Tuyển chọn các bộ đề thi chứng chỉ A, B Tiếng Anh và bí quyết đạt
Tuyển chọn các bộ đề thi chứng chỉ A, B Tiếng Anh và bí quyết đạt
Ths. TRINH THANH TOAN - TA VAN HUNG CAC B0 DE THI CHUNG CHI A,B TISNG ANH NHA XUAT BAN TONG HOP BONG NAI ri Thac si TRINH THANH TOAN - TA VAN HUNG TUYEN CHON CAC BO BE THI CHlfNG CHI A, B TIENG ANH va lObi quyet de dat diem cao trong cac ky thi NHA XUAT BAN TONG H0P HONG NAI TUYEN CHQN CAC BQ DE THI C H tfN G C H I A, B TIENG ANH VA 10 BI QUYET DAT DIEM CAO Bien soan: Thac si - Trinh Thanh Toan & Ta Van Hung Chiu trach nhiem xuat ban DANG TAN Hl/C(NG B ien tap : Tran Thuy Trang Trinh bay : The Anh Siifa b&n in : Anh Vu Bia : Le Thanh TONG PHAT HANH CONG TY CO PHAN VAN H 6A NHAN VAN So 1 TrifcJng Trinh - P.11 - Q.Tan Blnh - Tp. Hd Chf Minh 0T: 9712285 - 9710306 - 8490048 • FAX: 9712286 NHA SACH NHAN VAN • 189 CMT8 - P.7 - Q.Tan Blnh - TP. Hfl Chf Minh 0T: 9700420 NHA SACH NHAN VAN • 486 Nguyin Thj Minh Khai - P.2 - Q.3 - TP. H6 Chi Minh 0T: 8396733 SIEU TH| SACH NHAN VAN • 394 Qufc 10 15 - P. Trung Dung - TP. Bi@n H6a DT: (061)917839 V_____________________________________ __ _____________________________________ J In 1.000 cuon, kho 14 x 20cm. Tai Cong ty co phan In Gia Dinh, So 9D Ncf Trang Long, Q. Binh Thanh, TP.HCM - DT: 8412644 So DKKHXB: 20-2007/CXB/505-124/DoN “TT ,'~~P ..1 i I ' l i , ; / ". <] ' Cue xuat ban xac nhan ngay: 03/01/2007 Quyet dinh xuat ban so: 10/CXB-QLXB dt> NKBTH Dong Nai cap ngay 03/01/2007 In xong va nop lUu chieu qui II nam 2007 Nha xuat b^n tong h(?p DONG NAI, 210 Quoc lo 1K, TP. Bien Hoa, Oong Nai Bien tho^i ban giam doc: (061)3946529 - 3822613 - 3946519 Ban bien tap: (061)3825292 - Phdng kinh doanh: (06 1)3946520 - 3946521 FAX: (061)3946530 - Email: [email protected] m ')i f/a tf fA£ham g iu p c a c b a n d o c g i a , d a c biet la ca c ba n hoc sinh, sinh v icn , c h u a n hi tot k ien thtic tie n g A nh cho c a c ky thi chtfng chi A, B, c h u n g toi xin Iran trong gidi th ic u d e n c a c b a n q u y e n “T u y e n chon cac b o de thi chiing chi A, B tieng Anh va 1 0 bi q u y e t d e d a t d ie m cao trong cac fcy th i” nay. S a c h du’ctc bo cuc g o m hai p h a n vdi noi dung chinh nhu’ sau: ❖ T ro n g p h a n 1 , c h u n g toi trinh ba y 10 bi q u y e t n h a m giup c a c b a n co difcic nhtfng k ie n thiJc quy b a u d e d a t du’dc d ie m c a o trong c a c ky thi c u a m inh vdi c a c noi dung cu the nhu': Quart ly th d i gian va ccich chuan bi b a i In M c khi thi, N a m vtfng lo a i d e thi tr a c n ghiem , Nclm vi(ng lo a i de thi viet, B iel rd m o i trtidng h o c ta p thich hap, v.v... ❖ T r o n g p h a n 2 , c h u n g toi trinh b a y 25 quy tac d e g iu p ba n v ie t d u n g tie n g A nh vefi c a c c h u y e n m u c cu the nhu" sau: T h a n h p h a n c o ban cu a ti(, C hien Utoc viet dung, Q uy ta c c a n n h d d e v ie t d u n g va c a c n g u o n tham k h d o khde. Hy v o n g vdi noi d u n g va bo cuc nhu" tren, c a c b a n se n h anh c h o n g tie p thu va v a n d u n g tot trong c a c ky thi c u a minh. C h u c c a c b a n lh a n h cong. Nhom bien soan T U Y E N C H O N C A C BO D E T H I C H l f N G C H i A. B TIENG ANH va 10 BI Q U Y E T B E B A T B IE M C A O T R O N G C A C KY TH I M an 1 , 10 bi quyet de dat diem cao trong cac ky thi tieng Anh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 81 QUV^T 1: MANAGING TIME AND BEING PREPARED Quan ly thdi gian va c£ch chuan bi bai trUdc khi thi BI QUV^T 2: GETTING A HANDLE ON OBJECTIVE TESTING N am vtfng loai de thi trSc nghiem Bi QIJV^T 3: GETTING A HANDLE ON SUBJECTIVE TESTING N am vuTng loai de thi viet Bi QUV^T 4: MASTERING VOUR STUDV ENVIRONMENT B iet ro moi trudng hoc tap thich hop Bi QUV^T 5: DISCOVERING VOUR LEARNING STVLE K ham pha ra cach hoc cua ban Bi QUV^T 6: CREATING AND IMPLEMENTING A STUDV PLAN T h an h lap va thuc hien ke hoach hoc tap Bi QUV£'T 7: GETTING THE MOST OUT Of CLASS T an dung thdi gian hoc trong ldp Bi QUV^T 8: MASTERING THE MATERIALS N&m vting bai hoc Bi QUV(zT 9: TACKLING MEMORV TRICKS BI quyet de nhd lau Bi QUVET 10: PREVENTING TEST STRESS