T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - EN - 21Jan14
T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - EN - 21Jan14
T8s, T12 - English - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 sport AND ROADSTER Spare Parts Manual About the Replacement Parts Manual This manual identifies and lists all the commercial replacement parts for the Trikke T8s and T12 models available by the date of issue. The information contained in this document allows the customer or service center to obtain a commercial part number and order the correct replacement part for the vehicle. Assemblies are broken down by groups. The exploded views will help to locate individual parts within the assembly, showing how they are grouped and available for sale. It's important to keep the manual up to date. New revisions will be issued with time and subscribers will be notified about the revisions and a brief summary. The most updated version of this manual is also available online for download. The illustrations presented in this manual may be slightly different from the actual part in a particular model. A generic image of the part is used for identification purpose. How To Locate a Part The parts are presented within a function group. Once the part is located on the explode view, the part number, part name, qty per vehicle, and versions can be identified on the list below the image. Always pay attention to the vehicle model, version and year, which can be identified by the serial number. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Brake Group - page 2 Cambering Group - page 3 Folding Group - page 4 Frame Group - page 5 Steering Group - page 6 Trim Group - page 8 Wheels Group - page 10 To report errors, place questions and suggestions please contact Trikke Tech Support at [email protected] For help in placing an order call (805)693-0800 (USA) or e-mail [email protected] T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 1 Group: BRAKE (B) 1 7 7 2 2 4 3 8 9 9 5 10 10 6 9 9 10 10 3 10 10 8 10 10 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REFERENCE PART NAME BL-006 BRAKE LEVER PAIR w/ lock DISC BCS-001B BRAKE CABLES SET, PAIR BCS-004B BRAKE CABLES SET, PAIR CUS-001 CUSHION, ARM BRAKE CABLE BCP-001 BRAKE CALIPER SET, DISC LH BCP-001 BRAKE CALIPER SET, DISC LH BCP-002 BRAKE CALIPER SET, DISC RH BRS-002 BRAKE ROTOR SET, DISC BRS-001 BRAKE ROTOR SET, DISC BLA-001B BRAKE LEVER, ADJUSTER PBS-006 BRAKE PAD SET, PAIR BT-017 BOLT, BRAKE CALIPER BT-018 BOLT, DISK BRAKE QTY* 01 01 01 02 01 02 01 02 02 02 02 04 08 MODEL T8s - T12 T8s T12 T8s - T12 T8s T12 T8s T8s T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 6 NOTE RIGHT ARM RIGHT ARM and LEFT ARM LEFT ARM M5 x 13 x 9.8 M5X12X9.15 *Quantity needed to 1 brake set. T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 2 Group: CAMBERING (C) 1 3 2 16 16 5 2 4 5 8 1 5 10 5 9 9 10 7 8 13 15 11 6 17 12 18 11 12 12 12 13 14 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 REFERENCE PART NAME BT-020 BOLT, YOKE all WA-003 WASHER, PU BUSHING outside YKS-004 YOKE SET YBU-003 BUSHING, YOKE FBU-001 BUSHING, FOLDING EXT-007L EXTENSION SET, LH ARM EXT-011L EXTENSION SET, LH ARM EXT-007R EXTENSION SET, RH ARM EXT-011R EXTENSION SET, RH ARM PUS-004 PU BUSHING SET (87 Shore A) WA-005 