Park Township Board Meeting AGENDA
Park Township Board Meeting AGENDA
Park Township Board Meeting May 13, 2010 6:30 pm AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Approval of Agenda (Additions to or Deletions from Agenda) 5. Approval of Consent Agenda (5 minutes) a. Approval of Minutes of April 15, 2010 b. Treasurer’s Report c. Zoning Administrator’s Report d. Payment of Bills e. Fireworks permit: July 3, 2010 6. Public Safety Reports a. Fire Department Report (2 minutes) b. Sheriff’s Quarterly Report Summary (2 minutes) 7. Public Comment (2 minutes per person, please) 8. Public Presentation: a. (10 minutes) 9. Appointments to Boards and Commissions: (5 minutes) 10. Contracts, Purchases; Bid Awards a. Award bid for Bike Path Crosswalk Painting (5 minutes) 11. Staff Reports a. Consider amending the Employee Handbook i. for Retiree Insurance (5 minutes) ii. for Vacation Benefits 12. Public Comment (4 minutes per person, please) 13. Closed Session for Real Estate 14. Manager’s Report 15. Board Comments 16. Adjourn Building and Zoning Department Monthly Permit Report PerDateIssued Range from 04/01/2010 to 04/30/2010 Category Accessory Building Electrical Fence Fireplace Mechanical Plumbing Pools Res, Addition Res, Alteration Res, Miscellaneous Res, New Home Sign Monthly Totals Year to Date Totals Last Year to Date Totals Value Permit Fees Number of Permits 3,500 0 6,734 0 0 0 46,600 2,500 194,675 0 370,000 1,500 100.00 900.00 108.00 450.00 1,355.00 540.00 268.00 52.00 2,447.00 53.00 1,250.00 48.00 2 14 2 4 26 6 2 1 34 1 1 1 $625,509 $3,769,002 $7,571 94 $30,831 285 $30,852 236 $9,245,564 05/06/2010 03:22 PM User: Daniele Dykens DB: PARK TOWNSHIP INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR PARK TOWNSHIP Invoice Line Desc Vendor Invoice Description Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Dept 000 101-000-671.015 AIRPORT FUNDS - RECEIPTS URS CORPORATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11/14/09-1/04/10 Total For Dept 000 BOARD OF TRUSTES- PRINTING & PUB West Michigan Media MARCH AFFIDAVITS/PUBLISHING PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 SPONSER TICKET ORDER FORM Total For Dept 172 ADMIN,MGR,SPUPERINTENDENT,CONTROLLER CLERK FRNG BEN-HSPT INS CLERK FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE Clerk-Meetings/Seminars Clerk-Meetings/Seminars IMAGING PROJECT COSTS PRIORITY HEALTH BENS VISION SERVICE PLAN 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 MAMC REGISTRATION FOR DANIELE DYKENS-PARK SOARING EAGLE CASINO & RESORT 6/22-6/25 STAY MAMC CONFERENCE IMAGESOFT, INC PROJECT COSTS Total For Dept 215 CLERK Dept 228 DATA PROCESSING,INFO TECHNOLOGY 101-228-803.000 COMPUTER - PURCHASED 101-228-803.000 COMPUTER - PURCHASED 101-228-803.000 COMPUTER - PURCHASED 101-228-803.000 COMPUTER - PURCHASED SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES BS&A Software MC AFEE MC AFEE Worksighted TREAS. FRNG TREAS. FRNG TREAS. FRNG TREASURER - 2ND YEAR PAYMENT ON .NET PROGRAMS YEARLY PAYMENT OF ULTIMATE DEFENSE YEARLY PAYMENT OF ULTIMATE DEFENSE CRITERION SUPPORT BEN - HOSPITALIZATIONPRIORITY INS HEALTH BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE Flex BENS Administrators PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE VISION BENS SERVICE PLAN 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 SUPPLIES TEAM FINANCIAL GROUP, INC COPIER CONTRACT Total For Dept 253 TREASURER Dept 257 ASSESSOR/EQUALIZATION DEPARTMENT 101-257-717.000 ASSESSOR FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION PRIORITY INS HEALTH 101-257-720.000 ASSESSOR FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE Flex BENS Administrators PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT 101-257-720.000 ASSESSOR FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE VISION BENS SERVICE PLAN 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 101-257-750.000 Dues & Subscriptions PICTOMETRY INTERNATIONAL CORP. LICENSE PAYMENT 101-257-750.000 Dues & Subscriptions MICHIGAN TAX TRIBUNAL FRIES VS PARK TOWNSHIP 101-257-930.000 ASSESSOR - REPAIRS & MAINT TEAM FINANCIAL GROUP, INC COPIER CONTRACT Total For Dept 257 ASSESSOR/EQUALIZATION DEPARTMENT Dept 262 ELECTIONS 101-262-702.000 101-262-727.000 Elections - Salaries Elections - Supplies LAURIE STAAT Ottawa County Clerk 2,050.00 Check # 66586 343.32 66561 343.32 1,097.99 4.50 10.29 40.00 66578 66570 66587 66592 1,152.78 4,117.44 18.46 250.00 327.00 825.00 66578 66587 66573 66582 66530 5,537.90 Total For Dept 228 DATA PROCESSING,INFO TECHNOLOGY Dept 253 TREASURER 101-253-717.000 101-253-720.000 101-253-720.000 101-253-727.000 Amount 2,050.00 Total For Dept 101 GOVERNING BODY Dept 172 ADMIN,MGR,SPUPERINTENDENT,CONTROLLER 101-172-717.000 MGR. FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION INS PRIORITY HEALTH 101-172-720.000 MGR. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Flex Administrators 101-172-720.000 MGR. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS VISION SERVICE PLAN 101-172-956.000 MANAGER-MEETINGS/SEMINARS Tulip Time Festival Dept 215 CLERK 101-215-717.000 101-215-720.000 101-215-956.000 101-215-956.000 101-215-967.000 1/6 EXP CHECK RUN DATES 04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010 JOURNALIZED PAID BANK CODE: GEN GL Number Dept 101 GOVERNING BODY 101-101-900.000 Page : 24 1/4 HOURS WORKED FOR ELECTIONS FOR 3 ENCRYPTED FLASH DRIVES Total For Dept 262 ELECTIONS 22,475.00 420.00 (42.00) 1,128.00 66517 66540 66540 66563 23,981.00 499.09 4.50 6.74 47.00 66578 66570 66587 66552 557.33 2,744.96 9.00 36.92 4,900.00 25.00 110.81 66578 66570 66587 66545 66591 66552 7,826.69 291.00 48.09 339.09 66572 66574 05/06/2010 03:22 PM User: Daniele Dykens DB: PARK TOWNSHIP INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR PARK TOWNSHIP Invoice Line Desc Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Dept 264 TWP PROPERTY 101-264-717.000 101-264-720.000 101-264-720.000 101-264-720.000 101-264-720.000 101-264-727.000 101-264-727.000 101-264-850.000 101-264-921.000 101-264-921.000 101-264-930.000 101-264-930.000 101-264-930.000 101-264-930.000 101-264-930.000 101-264-930.000 101-264-930.000 TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP Vendor Invoice Description PROP. FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION PRIORITY INS HEALTH PROP. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE FlexBENS Administrators PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT PROP. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE FlexBENS Administrators PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT PROP. FRNG BEN - OTHER BENS-SUSAN Flex Administrators PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT PROP. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE VISION BENSSERVICE PLAN 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 Prop - Supplies Van Wieren Hardware SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP Prop - Supplies Graphix Signs/Embroidery 4X4 FOR DISC GOLF/5X48 FOR OLD FIRE STN PROP - TELEPHONE AT&T TELEPHONE/INTERNET Prop - Water & Sewer Park Township 1464 OTTAWA BEACH RD.-MAINTENANCE Prop - Water & Sewer Park Township 1464 OTTAWA BEACH RD. Prop - Repairs & Maint Apparelmaster MAINTENANCE UNIFORMS Prop - Repairs & Maint FASTENAL COMPANY EXIT/EMERGENCY LIGHT Prop - Repairs & Maint RepcoLite Paints Inc PAINTING SUPPLIES Prop - Repairs & Maint RepcoLite Paints Inc PAINTING SUPPLIES Prop - Repairs & Maint Tractor Supply Credit Plan PROPERTY REPAIRS Prop - Repairs & Maint Tractor Supply Credit Plan PROPERTY REPAIRS Prop - Repairs & Maint Van Wieren Hardware SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP Total For Dept 264 TWP PROPERTY TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP Twp TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP TWP OFF. FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION-SB PRIORITY HEALTH OFF. FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION PRIORITY INS HEALTH OFF. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE VISION BENS SERVICE PLAN OFF. FRNG BEN - OTHER BENS-BARKEL VISION SERVICE PLAN Off- Supplies Fris Office Outfitters Off- Supplies Xtra Perks Off- Supplies AMSTERDAM Off- Supplies Staples Office Professional Servic RIVER HILLS CONSULTING Off- Telephone TDS Metrocom Off- Telephone The Iserv Company Off- Telephone AT&T Off- Water & Sewer Holland Charter Township Off- Water & Sewer Park Township OFF- REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE Apparelmaster Off- Repairs & Maintenance Perma-Green OFF- REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE TEAM FINANCIAL GROUP, INC Off - Equipment Staples Dept 266 ATTORNEY/ COUNSEL 101-266-801.000 Legal - Profess Services 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 SUPPLIES BREAK ROOM SUPPLIES #10 REGULAR AND WINDOW ENVELOPES LABEL WRITER/LABELS FOR JULIE PERFORMANCE REVIEW INFORMATION FINAL BILLING TELEPHONE CHARGES OFFICE FAX /ER LINES 52-152ND AVE. 52-152ND AVE OFFICE OFFICE RUGS/TOWELS PRE-PAY CONTRACT COPIER CONTRACT LABEL WRITER/LABELS FOR JULIE Cemetery - Supplies Cemetery - Light & Power Cemetery - Repairs & Maint Amount Check # 499.09 4.50 4.50 4.50 6.74 39.98 48.00 69.49 38.25 31.65 34.25 159.43 42.85 (35.90) 182.92 (99.94) 223.05 66578 66570 66570 66570 66587 66559 66571 66567 66576 66576 66514 66525 66546 66546 66557 66557 66559 1,253.36 1,097.99 1,372.48 18.46 10.29 747.23 129.00 163.33 99.96 625.00 114.19 369.06 148.18 99.00 58.05 21.85 663.00 121.62 129.99 Total For Dept 265 TWP OFFICE 5,988.68 Scholten and Fant 4,369.71 LEGAL COUNSEL Total For Dept 266 ATTORNEY/ COUNSEL Dept 276 CEMETERY 101-276-727.000 101-276-920.000 101-276-930.000 2/6 EXP CHECK RUN DATES 04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010 JOURNALIZED PAID BANK CODE: GEN GL Number Dept 265 TWP OFFICE 101-265-717.000 101-265-717.000 101-265-720.000 101-265-720.000 101-265-727.000 101-265-727.000 101-265-727.000 101-265-727.000 101-265-801.000 101-265-850.000 101-265-850.000 101-265-850.000 101-265-921.000 101-265-921.000 101-265-930.000 101-265-930.000 101-265-930.000 101-265-971.000 Page : Holland Supply Co, Inc. Consumers Energy JOHN HOEKSEMA, INC G.A.R. FLAG HOLDERS 2197 LAKEWOOD OIL FOR MOWER Total For Dept 276 CEMETERY 66578 66578 66587 66587 66526 66564 66565 66583 66547 66551 66555 66588 66528 66576 66514 66544 66552 66583 66548 4,369.71 141.90 28.08 7.00 176.98 66590 66568 66532 05/06/2010 03:22 PM User: Daniele Dykens DB: PARK TOWNSHIP INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR PARK TOWNSHIP Invoice Line Desc Vendor Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Dept 336 FIRE DEPARTMENT 101-336-704.000 101-336-704.000 101-336-704.000 101-336-704.000 101-336-704.000 101-336-704.000 101-336-704.000 101-336-704.000 101-336-727.000 101-336-921.000 101-336-921.000 101-336-921.000 101-336-922.000 101-336-930.000 101-336-930.000 101-336-930.000 Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Dispatching Fire Dept - Supplies Water & Sewer Water & Sewer Water & Sewer Fire Dept - Heat Fire D - Repair & Maintenance Fire D - Repair & Maintenance Fire D - Repair & Maintenance CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS PRE-PAY FOR 12 MOTHS CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS PRE-PAY FOR 12 MOTHS Mainstay Data Services LLC 1 GB DDR DIMM - LAPTOP Nextel Communications PHONES/PAGERS Tele-Rad Inc. MINITOR IV SV SEL CALL Tele-Rad Inc. ASSEMBLE HEADSET INTERFACE CABLES Tele-Rad Inc. REPROGRAM 3 PORTABLES Tele-Rad Inc. REPROGRAM 5 RADIOS Fris Office Outfitters SUPPLIES Holland Charter Township 12 S 160TH AVE Consumers Energy 12 S 160TH AVE. Park Township 12 S. 160TH FIRE STATION Semco Energy 644 S 160TH AVE. Chips Groundcover, LLC BARK FOR FIRE DEPT. Halt Fire CLIP HAND LIGHT Top Cut Lawn Care Services SPRING CLEAN-UP Invoice Description Total For Dept 336 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept 371 BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 101-371-702.002 Plumbing Insp Salary West MI Plumbing Inspection, MARCH LLC INSPECTIONS 101-371-717.000 BLDG. FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION PRIORITY INS HEALTH 101-371-720.000 BLDG. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Flex Administrators PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT 101-371-720.000 BLDG. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS VISION SERVICE PLAN 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 101-371-851.000 Communication AT&T OFFICE FAX /ER LINES 101-371-930.000 BUILDING DEPT - REPAIRS & MAINT TEAM FINANCIAL GROUP, INC COPIER CONTRACT Street Lights - Light & Power Street Lights - Light & Power ZONING ZONING ZONING ZONING Services Services Services Services Services Services Services Services Services 1,000.00 1,185.33 6.75 15.97 28.38 110.81 8,871.69 271.20 STREET LIGHTS STREET LIGHTS Pitney Bowes NEWSLETTER POSTAGE Community Foundation Holland/Zeelan 4TH OF JULY FIREWORKS Evergreen Commons Senior Center SUPPORT FOR SERVICES-BUDGET 3/11/10 Holland Historical Trust SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITY BASED ORG. Lakeshore Advantage SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITY BASED ORG. Macatawa Greenway SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITY BASED ORG. Mactawa Area Coordinating Council ANNUAL DUES Mactawa Area Coordinating Council WATERSHED/STORMWATER DUES The Holland American Legion SUPPORT Band FOR COMMUNITY BASED ORG. Tulip Time Festival COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION SUPPORT Check # 66519 66519 66537 66542 66553 66553 66553 66553 66526 66528 66568 66576 66549 66520 66527 66556 2,285.44 Consumers Energy Consumers Energy FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATIONPRIORITY INS HEALTH FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE Flex BENS Administrators PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE VISION BENS SERVICE PLAN 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 - REPAIRS & MAINT TEAM FINANCIAL GROUP, INC COPIER CONTRACT Promo - Postage Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased Prom - Purchased 63.36 0.14 197.50 283.73 32.00 210.32 60.00 100.00 50.69 81.00 491.80 60.60 295.39 112.91 51.00 195.00 2,347.24 Total For Dept 722 ZONING Dept 748 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 101-748-728.