September 2015 Issue # 15 - Brigidine College Randwick
September 2015 Issue # 15 - Brigidine College Randwick
September 2015 Issue # 15 COMING EVENTS TUESDAY 6 OCTOBER 2015 Term 4 Commences in Summer Uniform MONDAY 12 OCTOBER 2015 HSC Begins THURSDAY 15 & FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER 2015 Year 11 Retreat TUESDAY 20 OCTOBER 2015 CGSSSA Volleyball FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER 2015 Year 10 Brigidine/Marcellin Combined Activities Day BRIGIDINE BASICS - Girls leave class at 3pm but the School reserves the right to require the girls to stay until 3.20pm. - Every girl is to be at school by 8.30am each morning. - Teaching commences at 8.40am - Supervision of girls begins at 8.20am. Girls should be in either the Main Quad or the Canteen Quad. - Parents should not drop and pick up daughters in Aeolia Street. This causes dangerous traffic for the students. Dear Parents, Graduation day has come and gone for another year. Year Twelve girls and their parents appeared to me to be having a memorable day. It takes a great deal of effort and attention to detail to make the day look as if it is running all by itself. On behalf of our community I thank Ms Horne and Ms Taylor for all their organisation of the day, to Mrs Day for the Graduation Mass and to the Music staff for the Music at the Graduation Assembly, Eucharist and at the cocktail party. These teachers have had wonderful support for a number of weeks from the office staff. And so we begin again. Our Year Eleven girls become the HSC class of 2016 as soon as they return on Tuesday 6th October. Girls return in summer uniform and I would be grateful to parents if they would spend some time on the holidays ensuring that their daughter’s summer uniform still fits her and is the required length. May all have a restful holiday with many moments of peace and fun. May Brigid bless all you do to make good things happen in our world. Ms Kate Edmondson Principal FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Term 4 Term 4 begins on Tuesday 6th of October at 8:35am (Day 2). Girls should return to school in their summer uniform. Staff Spirituality Day – Term 4 To be held on Friday 20th November. This is a pupil free day. Dates to Note: Date 2015 Event 25/9 – 04/10 Central Australia Immersion 06/10 Term 4 begins (Day 2) Summer Uniform 12/10 HSC Begins 14/10 Professor Marie Bashir Morning Tea 15/10 – 16/10 Year 11 Retreat 20/10 CGSSSA Volleyball 30/10 Year 10 Brigidine/Marcellin combined activities day - Heffron 5/11 – 9/11 Years 7 & 9 Exam Period 10/11 - 13/11 Years 8 & 10 Exam Period Immersion Raffle Thanks to all those businesses who donated to our raffle, we made over $2000 in support of our community service project. A special thanks goes to business in our local area who are always willing to support the College: Brigid Taylor Assistant Principal SPORT NEWS CGSSSA DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS, 2015 On Wednesday 9th September, Brigidine College participated in the CGSSSA Dance Championships held at the new location of Monte St Angelo’s. We entered 4 teams, consisting of students from year 7-12, in Tap, Hip Hop, Jazz and Contemporary. All of the girls involved put in many hours of rehearsal time to make the routines come together, including lunchtime and afternoon rehearsals as well as Sunday rehearsals. All of their hard work and preparation was certainly worth the effort. On the day, the girls looked amazing and held themselves very professionally. The standard at the Championships was exceptionally high and unfortunately we missed out on a place this year. However, the enthusiasm, positivity and energy of our performers was remarkable and they all looked amazing in their make-up and costumes. The students should be so proud of their performances, focus and dedication. We all enjoyed the day immensely. Special thanks to Liora, who choreographed and coached our girls at lunchtimes, morning and afternoons and Sundays. Your dedication and enthusiasm for developing Dance at Brigidine is greatly appreciated. Finally, thank you to all of the CGSSSA Dance girls. CONTEMPORARY SQUAD: Madeline Lane Ava Michelini Isabella Jreige Belinda Banks Taylor Trompp Estelle Davis Lily Hogan Melissa Petrovsky Jade Perrett Jade Tye Amelia Romano Zoe Townden Justine Vallejera Lucinda Chichester TAP SQUAD: Lily Hogan Jasmine Burrows Lucy De Pater Jessica Power Emalee Brajkovic Miki Quirk Rhiannon Harte Grace Murray Carly Morrison Isabella Garofalo Amelia Romano Zoe Bakerman Caitlin Hansen HIP HOP SQUAD: Chiara Harbutt Rachel Soden Erika Vallejera Grace Murray Eleni Kandros