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READ MORE - Trade Show Executive
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
Trade Show Industry Salutes the Present,
Ponders the Future at TSE Gold 100 Awards & Summit
By Hil Anderson, senior editor;
Renee Diiulio, senior editor, news & directories; and
Sandi Cain, news editor
Laguna Niguel, CA – It was the trade show
industry’s rendition of the Academy Awards
with the leaders, innovators and celebrities
of show biz gathering to celebrate the
success of the 100 top shows at Trade Show
Executive’s Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
September 17-19. It was “all about them”
and all for them as Trade Show Executive
magazine, 25 generous sponsors and six
supporting industry associations launched
a glitzy new event for the 100 honorees
that have set the Gold Standard for the
trade show industry. It featured three days
of inspiration and relaxation at the RitzCarlton Resort in Laguna Niguel, CA.
“An event to honor the highest
achievers in our industry was long overdue,”
said Darlene Gudea, VP, publisher and
editor of Trade Show Executive. “We were
very pleased that numerous industry
vendors and associations agreed. Their
support enabled us to create a first-class
event that exceeded the expectations of a
group that is not easily impressed.” Diane
Bjorklund, TSE’s director of events, added,
“We were thrilled to have the leading show
organizers – our industry’s celebrities –
join us for this inaugural event. It was the
interactive dialogue between the speakers
and audience that made the Gold Summit
so relevant. Many of the attendees were
taking notes, which is highly unusual for a
group of senior executives that are already
experts in their field.”
Ten Win Grand Award
At the Gold 100 Awards Gala, Nielsen
Business Media won a Grand Award as
“The Leading Show Producer” of 2007.
Nielsen’s honor was among the ten Grand
Awards presented to the associations,
private organizers and individual trade
shows that have achieved special distinction.
Nielsen produced nine of the top 100
exhibitions, accounting for a 9% share of
market. Most of its shows serve the retail
market, including the ASD/AMD events
that ranked #17 and #18 in the rankings.
Other shows include the HD Expo and
Conference serving the hospitality
sector and MedTrade.
“Our CEO [Greg Farrar] is not quite as cool [on the drums]
as NAMM’s CEO, but I know that he very much appreciates
this. It’s an honor to receive this, and on behalf of all the
very talented people at Nielsen, thank you very much.”
David Loechner, senior vp, Retail, Nielsen Business Media
Organizers of nine Gold 100 shows
“What a surprise [that CES won as the largest show]! I’m
standing up here so you’ll see me, I’m speaking so you’ll hear
me and I’m sitting down so you’ll appreciate me.”
Gary Shapiro, president & CEO,
Consumer Electronics Association
Organizers of The International CES
Grand Award: “The Leading Show
Grand Award: “The Largest Annual Trade
Show in the U.S.”
Trade Show Executive
“We are here to honor the 100 largest trade shows in the
United States. And tonight is all about you….. the most
powerful trendsetters in the industry. You set the Gold
Standard for others to follow. So, tonight we celebrate
and salute your success.”
Bill Kurtis, Producer/Broadcaster/Journalist/AT&T
Host of the TSE Gold Gala
“Thank you Advanstar for being the best owner anyone could
ever ask for, and for supporting us in our efforts to increase
customer service. This is MAGIC’s 75th anniversary. This
award will always be one of the highlights of that year.”
Chris DeMoulin, executive VP, Fashion Group, Advanstar Inc. &
president of MAGIC
Organizers of MAGIC Marketplace/August
Grand Award: “The Largest Show
Produced by an Independent Organizer”
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
“Thank you to Trade Show Executive magazine. It’s a great
honor. Also, thanks to Gia, Karen and Leslie.”
Michael Droeger, director, global expositions marketing
Also in photo (L to R): Gia Carunchio, senior director, global
expositions operations; Karen Savala, vice president, customer
service and outreach; Leslie Rauscher, senior manager,
Organizers of eight SEMICON shows worldwide
“This is great. This is an honor. Chicago has always been a
good town for us and we’re happy to be back there this year
as well as in the coming years. Our staff is really going to
appreciate this because we haven’t received any awards like
this in a long time. So thank you to Trade Show Executive. I
had a great time and I thank you for inviting me and honoring
our society today.”
Tom Shimala, director, technical exhibition, RSNA
Organizers of the Radiological Society of North America
Annual Meeting & Scientific Assembly
Grand Award: “The Top Brand”
“Thank you, Trade Show Executive. It’s a great honor for us.