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm 101-748-803.000 Comm Amount Total For Dept 371 BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Total For Dept 448 STREET LIGHTING Dept 722 ZONING 101-722-717.000 101-722-720.000 101-722-720.000 101-722-930.000 3/6 EXP CHECK RUN DATES 04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010 JOURNALIZED PAID BANK CODE: GEN GL Number Dept 448 STREET LIGHTING 101-448-920.000 101-448-920.000 Page : 66560 66578 66570 66587 66588 66552 66523 66523 9,142.89 1,185.33 6.75 15.97 110.81 66578 66570 66587 66552 1,318.86 1,753.87 3,608.00 7,500.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 18,364.00 13,563.14 500.00 5,000.00 66577 66522 66524 66529 66534 66535 66536 66536 66554 66558 05/06/2010 03:22 PM User: Daniele Dykens DB: PARK TOWNSHIP GL Number INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR PARK TOWNSHIP Invoice Line Desc Vendor Invoice Description WEST MICHIGAN STRATEGIC ALLIANCE SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY ORG. ARROWASTE SPRING LEAF CLEANUP Total For Dept 748 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS Frng Frng Frng Frng Frng FRNG Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben BEN - Hospitalization Ins PRIORITY HEALTH Hospitalization Ins PRIORITY HEALTH Hospitalization Ins PRIORITY HEALTH Hospitalization Ins PRIORITY HEALTH Hospitalization Ins STUART VISSER OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS-RETIREE VISION SERVICE PLAN BETTY VISSER STUART VISSER VELMA MYRICK OVERPAYMENT OF INSURANCE 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 Total For Dept 852 FRINGE BENEFITS Dept 966 MISCELANEOUS 101-966-965.002 101-966-965.002 TRAILER TAXES DISBURSED-JAN OWINGOttawa County Treasurer TRAILER TAXES DISBURSED MARCH Ottawa County Treasurer Fund 208 PARK/RECREATION FUND Dept 663 CHILD CARE - SOCIAL SERVICES 208-663-727.000 Tot Time - Supplies HOLIDAY WEST MARCH,JAN OWING HOLIDAY WEST MARCH,JAN OWING 50.00 3,473.28 (232.92) 155.60 77.80 155.60 77.80 34.06 27.50 790.00 131,569.00 SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP 3.79 Total For Dept 663 CHILD CARE - SOCIAL SERVICES 3.79 JANUARY-MARCH HOURS PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 GOALS FOR SOCCER PROGRAM YELLOW BAGS FUND - WAGES MARC DELEEUW FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION PRIORITY INS HEALTH FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Flex Administrators FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS6.74 VISION SERVICE PLAN Fund - Supplies Chips Groundcover, LLC Fund - Supplies Chips Groundcover, LLC Fund - Supplies Van Wieren Hardware Fund - Supplies Graphix Signs/Embroidery Fund - Supplies Graphix Signs/Embroidery Fund - Supplies Graphix Signs/Embroidery Fund - Supplies Graphix Signs/Embroidery - GAS & OIL-VEHICLES Brenner Oil Company - GAS & OIL-VEHICLES Brenner Oil Company - TELEPHONE AT&T Fund - Light & Power Consumers Energy 2.5 HOURS PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 SHREDDED BARK SHREDDED BARK SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP PET OWNERS PLEASE KEEP DOG ON LEASH 4X4 FOR DISC GOLF/5X48 FOR OLD FIRE STN DOG OWNERS 8 12X18 SIGNS FOR DOG PARK 70 GAL UNLEADED 147 GAL FOR VEHICLES TELEPHONE/INTERNET 14595 JAMES ST. 66562 66566 66578 66579 66580 66581 66584 66587 267.94 Total For Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Van Wieren Hardware Check # 61,812.29 817.50 Total For Dept 751 RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS PARKS PARKS PARKS Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks PARKS PARKS PARKS Parks Amount Total For Dept 966 MISCELANEOUS Dept 751 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 208-751-706.000 Rec Program JONATHAN VANDYKE 208-751-717.000 REC. FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION INS PRIORITY HEALTH 208-751-720.000 REC. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS Flex Administrators 208-751-720.000 REC. FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE BENS VISION SERVICE PLAN 208-751-727.000 Rec Commmittee - Supplies Superior Sport Store 208-751-730.000 Program Materials CHEF CONTAINER, LLC Dept 756 PARKS DEPARTMENT 208-756-702.000 208-756-717.000 208-756-720.000 208-756-720.000 208-756-727.000 208-756-727.000 208-756-727.000 208-756-727.000 208-756-727.000 208-756-727.000 208-756-727.000 208-756-729.000 208-756-729.000 208-756-850.000 208-756-920.000 4/6 EXP CHECK RUN DATES 04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010 JOURNALIZED PAID BANK CODE: GEN Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Dept 748 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 101-748-803.000 Comm Prom - Purchased Services 101-748-803.000 Comm Prom - Purchased Services Dept 852 FRINGE BENEFITS 101-852-717.000 101-852-717.000 101-852-717.000 101-852-717.000 101-852-717.000 101-852-720.000 Page : 312.00 1,097.99 4.50 10.29 2,466.00 30.00 66543 66543 66559 66533 66578 66570 66587 66585 66589 3,920.78 25.00 499.09 4.50 6.74 131.73 (66.99) 144.10 240.00 40.00 320.00 320.00 179.32 376.58 42.32 128.18 66538 66578 66570 66587 66520 66520 66559 66571 66571 66571 66571 66516 66516 66567 66523 05/06/2010 03:22 PM User: Daniele Dykens DB: PARK TOWNSHIP GL Number INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR PARK TOWNSHIP 5/6 EXP CHECK RUN DATES 04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010 JOURNALIZED PAID BANK CODE: GEN Invoice Line Desc Fund 208 PARK/RECREATION FUND Dept 756 PARKS DEPARTMENT 208-756-920.000 Parks Fund - Light & Power 208-756-920.000 Parks Fund - Light & Power 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-921.000 Parks Fund - Water & Sewer 208-756-922.000 PARKS - HEAT 208-756-930.000 Parks Fund - Repair & Maint 208-756-930.000 Parks Fund - Repair & Maint 208-756-930.000 Parks Fund - Repair & Maint 208-756-930.000 Parks Fund - Repair & Maint 208-756-930.000 Parks Fund - Repair & Maint 208-756-930.000 PARKS FUND - REPAIR & MAINT 208-756-930.000 Parks Fund - Repair & Maint 208-756-965.009 Skatepark Expenses 208-756-971.000 Parks Fund - Equipment 208-756-971.000 Parks Fund - Equipment 208-756-972.000 Parks Fund - Build Improvement Vendor Invoice Description Consumers Energy 1774 PERRY ST. Consumers Energy 1468 OTTAWA BEACH RD. Caribou Services SKATE RINK Caribou Services DOG PARK Caribou Services RANSOM PARK Caribou Services VIRGINIA PARK Holland Charter Township 1464 OTTAWA BEACH RD. Holland Charter Township 1464 OTTAWA BEACH RD Holland Charter Township 1700 PERRY ST. Holland Charter Township JAMES ST. Consumers Energy 16576 RANSOM ST. Consumers Energy 669 HARRINGTON Consumers Energy 1774 PERRY ST. Consumers Energy 1700 PERRY ST. Consumers Energy 14595 JAMES ST. Consumers Energy 3332 N 168TH AVE. Park Township KEPPLE FOREST Park Township FIRE STATION SOCCER SPRINKLING Park Township 1700 PERRY ST-WINSTROM Park Township WINSTROM SPRINKLING Park Township 52-152ND SPRINKLING/PARKS Park Township 1286 OTTAWA BEACH RD Semco Energy 669 HARRINGTON-MAATMAN Apparelmaster RUGS AT COMM. HALL CLASSIC WOOD FLOORS COMMUNITY CENTER-BUFFED,WASHED FLOOR Perma-Green PRE-PAY CONTRACT RepcoLite Paints Inc PAINTING SUPPLIES SUPERIOR GROUND COVER BARK FOR PARKS TEAM FINANCIAL GROUP, INC COPIER CONTRACT Van Wieren Hardware SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP SUPERIOR GROUND COVER HARDWOOD BARK J & J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, LLC DRAIN WATER OUT OF FUEL TANK Van Wieren Hardware SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP OTTAWA FENCE WORKS DOG PARK FENCING Total For Dept 756 PARKS DEPARTMENT Dept 966 MISCELANEOUS 208-966-965.004 208-966-965.005 Page : Tot Time Enrollments Disbursed Building Rental Disbursed DUTCH VILLAGE MARINA RAMIREZ-MATIAS FOR TOT TIME VISIT 4/10 RENTAL OF MAATMAN CENTER SECURITY DEP. Total For Dept 966 MISCELANEOUS Total For Fund 208 PARK/RECREATION FUND Fund 211 BIKE PATH FUND Dept 751 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 211-751-717.000 BIKE PATH FRNG BEN - HOSPITALIZATION PRIORITY INS HEALTH 211-751-720.000 BIKE PATH FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE FlexBENS Administrators 211-751-720.000 BIKE PATH FRNG BEN - OTHER EMPLOYEE VISION BENSSERVICE PLAN 211-751-727.000 Bike Path Supplies Van Wieren Hardware 211-751-930.000 Bicycle Path - Repair & Maint Van Wieren Hardware PRESCRIPTION REIMBURSEMENT 30 017575 0001 FOR 5/2010 SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP SUPPLIES FOR TOWNSHIP Amount 151.68 142.28 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 63.00 60.75 49.50 31.95 25.28 81.52 19.66 31.74 19.66 19.66 21.75 37.50 21.75 45.00 37.50 30.00 123.69 37.75 2,137.85 5,968.00 12.15 2,880.00 110.81 44.68 2,016.00 225.00 42.15 2,400.00 Check # 66523 66568 66518 66518 66518 66518 66528 66528 66528 66528 66568 66568 66568 66568 66568 66568 66576 66576 66576 66576 66576 66576 66549 66514 66521 66544 66546 66550 66552 66559 66550 66531 66559 66575 19,698.83 90.00 200.00 66569 66539 290.00 23,913.40 499.09 4.50 6.74 15.28 21.59 66578 66570 66587 66559 66559 05/06/2010 03:22 PM User: Daniele Dykens DB: PARK TOWNSHIP GL Number INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR PARK TOWNSHIP Page : 6/6 EXP CHECK RUN DATES 04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010 JOURNALIZED PAID BANK CODE: GEN Invoice Line Desc Vendor Invoice Description Amount Fund 211 BIKE PATH FUND Dept 751 RECREATION DEPARTMENT Total For Dept 751 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 547.20 Total For Fund 211 BIKE PATH FUND 547.20 Fund Totals: Fund 101 GENERAL FUND Fund 208 PARK/RECREATION FUND Fund 211 BIKE PATH FUND 131,569.00 23,913.40 547.20 Total For All Funds: 156,029.60 Check # May 13, 2010 To: Park Township Board RE: Agenda Item 6b: Sheriff’s Office Report Sgt. Ed DeVries will be present to discuss the Sheriff’s Office report of activities for the first quarter of 2010. A copy is attached. Of additional note is that we have also received a copy of the Sheriff’s Annual Report for 2009. Our copy is on CD but we have excerpted portions and have attached copies of that report, too. Should you wish to view the entire Annual Report please let us know and we will make arrangements to deliver a copy, either via email or hard copy. Manager’s Recommendation: Information only Gary A. Rosema Sheriff County of Ottawa Gregory A. Steigenga Sheriff’s Office Undersheriff Headquarters/Administration Correctional Facility 12130 Fillmore Street 12220 Fillmore Street West Olive, Michigan 49460 West Olive, Michigan 49460 (616) 786-4140 or (888) 731-1001 (616) 738-4000 or (888) 731-1001 Fax: (616) 738-4062 Fax: (616) 738-4099 Quarterly Policing Report Park Township 1st Quarter 2010 Total Calls for Service Jan.-Mar. Apr.-Jun. 2009 2010 Jul.-Sept. 763 758 Tickets Issued 2009 2010 151 98 Adult Arrests 2009 2010 30 29 Juvenile Arrests 2009 2010 33 25 Traffic Crashes (Property Damage and Injury) 2009 2010 50 36 Medical calls 2009 2010 101 98 Alarms 2009 2010 46 41 Oct.-Nov. Total YDT Other calls Breaking & Entering Assaults Domestics Frauds Larcenies Loud Music/Party/Disturb. Vandalism Boat/Drowning Suspicious Situations Vehicle Thefts Animal Related Unauthorized Burn Jan-Mar ‘09 4 4 19 7 25 Jan-Mar ‘10 8 10 29 15 17 28 19 1 82 2 63 9 10 9 0 80 2 52 5 It should be noted that the above reflects calls as dispatched by Ottawa County Central Dispatch. Some call types change once the report is taken. In addition Township Deputies meet with business owners and neighborhood groups, and perform inspections at licensed liquor establishments. Deputies also were present, and/or assisted at two Driver’s Education classes, a Cub Scout presentation, three after school basketball programs, and one elementary school event. Respectfully submitted, Sgt. Ed de Vries 12220 Fillmore St. West Olive, MI 49460 Voicemail 616-738-4000 ext. 1146 [email protected] Gary A. Rosema County of Ottawa Sheriff‘s Office Headquarters/Administration 12220 Fillmore Street West Olive, Michigan 49460 (616) 738-4000 or (888) 731-1001 Fax: (616) 738-4062 Sheriff Gregory A. Steigenga Undersheriff Correctional Facility 12130 Fillmore Street West Olive, Michigan 49460 (616) 786-4140 or (888) 731-1001 Fax: (616) 738-4099 April 2010 Ottawa County Board of Commissioners and Residents of Ottawa County: The mission of your Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office continues to be that of “preserving public order and supporting the Constitution of the State of Michigan through enforcement of state and local laws.” Our mission is accomplished by providing 24-hour service to Ottawa County communities in the areas of responding to direct requests for law enforcement service, criminal investigations, traffic enforcement, and general assistance to the public. With this established mission, we as an organization continue to place a significant emphasis on the victims of crime and the ability to prioritize the resolution of crime for the victims and our communities. Our mission is furthered by the ability to offer a correctional facility that will meet the needs of the criminal justice system in Ottawa County. I often emphasize our mission statement and the following statement in various discussions and presentations regarding our agency’s role in the Criminal Justice System. “Professional law enforcement and a well-managed Criminal Justice System play a major role in the foundation of quality of life issues in any community.” This statement embodies the mission of our organization as evidenced by our continuing efforts to provide an effective level of law enforcement and correctional service in Ottawa County. Public education and awareness within our neighborhoods and communities along with crime prevention techniques is essential to the effective operation and service of the Sheriff’s Office. We continue to employ news sources and media outlets to educate and inform the public on issues related to crime, crime prevention, and awareness concerns. Even during these tough economic times, Ottawa County and its communities continue to recognize the importance of community growth by still promoting healthy communities, economic opportunities, and tourism. With these county and community standards, we have continued to place an emphasis on maintaining our law enforcement services as a priority. In preparing this annual report, our staff has once again had the opportunity to review the activity and service levels that are provided. In this day and age of tight budgets and economic concerns your Sheriff’s Office provides levels of service that demonstrate fiscal responsibility. 