MPA 4 - Red Tape 1


MPA 4 - Red Tape 1
Mr. Dunlap '~elieved': Students Prote~t
On Monday. April 17. at about
11:45a.m. , one ofthe most dramatic incidents in MPA history
occurred. Approximately onc
third oCthe Upper School student
population walked off campus in
protest over an administration
decision relieving Mr. Niel Dunlap, a music and history teacher
of cleven yea r s standing at MPA,
of his teaching duties.
The protest began after lunch
with a rally on the steps of the
Art Center in Jones Bowl, with
approximatel y 140- students in
attendance. The Dunlap issue
was associated with other current issues. such as communication with administrators.
dress code, and the dismissal
of Mike Sims.
Soon thereafter. a parade of
90 to 9 5 students was l ed off camp~s' to Bohn Park on liith and
Longwood. Some Ci(te~n students
returned to school shortly . After
some speech making and a few
feeble attempts at folk singing ,
a squad car and two policemen
arrived . The officers had evi dently been summoned by l oca l
residents. The g r 0 u p li s t ened
quietly as the group l eaders ex-
APRIL 28. 1972
MPA 4 - Red Tape 1
MPA pf\rticipants in the YMCA
sponsored Youth and Government
program spent April 2 1-23 in
Spr ingCie l d attending mock le gis 1ative sess ion s. This trip culminated several months of preparatbn by those stuoonts in terms
of redaying bills and becoming
fam il iar with le gis lativ e procedures.
Five ofthe bills, amo n g those
in Springfiel d, had MPA students
as sponsors . The quality and rel evancy dthese b ill s n canparison
to the other bills might be shown
in the fact that two of these bills
received a number one priority
in committee, two bills received
a number two priority , and onl;
received a number three priorlty . Bill priorities extablish the
importance of a bill, as this dec16ion determine .. the order in
which a bill will be considered
by its re spective House-a bill
of a number one priority is considered first, that of ten is considered last.
Four of the MPA bills actually
came up f or con sideration dur1ng the two days of legislative
aesaiona . Two bills. one regarding the es tabli s hm ent of a CO .. 1 mission to channel funds for increased railroad se rvice, and
the o ther advocating the binding
of del egates to the Democratic
and Republican nominating conventions to the i r candidates fo r
the fir s t few vot es. passed both
House s and was signed by the
Ywth Governor . Two other bills.
one changing s tatue s regarding
p r esent policy in granting servicemen special driving privileges , and one advocating op en
pre s idential primaries, passes
both Houses but word is still a-
waited as to whether or not they
were signed by the Youth Gove r n or . The fifth bill , which asked
for the conve rsion o f the Illinois
and Mich igan Canal Zone to a
s t ste park was not consi dered
by either House due to l ack of
Ume .
MPA advisors received seve ral canplime nt s as to the superior
preparation and conduct demons trated by the MPA parti cipants.
plained their cause. The policemen seemed sYTnpathetic, and
suggested the gro up move to a
p.rivate residence , as assem bling in a public park was illegal.
The group consented, and moved
to the Spurgin residence, 11323
S . Lothair.
Mr. Jones was contacted , and
he was agreeable to meetlng wlth
J po k e s men from the protest
group . So, Brent Grossmann,
George Ivancevich, and Mark
Schneider left the rapidly dimin ishing group (numerous students
were on their way home ) to talk
with Mr. Jones and Mr. Lints .
For nearly two hours, the five
discussed the Mr. Dunlap issue.
Atthe end of the discussion , a ll
that ahd been res.olved wa's as
follows: students would come to
classes as normal on Tuesday,
talks would continue , and pun ish men t (0 r a ll students who
wa 1 ked out would be uniform ,
regardless of previous records .
Mr. Jones refused to consider
allowing M~. Dunlap .t o r etlKrn .
Mr . Dunlap was contacted , and
h ewaswilling to drop the issue .