We have a dedicated staff. We have all friends and family on
our staff. This show was born out of September 11th, and we
really appreciate the award. ”
Larry and Elizabeth Schur, president and show accountant,
Schur Management & Consulting Corp.
Organizers of ABC Kids Expo
Grand Award: “The Fastest-Growing Show
of 2007”
Grand Award: “The Show with the Highest
Economic Impact”
“This is a great thrill. Over the years, we certainly have tried to
keep the show fresh and innovative for our member companies
and the over 100,000 people that attend our show. We
appreciate our partners at ConvExx that help us out along the
way, and our other partners as well. Thank you very much.”
William Miller, senior vp of operations, Specialty Equipment
Market Association
Organizers of The SEMA Show
“This is definitely an honor and huge priority for us. I know
Chris Brown would really have preferred to be here tonight but
all of our staff is in Austin, TX this week for our Radio Show.
I think this honor definitely needs to go to Margaret Cassilly
who is our VP of international operations. She is the highlight
and spirit behind our initiative in this area. So for her, and on
behalf of the rest of the NAB team, thank you.”
Michelle Kelly, VP of event marketing, National Association of
Broadcasters, Organizers of The NAB Show
Grand Award: “The Most Innovative
Grand Award: “The Highest Global
Trade Show Executive
“I’m not much into speeches, so I’m just going to say thank
you on behalf of Surfaces and Hanley Wood. Thanks.”
Dana Teague, show director, Hanley Wood Exhibitions
Organizers of Surfaces
Grand Award: “The Best Use of
Continued on page 24
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
Continued from page 23
“I have to say, I’m really, really proud of our colleagues and
our contractor Freeman in working with us on revolutionizing
and uncovering new legitimate ways to be sustainable. There
are so many colleagues I have to thank, but none of them are
here with me. So I’d like to accept this award on behalf of
me, me alone, and only me (laughing). Thank you.”
Darrell Denny, chief revenue officer, Penton Media
Organizers of the Natural Products Expo West
Grand Award: “The Best Green Initiatives”
“On behalf of MAGIC, Chris and his team and everyone at Advanstar, and for making someone from the UK
who came here 13 years ago very welcome in the trade show industry, thank you very much for this [prize].”
Danny Phillips, executive vice president, Advanstar Communications, speaking on behalf of the group at
Advanstar Communications (third from left). Also in photo: (L to R): Ricky Sitomer, president and CEO of Blue
Star Jets; Diane Bjorklund, director of events, Trade Show Executive; (Danny Phillips); Colette O’Donnell, group
controller; Tony Calanca, executive vice president; Chris DeMoulin, president, MAGIC; Darlene Gudea, VP/
publisher and editor, Trade Show Executive.
Winner of the Grand Prize drawing for private jet travel on Blue Star Jets,
a Gold 100 sponsor
The nine other Grand Award recipients were:
• The International Consumer Electronics Show
Show, the annual Las
Vegas showplace for the latest in electronics for the consumer
market, was named “The Largest Trade Show” of 2007 with
1,804,070 net square feet of exhibit space [audited].
• Advanstar Communication’s fashion event MAGIC
Marketplace/August took the honor for “The Largest Show
Produced by an Independent Organizer” at 1,100,885 net square
SEMICON, which was heralded as “The Leading Brand
Worldwide,” with eight shows bearing the SEMICON name,
including SEMICON West, SEMICON China, SEMICON
Europa, SEMICON Japan, SEMICON Korea, SEMICON Russia,
SEMICON Singapore, and SEMICON Taiwan.
• The Radiological Society of North America’s RSNA
Scientific Assembly & Annual Meeting documented the “Highest
Economic Impact on a Host City” in 2007. RSNA attendees
spent $128 million in 2007 in Chicago, staying in hotels, dining
in area restaurants, and shopping and touring the city during
their stay. This figure is almost $15 million more than its closest
competitor, according to figures from the Chicago Convention
& Visitors Bureau. RSNA had the highest number of room
nights (129,794) and peak number of rooms reserved in one day
• It was no contest for the ABC Kids Expo, which won in the
category “Most Dramatic Growth.” The five-year-old show has
grown rapidly each year since its launch. Already a mega show
with 303,500 net square feet of exhibit space, this 78th-ranked
show grew 67% in net square feet, 51% in exhibiting companies
and 44% in attendance in the past year alone. No show came
even close to growing at these levels in all three metrics.
Currently, 103 exhibitors wait-listed for the 2009 event.
