacios. (40-2tp) LIGHT DOZER or BACKHOE SERVICE BY: GENE EGGEMEYER • Fence line cleaning • Small Pond Construction • Dirt/Gravel Leveling If you need it pushed, leveled, or cleared call 361-972-5593 361-676-0386 (cell) SERVICES RENTALS: Tiller, sewer tape, gas line test gauge, anchor machine, appliance dolly, pressure washer, cement mixer, electric jackhammer, scaffolding. Porter’s Ace Hardware, 405 Main St., Palacios. 361-972-5222 (1-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT GROUPS DRINKING PROBLEM?: CAN’T STOP? , Episcopal Hall, 3rd & Main St., Palacios, Thursday, 7 p.m. & Sunday 3:30 p.m. Call John (361)5539638 or Jeff (713)299-7179. (34-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ WANTED PALACIOS PET PALS needs Weight Circles from Purina Brand Dog and Cat food bags and boxes. They can be used to get discounts. Please call 361972-0100 for more information or mail cut out circles to Pet Pals, P.O. Box 215, Palacios, TX or drop in Palacios at H.L.C. Bookkeeping, 217 Fifth St., during business hours. (18-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ HELP WANTED NATIOnwide INSURANCE is seeking a fully licensed agent with experience at the Bay City office. Bilingual a plus. Position pays $15 to $17 per hour, based on experience. Bonuses and incentives. Apply by email to [email protected] (42-2tc) ------------------------------------------------ GARAGE SALES FUNDRAISER: Thurs., Oct. 17th, 10 am till sold out. 423 6th St. @ 1st Untied Pentecostal Church. Beef Enchilada Casserole Dinner. $8 per plate. Will deliver 4 plates or more. Call 361237-0199 or 361-218-5334. Plates include Casserole, rice, beans, crackers, jalapenos & onions. (42-1tp) -------------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Fri., Oct. 18th & Sat., Oct. 19th, 8am to Noon, 300 University. Sleeper sofa, love seat, end tables, dishes, cookware, lamps, men’s clothes size XL, etc. (42-1tc) -----------------------------------------------th GARAGE SALE: Sat., Oct. 19 , 7am to 11am, 316 Mertie. Baby items, kids items, housewares & other misc. items. (42-1tc) -----------------------------------------------th GARAGE SALE: Sat., Oct. 19 , 8am to ?, 1611 5th St. Everything must go. Couch, bed, elliptical, washer, dryer, shoes, kids & adult clothes. (42-1tp) ----------------------------------------------- 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY CNAs FULL TIME opening on various shifts available. Very competitive rates & benefits available for our full time employees! Requires State Certification. Experience preferred, not necessary. EOE. Call our Administrator, 361-972-2542 or apply in person at PALACIOS HEALTHCARE CENTER 1414 Fourth Street Palacios, Texas Photo ID required for Texas Voters You must now present one of the following forms of photo ID when voting in person: «• Texasdriverlicenseissuedbythe TexasDepartmentofPublic Safety(DPS) «• TexasElectionIdentification CertificateissuedbyDPS «• Texaspersonalidentificationcard issuedbyDPS «• TexasconcealedhandgunlicenseissuedbyDPS «• UnitedStatesmilitaryidentificationcard «• UnitedStatescitizenshipcertificatecontaining containingyourphotograph yourphotograph «• UnitedStatespassport WiththeexceptionoftheU.S.citizenshipcertificate,theidentification mustbecurrentorhaveexpirednomorethan60daysbeforebeing presentedforvoterqualificationatthepollingplace. Exemptions -Voterswithadisabilitymayapplywiththecountyvoterregistrarforapermanent exemption.The applicationmustcontainwrittendocumentationfromeithertheU.S.SocialSecurityAdministrationevidencingheor shehasbeendeterminedtohaveadisability,orfromtheU.S.DepartmentofVeteransAffairsevidencingadisability ratingofatleast50percent.Inaddition,theapplicantmuststatethatheorshehasnovalidformofphotoidentification. Thosewhoobtainadisabilityexemptionwillbeallowedtovotebypresentingavoterregistrationcertificatereflectingthe exemption.Pleasecontactyourvoterregistrarformoredetails. Voterswhohaveaconsistentreligious objectiontobeingphotographedandvoterswhodonothaveanyvalidformof