Citizen critical of Seawall for use of funds on
Citizen critical of Seawall for use of funds on
Tigers Football Season Forecast By DCTF PYC Named CofC Business of the Month Tidehaven Sr. League Area Champs See PagE 10 See PagE 2 See PagE 10 Citizen critical of Seawall for use of funds on special interest projects BY TERRY MOSIER The Commissioners of the Matagorda County - Palacios Seawall Commission were questioned by a citizen about the use of tax dollars and also thanked for their continued support of the Palacios Coastal Education Pavilion at last week’s monthly meeting. Buddy Lenz, a resident of Collegeport, addressed the commissioners by saying that he has noticed all of the special interest groups that come to the Seawall and Navigation commissioners asking for funding on their projects. He also stated that he does not think tax dollars should be used for special interest projects. Pavilion Update Debbie Morris thanked the commissioners for their continued support and reported on the status of the Palacios Coastal Educational Pavilion to the commissioners. According to Morris, the project will be 50% completed when the next payment is made. Two grants are pending and the Palacios Beautification - Pavilion Committe has received over a dozen substantial grants so far, including 2 from General Land Office programs. Morris noted that the project, although lacking in completion funds to date, would not have begun had it not been for a deadline on the use of a million-dollar GLO grant. Joe Kana reported that he had conversed with the contractor to find out they are waiting on bolts for the structural steel beams and are calling every day about them. Work is proceeding on the ADA ramp while the bolts are in transit. Seawall Repairs-East Bayshore Stress Wall Project After observing areas of the wall which WEDNESDAY VOL. 109 • NO. 30 PALACIOS TEXAS The Only Newspaper In The World Published Just For The Palacios Area. All the receptacles on the pier need new weatherproof covers and need to be checked to assure that they are working. • Bay Front Walkway: Handrail needs to be closed where the steps were eliminated. There is a wash-out near the flag pole. The damaged junction box at the South Bay Boat Ramp has been repaired by AEP. • East Bayshore Dr.: The test patch on the concrete wall seems to be releasing from the concrete. • East Bay Boat Ramp: The docks at the ramp are showing a lot of wear and should be considered for replacement in the near future. The concrete steps at the boat ramp are damaged due to the rebar corrosion and are in need of repair. The parking lot striping, especially the BEACON (See SEAWALL, Page 2) PALACIOS July 20, 2016 • were patched about 3 months ago, the commissioners were not comfortable with the results and decided not to proceed at this time with the informal bidding that was scheduled. Palm Tree Trimming There are 97 palm trees along the Bayshore Drive. There has been an estimate of approximately $40 per tree to get the cut-off branches removed down to the trunk of the tree in order to alleviate any safety issues. Inspectors Report Larry Lanfear, inspector for the district, presented the following report: • Pavilion Pier: Request was made America Electric add a spot light to illuminate the playground area. The three holes in the concrete drive at the pier entrance still need to be repaired. The broken conduits under the East T-Head are being addressed. There are broken conduits on the poles that need to be repaired. USPS 418460 Serving The City By The Sea Since 1907 P. O. Box 817 • 317 Commerce Palacios, Tx. 77465 (361) 972-3009/Fax 972-2610 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Ripples from Dallas shooting hit Palacios Beacon Deadline 5 p.m. Friday Except for paid advertising, all articles, photos or other information submitted on Monday will be published on a space available basis only. Open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Beacon Closed Wednesday Observing Our BY ALAN C. SCHULMAN Palacios Beacon - Reporter th 109 Year Failure to yield results in wreck... 1907-2016 BEACON BRIEFS NO serious injuries were reported in last Thursday’s two-vehicle crash at the intersection of Fifth St. and Lucas Ave. that left a truck on its side. At approximately 4:15 p.m. last Thursday, a white Ford F-150 pickup pulling a trailer driven by Joe Louis Galvan of Blessing failed to yield at the sign on Lucas Ave. and the trailer was struck by a black Lincoln SUV driven by Elizabeth Zamora. The impact from the Lincoln pushed the trailer against a telephone pole and subsequently caused the truck to tip over on the drivers side. (Beacon Photos by Ryan West) ■ AFOC annual Heart 2 Heart Women’s Conf. Saturday The Agape Family Outreach Church in Palacios is holding is annual Heart 2 Heart Women’s Conference on Sat. (July 23) beginning at 9:30 a.m. The featured speaker is author of When Hurt Won’t Stop and Relight the Fire Debra George, a dynamic speaker who has devoted her life to raising up a soul winning army for God across the earth by training others to share their faith and win souls. Registration is $20 and pre-registration is at or call 361-484-5383. ■ Vacation Bible School at Primera Iglesia Baustista PALACIOS BEACON Tragedy hits home with the shooting death of Dallas Police Officer Patrick Zamarripa. The senseless shooting claimed the life of Zamarripa, along with four other Dallas Police officers. Zamarripa was a 1st cousin of local resident and school Board Vice President Peter Zamarripa. The shooting occurred during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas on Thursday, July 7. It was reported the shooter told police before his death that he intended to kill as many “white cops” as possible, which is ironic, because (See DALLAS, Page 2) PISD hires Finance Director, sets tax rate, budget hearings BY ALAN C. SCHULMAN Palacios Beacon - Reporter Wednesday night’s Special Called Meeting of the Palacios ISD Board of Trustee’s resulted in the hiring of Finance Director James Schuman. Schuman comes from the Kingsville ISD, and is a necessary hire due to the ongoing health problems being experienced by current Finance Director, Herbert Ressler. Ressler will be retained by the Palacios ISD on a part-time basis, and will work with Schuman upon his return. Schuman has vast experience navigating the complexities of school finance in Texas, and his mother is also in school finance. Also approved at the meeting was the hiring of four Alternative Certified Teachers. Next Meetings The July Regular Board Meeting will be on the July 25, and the August Regular Board Meeting is on the August 15. (See PISD, Page 2) The Primera Iglesia Bautista will have Vacation Bible School registration from 5-6 p.m. on Mon. (July 25). Registration is free for kids in 1st - 6th grade. Se habla espanol. Transportation available. Fore more info call 361550-7023 SUBSCRIBE TO THE 1 SECTION, 10 PAGES Here one day, gone the next... WITH the opening of the Gulf of Mexico shrimping season, the Port of Palacios went from jam packed one day to vacant the next as the hunt for Palacios’ famed crustacean began. (Beacon Photos by Ryan West) PCMC hopeful to re-break ground on new clinic by end of the year BY ALAN C. SCHULMAN Palacios Beacon - Reporter When a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new Palacios Medical Clinic nearly a year ago, expectations were for a nine-month timeframe for construction of the facility. Ten months later, the site appears exactly as it did at the groundbreaking ceremony. With no signs of progress, an inquiry was made to Bob Van Borssum, who is on the Board of Directors of Palacios Community Medical Center. He had expressed earlier that the Board was experiencing sticker shock with bids they had received from contractors, and his recent response to the inquiry outlines (See PCMC, Page 2) Palacios receives Texas Film Friendly Community certificate The city of Palacios received notification last week week from the Texas Film Commission that the city has been certified as a Film Friendly Community. The Process of being certified is a substantial undertaking. The Palacios certification process was sponsored by the Palacios Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) and approved by the City Council. Several persons were instrumental in the success of the certification process including Pam Oliver, Execu- tive Director of the Palacios Chamber of Commerce and David Kocurek, City Manager. The Film Friendly Texas (FFTX) program provides (See FILM, Page, 3) • Beacon Deadline 5 p.m. Friday For Articles & Advertising • Page 2 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY PISD PALACIOS BEACON Area Briefs (Continued From Page 1) A Special Called Meeting 2016-2017 Budget Discussion & Proposed Tax Rate Hearing is scheduled for August 31, and the Tax Rate Adoption/Regular September Board Meeting will be on September 12. PCMC Palacios Yacht Club named CofC Business of the Month THE Palacios Yacht Club (PYC) was named the Palacios Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month at the July general membership meeting. Members of the PYC pictured are: (left to right) Stephen George, Barney Gulley, Charlie Tresselt, Darlene Tresselt, Janie Gulley and Tom Breckenridge. The mission of Palacios Yacht Club is to create a wholesome and nurturing environment for individuals interested in pursuing recreation boating activities along the mid-coast region of Texas. Through a variety of on-the-water activities and social events, we seek to help build a keen understanding and appreciation for the navigation and seamanship, safety, courtesy, comradeship, and sportsmanship associated with responsible watercraft operation. Membership is open to any individual interested in recreational boating. Boat ownership is not required. Palacios Yacht Club meets the first Saturday of each month. The PYC website is Palacios Yacht Club is the host of the Cannonball Run Regatta scheduled in Palacios on August 27-28. Volunteers needed to assist with the race are welcome and we will instruct you in your job responsibilities (Submitted Photo) Deadline to apply for federal food and shelter funds Wed. Matagorda County has been awarded Federal funds made available through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program. Matagorda County has been chosen to receive $18,864 to supplement emergency food and shelter pro- grams in the county. The selection was made by a National Board that is chaired by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency and consists of representatives from United Way Worldwide; Catholic Charities, USA; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA; The Jewish Federa- tions of North America; The Salvation Army; and American Red Cross. The Local Board is charged to distribute funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas around the country and will determine how the funds awarded to Matagorda County are to be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area. The Local Board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds made available under this phase of the program. Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must: 1) be private voluntary non-profits or units of government, 2) be eligible to receive Federal funds, 3) have an accounting system, 4) practice nondiscrimination, 5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/ or shelter programs, and 6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply. Public or private voluntary agencies interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds must contact the Matagorda County United Way, 2417 Avenue G, Bay City, Texas 77414, at (979) 245-5852 for an application. The deadline for applications to be received is 5:00 p.m., July 20, 2016. Applications can also be downloaded from the Matagorda County United Way website at (Continued From Page 1) the Board’s intentions. “We are working on revisions to the clinic plans that will reduce the construction cost, but still meet the clinic design criteria that the staff has indicated through round table discussions would be optimal for patient care and meet the construction standards for health care facilities.” “Needless to say, there are a lot of issues to address to progress with the clinic construction ASAP. This is a high priority item of the PCMC Board of Directors and our goal is to see ground breaking before the end of the year.” Firefighter recovering from injury GLEN FLORA: A Glen Flora volunteer firefighter was released from a hospital on Monday after he was injured in the Briar Pointe Apartments fire in Wharton. The Rev. Adraylle Watson had been at Oakbend Medical Center in Richmond since the night of the fire June 14. Watson has suffered from severe smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning. “The sad part is (the) Rev. Adraylle Watson will never be the same again,” said Sarah Hudgins of Wharton. “He is not in good shape and cannot walk from the bed to the bathroom or shower without getting winded or falling.” Watson was not covered by an injury insurance policy from the Glen Flora Volunteer Fire Department because of a 0.5 percent budget cut in 2014 that left the volunteer fire department without the funds to pay for the addon policy. A fundraiser benefit is being planned to cover the cost of Watson’s medical bills. - East Bernard Express A $400-million drop in value for coal plant ROCKDALE: How did the Sandow Power Plant’s two units go from being “worth” $449 million in 2014 to $50 million this year? According to Luminant, it’s a combination of the ascendancy of natural gas fired units, powerful competition from a subsidized wind industry and the general decline of coal-fired power plants. Gas plants now account for about half the Texas-Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)-grid’s power. Only 28 percent of ERCOT’s energy came from coal in 2015, down sharply from 36 percent in just one year. Michael Ferguson, associate director at Standard & Poor, bluntly called coal-fired plants a “dying industry.” The Milam Appraisal District values Sandow Power Plant Units 4 and 5 hundreds of millions of dollars higher than what Luminant is seeking, and the stage is set for high-stakes litigation. Luminant is the county’s, and Rockdale ISD’s largest taxpayer. - The Rockdale Reporter Columbus native pens book on ‘Chicken Ranch’ DALLAS (Continued From Page 1) Zamarripa was Hispanic. Also ironic is the fact that Zamarripa was a veteran, as was the shooter. Peter Zamarripa stated that he hadn’t seen his cousin in several years and is, understandably, angry and distraught about his death. Zamarripa said that, in spite of other opportunities, his