JAZZ SQUAD: Rhiannon Harte Madeline Lane Jade Perrett Lowri Funnell Estelle Davis Catherine Moutopolous Caitlin Hansen Melanie Vella Madelyn Jansezian Kasey Llewellyn Ava Moody Jasmine Burrows Lucy De Pater Zoe Bakerman Isabella Jreige Miki Quirk Erin Burtenshaw Taylor Trompp Jasmine Helene Ava Moody Ava Michelini Well done girls! We are very proud of your efforts. Mrs Kate Elder and Miss Michaels PD/H/PE Department SAVE THE DATE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT NEWS Year 12 enjoyed a final full day of English on Monday 7 September. Most of the day was taken up with workshops designed to provide revision and extension, provided by their English teachers. The last session of the day was a Q & A style panel devoted to the concept of Discovery, which is the focus of Paper 1 in the HSC examinations. Our invited quests were most generous in giving up their time to talk so expansively about their own experiences of personal and professional Discovery. This session was the highlight of the day. We learnt about good choices and bad choices, planning and not planning, Plan Bs and serendipity, dealing with stress and enjoying relationships with the people around us. Students were also intrigued by the professional lives of our guests, asking about journalism, working with refugees and joining the police force. We would like to thank the following people: Mr Mark Corcoran, Sr Maureen Keady, Mrs Elisabeth Casamento and Detective Superintendent Michael Fitzgerald. Here are some comments on the day: Sinead Docherty: It was great to listen to a group of people who are from completely different backgrounds and who work in completely different areas and jobs that share a very similar sense of discovery and experience similar things. Georgia Scells: The guest speakers were interesting to listen to as well as Mr Penteado's session, which I found to be helpful. Rebecca Srbinovska: The Q&A was by far the highlight of the day! It was very intriguing listening to what these four very different people had to offer about their careers and in terms of life skills in general. Lucy Kelley: The Q and A Session was a strength! Also the session on analytical writing with Mrs Wetherell (and all the practice questions she gave us for the Discovery Essay). Grace Kilponen: A great way to revise what we had done throughout the HSC year, as well as going through points of improvement after trials! Sarah Karaoglu: A good opportunity to communicate with adults in other professions and hear about their experiences in the work force. Also a great way to revise and improve literary skills before the HSC exams. Teebana Balakumar: It has made my English gooder. Thank you to all the teachers who presented with such enthusiasm: Ms Fairall, Mr Morgan, Mr Penteado, Mr Talay, Ms Sandell, Mrs Wetherall. The English Extension 1 class also had a day devoted to their study of After the Bomb. We consolidated our understanding of Existentialism for our analysis of Beckett’s Waiting for Godot by listening to a podcast from ‘In Our Time’ with Melvyn Bragg; engaged in some interactive and kinaesthetic learning strategies to problem solve in groups; established study plans and goals and celebrated all our hard work by watching the relevant text, Good night and good luck. We wish all our HSC candidates the very best in their studies and in their examinations. Ms Jarman English Coordinator YOUTH FORUM 2015 “I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. We need a conversation that includes everyone, since the environment challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all” Pope Francis Last Wednesday on the 9th of September, three year 10 students, Helen Beaini, Holly Lockhart and Chiara Harbutt travelled with Mrs Ross and Mrs Day to the annual Youth Forum held by the CEO at Daceyville. The theme of the day was based on Care for our common home, a young person’s response to the Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si'. Laudato Si means “Praise be to you” which is the first line of a canticle by St. Francis that praises God with all of his creation. Students from Years 11 and 10 from across the Sydney Archdiocese, along with their teachers and Dr Dan White, (Executive Director of Catholic Schools,) explored the powerful challenge that Pope Francis has presented in his recent encyclical. Each school was given a chapter to discuss with others on their assigned table. Our school received Chapter Three: The Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis. The aim of the day was to discuss and analyse the Pope's main message in the chapter. We came to the conclusion that