europe - HRO Today Forum


europe - HRO Today Forum
A Special Thanks to Our Premier and Gold Sponsors
Event Brought to You By:
Letter of Welcome
On behalf of the HRO Today Services and Technology Association and the entire SharedXpertise team, we warmly welcome you to the
14th annual HRO Today Europe Forum.
This year’s theme is HR Leadership and Great Culture is the Ultimate Competitive Advantage. Strong leadership and an engaging culture
are paramount to the well-being and satisfaction of employees, which is critical to the company’s brand and competitive advantage in the
Throughout the next several days, we will be exploring the highest standards of human resources in the management and support of
services, technologies and overall HR functions. The HRO Today Services & Technology Association is celebrating the one year anniversary
of our Thought Leadership Councils (TLCs), exploring and discussing topics within Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Employee
Relations & Services, and Outsourcing. These TLCs meet monthly to discuss best and next practices, to learn and network. I am pleased to
report that these sessions have drawn a global audience of over 5,000 HR professionals. These topics will be showcased throughout the
event, in plenary tracks, best practice sharing sessions, panels, and table topics. This is an excellent opportunity for our members and each
of the Forum delegates to participate in great conversations and learning every month.
Our keynote speakers this year embody the art of leadership and great culture. Johnny Campbell is a mastermind in recruiting and
sourcing people, and training companies and individuals to attract talent. I am delighted that Bill Boorman is partnering with us to deliver
our pre-conference and first ever #truHROToday unconference event, and he’ll host our popular iTalent competition as well. Eamonn
Eaton of Bank of Ireland and Michelle Mendelsson of Credit Suisse, along with a fantastic lineup of HR thought leaders, will educate
and discuss achieving market leadership, superior service cultures, and how to attract and retain the best talent. Thank you to all of our
speakers, members, and sponsors.
I am also very excited about the HRO Today Awards Gala and Cocktail reception, being held on Tuesday evening, recognizing excellence
in human resources. This year we welcome eight CHRO finalists, for the CHRO of the Year Europe awards, as well as seven industry and
individual awards. I am inspired by the accomplishments of all nominees and congratulations to our winners!
Last, but by no means least, it is great to be back in our host city, Amsterdam! Speakers, participants, guests, and friends should make
time to discover the wonderful city that is Amsterdam, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, with a very rich tradition.
I am delighted to be welcoming you to what promises to be a highly educational, collaborative, and successful conference!
Draza Zachary Misko
VP – Global Executive Director, SharedXpertise
HR Leadership and Great Culture is the Ultimate Competitive Advantage
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Day 1 - Tuesday, November 10, 2015
11:00 – 18:30
Arrival & Registration – Atrium Foyer
13:00 – 15:00
#truHROToday Pre-event Workshop – Matterhorn I
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00
#truHROToday Pre-event Workshop – Matterhorn I
18:00 – 21:00
HRO Today Magazine Awards Gala Ceremony – Matterhorn II
Day 2 - Wednesday, November 11, 2015
07:00 – 17:00
Arrival & Registration for All Delegates – Atrium Foyer
09:00 – 09:30
Opening Remarks – Welcome to the 2015 Forum – Matterhorn I & II
09:30 – 10:15
Chief HR Officer Panel Discussion – Matterhorn I & II
10:15 – 11:00
HR Thought Leaders Unite! – Matterhorn I & II
11:00 – 11:05 Ask Accenture! – Matterhorn I & II
11:05 – 11:35 The Persuasion Equation: Influence Emotion – Motivate Action – Presented by:
11:35 – 12:05
Big Data: Do you Really Want the Answers to the Questions You Will be Able to Ask? – Matterhorn I & II
12:05 – 12:35 12:35 – 13:35
Talent Acquisition 360 – Matterhorn I & II
Networking Lunch – Hosted by:
12:35 – 13:35 13:35 – 14:20
Lunch Master Class – HR Transformation: The Strategic Alliance – Presented by:
Keynote: What Motivates Employees? – Matterhorn I & II
– Matterhorn I & II
– Atrium Foyer
14:20 – 14:25 Ask Accenture! – Matterhorn I & II
14:25 – 15:10 15:10 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:25 HR Tech Watch – Top Technology Disruptors Panel – Matterhorn I & II
Networking Break – Hosted by:
– Atrium Foyer
The HRO Today Forum Europe “Topic Tables” Networking Discussion – Matterhorn I & II
– by invitation only - Geneva
16:25 – 16:30
Ask Accenture! – Matterhorn I & II
16:30 – 17:00Futuremakers: How an Integrated Talent Solution and RPO Partner has supported Avaya’s Global Transformational Journey –
Matterhorn I & II
17:00 – 17:15
Baker’s Dozen Global RPO Winners Announcement – Matterhorn I & II
17:15 – 18:00
Talent Recruitment, the RPO Bakers Dozen Panel – Matterhorn I & II
19:00 – 19:15
19:30 Meet for Coaches in Hotel Lobby
HRO Today Forum Party at the West India House – Hosted by:
Day 3 - Thursday, November 12, 2015
09:30 – 12:45
Talent Acquisition Track- Matterhorn I
Hosted by:
07:00 – 16:00
Arrival & Registration – Atrium Foyer
Talent Management Track – Matterhorn II
09:30 – 10:00 The Importance of the Employer Brand and
How Personal Brands are of Influence
09:30 – 10:00 INSIDE: The KLM/Air France Merger – A People Story
10:00 – 10:15 Presentation Showcase: Merging Mobile and
Social to Tackle the Talent Shift
10:00 – 10:15 Sponsor Presentation Showcase: The Evolution of Strategic Workforce Planning
10:15 – 10:45 Screen out on Competencies, Select In on
Personality & Values: A New Way of Thinking
About Talent Acquisition
10:15 – 10:45 Focusing Talent Management on Vital Assets
10:45 – 11:15 Integrated Talent Strategies to Enable HR to
Drive Corporate Strategy, Not Just Align With It
10:45 – 11:15 5 Tips to Help People and Organisations Learn Daily
11:15 – 11:45 11:15 – 11:45 The Persuasion Equation: Influence Emotion
– Motivate Action
Networking Break—Hosted by:
11:45 – 12:15 The Persuasion Equation: Influence Emotion –
Motivate Action
11:45 – 12:15 12:15 – 12:45 Case Study: The Large Hiring Challenge—
CERN’s Journey
12:15 – 12:45 Case Study: Bringing Agile Working & Job Sharing to
Credit Suisse
12:45 – 13:45 [8]
Networking Lunch—Sponsored by:
Networking Break—Hosted by:
Day 3 - Thursday, November 12, 2015
13:45 – 16:00 Technology & Analytics Track- Matterhorn I
Outsourcing Track – Matterhorn II
13:45 - 15:00 iTalent 2015: Europe’s Newest & Startup HR Technologies Competition
15:00 – 15:30 The 10 Golden Rules of Analytics
15:00 – 15:30 Case Study: Transforming Learning Through an
Outsourcing Strategy
15:30 – 16:00 Case Study: Actionable HR at PostNL
15:30 – 16:00 Outsourcing: (Multi-country) Payroll, Talent
Mgt.,Personal Benefits, Expats Administration
16:00 Forum Close
better people
in a better way
13:00 – 17:00
#truHROToday Pre-event Workshop – Matterhorn I
Bill Boorman - MD RecruitingDaily - Founder of #tru
Public data: Free for all or invasion of privacy?
This session will consider how far is too far in the use of personal data generated by people in the age
of the internet things. What is legal and what is ethical? How far is too far, and how does this impact on
the employer brand of “spying organisations?”
Craig Sweeney - Wilson HCG
The Future for RPO
What will the next generation of RPO organisations look like? What will clients demand and how far will
the service offering extend?
Rob van Elburg - Head of Tech Recruiting, ING Bank
Tech Recruiting in the 21st Century
The war for talent is at its most competitive in the tech sector. In this track, VanElburg will share the
innovative techniques and processes employed by ING, examining how these might be employed by
other organisations for high-volume tech recruiting on a global basis.
Leigh Carpenter - UK #CandE Council
Lessons in Candidate Experience
In this session, Carpenter will share the results of the 2014 and 2015 Candidate Experience Awards,
highlighting what good looks like, what candidates really want with examples of best practices from the
UK and North America.
Rene Bolier - Founder - OnRecruit
Indeed v LinkedIn v Glassdoor
The online recruiting landscape is changing with the aggregation of everything. In this session, Bolier will
discuss how online talent attraction is evolving, and the changing models employed by the aggregators
to drive applications. This has a major impact on how the attraction budget should be spent, and what is
getting the best return.
Patrick Boonstra - Employer Branding Expert - People Sourcing Crew
Employer Branding BS: Slaying the Dragon
Between brand, EVP, brand advocacy and more, there’s a lot of hype around employer branding, and the
best tactics to employ as part of strategy. In this session, Boonstra will invite participants to share what
is hype and what is reality in the brand age.
Gordon Lokenberg - Founder - People Sourcing Crew
Sourcing and the Secret Source
Master sourcer Lokenberg will outline the evolution of dedicated sourcing functions within hiring teams,
examining the roe of the sourcer, team structures, strategy and tactics employed by the leading RPO
firms across the globe.
Shane Gray - Director -
Content, Content, Content
If recruiting really is marketing, what are the leading brands doing to generate content and engage with
their target audience. Who does this really well? What part does the career site play? What happens with
people when they don’t hit apply?
Svetla Simidchieva - Founder - Majio
The Rise of the Machines
Sometimes it’s easy to think the machines are taking over, with everything coming with an algorithm.
In this session, participants will share their experience with matching and other types of technology,
different types of matching, and take a view on where this will all end up.
