Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 ' Page 1 of 26 F1LqC ') ' , . 1 ; G REG ORY A.BROW ER !; United StatesAttorney 2:iERIc JoHrqsou CCUNSEI JFARTIES ! 1rFIECOFD v/v 2 g gggg chiez f organized crime strike Force 3 RAxo LEE N BLls s I Assistqntu njtey states A tto 41 Organlzed Crime Strike yo r i NICHO LAS DICKINSON 5 AssistantUnited States Attorney THOM G OVER . i F 'I C ECVDED : 1 .' . .VE ()N 18Y: CCE I R I LT S U I y S I CD II SJF N ' C E JII JRTDEPdR je ney 6; ISpecialAssistantUjited StatesAttorney Lloyd D.George Unlted States Courthouse 7i E 333 Las Vegas Blvd South,Suite 5000 ' . gLasVegas,Nevada 89101 8; (702)388-6336/Fax:(702)388-6418 I 9: U N IT ED STA TES D ISTR IC T CO U R T 10 D ISTR IC T O F N EV A DA 11 -00 0i'UNITED STATES oFPlAMERICA, SUPERSEDI NG 12 CRIM INAL INDICTM ENT aintift 13 1V. )2:07-cr-145-KJD-PAL 14: RONALD JO EY SELLERS,A/K/A, FUZZY ; vjo t-v jo ss: 15 DANIEL JO SEPH EGAN,A/KJA,''DANO '; 18 U S.C. j 1962(d): Conspiracy to Engage in j Racketeer Influenced . 16 JAMES MILTON W ALLIS,A/K/A, ''GARGOYLE''; 17iRONNIE LEE JONES,A/K/A,''RJ''; 18 !TO NY H O W A RD M O RG A N I ; 191 KENNKTH RUSSELLKRUM,A/IVA,'' YUM ( YUM,H''BIG PIMPING,NAND ''BARNYARD''; 20 CHARLES EDW ARD GENSEMER , A/ ''CHARLEY'' K/A, ' 21 , 22 KORY ALLEN CRO SSMAN,A/K/A,''LOBES' '; 23I M ICHAEL W AYNE YOST,A/K/A,'BIG M IKE''' , 1. CHARLES LEE AXTELL,A/K/A,'COW BOY'' 24! SCOTT MICHAEL SIEBER, l HKNUCKLEHEAD'' 25i ; A/K/A, 26 JASO N F.INMAN,A/K/A,''J-BIRD''; RO BER T A LLEN YO UNG ,A /K/A ,''LIL R O B'' : D efendants. CorruptOrganlzation 18tjs.c.j 1959:ViolentCrime inAid of Racfeteering . 21 U S.C.5846@ConspiracytoDi stribute . Methamphetamlne 18 U.S.C. j 924(c): Posjession of a FirejrrrtDuring and inRelatlonto aDrug Trafhcklng Offense Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 2 of 26 I. 1 THE SPECIAL G RAND JURY CHARGES THAT: i 2 CO UNT ONE i RICO CO NSPIRACY 3' 4 THE ENTERPRISE 5 1. AtaIltimes relevantto this Indictmentthe Defendants,RONA LD KUOEY'' ' 6 SELLERS,A/K/A,''FUZZY'';DANIEL JOSEPH EGAN,A/K/A ,KiDA NO '';JAM ES M ILTO N 7j ' S,A/K/A,SIGARG OYLE'';RO NNIE LEE JO NES,A/K/A,CKRJ'';TO NY HOW A RD . W ALLI i 8( ; MO RGA N; KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM , A/K/A, ,:YUM YUM ,,, dçBIG PIM PING,,,and : 9; 'tBA RNYARD'';CHARLES EDW A RD GENSEM ER,A/K/A,ICCHARLEY,''KO RY ALLEN 10 CRO SSM AN,A/K/A,''LOBES''M ICHAEL W AYNE YOST,A/K/A,':BIG M IKE'';CHARLES 11! LEE AXTELL,A/K/A ,itcOW BOY'';SCOTT M ICHAEL SIEBER,A/K/A ,''KNUCKLEHEAD''; 12 JASO N F.INMA N,A/K/A,''J-BIRD'';ROBERT ALLEN YO UNG ,A/K/A,''LIL RO B'';and 13 others known and unknow n to the Special G rand Jury, including Guy Alm ony, a/k/a 14f' ''Baltim ore ''''B-More''or''Crab Cakes '' have been members and associates ofthe Aryan 15 W arriors,a crim inalorganization whose members engage in acts ofviolence,including acts 16II involving m urderand extorlion, corruption,illegalgam bling,unauthorized useand possession 17 ofaccess devices,and dealing in controlled substances. M em bers and associates ofthe 18 Aryan W arriors operate within the Nevada prison system anclwithin and about Nevada I 19 com m unities,including in oraboutLas Vegas,Henderson,Pahrum p,and Reno,Nevada. 20f: 2. The Aryan W arriors,including its Ieadership,m em bers,and associates, 21'constitutesanenterprisewithinthemeaningofTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 196144), . 22!:thatis,a group ofindividuals associated in fact,although nota Iegalentity. The enterprise 23 constitutes an ongoing organization whose m em bers function as a continuing unitfor a I: 24!6common purpose ofachievingthe objectivesoftheenterprise.The enterprise wasengaged 25' in,and its activities affected,interstate and foreign com m erce. 26 ;: ! I . . . 2 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL 1 Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 3 of 26 GENERAL BACKGROUND 2 3. The Aryan W arriors is a powerful,race-based gang operating inside the 3 State ofNevada prisons system . The Aryan W arriors offers protection to ''white''inm ates if 4 theyjointhecriminalenterprise.TheAryanW arriors,arigidlystructuredgroupofexclusively 5: ' white males,enforces a culture ofwhite purity orsuprem acy inside Nevada prisons through Ii 6 the promotion of''whites''asthe superiorrace and through constantconflictwith ''m inorities'' 7 and related groups within the prisons. They assed controloverother prisoners by using 8I violence, including m urder and attem pted m urder,assaults and extortion. They corrupt 9* guards,extortmoney and favorsfrom otherprisonersandtheirfam ilies,distribute illegaldrugs 10 and run extensive gam bling operations.The Aryan W arriors'express goalis notonly to 11 ccntrolthe Nevada prison system ,butalso to gain wealth and powerby establishing criminal 12 ''streetprograms,''infusing its m essage ofracialpurity and dom inance throughoutNevada 13 com m unities. 14 4. Initially,the Aryan W arriors was prim arily concerned w ith the protecticn of 15. 'white' 'inm atesand the prom otionofwhitesuprem acyand separatism within Nevada prisons. 16I ;. The Aryan W arriors subsequently expanded its focus to include illegalactivities forprofit 17.. within the Nevada prison system . M ore recently,the Al-yan W arriors has se1up crim inal II 18 activities outside the prisons and in local Nevada com m unities, primarily Las Vegas, 19 Henderson,Pahrum p and Reno. Often referred to as the 'street program ,' the Aryan i. W arriors intend this expansion outside the prisons to perm ititto raise greateram ounts of 201 21i. m oneyon the streetsthrough drug salesand extortion,to allow itto assistand suppod Aryan 22i 'jW arriorswho have leftprison and are living and operating onthe streets,and to spread its 23 m essage of racialpurity and dom inance throughoutNevada. In som e cases,the Aryan 24l W arriors has m ade alliances with prison gangs ofotherethnicities, such as the Suranos,to I 25I' aid in its unlawfulactivitiesforprofit. However,mostm em bers ofthe AryanW arriors live the 261. philosophy ofwhite suprem acy. I 3 i- Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL ; Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 4 of 26 : ! .I ! 