May 2011 Newsletter FINAL - Haymount United Methodist Church


May 2011 Newsletter FINAL - Haymount United Methodist Church
FREE vol. 43 issue 5
May 2011
A publication of Haymount United Methodist Church
But those who wait for the Lord
shall renew their strength, they
shall mount
up with wings
like eagles, they shall run and
not be weary, they shall walk and
not faint.
Isaiah 40: 31
Inside This Issue
Memorials and
Bible Readings
“Woody’s Words” Haymount United
Methodist Church
We are now in the
Season of Easter
1700 Fort Bragg Road
(Eastertide). A
Fayetteville, NC 28303
favorite passage of
(910) 484-0181
mine is Colossians
FAX: (910) 484-9805
3:1: “If then you
have been raised with Christ, set your minds on the things that are above, not
on earthly things.”
Senior Pastor
Rev. Woody Wells
[email protected]
Associate Pastor
Rev. David Gira
[email protected]
Minister of Music
Rev. Tony Argo
[email protected]
Youth Pastor
Rev. Andy Jellison
[email protected]
Christian Education
Dorothy Funkhouser
To forgive is one of the hardest things
we Christians are commanded by our
Lord to do. Recently I read a powerful
article on forgiveness. It featured
Jeanne Bishop, a public defender and
vocal opponent of the death penalty. In
1990 her sister, Nancy, and her husband
were murdered in their home. Having
shot her husband, the gunman shot
Nancy in her abdomen “great with
child” and left her to bleed to death.
Certainly we all agree that executing
innocent people is unacceptable. “But
what about the guilty, the remorseless,
the perhaps proud killer?” Jeanne
argues that executing the murderer
brings no closure to loved ones’ grief.
“Imagine,” she writes, “if all that my
sister’s killer could give me in return for
my loved ones’ lives were his life, his
death could never begin to pay for
theirs.” She goes on—and here’s the
part that’s so powerful—“I forgive
Nancy’s killer…not because he has an
excuse—he has none whatsoever. I
Special Features
Volume 43 Issue 5 May 2011
WEF End of Year Celebration
Mission Trip to Liberia
Haymount’s Biggest Loser
Senior Ladies’ Luncheon Recipes
Interfaith Hospitality
Page 2
forgive not because he asked for it; he
has not. Rather I forgive for the One
who asked me to and taught me to.”
I write this article not to take a stand on
the death penalty but to remind us, we
who are called to set our minds on the
things that are above, why we forgive
anyone. Ultimately it has nothing to do
with how others have sinned against us.
For authentic disciples it has everything
to do with the One who prayed on the
cross, “Father, forgive them, for they
know not what they do.” For many of
us, whether or not we forgive is a
circumstantial sort of thing. If the
offense is sufficiently grievous we tend
to exempt ourselves from Christ’s
command to forgive “70 X 7”—code
language for “Let there be no end to
your forgiveness.” We don’t even
wince when we ask God, “Forgive us
our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us.” Don’t we even
believe that God answers prayer?
There’s something wonderfully
liberating about always knowing What
Would Jesus Do. It’s so clean and clear
and…excruciatingly painful. The
Apostle Paul said that we must “crucify
our flesh.” We have to put to death our
pride, our anger, our hate. Why? “You
have been raised with Christ.” It’s the
gospel model, my friends; resurrection
is always preceded by a crucifixion.
We who would rise with Christ must
learn to die with him from time to time,
Deadline for Next Newsletter
The deadline for the June newsletter is May
6, 2011. Submissions go to Kim at
[email protected]. If you
cannot submit your article through email you
may drop it off at the church office.
Mission: To transform members and non-members into authentic disciples of Jesus Christ
We d n e s d a y E v e n i n g Fe l l o w s h i p
Friends, Food, Discipleship
Come, join us, and enjoy.
May 4
May 11
May 18
Cheesy spaghetti
Green beans
Garden salad
Chocolate cake
Hash brown casserole
St. Edwards blend
Spinach salad
Peach dessert
BBQ Chicken
Potato salad
Baked beans
Cole slaw
Ice cream sundae
May 25
The top 2 choices in
each category from
this season’s WEF
will be prepared for
you to choose from.