cousin just wanted to be a police officer. LA GRANGE: Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch: The Definitive Account of the Best Little Whorehouse by Jayme Lynn Blaschke, who grew up in Columbus, has been released and will be available for purchase Aug.1. Thanks to the classic Dolly Parton film, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas and ZZ Top’s ode La Grange, many people think they know the story of the infamous Chicken Ranch. The reality is more complex, lying somewhere between heartbreaking and absurd. For more than a century, dirt farmers and big-cigar politicians alike rubbed shoulders at the Chicken Ranch, operated under the sheriff’s watchful eye. Madam Edna Milton and her girls ran a tight, discreet ship that the God-fearing people of La Grange tolerated if not outright embraced. That is, until a secret conspiracy enlisted an opportunistic reporter, the late Marvin Zindler, to bring it all smashing down on primetime television. Through exclusive interviews with Milton, former government officials and reporters, Blaschke delivers a fascinating, revelatory view of the Chicken Ranch that illuminates the truth and lies that surround this iconic brothel. - The Banner-Press SEAWALL handicap parking and sign need to be redone. • Boat Ramp Grants: Lanfear and Morris gave Commissioners information on grants available for boating access ramp and parking lot improvements through Texas Parks & Wildlife Depart- (Continued From Page 1) ment. Dodd and paid monthly bills. Approved Items Next Meeting In other business the comThe next regular meeting is missioners approved: scheduled for August 10 at 7 The minutes of the June 8, p.m. at the Matagorda Coun2016 meeting. Paying the re- ty Navigation District #1’s tainage on south beach nour- Administration Building. ishment project. Accepted the financial reports from Ellen SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON AND HAVE IT DELIVEREED 2016 SHARK SUMMER FOOTBALL CAMP Tuesday, July 26th thru Thursday, July 28th • 8:30am -11:00am Shark Stadium- Palacios Football Field • Price : $35 Ages: Incoming 2nd - 6th Grade Students Purpose of Camp: • Campers will be taught fundamentals of the game of football (throwing, catching, carrying the ball, blocking punting and kicking). • Campers will learn terminology of the game of football • Campers will be tested n various aspects of the game of football Camp Includes: • Camp T-Shirt • Certificate of camp participation • Camp prizes • Water will be provided. Detach and return form to : Palacios Football Camp, c/o Jeff Doege, 100 Shark Drive, Palacios, TX 77465 *Make checks payable to : Palacios ISD Football Activity 1120 Avenue G • Bay City, TX • 979-245-5721 Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday-Thursday & 8am to 4:30pm on Friday Now Accepting New Patients Most Major Insurances Accepted In House Lab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: __________________________________________________ Incoming Grade: __________ Parent’s Name: ________________________________________________ T-Shirt Size: __________ Phone Number: ________________________ Email : _____________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Medical Release: I hereby authorize the staff of the camp to act for me, according to their best judgement n any and all occurrence where medical attention is needed. I have no knowledge of any medical problem or physical impairment that would affect the above camper’s participation in the daily camp activities. Knowing that no insurance is provided by Palacios ISD, its sponsors, employees, or associated personnel, I hereby waive and release Palacios ISD, the camp, and its staff from any and all liability for any injuries or illness while at the camp. Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ___________ Dr. Andrew Sher, General Surgeon Kandace Steffek, FNP-C Juliane Zapalac, PA-C Dr. Dane Simons, Family Medicine DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 - Page 3 • Palacios Police Reports • Historical Marker dedication for W.C. Williams Building next Sat. Individuals listed have been arrested and/or charged with an offense. Inclusion in this report does not imply that the person is guilty of any crime. The following are offense and arrest reports submitted by the Palacios Police Dept. to the Palacios Beacon as of noon Friday. ARRESTS From the Police Chief Christopher Devon Grace, 46, 22719 Hwy. 35 SH, was arrested in the 1500 By Police Chief David Miles block of 1st St. at 1:45 a.m. on July 9. I spent a few days in Driving While Intoxicated 3rd or More. Dean Dinh, 21, 300 W. Craymer Ave., the Texas Hill Country. was arrested in the 2200 block of 1st St. It was a nice getaway. at 8:54 p.m. on July 9. Ran Stop Sign/ You don’t realize all that God has created Failed to Display Driver’s License. Garry Lynn Seaman, Jr. 36, was ar- until you take the time rested in the 1500 block of Morton Ave. to look around. It is at 10:40 p.m. on July 12. Public Intoxi- amazing to see the many spectacles that cation. Thanh Van Phuong Nguyen, 45, 1615 were created by one 1st St., was arrested in the 1600 block pair of hands. of Morton Ave. at 5:25 p.m. on July 14. Injury to an Elderly Person W/Unlawful lacios Police Department at 12:44 p.m. on Restraint. July 9 in reference to a Stolen Vehicle. INCIDENTS Theft: Officer met with complainant at Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: the Police Annex at 5:30 p.m. on July 11 in Officer was dispatched to the Seashell reference to to a Theft. Apartments at 6:35 a.m. on July 8 in referTheft: Officer was dispatched to Omar’s ence to Burglary of a Motor Vehicle. Bar at 2:15 a.m. on July 11 in reference to Burglary of a Vehicle: Officer returned a theft. a phone call at 6:54 p.m. on July 8 concernRunaway: Officers were dispatched to ing Burglary of a Vehicle. the 400 block of Commerce St. at 7:23 p.m. Theft: A cell phone was stolen from the on July 11 in reference to a runaway. City Pool dressing room on July 8. Attempted Burglary: Officers were disAssault Threat or Offensive Touch: patched to the 500 block of Morton Ave. in Officer was dispatched to the Sandpiper reference to an Attempted Burglary. Apartments at 2:40 p.m. on July 8 in referThreat: Officer was dispatched to the ence to Assault/Threat. Palacios Police Department at 10:30 a.m. Theft: A large marine ship wheel was re- on July 13 in reference to a disturbance. ported stolen from a residence in the 400 Criminal Mischief/Graffiti: Officers block of Commerce St. at 3:16 p.m. on July initiated a call for criminal mischief at the 8. intersection of Texas and Gray at 8:36 p.m. Theft: A theft was reported in the 800 on July 10. block of Main St. at 4:43 p.m. on July 8. Criminal Mischief/Obstruction or Graffiti: Officers were dispatched to the Retaliation Threats: Officers were dis2400 block of Gray St. at 10:00 a.m. on patched to the 300 block of 10th St. at July 9 in reference to Criminal Mischief. 12:16 a.m. on July 14 in reference to crimiBurglary of a Vehicle: Report for a Bur- nal mischief. glary of a Vehicle was taken at Palacios Criminal Mischief: Officer was disAutos at 10:38 a.m. on July 9. patched to the Seashell Apartments at 4:10 Burglary of a Habitation. Officers were p.m. on July 9 in reference to slashed tires. dispatched to the Seashell Apartments at Criminal Mischief: Officers were dis4:07 p.m. on July 9 in reference to a pos- patched to the Seashell Apartments at 4:00 sible burglary. p.m. on July 9 in reference to Criminal Criminal Mischief: Officer was dis- Mischief. patched to the Seashell Apartments at 6:20 Sexual Assault of a Child: Officers were p.m. on July 9 in reference to Criminal dispatched to the 300 block of Green Ave. Mischief. at 10:57 p.m. on July 14 in reference to a Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: Sexual Assault. Officer met with reporting party at the Pa- The historic W. C. Williams Building, built in 1909, will officially be recognized as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL) during a ceremony scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM on July 30, 2016 at the building location, 456 Commerce Street in Palacios, TX. The public is invited and a tour of the structure will follow the dedication. The building has been a cornerstone and anchor of the commercial and cultural life of Palacios and Matagorda County, Texas for 107 years. The ceremony is sponsored by the Matagorda County Historical Commission (MCHC), and will be attended by members of the commission, including Ona Lee Pierce, Chairman, and David Holubec, County Marker Chairman. Matagorda County Judge Nate McDonald, Palacios Mayor Glenn Smith, and Rev. Eric Young, Pastor of Agape Family Outreach Church, will also take part in the ceremony. As an additional bonus, representatives of the University of North Texas (UNT) Library System and the UNT Digital Projects Unit will also be present. The UNT Digital Projects Unit recently completed a scanning project of the Palacios Beacon newspaper back to 1911. The Beacon project and the UNT sponsored Portal to Texas History provided much of the historic research leading to the Williams Building RTHL designation. FAX SERVICE Palacios Beacon McDonald appointed to GLO’s Coastal Resiliency Advisory Group Matagorda County Judge Nate McDonald was recently appointed to the Coastal Resiliency Advisory Group (CRAG) by Texas General Land Office Commissioner George P. Bush. The CRAG is a 15 member regional advisory group consisting of representatives from local government, business and industry leaders, each serving twoyear terms. "This coalition of regional leaders is an important element of my plan to make costal protection a priority both during the upcoming legislative session and for the long-term," Commissioner Bush said. "Texas' beaches, marshes and islands are a symbol of Texas’ rich heritage and ensuring that we build, maintain and protect our coast is one of my top priorities. With input from those who live and work in Texas’ coastal community, we will be better equipped to make decisions regarding both economic activity and wildlife preservation." McDonald will serve the Houston/ Galveston Region along with Chambers County Commissioner Gary Neslon and Roger Quiroga, Director of Economic Development & External Affairs for the Port of Galveston. Three members were selected from each of the five coastal regions of the Regional Councils of Government (COGs). These regions include the following counties: Region 15: Hardin, Jefferson and Orange Region 16: Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker, Waller, Wharton Region 17: Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Gonzales, Jackson, Lavaca, Victoria Region 20: Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleburg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio Region 21: Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy Of the three members from each region, one is an elected or government official from a county or municipality. The second is a representative ! from a coastal conservation or regional planning organization. The third is a representative from a regional port or member of the coastal business community. The Regional COGs made one recommendation for each of 14th A the three representatives for nnual their respective regions as well as conduct the applicaTran's Sport Boat Raffle 19th Annual Golf Scramble tion process. Tee Off Time: 8am - A Flight Meetings of the Coastal Noon – B & C Flight Resiliency Advisory Group @ Palacios Golf Course will be held quarterly at a loEntry Fee: $300/team or $75/person cation in a different coastal Fee includes green fee, 3 mulligans, meal & region on a rotating basis. Drink tickets. (Golf carts for rent - $20. The first meeting is schedPersonal carts welcomed) uled for mid August in CorFor info & registration, call: pus Christi to provide a Isidro O. Castanon @ 361/972-6006 Limited number of tickets sold!! Tickets are going fast! general overview of coastal Gary Figirova @ 979/481/9535 Call 972-2446 for details/tickets. protection. Moving forward, Boat Raffle Ticket & Gift Card Drawings 4:30pm the group will review and evaluate the effect of state policies and programs and make recommendations to the Commissioner on matters relating to coastal resiliency Palacios Recreation Center and recovery. The group will 2401 Perryman, Palacios, Texas also recommend policies to the Commissioner for the use, allocation, or distribuGAMES tion of funds that include Fish & Shrimp or BBQ (Beef or Chicken) identification of statewide MUSIC BY Plus all the Trimmings e priorities and issues relatuisin C ing to applications for finane DJ RUDY C $9.00 per plate mes a cial assistance. The group n t Vie will consider issues such as Dine In or Take Out evaluation criteria for providing financial assistance and recommend to the Commissioner special studies and projects to further the effectiveness of coastal resiliency and recovery. Fun for all ages!! 52nd Annual Shrimporee August 6th-7th Saturday THE W.C. Williams Building, located at 456 Commerce St. in Palacios, will be recognized as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmak during a ceremony held at 10 a.m. next Sat. (July 30). (Submitted Photo) FILM (Continued From Page 1) training and ongoing guidance to statewide community representatives on how to effectively market their communities as filming destinations and how to efficiently accommodate on-location filming activity. Currently over 90 communities, representing various regions of Campbell-Huitt Insurance 328 Commerce Palacios, TX 361-972-2551 Auto-Bonds Business Home Life Flood Texas are Film Friendly Certified, with other municipalities currently completing the certification process. Certified communities have attended a Film Friendly Texas training workshop, have submitted photo coverage of potential filming locations for inclusion in the Texas Film Commission location database and have passed filming guidelines approved by The Texas Film Commission. More information is available on the PEDC Web site: SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $30 in county $40 out of county Come Join the Fun Omar’s Bar & Grill ~ Mixed Drinks & Draft Beer ~ Open 7 Days A Week • 10 a.m.