1 5. The Aryan W arriors enforces its rules and prom otes discipline am ong its 2I' members, prospects and associates through m urder,attem pted m urder conspiracy to 3II m urder,assault,and threats againstthose who violate the rules or pose a threatto the I 4 : enterprise The Aryan W arriorsalso uses m urder,the threatofm urder,assaults and threats . 5i:to m aintain a position ofpowerinside and outside ofthe prisons. M aintaining powerand 6I 'I avoiding loss ofstature m otivates the Aryan W arriors and its m em bers and associates to 7! com m itviolentactsagainstindividualsbelievedto be disrespectfultowardtheAryanW arriors. 8j Those m em bers,prospectsandassociateswho do notfollow theordersofthe AryanW arriors ' ! 91 are also subjectto murderand assault,as is anyone who uses violence againstanAryan : 10 IW arriorsm em ber,prospect,orassociate.Aryan W arriors m em bers,prospects orassociates 11j'who cooperatewith law enforcementauthoritiesare also subjectto murderand assault. . 122.6. TheAryanW arriorsadheretoawrittenmanifesto,whichstatesthebeliefs, 13'1dutiesand responsibilities ofthe organization and m em bership.This m anifesto,in explaining ' !I 14i'the organizations beliefs,provides,in pad:''Ourgoalisthe supremacyofthe Aryan race in : mind,body,culttlre,and in aIlenvironm ents,orhum an conditions. And Only there by the 151 . 161! controlofour destinies and goals,individually,and as a group,is m astered as a race....'' 17Il The m anifesto delineates Aryans,who are considered the ''W hite Race,''from ''Caucasians,'' 18S w ho ''have very Iittle know ledge oraw areness oftheirblood,ancestry,etc....'' Accordingly, i' 19' J''Caucasians are easily identjfied as those in Ithe W hite Racel as informants (RATS), . f. 2OI 'I homosexuals, racetraitor,s(sic),child molester,s/rapist,s(sic),etc...forifthese individuals q - 21i!were aware oftheirracialidentity,they would have honorand notvictim ize them selves and I 22? ace. I ourr . 231' 7. The Aryan W arriors m anifesto directs Aryan W arriors mem bers and 24II prospects to search outand gain controloraccess to com puterrecords,prison reccrds and I 251 11 ' coud records and to elicitcomm unications with prison guards and otherprison staffforthe ; 26.. purpose ofdeterm ining those individuals whO the Aryan W arriors perceive as being against I. 4 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL ' Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 5 of 26 j I1 1! ! itsracialcause and illegalactivity.ln m eeting this obligatîon ofthe AryanW arriors m anifesto, ' fi 2: .Aryan W arriors m em bers are expected to obtain positions within the prisons and outside the 3 ' prisons in the jocalcom m unities to give them access to desired inform ation and to prom ote 4 ' their cause of w hite suprem acy. The A ryan W arriors m anifesto precludes m em bers 51 rospectsandassociatesfrom disclosing to non-m em bers''discussions,actions,m em bership, j. I- ! 6 ! and operations as wellas the rankings ofthe Aryan Com m and ofthe Aryan W arriors in this ' 71 oranyotherprison and in the free world ''Pursuantlo the m anifesto such transgressions are . 8 ''punishable by death in som e situations and/orsevere repercussions.'' 9:! M EM BERSHIP STRUCTURE 10i I . 8. TheAryanW arriors,manifestoestablishescedainpositionsorrankswithin 11.theenterprise:''(T)heAW Com mandisasfollowsonanyprisonyard,inthefreeworld,Orany 12 'othersituation' ,Group or Counselof Horn Holders (AIIHorn Holders)on active status, : 13:I ndividualHornHolderts)eachyard,LieutenantCommanders,BoltHolder,SergeantAtArms, . i ' 14.lMembers, and then Prospects.''The Aryan W arriors recruitpotentialm em bersor''prospects'' ' astheyenterthe Nevada prison system .In recruiting new prospects,the AryanW arriorslook 15'' . 161 :to exploitthe talents ofcertain prospects by identifying theirabilities to write,tattoo, :r 17'i m anufacture drugs oralcohol,extod orrun gam bling operations.O nce a prospectbeccmes 18I 1 1associatedwiththeAryanWarriors,theprospectmustrisethroughtheranksbycommitting 19 iactsofviolenceandbymaking moneyforthe organization.Prospects mustcarryout''blood il ,, ij ,, 11 ,, 20 work orperïorm a blood move, to become fullAryan W arriors m em bers. Blood work 21': means com m itting an actofviolence on anotherinm ate atthe direction ofAryan W arriors 22iIleaders.W hilea prospect,the individualisconsidered partoftheAryan W arriorsand entitled ' 2311tothefullprotectionoftheenterprise.Theprospectisalsosubjecttotherulesandordersof 24. '! the enterprise . 25' 9. Afterserving foran unspecified period oftim e,ifa prosped's conductis 26!1 Considered satisfactory,he is adm itted into the Aryan W arriors as a fullm em ber,known as 1I 'i ! I !: 5 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 6 of 26 : i ! i 1 ' a BoltHolderand svm bolized bv a Iiahtnina bolttattoo.BoltHolders are exnectedto continue I ' ' '' '' ' : 2i to engage in acts ofviolence atthe direction ofthe Horn Holders to eventually advance and 3. becom e a Horn Holder. I1O. 4; . Horn Holders representthe top echelon ofthe Aryan W arriors. They run 5I he organization,m aking decisionsaboutwho should be assaulted orattacked,whatm oney' t . 6 m aking schem es to use and how to cooperate with otlnerprison gangs. The Horn Holders 7! decide who within the Aryan W arriors enterprise gets m oney m ade through the Aryan E 8 q W arriors,various illegalactivities inside and outside the Nevada prisons. ' 94 11. In additionto mem bers,theenterprise includesthose closelyaffiliatedwith 10!. 'the AryanW arriorswho are called 'associates.''Associates whodo notfulfilltheirobligations 111 totheAryanW arriorsaresometimessubjecttoviolenceandmurder. 12iI ROLES O F THE DEFENDANTS : 13! 12. AtaIItimesrelevanttothis Indictment,the Defendants participated inthe ! 14 operation and the m anagem entofthe enterprise as follows: : 15 13. RONALD 'tJO EY''SELLERS,A/K/A,C'FUZZY,''isa Horn Holderorfeader 16I?ofthe Aryan W arriorsenterprise.Atvarious periodsoftim e alleged in this lndictm ent,Aryan 17'IjW arriorsmembersconsi dered SELLERS to bethe SupremeHorn Holderortlltimateleader 18/I ofAryan W arriors m em bers. As such,he controlled the Aryan W arriors organization both . 