the encyclical is a worldwide “wake up call” to help humanity understand the destruction that man is rendering on the environment and his fellow man. It presents Gospel truths and it provides a challenge for every believer and non-believer alike. It was an afternoon of reflection and discussion. We further developed our understanding on how our world has been given to us as a gift from God. The earth and all that exists on it requires us to be “stewards” of this precious gift. We regularly try not to leave our houses dirty or messy therefore we mustn't leave our common home, Earth, unclean. A big thanks goes to Mrs Ross and Mrs Day for accompanying us and to the CEO and Dr Dan White for inviting us. Helen Beaini, Holly Lockhart, Chiara Harbutt Year 10 LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK 2015 Congratulations to all those who participated in the many Literacy and Numeracy Week activities. Kahoots: Darci Walsh Year 7 Bookmark competition: Vanessa Cassimatis Year 7 Match the Teacher with their Favourite Book: 1. Jaynell Vila Year 12 2. Rebecca Srbinovska Year 12 3. Grace Murray Year 7 Here are the final winners of the daily activities: Maths English Monday Holly Lockhart Year 10 Lucy Shepherd Year 7 Tuesday Savanna Wellard Year 12 Charlotte McHenry Year 9 Wednesday Lucy De Pater Year 8 Liana McMorrow Year 12 Thursday Giorgia Goutzas Year 9 Simone Robertson Year 12 Mrs Egan and Jarman Maths and English Coordinators UNIFORM NEED ALTERING? Too long, too tight, elastic not right? I have over 50 Years’ experience in sewing and doing alterations and now I do them for my Grandson’s uniforms! If you need prompt, affordable help with making those uniforms fit just right, please call me. I can also come to the uniform shop if you need help with fitting. Tina 9399 8009 or 0410 540 084 Science News End of Term 3 2015 Farewell The Science Department bids farewell to Rochelle Hunter, our long serving Laboratory Assistant. Rochelle has been an integral part of the science scene here at Brigidine for 9 years. During that time we have benefitted from her thorough knowledge of laboratory techniques that has kept our department ticking over. Her experience has greatly aided our teaching staff with the delivery of authentic learning experiences for the girls. Rochelle, your “can do” attitude will be greatly missed but we wish you well in your new endeavours. Goodbye and Good Luck Our Year Twelve girls have had their last formal classes this week. The Science department wishes for them a time of effective study and good health over the next six weeks. Your teachers, as always, are available on the end of an email or a phone if you need help. Holiday Opportunities. The Conoc oPhillips Science Experience , Is a fun 3 days of science activities for Year 9 and 10 students. It is planned to be conducted at the University of NSW between 28 and 30 September. Each program is designed to provide students who have an interest in science with an opportunity to engage in a wide range of fascinating science activities under the guidance of scientists who love their work. The program also provides information about further studies in science, technology and engineering. It highlights the wide range of careers that allow students to pursue their interest and abilities in the sciences. One aspect of the program often commented on by participants is the opportunity to meet and share ideas with students from different schools. Each program includes a BBQ or other social activity. Cost of attendance is $120 per student. The Rotary Club of Randwick is prepared to sponsor one student from each school. Should we have more than one student, this sponsorship can be shared. Given that applications close very soon, any students interested in attending, please fill out the application form on the attached brochure, indicating sponsorship by the Rotary Club of Randwick, and email it to [email protected] and cc it to Richard Woodburn [email protected] The Rotary Club will then be directly invoiced by the organisers. More details are on the website at or you can contact me for any other information or clarification. Engineer' s Australia Sydney Wom en in Engineering Engineer's Australia Sydney Women in Engineering is delighted to be running the Experience It! student engineering conference again on Thursday, 1 October 2015. The Experience It! student conference is an all-day Engineering event for female HS students in Years 9-12, aimed at encouraging young females to discover a career and study Engineering at a tertiary institution. The conference will be an exciting and busy day of hands-on