File - The Gang Enforcement Company
File - The Gang Enforcement Company
© 2014, Revised: © 2015 Note to the Reader The content within this e-guide details historical information pertaining to the white and black supremacy movement and the hate groups/gangs that are ideologically aligned within it as well as those groups ideologically driven by extreme religious and environmental “radicalism.” The Gang Ops X Field Guides are for awareness and educational use only and should not be used as the determining factor for officially documenting ones association and/or affiliation with a criminal street gang, prison gang, supremacy or extremist group. Instead, it should used as a tool or reference point to begin identifying possible members and/or activities associated with these groups. The stories, names, and circumstances pertaining to real events in this book have been altered to protect anyone involved while staying true to the point or lesson(s) learned. The information pertaining to the topic group(s) in this book; such as signs, symbols, philosophies, methods of operation, etc have been compiled from 20-years of gang intelligence and enforcement work from various sources and was accurate at the time of collection, collation and publishing. Gang data is ever-changing and can differ slightly from day-to-day and region-to-region therefore; I encourage you to continue your quest to develop your own local expertise and knowledge base using the information within this book as the starting point. In Omnia Paratus, Rusty Keeble Founder/CEO The Gang Enforcement Company WHITE SUPERMACY / HATE GROUPS White Supremacist groups emerged earlyon in the history of United States. They usually operated clandestinely, in an attempt to avoid the attention of law enforcement and the media. Historically, these groups relied primarily on word-of-mouth notoriety to intimidate their intended targets. Their numbers were sporadic until recently. Now there is unprecedented growth in the number of and membership in, white supremacist groups. In the 1960’s, the Ku Klux Klan was the most infamous hate groups with an estimated 40,000 members in 1965. But by the end of the 1970’s, the majority of white supremacists belonged to organizations other than the Klan. They had evolved from loosely structured fraternal organizations into highly developed paramilitary groups with extensive survivalist training camps often funded by proceeds from counterfeit money and bank and armored car robberies. In the 1990’s, they transformed themselves from a violent vanguard into a sophisticated political movement with a significant constituency. In 1979, founder Richard Butler convened the first Aryan Nations World Congress on his property and attracted Klan and neo-Nazi leaders from the US, Canada and Europe, who gathered to exchange ideas and strategies. WHITE SUPRMACY PHILOSOPHY White Supremacy is an ideology that believes the United States government is controlled by a conspiratorial cabal of non-whites or Jews or a combination of both. They advocate changing this "Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG)" through terror or violence, but also are becoming more politically active in order to influence the mainstream politics. They tell their followers that crime and welfare abuse by African Americans, immigration by Mexicans and Asians, or a fictional Jewish conspiracy are responsible for a decline in the status of white people. They accuse civil rights organizations of "hating white people" and brand whites who do not support them as race traitors or self-haters. Although the Ku Klux Klan is the most notorious, hate groups come in many forms. For example, they organize as religious cults, most predominantly the Christian Identity model which asserts that (1) white people are the original Lost Tribes of Israel; (2) Jews are descendants of Satan; and (3) African Americans and other people of color are preAdamic, or beasts created by God before He created Adam, the first white man. Christian Identity followers feel they can attack and murder Jews and people of color without contradicting their religious convictions because they have been told by their leaders that people of color and Jews have no souls. Another significant religious cult is the Church of the Creator, founded in 1973. Its members believe they are engaged in a racial holy war (RAHOWA) between the "pure" Aryan race and the "mud races." Adherents are frequently in the headlines for their violence. In 1993, members were arrested by the FBI as part of the Fourth Reich Skinheads who attempted to bomb a church in Los Angeles and assassinate LA’s Rodney King. Members have also been arrested in numerous murders, violent assaults, and bank robberies across the nation. They believe that they can precipitate the race war by provoking a violent response with attacks upon Jews and people of color. Most white supremacists in America believe that the United States is a "Christian" nation, with a special relationship between religion and the rule of law. Because racists give themselves divine permission from God to hate, they often don't see that their actions are driven by hate; they claim to "just love God and the white race." If they are religious, they distort Biblical passages to justify their bigotry. Each group is working to create a society totally dominated by whites by excluding and denying the rights of non-whites and Jews. The movement's links are global. NEO-NAZIS Neo-Nazis are among the most devoted and hardcore of white supremacists, and also traditionally among the most violent. Neo-Nazi ideology today is dominated by the concept of the so-called “Fourteen Words” slogan (“we must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children”), and has evolved into a desperate and dangerous ideology predicated on the notion that the white race is being threatened with extinction by a “rising tide of color,” controlled and manipulated by Jews. PROMINENT HATE GROUPS (past and present) American Nazi Party The American Nazi Party (ANP) was an American political party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, Rockwell initially called it the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (WUFENS), but later renamed it the American Nazi Party in 1960 to attract maximum media attention.[1] The party was based largely upon the ideals and policies of Adolf Hitler's NSDAP in Germany during the Third Reich. It also espoused Holocaust denial. The WUFENS headquarters was first located in a residence on Williamsburg Boulevard in Arlington, but was later moved as the ANP headquarters to a house at 928 North Randolph Street (now a hotel and office building site). Rockwell and some party members also established a "Stormtrooper Barracks" in an old mansion owned by the widow of Willis Kern [3] in the Dominion Hills section of Arlington at what is now the Upton Hill Regional Park, the tallest hill in the county. After Rockwell's death, the headquarters was moved again to one side of a duplex brick and concrete storefront at 2507 North Franklin Road which featured a swastika prominently mounted above the front door. This site was visible from busy Wilson Boulevard. Today the Franklin Road address is often misidentified as Rockwell's headquarters when in fact it was the successor organization's last physical address in Arlington (now a coffeehouse). Website: Aryan Brotherhood The Aryan Brotherhood, also known as the Brand, or the AB, is a white supremacist prison gang and organized crime syndicate in the United States with about 10,000 members in and out of prison . According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the gang makes up less than 0.1% of the prison population, but it is responsible for up to 30% of murders in the federal prison system. The AB has focused on the economic activities typical of organized crime entities; particularly drug trafficking, extortion, inmate prostitution, and murder-for-hire. Organization at lower levels varies from prison to prison. For example, in the Arizona prison system, members are known as "kindred" and organize into "families". A "council" controls the families. Kindred may recruit other members, known as "progeny", and serve as a mentor for the new recruits. The group has an alliance with La Eme (the Mexican Mafia) as the two are mutual enemies of Black Guerrilla Family. Like most prison gangs, Aryan Brotherhood members mark themselves with distinctive tattoos. Their tattoo designs commonly include the words, "Aryan Brotherhood", "AB"," 666, Nazi symbolism such as SS, sig runes, and swastikas, as well as shamrocks and Celtic iconography. Aryan Nations Aryan Nations, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, was once the United States’ most infamous neo-Nazi group, although it fell on hard times after the illness and death of its founder, Richard Butler, in 2004. Even before Butler died, Aryan Nations experienced factional fighting and splits due to dissatisfaction with his leadership. In the years since Butler’s death, a handful of different Aryan Nations factions have fought each other to claim his legacy, with some factions falling apart only to be replaced by a new squabbling faction. Some emphasize Butler’s neo-Nazi ideology while others have focused more on his adherence to the racist and anti-Semitic religious sect called Christian Identity. In recent years, Florida has seen activity from two factions. The Aryan Nations faction led by long-time member August Kreis has had ties to Florida dating back to 2003-2005, when Kreis lived in Sebring. Kreis, currently living in Fulton, Tennessee, is a follower of Christian Identity and serves as “High Counsel” for his Aryan Nations faction. Source: ADL Report: Extremism in Florida Group Website: Ku Klux Klan The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct past and present movements in the United States, which have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration, historically expressed through terrorism. The first organization sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era, especially by violence against African American leaders. It ended about 1871. The second was a very large nationwide organization in the 1920’s that especially opposed Catholics. The current manifestation consists of numerous small unconnected groups that use the KKK name. All three movements have called for purification of American society, and all are considered part of right-wing extremism. Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870’s. After a period of decline, white Protestant natives groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960’s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South. Group Website: National Alliance The National Alliance is a white nationalist, anti-semitic and white separatist political organization. It was founded by university physics professor Dr. William Luther Pierce in 1974, and was based in Hillsboro, West Virginia. The group ceased operations, as a "membership organization," in 2013. Pierce founded the group in 1974 at about the same time he created the pantheistic Cosmo theist Community Church. He was a former physics professor and the author of The Turner Diaries and Hunter, both novels about a white revolution in America, which he wrote under the pen name Andrew MacDonald. The National Alliance was reorganized from an earlier group: the National Youth Alliance (NYA) which in turn was formed out of the remains of an organization called Youth for Wallace, which supported Governor George Wallace's 1968 presidential campaign. The NYA broke into factions as a result of infighting, and Pierce gained control of the largest remnant in 1970 and continued to lead the organization under that name until its reorganization in 1974. Pierce previously had been an associate of the assassinated leader of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell, and had been editor of the party's magazine, National Socialist World. Pierce died of cancer on July 23, 2002. The Board of Directors appointed Erich Gliebe to succeed William Pierce as Chairman of the organization. Power struggles within the organization began almost immediately. Nationalist Socialist Movement The Detroit-headquartered National Socialist Movement (NSM) is a neo-Nazi group of long standing, created by remnants of the American Nazi Party in 1974. For decades, it operated in the shadows of more prominent neo-Nazi groups such as Aryan Nations and the National Alliance. However, due primarily to setbacks experienced by other major neo-Nazi groups in the early to mid-2000’s, the NSM, though having fewer than 400 members nationwide, is currently the largest neo-Nazi group in the country. Led by Jeff Schoep, the NSM uses contact points throughout the United States to lead small pockets of localized and publicity-seeking activities. Typical activities include distributing ideological leaflets and holding public rallies where anti-immigration sentiments are often expressed. Other publicity-seeking tactics include trying to join local community projects such as disaster relief and highway cleanups. Another strategy by the NSM has been to use the Internet in new ways to help spread its virulently anti-Semitic and racist message. In spring 2007, the NSM purchased a white supremacist social networking Web site called “New Saxon.” The Web site was originally developed as “an online community for whites by whites” by Florida-based white supremacist Todd Findley. However, in March 2007, Findley was arrested and convicted of three counts of grand theft after organizing a scheme to defraud investors in a “whites only” housing development project that never materialized. He claims to have sold New Saxon to NSM in order to raise money for his defense. New Saxon has quickly become popular among white supremacists frustrated by the restrictions on hate speech at most mainstream social networking sites. Source: ADL Report: Extremism in Florida Group Website: National Socialist Party of America The National Socialist Party of America was a Chicago-based organization founded in 1970 by Frank Collin shortly after he left the National Socialist White People's Party. The NSWPP had been the American Nazi Party until shortly after the assassination of leader George Lincoln Rockwell in 1967. Collin, a follower of Rockwell, developed differences with his successor Matt Koehl. The party's headquarters were in Chicago's Marquette Park, and its main activity in the early 1970s was organizing loud demonstrations against blacks moving into previously allwhite neighborhoods. Public Enemy Number One Public Enemy No. 1 (abbreviated as PEN1) is a white supremacist street gang based in Southern California, United States. The California Department of Justice in 2004 described it as “one of the most powerful and fastest-growing gangs inside and outside prison” and said it had about 200 members statewide. Its main activities include identity theft, credit card fraud and methamphetamine sales. The gang started as "Peni Death Squad" (PDS), a punk gang in the 1980’s, the name being derived from the anarcho-punk/deathrock band, 'Rudimentary Peni'. Originally, PDS was mainly a loose-knit group of suburban teens, runaways and homeless youngsters. Other examples of Southern California hardcore punk gangs included La Mirada punks, Vicious Circle, The HB's, FFF (Fight For Freedom), The West Side Suicidals, L.A. Death Squad (L.A.D.S.), Circle One, and Bakersfield's Zero-Core. These groups were typically made up of suburban counter-culture teenagers, skaters, surfers, etc. The formation of the group was greatly influenced by members in the hardcore punk rock scene in Long Beach, California during the 1980’s. However, by the 1990’s, PEN1’s base of operations had partially been relocated to Orange County where they began recruiting suburban adolescents. By the 2000’s, the gang’s influence has spread throughout California and Arizona, with some members in Idaho and Nevada. They have ties to the prison gangs Aryan Brotherhood and Nazi Lowriders. Their main rivals are the Bloods, Crips, the Norteños, Nuestra Familia, Black Guerilla Family. Public Enemy Number One Video: White Aryan Resistance White Aryan Resistance (WAR) is a neo-Nazi white separatist organization in the United States founded and led by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Tom Metzger. Part of the American nationalist movement; WAR uses the slogan White Revolution is the Only Solution. Metzger's first group was known as the White Brotherhood, which he led in the mid-1970’s until joining David Dukes Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1975. By 1979 he had risen to Grand Dragon of the California realm. During these years the California realm conducted unauthorized border patrols at the Mexican border and kept a black shirted security detail that would engage in skirmishes with anti-Klan demonstrators and police. One incident in Oceanside, California, in the spring of 1980, involved 30 members of this squad and left seven people injured. In the summer of 1980 Metzger left the national organization and founded his own California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The group continued to harass Hispanics and Vietnamese refugees. From 1980 to late 1982, Metzger headed the California Knights, while also pursuing various electoral offices. In 1982 he left the Klan to found a new group, the White American Political Association, a group dedicated to promoting "pro white" candidates for office. After losing the 1982 California Senate Democratic primary, Metzger abandoned the electoral route and reorganized WAPA as White American Resistance in 1983 and then to White Aryan Resistance, to reflect a more "revolutionary" stance. Group Website: World Church of the Creator The Creativity Movement was one of the most notorious hate groups in the 1990’s, gaining publicity for its rapid growth and the violent incidents with which it was associated. Originally founded by Ben Klassen in 1973 as Church of the Creator, the organization fell into disarray in the mid-1990’s following the criminal convictions of several of its members, the suicide of Klassen in 1993 and a successful lawsuit brought by the family of a Gulf War veteran murdered in 1991 by a COTC member. In 1996, COTC was reborn as WCOTC with the emergence of the young law school graduate Matt Hale as its leader. Hale's publicity skills, his unsuccessful battle to obtain his law license in Illinois, and a two-state shooting spree by follower Benjamin Smith in July 1999 that left two dead and nine wounded, all kept the WCOTC in the headlines in recent years. In November 2002, the WCOTC lost a copyright infringement lawsuit brought against it by the Te-Ta-Ma Truth Foundation, which had successfully trademarked the name "Church of the Creator" years ago. A federal judge ordered the WCOTC to stop using its name, to give up its Web addresses, and to turn over all printed material bearing its name. Hale refused to comply with the order and in January 2003 had arrived for a contempt of court hearing when he was arrested for soliciting the judge's murder. The Creativity Movement, whose