2009 has been a positive year for the Administrative, Law Enforcement, and Corrections Divisions of the Sheriff’s Office. Jail operations at our 467 bed Fillmore 2009 Annual Report Letter from Sheriff Page 2 Street Complex continue to operate effectively while providing progressive corrections programs. The Sheriff’s Office is proud to have one of the finest correctional facilities and jail operations in the State of Michigan. Our facility affords us the ability for proper classification, screening, and housing of inmates that we receive. In addition, this correctional facility allows for a proper environment to offer a variety of programming for our inmate population. The Ottawa County Correctional Facility is truly an asset to the county’s Criminal Justice System. Demolition of the old Grand Haven Jail this past year occurred as part of the new Ottawa County Court House Facility Project in Grand Haven. Our new holding area in the Grand Haven Courthouse completes a process that has seen the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners improve all court holdings and our correctional facility since 1993. As an organization, we believe that a strong, cooperative approach to law enforcement is essential in identifying and controlling criminal activity within Ottawa County. This is best accomplished through proactive law enforcement, which includes community policing, organized drug enforcement, youth programs within our schools, as well as traditional law enforcement methods. As always, specific issues and local concerns are addressed as they are identified. Working in cooperation with all criminal justice entities within the county on current community concerns and initiatives such as domestic violence response, substance abuse, community awareness programs, and traffic-related concerns will continue to be a priority. The Sheriff’s Office staff continues to explore and recommend updated technology in the areas of records management, forensics, and communications. Data systems and technical improvements in records management systems allow for greater access to statistical information, thus enhancing crime-fighting capabilities. Improvements and a focus in the area of forensics investigation provide additional tools to assist in suspect identification and our crime scene investigative abilities. The 2009 Annual Report is once again our opportunity to reflect on the efforts and accomplishments of employees from every division in the Sheriff’s Office. I greatly appreciate the professionalism and integrity exhibited by our staff in fulfilling the responsibilities of their various assignments. The service they provide to the residents of Ottawa County and its visitors is significant. Sincerely, Gary A. Rosema Sheriff Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Organizational Chart Employees Call History by Township Calls For Service Allendale Township Blendon Township Chester Township Crockery Township Georgetown Township Grand Haven Township Holland Township Jamestown Township Olive Township Park Township Polkton Township Port Sheldon Township Robinson Township Spring Lake Township Tallmadge Township Wright Township Zeeland Township Coopersville City Hudsonville City Other Departments County Totals Index & Non-Index Crimes Investigative Unit Traffic Services Unit Marine Unit Honor Guard S.A.V.E. Victim Services Senior Volunteer Program Corrections Division Animal Control Training K-9 Unit Community Policing Records Unit Reserve Unit Mounted Unit Emergency Management Unit Retirements 1-7 8-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-38 39 40 41-50 51-54 55-58 59 60 61 62 63-66 67 68-72 73-76 77-81 82 83 84 85-89 90 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Organization 2009 OTTAWA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Organization by Division Gary A. Rosema Sheriff Lisa Wilcox Administrative Assistant Taci Casey Administrative Assistant Gregory Steigenga Undersheriff Administrative Division Administrative Services Lt. Steve Kempker Corrections Division Corrections Operations/Services Lt. Steve Baar Law Enforcement Division Law Enforcement Operations Lt. Mike Brookhouse Law Enforcement Services Lt. Lee Hoeksema Records Management Director Steve Kraai Investigative Services Lt. Mark Bennett Emergency Management Director William Smith 1 OTTAWA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Records Management Records Director Steve Kraai Law Enforcement Division 9 Clerks Part Time 4 Clerks 2 Corrections Division 4 Clerks (Work in Corrections) OTTAWA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Emergency Management Director William Smith Local Emergency Planning Coordinator 1 Clerk Part Time 1 Clerk 3 Solutions Area Planner OTTAWA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Corrections Division Organization Corrections Operations / Services Lt. Steve Baar Correction Operations 4 Sergeants Correction Services 2 Sergeants Corrections 45 Deputies Transport 7 Deputies Part Time 10 Deputies Court Services 5 Deputies Cadets 3 Cadets SWAP 6 Deputies 4 OTTAWA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Law Enforcement Division Organization Uniform/Services Operations Law Enforcement Operations Lt. Mike Brookhouse Law Enforcement Services Lt. Lee Hoeksema E-Unit Sergeants 2 Sergeants Animal Control 3 Deputies Marine Unit 1 Sergeant E-Unit 15 Deputies Marine Patrol 42 Marine Deputies (Seasonal) Patrol Sergeants 7 Sergeants Patrol 24 Deputies Community Policing 3 Sergeants K-9 Unit 4 Deputies Community Policing 22 Deputies School Programs 1 Sergeant School Deputies 9 Deputies Part-Time 10 Deputies 40 Reserve Deputies 16 Mounted Deputies 10 Part-Time Deputies 5 OTTAWA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Traffic Services Unit Traffic Services Unit 1 Sergeant P.A. 416 2 Deputies Traffic Unit Holland/Park Township 1 Deputy Traffic Unit Blendon, Holland Robinson, Zeeland Townships 1 Deputy Traffic Unit Georgetown Township 1 Deputy 6 OTTAWA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Law Enforcement Division Organization Investigative Services Investigative Services Unit Lt. Mark Bennett Investigations 12 Detectives Special Assignment 6 WEMET FOC Investigator Forensic Unit 7 Auto Theft Investigator Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Employees 2009 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report EMPLOYEES BY DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Gary A. Rosema Gregory A. Steigenga Steve Kempker Taci Casey Lisa Wilcox William Smith Beth Thomas Dianne Phillips Steve Kraai Nancy Bryant Missie Detwiler Nancy Hoffmeyer Betty LaBrecque Dawn Lockhart Yolanda Morales Michelle Munley Paula Parker Pam VanderZwaag Pat Wegener Tari Zahm Amanda Zant Sheriff Undersheriff Administrative Lieutenant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Emergency Management Director Emergency Management Solution Area Planner Emergency Management LEPC Coordinator Records Management Director Records Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Job Share Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Job Share Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist Records Clerk/Typist LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION Mark Bennett Lieutenant/Investigative Services Mike Brookhouse Lieutenant/Road Patrol Operations Lee Hoeksema Lieutenant/Road Patrol Services Kevin Allman Sergeant/Road Patrol Steve Austin Sergeant/Traffic Services Mike Bagladi Sergeant/Road Patrol Brian Buter Sergeant/Road Patrol Dean DeVries Sergeant/Allendale Township Ed deVries Sergeant/Community Policing Jon Ditmar Sergeant/Road Patrol Keith Garvelink Sergeant/Road Patrol Cal Keuning Sergeant/Holland-Park Townships Keith Koeman Sergeant/Marine-Mounted-Reserve Units Chris Koster Sergeant/Special Assignment Dennis Luce Sergeant/Coopersville City Bob Ruster Sergeant/Road Patrol Robert Tease Sergeant/Hudsonville City Bill Ward Sergeant/Georgetown Township Valerie Weiss Sergeant/Community Policing/School Liaison Michael Wieringa Sergeant/Road Patrol John Wolffis Sergeant/Road Patrol 8 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (continued) Allison Anderson Deputy/Juvenile Unit Travis Babcock Deputy/Community Policing Jeremy Baum Detective Valerie Beemer Deputy/Community Policing Keith Biros Deputy/Community Policing David Blakely Detective Anthony Boersema Deputy/Juvenile Unit Dennis Boeve Deputy/E-Unit Kreg Brace Detective Meri-Beth Brouwer Deputy/Road Patrol Brent Brown Deputy/E-Unit Matt Brown Deputy/Road Patrol Steve Burgess Deputy/Road Patrol Mark Busse Deputy/Road Patrol/K-9 David Bytwerk Deputy/Special Assignment Kerri Cannata Detective Matt Chatfield Deputy/Road Patrol Derek Christensen Deputy/Special Assignment Brent Converse Deputy/Community Policing Bill Cousins Deputy/Community Policing Eric DeBoer Deputy/Community Policing David DeWitt Deputy/Community Policing Michael DeWitt Deputy/Community Policing Chris Dill Deputy/Road Patrol Frank Dobroc Deputy/Road Patrol Robert Donker Detective James Douglas Deputy/Road Patrol/K9 Melanie Draft Deputy/E-Unit Scott Dyke Deputy/Community Policing Pete Feliciano Deputy/Traffic Services Dan Fetkenhour Deputy/E-Unit Sara Fillman Deputy/Community Policing Martin Fish Deputy/Road Patrol Sarah Flick Deputy/Community Policing Garry Fox Deputy/E-Unit Derek Gerencer Deputy/Community Policing Ray Gress Deputy/E-Unit Jeff Grysen Deputy/E-Unit Michael Hallmeyer Deputy/Community Policing Jeff Hannah Animal Control Deputy Dean Hanson Deputy/Community Policing Randy Heaton Deputy/E-Unit Ryan Huizenga Deputy/Road Patrol Scott Ippel Deputy/Road Patrol Shawn James Deputy/Road Patrol Bob Jewell Deputy/Traffic Services Jeff Jones Deputy/E-Unit 9 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (continued) Tyler Kempema Deputy/Community Policing Jason Kik Detective Tonya Kimber Deputy/Community Policing Chad Klaver Deputy/Community Policing Thomas Knapp Detective Jon Knott Deputy/Community Policing Nick Knott Deputy/Traffic Services Kathie Kolean Deputy/Community Policing Ann Koster Deputy/Special Assignment Dan Lewkowski Deputy/Community Policing Brian Langerak Deputy/Road Patrol Steve McCarthy Detective Joe Monger Deputy/E-Unit Jacob Mucha Deputy/Community Policing Jeff Mucha Deputy/Traffic Services Brad Nieboer Detective McCauley O’Connor Deputy/E-Unit John Ortman Deputy/Community Policing Jeremy Osbun Deputy/Road Patrol/K9 Jennifer Pearson Deputy/Community Policing Mike Petroelje Deputy/Road Patrol/K9 Jason Quinn Deputy/E-Unit Venus Repper Detective Mike Roelofs Deputy/Road Patrol Greg Rotman Deputy/Road Patrol Alan Rycenga Deputy/Road Patrol Michele Sampson Deputy/Community Policing Robert Scarbrough Deputy/Road Patrol Adam Schaller Deputy/Community Policing Bridget Schickinger Deputy/Community Policing Jim Scholma Deputy/Community Policing Stacy Scholten Deputy/Juvenile Unit John Schurman Detective Jack Seinen Deputy/E-Unit Mark Sheren Deputy/Community Policing Eric Smith Deputy/Road Patrol Tim Smith Deputy/Community Policing Jeff Somers Deputy/Road Patrol Jacob Sparks Detective Jeff Steigenga Detective Rick Sykes Deputy/Community Policing Michael Tamminga Detective Todd Taylor Animal Control Deputy Chris Todd Deputy/Road Patrol Eric Tubergen Deputy/Road Patrol David Tuttle Deputy/Community Policing Wade VanBragt Deputy/Road Patrol 10 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (continued) Mark VandenBerg Deputy/Community Policing Michael VandenBosch Deputy/Traffic Services Michael VanderLaan Deputy/E-Unit Dave VanderPloeg Deputy/E-Unit Matt VanLiere Deputy/Road Patrol/F.O.C. Marc Veenman Deputy/Special Assignment Michael Veldkamp Deputy/Traffic Services Bruce Veltman Animal Control Deputy Shauna Vugteveen Crime Scene Technician Christie Wendt Deputy/Special Assignment Eric Westveer Deputy/Road Patrol Matt Wildfong Deputy/Road Patrol Roger Willard Deputy/Road Patrol Dennis Wright Deputy/Road Patrol/Auto Theft Unit CORRECTIONS DIVISION Steve Baar Dave Colvin Chris Munley Lee Sandoval Doug Sherman Kevin Swick Jeremy VanKampen Brian Arendsen Ben Arning Darrell Baehre Glenn Barr Lissa Bechler Daniel Benes Joe Bjork Bruce Bobeldyk Jessica Bowyer Derick Brack Roger Bronson Adam Brown Eric Carnahan Linda Cashman Al Cortez Tammy Cortez Jeremy Derksen George DeVille Hermen Diaz Randy Dykema Walter Eastling Andrew Engelsman Clarissa Escot Scott Fairfield Lieutenant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy Transportation Deputy Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy SWAP Crew Supervisor Corrections Deputy Corrections Deputy SWAP Crew Supervisor Clerk/Typist Corrections Deputy Court Security Deputy Corrections Deputy Transportation Deputy Transportation Deputy Corrections Deputy Clerk/Typist Court Security Deputy 11 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report CORRECTIONS DIVISION (continued) Brent Ferris Transportation Deputy Laura Folkert Corrections Deputy Michael Gaffney Corrections Deputy Michelle Gerard Corrections Deputy Chris Harwood Corrections Deputy William Hegedus SWAP Crew Supervisor Robert Helton SWAP Crew Supervisor Janice Hitchcock Clerk/Typist Bruce Hoisington Corrections Deputy Stephanie Kelley Corrections Deputy Jon Kermeen Corrections Deputy Scott Koning Transportation Deputy Ben Lewis Corrections Deputy Martin Maloley Corrections Deputy Lisa Maxfield Clerk/Typist Michael Mepyans Corrections Deputy Tim Moungkhoun Corrections Deputy Gene Murin Corrections Deputy Paul Ortega Transportation Deputy Aaron Overway Corrections Deputy Micah Painter