the deviant shiites


the deviant shiites
The Shiite's Flag
First Edition 2013
Today, the Shiites rule Iran, Iraq, and Syria and establish a strong base in Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait and Lebanon. Their presence are also felt
in India, Pakistan and in the Arabic region. The Shiites have set their feet firmly in the Asian continent especially in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Singapore and Thailand. In Malaysia, they openly establish activity and learning centres (which is known as 'hauzah') in Selangor, Perak,
Kedah and Johor. Their presence are really felt especially during the celebration of the 10th of Muharram. On this day, they celebrate the occasion in their
'hauzahs' and publish articles on Karbala in the mainstream newspapers. They actively participate in debates and forums on the Shiism doctrines in the
internet and also distributing their propaganda books and materials at public spots such as mosques and bus stations. Nowadays, there is a significant number
of Malays converted to Shiism in addition to the existing followers of Shiites parentage. The Shiites actively propagating their beliefs and doctrines, amongst
others, in tertiary institutions, through literary works or through political parties. Who are the Shiites? The Shiites (especially of the "Imamate"-Twelve
Imams sect or also known as "Jafariyah" which are commonly practised in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon) claim that all, except a few of the Companions, including
the great Companions Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Aisha had turned apostate after the death of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. The Shiites believe that the
holy Quran has been corrupted, accuse Allah as being ignorant, their Imams (Supreme leaders) are infallible ('ma'sum', a trait attributed only to the prophets),
and in some circumstances the Imams are better than the prophets and the archangels. They claim that Ali r.a., his son Hussain and his daughter Fatimah as
This leaflet will expose the true color of Shiism. Are they one of the sects 'God', circumambulate their own kaaba in Karbala, adding extra
(madhabs) in Islam or are they actually out of Islamic circle? Is it true that Shiism, phrases to the 'azaan' (call for Prayer), encourage temporary
as claimed by the Shiites, originating from the offsprings of the Prophets p.b.u.h.? marriages (muta'ah), practise taqiyyah (holy hypocrisy or
Are they really love the family of the Prophet ( ahlul bayt). This leaflet will proof dissimulation) and a thousand and one deviations from the true
that Shiism is not a part of Islam, but a different religion altogether, and we, the Islamic teachings.
ahlus-sunnah love the ahlul-bayt more than the Shiites.
The Shiites claim that Sayyidina Ali r.a. is more superior than other Companions. Besides,
they insult and apostatise most of the Companions. This is the main tenet of Shiism.
Almost all sects in Shiism claim that most of the Companions are apostates. This leaflet
will focus on one of the sects in Shiism called "Imamiyah Ithna 'Asyariyyah" (Twelve
Imams) or also known as "Jaafariyah", because this particular sect is actively propagating
the teaching of Shiism and causing great confusion in the society. This sect dominates
the world Shiite population and widely popular and well known in Malaysia especially after
the advent of Iranian Revolution in 1979.
SHI‘AH IMAMIYYAH ITHNA ‘ASYARIYYAH ("Twelve Imams" or "Jaafariyah")
SHI'AH IMAMIYYAH ITHNA 'ASHARIYYAH is a sect of Shiism who believe that the 12 Imams
(Supreme Leaders) have been appointed by Allah in the sequence as follows:
Illustration of the Twelve Imams
1. ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (d. 40 H)
2. Hasan bin ‘Ali (d. 50 H)
3. Husain bin ‘Ali (d. 61 H)
4. ‘Ali Zainal ‘Abidin bin Husain (d. 94 H)
5. Muhammad al-Baqir bin ‘Ali Zainal ‘Abidin (d. 117 H)
6. Ja‘far as-Sadiq bin Muhammad al-Baqir (d. 148 H)
7. Musa al-Kazim bin Ja‘far as-Sadiq (d. 183 H)
8. ‘Ali ar-Ridha bin Musa Kazim (d. 202 H)
9. Muhammad al-Jawaad bin ‘Ali ar-Ridha (d. 220 H)
10. ‘Ali bin Muhammad al-Jawaad (d. 254 H)
11. Hasan bin ‘Ali al-‘Askari (d. 260 H)
12. Muhammad bin Hasan al-‘Askari al-Mahdi (disappeared 260 H)
"NOTE: The individuals who the Shiites claim as their Imams (Supreme Leaders), in fact, never claim that they were the Imams or
taught any of the Shiism doctrines. The manner they are elevated to the rank of Imams by the Shiites similar in the way Prophet Isa (Jesus
Christ) p.b.u.h. was elevated by the Christians as the Son of God (whereas Prophet Isa himself never claim to be the Son of God)."