• In the category, “Most Innovative Practices,” there was no
competition once The SEMA Show entered. SEMA’s 2007 event
was an experiential and educational extravaganza, easily eclipsing
the 99 other shows not only with its creativity and innovation
but also for creating an event that the industry gets all revved
up about. Some of the show’s top drawing cards included “Hot
Import Night Rave” which recreated the thrills of the youth
lifestyle including hot cars, music and personalities; the Motor
Trend Proving Ground; the Off-Road Test Track, Mopar Alley,
which showcases the products and personalities of the specialty
equipment business; and the Green Zone, proving it’s cool to be
environmentally friendly. [TSE will report on the show in more
depth in the December issue.]
• There were several strong contenders for the award,
“Highest Global Participation.” But The NAB Show nabbed the
award, as a result of the show drawing 75 delegations from 166
countries – more than any other show. In total, the National
Association of Broadcasters show drew 28,000 international
attendees, nearly 30% of the total attendance.
• Surfaces won the Grand Award for being at “The Forefront
of Technology” with its innovative tools which leave no stone
unturned in prospecting, selling and providing strong customer
service to exhibitors and attendees. Moreover, organizer Hanley
Wood Exhibitions developed the tools in-house including
ADAPT! and HWE SalesLogix integrating EMS. The tools
enable the staff to assess historical and up-to-the-minute
registration info; create targeted campaigns; add programs that
meet the demographic criteria of past and present attendees;
examine sponsorship levels; check payment history; offer social
networking tools for appointment setting and lead retrieval;
create digital brochures and electronic buyer invitations; etc.
Trade Show Executive
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
from the latest CEIR Index. With
2008 mid-year metrics showing some
underperformance, growth in the
near term is not guaranteed. This is
particularly true in industries such as
consumer goods, food, and building
and construction, Ducate said. But
Ducate urged show organizers,
“Keep your eye on the ball, not on
the scorecard.”
Donnelly agreed that some tough
times may be ahead, having observed
registration data showing drops in
exhibitor registration and square
footage. He advised show organizers
to work with exhibitors to keep
them in a show, suggesting smaller
or combined booths. Destination
marketing and regional focuses can
Focus on the Future. “Focus on the expansion, which is going to last
help to boost attendance.
a lot longer than the recession,” said Frank Chow, senior economist for TSE.
But all was not doom and gloom.
Margaret Pederson, president of
column, the outlook was for some nearAmirex, noted that the exhibition
High Level Audience
term bumps in the road due to economic
industry is a strong industry with strong
The by-invitation-only event drew a
conditions, the rising cost of air travel
brands that bring stability to the market.
wide cross-section of industry leaders
and the nagging issue of obtaining U.S.
from Washington, DC to Santa Ana, CA.
visas for attendees from China. But things Power Lunch — Live
Among the attendees were presidents,
look brighter in the long term. “Focus
CEOs, CFOs, executive VPs, group
TSE Columnist Bob Dallmeyer brought
on the expansion, which is going to last a
VPs, show managers, leaders of trade
his highly acclaimed Power Lunch column
lot longer than the recession,” said Frank
show industry associations and other
to life with an interview of Chuck Yuska,
Chow, senior economist for TSE.
VIPs. Roughly 38% were new faces in
president and CEO of PMMI – The
Doug Ducate, president of the Center Packaging Machinery Manufacturers
the crowd – and hadn’t attended any
for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR)
trade show industry event during the
Institute, during lunch at the Gold
and Terence Donnelly, vice president of
past twelve months. They took part in a
Summit. Yuska discussed the challenges
fast-paced summit in which most sessions Experient, drilled down into the industry
of keeping a large international event
with specifics. Ducate reviewed results
were one hour or less. The summit
such as PACK EXPO at the top of its
included presentations,
game in a time when
interactive dialogues
business consolidation
and a live interview.
is hampering attendance
Sessions were devoted
growth. He said one
to updates and
of his most serious
discussions of the
concerns is being able to
burning issues of
predict the future during
the day such as travel
the ongoing technology
challenges, inflation,
boom and making sure
the global economic
the PMMI shows are
slowdown, reaching
on top of it. “Some kid
the youth market,
in a garage somewhere
convention centers of
is going to invent
the future, tapping into
something that I need to
global opportunities,
know about and be part
and more.
of,” he said.