19,I inside ofthe Nevada prison system and outside ofthe prison system ,in Nevada com m unities II 20 ' such as Las Vegas,Henderson,Pahrum p and Reno. As an Aryan W arriors m em berand a 21il leaderofthe enterprise,SELLERS engages directly and indirectly in crim inalacts,including J 22II butnotlim ited to,m urder,drug trafficking,violentacls,extortion,corruption ofpublic officials, i . 23lI unauthorized use and possession ofaccess devices,and gam bling schemes. : ' 241114 . DANIEL JOSEPH EGAN,A/K/A ,''DANO ,''is a Horn HolderorIeaderof 2511the Aryan W arriors. Atvarious periods oftim e alleged in this lndictm ent,Aryan W arrior I. 1 26E m em bers considered EGA N to be second in com m and to SELLERS.As an Aryan W arriors ff ! I! 6 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 7 of 26 I I 1 m em berand a Ieaderofthe enlerprise,EGA N engagesdirectlyand indirectlyin crim inalacts, ' i including butnotIim ited to,drug trafficking,violentacts,extodion,corruption ofpubjicogicials, 24 3I 1 unauthorized use and possession ofaccess devices,and gam bling schem es. 4; 15. JAM ES M ILTO N W ALLIS,A/K/A,'iGARG OYLE,''hasbeena HornHolder 5) 2 orleaderofthe Aryan W arriors enterprise butis now considered a BoltHolder.As an Aryan ': 6'!W arriors m em berand a Ieaderofthe enterprise, W ALLIS engages directly and indirectly in 7. !'1crim inalacts, includingbutnotIimitedto,drugtrafficking,violentacts,extodion,corruptionof 81 : !publicofficials,unauthorizeduseandpossessionofaccessdevices,andgamblingschemes. 9 ! 16 RO NNIE LEE JONES,A/K/A,d$RJ,''is a retired Horn HolderorIeaderof . 10 the Aryan W arriors enterprise who continues to associate w ith the Aryan W arriors. As an 111 AryanW arriorsmemberandaIeaderoftheenterprise,JONESengagesdirectlyandindirectly 12.. in crim inalacts,including butnotlim ited to,drug traflicking,violentacts,extorlion,corruption :! 13i of public officials, unauthorized use and possession of access devices,and gam bling :! l4i'schemes . 15' 17 . J TO NY HOW A RD MO RGA N is an associate of the Aryan W arriors 16I enterprise. Asan asscciate ofthe AryanW arriorsenterprise M O RGA N engages directly and I : I 171 ! indirectly in crim inalacts, including butnotIim ited to,drug trafficking,violentacts,extortion, , 1 18,I . corruption of public officials,and unauthorized use and possession of access devices, 19!igamblingschemes. ' I j 2O; 18. : KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM , A/K/A, j;YUM YUM ,j, A/K/A, jjBIG 21b PIM PING ,''A/K/A K'BARNYARD ''is a Bolt Holderand Lieutenantofthe Aryan W arriors It T 2211enterprise. As an Aryan W arriors m em ber and a m anagerofAryan W arriors mem bers, i 23 ' KRUM engages directly and indirectly in crim inalacts,including butnot lim ited to,drug 24 trafficking, violent acts, extortion, corruption of public officials, unauthorized use and 25I possession ofaccess devices,and gambling schem es. l 26! . . . !! 7 ' Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL i j' Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 8 of 26 I 11i 19. CHARLES EDW ARD G ENSEM ER,A/K/A,<:CHARLEY,nisan associat() 1 I 2I: of the Aryan W arriors enterprise. As an associate of the Aryan W arriors enterprise, 3iI G ENSEM ER engagesdirectlyand indirectly in crim inalacts, including butnotIim ited to,drug 4I'trafficking, violent acts, extortion, corruption of public officials, unauthorized use and 5, possession ofaccess devices,and gam bling schemes. 6I !i i 2O. KORY ALLEN CRO SSMAN,A/K/A ,T'LO BES,'' is an associate and 7 ; prospectof the Aryan W arriors enterprise. As an associate and prospect of the Aryan : :. !Warriorsenterprise, CROSSM AN engages directly and indirectly in crim inalacts,including 8! :: 9! I but not Iim ited to, drug trafficking,violent acts, extodion, corruption of public officials, ii 1I 1O' unauthorized use and possessicn ofaccess devices.and gam bling schem es. 11I 21. M ICHAEL W AYNE YOST,A/K/A ,K'BIG M lKE,''is an associate ofthe 2 12! Aryan W arriors enterprise.Asan associate ofthe Aryan W arriorsenterprise,YOST engages 13i directlyand indirectly in criminalacts,including butnotIim ited to,drug trafficking,violentacts, ' 14I: extortion,corruption ofpublic officials,unauthorized use and possession ofaccess devices, : 1512 and gam bling schemes . 16I 22. CHARLES LEE AXTELL,A/K/A,'iCOW BOY,''isa Soldierand Prospect 17IIofthe Aryan W arriorsenterprise.As a Soldierand Prospectofthe Aryan W arriors enterprise, 18 :AXTELL engages directly and indirectly in crim inalacts,including butnotlim ited to,drug 19 trafficking, violent acts, extortion, corruption of public officials, unauthorized use and . 1 2OJ, possession ofaccess devices,and gam bling schem es. If 21 i23 SCOTT M ICHAEL SIEBER,M KIA,'KKNUCKLEHEA D,''is a BoltHolder Ii . : 22'i ofthe Aryan W arriors enterprise. As an Aryan W arriors mem ber,SIEBER engages directly 23 and indirectly in crim inalacts,including but not Iim ited to,drug trafficking,violent acts, 24!! extortion,corruption ofpublic officials,unauthorized use and possession ofaccess devices, : 25: and gam bling schemes. 26! . . . :I I 8 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL 1 24. Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 9 of 26 JASO N F.INM AN,A/K/A ,iCJ-BIRD,''isa BoltHolderoftheAryanW arriors 2 enterprise.As an Aryan W arriormem ber,INMAN engages directly and indirectly in crim inal I al acts, i ncludingbutnctIimitedto, drug trafficking,violentacts,extortion,corruption ofpublic 4 I. 7 Officials,unauthorized use and possession ofaccess devices,and gam bling schem es. i i I 5 : 25. ROBERT ALLEN YO UNG ,AIW A,''LIL RO B.''is a BoltHolderofthe ; 6 Aryan W arriors enterprise. As an Aryan W arrior mem ber,YO UNG engages directly and 7/! 'indirectly in crim inalacts. including butnotIimited to,drug trafficking,violentacts,extodion, 8l: corruption of public officials, unauthorized use and possession of access devices,and i i. gam bling schemes 9. . 10 ! PURPOSES O F THE ENTERPRISE l 11 26. The purposes ofthe enterprise incltldes the following: 12' A. to enrich the m em bers and associates ofthe enterprise 131 'throughthetraffickingofillegaldrugs,primarilymethamphetamineandmarijuana' i , I 14 ; B. ' to preserve and protectthe power,territory,and profitof 15!; the enterprise lhrough the use ofviolence,intim idation,threats,and extol -tion' , ! 