Issue 10 June26th 2015 - Brigidine College Randwick
Issue 10 June26th 2015 - Brigidine College Randwick
June 2015 Issue # 10 COMING EVENTS FRIDAY 26 JUNE 2015 Year 12 Formal FRIDAY 26 JUNE 2015 Last Day of Term 2 Dear Parents, NAIDOC WEEK ASSEMBLY Mary Anderson and Holly O’Donnell of Year 10 celebrated NAIDOC Week with the Champagnat Catholic College Community on Thursday. The girls listened to Kurtley Beale talk about his experiences as a young Indigenous man going to school away from home at St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill and then heard Elsie Heiss talk about her experiences as a young woman growing up in Australia. Elsie had some great words of advice for everyone there. MONDAY 13 JULY Term 3 Commences WEDNESDAY 15 JULY 2015 Year 10 History Excursion WEDNESDAY 15 JULY 2015 CGSSSA Netball BRIGIDINE BASICS - Girls leave class at 3pm but the School reserves the right to require the girls to stay until 3.20pm. - Every girl is to be at school by 8.30am each morning. - Teaching commences at 8.40am - Supervision of girls begins at 8.20am. Girls should be in either the Main Quad or the Canteen Quad. - Parents should not drop and pick up daughters in Aeolia Street. This causes dangerous traffic for the students. May Brigid bless all you do to make good things happen in our world. Ms Kate Edmondson Principal FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Founder’s Day What a fabulous day! The entire school community – students, teachers and parents made the day such a wonderful occasion. The mass was beautiful and afterwards the girls and teachers got into the spirit of the day dressing up in costumes related to our theme “Environment”. Prizes were won – Mecca Cosmetica vouchers for the seniors students, Kikki K vouchers for the junior students. Sweet Spot vouchers were also won on the various competitions being run around the school throughout the day. Students ate sausages & freddo frogs and drank water, all whilst jumping on jumping castles, entering the doughnut eating competition, wrestling in sumo suits and versing each other on the giant twister board and Chess board; or for those who needed some time out, chilling out in our passive area playing cards and chatting. Thanks to all those parents who helped out with the BBQ on the day. Parent Portal – Semester 1 Reports Semester 1 Reports were published to the Sentral portal earlier in the week. Please access the portal if you need to obtain a copy of your daughter/s report. Study Skills Information All girls at the College engage in study skills during their PC lessons throughout the Year. The girls undertake seminars by Elevate Education and are also provided with online access to their website, which has a wealth of further resources on studying in particular subject areas. Students can gain access to Elevate’s support website through a unique username and password following their Elevate session. The website is and contains a range of resources students can access after the seminar. These include: A copy of Elevate's best-selling guide, Science of Student Success written by the company's founder, Doug Barton. The book retails in bookstores for $20 but is FREE for Elevate clients. It is available to download in PDF mode under the tab 'Books' A range of practice papers for each subject Video tutorials Tips from presenters all around Australia who have recently aced and faced their final years of high school Question forum that allows students to have support even after their Elevate session To access the online resources, students and parents should log on to their SENTRAL portal and obtain the username and password under that can be found in “Student and Parent Bulletin”. Updating information If you have moved recently, changed your email or phone number please contact the front office to notify us of the changes. Term 3 Term 3 will begin for students on Monday the 13th of July. It is a Day 1. Dates to Note: Date Event 13/07/15 Term 3 Begins 15/07/15 Yr 10 Elective History Excursion 17/07/15 Debating Semi-Finals 27/07/15 Year 12 HSC Trials begin 20/7 – 31/7/15 Hospitality and Business Service Work placement 24/07/15 BCR/MCR Yrs 9/10 Leaders Meeting STEM Excursion – UNSW 28/07/15 Yr 7 Zoo Excursion 29/07/15 Yr 8 Subject Selection Information Evening (6pm) 30/7– 31/7/15 Year 10 Canberra Camp Happy Holidays – stay safe and warm! Brigid Taylor Assistant Principal YOUTH MINISTRY JUNE EDITION BRIGIDINE FAMILY MASS ON SUNDAY 21 JUNE On the 21st of June, students from Brigidine provided the music for the OLSH parish mass. The Girls either played an