motto is "RaHoWa" (Racial Holy War), proclaims that its belief system, Creativity, "is a racial religion" whose primary goal is the "survival, expansion, and advancement of [the] White Race exclusively." Creators, as members of the group call themselves, do not believe in God, heaven, hell or eternal life. Race is everything: the white race is "nature's highest creation," "white people are the creators of all worthwhile culture and civilization," "every issue, whether religious, political or racial [should be] viewed through the eyes of the White Man and exclusively from the point of view of the White race as a whole." Source: ADL Anti-Defamation League ( Group Website: PROMINENT SKINHEAD GROUPS Blood and Honour Blood & Honour is a neo-Nazi music promotion network and political group founded in the United Kingdom in 1987. Originally founded by Ian Stuart Donaldson and Nicky Crane, it is composed of white power activists and other white nationalists and has links to Combat 18. The group organizes white power concerts by Rock Against Communism (RAC) bands and distributes a magazine of the same name. There are official divisions in several different countries around the world. In the United States, two rival groups lay claim to the name. Blood & Honour is banned in several countries. Germany outlawed it in 2000, Spain in 2011, and Russia in 2012. Blood & Honour took its name from the motto of the Hitler Youth, Blut und Ehre, and a song of the same name by the white power band Skrewdriver. Sometimes the code 28 is used to represent Blood & Honour, derived from the second and eighth letters of the Latin alphabet, B and H. Though different national chapters of Blood & Honour use different nationalist symbols based on their location, common symbolic traits include the usage of a modernized Black letter script, colours of the Nazi German flag, and other Nazi symbolism, including the Totenkopf death's head insignia of the SS-Totenkopfverbände and concentration camp units and triskele. Group Website: Hammerskins The Hammerskin Nation is a leaderless group of men and women who have adopted the White Power Skinhead lifestyle. We are blue collar workers, white collar professionals, college students, entrepreneurs, fathers and mothers. The Hammerskins brotherhood is a way of achieving goals which we have all set for ourselves. These goals are many but can be summed up with one phrase consisting of 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.” Source: Hammerskin Nation Website Source: United States Department of Homeland Security 2008 Source: Hammerskin Nation Website Group Website: Vinlanders The Vinlanders Social Club (VSC), also referred to simply as the Vinlanders, is a hardcore racist skinhead organization based primarily in the Midwestern and Northeastern United States. Headquartered in central Indiana, it has a core membership, but also attracts members of other racist skinhead crews as a kind of umbrella group as well. Source: ADL Report: Extremism in Florida Volksfront Another national neo-Nazi group with a Florida presence is Volksfront, a longstanding racist and anti-Semitic group that originated in Portland, Oregon. It currently maintains close alliances with American Front and White Revolution, a small neo-Nazi group (see relevant sections, below). Volksfront holds hate rock concerts, produces a white power radio show on the Internet, and publishes hate literature through ROA (“Race Over All”), its publication arm. The core leadership of Volksfront has primarily been located in Oregon, but in recent years there has been an “exodus” of sorts, which has helped Volksfront establish itself in other parts of the country. Source: ADL Report: Extremism in Florida OTHER PROMINENT HATE GROUPS Animal Liberation Front The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is an international, clandestine leaderless resistance that engages in illegal direct action in pursuit of animal rights. Activists see themselves as a modern-day Underground Railroad, removing animals from laboratories and farms, destroying facilities, arranging safe houses and veterinary care, and operating sanctuaries where the animals subsequently live. Critics have classified them as terrorists. Active in over 40 countries, ALF cells operate clandestinely, consisting of small groups of friends and sometimes just one person, which makes the movement difficult for the authorities to monitor. Robin Webb of the British Animal Liberation Press Office has said: "That is why the ALF cannot be smashed, it cannot be effectively infiltrated, it cannot be stopped. You, each and every one of you: you are the ALF." Group Website: Army of God Army of God (AOG) is a Christian terrorist anti-abortion organization that sanctions the use of force to combat abortion in the United States. The earliest documented incidence of the Army of God being involved with anti-abortion activity occurred in 1982. Three men associated with the organization kidnapped Hector Zevallos, an abortion doctor, and his wife, Rosalee Jean, and held them hostage. The hostages were later released unharmed. The AOG claimed responsibility for Eric Robert Rudolph's 1997 nail bombing of abortion clinics in Atlanta and Birmingham as well as an Atlanta lesbian bar. The group is also associated with a number of abortion clinic bombings, arsons and murders of abortion providers. Some of these murderers claimed association with the AOG; in other cases, while the killers expressed no affiliation with the group, the AOG has lionized their acts and taken up their cause. Group Website: Earth Liberation Front The Earth Liberation Front (ELF), also known as "Elves" or "The Elves", is the collective name for autonomous individuals or covert cells who, according to the ELF Press Office, use "economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the environment". The ELF was founded in Brighton in the United Kingdom in 1992 and spread to the rest of Europe by 1994. It is now an international movement with actions reported in 17 countries and is widely regarded as descending from Animal Liberation Front because of the relationship and cooperation between the two movements. Using the same leaderless resistance model, as well as similar guidelines to the ALF, sympathizers say that it is an ecodefense group dedicated to taking the profit motive out of environmental destruction by causing economic damage to businesses through the use of property damage. The ELF was classified as the top "domestic terror" threat in the United States by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in March 2001, and its members were categorized as "ecoterrorists" Group Website: Muslim Brotherhood The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Ismailia, Egypt by Hassan alBanna in March 1928 as an Islamist religious, political, and social movement. The group spread to other Muslim countries but has its largest, or one of its largest, organizations in Egypt, where for many years it has been the largest, best-organized, and most disciplined political opposition force, despite a succession of government crackdowns in 1948, 1954, 1965 after plots, or alleged plots, of assassination and overthrow were uncovered. Following the 2011 Revolution the group was legalized, and in April 2011 it launched a civic political party called the Freedom and Justice Party (Egypt) to contest elections, including the 2012 presidential election when its candidate Mohamed Morsi became Egypt's first democratically elected president. One year later, however, following massive demonstrations, Morsi was overthrown by the military and arrested. Since its inception in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood consistently has championed the cause of global jihad to “mobilize the entire Umma into one body to defend the right cause with all its strength…to jihad, to warfare…” The Project There is one more document, called simply “The Project,” that should be examined in the study of the Brotherhood’s expansion into Western society in general, and the U.S. government in particular. A November 2001 raid by Swiss authorities on a villa belonging to Yousef Nada, the Muslim Brotherhood director of the Al-Taqwa bank (which had been funding al-Qa’eda), recovered this 14-page plan, written in Arabic and dated December 1, 1982, “The Project” presents a “flexible, multi-phased, long-term approach to the ‘cultural invasion’ of the West,” according to Patrick Poole, a counterterrorism and Muslim Brotherhood expert. Rather than relying primarily on terrorism, as al-Qa’eda and other kinetic-approach jihadis do, the Muslim Brotherhood opted instead for a progressive infiltration of the very structures of Western society in order to achieve the same end result that al-Qa’eda seeks: Islamic domination over the West. In view of the alarming success this approach has achieved to date, not only across the Middle East and North Africa, but inside Europe and the U.S., it is worthwhile to quote from Poole’s articles just some of the tactics outlined in “The Project:” [emphasis added] “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration.” -- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood Networking and coordinating actions between likeminded Islamist organizations; • Avoiding open alliances with known terrorist organizations and individuals to maintain the appearance of “moderation”; • Infiltrating and taking over existing Muslim organizations to realign them towards the Muslim Brotherhood’s collective goals; • Using deception to mask the intended goals of Islamist actions, as long as it