T ran h cang th a n g khi thi 6 S e c r e t 1: M a n a g in g tim e a n d b e i n g p r e p a r e d - Bi qu yet 1: Qudn ly th di gian va cach chuan bi bai tritdc khi th i Time management is a skill that is referred to even in the corporate world. Gone are the lazy days of childhood when morning melted into afternoon, which somehow oozed into evening. As you and your responsibility load have grown, so have the expectations that you will learn to manage your time effectively. Early lessons in lime management can be traced back to when you were assigned a chore to be completed after school but before dinner. Maybe you came home and unloaded the dishwasher immediately, or perhaps you waited until the last possible moment before the food was placed on the table. In either case, you were given a task and a block of time in which to perform that task, and it was up to you to make decisions about how you would manage your time. Effective time management will greatly reduce the stress you feel when walking into the classroom on test day. If you have used your time effectively, you will have studied and prepared yourself without undue stress. The skill that goes hand in hand with time management is preparation. No matter how efficient you are at managing your time, you will have difficulty overcoming hurdles if you are not prepared. Preparation means creating weekly study schedules to maximize your time. Preparation means that you have your 2 pencil with you. if required. Preparation means that you possess a basic idea of what to expect on the test, and it also means that you are always ready for the pop quizzes for which your science teacher has become famous. Effectively managing your time to prepare for an exam is half the battle to becoming a more successful and confident test taker. For this reason. Secret 1 pairs both time management and preparedness together. S e c r e t 2: G e t t i n g a h a n d l e o n o b j e c t i v e t e s t i n g - B i quyet 2: N am vvCng loai de th i trd c ngh iem Several types of test will be administered to you during your high school and post-high school career. You have probably already been exposed to most, if not all. of the major styles of testing. When asked which kind of test you prefer, you and many of your friends may answer that you prefer objective tests. Examples of objective test questions include: 11 Bf quyet 1 Managing Tim e and Being Prepared Quan ly thcfi gian va cach chuan bi bai tn/cfc khi thi W H A T IS T IM E M A N A G E M E N T ? - Quan ly th d i gian la gi? Time management is a skill that you will use your whole life. You will either be very good at managing your time, very poor at managing your time, or somewhere in the middle. Time management is used to describe the skill of effectively organizing and utilizing your time to best complete your tasks and responsibilities. This skill takes time to perfect, but if you begin by learning some of the basics of time management, as well as some tricks that you can use to help you become a better time organizer, you will soon find the time management techniques that work for you. When we think of time management, we usually envision wooden building blocks. There are many different sizes of building blocks. Small blocks represent the small tasks in life, the ones that can be completed in a short pe rio d of time. L a rg er blocks represent the more ominous tasks or responsibilities. Once you have assigned each task to an appropriately sized block, you just need to fit these blocks together so that they do not topple - so that they are manageable. T IM E A N D T H E T E E N A G E R - Thdi gian va tuoi tre As a teenager, you may understandably have a very busy schedule. This is true if you are involved in extracurricular activities, sports. 