Corrections Deputy David Prout Court Security Deputy Keith Rolfe Corrections Deputy Antonio Romanelli Court Security Deputy Bill Rothenthaler Corrections Deputy Daniel Ruiz Corrections Deputy Richard Schipper Corrections Deputy Kyle Schuitema Corrections Deputy Ron Seals Corrections Deputy Dennis Smith Corrections Deputy Brent South Corrections Deputy Stefanie Spanberger Corrections Deputy Paul Spetoskey Corrections Deputy Heather Stille Transportation Deputy Wayne Stiller SWAP Crew Supervisor Ben Terpstra Corrections Deputy Chris Umphrey SWAP Crew Supervisor Don VanLiere Transportation Deputy Oliver Wagemaker Corrections Deputy Joe Walker Corrections Deputy Dale Wall Corrections Deputy Timothy Wierenga Court Security Deputy Robert Wittum Corrections Deputy Kasey Wright Corrections Deputy 12 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Call History by Township Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report TOWNSHIP CALLS FOR SERVICE HISTORY Location 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 ALLENDALE BLENDON CHESTER CROCKERY GEORGETOWN GRAND HAVEN HOLLAND JAMESTOWN OLIVE PARK POLKTON PORT SHELDON ROBINSON SPRING LAKE TALLMADGE WRIGHT ZEELAND COOPERSVILLE HUDSONVILLE OTHER JURISDICTIONS 4,270 1,002 531 1,947 9,477 4,571 17,907 1,234 1,927 3,868 1,296 1,210 1,456 3,174 1,892 1,483 2,698 2,274 2,882 2,662 4,359 1,139 577 2,204 10,396 4,909 18,798 1,518 2,179 3,961 1,532 1,252 1,427 3,492 1,959 1,614 3,016 2,407 3,284 2,642 4,376 1,074 551 2,321 10,639 5,183 19,926 1,545 2,344 4,157 1,476 1,303 1,669 3,612 2,208 1,594 3,216 2,592 3,446 2,943 4,117 1,038 605 2,289 10,604 5,052 19,446 1,522 2,127 4,114 1,502 1,411 1,609 3,593 2,300 1,745 3,010 2,389 2,074 5,889 3,953 1,138 559 2,443 10,454 4,764 19,271 1,452 2,471 4,479 1.652 1,433 1,757 3,386 1,987 1,735 3,122 2,174 3,282 3,553 1,205 587 2,263 10,304 5,002 18,948 1,390 2,499 4,186 1,920 1,532 1,770 3,322 2,264 1,840 3,017 2,216 3,641 TOTAL 67,761 72,665 76,175 73,523 71,512 71,459 Calls for Service History 78,000 76,000 74,000 72,000 70,000 68,000 66,000 64,000 62,000 2009 2008 2007 13 2006 2005 2004 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Calls for Service 2009 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report Holland Township Calls for Service Case/Arrest Types Type Number Type Number Type Cases Adult Juvenile Assist Fire Department Breaking & Entering Motorist Assist Medical Emergency Property Damage Crash Personal Injury Crash Peace Officer Assist General Public Aircraft Incident / Crash Annoyance Phone Calls Burglary Alarms Burglary in Progress Concealed Weapons Civil Matters Non-Criminal Check Complaints Criminal Sexual Conduct Court Orders Check Well Being Disorderly Conduct DNR Violations Escape Special Detail Fail to Pay Hold-up Alarm Harassment Complaint 911 Hang Up Call Kidnapping Lost / Found Property Liquor Law Violations Littering Complaints OWI - Drunk Driving Property Check Runaway Robbery Threaten Communication Transport Citizen Transport Prisoner Transport Property Threatening Phone Calls Vicious Animal Vehicle Inspection Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Complaint Animal Complaint Arson Investigation Assault With Injuries Assault Complaint Assist Animal Bite Boat Complaint Bomb Threat Boat Crash (No Injuries) Boat Crash (With Injuries) Burning Complaint Chemical Spill / Incident Twp. Ord/Code Enfor. Disturbances Domestic Violence Drowning Call 13 196 505 1596 1083 182 235 730 0 73 817 8 0 736 35 74 0 371 194 11 0 6 174 52 113 150 2 211 92 22 288 0 103 9 99 2 2 10 34 45 21 196 23 588 8 4 171 349 20 8 2 0 0 76 0 28 575 317 0 Fight Complaints Follow-ups Fraud Complaints Hit & Run Crash PD Hit & Run Crash PI Intoxicated Person Larceny Complaints Lost / Found Child Lockout Loud Music Loud Party MDOP Mentally Ill Persons Miscellaneous Criminal Missing Person Narcotics Violations Death Notification Open Premise Prowler Complaints Retail Fraud Person Shot Person Stabbed Stalking Complaints Suicide Complaints Suspicious Incidents Traffic Complaints Public Trans. Emerg. Trespass Complaint UDAA Warrants Weapon Complaints Misc. Non-Criminal 52 594 182 192 9 77 578 26 28 252 80 405 98 763 28 131 3 33 3 304 1 3 8 98 1259 1419 0 57 32 453 53 19 Homicide Negligent Homicide Kidnapping / Abduction Sexual Assault-Force Robbery Assault Intimidation / Stalking Arson Extortion Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Forgery / Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Damage to Property Retail Fraud Drug / Narcotic Violation Obscenity Commercialized Sex Bribery Weapon Offense Immigration Unlawful Entry Posses Burglary Tools Bad Checks Peeping Tom Sex Offense - Other Family Offense Liquor Violations Drunkenness Obstructing Police Escape / Flight Obstructing Justice Disorderly Conduct Public Peace Hit & Run Motor Vehicle OWI – Drunk Driving Health & Safety Trespass Invasion of Privacy Smuggling Tax / Revenue Conservation Vagrancy Runaway - Juvenile Misc. Criminal Conspiracy Non-Reportable Types 0 3 2 66 10 448 62 12 1 219 497 37 27 125 19 14 367 319 133 4 0 0 47 4 24 0 39 1 8 145 140 0 43 4 617 68 40 59 144 57 28 0 0 0 12 3 85 390 0 853 0 1 0 9 5 131 3 1 0 20 19 5 2 6 5 4 13 230 107 0 0 0 19 5 3 0 9 0 3 122 204 0 35 3 524 26 5 23 154 16 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 343 0 3 0 0 0 7 1 30 2 0 0 12 11 3 0 1 0 1 21 83 21 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 3 0 72 16 2 5 2 11 1 0 0 0 1 7 74 16 0 0 5,188 2,074 486 2009 Total 17,907 2009 Total 20 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report Park Township Calls for Service Case/Arrest Types Type Number Type Number Type Cases Adult Juvenile Assist Fire Department Breaking & Entering Motorist Assist Medical Emergency Property Damage Crash Personal Injury Crash Peace Officer Assist General Public Aircraft Incident / Crash Annoyance Phone Calls Burglary Alarms Burglary in Progress Concealed Weapons Civil Matters Non-Criminal Check Complaints Criminal Sexual Conduct Court Orders Check Well Being Disorderly Conduct DNR Violations Escape Special Detail Fail to Pay Hold-up Alarm Harassment Complaint 911 Hang Up Call Kidnapping Lost / Found Property Liquor Law Violations Littering Complaints OWI - Drunk Driving Property Check Runaway Robbery Threaten Communication Transport Citizen Transport Prisoner Transport Property Threatening Phone Calls Vicious Animal Vehicle Inspection Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Complaint Animal Complaint Arson Investigation Assault With Injuries Assault Complaint Assist Animal Bite Boat Complaint Bomb Threat Boat Crash (No Injuries) Boat Crash (With Injuries) Burning Complaint Chemical Spill / Incident Twp. Ord/Code Enfor. Disturbances Domestic Violence Drowning Call 7 42 29 457 152 32 51 156 1 25 206 4 0 167 2 21 0 99 33 4 0 1 2 5 25 56 0 51 19 5 34 0 14 0 22 0 0 0 6 16 6 24 1 194 2 2 28 46 11 36 0 0 1 57 0 2 102 82 4 Fight Complaints Follow-ups Fraud Complaints Hit & Run Crash PD Hit & Run Crash PI Intoxicated Person Larceny Complaints Lost / Found Child Lockout Loud Music Loud Party MDOP Mentally Ill Persons Miscellaneous Criminal Missing Person Narcotics Violations Death Notification Open Premise Prowler Complaints Retail Fraud Person Shot Person Stabbed Stalking Complaints Suicide Complaints Suspicious Incidents Traffic Complaints Public Trans. Emerg. Trespass Complaint UDAA Warrants Weapon Complaints Misc. Non-Criminal 5 95 41 23 0 8 149 5 1 30 35 132 23 136 8 38 1 7 1 1 0 0 3 25 340 312 0 19 3 67 10 7 Homicide Negligent Homicide Kidnapping / Abduction Sexual Assault-Force Robbery Assault Intimidation / Stalking Arson Extortion Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Forgery / Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Damage to Property Retail Fraud Drug / Narcotic Violation Obscenity Commercialized Sex Bribery Military Weapon Offense Immigration Unlawful Entry Posses Burglary Tools Bad Checks Peeping Tom Sex Offense - Other Family Offense Liquor Violations Drunkenness Obstructing Police Escape / Flight Obstructing Justice Disorderly Conduct Public Peace Hit & Run Motor Vehicle OWI – Drunk Driving Health & Safety Trespass Invasion of Privacy Smuggling Tax / Revenue Conservation Vagrancy Runaway - Juvenile Misc. Criminal Conspiracy Non-Reportable Types 0 0 0 20 1 99 14 1 0 52 135 4 1 30 1 2 109 1 35 3 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 3 1 3 20 33 1 7 0 74 13 13 2 17 18 4 0 0 0 2 0 9 28 0 205 0 0 0 2 0 17 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 15 59 0 9 0 52 4 1 1 13 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 28 2 1 0 2 9 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 2 0 8 9 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 2009 Total 970 228 102 2009 Total 3,868 23 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report Port Sheldon Township Calls for Service Case/Arrest Types Type Number Type Number Type Cases Adult Juvenile Assist Fire Department Breaking & Entering Motorist Assist Medical Emergency Property Damage Crash Personal Injury Crash Peace Officer Assist General Public Aircraft Incident / Crash Annoyance Phone Calls Burglary Alarms Burglary in Progress Concealed Weapons Civil Matters Non-Criminal Check Complaints Criminal Sexual Conduct Court Orders Check Well Being Disorderly Conduct DNR Violations Escape Special Detail Fail to Pay Hold-up Alarm Harassment Complaint 911 Hang Up Call Kidnapping Lost / Found Property Liquor Law Violations Littering Complaints OWI - Drunk Driving Property Check Runaway Robbery Threaten Communication Transport Citizen Transport Prisoner Transport Property Threatening Phone Calls Vicious Animal Vehicle Inspection Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Complaint Animal Complaint Arson Investigation Assault With Injuries Assault Complaint Assist Animal Bite Boat Complaint Bomb Threat Boat Crash (No Injuries) Boat Crash (With Injuries) Burning Complaint Chemical Spill / Incident Twp. Ord/Code Enfor. Disturbances Domestic Violence Drowning Call 2 33 41 109 86 15 32 49 0 3 87 1 0 50 1 1 0 15 8 2 0 3 1 1 8 8 0 6 8 0 29 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 3 4 4 5 2 70 1 0 12 5 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 19 0 Fight Complaints Follow-ups Fraud Complaints Hit & Run Crash PD Hit & Run Crash PI Intoxicated Person Larceny Complaints Lost / Found Child Lockout Loud Music Loud Party MDOP Mentally Ill Persons Miscellaneous Criminal Missing Person Narcotics Violations Death Notification Open Premise Prowler Complaints Retail Fraud Person Shot Person Stabbed Stalking Complaints Suicide Complaints Suspicious Incidents Traffic Complaints Public Trans. Emerg. Trespass Complaint UDAA Warrants Weapon Complaints Misc. Non-Criminal 0 40 12 5 1 3 24 0 1 6 6 22 7 42 1 7 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 10 83 144 0 10 3 11 4 3 Homicide Negligent Homicide Kidnapping / Abduction Sexual Assault-Force Robbery Assault Intimidation / Stalking Arson Extortion Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Forgery / Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Damage to Property Retail Fraud Drug / Narcotic Violation Obscenity Commercialized Sex Bribery Weapon Offense Immigration Unlawful Entry Posses Burglary Tools Bad Checks Peeping Tom Sex Offense - Other Family Offense Liquor Violations Drunkenness Obstructing Police Escape / Flight Obstructing Justice Disorderly Conduct Public Peace Hit & Run Motor Vehicle OWI – Drunk Driving Health & Safety Trespass Invasion of Privacy Smuggling Tax / Revenue Conservation Vagrancy Runaway - Juvenile Misc. Criminal Conspiracy Non-Reportable Types 0 0 0 0 0 28 3 1 0 34 19 4 0 7 1 0 17 3 11 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 13 0 1 0 12 0 2 4 6 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 4 23 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2009 Total 274 90 14 2009 Total 1,210 25 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report Zeeland Township Calls for Service Case/Arrest Types Type Number Type Number Type Cases Adult Juvenile Assist Fire Department Breaking & Entering Motorist Assist Medical Emergency Property Damage Crash Personal Injury Crash Peace Officer Assist General Public Aircraft Incident / Crash Annoyance Phone Calls Burglary Alarms Burglary in Progress Concealed Weapons Civil Matters Non-Criminal Check Complaints Criminal Sexual Conduct Court Orders Check Well Being Disorderly Conduct DNR Violations Escape Special Detail Fail to Pay Hold-up Alarm Harassment Complaint 911 Hang Up Call Kidnapping Lost / Found Property Liquor Law Violations Littering Complaints OWI - Drunk Driving Property Check Runaway Robbery Threaten Communication Transport Citizen Transport Prisoner Transport Property Threatening Phone Calls Vicious Animal Vehicle Inspection Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Complaint Animal Complaint Arson Investigation Assault With Injuries Assault Complaint Assist Animal Bite Boat Complaint Bomb Threat Boat Crash (No Injuries) Boat Crash (With Injuries) Burning Complaint Chemical Spill / Incident Twp. Ord/Code Enfor. Disturbances Domestic Violence Drowning Call 7 16 234 146 248 37 30 121 0 8 73 1 0 88 2 14 0 58 12 5 0 1 4 0 9 20 0 25 7 3 65 0 5 1 10 0 0 0 2 8 13 35 3 138 0 1 11 56 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 48 0 Fight Complaints Follow-ups Fraud Complaints Hit & Run Crash PD Hit & Run Crash PI Intoxicated Person Larceny Complaints Lost / Found Child Lockout Loud Music Loud Party MDOP Mentally Ill Persons Miscellaneous Criminal Missing Person Narcotics Violations Death Notification Open Premise Prowler Complaints Retail Fraud Person Shot Person Stabbed Stalking Complaints Suicide Complaints Suspicious Incidents Traffic Complaints Public Trans. Emerg. Trespass Complaint UDAA Warrants Weapon Complaints Misc. Non-Criminal 2 64 27 17 1 8 60 2 1 32 10 43 13 88 4 13 0 4 1 5 1 1 1 9 162 445 0 30 3 35 5 1 Homicide Negligent Homicide Kidnapping / Abduction Sexual Assault-Force Robbery Assault Intimidation / Stalking Arson Extortion Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Forgery / Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Damage to