Thank you to our EMEA Board of Advisors for your
ongoing support and leadership
Darren Bartholomew
Head of HR Planning and
Info Systems UK
Selex ES Ltd
Gary Madden
Director, HRIS, Learning
Management Systems
Seb O’Connell
EVP, Managing Director –
Chris Phillips
VP Marketing – EMEA
Suzanne Kennedy
Global HR Portfolio Director
Steve Riley
Global Director –
Operations Account Delivery
Rob Catalano
Vice President, Global
Expansion & Engagement
Kate Heath
Head of Global RPO
2015 Europe
Awards Gala
10 November 2015
HRO Today Gala VIP Sponsor
Supporting Sponsors:
@ H R OTo d a y
w w w. H R OTo d a y Fo r u m . c o m
2015 Europe
Awards Gala
For the past several years, the HRO Today Awards Gala has been the highlight of the year
and an aspiration for those in the HR industry, both regionally and globally. The theme of
the 2015 event is Be Inspired! – Recognizing Excellence in HR.
Featured awards for 2015:
• Thought Leadership Award
• Partnership in Recruiting Excellence Award
• Recruitment Team of the Year Award
• Excellence in Engagement Strategy Award
• Innovation in HR Technology Award
• Best Use of Social Media Award
• HR Superstar Award
• CHRO of the Year Award, Non for Profit
• CHRO of the Year Award, For Profit
• CHRO of the Year Award, Sustainable Workforce
• CHRO of the Year Award, Lifetime Achievement
2015 CHRO of the Year Finalists
Boele Staal
Integration Architect
TMF Group
Arne-Christian van der Tang
Joanne Marshall
Director of HR & OD
University of Bradford
Oscar Gonzalez
Human Resources
Azkoyen Group
Jan Cees Marijt
Global Head of C&B and
HR Services, Jacobs Douwe
Egberts and former VP of Group
Compensation & Benefits at
Galina Vaisband
HR VP, Home Credit Bank
Sherif Hanna
Chief People &
Compliance Officer
Julie Sharp
Head of Group HR
Bank of Ireland
07:30 – 17:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:30 Opening Remarks – Matterhorn I & II
Welcome to the 2015 Forum
Draza Zachary Misko, Global VP and Executive Director, HRO Today Technology and
Services Association
Zachary has experience working with Fortune 500 clients throughout the world to develop and
implement innovative talent management and HR solutions within a company. Zachary currently
manages a global association of HR and Workforce Executives in the US, EMEA and APAC regions.
Prior to joining SharedXpertise in 2014, Zachary held both Provider and Practitioner roles in Human
Resources. Zachary was a global Vice President at KellyOCG, managed Human Resource functions at a
world-wide leader in Biotechnology and Life Sciences, Promega Corp, Madison, WI, and was employed
as the Sr. Training Manager for Lands’ End, Dodgeville, WI.
09:30 – 10:15 Chief HR Officer Panel Discussion – Matterhorn I & II
Tap into the minds of the utmost leaders in the field of HR. Our CHRO roundtable is an interactive session that offers
the opportunity for your questions to be answered by top executives. Hot topics to be discussed: talent retention,
employee engagement, strategic delivery, HR technology, and more!
Hosted by: Elliot Clark
Elliot Clark, CEO, SharedXpertise, HRO Today
Elliot Clark is the Chairman and CEO of SharedXpertise Media, LLC which he founded in 2006.
Elliot oversees company management and the publication of HRO Today, HRO Today Global Edition
and Corporate Responsibility Magazine, the related global HRO Today conference series and the
COMMIT!Forum, the largest corporate responsibility conference in the world. Clark writes a column
for each magazine issue with commentary on newsworthy events and speaks at events internationally
on related topics. He also works closely with development of research standards for the customer
satisfaction research ratings for the leading human resource services providers and the Corporate
Responsibility Magazine’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens Ranking.
Jan Cees Marijt, former VP of Group Compensation & Benefits, Sandvik
As a people person, Jan Cees Marijt has made his 25-plus years HR career in many areas of the
profession. From an early start in compensation at Dow Chemical he moved on as a recruiter followed
by a period as an HR generalist, HR shared services and back in C&B. His leadership roles he performed
as the head of various teams in different international companies, both in C&B, shared services and
as an HR director. His most recent leadership role has been for the global C&B center of expertise at
Sandvik, Sweden.
Arne-Christian van der Tang, SVP of HR, TomTom
Arne-Christian van der Tang was an HR school drop out in the early nineties and very deliberately
chose a career in commercial and operational management roles through which he arrived at a Texan
freight forwarding organisation. The years of line management provided a different perspective on
HR and organisational effectiveness, aligning HR to company and end-user objectives in a pragmatic
manner. Years later, van der Tang was HR director for EMEA for the same company, and stayed true to
his can-do and no-nonsense approach to organisational challenges.
Joanne Marshall, Director of HR & OD, University of Bradford
Joanne Marshall was appointed as Director of Human Resources and OD at the University of Bradford
in December 2013. She oversees the University’s Human Resources, Organisational Development
and Health, Safety and Wellbeing Services and is passionate about people. Her aim is to provide
first-class, supportive and innovative professional leadership, expertise and services to help drive
delivery of the University’s mission, objectives and business plan. Marshall has worked in human
resources within both the private and public sectors, for over 18 years and is originally from a nursing
background, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to support Bradford in its transformation
agenda. In 2009, she was awarded NHS HR Director of the year Award for role model/contribution to
the profession. Previously the Director of Organisational Culture Development at NHS England, she
developed and lead on a number of national OD programmes aimed at creating and supporting a new
culture in order to sustain the achievement of the national priorities and objectives of NHS England.
Oscar Gonzáles, Regional Representative, AEDIPE
Oscar Gonzáles leads the definition, effective implementation of organisational and human resources
management methodologies, best practices and policies, that help to attract, keep and develop talent
in Azkoyen Group, contributing to company´s success and business results. Within this multinational
company, he leads strategies in change management, leverages diversity, and seeks synergies within
the Group to develop a team building approach that motivates, commits and aligns employees to
corporative goals. Gonzáles has worked in HR for 16 years and has consistently sought commitment
from senior management to develop employees and managers to better the business and create an
enjoyable work environment.
Sherif Hanna, Chief People & Compliance Officer, Mobinil
Sherif Hanna joined Mobinil back in May 2011 and since then Mobinil as an organisation and
the HR function is specific have witnessed some key transformation in terms of culture change,
organisational-wide projects, and HR organisational model to mention a few. In his capacity as Chief
HR & Compliance Officer, Hanna is responsible for directing all the people functions of the corporation
in accordance with the set policies and practices, as well as HR compliance in terms of the ethical and
social consciences of business and society in line with the laws, regulations and administrative rulings
of governmental organizations and other regulatory and advisory authorities. It has been his vision
to position the company as the employer of choice since the very beginning. Hanna transformed this
vision into reality by integrating this in Mobinil’s mission statement (to be a desired employer), adding
[eople aspect in company’s business plan and finally certifying Mobinil as a top employer for Egypt
and Africa through his effective leadership to all HR functions and management the organisation’s
workforce which is over 5000.
Julie Sharp, Head of Group Human Resources, Bank of Ireland Group
Julie Sharp joined Bank of Ireland as Head of Group Human Resources on 14 June 2010. Sharp is
Australian and brings diverse HR experience to the Group, gained in several different companies
including ING where she more recently worked. She held a number of senior HR positions with ING,
ranging from Regional HR Director, Australia, to Regional Head of HR & Board Member, Hong Kong,
ING Asia Pacific, where she was responsible for 17,000 employees, covering Investment Management,
Insurance and Real Estate. After 10 years working with ING, Sharp moved to Ireland with her family
where she has been engaged in consulting assignments over the past year. Prior to IMG, she was the
HR Director for Citibank Australia and Arthur Anderson.
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10:15 – 11:00 HR Thought Leaders Unite! – Matterhorn I & II
For the first time, HRO Today Forum Europe will host representatives from HR associations in the UK, the
Netherlands, Spain, and the United States to discuss what HR trends are top of mind and what best practices can be
shared to promote quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of HR operations, service delivery and technology strategy.
Hosted by the HRO Today Services & Technology Association, this session will identify and discuss the best practices
of each regional association in the areas of talent acquisition, talent management, technology, and outsourcing.
Hosted by DeeDee Doke
DeeDee Doke, Editor, Recruiter Magazine
DeeDee Doke is the editor of Recruiter magazine and, which deliver leading-edge print,
digital and events content and market-leading awards to recruitment agency and in-house recruitment
professionals. Known as an industry innovator, she has created prestigious industry league tables and
rankings for Recruiter. She has written about recruitment and HR for UK national newspapers and UK
and US business titles, and authored Interviewing People, a Dorling-Kindersley recruitment guide for
line managers. She is currently working with BSI and ISO on international standards for recruitment
and sustainable employability.
Darren Bartholomew, HRO Today Technology & Services Association Advisory Member, EMEA
Darren Bartholomew is Head of HR Planning and Info Systems UK at Selex ES, a leading European
Defence Company and part of the Finmeccanica Group. Responsible for governance of HR Outsource
provision in the UK, he has led the contract negotiations with numerous suppliers, and has recently
completed the transition of the full HR and payroll service to a new provider, and widened the scope
to provide payroll services for the entire Finmeccanica UK group. Outside of work, Bartholomew is a
District Manager for St John Ambulance, the UK’s leading First Aid Charity, and is responsible for 1,500
volunteers delivering first aid and ambulance cover at events across Essex.
Lucas van Wees, VP European Association for People Management (EAPM) & Board Member
Dutch NVP
Drs L.L.G.M. (Lucas) van Wees MBA MBT holds an B.Sc in Tourism & Leisure (Breda) and Masters in
Social Sciences (Tilburg), Telecommunications (Delft) and Business (IMD, Lausanne). He worked for
Philips, Shell and KPN in HR, management and commercial jobs. Since 2001 he is the Vice President
HR Commercial and Global for KLM which merged mid 2004 with Air France. Van Wees was co-author
or editor for four books and published various (international) articles a.o. for Personnel Journal, the
International Journal of Career Management and the Journal of Management Development. His
contribution to a European book, describing HR practices in 13 European countries, was published in
late 2008 by Routledge, Taylor & Francis (ISBN 978-0-415-44761-4).