instrument or sang in the choir. The girls participated in a two hour workshop before mass where they learnt the mass repertoire, chosen by Brett, the guitar teacher, and Mrs Ross. The pieces included Here I Am, Live the Gospel (composed by Br James Maher msc) and Go make a difference, with a solo on the tambourine played by Chiara Harbutt. It was quite challenging to learn the new repertoire in two hours but, as usual, the girls pulled through and performed amazingly. Thanks to our musicians and singers, Jaynell Vila, Holly Lockhart, Chiara Harbutt, Robyn Lam, Erika Vallejera, Angelica Queyquep, Saki Konda, Justine Vallejera , Kyriaki Xexenis and Jennifer Hoe. A big thank you to Mrs Ross, Mrs Day, Ms Edmondson and Brett Adamson for supporting the girls and also helping with the music. We hope to see more girls at our next Mass in Term 3. Special thanks to Mr Brett Adamson our workshop facilitator and Br James Maher msc who played and sang with the Brigidine music liturgy group during the mass. Holly Lockhart and Chiara Harbutt Year 10 Students MUFTI FUND RAISER FOR WOULD YOUTH DAY POLAND 2016 Last Friday 19th June students were asked to dress in the colours of the Polish flag as our first formal fund raising event for 2015.Some students and teachers were very creative with their outfits and one student from Year 9, Natalia Smorawinska, wore an authentic Polish T-shirt. Prizes were awarded to the best dressed in every year level so there was incentive for the students to participate. The Community contributed nearly $650 which will help with costs like travel and accommodation for the 13 pilgrims who have expressed an interest in going to Poland next year. The fundraising efforts will continue over the next 12months and I will keep the Brigidine Community informed of these upcoming events. Look forward to seeing you next term at some of our fund raising events. Mrs Robyn Ross Youth Ministry Coordinator Computer Operators needed at St Anne’s, Bondi! Fr Neil Brown, St Anne’s Church, Bondi needs some help with technology! Are you available to operate the Parish Mass PowerPoint? We would like to start a St Anne’s Parish Power Point roster and invite St Mary’s Cathedral and Brigidine computer buffs to volunteer to operate the Mass PowerPoint once per term at St Anne’s 5pm Saturday Mass. If you can help please contact Parish Secretary, Rachel on [email protected] or Family Educator, Mary-Jo on [email protected]. Please email name, phone number and indicate ONE Saturday 5pm that is free in Term 3 and Term 4, 2015 to volunteer service. UNIFORM NEED ALTERING? Too long, too tight, elastic not right? I have over 50 Years’ experience in sewing and doing alterations and now I do them for my Grandson’s uniforms! If you need prompt, affordable help with making those uniforms fit just right, please call me. I can also come to the uniform shop if you need help with fitting. Tina 9399 8009 or 0410 540 084 SPORT NEWS Congratulations to JESSICA THORNTON who has been named NSW Junior Sprinter of the year. This is a fantastic achievement and culmination of Jessica’s incredible results over the past year. Congratulations to Kiera Connolly, Chloe Dunne and Jessica McBride who competed in the CCC Cross Country and did exceptionally well. These girls have now been selected into the Combined Catholic Colleges team to compete at the NSW Championships. ATHLETICS SQUAD The school Athletics Team has been selected and training will begin Term 3 on Wednesday afternoon at ES Marks. A meeting will be held for all girls’ first week back next term. It is important that everyone reads notices and keeps up to date with meetings and events. CGSSSA DANCE The CGSSSA Dance teams have been selected and training will commence in the holidays at Maroubra Dance Centre. Girls need to make sure they have all contact details and are aware of all dates and times. Term 3 trainings will be held on Sundays and weekdays at school. CGSSSA NETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS was unfortunately cancelled due to weather and will now be played on WEDNESDAY 15TH JULY Congratulations to Yasmin Carter who won GOLD at the Australian Weightlifting Youth Championships (58kg). Yasmin will now be travelling to Samoa in September to represent Australia in the Youth Commonwealth Games. What a fantastic achievement and we wish you all the best with your training leading up to this event. Mrs Kate Elder PD/H/PE Department ST CATH’S NETBALL COMPETITION 2015 Brigidine was involved in an interschool netball competition held at St Catherine’s School during Term 2. We had twelve teams