Mr. Jones soon sent a s t a t ement
to the Student Counc il President
to the effect that any student with
a specific grievance may go with
the Council President down to
Mr. Jones w ithout appointment
to review the p r obl em .
Punishment for the protestors
cunsisted of a l e tter sent home
to parents, and the l etter being
included in the student's file. The
letter will bt; removed at the end
of the year if the student causes
no further such disruption.
Mr. Dunlap, although relieved
from his teaching duties, will
remain on the Academy payroll
for the remainder of the school
year , and his children will be
allowed to finish out the year.
Hi s Music I and II cla sses are
now being taught by Mrs. Gus t afson . Mr. Dunlap 1 s relieffrom
duty was brought about by many
reasons: his r eluctance to in clude certain aspects of music
in his program, many differences
of opinion between Mr. Dunl ap
and the administration, the pro pagation of many rumors from
many sou r ces with varying de gress oft ruth in them, and finally
a d is 0 bed i e n c e of one of Mr.
Jones 1 0rders.
page Z
April 2 8 , 1972
Fl90r Sweepings
Mark Sc hne ider
In case you h a v e n't h ea rd the won d e rful n ews , h e r 'e it i s . Thi !
wll l bcm yla s t iss u e . The next iss u e w ill b e p u t o u~ by next ye a r' s
s taff, and the £inal June issu e will b e put o ut by the Senio r s t aff
membe r s . If you w ant t o know w h o i s gO ing t o b e e dito r in c hief
next yea r, you may Ju s t h ave t o wai t and r ead t h e s t aIf r os t e r in
t h e Ma y i ss ue. If yo u c an't fi gu r e o ut wh o the e dito r in chied has
bee n fo r t he p as t e i g ht m o nth s , w e ll, yo u pr o bably w o uldn't b e a ble
t o fi n d th e s taIf r os t e r anywa y.
Since it is my la s t i ssue, I fin d it a ppro pri a t e t o p a ss o ut m y o wn
awa rds and cong r a tula tio n s. F i r s t o n m y U s t I s ou r a dvi ser , Mr.
Stelton . Not that h e h as s p e nt h o ur s up o n h ours working a nd s l aving
with us in the o ffi ce on d e a d line w ee kend s , b u t som e thing worth
muc h mo re . Mr. Steltoni s alway s ther e if you n e ed him f o r ad v ice
or h e lp, ye t h e i s quite willing t o l e t u s p r o du ce our o wn pa per,
with out cen so r s hi p o r p rodding . 1 get v e ry ti re d w h e n 1 h e ar some one say "On t h ey d idn 't p rint s u c h and s u c h b ecau s e St e lton censor ed it out. " A ll o f y ou peo p le o ut the r e , 1 t a k e r espon s ibility f o r
the content o f this pa p e r, d o n't h an g it on someon e el se .
Las t, but c e rtainly n o t l eas t , my edito r s . 1 w i s h t o p e r sonally
th ank a ll of them , n ews , s po rt s , f e atur es , l a yo ut, c o py, a nd a s ss t ant. T wo peopl e In edi t o rial pos itio n s I w i s h to thank indiv i duall y. F ir s t, our b is m an, B r uce (St ud) Ham per. H e ha s sing l e
handed t urned t his pape r int o one o f the mos t stab le publi cations on
campus . An d ne arly ever y ad is a p r o d uc t of Bru ce ' s des i gn c r e a ti vit y. And f in ally, a little k n own edito r : Mich ae l (Po rk) Sala z ar,
A ssis tant Layout Edito r in cha r ge of O r ganizat ion. Whil e h is Job
often b o r de r ed on Janito r, h e h as worthil y fulfil l ed h is offic e , and
dese r ves my p rai se . Th ank you , one an d a ll.
Key Club
in Parade
This Side
of Insanity
1VI:AIL ...
Mr. Editor,
I would like t o know if anyo ne
who read s thi s l ett e r think s it i s
pe rmi ss ible f o r a t eacher, who
ob v i o u s ly doe s n o t care for a
student, to u s e hi s a uthority a s
a cud g el (ch e ck tha t o ut Mr.