Ed Houghton, Research Advisor, Human Capital & Metrics, CIPD
Edward Houghton is the CIPD’s Research Adviser for Human Capital Metrics and Standards. He is
responsible for leading the organisation’s human capital research work stream exploring various
aspects of human capital management, theory and practice; including the measurement and
evaluation of the skills and knowledge of the workforce. He has a particular interest in the role of
human capital in driving economic productivity, innovation and corporate social responsibility.
Oscar Gonzáles, Regional Representative, AEDIPE
Oscar Gonzáles leads the definition, effective implementation of organisational and human resources
management methodologies, best practices and policies, that help to attract, keep and develop talent
in Azkoyen Group, contributing to company´s success and business results. Within this multinational
company, he leads strategies in change management, leverages diversity, and seeks synergies within
the Group to develop a team building approach that motivates, commits and aligns employees to
corporative goals. Gonzáles has worked in HR for 16 years and has consistently sought commitment
from senior management to develop employees and managers to better the business and create an
enjoyable work environment.
Caroline Mullers, Consultant, Great Place to Work
Caroline Mullers is a senior consultant at Great Place to Work. She has a master’s degree in Business
Studies with a specialisation in HRM and Organizational Behavior. As a consultant, she advises and
supports organisations in their development toward Great Workplaces. She sees various organisations,
amongst which the Best Workplaces of the Netherlands. The Best Workplaces distinguish themselves
through a strong culture that is nourished and supported by the employer’s policy. Mullers listens to
organisations and knows how to put survey results into words in a clear way. She makes connections
between theory, results, (sector-)wide developments and examples of good employment.
11:00 – 11:05 Ask Accenture! – Matterhorn I & II
CEOs and HR Executives have questions and Accenture has the answers.
Jill Goldstein, Global Offering Lead Talent and HR BPO, Accenture
Jill Goldstein helps guide the development and enhancement of Accenture’s talent, HR and learning
outsourcing offerings and delivery across the globe. She serves on the HRO Today Technology and
Services Association global board of trustees and NA board of directors where she works to increase
awareness and adoption of HRO globally. She holds an accounting degree from Indiana University,
Bloomington and earned an MBA from Loyola University Chicago.
11:05 – 11:35The Persuasion Equation: Influence Emotion – Motivate Action — Presented by:
Matterhorn I & II
Pinnacle will take the participants through a journey to show how they can leverage intention to be a more
engaging, influential and confident communicator; and how their words, attitude, body language and delivery are
perceived by, and can influence others. Participants will learn how to make a strong first impression, determine
their message’s objective and how to deliver it to influence their audience, and align their voice, words and body
language to clearly communicate their message to reach their objectives.
Dave Lewis, Co-Founder, Pinnacle Performance
David Lewis is Co-Founder and CEO of Pinnacle Performance Company, a global, training rm that has
revolutionised presentation and communication skills training. He is also co-inventor of The Pinnacle
Method™, a unique and innovative learning system that meshes time-tested performance delivery
techniques with contemporary business skills. Prior to launching Pinnacle, Lewis spent a number of
years in executive level sales and marketing positions at Fortune 500 companies and hi-tech/internet
start-ups. He is an accomplished actor/producer, and is also a member of the Screen Actors Guild with
a number of stage, lm and commercial credits. Lewis is an internationally sought-after speaker, having
delivered keynote addresses for several organisations & institutions in countless industries around the
world. He and co-founder G. Riley Mills have written the acclaimed book based on the award-winning
Pinnacle Method, The Pin Drop Principle. He lives in Chicago.
11:35 – 12:05 Big Data: Do You Really Want Answers to the Questions You Will Be Able to Ask? – Matterhorn I & II
Whilst the use of big data is very promising, there are a number of factors that one must consider to ensure the
information is used in an appropriate manner. In this session, we will review how models are created to help
predict future outcomes, whilst also addressing the pros and cons of using big data to make critical decisions for an
Ron Dunlap, PhD, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Information Officer, Graebel
Ron Dunlap has been with Graebel since January, 2009. He was first hired as vice president of strategic
sourcing and was promoted to vice president of operational excellence and customer experience.
Today, he serves as the organisation’s chief information officer (CIO) and chief operating officer (COO).
The company’s global relocation and mobility move management divisions that administer services for
clients on six continents report to Dunlap as COO. As the CIO, Dunlap is responsible for the oversight of
all information technology functions, including data security. He also leads the operational excellence
function which houses all critical disciplines related to the overall company performance.These
disciplines include quality, operational intelligence, and the project management office.
12:05 – 12:35 Talent Acquisition 360 – Matterhorn I & II
In today’s talent-driven hiring climates, high-powered talent acquisition is not a nice-to-have – it is a business
imperative. Gain access to Cielo’s new talent acquisition benchmarking research and learn how to improve your
team’s recruiting acumen, leverage your C-suite, and deliver better results to business unit leaders.
Seb O’Connell, Executive Vice President – Managing Director, Europe, Cielo
In his role as Managing Director - Europe, Seb O’Connell leads the organisation’s creation and delivery
of customised, innovative solutions to clients seeking transformational change. As a member of the
Cielo Global Executive Team, he plays a key role in shaping the strategic direction of the organisation
as it expands its footprint in Europe and beyond. O’Connell brings to Cielo a strong background in
business development as well as insightful solution design and operational delivery. Throughout his
career, he has proven successful at growing organisations and people, and delivering world-class
results for RPO clients across the globe. An acknowledged industry thought leader and EMEA Advisory
Board Member to HRO Today Services & Technology Association, he is frequently quoted in the media
and is a highly-regarded speaker at regional, national and international conferences and seminars.
Paula Parfitt, Senior Vice President, Cielo
Paula Parfitt is Cielo’s Go To Market Senior Vice President with 18 years’ experience in designing
and selling RPO, Blended Workforce, MSP, Graduate services, Consulting projects, Campaigns,
Redeployment services. She has experience in client engagement and solution design across multiple
sectors including Financial Services, Professional Services, IT, Telco, Utilities, Public Sector and Defence.
Parfitt is a leader who is passionate about creating and promoting the vision, culture, values and pace
at Cielo. She builds high performance teams and drives significant growth through sales and client
development, including into new markets. Track record includes four outsourcing organisations; Cielo,
Randstad Sourceright, Hyphen (part of the Adecco Group) and Elan (part of the Manpower Group).
12:35 – 13:35 Networking Lunch - Sponsored by:
– Atrium Foyer
12:35 – 13:35Lunch Masterclass “HR Transformation: The Strategic Alliance” – Presented by:
Invitation Only – Geneva
The evolution of HR and “having a seat at the table” is something we have all heard before. In order to deliver
strategic talent solutions, HR needs to align its efforts to the overall business objectives. WilsonHCG is not just
talking the talk; they are walking the walk!
Craig Sweeney, Director of Recruitment Solutions – EMEA, WilsonHCG
As Director of Recruitment Solutions of EMEA, Craig Sweeney heads up the company’s business
solutions across the region. He is also involved in the company’s EMEA marketing activities and runs
a number of networking events across the U.K. Prior to joining the company, Sweeney worked for a
number of years for a major recruitment firm, latterly as Operations Director. He spent his early career
with an IT agency.
13:35 – 14:20 Keynote: What Motivates Employees? – Matterhorn I & II
Creating a great culture and having strong leadership is directly correlated with employee engagement. Clarity
around purpose is amazingly powerful and leads to not only competitive advantage but can lead to unheard of
profitability and success. How can you accomplish this and how have others done it with success? Join Johnny
Campbell, CEO and Founder of Social Talent, as he shares the secrets to the intrinsic motivation of employees from
Fortune 500 companies and companies across the globe, as well as the technologies and trends to help make it
Jonathan Campbell, Co-Founder & CEO, Social Talent
Johnny Campbell is the founder and CEO of Social Talent, the world’s largest online recruitment
training company with more than 800 clients in more than 70 countries. He worked as a financial
recruiter from 1998 until setting up Social Talent four years ago and to this day loves trying to find
impossible-to-find people, although today he says that he “recruits vicariously through the nearly
10,000 sourcing ninjas that his company have trained.” He is husband to Jill and father to twins Jake
and Archie and their big brother Aaron. He says the secret to him maintaining his high energy levels is
plenty of sugar and several overseas speaking engagements where he can get a good night’s sleep in
a hotel!
14:20 – 14:25 Ask Accenture! – Matterhorn I & II
CEOs and HR Executives have questions and Accenture has the answers.
Jill Goldstein, Global Offering Lead Talent and HR BPO, Accenture
see bio on page 17
14:25 – 15:10 HR Tech Watch – Top Technology Disruptors – Matterhorn I & II
As money comes to HR technology, so do new ideas and smart people. The result: we are seeing one of the most
innovative times ever in the HR technology market. As the days of selecting an HR vendor based on features and
checklists are coming to an end, winning vendors will embrace HR technology’s disruptive forces and deliver
products that feel like consumer apps yet have the data analysis, network integration, and compelling user
experiences customers want. Our panellists, some of the HR tech industry’s best and brightest, will debate what
these disruptive forces are and why HR technology can become one of a company’s most important tools for talent
management, strategic decision-making, and overall company success.
Simon Griggs, Vice President, EMEA & APAC, MOVE Guides Ltd.
Simon is VP, EMEA & APAC at MOVE Guides, where he is responsible for driving revenue across
the two regions. For over 20 years, Simon has worked with enterprise customers to transform their
businesses across a number of functions including HR, marketing, sales and IT, by leveraging innovative
technologies to improve the way they work. Prior to joining MOVE Guides, Simon held numerous
leadership positions, including VP at Box (Enterprise Content Collaboration), Regional VP at Salesforce.
com (Customer Relationship Management) and European Director at BMC Software. In each of these
roles, Simon successfully led high performance sales teams focused on delivering long-term customer
success, by setting best practice in pipeline generation and sales execution. Simon is married, with two
children, and when his schedule allows enjoys a variety of sports and spending time with his family.
Daniel Sztutwojner, VP Business Development, Beekeeper
Daniel Sztutwojner is VP of Business Development and Customer Success at Beekeeper. Prior to
joining Beekeeper, he worked in several projects in Innovation and Technology and also co-founded a
web startup that took him around the world, mainly to Israel and the US. Sztutwojner holds a MSc in
Applied Mathematics from ETH Zurich.