-2 a.m. No Minors after 9 p.m. DJ’s on Saturday Nights 814 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios • 361-356-1072 Trinity Baptist Church 1207 Second St. • Palacios, TX Vacation Bible School July 31st - August 3rd 6pm to 8:30pm Ages : 5-12 Life changes. Your insurance should keep up. Shrimporee Sunday Lunch begins at 10:30am For more information or questions, contact 361/972-2446 EVEN LITTLE ADS GET ATTENTION! You’re Reading One Now! Hank Huitt 979-244-4671 3120 AVENUE F BAY CITY, TX 77414 [email protected] Life insurance offered through Allstate Life Ins. Co. & Allstate Assurance Co. Northbrook, IL; Lincoln Benefit Life Co., Lincoln, NE; and American Heritage Life Insurance Co., Jacksonville, FL. Securities offered by Personal Financial Representatives through Allstate Financial Services, LLC (LSA Securities in LA and PA). Registered Broker-Dealer. Member FINRA, SIPC. Main Office: 2920 South 84th Street, Lincoln, NE 68506. (877) 525-5727. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Co. 185261 !!!Live Auction!!! Let me help you get the protection you need. I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. Page 4 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 20 YEARS AGO-1996 Jason Glenn Hinds was selected sergeant out of 32 officers at TDJC. Hinds assumed his new position at the John Connelley Unit in Kenedy, Texas. Palacios was designated as the center of operations for the Belle shipwreck archeological recovery project being undertaken in Matagorda Bay. 25 YEARS AGO-1991 The proposal to ban alcoholic beverages in the Palacios parks system has passed 4-1 by the Palacios City Council. The new law does include a clause providing that alcohol may be used at functions where special alcohol permit, issued by the city, was obtained for a fee of $100. The Palacios Matagorda County Seawall Commission elected officers for the coming year. Craig Wallis was appointed to fill the seat vacated by the death of George “Billy” Harrison. Wallis was elected treasurer, Robert Montgomery was elected chairman, and Irvin Petersen was elected secretary. 30 YEARS AGO-1986 Grant Teaff, head football coach of Baylor University, will be the special guest speaker at the dedication services for the Christian Life Center at the First Baptist Church. William “Bill” Kent Baskin, Jr., was named elementary assistant principal at Central and East Side elementary schools. More than $52,000 in cash was seized with the arrest of seven men in Calhoun County following a joint undercover operation by law officers from Palacios Police Dept. and the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Dept. Traylor Lenz and Linda Parsley were delegates to the 58th Annual Texas FFA Convention in Amarillo. 35 YEARS AGO-1981 Vandals caused approximately $1,500 in damages to a school bus at the PISD bus barn. Palacios city council approved raising the fire credit for PVFD members to $25 a month to help cover the cost of water-sewer bills. The city began sending letters to property owners as part of a crackdown on overgrown lots. A town meeting for adults as well as teenagers to discuss DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY problems and challenges facing the City of Palacios was scheduled for Aug. 29 at the Recreation Center. Ten-year old Lisa Stork took second place in the swimwear division and was named Fashion Queen of the Independence Day Pageant in Bayou La Batre, Ala. 40 YEARS AGO-1976 The Palacios ISD school board voted to keep its tax rate at $1.40. The district’s operating budget was set at $1,807,458. The Lower Colorado River Authority submitted a letter expressing interest in possibly purchasing the City of Austin’s share of the South Texas Nuclear Project. Palacios FFA members Derrill Franzen, Randy Smith, Ben Sheeran, Pat Kocurek, Mike Beard, Steve Flores, Victoria Corporon and Vernon Henke attended the state convention in Dallas. 50 YEARS AGO-1966 Jimmy Oglesby, Fred Huitt and V.J. Kahlich were attending the Texas Fireman’s Training School at Texas A&M. 55 YEARS AGO-1961 Southwestern Pipe Line Co. and the Woods Exploration and Production Co., were planning to do extensive work in the Carancahua area. William Douglas was awarded a music scholarship from Sam Houston State Teachers College, and Edward Kana and Carl Pendergrass, Jr., were named winners of 4-year Opportunity Award Scholarships at Texas A&M. 60 YEARS AGO-1956 A fire in Blessing destroyed a home and garage, pointed out the need of additional fire fighting equipment in the county. The first bale of cotton was brought in by John Hunt and since then 72 bales had been ginned locally. The city council authorized Mayor Petersen to contact the M.E. Allison Company of San Antonio for revenue bonds to cover the costs of tying the city water system with the Camp Hulen water wells and pumping system. 65 YEARS AGO-1951 Palacios CAP Flight was making plans for a big search and practice mission as 10 to 12 planes from Galveston’s squadron were to be here to participate in the mission. Don Reid gave me a big push down the good life trail When you get ville, where to the major remihe was the niscing time in editor of your life, hopefully The Huntsyou’ll remember ville Item. those who gave you Over the a boost along that years he long, tough road. quietly gave And, in your agme wise ing years, when advice and you have more time guidance to think, you tend down my to fondly reminisce career path. about those good And, young WILLIS WEBB experiences. All whipperGuest Columnist too often, it’s after snapper me those boosters have didn’t thank departed this world. But, I him enough nor give him the believe we can send thoughts credit he was due. to them and they’ll get ‘em. For years, Don covered evMy good friend Steve ery execution at the state prisOwen recently sent me a on in Huntsville for years. He book about a man who gave did so not just for The Item, me more than a gentle nudge but for the Associated Press down life’s highway — Don as well. At that time, execuReid, Jr. The book — Dad, tions were carried out in the Man of Mystery — was electric chair, nicknamed Old splendidly written by Don’s Sparky. daughter, Donna Reid Vann. He wrote a book about his I highly recommend the book experiences witnessing the even if you didn’t know Don. execution — Have a Seat, He was truly an interesting Please — which Don said is character. what the warden said to every I first became acquainted prisoner who was led into the with him when I attended death chamber. then-Sam Houston State After attending Sam HousTeachers College in Hunts- ton for two years, I ran out of Eastside PTO has a deal for all you parents! Who likes to spend long hours at the store looking for school supplies for their children? PTO will do all the shopping for your children and their school needs and deliver them to your child’s classroom teacher for meet the teacher night? 4thGradeBundle;$35.00 (Backpack not included) 5thGradeBundle:$30.00 6thGradeBundle:$35.00 Time not spent in long lines and getting to spend time with your child is priceless. You can pick up the forms and pay at the Boys and Girls Club of Palacios or at the Palacios Swimming Pool. Hurry before this deal is gone, you have until July 29th to purchase this awesome deal. 2016 2012 SHARKETTE CAMP July 26th - 28th Palacios High School Gym Incoming 5th- 9th Graders 8:30am-11:00am • Cost:$35 Camp will be conducted by Palacios ISD Coaching Staff Atheletes will have individual attention on fundamentals, skills, situation drills, position instruction and team competition. Please wear appropriate clothing: t-shirt, shorts & tennis shoes money and laid out of school for a year while I earned more for my education fund. I worked for my hometown newspaper, The Teague Chronicle. I went back to Sam Houston the next summer and found my mentor, head of the SHSTC journalism department, had no jobs for me. I still needed to work to attend school. So, I sought Don for some guidance. He told me there just weren’t enough jobs in Huntsville for students who were majoring in journalism. Don suggested that I look into attending the University of Houston, then a private school, and offered to take me there and introduce me to the director and assistant director of journalism. Away we went to Houston where, true to his word, Don introduced me to Bruce Underwood, director, and Billy I. Ross, assistant director of the journalism and graphic arts department. They gave me a $1-per-hour job as the secretary-receptionist for the J-GA department. I worked from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday through Friday for $1 an hour. Don apparently told the directors I was a needy student but vouched for my ability and potential. He also suggested any paid position on the student newspaper. So, I became the weekly Houston Cougar’s copy editor for $5 a week. My class schedule included two courses on Monday and Wednesday evenings and two on Tuesday-Thursday nights, plus a three-hour Saturday morning class. I got through my junior year on that schedule. My senior year was even more different. It was all night school but a full-time day job necessitated that. So, I actually finished Mail registration form & money to (Make check out to PHS/Vollleyball): Barbara Peeples 100 Shark Drive Palacios, TX 774675 Name: _______________________________ Incoming Grade _________ T-Shirt Size ________ Parent’s Name: __________________________ Address:______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________ I/We the undersigned, for ourselves, or heirs, waive, release and forever discharge the Palacios Independent School District, the camp, its staff, and coaches for any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and cause of action whatsoever arising out of or during participation in the volleyball camp activities. As a participant and/or guardian I agree to the terms of registration and payment as stated in this application and fully understand that payment(s) is non-refundable. ______________________________ Participant’s Signature _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature school in eight semesters (four regular school years) plus a 6-week summer semester. Didn’t hurt me a dang bit. And, I didn’t have time to fritter money on some of those wild college parties you hear about. Well, not much anyway. Don kept tabs on me regularly but quietly, and I became another finished project for that booster extraordinaire. I don’t know how many educational guardian angels like Don exist, but I’m blessed to have had him quietly shepherding my experience in gaining a college degree. Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editor and publisher of more than 50 years experience. He can be reached by email at [email protected]. Pelican’s Dolphin Bay Studio * Art * Ebay * Resale Hours: Wed. thru Sat./10am to 3pm 801 Henderson St. • Palacios, TX 77465 [email protected] 361-553-9826 ONE CALL ONE LOW PRICE Advertise Your Business or Event STATEWIDE Regional ads available City aldermen passed a resolution authorizing the mayor to arrange for the lease of the Municipal Airport for oil and gas development. Actual construction on Palacios’ new boat basin was expected to begin this week. Captain Frank Kruse arrived home from Korea to enjoy a 30-day furlough. 70 YEARS AGO-1946 Over 2,100 registered for the Texas Baptist Encampment. A Presbyterian Youth encampment was scheduled to begin July 22. 75 YEARS AGO-1941 Postal receipts, for the local post office, for the past fiscal year showed a gain of .762 percent. Nearly 200 women from this area attended the annual Young Women’s Christian Association district meeting. Construction on the seven-room brick residence for Herman Bien was started. 80 YEARS AGO-1936 The Texas Coast was visited by more than 38 hours of continuous rain. The rain gauge measured 12 1/2 inches. D.M. Green, Cleo Hamlin and his son barely escaped serious injuries when their truck stalled on the railroad track and was hit by the regular train coming into Palacios. The State Board of Education announced $19 per capita state aid to the public schools for next year. 85 YEARS AGO-1931 Harris Miller was appointed sheriff by the county commissioners court to fill the unexpired term of Joe Mangum, who was fatally injured in a train and car accident. 90 YEARS AGO-1926 The Texas National Guard, under the command of Gen. John A. Hulen, opened a two week training period at Camp Hulen. 95 YEARS AGO-1921 Dr. George W. Truett of Dallas was the main speaker at the BYPU encampment. Monthly bills paid by the City of Palacios Following are bills paid by the City of Palacios the first half of the month of July. Bills are published by the Palacios Beacon as a public record since City Council does not see bills prior to payment. Ad Vantage Specialties, T-Shirts for Pirate Festival; $230 Adrite, Trash and Recycle Bags; $486 Bay City Communication, Annual Monitoring System; $468 Centerpoint Energy, FS, CID, CH; $110.97 DSG, Landscaping; $2,440 De Lage Landen Financial Services, Inc., EDEC Copier - 6/15 - 7/14/16; $198.35 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., Sewer Pipe and Caps, Tees/ Gaskets - Water, PVC Pipe Water; $1,163.13 Ricoh USA, Inc., PD Copier - 6/8 - 7/07/16, CH Copier - 6/16 - 7/15/16, PD Copier 6/17 - 7/16/16; $865.09 Henry H. Vaclavick Construction, Curb and Gutter Sander Circle; $4,556.30 Hurt’s Wastewater; $934.09 Matagorda Construction & Materials, 47.74 Tons Limestone, 47.16 Tons Limestone; $3,701.10 Mercer Controls, Inc., R&R Pump/Relay Bases - Sewer, R&R Water Well (Green St.); $3,233.16 Terry W. Mosier, R&R Lights - Animal Shelter, Replace Lighting - City Park, Replace Light - BS Lift Station; $782 N.C. Services, Patching City Streets; $14,000 Porter’s Ace Hardware, Supplies; $1,112.10 Palacios Lawn Care, Trim Palm Trees; $3,600 Palacios 3-G LLC - Palacios Auto & Towing, Repairs; $2,967.74 Palacios Chamber of Commerce, Reimb. for Office paper; $111.96 Quill, Supplies; $76.29 AFLAC, Aflac Insurance June 2016; $792.48 South TX Corrugated Pipe, 120 Ft. Corrugated Pipe; $690 Silsbee Ford, 2016 Ford F250; $21,626 TML IEBP, Employee Health Insurance; $22,972.17 USA Blue Book, Blades for Concrete - Streets; $347.62 Unique WWCE, Inc., Supplies - Water; $514.96 Newwave Comm, Internet - PD; $141.99 Weisinger, Inc., July Payments - Well #4; $20,600 Waller County Asphalt, 26.04 Tons Cold Mix; $3,240.98 Walmart Community BRC; $518.59 Cole-Parmer, Colorimeter Water; $388.17 Total: $114,107.15 Palacios Air Repair Heating & Air Conditioning Sales, Service & Installations 979-429-7488 407 Henderson (Hwy. 35) • Palacios, Tx. Richard Bari • No Charge Service Call • TACLB27302E HOME COMFORT SYSTEMS Innovation never felt so good. FREE ESTIMATES Contact this newspaper for more information 361-972-3009 000-000-0000 Palacios Beacon Periodical Class Postage Paid At Palacios, Texas 77465 (USPS 418460) Published Weekly each Wednesday By: PALACIOS BEACON TONEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 453 Commerce • P. O. Box 817 Palacios, Texas 77465 TELL US Your TOPS! TELL TEXAS HIGHWAYS MAGAZINE your favorite main drag in the state, and why. Whether it’s along a quaint courthouse square or within a buzzing cityscape, we want to hear from you. (“Main” does not have to be in the name.) LET US KNOW at Texas Highways Magazine will reveal a countdown of your top Main Street destinations in 2017. The submission deadline is September 30, 2016. T E X A S Vote ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In County...