competing in the 7 week competition and the girls participated with enthusiasm and determination. The girls displayed great teamwork and sportsmanship and they represented the school beautifully. This year, 4 teams made it through to the grand finals, which were held on Wednesday 17th June. All 4 of the teams who competed in the Grand Final came out with a convincing win! Congratulations girls, you all played amazingly! Congratulations to all the girls who have played each Wednesday and a big thank you to all the parents for their ongoing support. The competition could not go forward without you. Also thank you to Mrs Elder and Ms Michaels for their support and organisation throughout the season and for attending the Grand Final games. Another great St Cath’s season. Miss McColl YEAR 12 WORK PLACEMENT On Monday 4 May the following Year 12 Business Services students completed their second week of Work Placement: Chloe Couch, Ophillia Hess, Bree Mihalj, Georgia Scells and Maddison White. Georgia Scells has now become a casual employee for Belle Property with the possibility of a full time position after the HSC. We wish to thank the employers and their staff for their commitment and support. They are: Belle Property Randwick, Taylor’s Real Estate, Richardson and Wrench Kensington, L J Hooker Maroubra and MGM Properties. Miss Catanzariti VET Teacher YEAR 11 RYDA EXCURSION On the 11th of June, Year 11 had the opportunity to participate in the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) program, in Homebush, regarding road safety and the consequences of not being a responsible driver. The day was aimed at increasing our knowledge and awareness of the dangers of driving and how to reduce them. We took part in various practical and interactive workshops including demonstrations about car stopping distances and presentations about hazards and distractions on and off the road. Students also participated in discussions about how personality may affect people’s different responses to road situations which highlighted the importance of being a cautious and cooperative driver as well as an alert and assertive passenger. In one session, we also had the chance to listen to the experiences of a crash survivor and discovered first-hand how car accidents can result in life changing outcomes. She spoke about her personal intellectual, physical, social, financial and emotional struggles following the crash; and also emphasised the impacts and traumas that often emerge from being unaware of road safety practices. The program also included a powerful video about the tragic death of Genevieve, an 18 year old provisional driver, and her best friend that occurred simply due to a lack of experience and poor decision making on the road. Genevieve’s story served as a real eye opener to many of us and made us more conscious about the fact that one simple mistake can lead to dire and sometimes fatal consequences. Overall, the day was a very valuable experience. On behalf of Year 11, we would like to thank Rotary - Road Safety Education and the Brigidine teachers who made the day possible. Caitlin and Ivana Year 11 YEAR 9 VISUAL ARTS AT THE CHINESE GARDENS AND ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES The two Year 9 Visual Art classes of 2015 accompanied by Ms Brennan and Ms Smyth went on an excursion to the Chinese Garden of Friendship and the Art Gallery of NSW. We felt more peaceful in the Chinese Garden of Friendship, as the garden was a quiet, calming place, not only to reflect on the beautiful location but appreciate the Chinese culture. We have been learning to be 'in the moment' and by being in the Chinese Gardens we got a chance to think about it. We became mindfully aware of what was going on in that exact moment and being able to transfer it into our own Haiku Poems. An example of one by Lara Pagola: "Life falls through leaves Breathing with nature’s beauty Grasping innocence" The way the Chinese Garden is maintained is a lot different to the way gardens are looked after in our society as the Chinese Gardens have more meaning and history. After the Chinese Gardens the bus took us to the Art Gallery where we saw the exhibition ‘Photography in Australia’ which expressed to us how photographic technology has advanced over time. The exhibition really made us realise how rare it was to have a camera back in those days and the way technology has changed the way we can take a photograph. Ms Brennan encouraged us to visit the gallery in our own time to look at more artworks. The experience was one that we will never forget so we would