doesn’t conflict with shari’a law; • Establishing financial networks to fund the work of conversion of the West, including the support of full-time administrators and workers; • Putting into place a watchdog system for monitoring Western media to warn Muslims of “international plots fomented against them”; • Cultivating an Islamist intellectual community, including the establishment of thinktanks and advocacy groups, and publishing “academic” studies, to legitimize Islamist positions and to chronicle the history of Islamist movements; • Building extensive social networks of schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamist ideals so that contact with the movement for Muslims in the West is constant; • Involving ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions; • Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam; • Instituting alliances with Western “progressive” organizations that share similar goals; • Inflaming violence and keeping Muslims living in the West “in a jihad frame of mind”; • Supporting jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support; • Instigating a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and rejecting any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them; • Collecting sufficient funds to indefinitely perpetuate and support jihad around the world. Source: Gatestone Institute | History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government 2013 As of 2014, the organization has been declared a terrorist group and is once again suffering a severe crackdown. Group Website: Nation of Islam The Nation of Islam (NOI) is an Islamic religious movement founded in Detroit, United States, by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad on July 4, 1930. Its stated goals are to improve the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of African Americans in the United States and all of humanity. Critics have labeled the organization as being black supremacist and antisemitic, and NOI is tracked as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. After Fard disappeared in June 1934, the Nation of Islam was led by Elijah Muhammad, who established places of worship (called Temples or Mosques), a school named Muhammad University of Islam, businesses, farms and real estate holdings in the United States and abroad. There were a number of splits and splinter groups during Elijah Muhammad's leadership, most notably the departure of senior leader Malcolm X to become Sunni Muslim. After Elijah Muhammad's death, his son Warith Deen Mohammed changed the name of the organization to "World Community of Islam in the West" (and twice more after that), and attempted to convert it to a mainstream Sunni Muslim ideology. In 1977, Louis Farrakhan rejected Warith Deen Mohammed's leadership and re-established the Nation of Islam on the original model. He took over the Nation of Islam's headquarter Temple, Mosque Maryam (Mosque #2), which is located in Chicago, Illinois. Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. It’s bizarre theology of innate black superiority over whites — a belief system vehemently and consistently rejected by mainstream Muslims — and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay rhetoric of its leaders, including top minister Louis Farrakhan, have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate. In Its Own Words "[T]he Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn't a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I'm not proud of Hitler's evils against Jewish people, but that's a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there's a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing." — Louis Farrakhan, radio interview, March 11, 1984 Source(1): Southern Poverty Law Center Group Website: New Black Panther Party The New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP) is a U.S.-based black political organization founded in Dallas, Texas, in 1989. Despite its name, NBPP is not an official successor of the Black Panther Party. Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that the newer party is illegitimate and have firmly declared, "There is no new Black Panther Party". The NBPP upholds Khalid Abdul Muhammad as the de facto father of the movement. When former Nation of Islam (NOI) minister Khalid Abdul Muhammad became the national chairman of the NBPP from the late 1990s until his death in 2001. The Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights consider the New Black Panthers to be a hate group. _______ We Are The New Black Panther Party Everything in this world has a purpose and the New Black Panther Party is no different. There are critical reasons why we must struggle and fight for FREEDOM. There are many worthy reasons to take up the fight within your local cities, towns and province. No matter the space and time there are a few sad realities that remain the same: 1. Black people remain economic outcasts in this land, where our forefathers/foremothers worked for free labor, to build a country and their descendants are to this hour treated less than human. Second, A mental liberation leading to a Physical, is still not yet realized as shown in the Black/Afrikan communities regular and fatal outbursts of Post- Traumatic Slave Disorder; Erroneously labeled “niggaz going crazy.” Third, Amerikkka remains the base of Western U.S. Imperialism and the head of the oppressive snake wrapped tightly around the world. As you organize you will learn many more facts, and ills of the Whiteman’s world to make you fight against all injustice, these alone will make any warrior stand up and fight the battle that needs to be This is some the terrible truth that gave birth to the New Black Panther Party, and because they are real, still persist, and are a regular hindrance to our rise and resurrection, this organization is needed NOW more than at any point in HISTORY. BLACK POWER!!! Source(1): New Black Panther website Group Website: Group Website: THE LONE WOLF THEORY Promoted by White Supremacist Alex Curtis; claimed to have approximately 8,000 people in his distribution list. Date sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 From: Alex Curtis Subject: LAWS OF THE LONE WOLF • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Anyone is capable of being a Lone Wolf. Resistance is a lifestyle; each performs to his or her individual abilities. Success and experience will come in time. Always start off small. Many small victories are better than one huge blunder (which may be the end of your career as a Lone Wolf). Every little bit counts in a resistance. Knowledge is power. Learn from your mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. Never rush into anything, time and planning are keys to success. Never attempt anything beyond your own abilities, failure could lead to disaster. The less any outsider knows the safer and more successful you will be. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. Never truly admit to anything. Communicate your message to others having the same beliefs as yours. Communication will add to your knowledge base. After all, having an opinion is still legal (I think). Communications is a good thing, but keep your covert activities a secret. This will protect you as well as others like you. Remember, even the smallest things make a difference. You will see that what you are doing is making an impact. If you never get caught, you are better than any army. Others will notice your activities, but never try to take any credit for them; your success should be all the recognition you need. Never keep any records of your activities that can connect you to the activity. Keep in mind that repeated activity in one area will lead to increased attention to the area and possibly to you. The more you change your tactics, the more effective you will become. Random chaos is never predictable. Have a “rainy day” fund set aside in a safety deposit box (out of your local area and not in a high activity area), complete with new ID just in the event that something unexpected goes wrong. Only you will know your limitations. Never utter more than the 5 Words to any agent or representative of ZOG: “I Have Nothing To Say.” There are no exceptions. Anyone who does talk must be shunned from the movement forever. Former associates of the talker may consider much harsher punishment. Never talk to a Grand Jury even when faced with contempt of court. No exceptions. Never join a membership group: Support those activists, publications and groups with periodic free-will donations. You will be able to live without your membership card- also known as a security blanket. No meetings (that includes rallies, conventions, concerts and rendezvous) that are not for a compelling, specific activist reason that cannot be accomplished through other communication means (mail, email, Net, phone, etc.). Exist and fight as lone wolves or in a small cell and you will last longer and be at peak performance. DECLARATION OF WAR NOVEMBER 25, 1984 AUTHORED BY ROBERT MATHEWS, FOUNDER OF THE ORDER It is now a dark and dismal time in the history of our race. All about us lie the green graves of our sires, yet, in a land once ours, we have become a people dispossessed. By the millions, those not of our blood violate our borders and mock our claim to sovereignty. Yet our people react only with lethargy. A great sickness has overcome us. Why do our people do nothing? What madness is this? Has the cancer of racial masochism consumed our very will to exist? While we allow Mexicans by the legions to invade our soil, we murder our babies