Sunday Service Times - Auburn Church of the Nazarene
Sunday Service Times - Auburn Church of the Nazarene
THIS WEEK AT AUBURN CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday, December 29 The Gathering The Encounter Worship Bible Blast~preschool-elementary Journey Groups~youth and adults Samoan Service Hispanic Service 9:15am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 3:00pm Monday, December 30 Un-Hanging of the Christmas Greens Men’s Berean Brothers Group 10:30am 6:30pm Tuesday, December 31 Prayer Group, room 16 Hispanic Worship Team Practice 10:45am 7:00pm Our journey into the life of God. December 29, 2013 Wednesday, January 1 Happy New Year! Church Office and Daycare Closed No Mid-Week Activities Thursday, January 2 Worship Team Practice 6:30pm Friday, January 3 AA Group Samoan Youth 6:30pm 8:00pm Saturday, January 4 CPR/First Aid Course Samoan Choir 9:00am-1:00pm 4:00pm Sunday, January 5 The Gathering The Encounter Worship Bible Blast~preschool-elementary Journey Groups~youth and adults Samoan Service Hispanic Service 9:15am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 3:00pm VOLUNTEERS NEXT WEEK, JANUARY 5 Ushers: Ken Hettman, Bill Platt, Gary Torgerson, Edwin Velasquez Security: Jared Shropshire Baby Lambs Nursery: To Be Announced Baby Rocker: To Be Announced Preschool: Ned Wetmore Elementary: To Be Announced Sunday Service Times 9:15am The Gathering 10:00am The Encounter 10:30am The Children’s Zone 11:00am Journey Groups 12:15pm Samoan Service 3:00pm Hispanic Service Pastor: Rich Mark [email protected] Samoan Pastor: Steve Leau [email protected] Hispanic Pastor: Heri Aguero [email protected] Office Secretary: Lynne Lande [email protected] Luv-n-Care Director: Michelle Farrar [email protected] 1225 29th St. S.E. Auburn, WA 98002 • 253-833-5644 • UN-HANGING OF THE GREENS YOUTH MINISTRIES CHRISTMAS BREAK CHANGE: Collide will not meet, Wednesday, January 1. We will return, Wednesday, January 8. Bring a friend for a fun night! UN-HANGING of the GREENS Monday, December 30, 10:30am Plan to come and help for a couple hours to take down and pack away our Christmas decorations until next year. We could especially use the help of some men for the ladder work. Many hands make for light work. See you there! The Children’s WEDNESDAY EVENING REMEMEBER...There will be no Wednesday evenings activities on Wednesday, January 1, 2014. We will return with our normal Wednesday evenings of Soup & Bread, Prayer Time, Digg ‘N Deep, Youth Collide and Adult Electives on January 8. CPR/FIRST AID KEEP THE BEAT, CPR/First Aid course, Saturday, January 4, 9:00am-1:00pm, Lawrence Hall, sponsored by our Luv-n-Care Daycare. This course is open to everyone. It will include, adult, child & infant CPR, blood born pathogens and HIV training. The cost is $45.00. Please register by calling the Daycare office, 253833-5644. Digg ‘N Deep will not meet during the Christmas break, Wednesday, January 1. We will be back, Wednesday, January 8, for Color Wars! Be sure to wear your team colors. See you then! CHILDREN’S Mission Book review: The Chinese Treasure by Cisca Ireland-Verwoerd. Read Jo’s diary and learn how the Christian message significantly changed the lives of Chinese people. Check out a book at the table in the main hall. THANK YOU to everyone who lent a helping hand for our All Church Potluck. You are appreciated! The meal was delicious and was an enjoyable time for all. IMPORTANT NOTICE: In order to claim a charitable contribution deduction for 2013, donors must deliver or mail (must be postmarked) checks on or by December 31, 2013. For more information contact Penny Clemmer, 253-833-5644. AN update church directory is in the works. Please contact the church office for any changes to your address, phone or e-mail. AN Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group meets at our church the first Tuesday of every month, 12:00pm-1:30pm, room 15. Are you or someone you know caring for someone with memory loss? This group provides a consistent and caring place for people to learn, share and gain emotional support from others who are also on this unique journey of providing care to a person with memory loss. This group is free of charge. For more information, contact group facilitator Val Brustad, 253-8547658. JOURNEY GROUPS WE LOVE BIBLE BLAST ON SUNDAY MORNINGS! MISSIONS AWARENESS! LADIES MINISTRIES HOW many Missions Books do you have left to read? You have until the end of February to get all six of the 2013-14 books read. Check a book out from the table in the main hall. Book Review: Live Simply by Aimee Curtis. In Live Simply, you will read stories of Christ-followers around the world who live simply, either by choice or necessity. Their stories will inspire you as you contemplate the day-to-day choice you make in your own quest to live unburdened and free. LADIES, you are invited to our next meeting, Monday, January 13, 7:00pm, at the church. We will be planning our year and would love your ideas and input. Questions? Contact Cheryl Osborne, Ladies Ministries Director, 253-886-2558 ALABASTER BOXES are available on the table in the main hall. Pick one up today and save your change for the February offering. This twice a year offering goes towards buildings and properties on the mission fields. The journey of serving God by all ladies coming together to aid the needs of our church and our local community. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS YOU are invited to one of our Sunday morning Journey Groups that meet at 11:00am... Roy a Heirs l llege gs & Co ethin 20 Som up Gro Journey 30’s & 4 0’s Heaven Bound Youth YOUR giving is funding our local church mission. Thank you for tithing to God through Auburn Nazarene. Your generous giving and faithful tithes make our ministries possible. Tithes and Offerings needed for December Tithes and Offerings total received for December Global Mission needed for December Global Mission total received for December $23,953.00 $15,192.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 555.00
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Sunday Service Times - Auburn Church of the Nazarene
Ushers: Ken Hettman, Bill Platt, Gary Torgerson, Edwin Velasquez
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