Serving Time: 5pm - 6:30pm; Price: $5 adults; $4 children and seniors 65 & up; $20 family maximum
Make reservations (Reservations should be made by Monday at 5pm.):
•Online at
•Call the church office, 484-0181, and ask for Ext. 305
•Fill out a card from the pew on Sunday morning
Due to the rising cost of food, we do request that you pay for your reserved meals if you do not cancel
by Monday at 5pm, except in the case of an emergency.
End of Year WEF Celebration: You Choose the Meal!
What was your favorite WEF entree, starch, vegetable, salad and
dessert this year? Vote between May 1-18, and we will prepare the top 2
from each category for our last meal of the season on May 25th. Will
your vote be one of the winners? We will never know unless you vote!
Vote as you come on Wednesday night, contact Barbara at
[email protected], or come to the kitchen to
vote. Oh, what a year it has been!
Reminder: There will be no WEF during the summer months. Enjoy your time and we’ll see you back in the fall!
May is Teacher Appreciation Month
Thank a teacher who is shaping your mind and
transforming your soul and that of your child!
HUMC is in the business of transforming all
God’s people into authentic disciples of Jesus
Christ—teachers are integral in this mission!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
This “thank you” is for all those marvelous, wonderful, dedicated folks who helped with a very moving &
most meaningful presentation of Once Upon a Tree on Palm Sunday in our NLC! Accolades go to the
dancers, members of the Chancel, Fellowship & Rainbow Kids choirs, to our HUMC Worship Orchestra, to
our soloists—Larry Howell, Lisa Packer, Richie Perez & Jennie White— to our narrator—Dave Barkman—
and to all of our great tech crew! Thanks be to God who gives us our gifts and graces so that we can honor
Him with them as an offering and sincere sacrifice!
Vision: Haymount United Methodist Church, where everyone experiences new life in Jesus Christ
Page 3
Memorials and Honorariums
Memorials have been given to the glory of God and in memory of:
Katie Bryant by Alma & Don Moore, Cathie & Ron Dietrich, Kitty & John Davis
Elizabeth Barefoot, mother of Arnold Barefoot, by Nita Rummans
Clarence Lane, husband of Charlotte Lane, by Maurice Hale, Jessie Nye, Nancy & LG Dunn
Joyce Massie by Joyce & Richie Smith, Sarah Masters
Ed McMurray, brother of Gene McMurray, by Nita Rummans, Pat & Cliff Spiller
Chico Rodriguez by Beth & James Spence
Evan Torbett by Sondra & Bill Nobles, Joann & Jim Herron
Mike Ward, father of Jeff Ward, by Nita Rummans
Jim Wilson by Nancy & LG Dunn
Honoraria have been given to the glory of God and in honor of:
Justin Benton, son of Shawn and Cecil Benton, by Nita Rummans
Drue Brackett by Leigh Anne and Bevan Grice
In Honor of...
Colette Isabel Lawing, granddaughter of Carol Lloyd, by Nita Rummans
Anna Kate Ivey Smith, daughter of Mandy and Shawn Smith, by Nita
In Memory of…
(This list represents memorials and honoraria recorded as of April 15). Any received after this date will be
published in our next newsletter.)
Sympathy to…
Joyce Ammons at the death of her sister, Thelma Cook
Terri & Arnold Barefoot at the death of his mother,
Gene & Dot McMurray at the death of his brother, Ed
Jeff & Jennifer Blair Ward at the death of his father,
Congratulations to…
Carol Lloyd on the birth of her granddaughter, Colette
Isabel Lawing
The church office depends on you to keep HUMC
informed of illnesses, deaths, hospitalizations, births,
etc. Don’t assume we already know. We’d rather
receive many calls than none at all. Thank you for
helping us in this way! Call Jennie at 484-0181.
Camp Rockfish Update
The HUMC day camps, June 13 - 17, at
Camp Rockfish still have a few openings in
the preschool group for those students who
turned 4 by August 30, 2010. We also still
need a bus driver with a CDL for this week this is urgent!
• Camp Rockfish is holding a family weekend,
May 6—8. Get your friends and family
together and enjoy canoeing, kayaking,
cooking over campfires, sleeping in cabins
and more!
Visit for more
Medical and Educational Focus
How you can help:
1) Consider being a part of the of the mission team:
• Looking for folks who want to teach children in a country where education is at a premium. Come love
God’s children by touching their minds.
• Looking for folks who want to work with the medical teams out in the remote communities or medical
professionals to work in the hospital.