Gre n sebach). If n ot, the n s ympathi ze with me .
Thank yo u,
Don No rto n
in g t o? Whe r e h as traditio n
gon e? "
W e ll. t o answe r thl ~ ques tio n ,
tr adition h as gon e t o the unde r wo r l d, a nd L a tIn h a s accompa nl e d it o n t h e Journe y . L a tin, the
l~n g u age of C I c er o , o f Olde n
d r ama , o r magni fi cent R ome and
o.! h igh sc h ooL stu d ents will no
lon ge r be tr anslat e d . Alas, anothe r tr aditio n has le ft t he Academ y to Jo i n the rn a n y o t h er
remn ant s In A u mn l"s ba semen t.
U nfo rtu n ately, t h e 0 d sa Y 1 ng
came true:
E pit ap h :
He re li es a rn o , a ma s ... ama-
The s t ran g e r walk s slowly
through the hallow ed halls. g l an c ing curiously into the cla ss roo m s . H is feet s buifie acros s
the floo r. Approaching the s tair s ,
he pau s e s and turn s carefully
ar ound glaring back and f o rth
d own each hal. A s he tap s hi s
f o ot rythmaUcally, h e reali zes
s omething i s m i ss ing. It ' s t b o
quiet. The tapping s t o p s a s he
lUt s hi s head an d s miles s ymp a t h e ti cally . " Alas , " h e Si g h s ,
'I do n o t h ea r amo amas a rn a t.
NoLain! What's th is wor ld com_
The .an guage o f Wo r dswo rth ' s
epi g r a ph
" P a u lo mal ora canam us. "
F aithfu l f riend o f poet r y
Cons t a n t co mpanion o f ve r sificati o n .
A n oid tr aditi on , n ow fr ee.
R .l. P .
The mock primary electi on,
a Politics Comm i tte e pr o ject,
will b e an attem pt t o m ake the
electio n a s reali s tic a s po s sible. There will be campaign s
for the electio n . The campaign
manager s (and their c andidates )
are Paula Gumbner (McGovern~,
Jim C Ql ton(Wallace) , Bill Gros smpm iHumphr..e y.1 Mark Schnei -
der (Mu s ki e l, ana Jame s F itch
(Nix on). The e lection will b e h e l d
alx:lu t o ne and on~hal£ wee k s f rom
n o w. A lot o f help will b e ne ed e d. If you w i s h t o h e lp, c ontact
any o f the c a.rnpal gn manage r s .
Q1caoemp J}lew5
Publis h ed ten times a yea r by and fo r the studen t s of Mo rgan P a rk
Aca d emy , Chic ago , l 11in o i s . A d ve r tising r ates given upon r eq uest
o f the Busine ss Man age r.
The MPA K e y C l ub partic i pated in the Sf'qul scent e n nia l parade
which was he l d in o ur community on Sunday, April 23, \97Z .
Six K ey .clubbers go t to ride on the Southwe s t K iwan i s C l ub ' s
float (a hay wagon) along w ith thr ee handl ca pped c hildren who
were from their c amp fo r handi ca pped - ch il dren in Indiana.
Edit or - in - C h ief . . M . Sc hn eider
Assis t a n t E dito r . W . G rossmann
Layout E dito r . .. . . . G. A r gi r es
News Edito r . . . . . .
C . D UI\iap
L ... yuU L .. • ••• . . .•• M . Sa l
... . ... .. .. . B . Ho ff man
. . ... ... . . .. ·R . MaJeune
Feature s E ditor ..... C. Chri st
Copy Editor . . ....... S . Gnllka
Sports Editors . . .. . .. N. PrI ce
.... .. O. Nor ton
Bus i nes s Ma.nager . . B. Hamper
P h o tograph er ........ J. Ho n or
Adviser . ..... .. .. . . R. St elton "'"
April 28 , 1972
Tell 'em Joe Sent Ya
The Junior - Senior Prom planningcomm itte e i s invading your
privacy. They have put n otice_
a ble pos ter s all ove r the schoOl j
the y have s pre ad rumors of plan ing the be s t , mo s t o r iginal Prom
ever to be givenj they have ventur ed so far as to send out invit_
ations to this di s reputable thing_
a Speak Ea s y.