Mark van Tooren, e-HRM Evangelist & Director, Inveon
Mark van Tooren is passionate for HRM and ICT for more 20 years. Since 2007 he is owner, director and
responsible for HR&ICT at Inveon. His passion for HRM has its fundament at the Young talent program
at IBM, where he laid his fundament as a HR business partner. Computer technology and his interest
in the interaction of man and machine comes from his electrical engineering education. The Master
in Business Administration at Henley on Thames in combination with various management positions
make that he approaches HR, ICT always from a strategic business perspective. Before he started at
Inveon, van Tooren has had several consulting and management positions in and around HR and ICT at
Boyden, IBM and LogicaCMG. He loves to share his vision on HR and Technology and once in a while
he shows up in the media.
Dr. Max Blumberg, PhD, Blumberg Partnerships
Dr. Max Blumberg is founder of the Blumberg Partnership, a top 50 consultancy specialising in
workforce and sales force analytics whose clients include the Rentokil Initial, Fujitsu, Barclays Bank,
BBC, Lloyds Register, and Friends Provident, Novo Nordisk, and Walmart. He is also a Research Fellow
at Goldsmiths, University of London and expert advisor to the CIPD. Prior to the Blumberg Partnership,
Blumberg worked as a management consultant at Accenture after which he successfully founded and
exited a technology start-up. He is a regular contributor to the media and global conference circuit.
Boele Staal, Integration Architect, TFM Group
Boele Staal joined TMF Group’s HR & Payroll Administration service line in 2012 and currently holds
the role of Integration Architect. He received his Bachelor degree in Human Resource Management
at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Since 2000, Boele worked in various functions for a
large payroll provider in the Netherlands. In 2007, he relocated to Spain and moved into an Account
Management and On boarding Project Management role, dealing with global payroll (migrations) for
large multinationals. His current role seeks to enhance projects within TMF Group focussed on design and
delivery of processes and tools which support the delivery of global HR and payroll managed services. This
includes data integration between global ERP systems of multinational clients and TMF Group’s 100-plus
local payroll systems as well as consolidated payroll reporting and self service portals.
15:40 – 16:25 Topic Tables Hosted by Senior HR Leaders – Matterhorn I & II
The HRO Today Forum Topic Table session provides an environment for delegates to share their knowledge and
insights on the most relevant topics in HR today. Each table will be chaired by senior HR leaders who will help guide
and facilitate these focused gatherings of like-minded professionals and hopefully answer some of the challenges
you are facing.
Leigh Carpenter, EMEA Programme Director, Talent Board
“Optimise Your Candidate Experience”
Leigh Carpenter is EMEA Programme Director of the Talent Board, founding organisation of the
Candidate Experience Awards. He has over 16 years experience in recruitment, business operations,
project and strategic management with a proven track record of successfully leading client services
and developing teams across multi-sector organisations.
Eamonn Eaton, Head of Group Learning & Engagement, Bank of Ireland
“How to Innovate in Learning & Development”
Eamonn Eaton is a senior member of the Bank of Ireland Group Human Resources Team with
responsibility for building the capability the organisation needs to meet its strategic objectives. He led
the design and implementation of the Banks Learningzone service that is delivered in partnership with
Accenture Learning. He is a career banker with management experience in Retail Banking, Marketing,
Learning and Human Resources. Previous HR leadership roles include Employee Engagement, Diversity,
Executive Education, Performance Management, Leadership Development and Head of Training. Eaton
is a Director of the Institute of Bankers in Ireland and a member of its Executive Committee, Council
and also Chair of the Education Committee. He holds an MBA from University College Dublin and is
a Fellow of the Institute of Banking in Ireland. He has extensive experience as a conference speaker
at national and international level specialising in adult learning, training, capability development and
learning innovation.
Steve Leach, President, Americas Business & Global Partner, Alexander Mann Solutions
“Outsourcing: Risk or Opportunity?”
Steve Leach has served as a member of Alexander Mann Solutions’ Management Team since 2005.
Having joined the business in 1999, he has held a variety of operational, management and executive
roles and is currently the President of Americas business and Global Client Partner forour Defence,
Engineering, Manufacturing, & Energy sectors. A passionate leader, his focus is working with clients
to develop relationships and solutions to enable success through the delivery of innovative, value
creating Talent Acquisition and Management solutions. A recognised thought leader, Leach is a regular
contributor to news articles and fundamentally believes that people are the foundation of success. He
holds a first class honours degree (BA Hons) in Systems Analysis.
Anna Rasmussen, Founder, Open Blend Method
“Keeping Women In: The Importance of Leadership in Retaining Female Talent”
Anna Rasmussen is the mother to two small children, a leading maternity coach, and the founder
of Open Blend Method. In 2014, she undertook an extensive piece of research in conjunction with
Guidant Group into high achieving working mothers: ‘Keeping Women In.’ Amongst the report’s
numerous findings was the significance that a sustainable work-life blend has on a woman’s state of
well-being and the importance of direct leadership in the engagement and retention of key female
talent. The report’s findings have led Rasmussen to launch the revolutionary corporate application
Open Blend Method, designed to facilitate an ongoing coaching programme between a high-achieving
working mother and their leader.
Simon Mason, VP Business Development, Graebel
“Your Talent Mobility Programme Doesn’t Matter, But it Can! Simon Mason, vice president business development Graebel Relocation for the EMEA region, is a
relocation industry veteran with more than a decade of hands’ on experience. Prior to joining Graebel,
he led a UK firm of 100-plus FTE employees at board level and managed a multi-million pound
budget.Inimitably familiar with cultural nuances and challenges which face executives on overseas
assignments, Mason is responsible for developing business relationships with senior human resource,
procurement, talent acquisition and management executives at UK domestic and multinational
companies throughout this region. He is ultimately accountable for contracting corporate client
acquisitions for Graebel Relocation, which administers consultancy and full-service relocation services
and removals for companies across the globe. Based in the London area, Mason has worked on three
continents in nine different cities while travelling to over 70 countries in his capacity as a relocation
management executive. This experience presents him with a unique perspective in international
assignment management.
Daniel Sztutwojner, VP Business Development, Beekeeper
“Internal Communications in the 21st Century: How to Connect and Engage Your Mobile
Workforce in an Effective Way”
Daniel Sztutwojner is VP of Business Development and Customer Success at Beekeeper. Prior to
joining Beekeeper, he worked in several projects in Innovation and Technology and also co-founded a
web startup that took him around the world, mainly to Israel and the US. Sztutwojner holds a MSc in
Applied Mathematics from ETH Zurich.
16:25 – 16:30Ask Accenture! – Matterhorn I & II
CEOs and HR Executives have questions and Accenture has the answers.
Jill Goldstein, Global Offering Lead Talent and HR BPO, Accenture
see bio on page 17
16:30 – 17:00Futuremakers: How an Integrated Talent Solutions and RPO Partner has supported Avaya’s Global
Transformational Journey – Matterhorn I & II
During this session, Steve Fitzgerald and Adrian Love will present the value that the Avaya - Futurestep partnership
has delivered including aligning industry-leading assessment methodology IP to the transformational needs of the
business , design of a consistent in-house recruitment capability to meet diverse geographical needs across EMEA
and APAC, build of a global governance model to integrate into the global HR team, and innovation delivered
through recruitment technology intelligently applied.
Steve Fitzgerald, Vice President and General Manager, HR, Avaya
Steve Fitzgerald oversees all of the HR activities in Avaya’s global Go-To-Market organisations,
specifically Sales, Marketing, Professional Services and all other Services. He leads a fully integrated
HR team (business partners, talent management team, leadership development, and so on) covering
the 8000-plus people who generate Avaya’s roughly $4.5 billion in annual revenue. His interfaces are
the key leaders of the firm, the Executive Council (C-Suite) and top leaders in the Sales and Services
functions. He manages all elements of human capital activity within this domain, and has extensive
international scope. He also continues to lead the Advanced Analytics practice (aka “Big Data” analysis
using statistical methodologies) for the firm.
Adrian Love, Client Services Director, Futurestep
Adrian Love is an experienced Talent Management and Resourcing leader with a track record of
building and developing teams across a variety of sectors and multiple functions within complex
and multi-national organisational settings. With extensive RPO experience, he has managed on and
offsite teams for organisations including Telefónica (O2), Kimberly Clark and AB InBev, one of the
five largest FMCG companies in the world with market leading brands including Becks, Stella Artois
and Budweiser. The teams that Love has led have delivered success across Managerial & Specialist
recruiting, Talent Programs (including MBA & Graduate Programs), Executive Search, Selection
& Assessment design, EVP & Branding, Workforce Planning, Talent Pipelining, Campaign design,
On-boarding, Retention and Training initiatives. With a depth of international experience, including
building and leading teams in Hungary and Israel, he is a recent addition to the Futurestep team and
his responsibilities include the launch of our new Global RPO solution for Avaya and TalkTalk in UK.
Adrian holds a B.Com from The University of Birmingham.
17:00 – 17:15 Baker’s Dozen Global RPO Winners Announcement – Matterhorn I & II
Global RPO Baker’s Dozen Announcement
Elliot Clark, CEO, SharedXpertise, HRO Today
see bio on page 14.
17:15 – 18:00 Talent Recruitment, The RPO Baker’s Dozen Panel – Matterhorn I & II
Who are the top companies is the field of RPO? The HRO Today Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction ratings survey
for RPO identifies them based on customer survey feedback and dozens of data points. But what makes these
companies best remains a question. In this panel, we will tackle questions about culture and leadership to help you
identify what is the best match for your organisation so you can more quickly identify a potential partner in your
RFP process.
Hosted by Elliot Clark
Elliot Clark, CEO, SharedXpertise, HRO Today
see bio on page 14.
#RPO #Job
#social #workforce
Dan Ferrandino, Sales, Solutions & Marketing Director, Randstad Sourceright EMEA
Dan Ferrandino is the Sales, Solutions and Marketing Director for Randstad Sourceright EMEA and has
over 15 years experience in a variety of operational and business development positions within the
recruitment sector. For the past 10 years, he has been selling, solutioning, and consulting on bespoke
MSP and RPO solutions for large regional and global organisations.
