This is to certify that Mr. Ferhat SIRINYILDIZ from Medicine Faculty
This is to certify that Mr. Ferhat SIRINYILDIZ from Medicine Faculty
E (g,=: l.I - DEPARTAMENTO DE FISIOLOGIA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS JOSE ANTONIO PARIENTE LLANOS Campus Universitario Avda. de Elvas, s/n 06006 Eadajoz Tel6fono: 924-289300 EXT. 86956 Fax:92+289388 EX [email protected] Badaloz, August 7 2015 To whom it mav concern: Dear Sir/N{adam, This is to certify that Mr. Ferhat SIRINYILDIZ from Medicine Faculty, Adnan Menderes University at Aydin (Turkey) visited my laboratory at Department of Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Extremadura at Badajoz (Spain) between 1* June to 7* August 2015. The main purpose of his visit was to learn new physiological techniques for research in apoptosis, western blotting and cell culture. During his stay, I was extremely impressed both with the high standard of his laboratory work and with his ability to organise and carry out his experiments. In addition, I have also found Mr. Ferhat SIRINYILDIZ to be confident, enthusiastic, competent, and capable. ours sincerely, Head of Department of Physiology Faculty of Science, University ofExtremadura Badajoz - Spain Tel: +0034 924289 300Ext.: 86956 Fax: +0034 924 289 388 E-mail: [email protected] E Higher Education Erasmus+ Learning Agreement form Ferhat SiRiNYtLDIz Section to be completed AFTER THE MOBILITY TRAINEESHIP CERTIFICATE ame of the traincc: Ferhat SIRINYILDIZ I{ame of the receiving organisation/enterprise: University of Extremadura Sector of the receiving organisation/enterprise: Faculty of Science, Department of Physiology Address ofthe receiving organisation,/enterprise [street, city, country, phone, e-mail address], website: Campus Univesitario Avda. De Elvas, s/n, 06006 Badajoz, Espana; Tel:924-289300/86956; Mailr [email protected]; Website: htto://www. Start and end of the traineeship: from [day/month/year] 0I/06/2075 till fday/month/year] 07/08/2OI5 Traineeship title: Trainee Detailed programme of the traineeship period including tasks carried out by the trainee: 1't week: Orientation and learning laboratory requirements, database research, 2nd week: Knowing the cell culture media, database research 3'd week: Learning cell culture maintenance: Changes of culture media of different tumor cell lines, data base resea rch 4th week: Developing skills for cell cultures, database research 5'n week: Developing skills for determine cell viability, database research 5'n week: Learning to determine apoptotic activity, database research 7th week: Practice to cell viability determinations, database researcn 8th week: Practice to measure of apoptotic activity, database research 9'n week: Practice at cellular physiology laboratory, database research Last 5 davs: Sharing ideas about novel techniques of physiology Knowledge, skills (intellectual and practical) and competences acquired ( achieved): 1. Learned how to prepare a cell culture media and be aware of changinqs at cell 2. Learned how to search novel knowledge about physiology at databases, li s E Erasmus+ Higher Education Learning Agreement form Ferhat SiRiNYILDIZ 3. Developed skills about determine apoptotic activity and experimental process, 4. Learned different methods to measure of apoptotic activity, 5. Expanded vision about design experiments, 6. Created good relations with experience researchers, 7. Gained new ideas about further researches Evaluation of the trainee: This training period was very fruitful for me. I met new researchers who are experienced and helped me to learn new data. I gained experience about cell physiology and developed my skills to create experiments. This period was also very impoftant for me to enrich myself intellectually. I am very happy to work with a professional team, I also have much more knowledge about the city and culture of Badajoz and Spain where I spent time while my training period. So my traineeship period was very useful for my academic career, intellectual development and cultural recognition. Date: O7l08/2O15 Name and signature of the responsible organisation/enterprise: Prof. Dr. Jose Antonio PARIENTE Head of Department of Physiology Faculty of Science, University of Extremadura Badajoz - Spain Tel: +0034 924 2a9 300 Ext: 86956 Fax: +0034 924 289 388 E-mail: [email protected] person at the receiving