Oh, they ' ve been working hard
s pr eading the propaganda. Only
we , the Academ Ne w s
n ections t o see into the wo rking
of th e com.mittee. Believe it o r
not, their pl ans are b egirming to
materialIze . We thought that a
l ack of m o ney might stop them ,
but no, they've partially s olve d
that. A car was h, that' s rig ht,
a car W8.91, brought in approx1m a tely $70.00. Iflhad earned $70
'" well they used it t o develop
thi s s cheme . Knowing mo s t people aIOmd here . big talker s . little
doers , we thou ght the car was h
woul d fl op. WE we r e pa r tially
ri g ht. Not many people came t o
h e l p wa s h car s , but those who did
worked hard.
Do you know that the committ ee has bought materials and i s
actuall y making elaborat e deco r ations for thi s thing ? There
must b e a trick, we're s ur e .
Ye t the ideas still seem quite
tefl'llting, and they are b e ing car ri ed out.
A Sp e ak Easyj what' s th at?
You mean, what will they do?
We ll, not too many o f theIr secrets h a ve leaked o ut, and we' ve
agreed to keep sane confidences ,
but it does appear to be a very
authentic duplication of a s peak
easy and a tm o s phe re of th e
1920's. Mos t important this will
b e a very eli t e typ e event . 1
mean , not everyone can c ome.
Can you imagine worrying about
ge tting in? Then maybe you ' re
fri g htened qf the Joke they ma y
play. Personally, 1 think it ' s all
quite inte re s tin g figuring out this
ma s ter plot. In any event , how
rruch can they take yo u [ o r? What
are you going to about these "big
planner s ?" I'd s how up at this
thing . I mean, if it' s a Joke, the
Jok e ' s on them. But if not •• . uh
..• tell them J oe se nt you .
1863 W. 107th S tr eet
of the
MAY 3 .
1 972
Ahout the
West Side
A convocatio n wa s given by the
H istory Department on Tuesday ,
April 25, during s econd and third
perio ds. The subject was the interpretation of life on the Wes t
Sid e of Chicago by Mr. Stelton's
soc io logy-p sycoology cIa s se s .
They had taken a field tri p t o the
North Star Mis s ion , and made a
f11m s trip of the ir expe riences,
which was s hown at the conv o cation. Thu s , the impre s sion s
a r e tho se of MPA s tudent s . and
not tho se of a comme r cial fUm
maker .
The purpose o[ the convocation, as exFlained by Mr . St eIton,
was to pr 0 v id e an imper s onal
le arning experience [or both s tudents and th e re s ident s of the
Wes t Side. Both pa rtie s found
that they were af r aid to be i n
each o therl s neighb or hoods , and
th e y attribute d this fear to ignorance and exagge r ate d danger s .
Reverend Henry Mitchell then
gave his view s of the No rth Star
Mi s s ion, which he h eads . He
s t ated that the mi s s i o n' s goal
was to help the r e s idents of the
area to rebuild it from within.
The persormel of the mi s sion try
to wo r k with the r es l~enta t o s av~
.ol de r buildings . w hich would be
torn down oth erwi se , and make
them u sabl e again . The mis s ion
in this wa y rejects the idea of a
mi s sion as Ju at a " s oup kitchen. "
A question and answer period
wa s provided af t e r Rev. MIt c h e llI s comment s , which helped
to pre sent a fuller pic tur e of th e
mission for the s tudents. He al s o
said that ' donations of c l o thing
we r e we l come 1£ any s tudent s
wished to donat e.