Property Retail Fraud Drug / Narcotic Violation Obscenity Commercialized Sex Bribery Weapon Offense Immigration Unlawful Entry Posses Burglary Tools Bad Checks Peeping Tom Sex Offense - Other Family Offense Liquor Violations Drunkenness Obstructing Police Escape / Flight Obstructing Justice Disorderly Conduct Public Peace Hit & Run Motor Vehicle OWI – Drunk Driving Health & Safety Civil Rights Trespass Invasion of Privacy Smuggling Tax / Revenue Conservation Vagrancy Runaway - Juvenile Misc. Criminal Conspiracy Non-Reportable Types 0 1 1 9 1 48 5 0 0 17 53 3 6 16 4 3 38 5 13 2 0 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 19 10 1 2 0 37 2 10 6 17 10 0 20 0 0 0 2 0 5 52 0 138 0 0 0 1 0 15 0 0 0 1 3 0 4 0 2 2 1 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 17 31 0 1 0 28 0 3 1 14 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 41 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 2009 Total 569 191 23 2009 Total 2,698 30 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report Holland City Calls for Service Case/Arrest Types Type Number Type Number Type Cases Adult Juvenile Assist Fire Department Breaking & Entering Motorist Assist Medical Emergency Property Damage Crash Personal Injury Crash Peace Officer Assist General Public Aircraft Incident / Crash Annoyance Phone Calls Burglary Alarms Burglary in Progress Concealed Weapons Civil Matters Non-Criminal Check Complaints Criminal Sexual Conduct Court Order Check Well Being Disorderly Conduct DNR Violations Escape Special Detail Fail to Pay Hold-up Alarm Harassment Complaint 911 Hang Up Call Kidnapping Lost / Found Property Liquor Law Violations Littering Complaints OWI - Drunk Driving Property Check Runaway Robbery Threaten Communication Transport Citizen Transport Prisoner Transport Property Threatening Phone Calls Unknown Traffic Crash Vicious Animal Vehicle Inspection Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Complaint Animal Complaint Arson Investigation Assault With Injuries Assault Complaint Assist Animal Bite Boat Complaint Bomb Threat Boat Crash (No Injuries) Boat Crash (With Injuries) Burning Complaint Twp. Ord/Code Enfor. Disturbances Domestic Violence Drowning Call 0 5 6 3 12 1 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 28 0 4 150 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 13 1 11 0 0 4 78 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 Fight Complaints Follow-ups Fraud Complaints Hit & Run Crash PD Hit & Run Crash PI Intoxicated Person Larceny Complaints Lost / Found Child Lockout Loud Music Loud Party MDOP Mentally Ill Persons Miscellaneous Criminal Missing Person Narcotics Violations Death Notification Open Premise Prowler Complaints Retail Fraud Person Shot Person Stabbed Stalking Complaints Suicide Complaints Suspicious Incidents Traffic Complaints Public Trans. Emerg. Trespass Complaint UDAA Warrants Weapon Complaints Misc. Non-Criminal 1 8 5 1 0 2 3 1 0 1 0 1 14 30 0 5 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 7 27 0 1 1 198 0 1 2009 Total 672 Homicide Negligent Homicide Kidnapping / Abduction Sexual Assault-Force Robbery Assault Intimidation / Stalking Arson Extortion Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Forgery / Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Damage to Property Retail Fraud Drug / Narcotic Violation Obscenity Commercialized Sex Bribery Weapon Offense Immigration Unlawful Entry Posses Burglary Tools Bad Checks Peeping Tom Sex Offense - Other Family Offense Liquor Violations Drunkenness Obstructing Police Escape / Flight Obstructing Justice Disorderly Conduct Public Peace Hit & Run Motor Vehicle OWI – Drunk Driving Health & Safety Trespass Invasion of Privacy Smuggling Tax / Revenue Conservation Vagrancy Runaway - Juvenile Misc. Criminal Conspiracy Non-Reportable Types 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 40 0 0 3 0 350 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 49 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 166 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 Total 478 224 6 36 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report Zeeland City Calls for Service Case/Arrest Types Type Number Type Number Type Cases Adult Juvenile Assist Fire Department Breaking & Entering Motorist Assist Medical Emergency Property Damage Crash Personal Injury Crash Peace Officer Assist General Public Aircraft Incident / Crash Annoyance Phone Calls Burglary Alarms Burglary in Progress Concealed Weapons Civil Matters Non-Criminal Check Complaints Criminal Sexual Conduct Court Order Check Well Being Disorderly Conduct DNR Violations Escape Special Detail Fail to Pay Hold-up Alarm Harassment Complaint 911 Hang Up Call Kidnapping Lost / Found Property Liquor Law Violations Littering Complaints OWI - Drunk Driving Property Check Runaway Robbery Threaten Communication Transport Citizen Transport Prisoner Transport Property Threatening Phone Calls Unknown Traffic Crash Vicious Animal Vehicle Inspection Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Complaint Animal Complaint Arson Investigation Assault With Injuries Assault Complaint Assist Animal Bite Boat Complaint Bomb Threat Boat Crash (No Injuries) Boat Crash (With Injuries) Burning Complaint Twp. Ord/Code Enfor. Disturbances Domestic Violence Drowning Call 1 0 7 1 3 1 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 22 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Fight Complaints Follow-ups Fraud Complaints Hit & Run Crash PD Hit & Run Crash PI Intoxicated Person Larceny Complaints Lost / Found Child Lockout Loud Music Loud Party MDOP Mentally Ill Persons Miscellaneous Criminal Missing Person Narcotics Violations Death Notification Open Premise Prowler Complaints Retail Fraud Person Shot Person Stabbed Stalking Complaints Suicide Complaints Suspicious Incidents Traffic Complaints Public Trans. Emerg. Trespass Complaint UDAA Warrants Weapon Complaints Misc. Non-Criminal 1 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 14 0 4 2009 Total 157 Homicide Negligent Homicide Kidnapping / Abduction Sexual Assault-Force Robbery Assault Intimidation / Stalking Arson Extortion Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Forgery / Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Damage to Property Retail Fraud Drug / Narcotic Violation Obscenity Commercialized Sex Bribery Weapon Offense Immigration Unlawful Entry Posses Burglary Tools Bad Checks Peeping Tom Sex Offense - Other Family Offense Liquor Violations Drunkenness Obstructing Police Escape / Flight Obstructing Justice Disorderly Conduct Public Peace Hit & Run Motor Vehicle OWI – Drunk Driving Health & Safety Trespass Invasion of Privacy Smuggling Tax / Revenue Conservation Vagrancy Runaway - Juvenile Misc. Criminal Conspiracy Non-Reportable Types 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2009 Total 42 16 4 38 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office County Totals - Calls for Service - Cases - Adult Arrest - Juvenile Arrest Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report County Totals Calls for Service Case/Arrest Types Type Number Type Number Type Cases Adult Juvenile Assist Fire Department Breaking & Entering Motorist Assist Medical Emergency Property Damage Crash Personal Injury Crash Peace Officer Assist General Public Aircraft Incident / Crash Annoyance Phone Calls Burglary Alarms Burglary in Progress Concealed Weapons Civil Matters Non-Criminal Check Complaints Criminal Sexual Conduct Court Order Check Well Being Disorderly Conduct DNR Violations Escape Special Detail Fail to Pay Hold-up Alarm Harassment Complaint 911 Hang Up Call Kidnapping Lost / Found Property Liquor Law Violations Littering Complaints OWI - Drunk Driving Property Check Runaway Robbery Threaten Communication Transport Citizen Transport Prisoner Transport Property Threatening Phone Calls Vicious Animal Vehicle Inspection Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Complaint Animal Complaint Arson Investigation Assault With Injuries Assault Complaint Assist Animal Bite Boat Complaint Bomb Threat Boat Crash (No Injuries) Boat Crash (With Injuries) Burning Complaint Chemical Spill / Incident Twp. Ord/Code Enfor. Disturbances Domestic Violence Drowning Call 162 708 2894 6610 4727 715 905 3267 1 269 2450 28 0 2916 81 273 674 1177 494 77 0 32 351 119 368 611 4 565 407 91 1239 7 276 19 300 5 21 2 123 194 158 724 85 2877 23 18 493 1085 124 203 4 4 3 162 0 63 1467 1040 6 Fight Complaints Follow-ups Fraud Complaints Hit & Run Crash PD Hit & Run Crash PI Intoxicated Person Larceny Complaints Lost / Found Child Lockout Loud Music Loud Party MDOP Mentally Ill Persons Miscellaneous Criminal Missing Person Narcotics Violations Death Notification Open Premise Prowler Complaints Retail Fraud Person Shot Person Stabbed Stalking Complaints Suicide Complaints Suspicious Incidents Traffic Complaints Public Trans. Emerg. Trespass Complaint UDAA Warrants Weapon Complaints Misc. Non-Criminal 107 1805 654 545 18 197 1858 81 72 669 404 1282 344 2594 108 463 21 157 14 472 6 6 60 365 4344 6591 0 317 116 2114 178 91 Homicide Negligent Homicide Kidnapping / Abduction Sexual Assault-Force Robbery Assault Intimidation / Stalking Arson Extortion Burglary Larceny Motor Vehicle Theft Forgery / Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Stolen Property Damage to Property Retail Fraud Drug / Narcotic Violation Obscenity Commercialized Sex Bribery Weapon Offense Military Immigration Unlawful Entry Posses Burglary Tools Bad Checks Peeping Tom Sex Offense - Other Family Offense Liquor Violations Drunkenness Obstructing Police Escape / Flight Obstructing Justice Disorderly Conduct Public Peace Hit & Run Motor Vehicle OWI – Drunk Driving Health & Safety Civil Rights Trespass Invasion of Privacy Smuggling Tax / Revenue Conservation Vagrancy Runaway - Juvenile Misc. Criminal Conspiracy Non-Reportable Types 0 8 9 244 24 1422 304 28 2 759 1651 140 82 442 63 52 1145 510 497 41 2 0 113 1 7 85 3 98 7 47 574 652 5 162 13 3261 162 249 236 634 372 0 135 5 1 1 72 6 220 1295 2 3737 0 2 6 27 6 405 14 4 0 66 66 20 15 20 17 14 44 408 422 0 1 1 41 1 7 15 0 20 0 8 484 1140 0 145 6 1829 64 21 111 620 85 0 24 1 0 1 23 0 5 1103 0 21 0 0 0 14 1 135 9 3 0 30 55 21 0 3 1 3 38 120 151 1 0 0 24 0 0 8 0 0 0 3 1 179 0 8 1 205 31 4 7 6 58 0 3 2 0 0 0 7 184 27 0 2 19,579 7,268 1,348 2009 Total 67,754 2009 Total 39 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Index and Non-Index Crimes Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report INDEX AND NON-INDEX CRIMES FOR 2009 NO. CRIMES NO. CLRD % CLRD ADULT ARR JUV. ARR TOTAL ARREST 0 8 9 244 24 166 759 114 28 1651 0 8 7 207 19 139 677 91 21 1499 0 100% 77% 85% 79% 83% 89% 80% 75% 91% 0 8 6 27 6 83 66 20 4 66 0 0 0 14 1 23 30 21 3 55 0 8 6 41 7 106 96 41 7 121 3,003 2,668 89% 286 147 433 1256 82 442 63 52 1145 113 47 497 574 634 652 411 6 10382 220 1107 60 439 37 38 1077 95 40 440 563 619 621 378 6 9873 216 88% 73% 99% 59% 73% 94% 84% 85% 89% 98% 98% 95% 91% 100% 95% 98% 322 15 20 17 14 44 41 8 422 484 620 1140 85 0 3745 5 112 0 3 1 3 38 24 3 151 1 9 179 35 7 451 184 434 15 23 18 17 82 65 11 573 485 629 1319 120 7 4196 189 TOTAL 16,576 15,609 94% 6,982 1,201 8,183 TOTAL ALL OFFENSES 19,579 18,277 93% 7,268 1,348 8,616 INDEX CRIMES MURDER / MANSLAUGHTER NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE KIDNAPPING / PARENTAL KIDNAPPING CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT ROBBERY AGGRAVATED ASSAULT BURGLARY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (UDAA) ARSON LARCENIES TOTAL NON-INDEX CRIMES ASSAULT FORGERY & COUNTERFEITING FRAUD EMBEZZLEMENT STOLEN PROPERTY, BUY, SELL VANDALISM WEAPONS, CARRY, POSSESSION SEX OFFENSES DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATIONS FAMILY OFFENSES OUIL LIQUOR LAWS PUBLIC PEACE / DISORDERLY VAGRANCY ALL OTHER OFFENSES RUNAWAYS 40 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Investigative Unit Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report INVESTIGATIVE UNIT ACTIVITY Major Case Investigations Detectives investigate a variety of major cases for the Sheriff’s Office, including homicides, criminal sexual conduct, assaults, major thefts, white-collar crimes, suicides, arsons, breaking and entering, and auto thefts. The Investigative Unit handled 1,898 new cases in 2009. INVESTIGATIVE UNIT MAJOR CASE INVESTIGATIONS YEAR MAJOR CASE INVESTIGATIONS 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 1,898 1,684 1,364 1,378 1,909 1,968 Criminal Sexual Assault Investigations The Sheriff’s Office continues to be very active working with the Ottawa County Children’s Advocacy Center, located in Holland Township. The center handles cases of physical abuse and sexual assault involving victims thirteen years of age or less. The CAC staff includes both medical and professional therapist components, which provide children and young people with needed treatment. The Sheriff’s Office has two, and sometimes more, detectives assigned to the Children’s Advocacy Center depending on caseloads. Children’s Protective Services also works closely with the center’s staff and our assigned detectives. During 2009, Sheriff’s Office detectives interviewed 181 victims at the Advocacy Center and investigated a total of 231 Criminal Sexual Conduct and Physical Abuse cases. Fire Investigations The Sheriff’s Office Investigative Unit has three specially trained arson/fire detectives who provide assistance to local fire departments in Ottawa County in determining the cause and origin of suspicious fires. Detectives responded to 40 suspicious fire calls during 2009, confirming 12 of the cases to be arson. As a result of the fire investigations 1 arrest was made on charges of arson. 41 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report WEMET 2009 REPORT The goal of the West Michigan Enforcement Team (WEMET) is to enforce all narcotics law violations and coordinate multi-jurisdictional investigations dealing with narcotics trafficking. The Sheriff’s Office has one sergeant and five deputies assigned to WEMET. WEMET Ottawa Teams investigated 298 complaints, and made 187 arrests. Investigators assigned to WEMET were also utilized in a number of joint Sheriff’s Office investigations. WEMET investigators also utilize the Sheriff’s Office K-9 Teams, Road Patrol Deputies, and Detectives to further enhance the unit’s productivity within Ottawa County. During 2009 WEMET Ottawa Teams seized a significant quantity of illicit drugs and assets. 