WASHER, PU BUSHING retaining RTR-001 RETAINING RING , PU BUSHING FTG-001 FITTING, GREASE SM-001 SHIM, MAIN AXLE BT-031 BOLT, MAIN AXLE AXS-014 AXLE SET, MAIN CMA-001 CLAMP SET, MAIN AXLE WA-004 WASHER, PU BUSHING inside BT-019 BOLT, MAIN AXLE CLAMP WA-012 WASHER, MAIN AXLE CLAMP BOLT QTY* 02 02 01 01 04 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 04 02 01 01 02 01 01 MODEL T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s T12 T8s T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 NOTE M6 x 15 x 17 hex5 Dacro finish 22x6x2 v3 with 1 bushing, 2 bolts and 4 washers 1 piece with bushings New 2010 with bushings New 2010 with 2 washers and 2 retaner ring (yellow, orange/black) 39.8x34x1 42.5 x 1.75 C ring 27 x 14 x 2 M8 x 20mm hex5 22x12x2 M4 x 10 hex4 v3 main axle 7.5x5x1 *Quantity needed to 1 cambering set. T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 3 Group: FOLDING (F) 6 5 4 2 3 3 5 7 7 2 1 4 1 7 7 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REFERENCE PART NAME BT-021 BOLT, FOLDING AXLE AXS-001B AXLE SET, FOLDING FKB-001 KNOB, FOLDING LPN-001 LOCK-PIN, folding SPL-001 SPRING, FOLDING BT-012 BOLT, LOCK-PIN KNOB FBU-001 BUSHING, FOLDING QTY* 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 MODEL T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T12 T8s - T12 NOTE M8X15X17 with bolt and 2 plastic bushing - longer axle black knob (T12 from July-2013) OLD AND NEW wire 1.1mm M6 with head (up to July-2013) *Quantity needed to 1 folding set. T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 4 Group: FRAME (F) 4 3 1 5 2 4 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 REFERENCE PART NAME AB-023 ARM BASIC, RH AB-021 ARM BASIC, RH AB-025 ARM BASIC, RH AB-024 ARM BASIC, LH AB-022 ARM BASIC, LH AB-026 ARM BASIC, LH FSS-009 FRONT STRUCTURE SET FSS-010 FRONT STRUCTURE SET ADP-001 ADPATER, FRONT STRUCTURE END FTG-001 FITTING, GREASE QTY* 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 MODEL T8s T12 T12 T8s T12 T12 T12 T8s T8s - T12 T8s - T12 NOTE New 2011 New 2010 (up to July-2013) from July-2013 New 2011 New 2010 (up to July-2013) from July-2013 New 2010 New 2011 *Quantity needed to 1 frame set. T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 5 Group: STEERING (S) 15 9 6 17 16 5 13 14 11 4 12 10 3 12 1 7 2 2 2 3 3 8 T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 6 Group: STEERING (S) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 REFERENCE PART NAME BT-001 BOLT, FRONT FORK CLAMP INS-001 INSERT, STEEL THREADED FORK/ST CLAMP WA-001 WASHER, CLAMP FRONT FORK WA-006 WASHER, HEADSET PSP-002 PLUG, STEM POST GUIDE PSP-003 PLUG, STEM POST TOP CSS-001 CLAMP SET, STEERING AXLE FKS-001B FORK SET, FR FKS-003B FORK SET, FR HB-008 HANDLEBAR HB-009 HANDLEBAR HB-012 HANDLEBAR HS-003 HEAD SET, THREDLESS OR-001 O'RING, HEADSET PP-003 PUSH PIN QRB-001 BUSHING, QR QRS-001 CLAMP SET, QR SA-006 STEERING AXLE SPS-005 STEM POST SET, STEERING STS-001 STEM SET, STEERING STS-003 STEM SET, STEERING QTY* 03 03 03 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 MODEL T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s T12 T8s T12 T8s T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s T12 NOTE M6 x 20mm 9x6.5x1.2 New 2011 2011 model (v3) with tab for fender gullwing gullwing