$30.00 • Outside-County...40.00 TM ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS STOP AT EXPIRATION DATE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Palacios Beacon, P. O. Box 817, Palacios, TX 77465. H I G H W A Y S TM T h e T R AV E L M A G A Z I N E o f T E X A S Now! DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY FSA’s Emergency Farm Loan applications being accepted NOTICE OF TAX RESALE ( Properties previously struck off to MATAGORDA COUNTY) (See note below) Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Matagorda County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosed and bid off to the taxing units in the suits described below. Therefore, I will on August 2, 2016, at the North Entry, Room 307, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on said day, beginning at 10:00 A.M., proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, and in the manner provided by Section 34.05(d), Property Tax Code, all of the right, title and interest of the taxing units, acquired through each of the suits listed below, in and to the following described real estate being situated in Matagorda County, Texas, to wit: Note: Matagorda County is the taxing unit to which the property was struck off to in trust. Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne, By: __________________________ Date _____________ Cause # Judgment Date Struck-Off On Sale # Account Number Style of Case Legal Description Adjudged Value (See note below) Estimated Minimum Bid (See note below) MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF BILLIE JUNE NEJTEK, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF JOHN MAIEFSKI, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF JOHN MAIEFSKI, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. HARRY QUINCY BROOKS TRACT 333, NEW FRANCITAS FARMS SUBD, 5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, , ABST 366, VOL 33, PG 628-641 & VOL 418, PG 378* (ACCT NO. 21551 & 22972) LT 710, FRANCITAS FARMS, VOL 33, PG 628* $6,400.00 $2,000.00 $4,030.00 $1,000.00 2.50 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, FRANCITAS FARMS, LT 710, VOL 33, PG 628* $3,720.00 $900.00 .2238 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, E. HALL SURV, ABST 45, VOL 465, PG 415* (12363 & 12364) $3,230.00 $1,100.00 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF NOLIA MAE TIMES, DECEASED MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. W. C. WILLIAMS, ET AL LT 2, BLK 2, ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, CITY OF BAY CITY, VOL 5, PG 36* $2,500.00 $1,343.00 $19,470.00 $1,500.00 40942 MATAFORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. WANDA ANNETTE GREEN $7,240.00 $1,300.00 Cause # T15,605 Judgment Date 05/06/09 Struck-Off On 08/04/09 13475 Account Number StyleCOUNTY, of Case ET MATAGORDA AL VS. MARSH CARTER, ET AL 9 T15,669 11/03/10 05/03/11 R15634 10 T15,669 11/03/10 05/03/11 R15637 11 T15,747 09/09/09 12/01/09 43892 12 T15,795 05/13/09 08/04/09 T15,815 09/09/09 12/01/09 T15,815 09/09/09 12/01/09 T15,817 03/09/11 06/07/11 T15,882 02/03/10 06/01/10 25584 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF J. F. ARMITAGE, A/K/A JAMES F. ARMITAGE, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF J. F. ARMITAGE, A/K/A JAMES F. ARMITAGE, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF PINKNEY FLETCHER, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. PEDRO REYNA, JR. SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LT 3 BLK B, RESUB OF LTS 7, 9 & 11, WHITSON SUBD, VOL 332, PG 384* Legal Description 12.915 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, UNDIVIDED 1/4 INTEREST IN & TO 51.66 ACRES, MCCOY & DECKRO SURV, ABST 60, VOL. 57, PG 142* TR. 1: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, LIVE OAK SEC, LT 270, VOL 5, PGS 47-50* (ACCT# 47200/R15634) T15,899 03/29/16 06/07/16 T15,922 11/02/11 03/06/12 49011 T15,944 08/04/10 12/07/10 47276 1 T15,005 08/31/05 10/21/05 21551 2 T15,081 12/14/05 05/02/06 22910 3 T15,081 12/14/05 08/01/06 21547 4 T15,275 05/08/05 11/07/06 T15,409 12/05/07 05/06/08 12363 T15,482 08/06/08 12/02/08 T15,525 12/11/08 04/07/09 14996 5 6 7 Sale 8 # 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 T16,141 Cause # Sale 12/04/13 Judgment Date # 06/03/14 Struck-Off On 24427 17.5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, WILLIAM SIMPSON SURV, ABST 89, VOL 47, PG 512* $1,000.00 $905.00 TRES PALACIOS OAKS, LIVE OAK SEC, LT 271, VOL 5, PGS 47-50* (ACCT# 47201/R15637) $1,000.00 $905.50 LT 5, BLK 2, PINKNEY VILLAGE, VOL 1, PG 198A* $1,540.00 $1,390.00 PART OF LTS 1 & 2, BLK 153, ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF BAY CITY, VOL 5, PGS 36-39* $7,250.00 $1,200.00 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. VERNON H. BROWN DOWNEY CANEY CREEK SEC 15, LOT 377 $1,500.00 $1,180.50 34960 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. VERNON H. BROWN LT 378, DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 15, VOL 5, PGS 29-33.* $1,500.00 $1,000.00 R16796 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. JOE P. COY A/K/A JOE PENA COY, ET AL TRES PALACIOS OAKS HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 861, VOL 6, PG 8-11* (47747/R16796) $1,300.00 $1,300.00 R17202 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. E. ALLAN MADDOX, JR., AKA EDGAR ALLAN MADDOX, JR. MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. BOBBIE JEAN MACKEY, ET AL TRES PALACIOS OAKS OAK MEADOW SEC, LTS 1092 & 1093, VOL. 5, PG. 48* (47954/R17202) $2,000.00 $1,057.00 (75' X 150 '), MORE OR LESS, OUT OF 0.50 ACRES, CLERK'S FILE# 048079* $3,790.00 $2,550.00 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF JOSE MONTES A/K/A JOSE A. MONTES, SR., DECEASED, ET AL PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. LUIS DAVID RAMIREZ, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET Style of Case AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF JOE W. JANECEK A/K/A JOE WILLIE JANECEK, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. GUADALUPE OLIVAREZ AKA GUADALUPE LUNA OLIVAREZ, DECEASED MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. EARL SPILLER, SR, DECEASED LT 1135, TRES PALACIOS OAKS, OAK MEADOW SEC, VOL 6, PG 31* (47991/R17276) $1,300.00 $1,300.00 TRES PALACIOS OAKS, LIVE OAK SEC, LOT 354, VOL 5, PGS 47-50* (47276/R15847) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 LT 280, DOWNEY'S CANEY Description CREEKSLegal CLUB, SEC 15, VOL 5, PGS 29-33* $1,500.00 Adjudged Value (See note below) $1,500.00 Estimated Minimum Bid (See note below) I & G N RR COMPANY SURVEY 4, 0.172 ACRE, MORE OR LESS, BLK 4, ABST 268, VOL 205, PG 625* $7,250.00 $1,800.00 MORTON-CORBETT ADDN, EAST 1/2, LT 7, BLK B, RESUBD OF LTS 7, 9 & 11, WHITSON SUBD, E. HALL LEAGUE, VOL 2, PG 1 & VOL 495, PG 431* CITY OF BLESSING, NORTHEAST NEGRO ADDN, BLK 4, LT 1, VOL 295, PG 137* $4,190.00 $3,267.00 $3,000.00 $2,200.00 $58,230.00 $19,700.00 34862 Account Number 21 T16,402 05/20/14 10/07/14 19834 22 T16,491 03/29/16 06/07/16 40959 23 T16,516 02/16/16 06/07/16 T16,656 03/29/16 06/07/16 28149 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. LAVERNE WILEY 19528 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. I & GN RR CO. SURV 7, BLK B1, ABST 241 & I & GN RR CO BILLIE JEAN BRIGGS AKA BILLIE KIRK BRIGGS, ET AL SURV 6, BLK B-1, ABST 258, VOL 264, PG 693 & VOL 354, PG 977* (ACCT# 19528 & 19529) 24 Estimated Adjudged $99,850.00 $10,000.00 Minimum Bid Value (See note (See note below) below) 34959 47991 Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 - Page 5 Notes: All sales are without warranty, expressed or implied. Specifically, there is no warranty as to title or physical condition (including the condition or existence of any improvements). The sales are subject to any rights of redemption as provided by law. All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of Matagorda County. All prospective bidders should make their own investigation of the title held by the taxing entities and the value of the property. Prospective bidders are encouraged to consult their attorney. Prospective bidders should not rely on the "Adjudged Value" as representing the actual value of the property or any information regarding the property contained in the records of the Matagorda County Appraisal District . Payment must be made in cash or by cashiers check. All sales are final. All Sales subject to cancellation without prior notice. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. Applications for emergency farm loans for losses caused by severe storms and flooding occuring on May 26, 2016 and continuing are being accepted at the Farm Service Agency (FSA) office located in Wharton, Ms. Gail A Hoskins said today. Wharton and Matagorda Counties are 2 of 43 in Texas recently named by President Obama as eligible for loans to cover part of actual production and/or physical losses resulting from severe storms and flooding. Ms. Hoskins said farmers may be eligible for loans of up to 100% of their actual losses or the operating loan needed to continue the agricultual business, which ever is less. For farmers unable to obtain credit from private commercial lenders, the interest rate is 3.250 percent. “As a general rule, farmers must have suffered at least a 30 percent loss of production to be eligible for an FSA emergency loan”, Ms. Hoskins said. Farmers participating in the Federal Crop Insurance program will have to consider proceeds from those programs in determining their loss. Applications for loans under this emergency designation will be accepted until February 13, 2017, but farmers should apply as soon as possible. Delays in applying could create backlogs in processing, with possible delays into the new farming season”, Ms. Hoskins said. FSA is a credit agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is authorized to provide disaster emergency loans to recognized farmers who work at and rely on farming for a substantial part of their living. Eligibility is extended to individual farmers who meet U.S. citizenship requirements and to farming partnerships, corporations, or cooperatives in which U.S. citizenship requirements are met by individuals holding a majority interest. The FSA office in Wharton is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, Monday through Friday. Additional information regarding disaster Assistance Programs may be found online at http://disaster.fsa.usda. gov. Bird Notes Cathy Wakefield (361)404-1198 International Crane Foundation - Volunteer Feathered Fridays was eventful! We found a new rookery, where Little Blue and Green Herons were nesting! We also saw deer, one large alligator and a variety of birds: Great Blue Heron and Tri-colored Herons, Blackbellied Whistling Duck, GREEN HERON Black-necked Stilt, WhiteThe Green Heron is small and faced Ibis, Common Galliwith a blue-green back, nule, (Moorhen), Laughing dark, rusty-colored neck and dark cap. Gull, Northern Mocking- It is usually seen in a crouched bird, Eastern Meadowlark, postion, partially hidden, waiting Eastern Kingbird, Dicksis- for prey such as small fish and It’s call, when flushed, sel, Red-wnged Black- frogs. is a “skeiw”. Iwhile it is found bird, Great-tailed Grackle, along our coast year-round, its Northern Bob White, Or- breeding range extends north to chard Oriole, Mourning the midwest and western coast. populations winter in Dove and Common Night- Some Mexico. Most of this paragraph hawk. was taken from Merlin Bird ID, a Bob Friedrichs “birded” phone app. at Matagorda Beach this morning. His best birds include Lesser Black-backed Gull, Snowy Plover, Spotted Sandpiper, Black Tern, Indigo Bunting, and Long-billed Thrasher Matagorda County United Way seeks community partners The Matagorda County United Way announced that the application process to become a United Way Partner Agency and receive funding is now open Nonprofit, 501(c)(3) human service organizations that provide programs and services in Matagorda and Wharton counties are eligible. Agencies must address a recognized need in the community consistent with the United Way’s mission and focus areas of improving health, education and financial stability. Applicants should deliver cost-effective, high-priority programs and services locally, and demonstrate sound financial and administrative management practices. There is a stringent review of the internal practices of each applicant to ensure that funds will be used efficiently and effectively in Matagorda and Wharton counties. Information about other eligibility requirements and applications are available on the Matagorda County United Way website at or by calling (979) 245-5852. The application deadline is 5:00 p.m., August 15, 2016. SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON and read what all the fuss is about Tire Blowouts Tire failures and tread separations are more common during the hot summer months. Many manufacturers scrimp on materials and market defective tires, which may result in catastrophic roll-overs or crashes. If you or a loved one have been injured by a defective tire or in a roll-over, call us for professional insight. EXPERIENCE COUNTS Lawyers with more than 100 years combined expertise. Ryan A. Krebs, M.D., J.D. Doctor-Lawyer in Full-time Law Practice Richard A. Dodd, L.C. Timothy R. Cappolino, P.C. Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Law and Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization NO FEE FOR FIRST VISIT OffIces In HOustOn/cOnrOe, teMple and austIn, prIncIpal OffIce In caMerOn 1-800-460-0606 www.Respect for Page 6 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Worship At The Church Of Your Choice “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Oscar’s Fre Pest l Term e o r t n Inspe ite Co alist i c c e p S Pest & termite cOntrOl tion “The Only Name You Need to Know in Pest Control” Oscar TOrres, Owner (361) 578-7378 • (361) 920-7378 Quality, Variety and Value! 702 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios (361) 972-2534 MATGORDA HOUSE HEALTHCARE CENTER Skilled Nursing Facility 700 12th • Bay City • 979-245-7800 Admissions Director: Debbie Castillo Palacios Funeral Home 701 1ST STREET • 972-2012 Palacios House of Flowers 414 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-2517 Irene Page, Owner Mon-Sat: 11am-1:30pm & 5-9pm AGAPE FAMILY OUTREACH 1811 Newsom Blvd. Sunday Fellowship: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Discipleship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Eric Young Church Phone: 972-0800 ASAMBLEA APOSTOLICA DELA FE EN CRISTO JESUS 710 8th Street Lunes-Oracios 7:30 p.m. Martes-Culto Juvenil Bilinque: 7:30 p.m. Miercoles-Culto De Adoracion: 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical: 9:45 a.m. Culto Evangelisticio: 2 p.m. Pastor: Eddie Martinez Phone: 972-2419 BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 451 Commerce Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Richard Alamia Assistant Pastor: Carmen Rios Phone: 972-6171 BLESSING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Prime Parts Supply 39 South 11th St., Blessing Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. BLESSING CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 709 Henderson • (361) 972-2565 Railroad & Pecan Streets Sunday Worship: 3 p.m. Pastor: Raymond Salinas W W DOCK TURNING BASIN 2 361-972-5012 WES’ BLESSING FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m. & 7 p.m Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Larry Swift Church Phone: 588-7325 Pastor’s Phone: 588-6313 FEED & MORE CARANCAHUA CHAPEL 1160 FM 616 • 361-588-6631 Tire Shop 361-588-6660 CARS Corner CR 470 / CR 476 Carancahua Community Ctr. Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m. Wed. Service: 6 p.m. Pastor: Bob Keprta Casual Dress [email protected] Blessing, Texas 77419 SUV’s TRUCKS PALACIOS AUTOS 361-972-3596 • 117 Henderson • Palacios, TX 1-877-4-BAY CITY Equal Housing Lender MEMBER FDIC 404 FourTh STreeT • PalacioS,TX • 361-972-5241 Serving the Palacios - Matagorda County Area Since 1967 6th at Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class: 7 p.m. Phone: 972-2132 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 508 4th St. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Lloyd Rodriguez Church Phone: 972-6550 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS Phone: 972-1606 307 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2273 7am-10pm/Mon.-Fri., 8am-10pm/Sat. & 9am-10pm/Sun. COLLEGEPORT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Kathy Vineyward FIRST BAPTIST of PALACIOS OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN LCMS 4th & Rorem Sunday Worship: 12:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Pastor: Edward Boineau Church Phone: 972-3852 202 Main Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. PILGRIM ROSE BAPTIST Sunday Morning 9th & Moore Worship: 10:45 a.m., Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Family Bible Study 5:45p.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Wed. Youth & Children Activities: 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Church Prayer Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Pastor: Chris Webb Pastor: LeRoy Monroe Associate Pastor of Ministries: Phone: 972-6482 James Collins Church Phone: 972-5486 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA 4th & Morton Domingo Escuela FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Domincal: 9:45 a.m. 3rd & Morton Adoracion: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Miercoles Estudio Biblico: 7 p.m. Sunday Coffee: 10:30 a.m. Pastor: Juan Aguilera Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Parsonage: 972-5542 Pastor: Rev. Kathy Vineyard Church Phone: 972-2124 Pastor’s Phone: 972-5389 SOLID ROCK FELLOWSHIP 1800 First St. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; 6 p.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST Wednesday. Service: 6:00 p.m. 3rd & Lucas Pastors: Billie Burch Sunday School: 9 a.m. Church Phone: 972-3675 Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday Adult Choir: 6 p.m. Pastor: Rev. David King ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC Church Phone: 972-3013 1004 Magnusson Pastor’s Phone: 972-6005 Confessions Saturday: 5-5:45 p.m., or by Appointment Saturday Mass 6 p.m. FIRST UNITED Sunday Vietnamese Mass: 8 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday English Mass: 9:30 a.m. 525 Morton Street Sunday Spanish Mass: 11 a.m. Sunday Service: 10 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Bryan Heyer & 6:30 p.m. Church Phone: 972-2446 Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. Pastor: James & Susie Jimenez Se Habla Español Church Phone: 972-2707 HOUSE OF GOD SECOND PRESBYTERIAN (Bilingual) 9th & Morton Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-5254 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL 3rd & Main Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2744 Church Fax: 972-1334 THE LIVING WORD CHURCH Domingo: 9.45 a.m., 6 p.m. Miercoles: 6:30 p.m. Viernes: 6:30 p.m. 12th & Henderson Sunday Worship 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7 p.m. Intercession: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 7 p.m. Pastor: Tony Flores Church Phone: 972-2352, 972-2955 LABOR OF LOVE MINISTRIES TRINITY BAPTIST LA VINA DEL SENOR CHURCH OF CHRIST 459 Main • Palacios • 972-2585 The Trull FoundaTion 972-2551 Homes • Business • Life 308 4th Street ~ Palacios 1917 13th St. • Bay City • 979-245-2097 # CAMPBELL-HUITT INSURANCE 1008 5th Street Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Monday: 7 p.m. School of the Book Wednesday Worship: 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Danny G. Perez Church Phone: 972-2849 Pastor’s Phone: 972-2475 2nd & Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Pastor: Louis Rush Church Phone: 972-3139 MIDFIELD COMMUNITY 808 9th St. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Praise-Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Pastor: Raymond Salinas Church Phone: 972-6262 Pastor’s Phone: 361-237-7021 Junetta St., Midfield Sunday Worship: 7:30 a.m. Pastor: Howard Harper Phone: 979-241-1274 NEW BEGINNINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD WEST PALACIOS CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 10th & Ritchie • PO Box 657 Sunday Worship: 6pm Thursday Worship: 7pm Church Phone: 361-649-4715 Pastor: Kenyon Hamilton ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To list your church information on this page, for free, bring, mail, fax or e-mail your information to the Palacios Beacon. Fax: 972-2610; or E-mail: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When visiting the businesses and services listed above, thank them for sponsoring this Church Page. 307 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2273 (361) 972-2222 1-800-787-7741 The Luther Hotel An Historic Inn 408 South Bay Blvd. 361-972-2312 STP Nuclear Operating Company www. Coastal Properties EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HUD CERTIFIED 215 5th St. Palacios 361-972-5900 "Strong Churches Make Strong Communities" Palacios Antiques & Resale 501 First Street • Palacios 361-972-1380 Open Fri. & Sat. 10am - 5pm • Sun. Noon - 4pm Dairy Queen 215 Henderson Ave. 361-972-2554 Open: 10am-10pm PALACIOS AUTO & TOWING 1105 Henderson 361-972-5923 Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm LAGASSE MARINE WAYS Turning Basin 1 • 361-972-6060 We Support Our Community & Local Churches BIG G Auto GlAss 1-800-460-2080 Proudly Serving the Palacios Community Porter’s Lumber and Marine 405 Main Street • Palacios • 361-972-5222 Hours: Mon. - Sat. / 7am - 6pm & Sun./8:30am -3pm Capt. Tom’s Seafood 361-972-3780 Owners Richard & Nancy Rhoades 972-6281 317 Henderson Palacios, Tx PALACIOS HOUSING AUTHORITY Located at Seacrest Estates 45 Seashell • (361) 972-3721 L S DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon • The Kitchen Table • IFE TYLES Tommy Garcia (pictured), an upcoming senior at Palacios High School, recently attended the High School Aerospace Scholars Program at NASA. The High School Aerospace Scholars Program, or HAS, is an interactive online learning experience highlighted by a weeklong internship at NASA. From across the state of Texas, 246 students were selected to participate by their state legislator through a highly competitive process. Tommy was nominated by Representative Dennis Bonnen. Eligible students study mathematics, science, engineering and computer science by interacting with engineers at NASA's Johnson Space Center. Tommy qualified for the program by beginning work last fall on an online course consisting of interactive lessons on NASA activities related to A New Spin on Pasta Shrimp Scampi 1 ½ pounds peeled and deveined medium shrimp (2630 count/lb.) 3-4 T. olive oil salt and pepper to taste ½ c. flour 5-6 cloves of garlic, minced 1/4 c. thinly sliced shallots 1 T. fresh basil, chopped 1 T. chopped parsley leaves 1 T. fresh oregano, chopped ½ c. fresh mushrooms, sliced (optional) ½ c. chicken broth or shrimp stock ½ c. diced tomatoes Blend flour, salt, and pepper in a mixing bowl. Dredge the shrimp to lightly cover them with flour and set aside. Heat the olive oil in large skillet to medium-high. Add the garlic and sauté for 1-2 minutes. Add shrimp, shallots, basil, parsley, and oregano. Toss gently until shrimp turn pink. Add the mushrooms, if desired, and broth or shrimp stock and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes until liquid is mostly absorbed. Lastly, add the diced tomatoes and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Serve over cooked pasta or rice or cooked spiralized vegetables (my new favorite). Send your comments or questions to [email protected] Joshua’s Scholarship Glow Run next Sat. The 2016 Joshua’s Scholarship Glow Run will be held on July 30 at the Palacios Railroad Park Amphitheater and will feature music, food, silent auctions and vendors. The event begins at 6 p.m. and entry into the glow run is $30 and includes a GlowRun t-shirt (sold separately for $22). The event is held in memory of Joshua A. Hebel with proceeds benefiting The Josh Allen Hebel Memorial Scholarship Fund, to be presented to graduating seniors of the Class of 2017. To register or for more information contact Melissa Montalvo at 979-479-2430 or Jeff Hebel at 361-494-1930. To become a vendor at this event, contact Mary Johnson at 361-935-1105. NOTICE Due to the rising costs of maintenance the Palacios Cemetery will be raising its prices starting October 1, 2016. Phone # 361-920-2117 Palacios Community Medical Center 311 Green Avenue (361) 972-2511 24 Hr. Emergency Center Market on Main 9AM-4PMSaturday, July 23 antiques farmers market boutiques biergarten food trucks DOWNTOWN CUERO •Birth announcements must be submitted within 4 weeks of birth to be published free of charge. Otherwise, a $20 charge applies. •Wedding stories must be submitted within 4 weeks of ceremony to be published at nominal rate, otherwise $5.50 per column inch rate will apply. Garcia attends NASA High School Aerospace Scholars Program By Debbie Mosier After a recent cooking class with Chef Mike Morphew, I browsed the La Petite Gourmet Shoppe in La Grange. I spotted several spiralizers, which are kitchen gadgets that turn vegetables into a substitute for pasta. I am the owner of two such tools, one is handheld and one is a tabletop model. The tabletop model operates much like sharpening a pencil. As one turns the handle, the vegetable is “sharpened” while veggie spirals collect in the bowl below. Both work well, but when in a hurry, I find the inexpensive handheld one to be my personal favorite. While spiralized veggies don’t taste like pasta, they are a healthy substitute. I like to spiralize zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots as a colorful option. I never really thought about this week’s recipe for Shrimp Scampi as an Italian dish, but indeed it is. According to a New York Times article, scampi are actually tiny lobster-like crustaceans sometimes called langoustines. Scampi came to America with Italian immigrants who had to adapt their traditional dish by using ingredients available in their newfound home. They substituted shrimp for the scampi but kept the scampi name and added “shrimp” to the title. In restaurants scampi may be shrimp sautéed in butter with breadcrumbs on top. Traditional Italian scampi most often contains the prawns, garlic, and olive oil instead of butter. Variations include adding tomatoes and other herbs. Although my original recipe calls for butter, I really prefer my modified version that includes olive oil. I’m anxious to try the recipe using a new butter infused olive oil recently introduced to me by Chef Morphew . Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 - Page 7 St. Anthony’s 52nd annual Shrimporee Aug. 6 & 7 Get ready for good food, good times as St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church will present the 52nd annual Shrimporee on Sun. (Aug. 7). In what has become a homecoming of sorts for young and old alike, the annual Shrimporee brings the whole community together. Those wanting to take in a few holes before the feast of epic proportions on Sun., Saturday (Aug. 1) tees off with the 18th Annual Golf Scramble at 8 a.m. for the A Flight and at 12 noon for B and C Flights at the Palacios Golf Course. Entry fee is $300 per team or $75 per person with an option to buy 3 mulligans at $5 each. The fee includes green fee, cart, meal and raffle ticket. For more information contact Isidro O. Castanon at 361-972-6006 or Gary Figirova 979-481-9535. Shrimporee Sunday begins with Sunday Mass at 8:30 a.m. at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church located at 1004 Magnusson. S h r i m p o re e a c t i v i t i e s will be held at the Palacios Recreation Center located at 2401 Perryman and lunch will begin at 10:30 a.m. Choose from fish and shrimp or BBQ beef or chicken plus all the trimmings for $9 per finger licking plate. Stay and enjoy the musical stylings of Palacios’ own DJ Rudy C or opt for take out. Don’t forget to save room for a taste of the Palacios’ epicurean diversity. Enjoy the Vietnamese Cuisine many will admit driving miles for each year. Activities entertaining all age groups include kid’s games, the Country Store and the Live Auction which starts at 12:30 p.m. The Shrimporee is fun for all ages and all are invited to Billy T. Cattan Drug & Alcohol Counselors at Hub next Wed. to discuss teen prevention Billy T. Cattan Drug & Alcohol Counselors will be coming to the Palacios Community HUB, located at 205 4th St. in Palacios for a trio of presentations talking to teens (6th- 12th graders are welcome) about drug and alcohol prevention throughout the summer. The next session will be held Wed. (July 27) at 11 a.m. & another will be on August 17 at 11 a.m. If you need further information, please call the HUB (361)972-9990. attend. You’ve seen the boat parked at various locations around town. Now’s your chance to win it. Purchase your $25 ticket today for the 14th Annual Tran’s Sport Boat Raffle. Tickets are limited and are going fast. Contact 361-972-2446 for details and tickets. The Boat Raffle and gift card raffle drawing will be on Shrimporee Sunday at 4:30 p.m. For more information or questions contact the church office at 361-972-2446. space exploration, earth science, technology, and aeronautics, as well as design challenges such as building 3D CAD modules, creating videos, and designing interactive posters. Students who completed the course earned the opportunity to attend the HAS internship during the summer. The internship consisted of briefings and team projects directed by NASA engineers and scientists, hands-on engineering activities, and tours of NASA facilities. During the internship, the students were also separated into teams that competed against one another in a design challenge, of which Tommy’s team, Team Bravo, was the winner. Tommy is the son of Jaime and Stephanie Garcia. New Arrivals STEFYN ADELLE SOSA Stephen and Janel Sosa are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Stefyn Adelle Sosa, born at 8:23 a.m. July 1, 2016 at Matagorda Regional in Bay City. The new arrival weighed 8-lbs., 6-ozs. And 19.5-inches long. Stefyn was welcomed home by sisters and brothers Starlyn, Samara, Andrew and Adrian. Maternal grandparents are Raymond and Janie Samora. Paternal grandparents are Michael and Tammy Flores and Olga Sosa. Our Poker in Palacios Fundraiser held on July 9th was a great success because of our wonderful sponsors, donors, and great volunteers. The Palacios Chamber of Commerce would like to say a special “Thank You”. You are greatly appreciated! REDFISH SPONSOR • STP Nuclear Operating Company • OXEA Corporation TROUT SPONSOR • Lagasse Marine Ways • Green Brothers Jewelers • Subway • Port Lavaca Auto Group • Anchor Seafood KEEPER SPONSORS • Double J Saddlery • James Gibson – County Commissioner Pct. 3 • Matagorda County Navigation District #1 • Nate & Sharyl McDonald • Palacios Community Medical Center • Centerpoint Energy • The Trull Foundation • Hartman Distributing • Rep. Dennis Bonnen DONORS • Tres Palacios Marine, LP • Progressive Waste Solutions • Oscar’s Pest Control • Palacios Mexican Restaurant • A&A Bar-B-Que • Palacios Dental Center, PC • Sunbelt Rentals • Palacios Auto and Towing • United Ag Coop • Porter’s Ace Hardware • America Electric & Hardware DOOR PRIZES, SILENT AUCTION & BUCKET RAFFLE •Hartman Distributing • Clyde & Pam Oliver • Julio Ramon • Marian Medrano • Stanley-Fisher House • Friends of the Chamber • Dick Kubecka • James GibsonCounty Commissioner Pct. 3 • Nancy Wollam • Carlos Duran • Jacinto Torres-M.T. • Sally Kurtz • John & Lisa Harrison • JoAnne Estopinal • Dr. Greg & Jeanne Pappas • Janet Hickl-Matagorda County Clerk • County Judge Nate & Sharyl McDonald • Lynette & Dennis Cooper • Old Main Bookstore • Pierce Real Estate • Palacios Area Fund • Sue Stacy • Davis Bros.-Bay City • Solart Designs • Palacios Library• Outrigger Event Center • Leland Singer • Palacios Sonic • Chef Ruth Friedrichs • Carolyn Kubecka • Palacios Golf Association • Roberta Brieden • Brandi Proctor • David & Lori King • Paul & Donna Christensen • Debi Smith • Rep. Blake Farenthold • Bill Gay VOLUNTEERS •David King • Nate McDonald • Pam Oliver • Clyde Oliver • Sally Kurtz • Vikijane Mosier • Mary Johnston • JoAnne Estopinal • Stacy Watkins • Mary Van Borssum • Bob Van Borssum • Annette Stonedale • Ken Johnson • Becky Johnson • Bill Stacy • Cathy Wakefield • Lucja White • Leslie Hartman • Sue Stacy • Marian Medrano • Deb Smith • Glen Smith • Lisa Harrison • John Harrison • Leland Singer • Carol Singer • David Miles • David Kocurek • LJ Kocurek • Matthew Kocurek • Jacinto Torres-M.T. • Cynthia Garrett • Robert Garrett • Joni Brown • Brandi Proctor • Carolyn Into • Molli Bodungen • James Gibson-County Commissioner Pct. 3 • Paul Christensen • Donna Christensen • Nancy Wollam • Myra Brhlik • Mary Crocker • Lucas Hafen • Sam Conway • Joe Kana • Tom Breckenridge • Ryan West • Kayla Sanchez • Gail Purvis Holy Cross Catholic School in Bay City, TX has openings for PreK and Kindergarten • Christian Family Atmosphere • Small Class Sizes • Before and After School Care Available • Classes are Filling Fast Come see us to enroll your child. For more information please contact us at: 979-245-5632 or Page 8 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY DEADLINE Palacios ISD Free and Reduced-Price Meal Policy Criteria Palacios ISD announces its policy today for providing free and reduced-price meals for children served under the attached current income eligibility guidelines. Each school/site or the central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by anyone on request. Starting on August 22, 2016, Palacios ISD will begin distributing letters to the households of the children in the district about eligibility benefits and any actions households need to take to apply for these benefits. Applications also are available at each campus office, or at the Administration Building. Criteria for Free and Reduced-Price Meal Benefits The following criteria will be used to determine a child’s eligibility for free or reduced-price meal benefits: Income • Household income that is at or below the income eligibility levels Categorical or Automatic Eligibility • Household receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Program Participant • Child’s status as a foster child, homeless, runaway, migrant, or displaced by a declared disaster • Child’s enrollment in Head Start does not receive a letter and feels it or Even Start should have should contact Candy Income Eligibility Gifford, Director of Child NutriFor those households that qual- tion, at 361-972-5491, or contact ify for free or reduced-price meals their campus office. based on income, an adult in the Any household that wishes to dehousehold must fill out free and cline benefits should contact Candy reduced-price meal application Gifford, Director of Child Nutriand return it to their campus office. tion, at 361-972-5491, or contact Those individuals filling out the ap- their campus office. plication will need to provide the Applications may be submitted following information: anytime during the school year. The • Names of all household mem- information households provide on bers the application will be used for the • Amount, frequency, and source purpose of determining eligibility. of current income for each house- Applications may also be verified hold member by the school officials at any time • Last 4 digits of the Social Secu- during the school year. rity number of the adult household Determining Eligibility member who signs the application Under the provisions of the free or, if the adult does not have a social and reduced-price meal policy, security number, check the box for Candy Gifford, Director of Child “No Social Security number” Nutrition will review applications • Signature of an adult household and determine eligibility. Housemember attesting that the informa- holds or guardians dissatisfied with tion provided is correct the Reviewing Official’s eligibility Categorical or Program Eligi- determination may wish to discuss bility the decision with the Reviewing OfPalacios ISD is working with lo- ficial on an informal basis. Housecal agencies to identify all children holds wishing to make a formal apwho are categorically and program eligible. Palacios ISD will notify the households of STATE OF TEXAS these children that they do not need to comMATAGORDA COUNTY plete an application. Any household that Back-to-School tips when you’re on a budget (StatePoint) Between new clothes and new school supplies, back-to-school season can put a strain on household budgets. In 2015, families planned to spend $630 on back-toschool items, according to the National Retail Federation, and this year’s numbers are also expected to be pricey. With a little planning, your family can get the most out of your school shopping budget -- by taking advantage of sales, comparison shopping, buying in bulk and simply by making sure you don’t buy things you already own. Here are some smart ways families can reduce costs as students head back to class this fall. End-of-Season Sales Take advantage of endof-season sales to stock up. This concept may not help you this fall, but it’s a great habit to adopt now for longterm savings. You can stock up on summer clothes now and great fall items once the weather gets chillier. Stores will be offering deep discounts and clearance prices on items that eventually will come in handy for next backto-school season. Remember to take into account that kids grow quickly! Add it Up Bigger ticket school supply items can cost you a pretty penny if you don’t comparison shop. For example, required tools like a high-quality graphing calculator can come with a price tag of $75 or more! Get more for your money with an affordable model, such as Casio’s fx-9750GII, which retails for under $50. It offers useful features like a high resolution screen and compatibility with a personal computer. It is also permitted to be used in such major tests as the ACT and the SAT. More information about calculators can be found at Take Stock and Buy in Bulk Don’t buy things you already own, and take advantage of bulk discounts for the stuff you need! Before making your shopping list take stock of what school supplies you already have in your closets -- and your child’s backpack -- from the last school year. From scissors to folders to unused or partially used notebooks, you may already have many things your kids need for the year ahead. For those necessities that kids will need all year long -- such as tape, paper, pens, pencils, markers and more -- take advantage of bulk sales at discount stores and online retailers. Buying more now can save you cash in the months ahead. Go Green Brown bags, plastic baggies and plastic silverware are small expenses that add up quickly. Instead, opt for reusable lunch container alternatives and a one-time expense. It’s not only good for the planet, but kids will get on board if you let them pick items that speak to their sense of style. You’ll also save yourself trips to the store! Don’t let back-to-school make a hefty dent in your wallet. At the store, take advantage of great deals and also consider different ways of eliminating perennial expenses. CofC’s 34th annual Fishfest family fishing tourney Aug. 5-6 The Palacios Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the 34th Annual Palacios Family Fishfest Tourney on Aug. 5 and 6. Entry deadline is 8 p.m. Aug. 6. Register at the Palacios Chamber of Commerce located at 420 Main St. or call 361-972-2615 for more information. Sale # 800.966.6690 NOTICE OF SALE § § § BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE Cause # Judgment Date Acct # Order Issue Date Style of Case Legal Description Adjudged Value Estimated Minimum Bid 1 T15,908 05/17/16 40843 JUNE 22, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. V. L. LETULLE, ET AL LT 5, BLK 24, EXTENSION OF D. P. MOORE'S 2ND ADDN, TOWN OF BAY CITY, VOL 10, PG 296 & VOL 60, PG 181* $7,640.00 $7,640.00 2 T16,241 05/17/16 34478 JUNE 22, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. W. H. LACKEY AKA WILLIAM HARVEY LACKEY, DECEASED, ET AL DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 14, LT 469, VOL 5, PG 24-27* $12,500.00 $7,800.00 3 T16,256 04/19/16 27726 JUNE 15, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. IONA KAY WILDER, ET AL BLESSING ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, BLK 6, LTS 7-8, VOL 19, PG 386 $20,300.00 $3,700.00 4 T16,256 04/19/16 27915 JUNE 15, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. IONA KAY WILDER, ET AL BLESSING ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, BLOCK 40, LOT 7, VOL 19, PG 386* $75,560.00 $9,700.00 5 T16,369 05/17/16 42705 JUNE 22, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. ENOCH MORGAN, JR., ET AL CITY OF PALACIOS, LT 16, BLK 75, VOL 14, PG 374-375* ( ACCT NO. 42705/ R14694) $5,000.00 $3,900.00 6 T16,454 04/19/16 39301 JUNE 19, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. MARKHAM TOWN COMPANY, ET AL MARKHAM ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, BLK 42, LTS 5-6, VOL 11, PG 385* $10,000.00 $6,200.00 7 T16,669 04/19/16 10735 JUNE 15, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF PEARL DARBON AKA PEARL J. DARBON, DECEASED, ET AL A. C. BUCKNER LEAGUE, ABST 10, 0.3564 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VOL 590, PG 754 & VOL 601, PG 769* $13,320.00 $3,000.00 8 T16,858 04/19/16 45808 JUNE 15, 2016 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. PATSY KAYE CALDWELL VAUGHAN FKA PATSY KAYE CALDWELL WEEKS, INDIVIDUALLY, AND AS INDEPENDENT OF Style ofEXECUTRIX Case THE ESTATE OF KATHLEEN CALDWELL, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. LOWELL DON CLAXTON, JR. AKA LOWELL D. CLAXTON, JR. AKA LOWELL DON CLAXTON SILVER HEIGHTS ADDN, CITY OF BAY CITY, W 1/2, LTS 7 & 8, BLK 3, VOL 38, PG 636* $16,690.00 $5,600.00 Sale # 9 Cause # Judgment Date T16,868 03/29/16 Acct # Order Issue Date 47123 JUNE 15, 2016 Legal Description LIVE OAK SEC OF TRES PALACIOS OAKS S/D, LTS 180182, VOL 5, PG 47* (ACCT NO. 47123/R15473) Adjudged Value $55,792.00 Estimated Minimum Bid $5,000.00 (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Matagorda County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. Dated at Bay City, Texas, June 23, 2016 Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Matagorda County, Texas By $249 MONTH Quiet & secluded 37 acre off grid 1st United Realty funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr. html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 202509410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 8778339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Matagorda County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on June 23, 2016, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in August, 2016, the same being the 2nd day of said month, at the North Entry, Room 307, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. on said day, beginning at 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Matagorda and the State of Texas, to-wit: NORTHERN AZ WILDERNESS RANCH ranch bordering 640 acres of State Trust land at cool clear 6,400’ elevation. Near historic pioneer town & fishing lake. No urban noise, pure air & AZ’s best climate. Blend of fragrant mature evergreens & grassy meadows with sweeping views across surrounding wilderness mountains and valleys. Abundant clean