like to thank the Visual Arts teachers for taking us. Bianca and Jade Year 9 PHOTOGRAPHY AND VISUAL ARTS STUDENTS VISIT COCKATOO ISLAND On the 4th of June in the early hours of the morning, year 11 photography and visual arts students ventured out to Circular Quay at 6:30am to travel to the industrial Cockatoo Island. As the sun rose over the bridge, we enjoyed a scenic ferry trip across the harbour, and after 40 minutes we were all ready for hot coffees and bacon and egg rolls. Once we arrived at the island, photography students were able to walk around and explore the fascinating location as they documented the captivating scenery and essence of the island. The soft early morning light allowed for the photographs to look outstanding with a variety images such as close up and landscape photos being taken. Visual Arts students were also able to capture the essence and scenery of the island as they used a variety of different mediums including pencil, oil pastel and water colour to create amazing artworks of the island. The morning overall was extremely relaxing with many enjoyable hours of photography and art making. The excursion was definitely worth the very early morning wake up, and is something that I know everyone would love to do again. Eliza Connolly Year 11 Science News June STEM@BCR We have unpacked the robots and next term we will begin to build and program them. Staff Students ASSETS (Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science). Assets is a nine-day science summer school for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Year 10. To learn more about how your culture and science can come together, apply for ASSETS online at applications open 6th July applications close 14th August Venues are in Newcastle, Adelaide and Townsville. University Holiday workshops and information sessions. RoboCamps are on at Macquarie University these holidays. Head to for more info and to register. This comes highly recommended. Science Happenings at UNSW Science 50:50 Competition Now Open for Year 12 Girls. We encourage our Year 12 science girls to share their ideas with UNSW. The university is offering $4000 prizes to five young women who share the most innovative solutions to real-world problems. The university is offering five runners-up the chance to join our 50:50 mentorship and industry immersion program if they enrol at UNSW. More info: Science Info Day UNSW for Years 10 -12 girls. Thursday 23 July 9:00am – UNSW Kensington Campus Details: Their full-day activity is designed to give high school students a taste of university life as part of UNSW Science. The Science Schools will offer activities and lectures to help students determine what area of science may be right for them Learn more and register here (Note: FYI, the url is Mrs Phyllis Tapp Science Coordinator TAS@BCR WHAT A NIGHT! 2015 TAS Show - Thurs Jun 18th The Good Food and Design Show was held last Thursday night and oh what a great night it was. The night celebrated the creative spirit of students studying the different subjects offered under the TAS curriculum (Technology Applied Studies). TAS offers a large wide range of opportunities to Brigidine girls. It includes; Design and Technology, Food Technology, Graphics Technology and Hospitality and on Thursday night over 1200 families, students and friends were there to witness the magical night. Here are some of the great moments captured during the night . Collaborative Challenge ups its game For the first time ever, Design and Technology students of year 10, 11 and 12 competed against each other in the TAS show collaborative design challenge in which they showcased on the runway. This year the brief involved creating a garment out of laminated printed paper. Each year group formed groups to respond to this brief. They had less than 3 weeks to create a show stopping garment that would win their group fashion vouchers. In the past, the collaborative challenge involved only year 12 Design and Technology students. The TAS faculty strives to come up with exciting ways to challenge our creative girls and decided that this year it would be great to see how Years 10 and 11 Design and Technology students would perform against the year 12 students. The girls without a doubt made it hard for our TAS faculty to judge the winning the team. Here are some of the photos of the contestants. The winning group: Year 10 - Annalise Jones, Bonnie Burns, Shirley Chia, Jessica McBride Garment was worn by: Holly McManus (Top left) 11 Hospitality Caters for the TAS Show The Year 11 Hospitality students