• Looking for folks to build relationships with our brothers and sisters in a country so closely tied to the
United States, yet so far removed from our country in so many ways.
2) Consider donating school kits for children. They also need any teaching resources you can offer. The
schools have absolutely nothing with which to teach!
3) Consider donating medical supplies, sheets, and other items for the hospital.
For detailed information, check out the bulletin board across from the church office or contact Brenda Booth at
[email protected] or Dorothy Funkhouser at [email protected] or 484-0181.
Page 4
Mission: To transform members and non-members into authentic disciples of Jesus Christ
Who will be
Biggest Loser?
Beginning Wednesday,
May 4, this four week
session will focus on
getting stronger physically
and spiritually. Each week we will be
weighing in, exercising and sharing ideas for
a healthy you. The individual that loses the
largest percentage of weight in the 4 week
period will earn the title of Haymount's
Biggest Loser and will receive all the benefits
that come with that title. Requirements:
comfortable shoes for walking/running,
nominal fee for course materials, and a
willing attitude. Contact Gina Pepper,
[email protected] or 424-8725 , or
Jennifer Matlack, 483-2843 or
[email protected] for more information.
Opportunities to Serve God and
His Children at HUMC
VBS, July 18-21, needs many adults and youth
to make “Hometown Nazareth” come to life at
HUMC. It’s a great VBS, and we want to
reach many, many children. To do so, we need
many, many helpers. To serve, email Deb
Happel at [email protected].
Sunday School for the 2011-2012 year, needs
teachers to teach our children about God’s
amazing love through Bible stories. A most
rewarding service opportunity, to be sure.
Teach, learn, grow, nurture – that’s what the
Kingdom is all about. To serve, email
[email protected].
Questions are most welcome!
Graduating Senior Sunday
Graduating Senior Sunday will be observed on Sunday, June 5, at the 11:00
traditional service. If you are graduating from high school this spring and have not
received a letter from us or responded to the letter, please contact one of us by May
20 to let us know if you will attend the service and reception. We want to make
sure all high school seniors are recognized and included. Thanks!
Sandy Ammons, 822-2900
Beth Miller, 485-7100
Authentic Discipleship 101
New Members Class
Sunday, May 15; 2pm-5pm in the New Life Center
Anyone interested in joining our faith community or just learning more about Haymount UMC is invited
to this workshop. We’ll concentrate on understanding what it means to be God’s disciple at Haymount.
Registration is requested. You may register by contacting Dorothy Funkhouser at (910) 484-0181 or
[email protected], or on the church website. We’ll meet in the New Life Center.
Reflection: What makes a “Christian” family?
In May, we not only celebrate the gift of motherhood on Mother’s Day, but we, as a church, focus
on the Christian family as a whole. So what makes a “Christian” family?
• Christian families pray together.
• Christian families set priorities to include:
- weekly worship of their God
- steady, regular spiritual growth through Sunday School and other Bible study
• Christian families read the Bible together and share devotionals together.
• Christian families learn together that loving God means making Him #1 in their family life,
and loving His people by helping them in all the ways they can.
Be bold, be different, so that when people look at you, they can say, “That is a ‘Christian’ family!”