16i c . g' to create,maintain,and controla marketplace forthe 1711distributionofcontrolled substances' , 18I1 D. to protectthe enterprise and its m em bers from detection . 1 19 ' apprehension and prosecution by Iaw enforcem ent' , !i 20i I E. to prevent,thwart,and retaliate againstacts ofviolence i 21 perpetrated by rivals againstthe enterprise and its m embers' ,and 22 i F. to promote.enhance and m aintain the reputation and 23: standing ofthe enterprise and its m em bers. :. : 24' 2516 . . . 26Ii ' ;f ?1 . I : . . . 9 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 10 of 26 I :. 1) '; MEANS AND METHODS OFTHE ENTERPRISE l27 2I AryanW arriors m em bers use various m eans and m ethodsto conductthe 1affairsofthe enterprise which fudhertheirwealth and control,secure theirprotection,and 3. . , q' 4 ' contribute to the growth and expansion ofthe enterprise's crim inaloperations both within the 5. Nevada prison system and within Nevada com m unities. The m eans and m ethods the 6. Defendants, RO NA LD IiJOEY''SELLERS,A/K/A ,''FUZZY''; DANIEL JO SEPH EGAN, 7 A/K/A,''DANO '';JAM ES M ILTO N W ALLIS,A/K/A ,SiGARGOYLE'';RO NNIE LEE JO NES, 8 A/K/A,ddRJ''; TO NY HOW ARD M ORGA N;KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM ,A/K/A,''YUM ' i 9 1YUM ,''''BIG PIM PING ,''and T'BARNYARD'';CHA RLES EDW ARD GENSEM ER,A/K/A, 1 ! ' 10 $;CHA RLEY,,,KO RY A LLEN CRO SSMAN,A/K/A,$:(.o BEs''M IC HA EL W AYNE YO ST, 11 A/K/A, SKBIG M IKE'';CHARLES LEE AXTELL,A/K/A ,'SCOW BOY''; SCOTT M ICHAEL iSIEBER,A/K/A,''KNUCKLEHEAD'';JASON F INMA N,A/K/A,''J-BlRD'';ROBERTA LLEN 12i Ij . 131 iI ,;and othermem bersofthe Aryan W arriors and theirassociates, 4 YO UNG,A/K/A ,'SLIL RO B, 141. including GuyAlmony,a/k/a Baltimore, B-M ore or Crab Cakes, use includethefollowing: 1 15 i /4 1 A. mem bers ofthe enterprise and theirassociates com m it,attem pt 16I! and threaten to com m itacts ofviolence,including m urder,threats ofm urderand extortion. !' 17j 'i B. membersoftheenterpri sepromotewhi tesupremacyandpuri ty 19I 1I : C. m em bers ofthe enterprise and theirassociates traffic in illegal ' 18 ofthe white race by threatening,intim idating and physically harm ing others. ' 20IEdrugs, including methamphetamine,marijuana and heroin. 21il D 22!! E mem bers ofthe enterprise corruptpublic officials. F. m em bersoftheenterprise possessand usaccessdeviceswithout jI 23 ' . 1i m em bers ofthe enterprise conductillegalgambling operations. 241! authorization to ccncealtheiractivities and to enhance theirw ealth. 25i! 1i . . . 26I! . . . l i j' 10 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL i. 1 28. Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 11 of 26 The Aryan W arriorsm ani festo also explainsthatm em bers,prospects and 2 associates are expected to engage in m oney-m aking operations,including crim inalactivity, 3 : forthe benefitand supportofAryan W arriors m em bers in the prisons and on theirrelease in ocalcommunities.Themanifesto statesthat''ltlhe assetandvalueofaMem bercanand 4 . the I 5i!w iIIbecome to hisBrothersandthe organization and Aryan cause rests solelywithin that !Member's heart It is self-determ inating group determ ination,individualawareness and 6i . . 7 :i l IJeadershi pthatadvancesourOrganizati on To pursue aIIopportunities to regulate our . Ii 8:i environm entis necessal -y forself-preservation.'' The m ani festo explains that'to seek out 1 ' 9: resourcesfrom drugs,tattooing,stores,etc.lsicl,canprovide forthe needsofourMembers, 10' and otherW hites....'' 11 29. The Aryan W arriors engage ln drug trafficking, primarily of 12i methamphetamineand marijuana,bothwithinand Outside ofthe prisonsystem.Throughits 13E:operations outside ofthe prison system (''the streetprogram''),implemented mainly in Las : 141:Vegas, BoulderCity,Pahrum p,and Reno,the Aryan W arriors recruitwom en and prison 15 ' guards to work w ith Aryan W arriors mem bers who have been released from prison. Aryan 16 E W arriors m em bersw ho have been released from prison and are partofthe ''streetprogram '' il manufacture m ethamphetam ine and purchase and acquire other drugs Aryan W arriors 171 . : 18.' m em bers conducting the 'street program '' distribute drugs within the Iocal Nevada 191.communitiesandprovide drugstowomenandprisonguardswho havebeenrecruitedbythe I 2011Aryan W arriorsas partofthe ''streetprogram .''The women and prison guards then sm uggle 21 I the drugs into the prison,where itisdistributed am ong the Aryan W arriors m em bersand their 22ii prospectsand associatesaccording to rank The AryanW arriors directm em bers running the . 231. ''streetprogram''and theirrecruitsto have cash earned from the salesofm etham phetam ine . 243f in localcomm unities be puton the prison accounts ofAryan W arriors leaders. The Aryan j' 25. ! W arriors also have profits from the sale ofm etham phetam ine and otherdrugs be held and i 1 I 26 :then provided as start-up m oneyforAryan W arriors m em bers who are released from prison. : fI 11 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL !' 1 3O. Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 12 of 26 The Aryan W arriors extod m oney from otherprisoners on essentially a 2I! ly basis. The Aryan W arriors inside the prisons threaten victim -inmates with bodily harm ' dai ' 3 ifthey refuse to provide to the Aryan W arriors com m issary item s orotheritem s ofvalue. p' 4 Al -yan W arriors also extortvictim -inm atesfam ily membersin Nevada com m unitiesand other 5 Iocations outside Nevada. The Aryan W arriors through threats ofbodily harm ,force victim - 6 inm atesto contactfam iiy mem bersand have them send moneyas extortion paymentsforthe 7 Aryan W arriors to notharm the victim -inm ates.Tlne Aryan W arriors then takethis moneyand 8 distribute itwithin theirenterprise according to rank. 9i . 