• Natural Products Expo West
produced by New Hope Natural
Media, a division of Penton Media,
eclipsed the other shows and won
the Grand Award as “The Leader
in Green Initiatives.” The show’s
eco-friendly procedures touched
every facet of the show – some
55 points relating to the site, the
staff, the exhibitors, sponsors,
attendees, service contractors
and other vendors. For example,
show management uses paperless
technology when possible and
biodegradable paper stock
otherwise; reuses the majority of
signage and structures for three
years; has reusable badges; requires
green initiatives in all RFPs and
uses vendors that support the
green philosophy.
Trending & Spending
Panel Gives Forecast
During a special
live version of Trade
Show Executive’s toprated Trending & Spending
Looking Abroad
An intended discussion
on how the present
economic situation will
impact international
Looming Challenges. The Trending and Spending session focused on the near-term prospects for the economy
and the exhibition industry. The panel included (R-L): moderator Margaret Pederson, IAEE Chair-Elect, TSE economist show participation
Frank Chow, Doug Ducate, president and CEO of CEIR, and Terence Donnelly, vice president of Experient.
became a true discussion
Continued on page 26
Trade Show Executive
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
Continued from page 25
In the session on international participation, co-moderator Cherif Moujabber, president
and CEO of Creative Expos and Conferences, posed questions to the audience on global
expansion, currency exchange rates and the U.S. visa process.
when international experts Cherif Moujabber and Cliff Wallace
put the session in attendees’ hands. Topics addressed included
visas, currencies, international marketing and emerging markets,
particularly Asia.
Cherif is president and CEO of Creative Expos and
Conferences. Cliff is managing director of the Hong Kong
Convention & Exhibition Centre and Chairman of Hong Kong
– Shanghai Venue Management (Zhengzhou) Ltd. managing the
Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre in
Henan Province, China. He is also the President of UFI, The
Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.
“The exchange rate is both a blessing and a hindrance,”
said Cherif. “Some feel the lower dollar will help international
businesses with the costs of exhibiting in the U.S. yet it may also
Bob Harar, CEO, National Trade
Productions, was among the show
organizers who shared their insights
during the give-and-take session.
George Melnykovich, president and
COO of the Food Processing Suppliers
Association said his international
exhibitors are also manufacturers who
are vulnerable to the ups and downs of
the world economy.
Co-moderator Cliff Wallace, CFE, chairman of Hong Kong-Shanghai Venue Mgt., Ltd.
and president of UFI, said China’s strong GDP growth is key to the growth of its exhibitions
hurt their ability to sell their resulting higher-priced goods.”
Asia was seen not only as a promising market for U.S.
organizers but as a necessary expansion for companies planning
on remaining in the elite ranks of the industry.
While the visa situation has improved somewhat, foreigners,
particularly Chinese, are challenged to prove that they do plan to
return to their native country. Organizers can help by providing
evidence of past attendance.
“Many organizers want to be in China and Russia and are
struggling to learn how those markets work,” Karen Savala, vice
president, customer service and outreach for Semiconductor
Equipment and Materials International (SEMI), said from the
audience during one of the lively give-and-take sessions.
Wallace added that Hong Kong’s influential exhibition
Charles McCurdy, CEO Canon
Communications, said international
expansion enables U.S. organizers to
reach those overseas customers who
prefer to attend shows on their own turf.
Trade Show Executive
Randy Bauler, corporate relations &
exhibits director for the ACCN Exhibits
Dept., offered international insights
gained from his experiences at ACCN and
his tenure as chairman of IAEE.
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
phone marketing was becoming a “musthave” tool to attract young entrepreneurs
to trade shows and the seemingly quaint
idea of face-to-face marketing in an age
when even e-mail is starting to become
considered old-fashioned. “Show
managers think they are reaching them
through online marketing or e-mail, but
then they hear comments like, ‘Why would
I use something so slow?’” said Margaret
Pederson, president of Amirex and ChairElect of the IAEE.
Digital Relationships Take Center Stage,
Says Terry Jones, Keynote Speaker
The idea of speaking directly to an
actual person in a B-to-B setting is not
obsolete and can even be appealing to
the up-and-coming generation. Keynote
speaker Terry Jones, the former president
of Sabre and the founder of Travelocity.