12 _________________________________________________________ community organizations, or if you have a part time job. You may also have family obligations, such as tending to younger siblings after school or chipping in with some of the household chores. In addition to all of these obligations, you probably have an active social life, including a core group of friends and possibly social events such as dances and evenings at the mall. When you look at your collection of time blocks, you may very well feel overwhelmed All of these things are important to you and to your social and emotional growth, but unfortunately, if not managed correctly, any or all of them may have a detrimental effect on your test scores. Learning to manage your time effectively can only enhance all of these aspects of your life. You will find that the better you manage your time, the more time you will have for the things you enjoy doing, such as going to the movies. Let’s face it: There are going to be times that you will be tempted to use your study time for other less productive activities. These templaliom. will follow you throughout your life. If you are an effective time manager, you will learn to either resist them or to effectively juggle your schedule so that you can take part in the more tempting activity, while rescheduling and actually doing the activity that you had originally scheduled. You may also, when organizing your time, build your schedule with some padding so that you will be able to deal with unexpected events or temptations when they occur. M A N A G E Y O U R T IM E E F F E C T IV E L Y gian hieu qua - C a ch q u a n ly th d i When we talk about time management in this chapter, we are going to discuss it in two different contexts. First, we will talk about how to manage your lime during the days and hours leading up to a test, and then we will discuss how to best manage your time while actually taking the lest. Sprinkled throughout the chapter are tips for being prepared for whatever test comes your way. whether it is the pop quiz or the state-required standardized test. Learning to utilize your lime effectively both before and during a lesl can have nothing but positive effects on your test results. B efore th e te s t - T rad e k h i th i Time management before the test encompasses the days and even w'eeks leading up to the exam. Learning how to effectively organize yourself and your activities during your out-of-school hours is extremely important. As 13 mentioned previously in this chapter, teenagers tend'to be very busy, and most of the activities that keep them busy are not taking place during the normal school day. These activities take place before and after school and on weekends. That is why it is imperative to gain the skills necessary to manage all of your time - the hours that you are in school as well as the hours that you are not. The first step to gaining control of your time is to get a handle on exactly how much you do each week. Figure out how much of your lime is scheduled f(>r you compared to how much time you actually control. This can be accomplished by creating a series of schedules. • L o n g -te rm schedule Make a list of your weekly obligations. This list can include items such as work schedule, classes, sports practices, and religious services. Be sure to include all of your recurring weekly obligations on this schedule. You will only need to make this schedule once but should modify it when necessary. A model student’s long-term schedule looks like this: Sunday 10:00 A .M .- 12:00 P.M.: Church 1:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.: Family picnic M onday 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.: Classes 4:30 P.M.-6 :3 0 P.M.: Swim practice Tuesday 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.: Classes 4:30 P.M.-6 :3 0 P.M.: Swim practice 7:00 P.M.-9 :0 0 P.M.: Work at Jay's Pizza Wednesday 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.: Classes 4:30 P.M.-6 :3 0 P.M.: Swim practice Thursday 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.: Classes 4:30 P.M.-6 :3 0 P.M.: Swim practice _______________________ Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.: Classes 5:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.: Work at Jay’s Pizza Saturday 9:00 A .M .- 1:00 P.M.: Swim meets