ltls prom time a ga in. The se nior s are bu s y no w planning thi s
year ' s Senio r Pro m . Fr e d Mam s
a nd Bill G oes a r e co - c hairme n
of the prom c ommitte e. "We 1 ve
Only Just Begun" i s th e the me.
the dance wi ll be he l d a t the
Wa ter Tower Inn Hya tt Ho u se
fr o m 8 : 30 t o a bout 12 : 00 on June
8. A de I i c i 0 u a cirm e r w ill be
s e r ved at the Hyatt H ou se . The
band i s st111 being c ho s en. Mone y'
making p r oje ct s fo r the pr om include a r aine , and th e Se ni o r
Ca rnival.
P age
Ap ril 28, 1972
Void whoro prohibited by law.
The Rockof Chicago
Arril 28, 1972
The pos s ible increase of the
Academy s tudent ' s use of .the
Be verly Art Center was tbe s ubJec t of a recent interview with
Mr . Jones, who i s now director
of the Center. It seems apparent
tha t many studen t s are unaware
of the cultural and educational
activities off ere d there, b oth
du ring the week and on weekend s .
A cal endar o~ BAC events is
currently po sted on the first floor
and will possibly be posted on the
Student bulleUn"board in the fu ture. The possibility of scheduling events whic h would be primaril y ofinterest to the s tudents
was also di s cussed.
There is virtually no time when
more events could be scheduled
for the Art Center until thi s 'fall.
The calendar for the end of 1972
and the beginning of 1973 i s now
being made up by the program
The even t s which a re held
there are spo n so red by either the
Academy , the Art Center itself,
Or l:qy side g roup s who rent the
BAC . The Ac ademy s pon so red
event s take 1 recede nce during
s chool hours. The use of the
Center at othe r time s Is deter-
mIned on a !i r s t come , fir s t
s erved basi s . If there a re two
g roup s whowantto u s e It for the
same tim e , th 0 u g h the event
which woul d inte r est the greate s t
nu m b e r of pe ople a nd has the
greatest cultural or educational
va 1 u e will, be g iv ~ n use of the
~ r . Basedonthis . Mr. J one s
said that activitie s for s tudent s
which would b e b asic ally enter tainment for a limited audience
(such as a movie night or a rock
band) could be s t be arranged on
two or three week s notice .
The Admini s tration would try
to respond as much as possible
t o stude nt int ere s t by s po n so rIng
convocation s Or lectur es , s tated
Mr . Jone s . Student s who would
like a s pecIfic activity s hould
speak t o Mr. Jones directly, o r
throu gh their 5 t u den t Coun cil
repre s entative s . Al s o , any s tud e nts who w o uld like to present
a lecture Or pr a g r am during
sc h ool hour s would b e aided by
the Admini s trati on, upon approval of th e program. Mr. J Qnes
.s aid that he or any faculty mem _
adult r e pre s entati o n if a group
of s tudent s would like to use the
Art Cente r for thi s purpose.
Going to the Prom?
Also the new Linsay look
formal wear
June Dig Planned for
Dickson Mounds
Th e dig s hould uncover burial s
and h a bitation artifacts of the
vani s h ed MI ss is s ippian culture .
Because accommodation s ar e
limited, the ba s i s for acceptanc e
for qualified s tudent s will befir st
se r v e d. Actual cost cannot be
determined at thi s time, but it
s hould be in th e range o f $100.
Soc ial St u die s c r edit wIll be
Re s ervations for participation
are now b e ing a c c e pte d . Fa r
a pplication and information, see
Mr . Stelton. The program, away
from the bind of the city s hould
be an excitingone. But s ince
the number of applications will
be under ten, it wil l b e n ecess ary for s tudent s who are intere s ted t o hurry.
Plan s have be en c o mpleted to
conduct an arch aeolog i cal dig in
central Illinois from June 12 to
June 23rd . The dtek"&On Mound s
Mu s e u m ha l' agreed to make
dorrritory space avaIla ble and the
site s have been se lected.