31. . : The Aryan W arriors Operate illegal gam bling witjajn essentially aIl the 10 Nevada prisons on an almostdaily basis. Aryan W arriors mem bers inside the prisons run 11 spods betting and card gam esand othercasino gam es,using money,com m issary item s and 12 otheritems ofvalue. The Aryan W arriors then take this money and distribute itwithin their 13: enterprise according to rank. 14 32. The Aryan W arriors stealorfraudulently obtain identification docum ents 15 .. forpurposes ofcom m itting identity fraud to obtain m oney and to concealthe identities of 16 Aryan W arriors m em bers and theirassociates during the course ofothercrim inalconduct 17 done on behalfofthe enterprise.Aryan W arriors m em bers conducting the ''streetprogram '' 18: use Aryan W arriors m em bers,girlfriends and associates Iocated within the localNevada 19 com m unities to stealorfraudulently or'illegally obtain identification,creditcards and other 20!i docum ents containing individualidenti fication inform ation. The Aryan W arriors use these 21'' docum ents obtained through the ''street program ''to com m itfrauds for profit distributing 22ï. money from the frauds among Aryan W arriors m em bers and theirassociatesand to support 23:: othercrim inalactivitiesofthe Aryan W arriors including narcoticstrafficking and corruption of I. 24 pubfic officials.The Aryan W arriorsalso use these false identificaticm doctlments to conceal :l 25..theiridentities during the Aryan W arriors'various crim inalactivities. 26'' . lI 12 1 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL 1. Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 13 of 26 i: . I. 1i, i 33. To be able to conducttheirnarcotics trafficking,extortion ofinm ates and ' ! 2l i inginsidetheprisons, the AryanW arriorsrely onthe active assistance orwillfulneglect . gambl : 3IE :ofprisonguardsand otherstaffintheNevadaprisonsystem.The AryanW arriorscorrupt ' 4I li I guards and prison staffthrough bribery,including paym ents ofboth m oney and drugs. The j 5kiAryan W arriors also preclude or discourage guard oversight or enforcem ent of prison . 6 . discipline concerning theiractivities through fear. Guards within the Nevada prisons are ' 7 ifearfulofthe Aryan W arriors and the potentialofthe Aryan W arriors perpetuating acts of I 8 violence againstthem . The Aryan W arriors also befriend and obtain the cooperation of 9' . guards who are intrigued w ith the crim inalenterprise and its racialphilosophies. The Aryan 10jlW arriorsuse bribed orcorruptedguardstoactivelybring inorpermitothersto bring indrugs 11'itoAryanW arriorsmembersin Nevada prisons.TheAryanW arriors use bribed orcorrupted 12' guards orguards acting in fearoradm iration Ofthe enterprise to obtain paperwork orprison 13' ofice assignm ents allowing accessto paperworkconcerning inm ateswithinthe prisons.The 14'. A ryan W arriors use this inform ation to identify extortion victim -inm ates, including inm ates w ho : 15! '! are identified as hom osexuals, child m olesters and prison informants. The Aryan W arriors j 16. also rely on the acquiescence ofcorrupted guards to effectively controlprison yards and the 17l I operation ofgam bling and otherillegalactivities inside the prisons. The Aryan W arriors are II 18 also able to use corrupted guards to be given access to telephones orothercom m unication i 19' opportunities forcom m unications with enterprise m em bers and others outside the prisons 20iI iacting forthe ''streetprogram''in IocalNevada com munities. ; 21Ii ii 22:j 34. . THE Rlco CO NSPIRACY From in or about 1990, up through and including the date of this 231. Superseding lndictm ent, the Defendants,and others known and unknown to the Special 24. 1 G rand Jury, being persons em ployed by and associated w ith the Aryan W arriors, an : :i 25 ' enterprise,which engaged in,and the activities ofwhich affected,interstate com m erce,did !i 26!! know ingly and intentionally conspire to violate Titlel8, Uni ted StatesCode,Section 1962(c)' , : j! ;I ! 13 . Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 14 of 26 l 1 thatis.to conductand padicipate,directly and indirectly,in the conductofthe affairs ofthat 2j. : enterprise through a pattern ofracketeering activity,asthatterm isdefined by Titlel8,United . 3I1StatesCode Sections196141)and(5).Thepatternofracketeeringactivitythroughwhichthe , 4 defendants agreed to conductthe affairs ofthe enterprise consisted ofm ultiple acts involving 5E 1lmurder,inviolationofNevadaRevisedStatutes,Sections195.020 (aidingandabetting ),: !I 6 ' 199 480 (conspiracy), 200.030 (murder)and 193.330 (attempted murderl' ,extortion,in . 7 violationcfNevada Revised StatutesSection205.320. ,bribery,inviolationofNevada Revised : 8!'Statutes Section 197.020. ,operation ofan iilegalgambling business,in violation Nevada ii 9I ' Revised Statutes Sections465.092,465.093 and 463.160* ,and acts indictable underTitle 18, i' 101ë United States Code, Sections 1028,1341,and 1955,and Title 21,United States Code, 11f Sections 841 and 846 . 12 35. Itwas a partofthe conspiracy thatthe Defendants RO NALD 'SJO EY'' . 13 1! SELLERS,A/K/A ,x;FUZZY ,,;DA NIEL JO SEPH EGAN,A/K/A,<'DA NO '';JAM ES M ILTO N : 14 W ALLIS,A/K/A ,'fGA RGOYLE'';RONNIE LEE JONES,A/K/A ,:'RJ'';TONY HOW A RD 15: M ORGAN; KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM ,A/K/A, HYUM YUM ,'' ''BIG PIM PING,'' and 16! '<BA RNYARD'';CHARLES EDW ARD G ENSEM ER,A/K/A,S'CHA RLEY,''KORY ALLEN !I 17l CROSSMA N1 A/K/A , S'LOBES''M ICHAELW AYNEYOST# A/K/A,''BIG M IKE'';CHARLES . 18p' LEEAXTELL,AIKIA ,''COW BOY'';SCOTTM ICHAEL SIEBER,A/K/A,I'KNUCKLEHEA D''; ! I 19 JASO N F.INMAN,A/K/A ,4'J-BIRD'';ROBERT A LLEN YO UNG ,A/K/A,HLIL RO B''agreed 20f I!atleasttwo acts ofracketeering activity would be com m itted by a mem berofthe conspiracy 2117 in the ccmductofthe affairs oftbe enterprise . 22 ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNITED STATES CODE,SECTION 1962(d). ;p 23i 24) . . . . . I! 25 . , . ; 26: . . . II r 14 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 15 of 26 fI i f I I' 1: CO UNT TW O -NINE VIOLENT CRIM ES IN A ID OF RA CKETEERING ACTIVITY 2i i 3I 7 CO UNT TW O CO NSPIRACY TO GOM M IT AN ASSAULT W ITH A DANGEROUS W EA PO N UPON 1 1 I MARK FECHTMAN 4'. 5.136. . AtaI1timesrelevantto thisSuperseding lndictment,theAryanW arriors, ullydescried in Paragraphs 1throtlgh 33 ofthis Superseding lndictm ent,which are i s more f . 6J !a 7I: re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though setfodh fully herein,constituted an 8IJ enterprjse asdefined inTitle 18, United StatesCode,Section 1959(b)(2),namelytheAryan !' 1 f jW arriors,thatis,a group ofindividuals associated in factwhich was engaged in,and that : 9I 10f! 'activities ofwhich a#ected,interstate com m erce. . 