2009 WEMET SEIZURE Cocaine (powder) Cocaine (crack) Methamphetamine Heroin Ecstasy LSD/Mushrooms Other Analogues Meth Labs Meth Comp/Dumps Firearms 6,466.5 grams 794.7 grams 602 grams 110.5 grams 976 pills 931 grams 311,622 42 88 93 WEMET CASE LOCATION WITHIN OTTAWA COUNTY FOR 2009 Allendale Twp. Chester Twp. Crockery Twp. Georgetown Twp. Grand Haven Twp. Holland Twp. Jamestown Twp. Park Twp. Port Sheldon Twp. Spring Lake City Tallmadge Twp. Zeeland City 14 1 1 11 5 69 0 14 2 1 7 8 Blendon Twp. Coopersville City Ferrysburg City Grand Haven City Holland City Hudsonville City Olive Twp. Polkton Twp. Robinson Twp. Spring Lake Twp Wright Twp. Zeeland Twp. 44 2 1 0 8 108 4 5 2 0 5 1 5 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Services Unit Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS ISSUED VIOLATION TYPE Allowed Unlicensed Person to Drive Allow Juvenile Ride in Bed of Pickup Careless Driving Cycle/Moped Over Two Abreast Disobey Stop Sign Disobey Traffic Control Device Disobey Traffic Signal Disobeying School Crossing Guard Drove Without Due Care Drove Left of Center Drove w/o Corrective Lenses Drove Car on Bike Path Drove w/o Proper License Endorsement Drove while License Expired Drove Wrong Way on One-Way Street Equipment Violation Expired Medical Card – Comm. Driver Expired Registration Plate Expired Trailer Plates Failed to Maintain Daily Log Commercial Fail to Stop for School Bus Fail to Transfer Registration – Impr. Plate Fail to Disclose CCW Permit Fail to Yeild to Emergency Vehicle Failed to Display Registration Plate Fail to Display a Valid License Failed to Signal and or Observe Failed to Stop in Assured Clear Distance Failed to Stop from Private Drive Failed to Stop at Railroad Crossing Failed to Yield Right of Way Failed to Yeild to Pedestrians Failure to Change Address Fire Lane Parking Violation Following too Closely Handicap Parking Violation Impeding Traffic Improper Backing Improper Crossing of Median Improper Display of Registration Plate Improper Lane Use Improper Load or Towing Improper Parking Improper Passing Improper Turn Improper Use of Lights Miscellaneous 2009 1 0 158 0 468 272 649 0 10 29 2 3 22 126 20 1228 9 1597 0 5 26 84 2 17 133 295 23 649 67 7 514 4 226 31 27 299 89 2 33 133 106 4 288 76 125 49 649 51 2008 0 0 150 1 389 290 657 0 1 50 2 0 48 116 14 1096 15 1382 58 13 32 3 1 11 10 259 38 671 63 5 518 0 253 6 13 183 43 8 35 117 113 4 351 75 81 0 2007 0 2 188 1 402 478 584 0 2 33 2 2 43 113 14 1334 14 1185 1 6 32 143 3 9 2 291 21 686 49 11 653 2 256 6 19 136 21 3 17 36 159 3 277 111 88 38 19 2006 0 0 224 1 453 442 552 0 0 20 2 1 3 97 13 1266 1 1429 6 8 47 150 0 0 4 0 27 718 50 11 642 0 234 9 16 148 17 10 17 67 202 12 386 128 76 39 84 2005 0 0 186 1 338 522 469 0 0 23 1 0 25 130 10 873 2 1275 12 4 43 183 0 0 36 0 15 783 39 15 757 0 148 12 12 91 11 12 6 36 147 8 376 72 105 25 135 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report VIOLATION TYPE Mutilated / Defaced License ORV / Snowmobile Violations No Proof of Insurance No Proof of Registration No Trailer Plates No Valid License in Possession Obstructed Vision or Control Overweight / Over Height /Over Width Pedestrian Violation Prohibited Turn Refuse Preliminary Breath Test Speeding Speeding (Construction Zone) Speeding (Limited Access) Squealing Tires Trailer Plates not Displayed Unlawful Rider on Moped Excessive Noise/Amplified Sound Violation of Basic Speed Law Violation of Child Restraint Law Violation of Instruction Permit / GDL Violation of Safety Belt Law 2008 127 - 1 38 3404 0 0 0 8 2 0 168 67 9635 197 316 1 0 9 4 316 64 31 1941 Marine Safety Violations TOTAL * 2009 *24,886 2007 0 6 3447 226 0 265 18 2 2 202 50 11932 926 199 2 29 0 2 322 59 52 2578 1 4 2457 47 0 224 7 0 0 135 80 11678 224 1098 1 15 2 2 520 55 14 2393 24,170 26,059 28,011 25,937 - Violations 29,000 28,000 27,000 26,000 25,000 24,000 23,000 2009 2008 2007 52 2005 1 12 3552 193 41 291 20 2 1 141 74 10482 148 777 3 0 0 3 485 45 25 2255 The totals include marine and local ordinance violations issued in each jurisdiction 22,000 2006 2 49 3345 3 0 2 16 2 0 87 82 9610 110 745 6 0 8 0 556 56 18 1737 2006 2005 - - Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report TICKETS ISSUED BY LOCATION LOCATION 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 ALLENDALE BLENDON CHESTER COOPERSVILLE CROCKERY FERRYSBURG GEORGETOWN TWP GRAND HAVEN CITY GRAND HAVEN TWP HOLLAND CITY HOLLAND TWP HUDSONVILLE CITY JAMESTOWN OLIVE PARK POLKTON PORT SHELDON ROBINSON SPRING LAKE VILLAGE SPRING LAKE TWP TALLMADGE WRIGHT ZEELAND CITY ZEELAND TWP 1,221 340 201 504 727 13 5,516 88 2,456 97 5,174 1,096 479 1,380 724 488 278 639 19 453 1,540 357 5 1,091 1,192 395 242 718 508 6 5,193 69 2,432 200 4,582 1,154 671 1,132 854 605 232 642 19 346 1,766 385 23 804 1,550 441 292 762 462 6 5,342 91 2,132 146 5,302 1,292 1,110 926 1,063 517 295 685 37 441 1,637 467 21 1,266 1,413 624 291 746 743 6 5,984 93 2,175 91 4,.976 799 1,658 1,271 1,401 541 305 940 44 558 1,482 773 6 1,434 1,138 615 279 578 978 3 6,069 79 1,994 121 4,608 55 722 1,103 1,659 899 410 905 38 495 1,672 393 13 1,370 858 428 116 704 463 8 4,666 87 1,097 102 3,986 26 665 995 1,267 1,147 459 506 26 343 1,286 407 20 971 TOTAL* 24,886 24,170 26,283 28,354 26,196 20,632 Traffic Services Unit In addition to traffic enforcement conducted by routine road patrol and community policing units, the Sheriff’s Office Traffic Services Unit consists of one sergeant and two full-time deputies. The sergeant’s duties include supervising the two fulltime traffic deputies, along with serious and fatal crash investigations and reconstruction, which includes forensic mapping of crash and crime scenes. In addition, this sergeant serves as a liaison between state and local offices regarding traffic safety issues. Traffic Services Deputies enforce state traffic laws, investigate motor vehicle crashes, and serve as traffic enforcement training officers for all new deputies. There are additional township funded traffic units in Georgetown, Grand Haven, Holland and Park Townships. Traffic Services supports the overall traffic mission in the department. * The totals include marine and local ordinance violations issued in each jurisdiction. 53 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report TRAFFIC CRASHES TRAFFIC CRASHES 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Traffic Crashes Investigated 5,299 5,652 5,864 5,468 6,184 Property Damage Crashes 4,355 4,661 4,820 4,390 4,979 Personal Injury Crashes 925 979 1,026 1,052 1,179 Fatal Crashes Persons Killed Crashes involving Alcohol Injury Crashes inv/Alcohol Fatal Crashes inv/Alcohol 19 20 188 61 0 23 23 206 54 4 20 22 232 78 4 27 28 254 82 7 27 28 251 75 5 Injury Crashes inv/Alcohol 100 80 60 40 20 0 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Persons Killed 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2009 2008 2007 54 2006 2005 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report MARINE UNIT The Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit operates five boats that are stationed at the Coast Guard Stations in both Grand Haven and Holland. There are also two vessels that are on trailers and are utilized on inland lakes and portions of the Grand River. Primary areas of patrol include Spring Lake, the Grand River, Lake Macatawa, Lake Michigan, Crockery Lake, Cranberry Lake, Cedar Lake and Georgetown Lake. During 2009, the Marine Unit focused efforts on education in an attempt to gain voluntary compliance with marine laws and safety regulations. Enforcement continues to be a component of marine safety, but education and compliance with boating laws have the most impact on creating a safe and enjoyable boating environment. Special event patrols for 2009 included the following: Holland Tulip Time Fireworks, Fruitport Old-Fashioned Days Fireworks, Heritage Festival in Spring Lake, Fourth of July Fireworks in Holland, Grand Haven, and Crockery Lake, the Coast Guard Festival activities in Grand Haven, the Lake Mac Triathlon and the Grand Haven YMCA Triathlon, Grand Haven Duckie Derby, Skipper Buds Barge Party and several professional fishing tournaments, including the Grand Haven Offshore Challenge, Wal-Mart FLW Bass Tourney and Riverside Park Bass Tournaments. Two OWI boating enforcement dates have been added with the co-operation of area law enforcement and the BAT mobile in an effort to promote the public awareness of the dangers of drinking and boating. Marine Unit Deputies also participated in out-of-water events, including area township fire department open houses, as well as community parades in Jenison, Holland, and Grand Haven. The Marine Unit partners with the Lakeshore Safe Kids Coalition and Beach and Piers Safety in distributing water safety information throughout the Lakeshore Area. Deputies and volunteers distributed over 200 child, youth and adult personal floatation devices (PFDs - life jackets.) Whenever boat owners were found to have the wrong type/size PFD or when PFDs were missing altogether or in poor condition, new PFDs were given to boaters. PFD’s were also placed on “Loaner Boards” at the State Parks and County parks within Ottawa County. The loaner boards provide parents or guardians of children the use of life jackets to assist in keeping their children safe while enjoying water activities at the beach. Again this year the Marine Unit participated in Beach Survival Challenge in Grand Haven, which focuses on beach and pier safety. In past years the public, along with various lake association groups, have voiced complaints regarding loud mufflers on a number of boats. Reducing these noise violations was a goal for the Marine Unit in 2009. The Spring Lake Beach Association donated two new sound meters to the marine unit which put a sound 55 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report meter in each patrol vessel. By initiating a program of repair and report, the Marine Unit has utilized sound meters to ensure that the exhaust systems of cited boats were adequately repaired. As a result of utilizing these enforcement tools and by educating the boaters, the number of complaints and citations for loud exhaust has been reduced. Issues in the Stahl’s Bayou area continue to require the attention of Marine Unit deputies. On busy weekends during the boating season, it is not unusual for upwards of 380 vessels to be anchored in the bayou at one time. The Marine Unit has responded to complaints of loud music, urinating in public, private property trespass, indecent exposure, reckless boating, and violations of SlowNo-Wake. The Marine Unit will continue to work with responsible boaters, property owners and local units of government to resolve problems, gain compliance, and to educate the public. The Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit consists of one full-time sergeant and forty three seasonal, part-time deputies. Sergeant Keith Koeman currently oversees the Marine Unit. Sgt. Koeman is available for questions or comments regarding the Marine Unit and may be contacted at the following e-mail address: [email protected] 2009 Dive Team Report In 2009 the Sheriffs Dive team was requested to respond to 21 potentially critical incidents. Of these, 18 were deemed unfounded or did not require action by the Dive Team. Of the remaining 3 critical incidents, 2 were fatal boating accidents, in which the victims were recovered by Dive Team members, and 1 was a subject stranded in a vehicle in high flood waters and was assisted by Dive Team members to safety. The Dive team conducted 7 training dives and 2 evidence recovery dives. The team also performed a salvage operation for the Ottawa County Parks Department in recovering a dock that was swept downstream in flood waters on the Grand River at Riverside Park. Dive team members made presentations to civic groups and assisted with the Lake Macatawa and Grand Haven Triathlons. Of particular interest, on 8/11/09 Dive Team members were conducting a scheduled training dive off the Holland State Park north pier. Wave conditions worsened as the day progressed and dive team members came to the rescue of 7 separate individuals who had become caught in rip currents along the pier. 56 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report MARINE UNIT ACTIVITY 2009 Body of Water Unit Hours # of Contacts 291 856 179 43 172 38 2 8 Grand Haven Channel Grand River Spring Lake Other 1,089 1,162 699 808 167 572 617 6 TOTAL 4,132 2,577 Lake Michigan Lake Macatawa Holland Channel Pigeon Lake All Bodies of Water Total # of Tickets Written Total # of Warnings Issued 17 Total # of Non-Boating Accidents 1 BOATING SAFETY STUDENTS 197 6 Training Hours Students Certified 184 547 PUBLIC MEETINGS 86 SEARCH AND RESCUE Meeting Hours 451 ASSIST OTHER AGENCIES Hours spent on Search and Rescue Number of Cases Boats Assisted Persons Rescued BODY RECOVERY 134 Boating Hours Non-Boating Hours Number of Persons Number of Assists 64 70 42 63 Hours spent on Assists 63 107 0 2 Hours of Maintenance LIVERY INSPECTIONS Hours of Livery inspections Number of Liveries Number of Boats Inspected Number of Boats Failed 203 Total # of Boating Accidents REGATTA UNIT Hours spent on Regatta Unit 1,299 Total # of Complaints Received ACCIDENTS Hours spent on boating accidents Hours spent on non-boating accidents` 127 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,069 MISC. HOURS 19 5 79 0 57 Officer Training Hours Court Hours Program & Admin. Hours 418 5 1,069 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report MARINE VIOLATIONS TYPE OF VIOLATION Boat Number Registration Careless/Reckless Operation of Boat Exceeding Slow No-Wake Zone Illegally Moored Boat Life Preserver Violation Loud Exhaust on Boat No Fire Extinguisher OWI No Horn on Boat No Lights on Boat/Equipment Viol Operate Boat in Restricted Area Operate Boat u/age 16-Failed to Display Certificate Operate Jet Ski After Dark Riding on Bow of Boat Improper Dealer Registration Towing Skier Observer Wake Jumping with Boat Misc.