photoidentificationasaresultofcertainnaturaldisastersasdeclaredbythePresidentoftheUnitedStatesortheTexas Governor,mayvoteaprovisionalballot,appearatthevoterregistrar’sofficewithinsix(6)calendardaysafterelection day,andsignanaffidavitswearingtothereligiousobjectionornaturaldisaster,inorderforyourballottobecounted. Pleasecontactyourcountyvoterregistrarformoredetails. PAID CDL Training! No experience needed. Stevens Transport will sponsor the cost of your CDL training. Earn up to $40K first year and $70K third year. Excellent benefits, 1-888-726CHOOSING ADOPTION? Nurturing, single 4130, EOE woman will provide stable home/support of OWNER OPERATORS: Home weekends large, extended family. Let’s help each other. and throughout the week. Dedicated, Financial security. Expenses paid. Deborah, recession-proof freight. Lease purchase program. 1-year driving experience & CDL toll-free 1-855-779-3699. Class A. Contact TY 1-866-478-9977. DRIVERS ATTENTION DEDICATED and regional SAFE TUBS drivers. Averitt offers excellent benefits and hometime. CDL-A required, 1-888- SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB Alert for 362-8608. Recent grads with a CDL-A, seniors, bathroom falls can be fatal. 1-6 weeks paid training. Apply online at Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets with less than 4-inch step-in., EOE BEST LEASE PURCHASE in the industry Wide door, anti-slip floors, American made, with 99¢/gallon. Diesel fuel, $100 weekly installation included. Call 1-888-960-2587 bonus, new trucks, top pay and great for $750 Off. DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED now! Learn to drive for Werner Enterprises. Earn $800 per week. No experience needed. CDL and job ready in 15-days. 1-888-734-6710 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms of the provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code THAT: Jose A. Munoz-Flores d/b/a El Ranchito HAS FILED APPLICATION FOR A: Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit and Food and Beverage Certificate SAID BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT: 901 Henderson, Palacios, Matagorda County, Texas 77465 OWNER: Jose A. MunozFlores, Owner. (42-2tc) -----------------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms of the provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code THAT: The Daya Enterprise Inc. d/b/a Regal Food Mart HAS FILED APPLICATION FOR A: Wine and Beer Retailer’s Off-Premise Permit SAID BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT: 2010 1st Street, Palacios, Matagorda County, Texas 77465 OWNER: Dannish S. Daya, Pres/Sec (42-2tc) ------------------------------------------------ AW13-8PrescribedbySecretaryofState•Section62.016,TexasElectionCode•08/2013 TexSCAN Week of October 13, 2013 ADOPTIONS freight lanes. Hirshbach; 1-888-514-6005 or PUBLIC NOTICES TECHNICAL TRAINING AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA approved training.Financial aid if qualified. Housing available, job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 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Weekly settlements. 1-888-720-1565 or ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE OTR driv- Medina/Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central ers, APU equipped, pre-pass, EZ-pass, W/S/E, RV, M/H or house OK only $830 passenger policy. 2012 and newer equip- down, $235 month (12.91%/10yr), Guarment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport anteed financing, more information call 1-830-460-8354 1-800-528-7825 ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, ramp. Owner finance. Granbury 1-210-422-3013 AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! Guaranteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting as low as $6900. Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 SIERRA VISTA RANCH 349.14 acres, $325/acre, Tract 17, Terrell County near Dryden, 2-miles south of Hwy. 90. Deer, javelina, birds. Owner financed. 