1. 37. 11. 1' , 12 ' enterprise, Atalltimes relevantto this Superseding 1ndictm ent,the above-described through itm em bers and associates,engaged in racketeering activity as defined 132rin Title 18,United States Code.Sections 1959(b)(1)and 1961(1),namely,acts involving 14f: murdeq in violation ofNevada Revised Statutes Sections 195.020 (aiding and abetting), 15 199.480 (conspiracy), 200.030 (homicide)and 193.330 (attem pted murderl' ,extodion,in r olation ofNevada Revised StatutesSection205.320.,bribery,inviolationofNevada Revised 16p I vi I1 17/iStatutes Section 197.020, ,operation ofan illegalgambling business,in violation Nevada 18i: ,and actsindictable underTitle 18, iRevised StatutesSections465.092,465.093 and 463.160. l 19) JUniteclStates Code,Sections 1028,1341 and 1955,and Title 21,United States Code t 20/I i Sections 841 and 846 II 21II 38. On oraboutOctober 16,2004,in the State and DistrictojNevada,the . f1 I;Def 22. endant,DANIEL JOSEPH EGAN,AIKIA,'iDANO,''and othersknownand unknown,as 23!1 considerationforthe receiptof,and as consideration fora prom ise and an agreementto pay, 'f ; , anything ofpecuniaryvaluefrom the AryanW arriors,and forthe purpose ofgaining entrance 24 251! :to and m aintaining and increasing position in the Aryan W arriors,an enterprise engaged in . 261. racketeeringactivity,did knowingly,intentionally,and unlawfullyconspireto com m itan assault l! EI .' 15 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 16 of 26 2. 1ilwith a dangerousweapon,thatis,a razor-like instrument,upon MarkFechtman,inviolation 2 I ofNevada Revised Statutes 200.471 and 195.020. J 3 ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTION 1959(a)(6). !f 4 COUNT THREE ASSAULT W ITH A DANGEROUS W EAPON UPO N M ARK FECHTMA N 5Il 6J'39. Paragraphs 1 through 33 and 36 through 37 are re-alleged and incorporated by i 7 reference as though fully setotltherein. I 8I' O n oraboutOctober16,2004,in the State and DistrictofNevada,the Defendant, ; 9 DANIELJO SEPH EGAN,A/K/A, DANO, and othersknow nand unknown,asconsideration 10 forthe receiptof,and as consideration fora prom ise and an agreem entto pay,anything of '( pecuniary value from the Aryan W arriors.and forthe purpose ofgaining entrance to and 11i 12i! maintaining and increasing position in the Aryan W arriors,an enterprise engaged in 13p racketeering actîvity,did knowingly and intentionally,com m itan assaultwith a dangerous 14.f I weapon,t hatis,a razor-like instrum ent,upon M arkFechtm an,in violation ofNevada Revised 153 . Statutes 195.020. 1 161I i! / ALL IN VIOLATION OFTITLE 18,UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTIONS 1959(a)(3) 1 17 : and 2. J, ' 18g; CO UNT FO UR CONSPIRA CY TO COM MIT AN ASSA ULT W ITH A DANG EROUS W EAPO N UPON 191. CO DY DUNN paragraphs 1 through 33 and 36 through 37 are re-alleged and incorporated by 20Ii4O II . 2111 reference as though fully setoutherein. i 22; 41. On oraboutJanuary 4,2005,in the State and DistrictofNevada,the defendant, 23:. DANIEL JOSEPH EGAN,A/K/A,''DANO,''and othersknownand unknown,asconsideration i 24I forthe receiptof,and as consideration fora prom ise and an agreem entttlpay,anything of I 25: pecuniary value from the Aryan W arriors,and forthe purpose ofgaining entrance to and 26f1 m aintaining and increasing position in the Aryan W arriors,an enterprise engaged in 16 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 17 of 26 1 racketeering activity,did knowingly,intentionally,and unfawfullyconspire to com mitanassault 2 with a dangerous weaptm ,thatis,a knife,upon Cody Dunn,in violation ofNevada Revised 3 Statutes 200.471 and 195.020. 4i. l I ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18, UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTION 1959(a)(6). 5 COUNT FIVE ASSAULT W ITH A DANG ERO US W EAPON UPON CODY DUNN 6 l. 7' 42. Paragraphs 1 through 33 and 36 through 37 are re-alleged and 8 incorporated by reference as though fully setoutherein. 9 43. On or aboutJanuary 4,2005,in the State and Districtof Nevada,the 10 defendant,DANIEL JOSEPH EGAN,A/K/A,:iDA NO ,''and others know n and unknow n,as 11 consideration forthe receiptof,and asconsiderationfora prom ise and an agreem entto pay, 12 anything ofpecuniaryvalue from theAryanW arriors,andforthe purpose ofgaining entrance 13' to and m aintaining and increasing position in the Aryan W arriors,an enterprise engaged in 14 racketeering activity,did knowingly and intentionally,com m itan assaultwith a dangerous 15:! w eapon, thati s,a knife-likeobject,upcnCodyDunn,inviolationofNevadaRevisedStatutes. 16 195.020. 17 ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTIONS 1959(a)(3) 18,1 and 2. 19 i CO UNT SIX 11 CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT AN ASSAULT W ITH A DANGEROUS W EAPON UPON 20 i W ILLIAM GOCHENO UR 21iI 22. 44. Paragraphs 1 through 33 and 36 through 37 are re-alleged and 23! incorporated by reference as though fully setoutherein. 24'.45. O n oraboutFebruary 19,2007,in the State and DistrictofNevada,the 25 defendant, KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM ,A/K/A, SEYUM YUM ,'' iKBIG PIM PING ,''AND 26. tSBARNYARD,''and others known and unknown,as consideration forthe receiptof,and as 17 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL i Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 18 of 26 I I 11 Iconsiderationforapromiseandanagreementtopay,anythingofpecuniaryvaluefrom the ! ors, and forthe purpose ofgaining entrance to and m aintaining and increasing 2I AryanW arri I 3f 1' I 7OSition in the Aryan W arriors,an enterprise engaged in racketeering activity, 4 idid knowingly,intentionally,and unlawfully conspire to commitan assaultwith a dangerous I! 5 iweapon,thatis,a baton,upon W illiam Gochenour,in violation ofNevada Revised Statutes ë$ !I 7:I 6!! 