This summe r a se iect numb er
of s tudent s , while participating
in a genuine field experience, will
s tudy archaeology while c njoyint
the fellowship and com panion s hip
of their friend s in an informal
atmosphere. Under the direc tion of Larry Conrad and Robert
Stelton, and archaeological r escue dig at the CILCO Re s ervoir
in Fulton County wiii be carried
out .
and the HUDDLE Student Shop
Slacks , Shirts, Jacke t s , J e an s , Sweaters , Etc ,
1712 W est 95th Street C hi c ago 4 3 , IUin o i s
25U Feet Ea s t a t For Men
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(Corner of 95th & Damen)
on our everyday
iow di scou nted prices.
Page 6
JUNE lO-JUNE 24, 1972
All First Cla'ss Hotels with private bath.
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.T~ E
April 28 , 1972
Page 7
Chea tin g has a l ways been a
Last week I went to Sunny Dale,
The food down there i s terrible ,
constan t probl em in all schools .
Quasimodo III
An A s ylum with an i~d oo r pool.
As many of the guests will say.
Some stude nt s c h ea t so they w odt
I told them I know the se cr e t of
A few of the cooks s h o uld trade
Views on Life from C laude Wilbe emba ra ssed by their g rade in
life ,
plac es .
liam Dunkenfi e ld
front of their classmates; SOITlC
The y tol d me that I was a fo o l.
With the nut s up in ce ll b l ock A.
s tuden t s c h catby giving answers
'IEvery cloud ha s a s ilver lito oth er kids in order to ITlake
The faculty showed me a coupl e
It ' s too bad they can't cure any ning, and every bowl of vegetabl e
f riends . In ce rtain cases , s ome
of bl ot s ,
one t h ere ,
stude nt s may ge t paid for givin g
soup 1s fi lled with vegetabl es. It
I !><!-i~ they meant nothing at all.
I'm s till as in s ane as can be.
out answers. These all see m to
I thi nk I' ve been giving them quite
B u t if you go the re, do not disbe b asic ca use s for cheating. But
"There come s a time in the
a hard time,
pair .
wha t about the r esult s .
alfairs of man i when h e must take
Cau s e the shrink ha s been cUmbJu st go down to cell block C.
The immed iate results may
the bull by the tail and face teh
ing the wall.
(and se e me!)
not appear very harmful to the
s ituati on! "
s tudent involved - - if he got a b e tter g r ade than usual.~Som-ei: imes ,
their grade s ta ys the same o r r-------------------------~-------------__,
lowe r s, howeve r. Also, what
pe r son wo ul d want a fri end w h o
cheats cons i ste ntl y a nd canlt be
trusted? As I said before , the
immediate res ul t s of c h e ating
maynot seembad --however, af ter a long p eriod of time o f chea ting, a person depends on every one e ls e to do his work and
s tudy in g for him . What patient
wo u l d want to be tr ea t ed by a
doctor who created his way throug h
medical sc h ool ? Not many .
Ho..v can s tud ent s stop or hinder
cheating by their clas s mates?
Obv iou sl y , by not making it easy
for them t o see your te s t papers
or notes helps. How eve r, most
students u se I!c h e at s h ee t s!! or
write answe r s down somewhere
in order to cheat., 1£ stud en t s
Itput pressure l l on t h e i r cla ss mates to stop cheatin g, it might
do some good. If a cheater gets
a good grade , and you ge ta worse
grade from honest study i ng , you' ll
feel pretty bad , mos t like l y . A ll
in all. cheating i s not a good
study habit.
We've pt over
300 good, stead, jobs.
10600 S. Weste r n
HI 5-1900
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lobs for young men. And young women.
lobs in Europe, Hawaii, Panama, Alaska. And just
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We'll train you to do the jobs Train you well, in good
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Page 8
April 2B, 1972
Volleyball Takes Two
With o n e returnin g lett e r man
thtlJ year, t h e go Li t eam h a s a
lot of re building to do. But t hi s
year' s team , ccns l s tingofF r e s h man and Sophomores with the
exception of one Senior , ha s pro ven it can win .