groundwater, free well access, loam garden soil & maintained road access. Camping and RV use ok. $28,900, $2,890 dn, seller financing. Free brochure with similar properties, prices, photos / topo map / weather area info: peal for a hearing on the decision may make a request either orally or in writing to Carolyn Kubecka Human Resources’ 1209 12th street, Palacios, Texas 77465 Unexpected Circumstances If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size increases, the household should contact the school. Such changes may make the children of the household eligible for benefits if the household’s income falls at or below the attached current income eligibility guidelines. The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or Deputy Notes: The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However, the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT. For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (713) 844-3576 • The Palacios Beacon Proudly Serving Palacios since 1907 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Beacon Classified Ads 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY $5.00 Per Insertion for 25 Words Or Less • Payment required at the time of placement for all Classified Ads PIERCE REAL ESTATE Palacios Autos 438 MAIN ST • 361-972-0810 117 Henderson 361-972-3596 H Auto Detailing by Appointment H 2011 HONDA * WONDERFUL old building at the corner of 458 Main at the NE corner of 5th. Office space, two large rooms and restroom in the front 3 bedroom three bath apartment in the back with a great fenced garden patio $160,000. * 511 E. BAYSHORE-Spectacular view, Solid brick walls interior & exterior, 3/2 with study/library. Huge balcony & covered deck. One acre including waterfront property across the road. $450.000. * 771 CR 305, E. BAYSHORE - 4 ACRES 3-11/2-1 plus barn. $350.000.00 * 612 TARPON - Very nice 2-2 in Boca Chica. Great front porch. Brand new deck and new ACCORD 2010 MERCURY Grand Marquis, Only 45K miles, $ IN-HOUSE FINANCING Linda Marek Mican- Owner at [email protected] FOR RENT 1BD TRAVEL TRAILERS, BACKHOE SERVICE RESIDENTIAL RENTALS • Fence line cleaning • Small Pond Construction • Dirt/Gravel Leveling 361-655-3515 or 361-218-0516 • 122 SOUTH BAYSHORE - 3BD, 2BA, CH/A, $1,400/Month. • 517 LUCAS - 2 BD, 2BA, CH/A, $1,100/ Month. • 206 UNIVERSITY - 4BD, 2BA, CH/A, $1,200/Month. • 607 10th St. - 2BD, 1BA, $500/Month. • 195 CORNELIUS (Midfield) - 2BD, 1BA, CH/A, $900/Month. • 413 EAST BAY BLVD. - 3BD, 3BA, CH/A, $1,500/Month. RE/MAX Coastal Properties 215 5th Street, Palacios, TX 77465 361-972-5900 (office) FOR RENT 1 BR apartment, ALL bills paid, completely furnished. cable, movies, WIFI included. From $675 MO .Info and pics at (23-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 2BD, 2BA Town home,very nice. Just updated. See website for pictures and contact information (23-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR CITY OF PALACIOS 9 STREET RECONSTRUCTION TH fully furnished. All bills paid, boat ramp, fishing pier. COASTAL PROPERTIES 215 5th St. 361-972-5900 LIGHT DOZER or BY: GENE EGGEMEYER If you need it pushed, leveled, or cleared call 361-972-5593 361-676-0386 (cell) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 323 East Bayshore, 3BD, 2BA, 2 Car garage. Fishing pier. Enjoy deck overlooking Tres Palacios Bay, great fishing, wood & cork floors. $220,000. Call Ron at 979-240-4413 for viewing. (24-tfc) -----------------------------------------------For Sale: 3 acres on West Craymer and 6th street. Inside the city limits. Asking $42,500. Call 361235-9163 for more information.(2-tfc) ----------------------------------------------- SUPPORT GROUPS DRINKING PROBLEM?: CAN’T STOP? , Episcopal Hall, 3rd & Main St., Palacios, Thursday, 7 p.m. & Sunday 3:30 p.m. Call John (361)5539638 or Jeff (713)299-7179. (34-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ WANTED PALACIOS PET PALS needs Weight Circles from Purina Brand Dog and Cat food bags and boxes. They can be used to get discounts. Please call 361972-0100 for more information or mail cut out circles to Pet Pals, P.O. Box 215, Palacios, TX or drop in Palacios at H.L.C. Bookkeeping, 217 Fifth St., during business hours. (18-tfnc) 184 Jensen Point Drive Beautiful Water Front Home located on Turtle Bay, 1700 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 300 ft lighted pier with fish cleaning station. Many extras, for an appointment. RE/MAX Coastal Properties Call Tammy @ (361) 972-5900 or (979) 240 3420 “Keep Linda on Your Mind” PUBLIC NOTICES I can help you as a buyers rep even if it's not my listing. 3BD, 2BA, Home (1656 sq.ft.) on 1 Acre. 2 Car Garage. Newly Remodeled with new Appliances. Open Concept, Office/Computer Room, Separate Dining Area, Utility Room, 12x24 Cedar Porch. Metal Work Shed. Serious Buyers Only. $ 158,500. REDUCED $153,500. Shown by Appointment. LINDA’S SAND & GRAVEL LLC 2058 FM 1163 Rd. • El Campo, TX 979-541-7621 or 979-578-6308 • TOPSOIL • GRAVEL • LIMESTONE • FILL SAND & ROCK John L. Pierce Broker/Owner/GRI 1700 RUTHVEN - PALACIOS, TX 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY 10,500. 10,900. YOU CAN NOW VISIT US ON OUR NEW WEBSITE $ exterior paint. $96,900. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 - Page 9 MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPY 441 Main St. Palacios, TX 77465 361-404-1818 Chi Gibson, MFT-Practicum Supervisor: Dr. Lillian SolisSmith, PHD,LPC-S,LMF-S HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Auto Glass Installer (experience preferred but will train) for Bay City, Clute & Wharton locations. Call 979-532-2080 or pick up an application at your local Big G Auto Glass location. (29-tfc) -----------------------------------------------PALACIOS AUTO & Towing is looking for a Mechanic and an individual to do Oil and Tire Changes and Repairs. Must be able to pass a drug and back ground check. Apply in person at 1105 Henderson Ave., Palacios, TX. (28-tfc) -----------------------------------------------BARTENDERS NEEDED at Omar’s Bar and Grill, 814 Henderson, Palacios, TX. Apply Within. (19-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE: Thurs., July 21st & Fri., July 22nd, 8am to ?, 329 Mertie. Little bit or everything. (30-1tp) -----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Fri., July 22nd, 8am to Noon, 708 Magnusson. Lots of miscellaneous items. (30-1tc) -----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Fri., July 2nd & Sat., July 23rd, 8am to ?, 211 Commerce. Lots of good items. (30-1tc) -----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Sat., July 23rd, 8am to 3pm, 1532 CR 303, (12th & Green). TV’s, microwaves, recliner, vacuums, baby items & toys, & other misc. items. (30-1tp) ----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Sat., July 23rd, 8am to ?, 149 CR 304 (North 4th Street). Clothes, living room furniture, exercise bike, lots of miscellaneous items. (30-1tp) -----------------------------------------------CARPORT SALE: Sat., July 23rd, 7am to 4pm, 312 E. Matagorda. Tools, fishing stuff, some clothing, household items, & other misc. items. (30-1tc) ------------------------------------------------ Dan Tucker 979-241-5457 Broker/Owner Ron Laws 979-240-4413 Broker/Owner Charlotte Tucker 979-241-8615 Realtor Tammy Hill 979-240-3420 Realtor COASTAL PROPERTIES 215 5th Street 361-972-5900 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Programs Meeting A public meeting on the use of federal funds by the Palacios Independent School District is scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, 2016. The meeting will be held in the Administration Bldg. located at 1209 Twelfth Street in Palacios, Texas from 4:305:30 p.m. Federal funds to be discussed are the No Child Left Behind Consolidated Federal Grant, Carl Perkins Career and Technology Federal Grant, and the Low and Rural Income Federal Grant. All PISD Staff, parents and community members are invited to attend. Your input and/or questions concerning federal programs and the use of federal funds are welcome. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sherri Seaman, Director of Academic and Pupil Services at (361)972-5491 ext.1010. Anuncio al Público Reunión para los Programas Federales El martes 2 de agosto de 2016 habrá una reunión pública sobre el uso de los fondos federales en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Palacios. La reunión sera de las 4:30 p.m. asta las 5:30 p.m. en la Oficina de Administración en 1209 Calle 12 en Palacios, Texas. Los fondos federales que serán discutidos son la Ley para Que Ningún Niño se Quede Atrás Subsidios Federales Consolidos, Carl Perkins Carrera Profesional y la Tecnología Subvención Federal, y el Bajo y los Ingresos Rurales Pertenecientes a los Fondos Federales. Todos personal de PISD, los padres y los miembros de la comunidad están invitados a asistir. Su entrada y preguntas sobre los programas federales y/o el uso de fondos federales son bienvenidos. Si usted tiene cualesquiera preguntas o inquietudes, por favor comuníquese con Sherri Seaman, Directora de Estudios y los Programas Federales a (361)9725491 (30-2tc) ------------------------------------------------ Deadline 5 p.m. Friday for all photos & articles to be submitted for consideration to be published in the Palacios Beacon Independently owned and operated • 7813 Hwy 35 - Includes boat dock, fishing pier, over 500' frontage on Turtle Creek.. 2.5 Acres 1BD, 1BA, house 5RV units ready to rent. Washer/Dryer area. Large Barn, water well, septic system, various decks. Great fishing. Crows nest view. BBQ area. $350,000. Call Ron • 96 2nd St., Jensen Point - 3BD, 2BA House, fully furnished, CH/A, water well, septic, washer, dryer, parking under back deck that catches the breeze. Located a couple of hundred yards away from a lot with pier and covered patio. Water well, fishing station, lighted pier. House currently a vacation rental. $225,000. Call Ron. • 323 E. Bayshore - 3BD, 3BA House, Watefront on the Tres Palacios Bay. Pier, 2 Car garage, new roof in July 2015, CH/A, laminate and cork floors. Great weekender or retirement home. $220,000. Call Ron • 309 Johnson - 3BD, 2BA, attached garage, a storage building with a beautiful backyard. $92,000. Call Charlotte • Waterfront Home - located 184 Jensen Dr. (Jensen Point), 3BD, 2BA, home maybe purchasede furnished. Also has a 300' lighted pier. A must see property. $299,000. Call Tammy • 315 CR 305 - Bayshore Rd. - 4BD, 3BA, waterfont home. Also has a garage apartment is on 4.3 Acres Must See! City water. $625,000. Call Charlotte • 306 Tres Palacios - 2BD, 1BA home, has tile floors. Located 2 blocks from the bay. Storage building $59,000. Call Tammy • 517 Lucas - 2BD, 2BA, BBQ house with pit. Corner lot 4 blocks from bay, large shed, fruit trees. $117,000. Call Ron • 1119 N CR 307 - (Port Alto) Port Lavaca, TX - Waterfront home, 4 bedrooms, 1 full bath, 1-1/2 bath, 2 car garagek covered front porch, CH/A, private well, septic system. $250,000. Call Tammy • 300 Austin - 3BD. 2BA, 2 Living areas, utility room, kitchen, covered front porch, CH/A, ceiling fans, attached double garage and fireplace. 2 Blocks from bay. $139,000. Call Ron • 1920 CR 372 - Sunset Bay House, (fully furnished),1BD, & 1 bunk room, wall mounted TV and all appliances remain, open concept. 2BA, 2 car garage. 160' long fishing pier. 394 ' bulkheaded frontage on Tres Palacios Bay. Great view of bay 5 plus Acres, CH/A, $385,000. REDUCED $325,000.Call Ron • 408 E. Peggy - 2BD, 2BA. Great open air deck upstairs with view of bay. 40x40 Metal workshop/boat storage with utilities, 2 seperate living quarters $146,000. REDUCED $139,000. Call Tammy • 206 University - 4BD, 2BA, Carpet and vinyl floors, 2 car garage, fenced yard, CH/A, Great family home. $169,000. REDUCED $ 149,000.Call Ron • 74 Grand Oak, Tres Palacios Oaks - 3BD, 2BA, Doouble-wide mobile home sitting on 5 fenced in lots. Garage/Workshop with a carport for a RV. Community swimming pool & boat ramp. $59,000.00 Call Tammy • 307 Windswept - Located in Sunrise Bay Sub-Division. This 3BD, 3BA, open concept home has a beautiful view of the bay. $279,000. Call Charlotte • 413 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview from balcony, $215,000.REDUCED $195,000. Call Charlotte • 415 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview, gated parking in the back. $215,000. REDUCED $195,000. Call Charlotte • 401 Henderson - Strip Mall! Great Business location! $325,000. Call Charlotte SOLD LAND • 185 Jensen Point Dr. - 100x160 ft water view lot across the street from the beautiful Turtle Bay 30x40 metal building approx. 24x30 garage, covered BBQ area and already approved for septic. Owner has septic engineering approval and plans for septic. $89,889. Call Ron • Lot 28 Turtle Bay - Great Waterfront lot, located on Turtle Bay - 1-Acre tract community water, Waypoint S/D, $150,000. Call Ron • Lot 2 Collegeport, Enjoy sunsets on this 2 Acre tract with over 100' of waterfront on Tres Palacios Bay. Quiet area, great fishing, bulk headed. $115,000. Call Ron • Land on CR 257, Matagorda- Great lot in Matagorda across from Colorado River. Ready for a bay home. $54,000. Call Ron • Lot 11, E. Bayshore (BayWay Subdivision) $60,000. Cal Charlotte • Lot 46, Bay Drive-Way Point Sec. 2, .741 Acres $139,000. Call Charlotte • Lot 47, Bay Drive-Way Point, .7333 Acres $149,000. Call Charlotte • CR 170. Bates Rd, Bay City - 57.058 AC, Beautiful fully wooded, perfect family hunting and recreation land. Adjacent to other wooded lands. Deer on property and passing through. $285,290. Call Charlotte. • 3.95 Acres on Hwy 35 - Great Commercial Location. $94,900. Call Ron • 509 East Bay Blvd. - 65x157 Great loction. Enjoy morning sunrise over looking Tres Palacios Bay. Corner located. Public pier nearby, Boat launch. $95,000.Call Ron • 0 Bayshore Drive - 2 Great waterfront lots on West side of Cape Carancahua S/D. Has wooden bulk head. Community fishing pier, boat ramp, pool, security gate. $79,000. Call Ron • 720 Sunrise Bay Drive - This property offers a great view of Carancahua Bay. Community fishing pier, boat launch, swimming pool, wetlands observation walkway, 3 Acres, $49,000. Call Ron • 1 Acre Lot 29 Bay Drive, Way Point Landing - $138,000. Call Charlotte • 564 Lady Fish, Boca Chica - 50x50 lot, HOA Dues-$125, Completely set up for RV. Community fishing pier, boat ramp and swimming pool. $28,000. Call Tammy • 0 Henderson Hwy 35 - 162ft. Wide x 210ft. Deep, .78 Acres. Prime commercial building site. Great location for restaurant, or retail store. $150,000. Call Ron • Lot 709, Cape Carancahua - Great building site, gated community, community swimming pool and boat ramp. Priced only $6,000. Call Ron • Lot 1009-1010, BayView - 2 Lots with water view, in gated community. $15,000. REDUCED $13,500. • 552 Bayview - 2 Lots. Great lots to build on. S/D has piers, boat launch, pool. $19,000. Call Ron • Lot 24 Windswept - Sunrise Bay S/D. Fantastic view of Carancahua Bay. $45,000. Call Ron • 633 Swallow Drive - 2 Great lots to build on, includes small building and power pole. S/D has boat launch, pool and pier. $21,000. Call Ron • 503 E Bay Blvd. - Wateview, great building site, close to boat ramp. $150,000. Call Charlotte • 1st & McGlothin - 6 Lots, Road frontage on 4 sides. $115,000. Call Ron • Lots 1344 & 1345 - Cape Carancahua, Waterfront lots-$79,000. each. Call Ron • Riverfront Property - Live Oak Landing S/D, Lot 9, 2 acres. $89,000. Call Charlotte • 684-685 Swallow - 130' x110' $12,000. Call Ron • 8.2 Acres on Green Ave. - $145,000. Possible owner finance. Call Ron • 1 Acre tracts on Collins Rd. - Great Building Site! Call Ron • 862 CR 478 - 1.3 Acres on Carancahua Bay - w/ 308' waterfront, Wonderful homesite. $159,995 $139,995. REDUCED $ 139,000. Call Charlotte • Bayshore Dr - 2.5 Acres WATERFRONT Land. Great Homesite! $295,000. REDUCED $199,000. Call Charlotte • Various Lots in BEACHSIDE S/D, some foreclosures, Sunrise Bay, Bay Point, Live Oak Landing, TPO, Cape and Boca Chica BUYERS, COME SHOP WITH US. WE CO-BROKE See our website at TexSCAN Week of July 17, 2016 HOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TO GET PAID DAILY, Great Home Business, Please call 832-2255005 first. Ask about $100 cash referral! Dan 903-744-6861, Fred 469-909-6624, [email protected], LegalShield, Independent Associates LEGALS SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-755-0168 to start your application today! DRIVERS ATTN: CDL Drivers- Avg. $60k+/yr, $2k Sign-On Bonus, Voted Best Fleet 2016, Love Your Job and Your Truck, CDL-A Req1-877-258-8782, PHONE/INTERNET AT&T U-Verse Internet starting at $15/ month or TV & Internet starting at $49/month for 12 months with 1-year agreement. Call 1-800-425-9081 to learn more.