chopped, sliced, stirred, rolled, folded, mixed, fried, baked and assembled hundreds of food items to feed the masses that came to experience the TAS show. The menu included pumpkin and fetta risotto balls, sausage rolls, cheese and spinach triangles, duck pancakes and mini burgers. The students had already spent time planning the event in terms of roles, work flow, food preparation, and assigning tasks so that on the day they were organised, methodical, in control and amazing! Some of the students transported the food down to the Cullen area where on arrival, they offered the food to the hundreds of people present. All the Hospitality students did a great job, gained valuable real life experience and worked very hard. Puzzle Hunt To promote this year’s Good Food and Design Show, a team of TAS teachers along with Year 9 Graphics Technology student Stephanie Bryson, worked together to create a puzzle hunt that led students searching for clues all around the school. The first person to solve the hunt won VIP tickets to the show. It was an incredible challenge and a great prize that included 2 front row seats to the show, 2 goody bags plus food and drinks served to them during the show. Just days before show night, Holly Lockhart from year 10 solved the final clue and won! She shares her experience of being a VIP winner and the lengths she went to solve the clues. The VIP Prize: My VIP Experience - By Holly Lockhart Year 10 The experience of being a VIP at the TAS show was an experience I will never forget. From working out the riddles, to winning the tickets, all the way to sitting there with one of the best views was truly very exciting. I received the VIP tickets for the TAS show by completing a puzzle hunt with QR codes hidden around the school. They led me everywhere, from Cullen to the library and to Synan. Finally I found the last QR code and it told me to send the letters that I found at each QR code to an email address. From there I received an email with a series of riddles about Claude, who had gone missing, and the first riddle was ‘When did he disappear?’ I figured that out quite quickly and then moved on to the final riddle which was ‘Who made him disappear?’ That one was a bit harder but luckily it also came with some clues which allowed me to figure it out (before Ms Fairall). At the TAS show, my guest and I were shown to our seats which were brilliantly decorated and also right in front of the runway. From there we had the best view of all the TAS show had to offer. Also on our seats were pieces of caramel slice and a box of caramel popcorn (both of which were delicious). When we sat down we were given plates of all the savoury food that were being served that night including delicious duck pancakes and scrumptious sausage rolls. As it started we were blown away by the amazing designs of the different years at our school and how talented all of the designers were. From the bags of the year sevens to the gorgeous outfits of the year elevens all of the design were beautiful and amazing and really showcased the talent that our D&T department has. I especially liked the year 10 designs which had a theatrical theme. All in all, being a VIP at the TAS was a very rewarding and exciting experience and I can’t wait to see what happens at the TAS show next year. Holly. L Drawing Competition Winners This year, a drawing competition was held to promote the 2015 Good Food and Design Show. It was a chance for Brigidine students to show what they think this year’s TAS show theme was all about. It was also a great chance to show off their drawing talents and be in the draw to win Sportsgirl Vouchers. The task was to create an illustration to represent this year’s theme “Black and White: Illusion vs Reality” To select the winners, there were two main criteria that the judges were searching for: - A creative interpretation of the theme And demonstration of great talent in the choice of medium they used – this could be hand drawn, computer generated or a use of an app – there was no limitation as to how the illustration was to be created. Here are the winners: Thank you to all the entries. It shows how creative Brigidine students are. Congratulations to the winners. OTHER TAS NEWS Bags completed! Congratulations to 7Tech5 for completing their first unit in Technology. The students were given a design brief at the beginning of the year to design and construct a bag to meet the needs of a target market. Students investigated their chosen target market and explored numerous bag designs that incorporated 2 reusable materials. A part of this unit included a