Some implications if the Shiites are present in the community:
To the Islamic Religion - The Islamic fundamental doctrines as laid in the Quran and the Sunnah will be mocked and rejected. Islam will be portrayed in a very bad image.
To the Sunni Governments - The Shiites will be collaborating with other parties including non-believers to ensure the fall of sunni governments and replace with Shiite or
non-muslim rulers as witnessed in Iran and Iraq. Sunni community will be persecuted, terrorised and discriminated.
To the Society (ummah) - Continous enmity, hatred and even killing or massacre as what is happenning in Syria.
Family ties - Collapse of marriages, enmity and hatred among family members.
Fatwa By The
Malaysian Fatwa
The Malaysian Fatwa
Committee has
concluded that Shiism
is a deviant sect and
ban the practice and
spreading of the faith
in Malaysia.
The States of Selangor,
Federal Territory,
Terengganu, Penang,
Perak, Perlis, Kedah
and Johor have also
issued similar fatwas.
Further reference:
Imam Shafie said,
"I've never seen a
group of people who
are more liar than
the Shiites."
(al-Kifayah, page 49,
As-Suyuti, Tadrib ArRawi, vol 1, page 327)
* This sect of Shiism is commonly practised in Iran and Iraq. Hizbullah group in Lebanon under the leadership of Hasan Nasrallah are also of Shiite
religion. The Syrian President, Basyar Al-Assad, who are slaughtering muslims in Syria is also a Shiite (of Nusairiyyah Sect).
This Shiite sect is called 'Imamiyyah Itha Asya'irah' (or simply 'Imamiyyah') because of its main tenet is believing that the 12 imams
are infallible (ma'shum). They are also known as 'Jaafariyah' due to the fact that significant portions of their teachings are attributed
to Imam Jaafar as-Sadiq (eventhough, actually, Imam Jaafar as-Sadiq never taught them such teachings and worse, did not even
endorse or recognise the Shiism). They are also known as 'Rafidhah' which reflects their extreme ideologies and doctrines.
The Shiites believe that the last Imam, the twelfth, Muhammad bin Hasan al-Askari have disappeared and will resurrect as Imam
Mahdi before the day of judgement to punish Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Aisyah and other Companions in an event called 'raj'ah'
(resurrection before the day of judgement). Other deviant doctrines are that they claim that Allah has limited knowledge (al-badaa'),
the Quran has been corrupted, majority of Companions including Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman are apostates.
The Shiism doctrine was widely spread in Malaysia after the advent of Iranian Revolution led by Khomeini in 1979. The doctrines
and ideologies spread into the country by means of printed materials, internet, individuals who either studied or visited Iran or by
Iranians who visit this country. It has been noted that some lecturers in tertiary institutions also play a pivotal role in disseminating
the belief among university students. The followers of Shiism are found mainly in Kedah, Kelantan, Johor, Perak, Federal Territory
and Selangor.
SHIISM - Most Of The Companions Of The Prophet p.b.u.h Are Apostates. This belief is inseparable from
Shiism; without it, (i.e. the apostacy of the Companions), the whole Shiism belief would crumble. Al-Majlisi related as follows, "Most
of the Companions are hypocrites, but the fact was concealed during the life of the Prophet. After the demise of the Prophet, the
truth was revealed by the testament of the Prophet and by the fact that they, indeed, commit apostacy." (Binharul-Anwar, vol 27
page 64). Al-Kulaini related from Muhammad al-Baqir a.s. who said, " All of the Companions has commit apostacy after the Prophet
left this world except three of them". I (i.e. Kulaini) asked, "Who are the three persons?" Abu Jaafar replied, "Miqdad bin al-Aswad,
Abu Zar al-Ghifari and Salman al-Farisi." (ar-Raudhah min al-Kafi, vol 8 page 245)
ISLAM - All the Companion are 'adil (righteous) and this is clearly mentioned in the Quran. "And (as for) the foremost, the first of the
Muhajirs and the Ansars, and those who followed them in goodness, Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with
Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them for ever; that is the mighty achievement.."
(QS: at-Taubah, verse 100). Disputing the fact that the Companions are 'adil means rejecting the Quran.
SHIISM - The Twelve Imams Are Appointed By Allah, Posses Prophethood Qualities And Even Higher
In Ranks Than The Prophets. It is mentioned in the 'Aqaid al-Imamah by Sheikh Muhammad Redha al-Muzaffar, page 72,
"Our aqeedah is that the Imams are infallible (ma'sum). We believe that the Imam are comparable to the prophets. They must be
infallible and free from any inferiority, be it hidden or exposed, from the childhood until death, free from forgetfulness, wrongs etc.