workshops, team-based activities, inspirational speeches from students and industry, a Careers Panel and networking event. Due to positive student feedback from last year's event, they've increased registrations from 100 to 160 this year. To accommodate this increase, they've extended registrations for the event until 19 September 2015 and increased industry visibility throughout the program. An existing issue faced by the engineering profession is attracting young women from secondary schools to study engineering and consider it a progressive, dynamic and character-building career. Their solution is to provide a fun, interactive and informative 1-day conference for students in Years 9-12. If students want to know more about engineering and what they can do as an engineer, this conference is for them! What will students get out of it? Students will get to explore the peculiar, bizarre and awe-inspiring applications of engineering through: Hands-on workshops; Talks from current engineering students and industry representatives; Learn what engineering is about and the careers and opportunities available to them; Careers panel and networking event - meet representatives from ARUP, Aurecon, UWS + TBA Who will be there? Workshops and activities will be run by UNSW, UTS, UWS and UOW. EA Women in Engineering representatives and event sponsors - ARUP, Aurecon, and UWS will also be present. Students will hear from Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla Founding Director, Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology and Pia Seeto (TBA) - Portfolio Director for Managed Services, Ericsson. Event information: Venue: Colombo Theatre A, at UNSW Australia (160 capacity) Date: Thursday, 1 October 2015 (8.45am – 4pm) Cost: FREE! Registrations Extended To: 19 September 2015. See the flyer link below: nceflyer-extended.pdf Ms Tapp Science Coordinator CAREERS NEWS Important dates for our 2015 HSC graduating class: September 30 - UAC Entries – on time entries need to be completed September 30 – School’s Recommendation Scheme (SRS) applications close November 30 - Educational Access Scheme (EAS) applications due December 16 – HSC results released by BOSTES December 17 – ATARs released by UAC on their website at 9am 6 January 2016 – Change of UAC preferences for main round of offers 20 January 2016 – Offers released by UAC 6pm Also a reminder to all Year 12 students, I am contactable by email to assist with any queries regarding UAC, the application process, accepting offers etc. Continue to check your school email account and the Careers Edmodo page for updated information regarding careers. Universities UNSW: 2015 Portfolio Entry Workshops Tue 29th September, 10.00am – 12.00pm Thu 1st October, 10.00am – 12.00pm Paddington Campus, CNR Oxford St & Greens Road, Paddington A free workshop for prospective students to learn how to prepare and develop their own portfolio. Assessment staff will be available to provide personal feedback, guide students through the best possible portfolio, and offer step-by-step advice on portfolio submission. UNSW: Women in Finance Capital W Workshop Fri 16th October, 9.00am – 2.00pm, 1 O'Connell Street Learn about a career in business and the industry in general by speaking to some of Capital W’s sponsors. Attendees will also learn about the Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Actuarial studies, and Bachelor of Economics, as well as the career opportunities these degrees provide. UNSW: Taste of Electrical Engineering Mon 21st September – Wed 23rd September, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW, Kensington A three-day exploration of electrical engineering for Year 10 and 11 high school students with an aptitude for mathematics, a passion for science, and a love of problem solving. Workshops will include challenges and an introduction to the basics of several electrical engineering disciplines. Western Sydney University Scholarships Vice Chancellor’s Leadership Scholarship and Aspire (Group A) applications close: January 2015 UWS Sports Scholarship (Group A) applications close: January 2015 Donor Funded Scholarship (Group B) applications close: January 2015 Western Sydney University awards a number of scholarships to recognize attributes including leadership, academic excellence, sporting achievement and community involvement, as well as a number of equity scholarships to support students. ships UOW: Bonus Points UOW offers bonus points to local and regional students who live within the University’s catchment area and to students who do well in HSC subjects relevant to their chosen undergraduate degree. Students