Terry Jones,
Jones, founder of, delivered a keynote session urging veteran show executives to embrace the digital
com, opened the conference with a
future. He called instant communications and digital relationships the preferred means for attendees to get information, and also
presentation on the importance
stressed that the quality of the content must remain high in order to make the best impression on customers.
of digital relationships. Jones made several
observations that successful business
market has generated steady growth year after year. “And that
strategies should incorporate. The first
growth is expected to continue for the next 10 years,” he added.
one — technology comes before technique — means improved
It was not as though organizers were ready to give up on
business processes often lag technological advances. For
the U.S. market. Organizers said they were prepared to compete
example, going way back in history, Alexander Graham Bell
and urged exhibition industry associations, particularly the
thought the telephone would be a tool for the deaf. Today,
International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE)
we are still determining how best to use the Internet. In the
and Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO) to start
meantime, markets have changed. Business is driven by speed and
using their influence to build up support for trade shows in
convenience, and buyers have more power. “We buy food at the
gas station, take pictures with our phones and bank in grocery
“Why can’t the U.S. have a national strategy of making this
stores,” Jones pointed out. “Choices are made instantly,” he added.
country a great destination for trade shows?” asked Gary Shapiro,
“Using your cell phone, you can pay for parking or buy a soda
president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association.
from a vending machine.” Innovation is necessary, and companies
need to think like their customers.
Jones said show managers are grappling with the issue of
Reaching the Younger Generation
attendees booking outside the room block and dealing with
The industry titans were not about to rest on their laurels
online travel services undercutting the rates. He noted that
when it comes to the future. There was a consensus that cellDonald Grinberg, principal architect at HNTB Architecture, said in the Tech Trek session
that convention centers have become increasingly well-equipped with the latest technology to
improve the customer experience and soften the buildings’ environmental impact.
Zack Below, president & CEO of, said that while the younger generations
are hooked on digital communications, they would likely respond well to the face-to-face
experiences that trade shows offer.
Continued on page 28
Trade Show Executive
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
Continued from page 27
trade shows offer automated registration
and hotel bookings but rarely travel. He
suggested that show managers integrate
all three with the registration process and
go a step further: cross-sell perks such as
upgrades and transfers.
Jones concluded by emphasizing that
customers are searching the web, not
surfing the web, and businesses must
ask how their clients will find them. The
answer should be multi-channel. “Faceto-face is not going away, but it is no
longer enough. You need to build digital
relationships,” said Jones.
Reaching the Millennials
The goal of technology, according
to 23-year-old Zack Below, president
and CEO of, is to get
professionals, particularly younger ones,
to use a social network and translate
that experience into a show visit. The
Millennium Generation is not coming
in droves to the show floor, said Below,
but they represent future buyers as
they rise in the corporate ranks. Show
organizers should be courting them
now. Below, a trade show attendee since
he was 14, said his tech-savvy peers
would become equally enthusiastic
about in-person events once they got
their foot in the door. He suggested
show organizers use the technology
which the Millenniums embrace
including viral marketing, social
networking and instant messaging.
Convention Centers of the Future
Technology isn’t just used to get
people in the door—it also opens the door
and impacts the users’ experience once
past the door. Donald Grinberg, principal
architect of HNTB Architecture, discussed
venue technology from the angle of how
it relates to people. Architects consider
several factors when designing buildings,
including productivity, sustainability,
user interfaces, event and management
integration and future proofing. New tools
help to improve these considerations.
Saving the Best for Last
The final session of the day addressed
the “burning questions” of the audience.
Moderated by Skip Farber, president
and CEO of MCF and Associates, and
Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of
the Consumer Electronics Association,
attendees were able to bring up subjects
that had not come up in the day-long
summit. The first question went to
Shapiro who organizes the largest trade
show in the U.S. An astute attendee
said that the International Consumer
Electronics Show (CES) often serves as an
indicator for the industry and wanted
to know what type of performance the
show is expecting in January. Shapiro
said the show had modified its space
to accommodate the enhancement of
the Las Vegas Convention Center, but
also noted that some exhibitors have
consolidated and some square footage
had been lost. He suggested organizers
consider economic conditions, industryspecific changes and event perception
as they forecast for future shows. From
there the discussion moved to politics and
the election (where Shapiro encouraged
the industry to become more active),
how to manage expectations as a show
hits critical mass (Farber suggested
a focus on buying power rather than
attendance numbers), how to maintain a
sense of community within large shows
(segmentation and communication),
the impact of air travel and the ratio of
national versus regional shows (a cyclical
process although top executives are rarely
found at regional events), the changing
retail model as more manufacturers begin
to sell directly to consumers (exhibitors
still benefit from media exposure and
image awareness if not distribution), and
innovation. “We need long-term planning
as a nation and an industry and we must
not be unwilling to change. ‘Pride cometh
before the fall,’” said Shapiro.
Survey Says….