(False Name, Ind. Exposure, Ref. PBT, Basic Speed, Swim In Channel TOTAL 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 59 3 32 2 16 3 0 7 0 2 0 50 2 62 0 12 11 1 16 0 2 4 107 4 54 1 11 46 4 19 0 5 10 80 2 49 0 10 31 4 12 0 0 3 89 4 47 1 27 5 2 19 1 0 5 18 0 0 3 3 0 17 0 0 0 5 0 29 17 1 0 0 0 17 7 0 0 10 2 39 11 5 0 2 0 11 19 3 17 28 127 201 311 244 266 164 Vessel Safety Checks were completed by the Marine Unit in 2009 58 Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office Community Policing Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report COMMUNITY POLICING Recognizing that a significant amount of law enforcement response is reactive in nature, the administration of the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office has consistently moved in the direction of community-oriented policing. Our goal is to work directly with local elected officials, schools, courts, businesses and community leaders to identify specific areas of need, and develop strategies to address those needs. We believe that the proactive measures involved in community policing concepts have a direct impact on the reactive actions required of law enforcement. Community-oriented policing has proven to be a valuable tool in dealing with the significant growth that has occurred within Ottawa County over the years. Cooperative efforts between local units of government, school districts, and the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office have led to many successful Federal grant awards over the years, such as the Department of Justice “Cops” Grant. These programs have provided much of the initial financial foundation for the growth of community policing in Ottawa County. Continued support and partnerships by local units of government, schools, and the county have made communityoriented policing a stable, effective method of proactive law enforcement within Ottawa County. Community policing assignments have taken three primary directions - the township or city community policing deputies, who consider the needs of the local unit of government, the school resource deputies, who focus on school issues during the school year, and Family Court community policing deputies, who deal with juvenile justice issues. Community policing deputies are a visible presence in the communities they serve. In addition to actively participating in community events, the deputies work closely with local units of government, schools, and courts on issues specific to that particular entity. Listed below are some examples of the various community policing programs and activities in which deputies participate. Crime Free Multi-Housing Programs Bicycle Patrols Zoning Ordinance Enforcement Child Passenger Safety Education Neighborhood Watch Hunter Safety Instruction Bicycle/Helmet Safety Education Boating Safety Instruction Senior Citizen Issues/Presentations Bicycle Registration Programs Business Interests/Presentations Crossing Guard Coordination Traffic Control -Selective Enforcement Vacation Property Watch Juvenile Probation Supervision Student Mentoring Juvenile Treatment Program Sex Offender Verification Teaching S.A.V.E. Program School Campus Safety & Security 77 Sheriff’s 2009 Annual Report Ottawa County Citizens Police Academy Law Enforcement Club In addition to the programs listed, deputies also focus their efforts on temporary problem solving, such as traffic enforcement in a newly created construction zone, follow-up on school bus violations, and enforcement of sex offender registration laws. Finally, all community policing deputies carry a criminal investigation caseload as a part of their obligation to the community they serve. Deputies assigned to township or city community policing positions for 2009 are: Holland Township Park Township Port Sheldon Township Sgt. Ed DeVries Deputy Michael VandenBosch Deputy Brent Converse Deputy Mike Dewitt Deputy Mark Vandenberg Deputy Jacob Mucha Deputy Garry Fox Deputy Bill Cousins Sgt. Ed DeVries Deputy Kathy Kolean Deputy Garry Fox Deputy Jacob Mucha Deputy Eric DeBoer Deputy Michael Vandenbosch Georgetown Township Zeeland Township Spring Lake Township Sgt. Bill Ward Deputy Michael Hallmayer Deputy Dean Hanson Deputy Michelle Sampson Deputy Nick Knott Deputy Adam Schaller Deputy Scott Dyke Deputy David Tuttle Deputy Tonya Kimber Deputy Sara Fillman Allendale Township Jamestown Township Sgt. Dean DeVries Deputy David DeWitt Deputy Bridget Schickinger Deputy Sarah Flick Coopersville City Grand Haven Township Hudsonville City Sgt. Dennis Luce Deputy Travis Babcock Deputy Valerie Beemer Deputy Matt Brown Deputy Rick Sykes Deputy Mark Sheren Deputy Tim Smith Deputy Keith Biros Deputy Mike Veldkamp Deputy Derek Gerencer Sgt. Robert Tease Deputy John Ortman Deputy John Knott Deputy Chris Reiss Deputy Chad Klaver Deputy Jim Scholma Polkton, Chester, & TallmadgeTownships Deputy Tyler Kempema Note: You may also see a deputy’s name appear in more than one township and/or school position; this indicates a shared position. 78 May 13, 2010 To: Park Township Board RE: Agenda Item 8: Public Presentation This month we welcome Mr. Tom Genson, Director of the Herrick District Library. As you know, Park Township is part of the District Library and our residents contribute millage to the Library for its operations. Mr. Genson will highlight some of the new initiatives and provide some additional facts and figures on Library operations. Manager’s Recommendation: Welcome Mr. Genson and consider any information he brings. May 13, 2010 To: Park Township Board RE: Agenda Item 9. Appointment to Boards and Commissions The terms of the members of the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals expire at the end of April of each year. These terms are staggered, of course, so that not all members’ terms expire at once. This year the terms of three Planning Commission members expire as do the terms of two Zoning Board of Appeals members. Members are appointed by the Supervisor with concurrence from the Board and traditionally members have been subject to a three term limit. As for the Planning Commission, those members whose terms are expiring are Steve Shaftenaar (end of first term), Joe Lampen (end of first term), and Bill Cole (end of first term, completing the original term of Mike Toscano). On the ZBA, the terms of Nicki Arendshorst (end of first term) and John Foster (end of first term, completing the original term of Skip Keeter). However, it would appear from state statute that the term of Nicki, as the representative from the Planning Commission, should correspond to her term on the Planning Commission. That would mean that her term on the ZBA would expire on May 31, 2011, the same as her term on the PC. Supervisor Price will provide her nominations for appointments to the Planning Commission and to the ZBA. As a side note, last year you may recall that the Planning Commission membership was reduced from nine to seven members. At that time, two members terms were expiring; one chose not to be reappointed and the other simply was not reappointed, thereby reducing the total number to seven. The result of that decision, however, is that the terms of three members now expire in 2010 and three expire in 2011. Rather than a somewhat even distribution of three terms expiring every three years, we now have three, three and zero. While not necessary, you may wish to consider realigning the terms so that the terms of two members expire each year of the three year cycle. Manager’s Recommendation: To concur with the nominations as presented by Supervisor Price. Boards and Commissions Term Information Planning Commission Nicki Arendshorst LeeAnne Jachim Bill Cole (Toscano) Joe Lampen Steve Shaftenaar Ed DeVries Bob Ellis 1st Appointment 6/1/2005 6/1/2005 12/11/2008 6/1/2007 6/1/2007 6/1/2008 Ex Officio 5/6/2010 Current Term Expires 5/31/2011 5/31/2011 5/31/2010 5/31/2010 5/31/2010 5/31/2011 # Terms Expiring 2 2 1 1 1 1 Zoning Board of Appeals Nicki Arendshorst John Foster (Keeter) Joannie Bouman Lupita Reyes (Clark) Doug Dreyer 6/1/2007 12/11/2008 6/1/2009 9/10/2009 Ex Officio 5/31/2010 5/31/2010 5/31/2012 5/31/2012 1 1 1 1 May 13, 2010 To: Park Township Board RE: Agenda Item 10: Consider Bid for Bike Path Crosswalk Painting As part of our Bike Path maintenance program, we have annually painted the crosswalks where the paths cross streets or other larger street openings. Last year we paid Pittman Asphalt $9,250. This year, as permitted by our Purchasing Policy, we were able to make use of the bid process of Holland Township that resulted in a new vendor, Michigan Marking, being selected. Attached are the bid specs that were used by Holland Township this year. By making use of the specs and results from Holland Township, we have received a bid from Michigan Marking in the amount of $8,500. Michigan Markings have agreed to abide by all of the terms and conditions as established by Holland Township, including insurance and safety requirements. Our intention is to also have Michigan Markings provide us additional details of our crosswalks, including the exact number, location and lineal feet. Manager’s Recommendation: To award the 2010 Bike Path Crosswalk painting program to Michigan Marking in an amount of $8,500. CONTRACTOR BID FOR 2010 CROSSWALK & PAVEMENT STRIPING SERVICES FOR HOLLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED SERVICES Holland Charter Township owns and maintains approximately 65 miles of non-motorized paths (concrete sidewalks and asphalt pathways). The Township’s ongoing operation and maintenance of the non-motorized path system includes periodic application of white pavement striping to delineate crosswalks at specified road intersections and pathway striping near specified driveways, parking lots, etc. This proposal identifies work conditions and expectations and the contractor’s bid for such services. The following attachments are provided to assist the contractor with identifying the location and scope of the requested striping work. 1. Map of Holland Charter Township’s non-motorized concrete sidewalk and asphalt path system. 2. List of locations of road intersections, driveways and parking lots for placement of crosswalk striping and pathway striping. BIDDER INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scope of Work. The pavement striping work shall consist of applying white pavement striping, six inches in width, to delineate crosswalks at specified road intersections and applying white pavement striping, six inches in width, to delineate pathways near specified driveways, parking lots, etc. Paint striping material is to be of commercial, high quality, intended and suitable for exterior pavement marking purposes. Sand, stones and other debris are to be removed from the designated surface areas prior to applying the striping material to the pavement. Inspection of the Premises. All contractors, prior to submission of their bid, shall inspect the Township’s non-motorized path system and related road intersections, driveways, parking lots, etc. to familiarize himself with the requested pavement striping work. The submission of a bid shall constitute acknowledgement by the contractor that he has familiarized himself thoroughly with all phases of the contemplated project. Questions and/or an appointment for inspections can be made by contacting Brian Leach, Parks and Facilities Director, phone number 616-399-5496. Completion of Bid Proposal Form. The Bid Proposal Form must be completed in ink and be signed by the bidder with his business address and telephone number. The bid proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly identified with: 1) project name and 2) name and address of the bidder. Lump Sum Bid. This is a lump sum bid. Bids, as submitted, are for complete quantities of supplies, labor and equipment necessary to perform the requested striping services. Project Work and Completion Dates. The 2010 crosswalk and pavement striping work may commence after acceptance of the bid, subject to reasonable weather conditions, including temperature and moisture, that are favorable to the proper application and adherence of the pavement striping material and such work must be completed no later than June 30, 2010. Protection of the Public. The contractor shall assume full responsibility for the protection of the public during the progress of the work and shall be responsible for any damage to any adjacent premises which might result from the progress of the work. The contractor shall be responsible for providing and placing adequate traffic safety cones or other safety devices at all locations where the work is in progress. 1 7. Payment. The contractor shall be paid the total contract price upon completion of the work and its acceptance by the Township. 8. Insurance. The contractor shall submit a written certificate of insurance indicating the contractor’s coverage dates and coverage limits and deductibles for: a. Comprehensive general liability (not less than $1,000,000 general aggregate and $1,000,000 each occurrence) b. Automotive insurance ($500,000 combined single limit) c. Excess liability insurance (if any) d. Workers’ compensation insurance ($100,000 each accident statutory limits) The contractor shall agree to defend, indemnify and save harmless Holland Charter Township, including its officers, agents and employees from any and all liabilities that may result from the contractors work. 9. Independent Contractor. The contractor shall work as an independent contractor with exclusive general control over his employees in all phases of the work contemplated herein and shall assume all risks incidental thereto. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS 1. Holland Charter Township reserves the right to refuse any or all proposals, to waive informalities or errors in the process, and to accept any proposals deemed to be in the best interest of the township, including proposals that are not the lowest dollar amount. 