Kara Hainage, Director of Global Solutions, WilsonHCG
As the Director of Global Solutions, Kara Hainge is responsible for developing WilsonHCG’s strategic
talent solutions for its global client base. She works alongside the executive and sales teams to
contribute to business growth by driving new client relationships and strengthening existing ones.
With more than a decade of experience in talent acquisition, she has the expertise to design best-inclass talent solutions that make a valuable impact on clients’ businesses.
Steve Leach, President, Americas Business & Global Partner, Alexander Mann Solutions
see bio on page 21
John Maguire, Operations Manager, PeopleScout
John Maguire is an Operations Manager for PeopleScout in Europe and oversees the day-to-day
recruitment activity for a key client, operating in the pharmaceutical development industry. His current
role encompasses managing a team of recruiters based over several European locations whilst also
acting as a Recruitment Business Partner to the executive leadership of several of the clients key
business units across the region. He strives to deliver excellent client service in all aspects of his work.
He has over 10 years recruitment experience, eight of which spent in an in-house environment and
he has recruited for a plethora of positions at all levels of seniority within that time. Maguire is an
Operations Manager for Peoplescout in Europe and oversees the day-today recruitment activity for a
key client, operating in the pharmaceutical development industry.
Jan Mueller, Managing Director EMEA Solutions, Futurestep
Jan Mueller is Futurestep’s Managing Director, Talent Acquisition Solutions for the EMEA region. A
member of the global leadership, Mueller has a joint responsibility for the overall business, as well
as driving growth and expansion in the region. Building on the understanding of how talent strategy
aligns to the business strategy, he works with clients to develop tailored solutions, providing ongoing
support to help meet their business objectives. With over 18 years’ experience in international
recruitment, Mueller has held a number of managerial positions for leading HR consulting and talent
acquisition companies. He has overseen large-scale recruitment solutions (900+ annual permanent
hires across EMEA) for some of the most successful IT organisations. Before moving on to large-scale
recruitment solutions, Mueller has headed up the executive search business for a German talent
acquisition boutique, delivering strategic assignments for the Technology and Industry clients. Mueller
was also Country Manager, Germany, for an international HR services group.
Seb O’Connell, Executive Vice President – Managing Director, Europe, Cielo
see bio on page 18
19:00 – 19:15 Meet for Coaches in Lobby
HRO Today Party at the West India House – N
etworking Party – Hosted by:
09:30 – 10:00 The Importance of the Employer Brand and How Personal Brands Are of Influence – Matterhorn I
The approach to building a strong employer brand has changed over the last few years as has its impact on hiring
and who’s responsible for overseeing it. The rise of social media has made companies more transparent and
personal brands now play a significant role in influencing a consistent employer brand experience and reputation.
Marlene de Konig will share tips and best practices for improving your employer brand with social media and
personal branding to attract top talent.
Marlene de Koning, Solutions Consultant, LinkedIn
As a Solutions Consultant at LinkedIn, Marlene de Koning works with many organisations to create
a strategy for attracting the best talent and create an employer of choice position. Based on the
organisations business goals and the effect on talent, she helps in creating a strategic path for finding
the right talent in order to succeed these goals. She is an expert on creating a strong employer brand
and all topics that help in creating one from leverage the personal brands of employees to content
marketing. Before she joined LinkedIn she has worked at IBM as an employer brand specialist and
worked for an agency to create employer value propositions and go to market strategies for her clients.
10:00 – 10:15 Presentation Showcase: Merging Mobile & Social to Tackle The Talent Shift – Matterhorn I
As the talent landscape begins to experience a dramatic shift in demographic, competitive organisations must
embrace the reciprocal shift in talent strategy. By 2020, Millennials (or Gen Y) will comprise 46 percent of the
workforce, which illustrates that talent acquisition strategy must adapt to meet the needs of the upcoming
workforce. Now more than ever, candidates are turning toward social and mobile methods throughout their quest
for finding employment. Many companies, however, are not prepared to meet the needs of these tech-driven and
social-minded applicants.
John Maguire, Operations Manager, PeopleScout
see bio on page 23
10:15 – 10:45Screen Out on Competencies, Select In on Personality & Values: A New Way of Thinking
About Talent Acquisition – Matterhorn I
In this session, Dr. Max Blumberg will describe a simple scientific approach for selecting candidates with the
personality and values required for high performance. This will be illustrated with two global case studies
demonstrating how it should and shouldn’t be done.
Dr. Max Blumberg PhD, Founder, Blumberg Partnership
Dr. Max Blumberg is founder of the Blumberg Partnership, a top 50 consultancy specialising in
workforce and sales force analytics whose clients include the Rentokil Initial, Fujitsu, Barclays Bank,
BBC, Lloyds Register, and Friends Provident, Novo Nordisk, and Walmart. He is also a Research Fellow
at Goldsmiths, University of London and expert advisor to the CIPD. Prior to the Blumberg Partnership,
Blumberg worked as a management consultant at Accenture after which he successfully founded and
exited a technology start-up. He is a regular contributor to the media and global conference circuit.
10:45 – 11:15Integrated Talent Strategies to Enable HR to Drive Corporate Strategy, Not Just Align with It –
Matterhorn I
Modern corporations that are succeeding in integrating their talent management functions are beating the
competition in recruiting the best talent, getting the most out of the talent they have, and preparing today’s talent
for tomorrow’s challenges. Erica Briody will explain how partner companies can best assist in-house recruitment
teams to integrate technology in new ways to enable talent leaders to manage employees throughout the full life
cycle, work with talent networks to engage different types of talent and engage a higher quality candidate, as well
as segment talent based on supply and demand in the market to drive smarter recruitment decision-making.
Erica Briody, most recently Global Head of Talent Acquisition & Staffing, Novartis
Erica Briody provides strategic direction for talent in support of businesses and divisions globally,
sourcing the ‘Best Talent’ in the industry, optimising recruitment models, technology, employee
value proposition, branding, campus and intern strategy, diversity, workforce planning and supplier
partnerships. She also plays a crucial role in ensuring there is a clear and joined up approach between
Diversity, Talent Acquisition and Talent Management thereby supporting an Integrated Talent Strategy.
11:15 – 11:45 Networking Break – Foyer Atrium
11:45 – 12:15 The Persuasion Equation: Influence Emotion – Motivate Action – Matterhorn I
Pinnacle will take the participants through a journey to show how they can leverage intention to be a more
engaging, influential and confident communicator; and how their words, attitude, body language and delivery are
perceived by, and can influence others. Participants will learn how to make a strong first impression, determine
their message’s objective and how to deliver it to influence their audience, and align their voice, words and body
language to clearly communicate their message to reach their objectives.
Dave Lewis, Co-founder, Pinnacle Performance
see bio on page 17.
12:15 – 12:45 Case Study: The Large Hiring Challenge—CERN’s Journey – Matterhorn I
Anna Cook will tell us all about the main challenges CERN faces in an ever-evolving recruitment market, with
a focus on how the development of the organisation’s employer brand and its integration in a comprehensive
sourcing and communication strategy has impacted talent acquisition.
Anna Cook, Head of Recruitment Unit, CERN
Anna Cook has a background in Immunology and her career has been an eclectic and interesting
journey, spanning laboratory sales, the semiconductor industry, IT, resource planning and since 2010,
HR. She leads CERN’s recruitment activities, overseeing all recruitment at CERN with a dynamic
in-house team, constantly looking for novel ways to maximise CERN’s visibility on the job market to
attract the best talent today to support and drive the science of tomorrow.
12:45 – 13:45 Networking Lunch - Sponsored by:
– Atrium Foyer
09:30 – 10:00 INSIDE: The KLM/Air France Merger – A People Story – Matterhorn II
The Air France/KLM Merger was announced in September 2003 and actually took place in mid-2004, creating at that
time the world’s largest global airline group in terms of passenger revenues. Lucas van Wees, Vice President of HR
Global & Commercial for KLM, will share his experience on the HR component of the merger, including what steps
HR took to keep building a world-class airline group, the general framework and joint challenges HR faced during
the M&A process and best practices for consolidating and retaining key staff.
Lucas van Wees, Vice President Commercial & Global, KLM
see bio on page 16.
10:00 – 10:15 Presentation Showcase: The Evolution of Strategic Workforce Planning – Matterhorn II
A windfall followed by severe shortages. The Boston Consulting Group paints a bleak image for developed nations
showcasing the surplus of talent to come in 2020, only to be quickly followed by a global shortage in 2030. Join
Richard Schofield, Global Head of Strategic Workforce Planning at Alexander Mann Solutions as he highlights the
Evolution of Strategic Workforce Planning and what it really means for organisations today and into 2030.
Richard Schofield, Global Head of Strategic Workforce Planning, Alexander Mann Solutions
Richard Schofield is Global Head of Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) for Alexander Mann Solutions
and has been in this role for the past three years. He joined us in 2011 and is responsible for leading
the SWP consulting practice across all of the current and new Alexander Mann Solutions client base.
Schofield leads a Global Team of experienced consultants and analysts who are responsible for the
delivery of both the Alexander Mann Solutions planning methodology and technology managed
10:15 – 10:45 Focusing Talent Management on Vital Assets – Matterhorn II
Talent management burst onto the HR scene as labour markets tightened, competition for quality people intensified
and CEOs feared they lacked good succession pipelines. However, in the rush to install systems and processes, too
many organisations were loose in their definition of talent. Is everyone talented, or just those in senior positions,
those with leadership potential or specialists in key jobs? Given that organisations have limited time and money
surely it is essential to be as clear who, for you, are the talented. This presentation will illustrate how different
organisations have chosen different talent strategies to ensure that their truly vital assets are protected.
Peter Reilly, Principal Associate, Institute for Employment Services
Peter Reilly joined IES in 1995 and has just retired as Director of Research and Consultancy. He still
leads IES’s Reward and Performance Management area, giving consultancy support to organisations
on various remuneration and performance issues. Consultancy assignments have covered the full range
of reward work: from job evaluation and grading, through pay structures and levels, to incentives and
total reward. He previously had a 16 year career with Shell where he held various HR posts in the UK
and abroad covering both generalist and specialist HR roles.