Trade Show Executive is conducting
a survey of event participants and
sponsors to set the dates, site and
program for 2009. If you are interested
in serving on the Advisory Board, please
contact Darlene Gudea at dgudea@
Skip Farber, president of MCF & Associates, and Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the
Consumer Electronics Association, fielded burning questions from the audience on a variety of
topics. Questions ranged from, “How will the outcome of the Presidential election impact our
industry?” to, “Is attendance growth still realistic in our industry with corporate consolidations
reaching critical mass in many sectors?”
Chris Gowe, vice president, GLM, a dmg world media business, shares some ideas with a
fellow attendee. The Gold 100 event offered ample time for networking among peers.
Trade Show Executive
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
Craig Erlanger,
Erlanger, sales executive with the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority takes
his shot during the golf outing at the Monarch Beach Golf Links. Kevin Rabbitt, president
and CEO of GES Exposition Services, looks on, along with Skip Farber, president of MCF &
Associates, and Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association.
Golf sponsors Mike Reynolds,
Reynolds, senior director, national sales, Atlantic City Convention and
Visitors Authority and Gary Musich, vice president, convention development, Atlantic City
CVA (second and third from left) are pictured with the First Place winners of the Gold 100
golf outing. The foursome included (far left) Marco Parrotto, national sales executive,
Hargrove, Inc., (far right) Tom Shimala, director, technical exhibition, RSNA, and Mark
Palm, executive VP, Champion Exposition Services (second from right). Not shown: Dorian
Dickinson, VP, development & strategy,
Breakfast al fresco was served on the courtyard to get attendees off on the right foot at the
beginning of the morning summit sessions.
The Power Lunch session started out in the courtyard, where attendees enjoyed a second
helping of fine food and sunshine, then moved indoors for the live interview of Chuck Yuska.
Chris Lazar, director, strategic accounts, Reed Exhibitions, enjoys a break with Brian
Perkins, CEO of NGN – New Generation Network, and Chuck Yuska, president and CEO of
PMMI – Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association.
Diane Stone, COO, footwear division, ENK International, LLC, socializes with Claudia
Flowers, executive vice president, Questex Media Group, Inc.
Trade Show Executive
Continued on page 30
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
Continued from page 29
Diane Bjorklund, TSE’s director of events, welcomes the Gold Honorees at the opening reception
at the inaugural Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit. Bjorklund took the lead in organizing the event
from the ground up.
Darlene Gudea,
Gudea, publisher & editor of Trade Show Executive; television producer Bill Kurtis of
Kurtis Productions, and Diane Bjorklund, were the hosts of the three-day event.
Brian Casey, president & CEO of High Point Market Authority and Patricia Dwyer, senior
manager, SmithBucklin, took part in the networking at the opening reception.
Bill Kurtis mingles at the gala with Kathy Rivera, president,;
Rick Simon, president and CEO, United Service Companies, and Dorian Dickinson, vice
president, development & strategy,
Darlene Gudea enjoys a light moment at the gala with Vicky Papageorge, president,
Victoria’s Event Productions, and Nancy Walsh, executive vice president, Reed Exhibitions.
Gold honorees were on the dance floor moments after Wayne Foster Entertainment of
Carlsbad, CA hit the stage. The party lasted well beyond 3 a.m.
Trade Show Executive
Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards Gala & Summit
A soft-spoken president & CEO by day but a drum virtuoso at night, NAMM’s Joe Lamond
wowed the audience with his musical talents.
The NAMM Staff Infection with Show Director Kevin Johnstone playing the horns (not
pictured), got the crowd going as the gala celebration stretched into the night.
Arriving at the gala are Kevin
Johnstone, director of
trade shows for NAMM, Joe
Lamond, Dan Hayes,
executive director of convention
sales for SMG, Cherif
Moujabber, president,
Creative Expos & Conferences,
and Liz Crawford, group
director, Questex Media Group.
Lew Shomer (R), president of Shomex Productions and incoming executive director of SISO,
and Clare Shomer at the gala with David Korse, CEO of 5Net4 Productions.
Photo Credit: Laurel Hungerford Photography & Sherry Tesler
Remi Parrotto innocently
peeked into the ballroom to see
her daddy, Marco Parrotto
of Hargrove, Inc., and lit up
the room with her smile. We
quickly recruited her to help
congratulate the Gold 100
honorees. We’re betting that
20 years from now, she’ll be
running the show!
Darlene Gudea presents a dozen long-stemmed roses as a fragrant salute to “Lady Di” for a
job well done.
Trade Show Executive