1-210-7344009. VACATION WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. Rooms fully furnished! Gated community with clubhouse, swimming pool and boat ramps. Call for more information: 1-903-8787265, 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354 Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad .................. $550 290 Newspapers, 905,076 Circulation $ North Region Only ...... 250 94 Newspapers, 301,619 Circulation $ South Region Only ..... 250 100 Newspapers, 391,741 Circulation $ West Region Only ....... 250 96 Newspapers, 211,716 Circulation To Order: Call this Newspaper direct, or call Texas Press Service at 1-800-749-4793 Today! NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. Page 10 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 Palacios S PORTS DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY Beacon Sharkettes continue push to volleyball playoffs With last week’s three set sweep over Tidehaven in their lone Dist. 14-2A contest, the varsity Palacios Sharkettes are in firm control of their own playoff destiny with just three games left in the regular season. “The playoff picture is looking really good for us,” said first-year Sharkette head coach Barbara Buckley-Pee- TIGERETTE Sarah Siptak fires a volley back over the net. (Beacon photo by Ryan West) ples. “We need one more win to secure a playoffs spot.” The Sharkettes were slated to visit Bloomington on Tues. (Oct. 15) and will be idle this Friday (Oct. 18) with an open date. The Sharkettes will visit Aransas Pass next Tues. (Oct. 22) before closing out the regular season on their home court next Fri. (Oct. 25) against the Edna Cowgirls. “(Tuesday’s) game is a big game for us,” said BuckleyPeeples. “The girls know that if we can secure the win (in Bloomington) we can start ordering our playoff shirts.” Back to the lone action on the volleyball court this past week, the Sharkettes spiked the Tidehaven Tigerettes into submission in straight sets, 25-12, 25-20, 25-8. Geneva Perez was at the forefront of the Sharkette attack and finished the night with 15 points, 14 kills, seven digs, five aces served and one block at the net. Payton Bates registered 12 points, 11 digs, four kills and served one ace. Sissy Martinez doled out 16 assists to go with five digs, two points and an ace. Megan Buckley served up 10 assists and finished with seven points, seven digs and one kill. Jennifer Fort finished with seven digs, seven kills four points and two aces; Katelyn Sexton added seven kills, five points, four digs and served up three aces; Sydney Garcia got down for a team high 13 digs; Joie Pena added two points, two kills and one dig; Destiny Terrasas registered one block at the net; and Jacqueleen Segovia netted one kill. The Sharkettes set 7-4 in District play, and are 20-9 overall on the season. TIDEHAVEN’S Graci Huddleston (9) delivers a hit to the volleyball with teammates Melanie Brewer (13) and Robin Krenek (8) in the background as Palacios’ Geneva Perez (14) gets up for the block and Jacqueleen Segovia (11) readies into position. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Brahmas buck JV Sharks, 38-8 The Palacios JV Sharks were run over by a heard of JV Brahmas in Hallettsville last Thursday, 38-8. “We struggled on offense and just couldn’t find any rythym,” said Palacios coach Trent Weixelman. The Brahmas took a 20-0 lead after the first quarter. Palacios found the endzone with less than three left in the first half on a 1-yard QB sneak by Ethan Garcia, who would also add the 2-pt conversion. The Brahmas added two more second half scores to win going away, 28-8. Van Vleck Sharks finish 3rd at Industrial CC Meet shutsout JV Tigers 35-0 The varsity Palacios Shark CC squad placed third out of six teams at last weekend’s meet in Vanderbilt-Industrial. Industrial’s Cobras captured the boys’ team title with Victoria West placing 2nd, just ahead of the Sharks. Sergio Mancera gave Palacios its best finish, taking 5th place with a time of 18:38. Coming in a mere 4-seconds behind