200.471 and 195.020. il 83 i9!' ki ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTION 1959(a)(6). CO UNT SEVEN ASSAULT W ITH A DANGEROUS W EAPON UPON W ILLIAM GOCHENOUR 1O . jj' 46. Paragraphs 1 through 33 and 36 through 37 are re-alleged and ! incorporated by reference as though fully setoutherein 12i i ja 47. On oraboutFebruary 19,2007,in the State and DistrictofNevada,the . i j4! defendant, KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM , A/K/A, 'KYUM YUM ,'' IEBIG PIM PING ,''A ND 'SBARNYARD,''and others known and unknow n,as consideration forthe receiptof,and as 15!! : 16 consideration fora promise and an agreem entto pay,anything ofpecuniary value from the j7l' Aryan W arriors,and forthe purpose ofgaining entrance to and m aintaining and increasing 1 j81 ,positionintheAryanWarriors,anenterpriseengagedinracketeeringactivity, ' k. jg did knowingly,intentionally,and unlawfully com m itan assaultwith a dangerousweapon,that 20i :is,abaton, upon W illiam Gochenour,in violation ofNevada Revised Statutes 195.020. ! 21i i i ALLIN VIOLATION OFTITLE 18,UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTIONS 1959(a)(3) 22J AND 2. I i 23! : CO UNT EIGHT ASSA ULT W ITH A DANG ERO US W EAPO N UPO N GUY A LM ONY 24; p5! 48. Paragraphs 1 through 33 and 36 through 37 are re-alleged and 26' incorporated by reference as though fully setoutherein. I l 18 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL !; 1i 49. Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 19 of 26 On oraboutNovem ber20,2007,in the State and DistrictofNevada,the 2i:defendants,RO NA LD f'JOEY''SELLERS,A/K/A,i'FUZZY'';and JAM ES MILTO N W A LLIS, 31 A/K/A HGARGOYLE,''and others known and unknown,as consideration forthe receiptof, ' ! , 4! and as consideration fora prom ise and an agreem entto pay,anything ofpecuniary value 5!' from the Aryan W arriors,and forthe purpose ofgaining entrance to and maintaining and ; 611increasingpositionintheAryanw arriors,anenterpriseengagedinracketeeringactivity,did . ,.j 1' 1 knowingly and intentionally,com m itan assaultwith a dangerousweapon,thatis,a knife-like I: 8 object,upon GuyAlmony,inviolation ofNevada Revised Statutes.195.020. (j ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTIONS 1959(a)(3) 1(j. and 2. 11 CO UNT NINE M URDER O F A NTHONY BELTRAN ' 12i !2 jai; 50. Paragraphs 1 through 33 and 36 through 37 are re- alleged and j4i: incorporated by reference as though fully setoutherein. ; 15' 51. On oraboutDecem ber28,2006,in the State and DistrictofNevada,the j6! defendant,RONALD KIJOEY''SELLERS,A/K/A 'iFUZZY,''and others known and unknown, f! ' 17 as consideration forthe receiptof,and as consideration fora prom ise and an agreem entto jai i pay,anything ofpecuniary value from the Aryan W arriors,and forthe purpose ofgaining f; :! entrance to and m aintaining and increasing position in the Aryan W arriors,an enterprise 19. I engaged i >(j' n racketeering activity,did unlawfully,knowingfy and intentionally m urderAnthony . 'i 2j. Bel tran with prem editation and m alice aforethought,in violation ofNevada Revised Statutes 2a! 195.020 and 200.030. gall ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNTIED STATES CODE,SECTIONS 1959(a)(1) 24!1 aBd 2. ;I 25 . ' ' 26!i ' ' ' !19 I' Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL l Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 20 of 26 :' 11 ? 11 I 1!. couN'rTEN DRUG CONSPIRACY !! 2)i 3 ' 52. Beginning atan unknown time and continuing untilon oraboutJuly2007, 4 ! Defendants RO NALD SKJOEY''SELLERS,A/K/A, ''FUZZY''; DA NIEL JO SEPH EGAN, 1. i 5i!A/K/A,'IDA NO '';JAM ES M ILTO N W ALLIS,A/K/A,fKGARGOYLE'';RO NNIE LEE JO NES, i! 6IjA/K/A,;$RJ'';TONY HOW ARD MORGAN;KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM,A/K/A,KIYUM ;i 7J1YuM,''''slG pIM plNG,''and ''BA RNYA RD'';cHAnl-Es EDw ARD G ENSEM ER,m K/A, : :! .& 8. CHARLEY,,,KORY ALLEN CROSSM AN,A/K/A ,..LO BES ,. M ICHA EL W AYNE YO ST, t) A/K/A,'SBIG M IKE'';CHARLES LEE AXTELL,A/K/A,'SCOW BOY,'' and otherm em bersof jtl the Aryan W arriors and theirassociates,including G uy Alm ony,a/k/a ''Baltim ore,'''B-M ore'' jj or''Crab Cakes,''did knowingly and intentionally conspire to distribute 50 gram s orm ore of '. I j2;! a m ixture and substance containing a detectible am ount ofm etham phetam ine,its salts, ' : ja. isomers and salts ofits isom ers. j4l ALL IN VIO LATIO N O F TITLE 21,UNfTED STATES CODE,SECTIO N 846. 15 I 16 ! ! i CO UNT ELEVEN PO SS ESSION O F A FIREARM DURING A DRUG TRAFFICKING OFFENSE - - - 17 I j8I, 54. Betw een on or about M arch 1, 2006, and April 25, 2006, Defendant li jgI RONNIE LEE JO NES,A/K/A,KtRJ,''during and in relation to a drug traficking crim e;thatis, 20.. the offense setforth in Count-renofthisSuperseding Indictment,w hich Countisincorporated 2jii herein by reference,did knowingly possess a firearm . 22!1 ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18, UNITED STATES CODE,SECTIONS 924(C)(1) 23 A ND 2. 241! ' ' ' 251' ' ' ' :6I' . . . : I 4: l 20 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL I IE Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 21 of 26 CO UNT TW ELVE 1j POSSESSION OF A FIREARM DURING A DRUG TRAFFICKING OFFENSE 2i 3i 55. Between on oraboutM arch 1,2006,and April25,2006,DefendantTONY 4iI l HOW ARD M O RGAN,during and in relation to a drug trafficking crim e;thatis,the offense set : 5 . forth in CountTen ofthis Superseding Indictm ent,which Countis incorporated hcrein by 6 . reference,did know ingly possess a firearm . 7:I ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNITED STATES CO DE,SECTIONS 924(C)(1) 8 EAND 2. 9i' COUNTTHIRTEEN POSSESSION O F A FIREARM DURING A DRUG TRAFFICKING O FFENSE ' 10 11 56. 12 Between on or about M arch 1,2006, and April25,2006,Defendant KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM ,A/K/A ,HYUM YUM ,''''BIG PIM PING ,''and IiBA RNYARD,'' ' 1a! duringandinrelationtoadrugtraffickingcrime;thatis,theoffensesetforthinCountTenof 14 ithis Superseding Indictm ent,which Countis incorporated herein by reference,did knowingly 151: possess a firearm . 16 ALL IN VIOLATION OF TITLE 18,UNITED STATES CODE,SECTIONS 924(C)(1) 17J.AND 2. i! 18! COUNT FOURTEEN POSSESS#O N O F A FIREARM DURING A DRUG TRAFFICKING O FFENSE 19:: Between on or about M arch 1,2006, and April25, 2006, Defendant ?' 57 20 g1 CHA RLES EDW A RD G ENSEM ER,A/K/A,:ICHA RLEY,''during and in relation to a drug . 22 1i ' . ' 23j' ' ' 24 ' ' ' : 25 ' ' ' 26:. ' ' ' ' ) : ! 21 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 22 of 26 1 trafficking crim e;thatis,the offense setforth in CountTen ofthis Superseding lndictm ent, ë . 