5t Modeleine Sophie VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible
5t Modeleine Sophie VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible
5t Modeleine Sophie VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL EVEREST: CONQUERING CHATLENGES wlTH GOD'S MIGHTY POWER Kids entering kindergarten through Grade 5 next fall are invited to our 2015 Vacation Bible School program: Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Powerl Each day kids will hear Bible stories, learn new songs, play fun games, participate in a projeci that will help children show God's love to others, create fun crafts, and make new friends. Vacation Bible School will give children a wonderful experience of fun and faith this summer. VBS takes place at St. Madeleine Sophie the week of Auq 10-14 from 9am -11:45am. *** Need full day coverage for your child? SMS School Summer Camp offers wrap-around coverage with Vacation Bible School! Please contact SMS school at 355-3080 for details. Vacation Bible School Registration lnformation '1. Pre-registration is necessary. Please use the attached form to register. 2, Family Participation: Vacation Bible School is completely run by parish volunteers. The attached registration form lists areas where we need help to make the program run smoothly. Please indicate which area your family will be assisting with. Every family with children attending VBS must sign up to help in some way with VBS: from donating cookies or decorating or clean up, all easyO, see page 2 for sign up. 3. Fee $35 - lst child; $25 each additional child; Fee includes a T-shirt with the VBS logo, one CD per family of the music we'll be singing, daily crafts, and program supplies. 4, Place completed reqistration form and apolicable fee(cash or check made payable to St. Madeleine Sophie Church) _in an envelope and mailto: St. Madeleine Sophie Faith Formation Office - VBS Program 3514 Carman Rd. r Schenectady, NY 12303 ****Deadline for Registration is JulV 20.**** Opening Dav Vacation Bible School begins on Monday, August 10 at 9 am. Each morning we will gather in the Parish Center for an opening ceremony. Children will be divided into groups by grade level. At the end of each day we will gather again in the Parish Center for a closing, so please plan to pick your child up in the Parish Center al ll:4lam. Please have your child bring the following things each day to VBS: 1. Bag or backpack to carry things in. 2. Snack-Please have your child bring a drink and a snack each day. 3. Offering- Each morning the children will be invited to share an offering for our mission project. We will also collect canned goods for our food pantry. You will receive more information about this on the first day of VBS. Glosing Celebration and Luncheon We hope that you and your family will be able to join us on Friday, August 14 for our Closing Celebration, where we end our week-long journey and share with you what we've learned. lf you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Kelly, VBS Director, at 356-4504 or dkellyii@nvcap. rr. com. We look forward to seeing everyone this summer! St. Madeleine Sophie Church Vacation Bible School Registration Form 2015 Fee $3! lst child; 525 , each ndditionnl child l. Children's Child's Registration name N{/F Gradeentering in Sept.* Ag" TShirtSize (see below) "1. PARENT NAMES: ADDRESS: E-mail HOME FHONE: WORK OR EMERGENCY PHONE: If your child rvould like to be r,r'ith a friend in the SAME GRADE, please indicate friend's name: Important Medical info: My child has: (circle) Autism; ADHD; ADD; PDD; PeanutAllergy; Asthma; Diabetes, Hearing Disability; Gluten Free; other: ll. T-Shirts: Please use the following information to select a size. ) YM (size 10 -12) yL (size14 - 16) AS, AM, AL AXL, AXXL, YS(size 6 - 8 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES- PLEASE GHEGK oNE {1) of the SPAGES BELOW: Decoratins- eveninss orior to Aue 10 Closing Celebration -Friday, Aug 14 - donate food items, clean-up " Parish Center Clean Up- Friday, Aug14, immecliately following Closing Celebration. Please see next - for 'o release 2O75 St, Madeleine Sophie Parish Vacation Bible School PARENT/GUARDTAN CONSENT FORM . PHOTO/IITDEO RELEASE _l grant permission for my son/daughter to be photographed during 2015 Vacation Bible School. I further agree that these photos (still and moving) may be used in a variety of contexts to spotlight the Vacation Bible School program, including the parish and diocesan websites, parish bulletin boards and newsletter, news releases for community newspapers, and the Evangelist, etc. _l don't grant permission for my son/daughter to be photographed during Vacation Bible School. Child's Name Parent/Guard ian Signature: Date: Thank you ! Please Return Form to: St. Madeleine Sophie Faith Formation Office- VBS Program 3514 Carman Road Schenectady, NY 12303