Sergio, was Juan Mancera in the 8th position with a time of 18:42. The next Shark across the line was Miguel Gutierrez, who broke the tape in 19:18 and placed 12th. Shark Jimmy Casas posted a 21:15 and placed 27th, and Carmen G. Mancera rounded out the Shark harriers with a 24:32 finish in 51st. Sharkettes The Sharkettes had just three harriers compete at Industrial. Estefania Guillen set the pace for the Sharkettes with a finish time of 14:34 in 14th place. In 31st place, was Samantha DiPasca with a time of 15:32. Carman Mancera ran a 15:42 to place 40th. The Shark and Sharkette harriers will be off this weekend as they prepare for the Dist. 142A Cross Country Meet held next Weds. (Oct. 23) in Palacios at the Marine Center. JV Results Kylie Durio was the lone JV Sharkette runner and she finished in 9th place with a time of 17:33. Dominic Garcia led the JV Sharks with a finish of 23:56 in 8th. In 9th place with a time of 24:50 was Palacios’ Henry Molina. Thomas Garcia posted a 26:32 to place 15th. JH Results The PJHS Sandsharkettes were represented by the Ramirez twins. Meagan broke the finish line tape in 16:45 to place 21st, followed by Reagan in 44th with a time of 21:05. The PJHS Sandshark and Sandsharkette CC teams will host the Junior High District CC Meet on Sat. (Oct. 19) at the Marine Center. Subscribe To The Beacon Fill out the coupon below and mail it, along with a check or money order for the appropriate amount to the: $ 25 00 1-Yr. Matagorda County PALACIOS BEACON P. O. BOX 817 PALACIOS, TX. 77465 NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: NEW RENEWAL $ 3500 1-Yr. Out Of County The Van Vleck JV Leopards won the Matagorda County battle for JV feline supremacy with a 35-0 shutout of the JV Tidehaven Tigers. “The game did not go the way we wanted it,” said Tiger coach Steve Fiala. “We played hard but we could not come out with the win.” Tidehaven’s Kevin Gonzales led the Tiger offense with 85-yards rushing. Isaiah Morales keyed the Tiger defense with 10 tackles. “Overall, we were moving the ball,” said Fiala, “we just coulnd’t finish off drives which cost us greatly in trying to win the game.” JV Sharkettes bounce Tide’ The Palacios junior varsity Sharkettes dealt the JV Tidehaven Tigerettes a straight set loss, 25-11, 25-9. Palacios’ Brittany Guerrero and Madeline Harvey led the Sharkettes with 12 and 10 points, respectively. Kamryn Vickers got into the scoring mix and finished with eight points and Elizabeth Grange found space on the floor for six points. Cha’e Neimeyer and Vivian Parga each finished with five points; Marissa Figueroa tallied three points; and Vriana Hernandez registered one point in the JV Sharkette win. JV Sharkette Madeline Harvey displays focus on a volley attempt. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) S PORTS Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, 2013 Page 11 DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Sandsharks swept by Yearlings on gridiron Sandsharkettes notch wins over Tidehaven The Palacios Junior High Sandsharks were taken for a ride by Hallettsville Juinor High Yearlings on the gridiron last week. The 8th grade Sandsharks were toppled by Hallettsville 26-12 last Thursday. The Yearlings bolted out of the gates and staked out a 20-0 first quarter lead. The Sandshark 8th answered back in the second quarter and cut the lead to 20-6, when Chase Ford connected with Amos Haynes on a 50-yard touchdown pass. After holding the Yearlings scoreless for the second and third quarters, Hallettsville added two more scores in the fourth quarter. “The defense played well,” said coach Rene Valdez, “but we have to play for four full quarters and not just three.” Palacios scored on a 10-yard run by Johnny Garcia with less than two minutes remaining in the game to close the gape to 36-12. Sandshark 7th The PJHS Sandshark 7th fell to Hallettsville 44-8. “We knew Hallettsville would be one of the best teams we played all year and they were,” said Palacios coach Bill Fort. “The kids played hard but were just outmatched.” The Sandsharks scored the games first points on a 65-yard run by Andrew Manrriquez. Manrriquez also punched in the two point conversion to give Palacios an 8-0 lead. From there the Yearlings scored 44-unanSANDSHARK Lance Vu carries the rock swered points to finish the game. The Sandsharks will visit Hempstead on against the Yearlings. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Thurs. (Oct. 17). The PJHS Sandsharkettes went 4-0 in last week’s matches against the TJHS Kittens. The Sandsharkette 8th ‘A’ team won 25-11, 25-18. Kamille Brown led Palacios with 17 points, followed by Brittany Serna’s 14. Elizabeth Ortiz tallied six points; Sydney Greaves finished with four; Nicole Bowden and Brianna Serna each finished with three points; Sarah Filip tallied two points; and Jade Guerrero finished with one. The 8th ‘B’ squad won 2517, 25-20. Kellina Arnold and Brianne Simmons led Palacios with 12 and 11 points, respectively. Elizbeth Mancera and Erika Espinosa each scored eight points; Christina Peterson finished with seven points; Cristall Martell had three; and Jacquelin Sanchez had one. The 7th Sandsharkette ‘a’ team won in three sets 13-25, 25-22, 25-20. Brooke Vandenbergh and Lanae Tucker had the hot five; Teonia Ward and Lybhands, finishing with 10 and berty Cerda each scored 9 points, respectively. three; Shelby Wilson added Gabrielle Figirove and Rea- two and Layla Seaman scored gan Ramirez finished with one point. four points each; the quartet of Sarah Hebel, Meagan Ramirez, Dorothy Nguyen and Brooke Carpenter each tallied three points; A l y s s a A c o s t a scored two; and Kelsey Marroquin finished with one. The 7th ‘B’ team won 25-16, 25-19. Ariella Lopez SANDSHARKETTE Teonia Ward (right) goes scored 13; for the volley with teammates Sydney Alvarez, K a r i s m a Layla Seaman, and Shelby Wilson looking on. Thach had (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) GO GET ‘EM SHARKS & SHARKETTES” The following businesses proudly support the Sharks & Sharkettes PRIME PARTS SUPPLY 709 Henderson Palacios Chamber of Commerce MON - FRI 8-6 • SAT 8-5 • SUN: Closed Bayfest: October 12, 2013 Seaside Holiday & Christmas on Main: December 7, 2013 420 Main Street 361-972-2565 361-972-2615 713 First Street • Palacios • 361-676-3309 The grooming shop is located behind the residence and faces Humphrey St. Open Wed. thru Sat. by appointment CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! PIERCE T-Shirts Athletic Apparel Caps Jackets Vinyl Lettering Banners Rhinestone Bling REAL ESTATE 438 Main Street 361-972-1438 Palacios Pampered Pets 438 Main Street 361-972-0810 “WE’RE GOING COASTAL” James Gibson 2500 SH 35 South - Palacios, TX 77465 “Right on price, right on service, and right on the way home.” Palacios Prescription Shoppe Leigh Ann Mosier Roemer - Pharmacist 308 4 th St. • 361-972-2222 • 1-800-787-7741 Hours: Monday-Friday/9am-6pm • Saturday/9am-1pm PORTER’S HARDWARE 361-972-3611 405 Main Street • Palacios 361-972-5222 Palacios Funeral Home Deluxe Inn Motel 1505 1st Street (Hwy 35N) 361-972-2547 • Palacios Free Breakfast and Coffee • Call for Good Rates 361-404-0356 Tiffany Stoecker 701 First Street 361-972-2012 Bay City: 979-245-4613 307 Henderson • Palacios • Games 361-972-2273 Open Late on Home 24174 S. Hwy 35 Palacios, TX 77465 361-972-2244 Owner: Tony Peeples HARBOR SPIRITS 1005 Henderson • 361-972-1080 Open: Monday - Saturday 11am - 9pm 24-HOUR EMERGENCY ROOM Tran’ s Restaurant 1009 Henderson • Palacios 361-972-1008 CAMPBELL-HUITT INSURANCE MARINE WAYS Homes • Business • Life Palacios • 361-972-6060 LAGASSE Turning Basin #1 Tran Sport Boats Inc. Tel (361) 972-6629 1729 First Street Ted R. Bates, Jr., Chairman •Victor Eggemeyer, Chairman Jimmy E. Neely, Commissioner • Bryan L. Fields, Commissioner Greg T. Seaman, Commissioner • Debbie G. Morris, Port Director 1602 Main Street • P.O. Box 551 • Palacios, TX • 361-972-5556 • email: [email protected] PROSPERITY BANK ® Member FDIC 600 Henderson • Palacios • (361) 972-5481 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Palacios,TX 77465 Palacios Veterinary Clinic Heating & Air Conditioning Sales, Service & Installations 979-429-7488 407 Henderson (Hwy. 35) • Palacios, Tx. • No Charge Service Call • Richard Bari Owners Owners: Richard NancyRhoades Rhoades Richard & &Nancy 361•972•6281 972-6281 317317Henderson Henderson Palacios, Tx Palacios,TX Hwy 35 N @ FM 2853 361-972-3214 or 361-972-2489 PMR PALACIOS Palacios MEXICAN Mexican Restaurant RESTAURANT 511 Street 511Main Main St. •• 361-972-2766 361-972-2766 459 Main Street • Palacios, TX • 361-972-2585 215 Henderson Avenue • Palacios, TX Dairy Queen Hours: 215 Ave. 10am Henderson - 10pm 361-972-2554 361-972-2554 Open: 10am-10pm Customer Service: 877-373-4858 Bay City Plant An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D Quality, Variety and Value! the oxo people Palacios Air Repair Fax (361) 972-6630 MATAGORDA COUNTY NAVIGATION DISTRICT No. 1 307 Henderson Ave. • Palacios • 361-972-2273 311 Green Street • 361-972-2511 510 2nd St., Palacios, TX 77465 972-2551 321 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-3608 361-972-5241 Palacios Community Medical Center (361) 972-0998 [email protected] 404 Fourth St. GO SHARKS! 361-972-2719 Cell (361) 920-2719 215 5th St. • Palacios • 361-972-5900 Serving the Palacios Matagorda County Area Since 1967 309 Henderson Ave. Palacios, TX Commissioner Precinct 3 Matagorda County COASTAL PROPERTIES The Trull FoundaTion 702 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios (361) 972-2534 (979) 245-1441 1121 7th Street • Bay City “Always On Call” Elmo Duke Page 12 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 16, Palacios 2013 S PORTS DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Beacon Tigers dealt 21-7 loss by VV Leps The Tidehaven Tigers had an opportunity against Van Vleck last Friday to inch closer towards a playoff berth, but a second half rally allowed the Leopards to sneak out of El Maton with a 21-7 win. The two Matagorda County feline rivals (and Dist. 13-2A DII rivals) were in a slug fest early in the game as the two teams battled to a 7-7 score at halftime. DISTRICT 13-AA DII STANDINGS DISTRICT TEAM W Danbury 3 E. Bernard 2 Van Vleck 2 Brazos 1 Tidehaven 1 Boling 0 Hitchcock 0 L 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 OVERALL W L PF 7 0 348 5 0 323 2 3 142 3 3 113 2 5 73 2 4 74 0 6 54 PA 81 40 116 186 197 140 233 •LAST WEEK'S GAMES• Brazos 17, Boling 14 Danbury 55, Hitchcock 8 Van Vleck 21, Tidehaven 7 East Bernard OPEN •THIS WEEK'S GAMES• TIGER Cameron Riojas trips up the Leopard ball carrier. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Boling @ Van Vleck East Bernard @ Brazos Tidehaven @ Hitchcock Danbury OPEN The Leopards managed to take advantage of a sputtering Tiger offense to pull ahead with an early third quarter score and put the game away for good with a late fourth quarter touchdown. Tidehaven’s lone score came from Jason Fitzgerald, who rushed the ball four times for 60-yards and the TD. Eric Villareal picked up 128-yards on 19 carries and Nathan Galvan had three carries for 12 years. Tidehaven QB Brandon Litzau was 7-13 passing for 53-yards and one interception. He also rushed four times for 23 yards. Rodrick Fisher was the teams leading receiver with one catch for a team high 23-yards. The Tigers will continue their fight for a playoff berth this Friday as they visit the winless Hitchcock Bulldogs at 7:30 p.m. in Hitchcock. TIGER Eric Villareal (3) tries to find a running lane amidst a crowded backfield after a block by Brandon Brune (8). (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) No. 4 State-ranked Brahmas trample Sharks 51-0 BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Editor The Palacios Sharks ran into a buzzsaw last Friday Night as the Hallettsville Brahmas came into Shark Stadium and annihilated the Sharks in the Dist. 14-2A contest 51-0. Things got ugly, and got ugly quick for the Sharks in the shutout