Vision: Haymount United Methodist Church, where everyone experiences new life in Jesus Christ
Page 5
May 2011
† indicates a service of Holy Communion
8:30†, 10:55, and 11:00 Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
4:00 pm Fellowship Choir
5:30 pm Disciple IV
6:30 pm Christian Adult Singles
9:00 am Christian Believer
12:00 pm Covenant Prayer Group
5:00 pm Daisy Troop 1511
9:30 am Staff Meeting
9:30 am UMW Executive Meeting
6:00 pm Daisy Troop 830
6:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 332
6:30 pm Circle #1
6:45 pm Troop 740
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
7:00 pm Men’s Chorus
3:30 pm Youth Activities begin
5:00 pm WEF
6:00 pm Cherub Choir &
Rainbow Kids
6:15 pm Echo Youth
6:15 pm Adult Classes
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm SPRC
7:00 am
6:30 p
8:30†, 10:55, and 11:00 Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
4:00 pm Fellowship Choir
4:00 pm Euangelion
5:30 pm Disciple IV
6:00 pm Echo Youth Worship
6:30 pm Christian Adult Singles
9:00 am Christian Believer
10:00 am Circle #2
12:00 pm Covenant Prayer Group
1:30 pm Circle #3
5:00 pm Daisy Troop 1511
5:00 pm Worship Team
6:45 pm Circle #6
9:30 am Staff Meeting
10:00 am Circle #4
1:30 pm Circle #7
6:00 pm Daisy Troop 830
6:00 pm Outreach
6:45 pm Troop 740
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
7:15 pm Troop 740
3:30 pm Youth Activities begin
5:00 pm WEF
5:30 pm Card Ministry Meeting
6:00 pm Cherub Choir &
Rainbow Kids
6:15 pm Echo Youth
6:15 pm Adult Classes
7:30pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Trustees
7:00 am
9:30 am Staff Meeting
6:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 332
6:00 pm Daisy Troop 830
6:30 pm Preschool Board
6:45 pm Troop 740
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
9:00 am Newsletter Preparation
3:30 pm Youth Activities begin
5:00 pm WEF
6:00 pm Cherub Choir &
Rainbow Kids
6:15 pm Echo Youth
6:15 pm Adult Classes
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Finance
7:00 am
8:30, 10:55, and 11:00 am Worship 9:00 am Christian Believer
9:45 am Sunday School
12:00 pm Covenant Prayer Group
5:00 pm Euangelion
5:00 pm Daisy Troop 1511
5:30 pm Disciple IV
6:00 pm Echo Youth
6:30 pm Christian Adult Singles
Interfaith Hospitality
22 Confirmation
9:00 am Christian Believer
8:30, 10:55, and 11:00 am Worship 12:00 pm Covenant Prayer Group
5:00 pm Daisy Troop 1511
9:45 am Sunday School
4:00 pm Fellowship Choir
5:00 pm Euangelion
5:30 pm Disciple IV
4:00 pm Echo Youth
6:30 pm Christian Adult Singles
9:30 am Staff Meeting
6:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 332
6:00 pm Daisy Troop 830
6:45 pm Troop 740
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
3:30 pm Youth Activities begin
5:00 pm WEF - End of Year
6:00 pm Cherub Choir &
Rainbow Kids
6:15 pm Echo Youth
6:15 pm Adult Classes
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:30 pm Church Council
7:00 am
8:30, 10:55, and 11:00 am Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
4:00 pm Fellowship Choir
5:00 pm Euangelion
6:30 pm Christian Adult Singles
Memorial Day
Church Office Closed
9:30 am Staff Meeting
6:00 pm Daisy Troop 830
6:45 pm Troop 740
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
Please remember that your tithes and of
3 Month Attendance
m Bible Study
am Seniors Day Out
m Stephen Ministry
m Bible Study
am Seniors Day Out
Echo Youth Gurly/Burly Weekend
m Bible Study
am Seniors Day Out
m Bible Study
am Seniors Day Out
LAST CHANCE! Directory Photos: June 14 ‐ 18 We have one more week to go and
this is your last chance! Photographers will be at work from 2:30pm
– 9:00pm Monday through Friday,
and Saturday from 10:00am –
5:00pm. You can make an appointment on our website,, or you
can call Karen Barkman at 8673677. Make your appointment
soon to have the best choice of
Acceptable reasons not to have a
picture made for the directory:
1. You are in witness protection.
2. You broke the camera the last
time your picture was taken.
3. You have a black eye or
Haymount United
Methodist Church
1700 Fort Bragg Road, Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phone: (910) 484-0181 Fax: (910) 484-9805
fferings make all these activities possible
Seriously – we would like all of
our members to be included in our
new directory. It is a valuable tool
for members of the congregation,
and staff as well, when we are
trying to put a name with a face.
Please do your best to be a part of
Bible Readings and Prayers for the Month
May 1: After Other Gods
Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; I Peter 1: 3-9; John 20: 19-31
“As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom I delight. The sorrows of those will increase who
run after other Gods.” Ps 16: 3-4 NIV
Lord, we have so many today who run after other gods. They are blind to Your ways. Open their hearts to truth. Help those
who are blind to see that it is by Jesus’ boundless mercy that God has given us the privilege of being born again. First we
experienced physical birth; later at salvation we experience spiritual birth. Thank You, Father, that we now have the
opportunity to live in wonderful expectation because Jesus Christ rose from the dead over-coming sin, death and the wrath of
God. Through this sacrificial death and His resurrection we have the wonderful blessing of receiving His righteousness if we
believe and accept this great gift. I Peter 1:4 says that God has reserved a priceless inheritance for His children who believe. It
is kept in heaven for us, pure and undefiled beyond the reach of change and decay. Thank You, O God. Amen. (Paraphrased
from I Peter 1: 3-4.)