10:45 – 11:15 5 Tips to Help People and Organisations to Learn Daily – Matterhorn II
The most effective way to grow an organisation’s capability to is to grow the capability of its people. For too long
organisations have focused on concentrated learning events rather than helping create environments with the right
conditions for people to grow capability every day. How do we help people feel that they have the space to grow –
and can you help them want to? What are simple and effective ways to achieve constant incremental improvement
for large groups? How can you create an environment where learning is both cost effective and effective? This
session will cover the some easy approaches to helping your people learn every day.
David D’Souza, Head of CIPD London
David D’Souza is Head of London for the CIPD and a speaker and blogger on HR, learning, the future
of work and progressive business practice. The CIPD champions better work and working lives as the
professional body for HR and people development, with over 135,000 members internationally.
11:15 – 11:45 The Persuasion Equation: Influence Emotion – Motivate Action – Matterhorn II
Pinnacle will take the participants through a journey to show how they can leverage intention to be a more
engaging, influential and confident communicator; and how their words, attitude, body language and delivery are
perceived by, and can influence others. Participants will learn how to make a strong first impression, determine
their message’s objective and how to deliver it to influence their audience, and align their voice, words and body
language to clearly communicate their message to reach their objectives.
Dave Lewis, Co-founder, Pinnacle Performance
see bio on page 17.
11:45 – 12:15 Networking Break – Foyer Atrium
12:15 – 12:45 Case Study: Bringing Agile Working & Job Sharing to Credit Suisse – Matterhorn II
Michelle Mendelsson will speak about her personal story and how she became the pioneer of Job Sharing and Agile
Working at Credit Suisse. Her presentation will cover top tips for making job sharing successful and the challenges
and hurdles overcome in successfully embedding Agile Working into the culture of one of the world’s leading
financial services providers.
Michelle Mendelsson, EMEA Co-Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Credit Suisse
Michelle Mendelsson is the EMEA Co-Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Credit Suisse. She is one half
of a job share partnership and works three days a week. Her remit covers the full spectrum of diversity
including: Gender, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Working Parents, Disability and Age. She is responsible
for strategy development, education, networks, events, new legislation, internal and external
communication and benchmarking. Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2000, Mendelsson worked for Marks
and Spencer for 15 years in a variety of commercial positions. She has a degree in Economics from the
University of Manchester. Mendelsson lives in North London and has two daughters aged 11 and 9.
12:45 – 13:45 Networking Lunch - Sponsored by:
– Atrium Foyer
Redefining global talent solutions.
The right people will drive your business forward.
We know how to discover those people and attract them
to your organization. We’re transforming
global RPO partnerships with our
high-touch, consultative approach.
Learn what we can do for you.
13:45 – 15:00 iTalent 2015: Europe’s Newest & Startup HR Technologies Competition – Matterhorn I
The iTalent competition recognises and rewards HR and recruiting technology companies which are leading the way
in helping businesses recruit and retain employees.
The top five entries will then be selected to compete in the iTalent Competition and each will be given a timed,
7-minute HR innovation pitch before the event audience and panel of HR technology experts, industry analysts, HR
practitioners and technology investors.
Hosted by:
Bill Boorman - MD
RecruitingDaily - Founder
of #tru
iTalent Finalists
Hung Lee, Co-Founder & CEO, Workshape
A Domain expert with 15 years’ experience in the recruitment industry, Hung Lee is an advisor on staffing to many of the top startups in
London. He has led Talent Acquisition for BraveNewTalent, PeerIndex, Qriously & Thought Machine. He is now building – a
next generation talent matching for tech employers.
Shane Gray, SVP Business Development and Sales, Clinch
Shane Gray is the SVP Business Development and Sales for Clinch, the smarter recruitment marketing platform.
A sales and marketing expert with 20 years’ experience in building successful businesses, he is passionate about helping companies achieve
sustainable growth — a journey that starts with hiring the right people.
Gray holds a degree in Physics, Chemistry, and Business from Trinity College, Dublin. In his downtime, he enjoys fly fishing and sailing, has a
serious appetite for good food and by extension, loves cooking, too! You can get in touch with him on twitter @shanedgray or email shane@
Olivier Vidal, Founder, Fair Hiring Project
Olivier Vidal is the Founder of the Fair Hiring Project - a London based start-up that’s making hiring meritocratic. He is a former executive
recruiter, with a past in Olympic sport and an interest in social-justice and scalable solutions.
Roderick Smyth, CEO, TempBuddy
Roderick Smyth is a serial entrepreneur with a successful track record in building ground-breaking technology start-ups for the recruitment
industry. With over 20 years’ experience leading software companies, his latest venture, TempBuddy, seeks to change people’s lives for
the better by making flexible work easier and more rewarding. As a business leader who started life as a developer, in Tempbuddy he has
created an award-winning intuitive workforce management platform that gets the best people to the right place at the right time, paid
promptly and accurately using smart mobile technology.
Dustin Robinson, Product Marketer, Hello Talent
Dustin Robinson is an HR professional turned product marketer with a deep passion for all things tech and all things HR – making working
in the HR technology space the perfect fit. After completing his master’s degree in HRM at Erasmus University, The Netherlands and
spending three years working on strategic HR and recruiting at Talentsoft, he recently joined Talentsoft’s Hello Talent team and shifted his
focus to product marketing. As part of Hello Talent he works with his colleagues to shape this innovative recruiting tool and determine the
best way to share these innovations in the marketplace.
iTalent Judges
Elliot Clark,
CEO, SharedXpertise,
HRO Today
Mark van Tooren,
Russell Dalgleish,
Angel Investor,
Exolta Partners
Andrew Baber,
Managing Director, (UK) Ltd.
Max Blumberg,
Blumberg Partnership
15:00 – 15:30 Case Study: Data and Innovation - HR at ABN AMRO – Matterhorn I
Improve the impact of HR on your business! Patrick Coolen and Auke IJsselstein will be talking about why ABN
AMRO has implemented HR analytics and share some of their real life research cases and their outcomes. They will
begin with a practical walktrough in the world of HR analytics. The second part of the presentation is about their
lessons learned in the last three years, shaped into the 10 golden rules of HR analytics.
Patrick Coolen, HR Workforce Planning and Analytics Manager, ABN AMRO
Patrick Coolen is a senior all-around HR expert with 15 years of experience in HR. He was a member
of the HR management team within ABN AMRO and is an expert in developing HR strategies and
policies in all HR domains. With two degrees, one Master’s of Management Information and one
MSc in Cooperative Computing, he started his career in IT and moved to HR in 1999. Ever since he
has been fascinated by the possibilities within recruitment, talent and performance management to
support business strategy. He is a true believer in bringing HR back to the centre of decision making
by making HR more fact based and data savvy. Today he is the manager of HR Workforce Planning and
Analytics within ABN AMRO, a global bank with appr. 23,000 employees, and a frequent speaker at HR
Auke IJsselstein, HR Metrics & Analytics Consultant, ABN AMRO
Auke IJsselstein is an HR expert who’s drive is to make the intangible more concrete and to make
complex matters comprehensible. With an education in Business Economics and quantitative research
he gathered experience in Compensation & Benefits and General (business) HR advisory before
co-founding the HR Analytics department within ABN AMRO. Today his ambition is to transform HR
towards being all about impact. ABN AMRO is a Dutch global bank with more than 25,000 employees.
15:30 – 16:00 Case Study: Actionable HR at PostNL – Matterhorn I
To improve “actionable business intelligence” and reduce absenteeism, PostNL implemented a totally new HR
management dashboard which links an overall absence-reduction strategy with practical operational decision
making. Relevant HR processes were redesigned and aligned to enable managers to act effectively on absence
reduction within their own departments. The new system improved dialogue between HR and management on
absenteeism by ensuring discussions were fact-based. In this presentation PostNL will share the methods and
techniques used for the redesign of processes and management information.
Eric van Duin, HRIS Manager, PostNL
Eric van Duin (MSc) started his career with several positions as a consultant in decision support and
process analysis. At PostNL he moved into HR where his ‘engineering perspective’ was more than
welcomed. After six years in HR, he currently holds the HRIS position.
Robert Mansour, Managing Partner, TopBI
Robert Mansour (MSc, MBA) combines more than 20 years as Business Intelligence (BI) consultant
with broad experience in business and people management. As Managing Partner for BI consultancy
firm TopBI, he consults various companies to improve their management information delivery.
Forum Close
15:00 – 15:30 Case Study: Transforming Learning Through an Outsourcing Strategy – Matterhorn II
In this session, we will explore how the Bank of Ireland outsourced its learning model and how this model
responded and thrived through growth, contraction, market and organisation stabilisation and back to a growth
environment again. It was established in 2006 as a single organisation-wide learning model and was designed for
growth and to support expansion in a vibrant economy. At its core are three design principles – scalable, flexible
and adaptable – that were tested to extreme following the financial and market crash in 2008.
Eamonn Eaton, Head of Group Learning & Engagement, Bank of Ireland
Eamonn Eaton is a senior member of the Bank of Ireland Group Human Resources Team with
responsibility for building the capability the organisation needs to meet its strategic objectives. He led
the design and implementation of the Banks Learningzone service that is delivered in partnership with
Accenture Learning. He is a career banker with management experience in Retail Banking, Marketing,
Learning and Human Resources. Previous HR leadership roles include Employee Engagement, Diversity,
Executive Education, Performance Management, Leadership Development and Head of Training. Eaton
is a Director of the Institute of Bankers in Ireland and a member of its Executive Committee, Council
and also Chair of the Education Committee. He holds an MBA from University College Dublin and is
a Fellow of the Institute of Banking in Ireland. He has extensive experience as a conference speaker
at national and international level specialising in adult learning, training, capability development and
learning innovation.