portfolio where they needed to document their design process that showed their experiments of a range of ideas, materials, tools and techniques. Many of these girls had never used a sewing machine before and now they are sewing experts. Well done to each girl! 7 Tech 3 This semester 7Tech 3 students were involved in the processes of designing and creating themed clocks. They gained experience in using scroll saws, the disc sander and the drill press in our woodwork area. Students were also required to document the design process in a portfolio which incorporated research, idea generation, production steps and evaluation. The results were colourful and fun! CAREERS NEWS More careers information can be found on the Edmodo Careers website Code to join is: hrib2k Universities Macquarie University: Physics and Astronomy Careers Night Wed 16th September, 5.45pm – 8.30pm, Macquarie University, North Ryde Campus Successful Macquarie graduates from a range of organizations and career stages will share inside knowledge on their experiences in physics, photonics, and astronomy. Contact: Janine Lacey [email protected] Australian National University: Degrees for High Achievers Information Sessions Sydney: Wed 22nd July, 4.30pm – 6.30pm, SCEGGS Darlinghurst, Forbes Street, Darlinghurst Speak to staff, current students, and learn about the opportunity to undertake research as part of an undergraduate degree at ANU. Contact: Naomi Shadbolt on 02 6125 7240 or [email protected] UTS Discover Session: Nursing Discover Nursing: Wed 22nd July 6.00pm An interactive workshop where participants can learn more about the working life of a nurse. The University of Notre Dame Information Evenings Note Dame Information Evening in Sutherland Shire Tue 16th July, 5.00pm – 7.00pm, St Aloysius Parish Hall, 8 Giddings Avenue, Cronulla Speak to university staff and students to get all the information you need to make an educated decision about tertiary study. Getting to Know Nursing Tue 1st September, 6.00pm, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst Meet academic staff, engage in clinical activities, experience a Nursing lecture and tour their campus. Time Management for Year 12 Wed 30th September, 9.00am – 12.30pm, 104 Broadway, Chippendale The Academic and Enabling Support Centre will be open to assist Year 11 students to develop useful skills for their exams and assessments. The University of Sydney: Sydney College of the Arts Information Evening Thu 2nd July, 4.00pm – 8.00pm Meet staff, hear from recent graduates, and get information on admissions and portfolio preparation. Contact: [email protected] Charles Sturt University: Virtual Campus Tours Prospective students can now view CSU’s campuses from the comfort of their own home. Virtual tours are available of the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, and Wagga Wagga campuses. UniOptions UniOptions provides advice on the many pathways to university. The website aims to help students enter the university course of their choice and find out about the different options available to them. TAFE & Apprenticeships Sydney TAFE: Music Information Session Wed 24th June, TAFE Ultimo, Building M, Level 1, Room M1.15 Learn about professional training in Music Performance, Production, Music Business, Live Production, Music Theatre, and Electronic Music Production. New Trade Support Loans As part of the new Australian Apprenticeship Support Network, Trade Support Loans to the value of $20, 000 over the life of an apprenticeship will be available to encourage more young Australians to start their career with an apprenticeship and complete their qualification. Private Colleges Metro Screen Diploma Subsidies Due to an increased demand for assistant editors and digital content producers in the screen industry, the NSW government will be subsidizing the Certificate IV in Post Production and the Diploma in Digital Content Producing. Information on the Certificate IV in Post Production: Information on the Diploma in Digital Content Producing: Sydney Design School Information Sessions Thu 25th June, 6.00pm Thu 2nd July, 6.00pm Level 2, 40 Oxley Street, St Leonards Information sessions will run for approximately 40 minutes, and will cover the courses available at the design school and the career opportunities available to graduates. Contact: 02 9437 1902 Academy of Information Technology: Free Day Course Sat 11th July, 10.00am – 4.00pm Sat 8th August, 10.00am – 4.00pm Sat 12th September, 10.00am – 4.00pm Level 2, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo AIT offers a number of free one-day courses