loss, the first since 2010’s 53-0 schellacking by Columbia’s Roughnecks. The Brahmas stampeded through the Shark defense for 480-total yards while surrenduring just 146. Defensively, the Sharks looked to make a game of things early on and forced a Brahma punt on their initial posession. But once the Brahmas found their stride, there wasn’t any slowing the thundering herd. Hallettsville QB Nate Kowalik assaulted the Sharks through the air on 14-26 passing for 250-yards and three touchdown tosses. On the flip side, Palacios’ Cameron Sides completed 8-17 passes for 54-yards and was intercepted three times. The Shark rushing attacked was limited to 94-yards on 26 attempts. Chris Garcia led the Sharks with 72-yards on the ground. The Shark offense has sputtered and stalled in the last two games, and have been outscored 108-7. “I know people are getting impatient and wanting immediate results,” said Palacios head coach Brad Bowden, “but we’re not quite 100-percent yet.” “We’ll throw a screen pass and miss one block that kills the play when everyone else gets their block,” explained DISTRICT 14-AA DI STANDINGS DISTRICT TEAM W Hallettsville 1 Hempstead 1 Rice 1 Edna 0 Palacios 0 Industrial 0 L 0 0 0 1 1 1 OVERALL W L PF 6 0 262 3 2 154 1 4 165 2 3 154 1 4 46 1 4 63 PA 36 197 230 175 150 137 •LAST WEEK'S GAMES• Hempstead 49, Edna 32 Hallettsville 51, Palacios 0 Rice 27, Industrial 13 PALACIOS’ Kenny Garcia appears to make the catch, but the Brahma defenders big hit forced the imcompletion. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) •THIS WEEK'S GAMES• Palacios @ Hempstead Industrial @ Edna Rice @ Hallettsville Bowden. “We haven’t had the big plays, which means we need consistent drives and we’re making too many mistakes to have several 13-14 play drives a game After the shutout loss Shark head coach Brad Bowden said, “I told the kids Friday night, I take the blame for all of it. “The last thing we need is kids pointing fingers, trying to rationalize it or make excuses.” “We’re just not good enough yet, and that goes back to our preparation,” added Bowden. “I feel our kids show up and play hard on Friday nights but we’re not improving in practice as efficiently as we should be.” “We need to make sure we, as a team, show up Mon. Thurs. and we’re working as hard as we can in practice to get better. That’s where we correct the mistakes, imrpove on what we’re doing right and battling back.” “Everybody has to get better at what their doing. We need to improve our practices, and give our offense a good picture on the scout teams. “The main thing,” said Bowden, “ is for the kids to just keep going. The persistence that if you work hard and do right long enough you will be rewarded. It’s just a matter ofh keep working and keep going.” For the Sharks (0-1, 1-4) the loss was Palacios’ 14th consecutive District loss. The last District win for the Sharks came in the 2009 season finale against the Gonzales Apaches. Things won’t be getting any easier for the Sharks, who will travel Hempstead to face the Bobcats at 7:30 p.m. this Friday (Oct. 18) The Bobcats shredded the Sharks 40-20 last season. Hempstead is currently the District’s leading offense, av- eraging over 410-yards per game, most of which comes on the ground. Bobcat junior QB Will Smith has already rushed for 1,073 yards and has an 11.92-yards per carry average. SHARK Chris Deleon has a firm grasp of Brahma QB Nate Kowalik, but indicative of how things went for the Sharks, Kowalik’s pass on this play went for a touchdown. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Our Roots Go Deep We Were There Then And We Are Here Now Lending to Farmers and Ranchers for Over 50 years Locally Owned and Operated We Are “THE ANYWHERE” “THE FRIENDIEST FRIENDLIESTBANK BANK ANYWHERE” Bay City Branch 361-771-3355 3600 7th Street 979-244-3000 Member FDIC Blessing Branch FM 616 & 10th Street 361-588-7777 209 W. York St., Ganado 361-771-3355 (Office) • 361-771-3273 (Fax)
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