gullwing, steel, L=620mm interchangeable with HB-008 threadless v3, spec color or just black for replacement for bolted stem *Quantity needed to 1 steering set. T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 7 Group: TRIM (T) 6 5 5 9 6 4 10 12 15 18 12 18 7 14 2 17 11 11 12 11 11 1 12 13 13 12 12 4 14 8 8 7 3 17 16 12 12 T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 8 13 13 Group: TRIM (T) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 REFERENCE PART NAME FF-004 FENDER, FR FR-002R FENDER, RR RH FR-003R FENDER, RR RH FR-002L FENDER, RR LH FR-003L FENDER, RR LH GT-004 GRIP MAT, PAIR GT-005 GRIP MAT, PAIR HG-003B HAND GRIP PAIR HG-005 HAND GRIP PAIR PLU-001 PLUG, HANDLEBAR END PLU-003 PLUG, ARM PLU-002 PLUG, FRONT FORK BGE-001 BADGE, FRONT TUBE WBH-001 New Trikke water bottle/holder BT-032 BOLT, FRONT FENDER BT-013 BOLT, REAR FENDER NT-002 NUT, M5 NYLOCK RR FENDER RF-001 REFLECTOR, REAR FENDER REAR RF-004 REFLECTOR, REAR FENDER REAR RF-002 REFLECTOR, REAR FENDER RIGHT RF-005 REFLECTOR, REAR FENDER RIGHT RF-003 REFLECTOR, REAR FENDER LEFT RF-006 REFLECTOR, REAR FENDER LEFT FR-003 FENDER, RR FR-002 FENDER, RR BT-017 BOLT, BOTTLE CAGE QTY* 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 01 01 04 08 04 02 02 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 MODEL T8s - T12 T12 T8s T12 T8s T8s T12 T12 T8s T8s T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s - T12 T8s T12 T8s T12 T8s T12 T8s T12 T8s - T12 NOTE new 2010 with 4 bolts with reflectors, bolts and nuts with reflectors, bolts and nuts with reflectors, bolts and nuts with reflectors, bolts and nuts New 2010 Velo Attune plastic plug arm end plastic plug fr fork with 2 bolts M5x13 M5 x 10 x 9 hex3 pan head M5 x 15 hex4 counter sink no reflectors NEW 2010, no reflectors M5 x 15 hex5 pan head *Quantity needed to 1 trim set. T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 9 Group: WHEEL (W) 1 2 7 5 6 5 4 19 09 3 08 11 10 12 13 14 14 15 19 17 16 14 15 14 18 T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 10 13 Group: WHEEL (W) ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REFERENCE PART NAME TR-006 TIRE 9.5"x 2.5" TB-004 TUBE 9.5"x 2.5" BT-015 BOLT, WHEEL AXLE SW-013 SPACER, WHEEL AXLE long BE-001 BEARING, WHEEL - ABEC 5 SW-015 SPACER, WHEEL BEARING SW-014 SPACER, WHEEL AXLE short AXS-015 AXLE SET, WHEEL RS-006 RIM SET, 8.5 WHEEL TR-001 TIRE 12.5"x 2.25" TB-001 TUBE 12.5" x 2.25" BT-034 BOLT, WHEEL AXLE SW-001 SPACER, WHEEL AXLE BE-002 BEARING, WHEEL - ABEC 5 SW-009 SPACER, WHEEL BEARING AXS-012B AXLE SET, WHEEL RS-001 RIM SET, FR WHEEL RS-002 RIM SET, RR WHEEL TVC-001 CAP, TIRE VALVE QTY* 03 03 03 03 06 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 06 06 03 03 01 02 03 MODEL T8s T8s T8s T8s T8s T8s T8s T8s T8s T12 T12 T12 T12 T12 T12 T12 T12 T12 T8s - T12 NOTE new rear tire - heavy duty new rear tire M6 x 15 hex5 long 31.5 mm bearing 608ZZ 37.5 mm short 12 mm with bolt and 2 wheel spacers with bearings and spacer 12.1/2" x 2.1/4" kenda k-841 M8 x 15 x 15.5 x hex5 12.0 new bearing 6000ZZ 52.0mm with bolt and 2 wheel spacers (New 2010) with bearings and spacer with bearings and spacer *Quantity needed to 1 wheel set. T8s, T12 - Spare Parts Manual - 01/21/14 - page 11
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