Khomeini said, "We cannot imagine that the Imam being forgetful or careless." (Khomeini, Al-Hukumah Al-Islamiyah, page
91). Khomeini adds, "Verily, Imam has a high position that is unattainable by the exalted angels, prophets and messengers." (AlHukumah Al-Islamiyah, page 52)
ISLAM - Ma'sum (infallible) is a special trait belongs only to the prophets. Assigning this trait to individuals other than the prophets
means rejecting the tenet that the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. is the last and the final messenger of Allah. "Muhammad is not the
father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah has full knowledge of all
things." (QS al-Ahzab, verse 40)
SHIISM - Al-Bada' (Ignorance). Linguistically, al-bada' means appearance of hitherto hidden matters. According to Shiism
doctrine, Allah's knowledge is subject to changes with the occurrence of certain events. In other words, Allah knows something only
after occurence of certain events. This means that Allah is ignorant and not All-knowing. An-Naubakhti narrated that Ja'afar bin
Muhammad al-Baqir has ascertained that his son Ismail will be succeeding him as the Imam (as Allah's decree due to the fact that
Shiite contend that Imams are appointed by Allah) and he has acknowleged this matter while his son was still alive. Upon his son's
unexpected and untimely death, (ie whereas his son was still alive), he said, "Never occured to Allah al-Bada' (ignorance) as has
happened to my son Ismail." (Firaq as-Syiah, page 84)
ISLAM - Allah is All-knowing and His knowledge won't be affected by anything; regardless of occurence of any event as clearly
described in the Holy Quran: "Allah is He Who created seven heavens, and of the earth the like of them; the decree continues to
descend among them, that you may know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah indeed encompasses all things in (His)
knowledge." (QS At-Talaq verse 12)
Only Iran and the Shiites are able to defeat the Americans and the Zionists. The truth is Iran & the Shiites are friends to both the Americans and the Zionists; The history has
recorded that they cohorted with the USA to invade Iraq. In fact, the Shiite Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, intimately embraced the USA's President Obama during the latter's
visit to Iraq recently. And we shall not forget that the Iranians and the Americans were working together to overthrow the Afghanistan's Taleban Government..
Those who are against the Shiites actually striving to break the unity of Islamic society. The truth is, it is the Shiites who are breaking the unity and destabilising the Islamic
communities and nations. The President of Syria, Bashar Al-Asad, a Shiite, indiscriminately kill his people of Sunni sect while Hizbollah, a Shiite movement in Lebanon, infiltrate
into Syria to kill innocent Sunni civilians, and the Iranians supply combat weapons to the Syrian regime.
The Quran found in Iran are the same as found elsewhere. (Note: Shiites claim that the Quran in Sunni's possesion is corrupted) - Despite their claim that the current version
of the Quran is corrupted and adultrated, they are unable to present the authentic version as, they claim that, the complete and true version of the Quran is being kept by Imam
The Amman Message - The Shiites claim that the Amman Message endorses and accepts Shiism as a part of Islam, whereas, the Amman Message clearly states that whether
Sunni or Shiite will be recognised as Muslims and will be accepted in the fold of Islam PROVIDED that they acknowledge that the Companions are righteous and do not
apostatise them. The truth is the Shiites consider Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Aisyah r. hum as apostates and therefore they (the Shiites) can not be accepted as muslims.
The Shiites are allowed to perform hajj in Mecca - The Shiites are allowed to perform the hajj ritual due to the fact that they are not openly declared as non muslims by majority
of Islamic countries. If there are significant numbers of Islamic countries declare that Shiism is not part of Islam (in the same manner as Qadianis are declared as non-muslims)
the Government of Saudi Arabia will be able to forbid them from entering Mecca. A concerted effort by all parties is required so that the Shiism is declared as NON MUSLIM
Ibnu Saba' (the founder of Shiism) is a fictious character created by the Sunni. The statement can be refuted by the fact that the name of Ibn Saba' commonly found in
Shiites own theology books and manuscripts. It is untrue that the personality was created by the Sunnis
SHIISM - Taqiyyah. Taqiyyah is one of the fundamental and inseparable tenet of Shiism. In reality, taqiyyah is a 'blatant lie'. The
importance of taqiyyah is clearly laid out in the Shiism main texts. One of them, as narrated by al-Kulaini: Abu Umar al-A'jami said
that Jaafar as- Sadiq a.s. said to me, "Dear Abu Umar, verily nine tenth of the religion is based on taqiyyah and there is no religion
to those who do not practise taqiyyah, and taqiyyah is on everything except in matters regarding liquor and brushing two "khufs".