2. A signed copy of this proposal must be submitted by 10:00 a.m., Thursday, April 15, 2010, to: Donald Komejan, Manager Holland Charter Township 353 N. 120th Avenue Holland, MI 49424 Phone: (616) 396-2345 Fax: (616) 396-2537 3. The contractor will provide the Township with at least two (2) references from past customers served by the contractor for pavement striping services. 4. The contractor will invoice Holland Charter Township upon acceptable completion of the demolition services. 5. Holland Charter Township agrees to make payment to the contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoicing for services performed. 2 CONTRACTOR'S BID TO HOLLAND CHARTER TOWNSHNIP FOR 2010 CROSSWALK & PAVEMENT STRIPING SERVICES The undersigned, being familiar with specifications and conditions for bidding, hereby proposes to furnish and provide 2010 crosswalk and pavement striping services in accordance with said specifications and conditions, with such work to be completed by June 30, 2010 and submits a bid therefore as follows: TOTAL LUMP SUM BID: $_____________________ This bid is a total lump sum bid amount and includes any and all costs associated with furnishing and providing the striping services as specified. This bid is firm for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the bid opening and will not be withdrawn, modified or altered after the bid opening. Signature of the Bidder ________________________________________________ Company Name ________________________________________________ Company Mailing Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Company Telephone Number ________________________________________________ Date of Bid ________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCEPTANCE OF DEMOLITION BID The above stated Bid for Demolition Services is accepted and the Bidder is authorized to perform the specified services for Holland Charter Township. Authorized Signature: __________________________________________ Donald Komejan, Manager Holland Charter Township Date Signed: __________________________________________ Acceptable Certificate of Insurance provided _________ 3 HOLLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP 353 North 120th Avenue P.O. Box 8127 Holland, MI 49422-8127 Phone: (616) 396-2345 Fax: (616) 396-2537 Website: March 12, 2010 REQUEST FOR BIDS Holland Charter Township will receive competitive bids from prospective bidders to provide all labor, material and equipment necessary to accomplish the Township’s 2010 Crosswalk and Pavement Striping work as described in the enclosed bid document. The bids will be received at the Township Administration Building, 353 N. 120th Avenue, Holland Michigan, 49424 until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, April 15, 2010. You are invited, but not required, to attend said bid opening. Bids must be submitted on the “Contractor’s Bid” form provided and be submitted in a sealed envelope that is plainly marked “2010 Crosswalk Striping Services Bid”. Bids are not revocable for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the bid opening and shall not be withdrawn, modified or altered after the bid opening. Holland Charter Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularities/informalities and to accept any bids deemed to be in the best interest of the township. Sincerely, Holland Charter Township Donald Komejan, Manager Enclosures May 13, 2010 To: Park Township Board RE: Agenda Item 11 a .i: Consider Amending the Employee Handbook for Retiree Insurance During the past year or so, and particularly during the preparation of the FY 2010-2011 Budget, the issue of accounting for Other Post Employee Benefits (OPEB) was addressed. These benefits include those benefits that are granted to retirees but paid for by the Township. In our case, the only OPEB is the health insurance we provide to retirees. While we paid for this cost on an annual cash basis, recent federal accounting rules require us to account for the entire future liability, and make annual contributions to address this “un-met” liability. Both the funded (annual) and the unfunded liability are now required to be included within our annual financial statement. At the present time our policy, as contained in our Employee Handbook, address retiree health care as follows: “Full-time elected or non-elected employees at Park Township with a minimum of 10 years of service and a minimum age of 62, or with a combined age and years of service totaling 80 and a minimum age of 55 are eligible for retirement health insurance. Retirement Health Insurance will not be available to an employee not employed by the township until at least age 55 or having Health Insurance available through another employer. ”The Township funded portion will be calculated at 3% of their applicable premium per year of service for primary coverage until eligible for Medicare at which time township funded portion will be calculated at 3% of supplemental coverage premium per year of service. In considering the cost of this benefit it becomes apparent that the Township could incur substantial future costs should this policy remain in effect. First of all, anyone “retiring” at age 62 would be eligible for township provided insurance for the three years between the retirement and that person’s eligibility for Medicare. While this may seem somewhat reasonable, keep in mind that the township’s contribution equals that person’s number of years employed times 3. For example, a person with 20 years of service, retiring at 62, would be entitled to having 60% of the insurance premium paid for the next three years. Under current rates for a family of 2, that would equate to $8,337 or more than $25,000 over the course of the three years. Should an employee retiree under the “55” provision, the costs are even larger. Should we have an employee retire at 55 with 30 years of service, the cost to the township over the 10 year period prior to Medicare eligibility would equate to more than $125,000 for a family of two, and that is with the rates currently in effect. With that in mind, we would like you to consider amending the policy to eliminate the “55” provision, to cap the township cost at 80%, raise the “employed until” age 55 limit to 62, and require that all employees move to Medicare at 65, whether retired or still employed. This would amend the policy to read as follows: “Full-time employees at Park Township with a minimum of 10 years of service and a minimum age of 62, and drawing Social Security, are eligible for retirement health insurance. Retirement Health Insurance will not be available to an employee not employed by the township until at least age 62 or having Health Insurance available through another employer. “The Township funded portion will be calculated at 3% of their applicable premium per year of service for primary coverage until eligible for Medicare at which time township funded portion will be calculated at 3% of supplemental coverage premium per year of service. The Township share of retirement health insurance shall not exceed 80% of the monthly or annual premiums. Employees age 65 or older and who are eligible for Medicare shall be moved to Medicare insurance and the Township shall cover the cost of the Supplemental insurance, per the terms above. While this would preserve the “eligible at 62” provision it will have the effect of removing the large potential cases of those retiring earlier than 62 and cap the township’s share at no more than 80%. It also clarifies that anyone 65 or older must move to Medicare, thereby reducing the Township’s share considerably. We are certainly open to other options, including reducing the multiplier to something less than 3, but this is the recommendation at this time. Manager’s Recommendation: To concur with the amendment to the Employee Handbook to include the new language for Retiree Health Insurance. May 13, 2010 To: Park Township Board RE: Agenda Item 11 a. ii: Benefits Consider Amending the Employee Handbook for Vacation In another housekeeping move we are proposing to clarify some language in the Handbook dealing with employee vacation. Currently we provide paid vacation to employees depending upon completing specific years of service. Our problem with the current language, however, is that we grant vacation based upon an employee’s hire date. The result is that we end up having to keep track of hire dates and the resulting accrued vacation for each employee on an individual basis. For example, we could have an employee moving from three days (the minimum) to five days on March 13. We could have another employee move from one week to two on July 27 and an employee move from two to three weeks (the maximum) on October 3. Our proposal will grant all vacation as of January 1 of each year and continue to do so on a calendar year basis rather than a “benefit” or “anniversary” year. Our language will now read that if you complete the required number of years within a calendar year, you will be granted vacation on January 1 of that year. This should result in each employee being better able to calculate vacation each year (rather than “Let’s see, I have three days left until March 29 but will get another two weeks after that.”) This will also be much easier for staff (and auditors) to calculate time earned, time used and time remaining. We have attached both the existing and the new language for your review. Manager’s Recommendation: To concur with the amendment to the Employee Handbook to include the new language for Vacation Benefits. Vacation Benefits - Existing Language Effective Date: 4/1/2008 Revision Date: Park Township offers vacation time off with pay to regular full-time employees and part-time employees. Vacation time for part-time employees is pro-rated based upon scheduled work hours. The amount of paid vacation time you receive each year depends on how long you have been working. This is the schedule for accruing vacation: • • • Upon initial eligibility the employee may take up to 5 vacation days each year. (If you are hired prior to June 30th you will receive 5 vacation days after the probationary period. If you were hired after June 30th you will receive 3 vacation days after the probationary period.) After 2 years of eligible service the employee may take up to 10 vacation days each year. After 5 years of eligible service the employee may take up to 15 vacation days each year. An additional week of unpaid vacation may be taken each year. We calculate the length of your eligible service on the basis of a "benefit year." A "benefit year" is the 12month period that begins when you start earning vacation time. Your benefit year may be extended for any significant leave of absence except military leave of absence. (Military leaves do not affect the benefit year calculation.) After one year, you begin to earn paid vacation time according to the schedule in this policy. You can use earned vacation time in the year after it is accrued. You may not take less than one-half day vacation at a time. To schedule your vacation time, you should first obtain advance written approval from your supervisor. Each request will be reviewed based on a number of factors, including the Township's needs and staffing requirements. You will be paid for vacation time off at your base pay rate as of the time of the vacation. If you do not use your available vacation by the end of a benefit year, you may carry over one week of vacation time to the next benefit year. If your employment terminates, you will be paid for any unused vacation time that has been earned through your last day of work. Vacation Benefits - Revised Effective Date: 4/1/2008 Revision Date: 5/13/2010 Park Township offers vacation time off with pay to regular full-time employees and part-time employees. Vacation time for part-time employees is pro-rated based upon scheduled work hours. The amount of paid vacation time you receive each year depends on how long you have been working. This is the schedule for accruing vacation: • • • • All vacation time is credited as of January 1. Upon initial eligibility you will begin to accrue vacation days each year. If you are hired prior to June 30th you will receive 5 vacation days after the probationary period for the balance of the calendar year. If you were hired after June 30th you will receive 3 vacation days after the probationary period for the balance of the calendar year. During the calendar year in which you will have completed 2 years of eligible service, you will be credited with 10 vacation days on January 1 of that year and each year thereafter. During the calendar year in which you will have completed 5 years of eligible service, you will be credited with 15 vacation days on January 1 of that year and each year thereafter An additional week of unpaid vacation may be taken each year. Your “eligible service” may be extended for any significant leave of absence except military leave of absence. (Military leaves do not affect the eligible service calculation.) You may not take less than one-half day vacation at a time. To schedule your vacation time, you should first obtain advance written approval from your supervisor. Each request will be reviewed based on a number of factors, including the Township's needs and staffing requirements. You will be paid for vacation time off at your base pay rate as of the time of the vacation. If you do not use your available vacation by the end of a benefit year, you may carry over one week of vacation time to the next calendar year. If your employment terminates, you will be paid for any unused vacation time that has been earned through your last day of work. May 13, 2010 To: Park Township Board RE: Agenda Item 13. Closed Session to Consider the Purchase of Real Estate We ask to again enter closed session to consider the purchase of real estate. We have previously discussed this in general terms and hope to have more definitive information for your review at the meeting. Manager’s Recommendation: To approve a motion to enter closed session for the purpose of considering the purchase of real estate.