15:30 - 16:00Outsourcing: (Multi-country) Payroll, Talent Mgt.,Personal Benefits, Expats Administration –
Matterhorn II
All agree that the outsourcing of payroll administration allows you to keep your cost structure aligned to your
business needs, while focusing on your core business. But what about HR processes that are related to payroll, but
even more to employee benefits and even individual employee needs? Is the sky the limit or is there a cloud in
between your (employees’) wishes and the outsourcer’s capabilities?
Jan Van Mol, Head of International Marketing – SD Worx
After having built up experience as director communication at the Flemish Employers Association
(Voka), Jan Van Mol is with SD Worx since 2007. He was closely involved in the internationalization of
the SD Worx Group, via acquisitions and strategic partnerships. Mr. Van Mol developed several brands,
such as the Payroll Services Alliance and SD Worx Connect. In the context of SD Worx’ strategy and
innovation of its services portfolio, he closely follows international trends in payroll and HR.
Leen Van Damme, Business Unit Manager Consulting
After having built up 20 years’ experience as a tax and legal consultant within SD Worx and within
Deloitte Fiduciaire, Leen Van Damme is at this moment the business unit manager of the tax, legal and
reward consulting units of SD Worx. Miss Van Damme is also co-founder of an alternative system to
grant variable wages. One her teams are experts in the implementation of the so-called Flexincome
plans. Another team is responsible for the service towards expats.
Forum Close
The Next Frontier of HR
Success in the 21st century requires a new perspective on managing, developing and retaining
talent. And talent mobility is at the very heart of the 21st century organization: more than ever
before, companies must have talent pools that transcend geographic borders. Attracting and
deploying talent on a global scale is no longer an option, it is a key competitive advantage.
MOVE Guides just published a white paper with the RES Forum on optimizing talent mobility for
the 21st century organization, based on a survey we ran with HR professionals like you.
Don’t miss the Top Technology Disruptors panel on 11 November at 2:25pm, hosted by our
VP of EMEA, Simon Griggs . Or just email [email protected] to arrange a meeting.
MOVE Guides partners with global companies like Societe Generale, Adobe and OpenTable to manage and
deliver full mobility programs across any industry and region. Visit to learn more.
+1 312-842-5012
or +1 877-889-9009
Contact name: Jill Goldstein
Email address: [email protected]
Accenture offers global Talent and HR BPO Services in more than 38 languages to clients in more than 100 countries.
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 289,000
people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across
all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture
collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net
revenues of US$28.6 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2013.
Accenture Talent and HR BPO Services covers the entire HR life cycle and includes high value processes and analytics through to
transaction processing. We help clients improve the performance of their workforce, enabling such business results as increased
speed to competency, improved customer satisfaction, increased productivity and reduced costs. Our services include:
Talent Management:
Workforce Forecasting and Analytics
Talent Acquisition
Talent Development
Performance and Progression
HR Administration:
Contact Center
Workforce and Data Administration
Case Management
Accenture’s BPO practice includes access to more than 50 delivery centers and includes a network of more than 8,500 Talent and
HR professionals who have extensive skills in consulting, technology and business process outsourcing.
600 West Van Buren, Suite 710
Chicago, IL 60007, United States
Telephone: 312-529-3030
Contact name & email address:
Jill Bassett
Director of Strategic Accounts
[email protected]
Advantage xPO® is a division of Advantage Resourcing® and part of the 4th largest staffing firm in the world. Advantage
xPO delivers best-in-class global solutions in Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and Managed Service Programs
(MSP) to clients across a variety of industries.
Advantage xPO delivers a global solution suite consisting of Strategic Workforce Planning, Recruitment Process
Outsourcing (RPO), Managed Service Programs (MSP)/Vendor Management Systems (VMS), Supplier Management,
Independent contractor/1099 Compliance and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to clients across a variety of industries,
including financial services, engineering, information technology, clerical and light industrial.
A trusted partner to leading organizations seeking world-class strategic workforce solutions, Advantage xPO was
recognized as a top provider in both MSP and RPO categories in HRO Today’s Baker’s Dozen.
Global HQ, 3 Waterhouse Square,
138-142 Holborn, London, EC1N 2SW, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7832 2700
Email address: [email protected]
Alexander Mann Solutions is the world’s leading provider of talent acquisition and management services. We integrate our
outsourcing capability and consulting expertise to enable organisations to attract, engage and retain top talent.
With over 2,200 people, our award-winning teams are uniquely placed to support the thinking behind – and delivery of –
our clients’ people strategies. Through a blend of consulting and outsourcing services, we deliver solutions across the full
talent lifecycle; from strategic workforce planning and employer branding to assessment and selection and on boarding and
engagement; from school leavers and graduates, middle managers and executives to board members and C-suite appointments
– across both permanent and contingent labour.
Technparkstr. 1
8005 Zurich
Telephone: +41 44 633 74 27
Contact Name and Email Address:
Daniel Sztutwojner
[email protected]
Beekeeper is the leading mobile-first platform that helps companies reach and communicate with employees “out in the
field” in a simple secure and cost-effective way.
With Beekeeper you increase the efficiency and profitability of your organization. You enhance employee engagement
and reduce turnover costs.
Beekeeper helps HR managers reach every employee in an organization. It’s a modern and intuitive communication
tool and no corporate email or phone number is required for login. Beekeeper helps increase engagement and
reduce turnover. You can communicate updates via instant messaging and celebrate achievements in the content
streams. Set up polls to measure employee satisfaction and check analytics to track company’s communication
Easily onboard newcomers. Share instructions, guidelines, photos and videos in a few seconds. Beekeeper helps
reduce communication costs and strengthen internal employer brand.
200 N. LaSalle St.
Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60601
Natalia Vidmar,
Sr. Manager, Business Development
[email protected]
Recruiting is complicated. CareerBuilder makes it easy. We understand as the economy changes, so do the needs of the
businesses and individuals we serve. Whatever your situation, we’re here to empower you with the resources you need to find,
hire and keep the best people. From candidate sourcing, to comprehensive, easy-to-understand workforce data, to software that
streamlines your recruiting process, our solutions are designed to make your recruitment strategy simple, fast and effective, so
you can focus on your No. 1 asset – your people.
127 Clerkenwell Road,
+44 (0) 2078509237
Contact name and email address:
Amy Murray: [email protected]
Asia Pacific, Latin America, North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa
Cielo is the world’s leading provider of global talent acquisition and management solutions. In May 2014, the company
rebranded to reflect the successful integration of U.S.-based Pinstripe, Inc. and UK-based Ochre House, which combined
to become the largest independent provider of strategic recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), search solutions and talent
consulting services worldwide.
Cielo leverages its global scale, customized, innovative solutions and entrepreneurial agility to help clients achieve sustained
people advantage and outstanding business outcomes. Through world-class, technology-enabled solutions, Cielo serves
clients primarily in the financial and business services, consumer brands, technology and media, engineering, life sciences
and healthcare industries. Cielo’s global presence includes nearly 1,000 employees, serving more than 90 clients across 57
countries in 26 languages. This footprint includes Moorland Gray, the largest and most successful executive search firm in
the Middle East and North Africa.
Ryder Court, 14 Ryder St
London, SW1Y 6QB
United Kingdom
+44 20 7024 9482
Contact Name and Email Address:
Jan Mueller
Managing Director, Talent Acquisition Solutions, EMEA
[email protected]
Futurestep is the global industry leader in high-impact talent acquisition solutions, offering fully customized, flexible services
to help organizations meet their specific recruitment needs.
As a Korn Ferry Company, Futurestep can meet a variety of talent acquisition requirements; from global and regional RPO
and project recruitment, to individual professional search and consulting, our solutions apply a truly world-class capability
to deliver talent with impact. Futurestep brings the experience, intellectual property and global reach to identify, attract and
retain the people who drive business success.
Richtruv Dum, Malé námestí 459/11,
Praha 110 00, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 225 982 819
Fax: +420 227 204 797
Contact Name and Email Address:
Nicolas Sepulchre
Senior Vice President – Managing Director EMEA
[email protected]
Administers relocation and mobility services in 165 countries on six continents
An award winning company for customer-focused service excellence and industry leadership, Graebel Relocation
administers relocation and mobility services in 165 countries on six continents. The company is further recognised for
high-quality, efficient international relocation and mobility policy and program consultations. In-region EMEA, APAC and
Americas’ centres are staffed with industry experts that manage on-the-ground services with providers proven to be the
finest in the market. Clients are well-respected companies in the Global 100, Fortune 500 and are globally active emerging
firms around the world. Known for industry-first innovations Graebel also holds numerous quality, environmental and security
credentials. The Graebel Relocation EMEA headquarters is located in Prague, and a business engagement centre is in
London. Your visit to our offices is always welcome.
4th Floor
9 Devonshire Square
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3096 4450
Contact Name and Email Address:
Simon Blockley
[email protected]
UK and Europe, North America
Guidant Group is an international recruitment process outsourcing and managed services company, delivering highly
tailored solutions to customers spanning many industry sectors and locations.
Our priority is to simplify complex recruitment processes, saving you time and money and enabling you to focus on
running your business.
We deliver actionable strategies and solutions to today’s
most complex workforce management challenges,
Giving you peace of mind is at the core of everything
Herengracht 124-128
1015 BT Amsterdam
Telephone: + 31 20 260 10 06
we do; the confidence that whatever recruitment you
outsource to us is in the best pair of hands.
That’s why we ensure our client services teams work as
part of your organisation – not just with you. This highly
personal approach to outsourced recruitment ensures
we’re always aware of your recruitment needs and
you’re always aware of our results.
In an industry where being obscure and complicated is
the norm, our outsourced recruitment teams make life
easier for you and provide clear, measurable benefits.
Contact Name and Email Address:
Anouk Minnes
[email protected]
There are GPTW offices in 44 countries worldwide. We are helping organizations to develop to Great Workplaces on all
continents, based on the same model. This offers a lot of benchmark possibilities and international survey projects.
Great Place to Work® is the worldwide partner for organizations in their development to a (more) people orien­ted
organization. We help them to increase their performances through good employ­ment. Organizations with a culture of
trust, pride and camaraderie clearly outperform their competitors.