can receive a maximum of 6 points, 3 points if they live within the UOW catchment area and up to 3 points for students who do well in subjects relevant to their chosen UOW degree. Students who qualify to receive bonus points will automatically have them added to their ATAR by UAC for that UOW preference. Essential Guide for Graduates The Workforce Development Services team has produced the third Essential Guide for Graduates called - 25 things your future boss needs to tell you; Applying for the right job; and Time to get a job. The resource was written by a university student to provide some tips and tricks for students who are about to complete their course from school, university or technical college/institute. Lost on Campus App This free application for your Smartphone has detailed maps and information on a range of universities and campuses around Australia. The app includes detailed information on rooms, locations of ATMs, water bubblers, vending machines, car parks and much more. To download the app search for “Lost on Campus” in the Apple App Store. It is also available on Android. C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship Applications open: Mon 7th December Applications close: Fri 8th January 2016 The C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship provides residential scholarships to undergraduate and post graduate students to the value of $45, 000 over 3 years. Selection is largely based on personal qualities, demonstrated leadership, and academic ability. Students may study a course of their choosing as long as it is at one of the specified institutions. TAFE & Apprenticeships Sydney TAFE: Information Sessions Sydney TAFE Bachelor of Design: Tue 13th October, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Design Centre Enmore, Exhibition Space, 110 Edgeware Rd Enmore Interior Design and Decoration: Thu 12th November, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Design Centre Enmore, Exhibition Space, 110 Edgeware Rd Enmore Hospitality: Wed 2nd December, 11.30am – 6.00pm, The Apprentice Restaurant, Level 7, Building E, Corner of Harris and Thomas Street, Ultimo Graphic Design: Wed 2nd December, 4.00pm – 6.00pm, St George College, Building M, Level 1, Room 3 (M1.3), 19 Montgomery Street, St George Sydney TAFE: Apprenticeship Days Tue 10th November, 1.00pm – 7.00pm, Sydney TAFE, Gymea Campus, Cnr of Hotham Rd and the Kingsway Thu 12th November, 1.00pm – 7.00pm, Sydney TAFE, Ultimo College, Jones Street Mall, Ultimo An opportunity to speak to staff, graduates, employers and current students. Information sessions, demonstrations and tours will be held throughout the day. Gymea: Ultimo: Private Colleges Raffles College of Design and Commerce: Open Day Sat 19th September, 10.00am – 2.00pm, 1 Fitzwilliam Street, Parramatta Participate in portfolio workshops in Raffles’ creative studios, chat with program directors about courses, and hear from current students. Academy of Music and Performing Arts: Scholarship Showdown Entries close: Mon 26th October An opportunity to win a full scholarship for an Undergraduate degree worth $50,000. Musicians are required to submit two videos of two varied music performances. These can be in any genre and should showcase the applicant’s ability and personality. Dancers are required to submit a video of a choreographed solo 'Dance'. The piece should 3 – 5 minutes in length and may be in the genre of the applicant's choice. Dancers are also required to submit a second video explaining their piece and why they would like to study dance at tertiary level. Top Education Institute: Law Bonus Points Scheme Top Education Institute recognizes and rewards outstanding performance in the HSC by awarding up to 20 subject bonus points. Bonus points are awarded automatically to qualified students. To view the points available, visit: William Blue College of Hospitality Management: HSC Revision Workshop Fri 2nd October, 9.30am – 3.00pm, 1-5 Hickson Rd, The Rocks Hear from top industry lecturers, go over the curriculum, ask questions, and go over trouble areas in detail. Contact: 1300 851 23 or [email protected] Think Education: Early Entry Program The Early Entry Program enables students completing Year 12 to pre-enroll in their desired course before sitting exams. The program is available for students wishing to study at the Billy Blue College of Design, William Blue College of Hospitality and Tourism, APM College of Business and Communication, Australasian College of Natural Therapies, Jansen Newman Institute, Australian National College of Beauty, Southern School of Natural Therapies, and CATC Design