\ ADOPTION Adoring couple long to share outdoor adventures, dance, theatre & loving extended family with 1st baby. Expenses paid. Beth & Jim 1-888-330-3388 Sealed bids addressed to the CITY OF PALACIOS, will be received at City Hall, 311 Henderson, Palacios, Texas 77465, until 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2016, for the City of Palacios 9th Street Reconstruction. Immediately following the closing time for receipt of bids, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at City Hall, 311 Henderson, Palacios, Texas 77465. Any Bids received after closing time will be returned unopened. A pre-bid conference will be held at City Hall, 311 Henderson, Palacios, Texas 77465 at 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2016. All Bidders are strongly urged to attend. The project consists of reclaiming approximately 2,800 linear feet of roadway on 9th Street in Palacios, Matagorda County, Texas. Bidders must submit a bid bond, cashier’s or certified check payable without recourse to the order of the CITY OF PALACIOS, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid submitted as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bonds and guarantee in the forms provided within fifteen (15) days after Notice of Award of contract to him. Bids submitted without the required security will not be considered. The successful Bidder will be required to purchase and furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of the contract, written by a responsible surety company, authorized to do business in the State of Texas, as required by Article 5160, V.A.T.C.S., as amended by H.B. 344, passed by the 56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves regarding all local conditions. Information for Bidders, proposal forms, specifications and plans are available for inspection during regular business hours at Urban Engineering, 2004 N. Commerce, Victoria, Texas 77901, (361)578 9836. Prospective Bidders may obtain complete copies of the plans, project manual and specifications from Urban Engineering. An electronic file copy is available at no charge or a printed copy is available for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per copy. Bidders are required to obtain a complete copy of the Bidding Documents from Urban Engineering to submit a bid.(30-2tc) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Advertising Breakthrough Palacios Beacon CLASSIFIEDS Automotive • Real Estate Merchandise • Personals Employment Now Available In Print & Online! DEADLINE MONDAy 10 A.M. To place your ad, call or visit our website: 361-972-3009 NEW LISTINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY! 361.575.1981 800.831.1981 Quality Products , Quality People EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE Walk-in bathtub sales person wanted. $100,000+ $4,000/mo guaranteed. Sales experience required, Call Jerry Stewart at 1-913-276-2143 Ewing Enterprises, LLC Hunting/recreation. We have affordable land in the following counties. Coke, Edwards, Concho, Menard, Kinney, Val Verde. Low down payment, long term financing. 800-876-9720. www. SCHOOL/TRAINING AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Get started training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Av i a t i o n I n s t i t u t e o f M a i n t e n a n c e 1-800-475-4102 HELP WANTED EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed-Leads, No Cold Calls-Commissions Paid Daily-Lifetime Renewals-Complete Training-Health & Dental Insurance-Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020 REAL ESTATE Reach 38 ACRE WILDERNESS RANCH $219 MONTH Quiet & secluded 6,100’ northern AZ off grid ranch bordering hundreds of acres of State Trust & BLM woodlands. Fragrant evergreen trees & grassy meadows blend with sweeping views across surrounding wilderness mountains and valley from ridgetop cabin site. No urban noise, pure air & AZ’s best climate. Near historic pioneer town services & fishing lake. Free well access, loam garden soil & maintained road. RV use ok. $25,500, $2,550 dn. Free brochure with similar properties, photos/ topo map/ weather/ area info: 1st United Realty 800.966.6690. 10 acres, Live Oak, Jim Wells, or Duval Counties. Heavy South Texas brush cover, deer, hogs, turkey. Starting at $1800/down, $298/mo. (9.9%, 30-yrs). 1-866-286-0199. MEDICAL ALERT Life Alert 24/7 One press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, fire, burglar. Even if you can’t reach a phone! FREE Brochure. Call 1-800-464-6126 Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad .................$550 239 Newspapers, 617,408 Circulation North Region Only .....$250 69 Newspapers, 165,558 Circulation South Region Only ....$250 85 Newspapers, 267,744 Circulation West Region Only ......$250 85 Newspapers, 184,106 Circulation To Order: Call this Newspaper direct, or call Texas Press Service at 1-800-749-4793 Today! NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. Page 10 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., July 20, 2016 Palacios S DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Beacon PORTS DCTF favors East Bernard, Boling in District & Region Tidehaven picked to finish 3rd in Dist. 14-3A DII BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher In last week’s Beacon the Palacios Sharks’ football forecast, along with their District 14-3A DI counterparts, courtesy of Dave Campbell’s Texas Football Magazine (DCTF) was featured and this week, we drop down to Class 3A Division II, and focus on the Tidehaven Tigers and the rest of District 14-3A DII. In the loaded District, DCTF sees East Bernard remaining the big dog on the block while the talented Bulldogs from Boling appear to be closing the gap. The Texas football ‘bible’ has Tidehaven and Schulenburg duking it out for the third and fourth playoff spots. Bringing up the District cellar, DCTF points to the threesome of Wallis-Brazos, Danbury and Bloomington. DCTF points to Boling RB Elijah Gooden as the preseason Offensive MVP, while Tidehaven’s FS Jacob Galvan is the preseason Defensive MVP. For the Tigers, out is Brent Mascheck who departed for the Class 4A Columbia Roughnecks and taking the reins is Tidehaven alum, David Lucio, who comes to Tiger Nation from Class 2A Louise. Lucio inherits an Area finalist playoff team that went 7-5 in 2015 and returns 18 lettermen and four offensive and two defensive starters. Listed as players to watch by DCTF were: RB Jeff Williams, QB Bryce Galvan, WB/FS Jacob Galvan, OL/DL Chris Rodriguez, DL Martin Trevino, DE Dylan Birchum, and ILB/RB Jatorien Travis. Listed as Other Prospects by DCTF were: Will LB Bobby Brune, OL Braden Fitzgerald, TE Kalob Green, DB Brandon Rozner and OL Jacob Galvez. 2016 notes: RB Williams (1,471 yards, 17 TDs) powers the wingT attack, with QB Bryce Galvan (1,010 passing, 459 rushing) directing traffic. WB/FS Jacob Galvan (131 tackles) is a two-way star. Here’s the full previews from DCTF and how it sees the landscape of District 14-3A DII playing out in order of predicted finish: EAST BERNARD BRAHMAS: Coach Wade Bosse; 26 lettermen; 3 offensive, 1 defensive starter returns from 2015’s 12-3 Class 3A State Semifinalist season. Players to Watch: RB/LB Locke Rowley, QB Thomas Long, WR/LB Cody Lehmann, RB Will Anderson, TE Michael Sims, RB Deleon Per- PLAYER TO WATCH JEFF WILLIAMS - RB PLAYER TO WATCH BRYCE GALVAN - QB kins, OG Jared Fuechec, LB Hunter Goudeau. Other prospects: OT Justin Billeau, OG/DE Logan Baird. 2016 notes: RB/LB Rowley, QB Long and RB/DB Anderson are juniors, representing the future of the program. TE Sims is a big target, and RB/DB Perkins may be the next big thing from a program famous for producing the next big thing. BOLING BULLDOGS: Coach Stephen Dorr; 22 lettermen, 9 offensive, 6 defensive starters return from 2015’s 12-2 3A DII Regional Semifinalist squad. Players to Watch: RB/LB Elijah Gooden, RB/DL Kade Bicham, QB/DL Vernon Jackson, RB/WR/ DB Ronald Krushall, NT/OT Larry Krushall, OL Jose Haro, DB/WR/ RB Luis Mares, OL Vincent Rodriguez. Other prospects: TE/HB/DB Garrett Monroe, LB/WR Josh Rangel, LB/TE Antonio Garcia, OL/DE Robert Sanchez. 2016 notes: RB/LB Gooden (1,725 yards, 19 TDs rushing, 70 tackles, 9.5 sacks) is an All State caliber talent. RB/DL Bickham, (818 yards, 7 TDs rushing, 45 tackles, 4.5 sacks) is another two way threat and QB/DL Jackson (973 yards, 11 TDs passing, 753 yards, 13 TDs rushing) is a beefy dualthreat signal-caller. SCHULENBURG SHORTHORNS: Coach Brandon Brown, 16 lettermen, 8 offensive, 8 defensive starters return from 2015’s 5-5 campaign. Players to Watch: TE/DL Davonn Granger, QB/DE Joshua Brown, FB/DL Caleb Valchar, RB/SS Rhett Ahrens, OL/DL Kiezland Quintero, FB/RB Cason Brown, WR/DB Jase Hollas, OL/ LB Juan Reyna, K Mario Lara. Other prospects: RB/LB Brandt Vyvjala, Ol/DL Jacob Salem, OL/ DL Michel Cruz, WR/DB Abriel Garcia. 2016 notes: The strength of the team will be up front defensively, where TE/DL Granger (55 tackles. 5 sacks) will lead the way. The offense will revolve around QB/DE Brown (557 rushing, 688 passing 9 total TDs). WALLIS-BRAZOS COUGARS: Coach Ned Barrier; 17 lettermen, 7 offensive, 8 defensive starters return from 2015’s 3-7 season. Players to Watch: QB Daimon LaFrance, RB Lyndon Hardin, LB Trace Indermuehle, LB Gustavo Mendez, DE Jaeden Ward, OL Zach Walters, OL Yoqsam Shark FB, Sharkette VB camps begin Tues. The 2016 Palacios Shark football camp and Sharkette volleyball camp will be held Tues. Thurs. (July 26-28). Both camps are $35 and will conducted by the Shark and Sharkette coaching staffs. Football camp is for incoming 2nd-6th grade students, while volleyball camp is for incoming 5th-9th graders. Football camp begins at 8:30 a.m. Tues. (July 26) at Shark Stadium. Volleyball camp begins at 8:30 a.m. on Tues. (July 26) at the Palacios High school gym. For more info and registration forms see pages 2 (football camp) & 4 (volleyball camp). PLAYER TO WATCH JACOB GALVAN - WB/FS Orea, WR Flo Combie, WR Hunter Vykukal. Other prospects: S Stephen Demny, DL Ferron Felix, CB Andrew Small, WR JaKodeon Hodges, LB Bailey Gonzales. 2016 notes: QB LaFrance is a dynamic dual-threat, and RB Hardin will help to form a powerful one-two punch. The defense will be strong up the middle, especially in the LB corps with Indermuehle and Mendez. DANBURY PANTHERS: Coach Michel Mason; N/A letterman, N/A starters return from 2015’s 2-8 campaign. Players to Watch: Colby Mitchell, Jacob Ainsworth, Connor Plander, Ethan Beck, Case Frank. 2016 notes: Former Daingerfield DC Mason takes the helm. The Panthers lost a few all-district selections, but some talent returns, offering a nice foundation. P Mitchell was an all-district selection, as was WR Ainsworth. BLOOMINGTON BOBCATS: Coach Adam Arroyo; 24 lettermen, 9 offensive, 7 defensive starters return from 2015’s 1-9 season. Players to Watch: RB/FS Demarcus Bryant, QB/WR/CB Raymond Martinez, FB/LB Deidrick Miller, OG/DT Corey LeDeay. Other prospects: OG/LB Charles Galindo, OG/NG Joe Trevino, K Maruo Urbina. 2016 notes: RB/FS Bryant (1,146, 11 TDs rushing, 501 yards, 6 TDs passing, receiving TD) is an allpurpose dynamo. FB/LB Miller has a nose for the ball on defense, and OG/LB Galindo is the strongest player on the team. As the calendar nears the dogdays of August, football fans from around the Lone Star State begin to salivate as practices are set to begin Aug. 1 Tidehaven Sr. League All-Stars win Section 4 crown THE Tidehaven Sr. League All-Stars won the Texas East Section 4 Championship and have advanced to the Texas East State Tournament in Tyler. The team is managed by Jesse Rodriguez and coaches Jason Galvan and Bill Shindler. Members of the team are: Jacob Galvan, Cade Galvan, Gordo Moreno, Jesse Rodriguez, Chris Rodriguez, Andrew Sliva, Call Davant, Gilbert Charles, Logan Johnson, Braden Fitzgerald and Hunter Vongontard. (Submitted Photo) Speed developement camp held Mon. Thurs. at Tidehaven A speed development clinic/camp will be held at Tidehaven HS on July 25-28. There will be 2 sessions. The first session from 5-6 pm is open to incoming 5th-8th graders. The second session from 6-7 pm is open to incoming 9th-12th graders. The camp will focus on proper running mechanics, flexibility, proper warm-up and cool down. Proper running flats should be worn by the athletes. A fee of $20 will be charged. Coaches Mike Pierce and Marty Van Dyke will run the camp/clinic and all athletes of any sports are encouraged to attend to help them become faster. Contact #s are 979-541-3086 (Mike Pierce) 979-479-0613 (Marty Van Dyke) WCJC RegAdFALL 9.667x5Fo.indd 1 6/29/16 8:28 AM
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