to improve participant skills and help prospective students determine their future study direction. On each of the listed days, students can choose to participate in either an Intro to 3D Animation course, Intro to Film Editing course, or an Intro to Game Design course. Actors College of Theatre and Television: Open Day Sat 29th August, 41 Holt Street, Surry Hills Join a drop-in acting workshop, learn how to prepare for an audition, see actors in a set production environment, and speak to current students, recruitment advisers, and lecturers. Contact: 02 9213 4500 AFTRS Open Day Sat 5th September, Building 130, The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park Speak to staff and students, view the facilities, and learn about how to prepare an application to study at AFTRS. Avondale College of Higher Education: President’s Scholarship Applications close August 2015 A scholarship valued at $8, 000 awarded to students from selected secondary schools throughout Australia who demonstrate a combination of academic excellence, leadership, as well as service to their school, family, church and community. Martin: New Diploma of Advertising The new Diploma of Advertising contains a mixture of advertising, marketing and communication subjects with practical classes testing student presentation and writing skills. Other News Year 13 Year 13 is an online resource which provides advice and information on life after high school. The website provides information on a number of topics including apprenticeships, gap year programs, job vacancies, studying, and internships. What Degree? Which University? This website provides senior high school students with the tools to explore their University options. There is information on degrees, uni life, student accommodation, careers and lifestyle. Ace Day Jobs Career Profiles Find backgrounds of current professionals, how they made it to where they are, and what is really involved in their day job. Conservation Volunteers Conservation Volunteers runs a variety of single and multi-day volunteering projects and are looking for interested people to take part. Matrix Education: How I topped the state in HSC Mathematics Ms Jennifer Nicolas Careers Advisor Exercising the whole body On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons 6X are running group fitness training sessions for students in Years 7 – 12. It's called TOTESFIT and can accommodate between 15 and 20 participants in each session. The programs are predesigned meaning everyone trains at their own speed and capabilities with a challenge at the end of the session for anyone who finishes early. 1 Session - $10 5 Sessions - $40 Unlimited (10 weeks) - $160 If interested download the 6X app "6X TRAINING" and register for next week. ALL NOTICES WILL NOW BE IN NEWSLETTER FOR 2 MONTHS ONLY, UNLESS REQUESTED TO KEEP THE AD GOING UNIFORM ITEMS FOR SALE 1 x Pair track pants in excellent condition, hardly worn Size 14 $50 Rosie O’Brien on 0415 629 137 Take all items list for $200.00. Various Sizes 3 x Junior Summer Dresses 1 x Blazer 1 x Jumper 4 x Sport short sleeves Polo shirts 2 x long sleeve Polo shirts 3 x track pants 3 x track jackets 1 x Junior Skirt 2 x Long Sleeve Blouses 1 x Senior Skirt 2 x Senior Short sleeve blouses 1 x Blazer 1 x Jumper 1 x haversack 1 x white apron Please contact Pauline on 0401 965 788 1 x Blazer – Age 16 - $60.00 (dry cleaned, like new) Accessories also for sale – include Brigidine Green Bag, Science and cookery aprons, navy cap, navy library bag. – The lot $75.00 Call Joanne on 0438781158 Junior Summer Uniform Dress size 10 $ 20 Blazer size 14 $ 50 Pullover size 12 $ 45 Summer Sport Uniform Short Sleeve Polo size 10 $5 Shorts size 10 $5 Swimming Costume size S $ 10 Junior Winter Uniform Skirt size 4 Long sleeve Blouse $ 65 size 10 $ 15 Winter Sport Uniform Track Jacket size 10 $ 20 Compulsory Accessories College Back Pack $ 35 Excursion back-Havasack $5 Navy Apron $5 White Apron $5 My contact number is 04 0623 777 4 (Jiva) The best time for me to be contacted is after 6:00 pm during week days and any time on the weekend. School Blazer Size 16 Contact - Jenny on 0403 257 204 $145 (excellent condition, worn a few of times only) COLLEGE BLAZER size 14 GOOD CONDITION COLLEGE BACKPACK GOOD CONDITION COLLEGE KILT size 8 GOOD CONDITION Please contact Therese on 0411099288 $30 $10 $20 Brigidine College Uniforms, Accessories for Sale Item Condition Dress Very Good Size Price 16 $30 Please contact: Belle Kong (parent) at 0430 020 629 or email: [email protected].
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