School. Students may register their interest for the program to have a course and career advisor discuss their options. Sydney Film School University Pathway Sydney Film School (SFS) has relationships with several universities and can offer pathways to higher degrees for students who complete the Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media with SFS. Nature Care College: Health Careers Day Sat 21st November, 11.30am – 4.00pm, 46 Nicholson Street, St Leonards The healthy careers day will include a college presentation, informative talks with a course advisor, and an opportunity to tour the campus. Contact: 02 8423 8333 or [email protected] Whitehouse Institute of Design: 2016 Summer Holiday Workshops Commencing on January 4 2016, Whitehouse will be offering a series of 2, 3, 5 and 10 day workshops for those looking to build technique and skills in Fashion Illustration, Interiors Illustration or Image Styling. Actors College of Theatre and Television: Upcoming Auditions Advanced Diploma of Stage and Screen Acting: Wed 7th October, 9.00am – 5.00pm Advanced Diploma of Stage and Screen Acting: Sat 10th October, 9.00am – 1.00pm Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre: Sat 10th October, 9.00am – 1.00pm Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre: Mon 12th October, 9.00am – 5.00pm Macleay College: Evening Classes Available from February 2016 From February 2016 Macleay College will offer evening classes four nights a week from 6.00pm – 9.00pm. Evening classes will be available for all Diploma and Bachelor courses at both the Sydney and Melbourne campuses. Students who enrol into the evening course will study two nights a week during the trimester period. Endeavour College of Natural Health Info Session Wed 16th September, 5:30pm – 6:30pm, 815 - 825 George St Level 2, Sydney This information session provides information about studying Complementary Medicine, and provides you with the opportunity to see the facilities and chat to staff. Other News Ace the HSC Seminar: Term 4 2015 Sunday 1st November, UTS, Broadway Campus Sun 8th November, UTS Macquarie University An opportunity for students who are beginning their HSC Year and their parents to gain insight into the most important aspects of HSC success. The seminars will cover how to maintain a stress free year, secrets to HSC success, HSC English (Standard and Advanced), and Mathematics (General and 2 unit). Flying Fish Gap Year Adventures Flying Fish trains commercial maritime professionals and instructors of water sports and mountain sports. They have a number of training opportunities for anyone wanting to work instructing surfing, snow sports, wind surfing, scuba diving and more. Defence Careers Information Session Brookvale – Women in Defence Rock Climbing Night: Wed 23rd September, 6.00pm, Northern Beaches Rockhouse Unit 4E, 9-13 Winbourne Road Parramatta – Army Officer: Wed 23rd September, 6.30pm, 9 George Street Penrith – Women in Defence Rock Climbing Night: Thu 24th September, 6.00pm, The Climbing Centre Unit 3, 16 Borec Road Jennifer Nicolas Careers Advisor ALL NOTICES WILL NOW BE IN NEWSLETTER FOR 2 MONTHS ONLY, UNLESS REQUESTED TO KEEP THE AD GOING UNIFORM ITEMS FOR SALE All excellent condition Track suit jacket - size 10 $20 Skirt - size 4 $50 Shorts - size 8 $5 Swim costume - size 10 $10 (like new) Swim costume - size 8 $10 (like new) School hat $5 Call Hilary on 0433 829 833 2 X size 14 swimming costumes . (One as new $25 and other excellent condition $20) Track suit pants size 12 $15 School Blazer size 16 great condition $45 2 X Long sleeve white sports T-shirts ( I x new with tag on and other worn once $20 each ) Summer Dress size 10 (excellent condition). $35 Summer Dress size 12 ( good spare ) $15 Phone or text Mariana on 0414 797 400 1 x Pair track pants in excellent condition, hardly worn Size 14 $50 Rosie O’Brien on 0415 629 137 1 x Blazer – Age 16 - $60.00 (dry cleaned, like new) Accessories also for sale – include Brigidine Green Bag, Science and cookery aprons, navy cap, navy library bag. – The lot $75.00 Call Joanne on 0438781158 Junior Summer Uniform Dress size 10 $ 20 Blazer size 14 $ 50 Pullover size 12 $ 45 Summer Sport Uniform Short Sleeve Polo size 10 $5 Shorts size 10 $5 Swimming Costume size S $ 10 Junior Winter Uniform Skirt size 4 Long sleeve Blouse $ 65 size 10 $ 15 Winter Sport Uniform Track Jacket size 10 $ 20 Compulsory Accessories College Back Pack $ 35 Excursion back-Havasack $5 Navy Apron $5 White Apron $5 My contact number is 04 0623 777 4 (Jiva) The best time for me to be contacted is after 6:00 pm during week days and any time on the weekend.