April 14, i n a mat c h a galnstE l gin Acaoemy , t h e t eam
fought t h r ou g h cold and windy
conditions t o eme r ge with a 208
to 220 s h ot wh. Individual scores
we r e:
Tim Troy
Jean · Rose
T il t! B r eakey
Nick Andr icopul as
Othe r team member s include
MIke Sala z ar , Dou g Montgom ery, Jim St r enk , and Jim Rowe-
On T h ursday, · Ap r il 13 , t h e
girls' voll eyball teams played
their first a"lpay match es 'of the
sea son, whic h were at No r th
Shore . The Va r sit y scored ano t her fir s t by beati ng North Shore
in t he first two game s to take
the i r match . Usuall y both the
Varsity and Juni or Varsity need
to pl ay the thir d game, having
los t one a l ong the way . Thi s time
the Varsity took exception to the
r ul e , be beatin g No rth Sh ore I S 12 and 15-8.
The Junior Varsity held to
tradition, winning the first ga me
l S -0, 10 sing the second one 9 - 15,
MPA we nt to U - High o n April
IB, and play ed one of the clo sest matc h es ever. T h e J unior
Va r sity p r ov i ded all the suspense
by l osing their first game 7-1S,
and then winning th e secon d game
IS - 9. The equality in s k ill b et ween the teams was proven in
the third game which the JV won
15 - 13. The closeness o Cthe score
exis ted a ll through the game,
. and both had the l ead so many
times that until the e nd oC the
game , it was no t obviou s a s to
who would w i n.
TheVarsity'smatchwas tame
in comparison, but wa s st ill a
hard Caug ht contes t. The Varsity
won I S - 12 , l os t 8 -1 S , and the n
came back to win I S- 8 . Rumor
has it t h at t h e Va r s i ty and JV
a l ways take thr ee games beca u se
they like to see Mr s. Saathoff's
hair turn g ray as she coaches
Cram the bench . P l ayful little
11109 S. WESTERN
Speaking of Sports•..
TOP LP's&45s
The 1 9 72 Mor g'ln Pa r k Aca'd cmy Tennis'Tea~ ope n ed their
season against Franci s Parker.
MPA fa c e d a s tr o n g we ll-ba lanced t e am and l ost.
The team r oster i s as follows:
let s ing l es Don Widder
2nd s ingles Bi ll Grossmann
3rd sing les Jim Mar agos
1st doubles BobDo l eh id e
Tom Brzezinski
2nd double s Lyle Theile
Jad Peterson
The team's n ext match was ag a ins t Lake Forest Academy.
T h ere the team p l ayed well, most
but then rallying to w in the l ast
one 15 - S . The l osing of the second g ame was due to a l oss of
momentum and a l so some mighty
l ousy se rving, but the first and
las t scores mo r e than made up
for er r or s committed in the sec ond game .
of th e ind Ividual matches going
into thr ee sets, but the v could
not pull it ou t . D o n Widd e r came
out the o nly victor .
After being rained out against
E l gin, MPA p l ayed North Shore
Country Day and beat the rn..s.o u.nsJ:ly 4 - 1. Singl es pla ye r s Don Wi dder, B i ll Grossmann ·and Jim
Ma r agos we re victo rious wh il e
2nd doubles team L y l e Thiele and
J ad Peterson won a close matc h
adding to the victo r y.
Coach Irwin is optimistic about
the team's 1-2 r eco rd and is l ookin g forward to pl aying these same
t e ams in futu r e mat c h es.
Re gular Bank Hour s
9 A. M. t o 2 P. M .
Includi ng Saturdays
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Closed Wedne s day s
9443 So. Alhland A.....
Hilltop 5-9300
Drive up WIndow s
Daily 8 A. M. to S P . M.
Friday 8 A. M . to 6:30 P . M .
Satu r day 8 A . M. to 2 P . M.
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