May 8: “What Must We Do?”
Acts 2: 14a, 36-41; Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19; I Peter 1: 1-17, 23; Luke 24: 13-35
“Let Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. When the people heard
this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’” Acts 2: 37
Lord, when Peter spoke to the people at Pentecost, his message was anointed, and the people realized their sin of rejecting and
crucifying Jesus. They cried out, “Brothers, what must we do?” Peter replied, “Repent every one of you and be baptized in
the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Lord, help us to
understand that we Christians have the Holy Sprit in us to teach, comfort, protect, provide, convict and bless in many ways.
Teach us how to allow this Third Person of the Trinity to take control of our being allowing Him to direct every aspect of our
daily lives. May He be ever present with us, eager to help us make wise and godly decisions. Father, may we never grieve
Him who has sealed us for the day of redemption. Praise You, O God. Amen.
May 15: Fellowship of the Believers
Acts 2: 42-47; Psalm 23; I Peter 2: 19-25; John 10: 1-10
“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”Acts 2: 47b
Lord, these early believers gave all to You – their lives, their resources, and their time and prayers. This total commitment
resulted in many being saved. Father, we realize we live in a complex time. Our lives are geared so differently; times have
changed. Father, help us to understand that You have not changed. “You are the same yesterday, today and forever.” – Heb.
13: 8. Therefore, our commitment should not change. Help us to discern how to deal with the whole person today. May our
desire be to minister to the lost as You direct us. Father, so often we minister to their physical needs and ignore their spiritual
needs. May we resolve to minister to the soul as well as the body. May our actions produce persons for Your kingdom. May
the desire of our hearts be to rescue the spirit by introducing them to You. Give us courage and the anointing of Your Holy
Spirit to carry the Good News to those who need You. Amen.
May 22: Light and Truth in Darkness
Acts 7: 55-60; Psalm 31: 1-5, 15-16; I Peter 2: 2-10; John 14: 1-14
“Therefore, rid yourselves of all evil… Like newborn babies crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your
salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” I Peter 2: 1a-2
Lord, help us to search our hearts to rid ourselves of all evil. We realize that our human nature still desires to control us,
tempting us with all the worldly devices that Satan has. But, Lord, since we have committed our life to You, we know that
“Greater is He (Jesus) that is in us than He that is in the world.” – I John 4:4. Please, Lord, help us to be faithful. Help us not
to just pretend to be good but help us to put away hypocrisy, jealousy and backbiting. May we get rid of malicious behavior
and deceit. May we crave that which will help us to grow into the fullness of Your salvation. Lord, build us into living stones
in Your spiritual temple. May we become light and truth to a dark and dying world. Help us to reflect Jesus with such purity
from You that it will convict those who are lost. Have mercy on us when we fail, Father. Please set us up again with a
burning desire to succeed for You. Amen.
May 29: The Comforter
Acts 17: 22-31; Psalm 66: 8-20; I Peter 3: 13-22; John 14: 15-21
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another counselor to be with you forever, the Sprit of Truth.”
John 14: 16-17a
Father, in the fourteenth Chapter of John You promise us if we love You and obey what You command that You will give us
the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. We thank You and praise You for this wonderful gift who is given to us at our birth into Your
kingdom. How comforting it is to know that You are with us at all times – that we do not have to call You or run You down
to commune with You because You are ever present with us. Teach us, Father, how to submit completely to Your Spirit,
allowing Him to guide and direct every aspect of our lives. Help us to understand that we have the very mind of God to
counsel us through Your Spirit. O, how blessed we are, Father, to have You in control of our lives through the sacrificial
death of Your precious Son, Jesus.