(al-Usul Min al-Kafi, vol 2, page 217). The gist of Taqiyyah is as what was mentioned by Imam Jaa'far As-Sadiq to Sulaiman
bin Khalid, "Dear Sulaiman! Verily, you are in a religion when those who conceal the facts of the religion will be honoured and those
who expose it will be disgraced by Allah."(al-Kafi, vol 2, page 222)
ISLAM - Honesty and trustworthy are two important traits in Islam and indeed they are the core of Islamic teaching. The Messenger
p.b.u.h. said, "There is no piety in those who are not trustworthy" (Narrated by Imam Muslim). The act of taqiyyah among the Shiites
is the reason why our early religous scholars refuse to accept news or stories from the Shiites. Imam Shafie said, "I've never seen a
group of people who are more liar than the Shiites." (Al-Kifayah, page 49, as-Suyuti, Tadrib Ar-Rawi, vol 1 page 327)
SHIISM - The Quran Has Been Corrupted. The Shiites, especially their scholars, who are the backbone of their
ideologies, believe that the Quran that we have today has been corrupted and infiltrated. One of them, Sayyid Ni'matullah al-Jazaari
used to say, "The Shiites leading scholars have agreed that according to a authentic (in fact, "mutawattir") hadeeth that, it is crystal
clear that the Quran has been corrupted." (An-Nuuri At-Thabrasi, Faslu al-Khitaab, page 30). This ideology is well recorded
in more than two thousand narrations by the Infallible Imams.
ISLAM - Islamic scholars concur that the belief that the Quran has been corrupted is an act of apostacy. Ibnu Qudamah said,
"There is no difference of opinion among the Muslims on the apostacy of those who refute al-Quran, be it one surah, one verse or a
word." (Lam'ah al-I'tiqad, Chapter- Al-Quran is the Word of Allah, vol 1, page 17)
SHIISM - Temporary Marriage (Mut'ah). Temporary marriage (mut'ah), in essence, is adultery in the name of religion.
Mut'ah is a form of marriage contract in absence of 'wali' and witness, for an agreed duration with a little bride price (mahar) with no
obligation, sustenance, inheritance and all other matters which prevail in normal marriages (al-Kafi, vol 5, page 286).
Surprisingly, in a mut'ah marriage, the bride is need not to be inquired whether she is somebody's wife or not. This type of marriage
is purely to satisfy human animalistic needs and lust. A man can marry even as many as a thousand women at one time (Wasaailu
As Syiah, vol 14 page 480). It is said that Muhammad Al-Baqr narrated on the mut'ah that, "The women are not counted as one
of the four wives, they are not divorced and do not inherit. They are merely 'loaned' properties." (al-Kafi, vol 5 page 284). To the
Shiites, those who do not recognize mut'ah as allowable (halal) is considered as non-believers. It is reported that Muhammad AlBaqr narrated that, "Not amongst us, those who do not believe in raj'ah and do not consider that mut'ah is permissible (halal)."
(Man La Yahduruhu al-Faqih, vol 3, page 458).
ISLAM - Temporary marriage that is being practised by the Shiite is, in fact, a form of adultery and prostitution. It degrades the
women to the lowest level! That is why it has been categorically forbidden by the Prophet p.b.u.h. through authentic hadeeth and
also from the sayings of the Companions which include Sayyidina Ali himself. Sayyidina Ali r.a. narrated that, "Indeed the
Messenger of God p.b.u.h. has banned the mut'ah (temporary marriage) on the Battle of Khaibar and forbid from eating
domesticated donkey." (Reported in Ibn Majah and al-Nasaa'i)
1. By participating in bussines and religious expositions especially those are organised by Islamic bodies. They encourage the local entrepeneurs to establish trade ties with Iranian
2. Introducing distorted historical facts in the education institutions' text books by portraying the Companions as power hungry, tyrants, untrustworthy, greedy etc
3. By deceitfully ammending the books written by the past great Islamic scholars e.g. adding the phrase 'a.s.' after the name of Sayyidina Ali and other Imams.
4. By actively participating in radio and tv programme either as guest speakers or caller to the radio or tv stations.
5. By distributing propaganda materials in the form of leaflets and books at public areas. Souvenier items such as bookmarks, key chains, calendars and greeting cards are inscribed
with Shiite's phrases and catchword.