in equal numbers. Were the men of the Alamo only a myth? Whether by force of arms or force of the groin, the result of this invasion is the same. Yet our people do not resist. Our heroes and our culture have been insulted and degraded. The mongrel hordes clamor to sever us from our inheritance. Yet our people do not care. Throughout this land our children are being coerced into accepting non-whites for their idols, their companions, and worst of all their mates. A course which is taking us straight into oblivion. Yet our people do not see. Not by accident or design these terrible things have come to pass. It is self-evident to all who have eyes to see that an evil shadow has fallen across our once fair land. Evidence abounds that a certain vile, alien people have taken control of our country. How is that a parasite has gained domination over its host? Instead of being vigilant, our fathers have slept. What our (sic) we to do? How bleak these aliens have made our children’s future. All about us the land is dying. Our cities swarm with dusky hordes. The water is rancid and the air is rank. Our farms are being seized by usurious leeches and our people are being forced off the land. The capitalists and communists pick gleefully at our bones while the vile hook-nosed masters of usury orchestrate our destruction. What is to become of our children in a land such as this? Yet still our people sleep! Every day the rich tighten the chains that lay heavy upon our people. How pitiful the white working class has become. Where is the brave Aryan yeoman so quick to smite the tyrant’s hand? They close the factories, the mills, the mines, and ship our jobs overseas. Yet our people do not awaken. They send an army of agents into our midst to steal from our pockets and enforce their rule. Our forefathers under King George knew freedom more then we. Yet still, our people sleep! To those who awaken, the reality is grim. John Singer awoke. Concerned over rampant drugs, homosexuality, and misgenation (sic) in public schools he tried to teach his children at home. He was a stout Aryan yeoman who loved his family dearly. Government agents shot him in the back. Gordon Kahl awoke. After four decades of submission to the tyranny of the IRS he tried to resist. He was a stout Aryan yeoman who loved his family dearly. Government agents shot him in the back. Arthur L. Kirk awoke. For three generations his family farmed the land the usurious banker was trying to steal. Kinsman Kirk tried to resist. He was a stout Aryan yeoman who loved his family dearly. Government agents shot him in the back. To these three kinsmen we say: “Rise, rise from your graves white brothers! Rise and join us! We go to avenge your deaths. The Aryan yeomanry is awakening. A long forgotten wind is starting to blow. Do you hear the approaching thunder? It is that of the awakened Saxon. War is upon the land. The tyrant’s blood will flow”. By ones and by two, by scores and by legions we will drive the enemy into the sea. Through our blood and God’s will, the land promised to our fathers of old will become the land of our children to be. We will resign ourselves no more to be ruled by a government based on monocracy. We, from this day forward declare that we no longer consider the regime in Washington to be a valid and lawful representative of all Aryans who refuse to submit to the coercion and subtle tyranny placed upon us by Tel Aviv and their lackeys in Washington. We recognize that the mass of our people have been put into a lobotomized, lethargic state of blind obedience and we will not take part anymore in collective racial suicide! We hereby declare ourselves to be a free and sovereign people. We claim a territorial imperative which will consist of the entire North American continent north of Mexico. As soldiers of the Aryan Resistance Movement (ARM) we will conduct ourselves in accordance with the Geneva Convention. We now close this Declaration with an open letter to Congress and our signatures confirming our intent to do battle. Let friend and foe alike be made aware. This is war! We the following, being of sound mind and under no duress, do hereby sign this document of our own free will, stating forthrightly and without fear that we declare ourselves to be in full and unrelenting state of war with those forces seeking and consciously promoting the destruction of our faith and our race. Therefore, for Blood, Soil, and Honor, and for the future or our children, we commit ourselves to Battle. Amen. 25 POINTS OF AMERICAN NATIONAL SOCIALISM Below you will find the 25 Points of American National Socialism. Available in fourteen (14) languages on their website. 1. We demand the union of all Whites into a greater America on the basis of the right of national self-determination. 2. We demand equality of rights for the American people in its dealings with other nations, and the revocation of the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the World Bank, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. 3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle surplus population. 4. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the state. Only those of pure White blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. Noncitizens may live in America only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens. Accordingly, no Jew or homosexual may be a member of the nation. 5. The right to vote on the State government and legislation shall be enjoyed by citizens of the state alone. We therefore demand that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the nation, in the states or in smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens. We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations and special interests-without reference to character or abilities. 6. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) will be deported. 7. All non-White immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Whites currently residing in America be required to leave the nation forthwith and return to their land of origin: peacefully or by force. 8. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties, regardless of class or station. 9. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash within the framework of the community and be for the common good. We therefore demand: 10. The abolition of incomes unearned by work The breaking of interest slavery. 11. In view of the enormous personal sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the ruthless confiscation of all war profits. 12. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts). 13. We demand economic reform suitable to our national requirements; The prohibition of pro-marxist unions and their supplantation with National Socialist trade unions; The passing of a law instituting profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises; The creation of a livable wage; The restructuring of social security and welfare to include drug testing for welfare recipients; The immediate discontinuation of all taxes on things of life's necessity, such as food, clothing, shelter, medicine etc.: The replacement of the current tax system with a flat-rate tax based on income. 14. We demand the treasonable system of health care be completely revolutionized. We demand an end to the status quo in which people die or rot away from lack of proper treatment due to the failure of their medical coverage, Health Maintenance Organization, or insurance policy. We further demand the extensive development of insurance for old age and that prescription drugs be made both affordable and accessible. 15. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small trades in the placing of state and municipal orders. 16. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, that shall be twofold in nature: The primary land reform will be to ensure all members of the nation receive affordable housing. The party as such stands explicitly for private property. However, we support the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation when deemed necessary for land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare. We further demand the abolition of ground rent, the discontinuation of all taxes on property, and the prohibition of all speculation in land. The secondary land reform will be to ensure the environmental integrity of the nation is preserved; By setting aside land for national wildlife refuges; By cleaning the urban, agricultural, and hydrographical (water) areas of the nation; By creating legislation regulating the amount of pollution, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases , and toxins released into the atmosphere; And for the continued research and development of clean burning fuels and energy sources. 17. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, usurers, profiteers, race traitors, etc. must be severely punished, whatever their creed or race. 18. We demand that Roman edict law, which serves a materialistic new world order, be replaced by Anglo-Saxon common law. 19. The state must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education with the aim of opening up to every able and hardworking American the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement. The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the state of the nation through the study of civic affairs. We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the state. 20. The state must ensure that the nation's health standards are raised by protecting mothers, infants, and the unborn: By prohibiting abortion and euthanasia, except in cases of rape, incest, racemixing, or mental retardation By prohibiting child labor and ending the rudiments of child abuse, alcoholism, and drug addiction. By creating conditions to make possible the reestablishment of the nuclear family in which the father works while the mother stays at home and takes care of the children if they so choose. By taking away the economic burden associated with childbirth and replacing it with a structured system of pay raises for those that give birth to healthy babies, thereby returning the blessing associated with children. To further ensure that the nation's health standards are raised, legislation shall be passed promoting physical strength and providing for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and by the extensive support of clubs engaged in the physical training of youth. 21. We demand the right to bear arms for law-abiding citizens. 22. We demand the abolition of the mercenary army, the end to the over-use of our military as a 'Meals-on-Wheels' program in foreign lands of no vital interest to our nation; and the formation of a true national service for the defense of our race and nation. One that excludes: non-Americans, criminals, and sensitivity training. 23. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. To facilitate the creation of a national press we demand: (a) That all editors of and contributors to newspapers appearing in the English language must be members of the nation; (b) That no non-American newspapers may appear without the express permission of the State. They must not be written in the English language; (c) That non-Whites shall be prohibited by law from participating financially in or influencing American newspapers, and that the penalty for contravening such a law shall be the suppression of any such newspapers, and the immediate deportation of the non-Americans involved. The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden. We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand. 24. We demand absolute religious freedom for all denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence nor offend the moral feelings of the White race. The Party combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common good before self interest. 25. To put the whole program into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central national government for the nation; the unconditional authority of the political central parliament over the entire nation and its organizations; and the formation of committees for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the nation and the various American States. The leaders of the movement promise to work ruthlessly-if need be to sacrifice their very lives-to translate this program into action. Source: National Socialist Movement Newsletter/Website NATIONAL SOCIALIST MOVEMENT | VIKING YOUTH Source: National Socialist Movement Newsletter/Website SIGNIFICANT DATES January 16th: Birthday; Martin Luther King Jr. Also the birth date of Robert J. Mathews, leader of The Order, a white supremacist group dedicated to the overthrow of the United States government during the mid 1980’s. February: Black History Month April 19th: Known as Waco Day when the FBI forcibly ended the Branch Davidian standoff. Also the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. April 20th: Adolf Hitler’s birthday. Memorial Day Weekend: Large Skinhead gatherings and concerts June: Gay and Lesbian Pride Month June 30th: “Night of the Long Knives,” when Hitler consolidated power by murdering rivals within his own party in 1934. August 17th: Death of Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s Deputy Führer who was the longest imprisoned Nazi criminal convicted at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1946. Labor Day Weekend: Skinhead concerts and the Stone Mountain Klan gathering in Georgia. November 9th and 10th: Anniversary of Kristallnacht (“Night of Broken Glass”), the 1938 pogrom when Nazi Germany ordered gangs to burn down hundreds of synagogues, destroy property and attack Jewish civilians. November 25th: A “Declaration of War” against the government of the United States was signed by members of The Order in 1984. December 8th: Known as Martyr’s Day - the date when Robert Mathews, leader of The Order was killed in a shoot-out with the FBI in 1984. Source: Gang Enforcement Website | Gangology | Threat Calendar WHITE SUPREMACIST / HATE GROUP CODES, COMMUNICATIONS, TERMINOLOGY Code Meaning 5 Words I Have Nothing to Say 8=H Hate 13 Means Aryan Circle ( 1 = A | 3 = C ) 14 Words We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children 14 Words for Women Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the Earth. 16 = AF American Front 18 = AH Adolph Hitler 19 = AI Aryan Identity 22 = V Volksfront 23 = W White or Wood (short for peckerwood) 28 = BH Blood Honour 38 = CH Crossed Hammers 58 or EH Extreme Hatred 83 or HC Heil Christ: (used by Christian racist groups) 88 or HH Heil Hitler 100% Means the wearer is of 100% Aryan decent 168-1 Written as a score: people died in the Oklahoma City Bombing at the hands of 1 Timothy McVeigh. 211 or BAA Brotherhood of Aryan Alliance 228 or BBH Brotherhood of Blood and Honour 311 or 3/11 KKK or Ku Klux Klan 386 – CHF Crossed Hammers Forever 419 or 4/19 or 4:19 Anniversary Date of Waco, Texas and Oklahoma City Bombing 420 or 4/20 or 4:20 Hitler’s Birthday 666 Mark of the beast; also represented by FFF 737 PENI Death Squad 816 or HAF Heil American Front 828 or HBH Heil Blood and Honour AB/Aryan Brotherhood The Alpha and Omega of all white prison gangs. ABT Aryan Brotherhood of Texas ACAB All Cops Are Bastards ACDC Against Christ/Devil’s Children (Also a rock band) AKIA A Klansman I Am American History X 1998 film about a reformed Neo-Nazi is well regarded by hate groups for the portrayal of the Neo-Nazi lifestyle. AN Aryan Nation Argo A term used for getting into a fight. Aryan A term used to reference the white race. AWL Aryan Women’s League AYM Aryan Youth Movement Beat Down When someone or a group needs to be attacked Black Laces Used by neo-Nazi, SHARP's and Traditional Skins. These laces are used by new Skinheads because they are seen as neutral and for those who have not earned their White Laces yet. Blood In Blood Out This is the process by which someone is accepted into the gang, meaning they have to spill blood to get in and the only way to get out is by death. Bolts A term used to reference the Nazi SS (lightening) bolts Boot Boy / Suede Head Another term for skinhead member Boot Party When a group of skinheads commit a violent assault. Bonehead A SHARPS term for a racist skinhead Braces Another name for the colored suspenders worn by skinheads as part of their uniform. The color denotes the level of achievement within the group. Braces Down Indicates ready to fight. Braces Up Indicates peace. Brand A term used for the Aryan Brotherhood Bro Short for brother Brother A term used to represent a fellow racist Brotherhood A term used to represent the tight family of their fellow brothers Chelsea/Renee/Feathercuts A term skinhead girls use for their hairstyle CIS Christian Identity Skinhead Cliqued Up/Run With Belonging to or running with a set or gang. Colors/Patch Tattoos and/or patches identifying affiliation to a gang/group Crew/Club Another name for a gang Crop The term skinheads use for their short hair cut Cutouts A term used for a third party that moves money, drugs, guns, and other contraband for the gang. Docs Short for Doc Martens – the style of boots worn by skinheads DMDP Doc Marten Dental Plan: Kicking a victim in the face Dry Snitching A person that gives information to law enforcement on accident Fag Bashing A term used representing the beating of a homosexual Featherwood A term used referencing a female Peckerwood Fred Perry A brand of polo style shirts that skinheads wear Fresh Cut/Fish A term used for a new skinhead Flights A term used by skinheads for Military Jackets Fringe A term used for a skinhead’s girlfriend’s haircut FTW Forever Truly White GS Get Some (usually refers to violence) Hang Around A person who is associated with the group but has yet to become a prospect Hardcore A term used for a bad ass person HBH Heil Blood Honour HFFA Hammerskins Forever Forever Hammerskins Hunting/Hunt A term used for a night out looking for someone to attack In the Hat When the name of a person believed to be a drop out, tap out, or race traitor is put on the list for retaliation ITSUB In The Sacred Unfailing Bond Keeping the Faith A term used to remind someone to keep loyal to the movement Keys A term used meaning to have control or power over something Kike A derogatory term for someone of the Jewish faith Kite A note passed among prisoners KKK Ku Klux Klan KLASP Klannish Loyalty A Sacred Principle Laddered A way skinheads lace their boot in a horizontal pattern to create a straight lines rather that the standard X or cross pattern. Lop Someone who is of no use Making Your Bones To kill someone to get into the gang Mud People Skinhead term for non-Aryan races Mud Shark A white female who dates non-white men Nordic White Race NLR Nazi Low Riders: A white power prison and street gang OI A skinhead way of saying “Hello” or “Goodbye” ORION Our Race Is Our Nation Paperwork Court paperwork or ones rap sheet of criminal history Peckerwood A term first used by Blacks in the South to describe a white racist; now a group inside the racist movement Prospect/Probate Someone who wants to be skinhead but has not proven himself Pruno Prison wine – (Viking Wine) – Made from fruit, sugar, ketchup Put in Check When older skinheads teach the younger ones a lesson RAC Rock Against Communism Race Traitor White person who associates with non-white, minorities & Jews RAHOWA Racial Holy War Red Laces (Blood Laces) Used by neo-Nazi skinheads to show that a Skinhead has drawn serious blood. (A serious assault, attempted murder or murder). Some SHARP skinheads wear red laces to show their belief or allegiance to communism. ROA Race Over All SANBOG Strangers Are Near; Be On Guard Schooling When older skinheads attack younger skinheads to teach them a lesson. Shank A homemade knife, weapon, sharp usually made in prison/jail SHARP Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice: A non racist skinhead group Shot Caller A person in charge SHU Special Housing Unit: A segregated housing area in prison/jail Skin Short for skinhead Skinbird A female skinhead Snitch Someone who works with law enforcement Stickered Skinhead recruitment Straight Laces A way skinheads lace their boot in a horizontal pattern to create a straight lines rather that the standard X or cross pattern. SWP Supreme White Power Tap Out Someone who leaves the skinhead movement Taxing Taking property or money from someone made from illegal activities Teutonic A term used by a racist to represent the white race To the Bone A term used by someone to a show how loyal they are to the movement Toad A term used by skinheads for “Blacks” Trad A term used for a Traditional Skinhead Turner Diaries 1978 novel by William Pierce, leader of the National Alliance before his death, that is revered by the white supremacy movement. Two-Tone/Trojan A term used by skinheads for SHARPs Quack Someone who can be fooled easily WAR White Aryan Resistance WAU Women for Aryan Unity WCOTC White Church Of The Creator White Laces Used by neo-Nazi skinheads, White laces show White Pride or White Power. SHARPs, neo-Nazi and some Traditional Skinheads use these laces to show that someone has earned the right to be called a Skinhead. Wigger A term used by a racist to represent a white person acting black Wood Short for Peckerwood WOTAN Will Of The Aryan Nation WP White Power or White People WPWW White Pride World Wide Yellow Laces These are used by skinheads to symbolize Anarchy, while other skinheads have used this color to signify an assault on a Law Enforcement Officer. ZOG A term used to represent the United States Government Source: Gang Enforcement Website | Gangology | Dictionary SKINHEAD ALPHABET(s) 2nd Century Norse Anglo Saxon Icelandic Scandinavian SKINHEAD BOOTS (Doc Martins) Red Laces Black Laces White Laces Yellow Laces See “Terminology” for color meanings. SKINHEAD SUSPENDERS (aka: Braces) Braces Up Braces Down See “Terminology” for meaning. WHITE SUPREMACIST / HATE GROUP LOGOS, SYMBOLS, TATTOOS, ETC. Aryan Brotherhood Aryan Nation Church of the White Creator Hammerskin Nation Volksfront Supreme White Alliance Vinlander Social Club Ku Klux Klan Heritage Front Russian Nazi Flag White Aryan Resistance Storm Front SS Lightening Bolts Rune Sturnabteilung Totenkopf Iron Cross Celtic Cross Othala Rune Triskele Wolfsangel 14 Words 88 = HH = Heil Hitler 23/16 = W/P = White Power 11 = K / 3-11’s = KKK 28 = BH = Blood of Honour 18 = AH = Adolph Hitler WHITE SUPREMACIST TATTOOS: EXERCISE What symbols do you see here? WHITE SUPREMACIST INTERVIEW & LESSONS LEARNED One of the most telling interviews that I had ever done over some 18 years of conducting gang investigations was with an inmate who had a white supremacy ideology that was deeper than anyone I had ever come face to face with. This inmate who we’ll call Inmate Hate was originally from Southern California and had done time in the most notorious prisons such as Chino, Folsom, and San Quentin. How we were introduced to this inmate starts off just as scary as what we learned from him. We were informed by another inmate that Inmate Hate was making threats like “the next time that Preacher tells me I need to find God; I am going to shove this pencil into his throat.” Now people make empty threats all the time but this informant felt compelled to tell someone about this one because of Inmate Hate’s background and the stories that he had told to his cell mates of his life in California. You see, this inmate was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. Upon our sitting down for the first time with Inmate Hate, we could tell immediately that we were dealing with a career criminal that was not only familiar with but comfortable with talking to the resident gang investigator. As a matter of fact, he said to me, “I was wondering what was taking so long for you to talk to me.” I replied, “Why is that?” And he said, “Because if there is anyone in this jail that you would need to talk to it would be me.” That is how we started our interview. I said, “So let’s talk.” Who are you Inmate Hate?” Without hesitation, like he’d done this a hundred times before, he went into what almost seemed like a canned speech at a political convention. He started with where he was from, how he grew up, when he first went to prison and how ultimately he ended up being recruited by who he described as one of the founding members of the Aryan Brotherhood, which in those days were called the Diamond Tooth Gang. He continued to describe his being brought into the gang and the “work” that he had to put in to get to the level that he had reached eventually leading him to be transferred time and time again to a higher security prison spending months and years in the Special Management Unit (SHU). He continued to show me his many “battle scars for our race” as he described them to include the seventeen puncture wounds throughout his back and upper torso from a “hit” that he survived. I learned many things from Inmate Hate that at that time in my career I had not heard of nor had been challenged on as it pertained to correctional intelligence, gang member management, officer safety and non-gang member inmate safety not to mention being schooled on how easy it was too literally make a weapon from everything from a piece of clothing to wet toilet paper. As a matter of fact, he told us that if we put him in isolation and gave him the very minimum that the state required us to provide that every single day for a week he could produce a weapon lethal enough to cause great bodily harm if not death by someone who knew how to use it. This was not something that we would normally do nor would I today recommend that anyone from this point forward do under those circumstances but I obliged him and placed him in pending admin segregation due to his gang affiliation and threats made towards the Preacher. Over the course of the next week – well, I called the experiment off after three days – Inmate Hate handed me a new weapon made from something completely different each time. The most amusing and shocking to me was the one that was made from the plastic spoon from his breakfast that an officer had failed to make sure was removed when he picked up his tray and wet toilet paper that had been frozen solid by the cell’s air conditioner. He had taken the plastic spoon and twisted the “spoon” end of it till it had snapped off leaving a sharp twisted tip. He then took a hand full of toilet paper and rolled it around the handle of the spoon till it was thick enough to mimic a handle comfortable enough to hold with ease. He then took the two pencils that we had given him as part of his minimum items (way to communicate with the outside world, via written communications) and stuck them both in the air conditioning grate just far enough part to act as a shelf that the spoon wrapped in wet toilet paper could lie on. Over the course of the next couple of hours, Inmate Hate would place the spoon on the pencils and let the cold air conditioner begin to cool the wet toilet paper – he would remove it – shape the toilet paper and place it back on the pencils till it began to form the slowly freezing and hardening toilet paper into a rock solid handle complete with a flat tip perfect to place the thumb on for leverage. What you end up with is a rock solid shank made from a plastic spoon and wet toilet paper sharp enough to puncture the skin and if used correctly could inflict great bodily harm and potentially kill someone. Here is the take away: Officer failed to ensure all the items came out of the cell that went in – the spoon. He made a weapon using items that were legal for him to have by utilizing the environment around him. These guys have 24 hours a day to nothing but think about how to survive using what’s available to them. Beyond the information that we were able to get from him about how he learned to survive in the most dangerous prisons in the nation. He also spent a great deal of time telling me about how the gangs operate and how racial boundaries play a major role in their structure – even though they may not be as significant when it comes to doing “business” with each other. However, for the focus of this story and this e-book, we will focus in on his tattoos and the meaning behind on in particular. Inmate Hate had numerous tattoos but there were two that stood out to me (1) being the twin lightning bolts or the SS symbol and (2) being the Klansman tattoo. The twin lightning bolts were significant because of their meaning but also because he had them subtly hidden within a series of other tattoos making them difficult for those who are ignorant to their meaning and/or another inmate or officer at first glance. The Klansman was significant because of its meaning showing his true commitment to the white supremacy ideology by going beyond the traditional Aryan prison gang mentality while incarcerated to now living this idea of white supremacy during those times of freedom when not in prison by way of the Ku Klux Klan. Lastly, the placement of this Klansman tattoo was even more significant and the purpose of this placement was both frightening and eye opening to just how serious he was in the idea of cleansing this world of the non-Aryan race. The Klansman tattoo was placed inside the inner right bicep. When asked what the purpose of this placement was, he very truthfully and proudly gave these two reasons; the second of which was not expected and completely revealing into the level of his hatred: 1. Concealment: If I have my shirt off on the rec yard or anywhere in public, I can simply keep my arm down to my side and it almost completely conceals the tattoo from whoever I do not want to see it. 2. He stated that he was right handed and the Klansman was placed under his right bicep specifically for the purpose of it literally being the last thing that the black man (except he used another word) would see when he raised his arm just before my shank entered his skull. In other words, he wanted the guy to be looking at the Klansman as he was dying. Now if that doesn’t express his deep hatred for the non-Aryan race then I don’t know what does. I tell this story for two reasons; (1) to hopefully bring some points to light about the importance of a detailed interview with your potential gang member/hate group member so that you get the deepest answers to the most vital of question to better prepare for the decision making process of how to best manage/monitor this person moving forward based on their potential level of threat and (2) to shine some light on just how real the threat is in this ideological war based on a perceived race superiority idea where the only acceptable outcome can be no less than extinction of the non-Aryan race(s). WHITE SUPREMACIST / HATE GROUP CARTOONS WHITE SUPREMACIST / HATE GROUPS MUSIC Hate Rock Bands United States Acirema Final Solution Shortfuse 76 Aggravated Assault Final War Shutdown Aggressive Force Gestapo SS Steelcap Angry Aryans Grinded Nig Storm Section Angry White Youth H8Machine Straightlaced Nightmare Anwyl Hakenkreuz Stronghold Arresting Officers Hammertown The Voice Aryan Tormentor Hatemonger Vaginal Jesus Attack Infantry Vagrant the Noachian Battle Axe Infernal Hatred Vanguard Before God Intimidation One Warfare 88 Berserkr Johnny Rebel Weltmacht Birkenau Katharia White American Youth Bloodstained Boots Kick to Kill White Wash Blue Eyed Devils Kill or Be Killed White Wolf Blutkrieg Max Resist Youngblood Bound for Glory Midtown Bootboys Youngland Brawlers Mudoven Bully Boys Mullet C.I.S. Neo Hate Carl Klang New Glory Cenotaph New Minority Centurion No Alibi Chaos 88 Nordic Thunder Code 13 Order From Chaos Code of Violence Pantheon Crew X Patriotic Front Das Reich People Haters Day of the Sword Platoon 14 Definite Hate Plunder & Pillage Dirty White Punks Pure Rampage Dread Moon Red, White & Blue Eric Owens Riot Wing Ethnic Cleansing Rival Extreme Hatred Sedition Argentina Brazil Czech Republic Accion Radical Brigada NS Agrese 95 Comando Suicida Command Apartheid Razon y Fuerza Defesa Armada Biely Odpor Ultrasur Evil Buldok Goat Penis Conflict 88 Grupo Separatista Branco Diktator Locomotiva 88 Excalibur Abyssic Hate Resistencia 88 Hlas Krve Battle Hymn Thallium Nadoraz Australia Blood Oath Death's Head Orlik Canada Prinz Eugen Dissident Aryan SAD Fortress Battlefront Thodthverdthur Frontline Fighters Cross Valasska Liga Honour Guard Excessive Force Vlajka Kommando Griffin Wolfheart Open Season Involved Patriot Zast 88 Ravenous Kremator Raven's Wing Odin's Law Southern Cross Rahowa Spear of Longinus Stonehammer White Lightning Trouble Makers White Noise Vinland Warriors White Riot Austria Chile Denmark Chamber 88 Strike Force Estonia Preserve White Aryans Finland SS1488 Odal Sieg Arngrimmr Sudfront Rockan Oi Brutal Skins Tollschock End Up Dead Hate Crime Belgium Donar’s Krieg Croatia H8 Mistreat Pig Killer Wiking Division England Germany Avalon The Die-Hards 08/15 Battle Zone The Final Sound 14 Nothelfer Blackout The Klansmen A.B. Blackshirts Thunderbolt Absurd Brutal Attack Vengeance Arisches Blut Bulldog Breed Warhammer Aryan Blood Chingford Attack Warlord Aryan Brotherhood Croyden Criminals White Diamond Asgard Dragon Lance White Law Aufmarsch English Rose Eurocentrifugal Force Balmung France Barad Dur Eye of Odin 9eme Panzer Symphony Blutweihe Grade One Bekhira Body Checks Ian Stuart Bifrost Bollwerk Ken McLellan Blessed in Sin Boots Brothers Kindred Spirit Brutal Combat Brutale Haie Legion of St. George Bunker 84 Celtic Moon Lionheart Chauves Pourris Commando Pernod No Fear Dernier Rampart Cotzbrocken No Remorse Durandal Deutch Stolz Treue Ovaltinees Evil Skins Die Harte Overlords Fraction Hexagone Die Moite Paul Burnley Kontingent 88 Die Separatism Public Enemy Kristallnacht Division Wiking Rage'N'Fury Legion 88 Doitsche Patrioten Razors Edge Legion A Dragoner Rune Shield Osculum Infame Edelweiss Skrewdriver Panzerjager Endstufe Skullhead Patriotic Youth Entwarnung Spearhead Ultimatum Eugenik Squadron Ultime Assault Faustrecht Stigger Veme Colonne Foierstoss Stormbringer Viking Frank Rennicke Sudden Impact Freibeuter Freikorps Germany Gestapo Schwarzes Korps White Aryan Rebels Groilmeiers Senfheads Wotan Halgadom Sleipnir Zillertaler Tuerkenjaeger Hate Society Soldiers of Freedom Hauptkampflinie Solution Holsteiner Jungs Sperrfeuer Jungsturm Spreegeschwader Kahlkopf Stahlgewitter Kraft Durch Froide Standarte Kraftschlag Storkraft Kroitzfoier Storstufe Landser Stuka Attack Archivum Landsturm Sturmflagge Egeszseges Fejbor Legion Condor Sturmgesang Junkers 88 Legion of Thor Sturmtrupp Kozellenseg Legion Ost Sturmwehr Magozott Cseresznye Leitwolf The Betrayed Mos-Oi Macht Und Ehre Thor's Hammer Nemzeti Front Might of Rage Todesschwadron D.F.E. Nimrod Nahkampf Toitonen Oi-Kor Noie Werte Tollwut Pannon Skins Nordfront Tonstorung Titkolt Ellenallas Nordmacht Triebtater Valhalla Odessa Unbending Bootboys Verszerzodes Offensive Veit Oi Dramz Volksgemurmel Oidoxie Volkstroi Oithanasie Volksverhetzer Ostfront AVK Volkszorn Proissenheads Voll die Guten Radikahl War 88 Reichssturm Weisse Wolf Rungholt Weisser Arischer Widerstand Saccara Werwolf Schwarzer Orden Wewelsburg Greece Der Sturmer Iron Youth Legion of Doom Greece Ireland Celtic Dawn Netherlands Brigade M Landstorm Standrecht Poland Norway Serbia Capricornus Burzum Battle Flag Defensor 14 Hirdmen Drzavni Udar Deportacja Norhat Dzumbus Ekspansja Norske Legion Kristalna Noc Falanga 88 Rinnan Band Moleban Feniks Sonner av Norge Providenje Fullmoon Trelldom Radikalne Patriote Galgenberg Vidkuns Venner Razor 88 Gontyna Kry Graveland Grom Honor Infernum Kataxu Portugal Endovelico Guarda de Ferro Lusitanoi Russia Real Aggression Revolt BGD Sorab 18 Terrormachine The Terrorist Trijumf Volje Konkwista 88 Banda Moskvy Legion Branikald Lord Wind Bulldog Nowy Lad Instruktsiya Po Vyzhivaniyu Dr. Martens Skinheads Odrodzenie 88 Kolovrat Juden Mord Odwet Korroziya Metalla Justicia Ofensywa Krasnye Zvezdy Kratky Proces Ohtar Kulturnaya Revolutsiya Parabellum Perunwit Nocturnal Mortum Slovenska Liga Salut Radegast Selbstmord Russian Ghetto Swastyka Sturm Sztorm 68 Svetloyar Thunderbolt Temnozor Veles Terror National Front White Fist Totenkopf Wineta Ultimatum Zyklon B Vandal Scotland Slovakia Switzerland Eisenwinter Sturmtruppen Ukraine Aryan Terrorism Hate Forest SBS Sokyra Peruna British Standard Tsirulnya Nemesis Vengeance Spain Sweden 14 Palabras Asa Svitjod 7 Muelles Barsarkarna Symphony of Sorrow Batallon de Castigo Blod Und Ara Totenkopf Celtica Brigad Wotan Triskelon Centuria Hispanica Dirlewanger Trueblood Division 250 Division S Vit Aggression Estandarte 88 Enharjarna Volund Smed Estirpe Imperial Frigg White Warriors Gabinete Caligari Germania Wietze Hermanos Blancos Heimdall Klan Heroes Legion Negra Heroes in the Snow Los Illegales Hets Mot Folkgrupp Ofensiva 88 Heysel Patria Jocke Karlsson Praxis Ledung Rebelion Matti S. Reconquista Midgard Seccion De Asalto Midgards Soner Toletum Nastrond Tormenta Blanca Nibelungen Torquemada 1488 Odalmannen Zetme 88 Odins Anglar Odium Uruguay Escuadron 88 Phoenix Pluton Svea Pro Patria Wales Reichsmusikkammer Broadsword Saga Celtic Warrior Sigrblot No Quarter Somalia Kickers Retaliator Spandau Violent Storm SS Totenkopf Steelcapped Strength Storm Svastika ARYAN YOUTH MOVEMENT RESOURCES > Anti-Defamation League > Gang Enforcement Company | Hate Groups > Simon Wiesenthal Center > Southern Poverty Law Center SOURCES > Anti-Defamation League > Inmate Contraband/Paraphernalia > Personal Interviews over 20 Years > Simon Wiesenthal Center > Southern Poverty Law Center > Turner Diaries > United States Department of Homeland Security DISCLAIMER The graphics, signs, symbols, graffiti, cartoons, and comments used in this document are graphic and extremely offensive in nature. However, it is vital for you to be educated in the reality within the ideology and extremism that is the white supremacy, black supremacy and hate group movement. The content within this guide is in no way supported by The Gang Enforcement Company, its leadership, staff, clients, and/or members. Compiled and Written by: Rusty Keeble, Founder and CEO The Gang Enforcement Company, Orlando, FL 32860 Gang Enforcement Center | Gang Enforcement Unit | Gang Enforcement Academy GANGPRO | GFORCE | #GANGENFORCEMENT | GANG OPS | CAGE | GANGTEK | twitter: @gangpro
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