2 which Countis incorporated herein by reference,did knowingly possess a firearm . i 3il ALLIN VIOLATION OFTITLE 18,UNITED STATESCODE,SECTIONS 924(C)(1) 411AND 2. 5 DATED: this 6: A TRUE BILL: i. ay ofMay 2008. 7i /S/ 8 FO REPERSON OF THE G RAND JURY !' G REGO RY A.BROW ER 91 ; Unitqd StatesAttorney 10 DistrlctofNevada 11 ER 'J N ief, r 'ed ime Strike Force 12:' . 13 THLEEN BLISS 1 rI AssistjntUnited StatesAttorney O rganlzed Crim e Strike Force 15 NICHO LAS DICKINSON AssistantUnited States Attorney 16'1 THO M G OVER SpecialAssistantUnited States Attorney 17 18: lI 19I . 20j: IS 21 ': I 22 i 23 I' 241 1 I 2s!I 26I : . 22 4 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 23 of 26 ? 1 l 2 :1 1! i SPECIA L FINDINGS AS TO COUNT NINE NOTICE O F SPECIA L FINDINGS AS TO CO UNT NINE: 21j M URDER O F A NTHONY BELTRAN - 3IJ54. TheGrandJuryrepeatsandreallegestheaccusationsofCountNineofthis I 4/l'superseding(ndictment. I . Ii55. As to Count Nine, Defendant RONALD 'SJOEY'' SELLERS,A/K/A 5 6/E J igFlpzzyy'' 71 A .was 18 years ofage orolderatthe tim e ofthe offense' , / Ir J B. intentionallykilled Anthony Beltran (18 U.S.C.j 3591(a)(2)(A))' , C.intentionatly inflicted seriousbodilyinjury thatresulted in the deathof 8. ()J' I 1()p Anthony Beltran (18 U.S.C.q 3591(a)(2)(B); 1j:1I' D. intentionally participated in an act,contem plating lhatthe life ofa I 12l i lë personwoul dbetakenurintendingthatI ethalforcewoul dbeusedin i connectionwithaperson,otherthanoneoftheparticipantsintheofïense, 141; andthevictim diedasadirectresultoftheact(18 U.S.C.j3591(a)(2)(C)' , 15Jf E. intentionally and specifically engaged in an actofviolence,knowing 16. i: ! thatthe actcreated a grave riskofdeath to a person,otherthan 0ne Ofthe j. zfj participantsinthe o#ense,suchthatparticipationin the actconstituted a 181/ recklessdisregardforhumanlifeandthevjctim diedasadirectresultof j()J.) the act(18 U.S.C.j 3591(a)(2)(D)' , 13.I . ?2 20I ' ' ' ) 21i' ' . ' i 22l ' ' ' I 23)' ' ' ' I 247 ' . ' i :5 ! . . . ' f 26 ' ' ' . 23 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL ip Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 24 of 26 ( ' ; 1' II F. com m itted the offense aftersubstantialplanqing and prem editation to II 2. cause the deathofAnthony Beltran (18 U.S.C.q 3592(c)(9)). !. a1' DATED: this A 09,WdayofMay2008. 42 A TRUE BILL: i 5(i 6Ii /s/ FO REPERSO N O F THE GRAND JURY ';; 2? al 1! G REGO RY A BROW ER g! Un itrd esAttorney Dist rlctst ofat Nevada . ff lo ERI H 7c .f..(jr p ze qji ' j? .'' ' .. rikeForce r. e st . i 12I lI 1 '' 13/1 KA .. EEN BLISS 7/AssistjntUnitedStatesAttorney 141. O W arllzed C rim e Strike Force ' NICHO LAS DICKINSO N j5l AssistantUnited States Attorney g, THOM GOVER j6p; SpecialAssistantUnited States Attorney 17 !1 I! ' 18 : 19. il '; j 20f j t ' 21ii 22)) ;I 23.: 24JI 25. 26(p )l f! i. 24 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL i Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 25 of 26 I ! j SPECIAL FINDING S: CRIM INAL STREET GANGS i1. af The Grand Jury finds,as to Counts O ne -Nine,thatthe Aryan i!W arriors is a criminalstreetgang,as defined by Title 18,United States Code,Section 521, . a' I1 - 4''' which provides: si 7' 1 2. ,,Crim inalstreetgangIfm eans an ongoing group and association of5 or ! 6ijmore persons-7: (A) thathasasone ofits primarypurposesthecomm ission of1ormore 11 fthe criminaloffensesdescribed insubsection (c); 8 o 9.; ! . (B)the membersofwhichengage,andhaveengagedwithinthepast5 j();i years,ina continuing seriesofoffensesdescribed in subsection (c);and 1qf 12:.3. . (C) the activitiesofwhichaffectinterstate orforeign commerce. Subsection (c)ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 521,provides 1a! that''Itqhe offensesdescribed inthissectionare1 141J' (1) a Federalfelony involving a controlled substance. . .(asdefined in ' f tyisnotlessthat5 years...(,!''which includes ii 21 U S C.802)forwhichthe maximum penal 15 . ' '. 16.: possession with intentto distribute cocaine base. j-?.: ''(2)a Federalfelonycrime ofviolence thathasasanelementthe use or i 18i?attempteduseofphysicalforceagainstthepersonofanother...(,j''whichincludesmurder, 19I , attem pted m urder,conspiracy to m urder,assaultjand extortion. I f4 20 I ' The G rand JuryfurtherfindsthatCountsO ne is a Federalfelony involving 2q.1a controlled substance (asdefined in 21 U.S.C.802)forwhich the maximum penaltyisnot 2zI lessthan 5 years; f! za 5. The Grand Jury fudherfinds thatCounts O ne through Nine are Federal l: z4! felony crim es ofviolence thathave as elem enls the use and attem pted use ofphysicalforce 25.: againstthe person ofanother. 26 ' ' ' 25 Case 2:07-cr-00145-KJD-PAL I Document 181 Filed 05/20/2008 Page 26 of 26 ..1 I' ! . jil 6. The G rand Jury furtherfinds thatthe defendants,RO NALD $,JO EY ,, >!ISELLERS,A/K/A,'KFUZZY'';DANIELJOSEPH EGAN,A/K/A,'QDANO'';JAMES MILTON a1! W ALLIS,A/K/A,Z'GA RGO YLE'';RONNIE LEE JO NES, AIKIA ,HRJ''; TO NY HOW ARD l 4 i M ORGAN; KENNETH RUSSELL KRUM , A/K/A, K'YUM YUM ,'' I'BIG PIM PING,'' and (' 5ii itBARNYA RD'';CHARLES EDW ARD G ENSEM ER,A/K/A ,:ICHARLEY,''KO RY ALLEN 6 . CROSSM AN,A/K/A ,KiLO BES'';M ICHAELW AYNEYOST,A/K/A ,I'BIG M IKE'';CHARLES 7j LEEAXTELL,AIKIA,'dCO W BO Y'';SCO TTM ICHAELSIEBER,AIW A ,''KNUCKLEHEAD''; 8 JASO N F.INMAN,A/K/A, J-BIRD ;and RO BERT ALLEN YO UNG,A/K/A, LIL ROB, t) during the com m ission of Counts One -Nine, as charged in this Superseding lndictment, 1c.. participated in a crim inalstreetgang;that is,the Aryan W arriors,w ith knowledge thatits 1j' m em bers engage in and have engaged in a conlinuing series ofoffenses described in Title 12: 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section521,subsection(c),assetforthaboveinherein' ,andthatthe : defendants charged herein intended to promcte and furtherthe felonious activities ofthe 13 14 crim inalstreetgang;thatis,the Aryan W arriors,and m aintain and increase theirposition in ; i the gang. j5' 16 ; DATED: this 17! A TRUE BILL: :' lal; 19E i .. !! 2:;1 GREG ORY A.BROW ER United States Attornev 211' oistrictofNevad 22/? E i! J ''. .,. ikf, r n' d ' ay ofM ay 2008. /s/ FO REpEfxsos oF THE G RAND JURV - me strike Force 23, ' . 2/ ' stan j gt y: I ted jStatesAttorney !; jj' NICHOLAS DICKINSON AssistantUnited States Attorney :6 THOM GOVER alAssistantUnited States Attorney : Speci 26 I.