6. By sponsoring or encouraging Malaysian students to further their studies in Iran.
7. By Iranian students studying in local public and private universities.
8. By infiltrating into Islamic organizations and political parties.
9. By establishment of quran learning, memorization and religous centres.
10. By producing movies and films which denigrate the Companions.
11. By converting sunni men and women to Shiism by marriage.
12. By introducing Shiism ideologies in the mass media.
13. Active in cyber world such as participating in debates and forums
14. By infiltrating Shiism ideologies and doctrines in literary works (such as novels) and
through cultural shows.
" Know the Shiites figures. They are renowned novelists and writers, leading political figures, student leaders,
professors and lecturers in tertiary institutions.
" Arm ourselves with the authentic Islamic knowledge - Bear in mind that Shiites will use sources of Ahlus Sunnah
origin, which have to be checked on their existence or the true intepretation of the quoted texts.
" Watchful of your and your children's friends and acquaintance - Avoid befriend any Shiites (especially foreigners
such as from Iran or Iraq)
" When debating the Shiites, be cautious of their claims and statements as they are highly likely lie to you
(practicing 'taqiyya')
" Beware of so-called Islamic books, as some of them are authored by the Shiites; They may contain distorted
The pictures during deviant Shiites celebration of the 10th Muharram (Ashura)
(From Shiite's Authentic Books)
Shiites depiction of
Prophet Joseph
*Imam Jaafar as-Sadiq said, "The soil of Husain's cemetary is the cure to all
diseases and the greatest medicine." (Man La Yadhuru al-Faqih vol 2 page 600.
Tahzib al-Ahkam vol 2 page 26)
*Abu Hasan a.s. said, "There are two parts of the body that should be covered
(aurat) that is the genital and the anus. The anus has been covered by two sides of
the buttocks; then whenever the penis and testis are covered his "aurat" is deemed
covered." (Al-Furu' min al-Kaafi, vol 6 page 51. Tahzib al-Ahkam vol 1 page 374)
*Imam Hassan al-Askari said, "Verily, our mothers do not conceive us, the Imams,
inside the stomach but at the waist and we were given birth not through the womb
but through the right thigh because we are the drips of Allah's light which is pure
and free from any dirt." (Bihar al-Anwar, vol 51 page 2,13 and 17. I'lam al-Wara,
page 394)
*Fatwa by Khomeini, "It is a better and more popular opinion that it is permissible to
have intercourse through the anus eventhough it is not desirable." (Tahrir alWasilah, chapter 11 page 241)
*Abu Hassan asked Ja'far as-Sadiq about hiring the vagina, lending it or giving it as
a present to friends, he answered, "It is okay." (Al-Istibsar, vol 3 page 141)
*"Fulfilling carnal needs by rubbing, hugging, pointing the male genital to a child or
even a suckling baby's thighs are permissible". (Khomeini, Tahrir al-Wasilah vol 2
page 216)
*Strange and unusual commentary on verses 19 and 20 of Surah Ar-Rahman which
are translated as, "He has made the two seas to flow freely (so that) they meet
together. Between them is a barrier which they cannot pass". A leading Shiite
Quranic commentator Ali bin Ibrahim al-Qummi related a story from Ja'faar asSadiq, who said, "Ali and Fatimah are the two deep seas which do not transgress
each other." (Tafsir al-Qummi, vol 2 page 345)
The Kaaba which has been built by the Shiites in
Karbala. The Shiites circumambulate this 'Kaabah'
in the same manner Muslims circumambulate the
actual Kaaba in Masjidil Haram, Mecca.
The writing on upper part
of the Shiite's Kaabah read
as "Ali Jaan" (Ali is our love)
The following are some of the indications of
the Shiites character. Be suspicious if you
spot these conducts especially among your
loved ones:* Revere Sayyidina Ali incessantly, and
always favour him over Sayyidina Abu
Bakr, Umar and Uthman.
* Belittling
* Always jama' (combine) and qasar
(shorten) Zuhr and Asr and Maghrib and
Isha' prayers with no valid reasons.
* Feet are only wiped (ie instead of
washed) during wudhu' (ablution).
* Prostrate on Karbala' stone during
* Patting the thighs before saying the
salam (during prayer).
* Consume only scaly fish.
* Delay the breaking of fast until close to
Isha' prayer's time.
* Scold those who fast during Ashura day
(10th of Muharram).
* Incessantly mentioning the need of imam
(leader) for this period of time.
* Symbols identifiable to Shiism (as shown
in page 3) are displayed at their premises.
No God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
Ali is the caliph appointed by Allah and Khomeini is the
hujjah (the proxy) of Allah.
Free Download
e-book Syiah Rafidhah
Shiite Azaan
(I bear witness that Ali is the caliph appointed by Allah)
(Come to best practice)
Further information about Shiism are
available at: