6 - Red Lion, Pennsylvania


6 - Red Lion, Pennsylvania
York, PA
PERMIT No. 764
11 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 190
Red Lion, PA 17356
Postal Customer
Red Lion,
PA 17356
Hello and greetings to everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. My thanks go out to the
many volunteers who put so many hours in to make the holiday events such a
smashing success that climaxed with an awesome New Year’s Eve gala that was
just over the top. Once again, thank you all!
• Steven E. Kopp
This Community Newsletter is produced for Red Lion Borough
by Hometown Press • 215.257.1500 • All rights reserved®
To Place An Ad Call Peggy At Hometown Press • 215-262-3617
The Tradition Continues... Celebrating 30 Years in Business!
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Borough Council
• Walter Hughes,
• Dennis Klinedinst,
• Kelly Henshaw
• Christina Frutiger
• Cynthia Barley
• Tony Musso
• Danielle Kabacinski
Borough Manager
• Dianne Price
Codes/Zoning Officer
• Dan Shaw
Public Works Supervisor
• Brett Patterson
Tax Collector
• Mike Zelger
Water Authority
• Eric Immel, Chairman
• Carroll Missimer III,
• Jeffrey P. Herrman
• Michael Poff
• Bradley Smith
Water & Sewer
• Keith Kahwajy
• Pennsylvania State Police
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The Well
Red Lion Psychology
David Haynes-Weller, PsyD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
30 East Broadway • Red Lion, PA 17356
Tel: 717.244.1082 Fax: 717.244.1064
Red LionPsychology.com
More good news! For another year (2015), Borough Council was able to pass
a budget without a tax increase to our citizens or property owners. Way to go,
Borough Council Members and the Borough Manager! It’s not how much money
we can raise or how fast it can be spent, but rather how wisely and responsibly
we, the stewards of your public funds, utilize those funds.
Again, many infrastructure issues will be addressed in 2015… street and alley repairs, sewer lines and
water drainage problems, which are all very costly and time consuming. I hope all our citizens affected by
the repairs and work that will be done understand this is a short-term inconvenience for a long-term solution.
Infrastructure repairs are an ongoing yearly occurrence that must be kept up with.
As you may or may not be aware, as of January 1, 2015 the Pennsylvania State Police took over the policing
of Red Lion Borough. For our New Year’s Eve event, six troopers were assigned to patrol the Borough. Four
were in uniform, and two were plain clothes. Within minutes after midnight, a number of arrests were made
for criminal violations. State Police have informed the Borough that any time we have any event, we should
call them, and Troopers will be assigned to be here.
During the month of January, State Police conducted drug raids in the Borough using undercover Troopers
from outside the area. One of the raids netted over $20,000 in illegal drugs. I myself have noticed many
marked PSP patrol cars patrolling the Borough and more than one PSP car responding to resident calls. Also,
we see the use of both marked and unmarked PSP cars using radar for traffic enforcement within the Borough.
Residents who have concerns or wish to report suspicious activity can contact the head of the public safety
committee Tony Musso via email [email protected] or drop off or send a letter to his attention at the
Borough office. This information will be passed directly to PSP for investigation.
The Borough did not ask anything special from PSP. When asked about the enforcement, they stated that
they were just doing their job. Way to go, PSP! Another bit of information for everyone… Red Lion Borough
is not the largest borough in the Commonwealth that PSP polices. We are just one of many. My hat is off to
PSP. Good job!
The Borough has settled contract negotiations with Teamsters Local #776, the bargaining agent for our Public
Works employees, and they have a new contract in place. Our Public Works employees do a great job, and
I and Borough Council do notice it. Thanks, guys!
continued on page 1...
Inside This Issue:
Message from the Mayor.....................................1
Borough Events ..................................................1
Red Lion Borough Information...........................2
Rabbittransit .......................................................2
Zoning & Code Enforcement Officer..................3
Red Lion Community Services ...........................3
Red Lion Historical Society.................................4
Red Lion Municipal Water &
Sewer Authority..................................................4
Reporting a Street Light Out...............................4
York County Area Agency on Aging ...................5
Red Lion Area Senior Center ..............................5
Red Lion Borough Events ...................................6
Red Lion Recreation ...........................................7
Red Lion Youth Center Preschool .......................8
Red Lion Youth Center .......................................8
Message from State Rep. Stan Saylor...................8
The Green Thumb Garden Club.........................8
Storm Water Information....................................9
Kaltreider-Benfer Library ....................................9
Recycling Information .................................10-11
HHW Collection...............................................11
Important Contacts ..........................................13
Borough Tax Collector......................................13
11 East Broadway, Red Lion, PA 17356 • (717) 244-3475
Important Contacts
Municipal Office
11 E. Broadway,P.O. Box 190
Red Lion, PA 17356
[email protected]
Borough Manager
Dianne Price
[email protected]
Zoning & Codes Enforcement Officer
Dan Shaw
[email protected]
Steven E. Kopp
[email protected]
Tax Collector
Mike Zelger
451 Highland Rd., R.L.
[email protected]
Hot Stones and
Sauna with
Every Massage
Pennsylvania State Police
Emergencies: Call 911
Non­emergencies: 717­428­1011
Deep Tissue
Myofascial Release
Pregnancy Massage
& Couples Massage
Fire Department
Leo Fire Company No. 1
201 W. Broadway, R.L.
Joseph Yahnke, Fire Chief
Red Lion Area Ambulance Assn.
312 Horace Mann Ave., R.L.
Ron Harlacker, Director of
[email protected]
State Representative
94th Legislative District
Stan Saylor
100 Redco Ave., R.L.
717­244­9232 or 717­382­4595
451 Highland Road
Red Lion, PA 17356
Phone: 717-417-6311
Fax: 717-417-5119
Email: [email protected]
Call for Your
Specializing in custom railings,
stairs, fences and gates.
Dr. Douglas Schmidt, D.V.M.
Dr. Kevin Schmidt, D.V.M.
Dr. Sabrina Walters, V.M.D.
Dr. Kathleen Spencer, D.V.M.
Dr. Stephanie Edwards, D.V.M.
Garbage & Recycling
Penn Waste
Red Lion Youth Center
190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L.
Kristina Ogurcak, After School
Program Director
[email protected]
Red Lion Recreation
190 S. Charles St., upper level, R.L.
Eric Rabenstein, Recreation
[email protected]
Red Lion Youth Center Preschool
190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L.
Jeanne Macaluso, Director
[email protected]
Kaltreider­Benfer Library
147 S. Charles St., R.L.
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Business
651 Lombard Rd., Suite 122, R.L.
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Senior Center
20­C Gotham Place, R.L.
Heather Goebeler, Executive
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Historical Society
P.O. Box 94, R.L.
Jan Barnhart, President
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Community
15 First Ave., R.L.
Muriel Slenker, Director
[email protected]
Red Lion Borough Tax Collector, Mike Zelger
141 West Broadway
Red Lion PA 17356
John H. Fishel
Magisterial District Judge District
2997 Cape Horn Rd., R.L.
[email protected]
Special Hours:
Thursdays, April 2 & 9 from 6 PM - 8 PM
Fridays, April 3 & 10 from 9 AM - Noon
Wednesdays, June 3 & 10 from 6 PM - 8 PM
Fridays, June 5 & 12 from 9 AM - Noon
Jason Aspito, Owner
Mon-Fri 3-9pm
Sat: 9am-5pm
(Later by appt.)
Sun: 12-5pm
O: (717) 501-4012
C: (630) 297-2452
Property Maintenance Experts
Noah Mundis
Office hours at
451 Highland Road
are as follows:
Mondays &
9 AM until noon
201 S. Charles Street
Red Lion, PA 17356
Fully Bonded
& Insured
Health Screening Services
Discover where your body is out of balance
& how to bring that balance back!
Pierre Roderique
425 East Broadway
Red Lion, PA 17356
Office hours by appointment
Associate Agent/Customer Service
Pabody Insurance & Financial Services
62 N Main Street
Red Lion, PA 17356
147 N Fourth Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Tel 717-244-5172
Fax 717-339-0052
Cell 856-562-8550
[email protected]
Complete Line of Nutritionals, Herbals, Homeopathics & Knowledgeable Staff
www.hessiron.com 717-246-3135
27 E. Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA 17356
Phone: 717.244.4450
10 W. Broadway
Red Lion, PA 17356
E-mail: [email protected]
25% OFF Initial Screening
To the Citizens of Red Lion Borough.
Greetings on behalf of your Borough Council and myself.
It is my hope that each of you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. It is a very special time of year to spend
with family and friends here in Red Lion. Thank You to Our Veterans for making this possible! I would like to
thank our local businesses for their participation in our Holiday Events, and also thank our New Year’s Eve
Committee for another Great Job! My wife and I enjoyed ourselves once again at the train station. Looking around the Square at the toy soldiers
and our Christmas decorations makes us beam with pride!
State Inspection
I want to thank our borough and municipal employees for the fine job they do in providing services to our citizens. I also want to thank
everyone who volunteers to serve on our Boards and Commissions which help to make Red Lion a Better Place To Live.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Pennsylvania State Police, the Leo Independent Fire Co., and the Red Lion Area Ambulance
Association for all they do in keeping our citizens safe.
As we begin the New Year, and all the opportunities that it presents, let us remain united as a community, and ask God to grant us His wisdom,
and continue to bless us as His people.
Steven E. Kopp
$2,000 Over KBB
Fair Trade Market Value
on your trade
Red Lion Borough is always in need of citizens to join in and serve in all areas of this government. John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the
United States, once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country.” The same can be said
of the Borough. It’s easy to sit back, criticize, be negative or have a personal agenda. It is much harder to jump in and help be part of the
solution. The Borough is always looking for a few good citizens to jump in and be part of our government team including a new public safety
commission. If you are interested, just contact a member of Borough Council or the Borough Manager.
Hoping all of you will have another great and healthy year as we on Borough Council attempt to get the business of government done for all
of you.
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is the gift, that's why it's called the present.....”
Most respectfully yours,
Walt Hughes
President, Red Lion Borough Council
“Serving the area since 1993”
3220 Cape Horn Road • Red Lion, PA
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Easter Egg Hunt
Water Line Flushing
2015 Grass Collection
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
2015 Spring Branch & Limb Collection
Memorial Day Parade & Service
Lewis and Clark Circus
Suds & Songs 2015
Flag Day Program
Splash Pad Summer 2015 OPENING
Fairmount Fun Day
FREE Community Yard Sale
Independence Day Fireworks
July 4th Stay-at-Home Celebration
March 28
March 28
April 6 - Oct. 5
May 2
May 4 - 8
May 25
June 2 & 3
June 6
June 13
June 13
June 13
June 19 & 20
July 3
July 4
Street Fair
Concert in the Park
2015 Fall Branch & Limb Collection
Leaf Collection
Fall Fest
Haunted Mile
Halloween Parade
Trick or Treat
Small Business Saturday
Lighting of the Christmas Tree
Breakfast with Santa
Santa’s Shanty
New Year’s Eve Celebration
August 8
August 23
Oct. 5 - 9
Oct. 12 - Dec. 4
Oct. 24
Oct. 24
Oct. 26
Oct. 31
Nov. 28
Nov. 29
Dec. 5
Dec. 10 & 11
Dec. 17 & 18
Dec. 31
2015 Grass Collection: April 6 - Oct. 5
Street Sweeping
Please remember…Grass is not permitted to
be mixed with your garbage. It is preferable to
leave your grass clippings on your lawn if they are
mulched with your mower. If you choose not to
do this, our annual grass clipping collection
program will be in effect again this year. You can
stop by our office to purchase a sticker for $20 for the entire season.
This sticker must be placed on your own 20-gallon trash can, and our
crew will pick up your clippings every Monday (and Tuesdays if
necessary) beginning April 6 and ending October 5.
In order for us to clean up the
remnants of winter that are left in our
streets, we need your help. “No
Parking” signs are posted when we plan
to sweep your street. All vehicles must
be removed from the street. You can move your vehicle back on the
street after we remove our signs. We post these “No Parking” signs
allowing you enough time to move your vehicle before we begin. If
your vehicle is not moved, you will be ticketed.
Branch & Limb Collections: Spring: May 4 - 8, Fall: October 5 - 9
Branches and limbs should be placed at your
garbage collection site. The chipper/shredder
will make a daily circuit around the Borough to
pick them up. Limbs may be up to 6” in
diameter and 4’ to 6’ in length. Do not bundle.
Yard waste such as ornamental grass, garden
residue, etc., will not be picked up. If you have
material to be picked up and it has not been
collected by Thursday during the collection
week, please call the office at 717-244-3475. The Borough reserves the
right to refuse items that do not meet the requirements and is not
responsible for cleanup. Please call the Public Works Facility,
717-244-2567, if you are interested in the mulch that results from
these collections. Should you have branches and limbs for disposal at
any other time, you can either properly store them until the next
scheduled collection or call the Public Works Facility and schedule a
time to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for RED LION
Yard waste items such as garden residue, ornamental grass, tree
stumps and similar matter will NOT be accepted at our Public Works
Facility. One option is to compost these items at home. OR you can
take them to the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Resource
Recovery Center on Blackbridge Rd. in Manchester Township. NOTE:
Before doing this, visit their website at www.ycswa.com, or call them at
717-845-1066, for requirements and restrictions you will need to be
aware of.
Please keep in mind that trees must be kept trimmed to a height of
14 feet above and along the edge of the roadway and 9 feet above
sidewalks. Keeping your trees trimmed will prevent damage to
borough equipment and allow us to do a better job when street
Even though you cannot recycle your plastic bags and common films and wraps that are used in our everyday lives
through Penn Waste, they CAN still be recycled. Just remember the four R’s as they relate to these items:
Reduce E Reuse E Recycle E Repeat
Reduce: BYOB (bring your own bags) to the store when you shop!
Reuse: More than 90 percent of plastic bag owners reuse plastic grocery bags at home for things like lining bathroom
wastebaskets, as filler in plant containers or cleaning up pet poop.
Recycle: The next time you go shopping, take your old plastic bags and wraps along to be recycled. You can help to give
them a new life as splinter-resistant decking, crates and containers, or even new bags! Many local retailers now have collection
bins where you can deposit these items for recycling. Items that can be included are:
We thank you for your cooperation and appreciate your efforts to
help keep Red Lion Borough a great place to live, work and play.
Fall Leaf Collection: Oct. 12 - Dec. 4
Leaf collection for 2015 will
begin on Monday, October 12
and will continue through
Friday, December 4. Place
leaves at the curb. They will not be picked up if they are placed
elsewhere. Do not mix any other items with the leaves. The pickup
schedule is variable depending on weather conditions. We will get to
your leaves as soon as we can. We appreciate your understanding that
this schedule must be flexible. There will be no collection on Borough
holidays. Leaves in plastic trash bags will not be picked up. If you
have leaves that you wish to dispose of before or after these dates, you
can call the Public Works Facility at 717-244-2567 and make
arrangements to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for
DO NOT place your leaves at the curb
before our collection begins.
Doing this causes leaves to clog our storm
drains, and they MUST remain clear of
www.rabbittransit.org • Email: [email protected] • 717-846-7433
Seniors Ride Free! Did you know that seniors age 65+ who register with
rabbittransit can ride the Fixed Route service for FREE? Route 10S offers service
between York and Red Lion. To find out how to sign up or for more information,
please email [email protected], call 717-846-7433 or visit www.rabbittransit.org.
E Plastic store bags
E Dry-cleaning bags
E Bread bags
E Cereal box liners
E Bubble wrap
(If it tears like paper, don’t include it; otherwise, if it’s clean, you can recycle it!)
These items are fully recyclable, but require a different type of recycling than plastic bottles and containers. That's why your
bags cannot be included with your curbside recycling.
Repeat: Self-explanatory!
Open Mon. - Sat. 9am - 11pm, Sun. Noon - 5pm
3135A Cape Horn Road, Red Lion
Large Selection of Beers • Imported, Micro Brews & Domestics
Kegs • Party Supplies • Beer Meisters For Sale or Rent
Full Line of Tap Equipment & Parts • Ice • Soda • Tea • Snacks
Cigarettes • Fine Cigars
Coupons Accepted
(In Windsor Commons Shopping Center)
A Special Thank You
To The Businesses
This publication is made available through the generous advertising
sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout
our newsletter. Red Lion Borough appreciates their support as the
ads provide the revenue that make it possible to produce this
newsletter at no cost to our residents. The Borough does not endorse
any product or organization that advertises in this newsletter.
Visit www.abagslife.com for interesting information on plastic bag recycling.
~ Terri Swearingen ~
Pennsylvania’s “Covered Device Recycling Act” (Act 108) now
prohibits the acceptance of certain electronic devices at all
Pennsylvania solid waste disposal facilities and therefore prohibits
residents from placing them at the curb for waste pick-up. Our waste
hauler is NO LONGER permitted to pick these items up at the curb.
Red Lion Borough is no longer accepting these electronics at our
Public Works Facility; however, The York County Solid Waste
Authority (YCSWA) offers their ongoing Electronics Recycling
Program that is held the first and third Saturdays of every month from
9AM to noon at their Yard Waste Transfer Facility located off of Flour
Mill Road in Manchester Township.
Examples of ACCEPTED items include:
• answering machines
• compact disc players
• fax machines
• computer hard drives
• laptops
• mobile phones
• modems
• microwave ovens
• pagers
• personal computers (CPU, monitors, keyboards, mouse, and peripherals)
• printers
• printed circuit boards
• radios
• remote controls
• stereos
• tape players
• telephones/telephone equipment
Your Late Night Connection
E Wraps from paper towels, bathroom tissue, napkins, diapers and
newspaper bags
Residents are responsible for removal of any personal data contained
on electronic devices and computer hard drives.
Examples of items NOT ACCEPTED are:
• construction demolition
• furniture
• appliances
• white goods
• household hazardous waste
• appliances containing Freon (dehumidifiers, air conditioners,
Residents, businesses, and non-profit entities are eligible to
participate with YCSWA in this program. Residents and businesses
with large quantities of electronics (i.e. more than a pickup truck load
of electronic material) should call the YCSWA before the collection
date to make arrangements for delivery. There is no fee
to participate. This program is made possible by
funding generated from tipping fees (cost for
disposal of waste) collected at the York
County Resource Recovery Center.
Visit their website at www.ycswa.com or
call them at 717-845-1066 for more
• televisions & VCR’s
Household Hazardous Waste Collection: Saturday, May 2, 9 AM - 1 PM
Rid your home of hazardous household products. The York County Solid Waste Authority will
conduct a FREE annual household hazardous waste collection program on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from
9 AM to 1 PM in the parking lot of Woodland View LP located at 915 Woodland View Dr. in Manchester
Township. Residents who bring in elemental mercury and/or a mercury-containing device such as a
thermostat, thermometer or elemental mercury will receive a $5 gift card for Lowe’s. All York County
homeowners or residential tenants are eligible to participate. Household hazardous waste includes any
products from the home which are corrosive (drain cleaners or bleach), flammable (gasoline), reactive
(chemistry kits) or toxic (pesticides). Due to state regulatory requirements, commercial entities are not
eligible to participate. Call the YCSWA at 717-845-1066 or visit www.ycswa.com for more information.
Recycle Today To Save Tomorrow! Here’s how you can help:
Penn Waste, www.pennwaste.com, accepts single stream recycling. This means that all recyclables can be combined
in your recycling bin. Even if you have been recycling for a long time, please read over the following guidelines. Penn
Waste now accepts items that were not acceptable in the past.
Penn Waste now
accepts Cartons!
“Cartons” are a type of
packaging for food and
beverage products you can purchase at the store. They are
available in two types – shelf-stable and refrigerated.
• #1- #7 PLASTIC containers and bottles, regardless of neck size This includes plastic clamshells (baked goods and produce
containers), butter dishes, yogurt containers, Cool Whip
containers, etc.
Remove caps/lids
Rinse thoroughly
It is okay to leave on labels and
neck rings
• GLASS food and beverage containers (clear, brown,
blue and green)
• METAL (EMPTY aluminum beverage cans, steel food
& beverage cans, aerosol cans, paint cans)
boxes, food boxes, EMPTY paper towel & toilet paper rolls,
paperboard packaging (i.e. tissue boxes), office paper (any
color), newspapers & inserts, magazines, catalogs,
brochures, envelopes & junk mail, phone books, soft
cover books, shredded paper (in clear plastic bags,
please), paperboard food & drink cartons. Recycle Any
Size; Any Quantity! Break down cardboard boxes as flat as possible.
Any cardboard that cannot fit into your bin should be
flattened, bundled and placed beside your bin.
Common examples of products that
are available in cartons are:
• Juice
• Milk
TREE TRIMMING: To avoid damage to borough equipment, personal vehicles and for the safety of everyone, trees must
be kept trimmed to a height of 14 feet above and along the edge of the roadway and 9 feet above
GRASS AND WEEDS: Grass and weeds shall not exceed six inches (6”) in length.
• Soup & broth
• Wine
• Cream
• Egg substitutes
Be sure to remove all caps and straws.
Empty and rinse.
Place in your bin along with other recyclables.
• NEEDLES & Medical Waste! (Do not place used needles or any
other medical waste with recycling! This is a serious health hazard to
• Drinking glasses
• Broken glass
• Windows, mirrors, ceramics
• Aluminum foil
• Clothing hangers (metal & plastic)
• Plastic grocery bags (they can be taken to most grocery stores to be
recycled – See article on page 11.)
• Food-soiled material
• Packing peanuts
• Plastic bubble wrap
• Light bulbs
• Styrofoam
• Diapers
Here are a few friendly reminders from Penn Waste:
• Crush your aluminum cans and all plastics.
• If the weather forecast calls for high winds or wet
weather, if possible, keep your paper recyclables
until the next week. Wet paper products are difficult to process.
• Cover loose paper with heavier items to prevent it from blowing away.
Please visit the Recycling and Garbage page on our website,
for additional information.
Remember...Recycling is MANDATORY in Red Lion Borough!
Thank you to all who have picked up one of our larger 32-gallon recycling containers. We truly appreciate your recycling
efforts! Unfortunately, we ran out of them last year, BUT we have been able to purchase more of them. If your current
container is not large enough, stop by our office to pick one up. They usually go pretty quickly, so feel free to call us at
717-244-3475 to check on the availability of the new containers.. OR feel free to use your own container. If you choose to
do this, please make sure to clearly mark that it contains recyclables. (Recycling stickers are available at our office for you to
place on your container.)
Recycling is MANDATORY for everyone in Red Lion Borough. This includes COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. If your commercial establishment
does not recycle, take the necessary steps NOW to implement a recycling program.
Visit the Commercial Recycling section of our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/recycling-garbage/commercial-recycling, which
contains valuable information on recycling in commercial establishments.
CFL Bulbs…
Just a reminder that compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL's) are considered hazardous waste and cannot be disposed of in your regular
garbage. You can dispose of them through the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection, OR as part
of Lowes’ and Home Depot’s commitment to the environment, they will recycle them for free at all of their stores, as long as they are
unbroken. Call them for more information.
By now, the snow has stopped falling, and our thoughts are turning toward warm, sunny days. Here is some important
ordinance information to remember for the spring and summer months.
UNENCLOSED STORAGE: Do not let inoperable, unlicensed and/or uninspected vehicles sit outside. They must be
stored in a fully enclosed building.
PARKING: Citations will be issued for any motor vehicle that is parked on any Borough highway, street or alley for a period longer than
72 consecutive hours.
SWIMMING POOLS: BEWARE of the swimming pools being sold as a portable kit at almost all retailers. If the pool is
capable of holding 24” or more of water, you will need to obtain a zoning permit and a building permit. Typically the
zoning permit costs $30, and the building permit will cost approximately $150. The pool will also require a 4’ high fence
around it if the pool is less than 4’ high. That low-priced pool now costs $180 more than what you were planning on!
GARBAGE COLLECTION: Do not place garbage at the point of collection in excess of 12 hours before your collection
day, which is Friday for all residential customers. Refuse being stored for collection must be placed in a container which
shall not permit blowing or scattering by wind and shall be rodent-proof, insect-proof, and watertight.
ITEMS NOT FOR OUTDOOR USE: The outdoor storage of lumber, scrap
metal, construction materials, machinery components, equipment, appliances, furniture not designed
and intended for exterior use, or any similar object which is not clearly intended for outdoor use is
considered a nuisance and must be removed or stored indoors.
15 First Avenue, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-6934 Fax: 717-244-6911 • Muriel Slenker, Executive Director
Office hours: Mon., Tues. & Wed. 9AM - 1PM, Thurs. 9AM - 2PM, Fri. 9AM - Noon
Food Pantry: by appt. Pantry donations are accepted weekday mornings. (You can also drop your pantry donations off at the Red Lion Borough Office.)
www.rlacspantry.net • [email protected]
The Board of Directors, staff and volunteers are
grateful for the continued support of the
community members, churches and organizations.
This past year, the Food Pantry received nearly
30,000 pounds of donated items which enabled us
to help an average of 175 households each month,
plus emergency needs. Those donations included
all the extras for the summer lunch program for the
children, as well as the extras which are included for the three holiday
seasons. Thank You!!
We begin the Kids’ Kafe summer lunch program in mid-June, as
soon as the school season concludes. Every Monday for ten weeks
from June - August, more than 100 youngsters
pick up their bag of nutritional breakfast, lunch
and snack items for that week. Donations are
needed from May through July for these bags.
Contact our office for a list of needed items.
The Capital Campaign has been extended
through 2016 to complete the facility improvements and enhance the
client emergency fund. Keystruck Construction of York, Pa. has been
awarded the bid for installation of an elevator for total accessibility to
all three levels of the 1904/05 original Red Lion firehouse building.
More information can be found on our website. Tours may be
arranged with the director by contacting the office.
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania
www.PaCommuterServices.org • 1-866-579-RIDE
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania is a non-profit organization that offers free services to commuters about their
options for getting to and from work. Our Rideshare and Emergency Ride Home programs provide necessary
tools to commuters in order for them to successfully switch from driving alone to a commuting alternative; such
as carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking or riding transit. Using a green commute mode is a great way to save money and help improve air
quality. For more information, visit www.PaCommuterServices.org or call 1-866-579-RIDE.
Red Lion spring 15_1 3/11/15 11:48 AM Page 6
Red Lion Area Historical Society
P.O. Box 94, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-1912 • www.redlionareahistoricalsociety.org
Jan Barnhart, President [email protected]
Center Square Museum is located at 10 E. Broadway, and the Ma & Pa Train Station Museum is located at 73 N. Main St.
For tours of either of the museums, please call 717-244-2122 or 717-244-8030.
2015 Monthly Membership Meetings
Meetings are held at St. John’s UCC Church, 161 N. Main St. in Red Lion, beginning at 7 PM, unless otherwise stated.
Parking is available off the alley behind the church. The lot can be accessed via E. Gay St.
March 26: Across the River – Murder at the Accomac - From the first settlement to the establishment of ferry crossings in the locality, Michael Maloney
familiarizes listeners with the history of the Accomac area. His narrative includes the little known murder of a servant girl by her jilted admirer.
May 28: Picture This - Learn from Jan Barnhart the origin of photography and how to date old photos of the sort we find in family picture
albums. Find out how to preserve these images of people, places and events and how to interpret family dynamic from them and make these
seemingly static views come alive.
Red Lion Municipal Water and Sewer Authority
The scheduled March 30th start date for water line flushing has been delayed. Please check the Water Line
Flushing page of our website and make sure we have your correct phone number for the automated call that will
be made the week prior to flushing.
Dates and times could extend depending on the area and condition of the water at that time. Please be aware that some
discoloration of the water may occur, and you may experience lower than normal water pressure for short periods
of time during the flushing procedure. Make sure your water is not discolored before doing laundry.
Please visit the Water Line Flushing page on our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/watersewer/water-line-flushing, for information, including daily updates on the area in which we’ll be flushing. Although
your area may not be listed, you could still be affected based on water flow direction through the distribution mains.
For many years, we’ve brought you the fresh, cool taste of safe, clean
drinking water. In 1988, a new treatment plant was constructed at
Cabin Creek, replacing the 1925 plant at the same location.
All raw water passes through the treatment plant for purification.
The treatment process consists of aeration, oxidation, coagulation,
clarification, filtration, corrosion control, disinfection and
fluoridation. Upon completion of the treatment process, the purified
water is pumped into the distribution system.
Red Lion Municipal Authority is investing in your
future health by making additional improvements.
What does this mean to you? Better taste. Better
quality. Better service.
What? To improve water quality, we have constructed a
new water treatment plant at Cabin Creek in Windsor
Township. This is the same location as the earlier water
treatment plants.
When? The proposed completion date for the new plant is Spring of
Why? Quite simply, taste and quality. We currently meet all federal
and state drinking water quality standards, but the 1988 plant was
unable to meet the potential, more stringent drinking water standards
that are set by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in the
future. Just as important, we are working on restoring the good taste
of our water. Several years ago, DEP required us to switch to using free
chlorine in the disinfection process. Unfortunately, this affected the
taste of the water. We will be switching back to chloramines, which
was utilized as a disinfectant in the past,
and return our drinking water to the
much better taste it had several years ago.
We would like to ask for your
assistance. If you see someone (other
than a representative of Red Lion
Municipal Authority or a local fire
department) connected to a fire hydrant,
please notify us IMMEDIATELY. This may include tankers,
landscapers, hydro-seeders, pool filling companies, etc. Our office is
open Monday through Friday from 8 AM - 4:30 PM, and the telephone
number is 717-244-3475. After hours, please contact the police by
dialing 911.
If in doubt, ask for ID! Red Lion Municipal Authority
employees will have photo identification and a vehicle that is
identifiable if maintenance is needed at your home. Please
call our office immediately if you need to verify the identity of
someone or if you experience any suspicious activity.
Our office receives many inquiries from residents wanting to report a malfunctioning
street light. First Energy Corp. owns the street lights in Red Lion Borough and is
therefore responsible for their maintenance. If you see a street light that is not working
properly, you can report that directly to First Energy Corp. online. We have provided a
link to their website in the “Reporting Problems” on the FAQ’s page of our website.
Having the pole number will be very helpful to First Energy. The 10-digit pole number
is printed in black on a yellow tag. If you do not have internet access, you can call their Customer Contact Center at 1-800-545-7741.
Thank you for helping to keep our streets and public areas safe.
An Important Message about Stormwater
from Red Lion Borough and Red Lion Municipal Authority:
Understanding stormwater and how it can affect your money, safety,
health and the environment:
Stormwater is water from precipitation that flows across the ground
and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt. The water
seeps into the ground or drains into what we call storm sewers. These
are the drains you see at street corners or at low points on the sides of
streets. Collectively, the draining water is called stormwater runoff.
Rain is an important part of nature’s water cycle, but there are times it
can do more damage than good. Two ways YOU can help are:
*Build a RAIN GARDEN: Rain gardens are depressional areas
landscaped with perennial flowers and native vegetation that soak up
rainwater. They are strategically located to capture runoff from
impervious surfaces, such as roofs and streets. Rain gardens fill with a
few inches of water after a storm and then water filters into the ground,
rather than running off to a storm drain.
Why are rain gardens important? As cities and
suburbs grow, increased stormwater runoff from
impervious surfaces becomes a problem. As more
impervious surfaces are added to our
communities, it is more important than ever to
help rainwater infiltrate. This protects water
quality and reduces stormwater runoff.
Stormwater runoff from developed areas
increases flooding potential and carries pollutants
from streets, parking lots and lawns into local
streams and lakes. Rain gardens can absorb most
rainfall events.
You don’t have to travel far to find a rain garden.
This one was built in Fairmount Park at our Splash
Pad. We are planning to add signage to this Rain
Garden to help raise awareness about the importance of rain gardens.
If you would like to build your own Rain Garden, check out Penn
State Extension’s website. They have an excellent section on Rain
*Use a RAIN BARREL: Rain
Barrels are mosquito-proof
containers placed at downspouts
that collect rainwater from
rooftops. The water can be used
later on lawn or garden areas.
Red Lion Municipal Authority
frequently has rain barrels made
out of recycled materials
available for sale. Call our office
to check on availability.
All of us can help rain restore
its good reputation while
protecting our health and
environment AND while saving money for ourselves and our
community. Please visit the Stormwater page on
our website, www.redlionpa.org, for additional
The York County Planning Commission
(YCPC) is exploring regional approaches to
stormwater management through development
of a Stormwater Authority Feasibility Study.
Public input to date has been limited to
participation in an online survey that sought
public sentiment about local waters – keeping
our streams clean or, in some cases, cleaning
them up; flooding issues; recreational uses; and
doing our part to improve the Chesapeake Bay.
The next opportunity for public input will be at a
Public Meeting to be held in March. The meeting
will provide feedback on the survey results and
engage attendees in a facilitated discussion of current stormwater
challenges facing York County and how they can best be addressed.
Notice of the public meeting will appear in local newspapers and will
be posted on the YCPC website, www.ycpc.org. Please stay tuned; your
input is important!
147 S. Charles St., Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-2032 • www.kaltreider-benfer.org • [email protected]
provides a wide array of free
programming for our community.
Included in this are the following regularly scheduled story time
programs, where children have the opportunity to listen to stories and
sing songs in a fun and interactive learning environment:
• Every Tuesday, at both 10:15 & 11:15, we offer story time for those
ages 3 to 5.
• Every Wednesday, at both 10:15 & 11:15, we offer story time for
those ages 18 months to 3 years.
• Every Thursday, at both 10:15 & 11:15, we offer story time for
those from birth to 18 months.
Not to be left out, we also offer regularly scheduled adult
programming such as the following:
• Knitters meet every Thursday at 6 PM in the Literacy Room to
knit, chat and improve their skills. Bring your needles and yarn
and drop in for the fun!
• Mystery Readers meet the fourth Tuesday of the month at noon in
the Board Room. Check the monthly programming schedule for
the selected mystery.
• An Adult Book Discussion group meets the second Wednesday of
each month at 6:30 PM, and a separate group meets the third
Friday of each month at noon. Please check the monthly
programming schedule for the book of the month.
In addition to these regularly scheduled programs, we offer many
others as well. Included in this are author visits, life-long learning
seminars, family movie nights & more!
To see our full schedule, please visit us on the web at
Friends of Kaltreider Library
Friends of Kaltreider Library would like to thank everyone who
supported our BIG BOOK SALE in September of 2014. We achieved
great success in raising funds to support library programs. Another
BIG BOOK SALE is planned for Saturday, May 2 from 9 AM - 3 PM and
Sunday, May 3 from 11 AM - 2 PM at the Red Lion Community
Building, 190 S. Charles St. in Red Lion. Sunday only will be
Fill-A-Bag for $5! All proceeds
benefit the library. We continue
to accept book donations at
the library on S. Charles St.
Your donations make our
book sale possible.
100 W. Market St., York, PA 17401 • 717-771-9610 or 800-632-9073
http://yorkcountypa.gov/health-human-services/agency-on-aging.html • [email protected]
190 S. Charles St., lower level, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493
Jeanne Macaluso, Director [email protected]
Red Lion Youth Center Preschool is currently offering a Three Year Old Class that meets Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 9 AM to 11 AM, and a Four/Five Year Old Class that meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
from 9 AM to 11:15 AM.
In addition to our regular preschool program, we offer a Lunch Bunch Program to children 2½ to 6 years of age. Lunch Bunch extends the
hours and ages of children who can be in our preschool program. Lunch Bunch meets every day following our preschool day for two hours.
Parents can bring their child to spend just the two hours with us, or extend their child’s preschool day… to eat lunch, enjoy social interaction
with other children their ages, play games, do crafts from time to time, play and have FUN!!! Each child brings their own lunch and drink.
Call 717-244-6493 for more information and costs of both programs.
Red Lion Youth Center
Every two months we plan to do a fun event on a Saturday morning
such as movies, bowling, etc. The program will not run weekly in the
summer, but we hope to run an event twice a month until school
resumes in the fall.
For more information, please contact Director Kristina Ogurcak via
email at [email protected] or call the Youth Center at
100 Redco Avenue, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-9232 or 717-382-4595
Our Office Has Moved!
Our district office has moved to 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion, just off
Rt. 74. The phone numbers have remained the same, 717-244-9232 or
717-382-4595. The fax number is 717-246-2387. The new location
has a large parking lot and is handicapped accessible.
2015 Veterans Assistance Hours
On the second Thursday of each month from 10 AM - 6 PM, my
office will be partnering with the American Legion, Pennsylvania
Department of Veterans Affairs and the Red Lion Area Senior Center to
offer outreach and assistance to the veterans of the 94th District in our
Red Lion district office at 100 Redco Ave. Please call my office to set
up an appointment. Terry Gendron of the American Legion will be in
the office to offer assistance to veterans, their spouses or their family.
Tax Rebate Applications
PA State Tax/Rent Rebate Program
Red Lion residents should also be aware that a separate Property
Tax/Rent Rebate program is offered by the
state. As the name implies, it is also
available for renters, but the application
forms must also be filled out each year in
order to receive the rebate. The application
deadline for the state rebate is June 30,
Red Lion School District Senior Citizen/
Disabled Person Tax Rebate Program
The Red Lion School District offers a tax
rebate of up to $650 for qualified,
property-owning senior citizens and/or disabled persons. The rebate is
only available if you apply, and the applications are available now. The
application deadline for the RLASD rebate is May 15, 2015.
To obtain the application forms or for assistance in filling out the
forms for either of these tax rebate programs, please visit or call my Red
Lion office.
The Green Thumb Garden Club of the Red Lion /East York Area
Affiliated with the Garden Club of Pennsylvania & The National Garden Club
To stimulate and develop the spirit of Gardening
To encourage interest in decorative flower and plant arranging
To promote interest in home and civic gardening
To aid in the protection of native plants
We LEARN from a variety of programs and classes in gardening,
horticulture, floral design, and landscape design.
We SHARE our knowledge with each other, with other clubs, and with
our communities and the public.
We SUPPORT conservation by donating to wildlife/wildflower
preservation projects and by keeping abreast of efforts to protect our
natural resources.
We ENJOY the creative opportunities offered by our floral design study
and by our flower shows where we share our prize horticulture and
design with the public.
We INVEST in the future through college scholarships offered to local
area high school students who wish to study botany, biology,
agriculture, landscaping, and the environment or other related field.
We CREATE a heritage for the future by planting trees, shrubs, and
flowers at home and in the community.
Patricia Sweetman, President
[email protected]
The Rent-A-Kid program, sponsored by the York County Area Agency on Aging (YCAAA), is a unique, intergenerational
program bringing senior citizens and teenagers together. York County senior citizens, 60 years of age or older, who need
help with household chores, odd jobs, and yard work are matched with a teenager in their area who can assist. The
recommended payment is $5.00 per hour, but is negotiable depending upon the job.
Don’t wait - arrange for help with your chores BEFORE you need it. Call 717-771-9103 or 1-800-632-9073 for
information on Rent-A-Kid participants in your area.
Youth interested in the Rent-A-Kid program should contact their school guidance counselor or call the Coordinator at
YCAAA for an application at 717-771-9103. Applications can also be downloaded from the YCAAA’s Forms and Documents
page of their website.
Health Insurance Assistance is Available for All Medicare Beneficiaries
190 S. Charles St., lower level, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493
Kristina Ogurcak, Youth Center After School Program Director, [email protected]
BS in Special Education for K-12 and Elementary Education for K-6
We are now offering an After School Program for Junior High and
Senior High students on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It begins
immediately after school and runs until 4:45 PM. This is a FREE
program, and we provide help with homework and studies, snacks and
time to hang out with friends and play games such as ping pong,
basketball, pool and foosball. We held a Christmas Palooza with many
vendors in December 2014 and hope to do another event in the future.
The students were a huge help with this event.
Rent-A-Kid Program
Fanilya Gueno
Membership Chairman
[email protected]
APPRISE is Pennsylvania’s Health Insurance Assistance Program
which provides counseling for Medicare beneficiaries. APPRISE
counselors are specially trained volunteers who have direct access to
state and federal Medicare resources. They are able to answer your
questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, Medicare Advantage
plans and the prescription drug program. The counselors can:
• Help you understand Medicare benefits
• Help you understand the Medicare appeal process and assist with appeals
• Help you understand Medigap/supplemental insurance
• Help you understand how Medicaid works
• Help you understand the prescription drug program
• Help you with benefits and programs you can use to save money
To schedule an appointment for free one-on-one counseling, call the
York County Area Agency on Aging’s APPRISE Help Desk at
717-771-9008 or 1-800-632-9073.
Mark Your Calendars for the 2015 YORK COUNTY SENIOR GAMES June 23 - 27
The York County Senior Games will be held June 23 through June 27, 2015. Any York County resident 50 years of age
or older as of December 31, 2015 may participate. For more information, call 717-771-9001 or email us at
[email protected]. Hope to see you at the games!
Red Lion Area Senior Center
20-C Gotham Place, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-7229 • www.redlionseniorcenter.com
Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator
The Red Lion Area Senior Center is free to join, and that even
includes free lunches. We offer many programs at no cost to you.
We are open from 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM Monday - Friday. You must be
60 years or older to join. Please call us for more information. We
are dedicated to make your experience the best it can be, so come
make new friends! The Red Lion Area Senior Center is funded in
part by the York County Area Agency on Aging.
Bingo to Support Local Senior Center, Saturday, April 18, Doors
open at noon.
The Red Lion Area Senior Center is hosting a Basket Bingo
fundraiser on Saturday, April 18 at the Leo Fire Company in Red
Lion. Doors will open at noon, and bingo will start at 2 PM.
The cost for a ticket will be $12 in advance or $15 at the door.
Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling Heather Goebeler,
Executive Director, at 717-244-7229. Your ticket cost will include
20 games of regular bingo. Special Games, raffle tickets, and small
games of chance will also be available for purchase.
All proceeds from the bingo and the concessions will be used to
add a Health and Fitness Room to the Senior Center!
Diabetic Support Group
The Red Lion Senior Center has formed a Diabetic Support Group
for the new year which has started meeting on the third Monday of
every month. The goal for this group is to get educated, share
experiences, learn from each other and support each other through
dealing with this disease on a daily basis. If you suffer from diabetes,
please feel free to join us in learning and sharing. If you have any
questions about the program, please feel free to call Beth Conrad,
Operations Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.
10 Keys to Healthy Aging, Sessions begin Tuesday, April 14 at 9:30 AM
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of
Public Health have learned a great deal about how to keep adults
healthy as they age. They have translated what has been learned into
the “10 Keys to Healthy Aging”. Each key is an important step in
preventing disease and improving the quality of life. The Red Lion
Area Senior Center will be holding its first 10 Keys to Healthy Aging
session on Tuesday, April 14th at 9:30 AM. This is a 5 week program
to run the next 4 consecutive Tuesdays. Each week, participants will
learn two more Keys to Healthy Aging. The classes are free. The
goal is to educate the community to become healthier. Start taking
ownership of your health… attend these educational workshops to
learn about the “10 Keys to Healthy Aging”.
If you are interested in attending this program, please contact
Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.
I Can Challenge, Sessions begin Wednesday, June 3 at 10 AM
Do you want to eat healthier, lose weight, exercise more, have less
stress or quit smoking? If your answer to any of those was yes, then
you should consider joining the Red Lion Senior Center for our
upcoming sessions of I Can Challenge.
Instructors will assist participants in setting goals and achieving
them over the course of 12 weeks. Classes will begin on Wednesday,
June 3 at 10 AM.
If you would like to attend or have questions, please contact Kasie
Ream, Program Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.
Easter Activities:
Sponsored by Red Lion Recreation and Metro Bank
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Saturday, March 28 • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Come join us for Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
from 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM at the Community
Building. Bring your camera to take pictures of your
children with the Easter Bunny! Cost is $4 for
adults (18 and older);
$2 for ages 6 - 17; and FREE for ages 5 and under.
For more information, call the Recreation Office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 28 • Beginning at noon
Come join us in Fairmount Park for our annual
Easter Egg Hunt for children 0 - 12 years old!
Start times: 0 – 5 years old: Noon
6 – 8 years old: 12:15 PM
9 – 12 years old: 12:30 PM
There will be lots of eggs to find and
prizes! For more information, call the
Recreation Office at 717-244-6896 or
email [email protected].
Memorial Day Parade
Monday, May 25th • 10 AM
Red Lion’s Memorial Day Parade will take place on
Monday, May 25th. The parade will start at 10AM at
the Red Lion Senior High School and end at
Fairmount Park where there will be a memorial
service. Anyone interested in participating in the
parade should contact Joy Kite, Red Lion American
Legion Post 543, at 717-501-4080.
Lewis and Clark Circus
June 2 & 3 at Vulcan Field
Tickets can be purchased at the Recreation Office.
For more information, please visit
www.redlionpa.org, call the Recreation office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Suds & Songs 2015
June 6 • 11 AM - 9 PM • Vulcan Field
This new event is sponsored by a variety of
local businesses, combining good music, good
NEW food and good brews for a great time! Various
local folk/bluegrass performers will play live
music throughout the day. Several food vendors that
pair well with microbrews will be offering food for
purchase. Local breweries will be offering a variety of
microbrews inside the Beer Garden area. Beer tokens
will be available for purchase (21+) in order to receive
a mug of beer.This event is the first of its kind being
offered in the Red Lion area. We are hopeful that
this event will provide an opportunity for those in the
Red Lion community and the surrounding areas to be
able to get together for a great time and enjoy a day
full of live music, food and some great-tasting
microbrews. For more information, keep an eye on
the Special Events page at www.redlionpa.org,
email Danielle at [email protected] or
call Eric at 717-244-6896.
Also, make sure to Like the Red Lion
Happenings Facebook page!
Flag Day Program
39th Annual Street Fair
Saturday, June 13 • 10 AM - 11 AM
Please plan to join us in Fairmount Park on
Saturday, June 13th at 10 AM for our Flag Day
Program sponsored by Representative Stan Saylor’s
office. For more information, contact Jo Anna
Shovlin at 717-244-9232.
Saturday, August 8 • 8:30 AM - 4 PM
Red Lion Area Business Association will again
sponsor the 39th Annual Street Fair in downtown
Red Lion beginning at 8:30 AM. Lots of FREE
entertainment and fun for the entire family! For
more information, visit the Business Association’s
website, www.rlaba.com, or call them at
Splash Pad Summer 2015
Official Opening
Saturday, June 13 • 11 AM
Red Lion’s Splash Pad will officially open on
Saturday, June 13th at 11 AM.
Fairmount Fun Day
Saturday, June 13 • 11 AM - 3 PM
Join us in Fairmount Park and enjoy a great day in
the park. This event will follow the Red Lion Flag
Day Celebration. We will have entertainment and
some vendors. There will also be free activities and
games for everyone to enjoy. Proceeds will go
toward our July 3rd fireworks display.
If you or your group, church, business, club or
organization would like to help make this day a
great success by operating an activity or game, please
contact the Recreation Office.
For more information, contact the Recreation Office
at 717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
FREE Community Yard Sale
June 19 & 20 • 7 AM - 5 PM
Our annual FREE Community Yard Sale will be held
on June 19 & 20 from 7 AM - 5 PM. All signs and
items must be removed from yards and porches after
the yard sale. Many visitors come to Red Lion for
this event, so let’s show them that we are a safe and
friendly community.
NOTE: Due to traffic congestion resulting from the
yard sale, Penn Waste will begin collecting garbage
and recycling at 5 AM on Friday. Make sure to have
those items out by 5 AM.
Independence Day Events
Concert in the Park
Sunday, August 23 • 6 PM
(Rain date: August 30 at 6 PM)
Join us in Fairmount Park for a Concert in the Park
featuring the Spring Garden Band. Call the
Recreation Office at 717-244-6896 or email
[email protected] for more information.
Red Lion Community Building, 190 S. Charles St., P.O. Box 158 Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6896
Recreation Director: Eric Rabenstein • [email protected]
Photo Release Statement: By attending any Red Lion
Borough Recreation program, class or event, you are
agreeing to allow the publication of any photos taken of you
and/or your child at any program, class, event or facility of Red
Lion Borough Recreation.
Spring/Summer Programs
Summer Day Camp: This program provides
activities for kids ages 7 - 12 during the
summer months. The program runs from June until August. We
operate the program weekdays from 9 AM until 3 PM. Lots of fun
activities, programs and special events.
Halloween Events:
Fall Fest & Haunted Mile
Saturday, October 24
Information will be provided in
our Fall newsletter.
Halloween Parade
Monday, October 26
Information will be provided in our Fall newsletter.
Trick or Treat
Saturday, October 31
6 PM - 8 PM
Hey Kids… Have a great
time, and be safe!
Lacrosse: Please visit the Youth Programs page on
the Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, where
you will find a link to our Lacrosse page with information
regarding the program and contacts for the program as well.
Adult Flag Football: This program is for adults (18 and
up). It is designed to incorporate competitive play, but is
for FUN! The format will be 7v7. Participants will register
as a team. Season runs from April through June. Please
visit the Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, for more
need-to-know information and how to register!
3V3 Basketball: This program will take place on outside
courts. The program will run in late spring into the
summer. Please visit www.redlionpa.org for more
need-to-know information and how to register.
Discounted tickets: Coming in late spring,
discounted tickets to summer attractions
will again be available for purchase in the
Recreation Office. Summer attractions that
could be available are Hershey Park, Pa.
Renaissance Fair, the Baltimore Aquarium,
etc. Please visit www.redlionpa.org for
more information and rates.
Please visit Red Lion Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, for
details on these as well as other programs.
Make sure to “LIKE” Red Lion
Recreation on Facebook for
announcements and updates on
programs and special events!
If you have any ideas on new programs to help enrich the Red Lion
Community, please contact the Red Lion Recreation Office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November 28
Please help support our local businesses by shopping
in downtown Red Lion on Small Business Saturday!
Christmas Events:
Lighting of the Christmas Tree
Sunday, November 29
Free hot chocolate, coffee and gifts for the
children from Santa. More information
will be provided in our Fall newsletter.
Breakfast with Santa
Friday, July 3
Music beginning at 7 PM; Fireworks at 9 PM
(Rain date: July 5th)
Best viewing for the fireworks is at Horn Field.
Musical entertainment will be provided from 7 PM 9 PM, with fireworks beginning at 9 PM. For more
information, call the Recreation Office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Dec. 10 & 11 and Dec. 17 & 18
Information will be provided in our Fall newsletter.
Stay-at-Home Celebration
New Year’s Eve Celebration
Saturday, July 4
Our annual Stay-at-Home Celebration will be held
on Saturday, July 4th at Fairmount Park. It will
include a flea market and craft show sponsored by
Red Lion Recreation, and the 16th annual Roarin’
Great Car Show, sponsored by the Red Lion New
Year’s Eve Committee. Come and join us for a fun
day in the park! For more information, check under
the Special Events tab located at www.redlionpa.org,
call the Recreation Office at 717-244-6896 or email
[email protected].
Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 1 PM - 4 PM
Saturday, December 5
Santa will have gifts for the
children. More information will be
provided in our Fall newsletter.
Santa’s Shanty
Thursday, December 31
The Red Lion New Year’s Eve Committee
is already making plans for this
year’s celebration on December
31st. We will be holding a Car
Show in conjunction with the
Stay-at-Home Celebration at
Fairmount Park on Saturday, July 4th.
If interested in joining the New Year’s
Eve Committee, please call Keith or
JoAnn Zimmerman at 717-244-0484.
Hours of Operation: 9 AM – 8 PM
Splash pad may be closed at any time due to weather,
maintenance or other operational concerns.
Our Splash Pad’s Summer 2015 official opening day will be June
13th in conjunction with our Fairmount Fun Day. Please keep in
mind that our Splash Pad is unsupervised. For your safety, the
Splash Pad is under video camera surveillance and regularly
TO START the Splash Pad, locate
Activator in the middle of the center
drain and step on it to activate
When visiting the Splash Pad,
please keep the following Rules and Regulations in mind:
• All children under the age of 10 must have adult supervision.
• Toddlers must wear swim diapers.
• Patrons engaging in horse play or foul language will be asked
to leave.
• Climbing on the splash pad features is strictly prohibited.
• Keep glass containers, bicycles, skateboards and in-line skates
off the splash pad.
• No food or drink on the splash pad.
• No pets allowed on splash pad.
Parking for the Splash Pad is available in the following areas:
• Parking lot at the Red Lion Recreation Office which is located
in our Community Building at 190 S. Charles St.
• Along S. Charles St.
• Along Fairview St., behind Horn Field (There are 2 sets of
stairs from Fairview St. into Fairmount Park.)
• Along the SOUTH (park) side of Boundary Ave. Please do
NOT park along the north side of Boundary Ave. This is
residential parking only. Please do NOT park in the library
parking lot!
The pavilion outside of the Splash Pad
is available for rental. Please note that renting the pavilion does
not include the
Splash Pad. Contact
the Recreation Office
at 717-244-6896 or
[email protected]
to check on
availability of the
Easter Activities:
Sponsored by Red Lion Recreation and Metro Bank
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Saturday, March 28 • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Come join us for Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
from 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM at the Community
Building. Bring your camera to take pictures of your
children with the Easter Bunny! Cost is $4 for
adults (18 and older);
$2 for ages 6 - 17; and FREE for ages 5 and under.
For more information, call the Recreation Office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 28 • Beginning at noon
Come join us in Fairmount Park for our annual
Easter Egg Hunt for children 0 - 12 years old!
Start times: 0 – 5 years old: Noon
6 – 8 years old: 12:15 PM
9 – 12 years old: 12:30 PM
There will be lots of eggs to find and
prizes! For more information, call the
Recreation Office at 717-244-6896 or
email [email protected].
Memorial Day Parade
Monday, May 25th • 10 AM
Red Lion’s Memorial Day Parade will take place on
Monday, May 25th. The parade will start at 10AM at
the Red Lion Senior High School and end at
Fairmount Park where there will be a memorial
service. Anyone interested in participating in the
parade should contact Joy Kite, Red Lion American
Legion Post 543, at 717-501-4080.
Lewis and Clark Circus
June 2 & 3 at Vulcan Field
Tickets can be purchased at the Recreation Office.
For more information, please visit
www.redlionpa.org, call the Recreation office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Suds & Songs 2015
June 6 • 11 AM - 9 PM • Vulcan Field
This new event is sponsored by a variety of
local businesses, combining good music, good
NEW food and good brews for a great time! Various
local folk/bluegrass performers will play live
music throughout the day. Several food vendors that
pair well with microbrews will be offering food for
purchase. Local breweries will be offering a variety of
microbrews inside the Beer Garden area. Beer tokens
will be available for purchase (21+) in order to receive
a mug of beer.This event is the first of its kind being
offered in the Red Lion area. We are hopeful that
this event will provide an opportunity for those in the
Red Lion community and the surrounding areas to be
able to get together for a great time and enjoy a day
full of live music, food and some great-tasting
microbrews. For more information, keep an eye on
the Special Events page at www.redlionpa.org,
email Danielle at [email protected] or
call Eric at 717-244-6896.
Also, make sure to Like the Red Lion
Happenings Facebook page!
Flag Day Program
39th Annual Street Fair
Saturday, June 13 • 10 AM - 11 AM
Please plan to join us in Fairmount Park on
Saturday, June 13th at 10 AM for our Flag Day
Program sponsored by Representative Stan Saylor’s
office. For more information, contact Jo Anna
Shovlin at 717-244-9232.
Saturday, August 8 • 8:30 AM - 4 PM
Red Lion Area Business Association will again
sponsor the 39th Annual Street Fair in downtown
Red Lion beginning at 8:30 AM. Lots of FREE
entertainment and fun for the entire family! For
more information, visit the Business Association’s
website, www.rlaba.com, or call them at
Splash Pad Summer 2015
Official Opening
Saturday, June 13 • 11 AM
Red Lion’s Splash Pad will officially open on
Saturday, June 13th at 11 AM.
Fairmount Fun Day
Saturday, June 13 • 11 AM - 3 PM
Join us in Fairmount Park and enjoy a great day in
the park. This event will follow the Red Lion Flag
Day Celebration. We will have entertainment and
some vendors. There will also be free activities and
games for everyone to enjoy. Proceeds will go
toward our July 3rd fireworks display.
If you or your group, church, business, club or
organization would like to help make this day a
great success by operating an activity or game, please
contact the Recreation Office.
For more information, contact the Recreation Office
at 717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
FREE Community Yard Sale
June 19 & 20 • 7 AM - 5 PM
Our annual FREE Community Yard Sale will be held
on June 19 & 20 from 7 AM - 5 PM. All signs and
items must be removed from yards and porches after
the yard sale. Many visitors come to Red Lion for
this event, so let’s show them that we are a safe and
friendly community.
NOTE: Due to traffic congestion resulting from the
yard sale, Penn Waste will begin collecting garbage
and recycling at 5 AM on Friday. Make sure to have
those items out by 5 AM.
Independence Day Events
Concert in the Park
Sunday, August 23 • 6 PM
(Rain date: August 30 at 6 PM)
Join us in Fairmount Park for a Concert in the Park
featuring the Spring Garden Band. Call the
Recreation Office at 717-244-6896 or email
[email protected] for more information.
Red Lion Community Building, 190 S. Charles St., P.O. Box 158 Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6896
Recreation Director: Eric Rabenstein • [email protected]
Photo Release Statement: By attending any Red Lion
Borough Recreation program, class or event, you are
agreeing to allow the publication of any photos taken of you
and/or your child at any program, class, event or facility of Red
Lion Borough Recreation.
Spring/Summer Programs
Summer Day Camp: This program provides
activities for kids ages 7 - 12 during the
summer months. The program runs from June until August. We
operate the program weekdays from 9 AM until 3 PM. Lots of fun
activities, programs and special events.
Halloween Events:
Fall Fest & Haunted Mile
Saturday, October 24
Information will be provided in
our Fall newsletter.
Halloween Parade
Monday, October 26
Information will be provided in our Fall newsletter.
Trick or Treat
Saturday, October 31
6 PM - 8 PM
Hey Kids… Have a great
time, and be safe!
Lacrosse: Please visit the Youth Programs page on
the Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, where
you will find a link to our Lacrosse page with information
regarding the program and contacts for the program as well.
Adult Flag Football: This program is for adults (18 and
up). It is designed to incorporate competitive play, but is
for FUN! The format will be 7v7. Participants will register
as a team. Season runs from April through June. Please
visit the Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, for more
need-to-know information and how to register!
3V3 Basketball: This program will take place on outside
courts. The program will run in late spring into the
summer. Please visit www.redlionpa.org for more
need-to-know information and how to register.
Discounted tickets: Coming in late spring,
discounted tickets to summer attractions
will again be available for purchase in the
Recreation Office. Summer attractions that
could be available are Hershey Park, Pa.
Renaissance Fair, the Baltimore Aquarium,
etc. Please visit www.redlionpa.org for
more information and rates.
Please visit Red Lion Borough’s website, www.redlionpa.org, for
details on these as well as other programs.
Make sure to “LIKE” Red Lion
Recreation on Facebook for
announcements and updates on
programs and special events!
If you have any ideas on new programs to help enrich the Red Lion
Community, please contact the Red Lion Recreation Office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November 28
Please help support our local businesses by shopping
in downtown Red Lion on Small Business Saturday!
Christmas Events:
Lighting of the Christmas Tree
Sunday, November 29
Free hot chocolate, coffee and gifts for the
children from Santa. More information
will be provided in our Fall newsletter.
Breakfast with Santa
Friday, July 3
Music beginning at 7 PM; Fireworks at 9 PM
(Rain date: July 5th)
Best viewing for the fireworks is at Horn Field.
Musical entertainment will be provided from 7 PM 9 PM, with fireworks beginning at 9 PM. For more
information, call the Recreation Office at
717-244-6896 or email [email protected].
Dec. 10 & 11 and Dec. 17 & 18
Information will be provided in our Fall newsletter.
Stay-at-Home Celebration
New Year’s Eve Celebration
Saturday, July 4
Our annual Stay-at-Home Celebration will be held
on Saturday, July 4th at Fairmount Park. It will
include a flea market and craft show sponsored by
Red Lion Recreation, and the 16th annual Roarin’
Great Car Show, sponsored by the Red Lion New
Year’s Eve Committee. Come and join us for a fun
day in the park! For more information, check under
the Special Events tab located at www.redlionpa.org,
call the Recreation Office at 717-244-6896 or email
[email protected].
Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 1 PM - 4 PM
Saturday, December 5
Santa will have gifts for the
children. More information will be
provided in our Fall newsletter.
Santa’s Shanty
Thursday, December 31
The Red Lion New Year’s Eve Committee
is already making plans for this
year’s celebration on December
31st. We will be holding a Car
Show in conjunction with the
Stay-at-Home Celebration at
Fairmount Park on Saturday, July 4th.
If interested in joining the New Year’s
Eve Committee, please call Keith or
JoAnn Zimmerman at 717-244-0484.
Hours of Operation: 9 AM – 8 PM
Splash pad may be closed at any time due to weather,
maintenance or other operational concerns.
Our Splash Pad’s Summer 2015 official opening day will be June
13th in conjunction with our Fairmount Fun Day. Please keep in
mind that our Splash Pad is unsupervised. For your safety, the
Splash Pad is under video camera surveillance and regularly
TO START the Splash Pad, locate
Activator in the middle of the center
drain and step on it to activate
When visiting the Splash Pad,
please keep the following Rules and Regulations in mind:
• All children under the age of 10 must have adult supervision.
• Toddlers must wear swim diapers.
• Patrons engaging in horse play or foul language will be asked
to leave.
• Climbing on the splash pad features is strictly prohibited.
• Keep glass containers, bicycles, skateboards and in-line skates
off the splash pad.
• No food or drink on the splash pad.
• No pets allowed on splash pad.
Parking for the Splash Pad is available in the following areas:
• Parking lot at the Red Lion Recreation Office which is located
in our Community Building at 190 S. Charles St.
• Along S. Charles St.
• Along Fairview St., behind Horn Field (There are 2 sets of
stairs from Fairview St. into Fairmount Park.)
• Along the SOUTH (park) side of Boundary Ave. Please do
NOT park along the north side of Boundary Ave. This is
residential parking only. Please do NOT park in the library
parking lot!
The pavilion outside of the Splash Pad
is available for rental. Please note that renting the pavilion does
not include the
Splash Pad. Contact
the Recreation Office
at 717-244-6896 or
[email protected]
to check on
availability of the
100 W. Market St., York, PA 17401 • 717-771-9610 or 800-632-9073
http://yorkcountypa.gov/health-human-services/agency-on-aging.html • [email protected]
190 S. Charles St., lower level, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493
Jeanne Macaluso, Director [email protected]
Red Lion Youth Center Preschool is currently offering a Three Year Old Class that meets Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 9 AM to 11 AM, and a Four/Five Year Old Class that meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
from 9 AM to 11:15 AM.
In addition to our regular preschool program, we offer a Lunch Bunch Program to children 2½ to 6 years of age. Lunch Bunch extends the
hours and ages of children who can be in our preschool program. Lunch Bunch meets every day following our preschool day for two hours.
Parents can bring their child to spend just the two hours with us, or extend their child’s preschool day… to eat lunch, enjoy social interaction
with other children their ages, play games, do crafts from time to time, play and have FUN!!! Each child brings their own lunch and drink.
Call 717-244-6493 for more information and costs of both programs.
Red Lion Youth Center
Every two months we plan to do a fun event on a Saturday morning
such as movies, bowling, etc. The program will not run weekly in the
summer, but we hope to run an event twice a month until school
resumes in the fall.
For more information, please contact Director Kristina Ogurcak via
email at [email protected] or call the Youth Center at
100 Redco Avenue, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-9232 or 717-382-4595
Our Office Has Moved!
Our district office has moved to 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion, just off
Rt. 74. The phone numbers have remained the same, 717-244-9232 or
717-382-4595. The fax number is 717-246-2387. The new location
has a large parking lot and is handicapped accessible.
2015 Veterans Assistance Hours
On the second Thursday of each month from 10 AM - 6 PM, my
office will be partnering with the American Legion, Pennsylvania
Department of Veterans Affairs and the Red Lion Area Senior Center to
offer outreach and assistance to the veterans of the 94th District in our
Red Lion district office at 100 Redco Ave. Please call my office to set
up an appointment. Terry Gendron of the American Legion will be in
the office to offer assistance to veterans, their spouses or their family.
Tax Rebate Applications
PA State Tax/Rent Rebate Program
Red Lion residents should also be aware that a separate Property
Tax/Rent Rebate program is offered by the
state. As the name implies, it is also
available for renters, but the application
forms must also be filled out each year in
order to receive the rebate. The application
deadline for the state rebate is June 30,
Red Lion School District Senior Citizen/
Disabled Person Tax Rebate Program
The Red Lion School District offers a tax
rebate of up to $650 for qualified,
property-owning senior citizens and/or disabled persons. The rebate is
only available if you apply, and the applications are available now. The
application deadline for the RLASD rebate is May 15, 2015.
To obtain the application forms or for assistance in filling out the
forms for either of these tax rebate programs, please visit or call my Red
Lion office.
The Green Thumb Garden Club of the Red Lion /East York Area
Affiliated with the Garden Club of Pennsylvania & The National Garden Club
To stimulate and develop the spirit of Gardening
To encourage interest in decorative flower and plant arranging
To promote interest in home and civic gardening
To aid in the protection of native plants
We LEARN from a variety of programs and classes in gardening,
horticulture, floral design, and landscape design.
We SHARE our knowledge with each other, with other clubs, and with
our communities and the public.
We SUPPORT conservation by donating to wildlife/wildflower
preservation projects and by keeping abreast of efforts to protect our
natural resources.
We ENJOY the creative opportunities offered by our floral design study
and by our flower shows where we share our prize horticulture and
design with the public.
We INVEST in the future through college scholarships offered to local
area high school students who wish to study botany, biology,
agriculture, landscaping, and the environment or other related field.
We CREATE a heritage for the future by planting trees, shrubs, and
flowers at home and in the community.
Patricia Sweetman, President
[email protected]
The Rent-A-Kid program, sponsored by the York County Area Agency on Aging (YCAAA), is a unique, intergenerational
program bringing senior citizens and teenagers together. York County senior citizens, 60 years of age or older, who need
help with household chores, odd jobs, and yard work are matched with a teenager in their area who can assist. The
recommended payment is $5.00 per hour, but is negotiable depending upon the job.
Don’t wait - arrange for help with your chores BEFORE you need it. Call 717-771-9103 or 1-800-632-9073 for
information on Rent-A-Kid participants in your area.
Youth interested in the Rent-A-Kid program should contact their school guidance counselor or call the Coordinator at
YCAAA for an application at 717-771-9103. Applications can also be downloaded from the YCAAA’s Forms and Documents
page of their website.
Health Insurance Assistance is Available for All Medicare Beneficiaries
190 S. Charles St., lower level, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-6493
Kristina Ogurcak, Youth Center After School Program Director, [email protected]
BS in Special Education for K-12 and Elementary Education for K-6
We are now offering an After School Program for Junior High and
Senior High students on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It begins
immediately after school and runs until 4:45 PM. This is a FREE
program, and we provide help with homework and studies, snacks and
time to hang out with friends and play games such as ping pong,
basketball, pool and foosball. We held a Christmas Palooza with many
vendors in December 2014 and hope to do another event in the future.
The students were a huge help with this event.
Rent-A-Kid Program
Fanilya Gueno
Membership Chairman
[email protected]
APPRISE is Pennsylvania’s Health Insurance Assistance Program
which provides counseling for Medicare beneficiaries. APPRISE
counselors are specially trained volunteers who have direct access to
state and federal Medicare resources. They are able to answer your
questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, Medicare Advantage
plans and the prescription drug program. The counselors can:
• Help you understand Medicare benefits
• Help you understand the Medicare appeal process and assist with appeals
• Help you understand Medigap/supplemental insurance
• Help you understand how Medicaid works
• Help you understand the prescription drug program
• Help you with benefits and programs you can use to save money
To schedule an appointment for free one-on-one counseling, call the
York County Area Agency on Aging’s APPRISE Help Desk at
717-771-9008 or 1-800-632-9073.
Mark Your Calendars for the 2015 YORK COUNTY SENIOR GAMES June 23 - 27
The York County Senior Games will be held June 23 through June 27, 2015. Any York County resident 50 years of age
or older as of December 31, 2015 may participate. For more information, call 717-771-9001 or email us at
[email protected]. Hope to see you at the games!
Red Lion Area Senior Center
20-C Gotham Place, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-7229 • www.redlionseniorcenter.com
Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator
The Red Lion Area Senior Center is free to join, and that even
includes free lunches. We offer many programs at no cost to you.
We are open from 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM Monday - Friday. You must be
60 years or older to join. Please call us for more information. We
are dedicated to make your experience the best it can be, so come
make new friends! The Red Lion Area Senior Center is funded in
part by the York County Area Agency on Aging.
Bingo to Support Local Senior Center, Saturday, April 18, Doors
open at noon.
The Red Lion Area Senior Center is hosting a Basket Bingo
fundraiser on Saturday, April 18 at the Leo Fire Company in Red
Lion. Doors will open at noon, and bingo will start at 2 PM.
The cost for a ticket will be $12 in advance or $15 at the door.
Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling Heather Goebeler,
Executive Director, at 717-244-7229. Your ticket cost will include
20 games of regular bingo. Special Games, raffle tickets, and small
games of chance will also be available for purchase.
All proceeds from the bingo and the concessions will be used to
add a Health and Fitness Room to the Senior Center!
Diabetic Support Group
The Red Lion Senior Center has formed a Diabetic Support Group
for the new year which has started meeting on the third Monday of
every month. The goal for this group is to get educated, share
experiences, learn from each other and support each other through
dealing with this disease on a daily basis. If you suffer from diabetes,
please feel free to join us in learning and sharing. If you have any
questions about the program, please feel free to call Beth Conrad,
Operations Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.
10 Keys to Healthy Aging, Sessions begin Tuesday, April 14 at 9:30 AM
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of
Public Health have learned a great deal about how to keep adults
healthy as they age. They have translated what has been learned into
the “10 Keys to Healthy Aging”. Each key is an important step in
preventing disease and improving the quality of life. The Red Lion
Area Senior Center will be holding its first 10 Keys to Healthy Aging
session on Tuesday, April 14th at 9:30 AM. This is a 5 week program
to run the next 4 consecutive Tuesdays. Each week, participants will
learn two more Keys to Healthy Aging. The classes are free. The
goal is to educate the community to become healthier. Start taking
ownership of your health… attend these educational workshops to
learn about the “10 Keys to Healthy Aging”.
If you are interested in attending this program, please contact
Kasie Ream, Program Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.
I Can Challenge, Sessions begin Wednesday, June 3 at 10 AM
Do you want to eat healthier, lose weight, exercise more, have less
stress or quit smoking? If your answer to any of those was yes, then
you should consider joining the Red Lion Senior Center for our
upcoming sessions of I Can Challenge.
Instructors will assist participants in setting goals and achieving
them over the course of 12 weeks. Classes will begin on Wednesday,
June 3 at 10 AM.
If you would like to attend or have questions, please contact Kasie
Ream, Program Coordinator, at 717-244-7229.
Red Lion Area Historical Society
P.O. Box 94, Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-1912 • www.redlionareahistoricalsociety.org
Jan Barnhart, President [email protected]
Center Square Museum is located at 10 E. Broadway, and the Ma & Pa Train Station Museum is located at 73 N. Main St.
For tours of either of the museums, please call 717-244-2122 or 717-244-8030.
2015 Monthly Membership Meetings
Meetings are held at St. John’s UCC Church, 161 N. Main St. in Red Lion, beginning at 7 PM, unless otherwise stated.
Parking is available off the alley behind the church. The lot can be accessed via E. Gay St.
March 26: Across the River – Murder at the Accomac - From the first settlement to the establishment of ferry crossings in the locality, Michael
Maloney familiarizes listeners with the history of the Accomac area. His narrative includes the little known murder of a servant girl by her jilted
May 28: Picture This - Learn from Jan Barnhart the origin of photography and how to date old photos of the sort we find in family picture
albums. Find out how to preserve these images of people, places and events and how to interpret family dynamic from them and make these
seemingly static views come alive.
Red Lion Municipal Water and Sewer Authority
Water lines will be flushed between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM tentatively from March 30 through April 17.
Dates and times could extend depending on the area and condition of the water at that time. Please be aware that some
discoloration of the water may occur, and you may experience lower than normal water pressure for short periods of
time during the flushing procedure. Make sure your water is not discolored before doing laundry.
Please visit the Water Line Flushing page on our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/watersewer/water-line-flushing, for information, including daily updates on the area in which we’ll be flushing. Although your
area may not be listed, you could still be affected based on water flow direction through the distribution mains.
For many years, we’ve brought you the fresh, cool taste of safe, clean
drinking water. In 1988, a new treatment plant was constructed at
Cabin Creek, replacing the 1925 plant at the same location.
All raw water passes through the treatment plant for purification.
The treatment process consists of aeration, oxidation, coagulation,
clarification, filtration, corrosion control, disinfection and
fluoridation. Upon completion of the treatment process, the purified
water is pumped into the distribution system.
Red Lion Municipal Authority is investing in your
future health by making additional improvements.
What does this mean to you? Better taste. Better
quality. Better service.
What? To improve water quality, we have constructed a
new water treatment plant at Cabin Creek in Windsor
Township. This is the same location as the earlier water
treatment plants.
When? The proposed completion date for the new plant is Spring of
Why? Quite simply, taste and quality. We currently meet all federal
and state drinking water quality standards, but the 1988 plant was
unable to meet the potential, more stringent drinking water standards
that are set by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in the
future. Just as important, we are working on restoring the good taste
of our water. Several years ago, DEP required us to switch to using free
chlorine in the disinfection process. Unfortunately, this affected the
taste of the water. We will be switching back to chloramines, which
was utilized as a disinfectant in the past,
and return our drinking water to the
much better taste it had several years ago.
We would like to ask for your
assistance. If you see someone (other
than a representative of Red Lion
Municipal Authority or a local fire
department) connected to a fire hydrant,
please notify us IMMEDIATELY. This may include tankers,
landscapers, hydro-seeders, pool filling companies, etc. Our office is
open Monday through Friday from 8 AM - 4:30 PM, and the telephone
number is 717-244-3475. After hours, please contact the police by
dialing 911.
If in doubt, ask for ID! Red Lion Municipal Authority
employees will have photo identification and a vehicle that is
identifiable if maintenance is needed at your home. Please
call our office immediately if you need to verify the identity of
someone or if you experience any suspicious activity.
Our office receives many inquiries from residents wanting to report a malfunctioning
street light. First Energy Corp. owns the street lights in Red Lion Borough and is
therefore responsible for their maintenance. If you see a street light that is not working
properly, you can report that directly to First Energy Corp. online. We have provided a
link to their website in the “Reporting Problems” on the FAQ’s page of our website.
Having the pole number will be very helpful to First Energy. The 10-digit pole number
is printed in black on a yellow tag. If you do not have internet access, you can call their Customer Contact Center at 1-800-545-7741.
Thank you for helping to keep our streets and public areas safe.
An Important Message about Stormwater
from Red Lion Borough and Red Lion Municipal Authority:
Understanding stormwater and how it can affect your money, safety,
health and the environment:
Stormwater is water from precipitation that flows across the ground
and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt. The water
seeps into the ground or drains into what we call storm sewers. These
are the drains you see at street corners or at low points on the sides of
streets. Collectively, the draining water is called stormwater runoff.
Rain is an important part of nature’s water cycle, but there are times it
can do more damage than good. Two ways YOU can help are:
*Build a RAIN GARDEN: Rain gardens are depressional areas
landscaped with perennial flowers and native vegetation that soak up
rainwater. They are strategically located to capture runoff from
impervious surfaces, such as roofs and streets. Rain gardens fill with a
few inches of water after a storm and then water filters into the ground,
rather than running off to a storm drain.
Why are rain gardens important? As cities and
suburbs grow, increased stormwater runoff from
impervious surfaces becomes a problem. As more
impervious surfaces are added to our
communities, it is more important than ever to
help rainwater infiltrate. This protects water
quality and reduces stormwater runoff.
Stormwater runoff from developed areas
increases flooding potential and carries pollutants
from streets, parking lots and lawns into local
streams and lakes. Rain gardens can absorb most
rainfall events.
You don’t have to travel far to find a rain garden.
This one was built in Fairmount Park at our Splash
Pad. We are planning to add signage to this Rain
Garden to help raise awareness about the importance of rain gardens.
If you would like to build your own Rain Garden, check out Penn
State Extension’s website. They have an excellent section on Rain
*Use a RAIN BARREL: Rain
Barrels are mosquito-proof
containers placed at downspouts
that collect rainwater from
rooftops. The water can be used
later on lawn or garden areas.
Red Lion Municipal Authority
frequently has rain barrels made
out of recycled materials
available for sale. Call our office
to check on availability.
All of us can help rain restore
its good reputation while
protecting our health and
environment AND while saving money for ourselves and our
community. Please visit the Stormwater page on
our website, www.redlionpa.org, for additional
The York County Planning Commission
(YCPC) is exploring regional approaches to
stormwater management through development
of a Stormwater Authority Feasibility Study.
Public input to date has been limited to
participation in an online survey that sought
public sentiment about local waters – keeping
our streams clean or, in some cases, cleaning
them up; flooding issues; recreational uses; and
doing our part to improve the Chesapeake Bay.
The next opportunity for public input will be at a
Public Meeting to be held in March. The meeting
will provide feedback on the survey results and
engage attendees in a facilitated discussion of current stormwater
challenges facing York County and how they can best be addressed.
Notice of the public meeting will appear in local newspapers and will
be posted on the YCPC website, www.ycpc.org. Please stay tuned; your
input is important!
147 S. Charles St., Red Lion, PA 17356 • 717-244-2032 • www.kaltreider-benfer.org • [email protected]
provides a wide array of free
programming for our community.
Included in this are the following regularly scheduled story time
programs, where children have the opportunity to listen to stories and
sing songs in a fun and interactive learning environment:
• Every Tuesday, at both 10:15 & 11:15, we offer story time for those
ages 3 to 5.
• Every Wednesday, at both 10:15 & 11:15, we offer story time for
those ages 18 months to 3 years.
• Every Thursday, at both 10:15 & 11:15, we offer story time for
those from birth to 18 months.
Not to be left out, we also offer regularly scheduled adult
programming such as the following:
• Knitters meet every Thursday at 6 PM in the Literacy Room to
knit, chat and improve their skills. Bring your needles and yarn
and drop in for the fun!
• Mystery Readers meet the fourth Tuesday of the month at noon in
the Board Room. Check the monthly programming schedule for
the selected mystery.
• An Adult Book Discussion group meets the second Wednesday of
each month at 6:30 PM, and a separate group meets the third
Friday of each month at noon. Please check the monthly
programming schedule for the book of the month.
In addition to these regularly scheduled programs, we offer many
others as well. Included in this are author visits, life-long learning
seminars, family movie nights & more!
To see our full schedule, please visit us on the web at
Friends of Kaltreider Library
Friends of Kaltreider Library would like to thank everyone who
supported our BIG BOOK SALE in September of 2014. We achieved
great success in raising funds to support library programs. Another
BIG BOOK SALE is planned for Saturday, May 2 from 9 AM - 3 PM and
Sunday, May 3 from 11 AM - 2 PM at the Red Lion Community
Building, 190 S. Charles St. in Red Lion. Sunday only will be
Fill-A-Bag for $5! All proceeds
benefit the library. We continue
to accept book donations at
the library on S. Charles St.
Your donations make our
book sale possible.
Recycle Today To Save Tomorrow! Here’s how you can help:
Penn Waste, www.pennwaste.com, accepts single stream recycling. This means that all recyclables can be combined
in your recycling bin. Even if you have been recycling for a long time, please read over the following guidelines. Penn
Waste now accepts items that were not acceptable in the past.
Penn Waste now
accepts Cartons!
“Cartons” are a type of
packaging for food and
beverage products you can purchase at the store. They are
available in two types – shelf-stable and refrigerated.
• #1- #7 PLASTIC containers and bottles, regardless of neck size This includes plastic clamshells (baked goods and produce
containers), butter dishes, yogurt containers, Cool Whip
containers, etc.
Remove caps/lids
Rinse thoroughly
It is okay to leave on labels and
neck rings
• GLASS food and beverage containers (clear, brown,
blue and green)
• METAL (EMPTY aluminum beverage cans, steel food
& beverage cans, aerosol cans, paint cans)
boxes, food boxes, EMPTY paper towel & toilet paper rolls,
paperboard packaging (i.e. tissue boxes), office paper (any
color), newspapers & inserts, magazines, catalogs,
brochures, envelopes & junk mail, phone books, soft
cover books, shredded paper (in clear plastic bags,
please), paperboard food & drink cartons. Recycle Any
Size; Any Quantity! Break down cardboard boxes as flat as possible.
Any cardboard that cannot fit into your bin should be
flattened, bundled and placed beside your bin.
Common examples of products that
are available in cartons are:
• Juice
• Milk
TREE TRIMMING: To avoid damage to borough equipment, personal vehicles and for the safety of everyone, trees must
be kept trimmed to a height of 14 feet above and along the edge of the roadway and 9 feet above
GRASS AND WEEDS: Grass and weeds shall not exceed six inches (6”) in length.
• Soup & broth
• Wine
• Cream
• Egg substitutes
Be sure to remove all caps and straws.
Empty and rinse.
Place in your bin along with other recyclables.
• NEEDLES & Medical Waste! (Do not place used needles or any
other medical waste with recycling! This is a serious health hazard to
• Drinking glasses
• Broken glass
• Windows, mirrors, ceramics
• Aluminum foil
• Clothing hangers (metal & plastic)
• Plastic grocery bags (they can be taken to most grocery stores to be
recycled – See article on page 11.)
• Food-soiled material
• Packing peanuts
• Plastic bubble wrap
• Light bulbs
• Styrofoam
• Diapers
Here are a few friendly reminders from Penn Waste:
• Crush your aluminum cans and all plastics.
• If the weather forecast calls for high winds or wet
weather, if possible, keep your paper recyclables
until the next week. Wet paper products are difficult to process.
• Cover loose paper with heavier items to prevent it from blowing away.
Please visit the Recycling and Garbage page on our website,
for additional information.
Remember...Recycling is MANDATORY in Red Lion Borough!
Thank you to all who have picked up one of our larger 32-gallon recycling containers. We truly appreciate your recycling
efforts! Unfortunately, we ran out of them last year, BUT we have been able to purchase more of them. If your current
container is not large enough, stop by our office to pick one up. They usually go pretty quickly, so feel free to call us at
717-244-3475 to check on the availability of the new containers.. OR feel free to use your own container. If you choose to
do this, please make sure to clearly mark that it contains recyclables. (Recycling stickers are available at our office for you to
place on your container.)
Recycling is MANDATORY for everyone in Red Lion Borough. This includes COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. If your commercial establishment
does not recycle, take the necessary steps NOW to implement a recycling program.
Visit the Commercial Recycling section of our website, www.redlionpa.org/departments-services/recycling-garbage/commercial-recycling, which
contains valuable information on recycling in commercial establishments.
CFL Bulbs…
Just a reminder that compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL's) are considered hazardous waste and cannot be disposed of in your regular
garbage. You can dispose of them through the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection, OR as part
of Lowes’ and Home Depot’s commitment to the environment, they will recycle them for free at all of their stores, as long as they are
unbroken. Call them for more information.
By now, the snow has stopped falling, and our thoughts are turning toward warm, sunny days. Here is some important
ordinance information to remember for the spring and summer months.
UNENCLOSED STORAGE: Do not let inoperable, unlicensed and/or uninspected vehicles sit outside. They must be
stored in a fully enclosed building.
PARKING: Citations will be issued for any motor vehicle that is parked on any Borough highway, street or alley for a period longer than
72 consecutive hours.
SWIMMING POOLS: BEWARE of the swimming pools being sold as a portable kit at almost all retailers. If the pool is
capable of holding 24” or more of water, you will need to obtain a zoning permit and a building permit. Typically the
zoning permit costs $30, and the building permit will cost approximately $150. The pool will also require a 4’ high fence
around it if the pool is less than 4’ high. That low-priced pool now costs $180 more than what you were planning on!
GARBAGE COLLECTION: Do not place garbage at the point of collection in excess of 12 hours before your collection
day, which is Friday for all residential customers. Refuse being stored for collection must be placed in a container which
shall not permit blowing or scattering by wind and shall be rodent-proof, insect-proof, and watertight.
ITEMS NOT FOR OUTDOOR USE: The outdoor storage of lumber, scrap
metal, construction materials, machinery components, equipment, appliances, furniture not designed
and intended for exterior use, or any similar object which is not clearly intended for outdoor use is
considered a nuisance and must be removed or stored indoors.
15 First Avenue, Red Lion, PA 17356 • Phone: 717-244-6934 Fax: 717-244-6911 • Muriel Slenker, Executive Director
Office hours: Mon., Tues. & Wed. 9AM - 1PM, Thurs. 9AM - 2PM, Fri. 9AM - Noon
Food Pantry: by appt. Pantry donations are accepted weekday mornings. (You can also drop your pantry donations off at the Red Lion Borough Office.)
www.rlacspantry.net • [email protected]
The Board of Directors, staff and volunteers are
grateful for the continued support of the
community members, churches and organizations.
This past year, the Food Pantry received nearly
30,000 pounds of donated items which enabled us
to help an average of 175 households each month,
plus emergency needs. Those donations included
all the extras for the summer lunch program for the
children, as well as the extras which are included for the three holiday
seasons. Thank You!!
We begin the Kids’ Kafe summer lunch program in mid-June, as
soon as the school season concludes. Every Monday for ten weeks
from June - August, more than 100 youngsters
pick up their bag of nutritional breakfast, lunch
and snack items for that week. Donations are
needed from May through July for these bags.
Contact our office for a list of needed items.
The Capital Campaign has been extended
through 2016 to complete the facility improvements and enhance the
client emergency fund. Keystruck Construction of York, Pa. has been
awarded the bid for installation of an elevator for total accessibility to
all three levels of the 1904/05 original Red Lion firehouse building.
More information can be found on our website. Tours may be
arranged with the director by contacting the office.
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania
www.PaCommuterServices.org • 1-866-579-RIDE
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania is a non-profit organization that offers free services to commuters about their
options for getting to and from work. Our Rideshare and Emergency Ride Home programs provide necessary
tools to commuters in order for them to successfully switch from driving alone to a commuting alternative; such
as carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking or riding transit. Using a green commute mode is a great way to save money and help improve air
quality. For more information, visit www.PaCommuterServices.org or call 1-866-579-RIDE.
2015 Grass Collection: April 6 - Oct. 5
Street Sweeping
Please remember…Grass is not permitted to
be mixed with your garbage. It is preferable to
leave your grass clippings on your lawn if they are
mulched with your mower. If you choose not to
do this, our annual grass clipping collection
program will be in effect again this year. You can
stop by our office to purchase a sticker for $20 for the entire season.
This sticker must be placed on your own 20-gallon trash can, and our
crew will pick up your clippings every Monday (and Tuesdays if
necessary) beginning April 6 and ending October 5.
In order for us to clean up the
remnants of winter that are left in our
streets, we need your help. “No
Parking” signs are posted when we plan
to sweep your street. All vehicles must
be removed from the street. You can move your vehicle back on the
street after we remove our signs. We post these “No Parking” signs
allowing you enough time to move your vehicle before we begin. If
your vehicle is not moved, you will be ticketed.
Branch & Limb Collections: Spring: May 4 - 8, Fall: October 5 - 9
Branches and limbs should be placed at your
garbage collection site. The chipper/shredder
will make a daily circuit around the Borough to
pick them up. Limbs may be up to 6” in
diameter and 4’ to 6’ in length. Do not bundle.
Yard waste such as ornamental grass, garden
residue, etc., will not be picked up. If you have
material to be picked up and it has not been
collected by Thursday during the collection
week, please call the office at 717-244-3475. The Borough reserves the
right to refuse items that do not meet the requirements and is not
responsible for cleanup. Please call the Public Works Facility,
717-244-2567, if you are interested in the mulch that results from
these collections. Should you have branches and limbs for disposal at
any other time, you can either properly store them until the next
scheduled collection or call the Public Works Facility and schedule a
time to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for RED LION
Yard waste items such as garden residue, ornamental grass, tree
stumps and similar matter will NOT be accepted at our Public Works
Facility. One option is to compost these items at home. OR you can
take them to the York County Solid Waste Authority’s Resource
Recovery Center on Blackbridge Rd. in Manchester Township. NOTE:
Before doing this, visit their website at www.ycswa.com, or call them at
717-845-1066, for requirements and restrictions you will need to be
aware of.
Please keep in mind that trees must be kept trimmed to a height of
14 feet above and along the edge of the roadway and 9 feet above
sidewalks. Keeping your trees trimmed will prevent damage to
borough equipment and allow us to do a better job when street
Even though you cannot recycle your plastic bags and common films and wraps that are used in our everyday lives
through Penn Waste, they CAN still be recycled. Just remember the four R’s as they relate to these items:
Reduce E Reuse E Recycle E Repeat
Reduce: BYOB (bring your own bags) to the store when you shop!
Reuse: More than 90 percent of plastic bag owners reuse plastic grocery bags at home for things like lining bathroom
wastebaskets, as filler in plant containers or cleaning up pet poop.
Recycle: The next time you go shopping, take your old plastic bags and wraps along to be recycled. You can help to give
them a new life as splinter-resistant decking, crates and containers, or even new bags! Many local retailers now have collection
bins where you can deposit these items for recycling. Items that can be included are:
We thank you for your cooperation and appreciate your efforts to
help keep Red Lion Borough a great place to live, work and play.
Fall Leaf Collection: Oct. 12 - Dec. 4
Leaf collection for 2015 will
begin on Monday, October 12
and will continue through
Friday, December 4. Place
leaves at the curb. They will not be picked up if they are placed
elsewhere. Do not mix any other items with the leaves. The pickup
schedule is variable depending on weather conditions. We will get to
your leaves as soon as we can. We appreciate your understanding that
this schedule must be flexible. There will be no collection on Borough
holidays. Leaves in plastic trash bags will not be picked up. If you
have leaves that you wish to dispose of before or after these dates, you
can call the Public Works Facility at 717-244-2567 and make
arrangements to drop them off. This drop-off facility is available for
DO NOT place your leaves at the curb
before our collection begins.
Doing this causes leaves to clog our storm
drains, and they MUST remain clear of
www.rabbittransit.org • Email: [email protected] • 717-846-7433
Seniors Ride Free! Did you know that seniors age 65+ who register with
rabbittransit can ride the Fixed Route service for FREE? Route 10S offers service
between York and Red Lion. To find out how to sign up or for more information,
please email [email protected], call 717-846-7433 or visit www.rabbittransit.org.
E Plastic store bags
E Dry-cleaning bags
E Bread bags
E Cereal box liners
E Bubble wrap
(If it tears like paper, don’t include it; otherwise, if it’s clean, you can recycle it!)
These items are fully recyclable, but require a different type of recycling than plastic bottles and containers. That's why your
bags cannot be included with your curbside recycling.
Repeat: Self-explanatory!
Open Mon. - Sat. 9am - 11pm, Sun. Noon - 5pm
3135A Cape Horn Road, Red Lion
Large Selection of Beers • Imported, Micro Brews & Domestics
Kegs • Party Supplies • Beer Meisters For Sale or Rent
Full Line of Tap Equipment & Parts • Ice • Soda • Tea • Snacks
Cigarettes • Fine Cigars
Coupons Accepted
(In Windsor Commons Shopping Center)
A Special Thank You
To The Businesses
This publication is made available through the generous advertising
sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout
our newsletter. Red Lion Borough appreciates their support as the
ads provide the revenue that make it possible to produce this
newsletter at no cost to our residents. The Borough does not endorse
any product or organization that advertises in this newsletter.
Visit www.abagslife.com for interesting information on plastic bag recycling.
~ Terri Swearingen ~
Pennsylvania’s “Covered Device Recycling Act” (Act 108) now
prohibits the acceptance of certain electronic devices at all
Pennsylvania solid waste disposal facilities and therefore prohibits
residents from placing them at the curb for waste pick-up. Our waste
hauler is NO LONGER permitted to pick these items up at the curb.
Red Lion Borough is no longer accepting these electronics at our
Public Works Facility; however, The York County Solid Waste
Authority (YCSWA) offers their ongoing Electronics Recycling
Program that is held the first and third Saturdays of every month from
9AM to noon at their Yard Waste Transfer Facility located off of Flour
Mill Road in Manchester Township.
Examples of ACCEPTED items include:
• answering machines
• compact disc players
• fax machines
• computer hard drives
• laptops
• mobile phones
• modems
• microwave ovens
• pagers
• personal computers (CPU, monitors, keyboards, mouse, and peripherals)
• printers
• printed circuit boards
• radios
• remote controls
• stereos
• tape players
• telephones/telephone equipment
Your Late Night Connection
E Wraps from paper towels, bathroom tissue, napkins, diapers and
newspaper bags
Residents are responsible for removal of any personal data contained
on electronic devices and computer hard drives.
Examples of items NOT ACCEPTED are:
• construction demolition
• furniture
• appliances
• white goods
• household hazardous waste
• appliances containing Freon (dehumidifiers, air conditioners,
Residents, businesses, and non-profit entities are eligible to
participate with YCSWA in this program. Residents and businesses
with large quantities of electronics (i.e. more than a pickup truck load
of electronic material) should call the YCSWA before the collection
date to make arrangements for delivery. There is no fee
to participate. This program is made possible by
funding generated from tipping fees (cost for
disposal of waste) collected at the York
County Resource Recovery Center.
Visit their website at www.ycswa.com or
call them at 717-845-1066 for more
• televisions & VCR’s
Household Hazardous Waste Collection: Saturday, May 2, 9 AM - 1 PM
Rid your home of hazardous household products. The York County Solid Waste Authority will
conduct a FREE annual household hazardous waste collection program on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from
9 AM to 1 PM in the parking lot of Woodland View LP located at 915 Woodland View Dr. in Manchester
Township. Residents who bring in elemental mercury and/or a mercury-containing device such as a
thermostat, thermometer or elemental mercury will receive a $5 gift card for Lowe’s. All York County
homeowners or residential tenants are eligible to participate. Household hazardous waste includes any
products from the home which are corrosive (drain cleaners or bleach), flammable (gasoline), reactive
(chemistry kits) or toxic (pesticides). Due to state regulatory requirements, commercial entities are not
eligible to participate. Call the YCSWA at 717-845-1066 or visit www.ycswa.com for more information.
To the Citizens of Red Lion Borough.
Greetings on behalf of your Borough Council and myself.
State Inspection
It is my hope that each of you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. It is a very special time of year to spend
with family and friends here in Red Lion. Thank You to Our Veterans for making this possible! I would like to
thank our local businesses for their participation in our Holiday Events, and also thank our New Year’s Eve
Committee for another Great Job! My wife and I enjoyed ourselves once again at the train station. Looking around the Square at the toy soldiers
and our Christmas decorations makes us beam with pride!
I want to thank our borough and municipal employees for the fine job they do in providing services to our citizens. I also want to thank
everyone who volunteers to serve on our Boards and Commissions which help to make Red Lion a Better Place To Live.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Pennsylvania State Police, the Leo Independent Fire Co., and the Red Lion Area Ambulance
Association for all they do in keeping our citizens safe.
As we begin the New Year, and all the opportunities that it presents, let us remain united as a community, and ask God to grant us His wisdom,
and continue to bless us as His people.
Steven E. Kopp
$2,000 Over KBB
Fair Trade Market Value
on your trade
Red Lion Borough is always in need of citizens to join in and serve in all areas of this government. John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the
United States, once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country.” The same can be said
of the Borough. It’s easy to sit back, criticize, be negative or have a personal agenda. It is much harder to jump in and help be part of the
solution. The Borough is always looking for a few good citizens to jump in and be part of our government team including a new public safety
commission. If you are interested, just contact a member of Borough Council or the Borough Manager.
Hoping all of you will have another great and healthy year as we on Borough Council attempt to get the business of government done for all
of you.
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is the gift, that's why it's called the present.....”
Most respectfully yours,
Walt Hughes
President, Red Lion Borough Council
“Serving the area since 1993”
3220 Cape Horn Road • Red Lion, PA
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
March 28
Easter Egg Hunt
March 28
Water Line Flushing
March 30 - April 17
2015 Grass Collection
April 6 - Oct. 5
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
May 2
2015 Spring Branch & Limb Collection
May 4 - 8
Memorial Day Parade & Service
May 25
Lewis and Clark Circus
June 2 & 3
Suds & Songs 2015
June 6
Flag Day Program
June 13
Splash Pad Summer 2015 OPENING
June 13
Fairmount Fun Day
June 13
FREE Community Yard Sale
June 19 & 20
Independence Day Fireworks
July 3
July 4th Stay-at-Home Celebration
July 4
Street Fair
Concert in the Park
2015 Fall Branch & Limb Collection
Leaf Collection
Fall Fest
Haunted Mile
Halloween Parade
Trick or Treat
Small Business Saturday
Lighting of the Christmas Tree
Breakfast with Santa
Santa’s Shanty
New Year’s Eve Celebration
August 8
August 23
Oct. 5 - 9
Oct. 12 - Dec. 4
Oct. 24
Oct. 24
Oct. 26
Oct. 31
Nov. 28
Nov. 29
Dec. 5
Dec. 10 & 11
Dec. 17 & 18
Dec. 31
Important Contacts
Municipal Office
11 E. Broadway,P.O. Box 190
Red Lion, PA 17356
[email protected]
Borough Manager
Dianne Price
[email protected]
Zoning & Codes Enforcement Officer
Dan Shaw
[email protected]
Steven E. Kopp
[email protected]
Tax Collector
Mike Zelger
451 Highland Rd., R.L.
[email protected]
Hot Stones and
Sauna with
Every Massage
Pennsylvania State Police
Emergencies: Call 911
Non­emergencies: 717­428­1011
Deep Tissue
Myofascial Release
Pregnancy Massage
& Couples Massage
Fire Department
Leo Fire Company No. 1
201 W. Broadway, R.L.
Joseph Yahnke, Fire Chief
Red Lion Area Ambulance Assn.
312 Horace Mann Ave., R.L.
Ron Harlacker, Director of
[email protected]
State Representative
94th Legislative District
Stan Saylor
100 Redco Ave., R.L.
717­244­9232 or 717­382­4595
451 Highland Road
Red Lion, PA 17356
Phone: 717-417-6311
Fax: 717-417-5119
Email: [email protected]
Call for Your
Specializing in custom railings,
stairs, fences and gates.
Dr. Douglas Schmidt, D.V.M.
Dr. Kevin Schmidt, D.V.M.
Dr. Sabrina Walters, V.M.D.
Dr. Kathleen Spencer, D.V.M.
Dr. Stephanie Edwards, D.V.M.
Garbage & Recycling
Penn Waste
Red Lion Youth Center
190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L.
Kristina Ogurcak, After School
Program Director
[email protected]
Red Lion Recreation
190 S. Charles St., upper level, R.L.
Eric Rabenstein, Recreation
[email protected]
Red Lion Youth Center Preschool
190 S. Charles St., lower level, R.L.
Jeanne Macaluso, Director
[email protected]
Kaltreider­Benfer Library
147 S. Charles St., R.L.
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Business
651 Lombard Rd., Suite 122, R.L.
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Senior Center
20­C Gotham Place, R.L.
Heather Goebeler, Executive
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Historical Society
P.O. Box 94, R.L.
Jan Barnhart, President
[email protected]
Red Lion Area Community
15 First Ave., R.L.
Muriel Slenker, Director
[email protected]
Red Lion Borough Tax Collector, Mike Zelger
141 West Broadway
Red Lion PA 17356
John H. Fishel
Magisterial District Judge District
2997 Cape Horn Rd., R.L.
[email protected]
Special Hours:
Thursdays, April 2 & 9 from 6 PM - 8 PM
Fridays, April 3 & 10 from 9 AM - Noon
Wednesdays, June 3 & 10 from 6 PM - 8 PM
Fridays, June 5 & 12 from 9 AM - Noon
Jason Aspito, Owner
Mon-Fri 3-9pm
Sat: 9am-5pm
(Later by appt.)
Sun: 12-5pm
O: (717) 501-4012
C: (630) 297-2452
Property Maintenance Experts
Noah Mundis
Office hours at
451 Highland Road
are as follows:
Mondays &
9 AM until noon
201 S. Charles Street
Red Lion, PA 17356
Fully Bonded
& Insured
Health Screening Services
Discover where your body is out of balance
& how to bring that balance back!
Pierre Roderique
425 East Broadway
Red Lion, PA 17356
Office hours by appointment
Associate Agent/Customer Service
Pabody Insurance & Financial Services
62 N Main Street
Red Lion, PA 17356
147 N Fourth Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Tel 717-244-5172
Fax 717-339-0052
Cell 856-562-8550
[email protected]
Complete Line of Nutritionals, Herbals, Homeopathics & Knowledgeable Staff
www.hessiron.com 717-246-3135
27 E. Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA 17356
Phone: 717.244.4450
10 W. Broadway
Red Lion, PA 17356
E-mail: [email protected]
25% OFF Initial Screening
York, PA
PERMIT No. 764
11 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 190
Red Lion, PA 17356
Postal Customer
Red Lion,
PA 17356
Hello and greetings to everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. My thanks go out to the
many volunteers who put so many hours in to make the holiday events such a
smashing success that climaxed with an awesome New Year’s Eve gala that was
just over the top. Once again, thank you all!
• Steven E. Kopp
This Community Newsletter is produced for Red Lion Borough
by Hometown Press • 215.257.1500 • All rights reserved®
To Place An Ad Call Peggy At Hometown Press • 215-262-3617
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Borough Council
• Walter Hughes,
• Dennis Klinedinst,
• Kelly Henshaw
• Christina Frutiger
• Cynthia Barley
• Tony Musso
• Danielle Kabacinski
Borough Manager
• Dianne Price
Codes/Zoning Officer
• Dan Shaw
Public Works Supervisor
• Brett Patterson
Tax Collector
• Mike Zelger
Water Authority
• Eric Immel, Chairman
• Carroll Missimer III,
• Jeffrey P. Herrman
• Michael Poff
• Bradley Smith
Water & Sewer
• Keith Kahwajy
• Pennsylvania State Police
Bringing high quality
craft beer to a relaxed
atmosphere where you
can enjoy great beer
and food with your
friends and family.
Brewery Tours
Saturdays 4pm
5 W High St, Red Lion, PA • 443-418-9473 • www.blackcapbrew.com
The Well
Red Lion Psychology
David Haynes-Weller, PsyD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
30 East Broadway • Red Lion, PA 17356
Tel: 717.244.1082 Fax: 717.244.1064
Red LionPsychology.com
More good news! For another year (2015), Borough Council was able to pass
a budget without a tax increase to our citizens or property owners. Way to go,
Borough Council Members and the Borough Manager! It’s not how much money
we can raise or how fast it can be spent, but rather how wisely and responsibly
we, the stewards of your public funds, utilize those funds.
Again, many infrastructure issues will be addressed in 2015… street and alley repairs, sewer lines and
water drainage problems, which are all very costly and time consuming. I hope all our citizens affected by
the repairs and work that will be done understand this is a short-term inconvenience for a long-term solution.
Infrastructure repairs are an ongoing yearly occurrence that must be kept up with.
As you may or may not be aware, as of January 1, 2015 the Pennsylvania State Police took over the policing
of Red Lion Borough. For our New Year’s Eve event, six troopers were assigned to patrol the Borough. Four
were in uniform, and two were plain clothes. Within minutes after midnight, a number of arrests were made
for criminal violations. State Police have informed the Borough that any time we have any event, we should
call them, and Troopers will be assigned to be here.
During the month of January, State Police conducted drug raids in the Borough using undercover Troopers
from outside the area. One of the raids netted over $20,000 in illegal drugs. I myself have noticed many
marked PSP patrol cars patrolling the Borough and more than one PSP car responding to resident calls. Also,
we see the use of both marked and unmarked PSP cars using radar for traffic enforcement within the Borough.
Residents who have concerns or wish to report suspicious activity can contact the head of the public safety
committee Tony Musso via email [email protected] or drop off or send a letter to his attention at the
Borough office. This information will be passed directly to PSP for investigation.
The Borough did not ask anything special from PSP. When asked about the enforcement, they stated that
they were just doing their job. Way to go, PSP! Another bit of information for everyone… Red Lion Borough
is not the largest borough in the Commonwealth that PSP polices. We are just one of many. My hat is off to
PSP. Good job!
The Borough has settled contract negotiations with Teamsters Local #776, the bargaining agent for our Public
Works employees, and they have a new contract in place. Our Public Works employees do a great job, and
I and Borough Council do notice it. Thanks, guys!
continued on page 1...
Inside This Issue:
Message from the Mayor.....................................1
Borough Events ..................................................1
Red Lion Borough Information...........................2
Rabbittransit .......................................................2
Zoning & Code Enforcement Officer..................3
Red Lion Community Services ...........................3
Red Lion Historical Society.................................4
Red Lion Municipal Water &
Sewer Authority..................................................4
Reporting a Street Light Out...............................4
York County Area Agency on Aging ...................5
Red Lion Area Senior Center ..............................5
Red Lion Borough Events ...................................6
Red Lion Recreation ...........................................7
Red Lion Youth Center Preschool .......................8
Red Lion Youth Center .......................................8
Message from State Rep. Stan Saylor...................8
The Green Thumb Garden Club.........................8
Storm Water Information....................................9
Kaltreider-Benfer Library ....................................9
Recycling Information .................................10-11
HHW Collection...............................................11
Important Contacts ..........................................13
Borough Tax Collector......................................13
11 East Broadway, Red Lion, PA 17356 • (717) 244-3475