Page 8
Mission: To transform members and non-members into authentic disciples of Jesus Christ
May 1
Corey Gipson, Claire
Puryear, Allison Hare
May 2
Drue Brackett, Michelle
Uslick, London Schumacher
May 3
Jennifer Joyner, Molly
Graybeal, Hannah Heil
May 4
Karen Potwin, Donavan
Ross, Gabrielle Pepper
May 5
Sandy Hurley, Linda
Archer, John Matlack, Dave
Higgs, Matthew Cooper,
Maggie Simmons
May 6
Mary Lynn Howie,
Michelle Shumacher, Will
Simmons, Will Carstens,
Daniel Hurley
May 7
Phillip Taylor, Rachel
Buchanan, Madison
May 8
Susan Allard, Abigail
Berlin, Pam Norman, Mark
Heil, Donna Frazelle,
Kenny Breeden, Rob Heath,
Amanda Packer, Cole
May 9
Swayn Hamlet, Bill Farr,
Leigh Anne Grice, Mike
Osbourn, Scott Happel,
Caroline Long, Caleb
Fowler, Madeline Osbourn
May 10
Kristen Liebers, Susanna
Long, Ryan Gipson, Adam
May 11
Bevan Grice, Terri
Barefoot, Carl Howard,
Joshua Happel, Ben Howie,
Nathaniel Riggs
May 12
Rhonda Akers, Brian
Canady, Morgan Stevens,
Rachel Yancey, Kerry
May 13
James Lancaster
May 14
Donna Bundy, Max
Deveaux, Worth Paschal
May 15
Karen Campbell, Wendy
Breeden, Danielle Walker,
Reagan Carstens, Jackson
May 16
Steve O'Connor, David
Weber, Ian Barefoot, Marcie
May 17
Ray Courie, Peggy White,
Margaret Davis, Jeff
McAlister, Maren Ydstie
May 18
Ann Kirkman, Pam Lewis,
Michael Beakes, Elizabeth
May 19
Derek Bean, Jacqueline
Kounas, Ethan Herring,
Preston Parker
May 20
Todd Walker, Seth Hanrick
May 21
James Prince, Alecia
May 22
Ann Mears, Margie Mullis,
Lois Plummer, Tim Cox,
Andrew Branch, Austin
May 23
Joe Riddle
May 24
Loretta Williford, Michelle
Courie, Sarah Gallagher,
Jennifer Stewart , Andrew
Zahran, Grant Fischio
May 25
Joe Eldridge, Burt Kassel,
Brackett Grice, Mary Alice
May 26
John White, Alison Hurley,
Elizabeth Wilson
May 27
Harry Dowless, Ken Lewis,
Reid Burns
May 28
Henry Cuningham, Pat
Williford, Tom Archer,
Laurie Doherty, Susan Guy,
Paul Delph, Joe Cofiori
May 29
Loralei Weber, Garrison
May 30
Bruce Akers, Steve Zahran,
Meredith Potter, Rob
May 31
Linda Dowless, Caroline
Withers, Will Brooks, Rob
Sunday, May 1 Music Calendar
Jennie White & Diane Helfrich, duet
Jennie White & Diane Helfrich, duet
Fellowship Choir; Choir Room
Tuesday, May 3
Men’s Chorus; Choir Room
Wednesday, May 4
Cherub Choir; Choir Room
Rainbow Kids; Sanctuary
Cherubs sing at WEF
Chancel Choir; Choir Room
Sunday, May 8
Men’s Chorus sings
Chancel Choir sings
Fellowship Choir; Choir Room
Wednesday, May 11
Chancel Choir; Choir Room
Sunday, May 15
Fellowship Choir sings
Chancel Choir sings
In One Accord; Choir Room
Euangelion; Choir Room
Wednesday, May 18
Chancel Choir; Choir Room
Sunday, May 22
In One Accord sings
Chancel Choir sings
Fellowship Choir; Choir Room
Euangelion; Choir Room
Wednesday, May 25
Chancel Choir; Choir Room
Friday, May 27
In One Accord presents a program of
sacred music at 4th Friday,
downtown at Hay Street UMC
Sunday, May 29
Chancel Choir sings
Fellowship Choir; Choir Room
Vision: Haymount United Methodist Church, where everyone experiences new life in Jesus Christ
Page 9
There were a lot of requests
for these recipes from the
Senior Ladies’ Luncheon.
Chocolate Éclair Cake
1 box Graham Crackers
1 c. sugar
1/3 c. cocoa
1/4 c. milk
1 stick margarine or butter
1 t. vanilla
2 small packages of French Vanilla instant pudding
3 cups milk
8 oz. whipped topping
Mix together sugar, cocoa, and 1/4 c. milk. Cook for 1
minute after it boils. (Do not overcook!) Add butter and
vanilla. Set aside to cool. Mix pudding and milk until
thick. Fold in whipped topping.