Our mission is ‘Building a better society by helping
organizations in their development toward a Great
Workplace’. We do this by:
• Employee survey on trust, pride and camaraderie
• Evaluation of the employer policies and organizational
• Trainings, in which managers learn to create an
organizational culture based on trust and to inspire
employees to get the most out of themselves
• Workshops to anchor the survey in the organization
and on the follow up on the results of the survey
• Events where we share knowledge and Best Practices
to inspire other companies to be a Great Workplace
• Publications of Best Practices guides and whitepapers
• Acknowledge and celebrate great employment by
publishing the list of Best Workplaces
475 The Boulevard
Capability Green
Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU
United Kingdom
T: +44 1582 816555 (General)
T: +44 1582 816400 (Sales)
Lumesse provides Talent Solutions to more than 2,300 organisations in over 70 countries enabling them to engage and
nurture the best talent in an ever-changing and demanding global environment. With our unique and highly adaptable Talent
Solutions our customers are well prepared to capitalise on the fast evolution of new technologies and disruptive business
conditions, while meeting all business needs locally and globally.
19-21 Hatton Garden London, EC1N 8BA
+44 (0)800 024 6846
VP, Business Development
Contact Name and Email Address:
Simon Griggs
Vice President, EMEA & APAC
[email protected]
MOVE Guides is the platform for talent mobility. MOVE Guides partners with HR and finance departments to manage and
deliver full global mobility programs for new hires, relocations, projects and expatriate assignments across more than
200locations. Using MOVE Guides, companies improve employee experience and reduce total costs by up to 10% versus
a traditional relocation management company. MOVE Guides has offices in San Francisco, London, New York and Hong
Kong, with a global network of more than 1,000 vendor partners.
860 West Evergreen
Chicago, IL 60642
(312) 915-5118
Contact Name and Email Address:
Kate Heath
Global RPO Lead
[email protected]
Contact Name:
Martin Parkes
Senior Operations Director, Europe & Asia Pacific
+44 1425 206441
[email protected]
Headquartered in Chicago, PeopleScout serves 69 countries worldwide
PeopleScout is the world’s largest recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) provider, offering a dedicated, scalable, and
strategically customized delivery model. PeopleScout’s suite of services includes RPO, employment branding, on-boarding,
career counseling, and employee retention. Facilitating over 250,000 annual hires worldwide, PeopleScout serves businesses of
all industries.
PeopleScout knows that one RPO solution doesn’t fit all, so we work with our clients to create a program custom designed
to achieve your corporate goals and overcome your HR challenges. PeopleScout offers a variety options, including Enterprise
RPO, Full Cycle RPO, Partial Cycle RPO, Project RPO, Recruiter On-Demand, and CRM/ATS technology. Take advantage of
PeopleScout’s full suite of adaptable, scalable RPO offerings.
Contact Name and Email Address:
Rachel Toh, Head of European & Middle Eastern
[email protected]
516 N. Ogden Ave. Suite 221
Chicago, IL 60642
Founded by Fortune 500 executives and professional actors to mesh time-tested performance techniques with business
communication skills. Utilizing the same techniques that have made actors and world leaders credible and captivating
for centuries, Pinnacle’s proven methods have empowered thousands of individuals across the globe, from entry-level
employees to C-level executives.
1301 Riverplace Blvd
Suite 1000
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
+1 855-881-1533
Pontoon conducts business in 74 countries worldwide.
Pontoon specializes in Contingent Workforce Solutions, Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Workforce Consulting. Operating
with nearly 1,000 colleagues worldwide, Pontoon currently delivers talent management solutions in over 70 countries for
approximately 100 clients, a global client base that is broader and deeper than the industry has experienced to date. Pontoon is
one of the largest worldwide MSPs, and has been named a top global enterprise provider of RPO services for ten consecutive
Diemermere 25, NL-1112 TC Diemen
P.O. Box 12600, NL-1100 AP Amsterdam
Contact name:
Tom Mason
[email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0)7825 364535
Contact Name and Email Address:
Dan Ferrandino
[email protected]
EMEA, ASIA PAC, North Americas
Randstad Sourceright helps companies discover and develop their Human Intelligence Advantage. We quantify the impact of
your talent strategies and develop solutions to maximize future success. Our scope spans wide across your organization and
outside influencers — functions, geographies, past results, present situation, future ambitions, industry trends, and technology —
demonstrating the visible impact of HR.
Our agile response to human intelligence results in recognizably higher quality talent, the people that are needed to realize your organization’s
strategy. This is not a fixed process or approach. This is the collaborative force of our competencies in action, working together with our clients to
address their immediate needs and longer-term ambitions. Our subject matter experts and thought leaders around the globe continuously build
and evolve our approach and solutions across recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), managed services programs (MSP), and integrated talent.
Brouwersvliet 2,
2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
+32 3 220 21 11
Jan Van Mol
Head of International Marketing/Sales Manager
International SMEs
[email protected]
Europe, the US and Canada
More than 54,000 large and small organisations rely on SD Worx and its 2,000 employees. During the company’s 70 year history
they have acquired an extraordinary amount of expertise in Payroll, HR and Tax & Legal matters. They provide clients with a wide
range of services including payroll and HR, legal support, training, automation, consulting and outsourcing, across Europe, the US
and Canada.
As an international HR service provider we operate from 38 offices spread across Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France
and Germany. 29 other countries are covered by the Payroll Services Alliance (, a strategic
network of leading payroll companies.
3 Center Plaza
Boston, MA 02108
+1 773-396-4700
Contact Name and Email Address:
Greg Karr, [email protected]
Seven Step RPO is a leading global provider of outsourced recruitment solutions. Founded in 2007, the company helps the
world’s largest corporations overcome their talent acquisition challenges by providing true recruitment innovation, valuable
analytics, and actionable insight. Seven Step is ranked as a Top Enterprise Provider on HRO Today’s RPO Baker’s Dozen list as
an industry leader in customer satisfaction.
Seven Step RPO offers Recruitment Process Outsourcing solutions to leading global companies who hire anywhere between
100 and 10,000 people annually. With a customized delivery model designed to meet each client’s unique needs, we deliver
end-to-end recruitment services that include high impact data analytics, breakthrough sourcing strategies, and fully integrated
employment branding.
Client-dedicated teams ensure all stakeholders receive specialized and high-touch service. Through our state of the art change
management processes, clients rely on us to ensure successful RPO implementations and alignment across the organization.
Address: 400 N. Ashley Dr.
Suite 3000
Tampa, FL
Contact name: Kim Pope
Email address: [email protected]
North America, South America, APAC, EMEA
WilsonHCG is a top global recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) and human capital consulting provider that operates on the
principle of providing true partnership to its clients. Creating scalable and customizable human capital solutions, the company is
revolutionizing the recruitment process and bringing innovation to the industry.
Better People, Better Business. ®
WilsonHCG’s RPO model goes beyond outsourcing its clients’ recruitment function – the company makes a strategic impact on
its clients’ businesses. Its comprehensive approach to RPO encompasses value-added solutions that help to create a wellrounded employment brand that works in multiple capacities to attract candidates and retain employees while improving the
candidate experience and increasing hiring manager satisfaction.
WilsonHCG’s approach to human capital consulting and training is to develop customized solutions for its clients that don’t
just “improve” talent acquisition, but build better businesses. With the ever-changing employment landscape, coupled with
the constant advent of new technologies and fresh strategies, companies need a trusted partner – and that’s what WilsonHCG
Edinburgh • 8-10 NOVEMBER 2016
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The networking and content community for
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The networking and content community for advancing professionalism in human resources improving the quality, effectiveness,
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Monthly Thought Leadership Councils (TLCs) in talent acquisition, talent management, outsourcing, and employee relations &
services as well as access to our online member directory and company profile pages. Association members also receive a discount
to the HRO Today Forum and Awards Gala.
As a member you’ll learn, best practice share, and have access to all content and research posted online as well as a digital
subscription to HRO Today magazine. Regional provider and corporate practitioner members have unlimited employee access to
compliment your employee development plans.
Since 2002, HRO Today has been at the forefront of the service delivery industry and has an unrivalled network of content
and contacts that have helped to shape how the HR industry has evolved. Our content is designed to enable HR to execute
workforce productivity and offer a range of benefits such as better practices, functional training, networking in person and
online, regional and interest group meetings, opinion pieces, annual awards and much more.
HRO Today Services and Technology Association membership puts you in the community that serves to improve the
business of HR for individuals, their companies and the industry as a whole. Become a member and join today!
For more information, please contact: Zachary Misko, Global Executive Director
at [email protected] or +1.215.606.9552.
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Hello HR Executive,
Plan and prepare in a careful, thorough manner before taking action, or as a good friend in construction told me, measure twice, cut once. Easier said than
done when we apply that same principle to a business process, and specifically, to the fast paced world of recruitment.
In July of 2015, the HRO Today Services and Technology Association finalized a research study conducted in regards to the key performance indicators used
to evaluate the success of a company’s talent acquisition activities. This report provides a pulse check on how recruitment strategy and sourcing plans
impact hiring metrics—it tracks how recruiting metrics are being used, and reveals what indicators will impact attracting and hiring great talent. To plan,
staff and budget a recruitment function, the only valid metrics are those which have been developed and tracked within one’s own organization over time,
although comparisons help to ensure you have an industry benchmark. Members are encouraged to view this data as a simple comparison of their own
performance against national averages.
Sample findings include:
• Nearly one-half of companies do not formally track where they get their candidates
• The average cost per hire over time is changing, due to the impact of Internet recruiting
• Predictive analysis is an upward trend, with the transportation/warehousing industry at the forefront
• And much more data, across multiple industries
Predicting the future of recruitment initiatives and candidate attraction and satisfaction is a difficult job. Research, industry benchmarks and comparisons
are all additional tools to assist you in evaluating and planning for the future hiring success of your companies and/or customers! I hope you find these
metrics and comparisons useful and utilize them to review and set your talent acquisition standards and practices.
Measure twice, hire once.
D. Zachary Misko
VP – Global Executive Director
HRO Today Services & Technology Association
TO DOWNLOAD REPORT (members only), visit
For more information, please contact: Zachary Misko, Global Executive Director
at [email protected] or +1.215.606.9552.