Bacon & Cheese Quiche
1 3-oz. bag of real bacon pieces (Oscar Mayer,
* not imitation)
1/4 cup c. finely chopped onion (sauté in
5 oz. Swiss cheese (shredded)
3 oz. Parmesan/Romano cheese (shredded, not
1 9-inch deep dish frozen pie crust
4 eggs lightly beaten
1 cup half-and-half cream
1/4 t. pepper
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. In a medium bowl, mix the bacon, onion
and both cheeses. Place the mixture in
unthawed pie crust.
In a 9x13 pan, layer:
3. Mix the eggs and half-and-half in a bowl.
Add pepper. Pour the egg mixture over the
1/2 pudding mix
bacon/cheese mixture.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes.
remaining pudding
Reduce the temperature to 350 degrees and
bake for an additional 35 minutes until the
Pour on chocolate syrup and refrigerate over night.
top browns and toothpick comes out clean.
* Please note: The Cheese Rounds that were served as an appetizer are in the yellow HUMC
Cookbook on page 6. The Spinach Fruit Salad is in our new cookbook (the blue one) on page 52.
Interfaith Hospitality
Interfaith Hospitality Network is an organization that provides temporary housing for families who are
homeless, but are working to become employed and independent.
We will host families at the YAC on May 15 - 21. People are needed to be evening and night hosts Sunday
through Friday nights (Saturday is already covered).
Evening Hosts arrive at 5:15pm to eat dinner with our guest families and visit with them during the evening.
Dinner will be provided. We need for you to provide some supervision and warm Haymount hospitality.
Night Time Hosts arrive at 8:15pm to get briefed and take over from the Evening Hosts. There are
opportunities to visit with our guests. You lock the building at 9pm. It’s bed time for children at 9pm, for
teens at 10pm, and lights out for adults at 11pm. Night hosts spend the night in one of two small Sunday
school rooms on the ground floor of the YAC, while our guests have rooms upstairs. You are free to go to
sleep yourselves at 11pm. At 6am you’ll wake up our guests and help them get breakfast, which is provided.
They are picked up at 6:45am. After you check to make sure lights are off and food is put away, you may
If you are able to help, please contact Linda Raplee at 630-1803 or [email protected].
Page 10
Mission: To transform members and non-members into authentic disciples of Jesus Christ
May 1: No Echo! (Spring Break)
May 13-14: Gurly/Burly Weekend
The Senior High girls are going to the beach for the night and doing whatever it is that
girls do. All guys are welcomed to show up at the YAC for a weekend of manly
competition. We’ll split into teams and have the first ever ECHO Burly Cup! We’ll have
different events throughout the weekend in and around Fayetteville and the winners
will receive a trophy and their team picture will be hung in the YAC for the rest of
ETERNITY! Guy’s cost: $30. Deadline for sign-ups for the guys is May 4.
May 22: Confirmation Sunday
Confirmation is May 22 at both the 11am Traditional and New Sanctuary services.
Confirmands are encouraged to be confirmed in whichever service they attend. A
reception under the magnolia tree will immediately follow the services, so please stop
by and congratulate the Confirmands!
May 22: End of School Bash, 4pm-8pm
We’ll have inflatable games, we’ll grill out and we’ll have worship outside. We’re giving
away a gift card to the person who brings the most friends. The gift card will be in the
amount that equals the number of friends you bring! So if someone brings 50 people,
they’ll get a $50 gift card! There will be other prizes throughout the night and we’ll
end with a challenge for students for the summer. This will be our last Sunday ECHO
for the school year!
Echo Student Ministries exist to LINK teenagers to Christ and UNITE them
with other Christians, to ENHANCE their walk and help them UNLEASH
their God-given talents so they can WORSHIP God in all that they do.
WHAT’S HAPPENING (USPS 578-080), successor to THE
HAYMOUNT HAPPENINGS, is published monthly by Haymount United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at
Fayetteville, North Carolina. Postmaster please send address changes to WHAT’S HAPPENING, 1700 Ft Bragg Rd,
Fayetteville, NC 28303.
Euangelion’s Dinner Theater
April 8-10, 2011
Operation Inasmuch Blitz Day
April 9, 2011